                   GUIDE TO
                   LITTLE KIDS
                     BIG KIDS

                   ROTORUA ON
                     A PLATE

                   WHAT'S ON

                                          RADIX XTERRA ROTORUA FESTIVAL
                                          6th April 2019

                                                                      The Radix Xterra Rotorua festival
                                                                      is the biggest multisport event
                                                                      in New Zealand and the biggest
                                                                      Xterra event held in any location
                                                                      throughout the world. Each
                                                                      year eight events are offered for
                                                                      competitors to choose from which
                                                                      are set in and around Rotorua’s
                                                                      beautiful Lake Tikitapu (Blue Lake)
                                                                      and Whakarewarewa Forest. It is
                                                                      without question amongst amazing
                                                                      scenery for both competitor and

     4th May 2019

    Why not enter Australasia’s most
    iconic marathon event and bring
    friends & family to make a weekend
    of it! There are distances for
    everyone to have fun including the
    5.5km fun run, the half and quarter
    marathon through the magnificent
    Redwoods and the famous ‘lap
    of the lake’ for the more serious
    among us!

                                                           TIKI AHUA
                                                           5-6 July 2019

                                                                      Tiki Āhua returns to the hallowed
                                                                      mist and steam of Rotorua’s Te Puia
                                                                      –this time as a two-night spectacle
                                                                      on July 5 and July 6. Coinciding with
                                                                      Matariki, Māori New Year, Tiki Āhua
                                                                      showcases outstanding fashion and
                                                                      design by emerging and established
                                                                      designers. Tiki Āhua merges
                                                                      traditional and contemporary Māori
                                                                      arts and design, with outstanding
                                                                      performances. Interwoven with
                                                                      exceptional cuisine, wine and
                                                                      manaakitanga, the Saturday event
                                                                      will be followed by a headline

                            the latest edition of the Rotorua Visitor Magazine.

To feel the earth beneath our feet, the       When the temperature drops, Rotorua’s       In this magazine, you’ll find some of the
wind on our face, fire’s warmth on our        thermal attractions are the perfect         reasons why we love Rotorua. Whether
skin and water’s calming nourishment…         places to keep cosy and warm this           you’re visiting for one of our awesome
nature is where we go to feel refreshed,      winter. As New Zealand’s home of spa        events, a family holiday, getting romantic
invigorated and relaxed. Rotorua is           and wellness there is no better place to    on a couple’s getaway or looking for
a place where you can combine all             relax and unwind than Rotorua. From         fun on a long weekend with friends,
the elements to create the ultimate           natural hot pools to luxurious spas, you    we know that you’ll love it here too.
experience full of wonder, excitement         should definitely pack your togs for        Only a three-hour drive from Auckland,
and adventure. The pristine lakes, fertile    your winter holiday here. If relaxing in    or a direct flight from Christchurch or
forests, geothermal wonders and an            a thermal pool isn’t for you then there     Wellington – Rotorua is your one stop
abundance of attractions and activities       are plenty of other activities to choose,   shop for all things fun and relaxing.
mean it’s the ideal spot for your next        from low impact to high adrenaline and      We look forward to seeing you here
holiday.                                      everything in between.                      soon.

   2    FEATURED EVENTS                      10 LONG WEEKEND
   4    WHAT’S ON –
        EVENTS CALENDAR                      12   ROTORUA ON A PLATE
                                                                                               +64 (07) 348 5179
   6    HOLIDAY IDEAS                        14 LITTLE KIDS BIG KIDS
   8    FIND YOUR ELEMENT                    16 ON HOLIDAY WITH
                                                NEHE MILNER-SKUDDER

        To keep up to date with everything that’s on in Rotorua check out

    Rotorua Fringe Festival                 Matariki                                3D Multisport Festival
    6-13 APRIL 2019                         JUNE-JULY 2019                          2 JUNE 2019

    In various locations around Rotorua
    featuring world class theatre from      Rotorua is celebrating Te Tau Hou       This festival of events attracts
    across Aotearoa. Get your fix of        Māori – the Māori New Year with a       over a thousand participants
    local artists trying out bold, brave    cool range of fun events for all the    from across New Zealand to
    and new works across the city.          whānau! Matariki is a time to gather    enjoy some of the best paddling
       Facebook @NZFringe                   with whānau and friends to reflect      lakes, running and mountain
                                            on the past, celebrate the present,     biking trails the country has to
                                            and plan for the future. Join us        offer. All courses are designed to
                                            in celebrating this special time -      ensure everyone from complete
    Double Rainbow Trail Run                there’s a lot to love and learn about   beginners to weekend warriors
    8 JUNE 2019                             Matariki.                               and elite athletes can challenge
                                           themselves as little or as much as
                                                                                    they wish amongst the beautiful
                                                                                    surroundings - as well as having a
                                                                                    lot of fun. Something for all of the
                                            We Run The Forest                       family!
                                            3 AUGUST 2019                    

                                                                                    Gravel Royale
                                                                                    3 AUGUST 2019
    A trail run with a difference…. you
    might get to see the double rainbow
    of its namesake! Experience the
    breath taking beauty of views                                                   Rotorua has long been considered
    and places that can’t usually be                                                a mecca in the world of mountain
    accessed by the public. The course                                              biking but it’s now time for the
    incorporates a variety of tracks        We Run The Forest is back and set       gravel grinders to rejoice with
    including stunning DOC tracks           to be another sell out in 2019. Join    Rotorua’s very own 100% gravel
    which take you through geothermal       us in the stunning world famous         road cycling event. Get your cyclo
    activity, as well as private farmland   Redwood Forest for the coolest          cross, mountain bike or eBike
    tracks and forest roads. Choose         winter forest run or walk. There is     to take on the inaugural Gravel
    from the 42km, 25km, 17km or            no reason why winter should hold        Royale. 17km and 42km options
    10km off-road running trails and        you back. 5km, 10km and 21km            available.
    experience the double rainbow.          options available.                         

                     Rotorua Night Market – Thursdays 5-9pm, Tutanekai St. Food & boutique shopping
                     Rotorua Farmers Market – Sundays 9-1pm, Te Manawa. Fresh produce & crafts

Winter MTB Classic                                                                  Steamers vs Waikato
4 AUGUST 2019                                                                       18 AUGUST 2019

Just minutes from Rotorua’s CBD, this is the perfect winter MTB challenge for
all. Social or serious weekend warrior to World Cup racer. The Winter Classic       Get down to Rotorua International
is the place to be this winter. 15km, 30km and 45km options available.              Stadium and catch the Chiefs’
                                                                                    region grudge match as Bay of                                                                  Plenty and Waikato go head to

Tough Guy & Gal Challenge                  Indigenous Arts Festival
24 AUGUST 2019                             SEPTEMBER 2019
                                                                                    Run Beneath The Stars
                                                                                    14 SEPTEMBER 2019

Challenge yourself on a course             Celebrating indigenous arts
that includes swamp crossings, a           through a range of genre over one
spiders web net climb, crawling            special month in the inaugural
under barbed wire, beautiful native        Rotorua Indigenous Arts Festival.
bush trails, tunnels, hurdles, a           Combining the Rotorua Indigenous
climbing frame... not to mention           Film Festival, IHI Performing Arts
mud, mud and more mud!                     Festival and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori      Join us in the famous                   Language Week.                           Whakarewrewa Forest for this
                                                                                    unique trail run/walk under the
                                                                                    stars. Get your head lamps or
                                                                                    torches ready! An off road night

                           HEADS UP                                                 run/walk event starting from the
                                                                                    Redwoods Centre, Long Mile Rd.
                                                                                    Run or walk your way around the
Rotorua Ekiden                           Okere Falls Beer Festival                  10.5km course on a mixture of
OCTOBER 2019                             LABOUR WEEKEND 2019
                                                                                    single trail and forestry roads. Make
The famous Rotorua Marathon              With great beer, traditional German        your way to the top of the forest,
course is split into six segments        food & music, this week-long festival is   where you will be treated to the
and will be full of fun and whacky       a favourite among locals and visitors.     stunning view of Rotorua at night.
dress ups.                                                                   

       CENTRE &
       A visit to the i-SITE on arrival to
       Rotorua will help you uncover
       the hidden gems that will make
       your visit truly memorable.

