BASEBALL 2021 - United Collegiate Umpires

Page created by Margaret Schultz
BASEBALL 2021 - United Collegiate Umpires
                                                     A supplement to the NCAA Baseball Rules • Prepared by the editors of Referee

               Lineup Language
               Rule Tweaks Related to DH, Concussed Players
                                                                                                                C    ollege baseball will feature
                                                                                                                     several new wrinkles during the
                                                                                                                2021 season as a result of rule changes
                                                                                                                approved by the NCAA during the
                                                                                                                    The rule changes were first
                                                                                                                proposed by the NCAA Baseball
                                                                                                                Rules Committee during the summer
                                                                                                                and gained final approval from the
                                                                                                                NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel
                                                                                                                in September 2020.

                                                                                                                Designated Hitter (7-2)
                                                                                                                    The NCAA has overhauled its
                                                                                                                designated hitter (DH) rule to more
                                                                                                                similarly mirror the one used in
                                                                                                                professional baseball. One exception
                                                                                                                is the starting pitcher may be co-
                                                                                                                listed in the lineup as the pitcher and
                                                                                                                designated hitter. The new rule also
                                                                                                                requires the designated hitter listed in
                                                                                                                the starting lineup to bat at least once
                                                                                                                unless the opposing team changes
                                                                                                                pitchers or the designated hitter
                                                                                                                becomes injured or ill before his spot
                                                                                                                in the lineup comes to bat.
                                                                                                                    The change is intended to simplify
                                                                                                                the DH rule while maintaining the
                                                                                                                flexibility of using the two-way player
                                                                                                                (pitcher/DH) in the collegiate game.
                                                                                                                    Play 1: During the pregame
                                                                                                                meeting with the umpires, team A’s
                                                                                                                head coach turns in a batting lineup
                                                                                                                featuring nine batters. Jones is listed
                                                                                                                as the starting pitcher. Ruling 1: Jones
                                                                                                                is, by default, also the designated
                                                                                                                hitter and may be treated as such.
                                                                                                                    Play 2: During the pregame
               When Eric Nilson, Kirkland, Wash., accepts the lineup card from a coach during the pregame       meeting with the umpires, team A’s

               meeting at the plate, he must understand how the coach plans to utilize the designated hitter.   head coach turns in a batting lineup
               The NCAA has overhauled the designated hitter rule (7-2) for the 2021 season to more similarly
               mirror the one used in professional baseball.                                                                  See “Lineup Language” p. 3

                                                                                                                                      Published by Referee

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BASEBALL 2021 - United Collegiate Umpires
Welcome to the 2021 College Baseball Season
                             I deas are
                               powerful, but not
                              as powerful as
                                                    continue to be emphasized. Teaching
                                                    and mentoring the “NCAA Way”
                                                    is job number one: inclusive of
                                                                                                     The 2021 season will be year one
                                                                                                 of a new two-year rules cycle. Rule
                                                                                                 interpretations will continue to be
                              habits.               consistency, accuracy and poise in           issued by the secretary-rules editor
                                     An important   our dealings on the field – as it is         as needed, and an NCAA Rules
                                 aspect and         very important for the integrity of          and Officiating Video will again be
                                 responsibility     our game to select officials for the         produced for 2021.
                                 of the NCAA        Championship who are adhering to                 The 2019 and 2020 secretary-rules
                                 Baseball Umpire    the NCAA rules, points of emphasis           editor’s interpretations will continue
            George Drouches Program (BUP)           and the NCAA Baseball Umpire                 to receive attention [20-second action
                                 is the training    Program’s protocols; we have high            clock, bat barrel compression testing,
                  NCAA National and education       expectations of our officials. The           bat color requirements, charged
          Coordinator of Umpires of officials       NCAA Division I Baseball Committee           conferences, hit by pitch (HBP),
                                 to increase        and the Baseball Umpire Program are          between innings timing protocols,
        knowledge, consistency and standard         committed to improving umpiring              expanded video review, pitching
        interpretations across the country.         during the regular season, as well           position, runner’s lane interference
            The information in this 2021            as the NCAA Division I Baseball              points of emphasis (POE) and the
        NCAA Baseball Preseason Guide               Championship. The continued                  suspension penalties] to clarify and
        is designed to provide not only             growth of college baseball makes             educate all to the provisions.
        information, but clarifications             it imperative that we strive to                  In 2019 and 2020 (albeit halted),
        leading into the season. Umpires,           assign well-trained and qualified            NCAA baseball witnessed impactful
        always keep this with your                  umpires to every game throughout             and game-changing rules that our
        development materials, for use              the season. The NCAA Baseball                game had never experienced in
        in your study and pregame                   Umpire Policies in 2021 will serve           recent history. Centralized Video
        discussions. Coaches, please keep           as surety and will safeguard these           Review will continue throughout
        this with your game day materials           directives.The officiating community         the 2021 NCAA Division I Baseball
        as a quick reference. In addition,          handled the rules changes and game-          Championship. TD Ameritrade Park
        coaches, I strongly urge you to join        changing challenges in 2019 and 2020         Omaha (TDAPO) has also installed
        in our collaborative efforts with           exceptionally well and will continue         visible 20-second action clocks for
        the American Baseball Coaches               to be leaders of these impactful             the 2021 NCAA Men’s College World
        Association (ABCA) leadership               changes in 2021.                             Series (CWS).
        team to improve our great game by               The former chair of the NCAA
        registering with www.ncaabaseball.          Committee on Competitive                     The secret to high capacity leadership to access the             Safeguards and Medical Aspects of            is knowing how to change personal
        NCAA's Home Plate page. To                  Sports will, once again, continue as         criticism into personal improvement.
        aid and be of service with your             a contributor to our dedicated Home              During 2020’s first four weeks of
        complimentary Home Plate access,            Plate’s Wellness section and the 2021        competition, the NCAA Incident/
        coaches, a quick-and-easy link within       NCAA Baseball Preseason Guide –              Ejection/Suspension Reports
        your online ABCA Convention                 reinforcing the BUP’s commitment             were down 60 percent — one can
        registration will be provided.              to the well-being of the umpire.             only speculate if this trend were
                                                    The Baseball Umpire Program will             to continue if the full season was
        People will never follow someone they       build on its steadfast efforts of the        played, but I believe the unsettling
        fear.                                       shortened 2020 season; with that             behavior of the past several years
           The goal of the national                 said, our championship evaluation,           subsided during this time due to
        coordinator of umpires has always           selection and assignment procedures          the fact that whether a coach or an
        been to continue to grow the Baseball       need to be continually examined              official, when you are in control of
        Umpire Program and to manage                to ensure the best umpires for our           your emotions, one can communicate
        and lead the many facets of the             championship in the future.                  in a professional manner.
        program. An excellent, dedicated and                                                         Umpires, use the formal warning
        passionate staff assists this effort,       Align yourself with a team that is talent    whenever possible; discipline
        greatly.                                    rich, but ego poor. If you can’t find one,   yourself to be credible and concise in
           Perception and professionalism           then form one.
                                                                                                                      See “Welcome” p. 3

