Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 20191

Page created by Lorraine Casey
Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu
vol. lxxxviii, fasc. 176 (2019-II)

Bibliography on the History
of the Society of Jesus 20191

Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ
A collaboration between Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Institute for
Advanced Jesuit Studies (Boston College) and Jesuitica Project (KU Leuven)

The “Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus” was first
produced for AHSI by László Polgár SJ, spanning fifty issues of the
journal, between 1952 and 2001. The Bibliography was resumed
in 2006 by Paul Begheyn SJ, who was its author until 2018. With
appreciation and esteem for Fr Begheyn’s significant contribution
to this enterprise, the collaborators on the “Bibliography on the
History of the Society of Jesus 2019” enter a new phase of the
Bibliography’s production, incorporating for the first time three
distinct and interconnected outlets for exploring the bibliographical
riches of Jesuit history:

-Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus, by Wenceslao
Soto Artuñedo SJ, in print and online annually, Archivum Historicum
Societatis Iesu:
-Jesuit Online Bibliography, a free, searchable collection of Jesuit
Studies Scholarship through the Portal to Jesuit Studies: https://
-Jesuitica, a collaborative initiative from KU Leuven and the Jesuit
Region ELC to facilitate academic research on the Maurits Sabbe
Library’s Jesuitica book collections:

The 2019 Bibliography introduces some changes to the bibliographical
styling and criteria for inclusion of works. As in previous years, in
order to provide continuity with Fr Polgár’s work, it incorporates titles
dated from 2000. Entries are divided into three sections: I. The entire
Society; II. Countries; III. Persons. An Index of authors concludes the
Bibliography. Some further features of the Bibliography may be noted:

1 The following persons have generously assisted in putting together this
  bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Roma), Paul Begheyn (Amsterdam), Clemens
  Brodkorb (München), Cristiano Casalini (Boston), Carlos Coupeau (Bilbao), Michał
  Czerenkiewicz (Krakow), Bernard Deprez (Louvain), Ad Dudink (Louvain), Seth
  Meehan (Boston), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), Yannick Van Loon (Louvain),
  Gabriel M. Verd (Granada), Kasper Volk (Boston).
520                   Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

1. In each section, titles are listed in chronological order of
    publication and, within each year, in alphabetical order of
    author (works without named authors or editors are placed
    after these, by alphabetical order of title).
2. Author names only are listed: abbreviations of religious orders or
    congregations are omitted after author names.
3. Publications on the internet, titles in private Jesuit publications, book
    reviews, unpublished dissertations, and theses are not included.
For more detailed bibliographies on spirituality, please consult the
annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa, and www., which provides a review of theological research.

Please send new titles, corrections and suggestions to:
Wenceslao Soto SJ, ARSI
Borgo Santo Spirito, 4
00193 Roma, Italia

I. The entire Society

A. General history
  1. Auxiliary sciences                                                1-3
  2. Historical works                                                 4-20
  B. Special history
  1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola                                       21-39
  2. Institute                                                         40
  3. Spiritual Exercises                                            41-50
  4. Spirituality                                                   51-58
  5. Pastoral activities                                            59-75
  6. Cultural activities                                           76-153
  7. Polemical writings                                           154-158

II. Countries
A. Africa                                                             159
B. America                                                        160-208
C. Asia                                                           209-251
D. Europe                                                         252-327
E. Oceania                                                            328

III. Persons
Persons in alphabetical order                                      329-568
Index of authors                                                   p. 584
Complementary list of persons                                      p. 591
Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2019          521

I. The entire Society

A. General History

1. Auxiliary sciences
1. Roberts, Kyle B. “Rediscovering Physical Collections through
    the Digital Archive: The Jesuit Libraries Provenance Project.”
    Collections, vol. 12, no. 4, 2016, pp. 445–457.
2. Palagiano, Sergio. “Il fondo Santa Sede nell’Archivum Romanum
    Societatis Iesu (Arsi) tra Antica e Nuova Compagnia: analisi
    archivistica e prospettive di ricerca.” Archivum Historicum
    Societatis Iesu, vol. 171, no. 1, 2017, pp. 99–144.
3. Binasco, Matteo. Roman Sources for the History of American
    Catholicism 1763–1939. University of Notre Dame Press, 2018.

