BOROUGH OF WENONAH Aerial View of Wenonah in Early 1900's

Page created by Wayne Schultz
BOROUGH OF WENONAH Aerial View of Wenonah in Early 1900's
Aerial View of Wenonah in Early 1900’s

BOROUGH OF WENONAH Aerial View of Wenonah in Early 1900's
Panorama of Wenonah in 1874 Looking East (Mantua Avenue on Left)

Clark’s Store (3 East Mantua Avenue)                      Wenonah House (Across from Park on South Clinton Avenue)
                                 Dear Neighbors,
                                  Without question, 2020 was a challenging year. With the passing of each month, I am sure many have been looking forward to 2021. The past year has
                                 made me appreciate the uniqueness of our small town all that much more. I once again look forward to seeing everyone along the parade route on a
                                 Wenonah 4th of July. We will all once again join our veterans as we honor those made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation on Memorial Day. As we have
                                 before, we will gather, BBQ, laugh and celebrate our friendships and our community once more in the coming year. Wenonah is special because of our
                                 residents, neighbors, and volunteer community organizations. It is the people that make this town one of kind.
                                  In this calendar, you will see a number of volunteer organizations. These are the groups that make so many of our traditions and community events
                                 happen, year in and year out. I encourage everyone to join, support, and participate. Hold on tight to all that makes Wenonah our home. Let us keep
                                 working together to make 2021 an amazing year.

    Mayor John Dominy                     I’ll see you around town.              Warm regards,
                                          John R. Dominy, Esquire

     Councilperson                  Councilperson                  Councilperson                  Councilperson                    Councilperson                    Councilperson
     Jessica Doheny                  Susan Mayer                  Jonathan Barbato               Anthony “TJ” Fini                    Pete Fu                         Dan Cox

   2021 Borough Council Meetings are on the 4th Thursday of most months.
          November & December Meetings are on the 3rd Thursday.
            Reorganization Meeting is on January 7th at 7:00 P.M.                                                         MANY THANKS TO
    MEETING LOCATION AND TIME: Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M.
        CONTACT INFORMATION: Karen Sweeney (856) 468-6713                                                                JACK SHEPPARD, JR.
                 Administrator, Municipal Clerk, Treasurer                                                            Our 2019 Volunteer of the Year
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
11 North Monroe Avenue • Wenonah, NJ 08090
Phone: (856) 468-0295
Facebook: Holy Trinity Wenonah

Holy Nativity Lutheran Church
3 Lenape Trail • Wenonah, NJ 08090
Phone: (856) 468-5760

Church of the Incarnation
240 Main Street • Mantua, NJ 08051
                                                 Wenonah’s First Presbyterian Church
Phone: (856) 468-1314
                    January –
                                                     (5 North Clinton Avenue)
Facebook: Church of the Incarnation
     Religious Opportunities
Memorial Presbyterian Church
of Wenonah
202 East Mantua Avenue • Wenonah, NJ 08090
(856) 468-5121
Facebook: Memorial Presbyterian Church
of Wenonah

                                                   Former United Methodist Church
                                             (South Clinton Avenue and East Willow Street)
Sunday                           Monday
                                                   JANUARY 2021            Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                                  2
                                                                                                                                         Reminder trash/recycle
                                                                                                                                          carts must be placed
         REMINDER: FLAT RATE                                                                                                               curbside not earlier
         WATER BILL DUE NOW                                                                                                               than 6pm on the day
                                                                                                                                          preceding collection               Borough Office Closed

                                                                                                                                                                                NEW YEAR’S DAY
                             3                                   4                                  5                                6                                7                                 8                                  9

                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                                                         Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM           American Legion 7:00PM
                                 Christmas Tree Collection                                                                                                                  Historical Society 7:30PM
                                                                       *Volunteer Fire Company          *Wenonah Public Library Board           *Reorganization
                                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up                       7:00PM                             7:00PM                        Meeting 7:00PM              Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                            10                              11                                   12        *Gateway School Board   13                               14                                 15                                 16
                                                                                                            *Home and School of
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                  *Lions Club 6:45PM                   Wenonah 7:00PM

                                 The Woman’s Club of Wenonah           *Volunteer Fire Company           Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                          7:30PM                               7:00PM                           10:00AM                                                         Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                                                           Wenonah Environmental
                                 Christmas Tree Collection           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           Commission 7:30PM                                               Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                            17                              18                                   19                                20                               21                                 22                                 23

                                                                     Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM

                                  Borough Office Closed                *Volunteer Fire Company          Wenonah Athletic Association
                                                                               7:00PM                            8:00PM
                                    MARTIN LUTHER KING,
                                          JR. DAY                    Christmas Tree Collection           Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM                                           Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                            24                              25                                   26                                27                               28                                 29                                 30
                                   *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                  (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM         *Wenonah School Board
  Lake Association 7:00PM                                                    7:00PM
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM

                                  *Combined Planning Board               *Lions Club 6:45PM
                                          7:00PM                                                                                                                                                                 Wenonah Environmental
      Flat Rate                                                        *Volunteer Fire Company           Wenonah Quilters Workshop                                                                               Commission 5 Mile Hike
31Water Payment Due              Christmas Tree Collection                     7:00PM                           10:00AM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM         Trash & Recycle Pick Up                    1:00PM

  All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                 In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                              Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                      Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
Wenonah Military Academy (Across from Park on South Clinton Avenue, 1904-1935)
                                           FEBRUARY 2021
                                      Monday                             Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                               1                                  2                                3                                4                                   5                                6

Reminder: Clear all
sidewalks of snow,                Property Tax Due                   Shade Tree Commission
                                                                            7:30PM                     Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
    it’s the law!                  *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company           *Wenonah Public Library Board                                                                         *American Legion Dinner with
                                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste                    7:00PM                              7:00PM                    American Legion 7:00PM            Trash & Recycle Pick Up            Friends Event 6:00PM
                           7                                   8                                  9      *Gateway School Board   10                               11                                 12                                13
                                                                                                          *Home and School of
                               The Woman’s Club of Wenonah             *Lions Club 6:45PM                   Wenonah 7:00PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                       7:00PM                            10:00AM                                                       Historical Society 7:30PM
                                                                                                         Wenonah Environmental
                                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           Commission 7:30PM                                                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          14                              15                                  16                                 17                               18                                 19                                20

                                                                   Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM

                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                Borough Office Closed                       7:00PM                                                                                            Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                                                      Wenonah Athletic Association
   VALENTINE’S DAY                  PRESIDENT’S DAY                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste                    8:00PM                                                       Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                       21                                 22                                  23                                 24                               25                                 26                                27
                                 *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM         *Wenonah School Board
                                *Combined Planning Board                                                                                                                    Wenonah Environmental
                                        7:00PM                         *Lions Club 6:45PM                                                                                  Commission Moonlight Hike
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                                                              8:00PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste                    7:00PM                            10:00AM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up

Lake Association 7:00PM

 All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                             Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                     Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.

