Benefit options 2020 - Medihelp

Page created by Theodore Ortega
Benefit options 2020 - Medihelp
Hospital plan   Benefit options 2020
Contents                              (Click on the contents below to read more)

01                A sustainable
                                                                              08                    Benefits                                                   19                    Summary of exclusions
                                                                                          8         Core benefits                                                      20            Prime hospital network
         3        Product overview                                                     13           Day-to-day benefits                                                21            Our healthcare partners
         4        Contribution table                                                   18           Deductibles                                                        22            Explanation of terms
         5        Benefit comparison                                                                                                                                   24            Contact us
         6        Added insured benefits
         7        Chronic illness and PMB cover

General disclaimer

This brochure is intended for marketing purposes and contains only a summary of Medihelp’s benefits. On joining Medihelp, members will receive detailed information. In case of a
dispute, the registered Rules of Medihelp apply, which are available on request. The information in this brochure is subject to approval by the Council for Medical Schemes. The content
of this brochure may change from time to time. Please refer to Medihelp’s website for an updated brochure or consult Medihelp’s Rules for the latest information. We encourage you
to seek financial advice about your healthcare cover by speaking to your financial adviser.
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   A sustainable choice                                Consistent service delivery
                                                       There are various ways in which you can engage with us:

                            More than a century’s
                                      experience                Phone              Email            Live chat

       202 097         Large enough to be trusted,
                                                       Medihelp’s digital service platforms:
           lives              small enough to care

                                                                                Member              Member
       Hands-          In-house systems, service &         Website
                                                                                 Zone                App
         on                      claims processing

         AA-           Ability to pay your claims is        Download/email your e-membership card
         rating                        highly rated         and tax certificate

                                                            View your benefits, track and submit claims

       Financially   Solvency levels above industry         Update your contact details
          sound            requirements - 28,65%
                                                            Apply for hospital authorisation

                                                            Locate a healthcare provider near you
                       Membership is growing and
                                      not ageing            Access, update and share your Medihelp health data
                                                            based on screening test results and claims received
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     Product simplicity and value

        10                      10 benefit options       2                 Prime range - only pay for
       options                      to choose from     only     2 children younger than 18 years,
                                                                         the rest receive free cover

                   Products include comprehensive,
                        savings, network solutions      270           Full cover for 270 prescribed
                                 and a hospital plan    PMB                 minimum benefits and
                                                                             26 chronic conditions
                        Unlimited cover for trauma
                                  and emergencies
                                                               HealthPrint, a free online wellness
           No                                                  programme provides relevant value
                            No overall annual limit
          limit                   on hospital cover
                                                                                 and health support

                                   Comprehensive              An emergency app ensures that you
                             added insured benefits                can be located in an emergency

                         Pay child dependant rates
                          until kids are 26 years old           Care programmes assist members
                                                                    with specific healthcare needs
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    Product overview

                                                                             Savings Network/non-network
                                                                                                                                              Prime3                                                            Elite   Network/non-network
                                                                                                                                              Comprehensive                                                     Comprehensive
       This hospital plan is ideal if you are                               Prime 2 provides hospital cover either at                          A generous 25% medical savings account                             With ample pooled insured cover
       healthy and want access to private                                   any facility or through a network (pay                             for day-to-day medical expenses and a                              for day-to-day medical expenses,
       healthcare at an affordable price. Minor                             22% less for the network option). A 15%                            special GP consultation benefit for                                comprehensive hospital cover and added
       Lorem       medical
                ipsum   dolorexpenses   and
                                sit amet,                                   savingsipsum
                                                                           Lorem    accountdolor
                                                                                              and added   insured
                                                                                                    sit amet,                                  children
                                                                                                                                             Lorem      whichdolor
                                                                                                                                                      ipsum    is activated after depletion
                                                                                                                                                                      sit amet,                                   insured
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lorem      benefits,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ipsum       thissit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 dolor   is the ideal product
       extensive added insured benefits forms                               benefits cover day-to-day medical                                  of the savings account, as well as insured                         for families. The network alternative of
       consectetuer     adipiscing elit, sed
       part of Prime 1. The network alternative
                                                                           consectetuer      adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                            expenses and a special GP consultation
                                                                                                                                             consectetuer     adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                                                                                               preventive care and excellent hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                               consectetuer      adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the option saves you 18% in monthly
       diam   nonummy
       of the option        nibh22%
                     saves you     euismod
                                       in monthly                          diam   nonummy
                                                                            benefit for childrennibh   euismod
                                                                                                 is activated after                          diam   nonummy
                                                                                                                                               benefits           nibha smart
                                                                                                                                                        makes Unify      euismod
                                                                                                                                                                               choice.                         diam   nonummy nibh euismod
       tincidunt   ut
       contributions.  laoreet   dolore   magna                            tincidunt    ut laoreet   dolore
                                                                            depletion of the savings account. magna                          tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna                                 tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
       aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi                                      aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi                                    aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi                                    aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi
       enim ad minim veniam, quis                                          enim ad minim veniam, quis                                        enim ad minim veniam, quis                                        enim ad minim veniam, quis
       nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper                                   nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper                                 nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper                                 nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper
       suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex                                suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex                              suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex                              suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex
       ea commodo consequat. .                                             ea commodo consequat.                                             ea commodo consequat.                                             ea commodo     consequat.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GPs, specialists, medicine &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            other day-to-day services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Insured pooled benefits
                                                                                                                                                                      Child GP consultations – R1 000



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             M = R9 450 | M+2 = R17 700
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           M+1 = R15 000 | M+3+ = R18 700
                                                                                                  Child GP consultations – R2 000
                                Selected day-to-day services                                                                                                                      25%                                                         Insured dental benefits
                                                                                                                 15%                                                         Savings account
                                  Insured pooled benefits                                                   Savings account
                                    M = R1 200 | M+1+ = R2 400                                                                                                                                                                            Insured optometry benefits

                                   Pregnancy & baby benefits                                           Pregnancy & baby benefits      EMS                                                                                                    Pregnancy & baby benefits




                               Women’s & men’s health tests                                        Women’s & men’s health tests                                                Selection of                                              Women’s & men’s health tests
                                                                                                                                                                       screenings & immunisations
                                Screenings & immunisations                                          Screenings & immunisations                                                                                                            Screenings & immunisations

                                      Specialised radiology                                               Specialised radiology                                            Specialised radiology                                               Specialised radiology

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CORE BENEFITS
                                                                            CORE BENEFITS

                                                                                                                                               CORE BENEFITS
                             EMS      Post-hospital Trauma cover                                 EMS     Post-hospital Trauma cover                                 EMS    Post-hospital Trauma cover                                  EMS      Post-hospital Trauma cover

                                   Hospital benefits (no AOL)                                        Hospital benefits (no AOL)                                         Hospital benefits (no AOL)                                           Hospital benefits (no AOL)
                                   Network or non-network                                            Network or non-network                                                  at any hospital                                                 Network or non-network

                            270 PMB conditions              26 chronic                          270 PMB conditions            26 chronic                           270 PMB conditions           26 chronic                            270 PMB conditions             26 chronic
                        Diagnosis, treatment & care      illnesses (CDL)                    Diagnosis, treatment & care    illnesses (CDL)                     Diagnosis, treatment & care   illnesses (CDL)                      Diagnosis, treatment & care     illnesses (CDL)

