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CABI new books

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Welcome to the CABI Books Catalogue 2021
This catalogue contains our recent and forthcoming monographs, textbooks and practitioner titles across our
full range of publishing areas.

04 agricultural science                                                    15 veterinary science and medicine
06 forestry, ecology and the environment                                   20 animal sciences
09 plant and crop science                                                  22 tourism, hospitality and leisure
11 horticulture                                                            26 title index
13 human health                                                            28 author index
14 food and nutrition                                                      31 how to order

      Indicates the publication is a textbook and available for inspection by lecturers wishing to evaluate it for course use.
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PAPERBACK    Indicates that this title is now available in paperback for the first time.

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Please note: all details were correct at the time this catalogue went to press, but may be subject to change without notice.
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US publication may be up to 2 months after UK publication.
Science Communication Skills for                                     Presenting Science Concisely
                                        Journalists                                                          Bruce Kirchoff, Kimberly M Cuny, both
                                        A Resource Book for University Faculty                               University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
                                        in Africa                                                              The focus of this book is on shorter
                                        Edited by Charles Wendo, SciDev.Net, Uganda                            presentations, three-minute talks, poster
                                        This book covers science communication                                 presentations, elevator pitches and advocacy
                                        skills and provides hands-on guidance                                  speeches. It begin with best practices for
                       together with examples, learning activities, graded and              three-minute presentations, then applies the same principles
                       ungraded quizzes to facilitate learning. There are five              to slightly longer (posters) and shorter (elevator pitches and
                       academic review papers reflecting on key science journalism          advocacy speeches) presentations.
                       and communication issues in Africa.                                  Sep 2021 | PB | 9781789246995 | 152pp
                       Dec 2021 | ePub | 9781789249675                                      £19.99 | €25 | $30
                       Dec 2021 | ePDF | 9781789249668                                      World, excl. Aus & NZ

                                        Conservation Agriculture in Africa                                   Gender, Climate Change and
                                        Climate Smart Agricultural Development                               Livelihoods
                                        Edited by Saidi Mkomwa, African Conservation                         Vulnerabilities and Adaptations
                                        Tillage (ACT), Nairobi, Amir H Kassam, FAO,                          Edited by Joshua Eastin, Kendra Dupuy
                                        Italy and University of Reading, UK
                                                                                                              This book applies a gendered lens to the
                                          Conservation Agriculture (the use of no                             dynamic linkages between climate change
                                          tillage systems) to preserve soil structure and                     and livelihoods in developing countries.
                       integrity has become an increasingly important step towards          It examines how climate change affects women and men
                       sustainable farming. This book brings together conservation
agricultural science

                                                                                            in distinct ways, and the implications for earning income
                       agriculture and climate smart decision making processes for          and accessing the natural, social, economic, and political
                       the first time, focusing on Africa.                                  resources required to survive and thrive.
                       Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789245745 | 400pp                                Jun 2021 | HB | 9781789247053 | 248pp
                       £175 | €210 | $245                                                   £95 | €115 | $135

                                        Transforming Tertiary Agricultural                                   Youth and the Rural Economy
                                        Education in Africa                                                  in Africa
                                        Edited by David Kraybill, John Lynam,                                Hard Work and Hazard
                                        Adipala Ekwamu, Carl Larsen                                          Edited by James Sumberg
                                        African agricultural universities are                                There are many accepted views about the
                                        transforming themselves and achieving                                role and position of youth in the African
                                        success in tackling the problems of                                  agricultural economy. This book challenges
                       production agriculture, urbanization and food consumption            those assumptions by analysing new studies, particularly
                       patterns. Adaptive strategies are creating an internal culture       of gender and social difference. It is a major contribution
                       driven by stakeholder needs to improve the quality and               to current debates and development policy about youth,
                       relevance of teaching, research and outreach.                        agriculture and employment in rural Africa.
                       Apr 2021 | HB | 9781789246544 | 328pp                                Apr 2021 | HB | 9781789245011 | 184pp
                       £95 | €115 | $135                                                    £95 | €115 | $130

