BREXIT BRIEF - The Institute of International and European Affairs

Page created by Walter Hernandez
Brexit Brief Issue 84
02 April 2020

  The Brief seeks to provide up-to-date information on the progress and content of the UK-EU
  negotiations, and bring together relevant statements and policy positions from key players in
  Ireland, the UK and EU.

  The Brief is part of a wider communications programme covering the work of the IIEA’s UK
  Project Group – including commentaries, speeches, texts and event reports – which are
  highlighted on the Institute’s website. (

  Section One: State of Play                           Agreement. These included: securing citizens’
                                                       rights; maintaining peace and stability on the
  Meeting of the Joint Committee on                    island of Ireland; and ensuring the integrity of
  the Implementation and Application                   the Single Market.
  of the Withdrawal Agreement
                                                       On the topic of citizens’ rights, Commission
  On 30 March 2020, EU and UK officials met
                                                       Vice President Šefčovič welcomed the UK’s
  via video-conference, due to the COVID-19
                                                       commitment to continue to allow EU citizens
  pandemic, for the first meeting of the Joint
                                                       to register as lawfully resident in the UK
  Committee on the implementation and
                                                       and reiterated the European Commission’s
  application of the Withdrawal Agreement. The
                                                       commitment to support Member States in
  meeting was chaired by Commission Vice-
                                                       ensuring that UK citizens can exercise their
  President Maroš Šefčovič and UK Chancellor
                                                       rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.
  of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove.
                                                       The Commission also committed to working
  Following the meeting, the EU released a
                                                       with the UK to implement the Protocol on
  statement, in which it outlined its priorities for
                                                       Ireland/Northern Ireland. It stressed “an
  the timely implementation of the Withdrawal
                                                       urgent need” for the UK to “proceed with

                                                                      BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

the necessary measures, such as preparing            Barnier and David Frost – raised significant
for the introduction of customs procedures           questions about the possibility of reaching
for goods entering Northern Ireland from             a deal before the current deadline of 31
Great Britain, and ensuring that all necessary       December 2020. If the two sides cannot
sanitary and phytosanitary controls as well as       reach an agreement by that date the UK will
other regulatory checks can be carried out in        automatically move to trading with the EU on
respect of goods entering Northern Ireland           World Trade Organization terms – the ‘no-deal’
from outside the EU.”                                situation which is forecast to produce negative
                                                     outcomes for both sides and, in particular, for
Finally, the Joint Committee agreed to launch        the island of Ireland.
the work of six Specialised Committees. In
particular, the Specialised Committee on the         The postponement of talks, and the personal
Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland should          problems of the key negotiators, have led many
engage “without delay”.                              commentators to argue for an extension of the
                                                     transition period. The normally hard-line pro-
The next meeting of the Joint Committee is           Brexit Telegraph on 19 March 2020 carried the
scheduled to take place in June.                     headline ‘It would be madness not to delay the
                                                     post-Brexit transition to focus on coronavirus’
Covid-19: EU-UK Talks Postponement
                                                     and went on to argue that “There is a time and
The second round of EU-UK negotiations,              a place to argue over the future of trade and
scheduled for 18 March, were postponed in            relations with the EU. This is not the time”.
light of the medical guidance on coronavirus.
                                                     An Irish Times editorial addressed the issue of
A UK Government statement on 17 March said           the transition period on 19 March 2020, arguing
that: “Both sides remain fully committed to the      that it is likely to be extended for two reasons:
negotiations and we remain in regular contact
                                                          The first is that the UK and EU
with the European Commission to consider
                                                          governments will simply not have the
alternative ways to continue discussions,
                                                          time to conduct the necessary talks.
including looking at the possibility of video
                                                          Time was already short, but to suggest
conferencing or conference calls and exploring
                                                          that any kind of a deal can now be
flexibility in the structure for the coming weeks.
                                                          worked out, with governments and
The transition period ends on 31 December
                                                          public servants facing a massive public
2020. This is enshrined in UK law.”
                                                          health crisis, is crazy.
The two sides had agreed to hold rotating
                                                          The second reason is that companies,
rounds of talks between London and Brussels
                                                          consumed with the fall-out from the
until May when there would be a review of
                                                          virus, also known as Covid-19, will simply
progress. The UK has until July to request
                                                          not have the time or money to also cope
an extension to the transition period. The
                                                          with the changes which a new trading
revelation of the circumstances of the two
                                                          regime would bring. Whether a deal is
main players in the talks process – Michel
                                                          done on new trading arrangements or

