Ethnically Disparate Disease Progression and Outcomes among Acute Rheumatic Fever Patients in New Zealand, 1989-2015 - CDC

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Ethnically Disparate Disease Progression and Outcomes among Acute Rheumatic Fever Patients in New Zealand, 1989-2015 - CDC
Ethnically Disparate Disease
  Progression and Outcomes among
   Acute Rheumatic Fever Patients
     in New Zealand, 1989–2015
            Jane Oliver, Oliver Robertson, Jane Zhang, Brooke L. Marsters, Dianne Sika-Paotonu,
        Susan Jack, Julie Bennett, Deborah A. Williamson, Nigel Wilson, Nevil Pierse, Michael G. Baker

                                                                    chronic rheumatic heart disease (RHD), a serious,
 We investigated outcomes for patients born after 1983
 and hospitalized with initial acute rheumatic fever                sometimes fatal, condition that may require surgery
 (ARF) in New Zealand during 1989–2012. We linked                   (2). Approximately half the children who experience
 ARF progression outcome data (recurrent hospitaliza-               an initial episode of ARF sustain cardiac damage,
 tion for ARF, hospitalization for rheumatic heart dis-             which persists as RHD for ≈15%–50% (3). Repeated
 ease [RHD], and death from circulatory causes) for                 ARF attacks (recurrent ARF) can produce new, and
 1989–2015. Retrospective analysis identified initial                worsen existing, cardiac damage. If long-term pro-
 RHD patients

However, information regarding the extent to which             previous ARF. Ethics approval was provided by the
ARF patients experience poor health outcomes is lim-           University of Otago Human Ethics Committee (HD
ited (18). Patient register data (which includes echo-         17/452), including a waiver of consent to use deiden-
cardiographic records) from Northern Territory, Aus-           tified health data.
tralia, show that RHD developed within 10 years of
a new ARF diagnosis for 61% of indigenous patients             Methods
(19). In New Zealand, ARF is legally notifiable; how-
ever, considerable historic undernotification impairs          Aim 1: Determining Progression of Initial ARF to
the usefulness of surveillance data. Thus, epidemio-           Recurrent ARF, RHD Hospitalization, and Early Death
logic analyses often rely on hospital admission data           In New Zealand, NMDS data with universal use of
in the national minimum dataset (NMDS), which                  the NHI are available from 1988 on (25).; we extracted
contains data on all publicly funded hospitalizations.         hospital admission data for 1989–2015. We extract-
The NDMS is affected by misdiagnosis and miscod-               ed mortality data for 1989–2015 from the national
ing and is estimated to be 80% sensitive for detecting         Mortality Collection, which classifies the underly-
true ARF patients (20). NMDS specificity for identify-         ing cause of death for all registered deaths (26). We
ing RHD is also an issue. Historically, patients who           excluded from analysis non–New Zealand residents
have valve disease without known cause were as-                and all hospital transfers.
signed International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
codes for RHD (21). Analyses of ICD codes for RHD              RHD Dataset
can thus overestimate true cases, particularly in high-        We extracted NMDS data for patients hospitalized with
income countries, where as few as 32% of patients              RHD for the first time during 1989–2015 (Figure 1, Ini-
assigned RHD codes have genuine probable/pos-                  tial RHD). These patients had not previously received
sible RHD (22). The ARF diagnosis can be complex               a diagnosis of RHD or a concurrent diagnosis of ARF.
and easy for clinicians to miss (2). Mild-to-moderate
RHD may not necessitate hospital admission, and                Initial ARF Dataset
outpatient records are not compiled on a national              We extracted NMDS data for patients who were hos-
level. Although it is recommended that persons with            pitalized and assigned a principal diagnosis of ARF
initial or recurrent ARF are hospitalized for optimal          during 1989–2012 (Figure 1, Initial ARF). To maxi-
management (2), adult patients with minimal or no              mize data accuracy and completeness, we excluded
symptoms are often reluctant to be admitted. These             patients born before January 1, 1984. Included pa-
issues make evaluating ARF prevention and control              tients would therefore have been
Ethnically Disparate Acute Rheumatic Fever