                                        Insect Pest Management                                               Water Conflicts and Cooperation:
                                        3rd Edition                                                          a Media Handbook
                                        David R Dent, Dent Associates Ltd., UK,                              Edited by Rasha Dewedar
                                        Richard H Binks, FreshTec, UK
                                                                                                               This handbook is for journalists, researchers
                                        This new, third edition has been thoroughly                            and policy makers working on science
                                        updated to include all the key principles,                             communication for water peace and
                                        methodologies, approaches and practical                                cooperation. It features descriptions of
                       examples of insect pest management in agricultural, post             activities (including action research, training modules, joint
                       harvest and horticultural contexts, as well as looking at            workshops, reporting grants, podcast and an online photo
                       insects as vectors of disease from a medical and veterinary          campaign) implemented by the Open Water Diplomacy project
                       perspective.                                                         in the Nile basin.
                       Nov 2020 | PB | 9781789241044 | 408pp                                Nov 2020 | PB | 9781789247954 | 64pp
                       £49.99 | €60 | $70                                                   £20 | €25 | $30
                       Nov 2020 | HB | 9781789241051 | 408pp
                       £125 | €150 | $175

       4               Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
The Fight Against Food Shortages                                    New Land, New Life
                 and Surpluses                                                       A success story of new land resettlement
                 Perspectives of a Practitioner                                      in Bangladesh
                 John McClintock, ACTION for Food Reserves,                          Edited by Andrew Jenkins, Char Development
                 Belgium                                                             and Settlement Project (CDSP), Bangladesh,
                                                                                     Natasha Haider, Euroconsult Mott MacDonald,
                   This book presents a logical argument,                            The Netherlands
                   rigorously formulated, for practical policy
options to fight food shortages and surpluses. It navigates the    The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta has newly emerged
reader through issues and ideologies surrounding hunger,           ‘char’ islands, which are very vulnerable, socially, institutionally
presents and tests hypotheses with theory and evidence, and        and environmentally. This book explains how the Governments
concludes with workable policies to address food crises.           of Bangladesh and the Netherlands cooperated on a land-based
                                                                   rural development project to give settlers security and purpose.
Oct 2020 | HB | 9781786394842 | 184pp
£95 | €110 | $130                                                  Jun 2020 | PB | 9781789246049 | 118pp
                                                                   £35 | €45 | $50

                 Asian Citrus Psyllid                                                Optical Manipulation of Arthropod
                 Biology, Ecology and Management                                     Pests and Beneficials
                 of the Huanglongbing Vector                                         Edited by David Ben-Yakir, Agricultural
                 Edited by Jawwad A Qureshi, University                              Research Organization, Israel
                 of Florida, USA, Philip A Stansly, formerly
                                                                                     This is the first comprehensive book on the
                 University of Florida, USA
                                                                                     use of light to manipulate insect pests. It
                  This is the first book to be published which                       includes information on important arthropod
specifically focuses on Asian Citrus Psyllid and the intractable   pests, pollinators, biocontrol agents and also medical/
disease it spreads in citrus crops (Huanglongbing disease).        veterinary pests, and discusses the potential use of optical

                                                                                                                                          agricultural science
                                                                   manipulation to improve the health of plants, domestic animals
Jun 2020 | HB | 9781786394088 | 312pp
                                                                   and humans.
£95 | €115 | $135
                                                                   Jun 2020 | HB | 9781786394705 | 192pp
                                                                   £85 | €100 | $120

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Key Questions series
                                                         Key Questions in Environmental                                    Key Questions in Biodiversity
                                                         Toxicology                                                        A Study and Revision Guide
                                                         J P F D’Mello, formerly Scottish Agricultural                     Paul A Rees, University of Salford, UK
                                                         College, UK
                                                                                                                          This book is a study and revision guide for
                                                          Questions review the origin, characterization                   students following programmes of study in
                                                          and environmental distribution of major                         which biodiversity is an important component.
                                                          pollutants, followed by their absorption                        It contains 500 multiple-choice questions
                                        and metabolic disposition in living organisms, and their          (and annotated answers) set at three levels - foundation,
                                        implications for human morbidity, ecological impact and           intermediate and advanced.
                                        biodiversity. A selection of questions types and full answer
                                        rationales keep learning varied and engaging.                     Jun 2021 | PB | 9781789248630 | 160pp
                                                                                                          £19.99 | €23.99 | $27.99
                                        Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789248524 | 136pp
                                        £19.99 | €22.99 | $26.99
forestry, ecology and the environment