       The friendly team of Rotorua
       experts are more than happy
       to help you with any questions,
                                               Novotel                                   RotoVegas Motel
       recommendations, and
                                               The 4.5-star Novotel is in the heart of   RotoVegas Motel offers groovy & retro
       bookings – so pop in and find
                                               Rotorua, close to shops and adjacent      rooms. With a tasteful collection of
       the perfect activity for you!
                                               to the city's dining strip. All rooms     modern touches that aim to make
                                               have views of Lake Rotorua or the         your stay a little bit more memorable.
       OPEN 7 DAYS
                                               city, feature in-room safes, WiFi         Located on Fenton St it is a short walk
       1167 Fenton St, Rotorua
                                               connectivity and minibar. The hotel       into the CBD, Government Gardens
       07 348 5179
                                               is home to Atlas Restaurant, Clarkes      and shopping mall.
       For more information visit
                                               Bar and Courtyard, an indoor heated
                                               swimming pool, geothermal plunge
                                               pools and fitness studio.

    Blue Lake Top 10 Holiday Park              Quest Rotorua Central                     Kaitiaki Adventures
    Nestled on the edge of the beautiful       Quest is positioned right in the CBD of   Enjoy a thrilling raft or sledge
    Lake Tikitapu (also known as               Rotorua within easy walking distance      adventure with Kaitiaki's
    Rotorua's Blue Lake), Blue Lake Top        of restaurants and shops. A range of      knowledgeable raft and sledge guides
    10 Holiday Park has over 14 acres          room options are available including      on the Kaituna River. This world-class
    of well-maintained grounds set in a        studios, two bedroom interconnecting      experience will be one you won't
    tranquil native bush setting. There is a   apartments and one bedroom                forget in a hurry. If amazing views are
    wide range of campground and motel         apartments with a spacious balcony        more your style then head up to the
    accommodation to suit all budgets.         and private outdoor spa pool.             top of Mt Tarawera for a close-up look
                                                                                         at the site of the eruption that shaped
                                                                                         the region.

       Corner Fenton & Arawa Sts, Rotorua
       +64 7 348 5179

Polynesian Spa                               Katoa Lake Rotorua                         Mountain Jade
Choose from the Family Spa, Adult            Katoa Lake Rotorua, on the shores          If you’re looking for a special gift
Pools and Priest Spa, Private Pools or       of scenic Lake Rotorua, offers a           then Mountain Jade is the place to
the Lake Spa. Two types of mineral           variety of jet boat rides combining        visit. Each of their pieces of jade/
waters feed into the Polynesian Spa's        sight-seeing and the cultural aspects      greenstone/pounamu are hand
pools, each with their own therapeutic       of the surrounding area. Choose            finished to the highest level. That
properties. For those who want some          an adrenaline trip, a soak in some         means smooth lines, soft finishes, no
extra relaxation and pampering there         lakeside geothermal hot pools, a           scratches and no cuts. Our products
is the luxurious Lake Spa Retreat            parasailing adventure or discover the      are individual and unique, with merits
where a wonderful range of facials and       magic of Mokoia Island.                    and quirks helping to shape their
body treatments are offered.                                                            stories.

MDA Experiences                              Pure Cruise                                Rotorua Rafting
Multi-Day Experiences’ exclusive tours       Pure Cruise offers visitors the chance     Rotorua Rafting is home to the largest
give clients a chance to experience the      to experience a unique lake cruise on      commercially rafted waterfall in the
stunning Rotorua region in exciting          Tiua, a luxurious 53-foot catamaran.       world - 7m Tutea Falls. Make your way
and unique ways. They offer fantastic,       Pure Cruise is based at the VR             through the native trees lining the
safe adventure tours combined with           Rotorua Lake Resort, Okawa Bay             gorge of the beautiful Kaituna River
superb accommodation and cuisine, all        and offers a luxurious eco-tourism         and let Rotorua Rafting show you their
managed by exceptional guides. Multi-        sailing experience with exclusive          backyard.
Day Experiences will show you the best       private charters. Lake Rotoiti is one of
the region has to offer on a tour tailored   Rotorua's most stunning lakes and is
to your preferences and abilities.           rich in cultural history and wildlife.
                      Find yours in Rotorua

To feel the earth beneath our feet, the wind on our face, fire’s
warmth on our skin and water’s calming nourishment... nature is
where we go to feel refreshed, invigorated and relaxed.

Our busy modern lives have eroded       welcoming vibe of the restaurant
the amount of time we spend             and café scene.
surrounded by the elements, but         Head to the mighty Redwoods
there is one place where you can        in the Whakarewarewa Forest.
combine all four in a unique and        Smell the rich forest notes in the
unforgettable way, to create the        air as you stroll or cycle past these
ultimate experience full of wonder      majestic giants.
and adventure.
                                        For the more adventurous, feel
Rotorua offers plenty of                revitalised by the crisp white water
opportunities to experience nature      of the Kaituna River as you raft its
at its best with our stunning forest,   rapids, or zipline your way through
lakes and geothermal landscape.         an ancient forest with Rotorua
                                        Canopy Tours. To end your day,
Be awe-inspired by the volcanic         enjoy a soul-warming mud bath
wonderland of Sulphur Point, or         at Hell’s Gate and experience the
take a trip up the Skyline gondola      earth’s enriching touch like never
to take in the views of the lake,       before.
Mokoia Island, Mount Tarawera and
                                        To ‘Find your element’ means
                                        to create a connection with the
Take a stroll down Eat Streat,          natural world around you through
indulging in locally sourced and        the authentic opportunities and
prepared cuisine. With the tranquil     experiences available. You’ll make
waters of Lake Rotorua just a           memories in Rotorua that will last a
stone’s throw away, enjoy the lively,
There’s nowhere else in the world where earth, wind, fire
and water exist in such a potent way. Rotorua is the place
 to combine all the elements, bringing people and place
       together to create the ultimate experience.

               Inspired by niho taniwha (teeth of the taniwha),
               this pattern represents the myths and legends of
               the Māori people. The tapatoru (triangles) symbolise
               strength and resilience, and mirror the shape of our
               mountains and forests.

