Beagle Dogs Bacterial Association in the Gastrointestinal Tract of - Applied and Environmental Microbiology

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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 1977, P. 194-206                                          Vol. 34, No. 2
Copyright C 1977 American Society for Microbiology                                                 Printed in U.S.A.

      Bacterial Association in the Gastrointestinal Tract of
                          Beagle Dogs
                   C. P. DAVIS,'* D. CLEVEN, E. BALISH, AND C. E. YALE
Departments of Surgery and Medical Microbiology, University of Wisconsin Center for Health Sciences,
                                    Madison, Wisconsin 53706
                                     Received for publication 3 March 1977

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             Nine male beagle dogs, housed in either a conventional or locked environment
          for 2.5 years, were killed, and the bacterial flora present in various regions of
          each gastrointestinal tract was assessed by culture techniques, light microscopy,
          and scanning electron microscopy. All dogs possessed a complex microflora in
          their colons; in almost every dog anaerobes predominated. The highest number
          of bacteria cultured was 1010/g (dry weight) oftissue and contents; highest counts
          obtained with a Petroff-Hauser counting chamber were 1010/ml (wet weight).
          Although there was a consistency in the detectable genera, there were also
          noticeable differences in the flora of dogs housed under different environmental
          conditions. These differences included qualitative and quantitative changes in
          the flora as well as alterations in the distribution and localization of microorga-
          nisms along the gastrointestinal tract and in the crypts of Lieberkuhn. No
          bacterial layers were detected on the surfaces of stomach or proximal bowel in
          any of the dogs. Dogs housed in a conventional, open, environment had bacteria
          that occurred in layers on their ceca and colons and in their crypts of Lieber-
          kuhn; however, dogs housed under "locked" environmental conditions did not
          possess them or had them less frequently. Dogs removed from the locked
          environment and kept (30 days) in conventional housing conditions were the
          only ones with detectable segmented filamentous microbes in their ilea. This
          study shows that the microbial flora does not simplify when dogs are housed in a
          locked environment. Indeed, it may increase in complexity and cause alterations
          in the bacterial flora that is associated closely with gastrointestinal epithelial
          cells and crypts of Lieberkuhn.
   Studies of the microbial flora of murine spe-                  berkuhn (10, 20). Also, there are very little data
cies have shown that the adult gastrointestinal                   available on the impact of altered environ-
(GI) tract contains many microbial species that                   ments on the GI tract flora. However, recent
live in relatively stable populations that are                    studies by Holdeman et al. (13) and Tannock
localized in specific regions of the GI tract (20-                and Savage (24) indicate that stress (psycholog-
22). In the murine species, some microbial pop-                   ical, environmental, or dietary) may cause
ulations are known to associate intimately with                   changes in the flora.
epithelial cells by either direct attachment to                      The aims of this investigation were to deter-
epithelial cell membranes (8, 9, 11, 12) or layer                 mine if the GI tracts of adult, male, beagle dogs
formation (6, 20, 23).                                            possessed localized bacterial populations and to
   In contrast to what is known about bacterial                   ascertain if different housing conditions would
localization in the GI tract of murine species,                   significantly alter their GI flora.
little is known about the bacterial attachment
and layering in the GI tracts of higher mam-                                MATERIALS AND METHODS
mals. Most of the available information on the                       Animals and housing conditions. Nine male,
microbial flora of higher mammals has been                        purebred, beagle dogs, 9 to 12 months old, were
obtained by culturing fecal samples or lumenal                    obtained from a closed colony at the Argonne Na-
aspirations, which have not yielded any data on                   tional Laboratory, Argonne, Ill. Two of the dogs
bacterial populations that might be intimately                    (group 1) were housed in the conventional (open)
associated with the GI surface or crypts of Lie-                  dog-holding facilities at the University of Wiscon-
                                                                  sin. Seven dogs were housed and maintained in a
   ' Present address: Department of Microbiology, Univer-         "locked environment" that consisted of stainless-
sity of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550.                steel housing units that are designed to maintain
VOL. 34, 1977                                                 BACTERIA IN BEAGLE GI TRACTS                 195
germ-free dogs. The latter system has been de-             lished by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaer-
scribed in detail elsewhere (3). The dogs in the           obe Laboratory (14). Volatile and nonvolatile fatty
locked environment (group 3) were fed sterile water        acids were identified (14) with a gas chromatograph
and diet, and all air entering the unit was filter         (Dohrmann, Mt. View, Calif.). Biochemical tests
sterilized. All entries into and out of the unit were      were done by a modification of the Minitek proce-
made under sterile conditions. In essence, the             dure described previously (5). Other media (litmus
locked-environment dogs were treated in a manner           milk, chopped meat, gelatin, and egg yolk agar)
that prevented outside bacteriological contamina-          were prereduced and inoculated with bacteria har-
tion for 2.5 years (3). All nine dogs were fed a steam-    vested from A II agar. All biochemical tests were
sterilized diet (Purina Dog Meal, Ralston Purina           done in the glove box at 35 to 37°C. All morphologi-
Co., St. Louis, Mo.) and water ad libitum. After 2.5       cally dissimilar colony-forming units (CFUs) were
years, four dogs were removed from the locked envi-        counted on plates yielding 1 to about 300 colonies
ronment and placed in regular (open) dog-holding           and inoculated onto A II agar. Total counts of indi-