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     Contribution table
                                       Hospital plan                                                        Savings                                                                             Savings                                           Comprehensive
                                                   Non-                                                                                                                                                                                                          Non-
                              Network                                               Network                                       Non-network                                                                                             Network
                                                  network                                                                                                                                                                                                       network
                                                                     R2 160 (R324 savings contribution                 R2 772 (R414 savings contribution
      Principal                                                                                                                                                         R2 598 (R648 savings contribution included
                              R1 626              R2 082             included per month and R3 888                     included per month and R4 968                                                                                      R2 964                  R3 618
      member                                                                                                                                                            per month and R7 776 per year)
                                                                     per year)                                         per year)
                                                                     R1 776 (R264 savings contribution                 R2 280 (R342 savings contribution
                                                                                                                                                                        R2 136 (R534 savings contribution included
      Dependant               R1 338              R1 716             included per month and R3 168                     included per month and R4 104                                                                                      R2 508                 R3 060
                                                                                                                                                                        per month and R6 408 per year)
                                                                     per year)                                         per year)

     Child                                                           R648 (R96 savings contribution                    R828 (R120 savings contribution
                                                                                                                                                                        R780 (R192 savings contribution included
     dependant                  R492                R630             included per month and R1 152                     included per month and R1 440                                                                                         R864                R1 056
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     Benefit comparison
                                            Hospital plan                                    Savings                                            Savings                                       Comprehensive

                                Network                Non-network               Network               Non-network                                                                 Network               Non-network

                           INSURED DAY-TO-DAY BENEFITS                      DAY-TO-DAY MEDICAL EXPENSES                      DAY-TO-DAY MEDICAL EXPENSES                      INSURED DAY-TO-DAY POOLED BENEFITS
                           M = R1 200 per year                              15% medical savings account                      25% medical savings account                      M = R9 450 per year
                           M+ = R2 400 per year                                                                                                                               M+1 = R15 000 per year
     Day-to-day benefits

                           GPs, specialists, physiotherapy, acute and       CHILD CARE BENEFITS                              CHILD CARE BENEFITS                              M+2 = R17 700 per year
                           self-medication                                  M+ = R2 000 per year                             M+ = R1 000 per year                             M+3+ = R18 700 per year
                                                                            GP consultations for children ≥2 to
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     Added insured benefits
     These benefits are provided in addition to other insured benefits and available annually unless otherwise indicated and codes may apply.

                                     Enhanced                                                    Routine                                             Screening and
          Women’s                    maternity                        Child                    screening &                       Men’s               immunisation                    Supporting
           health                     benefits                       benefits                 immunisation                       health               for over 50s                    wellness
    Prime range                   Prime range & Unify          Prime range & Unify           Prime range & Unify          Prime range                Prime range                 Prime range & Unify
    • A mammogram for             • Free registration on the   Child flu vaccination         Available at                 • A prostate test (PSA     • Women over 50 years       • Maintain a healthy weight
      women 40 years and older      HealthPrint pregnancy      at Clicks/Dis-Chem            Clicks/Dis-Chem                level) requested by a      have access to one bone     Participation in Medihelp’s
      requested by a medical        and baby programme         pharmacy clinics              pharmacy clinics               medical doctor for         mineral density test        HealthPrint BMI programme
      doctor (per 2-year cycle)   • Flu vaccination at                                       per person:                    men 40 years and older     requested by a medical
                                    Clicks/Dis-Chem                                          • A combo test (blood                                     doctor                     One dietician consultation
                                                               Prime range
                                    pharmacy clinics                                           glucose, cholesterol,                                 • A Pneumovax vaccine        per registered HealthPrint
    Prime range & Unify                                        • Babies under a year                                      Prime range & Unify
                                                                                               BMI & blood pressure                                    in a 5-year cycle per      member if a BMI test result
    • A pap smear requested by                                   receive two additional                                   • A flu vaccination at
                                                                                               measurement)/                                           person older than 55       indicates a BMI higher
      a medical doctor            Prime range                    visits to a GP or                                          Clicks/Dis-Chem                                       than 30
                                                                                               individual test (blood       pharmacy clinics           years registered on
      (per 3-year cycle)          • 12 ante- & postnatal         specialist
                                                                                               glucose or cholesterol)                                 Medihelp’s asthma/
    • A flu vaccination at          consultations per family   • Full schedule of standard                                                                                       • An alternative to surgery
                                                                                             • HIV testing, counselling                                COPD programme
      Clicks/Dis-Chem             • Two 2D ultrasound            child immunisations                                                                                               Back treatment at a
                                                                                               & support                                             • A faecal occult blood
      pharmacy clinics              scans per family             covered up to 7 years                                                                                             Document Based Care
                                                                                             • A tetanus vaccine                                       test (FOBT) for
                                                                 at Dis-Chem and Clicks                                                                                            facility for patients who
                                                                                             • A flu vaccination                                       people over 50 years
                                                                 pharmacy clinics                                                                                                  qualify for this benefit

                                                                                             Prime range                                             Prime range & Unify         • Chronic Care programme
                                                                                             Two HPV vaccinations                                    • A flu vaccination at        People who suffer from
                                                                                             for girls and boys between                                Clicks/Dis-Chem             high blood pressure, high
                                                                                             10-14 years or three                                      pharmacy clinics            cholesterol and diabetes
                                                                                             between 15-26 years                                                                   simultaneously have access
                                                                                                                                                                                   to Medihelp’s Chronic Care
                                                                                                                                                                                   programme, which will
                                                                                                                                                                                   provide personal support
                                                                                                                                                                                   through a care coordinator
                                                                                                                                                                                   to assist in maintaining and
                                                                                                                                                                                   optimising their well-being
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     Chronic illness and PMB cover
     You are covered for the diagnosis, treatment and care of 270 conditions (DTPs), the treatment of 26 chronic diseases (CDL), and medical emergencies
     defined as prescribed minimum benefits (PMB) in terms of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998 and its Regulations:

                                                                270 diagnoses                                  26 chronic conditions                                 Medical emergencies
                                                                The Regulations define a list of               Addison’s disease                                     What is an emergency?
                                                                270 diagnoses and treatment                    Asthma                                                An emergency is the sudden and
                                                                pairs (DTPs) with specific codes               Bipolar mood disorder                                 unexpected onset of a health condition
                                                                and treatment guidelines which
                                                                qualify for PMB.                               Bronchiectasis                                        that requires immediate medical or
                                                                                                               Cardiac failure                                       surgical treatment. Failure to provide
                                                                                                               Cardiomyopathy                                        medical or surgical treatment would
                                                                                                               Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease                 result in serious impairment to bodily
                                                                                                               (COPD)                                                functions or serious dysfunction of a
                                                                                                               Chronic renal disease                                 bodily organ or part or would place the
                                                                                                               Coronary artery disease                               person’s life in serious jeopardy.
                                                                                                               Crohn’s disease
                                                                                                               Diabetes insipidus
                                                                                                                                                                     What to do in an emergency
                                                                                                               Diabetes mellitus type 1
                                                                                                                                                                     If you have an emergency, you can go
                                                                                                               Diabetes mellitus type 2                              directly to hospital. Register
                                                                                                               Dysrhythmia                                           emergency hospital admissions on the
                                                                                                               Epilepsy                                              1st working day after the emergency
                                                                                                               Glaucoma                                              admission – phone 086 0200 678.
                                                                                                               Haemophilia A and B
                                                                                                               Hyperlipidaemia                                       If you need emergency transport,
                                                                                                               Hypertension                                          phone Netcare 911, the designated
                                                                                                               Hypothyroidism                                        service provider for emergency
                                                                                                               Multiple sclerosis                                    transport, on 082 911.
                                                                                                               Parkinson’s disease
                                                                                                               Rheumatoid arthritis
                                                                                                               Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
                                                                                                               Ulcerative colitis

