Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA

Page created by Dave Owens
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA

 Bay Front                           AT REHOBOTH

In this issue:
Message from the HOA Board President
SeaScape News
Highlights from Your HOA Website
Updates from Clubs & Committees
   Social Club
   Book Club
   Environmental Club
   Golf League
Featured Article: A Bit of Bay Front History
Featured Recipe: Crunchy Cicadas
                                               Photograph by Mary Beth Aring
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA

                                                                              State of the Bay Front HOA

DIRECTOR                  TERM        ROLE

Dianne Besso . . . . . . . 2021 . . . . President

Rich Scovner. . . . . .   2021 . . . . Vice President

Mary Beth Aring . . . . 2022 . . . . Secretary

Chris Coggeshall. . . . 2022 . . . . Treasurer

Steve Counts              2023 . . . . . Director

                                                                                  HOA BOARD MEETINGS
                                                                       Due to the continuing COVID-19 coronavirus
                                                                       mandatory restrictions, HOA Board Meetings
                                                                       are scheduled as a Zoom video teleconference.
                                                                       Meetings are usually the 4th Saturday of each
                                                                       month. All HOA Members are welcome to
                                                                       observe while the Board conducts business.

                                                                       All meeting dates will be posted on the Event

From left to right: Steve Counts (Director), Mary Beth Aring
(Secretary),     Dianne Besso (President), Chris Coggeshall
(Treasurer), Rich Scovner (Vice-President).

Spring has arrived at Bay Front! It’s so nice to see greenery        significant amount of time and energy supporting our Bay
and flowers blooming. Our winter seemed much longer due to           Front Community. Every decision the Board makes is based
the Pandemic and all the restrictions mandated by the                solely for the betterment of Bay Front as a whole while
Governor. But with COVID-19 vaccinations and a great                 adhering to our Governing Documents. With the year-long
number of us being now fully inoculated, we definitely are           and still counting restrictions enforced by our Governor, one
enjoying being out and about with our neighbors. Our lifestyle       noticeably positive outcome relating to our monthly Board
is still not the same normal and won’t likely be for a long time     Meetings held via a Zoom video teleconference is that
yet. It was announced over three million people have died            participation by residents increased significantly. What used
worldwide from COVID-19. We will continue to adhere to               to be 6-10 residents observing the Board conduct meetings
current mandates from the Governor and will keep HOA                 up at the Clubhouse has increased to 50-60 residents now
Members apprised as things change.                                   registering to stay informed.

We have a lot of new homeowners in our community and more            With many returning Committee member volunteers and
coming. With half-acre wooded lots Bay Front is a much               several new, we would like to specifically call out and
sought after place to call home. Not only resales are moving         recognize two Committees with new chairs. Jeff Carter and
quickly but we have three homes being built by Capstone; and         Phil Coggeshall have taken the reins together to help direct
Fox Lane Builders plans on four homes on Marsh Island and            the work of the Facilities and Property Management
one in the Sanctuary. That will leave four lots left that Fox Lane   Committee (FPMC). Relatively new homeowner Gene
plans on purchasing sometime this year.                              Brantly is making his mark both as a member of the FPMC
                                                                     and now as Chair of the Grounds Committee. These two
First and foremost I would like to give thanks to my fellow          Committees are extremely busy working on assignments
Board Members and all of the other volunteers who make up a          from the Board throughout Bay Front. Some recent projects
very effective HOA Organizational Structure who invest a             include the following:
Photograph by Mary Beth Aring
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA
State of the Bay Front HOA                             (continued)
   FPMC worked on the Gazebo ramp and railing. Replacing top handrails, support posts and supporting the ramp. The group did a
   fantastic job and even had a couple of volunteers helping them on the project. They are looking into new hinges for the doors to the
   Kayak Shack. Pool decking has been repaired, the fence has been installed around the pool and the Pool House exterior was
   recently painted. Two more umbrellas and tables have been ordered to help give some shade in the back area of the pool.
   The Grounds Committee has a few projects they are looking into besides getting sand for the beach and Beach Volleyball Court
   area. Looking into what would be the best material for the tot lot/playground; the swing set will be painted and three benches
   have been repaired with composite wood.
   The Board of Directors, with advice and counsel provided by the Board-appointed Terrapin Island Ad Hoc Committee, continues
   to participate in and monitor the progress of the TI Application currently undergoing review by the Sussex County Planning &
   Zoning Department. Following the recent meeting held between the Applicant and the State PLUS and various State officials,
   the Board determined that it was in the best interest of the Association to engage our Association Counsel, Robert Valihura, to
   represent our position and interests before the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission. We expect that the public
   hearing before this quasi-judicial body will take place sometime over the next few months. Pertinent information and documents
   regarding this matter will be posted on our community website
   To read more about Terrapin Island and current issues please use this link: Island You
   must log in as a resident to click on link

