Businesses at Work Feb 2023

Page created by Leon Payne
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Feb 2023

             2022’s most popular
             app categories
             Top-performing apps
             The rise of Zero
             Trust security

at Work
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023

What’s inside                                                                           35   The best tools for the job
                                                                                             Battle of the bundles
                                                                                             Google grabs the gold
                                                                                                                                         69   Security at work
                                                                                                                                              Protecting the prize
                                                                                                                                              Security categories battle it out
                                                                                             Souring on the suite life                        Most popular types of
                                                                                             The rise of the best of breed                    assurance factors
                                                                                                                                              Not all MFA is created equal
                                                                                             Growth of developer tools
                                                                                             We see you…                                      Questioning security questions
                                                                                             monitoring apps on the rise                      Growth of factor groupings by industry
                                                                                             Most popular HR tools                            Charting a more secure future
                                                                                             The apps powering people success                 Progress in Zero Trust adoption

     Staying strategic in uncertain times

     Summary of key findings                09   2022’s most popular
                                                 app categories
                                                 Categories at work
                                                                                             Growth of remote access solutions
                                                                                             Secure access starts at home
                                                                                             Apps for Good
                                                                                                                                              Never trust, always verify
                                                                                                                                              Zero Trust configurations
                                                                                                                                              gain ground

07   Methodology                                 Up, up, and away: Travel takes              Making a positive impact                         Adapative MFA events by industry
     How did Okta create this report?            off on a historic solo flight                                                                Zero Trust at work
                                                                                             Workflow adoption by industry
                                                 Industries invest in key categories         Go with the flow                                 WebAuthn use by industry
                                                 Building a better toolbox                                                                    Goodbye, passwords.
                                                                                                                                              Hello, secure auth
                                                 Top app categories globally

                                                 It's an app world after all                 The rise of multi-cloud

                                                                                             The most popular cloud platforms
                                                                                                                                              That’s a wrap

                                                                                             Forecasting more cloud cover
                                                 Top-performing apps
                                                                                             The most popular cloud combos
                                                 See how they grew                           Two is better than one
                                                 The 50 most popular apps of 2022
                                                 Meet the rising stars

                                                 The fastest growing apps of 2022            Apps for our lives
                                                 Tools that fit
                                                 Fastest growing apps by company size        Most popular banking
                                                                                             and finance apps
                                                 An app for every sector                     What’s in your e-wallet?
                                                 Fastest growing apps by industry
                                                                                             Fitness flexes, dieting slims down
                                                 Touring the world                           Health and wellness apps show
                                                 Fastest growing apps by region and          improved vigor
                                                                                             Most popular social media platforms
                                                                                             The leaders of likes, follows, and shares
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                Introduction      04

                                                              We see that organizations worldwide
                                                              are investing in workflows for greater
                                                              efficiency, enhancing the productivity
                                                              of remote workforces with cloud-first
                                                              tools, and prioritizing security to mitigate
                                                              threats. We also see the stunning rise
                                                              of the travel app category in early 2022
                                                              (time will tell how that plays out), and we
                                                              award the title of the fastest growing         Let’s take a deep dive into the data
                                                              app to Kandji, an Apple mobile device          to identify which apps and digital
                                                              management solution.                           strategies are gaining traction in these
                                                                                                             undeniably unique times.
                                                              Some trends continue to hold steady
                                                              or gain steam: Notably security is still
                                                              top-of-mind for most organizations as
                                                              they find new ways to better safeguard
                                                              remote access, including graduating to
                                                              higher-assurance factors in their multi-
                                                              factor authentication (MFA) solutions.
                                                              And we see that Zero Trust, once merely
                                                              a philosophy, is already becoming a way
This year is all about selecting the right tools and
                                                              of life for many organizations.
strategies to navigate uncertainty. Macro headwinds
such as a tight labor market, high inflation, and
rising interest rates abound, making it an undeniably
challenging time to run and grow a business.

To thrive in a climate like this, organizations have to get
strategic. They need to double down on workforce
efficiency, invest more heavily in security, and innovate
around revenue-facing initiatives. The anonymized data
from Okta’s more than 17,000 global customers and
the Okta Integration Network — which includes over
7,000 integrations with cloud, mobile, web apps, and IT
infrastructure providers — shows us that companies are
doing just that.
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                   06

                          Summary of
                                                                                                                  Best tools for the job
                                                                                                                  Organizations rely on a large, diverse set of

                          key findings
                                                                                                                  apps to deliver on their mission, and large
                                                                                                                  companies (≥ 2000 employees) lead the pack
                                                                                                                  with an average of 211 apps apiece. Companies
                                                                                                                  continue to add best-of-breed apps — such as
                                                                                                                  Zoom, Slack, and Box — on top of productivity
                                                                                                                  suites: Among Okta’s Microsoft 365 customers
                                                                                                                  in North America, 51% now also deploy Zoom,
                                                                                                                  and globally, 42% of Okta customers with
                                                                                                                  Microsoft 365 also deploy Google Workspace,        YoY by number of customers) — focus on
                          Categories at work                          most notable growth coming from
                                                                                                                  up from 38% last year. We look at the top HR       mental health. And in the world of social media,
                          Buckle up, we’re going for a ride.          Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
                                                                                                                  tools, developer tools, remote access solutions,   LinkedIn holds the top spot, while TeamSnap is
                          Travel has rebounded in a big               (EMEA). Of course, security remains a
                                                                                                                  and charitable giving apps, as well as the         the fastest growing by number of customers.
                          way: We’re talking 43% year-over-           major global concern, and we see the
                                                                                                                  increasing adoption of automated workflows
                          year (YoY) growth by number of              strongest YoY growth for this sector                                                           Security at work
                                                                                                                  that keep everything running efficiently.
                          customers and 197% growth by                in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.                                                             Remote and hybrid workforces are here to
                          unique users across all industries.                                                     Rise of multi-cloud                                stay, so protecting network access from the
                                                                      Fastest growing apps
                                                                                                                  “If one cloud platform can cut our work in half,   home office (and the coffee shop office, and
                                                                      This   year’s   fastest   growing    list
    Travel has rebounded in a big                                     features a diverse pool of apps,
                                                                                                                  maybe we should get two!” This year’s data
                                                                                                                  shows that the growth in multi-cloud adoption
                                                                                                                                                                     the Airbnb office … ) is a top priority. Companies
                                                                                                                                                                     are stepping up to higher-assurance factors
    way: We’re talking 43% YoY                                        ranging from tools for collaboration,
                                                                      communication,      corporate    travel,
                                                                                                                  that’s been visible since 2017 shows no sign       in their MFA deployments: Low-assurance

    growth by number of customers                                     and HR to a cloud platform, a
                                                                                                                  of slowing down, and the favorite pairing of
                                                                                                                  Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud
                                                                                                                                                                     security questions are experiencing the slowest
                                                                                                                                                                     growth across the board (3% YoY by number
    and 197% growth by unique                                         developer tool, and a security tool.
                                                                      The champion this year is Kandji,
                                                                                                                  Platform (GCP) continues to grow. We explore       of customers), while high-assurance security

    users across all industries.                                      with 172% YoY growth by number
                                                                                                                  how many companies now have one, two, or
                                                                                                                  three cloud solutions and the factors driving
                                                                                                                                                                     keys/biometrics (including WebAuthentication)
                                                                                                                                                                     are growing more quickly: 46% YoY growth
                                                                      of customers. We cruise through
                                                                                                                  that adoption.                                     by number of customers, and a chart-topping
                          Business supplies — a category that         the fastest growing apps overall by
                                                                                                                                                                     211% by unique users. The Zero Trust security
                          didn’t even break the top 10 in last        number of customers and unique              Apps for our lives
                                                                                                                                                                     framework continues to gain ground, with
                          year’s report — showed tremendous           users and take a deeper look into the       The line between work and personal life
                                                                                                                                                                     companies adding more configurations to
                          year-over-year growth, with a 35%           high performers by industry, region,        is blurrier than ever. Looking at combined
                                                                                                                                                                     protect their users, devices, and networks; 22%
                          increase in customers and a 77%             and country.                                corporate and personal app use, digital
                                                                                                                                                                     of all Okta customers now deploy one or more
                          increase in unique users. Design                                                        payment gateway Paypal and newcomers
                                                                                                                                                                     Zero Trust configurations.
                          software is still on the rise, the third-                                               Venmo and Stripe are finding strong footing
                          fastest growing category this year                                                      in our top finance and banking apps. Among
                          with 31% YoY growth by number                                                           health and wellness, FitBit is king, but our
                          of customers, after chart-topping                                                       two fastest growing apps by number of
                          39% YoY growth last year. Sales and                                                     customers — LiveWell (up 32% YoY by number
                          marketing tools are gaining, with the                                                   of customers) and Modern Health (up 30%
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                                                                                         Introduction   08