                                                                     BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

    a breakdown leads to a reversion to                An extension to the transition period will
    trading under World Trade Organisation             surely have to be sought. Only obsolete
    rules, companies would face further cost           doctrine and the Prime Minister’s vanity
    and disruption.                                    are against it. Those obstacles can and
                                                       must be set aside.
The editorial argued that although Boris
Johnson’s Government has thus far refused          Michel Barnier Tests Positive
to consider delay, “not doing so by the end
of June would create yet mroe uncertainty          The EU Chief Negotiator, Michel Barnier, has
and risk, at a time when more than enough          tested positive for Covid-19. He tweeted
already exist.” It concluded:                      on 19 March that he was “doing well and in
                                                   good spirits. I am following the necessary
    It makes sense now to put the whole            instruction, as is my team. For all those
    process on hold, using the mechanisms in       affected already, and for all those currently in
    the withdrawal agreement. The concern          isolation, we will get through this together.”
    is that Johnson, under pressure from           An EU source indicated that the entire Barnier
    Brexiteers who fear what a delay might         negotiating team – 100 strong – had been
    mean for the shape of Brexit, continues        isolated while urgent tests were carried out.
    to refuse to recognise the obvious.
                                                   David Frost Self-Isolated
There are serious concerns that the key
negotiation deadlines could coincide with the      The UK Lead Negotiator, David Frost, has
projected peak of the COVID-19 onslaught.          self-isolated after showing mild symptoms
Increased     restrictions    on   international   of COVID-19 just a day after the news of
travel make a resumption of full negotiating       Michel Barnier’s diagnosis. A spokesman for
arrangements in the near future uncertain. It      No.10 indicated that, while David Frost was
is widely recognised that resorting to remote      following key guidance on self-isolation, the
internet solutions cannot replace the reality of   UK Government remained in contact with the
face-to-face talks, with the complex exchanges     European Commission “and expect further
and vital personal interactions which make a       conversations between the teams next week.”
negotiation work.
                                                   European Task Force for Relations
The crucial issue is the attitude of the British   with the United Kingdom
Government. The Guardian commented:
                                                   On 18 March 2020, the EU Task Force for
    Mr Johnson’s gung-ho Eurosceptic rhetoric      Relations with the United Kingdom published
    once suggested indifference to risk, but       a Draft Legal Agreement for the future EU-UK
    in response to coronavirus he appears to       partnership. The document translates into a
    have discovered a new capacity to engage       legal text the negotiating directives adopted
    with evidence and a new flexibility in         by the Member States in the General Affairs
    economic policy. Such pragmatism must          Council on 25 February 2020 in line with
    be applied also to the Brexit question.        the terms of the Political Declaration agreed