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facilities for 1 month (group 2). During the latter 1-     vidual CFUs of both aerobes and anaerobes were
month transition period, two of the dogs were fed the      tabulated. References to CFUs of specific genera
sterilized diet, whereas the other two dogs were fed       represent CFUs per gram (dry weight) of tissue and
the same diet, but unsterilized, ad libitum. All           contents. Stomachs and proximal small bowels were
group 1 and group 2 dogs (after removal from the           not examined by microbiological methods. Direct
locked environment) were given nonsterilized water         counts of bacteria were made from 100-fold dilutions
ad libitum. All dogs were killed by an overdose of         of ileal, cecal, and colonic tissue homogenates with
phenobarbital. We then examined and compared the           phase optics and a counting chamber (Petroff-
microbial flora of dogs housed under conventional          Hauser, Philadelphia, Pa.).
conditions (group 1), locked-environment conditions            Sample preparation for microscopy. Pieces of tis-
(group 3), and transitory conditions, in which dogs        sue, taken from areas directly adjacent to those used
were removed from the locked environment and put           for CFU determination, were either immediately
into a conventional environment (group 2).                 placed in cacodylate-buffered glutaraldehyde (at
   Tissue sample locations. Two adjacent pieces of         4°C) or put serosal-side down into a vial, which was
tissue from the cardiac region of the stomach, proxi-      immediately immersed in liquid nitrogen. This fro-
mal small bowel, distal ileum, cecum, and colon            zen sample was subsequently cleaved with a razor
were obtained from dogs by first clamping the width        blade, sectioned in a cryostat, and stained with a
of the GI tracts with hemostats and then cutting,          tissue Gram stain while another piece of the cleaved
with sterile instruments, tissue pieces (about 1 to 2      sample was fixed in glutaraldehyde, as above. This
cm2) from the GI tract. Upper small bowel tissues          technique was used to preserve delicate surface
were removed from a region about 20 cm proximal to         structures that are often removed by immediate fix-
the ileocecal valve. Colonic tissues were taken from       ation in glutaraldehyde (4). All samples fixed in
a region approximately 20 cm distal to the ileocecal       glutaraldehyde were postfixed in osmium tetroxide,
valve.                                                     dehydrated in an ethanol and amyl acetate series,
   Microbiological methods. For the growth of strict       critical-point dried, metal coated, and examined
anaerobes, separate pieces of ilea, ceca, and colons       with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Details
were immediately placed into tubes of prereduced           of the above procedure have already been described
transport broth (2) and, within 30 min, passed into         (4, 18).
an anaerobic glove box (1, 2) through a rapid-entry            A Zeiss Universal microscope was used for all
port, and homogenized in a blender. Pooled samples         light micrography and either a JEOL or a JEM U3
of either ileal, cecal, or colonic tissues in the groups   SEM, operated at 20 kV, was used for all SEM.
1 and 2 dogs housed together and the two group 3
dogs housed together were homogenized. Serial 10-                              RESULTS
fold dilutions were made in Trypticase soy broth (5).         Genera and species of bacteria. Table 1 lists
Then, 0.1 ml of each dilution (10-' to 10-9) was           the genera and species of microorganisms culti-
plated onto prereduced A II agar (2), and the plates       vated from all of the dogs. Eighty-four species
were incubated in a transparent, plastic incubator
especially designed for the glove box (2a). The latter     of bacteria representing 27 genera and five ge-
dilution tubes, after removal from the glove box           nera of fungi were isolated. This count also
through the air lock, were used to inoculate en-           includes those organisms only partially identi-
riched and differential media for the detection and        fied. Although the quantitative and qualitative
identification of aerobic and microaerophilic bac-         composition of the microbial flora differed from
teria. The media and culture conditions were as            sample to sample, similarities of microbial colo-
described elsewhere (3, 5) except that S.F. agar was       nization were observed when the most numer-
not used.                                                  ous bacteria and their localization sites were
   All media used to grow the anaerobic bacteria
were prereduced in the glove box at least 48 h prior
                                                           shown (Tables 1 and 2). The highest numbers
to inoculation (2). The anaerobic bacteria were iden-      (109 to 1010/g [dry weight]) of viable bacteria
tified by their Gram reaction, biochemical tests, and      were from anaerobic genera (Bacteroides, Bifi-
volatile and nonvolatile fatty acids produced in PYG       dobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Eubacter-
broth according to the identification protocol estab-      ium, Clostridium, and Peptococcus) and mi-
TABLE 1. Microorganisms isolated from ileal, cecal, and colonic homogenates of beagle cjogsa
                                                                 Highest CFUb           Occurrence in dog
                      Species                                                                groupsc
                                                        No. detected        Location
  S. bovis                                                3   x   10O0      Colon              1, 2
  S. acidominimus                                         3   x   1O"°      Colon                1
  S. mitis                                                1   x   109       Colon             1, 2, 3
  Streptococcus species 2                                 2   x   108       Cecum                 1
  S. salivarius                                           4   x   107       Cecum               1, 2
  S. dysgalactiae                                         3   x   107       Ileum                 2
  S. intermedius                                          3   x   107       Colon                 2
  S. faecium                                              6   x   106       Colon               2, 3
  Streptococcus species ld                                5   x   106       Colon             1, 2, 3

