Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College

Page created by Philip Reyes
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
bulletin        staff
          Issue 5, June 2021

Achieving in a year of         Community Engagement   Best small Students’ Union
challenges                     Planning for 2021      University of Year nomination
Investing for the Future       Health and Wellbeing   1st for student satisfaction
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
A Year Like No Other                              Investing in our People
As we come to the end of a very challenging       The wellbeing of our staff and              student retention (97%) and student
year, I would like to thank and congratulate      students lies at the heart of our           success (97%). These achievements
you all on what we have achieved.
                                                  mission. Over the past year, one of         have only been possible as a result of
Throughout, and despite, the many
restrictions and difficulties the pandemic        our strategic priorities has been to        your hard work, professionalism and
has thrown at us, we have continued to            maintain the highest quality of             unfailing commitment to our students.
invest in our people and in our campus, and       teaching experience and student             With restrictions on f2f interviews,
                       we have continued to
                                                  support. Being student focused -            over 1100 virtual interviews were
                       innovate and deliver.
                       Our student retention      nurturing, developing and                   conducted to ensure that a new cohort
                       and success rates          maximising the potential of every           of students will walk through the
                       remain high and are a      student - is one of our guiding values.     College gates in September. I applaud
                       reflection of the
                                                  During a time of challenge and              all those involved in the process, with a
                       dedicated efforts of
                       our staff, who continue    uncertainty, that priority and core         special mention to the Registry team.
                       to deliver high quality,   value has ensured that our students
                       scholarship-led            succeeded, felt valued and have been        Our Halls of Residence were severely
                       teaching and
                                                  supported at all times.                     disrupted by the lockdowns. Despite
                       outstanding student
                       support. Coming 1st in                                                 this our Halls team has done an
                       Northern Ireland and       The latest National Student Survey,         outstanding job looking after those
6th in the UK in the recent National Student      carried out during the pandemic,            students who remained on campus.
Survey and making it into the final four
                                                  ranks the College 1st in Northern           The fact that our Halls are already full
nominations for the Edufuturist University
of the Year Award are public endorsements         Ireland and 6th in the UK for student       for the next year is testament to how
of the College’s pursuit of excellence.           satisfaction. We have also                  well students felt cared for and safe
                                                  maintained our outstanding levels of        while living on campus.
In 2020-21, we were forced to rely heavily
on digital technology to ensure business
continuity. We are grateful to the enormous       this Bulletin. These are impressive         been a great honour to serve and lead the
efforts of our Digital and IT Services and        achievements the College can be proud       College. Like all journeys, there have been
Marketing teams who ensured the College           of. Staff and students have felt the loss   some challenges but my abiding memory
continued to communicate effectively with         of community and face-to-face contact       will be one of joy and gratitude. Thank
our internal and external stakeholders and        this year. We all look forward to           you for all your support and
maintain a vibrant profile as we tried to         meeting up in the near future for a         encouragement over the years. It was a
navigate the Covid-19 world.                      coffee and chat. Hopefully, the 2021-22     great journey shared with great people! I
                                                  year will bring us back to a ‘near          wish you all a restful summer and every
The end of this academic year marks the           normal’ experience of College life.         success for the new academic year.
completion of our 2018-21 Corporate Plan
and we can look back on the successful            At the end of July, I will have             Professor Anne Heaslett
delivery of the key objectives as outlined in     completed 14 years as Principal. It has     Principal
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
Investing in Campus Infrastructure                                            Investing in
One positive outcome of the            to progress the University College’s   Innovation and
pandemic has been the College’s        IT and Digital Services strategy
ability to attract Covid-19
                                       including improved campus Wi-Fi,
Contingency Funding, which has         a new Learning Management              Covid-19 did not prevent us from
allowed us to invest over £500,000     System and Teaching and Learning       making significant progress in
in upgrading Halls, enabling us to     equipment for staff and students.      developing and expanding our portfolio
create new social spaces in every      This has brought immense benefits,     of blended learning modules and
flat, upgrade kitchen facilities and   with easier and more immediate         courses. As a result, new Masters’
refurbish Nendrum Hall.                access for staff and students.         enrolments increased by 60% and
                                                                              income from our Professional
We have also invested £1.5m                                                   Development programme increased
on other campus projects such                                                 hugely. This excellent performance
as the demolition of College                                                  reflects the demand for innovative
Hall, Health and Safety                                                       online programmes and provides a
Improvement Works and a                                                       significant opportunity for future growth
robust IT and Digital Services                                                in this vital area. Our students also
provision, which has been                                                     contributed to innovative curriculum
critical to our success during                                                development by producing online
lockdown. £643k was invested                                                  teaching resources for use in schools
                                                                              and at home.