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        Welcome                                            the coach will keep the challenge. I                Play 3: Following a collision
        Continued from p. 2                                encourage all coaches, administrators           between batter-runner Walker and
                                                           and umpires to review the 2021                  first baseman Nelson in the third
        your communication; and remember                   NCAA Video Review Regulations                   inning, team B’s coach removes
        your true role of managing the game.               posted on Home Plate. This                      Nelson from the game to receive
            Finally, as we move to 2021,                   technology has brought much added               evaluation for a possible concussion
        let’s collaboratively build on this                value to the umpire development                 and replaces him with Davis. After
        refreshing decline in ejections and                vision and plan of the NCAA                     receiving clearance from the team’s
        suspensions; and in respect to on-field            Baseball Umpire Program.                        head trainer, Nelson (a) comes to
        health and safety protocols: players                                                               the plate in the eighth inning in
        and coaches should maintain physical               The talent of a great leader isn’t his or       his original position in the batting
        distancing from all umpires and                    her talent, it is that person’s ability to      lineup, or (b) in a different position
        opposing players whenever possible                 spot talent and collide with it.                than the one he occupied at the start
        and not leave their positions to argue                 Consistency of mechanics,                   of the game. Nelson singles, and the
        with umpires, or come within six feet              increased teamwork, consistency of              team B coach (c) replaces him with
        of an umpire or opposing player for                rule interpretations and improved               Davis as a pinch-runner, or (d) sends
        the purpose of argument.                           situation management will continue              Davis to the plate as the next batter.
                                                           to be important goals for future                Ruling 3: Legal in (a) and (c), and not
        The only way home is forward.                      years with the desire to get every call         legal in (b) and (d). In (c), once Davis
            Expanded Video Review for                      accurate and correct.                           pinch-runs for Nelson, the latter is
        2021 includes one change: If a coach                   Wishing all the stakeholders of             done and cannot return to the game.
        initiates a video-review challenge                 our great game of NCAA college
        and the original call is overturned,               baseball the very best in 2021.                Batter Interference/Uncaught Third
                                                                                                           Strike (7-11-h Note)
                                                                                                               On a third strike, not caught
                                                                                                           by the catcher, if the batter-runner
        Lineup Language                                    appropriate medical evaluation.                 clearly hinders the catcher in his
        Continued from p. 1                                However, the player may return to               attempt to field the ball, whether
        featuring nine batters. Jones is listed            his original spot in the lineup if he           the action is intentional or not, the
        as the starting pitcher. In the fourth             is cleared by an appropriate medical            batter-runner is out, the ball is dead
        inning, during what should be Jones’               professional.                                   and all other runners return to the
        second plate appearance, Smith comes                   A player may only re-enter the              bases they occupied at the time of
        to the plate. In the next half-inning,             game one time. The temporary                    the pitch regardless of the number of
        Jones again takes the mound. Ruling                replacement player may again                    outs.
        2: This is legal. Jones began the game             participate in the game as a                        If the pitched ball deflects off the
        as the pitcher and the designated                  substitute in the same lineup spot              catcher or umpire and subsequently
        hitter. Once Smith batted, he became               only.                                           touches the batter-runner, it is not
        the designated hitter, while Jones                     If the temporary replacement                considered interference unless, in the
        remained the pitcher.                              player is substituted for, that player          judgment of the umpire, the batter-
                                                           may not re-enter the game.                      runner clearly hinders the catcher in
        Re-entry (5-5-k)                                       If a team has no remaining                  his attempt to field the ball.
           The NCAA has established a                      eligible players, a starter or                      The change is intended to
        method of permissible re-entry for                 substitute who has previously                   simplify the administration of the
        a player suspected of receiving a                  participated in the game may replace            rule regardless of the number of outs
        concussion during the course of a                  the injured player.                             and whether the batter-runner’s
        game.                                                  The change is intended to                   action is intentional or not.
           A player who exhibits signs,                    improve player safety, giving                       Play 4: With a runner on first base
        symptoms or behaviors consistent                   coaches a pathway to have a possibly            and one out, B3 strikes out on a pitch
        with a concussion must be                          concussed player evaluated and be               in the dirt. The ball bounces off the
        immediately removed and receive                    able to return to the lineup.                                  See “Lineup Language” p. 4

         Written by Scott Tittrington, Referee associate editor; Graphics and      Copying in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written
         layout by Matt Bowen, Referee graphic designer.                           consent from Referee Enterprises, Inc., and the NCAA. PlayPic® and
            Major portions of this newsletter are protected by copyrights of       MechaniGram® are registered trademarks of Referee Enterprises, Inc.
         Referee Enterprises, Inc., and are used by permission.

                                                                                                                       2021 NCAA Baseball Guide 3

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Lineup Language                            and delay the game by leaving               Pitch Strikes Animal (6-1-g)
       Continued from p. 3                        the dugout or bullpen at the                    The rule has been re-written to
        catcher and into the path of B3, who      time of an altercation, in order to         read, “If a thrown or batted ball
        takes two steps and inadvertently         prevent further escalations and             that remains in live-ball territory
        kicks the stationary ball away from       unsportsmanlike conduct.                    accidentally hits a spectator,
        the catcher. Ruling 4: B3 is out, the                                                 authorized on-field personnel or
        ball is dead and R1 must return to        Foul Tip (2-37)                             an animal, the ball is live.” There is
        first base.                                   The definition for a foul tip has       also a note added that reads, “If a
            Play 5: With a runner on second       been updated to read, “A batted             pitched ball strikes a bird in flight or
        base and one out, B3 strikes out on       ball that goes sharp and direct from        other animal on the playing field, the
        a pitch in the dirt. The ball bounces     the bat to the catcher and is legally       pitch is nullified, and play shall be
        off the catcher and into B3. The ball     caught. It is not a foul tip unless         resumed with the previous count.”
        falls to the ground, where the catcher    caught, and any foul tip that is caught         The changes are intended to
        picks it up, drops it and fails to make   is a strike, and the ball is in play.”      distinguish the difference between a
        any additional play as R2 reaches             The change clarifies that a foul        thrown or batted ball inadvertently
        third base and B3 reaches first base.     tip no longer has to first touch the        hitting an animal or authorized on-
        Ruling 5: R2 is safe at third base        catcher’s hand or glove before being        field personnel and a pitched ball
        and B3 is safe at first. This is not      legally caught. By interpretation the       striking an animal.
        considered interference.                  ball must be caught by the catcher.
                                                      Play 7: With a 1-1 count and R1         Play or Attempted Play (2-67-b)
        Interference/Thrown Bat (7-11-n)          stealing on the pitch, B2 swings and            An additional definition for the
            If a whole bat is thrown into         makes contact with the baseball.            term “play or attempted play” has
        fair or foul territory, whether           The ball ricochets off F2’s mask, and       been added to identify that it shall be
        intentionally or not, and it interferes   (a) F2 catches it, or (b) F1 catches it.    interpreted as a legitimate effort by a
        with a defensive player attempting to     Ruling 7: This is a foul tip and the        defensive player who has possession
        make a play on the ball, interference     ball remains live in (a). In (b), it is a   of the ball to retire a runner. The fact
        shall be called.                          foul ball.                                  the runner is not out is not relevant,
            The change is intended to                                                         and a fake or feint to throw shall not be
        establish clearer guidance whether        Penalty for a Foreign Substance (9-2-e)     deemed a play or an attempted play.
        interference has occurred in                  A stronger penalty has been                 The rationale for the new wording
        situations of a fielder attempting to     established for using a foreign             is there are references throughout the
        make a play when a bat is thrown in       substance on the ball, and/or               playing rules regarding when a play
        foul territory.                           having one on his person or in his          has occurred, but no definition of
            Play 6: B1 hits a pop-up near         possession. The penalty is the pitcher      what defines a play.
        the plate and throws his bat to the       being ejected from the game.
        ground (a) in fair territory or (b) in        If the pitcher expectorates on his      One Foot in Catcher’s Box (5-4-a, 9-3-i)
        foul territory. The opposing catcher,     hand, ball or glove or rubs the ball            The rule has been modified to
        while trying to make a play on the        on his glove, person or clothing and,       state the catcher must have at least
        ball, steps on the bat and falls, and     in the judgment of the umpire, the          one foot in the catcher’s box until the
        the ball falls to the ground next to      pitcher did not intend to alter the         pitcher begins the pitching motion.
        him. Ruling 6: B1 is called out for       characteristics of the baseball, the            The change is intended to provide
        interference in both (a) and (b).         umpire may warn the pitcher in lieu         a more enforceable playing rule for
                                                  of an ejection. However, if the pitcher     umpires depending on where the
        Fight Rule (5-16-c)                       persists in violating the rule, the         catcher sets up to receive a pitch.
            Any team personnel, other than        umpire shall eject the pitcher from
        coaches, who leave the dugouts or         the game.                                   The Windup (9-1-a)
        bullpens to enter the field at the time                                                   The first sentence of the rule has
        of a potential altercation or fight       Force-Play-Slide Rule (8-4)                 been changed to read, “The pitcher
        shall be ejected. Ejections would             The updated rule clarifies the          shall stand facing the batter, his pivot
        carry a one-game suspension, unless       force-play-slide rule does not apply        foot in contact with the pitcher’s
        the individual physically participates    to the batter-runner at first base, and     plate and other foot free.”
        in a fight.                               also establishes the runner is not              In the windup position, a pitcher
            The change is intended to             required to slide until in the vicinity     is permitted to have his “free” foot
        establish a method and penalty for        of the base.                                on the rubber, in front of the rubber,
        players who exacerbate altercations                                                   behind the rubber or off the side of