How did Okta
create this report?
                                 To create our Businesses at Work reports, we rely on data      Each year, we look at app popularity in three        We use the term “Workforce Identity” to
                                 from Okta customers. We anonymize Okta customer                different ways. Most charts present the              signify Okta customers that are deploying
                                 data from our network of thousands of companies,               number of customers that have deployed               Okta services to their employees. We use
                                 applications, and IT infrastructure integrations, as well      apps from the Okta Integration Network. A            the term “Customer Identity” to signify Okta
                                 as millions of daily authentications and verifications from    few charts look at the number of active unique       customers deploying Okta services to their own
                                 countries around the world. Our customers and their            users, defined as users who have logged in to        customers. Okta also offers products that allow
                                 employees, contractors, partners, and customers use            an app via Okta at least one time in the past 30     Workforce and Customer Identity use cases
                                 Okta to securely log in to devices, websites, apps, and        days. In our Apps for Good section, we count         in the same environment. These products are
                                 services, and leverage security features to protect their      users assigned, defined as users who have            excluded when we discuss Workforce Identity
                                 sensitive data. They span every major industry and vary in     access to the application.                           and Customer Identity in isolation.
                                 size, from small businesses to some of the world’s largest
                                                                                                We have worked carefully to standardize our          Unless otherwise specified, the data included
                                 organizations, with hundreds of thousands of employees
                                                                                                data. Unless otherwise noted, this report            in this report is limited to Okta customers
                                 and millions of customers.
                                                                                                presents and analyzes data from November             that have deployed at least one app to users
                                 As you read this report, keep in mind that this data is only   1, 2021, to October 31, 2022, which we refer to      through the Okta Integration Network. Also,
                                 representative of Okta’s customers, the applications and       as “this year,” “today,” and “in 2022.” Similarly,   unless otherwise noted, this report looks at
                                 integrations they connect to through the Okta Integration      when we refer to “last year” or “in 2021,” we        apps deployed for corporate use. This report
                                 Network, and the ways users access these tools                 are referring to data from November 1, 2020,         focuses exclusively on Okta data and does not
                                 through our service. The terms “app” and “tool” are used       to October 31, 2021. “2020” refers to the same       include Auth0.
                                 throughout this report to refer to applications, services,     period in its respective year.
                                 and integrations available through the Okta Integration
                                                                                                When referring to company size, Okta uses the
                                 Network. The trends we describe for Okta’s Microsoft
                                                                                                term “small” to refer to companies with 1,999
                                 365 customers may differ from those of Microsoft 365
                                                                                                or fewer employees and “large” to refer to
                                 customers that do not use Okta (i.e., those using Azure
                                                                                                companies with 2,000 or more employees.
                                 Active Directory or other Identity platforms that do not
                                 provide strong cross-app integration support.)
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023

Categories at work

Judging by 2022’s most popular app categories, we’re
on the move, redesigning our products, reimagining our
businesses for a changed world, and building them back
stronger across all industries, countries, and regions.
We see particularly strong performances by travel apps,
design software, and developer tools.
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                                 2022’s most popular app categories   12

                                                                                                       Business has fully embraced hybrid collaboration,
                                                                                                       with top app categories reflecting a return to
                                                                                                       offices as well as the continuation of remote
                                                                                                       work. Business supplies — a category including
                                                                                                       5.11 Tactical (uniforms), Amazon Business, Pitney
                                                                                                       Bowes, 4imprint (promotional merchandise),
                                                                                                       Staples, Vistaprint, Dell, and Apple Business
                                                                                                       Manager — which didn’t even break the top
                                                                                                       10 app categories in last year’s report, showed
                                                                                                       tremendous year-over-year growth, with a
                                                                                                       35% increase in customers and a 77% increase
                                                  Neither flight delays, high gas prices, nor
                                                                                                       in unique users. Design software, the fastest
                                                  hospitality worker shortages can keep us from
                                                                                                       growing category in last year’s report with 39%
                                                  going… well, everywhere we can possibly go.
                                                                                                       YoY customer growth, stays sharp and on-
                                                  Two years of quarantining and staying close
                                                                                                       brand this year with an additional 31% growth
                                                  to home left us hungry to rub elbows with
                                                                                                       in customers (and 60% growth in users). This
                                                  our colleagues and clients, so it’s no surprise
                                                                                                       category has been a solid performer for the
                                                  that travel is the No. 1 fastest growing app
                                                                                                       past five years, since logging 58% YoY growth
                                                  category this year. But wow — what a jump.
                                                                                                       by number of customers and chart-topping
                                                  Travel posted 43% YoY growth by number of
                                                                                                       185% YoY growth by number of unique users
                                                  customers and 197% YoY growth by number
                                                                                                       in 2017. Categories like content collaboration
                          Categories at work      of unique users, making it far and away our top

                          Up, up, and away:
                                                  growth leader. Since our data focuses on growth
                                                  this year, we expected to see travel rebounding
                                                  from a pandemic lull over the past few years.

                          Travel takes off on a
                                                  But it turns out that travel started gaining
                                                  momentum in 2020 and, in our mostly post-            Two years of quarantining and
                                                                                                       staying close to home left us
                          historic solo flight
                                                  quarantine climate, has rocketed up from there:
                                                  After below-average category growth from 2017
                                                  to 2019, the travel category grew 32% YoY by         hungry to rub elbows with our
                                                  number of customers in 2020, putting it above
                                                  average for customer growth, and in 2021, travel
                                                                                                       colleagues and clients, so it’s no
                                                  grew 41% YoY by number of customers and              surprise that travel is the No. 1
                                                  231% by unique users, putting it in a similar far-
                                                  top-right growth leader position, similar to what
                                                                                                       fastest growing app category
                                                  we see in the 2022 acceleration matrix. That’s       this year.
                                                  three consecutive years of above-average
                                                  growth, which is impressive in its own right.
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
2022’s most popular app categories   14

       Growth of app categories                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and video conferencing — which were strong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  performers last year — continued growing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  although not quite as rapidly: This year, content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  collaboration grew 21% YoY by number of
                                                  200%                                                                                       Average Growth by
                                                                                                                                             Number of Customers                                                                         Travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  customers (compared to 28% last year) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  video conferencing grew 19% YoY by number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  customers (compared to 23% last year).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Companies remain highly focused on both
Year-over-Year Growth by Number of Unique Users

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  security and sales and marketing, which have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  been ranked the No. 2 and No. 3 categories
                                                  100%                                                                                                                                                                                            since mid-2018. Deployment of security tools

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Business Supplies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  grew 23% YoY by number of customers and
                                                                                                                                                   Sales &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  43% YoY by unique users — no surprise in a
                                                                                                                                                                Developer                   Design Software