The first quarter of this year has been very busy for Board committees getting quotes for projects around the community. Some
projects need to take priority over others which makes decisions a little harder.

A new Osprey stand has been put up by the beach with our adults already settled back from their winter stay in South America. The
old stand was repaired and has been put up behind the pool in the wetlands in hopes that the pair who built their nest in a nearby
snag last year will adopt it since their snag was blown down in a Nor’Easter before they could make use of it.
As the Governor continues to review his Modifications to his State of the Emergency Reopening Plan, we will continue to address
changes to be implemented in how our facilities are handled. Be sure to review the email archive section of the website for current
communications in this regard.

On behalf of the Board we want to express our appreciation for the great number of residents who take the time to observe us
conduct our meetings via Zoom. As mentioned above, because registered participants range from 50-60 people we will continue to
meet via Zoom for the foreseeable future. Please mark your calendars that the next meeting is June 26. There will be no May Board
Meeting. Also note that our SeaScape Property Manager Chris Nichols will be participating at the July 24 meeting via Zoom. This is a
popular quarterly visit by Chris where residents get a chance to ask him questions or provide comments.

Dianne Besso,
President - Bay Front HOA

                                                                                                   Photograph by Mary Beth Aring
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA
                                                   Pool Opening:
The pool is scheduled to open on Friday, May 28 and will continue to be serviced by Coastline Pool Services. Please
take the time to refresh your memory and read through the pool rules prior to the pool opening as they are in place
 for the safety of all homeowners and their guests. We will be following a proper opening plan based on the most
       current COVID-19 Guidelines. These Guidelines will continue to be closely followed as changes occur.

                                         Architectural Review Submissions
        As the weather begins to break, many residents will begin constructing additions and alterations to their
     homes. Please remember that all additions and alterations must be approved in writing by the ARSC prior to
       commencement of the project. You must also obtain appropriate permits for building from Sussex County
     Planning and Zoning. To ensure that your request meets all guidelines, please consult for the
                          Governing Documents for specific requirements for modifications.
                                                            Real Estate
           If you are thinking about selling your home, or are in the process of selling, you will need to contact our Real
                            Estate Transaction department at

                                                           Home Maintenance
                In preparation for routine maintenance on your homes, there are a few things to keep in mind. Now is the
                 time to begin inspecting your homes for any missing siding, damaged shingles, or any other damage that
               could have been caused during the Winter months. It is also a good time to schedule power washing of your
                   home, fence or shed. Please keep in mind that all homes and properties must be kept in a presentable
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA

                            Chris Coggeshall
                                                Social Club Chair

The Social Club meets the
second Wednesday of each
month from 7:00-8:00 PM.

New members are always

                                        Please consider joining this fun group or contacting any member if you have
                                        ideas for future events we could consider holding at Bay Front.

   Greetings Neighbors,

   With beautiful weather on the horizon we are now able to get out and enjoy COVID-safe social
      On April 24th our first food truck event of the year occurred where we had a chance to see new
      and old neighbors gather at the Clubhouse for great food and great visiting.
      Many homeowners who were looking for a way to get to get rid of the things cluttering your
      house participated in the May 1 Bay Front Yard Sale.
      The Social Club is also busy planning pool socials and a Red, White and Blue Bash on July 3rd. So
      mark your calendars!
      Also, look forward to water aerobics and Happy Hours throughout the summer. The Famous
      Football Auction will be held in August and many more events will be occurring as we take
      advantage of kinder weather.