                                                               To access prescribed minimum benefits, certain conditions apply, such as pre-authorisation in line with the list of PMB conditions and codes
                                                               as described in the Regulations, the use of designated service providers and network providers, treatment protocols and medicine formularies.
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     The following provides a detailed comparison of the benefits provided by each benefit option.

     Core benefits                                                                     Hospital plan            Savings              Savings           Comprehensive

         Description                                                                    Benefit                  Benefit             Benefit             Benefit
         Diagnosis, treatment and care costs of 270 PMB and 26 chronic        100% of the cost*        100% of the cost*   100% of the cost*   100% of the cost*
         conditions on the CDL                                                Unlimited                Unlimited           Unlimited           Unlimited
         Subject to protocols, pre-authorisation and DSPs
         Benefits for major trauma that necessitates hospitalisation in the
         case of:
         • Motor vehicle accidents
         • Stab wounds
         • Gunshot wounds                                                     100% of the cost*        100% of the cost*   100% of the cost*   100% of the cost*
         • Head trauma                                                        Unlimited                Unlimited           Unlimited           Unlimited
         • Burns
         • Near drowning
         Subject to authorisation, PMB protocols and case management
         Netcare 911                                                          100% of the MT           100% of the MT      100% of the MT      100% of the MT
         Subject to pre-authorisation and protocols                           Unlimited                Unlimited           Unlimited           Unlimited
         In beneficiary’s country of residence
         In the RSA, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Namibia and Botswana
         • Transport by road
         • Transport by air
         Outside beneficiary’s country of residence                           100% of the MT           100% of the MT      100% of the MT      100% of the MT
         • Transport by road                                                  R2 050 per case          R2 050 per case     R2 050 per case     R2 050 per case
         •      Transport by air                                              100% of the MT           100% of the MT      100% of the MT      100% of the MT
                                                                              R13 700 per case         R13 700 per case    R13 700 per case    R13 700 per case

     *       Contracted tariffs may apply.
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     Core benefits
                                                                                  Hospital plan                   Savings                         Savings                      Comprehensive

      Description                                                                   Benefit                        Benefit                        Benefit                        Benefit
      (State and private hospitals and day clinics)
      Subject to pre-authorisation, protocols and case management        100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      • Intensive and high-care wards                                    Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      • Ward accommodation                                               Any hospital                   Any hospital                   Any hospital                   Any hospital
      • Theatre fees
      • Treatment and ward medicine                                      Prime 1 Network                Prime 2 Network                                               Prime 3 Network
      • Consultations, surgery and anaesthesia                           119 network hospitals          119 network hospitals                                         119 network hospitals

      CONFINEMENT (childbirth)                                           100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      Subject to pre-authorisation, protocols and case management        Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      Subject to pre-authorisation                                       100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      • Professional nursing fees                                        R13 000 per event              R13 000 per event              R13 000 per event              R13 000 per event
      • Equipment
      • Material and medicine
      In hospital                                                        100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      Subject to clinical protocols                                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      RADIOGRAPHY (services by radiographers)
      In and out of hospital                                             100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      Subject to clinical protocols and on request by a medical doctor   R1 050 per family per year     R1 050 per family per year     R1 050 per family per year     R1 050 per family per year
      In and out of hospital                                             100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      On request of a specialist and subject to clinical protocols       Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      • MRI and CT imaging (subject to pre-authorisation)                Member pays the first          Member pays the first          Member pays the first          Member pays the first
                                                                         R1 650 per examination         R1 650 per examination         R1 650 per examination         R1 650 per examination
      •   Angiography                                                    100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
                                                                         Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      ORGAN TRANSPLANTS                                                  100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      Subject to pre-authorisation and clinical protocols                Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      •   Cornea implants                                                100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
                                                                         R28 800 per implant per year   R28 800 per implant per year   R28 800 per implant per year   R28 800 per implant per year

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     Core benefits
                                                                                  Hospital plan              Savings                      Savings                  Comprehensive

      Description                                                                  Benefit                    Benefit                    Benefit                    Benefit
      Professional services relating to a Medihelp authorised private    100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      hospital admission, required for up to 30 days after discharge     M = R1 800 per year        M = R1 800 per year        M = R1 800 per year        M = R1 800 per year
      • Speech therapy                                                   M+ = R2 500 per year       M+ = R2 500 per year       M+ = R2 500 per year       M+ = R2 500 per year
      • Occupational therapy
      • Physiotherapy
      In hospital
      • Occupational and speech therapy, audiometry, podiatry,
          massage, orthoptic, chiropractic, homeopathic, herbal and      100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
          naturopathic, osteopathic and biokinetic services              Unlimited                  Unlimited                  Unlimited                  Unlimited

      •   Physiotherapy and dietician services on referral by the
          attending medical doctor
      OXYGEN                                                             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      In hospital                                                        Unlimited                  Unlimited                  Unlimited                  Unlimited
      NEUROSTIMULATORS                                                   100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      Subject to pre-authorisation and clinical protocols                R111 900 per beneficiary   R111 900 per beneficiary   R111 900 per beneficiary   R111 900 per beneficiary
      • Device and components                                            per year                   per year                   per year                   per year
      In and out of hospital                                             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      Subject to pre-authorisation and clinical protocols                Unlimited                  Unlimited                  Unlimited                  Unlimited
                                                                                                                               PMB only
                                                                         100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
                                                                         R350 per admission         Savings account            Savings account            R350 per admission
      HOSPITAL (TTO) (excluding PMB chronic medicine)
      Subject to pre-authorisation, protocols and services rendered in   100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      an approved/network hospital/facility and prescribed by a          R19 300 per beneficiary    R24 400 per beneficiary    R24 400 per beneficiary    R29 300 per beneficiary
      medical doctor                                                     per year                   per year                   per year                   per year
      • Professional services rendered in and out of hospital by         (maximum R29 300 per       (maximum R33 500 per       (maximum R33 500 per       (maximum R39 300 per
          a psychiatrist                                                 family per year)           family per year)           family per year)           family per year)
      • General ward accommodation
      • Medicine supplied during the period of the treatment in
          the institution
      • Outpatient consultations
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     Core benefits
                                                                                 Hospital plan                  Savings                          Savings                      Comprehensive