                                                  50%                                                                          Job Board
                                                                                                                                                              Security        Cloud Platforms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  world where the threatscape continues to grow,
                                                                                                   Banking                  Apps for Good                                Analytics
                                                                                                             Expense Mgt       News                                     Electronic Signature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and every company is at risk of a data breach.
                                                                                     Healthcare                                                       HR                                                                 Average Growth by
                                                                                                                  ITSM &
                                                                                                  Social Media
                                                                                                                Helpdesk      Video
                                                                                                                                                                Project Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Number of Unique Users   As companies redoubled efforts to grow their
                                                                                                     Web Design & Hosting     Conferencing
                                                     Telecommunications                                                                      Content Collaboration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  businesses, sales and marketing apps grew 23%
                                                                                                                             Finance         Networking & Infrastructure
                                                   0%                                       Shipping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  by number of customers and 53% by number of
                                                         0%                                       10%                                  20%                                         30%                                       40%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  unique users over the past year.
                                                         Year-over-Year Growth by Number of Customers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Likewise, organizations continue to add cloud
                                                           Content Collaboration                                                                                Productivity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  platforms, developer tools, and productivity
                                                           Security                                                                                             Banking
                                                           Sales & Marketing                                                                                    Wed Design & Hosting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Networking &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  apps to their digital toolboxes at a steady
       You may notice a difference in how we’re presenting                                                                                    Content Collaboration                                  Productivity
                                                           Cloud Platforms                                                                                      Finance                                                Infrastructure
       our most popular app categories this year. Instead    of                                                                               Security                                               Banking                                      pace, keeping these categories in the “growth
                                                           Developer  Tools                                                                                     Social Media                                             Productivity
                                                                                                                                              Sales & Marketing                                      Web Design & Hosting
       a simple trend line chart limited to 15 categories, we’ve
                                                           Video Conferencing                                                                                   Business Supplies                                                                 leader” quadrant. However their growth rate
                                                                                                                                              Cloud Platforms                                        Finance
       adopted an acceleration matrix, giving us space to  Networking & Infrastructure                                                                          Travel
                                                                                                                                              Developer Tools                                        Social Media                                 has cooled slightly over the past five years.
       feature all 29 of our categories. This matrix captures                                                                                                   Consumer
                                                                                                                                              Video Conferencing                                     Business Supplies
       the year-over-year percentage growth by number of   Project Management                                                                                   Shipping
                                                                                                                                              Networking & Infrastructure                            Travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cloud platforms drifted up another 27% YoY by
       customers and unique users. We still track category                                                                                    HR                                                     Consumer                                     number of customers this year; the category
                                                            Analytics                                                                                           Healthcare
       rank by number of customers in the legend and the                                                                                      Project Management                                     Shipping
                                                            Electronic Signature
                                                                                                                                              Design Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  has continued growing since a 54% YoY growth
       relative sizes of the colored circles. The top-right Expense Management                                                                                  Job Board
       quadrant is where our growth leaders sit; meanwhile,
                                                                                                                                              Analytics                                              Healthcare                                   spurt in 2017 (its five-year growth peak). The
                                                            ITSM & Helpdesk                                                                                     Apps for Good
                                                                                                                                              Electronic Signature                                   News
       the top-left and bottom-right quadrants show above-  E-Learning                                                                        Expense Management                                     Job Board                                    developer tools category isn’t far behind, with
       average growth by number of unique users (top                                                                                          ITSM & Helpdesk                                        Apps for Good                                26% YoY customer growth, compared to 51%
       left) and by number of customers (bottom right).                                                                                       E-Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  growth in 2017. And productivity tools enjoyed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  22% YoY growth by number of customers,
                                                                                                                                         Note: In this view of app usage,                                                                         compared to 57% YoY in 2017.
                                                                                                                                         we count the number of customers
                                                                                                                                         deploying one or more apps or
                                                                                                                                         tools in each category.
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023

                          Industries invest in key categories                                                App category growth by industry

                          Building a
                                                                                                                                                          App Category Growth by Industry

                          better toolbox
                                                                                                                     Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation
                                                                                                             Construction, Engineering, & Architecture
                                                                                                                            Energy, Mining, Oil, & Gas
                                                                                                                                   Finance & Banking
                                                                                                                        Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
                                                                                                                            Media & Communications
                                                                                                                                Professional Services
                                                                                                                        Real Estate, Rental, & Leasing

                          When we look at the growth of app        and recreation (33% YoY growth); and                                         Retail
                          categories broken out by customer        construction and engineering (33%
                                                                                                                       Transportation & Warehousing
                          industry, a number of interesting        YoY growth).                                                      Wholesale Trade

                          trends   emerge.   Design    software
                                                                   We also see strong growth in sales                                                          Cloud         Content           Design    Developer   HR   Networking &       Project     Sales &    Security      Video
                          boasts strong year-over-year growth                                                                                                Platforms     Collaboration      Software     Tools          Infrastructure   Management   Marketing              Conferencing
                                                                   and marketing tools across many
                          across many sectors — notice the                                                                                                Categories of
                                                                                                                                                          Apps and Tools
                                                                   sectors. At the high end of growth,
                          dark vertical band in this heat map.
                                                                   arts, entertainment, and recreation
                          Design software posts its strongest
                                                                   increased their investment in sales                                                                                                                          0%            10%        20%        30%        40%

                                                                   and marketing tools 41% YoY by
          Digging deeper, we see that                              number of customers. Many other

          travel's growth is driven                                categories made sales and marketing
                                                                   tools a priority, including retail (32%
          mainly by the tech sector,                               YoY growth by number of customers),

          which posted 62% YoY growth                              education (29% YoY growth), and
                                                                   healthcare and pharmaceuticals (28%
                                                                                                             networking and infrastructure apps. Meanwhile,
                                                                                                             nonprofits           leaned         most           substantially              into
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Digging deeper, we see that travel’s growth is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    driven mainly by the tech sector, which posted
          by number of customers and                               YoY growth).                              the design software category, with adoption                                            62% YoY growth by number of customers and

          258% by unique users.                                    The education and nonprofit sectors
                                                                                                             increasing 29% YoY by number of customers.                                             258% by unique users. (In last year’s report, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    tech sector was the bellwether for travel’s rise:
                                                                   seem to be focusing on basic              Note that the heatmap above only has room
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Navan (formerly TripActions) was the sector’s
                          gains by number of customers among       infrastructure and core capabilities:     to show the 10 largest app categories, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                    fastest growing app by unique users, with a
                          transportation and warehousing (45%      Education has high growth rates           multiple industry sectors leaned into smaller app
                                                                                                                                                                                                    first-class 1647% YoY growth rate.) The finance
                          YoY growth); insurance (38% YoY          across all categories and tops the        categories as well. As shown in our acceleration
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and banking sector also ranks travel as their
                          growth); healthcare/pharmaceuticals      chart with 42% YoY growth in the          matrix, travel is the fastest growing app category
                                                                                                                                                                                                    top priority, with 33% YoY growth by number
                          (35% YoY growth); arts, entertainment,   number    of   customers    deploying     by number of customers and unique users.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of customers.
Businesses at Work Feb 2023
Businesses at Work 2023

Top app categories globally                                                                        App category growth by country

It’s an app world                                                                                           Design software                            Sales and marketing                            Developer tools

after all                                                                                                   27%

                                                                                                            E-signature                                HR                                             Design software


                                                                                                            Developer tools and content                Developer tools                                Travel

                                                                                                                                                       64%                                            38%
                                                                                                            collaboration, tie: 63%

                                   Breaking down app category growth by country also
                                   yields some interesting results: The top app categories
                                   vary as widely as their spoken languages. In the UK, it’s all
                                                                                                                                                       Japan                                          USA