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        Any team personnel, other than coaches, who leave the dugouts or bullpens to enter the field at the time of a potential altercation or fight shall be
        ejected, according to a rule change made at the NCAA level for the 2021 season.

        the rubber. The pitcher may not take                under such circumstances prior to the               video must cease once a student-
        a second step toward home plate with                beginning of an at-bat. A pitcher will              athlete enters the batter’s box and
        either foot in his delivery of the pitch.           be permitted to notify the umpire                   may resume upon contact with the
                                                            that he is pitching from the windup                 bat after the pitch.
        The Set (9-1-b)                                     position within an at-bat only in
            The first sentence of the rule                  the event of (1) substitutions by the               Getting the Call Right with Video Review,
        has been changed to read, “The set                  offensive team; or (2) immediately                  Coach’s Challenge (Appendix E-2)
        position shall be indicated when the                upon the advancement of one or                          If a coach’s challenge is successful
        pitcher stands facing the batter with               more runners (i.e., after one or more               in overturning a call, the coach will
        his pivot foot in contact with, and his             baserunners advance, but before                     retain the challenge to use if needed
        other foot in front of, the pitcher’s               delivery of the next pitch).”                       later in the game.
        plate, holding the ball in both hands
        in front of his body and coming to a                Rules for Scoreboards, Video and Audio              Visual Inspection/Bat Testing
        complete stop.”                                     (Appendix B, A-4 and Appendix B, A-4)               (Appendix G)
            An additional paragraph has                         An unlimited number of replays                     The new Appendix G includes
        been added to read, “With a runner                  may now be shown at regular speed                   guidelines for NCAA bat testing
        or runners on base, a pitcher will be               or slow motion only after a play is                 beginning with the 2021 season.
        presumed to be pitching from the set                under video review and no replays                      Divisions II and III will be exempt
        position if he stands with his pivot                shall be shown once a decision has                  from the barrel compression testing
        foot in contact with and parallel to                been made by the umpires and/or                     requirement of the bat testing process
        the pitcher’s plate, and his other foot             replay official.                                    until the 2022 season. All bats used in
        in front of the pitcher’s plate, unless                 Also, a stadium videoboard may                  competition must undergo a visual
        he notifies the umpire that he will be              now play live video upon contact                    inspection and be marked as approved
        pitching from the windup position                   with the bat after the pitch. Live                  with a destructible sticker. 

                                                                                                                             2021 NCAA Baseball Guide 5

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BASEBALL 2021 - United Collegiate Umpires
Flashback: 2020 Rules Review
       I   n their ongoing quest to improve
           pace of play, the NCAA Baseball
        Rules Committee and the Playing
        Rules Oversight Panel (PROP) ap-
        proved the expanded use of a 20-sec-
        ond action clock in all NCAA divisions
        starting with the 2020 season.
            Not to be confused with a pitch
        clock, the action clock mandates that,
        once the home-plate umpire signals
        play, or the pitcher has possession
        of the ball in the circle surrounding
        the pitcher’s rubber, the catcher is in
        the catcher’s box and the batter is in
        the batter’s box, the pitcher shall be
        allowed 20 seconds to begin the activity
        preceding each pitch. The pitcher does
        not necessarily have to release the ball
        within 20 seconds; however, the pitcher
        must begin his windup motion or
        otherwise begin the motion to come set
        in order to comply with the rule.
            Upon a first violation, the pitcher
        shall be warned by the umpire. There
        is one warning per pitcher. Each
        subsequent violation shall result in the
        award of a ball to the batter without
        the pitcher having to deliver the pitch.
        The ball is dead and no runners may
        advance, unless the ball awarded by
        the umpire is the batter’s fourth and
        the batter is entitled to advance to first.
            Conversely, batters shall enter
        and remain in in the batter’s box
        in accordance with rule 7-1-d and
        not delay entry to gain an undue
        advantage. If the batter does not enter
        the box and become alert to the pitcher
        with five or more seconds remaining
        on the action clock, the batter will be in
        violation and the umpire shall award
        a strike without the pitcher having
        to deliver the pitch. Again, the ball is
        dead and no runners may advance.
            Prior to this season, the rule –
        found in Appendix F of the NCAA
        rulebook – was applicable whenever
        the bases were unoccupied. It now
        includes situations when there are
        baserunners, with the idea of not
                                                                                                                                                             BOB MESSINA

        allowing the game to bog down and             If there is no visible play clock on the field, NCAA umpires will need to use a stopwatch to
        become an actionless contest once             adjudicate the 20-second action clock during the 2021 season. Travis Reininger, Brighton, Colo.