    The Mantua Police Department is proud to be of service to the residents of Wenonah, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. However, if
    you have ever wondered when to call 911 versus when to call the non-emergency numbers, we offer this advice. 911 should be called to report a
    crime in progress, suspicious vehicles/activity, a car crash, an injured person/animal, somebody who might be in danger, or any other perceived
    emergency. We encourage you to call as soon as possible if you observe suspicious activity or if you believe a crime has been committed. The
    single most important determination of whether or not a case will be solved is the information the victim/caller supplies to the immediately
    responding patrol officer(s).
    Please do not email us or use social media in the above-named circumstances. If you simply need information, to file a report about a crime that
    is not in progress, or to speak with an officer for any other non-emergent concern, please call 856.468.1900. This will call into the Gloucester
    County Dispatch Center.
    If you need to obtain a crash report or other record, please call 856.468.1920 and follow the prompts or email
    Our officers are held to the highest of standards and are expected to provide a level of service that is second to none. In order to better relate to
    the communities we serve, we often get out and interact with residents during times when we are not taking enforcement actions. These include
    special events, parades, community-related meetings, or even handing out candy during Halloween. We also aim to hold several Coffee-with-a-
    Cop type events throughout the year. If you see us out an about, feel free to come say hi. Have kids? We’ll show them the police car, let them check
    out the equipment, and play with the lights and siren.
    Overall, it takes all of us working together to make our communities the best they can be.
    Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram too!

    Darren White
    Chief of Police

Child safety seat installations on the second Saturday of every month,        Mantua Police Explorer meetings - alternate Thursday nights from    Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
Mantua Fire Department, 155 East Union Avenue, Sewell, NJ.                    7-9PM, Mantua Police Department Courtroom from 7-9PM.               for announcements of various other small
More info:                                                                    More info:                                                          format events throughout the year that allow     us to interact with those we represent.
Sunday                           Monday
                                                           MARCH 2021    Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                               1                                  2                                3                                4                                   5                                6

                                                                     Shade Tree Commission
                                                                            7:30PM                     Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company           *Wenonah Public Library Board                                                                                *Rabies Clinic
                                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste                    7:00PM                              7:00PM                    American Legion 7:00PM            Trash & Recycle Pick Up             11:00AM – 12:30PM
                           7                                   8                                  9      *Gateway School Board   10                               11                                 12                                13
                                                                                                          *Home and School of
                               The Woman’s Club of Wenonah             *Lions Club 6:45PM                   Wenonah 7:00PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                       7:00PM                            10:00AM                                                       Historical Society 7:30PM
                                                                                                         Wenonah Environmental
                                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           Commission 7:30PM                                                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          14                              15                                  16                                 17                               18                                 19                                20

                                                                                                       Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM

                                                                   Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM           Wenonah Athletic Association
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                          8:00PM                                                         Bulk Item Pick Up
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME                                               *Volunteer Fire Company
       BEGINS                   Bulk Branch & Yard Waste                    7:00PM                         ST. PATRICK’S DAY                                                Trash & Recycle Pick Up               SPRING BEGINS
                          21                              22                                  23                                 24                               25                                 26                                27
                                 *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM         *Wenonah School Board
                                *Combined Planning Board                                                                                                                                                      Wenonah Environmental
                                        7:00PM                         *Lions Club 6:45PM                                                                                                                   Commission Spring Work Party
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                                                                                                9:00AM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste                    7:00PM                            10:00AM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up              PASSOVER BEGINS
                      28                                  29                                  30                                 31

                                                                                                                                                                                       Reminder: Animal Licenses
                                                                                                                                                                                         must be renewed by
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                                                                                                                                            March 31, 2021
                                Bulk Branch & Yard Waste            *Volunteer Fire Company
Lake Association 7:00PM                (Last One)                           7:00PM

All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                 In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                            Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                      Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
Margie’s Luncheonette (3 East Mantua Avenue)   Benjamin Packer Store (1 East Mantua Avenue)

      Wenonah Inn (1894-1899)                              Sithens Cash Grocer
Sunday                           Monday
                                                                   APRIL 2021
                                                                         Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                    1                                   2                                3

             DUE NOW!                                                                                                                        Water Usage                   Borough Office Closed
                                                                                                                                             Payment Due                         GOOD FRIDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                               *Lions Easter Egg Hunt
                                                                                                                                          American Legion 7:00PM            Trash & Recycle Pick Up                   11:00AM
                           4                                   5                                  6                                7                                8                                   9                               10

                                                                     Shade Tree Commission
                                                                            7:30PM                     Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                                                                                                                                                            Historical Society 7:30PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company           *Wenonah Public Library Board
       EASTER                       Branch Collection                       7:00PM                              7:00PM                                                      Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          11                              12                                  13         *Gateway School Board   14                               15                                 16                                 17
                                                                                                          *Home and School of
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                  *Lions Club 6:45PM                   Wenonah 7:00PM

                               The Woman’s Club of Wenonah          *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                        7:30PM                              7:00PM                            10:00AM                                                         Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                                                         Wenonah Environmental
                                Containerized Yard Waste           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           Commission 7:30PM                                                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          18                              19                                  20                                 21                               22                                 23                                 24

                                                                   Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company           Wenonah Athletic Association
                                    Branch Collection                       7:00PM                             8:00PM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up         *Borough Yard Sale 8:00AM
                          25                              26                                  27                                 28                               29                                 30
                                 *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM         *Wenonah School Board
                                *Combined Planning Board
                                        7:00PM                         *Lions Club 6:45PM
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
Lake Association 7:00PM         Containerized Yard Waste                    7:00PM                            10:00AM                                                       Trash & Recycle Pick Up
All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                 In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                            Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                      Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
Memorial Day Parade (1948)

Warner’s Lake (Now Known As Wenonah Lake)
Sunday                         Monday
                                                                           MAY 2021
                                                                           Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Property Tax Due
                            2                                    3                                  4                                5                                6                                   7                                8

                                                                       Shade Tree Commission
                                                                              7:30PM                     Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM          Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                       4:00PM - 7:00PM                                                  *CLEAN COMMUNITIES DAY
                                                                      *Volunteer Fire Company           *Wenonah Public Library Board                                                                            Registration 8:30AM at
                                      Branch Collection                       7:00PM                              7:00PM                    American Legion 7:00PM            Trash & Recycle Pick Up              Community Center
                            9                               10                                  11         *Gateway School Board   12                               13                                 14                                15
                                                                                                            *Home and School of
                                                                         *Lions Club 6:45PM                   Wenonah 7:00PM

                                                                      *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                       7:00PM                                                                                          Historical Society 7:30PM
                                                                                                           Wenonah Environmental           Wenonah Farmer’s Market
        MOTHER’S DAY              Containerized Yard Waste           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           Commission 7:30PM                 4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           16                               17                                  18                                 19                               20                                 21                                22

                                   *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                  (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM
                                                                     Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                                                         Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                      *Volunteer Fire Company           Wenonah Athletic Association       Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                      Branch Collection                       7:00PM                             8:00PM                       4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           23        *Boy Scouts 6:45PM 24                                      25                                 26                               27                                 28                                29
                                  *Combined Planning Board
 Lake Association 7:00PM          Containerized Yard Waste             *Wenonah School Board
                                   Memorial Day Parade                                                                                     Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                                                         *Lions Club 6:45PM
                                                                                                                                              4:00PM - 7:00PM
                                   Borough Office Closed
                                                                      *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
30                              31     MEMORIAL DAY                           7:00PM                            10:00AM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up

     All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228              In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                                 Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                   Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
1 South West Avenue – Wenonah, NJ 08090 – (856) 468-6713

Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M., Friday 8:30 A.M. until 1:00 P.M.