                                   about design software, which grew 27% YoY by number
                                   of customers. For France and the Netherlands, the
                                   terrain and the terroir are very different, and so, too, are
                                   their fastest growing app categories: In France, content
                                   collaboration leads the way with 63% YoY growth, while          Different accents on business needs:              APAC is driving significant growth in security,
                                   the Netherlands favors developer tools, which grew 25%.         Regional app category growth                      electronic signature apps, developer tools,
                                                                                                   In terms of regional differences, most of this    cloud platforms, and analytics tools, most
                                   Elsewhere in Europe, sales and marketing apps take
                                                                                                   year’s impressive growth in the travel category   notably at the unique user level. Ranking at the
                                   the top spot in Germany with a 79% gain. Moving east
                                                                                                   has been driven by North America and EMEA,        top, use of security tools increased 85% YoY by
                                   to Japan, we see our highest rate of category growth
                                                                                                   where YoY travel app growth by customers          unique users. The use of electronic signature
                                   by country: Developer tools grew 64% YoY by number
                                                                                                   measures 39% and 78%, respectively.               tools and developer tools by unique users
                                   of customers, which is not surprising considering
                                                                                                                                                     increased 61% and 55% YoY, respectively.
                                   the amount of venture capital funding in Japan has              The growth of the business supplies category
                                                                                                                                                     Cloud platforms grew among unique users by
                                   increased tenfold over the past decade. In Israel, human        is another success story. As hybrid workers
                                                                                                                                                     50% YoY, while use of analytics tools increased
                                   resources grew 61%. Moving down under to Australia,             return to offices and start stealing staplers
                                                                                                                                                     among unique users by 47% YoY.
                                   design software leads the way with a 27% kangaroo               again, we see renewed demand for office
                                   bounce in YoY growth. In North America, travel is the           supplies in North America (78% YoY increase       Next, we’ll uncover the specific apps, tools,
                                   fastest growing app category for shutdown-weary                 in unique users) and EMEA (162% YoY increase      and platforms companies are choosing to
                                   Americans, clocking 38% YoY growth. Meanwhile in                in unique users). Sales and marketing apps are    make their organizations stronger, safer, more
                                   Canada, e-signature is in the lead, signing up 40% more         also superhot in EMEA, reporting 313% YoY         resilient, and better prepared for the future.
                                   customers YoY.                                                  growth in unique users.
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                        Top-performing apps        20

Most popular and fastest growing                                         See how they grew

                                                                         The 50 most popular
                                                                         apps of 2022

                                                                         No one can resist news about how big           unique users, while still tracking app rank in
                                                                         the big stars have gotten, right? So let’s     the legend (and in the relative sizes of the
                                                                         start with our exclusive exposé of how         colored circles). Lights… camera… action!
                                                                         the established apps, with the largest
                                                                                                                        The real box office smashes occur in the
                                                                         customer bases, have grown this year.
                                                                                                                        top-right quadrant of this chart, where
                                                                         Which are still pulling in new customers,
                                                                                                                        apps and tools are growing quickly both
                                                                         and which are cooling off? Yes, it’s time to
                                                                                                                        in customers and unique users. The top
                                                                         dish about the most popular apps.
                                                                                                                        right is where our growth leaders hang out,
Our annual list of the fastest growing apps showcases                                                                   and there’s not a single app there with less
two kinds of growth success stories: The ever-popular,     Outstanding players [among our top                           than 30% YoY customer growth and 43%
crowd-pleasing workhorse apps that organizations still
can’t seem to get enough of, and the new rising stars
                                                           50 apps] include Figma, boasting                             YoY unique user growth. These apps that
                                                                                                                        have earned enough customers to rank
of the app world, shooting to the pinnacle of fame and     chart-topping 81% YoY growth by                              in the top 50 are finding ways to keep up
leaving only a trail of stardust. Nothing can hold these
growth champions back. So, let’s start with a hearty
                                                           number of customers, and Sentry,                             substantial growth. Outstanding players
                                                                                                                        here include Figma, boasting a chart-
round of applause for this year’s all-star team.           the growth leader among unique                               topping 81% YoY growth by number of

                                                           users at 128% YoY growth.                                    customers, and Sentry, the growth leader
                                                                                                                        among unique users at 128% YoY growth.

                                                                         In previous reports, we’ve highlighted         Interestingly, 13 of the 15 apps in our top-
                                                                         only the top 15 apps, ranked in simple         right growth-leader quadrant first debuted
                                                                         trendline charts by number of customers.       on our fastest growing apps list in prior
                                                                         This year, we’re blowing it out in an all-     Businesses at Work reports: We identified
                                                                         star extravaganza, showcasing the top          their early rocket trajectories, and now they
                                                                         50 apps in a single acceleration matrix        rank as established players. Our growth
                                                                         that captures growth by customers and          leader quadrant stars reach back as far as
Can we keep bragging about our fastest                        Growth of the 50 most popular apps
                                                      growing alums for a moment? Thanks for
                                                      indulging us, because the top-left and bottom-
                                                                                                                                                              130%                                                                                            Average Growth by
                                                      right quadrants of the acceleration matrix are                                                                                                                                                          Number of Customers

                                                      stellar places to rank as well. In the bottom right
                                                      (above-average growth by customers), we tip                                                             110%

                                                      our hats to Slack (the No. 1 fastest growing app                                                        100%                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Figma
                                                      in 2015), Tableau (a fastest growing app in 2015                                                        90%                                                                                                                                                      Snowflake

                                                      and 2016), BambooHR (2016), and Jamf Pro (No.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HubSpot
our first report in early 2015, in which PagerDuty    1 in 2017) for their continued success. And in
was the second-fastest-growing app, behind            the top left (above-average growth by unique                                                                                                                             Salesforce                                         LastPass          Datadog

Slack. (Remember that for trivia night.) After        users), we salute AWS (2015), Lucidchart (2016),                                                        60%                                                                                           Zscaler          Asana         GitHub

                                                                                                            Year-over-Year Growth by Number of Unique Users
PagerDuty (2015), we welcomed Zscaler (2017),         and Splunk (2019).                                                                                      50%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lucidchart                                                                 Amazon Business
KnowBe4 (2017-2019, No. 1 in 2018), LastPass                                                                                                                                                                        ADP     Expensify
                                                      Turn your eye to the legend for a moment, which                                                         40%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tableau                                                                                       Average Growth by
(2018), Datadog (2018), Freshworks/Freshservice                                                                                                                                        Cisco Umbrella
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Adobe CC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BambooHR                       Jamf Pro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Number of Unique Users
                                                      ranks the top 50 apps based on number of                                                                30%                  SAP Concur                    Atlassian Product Suite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Google Workspace
(2018, 2019), Snowflake (No. 1 in 2019), Amazon                                                                                                                                          ServiceNow                                     Microsoft

                                                      customers. For our perennial readers, this list                                                                                                          Cisco
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Meraki                    365                     Oracle NetSuite
Business (No. 1 in 2020), 1Password, Sentry                                                                                                                   20%                                                      Cisco
                                                      looks familiar: Microsoft 365 remains the top                                                                                                 Box
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            LinkedIn Learning

(2020), GitHub (2020, 2021), and Figma and                                                                                                                     10%
                                                      app by number of customers, followed by AWS,                                                                                                                                                                                                        Greenhouse
Miro (both 2021). In fact, only two of this year’s                                                                                                             0%
                                                      Google Workspace, Salesforce, and Zoom. In                                                                     Webex by Cisco
high-growth-quadrant apps haven’t previously                                                                                                                                                        Twitter
                                                      fact, the top nine apps hold the same ranks they                                                        -10%
ranked as fastest growing apps: customer
                                                      did last year. However, GitHub has climbed two                                                                 0%                        10%                         20%                          30%                          40%                      50%                         60%                   70%                   80%
relationship management platform HubSpot
                                                      spots to reach No. 10, and Jamf Pro reaches No.                                                                Year-over-Year Growth by Number of Customers
and project management app Asana.
                                                      15 for the first time.
What    do    our   growth     leaders    have   in                                                                                                                         Microsoft 365                                         Cisco Meraki                                                Datadog                              Freshworks                           BambooHR
                                                      If we were to peek at a list of top apps ranked                                                                       Amazon Web Services (AWS)                             Box                                                         Smartsheet                           Miro                                 RingCentral
common? Three categories each claim three                                                                                                                                   Google Workspace                                      Lucidchart                                                  Figma                                Asana                                Amazon Business
                                                      by number of unique users, we would see
or more apps in the high-growth quadrant:                                                                                                                                   Salesforce                                            Zendesk                                                     Dropbox                              LastPass                             Webex by Cisco
                                                      it’s also much the same as last year’s chart.                                                                         Zoom                                                  Jamf Pro                                                    Oracle NetSuite                      Envoy                                Zscaler
collaboration (Figma, Miro, Asana), security                                                                                                                                Atlassian Product Suite                               Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect                            Snowflake                            1Password                            Sentry
                                                      Microsoft 365, Workday, ServiceNow, Google                                                                            Slack                                                 Tableau                                                     Mimecast                             Cisco AnyConnect                     Splunk
(1Password,    LastPass,     Zscaler,    KnowBe4),                                                                                                                          DocuSign                                              PagerDuty                                                   Greenhouse                           Workday                              Cisco Umbrella
                                                      Workspace, and Salesforce still hold the top                                                                          KnowBe4                                               SAP Concur                                                  ServiceNow                           Expensify                            Twitter
and developer tools (Sentry, Datadog, GitHub,                                                                                                                               GitHub                                                Adobe Creative Cloud                                        ADP                                  HubSpot                              LinkedIn Learning
                                                      five ranks by number of unique users. The
PagerDuty). It’s interesting to note that these
                                                      biggest news is that Zscaler moves up a notch
three categories rank in the top five app
                                                      to claim sixth place.
categories described above. With HubSpot
representing sales and marketing, the only
top-five category we don’t see in the top-right
quadrant here is cloud platforms.
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                                                                   Top-performing apps   24