   Yes, the Social Club is busy planning great ways for all of us to gather so keep an eye on your email
   for updates on the many upcoming events and join in the fun! These socials are a great opportunity to
   meet all the new neighbors that have moved in since last year and reconnect with others.

   The Social Club is always receptive if you have any ideas for events. Feel free to email any member or
   better yet come to a meeting. We meet the second Wednesday of every month at 7pm. Check the
   Website Calendar for details.

   Chris Coggeshall
   Social Club Chair
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA
On Saturday, April 24
                               The Social Club sponsored the
                           ZOGG’s Sea Hogg Food Truck
A Distinctive Caribbean Laid-Back Vibe with sister properties you should be sure to visit that
           The Wheelhouse, Dave & Skippy’s and Bushels Crab House & Seafood.
             Event Lead Alma Shelly reported this was a very successful event.
                                   Participants enjoyed
                Bocce Ball and Corn Hole while waiting for their food orders.
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA
                            Clubs & Contacts
      Book Club                                       Environmental Club
                                                          Fran Tomkowid
      Trina Coyle
                                Social Club                Karen Wilkens
      Susan Yerg
                              Chris Coggeshall         Stitch & More Club
      Golf League
     Stuart Proctor
                                                             Marcy Fink                      COMING
                                                              Jan Fisher

  HOA Members,

  As we announced earlier this month, on Friday, May 28 our pool opened at
  seven days a week at 6:30 a.m. and closing at 9:00 p.m. Please note the
  following important aspects for the 2021 Season.                                          CALENDAR
  The 2021 Facilities Use Waiver must be completed online by May 22.                   Check the website for more details
   SeaScape keeps a copy of this waiver on file for each residence. By filling             on these events and more
  this out annually you have security key card access to the Clubhouse (year-
  round) and the Pool House (seasonally). Your key card will work at both
  locations once you have completed this year’s waiver.
  2021 Pool Rules
                                                                                    06/05   Bay Front on the Move
  COVID-19 Waiver by May 22 (only for those who did not submit one last             06/11   Sunset Cruise
  year). Complete, sign it and submit as directed. Completion of this will also     06/12   Bay Front Garden Tour
  guarantee your security card allows access to the pool. Disregard last
                                                                                    06/13   Bay Front Garden Tour
  year's hyperlinks relative to Guidance on Reopening Plan, Pool Rules and
                                                                                            (rain date)
  Bay Front Reopening Plan, as that is OBE (overcome by events). We will
                                                                                    06/26   ZOOM HOA Board Meeting
  keep you updated on current pandemic restrictions.
                                                                                    07/03   Red, White & Blue Bash
  Coastline Pool company will be placing our deck furniture around the pool         07/06   Water Aerobics Tues/Thurs
  so you will not have to bring your own chairs. There will be two new tables       07/24   ZOOM HOA Annual Meeting
  and umbrellas added to the pool deck. There will be wipes and hand                        Chris Nichols to participate
  sanitizer for those that feel they want to wipe down their chairs and tables.     08/07   Football Auction
  But this is not required.                                                         08/13   Happy Hour at the Beach
                                                                                    08/28   NO ZOOM Board Meeting
                                                                                    09/11   End of Summer Party
                                                                                    09/18   Plant Sawp
                                                                                    09/19   Plant Swap (Rain Date)
                       2021 Kayak Storage Lottery

   The 2021 Bay Front Kayak Storage Lottery is underway. Details on how to
participate were emailed to HOA Members on May 25. Links to the complete rules
and entry form included in the email have also been posted in the Residents Area   Visit for more information
                            (login required to access).

         **Tuesday, June 8 is the deadline for submitting entry forms**
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA
Check This Out: HOA Organization
    Log in to the Bay Front website and select Board of
    Directors to learn more about the HOA Organization.
    There you will find a list of the various committees, their
    charters, and a list of their members.
                                            Highlights from Your HOA Website
As new residents go to settlement, we are encouraging them to register on the Bay Front website. But, signing up is not enough. Make sure you visit the site a couple of
days per week to reap the benefits. There are updates and news items added frequently to keep you in the know about the Bay Front community. To quickly find out
what has changed from your last visit, after logging-in, click Residents Area, then "What's New" to see a list of changes.

