Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

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Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

 JUNE 2019                                                              .CO.NZ

Has electric gone Audi?

                          Global EV traveller
Women in EVs          5   on final leg           8    E-trucks on the move 11
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Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs
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2 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

Has electric gone Audi?
        udi New Zealand has pulled the           vehicle training.
        local covers off its first battery           Audi's focus on
        electric model and made the bold         charging will extend into
claim: Electric has gone Audi.                   customers’ homes, with
   OK, so there is a little marketing            a partnership with Vector
bluster in there, but as far as the New          and its HRV subsidiary.
Zealand market goes, the brand does              HRV will provide home
have a little bit of a claim to doing electric   energy assessments as
to the extent that only Tesla has done           to how much power is
before, and in some areas beyond.                fed into the house, and
   Two months ahead of launch it has             subsequently, how much
landed four left-hand drive models               charging can be provided.
into the country and registered them             More on that later.
for road use - they actually showed up               The first of Audi's BEVs
in May's used car registrations. They            to arrive is the e-tron, a
are travelling the country for charger           medium-to-large SUV that
verification and testing and will go on          retails from $148,500 for the 55 Quattro       gives the ability to pull up to 1.8-tonnes,
show and be available for test drives            model, and $157,000 for the advanced           which is not enough for a substantial boat
around the country.                              model. It comfortably seats five and is        or caravan, but suitable for most uses.
   You can call your local Audi dealer if        sized at slightly smaller than the seven-      Roof rails, roof boxes and cycle racks can
you want a look, though if you're going to       seat Q7, around the same as the Q8.            all be fitted as options.
buy, the first 100 units destined to arrive          Built in Belgium, it shares a platform         "Performance means something
this year are already spoken for.                with those fossil-fuelled models, though       different in New Zealand, and here at
                                                                    being modular, Audi has     Audi we repositioned performance in NZ
                                                                    done an excellent job       terms," Sheed explains.
                                                                    of laying out the battery       The e-tron counter's Tesla's massive
                                                                    in a way that does not      screen with the brand's virtual cockpit
                                                                    impinge on the spacious     system. The driver gets a screen in front
                                                                    interior.                   of them, one atop the centre console
                                                                        The battery is 95kWh    where you would typically expect one,
                                                                    and actively cooled.        and a screen below this. The driver
                                                                    Charging is CCS Combo       interacts with the variable drive systems
                                                                    type 2, with DC fast        and regen systems through the main
                                                                    charging at up to 150kW,    screen using an “efficiency assist”
                                                                    and AC charging at up to    system. In combination with the adaptive
                                                                    11kW. Audi New Zealand      cruise assist, the efficiency assist can
                                                                    general manager Dean        also brake and accelerate the Audi e-tron
                                                                    Sheed tells EVtalk 22kW     predictively.
                                                                    may come next year              The infotainment system included
                                                                    in combination with a       an embedded sim for the Audi Connect
                                                                    vehicle-to-home unit that   system, allowing for live services and 3D
   Audi will be selling the car at all of its    can be packaged with the car.                  Google mapping.
dealerships, and they will all have DC fast          The two electric motors - one front,           On top of the assist systems is the
charging, some set to outstrip the current       one rear, give a combined 300kW of             central driver assistance controller, which
local standard with the fitment of 175kW         power and a beastly 660Nm of torque.           continuously computes an exact model
ABB units. Selling and servicing at every        Performance from 0-100km/h is rated at         of the environment. The required data is
dealership comes at a significant cost to        5.7-seconds per 100km.                         obtained – depending on the selected
the brand, with 40 technicians already               Audi is keen to push that the e-tron       options – from up to five radar sensors,
coming to Auckland for high-voltage              is ready for Kiwi life. An optional tow bar                                Continued on 4

                                                                                                    EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 3
Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

Audi to offer complete electric solution
Continued from 3                                   years already.
six cameras, 12 ultrasound sensors and                Sheed, prominent for his work
the laser scanner.                                 with Drive Electric, is one of the
    A unique option - unique to the point          most EV-passionate members of
that the NZ Transport Agency has had               the new vehicle trade.
to give Audi an exemption for the tech                The brand will have 30
- is the optional virtual exterior mirrors.        electrified models on sale by
Integrated into each of the mirror                 2025, 12 of those full BEVs.
supports is a small camera, whose                  Four will be on the road by
images are displayed on high-contrast              2021, and you can expect most
OLED displays inside the vehicle.                  will come here.
    Removing the mirrors gives a 35km                 "We are almost beyond this
gain in range, thanks to the lower                 car, planning what is coming
windage of the camera mounts. The                  over the next four years," Sheed
mirrors come as part of a $5800 tech               says."                                         a very popular location ..."
package on the Advanced model only.                   What is next? An S version of the              For most out-of-home charging,
    The differences between the standard           e-tron will be here in six to nine months,     e-tron owners will have access to the
and advanced models are relatively                 a Sportback around the same time, and          ChargeNet NZ network. Chargers were
minor. The Advanced gains 20-inch                  after that the e-tron GT - a platform          tested and adapted to ensure they work,
wheels over 19-inch units, extra rear side         mate to the Porsche Taycan.                    while all owners will get a ChargeNet fob
airbags, 360-degree camera, a heads                   “We've got SUV's, we've got sports          built into their Audi key-ring.
up display, upgraded front armrest and             cars, we've got all the stuff you would
higher quality leather. S-Line, Luxury             expect. Our theory is the vehicle brought      It’s an Audi
and the aforementioned technology and              to you by Audi happens to be available as          So what is the e-tron like? EVtalk got
comfort packages can only be added to              electric.”                                     to check it out, and take it for a very short
the Advanced.                                         The hard work marketing Audi's              drive at the brand’s reveal and launch
                                                   electric efforts and planning have already     event in Auckland recently.
                                                              been rewarded, with the first           First off, don’t expect some crazy
                                                              allocation sold out in just a few   spaceship-like electric concept. The e-tron
                                                              days.                               fits very nicely between its conventional
                                                                  "We sold a year's supply in     cousins. Yes, it is modern with its sharp
                                                              eight days. It is kind of a good    lines and blacked-out glass, but it looks
                                                              problem to have, but not good at    like the crossing of an Audi Q7 and Audi
                                                              the same time."                     Q8 – which makes sense.
                                                                  Sheed explains the brand            That appearance similarly applies
                                                              decided to work with ABB and        unless the option of the camera-based
                                                              dealers - who are footing most      rear-vision mirrors is ticked. It takes a
                                                              of the bill - to put DC charging    moment to get used to the look of a
                                                              in because as the volume of         vehicle with only stubby stalks where
                                                              vehicles grows, fast charging       mirrors usually would be. From the
                                                              will be required to keep up with    driver’s seat, the system will likely take
                                                              demand from cars coming in for      a little getting used to as well, the mirror
                                                              service. It could be that those     image displayed on screens in the door
                                                              chargers are opened up to           of the car, just below the front corner of
Just the start                                     customer use, but that will be on a case       the window.
   Sheed says the e-tron is just the start         by case basis. The units are ready for it.         The interior itself is fabulous. The
of Audi's electric fleet - not that it is a cold      "We have spec'd our chargers with an        virtual cockpit screens are all canted
start, with the A3 and Q7 e-tron plug-in           RFID reader, EFTPOS and 3G. Now if a           towards the driver and in easy reach. The
hybrids having been on sale for a few              dealership chooses to put one of those in                               Continued on page 19