                                                         Key Questions in Applied Ecology                                  Key Questions in Ecology
                                                         and Conservation                                                  A Study and Revision Guide
                                                         A Study and Revision Guide                                        Paul A Rees, University of Salford, UK
                                                         Paul A Rees, University of Salford, UK                             his book is a study and revision guide for
                                                         This book is a study and revision guide for                       students following programmes of study in
                                                         students following programmes of study in                         which ecology is an important component.
                                                         which applied ecology and conservation                            It contains 500 multiple-choice questions
                                        are important components. It contains 500 multiple-choice                          (and answers) set at three levels - foundation,
                                        questions (and annotated answers) set at three levels –                            intermediate and advanced.
                                        foundation, intermediate and advanced.
                                                                                                          Sep 2020 | PB | 9781789247572 | 232pp
                                        Jan 2021 | PB | 9781789248494 | 240pp                             £19.99 | €24.99 | $27.99
                                        £19.99 | €23.99 | $27.99

                                                         Psocids as Global Pests of Stored                                 Climate, Ticks and Disease
                                                         Products                                                          Edited by Pat Nuttall
                                                         Edited by Christos G Athanassiou, University                      This book brings together expert opinions
                                                         of Thessaly, Greece, Manoj K Nayak,                               from scientists to consider the evidence for
                                                         Department of Agriculture and Fisheries,
                                                                                                                           climate change and its impacts on ticks and
                                                         Queensland, Australia
                                                                                                                           tick-borne infections, and provide predictions
                                                         Psocids are a group of insect pests of                            for the future.
                                        stored products. They are widespread and damaging. This
                                        book summarises current knowledge of psocid biology and           Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789249637 | 200pp
                                        management and points the way to future psocid research.          £85 | €100 | $115
                                        The book is essential reading for all those involved in stored
                                        product and post-harvest pest management and research.
                                        Sep 2021 | HB | 9781789245523 | 144pp
                                        £95 | €115 | $135

                                                         Ecology of Freshwater Nematodes                                   Crop Pollination by Bees, Volume 1
                                                         Edited by Walter Traunspurger, University of                      Biology, Ecology and Management of Bees
                                                         Bielefeld, Germany                                                2nd Edition
                                                        Nematodes, with a simple, tubular body form                        Keith S Delaplane, University of Georgia, USA
                                                        are the most abundant multicellular animals                          A practical guide to bees and how they
                                                        on earth. Freshwater nematodes are central                           pollinate essential crops. Provides simple,
                                                        in the context of environmental monitoring,                          succinct advice on how to increase
                                        pollution assessments, global warming and food chain              bee abundance and pollination. Very useful for farmers,
                                        complexes, and this is increasingly being recognised.             horticulturalists, gardeners, and those interested in insect
                                        Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789243635 | 320pp                             ecology and conservation, including students of entomology
                                        £95 | €114 | $133                                                 and crop protection.
                                                                                                          Jun 2021 | PB | 9781786393494 | 256pp
                                                                                                          £49.99 | €65 | $85

             6                          Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Biology and Management of the                                      The Tropical Fruit Flies of Papua New
                 German Cockroach                                                   Guinea and Related Territories
                 Edited by Changlu Wang, Rutgers University,                        Richard A I Drew, Meredith C Romig,
                 USA, Chow-Yang Lee, Michael Rust,                                  both Griffith University, Australia
                 University of California, USA
                                                                                   A taxonomic treatise of the tropical fruit flies of
                 A comprehensive overview of the German                            Papua New Guinea and associated territories,
                 cockroach and its management.                                     with an updated record of all known species
                                                                  of Dacinae that occur in this geographic area. It includes
May 2021 | HB | 9781789248104 | 304pp
                                                                  descriptions of 66 new species out of an entire list of 296
£120 | €145 | $170
                                                                  known species covered.
World, excl. Aus & NZ
                                                                  Apr 2021 | HB | 9781789249514 | 152pp
                                                                  £85 | €100 | $115

                                                                                                                                         forestry, ecology and the environment
                 International Trade in Forest                                      Chalcidoidea of Iran (Insecta:
                 Products                                                           Hymenoptera)
                 Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and                                  Edited by Hassan Ghahari, Gary Gibson,
                 Examples                                                           Gennaro Viggiani
                 Edited by G Cornelis van Kooten, Linda Voss,                      A catalogue and reference volume of the
                 both University of Victoria, Canada                               species diversity of the Chalcidoidea (an
                 This book provides the background theory                          important diverse group of parasitic wasps
behind two types of trade models rooted in economic theory        used in biological control of crop pests) based on little known
and mathematical programming, and two econometric/                records from Iran and 15 neighbouring countries. It is an
statistical models. It shows the reader how to construct their    invaluable source of information for all those interested in
own models to analyse policy questions in forestry and other      Chalcidoidea and those working in crop protection (especially
sectors.                                                          biological control) and Integrated Pest Management.

