BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...

Page created by Annette Murphy
BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...

                                   Alte Potsdamer Straße 1 | 10785 Berlin
VERSION 25.06.2021 ENG
BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...
                                         The popularit y of Paulaner beer has always
                                         extended beyond cit y limits of Munich. The
                                         special enjoyment of beer, our highly skilled
                                         brewmaster and the famous Bavarian way
                                         of life, are just a few factors contributing to
  THE BAVARIAN ART OF                    Paulaner‘s success - locally and international-
                                         ly. More than 2 million hectoliters leave the
                                         historic brewer y ever y year to over 70 coun-
                                         tries around the world. Paulaner‘s unf iltered
                                         Weißbier is Germany‘s market leader and a
                                         worldwide benchmark for authentic Weißbier

                                         And now enjoy our beer specialties here on site!


                        THE BAVARIAN
                   PURITY LAW
                GUT. BESSER. PAULANER.
BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...
DRAFT BEER                                                                                                                                      DRAFT BEER

                                                                                                                                                                                                       PAULANER UR-DUNKEL
                                                       PAULANER MÜNCHNER HELL                                                                                                                          Our Ur-Dunkel is brewed according to the original
                                                                                                                                                                                                       recipe, traditionally with dark barley malt, unveiling
                                                       Our Münchner Hell is a delightfully drinkable beer:                                                                                             pleasant notes of carameld and roasted malt. The
                                                       mild, elegant malt, with a hint of sweetness.                                                                                                   use of the historical hops Hallertauer Tradition is
                                                              Pairs well with ligth meats & vegetables.                                                                                                adding a fruit y aroma to this unf iltered beer speci-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       alt y.
                                                       BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.                                                                                                                                  Pairs well with dark meats & vegetables.
                                                       11,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                       4,9 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T
                                                                                                                                                                                                       BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.
                                                                                                0.3l   3.70 € 0.5l 4.70 € 1.0l 9.00 €                                                                  1 2,7 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       5,0 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0.3l   3.70 € 0.5l 4.70 € 1.0l 9.00 €

                                                       HEFE-WEISSBIER NATURTRÜB                                                                                                                        PAULANER PILS
                                                       The f irst impression mild unf iltered, characterized                                                                                           Our Pils - spicy, elegant, refreshing - a tart
                                                       by a well-balanced sweetness, our Hefe-Weißbier is a                                                                                            Pils for connoisseurs.
                                                       fresh and fruit y beergarden classic - amber-colored,                                                                                                   Pairs well with light meats,
                                                       fruit y, refreshing.                                                                                                                            beergarden dishes.
                                                                Pairs well with most dishes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       11,2 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                       TOP FER M EN T ED.                                                                                                                              4,8 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T
                                                       1 2,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                       5,5 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T                                                                                                                                                                                   0.4l   4.20 € 1.0l 9.20 €
                                                                                                                    0.5l   4.70 € 1.0l 9.00 €

A l l pr ices i nclude t he st at ut or y VAT. The beer s l isted here cont a i n whe at m a lt or ba rle y m a lt or g luten.                  A l l pr ices i nclude t he st at ut or y VAT. The beer s l isted here cont a i n whe at m a lt or ba rle y m a lt or g luten.
BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...
BOTTLED BEERS                                                                                                                                           BOTTLED BEERS

                                                       PAULANER HEFE-WEISSBIER DUNKEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PAULANER SALVATOR
                                                       Our Hefe-Weißbier Dunkel makes quite an impression
                                                       in the glass with its auburn-chestnut glow. Unf iltered,                                                                                          The founding father of all Double Bock beers - full-bo-
                                                       strong, robust - but still smooth an pleasant on the                                                                                              died, malt y with a well-balanced sweetness.
                                                       palater.                                                                                                                                                Pairs well with dark meats & heavy foods.
                                                              Pairs well with dark meats & vegetables.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.
                                                       TOP FER M EN T ED.                                                                                                                                18,3 %STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                       1 2,4 % STA M M W Ü R ZE                                                                                                                          7,9 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T                                                     0.5l   4,70 €
                                                       5,3 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T                                                 0.5l   4,70 €

