Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

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Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

 MAY 2019                                                               .CO.NZ

Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays?

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Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk
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2 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |
Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

‘Killer blow’ coming in 2023
      maller pure-electric cars will have     waiting times.”
      a lower upfront price than internal
      combustion equivalents around
                                                  Harrop says that in the pure electric
                                              buses sector, China rapidly deployed            ‘Staggered’ at
                                                                                              advances in
2023.                                         400,000 - 99% of the total number in
   This is the opinion of Dr Peter Harrop,    the world - then it collapsed subsidies
a leading expert in electric vehicles and     causing a collapse in deliveries.
chair of the IDTechEx group in the United
   He describes this as the “killer blow”
                                                  “The rest of the world, however, is
                                              beginning to compensate. For example,
                                              Qbuzz in the Netherlands has ordered
                                                                                              two years
for conventionally powered cars.              159 pure electric buses, Helsingborg                    Vtalk publisher Vern
   “Like most other new products, electric    Sweden 76, Brussels Airport 30 and                      Whitehead is staggered at
vehicles sell in an S curve of a slow start   London 68 pure electric double deckers.                 the advances made by EVs in
with over supply. Then comes fastest          Cities across the UK recently placed a          Europe in the last two years.
growth with supply sometimes unable           total of 263 orders for zero-emission               He has just returned from EV
to keep up with demand, then comes            buses.                                          conferences in Oslo and Berlin.
saturation.”                                      “Warsaw will order 130 pure electric            “The progress made is immense
   Harrop says pure electric cars are now     buses for delivery by 2021. Kazakhstan          - not only with EVs themselves, but
near to the fastest-growth stage at around    is expecting 700 electric buses, and            also in the field of charging with
a 70% increase in numbers sold yearly.        Azerbaijan another 500 over the next            fast chargers highly visible in all
   “Subsidies are already less critical       three years.                                    cities and towns.
because price parity is approached earlier        However, India has the largest potential        “The rapid adoption of EVs has
with small vehicles.                          with a government plan for an initial           also led electricity suppliers to
   “This time China is in sync with the       10,000 pure electric buses replacing some       move to cleaner, green energy, with
rest of the world; it has the largest pure    of the 1.6 million buses there - all of which   wind and solar farms mushrooming
electric car sales and is expected to         must go, says the Indian government,            around the countryside.
dominate global manufacturing of EVs just     sensitive to the deaths they cause.                 “In March, Norway’s sale of new
as it has grown to be the biggest global          “The Indian state of Uttarakhand has        pure EVs reached 58% of the total
manufacturer of conventional vehicles,”       ordered 500 pure electric buses and             for all light vehicles sold in that
Harrop says.                                  Tata Motors in India has orders from six        country, and that total does not
   “Evidence from Norway - with               other cities for a total of 255 pure electric   include plug-in hybrids.
the largest percentage of pure new            buses.”                                             “Now Norway plans to ban sales
EVs in the world - suggests that the              Harrop says that China is now at the        of petrol and diesel powered cars
biggest obstacle to speeding up the           top of the growth curve and everywhere          from 2025, a staggering develop-
electrification of road transport could       else is at the fast growth part in electric     ment in only a handful of years.”
now be a lack of e-vehicles.                  buses, but China may see another S curve            Whitehead attended the Berlin
   “The Kia Niro is on one-year delivery      based on free market demands when               conference on EVs two years ago,
in Norway and the Tesla Model 3 is still      pure electric buses have price parity.          and in coming weeks will tell EVtalk
keeping customers waiting. Volkswagen             “Until now battery costs have been          readers of some of the almost
even announced that the Passat GTE            a primary impediment in the uptake of           unbelievable advances made since
and the Golf GTE have been ‘closed to         electric buses. However, in an interesting      time.
ordering’ due to the exceptionally long                                    Continued on 19

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                                                                                                EVTALK MAY 2019 | | 3
Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

Plugging EVs around the country
       nother successful annual Leading       rode in an EV – including a new Jaguar        when they take one for a drive, they will
       the Charge Great EV Road Trip is       I-Pace – a special moment for people          tell their friends, and word will spread.”
       over after nearly 28 days travelling   who were able to ride in a car they would         Trounson says the only way to correct
around New Zealand, which organisers          have never have otherwise bought,             any misconceptions people may have
estimate engaged about 6000 people.           Trounson says.                                about EVs is to take them for a ride in
   One of the biggest events was the             EV owners, like the one with the I-Pace    one.
stop-over at Smales Farm in Takapuna on       in Palmerston North, would bring their            “We want people to be thinking about
                                                                                            what they want to get for their next car,”
                                                                                            he says. “We’re not trying to get them out
                                                                                            of their current car. When they are ready
                                                                                            to change, they may get one [an EV].”
                                                                                                “I would like to see the government
                                                                                            announce a target, to set a vision for the
                                                                                            future. The current government have set
                                                                                            a target for the country to become carbon
                                                                                            neutral by 2050, like everybody else. I
                                                                                            would like to see the same with cars, but
                                                                                            I understand it’s tricky to do. If they were
                                                                                            setting a restriction like that, they would
                                                                                            be favouring some manufacturers over
                                                                                                Next year, sponsorship will be
                                                                                            investigated further to keep the event
                                                                                            going for a sixth year, as Kathryn
  Kathryn and Greg Trounson
                                                                                            Trounson estimates it costs about
                                                                                            $30,000 to have all their volunteers
Auckland’s North Shore about two days         cars along with many offering visitors        along for the entire road trip.
before the road trip’s end at Cape Reinga     rides. “If you like cars so much, you want        The volunteers at Leading the Charge
which attracted nearly 600 people, more       other people to experience them.”             have day jobs and take annual leave to
than 50 riding in an EV and a further 28         One EV owner told EVtalk at Smales         travel the country promoting EVs.
driving one.                                  Farm he saved about $10,000 on petrol in          The Trounsons hope to return for the
    Getting people to try an EV is one of     the last two years.                           2020 trip.
the main aims of the event organised by          A diesel driver at the event says he           They began driving EVs on the last day
the Better NZ Trust which promotes EVs        loses about $10,000 annually in taxes         of 2014. “We got a BMW i3. That’s when
as a sustainable transport option.            and fuel, hence his new interest in EVs. “I   we started and we slowly transitioned,”
    And many visitors at similar stops        would rather use that on a holiday,” says     Greg Trounson says.
around the country wanted to know more        Tony Murrell, who took a test ride in the         They’ve been staunch EV advocates
detail about EVs and how an EV would          Jaguar I-Pace.                                ever since.
help in their lives, says trust chairperson      Leading the Charge volunteer                   Visit
Kathryn Trounson who, with husband            Margaret Baker, who also did the entire       for more information.
Greg, did the entire road trip in a Hyundai   road trip, says it costs around $5 per
Kona Electric and clocked up 6375km.          100km in her Nissan
    “It’s been fun – we get to meet a lot     Leaf.
of EV owners up and down the country,”           “The aim of
says Trounson, who adds that turnouts         the game is to
were very good.                               increase EV uptake
    “I have people come up to me and          - people need to
say: ‘I bought an EV as a result of you       understand what
being here last year and that’s just been     they are and what
lovely’,” she says. “It makes you realise     their capabilities
we are doing something. In Bayfair [Mt        are before they
Maunganui shopping centre], there were        can consider
three sets of people who arrived just to      getting one,” Greg
tell us they had bought an EV as a result     Trounson says.
of us being there in a previous year.”           “They’ll get a
                                                                        EVs on show
    In Palmerston North, nearly 100 people    pleasant surprise