Mar 2021 | HB | 9781789248234 | 192pp                             Feb 2021 | HB | 9781789248463 | 480pp
£85 | €100 | $120                                                 £225 | €270 | $315

                 Practical R for Biologists                                         Plant Invasions
                 An Introduction                                                    The Role of Biotic Interactions
                 Donald Quicke, Chulalongkorn University,                           Edited by Anna Traveset, Institut Mediterrani
                 Thailand, Buntika A Butcher, Chulalongkorn                         d’Estudis Avançats (CSIC-UIB), Spain, David M
                 University, Thailand, Rachel Kruft Welton                          Richardson, Centre for Invasion Biology, South
                A new textbook showing beginners how
                to use the free programming language R                              CABI Invasives Series
for fundamental biostatistical analysis, graphical display,       Invasive species are of great environmental importance but
and experimental design. The book takes a simple step-by-         no book before now has explored a key aspect: the nature of
step approach to give a good grounding in the use of R for        species interactions. This book looks at the theories, evidence
undergraduate/beginning postgraduate biology students.            and practicalities for managing invasions.
Dec 2020 | PB | 9781789245349 | 416pp                             Dec 2020 | HB | 9781789242171 | 464pp
£39.99 | €48 | $56                                                £115 | €130 | $155

                 Ecological and Economic                                            Invasive Birds
                 Entomology                                                         Global Trends and Impacts
                 A Global Synthesis                                                 Edited by Colleen T Downs, University of
                 Brian Freeman, formerly University of the West                     KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Lorinda A Hart,
                 Indies, Jamaica                                                    University of Namibia, Namibia

                Covering all insect pests of plants, humans                        Divided into three sections, this book provides
                and livestock, this book provides a                                detailed information on the 32 global avian
comprehensive reference text to ecological and economic           invasive species listed by the Invasive Species Specialist
entomology. Taking a global approach, it considers climate        Group (ISSG). It also offers an assessment of avian invasions
and plant community distributions. It is recommended for          from a biogeographic perspective, and considers the
entomologists working in agricultural, medical and veterinary     ecological impacts of these invasive species.
professions as well as academia.                                  Nov 2020 | HB | 9781789242065 | 384pp
Nov 2020 | HB | 9781789241181 | 784pp                             £135 | €160 | $190
£195 | €235 | $275

                                     Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                                    7
Urban Ecology                                                      Butterfly Biology Systems
                                                         Its Nature and Challenges                                          Connections and Interactions in Life
                                                         Edited by Pedro Barbosa, University of                             History and Behaviour
                                                         Maryland, USA                                                      Roger L H Dennis, Oxford Brookes University,
                                                                                                                            Staffordshire University and NERC Centre for
                                                          his book contains a series of essays
                                                                                                                            Ecology and Hydrology, UK
                                                         designed for graduate students and
                                                         researchers on crucial issues in the relatively                     Written by one of the world’s leading and
                                                         new field of urban ecology.                       most respected experts on butterfly ecology, behaviour and
                                                                                                           conservation, this book summarises in one place for the
                                        Nov 2020 | HB | 9781789242607 | 256pp                              first time our knowledge of butterfly life history strategies,
                                        £85 | €100 | $120                                                  behaviour and systems. This book represents a major
                                                                                                           contribution to the field of butterfly biology and entomology
                                                                                                           in general.
                                                                                                           Oct 2020 | HB | 9781789243574 | 472pp
                                                                                                           £150 | €180 | $210
forestry, ecology and the environment

                                                         Introduction to Environmental                                      Field Guide to the Forest Trees
                                                         Toxicology                                                         of Uganda
                                                         J P F D’Mello, formerly Scottish Agricultural                      For Identification and Conservation
                                                         College, UK                                                        James Kalema, Makerere University, Uganda,
                                                          This book covers the origin, characterization                     Alan Hamilton, Kunming Institute
                                                          and environmental distribution of the major                       of Botany, China
                                                          pollutants, providing explanations of the                          This book is a guide to the identification of the
                                        implications for human morbidity, biodiversity, and food           indigenous forest trees of Uganda. It will be useful for those
                                        and water safety. Including questions, further reading and         who wish to contribute towards the conservation of the forests
                                        case studies to spark classroom discussion, it forms a true        or to plant indigenous trees. Information is provided on how to
                                        introduction for undergraduates.                                   propagate and cultivate about 80 of the most valuable species.
                                        Sep 2020 | PB | 9781789245189 | 168pp                              Jun 2020 | HB | 9781789245271 | 296pp
                                        £24.99 | €28.99 | $33.50                                           £60 | €70 | $85
                                                                                                           World, excl. Uganda