                          Regional app trends: Differences                    45% YoY growth in unique users. 1Password        APAC with 88% YoY growth. Miro’s overall jump
                          emerge in the acceleration matrix                   takes the security tools prize in EMEA (in       in customers is driven by 78% YoY growth in
                          When we slice and dice the top 50 apps              addition to North America), with 77% YoY         EMEA and 71% YoY growth in APAC. These two
                          acceleration matrix by region, different trends     customer growth and 104% YoY growth in           collaboration tools see the most user growth
                          and patterns emerge. Microsoft 365 remains          unique users. We also see strong growth from     in EMEA, with the number of unique users
                          the most popular app by number of customers         developer tool Sentry (57% YoY customer          accessing Miro up 178% YoY, and the number
                          across all three regions: North America, EMEA,      growth and 175% YoY growth in unique users).     of unique users collaborating via Figma up
                          and APAC. In North America, AWS ranks No.           Other hot categories for this region include     146% YoY.
                          2, and Zoom seizes the No. 3 spot (as we            HR (Bob delivered chart-topping 90% YoY
                                                                                                                               The right tools for the job:
                          predicted in last year’s report). In EMEA, Google   customer growth and 115% YoY growth in
                                                                                                                               Top apps by industry
                          Workspace is notably No. 2 (ranking higher in       unique users) and data analytics (Snowflake
                                                                                                                               The top app lists by industry reveal big changes.
                          EMEA than globally), and AWS is No. 3. In APAC,     accumulated 66% YoY customer growth and
                                                                                                                               In the tech sector, AWS has been the top app
                          those spots are reversed, matching global ranks.    93% YoY growth in unique users).
                                                                                                                               by number of customers since June 2019. Slack
                          In North America, security, sales and marketing,    The APAC region is heavily focused on            has now grabbed the No. 5 spot. AWS has just
                          data analytics, and recruiting take center          security and developer tools this year. Jamf     entered the top ranks for the healthcare and
                          stage. 1Password shows the highest growth           Pro, Netskope, LastPass, and ZScaler battled     pharmaceuticals sector at the No. 4 spot. In the
                          among security tools, with 59% YoY customer         for supremacy in the security category: Jamf     retail space, Google Workspace has risen to
                          growth and 93% YoY growth in unique users.          Pro posted 57% YoY customer growth and           No. 2. Among the education sector, Salesforce
                          Hubspot, with 60% YoY customer growth and           118% YoY growth in unique users, jockeying       moved up to No. 4, with AWS and the Atlassian
                          96% YoY growth in unique users, leads the           for position with Netskope (51% YoY customer     Product Suite tied for No. 5.
                          way in the sales and marketing category. And        growth and 56% YoY unique user growth) and
                          among analytics tools, data collaboration tool      LastPass (43% YoY customer growth and a
                          Snowflake (50% YoY customer growth and              powerful 272% YoY growth in unique users).
                          89% YoY growth in unique users) grew most           ZScaler, too, delivers remarkable growth in
                          quickly. These three tools, along with Miro and     unique users — 280% YoY, coupled with 36%
                          Figma, make up the top five apps with the most      YoY growth in customers. On the developer
                          YoY growth in unique users in North America.        tools workbench, Datadog leads the way (60%
                          Interestingly, North America is the only region     YoY customer growth and 77% YoY unique
                          driving growth in recruiting app Greenhouse,        user growth), while GitHub boasts 47% YoY
                          which increased its number of customers here        customer growth and 64% YoY growth in
                          by 44% YoY.                                         unique users.

                          In EMEA, the most notable ranking is Salesforce,    It’s interesting to note that Figma and Miro
                          which grew an impressive 461% YoY by unique         show consistent YoY growth across all regions,
                          users (and 27% by customers). Also in the sales     especially by number of customers. Figma
                          and marketing category, Hubspot reports a           reaches peak acceleration in EMEA with 89%
                          respectable 68% YoY customer growth and             YoY growth by number of customers and in
Businesses at Work 2023

                          Meet the rising stars

                          The fastest
                          growing apps
                          of 2022
                          If apps had a star-studded awards            Ventures portfolio company, enables IT
                          show — and they definitely should — the      administrators to automate repetitive tasks
                          top 10 fastest growing apps would be         and introduce new features to the device
                          the freshest faces getting mobbed by         management space. Arriving in the top
                          the paparazzi on the red carpet. And this    spot is truly an awesome debut. Kandji’s
                          year’s hot up-and-comers are an unusually    rapid ascent suggests that automation is
                          diverse bunch. “Way back” in 2019, data      in high demand as IT teams try to do more
                          analytics and security tools ran the show;   with less. The hybrid work wave is also
                          in 2020, remote work and the tools that      likely at play here with IT teams scouting
                          made it possible led the way; and last       new solutions to manage and secure
                          year was all about collaboration. This       remote devices.
                          year, the fastest growing apps feature a
                                                                       Grammarly hits the board at No. 2,
                          truly diverse cast, providing expertise in
                                                                       with 124% YoY customer growth. In an
                          security, communication, corporate travel,
                                                                       increasingly dynamic, remote, and global
                          HR, cloud-app development, and, oh
                                                                       workforce, it makes more sense than
                          yes — collaboration too.
                                                                       ever for companies to prioritize clear
                          What these young upstarts all have in        communication. Our No. 3 spot is claimed
                          common is tremendous growth, ranging         by HR tool Bob. This newcomer has been
                          from 81% to 172% YoY growth by number        quietly creeping up in the ranks: We noticed
                          of customers. The No. 1 fastest growing      it gaining popularity in EMEA back in 2021
                          app of 2022 award goes to… Kandji,           when it grabbed second place among HR
                          an Apple mobile device management            tools in the region, and this year it racked
                          tool, which posted 172% YoY growth by        up 123% YoY customer growth globally.
                          number of customers. Kandji, an Okta
Top-performing apps   28

Fastest growing apps by number of customers                                                                            While the top three apps on our list are all       We also recognize some repeat performers
                                                                                                                       newcomers, there are some familiar faces.          from last year’s list of fastest growing apps
                                                                                                                       Our No. 4 and No. 10 apps, collaboration tools     by   unique   users,   always    remarkable     as
                Kandji                                                                                          172%   Notion and Figma, took No. 1 and No. 4 last        maintaining high growth rates is especially
                                                                                                                       go-round. (Last year, Notion had remarkable        hard to do. Netskope, our No. 1 app from
        Grammarly                                                                                        124%
                                                                                                                       240% YoY growth by number of customers,            2021, takes first place again this year, with a