4 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |
Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk
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Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

Tesla tourers plan global EV
travel guide
          orld Tesla travellers Ralf          a Model 3 preview in Tesla’s Fremont fac-     it easy for us to travel and there are also
          Schwesinger and Nicole Wan-         tory in California. They took his message     more and more hotels which provide
          ner have thoroughly enjoyed         to heart about venturing outside your         charging infrastructure to their guests.
their 45-day tour of New Zealand and are      comfort zone to experience something              “In New Zealand we were also very
now spending three months journeying          truly special and quit their jobs (he was in  positively surprised by the fantastic
around Australia.                             banking and she was in tourism/market-        network provided by ChargeNet NZ. They
   The couple, who call their global so-      ing) and home to travel the world in a        do a great job offering open fast charging
journ “Mr and Mrs T on Tour”, travelled       Tesla for a good cause.                       infrastructure to all EVs, because this is
6310km in the country and also joined             “The weekend getaway that never           what it takes,” Schwesinger explains.
the New Zealand Tesla Supercharger            ends” started in April 2018 when they left        They’re funding their global Tesla tour
Rally before leaving for Australia from       their rented apartment to travel around       from their savings, saying people have
Queenstown on May 3.                          Europe in their Model S.                      also been generous in providing support
   They used a Tesla Model X belonging            Tesla heard about their drastic lifestyle – particularly through Tesla Owner Clubs.
to a Tesla Owners Club of New Zealand         change and offered support, sending a             “With regards to the cars in Europe, in
member during their stay.                     film crew to document their story and         New Zealand and Australia we were also
                                                             record their first three days  lucky as all cars still have free Super-
                                                             on the road to share their     charger use so we don’t need to pay for
                                                             message.                       our energy consumption and travel for
                                                                 “They liked the story that free,” Schwesinger says.
                                                             we were dropping every-            They have garaged their Model S in
                                                             thing to support Tesla’s mis-  Switzerland and cut down on any fixed
                                                             sion and a more sustainable costs to make things work. Shipping
                                                             lifestyle,” Schwesinger says. their car to other continents was never
                                                                 Their beginnings were      an option as this would have been bad
                                                             published under “customer      sustainability.
                                                             stories” on all European           Other than that, shipping costs and
                                                             Tesla websites and in a You-   other issues like different charging
                                                             Tube video.                    infrastructure, insurance and more con-
                                                                 “We are traveling in a Te- tributed to their decision, so they try to
                                                             sla, because we support their use local cars instead with Tesla owners
The Tesla tourers love NZ                                    mission to accelerate the      being very supportive.
                                                             world’s transition to sustain-     There’s more to their journey than just
   “Outside of Europe, where we used          able energy,” the couple says. They also      having fun, meeting like-minded people
our own Model S, using a local car is the     have a very clear message: “Acting more       and the thrill of Tesla travel. Their website
most sustainable option. We are very          sustainable does not end with owning an       rates hotels and other accommodation
grateful for the support provided by other    electric car, but it is surely a good start!” they use (generally Destination Charging
owners, allowing us to complete our mis-          “Our journey takes us from the heart of Partners where possible), with the even-
sion,” Schwesinger says.                      Switzerland around the globe, travelling      tual plan to produce a world travel guide
   In fact, their story began in 2015 when    Europe, New Zealand, Australia, North                                        Continued on 25
the Swiss-based pair began looking for a      America and Asia – all along the Te-
new car.                                      sla Supercharger network. We want
   Wanner wanted a car that was safe,         to discover and share the beauty of
clean and aesthetic while Schwesinger         our planet and inspire more people
hankered for a fast and roomy sports          to protect it.”
car.                                              Schwesinger, 44, and Wanner
   They found their dream car on a visit      47, have fallen in love with New
to the Geneva motor show in 2015 and          Zealand, describing the people
ordered their Tesla.                          as extremely friendly and open,
   “We did not know that this new car         supportive of EVs, and the scenery
would change our lives entirely,” they say.   spectacular.
   It led to them hearing Tesla chief             “Yes, based on the growing
designer Franz von Holzhausen speak at        Supercharger network, Tesla makes Ralf Schwesinger and Nicole Wanner

6 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |
Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

Britz EVolve: A guilt-free holiday?
     f you've made the jump                decided to do something              180km. The EVolve, with its        Britz recommends a range
     over to electric, returning to        about it - working with its          vast new body, a shower,       of 120km between charges. To
     a fossil-fuelled vehicle is not       Action Motorbodies subsidiary        toilet, kitchen and water      fix this, they've developed two
always the nicest experience.              and LDV to create the Britz          tanks weighs a lot more.                         Continued on 8
For a start, you've become                 EVolve, one of the first electric
used to the lower noise levels             motorhomes available in the
and smooth progress, there                 world.
are no smelly hands after a                    And while initially a
fill-up - and having to burn               concept, the EVolve has been
carbon for progress when you               put into production - 12 have
know it is just not necessary              been built - and you can
                                                           rent one now.
                                                           They are not
                                                           expensive either,
                                                           the two-berth
                                                           vehicle costing
                                                           around the same
                                                           to rent as a Maui
                                                              Of course,
                                                           take into account
                                                           that you don't
                                                           have to pay for
Collecting bikes from Darleen Tana at Bikes and Barbers    fuel, or even fast
                                                           charging (it is
can be a little irritating.                included in the rental), or Road
    Until now, if you wanted to            User Charges, as there are
take a motorhome holiday -                 none.
arguably one of the best ways                  It is not as simple as
to see New Zealand - you had               switching a camper from
no choice but to grab a vehicle diesel to electric, there are
that ran on diesel.                        compromises to be made.
    Tourism Holdings Limited,              Well one major one, and that
our biggest motorhome rental               is range. A diesel vehicle will
company with its prominent                 go 500+ km on a tank, while
Britz and Maui brands,                     a standard EV80 around