                                                         Climate Change Impacts and                                         Climate Change and Insect Pests
                                                         Sustainability                                                     Edited by Christer Björkman, Swedish
                                                         Ecosystems of Tanzania                                             University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden,
                                                                                                                            Pekka Niemelä, University of Turku, Finland
                                                         Edited by Pius Z Yanda, Claude G
                                                         Mung’ong’o, Edmund B Mabhuye, all                                    CABI Climate Change Series
                                                         University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania                                It is anticipated that the damage to crops
                                                          CABI Climate Change Series                                          and forests by insects will increase as a
                                        The collection of papers presented in this book provides a         consequence of climate change. However, the evidence in
                                        detailed analysis of the impacts of climate change on various      support of this is sparse. This book sums up present knowledge
                                        tropical ecosystems in Tanzania and their related aspects of       regarding both agricultural and forest insect pests and climate
                                        economic endeavour - from agriculture, marine resources,           change in order to identify future research directions.
                                        wildlife to weather forecasting.
                                                                                                           Oct 2015 | PB | 9781789247695 | 292pp                  NEW IN

                                        Jun 2020 | HB | 9781789242966 | 264pp                              £40 | €50 | $55
                                        £95 | €115 | $135                                                  Oct 2015 | HB | 9781780643786 | 292pp
                                                                                                           £82.40 | €110.20 | $160.15

             8                          Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Plant Omics                                                        Diagnosing Hemp and Cannabis
                 Advances in Big Data Biology                                       Crop Diseases
                 Edited by Hajime Ohyanagi, Meiji University,                       Shouhua Wang, Nevada Department of
                 Japan, Kentaro Yano, Eiji Yamamoto                                 Agriculture, USA

                CABI Biotechnology Series                                            Extensively illustrated with almost 300 colour
                Plant omics combines a range of cutting-                             photographs, this book describes how to
                edge molecular techniques that are                                   diagnose hemp and cannabis crop diseases.
transforming plant science. This book explains the latest          It is aimed as a practical guide for farmers and growers, as
developments at each level and how they can help tackle            well as researchers in plant pathology.
global food security issues.                                       Oct 2021 | HB | 9781789246070 | 256pp
Nov 2021 | HB | 9781789247510 | 216pp                              £75 | €90 | $105
£95 | €110 | $130

                 Molecular Breeding in Wheat, Maize                                 Gene Flow
                 and Sorghum                                                        Monitoring, Modelling and Mitigation
                 Strategies for Improving Abiotic Stress                            Edited by Wei Wei, Institute of Botany Chinese
                 Tolerance and Yield                                                Academy of Sciences, China, Neal Stewart,
                 Edited by Mohammad Anwar Hossain,                                  University of Tennessee, USA
                 Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh,                     This book discusses gene flow of transgenes
                 Mobashwer Alam, Queensland Alliance for                             from genetically modified organisms into

                                                                                                                                       plant and crop science
                 Agriculture and Food Innovation, Australia,       nature, with a focus on monitoring, modelling and mitigation.
Saman Seneweera, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri
                                                                   It includes both scientific reviews and perspectives on gene
Lanka, Sujay Rakshit, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research,
                                                                   flow and experimental case studies, for example, gene flow of
India, Robert J Henry, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and
Food Innovation, Australia                                         soyabean and poplar.