2. Historical works
4. Höpfl, Harro. “Ordered Passions: Commitment and Hierarchy
    in the Organizational Ideas of the Jesuit Founders.” Management
    Learning, vol. 31, no. 3, 2000, pp. 313–329.
5. Chanterie, Frans. “Korte levensbeschryvingen van de heiligen der
    Societeit van Jesus (1761).” Jesuit Books in the Low Countries 1540-
    1773: A Selection from the Maurits Sabbe Library, edited by Paul Be-
    gheyn et al., Peeters, 2009, pp. 280–283.
6. Winnerling, Tobias. “The Spiritual Empire of the Society of Jesus.”
    Itinerario, vol. 40, no. 2, 2016, pp. 215–237.
7. Decock, Wim. “Law, Religion, and Debt Relief: Balancing above the
    ‘Abyss of Despair’ in Early Modern Canon Law and Theology.”
    American Journal of Legal History, vol. 57, no. 2, 2017, pp. 125–141.
8. Dürr, Renate. “Mapping the Miracle: Empirical Approaches in the
    Exodus Debate of the Eighteenth Century.” Past and Present, vol.
    237, no. 1, 2017, pp. 93–133.
9. Ferlan, Claudio. “Ivresse et gourmandise dans la culture
    missionnaire jésuite. Entre bière et maté (XVIe-XVIIe siècles).”
    Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, vol. 62, no. 178, 2017, pp.
10. Friedrich, Markus, and Alexander Schunka, editors. Reporting
    Christian Missions in the Eighteenth Century: Communication,
    Culture of Knowledge and Regular Publication in a Cross-Confessional
    Perspective. Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017.
11. Muneroni, Stefano. Hermenegildo and the Jesuits: Staging Sainthood
    in the Early Modern Period. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
12. Trakulhun, Sven. Asiatische Revolutionen: Europa und der Aufstieg
522                    Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

    und Fall asiatischer Imperien (1600–1830). Campus Verlag, 2017.
13. Ellis-Marino, Elizabeth. “A conversion too far: Elisabeth von Loe,
    Moritz von Büren, and the Jesuits.” Church History and Religious
    Culture, vol. 98, no. 3-4, 2018, pp. 387–406.
14. Ferlan, Claudio. Os Jesuítas. Edições Loyola, 2018.
15. Findlen, Paula. “How Information Travels: Jesuit Networks, Scien-
    tific Knowledge, and the Early Modern Republic of Letters, 1540–
    1640.” Empires of Knowledge: Scientific Networks in the Early Modern
    World, edited by Paula Findlen, Routledge, 2018, pp. 57–105.
16. Magnani, Arianna. “The imported culture: Who is the dummy?
    Considering ‘agency’ in the circulation of Chinese books in
    Europe during the XVII-XVIII centuries.” Annali di Ca‘ Foscari.
    Serie Orientale - Supplemento, vol. 54, 2018, pp. 575–594.
17. Miszalska, Jadwiga. “Siedemnastowieczne polskie tłumaczenia
    jezuickich relacji z misji na dalekim wschodzie w kontekście
    problematyki historii przekładu.” Przekladaniec, no. 36, 2018, pp.
18. Paltrinieri, Riccardo. La salvezza della croce. Una riflessione in dialogo
    con Durrwell e Balthasar. Aracne Editrice, 2018.
19. Spadaro, Antonio. Gesprekken over de Kerk en de wereld van morgen.
    Adveniat and Halewijn, 2018.
20. Mariani, Andrea. “State-Sponsored Inventories of Jesuit Houses
    in the Aftermath of the Suppression of the Society of Jesus:
    Notes on a Source for Jesuit History from the Polish-Lithuanian
    Commonwealth.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, vol. 87, no.
    174, 2018, pp. 189–241.