                                                                                                          EVTALK MAY 2019 | | 7
Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

Britz EVolve: A guilt-free holiday?
Continued from 7                                                             inconvenience with the        Redwoods on the edge of
routes, one in the North                                                     vehicle as the cable is not   town, again to warm ourselves
Island around the Waikato                                                    long enough and you need      up with a blast on the
and Coromandel, and                                                          to park on an angle.          Smartmotions. For two people
one in the South Island,                                                         With the Mamaku           not used to running up and
from Christchurch around                                                     Ranges ahead we topped        down trails, the electric boost
Central Otago.                                                               up to a little higher than    of an e-bike is a real help and
    Around the routes are                                                    the recommended 80%.          encourages you to get out
campgrounds especially                                                       We didn't need to, as         there and get active.
prepared for the EVolve, with                                                despite the steep incline        We then made the short
sites fitted with both house                                                 gentle driving got us
power and an EV charger. With         and Barbers. She loaned us          over the hills with mileage
a 7kW onboard charger, the            a couple of e-bikes for the         to spare. We arrived at the
LDV fills up overnight. There is      trip, a Smartmotion Pacer and       Rotorua Top 10 Holiday
no gas on board the camper            Smartmotion X-City. The EVolve      Park, where the staff were
- this is entirely fossil fuel free   features a rear-mounted bike        intrigued by their first EV
- so you need to be plugged in        rack for two - although it should   - so we showed them how
to cook and shower. Freedom           be noted the maximum weight         it worked.
camping is not ideal for this         per bike is 30kg.                       Off came the
vehicle.                                  Why take bikes? Our             Smartmotion bikes, and
    When Britz gave EVtalk the        theory was that when the            we headed to town for
chance to take the Evolve for         camper was charging,                errands, and to grab a bite at   hop over to Tokoroa, where
a spin, we said “heck yeah”           e-bikes would be a great            the tourist mecca's fabulous     we again found a New World
                                               little satellite EV for    night markets. Here we picked    housed ChargeNet unit for
                                               shopping trips and         up the most Kiwi of bike         a fill-up. We pushed on next
                                               exploring. We were         punctures - the pin from an      on our longest single leg, to
                                               very right, with the       Anzac poppy.                     Waitomo.
                                               bikes really making            Travelled: 164km. Charged:       The twisty backroads we
                                               the trip.                  DC charging, then overnight.     chose worked well with the
                                                   After loading up, we                                    EVolve's performance. It
                                               turned south (finally)     Day three - Rotorua to           will do 100kmh, but really it
                                               and cruised down the       Waitomo                          prefers 80-100kmh. It also
                                               Southern Motorway,            First thing in the morning    makes it clear how heavy it
                                               then off to the Miranda    we grabbed another hot pool      is around corners - it's not
                                               Holiday Park. We           soak before heading into town    unstable, but likes a gentle
and planned a five-day trip on        checked in and grabbed the          for breakfast and a puncture     hand. Be kind and pull over
part of the North Island loop.        swipe card for the charger.         repair from the great team       for others to pass.
                                      We plugged into the type 2          at Happy Ewe Coffee and              On arrival in Waitomo,
Day one - Auckland to                 charger, plugged in house           Bike Repairs. We loaded up       we experienced the only
Miranda                               power, and hit the hot pool.        the van, and stored our type     charging we had to pay for.
    Our first day on the road             Travelled: 97km. Charging:      2 cable and house power          The Waitomo Top 10 Holiday
started mid-afternoon with            Just overnight.                     cable in one of the handy side   Park is a lovely spot but asks
a visit to Britz's base near                                              storage units on the van and     an additional $15 to use their
Auckland Airport. A quick run         Day two - Miranda to Rotorua        headed out for the day.          type two charger. Plus, their
through of the vehicle - and             After a great night's sleep         First stop was the            charger is on a sloped site,
a bit of paperwork - and we           on the double/queen size                                             and on grass rather than
were on our way. The van              bed - which is created by                                            a hard surface. Paying for
comes ready to go, topped             lowering the dining table -                                          charging is a broader debate,
up with electrons, bedding            we cooked breakfast on the                                           but it should be noted this was
and water. Before leaving we          camper's induction stove                                             the only park that did so.
loaded the fridge - which runs        before heading off. First,                                               Travelled: 163km Charged:
continuously from the house           we headed for Morrinsville                                           DC charging, then overnight
batteries - with food for the         where we left the van at the                                         ($15).
trip.                                 ChargeNet DC charger at New
    Rather than head south, we        World while grabbing a quick                                         Day four - Waitomo to Raglan
had to first pop into Newmarket       lunch with friends. ChargeNet                                          After a wander around
to visit Darleen Tana at Bikes        units currently are a slight                                                         Continued on 10

8 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |
Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk
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Britz EVolve: guilt-free holidays? - EV Talk