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

between the EU and the UK as part of the            Draft Legal Agreement
Withdrawal Agreement package. The text of
the legal agreement was drafted following           The draft is 440 pages in length and covers
consultations with the European Parliament          all areas of the negotiations. It was shared
and the Council and is intended to provide          with the United Kingdom on 18 March 2020,
necessary material to support the ongoing           following consultation with the European
negotiations and facilitate progress towards        Parliament and Council. It was presented
an agreed outcome.                                  to the Council Working Party on the United
                                                    Kingdom on Friday, 13 March 2020.
The UK has shared its equivalent document
with the European Taskforce, but at time of         The text comprises six parts:
writing, this text has not been published.
                                                    1. Common Provisions (Basis for Cooperation;
The EU text spells out the demands to be               Principles of Interpretation and Definitions)
made by the EU negotiators in future rounds
of talks. It clearly demonstrates the distance      2. Economy and Trade (Regulatory Practices
between the two sides, in a wide range of              and Cooperation; Level Playing Field:
issues – State aid rules, labour and social            Sustainability)  with    trade    chapters
protection, environmental standards, health            including (Goods; Fisheries; Services and
and sanitary safety in the agricultural and            Investment; Digital; Capital; Intellectual
food sector and, fundamentally, the so-called          Property; Public Procurement; Mobility;
level playing field.                                   Transport; Energy; Civil Nuclear; SMEs)

EU     Chief    Negotiator     Michel     Barnier   3. Security Partnership (Law Enforcement
commented: “This text demonstrates that an             and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal
ambitious and comprehensive agreement on               Matters; Foreign Policy; Fight against
our future relationship is possible, on the basis      Irregular Migration; Health Security;
of the EU’s mandate and the political ambition         Cyber Security)
agreed with the UK five months ago.”
                                                    4. Participation in Union Programmes, Sound
Separately, the Task Force published the               Financial Management, Financial Provisions
Foreign Policy, Security and Defence part of           (UK participation in Union Programmes;
the Agreement on the New Partnership with              general conditions and rules; protection of
the United Kingdom. It is stated that “This            financial interests and recovery)
negotiating document is published following
                                                    5. Institutional and Horizontal Provisions
consultation with the Member States and the
                                                       (Institutional   Framework;     Dispute
European Parliament, bearing in mind that
                                                       Settlement; Compliance; Fulfilment of
the United Kingdom has stated that it does
                                                       Obligations and Safeguard Measures)
not wish to engage in negotiations on these
matters. It was presented to the Council            6. Final Provisions (Termination Procedure)
Working Party on the United Kingdom on
Friday 13 Mach 2020.”

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

The text further contains thirty-five technical    to humanity. The parties should reiterate
Annexes, covering sixty-five pages, and four       their commitment to strengthening the global
Protocols (Mutual Administrative Assistance in     response to this threat. The fight against
Customs Matters; Social Security Coordination;     man-made climate change as elaborated in
Participation in Union Programmes; Security        the Paris Agreement must be recognised as
Procedures for Exchanging and Protecting           basic to the domestic and external policies of
Classified Information).                           both the EU and the UK. Both parties would
                                                   ensure respect for the Paris Agreement and
The initial sections of the text, dealing with     refrain from any acts or omissions that would
Common Provisions, contain important               undermine it or materially defeat the object
provisions and set out a number of key values      and purpose of the Agreement. They would
and principles. In particular, it set out the EU   commit to promote the fight against climate
starting point that “the final agreement will      change in all international fora, and to engage
establish a ‘comprehensive partnership’:           with other countries and regions to increase
                                                   their level of ambition in the reduction of
It further provides that where the EU and
                                                   greenhouse emissions.
the UK conclude other bilateral agreements
between them, they would have the status of a      The text finally provides that either Party may
‘supplementary agreement’ and will constitute      terminate the eventual Agreement by written
an integral part of the overall framework. This    notification through diplomatic channels.
provision would apply to agreements between        The Agreement and any supplementing
the Union and its Member States and the            agreement would cease to be in force on the
United Kingdom and to agreements between           first day of the twelfth month following the
Euratom and the United Kingdom.                    date of notification

It is proposed that EU-UK cooperation will be      Task Force on Foreign Policy, Security
based on the shared values and principles of       and Defence
Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights,
which underpin the domestic and international      The EU Task Force separately published the
policies of both parties. Consequently, the        text of the Foreign Policy, Security and Defence
parties should formally reaffirm their respect     part of its draft Agreement text, pointing out
for the Universal Declaration of Human             that the United Kingdom has stated that it
Rights and the international human rights          does not wish to engage in negotiations on
treaties to which they are parties, as well as     these matters.
their continued commitment to respect the
European Convention on Human Rights. They          The key opening sections of this part of the EU
would commit to promoting these shared             proposals state:
values and principles in all international fora.
                                                       The Parties shall establish a close Political
Significantly, the EU text gives fundamental           Dialogue and structured consultation
status to the Fight against Climate Change,            on foreign policy, security and defence.
which is recognised as an existential threat           The Parties shall also conduct regular