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  S. agalactiae                                           6   x   104       Ileum                 2
  S. faecalis                                             5   x   104       Ileum               2, 3
  Streptococcus species 3                                 1   X   102       Ileum                 2
Lactobacillus acidophilus                                 2   x   1010      Colon             1, 2, 3
L. casei subsp. rhamnosus                                 8   x   108       Cecum                 3
L. leichmannii                                            5   x   108       Colon               2, 3
L. plantarum                                              4   x   108       Colon                 3
L. fermentum                                              3   x   105       Colon                 3
L. lactis                                                 3   x   105       Colon               2, 3
L. crispatus                                              3   x   106       Colon                 2
L. casei subsp. casei                                     2   x   106       Colon                 2
L. minutus                                                3   x   105       Ileum                 3
L. helveticus                                             1   X   104       Ileum                 3
L. salivarius subsp. salivarius                           3   x   103       Ileum                 2
Bifidobacterium infantis lactentis                        2 x 1010          Colon               2, 3
B. adolescentis                                           3 x 107           Cecum                 2
Bacteroides vulgatus                                      1   x 1010        Colon             1, 2, 3
B. distasonis                                             1   x 1010        Colon             1, 2, 3
B. corrodens                                              1   x 1010        Colon              2, 3
B. amylophilus                                            9   x 109         Colon                3
B. capillosus                                             1   x 109         Colon                3
Bacteroides species                                       1   x 109         Colon              1, 2
B. furcosus                                               2   x 108         Cecum                3
Eubacterium ventriosum                                    6   x 109         Colon                1
E. ruminantium                                            6   x 109         Colon                1
Eubacterium species 1                                     5   x 109         Colon             1, 2, 3
E. lentum                                                 1   x 109         Colon                3
E. contortum                                              3   x 108         Colon                3
E. cellulosolvens                                         2   x 108         Ileum                2
E. aerofaciens                                            6   x 107         Cecum                2
  Clostridium species 1                                   5   x 109         Colon             1, 2, 3
  Clostridium species 2                                   2   x 109         Colon             1, 2, 3
  C. inulinum                                             2   x 109         Ileum                2
  C. irregularis                                          1   x 109         Colon                3
  C. cochlearium                                          9   x 108         Colon                3
  C. perfringens                                          3   x 108         Cecum                3
  C. histolyticum                                         3   x 107         Cecum                3
  Clostridium species 4                                   3   x 107         Ileum                2
  Clostridium species 3                                   2   x 107         Cecum               2
  P. magnus                                               6   x 109         Colon              2, 3
  P. micros                                               5   x 109         Colon              1, 2
  P. productus                                            3   x 108         Cecum                2
  Peptostreptococcus species 1                            6   x 107         Cecum                2
  P. parvulus                                             3   x 107         Cecum                3
  P. anaerobius                                           3   x 107         Ileum                1
  P. constellatus                                         3 x 109           Colon                3
TABLE 1.-Continued
                                                                   Highest CFUb           Occurrence in dog
                        Species                                                                groupsc
                                                          No. detected        Location         group5
  P. prevotii                                               3 x 108            Colon               1
  P. magnus                                                 6 x 107            Ileum               2
  F. necrogenes                                            3 x 101            Cecum               3
  F. varium                                                3 x 108            Cecum               3
  F. gonidiaformans                                        3 x 107            Cecum               3
Gaffkya anaerobica                                         3 x 108            Cecum               3

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Veillonella parvula                                        2 x 108            Cecum               3
Acidaminococcus fermentans                                 2 x 108            Cecum               2
  C. pseudotuberculosis                                    3 x 107            Ileum              1, 3
  Corynebacterium species 1                                3 x 106            Ileum              1, 3
  Corynebacterium species 2                                3 x 105            Ileum               3
  C. ovis                                                  1 x 105            Ileum               3
Ruminococcus albus                                         3 x 107            Cecum               2
Propionibacterium acnes                                    7 x 107            Colon               2
Proteus mirabilis                                           5 x 106           Cecum              1, 3
Escherichia coli                                           4 x 106            Colon             1, 2, 3
Klebsiella pneumoniae                                       3 x 106           Colon                3
Enterobacter cloacae                                        1 x 106           Cecum              2, 3
Staphylococcus aureus                                       2 x 105            Ileum            1, 2, 3
  B. coagulans                                              1 x 105           Ileum                1
  B. pantothenticus                                         3 x 104           Ileum                1
Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens                       1 x 105           Colon                3
Moraxella (group M-5)                                       6 x 104           Ileum                2
  M. cryophiles                                             5 x 104           Ileum               3
  M. varians                                                1 x 104           Ileum               3
  Micrococcus species                                       4 x 103           Ileum               3
  Gram-negative rod                                         6 x 106           Cecum                3
  Gram variable                                             2 x 105           Ileum                2
Alternaria species                                          1 x 105           Colon                1
Rhodotorula rubra                                           9 x 103            Ileum               3
Cladosporium species                                        6 x 103            Ileum               3
Unidentified fungus                                        4 x 103            Colon               3
Trichosporon cutaneum                                        3 x 103          Ileum                3
   a Ileal, cecal, and colonic tissues and contents were homogenized with a blender in an anerobic glove box
to quantitate anaerobes. Homogenates were removed from the glove box and plated onto selective media for
198      DAVIS ET AL.                                                             APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.
                                               TABLE 1. -Continued
aerobes, facultative anaerobes, and fungi.
   b CFU per gram of tissue and contents (dry weight).
   c Indicates which dog groups (1, conventionally housed; 2, transitionally housed; 3, housed in a locked
environment) possessed detectable microbes in their GI tracts.
   d Those organisms listed as either unknown, species, or other were either unidentifiable by our methods
or did not correspond to any known species or subspecies.
      TABLE 2. Viable and microscopic counts of bacteria in the ilea, ceca, and colons of beagle dogs
 Region of                                                Environmental conditionsa
   tract   Counting method