Britz EVolve: A guilt-free holiday?
Continued from 8                   in town, we filled the van at            north to Miranda.
Waitomo, and a shower in           the WEL charger on the main              We returned there
the camper (it is warm, and        street. It is a tight squeeze            because this site
the pressure good), we had         here, but the van does fit. Just!        makes tremendous
to deal with the less fun part         Again the e-bikes came out           sense as a gateway in
of camping - waste. The toilet     and made short work of the               and out of Auckland
and tanks are relatively easy to   hills in and out of town. A night        for the EVolve, and
empty but can be a little wiffy.   out without having to worry              their EV-prepped spot
Thankfully gloves are provided!    about parking - just chain up            is just lovely.
   We set out on a relatively      to the nearest bike stand.                   Plus, hot pools.
short run today, just north            Travelled: 104km. Charged:           Who does not love a hot pool?           EVolve experience? It is great.
to Raglan. We will admit we        DC charging                                  Travelled: 144km. Charged:          Britz's two touring routes look
did not plan on going to a                                                  DC charger and overnight.               great, but I think anyone with a
campsite that night, we had        Day five - Raglan to Miranda                                                     little EV knowledge can easily
Airbnb booked, so on arrival         Overnight it rained. It rained         Day six - Miranda to                    venture far further afield.
                                         a lot, so the day became           Auckland                                Yes, more range would be
                                         part of a comfortable trip             Our last day was a reverse          excellent, though we probably
                                         home. The Smartmotions             of the first, a slow start before       travelled as far per day as we
                                         were put away for the              a trip to Newmarket to return           would really want to and still
                                         last time, and we headed           the bikes (thanks Darleen),             have a relaxed holiday.
                                         into town for a little             and then out to Britz. Drop                  So if you are considering
                                         more breakfast before              off was easy thanks to the              a getaway, consider giving
                                         turning back across                express return package -                the EVolve a go. It is fun, it is
                                         the Waikato for a top              which I highly recommend.               practical, and yes, it is totally
                                         up at Morrinsville, then               So what did we think of the         guilt-free.


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10 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |

EQC lands in NZ - briefly
          ercedes-Benz Cars has landed          experience Mercedes-Benz brings to the              If there is a compromise, it is to be
          its EQC all-electric SUV in New       electric vehicle space.                         found under the bonnet, where there
          Zealand and shown it to custom-          "This car is the result of 132 years of      is no “frunk” like some modern electric
ers - and then it has left the country again.   automotive history, and it is a moment          vehicles. Instead, the front motor and
    The early-build car came to New Zea-        we have been working towards with all           controller units sit, mounted into a spe-
land following its display at the                                                                         cially isolated tubular frame. To
Formula One race in Melbourne                                                                             allow the EQC to be built on the
in March, where reports are                                                                               same production line as the GLC
driver Lewis Hamilton became                                                                              and C-class, the motor needed to
a big fan.                                                                                                be in a unit like this so it could be
    The vehicle was in New                                                                                raised up into the vehicle with the
Zealand for just a week, which                                                                            rest of the front suspension and
kicked off with meetings                                                                                  subframes.
between Mercedes EV lead-                                                                                     The sturdy tubular frame brings
ers and members of the local                                                                              other advantages, however.
scene, included a glitzy unveil-                                                                          Reports are the EQC is particularly
ing for invited guests before                                                                             quiet and refined due to the isola-
the car was put on display                                                                                tion. We were also told the frame
at the brand's Mt Wellington                                                                              is so strong it boosts crash protec-
headquarters for private cus-                                                                             tion and the system could allow
tomer viewings.                                                                                           for additional other structure to be
    Customer deliveries are not due until       our knowledge, and all our technical in-        removed from the front of future designs.
very late this year or early next year. Pric-   novations we have developed since we                The motors themselves are both
ing has yet to be released, yet interest        invented the automobile in 1886," Giffin        150kW, sit front and rear and produce a
from buyers appears to be strong. In Eu-        says.                                           combined 300kW and 765Nm. The sprint
rope, pricing for the EQC starts at around          "With the launch of EQC, electric now       from 0-100km/hr will take 5.1 seconds and
$NZ120,000.                                     has Mercedes."                                  top speed is limited to 180kW. The EQC
    The visit marks more than just the              While the EQC is based in par on the        can also tow, with a braked capacity of up
introduction of the EQC, as it is also          conventional GLC model, and shares its          to 1800kg.
part of the expansion of its EQ brand of        wheelbase, it offers significantly different        The battery is an 80kWh unit, built
electrified models. Ten new electrified         styling - virtually all the body components     by Mercedes-Benz using LG Chem cells
Mercedes-Benz cars will be launched             are unique. While one school of thought         - a total of 384 of them. Under the now
by 2020 - with concepts indicating a            is a better result can be achieved by hav-      outdated NEDC testing regime, a range
compact hatchback, a van and an S-class         ing a vehicle designed from the ground          of 445km-471km, though real world
based luxury sedan will follow.                 up as an EV, a Mercedes staffer we spoke        predictions being discussed suggest a
    General manager, Mercedes-Benz              to at the event pointed out the production      real-world range of 340-400km.
Cars New Zealand, Ben Giffin, opened            and cost advantages of basing the vehi-             Charging is through CCS type-two,
the reveal event noting the history and         cle off an existing platform are significant.                                 Continued on 12

                                                                                                     EVTALK MAY 2019 | | 11

EQC lands in NZ - briefly
Continued from 11                             the entertainment and control
with DC fast charging at up to 110kW. The     systems. The “Mercedes-Benz
onboard charger is a 7.4kW unit, giving a     User Experience” system, or
12-hour charge on a level two unit. This is   MBUX, is controlled via touch or
arguably disappointing, as both the Tesla     a control panel that sits on the
Model X and Audi e-tron come standard         centre console. Some features
with an 11kW unit, and can be optioned up     can be controlled using the
to 22kW.                                      “Hey Mercedes” voice system.
   Stepping inside the EQC you get               Mercedes-Benz Distronic
the same plush, yet futuristic feel as        package of driver assistance
other modern Mercedes. The dash is            systems are likely to feature, in
dominated by two massive 10.25-inch           our opinion, one of the closest
screens, one for instruments and one for      systems to AutoPilot in how
                                                       well it can take control of a ve-    the steering column.
                                                       hicle on a highway. The system          The EQC's interior feels spacious and
                                                       features route-based guidance,       solid - even in this early-build form. Front
                                                       that can slow for corners and in-    seat space is excellent, while the rear is
                                                       tersections based on GPS data.       comfortable if a little short on legroom.
                                                          Drive controls will be familiar   The boot offers a healthy 500 litres of
                                                       to those who have experienced        storage space.
                                                       a Tesla, as that brand borrowed         Expect a full drive in the EQC in
                                                       their controls from the German       EVtalk magazine late this year.
                                                       company - so you get a transmis-        Visit Auto Media Group on Youtube
                                                       sion shifter stalk coming out of     for video from the event.