B. Special History
See also 510

1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola
21. Mochizuki, Mia M. “Ignatius of Loyola S.J., Geestelycke
    oeffeninghen (1673).” Jesuit Books in the Low Countries 1540-1773:
    A Selection from the Maurits Sabbe Library, edited by Paul Begheyn
    et al., Peeters, 2009, pp. 196–201.
22. Mushipu Mbombo, Dieudonné. Le Récit du pèlerin de saint Ignace
    de Loyola et son rôle formatif dans l'accompagnement spirituel. L'apport
    des sciences humaines par l'herméneutique classique et la psychologie
    culturelle dans la lecture pastorale d'un tel récit. Academic Press
    Fribourg, 2014.
23. Ferlan, Claudio. “La pericolosità degli eccessi. Ignazio di Loyola e
    le regole della tavola.” Ignaziana, vol. 23, no. 1, 2017, pp. 3–16.
Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2019        523

24. Lop Sebastià, Miguel, editor. Relatos ignacianos. Hablan los testigos.
    Mensajero, 2017.
25. Wenzelmann, Adelheid, and Christiane Brendel. Martin Luther
    und Ignatius von Loyola. Entdeckung einer spirituellen Verwandtschaft.
    Vol. Ignatianische Impulse Bd. 74, Echter, 2017.
26. Adamus, Klaudia, and Mieczysław Bednarz, editors. Opowieść
    pielgrzyma: autobiografia. Wydawnictwo WAM, 2018.
27. Cordovilla Pérez, Ángel. “‘Al hablar al Padre, mi amor se extendía
    a toda la Trinidad’ [De 63]. Rasgos del Dios de Ignacio.” Dogmática
    Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by
    Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Sal
    Terrae and Mensajero, 2018, pp. 73–96.
28. Daelemans, Bert. “‘Unción del Espíritu Santo’ [Co 414]. En el cruce
    de voluntades: pneumatología ignaciana.” Dogmática Ignaciana.
    “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino
    Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal Terrae and Mensajero and Universidad
    Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 205–240.
29. Frasca, Ralph. “‘Utter Ruthlessness and Brutality’: An Archdiocese
    Fights Back When a Major Newspaper Compares Saint Ignatius
    Loyola to Adolf Hitler.” American Catholic Studies, vol. 129, no. 4,
    2018, pp. 45–68.
30. García Hernán, Enrique. “‘... Exhortando a las confesiones
    y comuniones’ [Fn I, 126]. Confesores de Ignacio a Loyola.”
    Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1],
    edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal Terrae and Mensajero and
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 437–467.
31. Gonçalves Ferreira, Miguel. “Autobiografia de Santo Inácio: a
    peregrinação como pedagogia.” A Pedagogia da Companhia de
    Jesus. Contributos para um Diálogo, edited by José Manuel Martins
    Lopes, Axioma, 2018, pp. 77–116.
32. Guevara Llaguno, Miren Junkal. “‘Soberanamente necesaria en los
    ministerios propios de la Compañía’ [Cg 13, d. 15]. Comprensión
    de la Biblia en la tradición ignaciana.” Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar
    y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino Uríbarri
    Bilbao, Mensajero and Sal Terrae and Universidad Pontificia
    Comillas, 2018, pp. 241–268.
33. Madrigal Terrazas, J. Santiago. “‘Nuestra sancta madre
    Iglesia hierárchica’ [Ej 353]. La Iglesia de Jesucristo según los
    Commentarii de Salmerón.” Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar
    la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal
    Terrae and Mensajero and Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018,
    pp. 469–502.
524                  Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