Karen L. Sweeney, Municipal Clerk, Administrator, Treasurer, Registrar of Vital Statistics

Reach out to Karen about Council meetings, minutes, borough policies, finances and election
timelines. Karen will also help with communication to the Mayor and/or Council or you may
contact them directly from our website: Karen can also assist                 CONSTRUCTION CODE ENFORCEMENT
you with vital statistics: certified copies of birth or death certificates, and marriage certificates   The Borough of Wenonah is a member of the Construction Inter-local
and licenses.                                                                                           Services Program with the Township of Mantua. This cost saving
                                                                                                        measure provides for greater hours of service available to residents five
FINANCE OFFICE                                                                                          days a week in their Uniform Construction Code Office at 401 Main
1 South West Avenue – Wenonah, NJ 08090 – (856) 468-5228                                                Street, Mantua, (856) 468-9050. Please contact them for permits for
                                                                                                        all your construction projects, home improvements, fencing, garages,
Hours: Monday 8:30 A.M. until 8:00 P.M., Tuesday through Thursday 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M.,            sheds, and sidewalks, etc. as well as electrical, plumbing and zoning.
Friday 8:30 A.M. until 1:00 P.M.
                                                                                                        TAX ASSESSOR
Laurie Christinzio, Deputy Treasurer, Utilities Clerk                                                   The residents of Wenonah have two options to obtain Tax Assessor
Kathy Schools, Finance Office Clerk, Safety Coordinator, Website Administrator,
Deputy Registrar                                                                                        Gloucester County Office of Assessment
                                                                                                        Clayton Complex, Building A
Kim Jaworski, Borough Tax Collector                                                                     1200 N. Delsea Drive
                                                                                                        Clayton, NJ 08312
Stop in or call the Finance Office to speak with Laurie or Kathy about utilities, taxes, water and      Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
sewer bills, trash/recycle questions, dog and cat licensing, lake memberships and rentals and           Phone: (856) 307-6445
community center/train station meeting reservations.                                                    Fax: (856) 307-6447

Sign up for the website email blast with Kathy to receive the quarterly newsletter and important        Gloucester County Office of Assessment
borough messages on you home computer or                                                                (Satellite Location)
smart phone.                                                                                            115 Budd Boulevard (Office #ED-2)
                                                                                                        Woodbury, NJ 08096
Kathy, Karen and Laurie are all available to notarize your documents.                                   Budd Boulevard will no longer be staffed by the County Assessment
                                                                                                        Office. It will be available by appointment only. Please call 856-307-6445
Kim is available on Monday evenings from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. to assist residents by phone or         for any County Assessing questions or to set up an appointment.
in person at the Borough Finance Office. You may also reach her at                                      For additional information please visit their website at:                                                               
Sunday                          Monday
                                                                   JUNE 2021
                                                                        Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                 1                                2                                3                                 4                                  5

                                                                                                      Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM          Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                                                                                                                           4:00PM - 7:00PM
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company           *Wenonah Public Library Board
                                                                           7:00PM                              7:00PM                    American Legion 7:00PM            Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           6                                  7                                  8                                9                              10                                 11                                12
                                                                      *Lions Club 6:45PM             *Gateway School Board 7:00PM

                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                                                           7:00PM                            10:00AM

                                                                  Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM         *Wenonah Environmental
                                                                                                     Commission Picnic at Wenonah       Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                   Branch Collection               PRIMARY ELECTION DAY                     Lake 6:30PM                    4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          13                             14                                  15                                 16                               17                                 18                                19

                                                                  Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                       FLAG DAY                                                                                                                              Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Athletic Association      Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                               Containerized Yard Waste                    7:00PM                              8:00PM                      4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          20                             21                                  22                                 23                               24                                 25                                26
                                                                    *Wenonah School Board

                                                                      *Lions Club 6:45PM                                                Wenonah Farmer’s Market
   SUMMER BEGINS                                                                                                                           4:00PM - 7:00PM
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
    FATHER’S DAY                   Branch Collection                       7:00PM                            10:00AM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                      27                                 28                                  29                                 30
                                *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                               (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM

                               *Combined Planning Board
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company
Lake Association 7:00PM        Containerized Yard Waste                    7:00PM

All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                            Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                     Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
July 4, 1900

Wenonah’s First Independence Day Celebration   July 4, 1970
                 July 4, 1872
Sunday                          Monday
                                                                     JULY 2021
                                                                        Tuesday                          Wednesday                         Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                  1                                 2                                  3

REMINDER: FIRST HALF OF SEWER BILL                                                                                                     Wenonah Farmer’s Market                                              Wenonah Environmental
                                                                                                                                          4:00PM - 7:00PM                                                Commission Independence Day
            DUE NOW!                                                                                                                                                                                            Hike 1:00PM

                                                                                                                                         First Half of                                                     Independence Day Parade
                                                                                                                                      Sewer Payment Due                   Trash & Recycle Pick Up                  8:00AM
                           4                                  5                                  6                                7                               8                                 9                                10

                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company
                                                                                                                                       Wenonah Farmer’s Market
 INDEPENDENCE DAY              Borough Office Closed                  Branch Collection               Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM            4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          11                             12                                  13                                 14                              15                                 16                                17
                                                                                                     *Gateway School Board 7:00PM

                                                                                                      Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company                   10:00AM
                                                                           7:00PM                                                                                           Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                                                        Wenonah Environmental          Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                               Containerized Yard Waste           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           Commission 7:30PM                4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          18                             19                                  20                                 21                              22                                 23                                24

                                                                  Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM                                             Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                                                                                                                          4:00PM - 7:00PM
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company
                                   Branch Collection                       7:00PM                     Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM          *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          25                             26                                  27                                 28                              29                                 30                                31
                                *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                               (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM

                               *Combined Planning Board
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop        Wenonah Farmer’s Market
Lake Association 7:00PM        Containerized Yard Waste                    7:00PM                            10:00AM                      4:00PM - 7:00PM               Trash & Recycle Pick Up

All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228               In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                            Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                    Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
  Wenonah Elementary School
  200 N. Clinton Avenue
  Wenonah, NJ 08090
  Phone: (856) 468-6000
  School closing number 841

  Gateway Regional High School
  775 Tanyard Road
  Woodbury Heights, NJ 08096
  Phone: (856) 848-8200
  School closing number 800

  Gloucester County              Wenonah’s First School House at 6 North Marion Avenue
        August –
  Institute of Technology
  1360 Tanyard Road
Educational Opportunities
  Sewell, NJ 08080
  Phone: (856) 468-1445
  School closing number 833

  Rowan College of
  South Jersey
  1400 Tanyard Road
  Sewell, NJ 08080
  Phone: (856) 468-5000
  School closing number 814

                                       Stone School House – Constructed in 1894
Sunday                          Monday
                                                      AUGUST 2021       Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                           1                                  2                                  3                                4                                5                                 6                                  7

