BRINGING BACK THE 1960s - Renovation captures mid-century magic - H Home gym or - Neighbourly

Page created by Raymond Bryant
Picnic picksks
                Alfresco dining

February 2019

                                  H      gym or
                                  Weighing where
                                    you work out

                BACK THE
                Renovation captures
                 mid-century magic
2                   Wednesday, February 6, 2019

On the cover                                                                                      Information helps inspiration
                                                Picnic picksks
                                               Alfresco dining

                February 2019

                                                                 Home   gym or
                                                                 Wei      where
                                                                   y work out

                                              BACK THE
                                               Renovation captures

                                                                                                          ast week, as I examined a bird’s nest
                                                mid-century magic
                                                                                                          blown out of a tree by a gale, it
                                                                                                          occurred to me that even sparrows
                                                                                                          like to make their home ‘just so’.
                                                                                                      The owner of that nest went to a great deal
                                                                                                  of trouble to create it – picking up twigs,
                                                                                                  hairs, mystery fibres and scraps of paper that
                                                                                                  were just the right size before weaving them
                                                                                                  all together. I even recognised a few dropped
                                                                                                  needles from a fake Christmas tree in the
Fiona and Andy McLeod renovated their                                                                 Our homes say so much about us and
Mt Pleasant home after earthquakes took their                                                     social media means we can now find
previous one.                                                                                     inspiration for our private spaces from a          The McLeods love the clean lines of the mid-century modern
   They now have a mid-century home with a                                                        stranger’s private space on the other side of      style.                                     IAIN MCGREGOR/STUFF
groovy interior. Read about it on pages 6-7.                                                      the world. When it comes to interior design,
                                                                                                  the world really is our oyster...or alabaster or
                                                                                                  egg shell.                                         wanting to draw on lots of different styles,
Advertising: Danny Schroder                                                                           There’s a wealth of inspiration to be had      though their challenge is making them all                                                        Published by    out there (and in here) and it can be a tad        work harmoniously together.
Editorial: Joanna Davis                                                           The Press, a    overwhelming to try to identify what style or         This issue has inspiration but also
                                                                                  division of                                                          Stuff.          theme you really want in your home – the           information to hopefully help you navigate
                                                                                                  eclectics among us have the advantage of           your own decision-making. Enjoy.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019              3
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Flamingo bottle
                                                                                                                                                                                                    opener, $29.95 from

                                                                                                                                           Nel Lusso
                                       French Bull Glamo dinner plate,                                                                     Botswana
                                             $17.95 from Until.                                                                            glasses, $19.90
                       Eva Solo                                                                                                            each from Iko
                       picnic flask,                                                                                                       Iko,
                       $85 from

                                                                    Summer living
                                                                         Life is a picnic, so make it memorable.

 Sunnylife inflatable beach pillow,                                                                                                                                    Classic Panama hat $190 from Citta.
  $24.95 from Green with Envy,                                                                                                                                                                            Philippi Wave four-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      piece barbecue set,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                $149 from
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Studio of
                                                                                                        Chiller bag, $35                                                                                       Tableware,
                                                                                                        from Citta,

Bodil bamboo
plates, $57 for set
of four from Amara,                         Lobster wine bag, $17            Sunnylife Cactus bottle opener, $24.90 from                                   from Crave,                                 Allium,

                                                                                                                                                        F E B RUA RY

                                                                                                                  INSPIRING HOME LIFE

                                                                                                                    3 CREATIVE
                                                                                                                   WOMEN AND
                                                                                                                                            Kiwi homes that love the outdoors
                                                                                                                   THEIR HOME
                                                                                                                        PAGE 88
                                                                                                                                                                                 MANSION  PAGE 16

                                                                                                                         PAGE 32

                                                                                                                                                                                & LUSCIOUS
                                                                                                                                                                               STONE FRUIT
                                                                                                                                      Add pi zazz
                                                                                                                                   TO YOUR OUTDOOR SPACE
                                                                                                                                                                                    PAGE 125

                                                                                                                                             PAGE 118

                                                                                                                                   NZ House & Garden
                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY ISSUE
                                                                                                                           ON SALE NOW
4       Wednesday, February 6, 2019

    Home is
    the art is
  Four interior design experts give their tips on how to
       rejuvenate the living spaces in your home.
                                                                                            Statement wallpaper can look great in the smallest room but also adds interest to larger spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                            JANE USSHER/STUFF

    t is sometimes said there is nothing new in            Velvet is always in style and variations run
    interior design, just new twists on the old.        from soft matt cotton velvets to glamorous sheens
                                                                                                                                    Ryan Twomey, senior
    Four local designers with their finger on the       and crushed seasonal favourites.                                            interior architect at
    ‘‘what’s hot’’ pulse weighed in with what they         Living Coral – the 2019 Pantone Colour of the
believe we should be seeing in our homes this year.     Year – brings a touch of warmth and sophistication
                                                                                                                                    Frobisher Interiors
   Their suggestions will help ensure your interior     to your home. If coral isn’t your thing, don’t be                              1. Statement wallpaper
style is on-trend, on target and sustainable.           afraid to indulge in a rich deeper burnished                                   We are definitely seeing statement wallpapers
                                                        terracotta version or lighten it up to a warm blush.                        in our homes, but unfortunately a lot of these
                                                        Other colours to consider include sapphire blues,                           amazing wallpapers end up in the smallest rooms.
Amber Hamilton from                                     emerald greens, gold, pewter and champagne.                                 This needs to change; I hope we see papers used in
Amber Hamilton Design                                      3. Potted plants                                                         the large and public spaces of our homes.
                                                           Indoor plants have been popular throughout the                              2. Asian antiques
1.Outdoor fabrics inside                                decades from the aspidistra in Victorian times to                              Asian pieces, used well and blended with other
   The latest outdoor fabrics are soft with beautiful   rubber plants and maidenhair ferns in the 1970s                             furniture styles, can look absolutely amazing.
textures, patterns and colours; they will make you      and 1980s.                                                                  Asian armoires are a firm favourite, as are
wonder why you never thought of using them for             Palm varieties add a sense of calm, texture and                          Japanese room screens used as installation
indoor areas prone to sun fade.                         the natural environment to your home. Choose a                              artworks or as bedheads
   My favourites come from Mokum, Designs of            palm with soft fronds and try grouping a variety of                            3. Industrial style kitchens
the Time, Atelier and Unique.                           species and heights to give lush green tranquillity                            This trend has been around for a long time, but I
   2. Velvet                                            to your living areas.                                                       just can’t get it enough of it. I’m hoping to see more
Wednesday, February 6, 2019     5