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

     thematic dialogues on issues of mutual         the General Secretariat of the Council will chair
     interest in relation to external action.       the Working Party until 31 December 2020.

     In support of their commitment to              Section Two: The Evolving Debate
     multilateralism, the Parties shall engage
     in effective consultations in multilateral     UK- Ireland Contacts
     fora and endeavour to exchange views
                                                    On 14 March 2020, senior representatives of
     and enhance cooperation to improve the
                                                    the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish
     effectiveness of regional and international
                                                    Government and their Chief Medical Officers
     fora and organisations, such as the United
                                                    met in Armagh to review the current situation
     Nations and its specialised organisations
                                                    regarding the COVID-19 virus and how best to
     and agencies, the Council of Europe,
                                                    tackle the outbreak. The meeting took place
     the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
                                                    at the Secretariat offices of the North South
     (NATO), the Organisation for Economic
                                                    Ministerial Council, in Armagh
     Cooperation and Development (OECD), the
     Organisation for Security and Cooperation      The Northern Ireland Executive was
     in Europe (OSCE), and other fora.              represented by First Minister Arlene Foster,
                                                    Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill and
     The Parties shall also endeavour to
                                                    Health Minister Robin Swann. The Irish
     consult each other ahead of elections
                                                    Government was represented by An Taoiseach
     in multilateral organisations to seek
                                                    Leo Varadkar, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign
     effective representation therein.
                                                    Affairs and Trade Simon Coveney, and Minister
Council Working Party on the UK                     for Health, Simon Harris. Detailed briefings
                                                    were provided by the respective Chief Medical
The Working Party on the United Kingdom             Officers and the very serious challenges to
was established on 24 January 2020, after           public health which are posed by COVID-19,
its creation was agreed by leaders at the           North and South, were discussed. It was
European Council meeting in December 2019.          agreed that everything possible will be done
It assists Coreper (Committee of Permanent          in co-ordination and cooperation between the
Representatives) and the Council in all matters     Irish Government and the Northern Ireland
pertaining to the relationship with the United      Executive and with the active involvement of
Kingdom, following its departure from the EU.       the health administrations in both jurisdictions
                                                    to tackle the outbreak.
In particular, it assists Coreper and the Council
in the course of the negotiations of the future     On 19 March, Downing Street reported a
relationship with the United Kingdom and on         conversation between Prime Minister Johnson
matters related to the implementation of the        and the Taoiseach. “The Prime Minister spoke
Withdrawal Agreement.                               to the Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar today about
                                                    the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. He set
The Working Party is to be chaired by the six-      out the UK’s science-based approach and the
monthly presidency. Initially it was agreed that    measures the Government has already taken