                                                                    Shade Tree Commission
                                                                           7:30PM                     Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM

                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company           *Wenonah Public Library Board      Wenonah Farmer’s Market
Property Tax Due                   Branch Collection                       7:00PM                              7:00PM                      4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           8                                  9                              10                                 11                               12                                 13                                14
                                                                                                     *Gateway School Board 7:00PM

                                                                                                        Wenonah Environmental
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company               Commission 7:30PM
                                                                                                      Wenonah Quilters Workshop         Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                               Containerized Yard Waste           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM               10:00AM                       4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          15                             16                                  17                                 18                               19                                 20                                21

                                                                  Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM            Wenonah Athletic Association
                                                                                                               8:00PM                                                        Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company                                              Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                   Branch Collection                       7:00PM                     Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM             4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          22                             23                                  24                                 25                               26                                 27                                28
                                *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                               (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM

                               *Combined Planning Board                                                                                 Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                       7:00PM                                                                                              4:00PM - 7:00PM
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
Lake Association 7:00PM        Containerized Yard Waste                    7:00PM                            10:00AM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                      29                                 30                                  31

                                                                    *Wenonah School Board

                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company

All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                            Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                     Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
Slow Down: Back to School Means Sharing the Road
School days bring congestion: School buses are picking up their passengers, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school
before the bell rings, harried parents are trying to drop their kids off before work. It’s never more important for drivers
to slow down and pay attention than when kids are present – especially before and after school.

                                          Sharing the Road with School Buses

If you’re driving behind a bus, allow a greater following distance than if you were driving behind a car. It will give you
more time to stop once the yellow lights start flashing. It is illegal in all 50 states to pass a school bus that is stopped to
load or unload children.

• Never pass a bus from behind – or from either direction if you’re on an undivided road – if it is stopped to load
    or unload children
•   If the yellow or red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended, traffic must stop
•   The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them
    space to safely enter and exit the bus
•   Be alert; children often are unpredictable, and they tend to ignore hazards and take risks

                                       Sharing the Road with Young Pedestrians

According to research by the National Safety Council, most of the children who lose their lives in bus-related incidents
are 4 to 7 years old, and they’re walking. They are hit by the bus, or by a motorist illegally passing a stopped bus. A few
precautions go a long way toward keeping children safe:

• Don’t block the crosswalk when stopped at a red light or waiting to make a turn, forcing pedestrians to go
    around you; this could put them in the path of moving traffic
•   In a school zone when flashers are blinking, stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk or intersection
•   Always stop for a school patrol officer or crossing guard holding up a stop sign
•   Take extra care to look out for children in school zones, near playgrounds and parks, and in all residential areas
•   Don’t honk or rev your engine to scare a pedestrian, even if you have the right of way
•   Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians
•   Always use extreme caution to avoid striking pedestrians wherever they may be, no matter who has the right
    of way
                                    SEPTEMBER 2021
                                      Monday                             Tuesday                           Wednesday                         Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                                                    1                               2                                    3                               4

                                                                                                        Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM         Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                                                                                                                            4:00PM - 7:00PM
                                                                                                      *Wenonah Public Library Board
                                                                                                                7:00PM                    American Legion 7:00PM            Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           5                                   6                                  7                                 8                               9                                10                                11
                                                                                                      *Gateway School Board 7:00PM
                                                                     Shade Tree Commission
                                                                            7:30PM                        *Home and School of
                                ROSH HASHANAH BEGINS                                                        Wenonah 7:00PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company             Wenonah Quilters Workshop                                         *Historical Society Meet and
                                Borough Office Closed                       7:00PM                             10:00AM                                                            Greet 6:00PM
                                                                                                         *Wenonah Environmental          Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                        LABOR DAY                      Branch Collection              Commission at Teahouse 6:30PM         4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          12                              13                                  14                                 15                               16                                 17                                18

                               The Woman’s Club of Wenonah             *Lions Club 6:45PM               Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Athletic Association
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                       7:00PM                              8:00PM                                                        Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                                                                                         Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                Containerized Yard Waste           Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           YOM KIPPUR BEGINS                 4:00PM - 7:00PM                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          19                              20                                  21                                 22                               23                                 24                                25

                                                                   Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM                 AUTUMN BEGINS                Wenonah Farmer’s Market
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                       4:00PM - 7:00PM
                                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company             Wenonah Quilters Workshop                                                                                   One Night of
                               Branch Collection (Last One)                 7:00PM                             10:00AM                    *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up               Song and Dance
                          26                              27                                  28                                 29                               30
                                 *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM
                                                                     *Wenonah School Board
                                *Combined Planning Board                   7:00PM                                                                                                 Reminder: Extra trash/bulk must
                                                                       *Lions Club 6:45PM                                                                                         call 468-5228 to be put on list!
                                   *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                Containerized Yard Waste            *Volunteer Fire Company                                              Wenonah Farmer’s Market
Lake Association 7:00PM                (Last One)                           7:00PM                                                          4:00PM - 7:00PM

All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                 In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                            Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                      Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.

            Wenonah Fire House
Sunday                         Monday
                                                  OCTOBER 2021             Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                                  2
                                    Leaf Collection
                                   Reminder: Do not
                                   place leaves next                                                                                                                           Second Half of
                                   to parked cars or                                                                                                                         Sewer Payment Due
        DUE NOW!
                                     storm drains!
                                                                                                                                                                              Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                            3                                    4                                  5                                6                                7                                 8                                  9

                                                                                                         Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM

                                                                      *Volunteer Fire Company           *Wenonah Public Library Board                                                                              Historical Society
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                       7:00PM                              7:00PM                    American Legion 7:00PM            Trash & Recycle Pick Up            Cemetery Walk 3:00PM
                           10                               11                                  12                                 13                               14                                 15                                16
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                  *Lions Club 6:45PM             *Gateway School Board 7:00PM
                                                                                                            *Home and School of
                                   Woman’s Club of Wenonah            *Volunteer Fire Company                 Wenonah 7:00PM
                                          7:30PM                              7:00PM
                                                                                                         Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                   Borough Office Closed             Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM               10:00AM                                                         Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                                                           Wenonah Environmental
                                       COLUMBUS DAY                     Bulk Leaf Collection                Commission 7:30PM                                                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           17                               18                                  19                                 20                               21                                 22                                23

                                                                     Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                      *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Athletic Association
                                     Bulk Leaf Collection                     7:00PM                              8:00PM                                                      Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           24                               25                                  26                                 27                               28                                 29                                30
                                   *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                  (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM         *Wenonah School Board
 Lake Association 7:00PM                                                     7:00PM
                                   *Combined Planning Board
                                           7:00PM                        *Lions Club 6:45PM
                                     *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
         HALLOWEEN                                                    *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
31     4:00PM - 8:00PM               Bulk Leaf Collection                     7:00PM                            10:00AM                     *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up

     All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228              In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                                 Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                   Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
       Wenonah Public Works Department prides itself with providing our residents with quality services. We fill our daily schedule with picking
      up leaves, yard waste and branches year-round. Seasonally we maintain all Borough properties whether it is mowing our many acres of grass
 or plowing our 12 plus miles of roads. Daily we treat and maintain the water, sewer, and storm drain utilities to keep in compliance with the NJDEP.