Fred Kramme, the administrator, does a masterful job of keeping the site current. Social events and community news are posted on the home page.
As a registered member, you can access so much more via the Resident's Area, so be sure to Sign In.

 New to the website? Here's a run-down of key features:                                               Keeping Up with Bay Front Happenings
                                                                                            For the most up-to-date Bay Front at Rehoboth news, check
     Resident Spotlight - Learn more about your                                             out the website,
     neighbors through theses interviews.                                                   The Communications Committee sends out a quarterly
     Event Calendar - View upcoming events, including                                       newsletter in collaboration with the Bay Front HOA
     committees, clubs, socials, information sessions, and                                  Board and SeaScape, Bay Front's Property
     private events                                                                         Manager. Have an idea for an article or an addition to
     Member Directory - Look up neighbor addresses and                                      the newsletter (or website)? Send it to
     phone numbers; view more by clicking on a person's                            following these simple
     name                                                                                   guidelines:
     Find a sitter - For your house, pets, plants, or children.
                                                                                              Original content only or links to online articles, videos,
     Documents - Access all those PDFs that have been                                         images, etc.
     shared to date (i.e., Financials, Pool Rules, Covenants)                                 Submit written items in a Word format (.doc or .docx) with
     e-Forms - Complete certain applications online                                           Arial 10 pt.
     Neighborhood Watch - Stay informed to help reduce                                        Send photos in .jpg or .png format as an email attachment.
     crime                                                                                    Avoid ads disguised as articles.
     Newsletters - Read past Quarterly Newsletters
     Classifieds - Post items for sale, free, wanted, or lost.                        The Communications Committee reserves the right to edit or exclude articles at
     Email Archive - View past community emails.                                      their discretion.

                                                                                  Make sure you've registered your golf cart!
                                                                           It's easy to do - just access the registration form on
                                                                           If you previously registered your golf cart, no action is required other
                                                                           than to review the following information.
                                                                                       Golf Cart Rules, Registration and Waiver Form
                                                                                      Upon registration, SeaScape will mail your two identifying
                                                                                      decals for each golf cart.
                                                                                      One decal must be placed in the lower left corner of the front
                                                                                      windshield and the other must be placed in a visible location on
                                                                                      the back edge of the roof.

                                                                                      Golf cart usage in Bay Front is subject to the Rules and
                                                                                      Policies promulgated by the Bay Front HOA.
                                                                                      Please check our website for full rules and policies to
                                                                                      operate golf carts in Bay Front at Rehoboth.
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA

BAY FRONT                                                 Trina Coyle & Susan Yerg

Book Club
                                                                                                  Book Club Co-Chairs

Love to read? Love to talk about what you read? Then, this is for you! Join the Bay Front Book Club the 3rd Wednesday of
each month at 7pm to discuss our monthly read. Contact Trina or Susan for the Zoom login.
                                                                                                                   June 17

A richly moving story that explores the indelible bond between two siblings, the house of their childhood,
and a past that will not let them go. The Dutch House is the story of a paradise lost, a tour de force that
digs deeply into questions of inheritance, love and forgiveness, of how we want to see ourselves and of
who we really are.

                   The unforgettable story of four orphans who travel the Mississippi River on a life-changing odyssey
                   during the Great Depression.
    JULY 15
                   In the summer of 1932, on the banks of Minnesota’s Gilead River, Odie O’Banion is an orphan confined to
                   the Lincoln Indian Training School, a pitiless place where his lively nature earns him the superintendent’s
                   wrath. Forced to flee after committing a terrible crime, he and his brother, Albert, their best friend, Mose,
                   and a brokenhearted little girl named Emmy steal away in a canoe, heading for the mighty Mississippi
                   and a place to call their own.