4 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

NZ’s EV ‘high priestess’
         ee West needs no introduction            Well known for her
         to the EV community.                  enthusiasm, “out there” attitude
            She’s the high priestess of        and warm welcomes, Dee West
EVs in New Zealand and is known in EV          has certainly come a long way
circles around the world too.                  from the days when she grew
   Passionate about social and                 up in Canada’s “oil patch” in
environmental sustainability, her role in      Alberta off Highway 22 (aka The
helping establish fast-charging network        Cowboy Trail) and was “bullied
ChargeNet NZ with Steve West has been          mercilessly” at school.
an appropriate fit and has led to Dee             Partly to escape all that, she
promoting EVs any chance she gets.             came to New Zealand at 16 as
   That can be through her New                 an exchange student at Thames
Zealand Electric Vehicle Podcast – now         High School, having already
internationally available - with co-host and   visited the country with family
founder Theo Gibson, joining in social         around 1992.
media discussions, and through many EV            West met many good people          Dee West
events like the EVworld Expo in which          during her stay and her parents
she has played a key role.                     later moved to New Zealand as well.              and marketing manager, working at the
   The Wests were also founding                   After living in places like Inglewood,        leading edge of technology and watching
members of the Better NZ Trust, to             Stratford and Dargaville, West did a             the birth of the internet.
educate and create opportunities for New       communications degree course at                     She met West, who was a customer
Zealanders to live more sustainably.           Unitec in Auckland, then worked for              and had established Serato, creating DJ
   The trust is behind the annual              Telstra Clear. She then joined internet          and music production software, and they
Leading the Charge EV road trip too.           service provider WebInternet as sales                                                 Continued on 23


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Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

Toyota moves to EVs - at last
         fter years of dragging the chain on
         electric vehicle development, Japa-
         nese giant Toyota has finally woken
and announced a goal of getting half its
                                                                                                    Hybrids wane
global sales from electric vehicles by 2025                                                                  ybrids and plug-in hybrids
- five years ahead of its previous schedule.                                                                 are on the wane globally,
     This is great news for New Zealand                                                                      writes EVTalk publisher Vern
where Toyota has absolutely dominated                                                               Whitehead, who attended recent EV
new and used import car sales for more            Toyota Prius hybrid                               conferences in Oslo and Berlin.
than two decades.                                 regulations require more lithium-ion                  “The attitude at both events was
     Not only will Toyota’s belated               batteries in the next five years than the         that there is little place for hybrids in
acceptance of pure electric vehicles              automaker had plans to produce, he adds.          the modern EV world, with prices of
boost EV sales here, but it will also put             “We consider ourselves as a maker of          pure EVs likely to reach parity with
more pure EVs on to the right-hand-               electric vehicle batteries, going back to         petrol and diesel engine cars in the
drive domestic Japanese market which              when we developed the battery for the             next two to three years.
will then, eventually, be available to Kiwi       Prius,” he says, referring to the pioneering          “And with EV models now doing
used import dealers.                              petrol hybrid.                                    200, 300, 400 or even 500km -
     The tragedy is that it has taken so long         “But there may be a gap between the           Tesla Roadster does 1000km - on
for the brand which gave us the Prius             amount of batteries we can produce, and           a single charge, there is even less
hybrid more than 20 years ago - thus              the amount of batteries we may need.”             reason today for the complexities
ushering in an era of partially electric              Reuters reports Toyota, which already         of hybrids.”
vehicles - to move on to all-electric vehicles.   makes batteries for hybrids and hybrid                Toyota is, however, not changing
                                                                plug-ins, will partner with         its policy towards full battery EVs,
                                                                China’s Contemporary                vice-president Shigeki Terashi says.
                                                                Amperex Technology Co Ltd           “We are not shifting our focus to
                                                                (CATL) and EV-maker BYD Co          prioritise battery EVs, nor are we
                                                                Ltd for battery procurement.        abandoning our fuel cell strategy.”
                                                                   The key to creating a                Whether Toyota can afford to
                                                                profitable battery EV operation     continue to invest in R&D for three
Toyota’s planned BEV range                                      could be in combining new           separate technologies remains to be
    Toyota is arguably the last major             mobility technologies, including on-demand        seen,” Whitehead says.
vehicle manufacturer in the world - Toyota        ride services, with battery-powered electric
along with EV committed Volkswagen                cars, Terashi says.
lead the world in passenger vehicle                   Tapping CATL signals a widening of          it seeks to reduce its capital outlay for
production - to see the light and with            Toyota’s procurement pool. The Chinese          developing new-vehicle technologies.
Mazda, commit to pure EVs. This is sad            firm already has relationships with other           Reuters reports Toyota announced
for a pioneer with its hybrid technology.         automakers such as Honda, Nissan and            it was teaming with Subaru Corp to
It also means that Toyota is now in a             a multi-billion dollar battery supply deal      develop a battery-electric SUV on a
scramble playing catch up when it should          Volvo Car Group, reports Reuters.               platform produced together as they
have led the EV field.                                Toyota has for decades been                 seek to split costs.
    Reuters says Toyota will now have to          developing its own lithium-ion EV
tap into Chinese battery makers to meet           battery technology and has partnered
the accelerated global shift to electric-         with Panasonic to develop and make
powered cars.                                     rectangular-shaped prismatic batteries.
    The change illustrates the breakneck              The automaker, which launched
growth in the EV market, which is                 the Prius, the world’s first mass-market
transforming the auto industry, and is            “green car” over two decades ago, has
also an acknowledgment by Japan’s top             led in technologies for hybrid and fuel cell
car maker that it will not be able to meet        vehicles (FCVs). Its cars account for more
demand for batteries on its own, adds             than 80% of the now diminishing global
                                                                                                  One of Toyota’s ultra-compact BEV models
Reuters.                                          hybrid vehicle market.
    Toyota is now faced with a higher-                But it has been left behind by rivals           Toyota also announced an ultra-
than-expected demand for cars that use            such as Nissan, Volkswagen and Tesla in         compact two-seater designed for short
batteries, rather than petrol, executive          bringing all-battery EVs to showrooms.          trips - ideal for places such as Waiheke
vice-president Shigeki Terashi says.                  Toyota is now looking to partnerships       Island - with a maximum speed of 60km/h
    Also, increasingly stringent emissions        with rival automakers and tech firms as         and 100km range on a single charge.