      Description                                                                 Benefit                        Benefit                        Benefit                        Benefit
      Subject to pre-authorisation and registration on the Medihelp
      Oncology Programme. Protocols, DSP and MORP apply
                                                                        100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      PMB cases
                                                                        Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      • Hospital and related cancer treatments and services,
          including bone marrow/stem cell transplants (subject to PMB

      Non-PMB cases
      • Hospital and related cancer treatments, including               100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
         radiotherapy, brachytherapy, chemotherapy and associated       R210 800 per family per year   R231 800 per family per year   R231 800 per family per year   R263 500 per family per year
         adjuvant medicine

      Subject to pre-authorisation                                      100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      Services rendered in an approved facility and prescribed by a     Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited
      medical doctor

      Subject to pre-authorisation                                      100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      (Excluding general day-to-day care)

      Subject to pre-authorisation                                      100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      • Conventional or laparoscopic procedure                          Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited

      Subject to pre-authorisation                                      100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      • Conventional or laparoscopic procedure                          Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited                      Unlimited

      •   Robotic assisted laparoscopic procedure                       100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
                                                                        Hospitalisation:               Hospitalisation:               Hospitalisation:               Hospitalisation:
                                                                        R111 000 per beneficiary       R111 000 per beneficiary       R111 000 per beneficiary       R111 000 per beneficiary

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     Core benefits
                                                                                 Hospital plan                   Savings                         Savings                      Comprehensive

      Description                                                                  Benefit                        Benefit                        Benefit                        Benefit
      All hospital admissions and prostheses are subject to             100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
      pre-authorisation, protocols and case management
      •   EVARS prosthesis                                              R34 600 per beneficiary        R130 600 per beneficiary       R130 600 per beneficiary       R130 600 per beneficiary
                                                                        per year                       per year                       per year                       per year
      •   Vascular/cardiac prosthesis                                   R34 600 per beneficiary        R55 900 per beneficiary        R55 900 per beneficiary        R55 900 per beneficiary
                                                                        per year                       per year                       per year                       per year
      •   Health-essential functional prosthesis                        R23 000 per beneficiary        R61 900 per beneficiary        R61 900 per beneficiary        R61 900 per beneficiary
                                                                        per year                       per year                       per year                       per year
          •   Hip, knee and shoulder replacements (non-PMB)             Hospitalisation:               Hospitalisation:               Hospitalisation:               Hospitalisation:
              • In case of acute injury where replacement is the only   100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT                 100% of the MT
                 clinically appropriate treatment modality
                                                                        Prosthesis:                    Prosthesis:                    Prosthesis:                    Prosthesis:
                                                                        Health-essential functional    Health-essential functional    Health-essential functional    Health-essential functional
                                                                        prosthesis benefits apply      prosthesis benefits apply      prosthesis benefits apply      prosthesis benefits apply
              •    In case of wear and tear                             This option does not cover     This option does not cover     This option does not cover     This option does not cover
                                                                        this benefit                   this benefit                   this benefit                   this benefit

          •   Intra-ocular lenses                                       Sub-limit subject to           Sub-limit subject to           Sub-limit subject to           Sub-limit subject to
                                                                        health-essential functional    health-essential functional    health-essential functional    health-essential functional
                                                                        prosthesis benefit             prosthesis benefit             prosthesis benefit             prosthesis benefit
                                                                        2 lenses per beneficiary per   2 lenses per beneficiary per   2 lenses per beneficiary per   2 lenses per beneficiary per
                                                                        year, R4 150 per lens          year, R4 150 per lens          year, R4 150 per lens          year, R4 150 per lens
      •   Implantable hearing devices (including devices and            This option does not cover     This option does not cover     This option does not cover     R105 100 per beneficiary
          components)                                                   this benefit                   this benefit                   this benefit                   per year
      •   Prosthesis with reconstructive or restorative surgery
                                                                                                       R9 600 per family per year     R9 600 per family per year
          In and out of hospital                                        R4 250 per family per year                                                                   R9 600 per family per year
      •   External breast prostheses in and out of hospital                                            Savings account                Savings account
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     Day-to-day benefits
                                                                                      Hospital plan                     Savings                          Savings                      Comprehensive

      Description                                                                      Benefit                           Benefit                         Benefit                       Benefit
      Consultations and follow-up consultations                             100% of the MT
                                                                            M = R1 200 per year
                                                                            M+ = R2 400 per year
      Treatment and material
                                                                            Pooled benefit for GP and
                                                                            specialist consultations,
                                                                            physiotherapy, acute medicine
                                                                            and self-medication
      In and out of hospital                                                                                                                                                  100% of the MT
      SUPPLEMENTARY HEALTH SERVICES                                                                                                                                           M = R9 450 per year
      Occupational and speech therapy, dietician services, audiometry,                                                                                                        M+1 = R15 000 per year
      podiatry, massage, orthoptic, chiropractic, homeopathic, herbal and                                                                                                     M+2 = R17 700 per year
      naturopathic, osteopathic and biokinetic services                                                       100% of the MT                  100% of the MT                  M+3+ = R18 700 per year
                                                                            This option does not cover        Savings account                 Savings account
                                                                            these benefits
      Out of hospital                                                                                         CHILD CARE BENEFITS             CHILD CARE BENEFITS
      Subject to clinical protocols and requested by a medical doctor                                         M+ = R2 000 per year            M+ = R1 000 per year
      STANDARD RADIOLOGY                                                                                      GP consultations for children   GP consultations for children
      Out of hospital                                                                                         ≥2 to
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     Day-to-day benefits
                                                                                    Hospital plan                Savings                   Savings            Comprehensive

      Description                                                                     Benefit                     Benefit                 Benefit               Benefit
      •   Non-PMB generic chronic medicine                                 This option does not cover   100% of the MT          100% of the MT       This option does not cover
          Subject to pre-authorisation and registration on Medihelp’s      this benefit                 Savings account         Savings account      this benefit
          chronic medicine management programme
          • Original medicine when no generic equivalent is available
              – 80% of the MT will apply
          • Voluntary use of original medicine when a generic
              equivalent is available – 70% of the MMAP will apply

      •   PMB chronic medicine                                             100% of the MHRP             100% of the MHRP        100% of the MHRP     100% of the MHRP
          Subject to pre-authorisation and registration on Medihelp’s
                                                                           Prime 1 Network              Prime 2 Network                              Prime 3 Network
          PMB medicine management programme
                                                                           DSP & formulary apply        DSP & formulary apply                        DSP & formulary apply

      Out of hospital                                                      100% of the MT               100% of the MT          100% of the MT       100% of the MT
      Subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols and services        Unlimited                    Unlimited               Unlimited            Unlimited
      prescribed by a medical doctor

      Subject to pre-authorisation by PPN and services should be                                                                                     100% of the MT
      obtained from a PPN provider                                                                                                                   1 composite examination
      • Optometric examinations                                                                                                                      per beneficiary per
          1 composite consultation, including refraction test, tonometry                                                                             24-month cycle
          and visual field test

      •   Spectacles or contact lenses
          Benefits are limited to either spectacles or contact lenses      This option does not cover   100% of the MT          100% of the MT       R800 per beneficiary per
          • Spectacles                                                     these benefits               Savings account         Savings account      24-month cycle
              • Frames and/or lens enhancements