                                                                                                                       and Figma clocked in at 159% growth, so it’s       whopping 250% YoY growth in unique users.
                                                                                                                       quite an accomplishment for these two apps         Navan makes the journey up one slot to take
           1    Notion                                                                            113%                 to post 113% and 81% YoY growth this year,         third place this year with 207% YoY growth by
                                                                                                                       respectively.) Our third repeat performer is No.   unique users, while Calendly drops from No. 2
Palo Alto Networks
    Prisma Access                                                                               109%                   6 app Navan, which was last year’s No. 2 with      last year to No. 8 this year with a still-admirable
                                                                                                                       178% YoY growth by number of customers. It’s       169% YoY growth. Notion, our fifth-fastest
           2    Navan                                                                    100%
  (formerly TripActions)
                                                                                                                       no surprise Navan made the list again this year,   growing app by unique users with 201% YoY
                                                                                                                       with a cooped-up world happily jet-setting         growth, held the No. 3 spot last year. Postman
                GitLab                                                                  97%
                                                                                                                       around again at last.                              is another repeat performer, coming in at No.
               Ironclad                                                                 97%                                                                               9 with 168% YoY growth by unique users this
                                                                                                                       Fastest growing apps by number
                                                                                                                                                                          year, after 363% last year.
                                                                                                                       of unique users
  Terraform Cloud                                                                      93%
                                                                                                                       Looking at the fastest growing apps by growth      We’re happy to welcome new entrants Twilio
           4    Figma                                                            81%
                                                                                                                       in unique users reveals that companies             SendGrid (219% growth YoY by unique users),
                                                                                                                       are really leaning into security, travel, and      Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access (205%),
                           Year-over-Year Growth
                                                                                                                       collaboration. Interestingly, four of the top 10   Keeper (195%), Terraform Cloud (192%), and
                                                                                                                       fastest growing apps by unique users also          Contentful (159%). All of these apps posted
                               App rank last year on fastest growing apps list                                         appear in the top 10 fastest growing apps by       more than 150% YoY growth in unique users,
                                                                                                                       number of customers: These overachievers           which is nothing to sneeze at.
                                                                                                                       are Navan, Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access,
                                                                                                                       Notion, and Terraform Cloud by HashiCorp.

                                                                 The No. 1 fastest growing app of
                                                                 2022 award goes to Kandji, an Apple
                                                                 mobile device management tool,
                                                                 which posted 172% YoY growth by
                                                                 number of customers.
Businesses at Work 2023

                          Tools that fit                                                                              Fastest growing apps by company size

                          Fastest growing                                                                                                Larger orgs ( ≥ 2000 employees)                                                         Smaller orgs ( < 2000 employees)

                          apps by                                                                                         TeamViewer                                                           60%                      Ramp                                                374%

                          company size
                                                                                                                                                                         55%                    TravelPerk                                       252%

                                                                                                                              Airtable                                                       54%                      Airbase                                       232%

                                                                                                                      Udemy Business                                                     51%                        ChartHop                                183%

                                                                                                                               Figma                                                    50%                             Kandji                            171%

                                                                                                                      Amazon Business                                                  47%                            6sense                             152%
                          When it comes to priorities and             of our fastest growing apps. Three
                          app usage, size really does matter.         apps    on    the        small-organization                Miro                                             43%                              WorkRamp                           140%
                          Looking at the data, we see that            list — No. 5 app Kandji, No. 8
                                                                                                                               Asana                                             42%                               Grammarly                       122%
                          larger companies (those with 2,000          Grammarly, and No. 9 Bob — all
                          or more employees) have entirely            appear on our overall fastest growing             ThousandEyes                                             41%                                      Bob                      121%
                          different needs and priorities than         app chart. On the other hand, the top
                          smaller companies. And when we              10 list for larger organizations claims                    GCP                                       33%                                        ClickUp                     115%

                                                                      only one overall fastest growing

           Larger organizations seem
                                                                                                                                         Year-over-Year Growth                                                                   Year-over-Year Growth
                                                                      winner — collaborative              interface
                                                                      design tool Figma, which has 50%
           more focused on IT support,                                YoY customer growth among larger

           project management, and                                    organizations.

           collaboration tools… Smaller                               Larger organizations seem more
                                                                      focused      on    IT    support,    project
                                                                                                                      four collaboration tools (Airtable, Figma, Miro,                             (232% YoY growth by number of customers), are

           organizations, on the other                                management,             and   collaboration
                                                                                                                      and Asana) crowd the larger organizations’
                                                                                                                      fastest growing charts, joining apps for learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                   expense and spend management tools, while
                                                                                                                                                                                                   travel expense management tool TravelPerk
           hand, are all about budgets.                               tools. IT support tool TeamViewer
                                                                      tops    the       larger      organizations’
                                                                                                                      (Udemy Business), business supplies (Amazon                                  (252% YoY growth by number of customers)
                                                                                                                      Business), network intelligence (ThousandEyes),                              takes No. 2. Smaller organizations are leaning
                                                                      list of fastest growing apps by
                          say entirely different, we mean it: The                                                     and cloud (GCP).                                                             in to ClickUp for project management over
                                                                      number of customers, with 60%
                          fastest growing apps for large and                                                                                                                             , and Workramp for training rather
                                                                      YoY growth. Second place goes to                Smaller organizations, on the other hand, are all
                          small organizations have zero overlap.                                                                                                                                   than Udemy Business.
                                                                      project management tool monday.                 about budgets: The top three fastest growing
                          Looking    at    the   data   this   way,   com, with 55% growth by number                  apps by customers for smaller organizations are
                          it   becomes      clear   that   smaller    of customers, while collaboration               all geared toward keeping an eye on spending.
                          organizations bear most of the              tool Airtable is a close third with             The No. 1 and No. 3 apps, Ramp (374% YoY
                          responsibility for driving the growth       54% growth. It’s interesting that               growth by number of customers) and Airbase
Top-performing apps   32

An app for every sector                                                                      Fastest growing apps by industry

Fastest growing                                                                                     Industry       By Number of Customers                           By Number of Unique Users

apps by industry
                                                                                                                    Kandji                                           Calendly

                                                                                                                    155%                                             269%
                                                                                                                    Figma                                            Netskope

                          We can count on three things in this world: The earth will keep
                                                                                               Finance & Banking

                                                                                                                    73%                                              1100%
                          spinning, the sun will come up tomorrow, and our fastest
                                                                                                                    Asana                                            Asana
                          growing apps by industry and region will change every year.

                          When we look at the data by industry sector, we get a
                          pretty good picture of what industries are prioritizing.

                                                                                                                    40%                                              187%
                          Whereas last year the tech sector was all about                                           DocuSign                                          Atlassian Product Suite

                                                                                                                    49%                                               74%
                          collaboration (Notion) and travel planning (Navan), this year             Retail
                          it’s turned its attention to security (Kandji) and streamlining
                          meeting management (Calendly). The education sector
                          is continuing to facilitate collaboration with tools like                                 KnowBe4                                           AWS, Microsoft 365 (Tie)

                                                                                                                    43%                                               68%
                          Google Workspace but is now adding CRM to the mix with                Healthcare &
                          Salesforce. Healthcare and pharmaceutical companies
                          are moving away from last year’s darling Salesforce
                          and focusing more heavily on security (KnowBe4) and                                       Google Workspace                                  Salesforce

                                                                                                                    31%                                               106%
                          collaborative work (AWS, Microsoft 365). The finance and                Education
                          banking sector is keeping a tight grip on security, prioritizing
                          DigiCert last year and Netskope this year, while adding
                          collaboration to the mix with Figma. Retail continues to lean                             Microsoft 365                                     Microsoft 365

                                                                                                                    24%                                               93%
                          in to app development, moving from GitHub last year to the             Government
                          Atlassian Product Suite this year, while adding DocuSign to
                          its toolkit. And government? That sector continues to rely
                          on Microsoft 365.                                                                                                 Year-over-Year Growth
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Top-performing apps        34