  Jucy producing EV campervans
         he first five customised                                                                      weight interiors.
         electric campervans from                                                                          “This allows tourists to
         Jucy should be on New                                                                         travel up to 180-200km -
  Zealand roads from July.                                                                             around twice as long as the
     The Nissan e-NV200                                                                                prototype - with each charge.”
  40kWh vans adapted at Jucy’s                                                                             A roof-top solar panel
  Helensville workshop in                                                                              charges a secondary battery
  Auckland will be followed by five                                                                    for wireless internet, device
  more later.                                                                                          charging ports, an electric
     They can be booked by                                                                             blanket, and induction
  international visitors this month.                                                                   cooking. A mobile app will
     The new campervans form a                                                                         advise when battery levels
  much larger and longer range new                                                                     are low and plot a course to
  EV fleet to be developed after a                                                                     the nearest fast-charger.
  successful nationwide trial involving                                                                    A pop-up roof-top tent
                                        Tim Alpe
  two French eco-tourists, Jucy chief                                                                  provides accommodation.
  executive officer Tim Alpe says.              charging infrastructure.                       The EV campers will have the same
     Students Heloise de Bokay and                  While the trial found it was feasible   daily rental cost as others in Jucy’s
  Solene Trinquet’s plans to travel New         for tourists to traverse the country        fleet, but at the equivalent of about 30
  Zealand in an EV were picked up by            it identified some gaps in the fast-        cents per litre will have a fraction of the
  Jucy after featuring in EVtalk.               charging network in parts of the South      running costs, Alpe says.
     The pair drove a prototype 24kWh           Island.                                        He says that will help tourists spend
  Jucy electric campervan more than                 Alpe says these have since been         more of their travel budget in other
  13,000km to 45 destinations over five         addressed with new longer-range             parts of New Zealand’s economy.
  months last year, recording data and          batteries and redesigned and lighter           More on EV camping P7, 8 & 10.

12 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |
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                                                                           Volvo           S90 T8                  PHEV    $125,900        34 km + 600 km
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                                                                                           XC90 T8                 PHEV    $134,900        44 km + 600 km
               S - Long Range        BEV    $144,120     630 km
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                                                                                                                 EVTALK MAY 2019 | | 13
 Find your quality used EVs here!
                            USED EV CAR TYPES                                                                    USED DEALERS LIST
                                                                  APPROX RANGE                                   NAME                        CITY
       MAKE             MODEL             TYPE PRICING RRP EST.
                                                                                    Autolink Cars | 09 378 9090
BMW           i3 - 22 kWh                BEV      $35k - $45k     120 km  

              i3 - 33 kWh                BEV      $52k - $80k     200 km            GVI Electric
                                                                                    09 216 7106 |
Hyundai       Ioniq                      BEV      $47k - $55k     220 km            Harwood Cars | 027 492 2218
              Ioniq Elite                BEV      $57k - $66k     220 km  
                                                                                    Auckland City Electric Vehicles
              Kona                       BEV      $74k            400 km            0800 248 9387 |                   Auckland
                                                                                    83 Barrys Point Road, Takapuna
Kia           Soul EV                    BEV      $30k            150 km
                                                                                    Wholesale Autos
Mercedes Benz B250 e                     BEV      $44k - $47k     140 km            272 Great South Rd, Takanini

Mitsubishi    i-Miev                     BEV      $11k - $14k     100 km            Hamilton Electric Vehicles
                                                                                    6 Rawhiti Street, Frankton
              B-Miev Van                 BEV      $16k            100 km            Farmer Auto Village
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              LEAF Gen 2 - 24 kWh        BEV      $13k - $34k     135 km            Sheaff Vehicles | 07 575 6722
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              e-NV200 - 24 kWh           BEV      $27k            140 km  
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  14 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |


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                                                                                      EVTALK MAY 2019 | | 15

Electric skateboards take off
       lectric skateboarding is an
       alternative mode of personal
       transportation rapidly becoming
   More are being seen on cycleways
and shared paths, particularly in
Auckland where they can often pass
cyclists going up the steeper slopes.
   Electric motors are becoming smaller
and more powerful, enabling an e-board
rider to commute in style and in work
wear without raising a sweat.
   Evolve Skateboards has a list of things
to consider when buying an electric
                                               E-boards are growing in popularity

                                                  An e-board that gives you a longer            from two-driven wheels.
                                                  range means a more expensive battery      8. Hub motors v gear/pulley motor
                                                  has been used, therefore it’s more            system: Hub motors do not have the
                                                  expensive to buy. Who has made/               acceleration, hill-climbing and braking
                                                  assembled the board? There is a large         power you get with a geared/pulley
                                                  gap in the e-board market in terms            system.
Electric skateboards are zooming ahead
                                                  of price and materials used. Reading      9. Thumb or trigger remove control:
                                                  reviews and doing your own research           Would you rather use your thumb or
1.   Range: When buying an e-board,               on the company pays off.                      index figure as a way of controlling
     consider what you’ll be using the         6. Motor wattage: By adjusting gear              your e-board? A thumb may not feel
     board for. Is it for fun, commuting, or      ratios on a motor it will affect torque       as comfortable as using a trigger
     getting around on the weekend? All           and speed. It’s important to have a           control, though it does work.
     of these? Will the e-board comfortably       complete system designed to work in       10. DIY or making your own board:
     get there and back without worrying          unison, with proven and demonstrable          Making your own e-board sounds
     about mileage? If not, maybe an              performance.                                  easy, but it’s not. It requires a lot of
     e-scooter or e-bike would be better       7. Two motors or one? Only recently has          time, patience, tinkering and money.
     suited.                                      motor technology advanced enough              There are DIY options out there,
2.   Weight: If you run out of battery, will      to allow good performance from two            however, enter at your own risk and
     you be able to carry or kick-push it?        motors. This used to be possible              be prepared to wait for parts and
3.   Performance: Electric skateboards            only with one designed motor. In              waste time which is very frustrating.
     have difference performance set-ups.         recent models, specifically designed          Evolve can make custom boards also
     There are boards that will go from           brushless motors take advantage of            and has been doing it for years.
     A to B and then there are leisure            the increased grip and performance           What the e-board looks like is also
     skateboards that are a pleasure                                                        important. Whether you’re getting an
     to ride. When buying, look into                                                        expensive brand, or a cheaper option,
     the wheels and trucks, as they are                                                     you will hopefully be riding this e-board
     particularly important to the overall                                                  for a long time. It’s up to you to pick
     ride performance.                                                                      a board that you will not get sick of
4.   Spare parts and support: How long                                                      looking at every day. Choose wisely.
     is the warranty? How often will you                                                       An e-board cannot be used on
     need to replace the belts, wheels,                                                     the road but it is able to be used on
     or other parts and they easily                                                         cycleways, shared paths and footpaths.
     interchangeable?                                                                          Check the rules in your area.
5.   Price: You will need to ask yourself                                                      So get among the crazy, advanced
     what are you getting for your money?                                                   technological transportation devices that
     Professional branded skate parts are                                                   are out there.
     more expensive and better quality than
     off-the-shelf boards from overseas.       An e-board can carry a variety of lighting

16 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |
ITS New Zealand leads the Future Transport conversation, promoting
research, development and adoption of solutions for safer, more
efficient and sustainable transport.