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          Upon a first violation, the pitcher shall be
         warned by the umpire. There is one warning                                                New clocks
         per pitcher. Each subsequent violation shall                                              find home
          result in the award of a ball to the batter
        without the pitcher having to deliver the pitch.
                                                                                                   inside TD
        there are runners on base.                       “Is it going to be perfect in every
            “That’s a continuous concern in
        baseball in general, not just at our
        level. It’s not even so much the time of
                                                     situation, if your attention is drawn to
                                                     some other part of a play? No. But it’s
                                                     going to be much more consistent if
                                                                                                   W      ith the adoption of a 20-second
                                                                                                          action clock across all levels of
                                                                                                   college baseball for the 2021 season,
        the game, but that there is continuous       we make sure that all the umpires are         efforts are now underway to help
        action in the game,” said Randy Bruns,       focused on it, and so are the coaches.        umpires in the compliance effort.
        the NCAA’s secretary-rules editor for        The coaches and players are going                 Three visible clocks were installed
        baseball. “(The action clock) should         to adjust, it’s just a matter of they’ve      at TD Ameritrade Park Omaha, home
        not only reduce overall game times,          never had to before.                          of the College World Series, in the
        but just as important, keep the game             “It’s probably going to lead more         spring of 2020.
        going. The whole idea is at least there’s    people to use some level of a visible             “The 20-second action clock,
        some activity that is going on.”             clock. Again, sometimes you have to           whether visible or not, will have
            The rules committee actually             walk before you run. We have to get           dramatic pace-of-play momentum
        approved the rule change in July 2018,       some experience with this before we           in 2021,” said George Drouches,
        with a second component that called          realize how that is exactly going to          the NCAA national coordinator of
        for a visible time clock. However,           take place.”                                  umpires. “This momentum doesn’t
        PROP did not pass the two rules in                                                         require something monumental (from
        conjunction, citing cost implications,       Bat colors/testing                            umpires). Approach the pace-of-play
        particularly for Division II and                 Two additional significant changes        changes with passion and we will be
        Division III programs. Instead, a visible    in NCAA baseball for the 2020 season          fine.”
        time clock is recommended, but not           involved bats.                                    In ballparks where there are no
        mandated. In ballparks where there               The first change involved the color       visible clocks, umpires will be tasked
        is no visible clock, a member of the         of the bat barrel. It must now be of a        with keeping the action clock on
        umpiring crew must use an on-field           predominantly contrasting color to            the field via a stopwatch or another
        timing device to maintain compliance.        the color of the baseball between the         appropriate timepiece.
            “Of course the concern is, how am I      18-inch mark and the end cap (1-12-               With the clocks now in place
        going to do that with a runner on base       b.7). The rationale is to help alleviate      at the site of the NCAA Division I
        and still watch for other important          safety concerns created for fielders          baseball championship, Drouches is
        things?” Bruns said. “It’s not going         having trouble picking up the ball off        hopeful there will be a trickle-down
        to be perfect. But it will be certainly      the bat. There is a list available at ncaa.   effect to allow players, coaches and
        better than it was before. I think it will   org/playingrules of bats no longer            umpires to all become more familiar
        have a real positive impact once people      approved by color.                            and comfortable with the action clock.
        get used to it.”                                 The second change involved bat            He likened the required equipment
            As with the 2019 season, when            barrel compression testing. Prior to          adjustment to when other NCAA
        a rule targeting the time between            each regular-season series or single          sports adopted shot and play clocks
        innings took center stage, NCAA              date of competition, all bats used in         and mandated their physical presence
        baseball officials want the action clock     competition must pass the barrel ring         in stadiums and arenas.
        rule enforced, visible clock or not.         test and barrel compression testing.              “I believe NCAA baseball will
        Bruns used the example of an expired         PROP approved the rule in 2017 but            increase the presence of visible clocks,
        play clock in football or shot clock in      delayed its implementation due to             across all divisions, and follow in
        basketball to emphasize this point.          cost concerns related to purchasing the       the same timely manner in which
            “This is not a guideline,” said          necessary equipment. The rule went            NCAA football and NCAA basketball
        Bruns, echoing the same language he          into effect at the Division I level for       did in implementing their respective
        used previously. “These time limits are      2020, and the barrel compression test         visible shot clocks and play clocks,”
        required. These are not guidelines. These    will be required at the Division II and       Drouches said. 
        are things that need to be administered.”    Division III levels in 2022. 

                                                                                                             2021 NCAA Baseball Guide 7

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Test Yourself
           In each of the following, decide which
           answer(s) is/are correct using the 2021
           NCAA rules.

           1. With a runner on first and one out, B3 hits
           a sharp ground ball that is deflected by F1
           toward F4. As F4 is attempting to field the
           ball, he is contacted by R1, who is running
           directly toward second base.
           a. The ball is live and in play. The contact
              with the fielder was unavoidable on the
              part of R1.
           b. Obstruction by F4. Once the pitcher had
              an opportunity to field the ball, the fielder
              is no longer protected and any contact
              between him and a runner is deemed his
              responsibility. R1 is placed at second and
              B3 is awarded first.
           c. Time should be called after the play and
              a ruling made based on what would have          If a pitcher balks during a pickoff attempt, the ball is not immediately dead, and
              happened had the pitcher not deflected          several interesting situations can still unfold for an umpire. See question No. 19 for
              the ball.                                       an example.
           d. R1 is out for interference. If a batted ball
              is deflected by the pitcher and another
              fielder has a legitimate play to retire         d. Call obstruction and leave the ball in play.           would have obtained had interference not
              a runner, the fielder is protected and             If the ball is caught, B3 is out. If the fair ball     occurred.
              a collision by a baserunner results in             is dropped, call “time” and award bases.
              interference. B3 is awarded first.                                                                      7. With R3 on third and one out, B3 hits a
                                                              5. B1 requests and is granted time to talk              pop-up foul down the third-base line. F5
           2. Team A’s head coach is ejected for arguing      to his third-base coach. While they are                 makes the catch near his dugout and then
           balls and strikes after a warning. An assistant    conferring, the defensive coach motions                 steps inside with both feet.
           coach comes out to the plate umpire the            for the pitcher to meet him at the foul line.           a. The batter is out and R3 scores.
           next half inning and tells him that he will        As the offensive conference concludes, the              b. The batter is out and R3 stays at third.
           be taking over the team. Several innings           defensive coach returns to his dugout.                  c. The ball is live if it was stated in the ground
           later, this substitute head coach is ejected       a. Only a defensive conference is charged.                 rules “catch and carry” into the dugout
           for unsportsmanlike conduct directed at the        b. Only an offensive conference is charged.                was legal if the fielder doesn’t fall down.
           plate umpire. What is his penalty?                 c. Both offensive and defensive conferences             d. The catch is disallowed. It’s a foul ball.
           a. He will serve a one-game suspension in             are charged.
               addition to the ejection.                      d. Neither an offensive nor defensive                   8. With a runner on first and no outs, F2
           b. Since he was the substitute head coach,            conference is charged.                               interferes with B2, who is still able to hit
               he will serve a four-game suspension in                                                                the ball for a base hit to the outfield. R1
               addition to the penalty.                       6. With runners on first and second and one             misses second on his way to third while B2
           c. It depends on governing authority policy.       out, B4 gets a base hit to the outfield. R2 is          reaches first safely. The defense appeals R1
                                                              held up late by the third-base coach as he              missed second and is upheld. The offensive
           3. With runners on first and third and two         rounds third trying to score. He slips as he            head coach comes to the plate umpire and
           outs, B5 hits a slow ground ball back to F1.       tries to stop, contacts the third-base coach,           states that he elects to take the catcher’s
           F1 fields the ball and throws it to F2. R3 is      then gets up and scrambles back to third. The           interference penalty.
           ruled safe on the tag play at home, but F2         umpire judges the contact was accidental.               a. Do not allow the head coach’s election to
           quickly makes a play on B5 going to first          a. It is not coach interference when the                   take catcher’s interference and the play
           and B5 is out.                                        contact is accidental. The ball is live and             stands.
           a. Score the run as this is an intervening play.      in play.                                             b. Enforce the catcher’s interference, and
           b. Do not allow any runs to score.                 b. This is coach interference. The ball is                 runners should be placed at first and
                                                                 dead immediately and R2 is declared                     second.
           4. B3 hits a high pop-up between home                 out. All other runners return to the last
           plate and first base. The pitcher, catcher            legally touched base at the time of the              9. With the bases loaded and two outs in
           and first baseman all move to catch the fly           interference.                                        the top of the seventh inning, the pitching
           ball. The umpire determines F3 will field          c. This is coach interference. It is a delayed          coach changes pitchers from Jones to
           the fly ball. B3 runs into F1 as he advances          dead ball. After the play, R2 is declared            Smith. As he is walking back toward the
           toward first.                                         out and the other runners remain at the              dugout and is in foul territory, he turns
           a. Call obstruction, leave the ball in play and       bases they obtained during the play.                 around and heads back out toward the
              award B3 first base.                            d. This is coach interference. The ball is              mound to visit Smith.
           b. Call interference on F1.                           dead immediately, R2 is declared out and             a. Do not allow the visit because the pitching
           c. Call obstruction, immediately call “time”
                                                                                                                                                                                 BOB MESSINA

                                                                 other runners are awarded the base they                 coach was in foul territory.
              and award B3 first base.