                   Over the course of one summer, these four orphans journey into the unknown and cross paths with
                   others who are adrift, from struggling farmers and traveling faith healers to displaced families and lost
                   souls of all kinds. With the feel of a modern classic, This Tender Land is an enthralling, big-hearted epic
                   that shows how the magnificent American landscape connects us all, haunts our dreams, and makes us

                                                                                                            AUGUST 19
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the "nothing short of brilliant" (People) Mrs. Everything
returns with an unforgettable novel about friendship and forgiveness set during a disastrous wedding on
picturesque Cape Cod. Six years after the fight that ended their friendship, Daphne Berg is shocked when
Drue Cavanaugh walks back into her life, looking as lovely and successful as ever, with a massive favor
to ask. Daphne hasn't spoken one word to Drue in all this time--she doesn't even hate-follow her ex-best
friend on social media--so when Drue asks if she will be her maid-of-honor at the society wedding of the
summer, Daphne is rightfully speechless. Drue was always the one who had everything--except the
ability to hold onto friends. Meanwhile, Daphne's no longer the same self-effacing sidekick she was back
in high school. She's built a life that she loves, including a growing career as a plus-size Instagram
Bay Front - Bay Front at Rehoboth HOA
What is Sussex 2030 & Why Do We Need It?                        Adapted from
                         by Fran Tomkowid                           We are a group of residents of Sussex County, Delaware
                                                                    who are concerned about responsible development of the
This citizens group is very active and most important is trying     County, preservation of the environment, and economic
to preserve Sussex County as a good and safe place to live.         development of the area affectionately known as Slower-
They are listed on the Bay Front website, but I thought             Lower-Delaware.Our group started in August 2019 to
including it here also was worthwhile as they have been             oppose the Conditional Use (CU2176) of an Agricultural-
most helpful in helping start our effort relating to our position   Residential Zone (AR-1) for a proposed huge gas/diesel
on the Salt Cedar proposed development. Please visit                station with a 24/7/365 convenience store. The project was for more details. They have weekly                   to be located in Angola, between Lewes and Millsboro, on Rt.
meetings that you can participate in and welcome more help          24. This project had potential detrimental effects on local
with their efforts. Let me know if you have any questions.          drinking water. As a result, the group recognized the need
                                                                    for a citizens group that is united for a brighter future of
                                                                    Sussex County.
                                                                    Why Sussex 2030?
                                                                    Residents of Sussex County formed this nonpartisan
                                                                    grassroots group with a vision of Sussex County in the year
                                                                    2030. Launched in March 2020, we decided that a 10-year
                                                                    benchmark is realistic and attainable. As years go by, we will
                                                                    evaluate our progress and adjust future goals but our main
                                                                    focus will remain the same - the bright future of our beloved

                                                                    What we envision by year 2030

                                                                    We envision Sussex County, with its natural beauty and
                                                                    relaxed lifestyle, as an attractive and promising place for
                                                                    future generations. In order for this vision to be realized, we
                                                                    are working with the County administration to address the
                                                                    following concerns:

                                                                       Preserving the number one asset of the County- the
                                                                       natural environment, including the beaches, bays, trees,
                                                                       wildlife, farmlands, wetlands, clean air, safe drinking
                                                                       water, etc.
                                                                       Improving traffic/road safety by ensuring that
                                                                       development plans include current road safety and
                                                                       capacity studies.
                                       MESSAGE FROM
                                                                       Enhancing local public transportation.
                                                                       Ensuring adequate public facilities for all Sussex County
                       Fran Tomkowid                                   residents -schools, fire stations, emergency medical
                                                                       services, libraries, parks and other natural areas, medical
                             Environmental Club Co-Chair               facilities, etc.
                                                                       Adding infrastructure to serve all County residents and to
                             The Environmental Club meets
                                                                       attract high-paying industries ie., high speed internet,
                         the third Thursday of every month
                                                                       greater access to the Delmarva peninsula via air or rail,
                               from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
                   Contact Fran Tomkowid for the Zoom link.
                                                                       Attracting more college/university institutions to provide
                                                                       job training for future local high-tech industries.
                                                                       Preserving historical and archeological assets.