                                                                                                              What’s Happening?
  Inspiring T-Tech
  breaks records and
                                                                                                              5G, Sensor Data, Security and more
                                                                                                              June 18, 2019

  launches awards
                                                                                                              See for details
                                                                                   Simon McManus

                                                        social change and transport policy.
  TRANSPORT SYSTEMS NEW ZEALAND INC                        ITS NZ also included awards for
                                                        best papers and presentations, which
                                                                                                              october 21-25 2019
      ’m in a position to reflect on the incred-        produced a high calibre of presentations.
      ible success of the T-Tech Conference             The recipients won $5000 worth of trav-
      in Christchurch on May 6 and 7.
      Feedback received from senior indus-
  try players from New Zealand and Aus-
  tralia is that T-Tech equals the calibre of
  international conferences in Australia
  and North America.                                                                                          ITS World Congress
      A record 173 people represents growth
  of 16% in only its second year - this was the                                                                The 2019 Congress theme of
  first time ITS NZ had its annual conference                                                                  “Smart Mobility, Empowering Cities”
  in Christchurch. The growth can be attrib-                                                                   reflects Singapore’s commitment to
  uted to the quality of the event programme            ITS NZ international programme vice-president          create the most liveable smart city in
                                                        Stephen Hewett congratulates Helen Fitt of Lincoln
  and the increasing importance and interest            University for Best Presentation for Lime and          support of higher quest for an ever
  in ITS and future transport solutions.                the La-Z-Boy: A story of the social integration of     connected community.
      The T-Tech programme, featured 30%                transport technology into urban life

  more speakers, 21% more women speak-
  ers, more youth and academia, (48 speak-              el and expenses towards an international
  ers in total) and introduced a split stream           transport conference of their choice.
  component with topics covering everything                 Announced at the conference, which
  from mobility, technology innovations,                coincided with Road Safety Week, was a
                                                        determination from ITS NZ to gather indus-
                                                        try input and achieve better transport safety
                                                        through ITS. Safety being one of the three
                                                        focus areas for ITS NZ alongside increasing
                                                                                                             ITS NZ chair David Vinsen with international keynote
                                                        efficiency and sustainability.                       speaker Horace Dediu and New Zealand keynote
                                                            Our plans include developing a work-             speaker Dr Michelle Dickinson, aka Nanogirl
                                                        ing group, surveying members and indus-
                                                        try to find proven cost-effective solutions          Pacific, providing the opportunity for New
                                                        and to encourage testing of promising                Zealand business and government to
                                                        new technologies.                                    promote themselves at the world’s big-
                                                            ITS NZ also announced new awards.                gest ITS conference, ITS World Congress
  Vikash Kumar, NZTA, gets the Best Paper award for A
  Scalable Approach towards Predicting Travel Times     We have partnered on a large exhibition              in Singapore, contact us if interested.
  of Commuter Buses, Trains & Ferries in Real Time      booth with ITS Australia and ITS Asia-

  gold members
                                                                                                                           contact us
                                                                                                                            ITS NZ INC
  silver members                                               JOIN THE FUTURE                                              +64 (0)21 709 386

                                                               TRANSPORT CONVERSATION
                                                                                                                   EVTALK MAY 2019 | | 17
                                                       Connected Vehicles

Urbanisation means
micromobility essential
         lectric scooters and e-bikes are the   urban population means we would need
         solution to growing urbanisation,      to double the global fleet.
         business analyst and micromobility          “We don’t have the land for them to
advocate Horace Dediu says.                     ride on or be parked on,” Dediu says.
    Micromobility, a term coined by Dediu,      “The cost of housing cars is hundreds of
describes a vehicle weighing less than          trillions of dollars. What’s the alternative?”
50kg, and already such transport forms               Dediu breaks down the average trip
are increasing on city roads.                   distribution in the US in an Uber, where
    An expert in the field, Dediu weighed       the most common trips (12.5%) are about
in at the Intelligent Transport Systems         3.22km or less.
New Zealand (ITS NZ) T-Tech19 two-day                Shorter trips are usually more
conference in Christchurch this month,          expensive. Nearly a trillion dollars are
saying in five years micro vehicles will        spent in the US on trips up to 8.05km.
have a trillion rides and be used by 10-             “Uber says 47% to 50% of rides are
15% of the population as their primary          below 4.8km,” Dediu says. “Why are we
transport mode.                                 using cars to make these trips?”
    “Micromobility in a global setting gives         Dediu says there are alternatives
us an idea of why it is unique and truly        on the streets we can look at, such
transformative,” Dediu says.                    as e-scooters, e-bikes and other
    Dediu specialises in transportation and     transportation devices that feature in           Horace Dediu
autonomous vehicles and is committed            the micromobility category.
to researching and finding alternative               The Lime scooter has only spent                 “There’s no reason cities should be the
modes of transport.                             a short time in the field, and Dediu             way they are with these kinds of vehicles,
    In his conference presentation, Dediu       predicts a newer version could be                “indicating micromobility can help avoid
compared the low urban percentage of            integrated within a year or two.                 congestion, emissions and other traffic
the population during the 1950s, before              “Micromobility – it’s all different kinds   issues, Dediu says.
showing a graph of the forecast for 2021        of modes. There is enormous innovation               Dediu says he anticipates
which shows a massive increase.                 happening. Ask yourself, which mode is           autonomous micromobility in the future
    Dediu says about 80% of people in           the right mode? Versus the car.                  and admits there is a risk with safety
developing countries will live in urban              “Micromobility is hiring the product for    and that it is a concern, but just another
areas, by 2021. He expects the majority of      the distance that makes sense.”                  challenge that can be addressed
countries to be urbanised.                           Dediu says micromobility helps              through business ideas.
    The United Nations predicts the             people feel rewarded through enjoying                “Helmets will be intelligent and
world’s urban population will go from           the experience. “We will see new                 fashionable,” Dediu says. “Helmets can
4.7 billion today to almost seven billion.      emerging spaces for micromobility as             help enhance safety through knowledge
    “The problem we have is these               forms of social interaction and behaviour        provided to the driver in real time.”
billions of people will all be needing          changes.”                                            Another keynote speaker, Bodhi
transportation,” Dediu says.                         Already, the likes of Lime e-scooters       Alliance director Marie Verschuer,
     “If they were to rely on today’s           and Onzo bikes have taken New                    a trackless trams advocate, says
transport means, then we would need             Zealand’s main cities by storm, and              the community is ready to take up
another billion cars.”                          Dediu believes these alternatives                micromobility as the trams offer a quicker
    Dediu says almost 80% of urban              will continue to revolutionise urban             trip, similar to these micro vehicles.
people are motorised, and the growing           transport.                                           See P19 for more on trackless trams.