                                                                                                                                                                         Grouping a
                                                                                                                                                                         variety of
                                                                                                                                                                         species of
                                                                                                                                                                         potted plants
                                                                                                                                                                         gives a lush
                                                                                                                                                                         TESSA CHRISP/

Industrial-style kitchens are an enduring trend.

of this look coming through in preference to the          replaceable furniture that may last just a year or      and for our personal health. I think it’s really       Asian pieces can
minimalistic and always perfect look.                     two. We have many New Zealand companies that            important to embrace this where you can in your        add beautiful
                                                          are clever and manufacture quality furniture in a       own home without going all hippy about it.             detail.
                                                          range of timbers and designs that last the distance.       Wool carpet has a sense of perceived luxury,
Angelique Armstrong from                                                                                          especially since nylon carpet has taken the soft
Armstrong Interiors                                       Jane Swinard,                                           flooring world by storm. There are some beautiful
                                                                                                                  loop pile wools with amazing organic textures. And
    1.Tan leather                                         Interior stylist and colourist                          don’t forget sisal and seagrass.
    We love tan leather and it is making a                                                                           Wooden floors – solid and engineered – are
comeback. It is timeless and it makes a statement.            1.Green statements                                  always on trend. Oiled finishes in a variety of
Mixed with the right colour interiors, tan leather            Green is always fresh and representative of a       colours are becoming increasingly popular and if
pops and becomes a feature in any room.                   broader environmental consciousness. I like to use      you’re looking for life after plank floors, consider
    2. Fresh flowers                                      it teamed in its different shades. Wool, linen and      the European classics from centuries ago of
    It’s the time of the year to pick scented flowers     velvet are beautiful used this way. If you are          chevron and herringbone.
from the garden and bring them inside. A vase of          looking for a colour accent with greens, especially        3. Statement pieces
fresh flowers looks stunning. A small posy bowl, a        my current favourite ‘‘olive’’, try burnt orange or        Create space to be bold somewhere in your
single stem or a large bouquet – as long as it’s fresh    mustard yellow. It takes green beyond earthy and        home, especially with art. For example, a large
it is always special.                                     makes it ping.                                          painting or a sculpture sensitively displayed. This
    3. New Zealand-made furniture                             2. Things natural                                   can often be an investment if buying new but
    It is time to be kind to our environment. I would         Ethical-sourcing and sustainability are part of     second hand shops often yield special pieces that
love to see people make an effort to stop buying          our everyday language, important for the planet         can be reframed or remounted.

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6        Wednesday, February 6, 2019

        magic      When their Richmond bungalow was
                   red-zoned, Andy and Fiona McLeod set
                      about creating their Mt Pleasant
                       surprise, writes Joanna Davis.

         iona and Andy McLeod gave themselves a
         tight deadline when they began
         renovations on their Mt Pleasant home –
                                                         ‘‘I spent a lot of time in the retro
         their second baby was due within months.
   ‘‘We bought it [in 2012] after our home on the flat
                                                         category on Trade Me.’’
in Richmond was red-zoned. Our bungalow slid             Fiona McLeod
towards the river,’’ Andy says.
   ‘‘The amazing views were the main appeal,
which we weren’t used to coming from the flat.’’         but then kept permanently locked – until the
   When it was time to renovate, they wanted to do       budget allowed for decking to go up just in time for
so while keeping the house’s mid-century modern          this summer.
feel. The main goal was to make it more                      Andy says while broader aspects of the design
comfortable to live in.                                  were his domain, Fiona had a really good eye for
   ‘‘It was freezing when it was cold and boiling        the 1960s/ 1970s era decor they wanted.
when it was hot,’’ Andy says. ‘‘We were living with          ‘‘I spent a lot of time in the retro category on
Fiona’s parents right next door – also part of the       Trade Me,’’ Fiona admits.
appeal of this property – there’s even a hole and            Some of her best finds were a TV stand and a
gate through the hedge.’’                                black swivel armchair that perfectly fitted the era,
   Because of the pregnancy due date deadline (for       as well as an orange and white cylindrical cabinet
Pixie, now five), the renovation proceeded in a way      that sits by the stairs. The colour orange was a
that Andy, an architectural designer with Young          natural fit and one they’ve repeated in various
Architects, describes as ‘‘totally against what I        ways throughout the decor.
recommend to a client’’.                                     ‘‘We’ve got to stop though,’’ Andy says. ‘‘It’s
   ‘‘We were designing and doing the                     becoming more than an accent.’’
documentation as we built it,’’ Andy says.                   They kept lighting soft, as befits the mid-
   ‘‘I’d be up in the office drawing plans for the       century feel.
kitchen, sometimes the night before the builders             ‘‘What’s special is that most of it is wall lighting
did their thing.’’                                       rather than down lights in the ceiling,’’ Fiona says.
   Because of this pressured turn-around, the            ‘‘It’s not harsh like modern lighting. It’s a nice
McLeods say they had to make sure the                    softer kind of light.’’
renovations didn’t require building consent.                 Some of the wall lights are the original ones that
   ‘‘It was all exempted under schedule one of the       were already in the house.
Building Act,’’ Andy says.                                   ‘‘The electrician tried to convince us that we
   Renovations included double glazing timber            could get new ones but we were determined to get
windows, replacing aluminium joinery with                them working.’’
timber, dropping and replacing the ceiling to allow          The ply ceiling is another feature they
for wool insulation above, removal of a non-load-        particularly love.
bearing wall to open up the kitchen, solar panels            ‘‘That was a nod to what was already there,’’
for water heating, and a new kitchen and                 Andy says. ‘‘The existing ceiling was timber
bathroom.                                                sarking (tongue and groove). While we would have
   They also painted and carpeted throughout.            loved to replicate it, it was out of our budget.’’
   Andy says removing the kitchen wall was a                 The family, including Quinn, 8, Pixie, 5 and
major improvement as it gave a view ‘‘right out to       Fletcher the dog, is loving living in their renovated
the alps’’.                                              home. It’s a bonus having grandparents right next
   The new paint and carpet also freshened it up         door, and Quinn is attending the same school
perfectly.                                               Fiona did as a child.
   ‘‘Pretty much every surface you see is new,               Andy says the renovation has not turned the
whereas from the outside it’s still a bit of an ugly     house into a ‘‘precious home’’.
duckling.                                                    ‘‘We’ve focused on comfort, and making it
   ‘‘We’ll get to that as budget allows.’’               something liveable,’’ he says. ‘‘It’s certainly not a
   Budget constraints also meant a set of new            show-home but it suits a family with two young             The Jimi Hendrix picture was "tucked away upstairs" for a long time until
timber sliding doors facing north were installed         children and a dog.’’                                      Fiona realised how perfect it was for the house.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019        7

                                                                                                                            The tahr head mount is borrowed from Andy’s father, who shot it on a
                                                                                                                            hunting trip at Lake Tekapo. Looking out to the estuary and sea beyond, it
                                                                                                                            has the "best view of any tahr in Christchurch", Andy says.