                                                                                                                                                Fastest Growing App by Country
Touring the world

Fastest growing
apps by region
and country
                      Digging into the fastest growing apps by                      EMEA has turned its attention from e-signatures                   the regional data down even further to look at                  Fastest growing app by country
                      region, we see yet more change. Last year,                    and app development (DocuSign and GitHub,                         fastest growing apps by individual country, we
                      North America prioritized travel and scheduling               which led last year) to travel booking and                        find these countries are prioritizing collaboration,                AUSTRALIA                              GERMANY
                      with Navan and Calendly, but this year security               expense management. This year’s leading app in                    development, spending, and security, though                         Cisco Meraki, 27%                      Google Workspace, 100%
                      is the top priority, with Kandji and Netskope                 the region, TravelPerk, posts 255% YoY customer                   they’re choosing different apps.
                      leading the way. Kandji boasts 182% YoY                       growth and 516% growth in unique users.                                                                                               CANADA                                 ISRAEL
                                                                                                                                                      The US and Australia are focusing on security.                      GitHub, 70%                            Atlassian Product Suite, 5
                      customer growth in North America, while
                                                                                    Last year, APAC prioritized collaboration and                     Americans are banking primarily on Kandji, with
                      Netskope has grown 521% YoY by unique
                                                                                    productivity with Google Workspace and                            176% YoY growth in customers, while Australia                       FRANCE                                 JAPAN
                      users. Collaboration tool Notion is No. 2 for the
                                                                                    Zoom. This year, the regional focus has shifted                   is securing its connections with Cisco Meraki,                      Google Workspace, 84%                  Google Workspace, 65%
                      region in both customers and unique users,
                                                                                    to collaborative design, with Figma (88% YoY                      which posted 27% YoY customer growth.
                      with 121% YoY customer growth and 263%
                                                                                    growth in customers), and security, with ZScaler                                                     AUSTRALIA                        GERMANY                                NETHERLANDS
                      growth in unique users.                                                                                                         Collaboration leads the way across
                                                                                                                                                                                     Ciscocountries in
                                                                                                                                                                                           Meraki, 27%                    Google Workspace, 100%                 Google Workspace, 19%
                                                                                    (280% YoY growth by unique users). Breaking
                                                                                                                                                      Europe and in Japan. In the UK, Miro is the top
                                                                                                                                                      collaboration tool, while Google Workspace
                                                                                                                                                                                   CANADA                                 ISRAEL                                 UK
                                                                                                                                                      continues its global march to victory    France,                    Atlassian Product Suite, 55%           Miro, 71%
                      Fastest growing apps by region
                                                                                                                                                      the Netherlands, Germany, and Japan.
                             Region                       By Number of Customers                               By Number of Unique Users                                                 FRANCE                           JAPAN                                  USA
                                                                                                                                                      Where there are start-ups, Google
                                                                                                                                                                                     there Workspace,
                                                                                                                                                                                            will be 84%                   Google Workspace, 65%                  Kandji, 176%
                                                          Kandji                                               Netskope                               developer tools. Canada’s startup scene has
                         North America                    182%                                                 521%                                   been growing exponentially in the
                                                                                                                                                  AUSTRALIA                             last few years,
                                                                                                                                                                                      GERMANY                             NETHERLANDS
                                                          (Followed by Notion, 121%)                           (Followed by Notion, 263%)
                                                                                                                                                  Cisco Meraki,
                                                                                                                                                      with an 27%
                                                                                                                                                                average of 95,000 new Google  Workspace, 100%
                                                                                                                                                                                           businesses                     Google Workspace, 19%
                                                          TravelPerk                                           TravelPerk                             started per year. So it’s no surprise the country
                                                          255%                                                 516%                               CANADA                               ISRAEL GitHub
                                                                                                                                                      is prioritizing developer tools, pushing                            UK
                                                          (Followed by Grammarly, 159%)                        (Followed by Salesforce, 461%)     GitHub, 70%                          Atlassian Product Suite, 55%       Miro, 71%
                                                                                                                                                      to its top spot with 70% YoY customer growth.
                                                          Figma                                                Zscaler                                Known as the startup nation, Israel is estimated
                                                                                                                                                  FRANCE                            JAPAN                                 USA
                                                          88%                                                  280%                                  to  have over   6,000
                                                                                                                                                  Google Workspace, 84%
                                                                                                                                                                           active startups, and its
                                                                                                                                                                                    Google Workspace, 65%                 Kandji, 176%
                                                          (Followed by Miro, 71%)                              (Followed by LastPass, 272%)
                                                                                                                                                      fastest growing app is the developer-friendly
                                                                                       Year-over-Year Growth                                          Atlassian Product Suite, logging 55% YoY
                                                                                                                                                      customer growth.
Businesses at Work 2023                                                                                                                                                                      The best tools for the job   36

The best
tools for
the job
                                                                                                                          as     those      with        2,000     or    more
                                                                                                                          employees — have                increased        the
                                                                                                                          average number of apps they deploy.
                                                                                                                          (Note that this data may change yearly
                                                                                                                          because companies change in size
                                                                                                                                                                                   Customers that have been
                                                                                                                          and move from one designation to                         with Okta for 4+ years
                                                                                                                          another.) Based on this year’s data, we
                                                                                                                          see that large organizations deploy an
                                                                                                                                                                                   deploy an average of 196
                                                                                                                          average of 211 apps (up from 195 apps                    apps each.
                                                                                                                          in the previous year, based on this year’s
The pandemic’s impact on the workforce continues to            work, automating mundane tasks through workflows, and      size designations), an increase of 8%.
evolve. Today’s hybrid workforce is global, distributed,       helping workers take meaningful roles in their community   Among smaller companies, the average
empowered … and soberly reevaluating its relationship to       through charitable giving apps.                            number of apps dropped from 70 last
work itself. Fully half of all employees surveyed by Gartner                                                              year to 69 this year.
                                                               Healthy app-etite:
say the pandemic “changed my expectations toward my
                                                               The average number of apps stays strong                    North     America        is    the    most     app-
employer.” 1 The right digital tools can help companies
                                                               Companies may be facing an uncertain economic              diversified region, deploying an average
meet rising employee expectations: Organizations that
                                                               future, but they still need robust app toolboxes to keep   of 98 apps per company, a very slight
rapidly adopt new tools to support their workers see a
                                                               workers productive. This year, the average customer used   increase over last year’s 97. EMEA
boost in employees’ productivity, sense of well-being,
                                                               89 different apps, the same as last year. Note that this   maintained an average of 65 apps, and
and job satisfaction. Now, more than ever, it’s incumbent
                                                               data includes Okta Integration Network and non-Okta        APAC held steady at 56.
upon organizations to provide the best tools for the job,
                                                               Integration Network, personal and corporate apps. So
including powerful, easy-to-use business technology.
                                                               yes, that includes everything from Google Workspace and
An increasing number of companies augment productivity         Slack to UberEats and Netflix.                             [1] Gartner®, “Employees Seek Personal Value and
                                                                                                                          Purpose at Work. Be Prepared to Deliver.,” Jackie
suites with single-function best-of-breed apps, and even                                                                  Wiles, January 13, 2022. Gartner is a registered
                                                               Longstanding Okta customers and larger organizations
additional productivity suites. Companies provide their                                                                   trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/
                                                               deploy the highest average numbers of apps. Customers      or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and
developer teams with a growing array of top tools. They
                                                               that have been with Okta for 4+ years deploy an average    Hype Cycle is a registered trademark of Gartner,
improve efficiency and raise job satisfaction wherever                                                                    Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with
                                                               of 196 apps each. And larger organizations — defined
possible by supporting secure and unhindered remote                                                                       permission. All rights reserved.
The best tools for the job    38

                                                                   The growth of these productivity suites                   platform as a service is projected to almost
                                                                   has cooled between 6 to 13 percentage                     triple in size, from $62 billion in 2021 to more
                                                                   points since our last report. In our 2021                 than $237.6 billion.2
                                                                   data, Google delivered 38% YoY growth
                                                                                                                             Small organizations continue to drive the
                                                                   in number of customers and 42% by
                                                                                                                             greatest increase in Google Workspace
                                                                   unique users, compared to Microsoft’s
                                                                                                                             adoption (as they did a year ago), this year
                                                                   29% YoY growth in number of customers
                                                                                                                             boasting a 35% increase in customers
                                                                   and 36% by unique users. That impressive
                                                                                                                             YoY, while large organizations’ usage of
                                                                   momentum proved difficult to sustain,
                                                                                                                             Google Workspace grew just 18% YoY. The
                                                                   but growth is still strong as companies
                                                                                                                             story is similar for Microsoft 365, which
                                                                   continue their digital transformations. And
                                                                                                                             grew its customer base by 23% among
                                                                   there’s still room to grow: Gartner predicts
                                                                                                                             small organizations and 11% among large
                                                                   that through 2026, the market for cloud