   Other duties include emergency tree removal, water and sewer backup emergencies, curb and sidewalk installations. Public Works also collects
your metal products, appliances, and scrap metal for recycling. These are only a few of the tasks that our Public Works Department routinely encounter.

                                                                                                         SNOW REMOVAL GUIDELINES
   •   Beginning the week of February 1st and        •   Beginning the week of October 12th
       ending on March 29th, bulk branches               and ending on the week of December              •   When snow is expected, please make
       and yard waste will be collected on a             13th, bulk leaves will be collected on a            every attempt to park your vehicle in
       continuous rotating basis throughout              continuous rotating basis throughout the            a driveway.
       the Borough. These dates are dependent            Borough. These dates are dependent upon         •   If you must park in the street,use the “odd/
       upon the weather, Public Works schedule           the weather, Public Works schedule and              even system” to facilitate snowplowing:
       and in-town emergencies.                          in-town emergencies.
                                                                                                         •   If the storm is expected on an odd
   •   Please DO NOT put branches or yard            •   Please DO NOT put leaves in bags or                 numbered day, park on the odd
       waste in bags or containers during                containers during the bulk leaf collection          numbered side of the street.
       the bulk branch and yard waste                    period.
       collection period.                                                                                •   If the storm is expected on an even
                                                     •   Please place leaves in the street, far enough       numbered day, park on the even
   •   Please place branches and yard waste in           from the curb line, to allow water to flow          numbered side of the street.
       the street, far enough from the curb line,        to the storm water catch basins.
       to allow water to flow to the storm water                                                         •   Please clear your sidewalks within12 hours
                                                     •   Leaves should be placed a minimum of 10             of snow fall.
       catch basins.                                     feet from all storm water catch basins.
   •   Branches and yard waste should be placed                                                          •   If possible, wait until the Borough
                                                     •   Please DO NOT place leaves near parked              plows have passed before shoveling
       a minimum of 10 feet from all storm water         cars. Adequate space is required for
       catch basins.                                                                                         your driveway
                                                         Borough large leaf removal equipment.
   •   Please DO NOT place branches and yard         •   Please do not mix large shrubs,limbs,
       waste near parked cars. Adequate space            branches, or trash in with leaves.
       is required for Borough large branch and
       yard waste removal equipment.                 •   If these items are mixed in, or are on top of
                                                         the leaves, they can not be picked up. Pine
   •   DO NOT mix in trash with branches and             needles may be included with leaves.
       yard waste. If those items are mixed in,
       they can not be collected.
                                         NOVEMBER 2021
                                       Monday                             Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                1                                  2                                3                                4                                   5                                 6
                                                                      Shade Tree Commission
                                  Property Tax Due
                                                                     *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                    *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                       7:00PM                                                                                                                            Wenonah Environmental
                                                                                                       *Wenonah Public Library Board                                                                          Commission Fall Work Party
                                    Bulk Leaf Collection             GENERAL ELECTION DAY                        7:00PM                  American Legion 7:00PM              Trash & Recycle Pick Up                  9:00AM
                             7                                  8                                  9                              10                               11                                 12                                13
                                                                                                       *Gateway School Board 7:00PM
                                                                                                           *Home and School of
                                                                        *Lions Club 6:45PM                   Wenonah 7:00PM

                                                                     *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                    *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                       7:00PM                            10:00AM                                                       Historical Society 7:30PM        *CLEAN COMMUNITIES DAY
                                                                                                          Wenonah Environmental           Borough Office Closed                                                 Registration 8:30AM at
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS           Bulk Leaf Collection            Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM           Commission 7:30PM                 VETERANS’ DAY                   Trash & Recycle Pick Up              Community Center
                            14                             15                                  16                                 17                               18                                 19                                20

                                                                    Wenonah Swim Club 7:30PM            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                    *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                                                         Bulk Item Pick Up
                                                                     *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Athletic Association
                                    Bulk Leaf Collection                     7:00PM                              8:00PM                    *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                            21                             22                                  23                                 24                               25                                 26                                27
                                  *Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                 (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM
                                                                      *Wenonah School Board
                                 *Combined Planning Board
                                                                        *Lions Club 6:45PM
                                    *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                    Borough Office Closed            *Turkey Trot/Drumstick Dash
                                                                     *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                    Bulk Leaf Collection                     7:00PM                            10:00AM                       THANKSGIVING DAY               Borough Office Closed
                        28                                 29                                  30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Leaf Collection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Reminder: Do not
                                    *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                                                                                                                                                          place leaves next
  Lake Association 7:00PM         Trash & Recycle Pick Up                                                                                                                                                       to parked cars or
    HANUKKAH BEGINS                 Bulk Leaf Collection
                                                                     *Volunteer Fire Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  storm drains!
  All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                              Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                     Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
Christmas Tree Pick Up for Chipping
January 4th through January 29th.
Trees to be put at curb, no decorations, lights, or stands.         Christmas Tree   Bulk Branch          Branches for    Containerized      Bulk Leaf      Trash & Recycling         Bulk Items
                                                                       pick up on    & Yard Waste           chipping       Yard Waste        collection      collected every           collected
                                                                      January 1st     pick up on          collected on     collected on   begins the week         Friday             on the third
Bulk Branch & Yard Waste Collection                                     through      February 1st        the 1st and 3rd the 2nd and 4th         of         Holiday schedule        Friday of every
February 1st through March 29th.                                     January 29th.     through          Monday starting Monday starting    October 12th       Jan 1st pick up on        month.
Branch & Yard Waste to be put at curb separated and not in                           March 29th.            April 5th.      April 12th.  through the week     Jan 4th, Dec 24th
                                                                                                                                                            pick up on Dec. 27th.
containers or bags. To be picked up on a rotating basis,                                                    through          through             of                                 December 31st
weather permitting.                                                                                     September 20th. September 27th. December 17th                                 pick up on
                                                                                                                                          Monday-Friday.                            January 3, 2022
Branch Pick Up for Chipping                                            January                                                                                    January              January
1st and 3rd Monday, April 5th through September 20th.                4, 11,19, 25                                                                             4, 8, 15, 22, 29            15
(Tuesday, if Monday falls on a holiday)
                                                                                        February                                                                February               February
Cut Branches in 4 to 6 foot lengths, with a diameter no larger
                                                                                       1, 8, 16, 22                                                            5, 12, 19, 26              19
than 2”.
Place branches in the clear zone (before the curb,                                       March                                                                    March                 March
not in the street).                                                                  1, 8, 15, 22, 29                                                          5, 12, 19, 26             19
Please DO NOT place branches for chipping in containers.                                                     April           April                                  April               April
September 20th is the last week for branch pick up.                                                      5th and 19th    12th and 26th                        2, 9, 16, 23, 30           16
The disposal of wood remaining from tree removal is the                                                      May             May                                   May                   May
responsibility of the contractor and/or homeowner.                                                       3rd and 17th    10th and 24th                         7, 14, 21, 28             21
                                                                                                             June            June                                  June                  June
Want Free Wood Chips?
                                                                                                         7th and 21st    14th and 28th                         4, 11, 18, 25              18
To request delivery of wood chips to your driveway, please call
Wenonah Public Works at (856) 468-5300 and leave your name,                                                   July            July                                  July                 July
address and phone number.                                                                                6th and 19th    12th and 26th                        2, 9, 16, 23, 30            16
Wood chips are not allowed in the street.                                                                  August            August                               August                August
                                                                                                         2nd and 16th     9th and 23rd                         6, 13, 20, 27              20
Containerized Yard Waste Pick Up                                                                          September       September                            September              September
2nd and 4th Monday, April 12th through September 27th.                                                   7th and 20th    13th and 27th                         3, 10, 17, 24              17
(Tuesday, if Monday falls on a holiday)
                                                                                                                                             October              October              October
Yard waste is defined as small branches, shrub clippings and
                                                                                                                                            12th – 31st       1, 8, 15, 22, 29           15
garden vegetation.
The Borough DOES NOT COLLECT GRASS CLIPPINGS OR                                                                                             November            November              November
COMPOST MATERIAL. Please mulch or compost them on                                                                                           1st - 30th         5, 12, 19, 29             19
your property.                                                                                                                              December            December              December
Place Yard Waste at the curb in plastic or paper bags or                                                                                    1st - 13th         3, 10, 17, 27             17
containers. Bags and containers are returned.
September 27th is the last week for Yard Waste.