34. Martínez-Gayol Fernández, Nurya. “‘... Nos quiera dar su
    gracia cumplida’ [Epp I, 222]. La gracia en Ignacio de Loyola.”
    Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1],
    edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Mensajero and Sal Terrae and
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 271–302.
35. Molina Molina, Diego M. “‘... La vera sposa de Christo nuestro
    Señor’ [Ej 353]. La Iglesia en la dogmática ignaciana.” Dogmática
    Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by
    Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal Terrae and Universidad Pontificia
    Comillas and Mensajero, 2018, pp. 411–436.
36. Ramos Riera, Ignacio. “‘¡He aquí a nuestro Padre téologo!’
    [Fn Ii, 202] ¿Qué es lo ‘ignaciano’ y lo teológico ignaciano?”
    Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1],
    edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Mensajero and Sal Terrae and
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 45–69.
37. Uríbarri Bilbao, Gabino, editor. Dogmática ignaciana. “Buscar y
    hallar la voluntad divina” [Ej 1]. Ediciones Mensajero and Sal Terrae
    and Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, p. 573.
38. Uríbarri Bilbao, Gabino. “‘Siguiéndoos, mi Señor, yo no me podré
    perder’ [De 114]. Líneas maestras de la cristología ignaciana.”
    Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1],
    edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal Terrae and Universidad
    Pontificia Comillas and Mensajero, 2018, pp. 133–175.
39. Uríbarri Bilbao, Gabino. “A modo de conclusión. ‘Definir o
    declarar para nuestros tiempos de las cosas necesarias a la salud
    eterna’ [Ej 363]. Arquitectura básica de la dogmática ignaciana.”
    Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1],
    edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal Terrae and Mensajero and
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 503–524.

2. Institute
40. Freitas, Domingos de. “A parte IV das Constituições da
    Companhia de Jesus e a Educação.” A Pedagogia da Companhia de
    Jesus. Contributos para um Diálogo, edited by José Manuel Martins
    Lopes, Axioma, 2018, pp. 179–214.

3. Spiritual Exercises
See also 393

41. Kessler, Stephan Ch. “Die ‘Geistlichen Übungen’ des Ignatius
    von Loyola und die Studienordnung der Jesuiten: Pädagogik
    aus den Exerzitien.” Ignatius Von Loyola und Die Pädagogik der
Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2019      525

    Jesuiten: Ein Modell für Schule und Persönlichkeitsbildung, edited
    by Harald Schöndorf and Rüdiger Funiok, Peter Lang, 2000, pp.
42. Rojka, Lubos, and Louis Caruana. “Philosophy in the Spiritual
    Exercises. European Jesuit Philosophers.” Gregorianum, vol. 98,
    no. 4, 2017, pp. 745–46.
43. Cebollada Sivestre, Pascual. “‘La persona que da a otro modo
    y orden’ [Ej 2]. Ejemplos de este ministerio en la historia.”
    Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1],
    edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Mensajero and SalTerrae and
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 355–380.
44. Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. “L'autorité sociale de la Compagnie
    de Jésus par la pratique des Exercices spirituels (XVIe-XXe
    siècle).” Liberté des Consciences et Religion. Enjeux et Conflits
    (XIIIe-XXe Siècle), edited by Marta Peguera Poch et al., Presses
    Universitaires de Rennes, 2018, pp. 157–167.
45. Fenoyl, Maurice de. “Propos de soufis. Mystique musulmane et
    Exercices spirituels de saint Ignace.” Archivo Teológico Granadino,
    vol. 81, 2018, pp. 9–70.
46. García Domínguez, Luis María. “‘Que todas mis intenciones,
    acciones y operaciones sean puramente ordenadas’ [Ej 46].
    Voluntad de Dios y motivación humana en el discernimiento
    ignaciano.” Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad
    Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Mensajero and
    Sal Terrae and Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 381–
47. Magalhões, Vasco Pinto de. “A Pedagogia dos Exercícios
    Espirituais.” A Pedagogia da Companhia de Jesus. Contributos para
    um Diálogo, edited by José Manuel Martins Lopes, Axioma, 2018,
    pp. 167–176.
48. Reus Canals, Manuel. “‘Deje inmediate obrar al Criador con la
    criatura’ [Ej 15]. La experiencia inmediata de Dios.” Dogmática
    Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited
    by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Mensajero and Sal Terrae and
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, pp. 329–354.
49. Rodríguez Panizo, Pedro. “‘El hombre es criado para alabar,
    hacer reverencia y servir a Dios nuestro Señor’ [Ej 23]. El
    Principio y Fundamento.” Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar
    la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal
    Terrae and Mensajero and Universidad Pontificia Comillas,
    2018, pp. 303-327.
50. Uríbarri Bilbao, Gabino. “‘... Juntamente contemplado su vida’
526                   Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

      [Ej 135]. Los misterios de la vida de Cristo como epifanía de
      la voluntad de Dios.” Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar la
      Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal
      Terrae and Mensajero and Universidad Pontificia Comillas,
      2018, pp. 177–204.