6 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

ABB and Octopus Group
collaborate to advance e-mobility
         usinesses planning an electric        leading EV charging
         vehicle fleet can get most of         infrastructure and energy
         what they need through ABB and        technologies to deliver
financial services and clean energy firm       the transition to electric
Octopus Group.                                 buses and commercial
    The collaboration between ABB and          fleets, empowering new
United Kingdom-based Octopus Group             adoption levels.
provides a one-stop-shop solution for              The collaboration
operators, who can now source the              addresses the clear need
financing and renewable energy supply          to reduce emissions, with
needed to launch an EV fleet from              ambitious government
Octopus and the required electrical            targets and clean city           Buses and commercial fleets stand to gain from the ABB and Octopus
                                                                                Group partnership
infrastructure solutions from ABB.             initiatives in place around
    The move is expected to help               the world.                                         Octopus investment director Daniel
accelerate the transition to electric              ABB and Octopus Group bring together           Saunders says.
buses and commercial fleets.                   like-minded teams who have the resources,              “This collaboration with ABB embraces
    As a pioneering technology leader          experience and complementary technical             that spirit and our drive towards a low
committed to writing the future of mobility    expertise to help meet such targets and            emission-low carbon future.
and energy, ABB says it is constantly          to usher in sustainable solutions for bus              “By working with like-minded
looking for innovative ways to drive           and fleet, simplifying the transition to zero      partners, we increase our ability to
increased adoption of sustainable              emission transport.                                innovate and create new offerings to
mobility solutions.                                “Our collaboration with Octopus                help realise the potential of electrified
    Working with Octopus Group is              Group marks a very positive step for the           zero-emission transport and intelligent
a natural fit based on its delivery of         wider transition of public and commercial          energy services that benefit society.”
innovative zero-emission transport             fleets to electric on a global scale,” ABB             Working at the forefront of EV charging
initiatives, and its considerable              global EV charging business head Frank             technology for more than 10 years, ABB
contribution to renewable energy               Muehlon says.                                      has developed a broad portfolio of
generation and supply, ABB adds.                   “We are proud to be working with               charging solutions for heavy vehicles and
    Together, ABB and Octopus Group seek       Octopus and together we will break down commercial fleets ranging from 3kW to
to explore and develop further e-mobility      the barriers to adoption and accelerate            600kW, with 10,500 DC fast chargers sold
market offerings that will support fleet       innovation in this critical field.”                across 73 countries.
operators to achieve a successful transition       ABB and Octopus redefine the current               Fortune Magazine recently ranked
to zero emission transport.                    transport relationship to one where more           ABB eighth on its list of companies
    Operators will be able to source the       sustainable choices are viable, freeing            that are “changing the world” for the
required mobility investment from Octopus      up capital and resources to support core           advances it has made in e-mobility and
Group through flexible financing models        business growth.                                   electric vehicle charging.
and renewable electricity supply.                  “We continue to invest in ideas, people            In its role as title partner of the ABB
    ABB will provide its market                and enterprises that change the world,”                                               Continued on 9

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                                                                                                        EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 7
Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

NZ is global EV traveller’s last leg
        Dutch adventurer who       out just off New Zealand’s
        has driven across the      coast. “So now I have literally
        globe in his electric      reached the other side of
vehicle is on the final New        the world; in an electric car.
Zealand leg of his three-year      Crazy!
journey.                               “I’ve always wanted to
   Wiebe Wakker has driven         come to New Zealand, but in
100,000km in his EV, from          my original plan I didn’t think
Amsterdam to Sydney, crowd-        it would be possible.
sourcing EV charging, meals             “However, I received
and accommodation through          some great support to ship
his website Plug Me In             my vehicle over here from
                                                                     The Blue Bandit
Project along the way.             Sydney and I have the
   Although he completed his       opportunity for a sort of              He’s impressed with Kiwis’        is also about combatting
goal to reach Sydney in early      encore to complete my global       enthusiasm for EVs and the            climate change and promoting
April, he’s now exploring New      EV adventure.”                     growing charging network,             sustainability.
Zealand in his customised              Wakker’s two-month             and he’s keen to meet prime               “The people I’ve met have
electric 2009 VW Golf station      journey across both the North      minister Jacinda Ardern, and          been amazing,” he adds.
wagon after it was shipped to      and South Islands, including       see a hydro-electric dam.                 “Some people say they’d
Auckland from Australia.           Bluff and Cape Reinga, ends            Wakker is testing one of          like to do what I’ve done but
   Wakker says any tunnel          with his return to Auckland for    Tourism Holdings Limited’s            never did.”
straight through the Earth from    the EVworld NZ 2019 Expo           (THL) Britz EV campervans                 From Haarlem in the
where he started in Houten in      and industry conference on         on a trip around Auckland,            Netherlands, Wakker says
the Netherlands would come         August 1-3.                        Coromandel and Raglan first.          he only returned home once
                                                                          “It’s great to see a tourism      for four days for a family
                                                                      business like THL                              emergency during his
                                                                      embracing EVs,”                                world trip.
                                                                      Wakker says. “It                                  On returning home
                                                                      makes complete                                 this time, Wakker
                                                                      sense that in                                  plans a book and also
                                                                      such a clean and                               a year of speaking
                                                                      green country                                  engagements.
                                                                      like New Zealand,                                 He wants to remain
                                                                      tourists can make           Wiebe Wakker       an ambassador for EVs
                                                                      environmentally                                and may eventually
                                                                      friendly choices in the way           do another world EV trip,
                                                                      they travel.”                         although something a little
                                                                          Fast chargers are at least        different from this.
                                                                      every 75km on 90% of New                  “I’m also aiming to start
                                                                      Zealand’s state highway               a company involved in
                                                                      network, with three or four           sustainable delivery, using
                                                                      new stations opening every            EVs such as electric bikes.”
                                                                      month – Wakker opening                    He reckons he needs to
                                                                      new EV charging stations at           catch up on sleep too.
                                                                      DB Breweries in Otahuhu just              So, what prompted Wakker
                                                                      after his arrival.                    to do his world EV sojourn?
                                                                          Wakker says he’s lucky                “It was my graduation
                                                                      to have a few sponsors now            project,” he explains.
                                                                      so his last trip will be a little         Studying event
                                                                      easier. He enjoys staying             management, Wakker decided
                                                                      with and engaging people,             on a creative experience
                                                                      showing them his electric car.        in marketing and to build a
                                                                          EVs should be available to        portfolio combined with his
                                                                      everyone, he believes.                interest in the environment
                                                                          While his journey is an           and photography.
                                                                      adventure, Wakker says it                                  Continued on 9