                                                                                                                            Most of the rooms have a view, either over the city or of the estuary and
                                                                                                                            across to the sea.

The McLeods have reclaimed this area they call the ‘‘look-out’’ from their children, and now use it for morning cups of
tea and ‘‘a cold beer in the evening’’.                                                     PHOTOS: IAIN MCGREGOR/STUFF

                                                                                                                            Quinn, 8, is able to attend the same Mt Pleasant school his mother attended.

The perforated ply panels in the kitchen ceiling are there to soak up some of the acoustics since the kitchen is all hard   Some of the furniture was bought on Trade Me.
8        Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How to be bold and beautiful
Ten design rules to stick to when you are
decorating a space.

                            he saying goes that you must first know the
                            rules before you can break them. And
                            though we love the irreverence of tossing
                            the design rule book out the window, there
                   are some guidelines that make the task of
                   decorating a space a little easier and more
                   foolproof. Few know this better than interior
                   designers, who are well-versed in using decorating
                   tricks to transform an empty space into an
                   inspiring and unique home.
                       Here 10 top interior designers share rules worth
                   following for a statement interior. Whether you’re
                   starting a renovation from scratch or are looking
                   to make a couple of small but high-impact changes                                                                                                        Be bold and
                   to your existing home, these expert-approved tips                                                                                                        brave with
                   will guide you to get it right every time. Commit                                                                                                        colour for
                   these 10 rules to memory for a flawless home                                                                                                             instant wow
                   inspired by advice from the best in the business.
                                                                                                                                                                            BELINDA MERRIE/
                   Mix textures
                   If you can’t understand why your space feels
                   lacking, interior designer Angie Hranowsky                overhead pendant, can feel two-dimensional.            accessories such as a quirky bowl or statement
                   recommends adding different textures, via accents         ‘‘Lighting will elevate the mood of any room,’’ says   vase, says interior designer Grant K Gibson.
                   such as rugs, throws, or accent cushions.                 Consort Design’s Mat Sanders. ‘‘Be sure to have        ‘‘Don’t be afraid to take some chances to make bold
                       ‘‘Always mix materials and add texture – metal        light coming from multiple sources, not just           statements, updating classic, timeless elements to
                   mixed with wood, or rattan or natural woven               overhead. Find creative places for an extra floor      make them current and your own,’’ he says.
                   fabrics with lacquered furniture or walls, for            lamp, sconce, or empty corner where a small table
                   example,’’ she says.                                      lamp could reside for added glow.’’                    Start with a simple base
                                                                                                                                    ‘‘Anytime you’ve got brick walls and they’re
                   Layer lighting                                            Take risks with accessories                            keeping you from using the colour scheme you
                   Rooms with one type of lighting, such as a single         Adverse to taking risks? Start small, with             really want, kick that brackish brownish-red to the

Bowranda                                                                                                                                                 Advertising feature

Extend your outdoor living with a Bowranda roof
With summer underway, it is            space that provides shelter from      unduly darken the adjacent                                                     The intentional square profile
the perfect time to step back and      the elements, it offers a desirable   interior.                                                                  of the roof line and vertical posts
look at how you can get the most       compromise for anyone who                The Bowranda is not just a                                              ensures aesthetic conformity
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   Whether hosting family and          weather extremes.                     a standout among other forms of                                                The Bowranda roof is
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   The Bowranda roof is the               This provides reliable protec-     rain.                                and preserves ambient light.          ❚ For more information, phone 0800
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   As a permanent outdoor              shade composites, it will not         Bowranda has a structural            comes with a 10-year guarantee.       happy owners.

                                                                                                              ● Immediately increase the value of your home
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Wednesday, February 6, 2019       9

                                                                                                                                                                       If your room’s looking a little flat, trying mixing and
                                                                                                                                                                       matching textures through throws or accessories to add
                                                                                                                                                                       warmth and depth.                           JANE USSHER/STUFF

curb by painting the brick white,’’ says Brian                      small spaces should always opt for items that offer                           If all else fails,   item really resonates with your sense of style. If the
Patrick Flynn of Flynnside Out Productions.                         form and function.                                                            remember rules       answer is yes, you’ll always have a place for it,
   ‘‘A lot of people are against this, and there are                   ‘‘Use every square inch of space in creative                               were made to be      regardless of trends.
some rules to follow. If the surfaces are super                     ways – especially in a small home where you can’t                             broken and go
                                                                                                                                                  for whatever
historic and the brick has tons of character, maybe                 have a lot of clutter. Include pieces that are as                                                  Be bold with paint colours
                                                                                                                                                  works for you.
keep it as is, but if the brick is just contractor-grade            functional as they are sculptural and interesting,’’                          JANE USSHER/         Looking for a surefire way to give a room instant
hogwash, and it’s forcing you to live in a marsala-                 he says.                                                                      STUFF                wow factor? ‘‘When in doubt, make a dark room
toned nightmare, bye-bye, brown brick.’’                                                                                                                               darker,’’ says interior designer Scot Meacham
                                                                    Seek symmetry                                                                                      Wood. ‘‘One should always enhance a space’s
Always measure your space                                           Kelly Wearstler’s creations might challenge                                                        natural atmosphere.’’
Before you add that dreamy daybed to your cart, be                  traditional design rules, but there’s one thing she
sure to measure your space.                                         always adheres to: symmetry.                                                                       Defy the rules
    ‘‘Measure twice, buy once’’ is the mantra                          ‘‘There should always be a hierarchy of                                                         Now that you’ve mastered the basics, design
Jennifer Jones of Niche Interiors adheres to.                       elements within the space,’’ she says. ‘‘Even the                                                  powerhouse Nate Berkus wants you to take risks
    ‘‘Scale can make or break your space. Pay close                 most maximalist rooms should possess a cohesive                                                    and follow your gut to create a truly unique home.
attention to the size of furniture pieces in relation               dialogue with well-balanced, thoughtful                                                               ‘‘The best interiors are always the ones where
to the room. Always map out the larger items, such                  dimensions.’’                                                                                      people have not followed any rules. Reach for what
as sofas and rugs, before purchasing.’’                                                                                                                                you love, not what your best friend or the latest
                                                                    Invest in pieces you love                                                                          design trend is telling you,’’ he says. ‘‘That being
Don’t forgo function                                                If you only follow one rule, Lilly Bunn says it                                                    said, there are rules about scale that will always
We’re all for buying a beautiful, sculptural piece of               should be this: ‘‘The only real rule in decorating is                                              apply. Once you get that right, though, you can
furniture that has instant visual impact, but                       to buy things that you love.’’                                                                     then go ahead and break as many rules as you
interior designer Jeff Andrews says those with                          Before you make a purchase, ask yourself if the                                                want.’’ Copy that. – domain-com-au