               •   Lenses (one pair of standard clear Aquity lenses)                                                                                 Single vision or bifocal lenses
                                                                                                                                                     per beneficiary per 24-month
                                                                                                                                                     cycle (multifocal lenses paid
                                                                                                                                                     at the cost of bifocal lenses)

          •    Contact lenses                                                                                                                        R1 185 per beneficiary per
                                                                                                                                                     24-month cycle
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     Day-to-day benefits
                                                            Hospital plan                 Savings                     Savings                  Comprehensive

      Description                                             Benefit                      Benefit                    Benefit                    Benefit
      In and out of hospital
      • Artificial eyes                            100% of the MT                                                                     100% of the MT
                                                   R4 700 per family per                                                              R4 700 per family per
                                                   3-year cycle                                                                       3-year cycle
                                                                                100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      •   Speech and hearing aids                  100% of the MT                                                                     100% of the MT
                                                                                Savings account            Savings account
                                                   R4 700 per family per                                                              R4 700 per family per
                                                   3-year cycle                                                                       3-year cycle

      •   Artificial limbs                         100% of the MT                                                                     100% of the MT
                                                   R4 700 per family per                                                              R4 700 per family per
                                                   3-year cycle                                                                       3-year cycle

      •   Wheelchairs                              100% of the MT               100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
                                                   R4 700 per family per        Savings account            Savings account            R4 700 per family per
                                                   3-year cycle                                                                       3-year cycle

      •   Medical appliances                                                    100% of the MT             100% of the MT
                                                                                Savings account            Savings account

      •   Hyperbaric oxygen treatment
                                                   This option does not cover                              100% of the MT             100% of the MT
          • In hospital
                                                   these benefits                                          R630 per family per year   R1 250 per family per year
                                                                                100% of the MT
                                                                                R630 per family per year
          •   Out of hospital                                                                              100% of the MT
                                                                                                           Savings account

      •   Stoma components                         100% of the MT               100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      •   Incontinence products/supplies           Unlimited                    Unlimited                  Unlimited                  Unlimited

      •   CPAP apparatus                           100% of the MT               100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
          Prescribed by a medical doctor           R9 700 per beneficiary per   Savings account            Savings account            R9 700 per beneficiary per
                                                   24-month cycle                                                                     24-month cycle

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     Day-to-day benefits
                                                                                                                Hospital plan                               Savings                          Savings                         Comprehensive

       Description                                                                                               Benefit                                     Benefit                        Benefit                           Benefit
       DENTAL SERVICES*                                                                                                                        100% of the MT                    100% of the MT                    100% of the MT
       Subject to DSP’s managed care protocols                                                                                                 Savings account                   Savings account                   2 per beneficiary per year
       Conservative dental services                                                                                                            2 per beneficiary per year        2 per beneficiary per year        (once every 6 months)
       • Routine check-ups                                                                                                                     (once every 6 months)             (once every 6 months)
       •     Oral hygiene                                                                                                                      100% of the MT                    100% of the MT                    100% of the MT
             • Scale and polish treatments                                                                                                     Savings account                   Savings account                   2 per beneficiary per year
                                                                                                                                               2 per beneficiary per year        2 per beneficiary per year        (once every 6 months)
                                                                                                                                               (once every 6 months)             (once every 6 months)
             •    Fluoride treatment for children >5 and 5 and
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     Day-to-day benefits
                                                                                    Hospital plan                 Savings                      Savings                 Comprehensive

      Description                                                                     Benefit                      Benefit                    Benefit                    Benefit
      Specialised dental services                                                                       100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
      Subject to pre-authorisation and DSP’s managed care protocols                                     Savings account            Savings account            1 partial frame (upper or
      • Partial metal frame dentures                                                                                                                          lower jaw) per beneficiary
                                                                                                                                                              in a 5-year period
      •   Maxillofacial surgery and oral pathology                                                      100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
          • Surgery in the dentist’s chair                                                              Savings account            Savings account
             Benefits for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) therapy are
             limited to non-surgical interventions/treatment
      •   Crowns and bridges                                                                            100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
          Subject to pre-authorisation                                                                  Savings account            Savings account            1 crown per family per year,
                                                                           This option does not cover                                                         once per tooth in a
                                                                           these benefits                                                                     5-year period
      •   Implants                                                                                      100% of the MT             100% of the MT             This option does not cover
          Subject to pre-authorisation                                                                  Savings account            Savings account            this benefit
      •   Orthodontic treatment (only one beneficiary per family may                                    100% of the MT             100% of the MT             100% of the MT
          begin orthodontic treatment per calendar year)                                                Savings account            Savings account            R9 000 once per lifetime
          Subject to pre-authorisation and orthodontic needs analysis                                   Once per lifetime for      Once per lifetime for      per beneficiary
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     Visiting network service providers, making use of DSPs, following the correct pre-authorisation process and negotiating tariffs with your doctor are just
     some of the ways in which you can manage or reduce out-of-pocket medical expenses.
     Procedure-specific deductibles
     There are a limited number of low-incidence procedures that
     require a procedure-specific payment.

                                                                                                              Hospital plan                               Savings                                      Savings                                  Comprehensive
       Subject to protocols and pre-authorisation                                                Member pays the first                       Member pays the first                      Member pays the first                       Member pays the first
                                                                                                 R11 600 per admission                       R10 400 per admission                      R10 400 per admission                       R9 100 per admission
       Subject to protocols and pre-authorisation                                                Member pays the first                       Member pays the first                      Member pays the first                       Member pays the first
       Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, arthroscopy and sigmoidoscopy                                   R2 100 per admission                        R2 750 per admission                       R2 750 per admission                        R2 100 per admission
       • In a day clinic
       •     In a hospital                                                                       Member pays the first                       Member pays the first                      Member pays the first                       Member pays the first
                                                                                                 R3 200 per admission                        R3 850 per admission                       R3 850 per admission                        R3 200 per admission

       •     In the doctor’s rooms                                                               No deductible                               No deductible                              No deductible                               No deductible
       In hospital
       Subject to pre-authorisation and DSP’s managed care protocols                             Member pays the first                       Member pays the first                      Member pays the first                       Member pays the first
       • Removal of impacted teeth (3rd molars)*                                                 R3 300 per admission                        R3 300 per admission                       R3 300 per admission                        R960 per admission
       •     Extensive treatment for children younger than 5 years –
             once per lifetime*
       In and out of hospital
                                                                                                 Member pays the first                       Member pays the first                      Member pays the first                       Member pays the first
       Subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols and services must
                                                                                                 R1 650 per examination                      R1 650 per examination                     R1 650 per examination                      R1 650 per examination
       be requested by a specialist
       MRI and CT imaging
       • Out-of-network hospital used by choice                                                                          65% of the benefit applies                                                                                   65% of the benefit applies
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Not applicable
       •     PMB chronic medicine outside the formulary and/or not                                                       40% of the benefit applies                                                                                   40% of the benefit applies
             obtained from the DSP