Battle of the bundles                                              Top productivity suites

Google grabs                                                                                  By Number of Customers                  By Number of Unique Users

the gold                                                               Microsoft 365
                                                                                                    21%                                       24%

Google and Microsoft continue to duke it out for supremacy in                                       32%                                       29%
                                                                     Google Workspace
the cloud-based office productivity suite battle. Microsoft 365
continues to take first place by number of customers, and Google                                         Year-over-Year Growth

again takes the gold for growth. Google Workspace boasts a 32%
YoY increase in number of customers, 11 percentage points higher
than Microsoft 365’s 21% YoY growth. The growth by unique users
has a 5 percentage-point spread, with 29% YoY growth for Google
and 24% YoY growth for Microsoft.                                                                                                                                                [2] Gartner®, “Hype Cycle™
                                                                                                                                                                                 for Cloud Platform Services,
                                                                                                                                                                                 2022” Yefim Natis, Fabrizio
                                                                                                                                                                                 Biscotti, July 19, 2022.
The best tools for the job   40

Souring on the suite life

The rise of
best of breed

                    Sometimes, a single suite just isn’t sweet            Zoom, up from 45% last year. And 36% of
                    enough to deliver the superior productivity           Okta’s Microsoft 365 customers are deploying
                    teams demand. Companies continue to add               Slack to add extra collaboration functionality,
                    best-of-breed apps, such as Zoom, Slack, and          up from 33% last year.
                    Box, even when their preferred suite’s bundle
                                                                          Some companies find they are best served by
                    offers tools with nominally similar functionality.
                                                                          double bundling — deploying more than one
                    We define “best-of-breed apps” as those that
                                                                          productivity suite — and it’s a trend that’s on
                    dominate their categories for the standalone
                                                                          the rise. This year, 42% of Okta’s Microsoft 365
                    functionality they provide. Sometimes, only the
                                                                          customers also deploy Google Workspace, an
                    best will do.
                                                                          increase of 4 percentage points YoY and 12
                    Okta’s    customers     have    gradually    been     points over the past four years.
                    supplementing their suites with an increasing
                                                                          We continue to see that companies resist
                    number of best-of-breed apps. This year, a full
                                                                          locking in one vendor for all their tools. For
                    36% of Okta’s Microsoft customers use four or
                                                                          example, 47% of Okta’s customers with
                    more best-of-breed apps (up from 20% just
                                                                          Microsoft 365 are also deploying Salesforce,
                    five years ago).
                                                                          up from 45% a year ago. And 46% of Okta
                    First, let’s talk about two collaboration favorites   customers that deploy Microsoft 365 are also
                    whose deployment continues to increase.               deploying AWS, an increase over last year’s
                    The most common best-of-breed app we see              43%. (More information about how many
                    added to productivity bundles is Zoom: 48%            companies deploy multiple cloud platforms is
                    of Okta’s Microsoft 365 customers also deploy         available in our multi-cloud section.)
The best tools for the job      42

Okta's Microsoft 365 customers with best-of-breed apps                                                                                                                                    When we look at the data regionally, some            with 41% of Okta’s Microsoft 365 customers
                                                                                                                                                                                          interesting patterns emerge. The use of Zoom         now deploying Google Workspace (an 8-point
                                                                                                                                                                                          in North America is chart-topping — more             YoY increase). Slack usage among Okta’s
                                                                                                                                           36%   38%     41%   43%    45%                 than half (51%) of Okta customers that deploy        Microsoft 365 customers is also on the rise in
                                                                                                                                                                                          Microsoft 365 in North America also deploy           APAC, reaching 31% (a 4-point YoY increase).
                                                                                                  22%   24%      26%   29%      32%
             Box                                                                                                                                                                          Zoom, 3 points higher than a year ago, and           Box usage is up 2 points over last year in this
                                                                                                                         30%       33%     36%   38%         42%                          higher than any other best-of-breed data point.      region, and the app is now deployed by 19% of
Google Workspace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Okta’s Microsoft 365 customers.
                                                                                                                                                                   44% 45%   47%          In EMEA, we continue to see the rise of cloud
                                                                                                                                                                                          infrastructure and cloud-based collaboration         Parsing the data by company size, we can
                                                                                                                       28%   31% 32% 33%   36%
           Slack                                                                                                                                                                          apps. An impressive 46% of Okta’s Microsoft          see that, among Okta customers deploying
                                                                     13%    15% 16%                                                                                                       365 customers in EMEA also use Google                Microsoft   365,    smaller      companies       (with
                                                                                                                                                                                          Workspace, an increase of 5 points compared          fewer than 2,000 employees) are more likely
                                                          10%        13% 14%   16%    18%
         Tableau                                                                                                                                                                          to last year. Slack use is also increasing among     to supplement their Microsoft 365 bundle
                                                                                                    23%                         32%                          42%      45%     48%         this group, rising to 37% of Okta’s Microsoft        with best-of-breed apps and by double
                                                                                                                                                                                          365    customers    in   EMEA    this    year — a    bundling. Zoom usage, for example, at 49%
                    0%                                    10%                               20%                          30%                           40%                          50%   5-point increase over last year. On the other        is 8 percentage points higher among smaller
                    Percentage of Okta’s Microsoft 365 Customers with App                                                                                                                 hand, deployment of Zoom increased “only” 1          companies than among larger organizations
                                                                                                                                                                                          percentage point, from 34% last year to 35%          (41%). A full 37% of small companies that
                                                                            2021        2022
                                                                                        2021                  2022                                                                        this year.                                           deploy Microsoft 365 are also deploying Slack,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               versus 33% of large companies. This trend
                    Note: Salesforce data for 2018, 2020, and 2021 are the same at the time of this                                                                                       The    APAC     region   shows     the    highest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               holds on the double-bundling front too: 42% of
                    report. Smartsheet data for 2019 and 2020 are the same at the time of the report,                                                                                     deployment of AWS among Okta’s Microsoft
                    as are 2021 and 2022.                                                                                                                                                                                                      smaller companies that deploy Microsoft 365
                                                                                                                                                                                          365 customers, at 48%. The region is also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               also deploy Google Workspace, versus 39% of
                                                                                                                                                                                          heavily investing in multiple productivity suites,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               larger companies.

                                                                                      The most common best-of-breed
                                                                                      app we see added to productivity
                                                                                      bundles is Zoom: 48% of Okta’s
                                                                                      Microsoft 365 customers also
                                                                                      deploy Zoom.
The best tools for the job   44

           Growth of developer tools

           We see you…
           monitoring apps
           on the rise
           The category of developer tools is clearly       The Atlassian Product Suite is the most
           maturing. No longer are SDKs and other           popular developer “tool” by number
           coding software the leading tools; rather,       of customers and has dominated this
           we’re seeing the rise of monitoring and          chart for years. (In our OIN data, it’s a
           testing apps. No surprise in a security-         roll-up of apps that includes Confluence,
           focused world where the next major               Jira, Trello, and Bitbucket, all accessed
           breach could be one bad line of code,            by a subscription to Atlassian Access.)
           unpatched server, or open port away.             Despite its existing large customer base,
                                                            the Atlassian Product Suite boasted

The Atlassian Product Suite is                              significant 36% YoY growth in number of
                                                            customers last year, and continues that
the most popular developer ‘tool’                           trend with 27% growth this year.

by number of customers and has                              The prize for fastest growing developer

dominated this chart for years.                             app goes to API-testing tool Postman,
                                                            triumphing in both growth categories.
                                                            Last year, Postman was our third-fastest
           This year, we see substantial growth in
                                                            growing app overall by number of
           apps that help organizations monitor
                                                            customers, and our fifth-fastest growing
           their   systems   and     respond     quickly,
                                                            app overall by unique users. This year,
           suggesting    that       developers     have
                                                            it wins Developers’ Best of Show as the
           increased their focus on the latter stages
                                                            clear growth leader on the acceleration
           of development. In fact, our customers’
                                                            matrix, displaying YoY growth of 78% by
           10 most popular developer tools all
                                                            customers and 168% by unique users.
           provide resources for monitoring, incident
           response, and testing.
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