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  counted                         Group 1                   Group 2                         Group 3
  Ileum        Cultureb          1.2 x 108           3.1 x 107, 4.4   x 109          1.4 x 106, 4.0 x 108
               Microscopicc          NDd             4.0 x 107, 7.6   x 109                1.1 x 109
  Cecum        Culture              3 x 107          4.5 x 108 1.9    x 109          2.4 x 109, 7.7 x 109
               Microscopic           ND              6.2 x 107 1.5    x 109                6.0 x 109
  Colon        Culture            8.6 x 1010          1.9 x108 , 9.6  x 109          3.4 x 101', 4.6 x 1010
               Microscopic           ND              3.0 x 1010, 1.8  x 1010               4.4 x 10"0
  a Three different environmental conditions were used: group 1 dogs were housed in a conventional dog-
holding facility; group 2 dogs were housed in a locked environment (sterile food, water, and air) for about 2.5
years and then removed to a conventional environment for 1 month; and group 3 dogs were housed in the
locked environment for 2.5 years.
   b Total CFU of all bacteria obtained per gram (dry weight) of tissue and lumenal contents from a single
dog or two dogs in the same group.
     Direct counts of undiluted or 100-fold dilutions of bacteria, observed with phase optics, were counted in a
Petroff-Hauser counting chamber.
   d ND, Not done.

croaerophilic to anaerobic Lactobacillus species         ally housed dogs (group 1) possessed only two
(Table 1). The highest number of facultative             genera of microbes (Bacteroides and Strepto-
anaerobes was almost always streptococci. Mi-            coccus) in their ceca, whereas the dogs in
croscopic observation of diluted contents indi-          groups 2 and 3 possessed 8 and 13 different
cated that ceca and ilea usually possessed about         genera, respectively (Table 4). The ceca of con-
one to three logs less bacteria than did the colon       ventionally housed dogs also had lower total
(Table 2). When total microscopic counts were            CFUs of anaerobes (one to two logs) and lower
compared with total CFUs, the data suggested             total CFUs of aerobes (about one-half to three
that most of the bacteria viewed with phase              logs) (Table 4) then did the ceca of dogs in
optics were viable (Table 2).                            groups 2 and 3. Four different microbial species
  The ilea of all three groups of dogs possessed         were isolated from the ceca of conventional
a heterogeneous microbial flora. The ileal an-           dogs, whereas isolated dogs of group 3 had 25
aerobes also showed a wider variation in viable          different species, and group 2 dogs had 18 differ-
bacteria (103 to 109 [Table 3]) than did anaer-          ent species present in their ceca.
obes isolated from either the cecum (107 to 109             The dogs, regardless of housing conditions,
[Table 4]) or the colon (108 to 1010 [Table 5]). The     generally showed a similar colonization pattern
total number of aerobic and facultative bacteria         in their colons by the various genera of anaer-
in the ilea (105 to 107 [Table 3]) of the dogs was       obes. Dogs removed from the locked environ-
comparable to those found in their ceca (105 to          ment and then placed into a conventional envi-
108 [Table 4]), but less numerous than those             ronment (group 2) showed a decrease of 0.5 to 1
aerobes and facultative anaerobes found in the           log in the total number of colonic anaerobes
colons (107 to 1010 [Table 5]). Whereas 13 species       (Table 5). In addition, the dogs housed under
of bacteria were isolated from the ilea of con-          conventional conditions (group 1) had a popula-
ventional dogs (group 1), 21 and 20 species were         tion of Streptococcus bovis, S. acidominus, and
isolated from the ilea of group 2 and group 3            S. mitis that was 1 to 2 logs higher (109 to 1010)
dogs, respectively. In addition, fungi (three            than that found in the colons of other group 2
genera) were mainly isolated from group 3                and 3 dogs (Table 5). The dogs in confinement
dogs.                                                    (group 3) had 26 different microbial species in
  There was a remarkable difference in the               their colon. The dogs in transition (i.e., group
microbial flora in the ceca of dogs housed con-          2) had 22 different species of bacteria in their
ventionally (group 1) when compared with the             colon, whereas conventional (group 1) dogs had
two other groups of dogs (Table 4). Convention-          16 different species in the colonic contents.
VOL. 34, 1977                                                 BACTERIA IN BEAGLE GI TRACTS                     199
  TABLE 3. Predominant microbes isolated from the ilea of beagle dogs housed in conventional or locked
                                                environments a
                                                Predominant microbes isolated from:
                            Group 1 dogs                   Group 2 dogs                   Group 3 dogs
Anaerobic and      Bacteroides (1)b 107c             Clostridium (4) 107-9        Bacteroides (1) 107
  facultative      Peptostreptococcus (1) 107        Eubacterium (2) 108          Clostridium (2) 105-6
                                                     Peptococcus (1) 107          Eubacterium (2) 1067
                                                     Bifidobacterium (1) 108      Bifidobacterium (1) 101
                                                     Lactobacillus (3) 103-7      Lactobacillus (4) 104-5
Total anaerobes     1.2 x l0"d                       6.0 x 103, 4.4 x 109         4.0 x 108, 9.0 x 105

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Aerobic and        Streptococcus (6) 1046            Streptococcus (6) 102-7      Streptococcus (4) 104-5
  facultative      Staphylococcus (1) 105            Staphylococcus (1) 105       Staphylococcus (1) 105
                   Corynebacterium (2) 1067          Moraxcella (1) 104           Corynebacterium (1) 105
                   Bacillus (2) 104-5                Enterobacter (1) 102         Micrococcus (3) 1034
                                                     Escherichia (1) 104          Klebsiella (1) 105
                                                                                  Rhodotorula (1) 103
                                                                                  Cladosporium (1) 103
                                                                                  Unidentified fungus (1) 103
Total aerobes       6.6 x 107                        4.2 x 105, 3.1 x 107         6.5 x 105, 1.4 x 106
    See footnote a, Table 2.
  b Parentheses indicate the number of species found in the genus.
  c Indicates the total population number(s) of the species within the genus.
  d Indicates the total number of all genera (two numbers
                                                                indicate that two different samples were
 TABLE 4. Predominant microbes isolated from the ceca of beagle dogs housed in conventional or locked
                                           environments a
                                         Predominant microbes isolated from:
                          Group 1 dogs                   Group 2 dogs                   Group 3 dogs
Anaerobic and      Bacteroides (l)b 107c        Bacteroides (3) 107-8             Bacteroides (4) 1019
  facultative                                   Peptostreptococcus (2) 107-       Peptostreptococcus (1) 107
                                                Clostridium (4) 1068              Clostridium (6) 107-
                                                Eubacterium (2) 107-8             Eubacterium (1) 106
                                                Bifidobacterium (2) 107-8         Lactobacillus (1) 106
                                                Lactobacillus (1) 107             Fusobacterium (3) 107-8
                                                                                  Veillonella (1) 108
                                                                                  Peptococcus (1) 108
Total anaerobes    3 X   107d                    4.5 x 108, 1.9 x 109             2.4 x 109, 7.7 x 109