                                                                    BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

to stop the spread of the virus and protect the    No 10 initially said it did not take part because
public. The leaders agreed on the importance of    the UK was “no longer a member” and was
international coordination to support the global   “making our own efforts” but later stated that
health response and minimise the economic          “As the commission has confirmed, we are
impact on our citizens. They also resolved         eligible to participate in joint procurements
to continue working together to strengthen         during the transit period following our departure
our bilateral relationship and to support the      from the EU earlier this year. As those four initial
Northern Ireland Assembly at Stormont.”            procurement schemes had already gone out to
                                                   tender, we were unable to take part in these,
On 20 March 2020, An Tánaiste Simon                but we will consider participating in future
Coveney and Secretary of State for Northern        procurement schemes on the basis of public
Ireland, Brandon Lewis, spoke by phone. The        health requirements at the time.”
main focus of the call was on the COVID 19
response and the actions being taken by the        Section Three: Background
two Governments, and the work being taken          Material and Further Reading
forward in Northern Ireland. They welcomed
the leadership and concerted action being taken    Background Material
by the Northern Ireland Executive in response
                                                   European Commission Statement by the
to the crisis. They agreed that there was a
                                                   European Commission following the first
clear need for continued strong cooperation
                                                   meeting of the EU-UK Joint Committee,
and coordination North/South as well as East/
                                                   30   March   2020.
West in support of those efforts. They also
discussed the recent UK Government proposals
concerning how to handle the legacy of the         statement_20_565
past in Northern Ireland, and the need for early
                                                   Financial Times Coronavirus crisis demands
and detailed engagement on how we can move
                                                   extended Brexit transition. FT, 25 March 2020.
forward together on this important issue.
Ventilator Claims                                  4a04-83ea-37bd97812d36

The EU Commission has rejected claims by           RTÉ       Michel Barnier tests positive for
the UK Government that a “communication            Covid-19. RTE, 19 March 2020. https://www.
problem” resulted in the UK missing out  
on a joint procurement project for medical         barnier-tests-positive-for-covid-19/
ventilators. A UK spokesman blamed the
                                                   RTÉ Brexit talks uncertain as negotiators Frost
situation on misunderstanding with Brussels
                                                   and Barnier both self-isolate due to coronavirus.
insisting that London had not received an
                                                   RTE, 20 March 2020.
invitation in time to participate. Brussels
responded that plans for the project had
been clearly set out to the London authorities
having been discussed at the Health Security
Committee with UK involvement.

                                                                    BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

EU Commission Task Force Draft text of              The Guardian       Brexit: EU’s demands in
the Agreement on the New Partnership with           negotiations with UK revealed in draft treaty.
the United Kingdom 18 March 2020. https://          Guardian, 13 March 2020.        https://www.
draft-agreement-gen.pdf                             brexit-eu-demands-uk-negotiations-draft-
EU Commission Task Force Foreign Policy,
Security nd Defence part of the Draft Text of       Irish Times EU sets out proposals for close
the Agreement on the new Partnership with           UK ties after Brexit talks. IT, 19 March 2020.
the United Kingdom, 18 March 2020. https://          europe/eu-sets-out-proposals-for-close-uk-
draft-agreement-forpolsec.pdf                       ties-after-brexit-talks-1.4206215

EU Commission Task Force Joint Statement            The Guardian       Brexit: coronavirus sparks
of European Commission Vice President Maros         calls to extend EU transition period. Guardian,
Sefcovic and the UK Chancellor of the Duchy         14 March 2020. https://www.theguardian.
of Lancaster, Rt.Hon. Michael Gove, 19 March        com/politics/2020/mar/14/calls-to-extend-
2020.   eu-transition-period-as-europe-fights-
joint-statement-eu-uk-joint-committee.pdf           coronavirus

European Commission / Europe Direct                 Politico     Brexit Britain is running out of
Future    EU-UK    Partnership:   European          time. Politico, 20 March 2020. https://www.
Commission publishes draft legal text, 18 
March 2020.        britain-stays-stubborn-on-brexit
forging-new-partnership_en                          The Telegraph          It would be madness
                                                    not to delay the post-Brexit transition
GOV.UK       Latest on EU negotiations:             to focus on coronavirus.        Telegraph, 19
17 March 2020.           March 2020.
government/news/latest-on-eu-negotiations-          politics/2020/03/19/would-madness-not-
17-march-2020                                       delay-post-brexit-transition-focus-coronavirus

GOV.UK PM call with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar:         Financial Times EU rejects UK call for rapid
19 March 2020.          agreement on financial services. FT, 16 March
government/news/pm-call-with-taoiseach-             2020.
leo-varadkar-19-march-2020                          66e2-11ea-800d-da70cff6e4d3