Recurrent ARF Dataset                                                  January 1, 2016. We noted when the primary cause of
The encrypted NHI identified all repeated hospi-                       death was attributed to diseases of the circulatory sys-
talizations occurring within 180 days of each other                    tem (Figure 1, Circulatory Death; codes 390–459 from
for which ARF was the principal diagnosis during                       ICD 9th Revision, 100–199 ICD 10th Revision). We
1989–2015 (Figure 1, Recurrent ARF). A data subset                     created a data subset of initial ARF patients who died
for patients with recurrent ARF was created (Figure                    from circulatory causes (Figure 2, panel A).
2, panel A).
                                                                       Any Progression Dataset
RHD Progression Dataset                                                We combined data subsets of patients with initial
We used the encrypted NHI to match persons in the                      ARF who progressed to hospitalization with recur-
initial ARF dataset with the RHD dataset (Figure 1,                    rent ARF or RHD, to circulatory death, or both (Fig-
Progression to Initial RHD). We created a data subset                  ure 1, Progression [Any]). The resulting dataset iden-
of patients with initial ARF that progressed to hospi-                 tified initial ARF patients who experienced disease
talization for RHD (Figure 2, panel A).                                progression before January 1, 2016. We tabulated key
                                                                       demographic and clinical characteristics of patients
ARF Mortality Datasets                                                 who did and did not progress.
We used the encrypted NHI to match the initial ARF
dataset with the Mortality Collection. When a match                    Aim 2: Determining Proportion of RHD Patients
was made, we extracted the date and cause of death.                    with Previous ARF
We identified initial ARF patients who died before                     Initial RHD patients were identified in NMDS data
                                                                       when an ICD code corresponding to RHD (Figure 1,
                                                                       Initial RHD) was applied for the first time as a prin-
                                                                       cipal diagnosis during January 1, 2010–December 31,
                                                                       2015. To maximize chances of detecting the first hos-
                                                                       pitalization with ARF/RHD as a primary diagnosis,
                                                                       we excluded RHD patients >39 years of age. We ap-
                                                                       plied inclusion and exclusion criteria when identify-
                                                                       ing initial RHD patients who had and had not been
                                                                       hospitalized with previous ARF (Figure 2, panel B).
                                                                            We used the 180-day separation to distinguish
                                                                       ARF progression from patients who concurrently had
                                                                       ARF and RHD (aim 1) and from patients with mul-
                                                                       tiple ARF hospitalizations for their first ARF episode
                                                                       (aim 2). When observing ARF progression, patients
                                                                       with ICD code(s) corresponding to initial RHD as
                                                                       principal diagnosis

The NZDep06/NZDep13 classification system mea-
sures socioeconomic deprivation in small geographic
areas by using census data (31). Quintile 1 represents
persons living in the least deprived neighborhoods;
quintile 5, the most deprived neighborhoods.
     To investigate whether reported proportions dif-
fered significantly between groups, we used the χ2
test. We used the Mann-Whitney U test to compare
differences in progression time from initial ARF hos-
pitalization to RHD progression (aim 1) and time from
preceding ARF to initial RHD hospitalization (aim
2). We used Kaplan-Meier modeling to estimate the
probability of disease progression over a theoretical
9,791-day (i.e., 26.8-year) follow-up period by extrapo-
lating observed progression rates. This period was the
maximum time that any person in the dataset was ob-
served. Outcomes were investigated individually and
together as the “any progression” group. Observations
were right censored at the end of the study period.
     Generalized linear models calculated odds ra-
tios (ORs) and 95% CIs of progression outcomes by
selected characteristics. Cox-proportional hazard ra-
tios (HRs) and 95% CIs described whether initial ARF
patients with certain characteristics tended to experi-
ence disease progression sooner than others. We con-
sidered p
Ethnically Disparate Acute Rheumatic Fever