               Four koru designs represent nga hau e wha (the
               four winds), which were thought to be controlled
               by tohunga (priests) to help their tribe. This symbol
               is representative of bringing people together.

               The kaokao pattern reflects the burning passion
               of Māori warriors – arms strong, standing united
               – as they perform the haka, a fierce display of
               pride and strength.

               Called the ‘life giver of all things’, this symbol represents
               wai giving energy to the koru as it unfurls. The three
               ripples relate to the lakes, rivers and geothermal waters,
               which each have their own mauri (life force).

           You can’t beat a long weekend getaway to Rotorua. Leave the hustle & bustle behind as you
         embark on a weekend full of fun & adventure! With two full days up your sleeve there’s plenty to
        see and do. A three-hour drive from Auckland or a direct flight from Wellington or Christchurch on
                  Air New Zealand, Rotorua is a great place to spend your next long weekend!


                                                  For a more relaxed yet informative
     MORNING                                      experience head to Waimangu Volcanic
     Start the weekend off right by heading       Valley to experience the world’s
     out to New Zealand River Jet where           youngest geothermal system! Be sure
     you can experience the spills & thrills of   to check out Frying Pan Lake and             EVENING
     a jet boat ride amongst the serenity of      Inferno Crater before embarking on           Finish the evening at Redwoods
     New Zealand’s untouched nature. Enjoy        a boat cruise on Lake Rotomahana.            Treewalk where you can walk through
     a guided walk as you squeeze through         Download the Waimangu App which              the canopy of the 100-year old
     tight rock passages and enjoy a              uses augmented reality to help you           Redwood Trees whilst marvelling at the
     refreshing dip in a hot spring waterfall.    rediscover the Pink and White Terraces.      stunning David Trubridge nightlights –
     This is the perfect mix of adventure and     Before heading back to town enjoy a          inspired by native New Zealand birds.
     relaxation!                                  drink and bite to eat at the on-site cafe.   Open from 9am - 10pm 7 days a week.


                                            MIDDAY                                       EVENING
                                            For a mid-day cultural experience            Finish the day off right with Paddle
                                            head along to Te Puia where you can          Board Rotorua. You’ll be picked up
                                            experience their Steambox Tour. Here         from your accommodation and you
                                            you create your own Hangi meal which         will be transported to the lake to begin
                                            is then placed in active steam vents -       your paddle board experience. The
MORNING                                     cooking your food the authentic way.         guided tour will lead you to secret
Start Sunday right with a peaceful walk     While that cooks, your guide will share      cave networks where you can marvel
around the Blue Lake (Lake Tikitapu).       stories of the place and its people. You     at the glowworms - a truly magical
The Blue Lake is a 10 minute drive          can take a tour of the New Zealand           and unforgettable experience. You’ll be
from central Rotorua and will leave         Maori Arts & Crafts Institute and then       pretty hungry at the end so check out
you in awe of the natural beauty that       enjoy your steambox lunch sitting in         our foodie suggestions on pages 12 and
surrounds you on this easy 5.5km trail.     front of the Pohutu Geyser.                  13 of this magazine.

After an action packed weekend in Rotorua you may have time for one more activity whichever way you choose to head
home. If you’re heading south, be sure to pop into Waikite Valley to enjoy a relaxing soak before the final drive home. If you’re
north-bound don’t leave town before you increase that heart rate by visiting either Zorb, OGO or Off Road New Zealand.


     TERRACE KITCHEN                                                VOLCANIC HILLS WINERY
     This beautifully considered, modern, relaxed space pays        What better way to warm the mind and soul than with a
     homage to both NZ’s culinary heritage and the Rotorua          sumptuous platter with an amazing view over Lake Rotorua.
     tourism story. Guests can warm their toes while dining on      Sample carefully crafted Volcanic Hills wines from NZ’s most
     the geothermally heated terrace overlooking the large back     recognised and respected wine regions, all while enjoying
     lawn.                                                          panoramic views over Lake Rotorua.

     STRATOSFARE                                                    CBK
     Take a gondola ride up Mt Ngongotaha and enjoy the             Craft Bar & Kitchen (CBK) is a modern eatery mixing
     scenic view over Lake Rotorua while enjoying a buffet that     Stonegrill and a slow cooked selection, with a classic
     includes fresh seafood and cooked to order grill items. The    craft bar environment incorporating an exciting,
     gastronomic delights don’t stop with the main course, as the   handpicked selection of over 60 craft beers and ciders.
     desserts on offer will top the evening off nicely.


PIG N WHISTLE                               LADY JANES ICE CREAM PARLOUR               THIRD PLACE CAFÉ
Refreshing drinks, hearty food and live     Rotorua’s iconic ice cream parlour has     This cafe with incredible food and
entertainment combined with friendly        been serving up sumptuous treats for       views over Ohinemutu Maori Village
staff will make any visit here one          more than 30 years and with more than      and Lake Rotorua is the perfect place
you’ll want to repeat. Its inviting menu    40 flavours to choose from, there is       to relax and enjoy the view.
includes delicious burgers, seafood         something for everyone!
chowder, New Zealand lamb salad and
the renowned pigtail fries.

CAPERS EPICUREAN                                                  SCOPE
Caper’s cafe stocks a range of New Zealand and imported           From Scope’s à la carte menu, to the vast selection of savoury
goodies including oils, preserves, chocolates and teas that       and sweet culinary delights gracing the counter, everything is
are sure to appeal to the everyday home chef, gift hunter and     attentively prepared and made in-house. A visit to Scope will
discerning foodie. Toys and children’s movies are available for   leave your tastebuds and stomach thanking you for days to
family use. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.                 come.

     Heritage Farm                              3D Trick Art Gallery
     Enjoy this classic farm tour where         If animals aren’t your cup of tea- be
     you have the opportunity to get up         sure to pop into 3D Trick Art Gallery.
     close and personal with a variety of       Enjoy this educational, creative and
     farm animals! Top this tour off with       imaginative experience. With over 50
     the famous sheep dog show – a must         masterpieces created to trick the eye
     see for animal lovers! If you’re feeling   – this is a spot for the whole family!
     peckish after the Sheep Show - be sure
     to check out Farmside Buffet - with
                                                Have the camera on hand for the
                                                quirky creative photo opportunities.
     plenty on offer to please all appetites.                                                 MOUNTAIN   - a great walking track for the Family.

     Rotorua Duck Tours                         Kuirau Park                                Skyline Rotorua
     Where else can you jump on a genuine       While in Rotorua be sure to check out      Skyline Rotorua is the ultimate in
     WW2 vehicle and take a tour off the        Kuirau Park. This inner city geothermal    family fun! Sit back and enjoy the
     city and lakes without leaving your        wonderland offers bubbling mud             scenic gondola ride providing you
     seat? Enjoy the thrill and excitement      pools, exciting refurbished children’s     with breath taking views over Lake
     of this fun family adventure with tours    playgrounds, and steamy sulphuric          Rotorua! Luging is the perfect family
     ranging from 1-2hrs. Learn about the       lakes. Only a 5-minute walk from the       activity – where riders control speed
     region’s culture and history while         car, this is a great spot for locals and   and direction. Smaller children can
     splashing down in three different          visitors alike.                            ride with adults. Start some long
     lakes.                                                                                lasting family rivalries on the selection
                                                                                           of luge tracks available!