Bulk Leaf Collection
October 12th through December 13th.
Leaves to be put at curb in street and NOT in containers or bags.
                                       DECEMBER 2021
                                     Monday                             Tuesday                          Wednesday                          Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                                                  1                                2                                 3                                  4

                                                                                                                                                                          *HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING

                                                                                                      Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM         American Legion 7:00PM              Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                           5                                  6                                  7                                8                                9                                10                                11

                                                                                                      Wenonah Quilters Workshop

                                                                                                     *Gateway School Board 7:00PM
                                  *Boy Scouts 6:45PM
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company              Wenonah Environmental
                                  Bulk Leaf Collection                     7:00PM                        Commission 7:30PM                                                 Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          12                             13                                  14                                 15                               16                                 17                                18
                               Woman’s Club of Wenonah
                                      7:30PM                          *Lions Club 6:45PM

                                  *Boy Scouts 6:45PM               *Volunteer Fire Company            Wenonah Quilters 11:30AM
                                                                           7:00PM                                                                                            Bulk Item Pick Up
                                  Bulk Leaf Collection                                                Wenonah Athletic Association
                                       (Last One)                 Friends of Tall Pines 7:00PM                 8:00PM                    *Council Meeting 7:00PM           Trash & Recycle Pick Up
                          19                             20                                  21                                 22                               23                                 24                                25

                                *Woman’s Club of Wenonah           *Volunteer Fire Company
                               (Book Lovers’ Affair) 7:00PM                7:00PM                                                                                          Borough Office Closed
                                                                                                      Wenonah Quilters Workshop
                                  *Boy Scouts 6:45PM                   WINTER BEGINS                         10:00AM                                                           CHRISTMAS EVE                       CHRISTMAS
                      26                                 27                                  28                                 29                               30                                 31

                               *Combined Planning Board                                                                                                                    Borough Office Closed
                                      7:00PM*                                                                                                                                    at noon
                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company
Lake Association 7:00PM         Trash & Recycle Pick Up                    7:00PM                                                                                              NEW YEARS EVE

All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228                In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                            Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                                     Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
TRASH AND RECYCLE COLLECTION                                                                     The only items that should be placed in your green recycling container for curbside
                                                                                                 collection are cardboard and paper, dry and flattened, no food contact; plastic bottles
Please use the black 95 or 64 gallon trash cart provided by the Borough.
                                                                                                 and jugs, #1 & #2 only, clean and dry, remove lids; glass bottles and jars, clean and dry
Place all your household waste in plastic bags before placing in the trash cart. During          remove lids. Absolutely no plastic bags.
times of excess household waste or recycling that does not fit inside the carts, please call
                                                                                                 Per amended new trash ordinance 2019-15 Trash/Recycle carts are to be placed
the Borough Finance Office (856-468-5228) by Noon on Thursday, and have your
                                                                                                 curbside not earlier than 6pm on the day preceding collection. All containers shall
address put on the excess household waste/recycling pick up list, as Logan Township
                                                                                                 be removed from curbside as soon as practical but no later than 7:30pm the day of
waste hauler will only stop at addresses that are on that list.
Per amended new trash ordinance 2019-15 Trash/Recycle carts are to be placed
                                                                                                 Used motor oil can be recycled at the Wenonah Public Works building. Please contact
curbside not earlier than 6pm on the day preceding collection. All containers shall
                                                                                                 them for disposal information at (856) 468-5300.
be removed from curbside as soon as practical but no later than 7:30pm the day of
collection.                                                                                      Items such as chemicals, poisons, button batteries, CFL and fluorescent bulbs, and oil
                                                                                                 based paints should be disposed of properly.
Latex/water based paint can be picked up with regular trash. Add kitty litter or speedy
dry to the paint and mix until completely dry. Please leave the lids off to show paint had       Medication can be disposed of by bringing the items to the Wenonah or
dried and place next to trash container.                                                         Mantua Police Stations.

All trash or debris resulting from construction or home improvement is the respon-               The Gloucester County Improvement Authority sponsors several Special
sibility of the contractor and/or the homeowner. Construction debris consist of chain            Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days. Please visit Special
link and other types of fencing, bricks, cinder blocks, pressure treated wood or other           Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days. Please visit their website:
building materials that do not comply with the guidelines.                              or call (856) 478-6045.
                                                                                                                      TRASH COLLETION DO’S AND DON’TS
Special Metal and Electronics Pickup
Please contact Wenonah Public Works Department at (856) 468-5300 for metal items
to be picked up such as water heaters, refrigerators, washers, dryers, grills etc. Also,
electronic equipment such as TV’s, Computer Monitors, printers/copiers, radios,
vcr’s, etc.
                                                                                                        DO place carts               DO space carts               DO place all of your trash
Bulk Item Pickup                                                                                        facing forward.              4 feet apart.                and recycling inside carts.
Bulk items such as furniture and mattresses that are too large for regular trash will be
picked up on the 3rd Friday of the month by the shared service provider, Logan
Township, subject to change due to holiday. Please call the Borough Finance Office
(856-468-5228) by Noon on Thursday and have your address and bulk items put on the
bulk item pick up list, as the trash hauler will only stop at addresses that are on that list.
Recycle                                                                                                 DON’T place carts            DON’T place carts            DON’T place trash or recycling
Please use the new green 95 gallon recycle cart delivered by the Borough. All of your                   facing backward.             too close together.          outside of trash carts.
recyclables are to be comingled in the cart. Pick up day for trash and recycle will still
be Friday.                                                                                                PLEASE NOTE. The automated collection cart must have a four foot clearance
                                                                                                         around it to be properly emptied. Please ensure the container is set away from all
                                                                                                        utility poles, vehicles, basketball nets, and mailboxes. All carts shall be placed with
                                                                                                        the wheels touching the curb and all items must be placed in the trash or recycling
                                                                                                         cart. Extra trash and recycling will not be collected without prior arrangements.
Sunday                         Monday
                                                  JANUARY 2022         Tuesday                     Wednesday                        Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEW YEAR’S DAY
                            2                                3                                4                          5                                  6                                7                                  8