Irish Times EU-UK talks on Brexit process           Politico EU wants zero-tariff Brexit deal, but
postponed due to coronavirus. IT, 17 March          will fine anticompetitive behaviour. Politico,
2020.          13 March 2020.
world/europe/eu-uk-talks-on-brexit-process-         article/eu-wants-zero-tariff-brexit-deal-fine-
postponed-due-to-coronavirus-1.4204998              anticompetitive-behavior/

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

Financial Times     Brussels places fishing       The Guardian         The Guardian view on
rights at heart of draft trade treaty with        Covid-19 and Brexit: extend the transition.
UK. FT, 16 March 2020.        https://www.        Guardian, 18 March 2020.      https://www. 
fe4680ea68b5                                      mar/18/the-guardian-view-on-covis-19-and-
The Guardian ‘Not sad to do this job’: the
Merkel ally leading EU’s Brexit team. Guardian,   Politico     In EU’s retreat, a way forward.
17 March 2020. https://www.theguardian.           Politico, 20 March 2020. https://www.politico.
com/world/2020/mar/17/not-sad-to-do-this-         eu/article/in-eu-european-union-coronavirus-
job-the-merkel-ally-leading-eus-brexit-team       covid19-retreat-a-way-forward-ursula-von-
European Policy Centre      The need for
a longer transition. EPC, 18 March 2020.          The UK in a Changing Europe Parliament and           Brexit, March 2020. https://www.ukandeu.
The Guardian US trade deal ‘could flood
Britain with toxic cosmetics’. Guardian, 21       Financial Times          Brussels rejects UK
March 2020.         https://www.theguardian.      ventilator claims. FT, 27 March 2020. https://
fear-us-trade-deal-will-allow-toxic-chemicals-    848e-3980225ae542
                                                  The Guardian      The day we stopped
The Federal Trust Cliff Edge or Capitulation?     shaking hands – and what that means
The options for EU/UK trade negotiations, 13      for Europe. Guardian, 9 March 2020.
March 2020.
cliff-edge-or-capitulation-the-options-for-eu-    commentisfree/2020/mar/09/stopped-
uk-trade-negotiations -                           shaking-hands-european-response-
Politico Video killed the Brexit-negotiating
star. Politico, 16 March 2020. https://www.       Financial Times   Boris Johnson’s agenda      is over – a new politics will emerge. FT,
negotiating-star-trade-eu/                        27 March 2020.
The Telegraph        Brexit by the end of the     bf503995cd6f
year will protect UK from Eurozone financial
crisis, senior Brexiteers say. Telegraph, 21      The Guardian Brexit threatens UK’s ability
March 2020.          to respond to a future pandemic. Guardian,
politics/2020/03/21/brexit-end-year-will-         14 March 2020. https://www.theguardian.
protect-uk-eurozone-financial-crisis-senior/      com/world/2020/mar/14/why-brexit-will-

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Statement by the Irish and UK Governments,
20 March 2020.

Irish Times        The Irish Times view on
Brexit: Delay is almost certain. IT, 19 March

Irish Times    Coronavirus: I used to think
Brexit was our biggest crisis. Now I’m
nostalgic for it. IT, 20 March 2020. https://

Tommie Gorman Pandemic is a reminder
we are all in this together. RTE, 29 March

Tony Connelly        Covid-19: Why the EU
is haunted by the euro crisis divisions.
RTE, 28 March 2020.

Further Reading

O’Toole Fintan      Three Years in Hell: The
Brexit Chronicles. Head of Zeus.

                                                BREXIT BRIEF 084 | APR 2020
The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) is Ireland’s leading international affairs think tank.
Founded in 1991, its mission is to foster and shape political, policy and public discourse in order to broaden
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political, business and civil society leaders.

The IIEA is independent of government and all political parties and is a not-for profit organisation with charitable
status. In January 2017, the Global Go To Think Tank Index ranked the IIEA as Ireland’s top think tank.

© Institute of International and European Affairs, April 2020

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