                                           OGO                                         White Water Rafting
                                           Ball rolling at its finest! Now with four   Rotorua is home to the famous
                                           tracks to choose from – this is the         Kaituna River, just 15 minutes from
                                           ultimate adrenaline rush. Enjoy the         central Rotorua. Rafting this river is
                                           spectacular views over Lake Rotorua         the ultimate adrenaline rush with the
                                           before slipping and sliding in warm         highest commercially rafted waterfall
                                           water! Tracks range from 250-350            in the world – 7metres of goodness!
                                           metres and go in a multitude of             Paddle through lush native bush and
                                           directions – so grab your buddies and       steep stunning canyons. The Kaituna
                                           get to OGO to experience this thrill for    River is a must do on your next trip to
                                           yourself!                                   Rotorua.

Mountain Biking in the                     Volcanic Air                                Tarawera Trail
Whakarewarewa Forest                       Volcanic Air offers a range of float        For a walking adventure with the
Any age, any ability – mountain biking     plane tours over Rotorua. Enjoy the         family check out the Tarawera Trail.
is an experience not to be missed! With    thrill of taking off and landing on         This 15km trail (each way) takes you
trails ranging from Grade 1-2 designed     Lake Rotorua – whilst marvelling at         through native bush, across streams
for beginners, through to Grade 3-5,       the stunning landscapes below. Fly          and finishes at Hot Water Beach
which require more skill. Tick off track   over dormant volcanos; get a bird’s-        Campsite. From there, you can either
after track over time and slowly make      eye view of a range of lakes and even       walk back the way you came, camp
your way around the 150km of MTB           land on the Waikato River where you         overnight (pre-booking required), or
trails in the Whakarewarewa Forest.        get to experience Orakei Korako – a         catch the water taxi back to the start
Mountain Bike Rotorua have a wide          geothermal wonderland.                      with Totally Tarawera. The perfect mix
range of bikes to hire along with a                                                    of adventure and relaxation.
brilliant café!

                        ON HOLIDAY –
     What activity would you say is a must do for people       to choose from on the menu. I went for the oysters,
     visiting Rotorua and why?                                 chicken bites, and mix of meats on a stone grill which
                                                               came with some salad. Also had the cookie with ice
     I would recommend the tour of Mokoia Island. It was a     cream for dessert which I highly recommend. However,
     great opportunity to learn about the historical events,   as Willy Wairua would say, do the mahi get the treats.
     the birds, the wildlife and geography of this sacred
     island of Te Arawa.
                                                                                         What would you recommend
                                                                                         people do to relax when
     Are there any hidden gems                                                           visiting Rotorua?
     that you have discovered
     whilst visiting Rotorua?                                                            Polynesian Spa

     Speaking of gems, I came
     across a shop on Eat Streat,                                                        Would you recommend that
     Puāwai Jade Studio that                                                             other couples visit Rotorua?
     showcases incredible pieces                                                         If so why?
     of carvings and sculptures
     produced locally and by other                                                       Plenty of things to do as a
     NZ artists. That's definitely a                                                     couple, whether you want to
     place to check out.                                                                 relax at the Polynesian spa
                                                                                         or partake in some adventure
                                                                                         activities. It really does have
     Do you have any childhood                                                           something for everyone.
     memories visiting Rotorua?
     If so, what are they and
     why did they leave a lasting                                                        What are you busy with at
     impression?                                                                         the moment?

     I’ve always enjoyed playing                                                         I’m busy with Rugby at the
     touch in Rotorua. Touch                                                             moment - we are well into our
     has played a massive part                                                           Super Rugby season now so
     in shaping me as a rugby                                                            that takes up a fair amount
     player. I’ve got a lot of good                                                      of time. I'm also doing some
     memories playing in Rotorua                                                         study and have a couple of
     for tournaments. There was                                                          other things on the go as well.
     always so much to do when
     we had down time.
                                                                                         When you aren’t busy with
                                                                                         rugby what gets you up in the
     What is your favourite café,                                                        mornings?
     restaurant or eatery in
     Rotorua? What did you eat there and why would you         My partner when she wants to do stuff, or my dogs
     recommend this establishment?                             when they're crying because they need to be let out to
                                                               go toilet. Otherwise I really get excited about attacking
     I’ve had a mean feed at CBK restaurant, they had plenty   the day and making the most out of each opportunity.

                                                                                                   TO DO
                                            MOUNTAIN JADE
            Step into our workshop and discover the largest collection of jade art and jewellery
            in New Zealand. Meet the country’s finest greenstone artists and see them at work
                                 transforming raw stone into carved art.

Join a FREE guided tour of our
workshop to discover how we carve
jade, by hand. Learn how local artists
design, shape and finish each piece
to the highest level. Take a journey
into the rich history of New Zealand
pounamu and uncover its traditional
uses and values. Explore the cultural
influences behind our designs and
discover the ancient Māori beliefs that
jade lives and breathes. Learn how
greenstone is formed deep within the
earth and get up close to different
types of jade from around the world
- discovering the incredible variations
in colours, textures and features. This
FREE, personalised experience runs on
demand 10am-5pm daily. No bookings
are required, and all ages are welcome.
Come and explore our range of
traditional and contemporary jade
art and jewellery. Each piece in our
exclusive collection is one of a kind and
lovingly crafted from the world’s finest
quality jade. Our knowledgeable team
can help you to find a personal piece
that will forever connect you to New
Zealand or a meaningful gift to take
home for a loved one.

   1288 Fenton St, Rotorua         
   (07) 349 1828                   

                                      ROTORUA CANOPY TOURS
              Soar through the trees and experience New Zealand’s ancient forest like never before – in two
              unforgettable zipline adventures. Immerse yourself in this intact native eco-system filled with
                                    towering trees, native flora and beautiful birdsong.

        Rotorua Canopy Tours is New                 hear wood pigeons, tui, North Island
        Zealand’s number one ranked outdoor         robins, bellbirds, tomtits, fantails and
        experience on Trip Advisor. There are       more as they flit amongst the tree
        two unique eco-tour experiences to          canopy around you. Create amazing
        choose from, featuring a network of         memories that will last a lifetime.
        ziplines, suspended swing bridges,
                                                    THE ULTIMATE CANOPY TOUR
        treetop platforms and forest trails, as
        you journey deep into 500 hectares of       The Ultimate Canopy Tour is higher,
        ancient forest. Get below the surface,      longer and even more spectacular
        above the trees, learn about the past       than the award-winning Original
        and become part of the future in an         Canopy Tour. The Ultimate Canopy
        adventure like nothing else.                Tour is not for the faint of heart, this
                                                    experience is a step up in adventure
        Each tour has a limit of 10 people          level and incorporates some incredible
        and your authentic Kiwi guide brings        new features that will blow you away.
        knowledge, fun and creativity to a          It includes a suspended cliff-face
        story that goes back 1000 years. It’s an    walkway, swing bridges, controlled
        adventure that puts you at the heart        descent and an impressive 400m
        of the forest restoration story, with       long tandem zipline so you can share
        every ticket purchased contributing         the experience of our longest zipline
        to conservation efforts to restore the      together! Glide across wide open
        Dansey Road Scenic Reserve.                 valleys, deep gorges and lose yourself
        THE ORIGINAL CANOPY TOUR                    in this untouched forest.
        This award-winning three-hour tour
        is perfect for all ages. Your guide will
        show you what New Zealand was
        once like from the top of the forest
        canopy and explain the conservation
        challenges that now exist. In between
        the thrill of ziplines (flying foxes) and
        suspended tree bridges, you’ll see and

           147 Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua     
           (07) 343 1001 or 0800 226 679     

                                                                                                          TO DO
 Experience six iconic New Zealand inspired activities within one location. Velocity Valley is the home
                 of speed and adrenaline catering for all ages and adventure abilities.