                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company                                       *Reorganization Meeting
                                   Trash & Recycle Pick Up                 7:00PM                                                       7:00PM
                            9                             10                                 11                        12                                  13                               14                                15

                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company
                           16                             17                                 18                        19                                  20                               21                                22

                                   Borough Office Closed

                                  MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.          *Volunteer Fire Company
                                           DAY                             7:00PM
                           23                             24                                 25                        26                                  27                               28                                29

                                                                   *Volunteer Fire Company
30                              31                                         7:00PM                                                *Council Meeting 7:00PM

     All meetings are in the Community Center unless noted by an * • Administrative Offices: 856-468-5228   In-person meeting locations are subject to change according to health and safety restrictions associated with COVID-19.
                                 Please refer to the Activity Guide for the * listing                                        Please check with the organization directly for any changes to schedule or location.
Full Page above 2021 Wenonah Activity Guide

                                              Train Station - Original Location on West Side of Tracks

                                              Train Station - Current Location on East Side of Tracks
AMERICAN LEGION POST 192                                      HISTORICAL SOCIETY                                                MUNICIPAL COURT                                                   WENONAH PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD
Meets on the 1st Thursday of every month                      Meetings are on the 2nd Friday January through May and November   Mantua Joint Municipal Court                                      Meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of most months
No meeting July/August                                        No meetings in June, July and August                              405 Main Street; Mantua, NJ                                       No meeting in July or December
Meeting location and time:                                    September, October and December Meetings have alternate           1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month 9:00 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. as   Meeting location and time:
Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:00 P.M.           locations & times                                                 well as the second Monday of the month at 9:00 A.M.               Library at 7:00 P.M.
Contact Information: John Forren (856) 464-0428               Meeting location and time:                                        (856) 468-3078                                                    Contact information: Anne Zuber (609) 932-1955
Emal:                                  Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:30 P.M.               Website:         Email:
Facebook: NJPost192                                           Contact Information: Charles Horan (856) 468-5431                 SHADE TREE COMMISSION                                             Website:
BOY SCOUTS, TROOP #50                                         Email:                                   Meetings are on the first Tuesday of February-May, August,        Facebook: Wenonah Free Public Library
Meetings are every Monday                                     Website:                         September & November                                              WENONAH QUILTERS
No meetings in June through August and specified holidays     Facebook: Wenonah Historical Society                              Meeting location and time:                                        Regular meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every
Meeting location and time:                                    HOME AND SCHOOL OF WENONAH                                        Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:30 P.M.               month
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at 6:45 P.M.                    Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of the Month                       No meetings January, June, July, October & December               Workshop meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every
Contact Information: Max Pozza (856) 904-2785                 No meetings in June, July, August, December                       Contact Information: Gary Odenbrett (856)-468-2627                month
Email:                             Meeting location and time:                                        Email:                                         Meeting location and time:
Website:                              Wenonah School Library at 7:00 PM                                 VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY                                            Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 11:30 A.M. – 2 P.M. for
COMBINED PLANNING BOARD                                       Contact Information: Jocelyn Wood (856) 366-8628                  Meetings are on Tuesday of every week                             Regular meetings
Meetings are on the 4th Monday of every month.                Email:                           Meeting location and time:                                        and 10:00 A.M. – 2 P.M. for Workshop meetings
Meeting location and time:                                    Website:                               Fire House at 7:00 P.M.                                           Contact Information: Judy Thompson (856) 464-8652
Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M.                               Facebook: Home-and-School-of-Wenonah                              Contact Information: (856) 468-5228                               WENONAH SCHOOL BOARD
Contact Information: Laurie Christinzio                       LAKE ASSOCIATION (SOCIAL EVENTS)                                  Facebook: Wenonah Volunteer Fire Company                          Contact Information: Kathy Hallahan (856)-468-6000
Email:                      Meetings are on the 4th Sunday of every month,                    WENONAH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION                                      WENONAH SWIM CLUB
CUB SCOUTS                                                    depending on holidays.                                            Meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of every month                  Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month
Contact Information: Paul Ricci (609) 254-3974                Meeting location and time:                                        Meeting location and time:                                        September through April at the Train Station
                                                              Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:00 P.M.               Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 8:00 P.M.               May through August at the Swim Club
FRIENDS OF TALL PINES                                         Contact Information: Duke Braun (856) 534-5059
Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month                                                                                    Contact Information: Pat Ream                                     Meeting location and time:
                                                              Email:                                       Email:                                Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:30 P.M.
Meeting location and time:                                    Website:
Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:00 P.M.                                                                             Website:                                 Contact Information: Kristin Clay (856)-812-1188
                                                              Facebook: Wenonah Lake Association                                Facebook: Wenonah Athletic Association                            Email:
Contact Information: Richard Dilks (856) 468-6342
Email:                                     LIONS CLUB                                                        WENONAH ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION                                  Website:
Website:                   Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month            Meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of every month                  Facebook: Wenonah Swim Club
Facebook: Friends of Tall Pines Preserve                      No meetings in July and August                                    June and September Meetings have alternate locations & times      WOMAN’S CLUB OF WENONAH
                                                              Meeting location and time:                                        Meeting location and time:                                        Regular meetings are on the 2nd Monday of month, September
GATEWAY SCHOOL BOARD                                          Telford Inn, Mantua at 6:45 P.M.
Meetings are the second Wednesday of the month location and                                                                     Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:30 P.M.               through May
                                                              Contact Information: Brian Salvatore (215) 280-1315               Contact Information: Richard Dilks                                Farmers Market in the park 4:00PM - 7:00PM
time are 7pm in the Gateway High School Media Center          Email:
Contact Information: Donna Contrevo, Business Administrator                                                                     Email:                                         Every Thursday from May thru September
                                                              Facebook:                           Website:                       Book Lovers meetings are on the 4th Monday of the month, at
(856) 848-8200
Email:                                MANTUA TOWNSHIP POLICE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING                    Facebook: Friends of Wenonah Trails                               7:00PM at the Library, except in December & May meeting
Website:                                        405 Main Street; Mantua, NJ                                       WENONAH LAKE                                                      on the 3rd Monday
Facebook: gateway regional school district                    Open 24 hours a day                                               (MEMBERSHIPS/RENTALS)                                             Regular meeting location and time:
                                                              Emergency - 911                                                   Call for Information                                              Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center at 7:30 P.M.
                                                              Records - (856) 468-1920                                          Contact Information: Kathy Schools (856) 468-5228                 Book Lovers meeting location and time:
                                                              Non Emergency Police Service - (856) 468-1900                     Email:                              Wenonah Public Library at 7:00 P.M.
                                                              Website:           Website:                                 Contact Information: Jenn Pizi (609)-751-6165
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Facebook: Woman’s Club of Wenonah
     IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS IN GLOUCESTER COUNTY:                                                                          YOUR STATE                                                                    Senate
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez
     Title                            Address                                                Phone                       5TH LEGISLATIVE                                                                  231 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Phone: (856) 451-1251
                                                                                            Borough of Wenonah MunicipalDISTRICT
                                                                                                                             BuildingCONTACT                                                              515 White Horse Pike, Audubon, NJ 08106
                                                                                                     1 South West Avenue                                                                                  Phone: (856) 547-4800
 Gloucester County                          115 Budd Blvd.                                 (856) 384-6842                  INFORMATION
                                                                                             Administrative Offices: (856) 648-5228
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Gloucester Country Justice Complex Annex,
 Aging + Disability                         West Deptford, NJ 08096                                                                                                                                       114 North Broad St., Woobury, NJ 08096
 Services                                                      EMERGENCIES: POLICE, FIRE,Assembly
                                                                                          AMBULANCE 9-1-1                                                                                                 Phone: (856) 853-2960