Covers the latest understanding of molecular and genetic           Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789247480 | 200pp
bases of abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvement of         £85 | €105 | $120
wheat, maize and sorghum, to develop strategies for improved
stress tolerance and crop productivity.
Oct 2021 | HB | 9781789245431 | 704
£195 | €235 | $275

                 Demand-led Plant Breeding                                          Applied Plant Science Statistical
                 From Principles to Practice in Emerging                            Design and Analysis Using the SAS®
                 Markets                                                            University Edition
                 Edited by Vivienne M Anthony, Syngenta                             Edward F Durner, Rutgers, The State University
                 Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture,                            of New Jersey, USA
                 Switzerland, Cathy Barker
                                                                                     Presenting the most frequently used
                 Demand-led breeding has the potential to                            statistical methods for plant science in a non-
combine the best of institutional and commercial approaches        intimidating fashion and teaching the appropriate use of SAS®
to produce plant varieties that are really needed. This book       within the context of plant science research, this book includes
shows how the approach works in practice with case studies         numerous examples and is a key resource for students and
and analysis.                                                      scientists undertaking statistical analysis and experimental
Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789246575 | 216pp                              design.
£85 | €100 | $115                                                  Jul 2021 | PB | 9781789245981 | 264pp
                                                                   £35 | €45 | $50

                 Handbook of Invasive Plant-Parasitic                               RNAi for Plant Improvement and
                 Nematodes                                                          Protection
                 Ziaul Haque, Mujeebur Rahman Khan,                                 Edited by Bruno Mezzetti, Università Politecnica
                 both Aligarh Muslim University, India                              delle Marche, Italy, Jeremy Sweet, National
                                                                                    Institute of Agricultural Botany, UK, Lorenzo
                 This book contains information on roughly
                                                                                    Burgos, CEBAS-CSIC, Spain
                 100 invasive plant nematodes and their
                 potential threat in different countries.                           International experts review RNA interference
                                                                   (RNAi), methods for developing RNAi systems in GM plants
May 2021 | HB | 9781789247367 | 440pp                              and a range of applications for crop improvement, crop
£185 | €210 | $250                                                 production and crop protection. Chapters examine both
                                                                   endogenous systems in GM plants and exogenous systems
                                                                   where interfering RNAs are applied to target plants, pests
                                                                   and pathogens.
                                                                   Mar 2021 | HB | 9781789248890 | 216pp
                                                                   £85 | €100 | $115

                                     Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                          9
Genetically Modified Crops in Asia                                  GM Crops and the Global Divide
                                          Pacific                                                             Jennifer Thomson, University of Cape Town,
                                          Edited by Govind T Gujar, AGRIBIOSYS, India,                        South Africa
                                          Y Andi Trisyono, University of Gadjah Mada,                        Discusses the impact that anti-GM crop
                                          Indonesia, Mao Chen, APAC Bayer Crop                               attitudes have on nutrition security in
                                          Science, Singapore
                                                                                                             developing countries and updates scientists,
                                         This book shows the progress of GM crop                             regulatory authorities, decision makers
                         adoption across the Asia-Pacific region over the past decade,      and the interested public on the current status of GM crops
                         and provides important insights for countries in the process of    in developed and developing countries, giving first-hand
                         adopting and regulating GM technologies.                           accounts from people involved in growing, promoting and
                                                                                            regulating GM crops.
                         Feb 2021 | HB | 9781789248418 | 344pp
                         £115 | €132.50 | $155                                              Dec 2020 | PB | 9781789248401 | 200pp
                         World, excl. Aus & NZ                                              £30 | €35 | $40
                                                                                            World, excl. Aus & NZ

                                          Techniques for Work with Plant and                                  Plant Pathology and Plant Diseases
                                          Soil Nematodes                                                       nne Marte Tronsmo, Norwegian University
                                          Edited by Roland N Perry, University of                             of Life Sciences, Norway, David B Collinge,
                                          Hertfordshire, UK, David J Hunt, CABI, UK,                          University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Annika
                                          Sergei A Subbotin, California Department of                         Djurle, Swedish University of Agricultural
                                          Food and Agriculture, USA                                           Sciences, Sweden, Lisa Munk, University
                                                                                                              of Copenhagen, Denmark, Jonathan Yuen,
                                           This up-to-date, comprehensive book                                Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
plant and crop science

                         covers the practicalities of working with and studying soil                          Sweden, Arne Tronsmo, Norwegian University
                         and plant nematodes. Written by an international team of                             of Life Sciences, Norway
                         experts, it includes traditional and new methodologies, as well
                                                                                            This new textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to all
                         as sections on behavioural and physiological assays, and
                                                                                            aspect of plant diseases, including pathogens, plant-pathogen
                         cytogenetic, biochemical and molecular biology techniques.
                                                                                            interactions, their management, and future perspectives.
                         Dec 2020 | HB | 9781786391759 | 320pp
                                                                                            Oct 2020 | PB | 9781789243178 | 464pp
                         £95 | €110 | $130
                                                                                            £49.99 | €57.50 | $67.50
                                                                                            Oct 2020 | HB | 9781789243185 | 440pp
                                                                                            £100 | €115 | $135