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10          Wednesday, February 6, 2019

                                                                                                                                                                       The classic Noguchi
                                                                                                                                                                              coffee table.
                                                                                                                                                                     MATISSE INTERNATIONAL

      by design
                                                                                                                                          Durable, versatile and
We take a look at three classic
pieces of furniture and tell you                                                                                                          stylish, the Louis Ghost
what you need to know about                                                                                                               chair is considered to be
spotting the genuine article                                                                                                              feminine and masculine in
when looking for a statement                                                                                                              form, and futuristic in its
investment piece for your
home.                                                                                                                                     materiality.

        lassic design pieces make great investment                                                                                      and futuristic in its materiality. Here’s a chair that
        pieces if your budget stretches to the real                                                                                     can be used at a desk, pulled up to a dining table or
        deal.                                                                                                                           taken into the great outdoors, and is beautifully
                                                                                                                                        ethereal in any setting.
Noguchi coffee table                                                                                                                        It’s not easy to emulate the crystalline brilliance
Isamu Noguchi is often remembered for the fairly                                                                                        of the Kartell aesthetic and copies can appear
humble three-legged coffee table that bears his                                                                                         milky instead. An original has no joints or
name. Noguchi was the son of a Japanese poet and                                                                                        bindings and is strong and flexes. Look also for the
a Scottish/American writer and, as such,                                                                                                embossed mark on the seat – genuine articles will
considered himself an internationalist.                                                                                                 have a date, Kartell branding and the designer’s
    The designer made his prototype table from                                                                                          signature.
objet trouve – its organic, fluid shape epitomised
the zeitgeist of the time and comprised a free-form                                                                                     Arco lamp
sheet of heavy sheet glass on top of two curved,                                                                                        Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni only had
interlocking legs set at right angles.                                                                                                  eyes for the lighter side of life when they
    The first commercially produced examples were                                                                                       introduced the Arco floor lamp to the world in 1962.
introduced to the market by Michigan-based                                                                                              Its graceful arc seemed to easily span the decades
furniture company Herman Miller in 1947.                                                                                                so that this mid-century design for lighting
    Since then the table has received worldwide                                                                                         company Flos has a continuing place in our homes.
accolades. It has been called poetic and ‘‘haiku-                                                                                           Form and function truly do collide in the Arco.
esque’’, achieving enduring appeal in just a few                                                                                        The Castiglionis were industrial designers, and it
‘‘brush strokes’’.                                                                                                                      all began when they noticed that many buildings
    Loved by mid-century fans, it may also find                                                                                         had electrical outputs in the middle of the ceiling,
favour with families who appreciate the curves           This Arco-styled lamp resembles a silver-stalked poppy.   TESSA CHRISP/STUFF   which weren’t necessarily positioned over the
and absence of sharp edges. Much-copied, the                                                                                            centre of the dining table.
genuine article starts at about $3200 and is                                                                                                They put their heads together to craft a standing
considered an investment piece. Secondhand-                                                                                             light that would do the job, without the base getting
buyers should look for the designer’s signature                                                                                         in the way. Modelled on a street lamp, the
etched into the longest edge of the glass top – it’s a                                                                                  telescopic arm of the Arco stretches over two
subtle but definite sign of authenticity. The                                                                                           metres – problem solved. Except for one thing. How
designer’s initials are also carved into a medallion                                                                                    to counter-balance that fabulous stem and its
beneath one of the legs.                                                                                                                flower-like head? The answer was a heavy block of
                                                                                                                                        Carrara marble. As Achille Castiglioni explained,
Louis Ghost chair                                                                                                                       marble took up less space than concrete – the
The Louis Ghost chair has become an icon and as                                                                                         brothers’ first thought – and they could achieve a
such, has been copied and mass-produced. But it                                                                                         better finish for a lower cost.
wasn’t the Louis that was supposed to capture                                                                                               There are tricks to spotting the real thing. Look
public attention, it was La Marie, the chair’s                                                                                          through the perforated openings on the lamp
predecessor. Released in 1998, this straight-backed                                                                                     casing for the company logo (Flos) around the edge
chair was the world’s first to be made from a single                                                                                    of the bulb fitting. The casing itself should swivel
mould in polycarbonate. But it was only when                                                                                            around so that the light can be angled in any
Philippe Starck ‘‘ghosted’’ the design of an 18th-                                                                                      direction.
century Louis XVI upholstered armchair and                                                                                                  Also, check the stem has a satin aluminium
produced it in transparent plastic that Kartell had                                                                                     finish and comes in three sections.
a real winner on its hands.                                                                                                                 Finally, make sure the base is actual marble.
   Durable, versatile and stylish, the chair is                                                                                         Artificial marble-look products tend to have a
considered to be feminine and masculine in form,         Original Louis Ghost chairs have no joints or bindings.                        consistent colour and a repeat in the pattern.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019              11

Home Portfolio                                            Advertising feature
                                                                                              Q        “Where does all the steam go?”
                                                                                              A        “That’s an easy one. There isn’t any!
                                                                                                       Steam is only
                                                                                                       created when
                                                                                                       you mix warm
                                                                                                       moist air, with
                                                                                                       cold air.
                                                                                                       shower top is the
                                                                                                       barrier between
                                                                                                       those two
                                                                                                       air masses,
                                                                                                       which means
                                                                                                       no steam in your
                                                                                                       shower, or your bathroom

Showerdome® shower tops prevent steam in bathrooms so homes stay drier,
warmer and in better condition.