Aerobic and        Streptococcus (3) 104-5      Streptococcus (3) 1067            Streptococcus (3) 108
  facultative                                   Escherichia (1) 105               Proteus (1) 106
                                                                                  Enterobacter (1) 106
                                                                                  Klebsiella (1) 105
                                                                                  Alternaria (1) 105
Total aerobes       6.5 x 105                    1.0 X 106, 3.1 x 107             2.2 x 108, 8.0 x 108
  a-d See footnote
                   a, Table 2 and footnotes   b-d, Table 3.
  Tables 3, 4, and 5 indicate that the dogs Fusobacterium and Veillonella species (10' to
housed in the locked environments possessed a 108) in their ceca (Table 4), whereas the conven-
more complex microbial flora (22 genera and 52 tional (group 1) and transitional (group 2) dogs
species) in their ilea, ceca, and colons than the did not possess detectable CFUs of the latter
conventionally housed group (12 genera and 26 two genera at any site sampled. There were
species). The conventionally housed dogs other minor genera differences in the three
(group 1) did not have detectable Bifidobacter- groups of dogs, but these differences were found
ium species in any region of the GI tract. The in the minor components (103 to 106) of the
latter genus was a predominant member of the aerobic-facultative microflora. For example,
microbial flora (10" to 10'0) of the dogs in groups Staphylococcus aureus, which was found in the
2 and 3. Additionally, group 3 dogs harbored ilea of all dogs, was not found in the ceca of any
200       DAVIS ET AL.                                                                     APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.
 TABLE 5. Predominant microbes isolated from the colons of beagle dogs housed in conventional or locked
                                           environments I
                                                     Predominant microbes isolated from:
                               Group 1 dogs                      Group 2 dogs                      Group 3 dogs
Anaerobic and mi-       Bacteroides (3)b 1O>'0            Bacteroides (4) 1074              Bacteroides (3) 101
  croaerophillic        Peptostreptococcus (1) 109        Peptostreptococcus (2) 109        Peptostreptococcus (1) 109
                        Peptococcus (1) 108               Clostridium (2) 108               Peptococcus (1) 109
                        Clostridium (2) 109               Eubacterium (1) 109               Clostridium (3) 107-8
                        Eubacterium (3) 109               Lactobacillus (5) 10              Eubacterium (3) 109
                        Lactobacillus (1) 1010            Bifidobacterium (1) 109           Lactobacillus (3) 107
                                                                                            Bifidobacterium (1) 1010

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                                                                                            Anaerobiospirillum (1) 105
Total anaerobes         8.6 x lOlod                       1.9 x 108, 9.6 x 109              3.4 x 10"', 4.6 x 1010
Aerobic and facul-      Streptococcus (3) 10910"0         Streptococcus (4) 108             Streptococcus (5) 101
  tative                Escherichia (1) 105               Escherichia (1) 106               Escherichia (1) 105
                        Proteus (1) 104                   Enterobacter (1) 106              Proteus (1) 105
                                                          Staphylococcus (1) 104            Enterobacter (1) 105
                                                                                            Klebsiella (1) 105
                                                                                            Unidentified fungus (1) 103
Total aerobes           6.0 x 1010                        5.6 x 107, 1.5 x 108              3.0 x 108, 8.0 x 108
  a  See footnote a, Table 2.
  b  Parentheses indicate the number of species found in the genus.
     Indicates the total population number(s) ofthe species within the genus per gram (dry weight) oftissue and contents.
   d Indicates the total number (per gram [dry weight] of tissue and contents) of all genera (two numbers indicate that two
different samples were examined).
of the dogs and was only found in the colons of surfaces, but the bacteria occurred singly or in
group 2 dogs, and a Veillonella species was only a small microcolony (Fig. 3). No population of
isolated from the ceca of group 3 dogs (Table 4). segmented filamentous bacteria was observed
One consistent finding was that Streptococcus to associate with the proximal small bowel epi-
was usually the most numerous of the faculta- thelium in any of the dogs studied (Table 6).
tive and aerobic genera, whereas the most nu-       Dogs housed either in the conventional or
merous of the anaerobic genera varied from locked environments possessed no bacterial
sample to sample.                                 populations that attached or layered to the dis-
   Although many genera were consistently iso- tal ileum. Distal ilea in three out of four dogs
lated from ilea, ceca, and colons of these three from group 2, however, had segmented filamen-
groups of dogs, the species of these genera did tous organisms attached to their ileal epithelial
not segregate into any discernible groups ac- cells (Table 6). The attachment sites and seg-
cording to the dog housing conditons. Two spe- ments of the microorganisms were easily ob-
cies, however, did occur in every dog examined: servable in SEM examination of the dogs in
Streptococcus mitis and a Eubacterium species. group 2 (Fig. 4a). Both frozen and glutaralde-
This Eubacterium was unique because it pro- hyde-fixed specimens indicated that the seg-
duced long filaments and spontaneously lysed mented filamentous microbes were located un-
after 24 h of incubation.                         derneath a mucin layer (Fig. 4a and b).
   Microscopy: light and scanning. In all of the    Ceca from the three dog groups showed varia-
dog stomachs, the cardiac epithelium was usu- bility in the possession of a bacterial layer on
ally covered with a thick layer of mucin (Fig. their cecal surfaces. Conventionally housed
1), and bacteria were often undetectable. To dogs showed almost no bacteria on the epithe-
find any bacteria on the stomach epithelium, lial surface; similarly, two dogs from each ofthe
many fields had to be observed with specimens other two groups of dogs (2 and 3) housed under
prepared for both light microscopy and SEM. different conditions showed either no bacteria
Close examination of the stomach surface on the cecal epithelium or, at the most, a few
showed that two of the nine dogs possessed a regions with layering bacteria. In those ceca
bacterium that had unusually tight helical coils that lacked a layer of bacteria on a large por-
and bipolar flagella (Fig. 2). Unlike the murine tion of their cecal epithelium, a layer of mucin
stomach, no bacterial population layered or at- was present. Mucin predominated in the ceca of
tached to the stomach epithelium of the dog dogs housed conventionally (Fig. 5), which cor-
(Table 6).                                        responded with a relatively lower (107 versus
   The proximal small bowel contained a sparse 108 to 9) bacterial count (Tables 2 and 5). Ceca
bacterial population. Bacteria could occasion- with a bacterial layer (five out of nine ceca
ally be found in the GI lumen adjacent to villus [Table 5]) showed a predominantly heteroge-
Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest

  FIG. 1. SEM of the cardiac region of a dog stomach covered with a layer of mucin. Arrows show where
mucin layer has been split (probably a drying artifact) to reveal the underlying epithelium. x45.
  FIG. 2. An unusual helical coiled bacterium with bipolar flagella (arrows) on a dog stomach. xl0,650.
  FIG. 3. Proximal small bowel villi from a dog that shows mucin strands (double arrows) and a single bac-
terium (arrow) adjacent to the villi. x275.
  FIG. 4. Segmented filamentous microbes, found only in dogs in transition from a locked to a conventional
environment (group 2 dogs), attached directly to distal ileal epithelial cells. Double arrows (a) indicate the
individual segments ofthese organisms and the single arrows show their attachment site. x920. (b) shows the
mucin that covers the microbes in the distal ileum. x960.
202       DAVIS ET AL.                                                          APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.
 TABLE 6. Layering and attachment of microbes in the GI tracts of beagle dogs housed in conventional or
                                        locked environments a
       Environment        Microscopy       Stomach     Proximal ileum Distal ileum   Cecum      Colon
         Group 1            Light            0/2b           0/2           0/2         0/2        2/2
                            SEM              0/2            0/2           0/2         0/2        2/2
        Group 2             Light            0/4            0/4           3/4         3/4        4/4
                            SEM              0/4            0/4           3/4         2/4        2/4
        Group 3             Light            0/3            0/3           0/3         1/3        1/3
                            SEM              0/3            0/3           0/3         2/3        2/3
        Total                                0.9            0/9           3/9         5/9        8/9

                                                                                                            Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
     See footnote a, Table 2.
   bNumber of dogs with layering or attaching microorganisms per total number of dogs examined by either
light microscopy or SEM.
nous  bacterial population on the cecal epithe-                          DISCUSSION
lium. The cecal layer, when it was observed,              Almost all previous studies of the microbial
consisted mainly of gram-positive rods and             flora of dogs have been limited to an elucidation
cocci and some gram-negative (mainly rods)             of the fecal or nasopharyngeal flora (3, 22).
bacteria (Fig. 6 and 7).                               Studies of the bacterial flora located in and on
   Layers of bacteria, composed primarily of           the surface of canine GI tissues usually re-
gram-positive rods and cocci, were most promi-         ported only the total counts of genera cultivated
nent on colonic epithelium of the dogs from            on selective media; identification of species, es-
groups 2 and 3 (see Fig. 7 for similar results         pecially of the anaerobic genera, was rarely
from the cecum). Dogs of group 1 and occasion-         attempted (3, 22). This study detailed the ge-
ally those of groups 2 and 3 (in some regions of       nera and species, as far as they could be identi-
the colon in dogs of the latter two groups) mani-      fied with our methods, in the distal ileum,
fested a distinct microbial population that con-       cecum, or colon of the dogs. It indicated that
sisted of gram-negative spiral- and rod-shaped         bacteria did not localize on the epithelial sur-
microbes. This layer, which was distinct from          face of dog stomach or proximal small bowel but
the layer shown in Fig. 7, of bacteria separated       could localize in the distal ileum, cecum, and
the bulk of the lumenal flora from the colonic         colon. Total counts of anaerobes were about 1 to
epithelial cells (Fig. 8) and was often difficult to   2 logs higher than were the total counts of
see unless the tissue-gram-stained sections            aerobes, except in the conventionally housed
were viewed with phase optics (cf. Fig. 9 with         dogs, whose colon counts yielded approximately
Fig. 8). SEM observation of the latter microbes,       the same numbers (1010) of anaerobic and facul-
which were most numerous in the colons of              tative bacteria. Such high numbers of aerobic
group 1 dogs, indicated that the population was        and anaerobic bacteria have been reported pre-
heterogenous with respect to the rods and spi-         viously in dog feces (3), although the anaerobes
rals present (Fig. 10a and b).                         were usually about 1 log higher than were the
   All of the dogs with either a predominantly         aerobes (108 to 9 versus 109 to 10).
gram-positive or a gram-negative layer in                 We observed a wide variation in isolatable
either the cecum or the colon possessed spiral-        bacterial species from dog to dog regardless of
and rod-shaped bacteria in their crypts of Lie-        housing conditions. However, an examination
berkuhn. Some crypts had only spiral- or rod-          of the predominant genera isolated from all
shaped bacteria, whereas other crypts had both         three groups of dogs showed only one case
types present (Fig. 9). Dogs were also able to         where a major difference in the number of ge-
have bacteria in the crypts without a discerni-        nera was detected. This difference in genera
ble layer of bacteria on their epithelial cells.       was observed in the ceca of the conventionally
The density of this microbial population associ-       housed group 1 dogs where only two genera,
 ated with crypts varied from crypt to crypt in        Bacteroides and Streptococcus, were detected.
 the cecum and colon of each animal. Some              The latter observation was the most obvious
 crypts possessed large numbers of bacteria            part of a general trend that suggested that
 (Fig. 11), whereas other crypts had few or none.      conventionally housed dogs possessed a less
 Conventionally housed dogs (group 1) had eas-         complex flora, in terms of genera and species
ily detectable bacteria within their crypts; dogs      present, than either of the other groups of dogs
 in group 2 had only a few bacteria in their           (cf. Tables 3, 4, and 5) that were housed in a
 crypts, and only one of the three dogs from           locked environment.
 group 3 showed any bacteria in its crypts of             A study on the fecal flora of man in locked
 Lieberkuhn.                                           environments showed that his fecal flora does
Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest

                                                      M   ,   -
   FIG. 5. An example of the thick layer of mucin (m) that covers the dog cecum and overlays most ofthe cecal
epithelium (e). Bacteria were difficult or impossible to locate in such ceca (in the mucin or on the epithelium)
in contrast to other dog ceca that possessed a layer of bacteria (see Fig. 6). x95.
   FIG. 6. Light micrograph of a frozen section of the gram-positive layer of bacteria on a dog's colonic
epithelium (e) stained with a tissue Gram stain. This type oflayer was also seen on the cecum. Arrows indicate
some of the gram-negative bacteria that also could be observed in this layer. x1,320.
   FIG. 7. SEM of the gram-positive layer of bacteria found on a dog's cecal surface. Note the predominance of
rods, cocci, and coccobacilli, and compare this figure with Fig. 10. Arrow indicates the epithelial cell surface.
   FIG. 8. Light micrograph of a layer (shown by bars) that separates the colonic epithelium (lower left side)
from the lumenal contents (right side). A weakly staining gram-negative (spiral- and rod-shaped) bacterial
population inhabits this layer. The latter bacteria are best viewed with light microscopy at a high magnifica-
tion and with phase optics (see Fig. 9). x195.
   FIG. 9. Light micrograph of a frozen section of a dog colon (tissue Gram stained) that shows spiral- and
rod-shaped bacteria in the layer of mucin. x2,365.
204       DAVIS ET AL.                                                             APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.

                                                          not markedly change with a short-term (about
                                                          2 months) confinement; however, subtle altera-
                                                          tions can take place (13). Other studies on con-
                                                          finement suggest that the microbial and fungal
                                                          flora increase after short- (16 days) or long-term
                                                          (12 months) confinement (17, 25, 26). Our study
                                                          suggests that in dogs housed in a locked envi-
                                                          ronment for over 2 years, the colonic flora does
                                                          not markedly change, but some other changes,
                                                          such as an increase in the diversity of genera
                                                          and species present, may occur in the cecal and

                                                                                                                     Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
                                                          ileal flora. The group 2 dogs had a flora inter-
                                                          mediate in complexity between groups 1 and 3
                                                          (cf. Tables 3 through 5), which suggests that
                                                          upon removal ofthe dogs from a locked environ-
                                                          ment, the flora begins to simplify and thus
                                                          resembles the flora in conventionally housed
                                                             Most fungi were detected in those dogs kept
                                                          in the locked environment (group 3). Results
                                                          from our study should not be construed to mean
                                                          that because organisms (both bacterial and fun-
                                                          gal) were not cultured they were not present.
                                                          Our results simply mean that the organisms
                                                          were not detected by our culture techniques;
                                                          they could be present in such low numbers (1 to
                                                          103) that many culture samples and highly se-
                                                          lective media would be needed to detect them.
                                                          Another source of error may be due to selection
                                                          of strains to study on the basis of colony counts;
                                                          bacterial species that have colonies visibly
                                                          identical to colonies of strains isolated may be-
                                                          long to different species. Also, only 1 composite
                                                          sample from each site in dogs of group 1 were
                                                          studied. In addition, AII medium, although one
                                                          of the best enriched nonselective media we
                                                          have used for growing anaerobes, probably did
                                                          not allow us to culture all of the bacteria pres-
                                                          ent. For example, morphologically distinct mi-
                                                          crobes (spirals, types a, b, and c, Fig. 10) were
                                                          never cultured. Thus, SEM results show that
                                                          not all the bacteria present can, as yet, be
                                                             Although no difference in the microflora was
                                                          observed in the stomachs or proximal small
                                                          bowels of dogs housed under different condi-
                                                          tions, changes in the microflora were pro-
                                                          nounced when their ileal, cecal, and colonic
                                                          tinct spiral-shaped bacteria can be observed: (a)
                                                          short and thin spiral; (b) wavy outer-enveloped cov-
                                                          ered spiral (see also [B] for types a and b); (c) spiral
                                                          (vibrio) with a single polar flagellum; (d) spiral with
                                                          bipolar flagella. x3,000. (B) Enlargement of(A) that
                                                          shows a and b organisms. x9,600. (C) Rods (e,f),
                                                          coccobacilli (g,h), and cocci (i). Note the fine fila-
                                                          ments attached to organism h. x9,600.
                                                             FIG. 11. Colonic crypt of Lieberkuhn in a light
  FIG.   10.   Heterogenous population of spiral-   and   micrograph showing a predominant population of
rod-shaped bacteria found adjacent to a dog's colonic     thin, gram-negative rods. The "c"-shaped structures
epithelium (A). At least four morphologically dis-        are goblet cells (G) that empty into the crypt. x3,015.
VOL. 34, 1977                                           BACTERIA IN BEAGLE GI TRACTS                205
surfaces were examined by light microscopy or        layering of bacteria in the canine GI tract was
SEM. For example, only group 2 dogs, in tran-        somewhat different from that described in mu-
sition from the locked environment to the con-       rine species (20). In dogs, bacterial populations
ventional, showed segmented filamentous orga-        adjacent to the epithelial cells were much more
nisms in their ilea. In addition, the bacterial      sparse and contained markedly fewer fusiform-
population that comprised the epithelial cell        shaped bacteria than those bacterial popula-
layers differed; the conventionally housed dogs      tions found in mice and rats. Additionally, an-
possessed a distinct gram-negative bacterial         other type of layer, composed mainly of gram-
layer adjacent to the colonic epithelium, but the    positive organisms, was observed in the dogs.
locked-environment dogs showed mainly a              In mice, a predominance of gram-positive mi-
gram-positive bacterial layer. Furthermore, ob-      crobes adjacent to the large bowel epithelium