Investing in the Future                                                       The College has also strengthened its
As a result of careful management       future as outlined in the Corporate   research profile, with, during the last
and our Finance Team securing           Plan for the Transition Year 2021-    planning cycle, over 200 research and
significant Covid-19 grants,            22. Another cause for celebration     scholarship outputs across a range of
despite the significant financial       is the College receiving Planning     key areas, including the Report of the
challenges, we will achieve a           Approval to proceed with the          Expert Panel on Educational
positive bottom line. This is to be     refurbishment of the College’s All-   Underachievement, chaired by Dr Noel
celebrated and means that as we         Weather Pitches. Our consultants,     Purdy. The work of our Centre for
emerge from the global                  McAdam Design, are now working        Research into Educational
pandemic, we will be able to            on the final design.                  Underachievement has accelerated and
continue to invest in the College’s                                           is now making a major impact in this
                                                                              critical area.
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
Widening Participation and              Planning for Academic Year 2021-22 and the
Social Responsibility                   Opening Up of Our Campus

Supporting Access to HE, and having     The planning for 2021-22
a strong programme of WP events, is     continues on the assumption
a vital element of our Community        that there will be a return to
Engagement strategy. From coding        near normal conditions from the
workshops for children to health and    start of the new academic year.
wellbeing events, supporting families   The focus for the 2021-22 year
                                        must be on re-engagement with
                                        staff and students in order to
                                        reconnect with the vibrant
                                        campus community we have all
                                        missed so much.
                                                                              experience for all students, and
                                        The principles guiding our            the maintenance of quality
                                        planning, taking all current and      standards
                                        future government guidelines
                                        into account, will continue to be    continued provision of a high-
and communities in disadvantaged        the:                                  quality, broad all-round
areas to forging partnerships with                                            educational experience for all
Fostering Network, Volunteer Now         health, welfare and safety of       students
and the FE Colleges, the College is       our College community
committed to making a difference                                             us working in collaboration with
and building better futures for all.     continued provision of a high-      other Northern Ireland Higher
During the pandemic, the creation of      quality learning and teaching       Education Institutions (HEIs) to
online teaching and learning                                                      present a bid to government
resources by our Student WP                                                       for a financial package to
Ambassadors and the delivery, free                                                fund a robust Student Re-
of charge, of online and blended                                                  engagement Strategy to
learning professional development                                                 support students.
courses to over 1,000 teachers and
education professionals further
demonstrates our commitment to
supporting the whole of the sector.
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
Health and Wellbeing
Feeling Good App                       Mental Health First Aid              physiotherapist to provide staff
The Feeling Good App, which is         We are currently running Mental      with a further opportunity to
free to access for staff and           Health First Aid Training for 15     attend an online Back Health
students, is an award winning          staff from across the College with   Awareness session.
app providing access to a range        a view to having a network of
of content which teaches you           trained volunteers who can           Inspire Support Hub
how to calm the mind and               support colleagues and students      All staff now have access to a
develop a positive mindset,            and sign post them to appropriate    range of free online resources via
enabling greater emotional             professional support. Feedback       the Inspire Support Hub. The Hub
resilience to deal more effectively    from participants to date has        comprises various resources,
with challenges of life. Over 100      been very encouraging. Further       including self-help programmes
staff and students have already        details of volunteers and the        and digital intervention tools,
downloaded the app and we              programme will be made               digital counselling tools and
have received very positive            available once training has been     a wellbeing information library.
feedback on it. One user noted ‘I      completed.
have found it very difficult to find
                     an app to help    Flu Vaccine
                     me self           This year we offered a flu vaccine
                     manage my         free of charge to all members of
                     emotions and      staff, with 62 availing of the
                     moods as this     opportunity to have the vaccine.
                     year has been     We were lucky to have placed an
                     financially       early order for the flu vaccine
                     tough. I am so    which was in short supply!
                     grateful you                                           If you need further information on
                     have made         Back Health                          any of our health and wellbeing
                     this              As many of us have not been          services, please get in contact
                     available.”       working at our normal                with our Human Resources team
                                       workstations, it is more important   at hr@stran.ac.uk.
                                       than ever that we take care of our
                                       back health. We appointed a
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
News                                       Congratulations to Jonny
                                              Jonathan Reid, our outgoing
   in Brief                                   Student President, and his
                                              Student Executive, did an
   Research in Hyperdrive                     exceptional job supporting
                                              students and helping to
   Over the past few months, our              maintain a sense of college
Summer Graduation
   Research Office has been going all         community under the most
   guns blazing.as
Unfortunately,     Aslast
                             as Covid         trying of circumstances. We
restrictions means that ourour
   successfully   submitting     normal       wish in-coming President,
Graduation       for REF2021,
              Celebration    andthetheteam    Meabh Magee, and her
   has published
Graduation          a number
              Ceremony           of
                            at queen’s        Executive every success for
   important    and  high  profile
have been postponed. A Virtual                2021-22.
   research reports
Graduation             including
              Celebration    will bethe
   report  of the  Expert   Panel
at 5.00pm on 21 July. The plan,     on
however,   remainsUnderachievement
                      that our           (A                                           Dissertation Survivors!
   Fair Start),
graduates   willSchool-based
                 have a physical Support                                              Well done Class of 2021.The
   for Syrian  Refugee    Pupils  in
graduation as soon as it is possible.                                                 Library team offers their
   Northern Ireland, Homeschooling                                                    congratulations to the 2021
   during the Covid-19 Crisis, Safer                                                  #dissertationsurvivors! “You've
   Borrowing (an Evaluation of the                                                    worked hard, adapted to so much
   Impact of Financial Literacy in                                                    (including using the library
   Schools) and Play in Practice and                                                  remotely) and now it's time to
   during the Pandemic.                                                               celebrate! #loveyourlibrary

