Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference

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Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
Blockchain designed
                                                                                 for Enterprise

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
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Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
Today’s Business Reality

                                  Why? All businesses are effected            Impact? Driving constant need for       Challenges? Enterprises need to
                                  by Digital Disruption                       change and innovation                   address the pace of change

                                  •      New Competition and increasing       •   Disruption and losing business      •   2 Speed IT Problem
                                  •      Speed of Change                      •   Requiring new business models       •   Maintaining legacy systems
                                  •      Technology Innovation                •   Demanding more agility              •   Existing investments
                                  •      Changing end user/value shift        •   Constant re-invention, innovation   •   Need distributed solutions
                                                                                                                      •   Responsiveness, Time to Market
                                                                                                                      •   In-house Capability, Knowledge

                                                                  BUILD                    PARTNER                                   BUY

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
Vertical Focus | Support Slide 1: Verticals

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
        Blockchain –
        What is it?

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
A new era in IT

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
Blockchain Types

                              Public                                               Private                                            Consortium
                                                                                   A fully private blockchain is a blockchain where   A consortium blockchain is a blockchain where the
                              A public blockchain is a blockchain that anyone in   write permissions are kept centralized to one      consensus process is controlled by a pre-selected
                              the world can read, anyone in the world can send     organization. Read permissions may be public or    set of nodes; for example, one might imagine a
                              transactions to and expect to see them included if   restricted to an arbitrary extent.                 consortium of 15 financial institutions, each of
                              they are valid, and anyone in the world can                                                             which operates a node and of which 10 must sign
                              participate in the consensus process – the process                                                      every block in order for the block to be valid. The
                              for determining what blocks get added to the chain                                                      right to read the blockchain may be public, or
                              and what the current state is.                                                                          restricted to the participants.

                                                                                                                                                             Source: Ethereum blog by Vitalik Buterin

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
Bringing Blockchain to the Enterprise

In order to bring the Blockchain to the Enterprise…
Enterprises need a 360 view of what it takes to productize a highly scalable and secure
blockchain application…
and this is more than just having or using blockchain technology!
                                                                              Just think about:

                                                                              •   User Management
                                                                              •   Identity Management/Authorisations
                                                                              •   Development Modelling and Support
                                                                              •   Application life cycle management
                                                                              •   PKI
                                                                              •   Process/data integration
                                                                              •   Logging and Tracking

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Blockchain designed for Enterprise - DISTRIBUTE Conference
        TYMLEZ Blockchain
        Solution Platform

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Bringing the Blockchain to the Enterprise

                              TYMLEZ enables enterprises to move faster and
                              more agile through:

                                 Accelerated                                   Accelerated   Accelerated
                                 Deployment                                   Development        ROI