Table 1. Key demographic and clinical characteristics of initial ARF patients born after December 31, 1983, and hospitalized during
1989–2012, New Zealand, outcomes through December 31, 2015*
                                                                                No. (%) patients
                                             Did not      Experienced                                                       Died from
Patient                 All initial ARF experience ARF         ARF        Recurrent ARF            RHD       Died from     circulatory
characteristics         patients, no.     progression     progression      hospitalization   hospitalization any cause       causes
Total                        2,182        1,885 (86.4)     297 (13.6)         142 (6.5)         173 (7.9)     15 (0.7)       8 (0.4)
Age group, y
  0–4                          77          70 (90.9)          7 (9.1)          4 (5.2)            4 (5.2)      1 (1.3)          0
  5–9                         798          694 (87.0)      104 (13.0)         56 (7.0)           55 (6.9)      2 (0.3)       2 (0.3)
  10–14                      1,019         871 (85.5)      148 (14.5)         63 (6.2)           95 (9.3)      1 (0.1)          0
  15–19                       201          174 (86.6)       27 (13.4)         14 (7.0)           13 (6.5)      6 (3.0)       1 (0.5)
  20–29                        87          76 (87.4)        11 (12.6)          5 (5.7)            6 (6.9)      5 (5.7)       5 (5.7)
  M                          1,264        1,123 (88.8)     141 (11.2)         72 (5.7)           78 (6.2)     10 (0.8)       5 (0.4)
  F                           918           762(83.0       156 (17.0)         70 (7.6)          95 (10.3)      5 (0.5)       3 (0.3)
Ethnicity (prioritized)
  Māori                      1,189        1,025 (86.2)     164 (13.8)         80 (6.7)           97 (8.2)      8 (0.7)       4 (0.3)
  Pacific Islander            795          681 (85.7)      114 (14.3          50 (6.3)           68 (8.6)      6 (0.8)        4 (0.5
  European/other              198          179 (90.4)        19 (9.6)          12 6.1)            8 (4.0)      1 (0.5)          0
NZDep06 quintile
  1                            68          59 (86.8)         9 (13.2)          5 (7.4)           9 (13.2)         0             0
  2                           102          88 (86.3)        14 (13.7)          6 (5.9)            5 (4.9)         0             0
  3                           187          155 (82.9)       32 (17.1)         11 (5.9)           12 (6.4)      2 (1.1)       2 (1.1)
  4                           353          315 (89.2)       38 (10.8)         19 (5.4)           22 (6.2)      3 (0.8)       1 (0.3)
  5                          14,60        1,259 (86.2)     201 (13.8)         99 (6.8)          124 (8.5)     10 (0.7)       5 (0.3)
  Unknown                      12           9 (75.0)         3 (25.0)         2 (16.7)            1 (8.3)         0             0
  No                         1,050         951 (90.6)        99 (9.4)         59 (5.6)           48 (4.6)      5 (0.5)       1 (0.1)
  Yes                        1,132         934 (82.5)      198 (17.5)         83 (7.3)         125 (11.0)     10 (0.9)       7 (0.6)
*ARF, acute rheumatic fever; NZDep06 index, 2006 New Zealand Deprivation Index; RHD, rheumatic heart disease.