Located amid the sweeping hills of             PACKAGES
Paradise Valley in Rotorua, Velocity
                                               4-Tune $129.00pp ($32.25 per ride)
Valley’s refined identity is a reflection of
                                               Choose any 4 adventures from Swoop,
what their six rides offer - speed, rapid
                                               Agrojet, Freefall Xtreme & Shweeb
movement and the rush of leaving your
comfort zone.
                                               VIP Package $219.00pp
From pulling the cord and diving head
                                               The ultimate adventure pass.
first through the air on the Swoop at
                                               Bungy Jump + Swoop, Agrojet,
130km/h to experiencing one of New
                                               Freefall Xtreme & Shweeb Racer
Zealand’s fastest jet sprint boats on a
purpose-built water course at 100km/h,         Family Share Packages*
you can be sure speed and adrenaline is        Share 6 rides between family ($31.50
in your future at Velocity Valley.             per ride)
                                               Share 8 rides between family ($27.38
Take it down a notch and reach new
                                               per ride)
heights by harnessing your inner
                                               Share 10 rides between family ($24.90
superhero on New Zealand’s only
                                               per ride)
outdoor tunnel – Freefall Xtreme,
or battle for victory against family           Freestyle AirBag $30.00pp
or friends as you pedal one of two             Two hour time session with
suspended aerodynamic pods with the            unlimited rolls.
worlds one and only Shweeb Racer.
                                               *See website for more details.
If aerial tricks are more your thing
bring your bike along and hit air on the
country’s only dedicated bike Freestyle

   1335 Paradise Valley Rd, Rotorua     
   0800 949 888                         

                              WAIMANGU VOLCANIC VALLEY
                              EDUCATIONAL FAMILY DAY OUT
                    Covered in regenerating native forest and fascinating flora, spectacular geothermal
                   features and distinctive birdlife, pack up the family and enjoy a day out you will never
                            forget exploring Waimangu Volcanic Valley’s immersive nature trails.
        Created following the Mount Tarawera       DISCOVER THE HIDDEN PINK AND
        eruption in 1886 - which devastated        WHITE TERRACES UNDER
        the area and covered what was              LAKE ROTOMAHANA
        known as the ‘Eighth Wonder of the
                                                   Enjoy a boat cruise on Lake
        World’, the Pink and White Terraces -
                                                   Rotomahana - home to the hidden
        Waimangu’s history and legacy lends
                                                   Pink and White Terraces - and let the
        itself to plenty of rich experiences and
                                                   wonders of AR technology restore
        stories for the whole family.
                                                   the sights that once brought so many
        Let the kids explore the valley and        intrepid travellers to the shores of
        discover the temperature of some           the lake, and spark kids’ imaginations
        of Waimangu’s amazing geothermal           about the mystery of the terraces’ fate.
        features using one of the digital
                                                   Waimangu’s AR app is free to
        ‘temperature gun’ thermometers
                                                   download on Apple and Android
        available for hire. Highlights include
                                                   devices. Locations of interest are
        Frying Pan Lake - one of the world’s
                                                   geo-tagged, allowing visitors to enjoy
        largest hot water springs with a
                                                   the natural beauty of Waimangu until
        surface area of 3.8 ha, and the
                                                   there is something hidden to be seen
        picturesque Inferno Crater Lake which
                                                   with AR.
        rises and falls as it heats and cools.
                                                   Open 8:30am l Last admission 3:30pm
        The wonders of Inferno Crater Lake’s
        38-day cycle can also be uncovered         APRIL SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
        through Waimangu’s new augmented           GUIDED TOUR
        reality (AR) app. The app also
        brings to life many other fascinating      Enjoy a guided tour specifically for
        geological insights, like the now-         families and little volcanologists during
        extinct Waimangu Geyser, which             the April school holiday (13 - 28 April,
        regularly played in the valley between     2019). Bookings required.
        1900 and 1904 and erupted to heights
        of over 400 m.

           587 Waimangu Rd, Rotorua         
           (07) 366 6137                    

                                                                                                      TO DO
                          SPRINGS ‘N’ SPA
      100% pure natural geothermal water, direct from the largest single source of boiling water in
            New Zealand provides a natural geothermal bathing experience for all to enjoy.

GEOTHERMAL BATHING EXPERIENCE               To complement the pool complex is a
Waikite Valley Thermal Pools, Springs       simple yet quaint 28 site campground
‘n’ Spa is a unique place to experience     with shower, laundry and kitchen
bathing in 100% pure natural                facilities. Being handy to other
geothermal waters. The boiling, sulphur     attractions in the area (just 6kms from
free, calcite laden waters, direct from     Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland)
the depths of the earth, cascade into       means Waikite Valley Thermal
our outdoor Settler’s Pool, Pergola Pool    Pools and Campground is the ideal
and Garden Pools, Sit ‘n’ Soak Pool         spot for those passing through by
and Tubs, and provide bathing options       van, motorhome or tenting. Due to
for all ages. A temperature range of        popularity, bookings are recommended
between 35 and 40 degrees is offered.       (
All pools are drained and refilled daily.
                                            OPENING HOURS
Changing facilities, including showers
and family change rooms are available.      10.00am to 9.00pm Daily
                                            (except for Christmas Day)
Private Pool options (bookings
recommended) are also available, as is      First pools drained from 8.30pm.
swimsuit and towel hire.
                                            Pukeko In A Punga Tree Café
TE MANAROA SPRING                           open 12.00pm to 7.00pm daily.
An eco-trail which snakes its way           Check out our reviews on TripAdvisor.
alongside a boiling river leading to
the spectacular Te Manaroa Spring
provides a face to face encounter with
raw natural geothermal activity at its
best. A must see!

   648 Waikite Valley Rd, Rotorua    
   (07) 333 1861                     

                        Interact closely with a range of New Zealand’s wild animals, native birds, farm
                             animals and trout, and get up close to a large pride of African Lions.