                                                                      Sussex 2030's persistent focus will be on preserving the
                                                                      County’s natural assets and traffic concerns. Subgroups
                                                                      have been formed to work on specific issues; additional
                                                                      subgroups will form as issues arise.
A Message from Co-Chairs: Fran Tomkowid and Karen Wilkens
  The purpose of this Club is to offer information about our natural surroundings and to take part in some of the
  outdoor activities we have here. The below activities are what the Club has planned so far for this year. We invite
  residents to join the BFEC to take part in these offerings. They can get more information about the BFEC on our
  community website. Thanks all.

                                                                               THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB
                                                                            meets the third Thursday of every
                                                                          month from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
                                                                                    Contact Fran Tomkowid
                                                                                             for the Zoom link.

May -- tour of our new Sussex County Botanical Garden in Dagsboro, DE
June 12 -- Garden tour here at Bay Front details and flyer coming out soon. Rain date June 13
July -- Walk trails and have picnic at Abbotts Mill Nature Center , Milford
September -- Community Plant Swap
October -- Pontoon boat ride on Trap Pond

             Heading into's our scoop on ice cream in Delaware!
       Researched & Written by Don Brownlee Republished In Part
                      from Fall 2018 Newsletter
                    Photos from Rosemark DesignBuild, LLC

If you are curious about the origins of our community, there are two parts to
our history. The near-term can be traced to an official 22-page public offering
statement issued by Bay Rose Homes, LLC of Laurel, MD, April 11, 2007.
However, ”the rest of the story,” to quote famous commentator Paul Harvey,
lies in a series of 18 deeds depicting several acquisitions, transfers, and sales
of essentially two major tracts of land by various individuals, families, and
business interests. These deeds were traced back to 1941 and ultimately
culminate in the 2004 sale to Bay Front developer Bay Rose Homes.

                           Land Acquisition History
The transition of land to what is now Bay Front at Rehoboth may have begun
in 1941, when Leland and Elizabeth Burton deeded part of a 50-acre farm in
the local area known as Indian River Hundred on the western shore of
Rehoboth Bay near Angola. The holder of the deed was the Lewes Trust
Company (later Farmers Bank of Delaware), as Trustee to the Lewes Gunning
Club. The description on the deed says:
“The said lands are to be held by the Lewes Trust Company; however, not as
absolute owner but in trust for the group of individuals who from time to
time hereafter will compose the Lewes Gunning Club…”

The deed describes the location of the property as:
“All, that certain Lot, piece and parcel of land, with all improvements
thereon, situate, lying and being in Indian River Hundred, Sussex County,
Delaware, located on the Westerly shore of Rehoboth Bay, in Angola Neck.
 More particularly…beginning at a point in the cove on Rehoboth Bay at the
mean high water mark and continuing in a westerly direction 123 feet six
inches to a post; thence in a southerly direction 65 feet to a post; thence
southeasterly 631 feet six inches to a post in the mean high water mark on
the shore of Rehoboth Bay; thence in a northwesterly direction following
mean high water mark of Rehoboth Bay, home to the place of beginning, be
the contents what they may.”

This description generally fits the Bay Front private beach area, where once
a red dilapidated cottage known as the fishing shack sat on the site now
occupied by our gazebo and kayak storage facility. Unsubstantiated
information suggests that the shack was neither for fishing or hunting, but
merely a meeting place for the Lewes Gunning Club, an undefined group of
individuals who occasionally met to play cards, smoke cigars, and enjoy liquid
A BIT OF HISTORY (continued)
This tract of land remained in Trust for the Club until 1975 when it was
purchased by a George C. Coverdale of Rehoboth Beach, then sold to the
Geoffrey Warwick family in 1978, and finally to Bay Rose Homes in
September, 2004.

Sale of the second tract of land entering into the Bay Front history occurred in
1947, six years after the initial Lewes Gunning Club purchase, when a Ms.
Elizabeth Carlisle of Milford, DE sold 500 acres of land on a corner of Herring
Creek in Indian River Hundred to the Harry Pack B.G. Company. Three years
later, Pack merged his property with the Sussex Poultry Company and became
its president. No information is available about the Sussex Poultry Company,
but Sussex County is known as the birthplace of the broiler chicken industry
and over 700 family farms are engaged in the poultry business. Today, Sussex
County produces more poultry than any other county in the United States and
is home to the headquarters of three of the Top 20 broiler producing
companies in the country. It is believed that former Bay Front lands were once
part of that huge and growing poultry industry.