        8 2021 NCAA Baseball Guide

NCAA_BS_2021.indd 8                                                                                                                                            11/24/2020 12:07:39 PM
BASEBALL 2021 - United Collegiate Umpires

                         b. Allow the visit if the team and/or coach has    14. With a runner on first, no outs and a           18. With R2 on second and no outs, B2
                            not used its maximum number of free trips       1-0 count on B2, the pitcher fails to come          bunts and is running to first in fair territory
                            to the mound.                                   to a complete stop and is called for a balk.        illegally outside the running lane. F2 fields
                         c. Do not allow the visit because this is the      His pitch is wild and eludes F2, going all          the bunt and throws to first. The ball just
                            second visit with the same batter.              the way to the backstop. R1 attempts to             barely touches B2’s shoulder. F3 flinches,
                         d. Do not allow the visit and warn the             advance to third and is thrown out.                 but catches the ball for an out at first. He
                            pitching coach that he will be removed          a. B2 and all runners did not advance at least      then throws home to make a play on R2,
                            from the game if he continues to the                one base. Return R1 to second base.             who is safe.
                            mound.                                          b. The balk award is always one base. Return        a. B2 is out for running lane interference, R2
                                                                                R1 to second base.                                  scores.
                         10. The starting pitcher is removed from the       c. Immediately call “time” when the pitcher         b. B2 is out due to the tag of first base, R2
                         game in the fifth inning and is sitting in the         balks.                                              scores.
                         dugout. A couple of innings later, he shouts       d. The play on R1 stands and he is out. The         c. The ball became dead when B2 interfered
                         an offensive comment to the plate umpire               balk is still “acknowledged” and the count          with F3 taking the throw. R2 goes back to
                         after a play at home plate and is ejected.             remains 1-0 on the batter.                          second base on the interference.
                         What is his penalty?
                         a. It is treated the same as any other ejection.   15. The batter hits a deep, high fly ball into      19. With a runner on first and one out, F1
                         b. Ejection plus one additional game               the right-field corner. F9 gets under the ball at   balks as he attempts to pick off R1. F3
                            suspension.                                     the fence near the foul pole, standing in foul      misses the throw and the ball rolls along
                         c. Ejection plus suspension for two additional     territory. F9 jumps and touches the ball with       the fence in live-ball territory. R1 is able
                            games.                                          his glove while the ball is over fair territory.    to score on the play, but misses second.
                         d. Ejection plus a four-game suspension.           The ball deflects off his glove and travels over    The ball is returned to the infield and F6
                                                                            the fence on the foul side of the foul pole.        immediately makes an appeal at second.
                         11. With the bases loaded and two outs in          a. Home run. The ball was fair and traveled         a. The balk is enforced and R1 is returned to
                         the bottom of the ninth inning, the score is          over the fence in flight.                           second.
                         tied. B9 is hit by the pitch and is awarded        b. Foul ball. The fielder was in foul territory     b. The balk is enforced and R1 is out.
                         first base. R3 legally touches home and               when he touched the ball, and the ball was       c. The balk is ignored and R1 is returned to
                         scores and B9 legally advances to and                 foul when it went over the fence.                   second.
                         touches first. R2 started toward third but         c. Ground-rule double. The ball was fair but        d. The balk is ignored and R1 is out.
                         went to join the celebration near first               traveled over the fence over foul territory.
                         before he touched third base. The umpires                                                              20. With a runner on first stealing on the
                         should:                                            16. The head coach is upset with the plate          pitch, B1 hits a ground ball to F6, who
                         a. Call R2 out for making a travesty of the        umpire’s performance and has made                   throws to second, but R1 is safe at second.
                            game and continue the game.                     repeated comments from the dugout. The              F4 then tries to throw out B1, who has not
                         b. Declare the game over. The run scores as        umpire has stayed calm, responded to a              reached first base, but the ball gets by the
                            only B9 needed to go to first and R3 touch      question, given an official warning and the         first baseman and goes into the dugout, out
                            home.                                           coach is finally ejected. The ejecting umpire       of play.
                         c. Call R2 out for abandoning his effort to run    has walked away from the coach’s location,          a. R1 stays at second, B1 stays at first.
                            the bases and continue the game.                but the coach charges out of the dugout to          b. R1 to third, B1 to second.
                         d. Call R2 out if the defense properly appeals     argue again with the umpire. What is the            c. R1 scores, B1 to second.
                            third base and continue the game.               penalty?                                            d. R1 scores, B1 to third.
                                                                            a. There is no additional penalty unless there
                         12. With a runner on first, B1 hits a line drive      is physical contact.
                         at F3, who dives but can only trap the ball        b. One-game suspension added to the                 ANSWERS
                         for “no catch.” R1, believing there is a catch,       ejection.
                                                                                                                                1. d – 8-5-d Note 2
                         returns to first. F3 tags first base and then      c. Two-game suspension added to the
                         R1 (who is touching first).                           ejection.                                        2. a – 2-26-g
                         a. Both runners were forced to advance             d. It depends on governing authority policy.        3. b – 5-6-c Exc. 1
                            during the play, so both runners are out.                                                           4. d – 8-3-e-2
                         b. B1 is out, removing the force against R1,       17. With runners on second and third and            5. c – 6-5-f-4, 9-4-a-1
                            who is safe.                                    no outs, B3 bunts for a suicide squeeze.            6. a – 3-3-e Pen., 8-5-f
                         c. R1 is out for interfering with the play by      The ball goes in the air up the first-base line     7. a – 6-1-d
                            running the wrong direction. B1 is out on       with both runners moving on the pitch. As
                                                                            F3 moves to make the catch, he collides
                                                                                                                                8. a – 8-2-e-1, 8-3-o-3 Note 3
                            the tag of first for a double play.
                         d. R1 is out as soon as he touches first,          with B3, who was not trying to interfere.           9. b – 9-4-a-1
                            because B1 was entitled to the base. The        a. Dead ball; interference on B3. Since the         10. d – 2-26-e
                            ball is dead, and B1 is placed at first.           interference was not intentional, only B3 is     11. b – 5-8-d Note
                                                                               called out. All other runners return to their    12. b – 2-33, 8-5-j Exc.
                         13. With runners on second and third and              previous base.                                   13. a – 5-6-c
                         one out, B4 hits a liner into left center. R2      b. No interference. The batter did not
                                                                                                                                14. d – 9-3 Pen. 3, Note 3
                         and R3 score, but R2 misses third base.               intentionally interfere.
                         B4 gets to second base, but misses first.          c. Dead ball; interference on B3. B3 is out         15. c – 8-3-o-2, 2-27
                         The defense appeals both infractions. They            and so is R2 for the interference of his         16. c – 5-15-a-4, 2-26-h
                         first appeal B4 missing first base and then           teammate. R3 returns to third.                   17. d – 8-5-e
                         appeal R2 missing third base.                      d. Dead ball; interference on B3. Because a         18. c – 7-11-p
                         a. R3 scores.                                         double play is likely, both B3 and R3 are        19. b – 9-3 Pen. 2 Note
                         b. No runs score.                                     out; R2 returns to second.

                                                                                                                                20. c – 8-3-o-3 Note 1

                                                                                                                                              2021 NCAA Baseball Guide 9

              NCAA_BS_2021.indd 9                                                                                                                                      11/24/2020 12:07:39 PM
Q&A: Division II and
        Division III Coordinators

                                Scott Taylor                                     Don Umland
                       Division II Umpire Coordinator                   Division III Umpire Coordinator

        What did you see during the              more to get themselves in the mix.      conduct amongst those I observed.
        abbreviated 2020 season that             As a coordinator that pleases me        Situations were handled with a
        umpires were doing really well?          immensely.                              sense of calm and the use of proper
                                                                                         verbiage as it relates to warnings, etc.
        Taylor: The shutdown of the season       Umland: The abbreviated season
        happened so early and we were            certainly made it difficult to get a    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
        really just getting into the process     broad assessment of the landscape       many Division I conferences are
        of evaluating postseason umpires.        in Division III college baseball. In    cutting back on the number of
        I think I’d have to answer this          fact, very few schools even got their   umpires they will be using on
        question by saying that I was pleased    season started. What I was able to
                                                                                         the field in 2021. How does this
        to see so many umpires taking part       ascertain in my limited observation
        in camps in the last offseason to        was how strike zones were being         trickle down to the Division II and
        prepare and work hard at honing          enforced as written in the rulebook.    Division III levels when it comes to
        their craft. Umpires are starting to     I was also happy to see how many        assigning umpires?
        recognize that the competition for       umpires came into the season
        postseason spots, and the evaluation     physically ready to umpire. Many        Taylor: I think the results of this
        of those positions, has really gotten    of the officials looked like they       work in two different ways. First
        serious over the last couple of years.   had been preparing themselves           of all, we will have a reduction in
        The umpires that truly want to be        for the rigors of the season. Lastly,   Division II the same as Division
        in the postseason seem to be doing       I saw a great deal of professional      I on the number of umpires to