        DON’T JUST LOOK, GET HANDS ON               ‘Paradise Pure’ to take away with you.
        Animals that are found wild around the      Take our elevated treetops walk in a
        country such as deer, goats, tahr and       tranquil and secluded area of the park,
        wallabies, as well as a range of sociable   putting you up near the canopy of
        farm animals like alpacas, emus and         the trees.
        sheep can all be hand-fed throughout        THE PRIDE OF PARADISE
        the day.
                                                    There is also a pride of African Lions
        UP CLOSE WITH THE NATIVE BIRDS              that can be seen all day in an enclosure
        Visit the Kea, New Zealand’s infamous       that allows visitors to get very close
        and comical parrot in their walk-           to these wild animals. The afternoon
        through aviary, see kakariki and kereru     feeding show is a great time to see
        birds and meet our friendly tui. Stroll     the lions active and to learn a bit more
        through our waterbird wetland for           about the pride.
        great views of native and introduced        Paradise Valley Springs is open every
        waterfowl, and look out for the             day of the year from 8am to dark, with
        different native birds living wild around   last entry at 5pm. Lion feeding is at
        the park.                                   2.30pm everyday, followed by kea and
        CASCADING WATERWAYS                         possum feeding at 3pm.
        Fern edged pools show off hundreds of       We hope to see you at Paradise soon.
        rainbow and brown trout. Feed the wild
        trout in the natural stream and get eye
        to eye at the underwater window. Look
        out for large native long-finned eels
        lazing in their ponds.
        Pathways through native trees lead to
        our freshwater spring where you can
        drink straight from the source, then
        purchase some of our own bottled

           467 Paradise Valley Rd, Rotorua   
           (07) 348 9667                     

                                                                                                 TO DO
                          QE HEALTH WELLNESS & SPA
 An exceptional Geothermal Spa with soothing massages, warming mud and calming thermal waters.
        Esthétique at QE Health – a new vision of beauty therapy and appearance medicine.

RECOVERY, REJUVENATION                      the mid-19th century witnessing the
AND RELAXATION                              majestic geothermal landscape and
Enjoy the serene surroundings of            Maori culture that flowed through to
QE Health’s boutique spa. Mineral-rich      a spa culture. In 1908, The Bathhouse
mud baths are drawn for you and             debuted in the Government Gardens.
only you. There’s a full range of           QE Health was originally a
massages including Aix (under hot,          convalescent centre for soldiers
geothermal, alkaline waters that            returning from World War II with a
make Rotorua world-famous).                 holistic approach to therapy including
Relax in geothermal pools, detoxify and     spa treatment.
reinvigorate.                               WELLNESS FOR YOU
Be pampered at Esthétique at QE             QE Health Wellness and Spa’s 75
Health with beauty therapy, clinical,       years of expert clinical treatment
advanced skincare and appearance            informs everything they do today.
medicine.                                   It is embedded in their DNA with a
                                            holistic approach to your wellness
And you can take home a slice of
                                            and, as a medical spa, all therapies are
Rotorua with QE Health’s own exclusive
                                            clinically based.
range of fragrant soaps, bath bombs,
body scrubs and bath salts - all hand-      QE offers a wide range of healthcare
made in Rotorua, using the finest,          including physiotherapy, psychology,
luxurious essential                         orthotics, dietetics, occupational
oils and the same healing volcanic          therapy, rheumatology, wellness for
mud and goat’s milk used in their           cancer and fitness classes.
spa treatments.
                                            JOIN THEM
QE’S STORY                                  Relax and experience an authentic
It’s Rotorua’s story, from Maori settling   Rotorua Geothermal Spa, knowing you
here, 700 years ago, partly because         are in safe, expert hands. Breathe deep
of the geothermal waters. The first         and leave refreshed for the rest of your
tourists were Victorian adventurers in      stay in this remarkable city.

   1073 Whakaue St, Rotorua          
   (07) 343 1665                     

                           SKYLINE ROTORUA GRAVITY PARK
                            BEST DAY OUT ON TWO WHEELS
                           With a 12 km network of mountain bike trails to suit the keenest of riders,
                              Skyline Rotorua Gravity Park offers an epic day out on two wheels.

        Home to New Zealand’s first year-           Season Pass:
        round Gondola-assisted bike lift, Skyline   • Adults (15yrs+) $799
        Gravity Park is your gateway to world-
                                                    • Youth $549
        class downhill mountain biking on your
        back doorstep.                              Uplifts from $59 per adult

        Begin with a Gondola ride up Mount          BIKE HIRE OR A QUICK SERVICE
        Ngongotaha to Skyline Gravity Park,
                                                    Mountain Bike Rotorua operates from
        then choose a trail that will get the
                                                    the bottom terminal at Skyline Rotorua,
        heart pumping. Trails include: Hipster,
                                                    with rental bikes for hire and all your
        Upper Sprint Warrior, Day Walker,
                                                    mountain biking needs on site.
        Dweedle Dee and Hucks n’ Hooves
        (intermediate); Lower Sprint Warrior,       From a quick fix to the spare tube, the
        Dweedle Dum, Ten Fifty One and Mr           team will be onsite from 9am daily to
        Black (advanced); and B.Y.O and The         help with all your biking requirements.
        Fuzz (expert).
                                                    CRANKWORX MTB FESTIVAL
                                                    The world’s largest mountain biking
        New to the trail network is Debt            festival is descending on Skyline
        Collector, an expert track which splits     Rotorua Gravity Park for the fourth year
        off from B.Y.O. after the switch backs.     running from 19 to 24 March, 2019.
        The track features tight dropping
                                                    Come and discover why Skyline Gravity
        corners, off-camber turns and a rock
                                                    Park’s trails have been classed as
                                                    “dirt gold” and watch as world-class
        SECURE YOUR RIDE WITH A VIEW                mountain bike athletes defy gravity at
                                                    events including Air DH, Dual Speed &
        Get ready to ride more with the Skyline
                                                    Style, Whip Off and more.
        Rotorua Mountain Bike Season Pass.
        A season pass gives you Gondola             While the event itself is ticketed, you
        access to the trails year-round (except     can continue to ride the world-class
        on blackout dates) plus a whole lot of      trails with an uplift or day pass.
        other great perks.

           178 Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua     
           (07) 347 0027                     

                                                  POLYNESIAN SPA
                   Polynesian Spa is perfect for those seeking to rejuvenate their health and wellbeing
                  and brings you our Mindful Moments retreat to help you switch off from your busy life
                                       to bring mind, body and spirit into balance.

        Spend two days on our Mindful
        Moments Retreat surrounded by
        the natural elements of Rotorua and
        Polynesian Spa’s therapeutic alkaline
        and acid waters. You will be guided
        through yoga, mindfulness, meditation,
        wellness workshops and take time to
        indulge in world-renowned Polynesian
        Spa therapy treatments.
        Mindful Moments is hosted by
        our highly experienced Spa and
        Retreat Manager Helena Keenan and
        inspirational Polynesian Spa Health and
        Wellness ambassador Rachel Grunwell.
        This unique geothermal bathing and
        soul soothing retreat originated here
        at Polynesian Spa in 2016 and has
        established itself as a must do health
        and wellness experience for those
        wanting to unwind, relax and reset.

        • 15th - 16th June
        • 10th - 11th August
        • 9th - 10th November

        Visit for
        more information.

           1000 Hinemoa St, Rotorua      
           (07) 348 1328                 

                                                                                          TO DO
                             Experience this must do attraction by both day and night!
                          It is highly recommended and only 5 minutes from city centre.