                                                       PAULANER WEISSBIER KRISTALLKLAR                                                                                                                   Bee r Mi x Dr ink s
                                                       Cr ystal-clear, brilliant golden-yellow and pleasantly
                                                       malt y. Scents of apple rise as it is poured into the glass.                                                                                      PAULANER NATUR RADLER
                                                       Pleasantly fruit y and refreshing, while wonderfully invi-
                                                       gorating and effer vescent in its clarit y.                                                                                                       Our Paulaner Natur Radler is refreshing and pleasantly
                                                               Pairs well with most dishes.                                                                                                              fruit y, but not to sweet - made of 100% natural ingre-
                                                       TOP FER M EN T ED.
                                                       11,7 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.
                                                       5,2 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T                                                 0.5l   4,70 €                                                           10,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         2,5 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T                                                     0.5l   4,70 €

                                                       PAULANER ZWICKL
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PAULANER NATUR GRAPEFRUIT
                                                       Brewed with premium Hersbrucker Tradition hops, using
                                                       the historical triple-mash process, unf iltered and direc-                                                                                        Fruit y grapefruit juice meets our f ine Münchner Hell and
                                                       tly bottled from the tanks - this way our Zwickl gains its                                                                                        turn this beer mix into a tang y soft drink.
                                                       full-bodied f lavour and smooth quaffable taste.
                                                               Pairs well with most dishes.                                                                                                              BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         11,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE I N T H E BEER
                                                       BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         4,9 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T I N T H E BEER                                      0.5l   4,70 €
                                                       1 2,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                       5,5 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T                                                 0.4l   4,20 €

A l l pr ices i nclude t he st at ut or y VAT. The beer s l isted here cont a i n whe at m a lt or ba rle y m a lt or g luten.                   A l l pr ices i nclude t he st at ut or y VAT. The beer s l isted here cont a i n whe at m a lt or ba rle y m a lt or g luten. M i xed beer be ver ages
                                                                                                                                                 c a n cont a i n acid i f ier s or st abi l i z er s.
BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...
BEST INGREDIENTS                                                    HOPS                                         YEAST

The secret to making good beer lies in using the best ingre-      The Hallertau region in Bavaria is        Yeast is one of the crucial factors for
dients. According to the Bavarian Purit y Law (“Reinheits-        known for its largest, connected          the later qualit y and taste of beer.
                                                                  hops-growing area in the world and        Despite being just tiny yeast cells
gebot”), only four ingredients are allowed to be used in the
                                                                  its outstanding qualit y. These aro-      and unrecognizable to the naked eye,
beer brewing process. Our Paulaner brewmasters choose
                                                                  matic hops are particularly useful for    they signif icantly impact beer: only
only the best raw materials: hops from the Hallertau region,      the production of beer: depending         by adding yeast can fermentation
Munich yeast, selective brewing malt and the purest water.        on the variet y and quantit y they give   begin, which converts the malt sugar
The f iner the ingredients, the better the beer. That’s why our   beer a subtle to intense level of bit-    into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In
brewmasters periodically check all the raw materials with         terness and a refreshing, bitter taste.   addition, yeast is creating aroma
the utmost care.                                                  Also, hops have a positive effect on      substances that will shape how a beer
                                                                  a beer’s head and shelf life. The hop     tastes. All the wheat beers are made
                                                                  oil contained in the cones, gives beer    with top-fermented yeast, while all of
                                                                  its distinct aroma, known as a hop        the other t ypes of beers, like Lager,
                                                                  bouquet.                                  Dark or Pilsner, are brewed from
                                                                                                            bottom-fermented yeast.

                                                                                 WATER                                        MALT

                                                                  The best brewing water is the main        Malt is another important raw
                                                                  component of Paulaner Bräuhaus            material in our beer. Paulaner brew-
                                                                  beer specialties. Its extreme softness    masters use only the f inest malt.
                                                                  and purit y guarantee beer enjoyment      Our qualit y beers are made from bar-
                                                                  of the utmost qualit y.                   ley malt and wheat malt. Wheat malt
                                                                                                            is used primarily for the production
                                                                                                            of our wheat beers. The brewing
                                                                                                            malt is responsible for the taste and
                                                                                                            the color of the beer. The color is
                                                                                                            determined by the type of malt, which
                                                                                                            is brought out during the dr ying
BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...
NON-ALCOHOLIC BEERS                                                            NON-ALCOHOLIC BEERS

                                                                                            PAULANER HEFE-WEISSBIER
 Prost! From Munich
                                                                                            With only 100 calories per half-liter, our non-alco-
    to the World.                                                                           holic can be deceiving with its full Weißbier taste -
                                                                                            unf iltered, zest y, refreshing.
                                                                                                    Pairs well with light dishes.