Protect your home                                                                             AU-8037762AB
                                                                                                                                      Phone (03) 385 4817
                                                                                                                                   For more information visit

with Showerdome                                                                                    430 ST ASAPH STREET
         ealthy homes are in the spotlight     effectively they could pay for themselves
         with new rules for rentals requir-    in as little as two years.
         ing a minimum standard of
insulation from the start of July.
                                                   Dr James Carson, of the university’s
                                               science and engineering department,
                                                                                                                              RECOVER YOUR
   But there is more to a warm, dry home       independently studied the shower tops                                         LOVED FURNITURE
than the wrapping – what goes into a           over eight months to account for both
space counts just as much. It is here a        summer and winter conditions. His
Showerdome® shower top is so effective.        results showed that as well as lowered                                                   No job too
   The ingenious domes fit over showers        humidity, air temperatures were
to eliminate steam in the bathroom and         sustained much more easily.                                                              big or small
from drifting into the rest of the house.          ‘‘Depending on the consumer’s use of
   This holds damaging moisture and            electric heaters to preheat or dry out a
mould at bay while keeping air drier so        bathroom, plus their use of heated towel
that rooms are easier to heat and power        rails, the Showerdome® could save a
bills lowered.                                 consumer hundreds of dollars per year,’’
   Available in 13 sizes to fit a wide range   he concluded.
of shower types, Showerdome® shower                Showerdome®         chief    executive
tops are one of the simplest ways to           Maurice O’Reilly says a lot of customers
achieve a healthier home – not to men-         also speak of a reduced need for home
tion keep bathroom mirrors steam-free          maintenance and improved health,
and ready for use when you want.               especially among allergy sufferers.                           Still able to offer you the finest
   Designed       in     New        Zealand,       ‘‘Many have said their wallpaper
Showerdome® shower tops were created
to tackle the country’s nagging problem
                                               doesn’t peel any more, mould and mildew
                                               doesn’t grow in the bathroom and the
                                                                                                                 top quality new furniture
of excessive condensation in bathrooms         house doesn’t feel as damp,’’ he says.
and elsewhere.
   They cost $299 and can be profession-
                                                   Coming with a lifetime guarantee, the
                                               acrylic domes remain clear and untainted
                                                                                                                    Visit us online
ally fitted in just a couple of hours for      by heat or sunlight.

$135, or supplied for do-it-yourself               Users don’t have to wait to appreciate
installation.                                  the quality of the product, though. From
   The benefits last decades. The proven
record of Showerdome® has seen sales
                                               the first use there is an abrupt drop-off in
                                               the need for mirror demisters and noisy                               P. 371 7500
expand from the company’s manufactur-          bathroom fans.
ing base in Tauranga to around the                 Without the creep of mould and per-
world.                                         sistent moisture over winter, spring            Hours of Business: 7am-4.30pm Mon-Thurs
   The shower tops work by placing a           cleaning is easier and homes are more
barrier between the hot, wet air inside        easily maintained.
                                                                                                            Fri 8am to midday
the shower and the cool, relatively dry air
in the rest of the bathroom. Steam and
                                                   For positive health outcomes, energy
                                               efficiency and reduced property mainten-
                                                                                                or by appointment with Keith 027 566 3909
condensation is formed when the                ance, Showerdome® offers perhaps the
differing environments meet, so without        most discreet and cost-effective home in-
that interaction rooms stay free of foggy      vestment you can make.
moisture and wet walls.
   Researchers at the University of            ❚ For more information, contact Showerdome®                   QUALITY FURNITURE SPECIALISTS
Waikato tested the claims and found            South on 03 385 4817 or visit them online at
Showerdome® shower tops worked so                                  RE - UPHOLSTERY SPECIALISTS KEITH HARTSHORNE 0275 663 909
12   Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Home Portfolio                                          Advertising feature

Trends Kitchens were tasked with creating a fresh, bright look with this kitchen
renovation. They ended up with incredibly happy clients too.

Kitchen experts
always on trend
       uilding a new home or renovating
       your existing home gives you the      As well as quality
       opportunity to design a kitchen
with functionality and style that is
unique to you. So, where’s the best place
                                             products and
                                             construction, Trends
                                                                                                                      N  EV  E R
to start?
                                             Kitchens make sure                                                             OR
   Trends Kitchens’ showroom at 34A
Parkhouse Rd, Sockburn, is the ideal         their installation is                                                    SCRUB G
                                                                                                                              EE YO SS
                                                                                                                       SQUEE       A
                                                                                                                             ER GL
place to gain inspiration and get expert
                                             first-rate, too. They                                                                     !
                                                                                                                       SHOW                  AGAIN
   There’s not one but two showrooms
onsite, where you can browse a range of      employ their own
display kitchens and product samples and
                                             installers to ensure
pick up a copy of their informative
brochure.                                    every kitchen is                                                          Nano Protect your
   Trends Kitchens have been creating
quality joinery in Christchurch for over     finished to their                                                          Shower Glass
20 years, making them highly experi-                                                                                    Maintains a permanent
enced at managing kitchen projects.          exacting standards.                                                      Nanotechnology Mesh
They’ll take care of the entire process,
from design through to manufacture and       products have 10-year or lifetime                                                layer on the
installation.                                warranties, and Trends’ own workman-
                                                                                                                       surface for easy care and
   Your first consultation with a Trends     ship is guaranteed for 10 years.                             20
Kitchens designer is dedicated to getting       It’s often the things you don’t see in a                              non staining protection
to know you. Your designer will discuss      kitchen that make all the difference, and                          vas    Protect your new or existing
your requirements, design ideas, and how     with Trends Kitchens you’ll find that
you envisage life in your new kitchen.       quality fittings come standard.                                   ch         shower and receive a
This way, Trends can ensure your new            All their cupboards and drawers are                                         written warranty.
kitchen will fit your lifestyle as well as   constructed using quality Hettich soft-
your space.                                  close hinges, and the drawers have
   To make the most of your available        integrated soft-close dampeners. The best
space, all Trends Kitchens cabinetry is      kitchen is one that’s a dream to work in!
custom made to fit your exact                   As well as quality products and con-                                                    We get your
measurements. They never use modular         struction, Trends Kitchens make sure
                                                                                                Vi                                      milky/spotted
cabinets, so precious space won’t be         their installation is first-rate, too. They      rece     20               Visit our
                                                                                                                                        shower glass
wasted with unnecessary filler panels. It    employ their own installers to ensure                    va        ch    stand at the
also means their designers can be a bit      every kitchen is finished to their exacting                                 Home            looking like
more creative.                               standards.                                                               Idea Centre        new again.
   When it comes to product choice,             If a new kitchen is in your plans for         Ex
Trends Kitchens have everything              2019, then get in touch with Trends
covered. They offer top New Zealand          Kitchens today. With expert designers,
                                                                                                     va        $145
brands and unique products from around       custom manufacture and a wide range of
the world.                                   product options, Trends can create a
   Look out for the AGT panels available     kitchen to fit your space, your lifestyle
exclusively from Trends. Available in a      and your price level without compro-
velvet matt finish, high gloss and also      mising on quality.
wood grain textures, AGT panels are a
great choice for doors and drawers in any    ❚ Trends Kitchens’ showroom is located at 34A                                   The Water Stain Doctor
style of kitchen.                            Parkhouse Rd, Sockburn, and is open six days a
   Trends Kitchens make sure that every      week, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, and 9am-1pm                                     Phone 03 349 2272          Est. 2002
product and material used in their           Saturdays. Phone 03 343 5242 or visit                                 
kitchens is top notch. Many of the                                                                                         CH-8202518AB
Wednesday, February 6, 2019   13