8 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs

Continued from 8                     Russia and invited his website
     “I wanted to do a road trip     and social media followers
but it would have been silly in      to pick the next nearby
a polluting vehicle. People in       destination. Traditional media
Holland were just starting to        had become interested by
talk about EVs in about 2013         then too. He now has about
so I thought I could do my bit       50,000 followers.
to promote them.”                       The adventurer has had
     Through enquiries, Wakker       very few major hiccups on his
was able to get an EV from           travels, once having to get
among 50 petrol VWs                  a broken spring welded in
converted by a Dutch firm as         India because no parts were
there were few, if any, from         available, and also dealing
established car makers at the        with extreme heat and long
time. It had a 37kWh battery         distances in some places.
capable of about 200km range,           Wakker has now proved          THL’s Britz electric camper
although limited to AC charging.     that EVs can go anywhere,
     Wakker bargained on             although for “Blue Bandit”, the   Auckland, DB Breweries,                   more than 300 postcards to
only being able to plug in to        final resting place may be a      EECA, About Freight                       people who hosted him.
homes and other stops using          museum.                           Worldwide and Wallenius                      Visit https://
AC during most of his journey           Wakker’s New Zealand           Wilhelmsen.                               plugmeinproject.com/ for
anyway.                              journey has been made                And he also thanks the                 more information.
     His early travels elicited      possible with the support         many who have supported his
little fanfare until he reached      of Proxima, THL, Ports of         global travel, having written

 ABB and Octopus Group collaborate to
 advance e-mobility
  Continued from 7                               the iconic new electric taxis from LEVC.            help to change the world.
  FIA Formula E championship and as                  Its energy investment business is the               “We are experts in financial services
  official charging partner for the new          largest non-utility owner of distributed            and energy, transforming these
  Jaguar I-Pace eTrophy series, ABB              renewable energy generation assets in               markets by offering our customers
  extends its commitment to support              the UK, with further investments across             access to smart and simple solutions
  and expand the future of smart and             Europe and Australia.                               that do what we say they will,” the
  sustainable transport.                             Energy supply business Octopus                  company says.
      Coincidentally, Kiwi brothers Mitch        Energy has also grown rapidly to more                   “Today, we manage more than 8
  and Simon Evans race in the Formula E          than 600,000 customers. It is the                   billion pounds on behalf of retail and
  and eTrophy series respectively.               first and only energy company to be                 institutional investors.”
      Octopus has been taking strides to         recommended by Which?, the largest                      Octopus Energy, Octopus Investments,
  deploy zero emission vehicles through          independent consumer body in the UK,                Octopus Energy Investments, Octopus Real
  innovative pay-as-you-drive, Sharia            for both 2018 and 2019.                             Estate, Octopus Ventures and Octopus
  compliant, financing models for business           Octopus is a group of innovative,               Wealth are all part of Octopus Group.
  users, including a fleet of up to 200 Jaguar   entrepreneurial businesses investing in                 Visit octopusgroup.com for more
  I-Paces at Heathrow Airport, and financing     the people, ideas and industries that will          information.

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                                          every day as it happens on www.evtalk.co.nz
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Has electric gone Audi? - Global EV traveller on final leg Women in EVs
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Kiwi-build for EV trucks
        lectric trucks are being
        assembled in New
        Zealand. Moreover,
they have been successfully
on the road for some time.
Absorb that for a moment.
    In fairness, they are being
finished in New Zealand,
under the auspices of an
Australian company, with
batteries from China and
motors from Canada. Still,
trucks that would otherwise
be spewing diesel fumes on
our road are instead silently
getting around on electricity.
    The trucks, and soon to
come vans, are the work
of Melbourne-based SEA
Electric. The company has
quickly developed a strong
reputation for developing
electric-propulsion                  East Tamaki facility.
drivetrains for a range of
common truck platforms
                                         All up a further 18 vehicles
                                     are in the pipeline, including       Wellington welcomes its
                                                                          first e-rubbish truck
– to the point where they            a prominent, EECA-backed
developed Isuzu Australia’s          contract with Countdown for
electric truck concepts.             their home delivery trucks.

    General manager for                  “They have got five                        ellington’s first fully electric rubbish truck will join
SEA Electric New Zealand,            coming,” Fairweather says.                     two electric vans in servicing about 40 Wellington
Stephen Fairweather, is              “We built the first one                        City Council social housing sites.
now leading the                               in Melbourne to                 The Manco SEA EV10 Electricat was revealed at a ceremony
expansion of the                              make sure all the           at the council’s Berkley Dallard apartments on June 12.
brand within New                              engineering was right
Zealand – where it                            and then shipped that
is finding a ready                            over here. CAL Isuzu
market.                                       is building the other
    “We have got                              four in Hamilton.”
a lot of vehicles                                 CAL Isuzu is
in the pipeline            Stephen            building  several
at the moment,”            Fairweather        vehicles for SEA, part
Fairweather explains.                         of how it prefers to
    “Currently there are             work with truck brands here.
seven vehicles already on            Rather than its own factory, it
the road. Four of them were          works with partners already
locally built in Auckland.           set up with workshops to
Others being built are all           handle the conversions. CAL is
sorts for various markets.”          handling Isuzu product in the
    Councils are finding             North Island, while Blackwells          Bought with the aid of a government low emission vehicles
electric propulsion to be a          will handle it in the South Island   contestable fund administered by the Energy Efficiency and
boon for the relatively short,       – the latter building some units     Conservation Authority (EECA), the e-truck goes to contractor
stop-start trips that kind of            for Foodstuffs.                  Professional Property & Cleaning Services (PPCS).
vehicle endures. The locally             The vehicles arrive in New          The same company introduced two electric vans last year
assembled ones were put              Zealand with their diesel            and has ordered six more EVs.
together by body-builder             drivetrain intact. It is removed                                                  Continued on page 19
Manco Enviromental at its            from the truck and taken into            Continued on 12