4. Spirituality
51. Francis, Pope, “Writings on Jesuit Spirituality I, by Jorge Mario
    Bergoglio, Sj.” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, vol. 45, no. 3,
    2013, pp. x, 37 p.
52. Francis, Pope. “Writings on Jesuit Spirituality II, by Jorge Mario
    Bergoglio, Sj.” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, vol. 45, no. 4,
    2013, pp. x, 43.
53. O’Leary, Brian. “Jesuit Spirituality Before and After the
    Suppression.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, vol. 103, no. 412,
    2014, pp. 586–97.
54. Hughson, Thomas, and Robert J. Daly, editors. Ecumenism and
    Ignatian Spirituality. Jesuit Sources, 2016.
55. Howell, Patrick J., and Robert J. Daly, editors. Thinking and Feeling
    with the Churches. Jesuit Sources, 2017.
56. Martínez-Gayol Fernández, Nurya. “‘Dios nuestro Señor quiera
    mover mi voluntad’ [Ej 180]. Voluntad general y voluntad
    particular en perspectiva ignaciana.” Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar
    y Hallar la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino Uríbarri
    Bilbao, Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Sal Terrae and
    Mensajero, 2018, pp. 97–132.
57. O’Leary, Brian. God Ever Greater: Exploring Ignatian Spirituality.
    Messenger Publications, 2018.
58. Uríbarri Bilbao, Gabino. “Introducción. Del ‘sentir y gustar’
    [Ej 2] a las ‘materias teológicas’ [Fn II, 198]. El sentido de una
    ‘dogmatica ignaciana’.” Dogmática Ignaciana. “Buscar y Hallar
    la Voluntad Divina” [Ej 1], edited by Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao, Sal
    Terrae and Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Mensajero, 2018,
    pp. 23–41.

5. Pastoral activities
59. Clarke, Bill. Face of Friendship: A True Story of Hope and
    Transformation. Novalis, 2004.
60. Macek, Ellen. “‘Ghostly Fathers’ and their ‘Virtuous Daughters’:
    The Role of Spiritual Direction in the Lives of Three Early Modern
    English Women.” Catholic Historical Review, vol. 90, no. 2, 2004,
    pp. 213–235.
Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2019        527

61. Zdzisław. “Chorwacka barokowa proza kaznodziejska.”
    Południowosłowiańskie Zeszyty Naukowe. Język - Literatura - Kultura,
    vol. 2, no. Homiletyka, 2005, pp. 127–137.
62. Hsia, R. Po-chia. “The Catholic Historical Review: One Hundred
    Years of Scholarship on Catholic Missions in the Early Modern
    World.” Catholic Historical Review, vol. 101, no. 2, 2015, pp. 223–
63. Shore, Paul J. “Contact, Confrontation, Accommodation: Jesuits
    and Islam, 1540-1770.” Al-Qantara, vol. 36, no. 2, 2015, pp. 429–
64. Sánchez Solano, Esteban. “Misiones, evangelización y el Nuevo
    Mundo, siglos XVI-XVII: un balance historiográfico para re-
    pensar el mundo misionero.” Revista Estudios, vol. 32, 2016, pp.
    341–376 .
65. Borja González, Galaxis, and Ulrike Strasser. “The German
    Circumnavigation of the Globe: Missionary Writing, Colonial
    Identity Formation, and the Case of Joseph Stöcklein’s Neuer
    Welt-Bott.” Reporting Christian Missions in the Eighteenth Century:
    Communication, Culture of Knowledge and Regular Publication in a
    Cross-Confessional Perspective, edited by Markus Friedrich and
    Alexander Schunka, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017, pp. 73–92.
66. Broggio, Paolo. “Jesuit Missionaries and Indigenous Cultures
    between Adaptation, Persuasion and Repression: The Case of
    Spanish America in the 16th and 17th Centuries.” Representations
    of the Other and Intercultural Experiences, edited by Niccolò Guasti,
    Mimesis international, 2017, pp. 33–62.
67. Friedrich, Markus. “On Reading Missionary Correspondence:
    Jesuit Theologians on the Spiritual Benefits of a New Genre.”
    Cultures of Communication: Theologies of Media in Early Modern
    Europe and Beyond, edited by Christopher Wild et al., University
    of Toronto Press, 2017, pp. 186–208.
68. Friedrich, Markus. “Between Curiosity and Edification: Printing
    and Editing the Nouveaux Mémoires de la Compagnie de Jésus
    dans le Levant.” Reporting Christian Missions in the Eighteenth
    Century: Communication, Culture of Knowledge and Regular Publication
    in a Cross-Confessional Perspective, edited by Markus Friedrich and
    Alexander Schunka, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017, pp. 35–56.
69. Galli, Carlos María, and Antonio Spadaro, editors. For A Missionary
    Reform of the Church. The Civiltà Cattolica Seminar. Paulist Press,
70. Paschoud, Adrien. “Apologetics, Polemics, and Knowledge in
    French Jesuit Culture: The Collection of the Lettres édifiantes
528                    Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