                                          Handbook of Phytosanitary Risk                                      The Physiology of Vegetable Crops
                                          Management                                                          2nd Edition
                                          Theory and Practice                                                 Edited by Chris Wien, Cornell University, USA,
                                          Charles Yoe, Notre Dame of Maryland University,                     Hartmut Stützel, Leibniz University, Germany
                                          USA, Robert Griffin, formerly USDA-APHIS-PPQ,                          This is a new edition of a popular title,
                                          USA, Stephanie Bloem, North American Plant                             providing enhanced understanding of the
                                          Protection Organisation, USA
                                                                                                                 growth and function of 18 different vegetable
                         Phytosanitary risk management is essential to the global           crops. It is fully revised with new chapters on models and
                         economy. This book is about managing phytosanitary risks           the effects of climate change; now presented in full colour
                         of trade and non-trade issues and the fundamentals of how          throughout.
                         to manage those risks in an effective and efficient manner. It
                                                                                            May 2020 | HB | 9781786393777 | 512pp
                         covers risk management models, best practice, phytosanitary
                                                                                            £150 | €180 | $210
                         measures and current risk management issues.
                         Sep 2020 | HB | 9781780648798 | 424pp
                         £150 | €175 | $200

                                          Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and                                 Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops
                                          Plant Breeding                                                      2nd Edition
                                          2nd Edition                                                         Edited by Richard E Litz, University of Florida,
                                          Edited by Manjit S Kang, Kansas State                               USA, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Universidad de
                                          University, USA                                                     Málaga, Spain, Jose Ignacio Hormaza, IHSM
                                                                                                              la Mayora, Spain
                                          Quantitative genetics and breeding
                                          have made a major contribution to crop                               This book covers the biotechnology of
                         improvement over the years, but the genomics revolution            all major fruit and nut species, with colour illustrations
                         has dramatically changed the field – this second edition of a      illustrating the crop species and their wild relatives. It details
                         popular book explains how traditional and genomic techniques       well-established techniques such as protoplast culture, in
                         have been combined to advance the field.                           vitro mutagenesis and ploidy manipulation, but also newer
                                                                                            approaches such as genomics and marker-assisted selection.
                         Apr 2020 | HB | 9781789240214 | 416pp
                         £125 | €150 | $175                                                 Jan 2020 | HB | 9781780648279 | 704pp
                                                                                            £195 | €255 | $320

      10                 Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Botany Production and Uses series
                 Yams                                                                  Guava
                 Botany, Production and Uses                                           Botany, Production and Uses
                 A Keith Thompson, King Mongkut’s Institute of                         Edited by Sisir Mitra, International Society for
                 Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand, Ibok Oduro,                          Horticultural Science, India
                 The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
                                                                                         Guava is considered a minor tropical fruit
                 Technology, Ghana
                                                                                         (together with lychee, longan, durian etc.),
                  Dioscorea species, commonly known as                                   although is the largest in terms of output.
yam, are tuberous plants which constitute a major staple food        This is the first comprehensive book authored by an
in many parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.       international team of experts, and covers botany,
This book covers botany, taxonomy, composition and uses,             biotechnology, propagation, production, pests and
cultivation, production, disessea and pests, and storage.            diseases, postharvest, and processing.
Nov 2021 | HB | 9781789249279 | 304pp                                May 2021 | HB | 9781789247022 | 328pp
£125 | €170 | $200                                                   £135 | €160 | $190

                 The Pomegranate                                                       The Papaya
                 Botany, Production and Uses                                           Botany, Production and Uses
                 Edited by Ali Sarkhosh, University of Florida,                        Edited by Sisir Mitra, International Society
                 USA, Alimohammad Yavari, Pomologist &                                 for Horticultural Science, India
                 Consultant, Tehran, Iran, Zabihollah Zamani,
                                                                                       Global papaya production has increased
                 University of Tehran, Iran
                                                                                       significantly over the last few years, mainly as
                   Pomegranate cultivation is increasing                               a result of increased production in India. This
considerably worldwide for fresh consumption, juice                  is the first comprehensive book authored by an international
production and medicinal purposes. This is the first                 team of experts at the forefront of research and covers botany,
comprehensive book by an international team of experts at the        biotechnology, production, postharvest physiology and
forefront of research and provides insights and experiences          processing.