                                                                                                      EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 11

Kiwi-build for EV trucks
Continued from 11
parts stock by the dealer.
    Not that Isuzu is the
only brand they will work
with. There are also IVECO
and Hino trucks with SEA
drivetrains installed on the
road here.
    “Our system's designed
to fit into a standard rigid
chassis. So we don't mind
what brand of truck it is,”
Fairweather explains.
    For operators, that
means they can stick with a
supplier and chassis they are
comfortable with, speeding
integration into fleets.
    The vehicles are
very configurable, with
batteries that range from
70kWh to 216kWh on offer.
SEA’s battery density has
been growing over time,
providing more range with
no additional bulk and little       the user chooses. The small        commercial environment's            Smooth operator
extra weight. Systems are           delivery trucks will go 200-       got a 32 amp PDL 56 series              We got the chance to go for
modular, with Fairweather           260km on a charge, and             screwed to the wall.”               a ride around Otahuhu in one
explaining one customer is          the rubbish trucks a similar           Charging is relatively fast,    of Sea Electric’s Isuzu NLR-
in the process of up-sizing         distance – though with the         and so is payback. For a            based small trucks, this one
their battery, their existing       addition of a considerable         medium-size electric delivery       headed for a life delivering
unit able to be sold to a new       number of uplifts of bins. The     truck, Fairweather says payback     groceries for Countdown.
customer at a reduced rate.         vans hit up to 350km.              on the additional investment            With its electric drivetrain
    A similar build model will be       Ranges like that take the      comes in around two-and-a-          well behind you, the SEA truck
taken with the arrival of their     vehicles beyond simple “last       half years. The savings are not     is even quieter than the other
electric delivery and minibus       mile” status, with Fairweather     just from fuel. Service costs are   electric commercial we have
vans. They are based on a           explaining one client is           lower, particularly brakes. With    experienced, the LDV EV80.
Chinese van that looks similar      working to have an electric        the large rubbish trucks, four          Without the weight of a
to, but is not the same as, the     truck do a Rotorua to Taupo        brake changes were scheduled        body behind us, there was
outgoing generation Hiace.          return trip in the morning, then   a year – the electric version       some jiggle to the way the
Action Manufacturing will           Rotorua to Tauranga in the         only required one.                  truck rode, but otherwise, it
handle the drivetrain fitment to    afternoon. Moreover, that is           “And according to them,         was very smooth – taking
the “glider” bodies.                without DC fast charging.          it didn't really need doing;        off the power delivery curve
    The four-tonne van will             SEA has not yet                they just took the wheels off       appears to have been
retail for $89,990 and the          equipped its vehicles for          to have a look to see what          programmed to perfection.
15-seat minibus for $99,990. A      the technology, working            was going on and decide of              The Isuzu demonstrates
number are already on order,        instead on the basis that          they'd change them while            one of those critical reasons
three going to Alsco to handle      its commercial clients will        they were at it.”                   such conversions work so
laundry and another to Sanford      have, or can fit, 32 amp three         impact on tyre use –            well. There is nothing in the
to carry chilled fish. The latter   phase charging, allowing           around 15-20%.                      cab of this truck that gives
will use a chiller powered off      for overnight fills or top-ups         “That one we weren't quite      away the game as to what it
the traction battery, making it     between jobs.                      expecting,” Fairweather says.       is – other than the silence.
entirely electric.                      “We end up with probably       “We think it is because of the          It is just a truck, with all
    So how far will a SEA           the biggest charging               linear nature of the motor –        the convenience and comfort
Electric unit go? That              infrastructure in the world,       rather than the horrible diesel     levels Isuzu’s experience have
depends on the size of the          actually,” Fairweather explains.   whack on them.”                     given it. Even the transmission
vehicle and the configuration       “Because just about every                                              shifter is the same.

12 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
                     Find your new EVs here!
                             NEW EV CAR TYPES                                                   330e                      PHEV     $91,600      40 km + 550 km
                                                                                                530e                      PHEV     $136,400     50 km + 600 km
                                                  PRICING        APPROX
      MAKE              MODEL             TYPE                                                  740e                      PHEV     $202,700     48 km + 550 km
                                                   RRP est.     RANGE KMS
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               Ioniq Elite               BEV     $65,990      220 km            Kia             Niro                      PHEV     $55,990      55 km + 850 km

               Kona                      BEV     $77,990      400 km            Mini            Countryman                PHEV     $59,900      30km + 500 km

               Kona Elite                BEV     $83,990      400 km            Mitsubishi      Outlander                 PHEV     $55,990      50 km + 500 km

Jaguar         I-Pace S                  BEV     $144,900     470 km            Mercedes Benz   C350 e Sedan              PHEV     $96,400      31 km + 700 km

               I-Pace SE                 BEV     $154,900     470 km                            C350 e Estate             PHEV     $99,400      31 km + 700 km

               I-Pace HSE                BEV     $164,900     470 km                            E350 e Sedan              PHEV     $143,500     30 km + 600 km

Kia            Niro EX289 (39 kWh)       BEV     $67,990      289 km                            GLE500 e                  PHEV     $149,900     30 km + 700 km

               Niro EX455 (64 kWh)       BEV     $73,990      455 km                            S500 e                    PHEV     $255,000     30 km + 700 km

LDV            EV80                      BEV     $80,489      180 km            Porsche         Cayenne S e-hybrid        PHEV     $177,800     20 km + 750 km
                                                                                                Panamera Turbo S
Renault        Zoe 40 kWh                BEV     $68,990      300 km                                                      PHEV     $428,400     30 km + 750 km
               Kangoo van                BEV     $74,990      160 km
                                                                                Toyota          Prius Prime               PHEV     $48,490      50 km + 1000 km
Tesla          S - Standard Range        BEV     $129,700     520 km
                                                                                Volvo           S90 T8                    PHEV     $125,900     34 km + 600 km
               S - Long Range            BEV     $146,500     630 km
                                                                                                XC90 T8                   PHEV     $134,900     44 km + 600 km
               S - Performance           BEV     $161,200     610 km
                                                                                                XC60 T8                   PHEV     $94,900      40 km + 600 km
               X - Standard Range        BEV     $139,200     375km                                       BEV - Battery Electric Vehicle
               X - Long Range            BEV     $156,000     565 km                                   PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
               X - Performance           BEV     $170,700     540 km
               3 - Standard Range Plus   BEV     $73,900      460km                                 EV FRANCHISE DEALER LIST
               3 - Performance           BEV     $94,200      560km                                                     NAME
Volkswagen     e-Golf                    BEV     $68,490      220 km
                                                                                AUDI / HYUNDAI / VOLKSWAGEN
Audi           A3 Sportback e-tron       PHEV    $69,900      45 km + 600 km
                                                                                Farmer Auto Village
               Q7 e-tron                 PHEV    $158,400     54 km + 800 km
                                                                                07 578 6017
BMW            i3 - Range Extender       PHEV    $84,500      200 km + 130 km                                                        Mt Maunganui
               i3s - REX                 PHEV    $91,900      200 km + 130 km   116 Hewletts Road, Mt Maunganui
               i8                        PHEV    $281,200     37 km + 400 km    HYUNDAI
               i8 2018 Coupe             PHEV    $286,200     55 km + 400 km
                                                                                Energy Motors
               i8 2018 Roadster          PHEV    $309,900     53 km + 400 km    06 759 8070 | hyundai@energymotors.co.nz             New Plymouth
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                     Maunganui,  TaurangaCity
             Tel: 07 578 6017
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 Talk to Deborah Baxter about                                                                DEBORAH BAXTER
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 OUR NEW DEALER PAGE                                                                         deborah@automediagroup.co.nz