The Redwoods Treewalk offers visitors
the opportunity to see this natural
treasure from a bird’s eye perspective,
up to twelve metres from the ground.
Walk into the canopy of the forest,
breathe in the pure air and listen to the
chorus of native birds. No rush, just
nature and you.
The daytime walk allows for breath-
taking views from each of the 22 living
decks along the half-kilometre journey.
Informative signs allow visitors to take
in the full scope of this natural gem.
Open every night, the enchanted
forest comes alive with the Redwood
Nightlights. The creations of award
winning design and conservation
icon David Trubridge, this immersive
experience ensures that you
discover the forest in a whole new
light; enhancing the majesty of the
Redwoods and the native ferns. This is
a truly magical and surreal experience.
A Trubridge spiral & lantern entrance
opened in March and a new high walk
has just been added featuring see
though bridge sections.
Open daily from 9:00 am till late.

   Long Mile Rd, Whakarewarewa, Rotorua                      Redwoods Treewalk Rotorua

                                           HOBBITON MOVIE SET
              Experience the charm of Middle-earth at Hobbiton, where you can step into the lush pastures
                         of the Shire, as seen in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies.

        THE TOUR
        Venture from geothermal Rotorua
        with us on one of our twice-daily
        tours. You will cruise through the
        stunning Mamaku Ranges and into the
        Fitzgerald Glade in one of our transfer
        coaches, before you find yourself in the
        Waikato region, deep in the captivating
        landscapes of the Shire™.
        On arrival you will have the chance to
        experience the real Middle-earth™ at
        the Hobbiton™ Movie Set, where you
        can step into the lush pastures of the
        Shire, as seen in The Lord of the Rings
        and The Hobbit Trilogies.
        Your guide will escort you around the
        set, showing the intricate detailing,
        pointing out the most famous locations
        and explaining how the movie magic
        was made. See Hobbit Holes™, the Mill
        and venture into the world-famous
        Green Dragon™ Inn, where you can
        enjoy a complimentary, exclusive
        beverage to conclude your own Middle-
        Earth adventure.
        Tours leave daily from the Hobbiton
        Movie Set Shop.

           1235 Fenton St, Rotorua       
           0508 4 HOBBITON               

                                                                                                         TO DO
          Imagine sitting in control of your own rail car travelling along a railway line with nothing
               ahead but the unobstructed curve of the rail stretching out into the distance.

RailCruising is the new tourist activity   Cruisers are then turned and head back
that allows people just like you the       to Mamaku.
ability to travel along railway lines in
                                           Cruising along at 20km/hr, you can
your own powered self-drive, 4-seat
                                           listen to the audio tour and discover a
railway vehicle called the RailCruiser.
                                           unique piece of New Zealand railway
The rail journey of 20km takes             history. This is the ultimate way to
approximately 1.5 hours return through     experience a railway.
the beautiful Dansey Native Forest and
                                           The RailCruiser V3000 is the world’s
rolling farmland with views out over
                                           first fully automated, state of the art
Lake Rotorua. Listen to the commentary
                                           petrol-electric four seat self-drive
and discover a unique piece of New
                                           hybrid rail vehicle. The RailCruiser has
Zealand railway and local history.
                                           comfortable seats with unobstructed
The RailCruiser has comfortable seats      views, is fitted with clear drop down
with unobstructed views, is fitted with    waterproof sides and comes with
clear drop-down waterproof sides,          onboard heating.
windscreen wipers, blankets provided
                                           Trips depart daily from Mamaku
and comes with onboard heating.
                                           Railway Station at:
RailCruising is a special experience to
                                           11am, 1pm & 3pm (Nov-Apr)
be shared with family and friends. It is
                                           and 11am & 1pm (May-Oct).
popular with clubs and social groups
with many combining RailCruising with      Bookings are essential.
lunch or dinner at the iconic Mamaku
Railway Station.                           “What a great innovation! These little
How does RailCruising work? Groups         trains take you on a wee journey of
of RailCruisers spaced apart, travel       19km’s return through the native forest
10km together in one direction from        seeing Farmland and Lake Rotorua.”
Mamaku Railway Station to Tarukenga        Recent TripAdvisor Review
Railway Station. At Tarukenga the Rail

   11 Kaponga Street, Mamaku        
   0800 72 45 74                    

                                        ROTORUA HERITAGE FARM
             Rotorua Heritage Farm presents exceptional experiences for anyone. We offer fun, exciting and
               educational activities for all visitors - The Farm Tour, The Farm Tour with Sheep Shearing,
                                                3D Trick Art, Farmside Buffet.

        An hour long tour led by a qualified team
        of guides, includes meeting nursery
        animals, travelling through our farm
        environment on covered trailers while
        experiencing and feeding farm animals
        with the guide providing educational
        information about the farm and its
        livestock. The experience concludes with
        a world class exhilarating dog show and
        sheep shearing performance.
        3D TRICK ART
        A 3 dimensional experience of 50
        paintings that all ages can enjoy and is a
        first in the New Zealand market. It offers
        an educational, creative and imaginative
        experience. 3D Trick Art has been rated
        as 3rd out of 117 attractions in Rotorua
        according to Tripadvisor.
        Set in beautiful farm surroundings,
        Farmside Buffet offer a great venue for
        private hire for special events such as
        weddings, birthdays, conferences and

           171 Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua   
           (07) 349 0920                   

                                                                                                           TO DO
                           VOLCANIC AIR HELICOPTER
                            AND FLOATPLANE TOURS
       From the first experience of flight in either a floatplane or helicopter through to the thrill of
      exploring our stunning lakes district, vibrant geothermal reserves and remarkable volcanoes,
                                Volcanic Air have an option for everyone.

Helicopter options include landing         New product is our Volcanic
on two of New Zealand’s most iconic        Adventure by Helicopter, this one
Volcanoes, White Island and Mount          hour tour includes a landing on Mount
Tarawera. White Island is our only         Tarawera with a flight that embraces
permanently active volcano and             spectacular aerial views of the
walking around the active crater floor     Rotorua Lakes District, Tarawera Falls,
on an almost lunar like landscape is a     Waimangu Geothermal Valley and Wai-
once in a lifetime experience.             O-Tapu Geothermal Reserve.
In contrast, landing on the summit of      Volcanic Air is located conveniently
Mount Tarawera is awe inspiring. This is   at the Rotorua Lakefront, a short walk
the site of the largest eruption in New    from many accommodation providers.
Zealand’s living memory and standing
                                           With flights starting from $115 per
on the summit commands stunning
                                           person and ranging from 8 minutes
views of the volcanoes massive craters
                                           to 3.5 hour. Whatever your timeframe,
and the surrounding lakes district and
                                           budget or special interest, join us
national parks.
                                           for the experience of a lifetime and
Floatplane tours offer the romance of      discover New Zealand at its best!
taking off and landing from various
                                           “What an amazing few hours I had
lake sites and flying over the region’s
                                           taking a helicopter flight over to White
unique volcanic landscape. Popular
                                           Island. Not only do you get to land
is our Mount Tarawera Waimangu
                                           and walk around an active volcano but
flyover, however for the more
                                           you have amazing views of the lakes,
adventurous, landing by floatplane
                                           forests and coast as you fly out there.”
at the hidden valley of Orakei Korako
                                           Recent TripAdvisor Review
and exploring the valley’s geothermal
activity offers a unique over view of
our lakes district volcanoes and
geothermal playground.