    et curieuses (1702–1776).” Reporting Christian Missions in the
    Eighteenth Century: Communication, Culture of Knowledge and
    Regular Publication in a Cross-Confessional Perspective, edited by
    Markus Friedrich and Alexander Schunka, Harrassowitz Verlag,
    2017, pp. 57–72.
71. Carneiro, Carlos. “Educar na fé. O percurso de uma juventude
    dispersa.” A Pedagogia da Companhia de Jesus. Contributos para um
    Diálogo, edited by José Manuel Martins Lopes, Axioma, 2018, pp.
72. González García, Juan Luis. “Técnicas jesuíticas de predicación
    misional, del Viejo al Nuevo Mundo (c. 1550-1650).” Barroco Vivo,
    Barroco Continuo. Otras Miradas sobre la Creación Ibero-Americana,
    edited by María del Pilar López and Fernando Quiles, Universidad
    Nacional de Colombia and Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2018,
    pp. 368–385.
73. Pirlet, Pierre-François. “Johann Schega.” Le Confesseur du Prince
    dans Les Pays-Bas Espagnols (1598-1659). Une Fonction, des Individus,
    Leuven University Press, 2018, pp. 195–213.
74. Rowlands, Anna. “Temporality, Dispossession and the Search
    for the Good: Interpreting the Book of Jeremiah with the Jesuit
    Refugee Service.” Political Theology, vol. 19, no. 6, 2018, pp. 517–
75. Vila-Chã, João J. “A Trans-Formação da Consciência: Walter J. Ong
    e a Importância da Palavra na Formação da Cultura.” A Pedagogia
    da Companhia de Jesus. Contributos para um Diálogo, edited by José
    Manuel Martins Lopes, Axioma, 2018, pp. 427–486.

6. Cultural activities
See also 183, 192, 209, 210, 211, 212, 231, 251, 254, 295, 297, 298, 310, 327

76. Belda Plans, Juan. La Escuela de Salamanca y la renovación de la
    teología en el siglo XVI. Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2000.
77. Porteman, Karel. “The Use of the Visual in Classical Jesuit
    Teaching and Education.” Paedagogica Historica, vol. 36, no. 1,
    2000, pp. 178–196.
78. Walsh, Paddy. “New Wine in Renewed Wineskins: A Jesuit
    School Now.” Values and the Curriculum, edited by Jo Cairns et
    al., Routledge, 2000, pp. 134–149.
79. Froeschlé, Michel, and Marie-Hélène Froeschlé-Chopard.
    “‘Sciences et arts’ dans les Mémoires de Trévoux (1701–1762).”
    Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, vol. 48, 2001, pp. 30–
Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2019        529