                                                                                                                      EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 13
 Find your quality used EVs here!
                            USED EV CAR TYPES                                                                    USED DEALERS LIST
                                                                  APPROX RANGE                                   NAME                        CITY
       MAKE             MODEL             TYPE PRICING RRP EST.
                                                                                    Autolink Cars | 09 378 9090
BMW           i3 - 22 kWh                BEV      $35k - $45k     120 km            autolinkcarsltd@gmail.com

              i3 - 33 kWh                BEV      $52k - $80k     200 km            GVI Electric
                                                                                    09 216 7106 | ev@gvi.kiwi
Hyundai       Ioniq                      BEV      $47k - $55k     220 km            Harwood Cars | 027 492 2218
              Ioniq Elite                BEV      $57k - $66k     220 km            www.harwoodcars.com
                                                                                    Auckland City Electric Vehicles
              Kona                       BEV      $74k            400 km            0800 248 9387 | www.acev.co.nz                   Auckland
                                                                                    83 Barrys Point Road, Takapuna
Kia           Soul EV                    BEV      $30k            150 km
                                                                                    Wholesale Autos
Mercedes Benz B250 e                     BEV      $44k - $47k     140 km            272 Great South Rd, Takanini

Mitsubishi    i-Miev                     BEV      $11k - $14k     100 km            Hamilton Electric Vehicles
                                                                                    6 Rawhiti Street, Frankton
              B-Miev Van                 BEV      $16k            100 km            Farmer Auto Village
Nissan        LEAF Generation 1          BEV      $9k - $16k      120 km            07 578 6017                                      Tauranga
              LEAF Gen 2 - 24 kWh        BEV      $13k - $34k     135 km            Sheaff Vehicles | 07 575 6722
                                                                                                                                     Mt Maunganui
              LEAF Gen 2 - 30 kWh        BEV      $26k - $36k     180 km
                                                                                    Drive EV
              LEAF ZE1 - 40 kWh          BEV      $43k - $63k     250 km            027 521 0429 | 07 378 0082                       Taupo
              e-NV200 - 24 kWh           BEV      $27k            140 km            steve@driveev.co.nz
                                                                                    GVI Electric
              e-NV200 - 40 kWh           BEV      $60k            200 km                                                             Lower Hutt
                                                                                    0800 525 5885 | www.gvielectric.kiwi
Renault       Zoe 40 kWh                 BEV      $37k - $68k     300 km            Coventry Cars Hybrid & Electric
                                                                                    04 384 4536                                      Wellington
              Kangoo ZE Van              BEV      $42k - $46k     160 km            salesteam@coventrycars.co.nz
Smart         Fortwo                     BEV      $20k            100 km            EV City | 03 972 5505
Tesla         S P85D                     BEV      $95k - $120k    330 km
                                                                                    Metro Christchurch
              S 90D                      BEV      $125k           420 km            03 348 5855                                      Christchurch
              X 75D                      BEV      $109k           340 km
                                                                                    Auto Court | 03 455 3000
              X 90D                      BEV      $129k           410 km            info@autocourt.net.nz
                                                                                    Electric Motor Vehicle Company
              X 100D                     BEV      $149k           480 km
                                                                                    03 218 7130 / 027 515 8799                       Invercargill
              X P100D                    BEV      $230k           460 km            info@electricmv.co.nz
Volkswagon    e-Golf - 36kWh             BEV      $63k - $70k     220 km

Audi          A3 Sportback E-Tron        PHEV     $41k - $50k     45 km + 600 km

              Q7 e-tron                  PHEV     $125k           54 km + 800 km

BMW           i3 REX - 22 kWh            PHEV     $33k - $50k     120 km + 120 km

              i3 REX - 33 kWh            PHEV     $50k - $68k     200 km + 120 km

              225xe                      PHEV     $50k            41 km + 550 km

              330e                       PHEV     $50k - $76k     37 km + 550 km

              530e                       PHEV     $140k           50 km + 600 km

              X5 xDrive40e               PHEV     $140k           30 km + 800 km

              i8                         PHEV     $110k - $140k   37 km + 400 km

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Mercedes Benz C350 e Sedan               PHEV     $63k - $75k     31 km + 700 km


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                           BEV - Battery Electric Vehicle
                        PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  14 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz

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                                                                                      EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 15

Hybrid Bikes set to go global
         elson’s Frank Witowski started          tail mountain bike version, expanding               “For us little guys to make such a
         making electric bikes out of carbon     its market. Witowski says this is “new          headway, it’s just amazing.
         fibre two years ago because he          territory” but it appears to be doing well.         “It’s not cheap to enter this market. We
wanted one but couldn’t find them to buy.            Electric bikes don’t have to be heavy       took a chance – either way it works or it
    His Hybrid Bikes brand is                             and feel like farm machinery.          doesn’t.”
now in 26 New Zealand stores.                             Carbon fibre bike frames,                  Witowski’s talking with possible
    Witowski says the bikes are                           historically only available to high-   distributors in Europe and the US. One
about three to five kilograms lighter                     level athletes, are super strong       company from the latter could ensure $5
than standard e-bikes and made                            and light for a superior, efficient,   million funding, if successful.
in China under licence to reduce                          responsive ride.                           “We could cover America in one hit,
costs, selling here for $4950.                               Consumer.org.nz rated 16            if that happens, I’ll be blown away! This
    “We want to be the top carbon                         e-bikes, and Hybrid Bikes’ F18         would be a really big deal,” Witowski
fibre e-bike brand in the world,”      Frank Witowski     Cruiser and M18 Speedmaster            says.
Witowski says. “We want to be                             came second and third                      “We do carbon, no one else does
number one. Right now, we are doing              respectively, only behind Specialized’s         carbon. Nobody is touching it.”
this.”                                           turbo Vado 3.0.                                     Hybrid e-bikes are designed for New
    Hybrid Bikes is New Zealand owned                “To see this ranking, all the hard work     Zealand conditions, whether commuting,
and operated, founded with the intent to is starting to pay off,” Witowski says.                 trail riding or winery touring.
design superior e-bikes for adventurous          “Specialized rule the world! They are a             Witowski donated one to his local
and urban Kiwis.                                 billion dollar company. We beat the other       search and rescue organisation to
    The company has developed a half-            versions,” he says.                             prove it.