     The overall probability of experiencing disease                      ties and occurred sooner (HR 2.54, 95% CI 1.27–5.10
progression (to hospitalization with recurrent ARF/                       for Māori; HR 2.53, 95% CI 1.27–5.05 for Pacific Is-
RHD or to circulatory death) within a theoretical                         landers). Initial ARF patients with carditis were more
9,791 days from the initial ARF hospitalization was                       likely to experience RHD (OR 5.19, 95% CI 3.52–7.89)
24.0%. When progression outcomes were considered                          than those without carditis. Patients with initial ARF
individually, the probability of recurrent ARF hospi-                     whose condition progressed to recurrent ARF were
talization was 23.5%, as was the probability of being                     more likely to experience progression to hospitaliza-
hospitalized for RHD. The risk for death was low:                         tion for RHD than patients who did not experience re-
1.0% (Figure 3).                                                          current ARF (OR 3.10, 95% CI 2.07-4.55). Small patient
                                                                          numbers meant that no factors predicted circulatory
Aim 1B: Risk Factors for Progression from Initial ARF                     death, with the exception of carditis (OR 6.52, 95% CI
Risk for disease progression was higher for Māori                         1.16–122.00; Appendix Table 2).
(OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.10–2.67) and Pacific Islander (OR
2.12, 95% CI 1.37–3.39) patients than for persons of                      Aim 2: Proportion of Initial RHD Patients
European or other ethnicities. Progression occurred                       with Preceding ARF
sooner for Māori (HR 1.89, 95% CI 1.24–2.88) and                          A total of 3,836 patients were hospitalized with RHD
Pacific Islander (HR 2.35, 95% CI 1.54–3.60) patients.                    during 2010–2015; of these, 435 patients with initial
Disease progression was twice as likely for patients                      RHD met the inclusion criteria (Figure 2, panel B), 102
with carditis (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.57–2.54) than without                    of whom were also included in the initial ARF data-
carditis, and progression occurred sooner (HR 1.94,                       set for aim 1. Most patients were female (229, 52.6%),
95% CI 1.55–2.43). We noted no significant differences                    Pacific Islander (207, 47.6%), or Māori (176, 40.5%)
in risk for disease progression by sex, age, or NZDep                     and were from the most deprived neighborhoods
06 quintile (Table 2). No factors in Table 2 were found                   (271 [62.3%] NZDep13 quintile 5). Previous hospi-
to be significant predictors of recurrent ARF.                            talization for ARF (i.e., >180 days before initial RHD
     Risk for disease progression to RHD hospitaliza-                     hospitalization) was detected for 77 patients (17.8%;
tion was higher for Māori (OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.09–4.52)                     Figure 2, panel B). Of the 335 initial RHD patients

    Of the Māori patients, 21.6% were previously               reported for indigenous patients in Australia (19).
hospitalized for ARF, as were 18.4% of Pacific Island-         This difference probably reflects multiple factors, in-
er patients. A significantly lower proportion (1.9%) of        cluding difficulty delivering consistent medical treat-
patients of European and other ethnicities were pre-           ment in remote areas and use of echocardiography
viously hospitalized for ARF (p0.05; Appendix Figure 1).                                   outcomes for female patients warrant investigation.
                                                                     More than 80% of young initial RHD patients had
Discussion                                                     not been previously hospitalized for ARF, which indi-
This study demonstrates concerning ethnic inequities           cates that many ARF patients do not come to clinical
in ARF progression. By the end of the study period,            attention and miss prophylactic treatment. Increasing
14% of initial ARF patients (with no concurrent RHD)           public and clinician awareness of ARF, echocardio-
had experienced progression to recurrent ARF, RHD,             graphic screening for high-risk children, and new di-
or circulatory death. However, ARF progression was             agnostic tools may improve case identification (24,42).
approximately twice as likely for Māori and Pacific            If a clear prognostic benefit is demonstrated from echo-
Islander patients and occurred approximately twice             cardiography screening programs, this finding may
more rapidly. It is concerning that of 435 initial RHD         strongly support the use of targeted screening among
Ethnically Disparate Acute Rheumatic Fever

Table 2. Factors influencing the likelihood of disease progression to recurrent ARF, hospitalization for RHD, or circulatory death after
hospitalization for initial ARF, New Zealand, 1989–2015*
                                                                          Patient progression from initial ARF
Factor                                             Cox-proportional model, HR (95% CI)         Generalized linear model, OR (95% CI)
Age group, y

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                                                                         Address for correspondence: Jane Oliver, University of
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                                Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 27, No. 7, July 2021                              1901
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