In February 1984 the Pack family sold the Sussex Poultry Company land to
P.F.P. Investments of Wilmington, DE, who then sold it a year later to Boca
East, a Delaware partnership based in Milford. At the time, the land abutted
the properties of Anna Mae Robinson, Elizabeth Burton, the Lewis J. Pack
family, the Geoffrey Warwick family, Angola Neck Park, Habitat Lands Limited
Partnership, the University of Delaware, and Rehoboth Bay.

In December 2004, just two months after Bay Rose Homes purchased the
Lewes Gunning Club land, they purchased the Boca East property and began
developing what is now Bay Front at Rehoboth. It is thought that the seller’s
intention was to have the community named Boca East, but the purchasing
developer preferred Bay Front at Rehoboth.

                           Official Public Offering
The April 11, 2007 public offering statement depicts Bay Front at Rehoboth as
“a 258-acre planned community located in Indian River Hundred, Sussex
County, Delaware.” Further, it notes that the community would consist of 180
single-family detached residences, with plans for recreational amenities to
include a clubhouse, pool, “tot lot,” kayak boat house, a sanctuary point,
walking trails and gazebos.

Purchasers were given the opportunity to select a vacant lot or have a home
constructed by either Rosemark DesignBuild, or Lennar. Florida-based Lennar,
who is the leading builder in the nation, was designated as the builder for 100
of the lots; Rosemark DesignBuild had the remaining 80 lots. Today, Lennar
homes occupy a good percentage of Marsh Island Avenue and Rachel Avenue,
with Rosemark homes scattered throughout the community.
A BIT OF HISTORY (continued)
The housing recession of 2008 created an almost five-year stagnation of new
home construction, and Lennar made a business decision to end its association
with Bay Rose Homes. It wasn’t long thereafter that Bay Rose Homes filed for
Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Under new developer management, two new home builders, Insight and
Select, were brought in to rejuvenate new home sales, but it wasn’t until Schell
Brothers entered the picture approximately 2012 that new home sales
increased significantly. Today, less than 10 lots of the original 180 are still
available for sale.

At the outset, all three of the Bay Front Homeowners Association (HOA)
Board of Director positions were held by Bay Rose Homes officials. By 2014,
community occupancy reached a level at which a resident could serve on the
HOA Board, and Bill Jenkins was elected to a three-year term as Bay Front’s
first resident Board member. By late 2016 the community’s increasing
occupancy level allowed for the majority of HOA Board members to be
residents. The first all-resident Board was elected at the December 2016
Annual Meeting, and took office January 2017.
                                               (COURTESY OF THE SMITHSONIAN)
Cicadas are chunky, noisy insects with bright red-eyes, so if they’re emerging in your area you can expect to be well
aware of them. The raucous four to six week-long event rages until all the participants die and litter the forest floor.
Experiencing the throng of insects in person is a surefire way to be amazed. his May, billions of cicadas from Brood X are
set to burst forth from the soil of the eastern United States after 17 years leading mysterious lives underground. The
emergence is the loudest part of a life cycle that began when adult cicadas deposited their eggs on tree branches.
Nymphs hatched, fell to the ground, burrowed into the soil and fed on fluids sucked from the roots of plants and trees
for years. When the temperature warms this spring, they will rise up from the dirt.