80. Udías Vallina, Agustín. “Serving God and Science.” Astronomy
    and Geophysics, vol. 42, no. 2, 2001, pp. 23–24.
81. Franco, José Eduardo, and Hermínio Rico, editors. Fé, ciência,
    cultura: Brotéria - 100 anos. Gradiva, 2003.
82. Harr, Jonathan. The Lost Painting: The Quest for a Caravaggio
    Masterpiece. Random House, 2005.
83. Mason, Carol I. “Jesuit Rings of Metals Other Than Brass.”
    Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, vol. 30, no. 191, 2005, pp.
84. Altadill, David, and Josep Battló. “The Ebre Observatory: Its
    Path to Ionospheric Research.” Advances in Space Research, vol.
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     Contributos para um Diálogo, edited by José Manuel Martins
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     Contributos para um Diálogo, edited by José Manuel Martins
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Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2019          535

     theological renewal and pedagogical innovation.” International
     Studies in Catholic Education, vol. 10, no. 2, 2018, pp. 119–131.

7. Polemical writings
See also 514

154. Scott, H. M. “Religion and Realpolitik: The Due de Choiseul,
     the Bourbon Family Compact, and the Attack on the Society
     of Jesus, 1758–1775.” International History Review, vol. 25, no. 1,
     2003, pp. 37–62.
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     in the Low Countries 1540-1773: A Selection from the Maurits Sabbe
     Library, edited by Paul Begheyn et al., Peeters, 2009, pp. 153–156.
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     Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 40, no. 2, 2009, pp. 335–363.
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     antijésuites: Discours, figures et lieux de l’antijésuitisme à l’époque
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     de l'abbé Pierre-François Favre (1746).” Archivum Historicum
     Societatis Iesu, vol. 87, no. 174, 2018, pp. 189–241.

II. Countries

A. Africa

159. Belcher, Wendy Laura, editor. The Jesuits in Ethiopia (1609-1641):
     Latin Letters in Translation. Harrassowitz, 2017.

B. America
See also 3, 152

160. Martinez-Serna, J. Gabriel. “Los jesuitas y el desarrollo
     económico de la frontera sur del imperio hispánico, siglos XVI-
     XVIII.” La frontera en el mundo hispánico: Tierras de convivencia y
     espacios de confrontación (siglos XV-XVIII), edited by David Rex
     Galindo and Porfirio Sanz Camañes, Abya Yala, 2014, pp. 371–
536                    Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

161. Valenzuela, Fátima Victoria, and María Laura Salinas, editors.
     Actas de las XVI Jornadas Internacionales sobre las Misiones Jesuíticas.
     Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas, 2016.
162. Jackson, Robert H. “The Jesuit Missions among the Guaraní of
     the Rio de la Plata Region.” A Visual Catalog of Spanish Frontier
     Missions, 16th to 19th Centuries, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
     2018, pp. 93–227.
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     Nuestra Señora de Monserrat durante el período jesuita.” Gente
     del Monserrat: Perfiles socioculturales de un Colegio Sudamericano
     siglos XVII y XVIII, edited by Federico Sartori, Buena Vista
     Editores, 2018, pp. 197–214.

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     en las Reducciones de Chiquitos: I. El P. Martin Schmid.” El
     escrito(r) misionero: entre ciencia, arte y literatura, Ommpress, 2016,
     pp. 115–24.
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     Sermone in der Überlieferung der Chiquitanos.” Transfer,
     Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive auf die Jesuitenmissionen in
     Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer et al., Kohlhammer
     and Schwabe Verlag, 2018, pp. 283–316.
166. Jackson, Robert H. “The Chiquitos and Moxos Missions.” A
     Visual Catalog of Spanish Frontier Missions, 16th to 19th Centuries,
     Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 228–278.
167. Kühne, Eckart. “Die Missionen von Chiquitos und Mojos nach
     der Ausweisung der Jesuiten: Transformation und Tradierung.”
     Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive auf die
     Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer
     et al., Kohlhammer and Schwabe Verlag, 2018, pp. 245–282.
168. Parzinger, Severin. “‘La música del cielo’: Die ritualisierte Musik
     der Chiquitanos in der Gegenwart, am Beispiel der aktuellen
     Praxis in San Miguel de Velasco, Bolivien.” Transfer, Begegnung,
     Skandalon? Neue Perspektive auf die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-
     Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer et al., Kohlhammer and
     Schwabe Verlag, 2018, pp. 317–350.