                                                                                            TOP FER M EN T ED.
                                                                                            7,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
BEER SPECIALTIES - Paulaner Experience Berlin Potsdamer ...
NON-ALCOHOLIC BEERS                                                                                                                                         NON-ALCOHOLIC BEERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BEER MIX DRINKS

                                                             PAULANER                                                                                                                                                    PAULANER
                                                             WEISSBIER NON-ALCOHOLIC 0,0 %                                                                                                                               WEISSBIER-ZITRONE 0,0
                                                             Full f lavor, no alcohol: thanks to the well-balanced                                                                                                       Our ”Wei-Zi“ unfurls a pleasant balance of sweet-
                                                             combination of f ine notes of malt, refreshingly fru-                                                                                                       ness and light tartness. A fruit y bouquet and a lively
                                                             it y wheat beer aromas and a pleasantly light sweet-                                                                                                        f lavor – the perfect refreshment with 0.0 alcohol.
                                                             ness, our Weißbier 0,0% is a non-alcoholic delight                                                                                                                  Pairs well with beergarden dishes & fish.
                                                             for ever y occasion.
                                                                      Pairs well with most dishes.                                                                                                                       TOP FER M EN T ED.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9,3 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0,0 % A LCOHOL CON T EN T                                                 0.5l   4,70 €
                                                             TOP FER M EN T ED.
                                                             8,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE
                                                             0,0 % A L KOHOLGEH A LT                                                   0.5l   4,70 €

                                                             PAULANER MÜNCHNER HELL                                                                                                                                      PAULANER NATUR RADLER
                                                             NON-ALCOHOLIC                                                                                                                                               NON-ALCOHOLIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         100% natural ingredients: With lemonade made of
                                                             Our Münchner Hell Non-Alcoholic is a light golden,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         unf iltered lemon juice, which gives the Radler its
                                                             hoppy & spicy refreshment with a light sweetness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         natural taste.
                                                                   Pairs well with light meats & vegetables.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pairs well with beergarden dishes.
                                                             BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.
                                                             6,5 % STA M M W Ü R ZE                                                                                                                                      BOT TOM FER M EN T ED.

                                                         WAT ER                               WAT ER                                             HOPS
                                                                                             (78-8 0 °C)

                                                                                                                                                        B O ILI N G
                                                                  HE AT I N G

                                                                                                                          S PE NT G R A I N
                                                                                                                          S IE V E B OT TOM

CRUS H ED                                                                                                   WORT
  M A LT

 1. MALT MILLING                                    2. MASHING                               3. LAUTERING                                     4. WORT BOILING
 The malt is squeezed in the malt                   While mashing, t he cr ushed malt is     During lautering, the solid parts                The wort obtained from lautering
 mill so that it breaks up. The husks               mixed with our f ine brewing water.      (spent grain) of the mash will be                is boiled in the brew kettle. During
 must not be damaged, as they will                  The st arch inside t he malt dissolves   seperated from the liquid through                boiling, hops is added which also
 be needed for lautering later.                     in the water. The so-called mash is      the sieve bottom.                                determines the taste of the beer.
                                                    heated in severel temperature steps                                                       The f irst hop addition is responsible
                                                    so that the starch is converted into                                                      for bitterness. The second addition
                                                    malt sugar.                                                                               adds aroma to the beer.

                                                                    18-2 2°C      7-12° C
                                                   97 °C
                                                                    W HE AT B EER L AG ER     YEAST

                                                                                 WAT ER
                                                                                 DR AIN
                                                                                 WO RT
                                                                                 I NTA K E


                                             WO RT                                                         CO2   A LC .
                                             DR AIN
                                             WAT ER
                                             I NTA K E

 5. WHIRLPOOL                                       6. HEAT EXCHANGER                         7. FERMENTATION                                 8. MATURATION
 In the whirlpool the wort is in rotation.          The heat exchanger cools the hot         The fermentation process starts                  After the fermentation, the green
 The hot trub gathers in the middle                 wort after boiling down to pitching      with the addition and aeration of the            beer is pumped to the storage tanks
 of the kettle and the clear wort                   temperature.                             yeast. The yeast converts the malt               in which the beer can mature for an
 is pumped to the heat exchanger.                                                            sugar into alcohol and CO 2. From                additional period. During this pro-
                                                                                             now on you can call it beer!                     cess fermentation by products will be
                                                                                                                                              reduced, the beer is getting smoother
                                                                                                                                              and gets its f inal taste. After that
                                                                                                                                              the beer can be ser ved to guests.
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