            EV IN DU S TRY NE W S
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18 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |

Trackless trams on track
         rackless trams, better known as au- such new technology.
         tonomous rail transit (ART), are the         She says they are an
         future of mass transportation, social easy fit in the environment
planner Marie Verschuer says.                     as they are less disruptive
    Outlining the evolution from rail to          than buses.
light rail to trackless trams, she spoke              “They’re adaptable,
at the Intelligent Transport Systems              scalable and affordable,”
New Zealand (ITS NZ) two-day T-Tech19             Verschuer says. “We’re not
conference in Christchurch, to promote            committing to something
electric trackless trams as the best              that is costly and in 10-20
solution for suburban travel and easily           years’ time is going to be
adaptable to driverless technology.               obsolete.”
    “It’s the answer to a new mobility                Trackless trams have
ecosystem,” Verschuer says. “It’s about           attracted considerable in-       Trackless trams are coming
providing a chronological transit system.         terest in 2019, with a study
Trackless trams are low-cost and have a           of them also being considered in China                 “It’s an automated and intelligent
short construction period.”                       and Europe.                                         vehicle, it doesn’t have to be glued to that
    She has been involved in light rail               Verschuer says trackless trams are              white line. We can deviate it and pro-
studies in New South Wales, Australia -           suited to high capacity routes, are af-             gramme it to not always run in the same
the term “trackless tram” coined by the           fordable, and are better for the urban              spot.”
media there. Her work highlighted emerg- environment.                                                    Verschuer adds trackless trams can
ing technology and last mile solutions                She admits that asking people to shift run in a wide range of climates and envi-
that can transform public transport.              their transport mode could be a barrier             ronments.
    “Any road that can take a bus will take       to implementation.                                     This year, trackless trams have gener-
trackless trams. It’s an automated and in-            “But it’s an advantage, instead of pla-         ated a lot of interest.
telligent vehicle, so we can deviate it and       tooning buses with few people on board.”               Greenpeace International posted a
programme it so it’s not always running in            Speaking after Horace Dediu, a busi-            video on its Facebook page on trackless
the same spot,” she says.                         ness analyst who researches alternative             trams being a future mode of transporta-
    Trackless trams will be tested in a           transport (page 18), Verschuer says when            tion and it has reached 3.5 billion hits.
Western Australian race track,                             people are looking at taking up               A video pop-up displayed a poll, ask-
Verschuer says, who is working                             micromobility then the community ing viewers do they want to see track-
with Curtin University in WA, local                        is ready for trackless trams.              less trams in their city, and 89% voted
government and the Royal Au-                                    “We are offering a quick trip.”       “hell yeah!”
tomobile Club (RAC) of Western                                  Verschuer says trackless trams           ART is under consideration in New
Australia on trials and strategy to                        have undergone tests and not               Zealand, Australia, the US, the United
minimise social disturbance and         Marie Verschuer    shown to degrade the pavement              Kingdom and Africa.
maximise the effectiveness of                              on multiple runs along the road.

  ‘Killer blow’ coming in 2023
  Continued from 3                                gantries etc at bus stops typically leads to    mild hybridisation, and the extra cost
  development, busy bus routes are                80% less battery. This, and the ongoing         of adding equipment to treat diesel
  seeing progress to lesser battery               reduction in battery prices has led to          emissions, we currently predict price
  reliance.                                       some projections that the battery will be a     parity of large pure electric buses by
      “Eight countries have 10-second             mere 6% of bus cost in 10 years’ time           2030 - but as we have seen so often
  charging super-capacitor large buses               “This will hasten the day when the           with electric vehicles, the future can
  now and non-stop top-up charging                up-front price of pure-electric buses is        come early.”
  in many forms has arrived from solar            at parity with diesel. The rising cost of          Harrop says that the killer blows for
  bodywork to intermittent catenary,              diesel powertrains also helps.                  conventionally engined vehicles will be
  rails, and coils in the road.                      “When you take into account diesel           2023 for small cars, and nearer 2030
      “Top-up, including stationary forms with    fume reduction measures such as 48V             for larger buses.

                                                                                                        EVTALK MAY 2019 | | 19
EVtalk checks out how some of the New Zealand companies are doing with their commitment to electrify at least 30% of
 their vehicle fleets by the end of 2019. Air New Zealand is among 30 of the country’s employers to agree on the deal.