                             A whiter shade of pale
Whites aren’t just white – you
have work to do to pick the
perfect shade, writes
Darren Palmer.

           ot so long ago a friend who works in the
           industry asked me what white he should
           paint the interior of his house.
           I started asking a few questions and he
told me there wasn’t any time for that, his painter
was already at the store, ready to purchase the
    In this instance, I pulled a rabbit out of my hat
and gave him a few choices but, for anyone at home
trying to find that perfect hue, there are a few
things you should consider.
    Whites aren’t just white.
    Almost all white paints will have a slight colour
tint in them, whether that be grey, green, blue,
brown, red or yellow.
    If you look at the colour of the swatch against
the plain white card that the swatches are printed
on, you should be able to detect the subtle tint of
colour that has been mixed with the pure white
    Paints are tinted in colours to match or combat
your other interior inclusions, with the best paint
coverage also coming with a small amount of black
tint thrown into the mix.
    To see the colour of the tint in the white you
need to compare the swatch with a plain white
piece of paper or card under natural light that
streams in from outside.
    Be aware though, if you take the white swatch
outside to view it and the light coming into your
house is a different colour, then you will see the
colour of the swatch differently.
    This is because light is made up of the full
spectrum of colours, so light will change as it
bounces off or passes through coloured or tinted
objects, glass or film.
    The best environment for you to view your
white swatch is within the space it’s intended for.
    Be sure to look at it against the floor, the
skirtings, opposite external openings, and adjacent
to them. What is reflecting in from outside will
change the colour, as will what’s reflecting on the
walls from within the room.
    I was once told that a green-based white will
counteract the yellowness of pine flooring. If you
have red light coming in from outside you might
want to avoid using a red-based white as it will
amplify the effect.
    A blue-based white will look purple, a green-
based white will look more brown, and a ‘‘pure
white’’ will likely just reflect the red.
    This principal is the same for whatever colour
bounces around your room.                                         Whites often
    If you’re in doubt about how a colour will work               have a small
in your space, and you’ve exhausted your options                  amount of black
trying to get the right white for your rooms, you                 tint thrown into
                                                                  the mix. RESENE
can always engage a colour consultant. Most big
paint companies have them or you can search
online for them in your area.

                                                                                                         Don’t be afraid
                                                                                                         to give it a go –
                                                                                                         a little white can
                                                                                                         go a long way in
                                                                                                         brightening up a
                                                                                                         DAVID WALKER/
                                                                                                         FAIRFAX NZ
Almost all white paints will have a slight colour tint in them.
14      Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Some people
feel more
working out
with others.

                                           Finding the
                                             right fit
                                Kim Newth weighs up the option of exercising from home or going to the gym.

                         ome gym or go to the gym?                      what you’re doing and are prepared to settle for the    out around other people and enjoy the social
                         Is it better to sweat it out in a home gym     fitness basics, such as skipping rope, plyo box,        environment. Lack of space at home could be
                         or fulfil 2019 fitness goals at a local gym?   swiss ball and kettlebell.                              another factor in favour of gym membership.
                         Kim Newth weighs the pros and cons.                According to research from consumer ratings             Conversely, others will prefer the freedom of
                   Christmas is over for another year and               agency Canstar Blue, New Zealanders who go to           being able to plan their own workouts and if
               everyone’s thinking about how to lose that post-         the gym spend around $55 a month on                     there’s space for a home gym in the spare room or
               pavlova padding. Improving fitness and health in         membership. Consumer compared the fees for              garage, it’ll be super easy to get down to business.
               2019 will be a top priority for many. It’s easy to       seven gym chains last year and found membership         There’s no travel time involved and it comes with
               make that New Year’s resolution, but harder to           ranged from $410 to $3430 a year. Some contracts        all those privacy benefits. Plus, you won’t have to
               decide where to exercise (and then follow through).      also have expensive fishhooks such as high              wait for your turn on the equipment. (It’s probably
                   There are many factors to consider when              termination fees.                                       easier to get distracted at home though, and will
               making the call on whether to work out at home or                                                                likely require a little more self-discipline).
               a local gym.
                                                                        Convenience and
                                                                        motivation                                              Safety
               Cost                                                     Nothing could be simpler than dropping into your        ACC claims for injuries sustained while at the gym
               If you’re in it for the long term, a home gym makes      local gym, provided it’s handy to work or home.         or during fitness training have soared in recent
               more sense from a cost perspective. Setting it up is     They generally have a good menu of personal             years, to more than 51,000 in the year to June 2017.
               a one-off expense, as opposed to pay-as-you-go or        training sessions, classes and equipment to try, so     That’s partially because more New Zealanders
               contract term arrangements at a gym. The starting        you won’t need to go it alone when planning your        than ever are involved in the fitness industry,
               price for a good multi-gym is around $700. No doubt      programme and how to fit it in around the rest of       though the injury rate is actually rising faster than
               it could be done for considerably less if you know       your life. Some people feel more energised working      growth in gym users. Some have blamed under-

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019   15

                                                                                                   A home set-up
                                                                                                   can be as
                                                                                                   elaborate as
                                                                                                   finances allow.

                                                             Treadmills are
Exercise NZ chief executive Richard Beddie says personal      the pieces of
trainers, whether coming to your home or at gyms,          equipment most
should be registered with the New Zealand Register of         likely to land
Exercise Professionals.                                         users in the
regulation, which means anyone can set
themselves up as a personal trainer.
    Last year saw the arrival of Fitsafe certification.
Developed by Qualworx in partnership with
Exercise New Zealand, it has been designed to
show whether a facility is up to scratch with client
safety. This is likely to flow through to the industry
but care should still be taken when choosing a
personal trainer.
    ‘‘The key point is to make sure the trainer is
registered,’’ says Richard Beddie, CEO of
    ‘‘You can check the New Zealand Register of
Exercise Professionals (REPs) website, which
provides independent verification as to whether
trainers meet industry standards.’’
    But are home gyms safer? If you don’t have a
good understanding of your own health and how to
train, there are obvious risks in going solo with
your home fitness.
    ‘‘I’d recommend talking to a registered personal
trainer about what you want to achieve before you                                                  Working out at
buy any equipment,’’ Beddie says.                                                                  home certainly
    Research from the US last year                                                                 has the
( found the treadmill was the                                                convenience
piece of equipment most likely to land people in the
emergency room.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