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
        Use Cases

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Case Studies

BUSINESS CASE                                                      BUSINESS CASE                                 BUSINESS CASE                                  BUSINESS CASE                                BUSINESS CASE
Grant Thornton wanted to automate and                              Needed to create a digital GDPR compliant     Nico.lab StrokeViewer® supports the            Leondrino chose the TYMLEZ Blockchain        The Dutch Ministry of Transportation (ILT)
have immutable records of their audit                              and secure recruitment and onboarding         complex process of clinical decision-          Enterprise Architecture to enable the fast   is responsible for the safe transportation of
process to meet regulatory compliance.                             process which would provide:                  making. Within 3 minutes, StrokeViewer®        paced development of exchange                hazardous goods. It’s current process is a
They needed a secure document transfer                             • Better collaboration of skills              informs the physician with a detailed          functionality and to use its application     time-consuming and costly paper based
and tracking solution.                                             • Reductions in overhead costs and            biomarker report and allows remote image       lifecycle management.                        process shared between transporters,
                                                                      process timelines                          viewing on any device, therefore enabling                                                   countries and processors.
TYMLEZ BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM                                         • Improvements in risk assessment and         direct transfer of imaging data between        TYMLEZ BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM
TYMLEZ developed a secure document                                    operational efficiencies                   stroke care centers within seconds.            TYMLEZ provided the Digital Asset            TYMLEZ BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM
sharing blockchain solution enabling smart                                                                                                                      Management (tokenization) tools using        ILT chose TYMLEZ to leverage the secure
contract rules to be applied to document                           TYMLEZ BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM                    TYMLEZ BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM                     blockchain technology to meet the            document sharing application combined
approvals, multiple sign offs and                                  TYMLEZ’s blockchain solution met all these    Blockchain technology used to guarantee        requirements for scalability, security,      with smart contracts capability.
authorizations.                                                    requirements utilizing the visual modelling   patient data confidentiality                   privacy, governance and interoperability
                                                                   and smart contract capabilities plus API                                                                                                  BUSINESS BENEFITS
BUSINESS BENEFITS                                                  integration with HR systems and biometric     BUSINESS BENEFITS                              BUSINESS BENEFITS                            • Replaced paper based process
• Automation reduced timelines,                                    devices                                       • Secure transportation of data, where         • TYMLEZ Blockchain Enterprise               • Reduced overhead costs and processing
   overhead and processing costs                                                                                    access and encryption of data is               Architecture enables the fast paced          timelines
• Secure and encrypted document                                    BUSINESS BENEFITS                                governed by the blockchain and full            development of exchange functionality     • Improved tracking and safety in
   exchange between individuals                                    • User permission driven process for data        GDPR compliant data exchange                   and application lifecycle management         transportation
• Improves operating efficiencies and                                 collection and sharing                        between parties in the consortium           • This exchange makes it possible to do
   customer experience                                             • Secure and transparent data protected       • The brain scans are uniquely                    trading of company branded currencies
• Increased trust due to an immutable                                 with by private keys                          fingerprinted and the integrity of the
   proof of compliance                                             • Secure online credentials checking             dataset is governed by the blockchain
                                                                      onboarding to capture details              • High speed processing and logging of
                                                                   • Secure communication between                   data to ensure it always stays within the
                                                                      Governments and outside agencies              3 minute time limit.

           © 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
CIB Secure Document Processing

• Secure Immigration Visas and Trade Documents
             – Create more secure and tamper proof visas/documents
             – Digitising visa application and document handling process
             – Enable border control mobile document validation

• Blockchain Solution
             – Implementing solution to prove technology
             – Digitising visa application process
             – Improving identity security and compliance

• Business Case
             – Provided increased security and trust in identity management
             – Reduced in overhead and processing costs
             – Improvements in operational efficiencies

© 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
CIB Secure Paper processing

© Tymlez 2017
            © 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Case Study | Hazardous Goods Licensing and Tracking

Business Case
The Dutch Ministry of Transportation (ILT) is responsible for the safe transportation of hazardous goods. Its current process is a time-consuming and costly paper based
process shared between transporters, countries and processors.
• Automation of licensing and tracking process
• Integration of smart contracts into process
• Immutable data for tracking purposes
• Handle escrow payments
• Integration with other services using AI, IOT, ML                                                                                       Smart Contract (SC) – conditions for
                                                                                                                                                                                       Registration transport at ILT via APP         Transport approved if is within
                                                                                                                                          transport of dangerous goods are
                                                                                                                                                                                       by licenceholder                              conditions of the SC
                                                                                                                                          captured in blockchain by ILT

Why Blockchain?
•   Hazardous Goods Licensing treated and tracked as a digital asset
                                                                                                                                              Optional: Inspector checks whether          Transport tracking started by the driver      Tonnage recorded on SC/Licence

•   One ledger to keep track of all the moving parts – which can be dangerous if combined.                                                    physical transport is in line with
                                                                                                                                              registrered transport

•   Verifiable outside the parties involved with the transaction.