                                          • Brood X will appear in 14 states.
                                                  • Brood X is a muse
                                               • Cicadas are not locusts
                                 • Cicadas have one of the longest insect lifespans.
                               • Cicadas inundate forests as a survival mechanism.
                            • Their lengthy life cycle may help them evade predators.
                                       • More than 3000 Cicada species exist.
                                     • They can buzz louder than a lawnmower.
                                       • Their wings repel water and bacteria.
                                      • They can host an insect killing fungus.
                                   • Another fungus turns the insect into zombies.
                                 • They have an arch nemesis that eats them alive.
                               • Climate change may be scrambling their schedules.
                                               • Humans eat them, too!
Crunchy Cicada Recipes

                                                  Crispy Wok Tossed Cicadas

                                                                 2   cups cicadas
                                                            2 tablespoons peanut oil

                            FEATURED RECIPE
                                                          2 tablespoons minced ginger

                                                              1 hot dried Asian chile

                                                       4 tablespoons minced lemongrass

                                                             1 cup chopped scallions

                                                               1 clove minced garlic

                                                               2 tablespoons sugar

                                          2 tablespoons Toban Djan (fermented bean paste with chiles)

                                                                1 cup minced celery

                                                             2 tablespoons soy sauce

                                                              1 teaspoon corn starch

                                                       3 tablespoons rice wine (or sake)

1.   Collect roughly 2 cups of cicadas, keep them in a bucket (with a lid) with an inch of water inside. Wet wings means they won't fly
                                         off! Dry on a towel, pluck wings and legs, and set aside.

                                    2.   Preheat a large wok over high heat. Add the peanut oil, and swirl.

3.   Add the minced ginger, hot dried Asian chile (tsin-tsin work great), minced lemongrass, chopped scallions, minced garlic, sugar,
     Toban Djan (fermented bean paste with chiles, Lee Kum Kee brand is fine) and toss for 15 seconds. Add the cicadas. If you can't
                     find fermented bean paste, use a few tablepoons of Chinese dried salted black beans instead.

     4.   Toss for one minute to cook. Add the minced celery, toss. Mix the soy sauce, corn starch and rice wine together in a separate
                     bowl, then add the mixture to the wok. Toss, cooking for another minute or so until sauce tightens.
Chocolate Covered Cicadas
                                                                           Source: "CICADA-LICIOUS: Cooking and Enjoying Periodical Cicadas"

                                                                                 8 squares of good-quality dark, white, or milk chocolate
                                                                                                 30 dry roasted cicadas

                                                                                      1. Roast teneral cicadas for 15 minutes at 225F.
                                                                             2. Melt chocolate in a double-boiler over low heat. Dip insects in
                                                                              chocolate, place on wax paper and refrigerate until hardened.

                                         Cica-Delicious Pizza
  Source: "CICADA-LICIOUS: Cooking and Enjoying Periodical Cicadas"

                                                      Serves: 2-3

                                            3   cloves garlic, pressed
                                        3   tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
                                    2   tbsp. chopped fresh oregano
                                        2   tbsp. chopped fresh basil
                               2   tbsp. chopped fresh italian parsley
                  4    cups chopped tomatoes, including juice and seeds
                       1 1/2   cup coarsely chopped shittake mushrooms
                               3/4      cup coarsely chopped red onion
                                 3/4     cup kalamata olives, chopped
                                     1 1/2       cups blanched cicadas
                                                  1   cup feta cheese
                                            1   cup mozzarella cheese
                  1   recipe of your favorite pizza dough (for a 12" pizza)


                        1.   Heat oil in saute pan over medium low heat.
                              Add the garlic and saute for 2 minutes,
                               or until just beginning to turn golden.

             2.   Add the herbs and cook for another minute, until wilted.

3.   Add the tomatoes and juice, turn the heat to low, and gently cook, covered,
for 10-15 minutes until the tomatoes are soft and the liquid had been absorbed
                       and the sauce has thickened. Remove from heat.

 4.   Meanwhile, prepare the dough by rolling it out to desired thickness and
shaping it into a 12" circle. Using a shallow wooden spoon, spread the tomato
                  sauce over the pizza dough to the desired thickness.

     5.   Distribute the rest of the ingredients evenly over the top of the pizza.

6.   Place pizza in a 375F oven for 15 minutes, or until the top is bubbling and
                                        the crust is golden brown.
Photography by Mary Ann Gillette

                      BAY FRONT HOA
                            LEWES, DE

                        Radha dutta-Roy (Chair/Newsletter Editor)
                                  Jean Fram (Secretary)
                               Fred Kramme (Webmaster)
                         Mary Beth Aring (Board Representative)
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