     * On all options, item codes may apply on the dentist’s account for removal of impacted teeth. For Prime 1, 2 and Unify, the dentist’s account for extensive dental treatment, is for the member’s account/payable from the savings account.
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                                                                                                                     Hospital plan                                Savings                                         Savings                                   Comprehensive
          • All planned hospital admissions
          • Oxygen for out-of-hospital use
                                                                                                                                                                              80% of the benefit applies
          • Dental procedures under conscious sedation (sedation cost)
             in the dentist’s chair
          • Specialised dental services

          •     Emergency transport services                                                                                                                                  50% of the benefit applies

     Summary of exclusions
     Please refer to Medihelp’s Rules for the medical conditions, procedures and services, appliances,                                               •    Appointments not kept.
     medicines, consumables and other products that are excluded from benefits, with the exception of
                                                                                                                                                     •    The treatment of infertility, other than that stipulated in the Regulations under the Medical
     services which qualify for PMB and are authorised by Medihelp. The following is an extract from the
                                                                                                                                                          Schemes Act, 1998.
                                                                                                                                                     •    Treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse as well as services rendered by institutions which
     •        Services which are not mentioned in the Rules as well as services which in the opinion of the
                                                                                                                                                          are registered in terms of the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act 70 of
              Board of Trustees, are not aimed at the generally accepted medical treatment of an actual or a
                                                                                                                                                          2008 or other institutions whose services are of a similar nature, other than stipulated in the
              suspected medical condition or handicap, which is harmful or threatening to necessary bodily
                                                                                                                                                          Regulations published under the Medical Schemes Act, 1998.
              functions (the process of ageing is not considered to be a suspected medical condition or
              handicap).                                                                                                                             •    The cost of transport with an ambulance/emergency vehicle from a hospital/other institution
                                                                                                                                                          to a residence/medical doctor’s rooms if the visit does not pertain to a hospital admission.
     •        Travelling and accommodation/lodging costs, including meals as well as administration costs of
              a beneficiary and/or service provider.                                                                                                 •    Emergency room facility fees.
     •        Operations, treatments and procedures of own choice, for cosmetic purposes, and obesity                                                •    Physiotherapy services associated with the removal of impacted wisdom teeth.
              related treatment, with the exception of services which qualify for PMB and are approved
              beforehand by Medihelp.                                                                                                                •    Dietician and physiotherapy services rendered in hospital not referred by the attending
                                                                                                                                                          medical doctor.
     •        Costs exceeding the Medihelp tariff for a service or the maximum benefit to which a member is
              entitled, subject to PMB.                                                                                                              •    Cochlear implants – all related procedures, services and devices (not applicable to Prime 3).

         This is a summary of benefits. In the event of a dispute, the registered Rules of Medihelp will apply (which are subject to approval by the Council for Medical Schemes). If a beneficiary joins during the course of a financial year, the benefits are calculated pro rata
         according to the remaining number of months per year.

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     Prime hospital network
     Members of the Prime network benefit options must be admitted to one of the network                        Our website lists all the network hospitals.               Download our Medihelp member app, which is
     hospitals or day clinics below when they need to undergo planned procedures.                               Visit                                  available on iOS and Android devices.

         Gauteng                                                                  KwaZulu-Natal                                                           Limpopo
         Alberton              Netcare Clinton Hospital                           Amanzimtoti        Netcare Kingsway Hospital                            Bela-Bela            St Vincent’s Hospital
                               Netcare Union Hospital                             Ballito            Netcare Alberlito Hospital                           Lephalale            Mediclinic Lephalale
         Benoni                Netcare Lakeview Hospital (maternity and           Durban             Busamed Hillcrest Private Hospital                   Makhado              Zoutpansberg Private Hospital
                               neonatal only)                                                        Lenmed Shifa Private Hospital                        Polokwane            Mediclinic Limpopo
                               Netcare Linmed Hospital                                               Life Chatsmed Garden Hospital                                             Mediclinic Limpopo Day Clinic
         Johannesburg          Netcare Garden City Hospital                                          Netcare St Augustine’s Hospital                      Tzaneen              Mediclinic Tzaneen
                               Netcare Mulbarton Hospital                         Howick             Mediclinic Howick
                               Netcare Park Lane Hospital                         Ladysmith          Lenmed La Verna Private Hospital                      North West
                               Netcare Rand Hospital                              Newcastle          Mediclinic Newcastle
         Kempton Park          Birchmed Surgical Centre                                              Mediclinic Newcastle Day Hospital                    Klerksdorp           Sunningdale Hospital
                               Ekurhuleni Surgiklin Day Clinic                    Pietermaritzburg   Mediclinic Pietermaritzburg                                               Wilmed Park Private Hospital
         Krugersdorp           Netcare Bell Street Hospital                                          Netcare St Anne’s Hospital                           Potchefstroom        Mediclinic Potchefstroom
                               Netcare Krugersdorp Hospital                       Pinetown           Life The Crompton Hospital                                                Medicross Potchefstroom
                               Netcare Pinehaven Hospital                         Port Shepstone     Hibiscus Private Hospital                            Rustenburg           Netcare Ferncrest Hospital
         Midrand               Cure Day Hospital Midstream                        Richards Bay       Netcare The Bay Hospital                             Vryburg              Vryburg Private Hospital
         Pretoria              Cure Day Hospital Erasmuskloof                     Shelly Beach       Shelly Beach Day Clinic
                               Cure Day Hospital Medkin                           Umhlanga           KZN Day Clinic                                       Northern Cape
                                                                                                     Netcare Umhlanga Hospital
                               Intercare Hazeldean Day Hospital
                               Life Brooklyn Day Hospital                                                                                                 Kimberley            Mediclinic Kimberley
                                                                                  Western Cape                                                            Upington             Mediclinic Upington
                               Louis Pasteur Private Hospital
                               Netcare Akasia Hospital                            Cape Town          Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital
                               Netcare Jakaranda Hospital                                            Mediclinic Cape Gate                                 Eastern Cape
                               Netcare Montana Hospital                                              Mediclinic Durbanville
                                                                                                     Mediclinic Durbanville Day Hospital                  East London          Life Beacon Bay Hospital
                               Netcare Pretoria East Hospital
                                                                                                     Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt                                                 Life St Dominic’s Hospital
                               Netcare Unitas Hospital
                                                                                                     Mediclinic Milnerton                                                      Life St James Hospital
                               Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital
                                                                                                     Mediclinic Strand                                    Grahamstown          Netcare Settlers Hospital
         Roodepoort            Mayo Clinic
                                                                                                     Medicross Foreshore Day Hospital                     Humansdorp           Life Isivivana Private Hospital
         Springs               Netcare N17 Hospital
                                                                                                     Melomed Bellville                                    Port Alfred          Netcare Port Alfred Hospital
         Vanderbijlpark        Cormed Clinic
                                                                                                     Melomed Gatesville                                   Port Elizabeth       Life St George’s Hospital (maternity and neonatal only)
                               Mediclinic Emfuleni
                                                                                                     Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital                              Medical Forum Theatre
                               PJ Schutte Theatre Unit (dental procedures only)
                                                                                                     Netcare Kuilsriver Hospital                                               Netcare Greenacres Hospital
         Vereeniging           Mediclinic Vereeniging
                                                                                                     Netcare N1 City Hospital                             Queenstown           Life Queenstown Private Hospital
                               Midvaal Private Hospital
                                                                                  George             Mediclinic Geneva                                    Uitenhage            Netcare Cuyler Hospital
                                                                                                     Mediclinic George
         Mpumalanga                                                               Hermanus           Mediclinic Hermanus                                  Free State
                                                                                  Mossel Bay         Life Bayview Private Hospital
         eMalahleni            Advanced De La Vie Day Hospital                    Oudtshoorn         Mediclinic Klein Karoo                               Bethlehem            Bethlehem Medical Centre
                               eMalahleni Private Hospital                        Paarl              Cure Day Hospital Paarl                                                   Mediclinic Hoogland
         Ermelo                Mediclinic Ermelo                                                     Mediclinic Paarl                                     Bloemfontein         Citymed Day Hospital
         Middelburg            Life Midmed Hospital                               Plettenberg Bay    Mediclinic Plettenberg Bay                                                Mediclinic Bloemfontein
         Nelspruit             Busamed Lowveld Private Hospital                   Somerset West      Mediclinic Vergelegen                                                     Pasteur Eye Hospital
                               Kiaat Private Hospital                             Stellenbosch       Mediclinic Stellenbosch                                                   Universitas Private Hospital
                               Mediclinic Nelspruit                                                  Mediclinic Stellenbosch Day Clinic                   Kroonstad            Netcare Kroon Hospital
         Secunda               Mediclinic Secunda                                                    Mediclinic Winelands Orthopaedic Hospital            Welkom               Mediclinic Welkom
                                                                                  Vredenburg         Life West Coast Private Hospital                                          Welkom Medical Centre
     Medihelp may change the information contained in this list from time to      Worcester          Mediclinic Worcester
     time and will publish any changes on our website at
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     Our healthcare partners
     We partner with preferred providers and networks to give you access to affordable, quality care.