   Congratulations to Dr Noel Purdy,
   Dr John McMullen, Celia O’Hagan,
                                              College History: QUB Archaeological Excavation Project
   Dr Glenda Walsh, and all those             The College is working with QUB Department of Archaeology and
   involved in the REF submission,            Palaeoecology this summer to facilitate undergraduate training with
   for continuing to deliver on our           excavation work on the campus. The campus has many areas of
   commitment to shaping                      archaeological interest. The excavations, supervised by Dr Colm Donnelly
   education and changing lives.              and field archaeologists (Ruairi O Baoill, Brian Sloan and Ruth Logue) from
                                              the Centre for Community Archaeology (CCA) will focus on: the
                                              "farmyard", which may be a "lost" early 17th century fortified house and
                                              defended farmstead; the lawn outside Stran House which records suggest
                                              was an Early Medieval ringfort; and a rather curious linear building to the
                                              western boundary of the estate shown on a map from the 1830s. We will
                                              keep you posted on their findings.
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
Halls are Full!                      #Why We Care!
At this time of year we would        The College was delighted to be able to support the recent
normally have around 50              #WhyWeCare Foster Care Fortnight campaign. Ensuring that every
bookings for our Halls for next      care experienced young person has the same opportunities to access
year, with the vast majority of                                                   Higher Education as
bookings coming in once A-level                                                   their peers is one of the
results are out and students start                                                pillars of our Widening
looking for accommodation. For                                                    Access and
next year our Halls are already                                                   Participation strategy.
oversubscribed - a big shout-out
for Halls!
                                     NI Does Daily Mile
                                     On Friday 28th May, 392 schools
                                     took part in NI Does the Daily
                                     Mile, with primary and nursery
                                     schools across Northern Ireland
                                     running their Daily Mile
                                     together (virtually) to raise
                                     awareness of children’s mental
                                     health and wellbeing.
                                     Congratulations to Brenda
                                     McKay-Redmond and the team
                                     behind the Daily Mile.

                                     The College is delighted to have been shortlisted as one of the four
                                     finalists for the Edufuturists University of the Year Awards. The
                                     College was nominated by Seaview Primary School Principal, Mrs
                                     Latham. "I nominated the excellent work of the university research
                                     and the amazing digital support that was provided during lockdown.
                                     Honestly you have all been amazing throughout lockdown and
                                     during the pandemic times and I just wanted to highlight the
                                     wonderful work you are all doing.
                                     So tell your friends and get
                                     voting!!! Let’s shine a spotlight on
                                     positive Covid –19 moments.”
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
Working Together, Achieving Together                                          Stran SU Takes Top Spot
As we come to the end of the 2018-21 Corporate Plan, it is with great pride
that we can look back and reflect on some of the many achievements we
have made collectively as a team over the past 3 years - staff, students,
management and board all working with a clear focus to meet and exceed
challenging targets, even with a global pandemic thrown in to the mix!

                                                                              For Students’ Union President,
                                                                              Jonny Reid, and his Student
                                                                              Executive, this year has certainly
                                                                              been a year like no other - a year
                                                                              of constant challenges when,
                                                                              probably more than ever,
                                                                              creativity, innovative thinking and
                                                                              sheer hard work were needed to
                                                                              ensure that the Stran community
                                                                              stayed together and supported
                                                                              each other.

                                                                              Their success was recognised by
                                                                              the Union of Students in Ireland
                                                                              and NUS when the team won
                                                                              Small SU team of the year in the
                                                                              #SAAI21 awards for the second
                                                                              year in a row.
Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College Bulletin staff Issue 5, June 2021 - Stranmillis University College
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