  KPMG sets the pace on e-bikes
            any businesses are looking to          “reducing single-driver
            electric bikes as a transport          commuting by 30%”, and
            alternative for staff.                 “reducing our emissions
      Advantages are a means of reducing           from travel by 10%”.
  emissions, promoting sustainable                     That includes providing
  commuting and travel, reducing city              alternative options for
  traffic congestion and providing a               its people to get to local
  healthier way to get about.                      business or client meetings
      KPMG NZ, which provides                      and commute to and
  professional services, has obtained              from work in a way that’s
  five electric bikes at its Auckland              healthy for them and the
  office in a pilot to help it meet                environment.
  its 2020 environmental goals of                      “Staff can use them as
                                                              they wish as we
                                                              are promoting           KPMG staff at e-bike training
                                                              both sustainable
                                                              commuting, travel and well-           KPMG’s fleet manager so helps train
                                                              being through the project,”           staff and operate the e-bikes, ensuring
                                                              KPMG Auckland Green Team              they are charged up.
                                                              leader and sustainable value              KPMG staff have access to end-
                                                              senior advisor Lucy Hamnett           of-trip facilities such as lockers,
                                                              says.                                 dry rooms and showers which also
                                                                  KPMG is keen to roll out          incentivise the e-bike commute.
                                                              the e-bike project to all seven           While KPMG hasn’t studied other
                                                              offices, increasing e-bike            EV options yet, Hamnett says who
                                                              numbers in the process.               knows what the future holds.
                                  An e-bike in KPMG livery        Big Street Bikers (BSB) is

16 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
ITS New Zealand leads the Future Transport conversation, promoting
research, development and adoption of solutions for safer, more
efficient and sustainable transport.

                                                                                             What’s Happening?
  The World                                                                                  5G, Sensor Data, Security and more

  Congress is coming                                                 Simon McManus
                                                                                             June 18, 2019

                                                                                             See www.ITSNZ.org for details
                                               up to eight spaces for organisations
  TRANSPORT SYSTEMS NEW ZEALAND INC            and businesses to exhibit. This creates
                                               a cost-effective opportunity to get

        very three years the ITS World         international profile, by our partnership
        Congress comes to Asia-Pacific,        with ITS Australia and ITS Asia-Pacific.
        and this year the world’s largest          The expo stand is in a prime location,    october 21-25 2019
  annual event for Intelligent Transport       beside leading global organisations
  Technologies and emerging transport          and the conference catering space, for
  and smart city technologies will be held     highest visibility.
  in Singapore in October.                         The four-day congress, October 21-
                                               24, encapsulates eight themes.
                                                   These include connected vehicles,
                                               standardisation, sustainable smart            ITS World Congress
                                               cities, transport safety, multimodal
                                               transport, pricing and travel demand          The 2019 Congress theme of
                                               management, cybersecurity, big data           “Smart Mobility, Empowering Cities”
                                               and crowdsourcing.                            reflects Singapore’s commitment to
                                                   The programme will include plenary        create the most liveable smart city in
                                               sessions, workshops and will attract          support of higher quest for an ever
                                               some 10,000 delegates and attendees.          connected community.
   Amelia Samandari and Amy Strang             So, to make the most of networking
                                               opportunities, ITS are hosting events
       ITS New Zealand is creating             for members, officials and exhibitors.       as speakers and moderators.
  opportunities for New Zealand                The events will be both at the stand, as        ITS Asia-Pacific is also running an
  organisations to get involved.               well as exclusive offsite VIP events for     extensive eight-day ITS Youth Leadership
       The ITS World Congress attracts         members and exhibitors.                      Programme. ITS New Zealand has selected
  thousands of people representing                 In conjunction with the congress,        Amelia Samandari and Amy Strang, both
  businesses, governments and academia.        several themed events will be running.       from the University of Canterbury.
  It is an opportunity to showcase leading     Among them are the ISO TC 204                   The programme will see them meeting
  transport and smart city innovations,        Plenary and Working Groups Meeting on        ITS leaders, innovators and participating
  expertise and the business and               standardisation of ITS, a MaaS Forum, an     in an “ideathon” competition.
  investment opportunities that exist for      Autonomous Mobility Summit and more -           Get in touch if you would like to find
  international companies.                     some of these are invitation-only.           out more about exhibiting at or attending
       As in 2016 and 2017, ITS New Zealand        ITS New Zealand president Mohammed       the ITS World Congress. We will also be
  will be there, committing significant        Hikmet is a member of the ITS World          providing updates for our members and
  investment to help our members and           Congress Programme Committee as well as      those subscribed to our database.
  New Zealand organisations to make the        being on the ITS Asia-Pacific board, which      Visit www.itsworldcongress2019.com
  most of this important annual opportunity.   has helped to ensure that New Zealanders     for the ITS World Congress preliminary
       Our New Zealand expo space has          are represented through the programme,       programme.

  gold members
                                                                                                       contact us
                                                                                                        ITS NZ INC
  silver members                                    JOIN THE FUTURE                                     +64 (0)21 709 386

                                                    TRANSPORT CONVERSATION
                                                                                                EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 17
                                                         Connected Vehicles