169. Almeida, André Ferrand de. A formação do espaço brasileiro
     e o projecto do novo Atlas da América portuguesa (1713–1748).
Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2019        537

     Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos
     Portugueses, 2001.
170. Gómez González, Sebastián. Frontera selvática. Españoles,
     portugueses y su disputa por el noroccidente amazónico, siglo XVIII.
     Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, 2014.
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     da Companhia de Jesus a São Paulo (1649-1653).” Ars Historica,
     no. 13, 2016, pp. 93–111.
172. Tirapeli, Percival, et al. Antigos Aldeamentos Jesuíticos. Edições
     Loyola, 2016.

173. Li, Shenwen. Stratégies missionnaires des jésuites français en
     Nouvelle-France et en Chine au XVIIe siècle. Presses de l’Université
     Laval and L’Harmattan, 2001.
174. Garant, Elisabeth. Justice sociale, ouverture et nationalisme au
     Québec: Regards de Julien Harvey. Novalis, 2013.
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     Borderlands at the 1844 Jesuit-Anishinaabeg Debate.” Journal of
     Borderlands Studies, vol. 32, no. 3, 2017, pp. 395–411.
176. Demers, Maurice. “Les jésuites du Québec et la représentation
     de l'histoire mexicaine, 1928-1954.” Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique
     Française, vol. 71, no. 3-4, 2018, pp. 41–60.

177. Klein, Nikolaus. “Die Option für die ‘gekreuzigten Völker’. Die
     Jesuitenprovinz Mittelamerika im 20. Jahrhundert.” Transfer,
     Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive auf die Jesuitenmissionen in
     Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer et al., Kohlhammer
     and Schwabe Verlag, 2018, pp. 409–425.

See also 447, 561

178. Gárate-Chateau, Manuel. “La Michita (1964-1983): de la reforma
     universitaria a una vida en comunidad.” Historizar el pasado vivo
     en América Latina, edited by Anne Pérotin-Dumon, Universidad
     Alberto Hurtado, 2007, pp. 1–61.
179. Valenzuela Márquez, Jaime. “Misionando en los extremos de
     América: para un estudio comparado de las ‘fronteras jesuitas’
     entre los hurones del Québec y los mapuches de la Araucanía
     (siglo XVII).” El Orbe católico. Transformaciones, continuidades,
538                   Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

      tensiones y formas de convivencia entre Europa y América (Siglos
      IV-XIX), edited by Claudio Rolle and Maria Lupi, RIL Editores,
      2016, pp. 261–294.

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     la Compañía de Jesús: un laboratorio para explorar prácticas
     médicas en la provincia de Santafé, primera mitad del siglo
     XVIII.” Revista Historia y Memoria, vol. 6, 2013, pp. 143–169.
181. Chamberlin, William (Bo). “Silencing Genocide: The Jesuit
     Ministry in Colonial Cartagena de Indias and its Legacy.” Journal
     of Black Studies, vol. 49, no. 7, 2018, pp. 672–693.

Dominican Republic
See 399

See also 176

182. Llamas Camacho, Edith. “Jesuitas que sufren plantas que
     alivian. Poderes ocultos contra la religión cristiana en
     las misiones del noroeste mexicano.” De la circulación del
     conocimiento a la inducción de la ignorancia. Culturas médicas
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     al., Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y
     Humanidades and Centro de Estudios filosóficos, políticos y
     sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano, 2017, pp. 49–72.
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     in Eighteenth-Century Mexico.” Hispanic Review, vol. 86, no. 2,
     2018, pp. 167–183.
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     A Visual Catalog of Spanish Frontier Missions, 16th to 19th Centuries,
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     del Paraguay.” Archivum (Buenos Aires), vol. 28, 2010, pp. 69–
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     Spirituality as Guide.” Antiphon, vol. 21, no. 2, 2017, pp. 145–
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United States
See also 148

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C. Asia
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See 479

See also 173, 380,449, 451, 535

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