                                                                                                           Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
vious differences between group 1 and groups 2       strongly suggests that they have an altered
and 3 were observed at the frequency with            microbial flora (19). The occurrence of bacteria
which crypts of Lieberkuhn were populated by         (mainly spiral-shaped microbes) has been noted
bacteria; confinement appeared to suppress           in the crypts of Lieberkuhn of rat ceca (7) and
crypt populations. Thus, differences in the lay-     in the large intestines of randomly bred dogs
ering and localization of the microbial flora        (15). Our observations in dogs generally agree
were noted in the three groups of dogs, but the      with the latter findings.
reasons for the changes are not clear.                   If the most numerous bacterial genera and
  It is known that either antibiotics, diet, or      species from the GI tracts of dogs are compared
environmental stress, or a combination of these      with those found in the GI contents of man
factors, can alter the composition, attachment,      (W.E.C. Moore, M. Ryser, and L. V. Holde-
and layering of the GI flora (9, 19, 24). Of these   man, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol.
factors, only the housing environment was var-       1975, DS7, p. 61), several differences and simi-
ied in our study, and flora changes were noted.      larities in the type and number of genera pres-
Although each of two dogs (group 2) was fed          ent can be found. For example, the most nu-
autoclaved and nonautoclaved Purina Dog              merous genera uniformly found in the dog ilea
Meal, their flora was not markedly changed           and large bowel are Bacteroides and Streptococ-
from that of the other group 2 dogs.                 cus (S. bovis and S. acidominimus). Although
   The observation that segmented filamentous        the latter are among the predominant genera,
organisms were found in group 2 dogs but did         they are not the most numerous bacteria in the
not occur in dogs housed under either conven-        GI contents of man. Fusobacterium, a predomi-
tional or locked environments is of interest but     nant genus found in man, was not as numerous
should be confirmed by further studies. Three        in dogs (approximately 1010 `O 11 versus 107 to 8).
samples (one for light microscopy and two for        The Clostridium species predominant in man
SEM) were taken from adjacent regions of each        are easily identified but those in the dog are not
dog ileum, but such sampling may not detect the      (Table 1). Genera that are numerous in both
organisms. For example, it is known that the         the GI tract of dogs and man are Lactobacillus,
segmented filamentous microbes colonize non-         Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Bacteroides,
uniformly the ilea of the murine species; that       and Peptostreptococcus. Localization of GI flora
is, the segmented filamentous microbes may be        in man, in terms of either bacterial layer for-
found both proximal and distal to a region of        mation or bacterial populations in crypts of Lie-
the ileum that possesses no such organisms (8).      berkuhn have not, to our knowledge, been re-
Although it is very unlikely that we would miss      ported. Our work with dogs suggests that other
by chance segmented filamentous microbes in          higher mammals, including man, may possess
five of the nine dogs (groups 1 and 3) and find      such localized bacterial populations.
them in three out of the four dogs of group 3, it        Our results and those of other investigators
is possible. To our knowledge, no other reports       (3, 13, 17) do not support the concept that the
on the occurrence of these segmented filamen-        microbial flora of mammals will undergo a dra-
tous bacteria in beagles or other dogs are avail-    matic change (simplification to one or two gen-
able.                                                era) if confined to a locked environment and fed
  This study indicates that specific regions of      sterile food and water for a long time period
the GI tracts of higher mammals such as dogs          (16). Indeed, our results indicate that with
can possess populations of bacteria that attach      long-term confinement, the flora becomes more
and localize, either in crypts of Lieberkuhn or      complex, and its distribution along the GI tract
in layers. Attachment of segmented filamen-          changes. We hypothesize that microorganisms
tous microbes to epithelial cells paralleled that    that are not predominate members of the mi-
found in murine species (4, 8, 12), but the fre-     croflora (transient microflora), but which are
quency of their occurrence in dogs was less. The      initially carried into the locked environment by
206         DAVIS ET AL.                                                                       APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.
any animals, will have to adapt to the environ-                          sion, attachment, and morphology of segmented, fila-
ment to survive. In addition, the chance for                             mentous microbes indigenous to the murine gastroin-
                                                                         testinal tract. Infect. Immun. 10:948-956.
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Ultimately, successful competition could lead                            alterations in the microvillous border of villous epi-
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cal Microbiology and Immunology Training grant A100451-          18.   Savage, D. C., and R. Blumershine. 1974. Surface-sur-
04 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious                  face associations in microbial communities populat-
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