Who should control Mobility as
a Service?
          obility as a Service (MaaS) is a       alternative independently          By Dr Glen Koorey, Director, ViaStrada Ltd
          means of providing people with         developed offerings.               Glen Koorey works for Christchurch
          easy access to a variety of trans-                                        transport consultancy ViaStrada and
port services, such as public transport, ride-   3.    Independent software         specialises in sustainable transport, road
share, and rental vehicles/devices, typically          developers                   safety, and future transport technology.
via smartphone “app” or internet website.            Another approach is to
   A pertinent question is: Who should           have third-party providers
develop and manage MaaS services?                develop and maintain apps themselves.            ticketing systems, but it is slow going.
   Three approaches have appeared                While some independent MaaS systems                 Effective use of any MaaS system
to date:                                         are essentially just aggregators of              requires access to good transport service
                                                 transport service information with little        data. To enable consistent availability
1.    Private transport operators                ability to book/pay for services (eg,            of transport information, standardised
    Many transport providers develop             Transit app, Google Maps), some are              means of presenting such data have
MaaS apps for their own services; exam-          integrating the full travel experience.          been developed, eg, General Transit
ples include Ola (rideshare) and NextBike            For example, with the Whim app in            Feed Specification (GTFS).
(bike-share). This is particularly relevant      Helsinki, travellers can plan and pay for           Many private providers have
for operators that provide multiple trans-       trips across public transport, bikeshare,        developed proprietary data formats for
port options they wish to vertically in-         taxis, and carshare. Whim offers various         their own apps rather than making them
tegrate. For example, Uber’s acquisition         pay-as-you-go and monthly subscription           available to others via open APIs. One
of Jump bike/e-scooter shares enable             options and takes a small commission             way to encourage greater openness by
it to provide a wider range of transport         from trips booked with transport                 transport providers is for jurisdictions
options through its app.                         providers.                                       to require open APIs when seeking
    While dedicated operator apps en-                The success of independent app               to operate in their area (as done in
able easy automatic payment mecha-               providers is again dependent on the              Washington DC for private bike-share
nisms to be set up, different apps are           ability to tap into available transport          companies).
required for each operator. A traveller          service data feeds and APIs. There
also has to manually check each app to           is strong motivation for independent             Conclusion
compare potential journey options.               developers to develop a useful MaaS                 MaaS systems are still rapidly evolving,
                                                 offering that will be widely picked up by        as various transport providers and service
2.   Public government transport                 users and operators alike, so the apps are       aggregators vie for market share and
     organisations                               often high quality and updated frequently.       public agencies attempt to find their role
    An alternative approach is to have                                                            as providers and regulators/promoters.
centralised transport organisations              Comparison of approaches                            For this reason, no obvious best fit
develop their own MaaS systems                      Different approaches have differing           solution is apparent yet in the provision
incorporating a wide range of transport          advantages and disadvantages and                 of MaaS, and many organisations have
options available, eg, NZTA’s “Choice” app       certain trends are apparent within the           stepped in to fill perceived gaps.
for Queenstown’s bus, ferry, taxi and other      three main options. Table 1 attempts to             In New Zealand, it is probably not in
transport services. Choice does not handle       summarise the key differences.                   the sector’s best interests for government
payments directly to operators though.              The biggest challenge is integrated           organisations to attempt their own MaaS
    This approach relies on all transport        booking and payment systems. While                                              Continued on 25
operators providing their system data            many providers have
via some publicly available data feed            seamlessly provided
or Application Programming Interface             this within their own
(API). It is difficult to obtain all relevant    apps, few systems
service data from private operators and          have attempted to
ensure that it is up-to-date. Even trickier      co-ordinate real-time
is the ability for MaaS systems to handle        booking and payment
payments across multiple providers.              of multiple providers.
    While public organisations invest               Some third-party
significant money into developing MaaS           providers (like Masabi)
platforms, often the “official” app is           are attempting to
considered far more clunky to use than           provide common           Table 1: Comparison of different MaaS development approaches

18 | EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz

Audi to offer complete electric solution
Continued from page 4                           the Audi is quiet - very quiet.
front seats are large and comfortable,              A blast away from the
while the rear seats are very spacious –        lights proved performance-
more so than the Mercedes-Benz EQC.             wise the Audi is no Tesla, but
Even with the optional panoramic sunroof,       arguably it does not need to
headroom is excellent. Knee space for           be, and will likely still beat
the centre rear passenger is right due to       most SUVs off the mark. I
the position of the climate controls.           would hazard a guess that
    The boot, at 660 litres with the seats      despite the deficiency in
up, is proper Kiwi-family size.                 power over a Model S or
    Behind the wheel, there is a slight         X, in real-world conditions,
learning curve over the standard model,         particularly on more dynamic
with a unique transmission shifter – the        roads, the e-tron will not be
main shifter is rigid, and you select           left behind.                                             claim if you are coming down a steep hill,
Drive by pushing its centre-right section           The Efficiency Assist system has a                   you can gain one km of range for every
forward and back. Pulling away in the           range of automatic and manual models                     km travelled.
e-tron is quiet and smooth.                     that maximise range through reducing                         Our drive in the e-tron was
    The length of the drive means we            response or beefing up regenerative                      impressive but all too short. We will get
can’t give you too much insight into how        braking. Regen can also be boosted                       to drive the car properly – and in right-
it handles, but we can see the steering is      using steering-wheel-mounted paddles.                    hand drive rather than left-hand drive –
light and has a nice feel to it, the ride is    Audi claims the car can generate up to                   in late July. Keep an eye on EVtalk.co.nz
excellent on imperfect city roads, and that     220kW of energy when regening, and                       for that report.

  Wellington welcomes its first e-rubbish truck
  Continued from 11
     PPCS committed to introducing EVs
  where possible in taking up a contract
  for cleaning and rubbish removal at
  WCC’s Parks, Sports and Recreation
  and City Housing sites.
     “We see this new truck as a major
  step towards our target of converting
  70% of our fleet to electric or hybrid by
  2025,” PPCS general manager Sarel
  Bloem says.
     “We’re a family owned New Zealand
  company and we’re passionate about
  protecting the environment. That’s why
                                               Justin Lester, left, and James Shaw join the welcome for the city’s first all-electric rubbish truck
  we bought this truck and why we’ve
  just ordered an additional six electric        councillor David Lee says Wellington is                the quicker we will be able to reach our
  vehicles. This means in the next few           continuing the journey to becoming a                   emission reducing goals.”
  months 100% of the vehicles we use to          zero-carbon capital by 2050.                              The Manco SEA EV10 Electricat is
  service Wellington will be electric.”              “We will only get there with help from             based on a SEA Electric (NZ) SEA Drive
     Wellington mayor Justin Lester says         companies like PPCS getting on board.                  system with the rest built by Auckland-
  the city has been installing EV chargers       I’d encourage other companies with                     based Manco Environmental.
  for residents’ use but needs to lead by        large fleets to do the same.”                             Similar electric trucks are run by
  example.                                           Climate Change minister James Shaw                 Civic Contractors in Auckland which
      “That’s why we’re converting our           says it is important for New Zealand’s                 has 200 vehicles it aims to switch to
  own fleet to electric and I’m delighted        service fleet to convert to EVs.                       electric by 2025, and the Palmerston
  that PPCS are joining us in this. This is          “Unlike private vehicles, rubbish trucks,          North City Council.
  about making our city cleaner for us and       taxis and delivery vehicles are on the road               The trucks have a 120kW battery
  future generations.”                           most of the working day,” he says.                     pack and a more than 180km range and
     Climate change portfolio holder                 “The more of them that are electric,               are recharged at their depots.

                                                                                                              EVTALK JUNE 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 19
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