        10 2021 NCAA Baseball Guide

NCAA_BS_2021.indd 10                                                                                                    11/24/2020 12:07:44 PM

        be used on the field in many            lot of guys get worked up a little      Those who are nominated have
        conferences. We have worked really      bit too much over rules changes.        demonstrated the ability to handle
        hard to get to three-umpire crews       I think that rules changes —            situations on and off the field
        over the past couple of years at the    especially when it comes to safety-     accordingly. The evaluation process
        Division II level. COVID definitely     related changes — are important         includes myself, site evaluators and
        set that progress back and it will      and necessary to continue to tweak      crew chiefs. In terms of attributes,
        take some time to get back to where     in college baseball. I think that       I would have to say consistency
        we were pre-pandemic. That being        the baseball rules committee will       is No. 1 in my book. That pertains
        said, I think the quality of umpires    always continue to look to make         to base and plate work and how
        in our postseason pool in Division      safety a priority in NCAA baseball.     that is maintained throughout a
        II will increase dramatically           But if you are going to hold my feet    game. Equally important is how an
        because of the lack of assignments      to the fire and make me pick one,       umpire handles a situation when
        at the Division I level. Some of        I would say probably the windup         the heat is on! Do they maintain an
        those umpires are going to come         and set positions for a pitcher.        even temperament? Do they follow
        back to Division II to work and I’m                                             protocol as it relates to handling
        excited about giving some of those      Umland: I was originally going to       situations? How do they perform
        umpires opportunities at our level.     say the changes to the windup and       after the situation is over and the
                                                set. They are both relevant and I       game is back to being played? 
        Umland: I think the individual          hope the changes ultimately lead
        conference assignors will be tasked     to a consistent format for years to
        to put the best umpires on the          come. For me, I would say that the
        field based on what is available to     re-entry rule will prove to have an           NCAA Umpiring
        them. Staff reductions (or freezes)     impact. Obviously, player safety               Coordinators
        at the Division I level may open up     is a priority. This rule allows for                     Division I
        some dates to those officials which     a small college (which may have                     George Drouches
        could make them available to a          limited player options) to have                      P.O. Box 27641
        Division II or Division III assignor.   some flexibility with its roster                Golden Valley, MN 55427
        However, those individuals have         and still have the opportunity to                   612-432-5351 (C)
        to be willing to work for those         return a starter into the lineup if
        conferences. An assignor has to         medically cleared.                                     Division II
        be fair to his existing conference                                                            Scott Taylor
                                                                                                1901 N. Emerson Avenue
        umpires (core group) and has to do      What is the No. 1 attribute you                  Indianapolis, IN 46218
        a bit of a balancing act as it comes    are looking for when determining       
        to assignments. As for postseason,      whether an umpire is capable of                    317-507-6233 (C)
        my selections are determined by         working at your level or being                        Division III
        whom the individual conferences                                                              Don Umland
                                                promoted to your level?
        approve and recommend. I don’t                                                             2951 Katie Lane
        get the liberty to pick and choose      Taylor: Leadership. When it comes                Bettendorf, IA 52722
        initially. The selection process        to working postseason, I think that   
                                                                                                  563-340-3825 (C)
        maintains a level of integrity under    all umpires that are chosen have
        the existing format, which I am         the ability to work at that level              Director of Umpire Training
        quite comfortable with.                 technically. When I say that, I mean                    Tom Hiler
                                                ball, strike, safe and out. The thing                 P.O. Box 777
                                                                                               Mountain Home, ID 83647
        Which of the rule/mechanic              that sets one umpire apart from        
        changes implemented for the 2021        another is leadership. You have to                  208-598-5558 (C)
        season do you expect to have the        be able to lead people. If you can’t
                                                do that, it is very hard for me to               Secretary-Rules Editor
        biggest impact for umpires at your                                                            Randy Bruns
                                                choose you for postseason.
        level of play?                                                                         3725 NE Otter Creek Drive
                                                                                                   Ankeny, IA 50021
        Taylor: I really don’t think that any   Umland: First of all, my assigning      
        rules changes will have a huge          responsibilities begin and end with                  319-240-0403
        impact on our umpires. I think a        the regionals and championships.

                                                                                                2021 NCAA Baseball Guide 11

NCAA_BS_2021.indd 11                                                                                                      11/24/2020 12:07:44 PM
Umpires Need Handle on ‘New Normal’
        T     hough we all had hoped that life
              would return to normal by the time
                              spring baseball ar-
                                                          developing vaccines, but none of these
                                                          will be in place or have an effect on the
                                                          2021 baseball season. It is hopeful that
                                                                                                        about it. Also, keep in mind that you
                                                                                                        carry risk back to your family and they
                                                                                                        relay risk to you that you carry as you
                              rives, that is not likely   vaccines will be 50 percent effective, but    move about the country.
                              to occur. Though the        will still need to overcome distribution           Mental health: Among young
                              new normal is not           and acceptance by the population. The         people the incidence of anxiety and
                              normal we should            other unknown is how long immunity            depression is almost four-fold of what
                              be able to conduct a        will last.                                    it was one year ago. It has also been
                              season, possibly with            Testing: The biggest advance as of       estimated the number of deaths at this
                              some fans, aided by         Fall 2020 is the evolution of rapid testing   time related to suicide and substance
                              the fact that we play in    for coronavirus and the drop in price         abuse caused by the stress of the
           Dr. Douglas J. a large outdoor venue.          for some of these tests. The problem          pandemic equals the number of deaths
                    Ramos The conduct of our              currently is that the availability of         from the virus itself. That is 200,000
         Former Chair of the seasonal planning, our       these tests is restricted either because      deaths plus, and that is a sobering
            NCAA Committee in-game protocols and          of governmental control or lack of            thought. Please reach out for help if you
              on Competitive our after-game social-       production capabilities to meet the           see things spiraling, and if you sense
             Safeguards and
                              izing will all have to      demand. Rest assured that in the              a colleague struggling, ask the tough
         Medical Aspects of
                      Sports be different if we are to    conduct of the baseball season, rapid         questions of them. You may be saving
                              be successful and safe.     testing or some testing is likely to be       their life, their marriage or their career.
             As I write this column today, we             required by all umpires and officials         Adding to all of this are the economic
        have some states with positive COVID              either by state requirement, conference       issues with underemployment and
        test rates of more than 25 percent, and           requirement or institutional requirement.     knowing all are likely to make less
        though it seems we are making some                     Logistics: Logistical issues will        money this year than they did the last.
        progress on the medical front, we                 play large in the planning of umpires’        Hopefully, baseball schedules will not
        really are not being socially responsible         schedules. The days of going from one         be as curtailed as they have been in
        enough in many areas. As the great                city to the other on successive days          other sports.
        Kareem Abdul-Jabbar eloquently stated,            is likely not to occur, due to either              Travel: Airline travel is not
        “Being responsible role models during             quarantine laws regarding traveling           precluded, but it does carry some added
        a worldwide pandemic that has killed              from state to state or the inability to       risks -- certainly masking and limited
        nearly a million people isn’t about laws;         confirm a negative test within 48-72          touching of surfaces goes a long way
        it’s about concern and respect for the            hours before you are allowed to officiate     to mitigate risks on airplanes. Airline
        lives of others, especially the others who        a game. It is likely 48-72 hours will         filtration systems tend to be fairly
        can’t afford to miss work or don't have           have to pass between a series or games        effective at removing the virus and most
        access to good healthcare.”                       that are in different areas or different      of the cases of airline infections occurred
             As we think about control of this            institutions. It is likely all players and    with long trips and no masking early
        pandemic, it requires a lot of little steps       umpires will have to come to the games        in the pandemic. Needless to say, the
        and each one of these adds a layer                and proceed directly to the field, and no     marked decrease in flight options will
        of added protection. I like to use a              use of locker rooms may be the rule.          impact the logistics we mentioned
        “Swiss cheese” model where the more                    Social: Perhaps this is the hardest      above, so think more regional this year
        layers you put on, the more the holes             thing for all of us to deal with. Sampling    for a multitude of reasons.
        are plugged up. Thus, masking plus                of data from healthcare systems shows              In summary, “hope” is not enough
        distancing plus hand hygiene plus                 that, of those people infected, they have     to get us through this pandemic and
        testing all adds up. One of the biggest           been in a bar 41 percent of the time. So,     as the Dali Lama said, “there are times
        areas of confusion is the 6-foot/15-              for the most part my recommendation           we need to do more than pray.” We
        minute rule that is always espoused.              is no bars under any circumstances, and       must be responsible now more than
        The first thing to do is not adopt this as        restaurants probably should be avoided        ever and please don’t be dismissive of
        hard fact. The fact is that one minute at         as well. This is a big concern and my         the seriousness of what we are going
        a close distance may be bad or one hour           recommendation is that all sign a code        through. I, like you, miss so much of
        at 30 feet in a closed space may be bad;          of conduct to adhere to this; I have even     what we once had in and out of sports
        it is just all over the place.                    advised institutions in some sports to        and particularly baseball. We will swing
             A few points of information:                 make this contractually binding and a         for the fences again but let us not strike
             Vaccines: Many companies are                 cause for termination, I feel that strongly   out in the process. Be well all. 