 16 Advertising feature Art ’n’ About

Charity joins with Art ‘Creative fossicking’ leads
Metro in cafe venture to multi-layered artworks                                                    The paintings of John F.                                                                   Bells and Whistle by
The welcoming smell of                                                           Staff from        Emery aren’t always what                                                                   John F. Emery features
coffee and fresh baking is                                                       Can Do            they appear and are                                                                        in a new exhibition of his
about to return to Art                                                           Catering          loaded with meaning, as                                                                    works at Little River
Metro as its cafe is                                                             will be           seen in his latest exhi-                                                                   Gallery.
resurrected by the Laura                                                         supplying         bition, ‘Flora, Fauna and
Fergusson Trust.                                                                 tasty foods       Fabrications’, at Little                                                                      In this way, Emery says
   The trust is a registered                                                     to the new        River Gallery.                                                                             the tromp l’oeil illusion of
charity that provides trau-                                                      Can Do               Emery’s works are by                                                                    a painted object appears
matic      brain     injury                                                      Cafe, at          turn nostalgic, contempla-                                                                 alongside the reality of a
rehabilitation, as well as                                                       Art Metro         tive and uplifting, created                                                                constructed object to ‘‘shift
24-hour residential care                                                         in Papanui.       using mixed media and a                                                                    the     perspective      and
for people with long-term                                                                          process he calls ‘‘creative                                                                perception of a work and
disabilities.                   barista and a rotating ros-     Jones says the cafe aims to        fossicking’’.                                                                              force the viewer to con-
   Since 2015, it has been      ter of employees with a         help meet the high de-                                                                                                        sider the point where
running a successful cater-     disability.                     mand for work from                                                                                                            reality and the imagined
ing company called Can             The cafe is set to hit the   people with disabilities,          Emery’s works                                                                              meet’’.
Do Catering. Now, with
the help of Art Metro
                                ground running when it
                                opens at the end of the
                                                                whose efforts have already
                                                                proven        commercially
                                                                                                   are by turn                          how made me think of red
                                                                                                                                                                                                 As one of Little River
                                                                                                                                                                                              Gallery’s regular contribu-
owner Simon Walmisley,          month thanks to a well-         viable at Can Do Catering.         nostalgic,                           high-heeled pumps. It was                             tors, Emery brings the gal-
the trust is adding to its      honed menu prepared by             ‘‘We’re really excited                                               only when I was titling the                           lery beautiful paintings
food services with ‘‘Can        the trust’s catering arm        our social enterprise is           contemplative                        work that I realised the                              with a rich narrative and
Do Cafe’’.
   Art Metro ran its own
                                and the support of local
                                coffee experts at Under-
                                                                now extending to a cafe,’’
                                                                she says. ‘‘It’s a full,
                                                                                                   and uplifting.                       red shoes idea came from
                                                                                                                                        a David Bowie song that
                                                                                                                                                                                              intriguing detail.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 He moved to New Zea-
cafe until a couple of years    ground Coffee, who are          proper cafe and anyone                                                  was recorded in 1983,’’ he                            land from the United
ago, when it poured its         supplying the machines,         from the art classes will be          For Emery, getting                says.                                                 States in the early 1980s
final coffee to focus fully     training and beans.             able to enjoy a coffee and         there is a gradual process              As the vision comes                                and has since exhibited
on lessons.                        All food will be made        bite to eat, as well as any-       that relies on the wider             together, Emery sets about                            widely in both countries.
   Classes for all ages and     fresh and options are in        one off the street.’’              connections he uncovers              creating it using three-
abilities are held at the       place to cover dietary                                             between              objects,        dimensional forms that lift
Papanui Rd studio on            needs of all kinds, with        ❚ Can Do Cafe will be open         observations             and         objects off the wall in a                             ❚ ‘‘Flora, Fauna and
weekday          mornings,      vegan and gluten-free fare      weekdays 8am-2.30pm from           memories.                            way that is often light,                              Fabrications’’ will be on display
afternoons and evenings.        like chia seed puddings         March 1 or before. Visit them at      This is the ‘‘fossicking’’,       airy and magical.                                     at Little River Gallery until
   Art Metro will continue      and quinoa muffins served       Art Metro, 465 Papanui Rd,         which Emery says he                     Heavy-duty                                         March 6. Visit the gallery any
to focus on teaching while      alongside an array of           Papanui, or explore some of        starts with no idea where            watercolour paper is cut,                             day of the week on the main
the Laura Fergusson Trust       biscuits, slices, quiches,      the menu options at                it will lead.                        scored, folded, shaped and                            road through Little River,
operates the cafe at the        pies, bagels and wraps. To find          ‘‘In the case of Let’s            painted      wet     before                           Banks Peninsula, call 03 325
front of the studio,               Laura Fergusson Trust        out about art lessons at Art       Dance, it was the pukeko’s           assuming its place in a                               1944 or find them online at
employing one able-bodied       chief executive Kathryn         Metro, visit       stride and beak that some-           wider scene.                                

                                                                                                                                                                                         2 FEB – 6 MARCH

                                                                                                         Contemporary Art Gallery

                                                                                                                                                                                   Flora, Fauna & Fabrications

                                                                                                                                                                                John Emery

                                                                                                                 “The Shadow”
                                                                                                       Mixed Medium 1050mm x 1050mm
                                                                                                                      By Joel Hart
                                                                                                                                                                        LITTLE RIVER GALLERY
                                                                                                    386 St Asaph Street (East off Fitzgerald Ave)                       
                                                                                                                Off street parking                                                  Main Road, Little River, 03 325 1944
                                                                                                    Ph. 366 0724 |                            Quality Unique Original NZ Art > painting, sculpture, jewellery

                                                                                                     Let our tutors help you
                                                                                                   become the artist you have                                                    Bright Hives
                                                                                                                                                                                           by Tony Ogle
                                                                                                      always wanted to be!

                                                                                                    The Art Metro Art School offers tuition in:
                                                                                                   Abstract; Children’s classes; Drawing & Sketching;
                                                                                                       Impressionism; Oils & Acrylics; Pastels &
                                                                                                       Watercolours; Beginner and Advanced…

                                                                                                            Enrolling now for term 1 2019 -
                                                                                                         Vouchers available for Christmas gifts.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   130A Riccarton Road,

                                "Golden Tascany wall"                                                                                                                                                Phone 348 6600
                                      MIN KIM
Wednesday, February 6, 2019   17
        Ceramic artists to get fired-up about
Ceramics are popular once
more and these three artists are
making the most of the
renaissance, writes
Julia Atkinson-Dunn.

         he world of ceramics has experienced a
         wonderful renaissance over the last six
         Everyday people have flocked to classes to
create their own pieces and artists of all kinds have
used the medium to express their ideas and
creativity in three dimensions.
    Of course, large brands have raced to recreate
the organic, imperfect proportions which is often
the result of the hand-made process. However,
there is no denying that a hand-formed, one-off
piece created locally comes with a certain magic
that can’t be matched in a factory.
    If you’re new to ceramics, these three New
Zealand artists are demonstrating a diverse range
of styles, products and outcomes from their own
experimenting within the ceramic realm.