                                     Air New Zealand goes electric
                                     – but not for planes yet
                                              ir New Zealand is flying into its commit-
                                              ment to switch its vehicles to electric.
                                                  “We have converted to 100% EVs
                                     where options exist – all 77 of our on-road light
                                     vehicles are electric for instance,” company
                                     sustainability head Lisa Daniell says.
                                         “What many people don’t know is we’ve
                                     also set ourselves a separate target to move
                                                                                          A couple of Air New Zealand’s EVs – BMW i3s in this instance
                                     our ground service equipment - aircraft tugs,
                                     loaders and golf carts, etc - which operate          Air New Zealand premises or by employees
                                     airside at airports to 100% electric where viable    overnight at home,” Daniell says.
                                     options exist.                                          The EV fleet comprises the Mitsubishi Out-
                                         At present, 52% of the New Zealand-based         lander PHEV, BMW i3 and Renault Kangoo.
         ABB Ltd.                    ground service equipment is powered by                  The BMW i3s are used by Air New Zealand’s
    Air New Zealand                  electricity.                                         Corporate, Tandem Travel and Cargo sales team
                                         “We are on track to convert 92% of this          members who use them for city-based driving.
                                     equipment to electric by the end of 2020,”           These vehicles are able to be recharged at the
     Contact Energy                  Daniell says.                                        company’s larger corporate bases.
         Fonterra                        Air New Zealand’s ground service fleet in-          Its Mitsubishi Outlander PHEVs are used
Foodstuffs North Island              cludes three electric Kalmar TBL190 pushback         mainly by the company’s regional sales
                                     tugs capable of handling widebody aircraft           teams who are based throughout New
        Fuji Xerox                   - including its Boeing 777 fleet and 787-9           Zealand’s regions and are required to travel
          Fujitsu                    Dreamliners.                                         longer distances. The Outlander PHEVs allow
      Giltrap Group                      These are the first of their kind in the Asia    these teams to use electric while in town and
                                     Pacific region and five more units have been         petrol for their longer journeys.
Hyundai New Zealand
                                     ordered, which will complete the conversion             Air New Zealand’s Renault Kangoo EVs
  ISS Facility Services              to electric pushback tugs in Air New Zealand’s       are used by operational and support teams
          Kiwirail                   network for this aircraft size.                      to move between site locations and within
        Leaseplan                        Three electric container loaders – the only      the company’s operation for tasks that do not
                                     ones of their kind in Australasia - transfer         require a larger van or truck, such as delivering
           OCS                       large containers to and from larger aircraft.        paperwork and pets to aircraft.
           Opus                          “We will be replacing a further 33 (out of          When a viable electric van option is avail-
         Powerco                     56) by the end of 2020,” Daniell says. “Other        able Air New Zealand also intends replacing its
                                     large equipment types we are transitioning to        Toyota Hiace diesel vans with them.
 Renault New Zealand
                                     electric include baggage tugs and belt loaders          It’s the lack of large electric vans in the
         SG Fleet                    which transfer baggage and cargo to and from         market which are proving a barrier to changing
           Spark                     smaller aircraft.”                                   out the vans used by airport and engineering
    The Warehouse                        As for charging infrastructure, Air New          teams.
                                     Zealand has a total 59 charging spots across            “Any van that does come into the market in
       Transpower                    Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Of            the future will need to have adequate range
    Turners Auctions                 these, six are available for customer use and        and be fit for purpose for our operational re-
          Unison                     the rest are for employee use.                       quirements prior to transitioning,” Daniell says.
                                         “All of our fleet is either fast charged on         Air New Zealand’s people and their com-
        Vodafone                                                                          mitment and passion to the brand extends
  Waste Management                                                                        to sustainability initiatives like the switch to
        Watercare                                                                         electric vehicles.
                                                                                             “I can think of several examples of staff
     WEL networks
                                                                                          members approaching us with a great sustain-
         Westpac                                                                          ability idea which has been implemented,”
           Xero                                                                           Daniell says.
                                                                                             “This overarching ‘can do’ culture means
                                                                                          people have reacted really positively to us
                                                                An electric baggage tug
                                                                                          making the switch to EVs where possible.”

  20 | EVTALK MAY 2019 |
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National New Energy Development
Centre for Taranaki
         multi-million dollar clean                       New Zealand move towards clean,      together business, unions and iwi lead-
         energy centre will be                            affordable, renewable energy and     ers to chart a future path for the local
         established by the Gov-                          away from fossil fuels,” Ardern      economy.
ernment in Taranaki to help lead                          says.                                   “This centre will complement our
New Zealand’s transition to a low                             “Our global confrontation        investments in hydrogen, Green Fi-
carbon future, including electrics                        with the changing climate re-        nance Ltd, the Zero Carbon Bill and our
and hydrogen for transport.                               quires us to face the long-term      upcoming renewable energy strategy
    “The centre will look at the                          challenge of sustainably power-      to help New Zealand create new jobs in
                                       Jacinda Ardern
full range of emerging clean                              ing our economy over the next        new industries while moving away from
energy options such as offshore                           30 years to ensure we are the        fossil fuels that cause climate change,”
wind, solar batteries, hydrogen and new           best place in the world to live, to work,    Ardern adds.
forms of energy storage,” prime minister          to raise a family and to get ahead.             The Productivity Commission found
Jacinda Ardern says.                                  “For decades, Taranaki has been our      no one hub supporting and directing the
    That’s expected to have wider implica-        top energy producing region and now,         development of new energy forms in the
tions for transport, particularly with electri- in the 21st century, the region can be a       country and argued that one was badly
fication and hydrogen fuel.                       leader in clean energy as well. It’s well    needed.
    The new centre will enable a co-              known that local businesses and workers         The Provincial Growth Fund last year
ordination function across industry               already have the skills, experience and      invested $100,000 towards the centre’s
and research organisations and across             international links to support new devel-    feasibility study.
locales, providing opportunities for test-        opments in clean energy technology and          It will not itself be a research centre,
ing and trialling of new technologies. It         infrastructure.                              but will rather co-ordinate and support
is not replacing the new energy work of               “That’s why the Budget is invest-        opportunities for new energy technolo-
Crown Research Institutes, Independent            ing $27 million to set up the centre in      gies to be tested and further developed
Research Organisations or other govern- Taranaki, alongside $20m over four years               for commercial or larger-scale use.
ment research organisations, a briefing           to establish a new science research fund        The centre could also look at how
explains.                                         for cutting-edge energy technology so        existing petroleum infrastructure and
    To tackle the long-term challenge of          that we can look into the likes of organic   technologies could be repurposed to
climate change, the Government will also          photovoltaics, super conductors, nano-       support new energy initiatives.
invest in early stage research into cutting- technologies and inductive power.”                   These initiatives are part of a Budget
edge energy production.                               The centre came through the region’s     package focused on research into agri-
    “The National New Energy Develop-             2050 roadmap process, first prepared         culture, emissions and energy to transi-
ment Centre will help create new busi-            by Taranaki’s economic development           tion to a sustainable and low emissions
ness and jobs in Taranaki while helping           agency Venture Taranaki, that brought        economy.

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