        12 2021 NCAA Baseball Guide

NCAA_BS_2021.indd 12                                                                                                                     11/24/2020 12:07:47 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BASEBALL 2021

       NCAA Misconduct Penalties
                   Type of Offense                          Offender                   Consequence for First Offense                      Consequence for Second Offense                      Consequence for Third Offense           Rule Ref.
                   Type of Offense                           Offender                   Consequence for First Offense                      Consequence for Second Offense                      Consequence for Third Offense           Rule Ref.
         Unsportsmanlike conduct or                    Assistant coach,                                                                 Ejection from present contest plus a
                                                                                    Ejection from present contest plus
         language directed toward an                    player or team                                                                  three game suspension by the same                            Same as second offense            2-26-f
         Unsportsmanlike        conduct or             Assistant  coach,                 a one game suspension                           Ejection  frominpresent contest plus a
             umpire or an opponent                        personnel                 Ejection from present contest plus                      individual    the same season
         language directed toward an                    player or team                                                                   three game suspension by the same                            Same as second offense             2-26-f
                                                                                          a one game suspension
             umpire or an opponent                         personnel                                                                         individual in the same season
         Unsportsmanlike conduct or
                                                                                    Ejection from present contest - no
         language directed toward an                      Head coach                                                                              Same as first offense                               Same as first offense            2-26-f
         Unsportsmanlike        conduct or                                                      suspension
             umpire or an opponent                                                  Ejection from present contest - no
         language directed toward an                      Head coach                                                                                Same as first offense                              Same as first offense             2-26-f
             umpire or an opponent
         Unsportsmanlike conduct or                   Player whose last
                                                                                    Ejection from present contest plus
         language directed toward an                  listed position is                                                                          Same as first offense                               Same as first offense            2-26-e
         Unsportsmanlike        conduct or            Player                             a four-game suspension
             umpire or an opponent                     that ofwhose   last
                                                               a pitcher            Ejection from present contest plus
         language directed toward an                   listed position is                                                                           Same as first offense                              Same as first offense             2-26-e
                                                                                          a four-game suspension
             umpire    or  an opponent
               Game Misconduct—                        that of a pitcher
                      removing                                                       Ejection from the present contest
               Game                                       Head coach                                                                              Same as first offense                               Same as first offense            5-15-b
          team   from Misconduct—
                        the field; refusing                                          plus a two-game (2) suspension
                        continue                          Head coach
                                                                                     Ejection from the present contest
                                                                                                                                                    Same as first offense                              Same as first offense             5-15-b
          team from the field; refusing                                               plus a two-game (2) suspension
                    to continue
             Prolonged     or continued
          arguing, offensive language
                                                                                      Two-game suspension added to
            or excessiveorexpressions
             Prolonged        continued                                                                                                                                                                                               2-26-h;
          arguing,   offensive   language               Any participant              the present accumulative total for                           Same as first offense                               Same as first offense
              directed    at an umpire                                                 Two-gamesuspension
                                                                                                             added to                                                                                                                5-15-a (4)
            or                                                                        applicable
                game officialexpressions
                                 after an               Any participant               the present accumulative total for                            Same as first offense                              Same as first offense
              directed    at an umpire
                       ejection                                                                                                                                                                                                       5-15-a (4)
                                                                                       applicable suspension penalties
             or game official after an
                                                                                                                                                                                 Ejection plus a suspension
                                                                                          Ejection plus a four-game                     Ejection plus a suspension from the
                       Fighting                         Any participant                                                                                                       for the  remainder
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ejection  plus aofsuspension
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the season,                      5-16-a
                                                                                                 suspension                                   team’s next five contests
                                                                                          Ejection plus a four-game                      Ejection plus a suspension from the including   postseason
                                                                                                                                                                                     for the remainder competition
                                                                                                                                                                                                         of the
                       Fighting                         Any participant                                                                                                                                                                  5-16-a
                                                                                                  suspension                                   team’s next five contests         season, including postseason
                                                                                                                                                                                 Ejection plus   a suspension
                                                        Any participant
               Physical abuse of                                                          Ejection plus a four-game                     Ejection plus a suspension from the        for the remainder of the
                                                        includes head                                                                                                              Ejection  plus a postseason
                                                                                                                                                                                                     suspension                        5-16-b
            participants or umpires                     Any coach
                                                             participant                         suspension                                   team’s next five contests        season,    including
               Physical abuse of                                                          Ejection plus a four-game                      Ejection plus a suspension from the         for the remainder of the
                                                         includes head                                                                                                                                                                   5-16-b
            participants or umpires                                                               suspension                                   team’s next five contests         season, including postseason
          Leaving dugout or bullpen at                    Player(s) or                                                                                                                      competition
                                                                                    Ejection from present contest plus
             the time of a potential                   team personnel                                                                          Same as first offense                                  Same as first offense           5-16-c
                                                                                         a one-game suspension                                                                                                                          5-16-c,
              Leaving      or fight
                       position  to                  (excluding coaches)              Four-game suspension after the                      Suspended for the remainder of the
                                                        Any participant                                                                                                                                         N/A                     Penalty
             participate in a fight                                                               ejection                                            season
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (1), (5)
               Leaving position to                                                   Four-game suspension after the                     Suspended for the remainder of the
                                                        Any participant                                                                                                                           Ejection plusN/Aa suspension        Penalty
               participate in a fight                                                                ejection                                            season
                                                                                          Ejection plus a four-game                          Ejection plus an eight-game                             for the remainder of the          (1), (5)
                                                                                   suspension. The head coach is not                       suspension. The head coach is                       season, including postseason.
           Intentionally throwing at a                 Pitcher, or pitcher           ejected if no warning is given. If a                not ejected if no warning has been                     Ejection   plus a suspension
                                                                                                                                                                                                  If no warning     is given, the     5-16-d, (1),
                     batter                             and head coach                   Ejection
                                                                                     warning    hasplus
                                                                                                      beena given,
                                                                                                                    the head                Ejection
                                                                                                                                         given.       plus an eight-game
                                                                                                                                                 If a warning   has been given,                   for thecoach
                                                                                                                                                                                                  head     remainder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is notof   the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ejected.      (2), (3)
                                                                                   suspension.       The head
                                                                                      coach is ejected     fromcoach   is not
                                                                                                                 that game                suspension.
                                                                                                                                           the head coach The head   coachand
                                                                                                                                                               is ejected  is                 season,    including
                                                                                                                                                                                                   If a warning   is postseason.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     issued, the
           Intentionally throwing at a                Pitcher, or pitcher           ejected
                                                                                        and suspended forisone
                                                                                              if no   warning    given.
                                                                                                                     gameIf a           not ejected   if
                                                                                                                                              suspended  no warning   has been
                                                                                                                                                             for one game                       Ifhead
                                                                                                                                                                                                    no warning