TYMLEZ Blockchain Platform                                                                                                                         Notice of goods received                             Process Completed

ILT chose TYMLEZ to leverage the secure document sharing application combined with smart contracts capability

Business Benefits
                                                                                          Reduced overhead costs and                                                               Improved tracking and safety in
              Replaced paper based process
                                                                                          processing timelines                                                                     transportation

            © 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Case Study | Secure Documents & Regulatory Compliance

Business Case
Grant Thornton is a leading UK accounting firm wanting to automate and have immutable records of their audit process to meet regulatory compliance. They needed a secure document
transfer and tracking solution that would:
•   Digitization of the audit process                                                     •   Secure exchange of confidential data with conditions and timelines
•   Secure and immutable proof of review and signature                                    •   Immutable record of auditing and regulatory compliance

Why Blockchain?
•   Each “secure document” is a unique digital asset that is tracked and recorded at every movement
•   Smart Contracts provide flexible access rights to govern document access control
•   To support regulatory reporting the blockchain an authoritative record; outside the direct control of Grant Thornton

TYMLEZ Blockchain Platform
TYMLEZ developed a secure document sharing blockchain solution enabling smart contract rules to be applied to document
approvals, multiple sign offs and authorizations

Business Benefits
                                                                                          Secure and encrypted                             Improves operating               Increased trust due to an
              Automation reduced timelines,                                                                                                                                 immutable proof of
                                                                                          document exchange between                        efficiencies and customer
              overhead and processing costs                                                                                                                                 compliance
                                                                                          individuals                                      experience

            © 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Case Study | Better Treatment of Stroke Using Blockchain

Business Case
Nico.lab StrokeViewer® supports the complex process of clinical decision-making in a world where every minute counts. Within 3 minutes,
StrokeViewer® informs the physician with a detailed biomarker report and allows remote image viewing on any device, therefore enabling
direct transfer of imaging data between stroke care centers within seconds.

Why Blockchain?
•   Compliance: This is a transfer of ownership of sensitive information between two external parties, in a critical time
    window (minutes, life or death) extreme transparency and verifiability is needed.
•   Speed: Automation of the transfer of data, and the check of accuracy & completeness can be facilitated and
    recorded via blockchain. This could be recorded by both parties and eventually reconciled with redundant systems,
    but a blockchain give a shared ledger where this information is settled real-time

TYMLEZ Blockchain Platform
Blockchain technology used to guarantee patient data confidentiality

Business Benefits
              Secure transportation of data, where access and                             The brain scans are uniquely fingerprinted and
                                                                                                                                              High speed processing and logging of
              encryption of data is governed by the blockchain and                        the integrity of the dataset is governed by the
                                                                                                                                              data to ensure it always stays within the
              full GDPR compliant data exchange between parties in                        blockchain, so that the stroke experts can always
                                                                                                                                              3 minute time limit.
              the consortium                                                              trust the data.

            © 2019 TYMLEZ Group Ltd. or a TYMLEZ affiliate company. All rights reserved
Case Study | Humanitarian Passport

Business Case
To create a digital GDPR compliant and secure recruitment and onboarding process which would provide:
•   Better collaboration of skills with other charities                                          •   Each applicant with a “Digital Passport” for ID and security clearance in crisis areas
•   Reductions in overhead costs and process timelines                                           •   Improved children safeguarding checking and compliance
•   Improvements in risk assessment and operational efficiencies                                 •   Integration with HR and Crisis Roster systems

Why Blockchain?
•   The Employee and Volunteer is given ownership of personal data outside control of SCUK and supportive of GDPR requirements
•   Data is insulated from tampering by SCUK (transparency) or outside (governmental and 3rd party tampering (immutability)
•   Digitization and automation of manual processed are driven by smart contracts.
•   TRUST - The main reason the blockchain is used over say a traditional HR system, is one of data sovereignty. SCUK doesn’t own or want
    to own all the data about an individual, a blockchain allows some level of shared ownership. It also provides transparency to where the
    data went and what it was used for, independent of our trust of SCUK or the agencies governments they are working with.

TYMLEZ Blockchain Platform
TYMLEZ’s blockchain solution meets all these requirements utilizing the visual modelling and smart contract capabilities plus API integration with HR systems and biometric devices

Business Benefits
                                                                                                                                             Secure online credentials                             Secure communication
               User permission driven process                                              Secure and transparent data                                                                             between Governments and
                                                                                                                                             checking onboarding to
               for data collection and sharing                                             protected with by private keys                                                                          outside agencies
                                                                                                                                             capture details

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