           Dental Risk Company                                                                                 PPN (optometry network)
           Dental Risk Company (DRC) specialises in offering effective dental managed care solutions           The Preferred Provider Negotiators (PPN) provide Medihelp’s optical benefits (in options
           and provides Medihelp’s dental benefits in partnership with more than 2 300 dentists across         which cover optometry) in partnership with more than 2 300 optometrists across South
           South Africa. Members may visit any dentist of their choice, but benefits are managed by            Africa. Medihelp members may visit any optometrist and benefits are paid according to
           DRC and granted in accordance with DRC protocols.                                                   PPN tariffs.

           Medihelp Preferred Pharmacy Network                                                                 DSPs for the Prime network range only
           Medihelp’s Preferred Pharmacy Network consists of more than 2 000 pharmacies who              DSP
           offer Medihelp members the most cost-effective professional fee structure for prescribed
           medicine. This means that members who visit network pharmacies will not have to pay
                                                                                                               Members must obtain their PMB chronic medicine from a designated service provider (DSP)
           any excess amounts for higher professional fees which non-network pharmacies charge to
                                                                                                               to avoid a 60% deductible. Order your authorised PMB chronic medicine from MobileMeds.
           dispense medicine items.

           LifeSense, Dis-Chem Direct and Medipost                                                             Dis-Chem Oncology and Medipost
           LifeSense Disease Management is the managed healthcare partner for HIV/Aids-related                 Dis-Chem Oncology and Medipost are the DSPs for oncology medicine.
           services and post-exposure prophylaxis, while Dis-Chem Direct and Medipost are the
           designated service providers (DSPs) for HIV/Aids medicine.

           Specialist networks
           Two specialist networks (for Medihelp’s non-network range and the Prime network range)
           effectively manage any PMB specialist care that our members may require, while reducing
           their out-of-pocket expenses. For members of our network options, specific specialist
           networks also ensure streamlined care between the specialist and the network hospital,
           especially with regard to PMB services.

           Netcare 911
           Netcare 911 is our partner in providing emergency medical services.

           ICON is the Independent Clinical Oncology Network to which more than 80% of the
           country’s oncologists belong. They provide the highest quality cancer care through a
           countrywide footprint of high-tech chemotherapy and radiotherapy facilities. ICON is
           Medihelp’s designated service provider for oncology treatment.

           Medihelp’s back treatment programme is offered in cooperation with Document Based Care
           (DBC). Each programme is developed by an inter-disciplinary medical team according to the
           individual’s clinical profile.

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     Explanation of terms

     BMI      –    Body mass index                                                                            CPAP is an apparatus which provides continuous positive airway pressure to assist breathing.
     COPD     –    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
     CT       –    Computerised tomography                                                                    A cycle means the stated length of the benefit cycle, commencing on the date of the first service
     EMS      –    Emergency medical services                                                                 and thereafter calculated from the date of each subsequent service after the completion of a
     GP       –    General practitioner                                                                       previous cycle, regardless of a break in membership or registration, or change in benefit option.
     HPV      –    Human papilloma virus
     M        –    Member                                                                                     Deductibles are the difference between the cover provided by Medihelp and the cost/tariff charged
     MORP     –    Medihelp Oncology Reference Price                                                          for the medical service, and are payable directly to the service provider. Deductibles are applicable in
     MRI      –    Magnetic resonance imaging                                                                 the following cases:
     OAL      –    Overall annual limit                                                                       • When doctors and other providers of medical services charge fees which exceed Medihelp’s
     PPN      –    Preferred Provider Negotiators                                                                  tariffs, the member is responsible for paying the difference between the amount charged and
                                                                                                                   the amount which Medihelp pays;
     The back treatment programme provided by Document Based Care (DBC) is a non-surgical                     • When Medihelp’s benefit allocation is not 100% (e.g. for original acute medicine), or where the
     intervention in lieu of surgery for the management of spinal column disease/conditions/                       cost exceeds the limit available for the service (e.g. for medical appliances); and
     abnormalities. This approach to the treatment of back and neck pain involves an inter-disciplinary       • When the member chooses not to obtain services from a designated service provider (e.g. ICON
     team handling the rehabilitation programme, which is individualised for each patient based on                 in the case of oncology) or when a pre-determined deductible is applicable to a specific benefit
     the patient’s needs and clinical diagnosis. Patients are assessed to ascertain if they are eligible to        as indicated per benefit option.
     participate in the programme.
                                                                                                              DSP – Designated service providers appointed by Medihelp to provide certain medical services.
     CDL – Chronic Diseases List which is covered in terms of prescribed minimum benefits.
                                                                                                              An emergency medical condition means any sudden and unexpected onset of a health condition
     The Chronic Care programme provides members who suffer from a combination of high blood                  that requires immediate medical or surgical treatment, where failure to provide such treatment
     pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol with the support they need to contribute to their optimum        would result in serious impairment to bodily functions or serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or
     health. Participation in the programme entails support by a registered nurse who coordinates the         part, or would place the person’s life in serious jeopardy. An emergency medical condition must be
     member’s care to ensure optimal utilisation of medicine and consultations within available benefits,     certified as such by a medical practitioner. Emergencies qualify for PMB and must therefore also be
     with the objective of improving members’ lifestyle and well-being.                                       registered for PMB (see also “PMB”).

     Contraceptives refer to injectable, implantable, intra-uterine, trans- and subdermal as well as          EVARS prosthesis means endovascular aortic replacement surgery and is considered when the
     oral contraceptives.                                                                                     patient suffers from an aortic aneurysm with an accompanying risk for anaesthesia.