                                                                                                                                                                                                          coach is ejectedthe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is  given,   and    5-16-d, (1),
                     batter                            and head coach               warning has been given, the head                    given. If a warning has been given,                     head    coach isfor
                                                                                                                                                                                                   suspended       notone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            game       (2), (3)
                                                                                     coach is ejected from that game                      the head coach is ejected and                         If a warning is issued, the
                                                      Any participant or               and suspended for one game                       Whensuspended       for one game
                                                                                                                                               verbal abuse/bench      jockeying                head coach is ejected and
                                                                                    After a warning, offender is ejected                                                                         suspended for one game
               Verbal abuse/bench                      game personnel                                                                     continues, head coach is ejected
                                                                                       for that game plus a one game                                                                                Same as second offense                5-17
                    jockeying                          other than head                                                                   (no suspension). All others ejection
                                                      Any participant or                            suspension                          When verbal abuse/bench jockeying
                                                            coach                  After a warning, offender is ejected                      plus one game suspension
             Verbal abuse/bench                        game personnel                                                                    continues, head coach is ejected
                                                                                      for that game plus a one game                                                                                  Same as second offense             5-17
           Failure to leave sight and                  other than head                                                                  (no suspension). All others ejection
           sound of the playing field                       coach                   Three-game suspension added to                          plus one game suspension                                                                  3-6-d, Note
                                                        Any participant                                                                         Same as first offense                                  Same as first offense
           and  grandstands
           Failure             afterand
                   to leave sight    an                                             any penalties already accumulated                                                                                                                    2 and 3
                     ejection                                                       Three-game suspension added to                                                                                                                   3-6-d, Note
         sound of the  playing field and                Any participant                                                                           Same as first offense                               Same as first offense
                                                                                   any penalties already accumulated                                                                                                                   2 and 3
         grandstands after an ejection
                                                                                    Ejection from the present contest.
                  Collision rule                            Player                                                                                 Same as first offense                               Same as first offense               8-7
                                                                                    EjectionOne   game
                                                                                               from   the suspension
                                                                                                          present contest.
                  Collision rule                            Player                                                                                Same as first offense                               Same as first offense              8-7
                                                                                           One game suspension
                                                        Player or team               Ejected from present contest plus
            Ejection for tobacco use                    Player or team
                                                        personnel   and             Ejected
                                                                                    one  game from    present contest
                                                                                                  suspension            plus
                                                                                                                for everyone                       Same as first offense                               Same as first offense             3-11
            Ejection for tobacco use                    personnel
                                                         head coachand             one game
                                                                                         other suspension
                                                                                                 than the head forcoach
                                                                                                                   everyone                       Same as first offense                               Same as first offense             3-11
                                                         head coach                      other than the head coach
                                                                                                                                             Ejection from next scheduled
                                                                                        Ejection from next contest plus                     Ejection from
                                                       Assistant coach,               Ejection  fromsuspension.
                                                                                                       next contestThese
                                                                                                                      plus                     contest  plusnext  scheduled
                                                                                                                                                              a three  game
                                                      Assistant  coach,                a one game                                            contest for
                                                                                                                                                      plus   a three
          Post-participation ejection                 player  (other  than            atwo
                                                                                              game will
                                                                                                     suspension.                         suspension       a total  of game
                                                                                                                                                                      four games.                                                       2-26-c;
          Post-participation                                                                              be addedThese
                                                                                                                     to any                                                                           Same as second offense
         for unsportsmanlikeejection
                              conduct                 player (other
                                                      a pitcher)     than
                                                                 or team             two games      will be added for
                                                                                                                    to any
                                                                                                                                          These fourfor  a totalwill
                                                                                                                                                      games      of be
                                                                                                                                                                               to                    Same as second offense
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2-26-c; D
         for unsportsmanlike conduct                  a pitcher) or team            other   applicable   penalties      other            These  four games    will be  added for
                                                                                                                                                                              to                                                     Appendix D
                                                           personnel                other applicable     penalties for other               any other applicable     penalties
                                                          personnel                                 offenses                              any other applicable    penalties for
                                                                                                    offenses                                         other offenses
                                                                                                                                                    other offenses
                                                                                    Ejected from team’s next game-No                                                                                                                    2-26-c;
          Post-participation ejection                     Head coach                Ejected fromSuspension
                                                                                                 team’s next game-No                               Same as first offense                               Same as first offense           2-26-c; D
          Post-participation ejection                     Head coach                                                                              Same as first offense                               Same as first offense           Appendix
                                                                                                Suspension                                                                                                                           Appendix D
                                                      Player whose last
          Post-participation ejection                 Player
          Post-participation                           listed whose
                                                                         is          A total suspension of four games                              Same as first offense                               Same as first offense            2-26-e
                for a pitcherejection                 listed
                for a pitcher                          that ofposition
                                                               a pitcheris           A total suspension of four games                             Same as first offense                               Same as first offense            2-26-e
                                                       that of a pitcher
        Note 1: It isorthe
                             of any foreignof the institution s Head Coach and Director of Athletics to administer and enforce any suspension penalties.
        Note         or moisture
              2: Suspension       appliedregardless of the number, shall be
                               penalties,                                 Ejection
                                                                            served plus four-game
                                                                                   during the offending team’s next Ejection
                                                                                                                    scheduledplus four-game
                                                                                                                               contest(s).                 Ejection
                                                                                                                                           Post-participation        plusand
                                                                                                                                                              ejections   four-game
                                                                                                                                                                             any applicable suspension
          to the hand                                Pitcher
        penalties shallor  fingers,
                         also       or do
                              be served                                          suspension
                                         during the offending team’s next scheduled                                        suspension
                                                                                    contest(s). Conferences and institutions may choose to implement additionalsuspension
                                                                                                                                                                   penalties for misconduct.
           anything  to  deface  the ball
        Note 3: A listing of ejection and suspension procedures is contained in Appendix D.
         Note   4: Several of the rule references listed have been updated from those on pages 26-28 of the current NCAA Baseball - 2017 and 2018 Rules book. The penalties remain unchanged.
         Note 1: It is the responsibility of the institution’s Head Coach and Director of Athletics to administer and enforce any suspension penalties.
         Note 2: Suspension penalties, regardless of the number, shall be served during the offending team’s next scheduled contest(s). Post-participation ejections and any applicable suspension
         penalties shall also be served during the offending team’s next scheduled contest(s). Conferences and institutions may choose to implement additional penalties for misconduct.
         Note 3: A listing of ejection and suspension procedures is contained in Appendix D.
         Note 4: Several of the rule references listed have been updated from those on pages 26-28 of the current NCAA Baseball - 2017 and 2018 Rules book. The penalties remain unchanged.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        2018 NCAA Baseball Guide 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2021 NCAA Baseball Guide 13

NCAA_BS_2021.indd 13                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11/24/2020 12:07:51 PM
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