                                                                                                                                   Assemblyman: William Moen Jr.
 Gloucester County                          1200 N. Delsea Drive      (856) 881-2828           515 White Horse Pike, Audubon , NJ                                                                         Assembly
                                                                            AFTER BUSINESS 08106
                                                                                               HOURS                                                                          S
                                                                                                                                                                        INS TO TREAM
 Animal Control                             Clayton, NJ 08312Water & Sewer Emergencies: (856) 468-1900                                                                             Assemblyman: William W. Spearman
                                                                                                        (Police Dispatch)
                                                                                               Phone: (856) 547-4800                                                                                   DR
                                                                                                                                                                                   515 White Horse Pike, Audubon , NJ
                                                                     Non-Emergency Police Issues: (856) 468-1900        231 Market(Police   Dispatch)
                                                                                                                                    Street, Camden,     NJ 08102                   08106
 Gloucester County               550 Grove Rd.                                            (856) 384-4500                Phone: (856) 541-1251
 Board of Elections
                                                                 Visit      Wenonah’s             Official Website @                                      Phone: (856) 547-4800
                                                                                                                                                                              NO DU ING!
                                 West Deptford, NJ 08066                                                                Gloucester County Justice Complex Annex
                                                                                                                                                                                   231 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102
                                                                                                                        114 North Broad St., Woobury, NJ 08096 Phone: (856) 541-1251
Mayor Dominy & Borough Council                                                                                      Wenonah
                                                                                                                        Phone: Public Library .......................................................................... (856) 468-6323
                                                                                                                               (856) 853-2960
 Gloucester County              503 Monroeville Rd.                                       (856)(856)478-6045                                                                       Gloucester County Justice Complex Annex
 Municipal Clerk’s Office ........................................................................      468-6713
                                                                                                                                                Senior Bus Information 856-468-1500 x112
 Recycling                                                                                                          Municipal   Clerk Administrative       Office     ..................................................
                                                                                                                                                                                   114 North Broad St., Woobury,         (856) 468-6713
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NJ 08096
                                Swedesboro, NJ 08085
Gloucester County Animal Shelter-Animal Control
                                                                                                                                            Gloucester County Senior Services • 856-384-6900
                                                                                                                                                                                   Phone:      (856)     853-2960
                                                                                                                    Joint Municipal Court............................................................................... (856) 468-3078
 Call regarding animal adoptions, concerns, etc. ............................... (856) 881-2828
Mantua    Post Office       20 Mantua Blvd.                             (856) 468-1600                                                                                                           EMERGENCY 9-1-1
                                                                                                                              Gloucester County Disability Services ................................................... (856) 681-6128
Wenonah Board of EducationMantua, NJ 08051
                                                                                                                              Mantua Township Police Department
  Lou McCall .............................................................................................. (856) 468-9555
                                                                                                                               Police Department Office ...................................................................... (856) 468-1900
Gloucester    County
           County           115 Budd Blvd.
                  Board of Health                                                     (856) 384-6900
                                                                                                                              Wenonah Department of Public Works
 Senior  Services           West
  Health/Environmental Issues          Deptford, NJ 08096
                              ................................................................ (856) 218-4101                  Leave a message ...................................................................................... (856) 468-5300
Board of Elections
                                                                                                                                 HOLIDAY WISHES
                                      141 Center St.                                             (856) 468-1010               Gloucester County Senior Services
 Sewell   Post
  550 Grove     Office
             Road,  West Deptford ........................................................... (856) 384-4500
                                      Sewell, NJ 08080                                                                         Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Home Care .................................. (856) 384-6900
Wenonah Elementary School .................................................................. (856) 468-6000                   TaxWe    hope
                                                                                                                                  Assessor     thatComplex)
                                                                                                                                           (Clayton      over the             next couple weeks those(856)
                                                                                                                                                                         ............................................................   of 307-6445
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            you who
Finance  Office County                1200 N. Delsea Drive                                       (856) 307-6445                  are consumed
                                                                                                                              Gloucester County Veteran’swithAffairs hustling around the Township will find the
 Tax  Assessor
  Taxes/Water/Sewer/Dog-CatClayton,      licenses/Lake   NJ 08312........................................ (856) 468-5228         time
                                                                                                                               211      to slow
                                                                                                                                    County          downSewell...........................................................
                                                                                                                                            House Road,            and enjoy special moments (856)                                     with401-7660
Fire Company/Ambulance – non emergency                                                                                           friends, and neighbors. We hope to see you at the Winter
                                                                                                                              Water & Sewer  Problems       –  Business        Hours      ........................................... (856) 468-5300
  Police Dispatch ....................................................................................... (856) 589-0911       or Finance Office .................................................................................... (856) 468-5228
Gateway Regional High School ............................................................... (856) 848-8200
                                                                                                                                   Festival and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New
                                                                                                                                            A Special Thank You to Larry Smith on behalf of the Wenonah Historical Society
                                 RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER                                                                              Mayor         Pete
                                                                                                                                       for providing          Scirrotto
                                                                                                                                                         photos,     and to the following Sponsors of Our 2021 Community Calendar
                                                                                                                                 Telford          Mayor Bob Zimmerman
                                                                                                                                         Inn ............................................................................................................(856) 468-0535
                                          *** ECRWSSEDDM ***                                                                     Carolina  Blue ........................................................................................................(856)
                                                                                                                                   Committeeman                        Shawn Layton                                                                            582-8586
                                                                                                                                 Y-By Rental Center ...............................................................................................(856) 468-4500
                                                                                                                                   Committeeman John Legge
   PERMIT  #41
   PERMIT     NJ
          NO. 352                                                                                                                Matthew P. Lyons, Attorney at Law....................................................................... (908) 735-5161
                                                                                                                                   Committeewoman                              Eileen Lukens
                                                                Mantua, NJ 08090
                                                                                                                                 The  Pettit Group, LLC
                                                                 South WestStreet
                                                                     Main  Avenue
                                                                                                                             Mantua Township Community
                                                                                                                                                    PLEASE GIVECenter
   U.S. Postage
     PRSRTSTD                                                   Mantua of
                                                               Borough  Township  Municipal Building
                                                                          WenonahMunicipal  Building                                                            THEM YOUR SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                   111 Mercer Avenue, Sewell
                                                                                                                                    10am-2pm | 856-468-4773                EMERGENCY                                                                    9-1-1
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