   Memorial Dr, City Lakefront, Rotorua
   0800 800 848 or (07) 348 9984    

                           RAFT – SLEDGE – HIKE
        Kaitiaki Adventures offers superior and unforgettable white-water rafting, sledging and hiking experiences.
         We give our clients an initiation into aspects of Maori culture through myth and legends and Karakia
         (Maori prayer) all whilst experiencing the ultimate adrenaline rush. World class half day experiences.
        RAFT THE KAITUNA RIVER WITH                of Waimangu, at the same time
        OUR WORLD CLASS GUIDES                     destroying the legendary
        Snake through steep bush clad              Pink and White Terraces. This
        canyons and over 14 awesome drops          fully guided walking experience
        including the highest commercially         encompasses the unique landscape
        rafted waterfall in the world: The seven   and history of the area.
        metre high Tutea Falls. Blended with a     Beginning with an off-road 4x4 journey
        touch of Maori culture, this trip offers   through native New Zealand bush,
        it all, for both white-water rafting       transporting you to the craters edge.
        enthusiasts and first timers. Grade 5.     With unmatched scenic vistas and
        KAITIAKI ADVENTURES ARE NEW                360 panoramic views this experience
        ZEALAND’S ORIGINAL WHITE-                  is ideal for all ages and includes an
        WATER SLEDGING SPECIALISTS                 optional run in to the heart of the
                                                   volcanic crater.
        There is something for everyone on
        this beautiful scenic excursion. Play      No previous experience is required
        holes and awesome rapids to negotiate      on any of the excursions we provide.
        your way through as you are in charge      Kaitiaki Adventures will give you all the
        of your own vessel. Take the river on at   training and safety equipment of the
        eye level and propel yourself through      highest standard to make it a safe yet
        the water by the flippers on your          unforgettable journey.
        feet. Our qualified guides are there
                                                   Our world class guides are all
        to encourage, motivate and help you
                                                   NZQA Qualified and our business
        where necessary.
                                                   is QualmarkGOLD Endorsed and a
        NEW ZEALAND’S ONLY                         Maritime Safety certified operation.
        Experience the majesty of Mt Tarawera.
        Infamous for its eruption on June
        10th, 1886, Mt Tarawera created the
        world’s youngest geothermal valley

           1135 Te Ngae Rd, Tikitere, Rotorua
           0800 338 736 or (07) 350 1151    

                                                                                                 TO DO
                Quoted by Lonely Planet Travellers guide as “arguably the best thermal area in
                 New Zealand”: A self-guided walk of 2.5km which takes about 1 to 1.5 hours.

Situated just 25 minutes north of Taupo
and 45 minutes south of Rotorua, nestled
on the shores of Lake Ohakuri lies “The
Hidden Valley“ of Orakei Korako Cave and
Thermal Park. Orakei Korako translated
means “The Place of Adorning”.
Wander through a valley of unbelievable
colour, bubbling hot springs, gushing
geysers and unimaginable natural beauty
preserved by its isolation from the
outside world. Scenes from BBC’s Natural
History Series “Walking with Dinosaurs”
were filmed at Orakei Korako. Look
down into Ruatapu Cave, one of only
two geothermal Caves known to exist in
the world and an experience not to be
missed. 120 feet down a thermal mirror
pool is situated at the bottom.
Lonely Planet Travellers Guide writes;
“Orakei Korako is arguably the best
thermal area left in New Zealand”.
Access to Orakei Korako is by ferry, at no
extra charge. Average sightseeing time
is about 1 hour. Ferrys do not run to a
timetable, so you may visit the valley as
soon as you arrive if you wish.
Free Overnight Campervan parking.
(must be self-contained)
Find us on Facebook and Instagram.

   494 Orakei Korako Road, RD2, Reporoa
   (07) 378 3131                   

                            GEOTHERMAL WONDERS
                     Just 20 minutes drive south of Rotorua, discover Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland.
                             CASHLESS Site – all major credit cards and EFTPOS are accepted.
        Nestled in a natural bush setting             see a geyser in action. A knowledgeable
        and sculpted over thousands of                presenter tells the story of the geyser
        years by volcanic activity, a series of       every morning by way of introduction to
        defined tracks create a unique and            the eruption.
        wonderous experience.
                                                      OPEN DAILY
        “One of the 20 Most Surreal Places            Winter: 8:30am to 5:00pm (last
        in the World” Trip Advisor                    admission 3:45pm)
        Explore spectacular nature at New             Summer: 8:30am to 6:00pm (last
        Zealand’s most colourful natural              admission 4:45pm)
        volcanic park. Walks through this unique      Christmas Day – 25 December: 8:30am to
        geothermal area take between 45 and           5:00pm (last admission 3:45pm)
        90 minutes and provide a wide range
        of amazing photo opportunities and            Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland is open
        features including the world famous           daily – 365 days of the year including
        Champagne Pool, naturally coloured            all Public Holidays. Wai-O-Tapu Thermal
        hot and cold springs, steaming ground,        Wonderland is Smoke Free within the
        expansive vistas, huge volcanic craters       visitor centre and geothermal park.
        and sinter terrace formations.
                                                      Tickets to the geothermal park and
        The Visitor Centre incorporates a souvenir    Lady Knox geyser can be purchased
        retailing area, Café and ‘Sky Deck’ with      online. Alternatively, ticket purchases
        indoor and outdoor seating. Picnic spots      are available at the visitor centre.
        are available both inside the park and in     It is advised to complete your ticket
        our parking areas.                            purchase by 10am if you are attending
                                                      the Lady Knox Geyser show.
        DAILY AT 10.15AM                              Book online for 10% OFF
        Set in its own amphitheatre, a short drive    Use promo code FAMOUS
        from the main park is the Lady Knox           Discount available for online tickets only.
                                                      For your own safety, please ensure you and your
        Geyser which is presented daily at 10.15am.   children stick to the walkways, stay behind the
        This provides a unique opportunity to         barriers, and obey the safety signs.

           201 Waiotapu Loop Rd RD3, Rotorua    
           (07) 366 6333                        

                                                                                           TO DO
                           THE LIVING MAORI VILLAGE -
                           Where in the world do you have the opportunity to visit and
                         engage with Maori people at their home in a geothermal village?

Set in a geothermal wonderland,
Whakarewarewa – The Living Māori
Village is one of New Zealand’s oldest,
iconic and most authentic destinations,
offering an unforgettable day-time
In our village, which is home to the
Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao people, enjoy a
guided tour with a local and learn about
Māori culture and traditions. Gain insights
into life in a thermal village where locals
utilise geothermal activity for warmth,
cooking and bathing. You’ll be amazed
at our backyard: We have bubbling mud,
steaming mineral pools and erupting
geysers, including Pōhutu Geyser, NZ’s
largest and most active geyser.
Experiencing a Māori cultural
performance is a must do and
Whakarewarewa offers twice daily
concerts, which includes the fearsome
haka. Take some time and sample some
local kai (food), there’s hangi cooked by
geothermal steam boxes, or the Hangi
Pie, which will delight the foodies!
Come and visit our beautiful home and
enjoy our famous hospitality. Set in a
bubbling and steaming geothermal
Open daily - 8.30am – 5.00pm.

   17 Tryon St, Whakarewarewa       
   (07) 349 3463                    
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