     Cost means the cost of PMB services, payable in full by Medihelp if the services are registered          Formulary means a list of preferred items (medicine, pathology, prosthetic or otherwise) based
     with Medihelp as qualifying for PMB and rendered by DSPs according to accepted PMB                       on its safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness, used in the diagnosis and/or treatment of a medical
     treatment protocols.                                                                                     condition (Prime network options only).
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     Explanation of terms

     Hospital benefits refer to benefits for services rendered by a hospital during a patient’s stay in         Period refers to the specific duration described per benefit, e.g. dentistry, or the date of enrolment
     hospital. Services include ward accommodation and ward medicine, standard radiology, pathology             as a beneficiary.
     and consultations during hospitalisation. Hospital benefits are subject to pre-authorisation and
     Medihelp pays 80% of the hospital account if the admission is not pre-authorised. 65% benefits             PMB – Prescribed minimum benefits are paid for 26 chronic conditions on the CDL and 270
     are paid on the Prime network options in case of a voluntary admission to a non-network hospital.          diagnoses with their treatments as published in the Regulations under the Medical Schemes Act
     Procedure-specific deductibles may apply. Emergency admissions must be registered on the first             131 of 1998. In terms of these Regulations, medical schemes are compelled to grant benefits for
     workday following the admission (see also “emergency medical condition”).                                  the diagnosis, treatment and care costs of any of these conditions as well as emergency medical
                                                                                                                conditions (that meet the published definition) without imposing any limits. PMB are subject to
     MHRP – The Medihelp Reference Price is applicable to all pre-authorised PMB medicine. The price is         pre-authorisation, protocols, and the utilisation of designated service providers, where applicable,
     determined according to the most cost-effective treatment based on evidence-based principles. The          e.g. ICON for cancer treatment. Benefits for PMB services are first funded from the related
     MHRP will differ for the different benefit options and is subject to change (e.g. when new generic         day-to-day benefits.
     equivalents are introduced to the market). Please visit Medihelp’s website at
     (the secured site for members) for the latest MHRP. Members are advised to consult their doctor            Protocol means a set of clinical guidelines in relation to the optimal sequence of diagnostic testing
     when using PMB medicine to make sure they use medicine on the MHRP where possible and so                   and treatments for specific conditions and includes, but is not limited to, clinical practice guidelines,
     prevent or reduce deductibles.                                                                             standard treatment guidelines, disease management guidelines, treatment algorithms, clinical
                                                                                                                pathways and formularies.
     MMAP – The Maximum Medical Aid Price is the reference price used by Medihelp to determine
     benefits for acute and chronic medicine. The MMAP is the average price of all the available generic        Savings account means an account which is held by Medihelp as part of the funds of Medihelp.
     equivalents for an ethical patented medicine item.                                                         Funds in the savings account are used to pay for qualifying medical expenses and funds not used,
     MT – Medihelp tariff refers to the tariff paid by Medihelp for different medical services, and can
     include the contracted tariff for services agreed with certain groups of service providers such as         TTO – To take out; medicine dispensed and charged by the hospital at discharge.
     hospitals, the Medihelp Dental Tariff for dental services, and the single exit price for acute medicine.
     The various tariffs are defined in the Rules of Medihelp.                                                  Vascular/cardiac prostheses include artificial aortic valves, pacemakers and related or connected
                                                                                                                functional prostheses.
     Network benefit options offer benefits to members in collaboration with a medical provider
     network. Members on these options must make use of the network to qualify for benefits and
     prevent deductibles. Please visit for details of the network providers for your
     benefit option.

     Oncology: The majority of oncology cases qualify for prescribed minimum benefits (PMB),
     which Medihelp will cover at 100% of the cost in accordance with the protocols as set out in
     the Regulations published under the Act, while non-PMB oncology is covered at specific benefit
     amounts per option, provided that oncology is rendered by oncologists within the Independent
     Clinical Oncology Network (ICON). All oncology treatments will be evaluated on an individual
     basis according to ICON’s protocols and must adhere to ICON’s oncology treatment programmes.
     Medihelp covers PMB bone marrow/stem cell transplants subject to the applicable PMB legislation.
     Oncology received outside ICON or that deviates from the protocols is subject to deductibles.

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     Contact us
     Medihelp                                                                                                                        Partners
     Medihelp Customer Care centre                                          MRI and CT imaging                                       Netcare 911 (emergency medical transport)
     Tel: 086 0100 678                                                      Tel: 086 0200 678                                        Tel: 082 911
     Fax: 012 336 9540                                                                                                               mySOS app
                                                                            Disease management programme                             DRC (dental services)
                                                                            Tel: 086 0100 678                                        Tel: 087 943 9618
     Application forms (new business)                                       Fax: 086 0064 762                                        Fax: 086 687 1285                                                           
     Membership enquiries                                                   Oncology medicine (Prime network options only)
     Fax: 012 336 9532                                                      Dis-Chem Oncology
                                                                                                                                                                         Tel: 010 003 8948
                                                                            Fax: 086 597 0573                                        HIV/Aids programme & post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
     Subscriptions enquiries                                                                         Disease management programme
     Fax: 012 336 9537                                                      or                                                       LifeSense                                           Medipost                                                 Tel: 0860 50 60 80
                                                                            Tel: 012 404 4430                                        SMS: 31271 for a call back
     E-services                                                             Fax: 086 680 3319                                        Fax: 0860 80 49 60
     Access the secured site for members (Member Zone)                                              Enquiries:
     via                                                                                                          Scripts & pathology:
     Download the member app from iStore/Google Play                        Private nursing, hospice and sub-acute care facilities
                                                                            Tel: 086 0100 678
     Submission of claims                                                   Fax: 012 336 9523
                                                                                                                                     Dis-Chem Direct
     Fax: 012 336 9556                                            
                                                                                                                                     Tel: 011 589 2788
                                                                            Chronic renal dialysis & oxygen administered at home     Fax: 086 641 8311
     Hospital admissions (all hospital admissions must be pre-authorised)   Tel: 086 0100 678                              
     Member Zone                                                            Fax: 012 336 9540                                        or
     Member app                                                                                      Medipost
     Tel: 086 0200 678                                                                                                               Tel: 012 426 4000
     Fax: 012 336 9535                                                      Medihelp fraudline                                       Fax: 086 688 9867                                            Tel: 012 334 2428                              
                                                                            Fax: 012 336 9538
     PMB chronic medicine and more than 30 days’ medicine supply                                       PPN (optometry)
     Tel: 086 0100 678                                                                                                               Tel: 086 1103 529 or 086 1101 477
     Fax: 012 334 2466                                                      MobileMeds (Prime network options only)                                                     PMB chronic medicine                           
                                                                            Tel: 086 0100 678
     Prescribed minimum benefits (PMB)                                      Fax: 012 336 9544                                        Council for Medical Schemes
     Tel: 086 0100 678                                                                            Tel: 086 1123 267
     Fax: 086 0064 762                                                                                                                                                                                                   
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September 2019

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                                                         Medihelp is an authorised financial services
                             provider (FSP No 15738)
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