Self-taught Felicity Donaldson first grabbed my
attention as a breath of fresh air back in 2014 with
her beautiful handmade plant pots. Fast forward                 Kami and Kindred’s
past a move to Wellington, some high-profile                    earrings.
collaborations and a baby, and she has returned to              KAMI AND KINDRED
her practice once again, bringing her unique style
that is always tinged with fun.
   Visitors to her online store can find robust
dinnerware in simplistic finishes or jump right on
in to her cheeky graphics or new terrazzo style
products. You can take it one step further by
booking into one of her workshops to create your
very own terrazzo plate.
   Prices range between $25 to $220. @wundaire

Pip Woods
There is a beautiful calm with an edge of quirk to
the vessels created by Wellington artist Pip Woods.
Her pieces are mellow in tone but truly eye-
catching in form, flirting with the boundaries of
balance and scale.
   Sculptural as a standalone treasure and adding
real impact when grouped as a family, they are
both art and a beautiful way to show off your
   Pieces start from $90 to $180. @pipwoodsceramics

Kami and Kindred
Fuelled by a strong interest in organic, abstract
forms and inspired by the simplicity of Japanese
design, Nelson-based designer and artist
Hayley Richards explores the use of natural
materials through her label Kami and Kindred.

                                                                                     rainbow plate.

                                                                                                         Her use of ceramics is cast wide across beautiful   Kami and
                                                                                                      hand-formed earrings and bangles to special pieces     Kindred’s
                                                                                                      for your home like abstract bud vases, incense         incense holder.
                                                                                                      holders and coffee filter and tumbler sets. Released
                                                                                                      in collections, visitors to Kami and Kindreds’
                                                                                                      online store are regularly greeted with new
                                                                                                      products and restocks to pore over.
                                                                                                         Products range from $15 to $225.

                                                                                                      Julia Atkinson-Dunn is a Design and Art Blogger,
                                                                                                      you can follow her journey at
Pip Woods vases offer a beautiful calm with an edge of quirk.                                         studiohome/ or
18         Wednesday, February 6, 2019

a view
It’s time to declutter and give
the rooms in your home a
sense of airy space.

    f you’re looking to renovate and need some
    clear space – or if you’re a follower of the
    strangely inspiring Netflix series Tidying Up
    With Marie Kondo – you’ll know that
decluttering is where it’s at.
   Without even trying, it’s amazing how many
things can pile up in cupboards and drawers that
have never really been wanted or used. If this
sounds like you, then it’s time to clear out and sell
   Once you decide what’s going, set aside an
afternoon to photograph your selected items so you
can list them online.
   Not sure where to start? Here’s our guide to
some available platforms.

Trade Me
Trade Me, which launched in 1999, now rates its
used goods marketplace as ‘‘mature’’. The well-
established e-commerce platform has many years
of fine-tuning under its belt.
    Around 800,000 Kiwis visit Trade Me each day.
It is in the top 10 of our most influential brands and
in 2017, Colmar Brunton named Trade Me as
Kiwis’ sixth most loved brand. No online platform
is completely free of risk but Trade Me’s ongoing
commitment to trust, safety and transparency is
    Trade Me is easy to use, with tips on how to
make a great listing, promote it, arrange shipping
and organise payments. Recent innovations
include a new fast track payment system called
Ping and a payment by instalment option
    For casual sellers, Trade Me charges a fee of
7.9% of sale price (with the maximum success fee
being $249). It is free to create a basic listing. Fees
can be refunded if the sale isn’t completed.

If you want to trade with people in your area, then
the community social media platform Neighbourly
is worth considering. You can use it to buy, sell and
trade items with no commission fees.                      A space clear of
    All members have verified addresses and use           clutter brings an
their real names, with Neighbourly’s owner Stuff          airy sense of
touting this as the platform’s key point of               order.
                                                          JACKIE MEIRING/
difference. Neighbourly offers helpful guidelines
on how to get started.
    In 2014, Neighbourly had 62,000 members. Now
it has more than half a million and rates as New
Zealand’s third most-used social media site
(Nielsen Online Ratings, March 2018). What
proportion of those members regularly trade on
Neighbourly is less clear.

Facebook Marketplace
If you’re looking to declutter then Facebook
marketplace, which launched here in 2016, is
another free to use option. Its appeal stems from its                         Trade Me launched 20 years ago so has had plenty of      Facebook Marketplace had the advantage of being free
power to facilitate direct peer-to-peer trading.                              time for fine-tuning.        TOM PULLAR-STRECKER/STUFF   to use.                                  TAO LIN/STUFF
    It’s simple enough to use but sorting out how
the goods will be paid for and collected can involve                          their unwanted stuff for free. Since launching in        AllGoods boasts a marketplace of more than 25,000
quite a lot of time in Messenger.                                             Arizona in 2004, it has since grown into an              shoppers, has over 100,000 listings and a smart new
    Marketplace is only lightly moderated and a few                           international non-profit platform. It’s free to sign     mobile app.
cases have been reported of people transferring                               up and free to list.                                        While yet a minnow compared to Trade Me,
money to buy products such as an iPhone, only to                                 Compared to other platforms, its interface looks      AllGoods is confident of ongoing growth, thanks to
never receive it. After one such case, the police                             outmoded. Groups are run by local volunteers but         features such as a real-time chat system and
urged people to be extremely cautious about                                   reviews of Freecycle suggest it is only lightly          integration with social media.
buying items through websites such as Facebook.                               moderated. A common complaint is that people                However, cheaper fees are really the most
From a seller’s point of view, that’s a deterrent too                         who say they will get an item do not show up.            compelling reason for giving AllGoods a try. In
because you’d imagine this type of coverage would                                It could be easier to donate unwanted items to a      fact, it’s free to sell on AllGoods. Once registered,
deter potential buyers.                                                       local charity store or op shop instead, but there are    you can list in the secondhand marketplace for free
    Facebook marketplace has a reputation as a                                plenty of active Freecycle groups in New Zealand         and there are no success fees. Their messaging
place for bargain hunters so expect some haggling                             for those wanting to give it a try.                      system has also been designed to keep contact info
over price.                                                                                                                            secret and they have a support team in place to
                                                                              AllGoods                                                 review posts.
Freecycle                                                                     Launched last year, AllGoods is New Zealand’s               AllGoods only allows products to be shipped
‘‘Changing the world one gift at a time’’ is the ethos                        ambitious e-commerce newcomer. Touting itself as         from within New Zealand, so you won’t be
of Freecycle, which encourages people to give away                            ‘‘the easiest way to sell to Kiwi millennials’’,         competing against international sellers.
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