covering botany, production, processing, health and industrial
uses of the fruit.                                                   Sep 2020 | HB | 9781789241907 | 286pp
                                                                     £95 | €110 | $130
Nov 2020 | HB | 9781789240764 | 584pp
£160 | €185 | $215

                 The Constituents of Medicinal Plants                                  Hydroponics and Protected
                 3rd Edition                                                           Cultivation
                 Andrew Pengelly, University of Newcastle,                             A Practical Guide
                 Australia                                                             Lynette Morgan, SUNTEC International
                 Pengelly’s book is a classic in the literature of                     Hydroponic Consultants, New Zealand
                 herbal medicine. It is an easy to understand                         A comprehensive, practical text which
                 introduction to the chemistry of medicinal                           covers a diverse range of hydroponic and
plants. This new edition is thoroughly updated incorporating         protected cropping techniques, systems, greenhouse types
topics of contemporary interest, including cannabinoids,             and environments. It also covers related subjects such as
mushroom polysaccharides, and toxicology                             the use of indoor plant factories, vertical systems, organic
of phytochemicals.                                                   hydroponics, aquaponics and other systems.
Jun 2021 | PB | 9781789243079 | 256pp                                Mar 2021 | HB | 9781789244830 | 312pp
£25 | €32.50 | $41.25                                                £49.99 | €57.50 | $67.50

                 Manual on Postharvest Handling of                                     Cut Flowers of the World
                 Mediterranean Tree Fruits and Nuts                                    Identification, Production and Post-harvest
                 Edited by Carlos H Crisosto, Gayle M                                  Handling
                 Crisosto, both University of California, Davis,                       Johannes Maree, Ben-Erik van Wyk, both
                 USA                                                                   University of Johannesburg, South Africa
                  Written by recognised postharvest experts,                          A compact, full-colour encyclopedia that
                  this book provides invaluable, up-to-date                           summarizes the key information about cut
information for those working in the growing, packing, shipping      flowers and foliage plants – their history, cultivation, properties,
and retail phases of the postharvest chain, getting fruit to the     uses, care and handling.
consumer. Essential for those in the Mediterranean region and
countries that export and import these crops.                        Feb 2020 | HB | 9781789241334 | 472pp
                                                                     £39.99 | €50 | $55
Oct 2020 | PB | 9781789247176 | 160pp                                World excl. SA, Aus & NZ
£45 | €50 | $60

                                       Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                        11
Crop Production Science in Horticulture series

                                Cut Flowers and Foliages                                           Sweet Cherries
                                Edited by James E Faust, Clemson University,                       Lynn E Long, Oregon State University, USA,
                                USA, John Dole, North Carolina State                               Gregory A Lang, Michigan State University,
                                University, USA                                                    USA, Clive Kaiser, Oregon State University, USA
                                The cut flower industry is a global business                       Sweet cherries are a speciality crop, subject
                                with major production locations around                             to significant production risk for growers,
                                the world. This book describes the major                           yet with high potential returns due to strong
               international production locations and markets, including          consumer demand. This book covers the history, genetic
               current trends and directions.                                     improvements, production, physiology of growth and cropping,
                                                                                  orchard establishment and management, and harvesting for
               Sep 2021 | PB | 9781789247602 | 304pp
                                                                                  sustainable cherry production.
               £45 | €55 | $65
                                                                                  Dec 2020 | PB | 9781786398284 | 360pp
                                                                                  £45 | €50 | $60

                                Strawberries                                                       Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops
                                2nd Edition                                                        2nd Edition
                                James F Hancock, Michigan State University,                        Edited by Emmanuel Geoffriau, Université
                                USA                                                                d’Angers, France, Philipp W Simon, University
                                                                                                   of Wisconsin, USA
                               This updated edition provides a broad,
                               balanced review of the scientific knowledge                          Fully updated with new content and full-colour
                               of strawberries and their cultivation and                            figures, the second edition of this successful
               reflects changes in methods of culture, taxonomy and               book reflects developments and growth in our knowledge
               genomic information and new diseases and pest control              of carrots and related crops. It covers the scientific basis of
               methods. Full colour throughout.                                   their biology and production, with updated technical crop

                                                                                  management content.
               Sep 2020 | PB | 9781789242270 | 288pp
               £45 | €50 | $60                                                    Jul 2020 | PB | 9781789240955 | 368pp
                                                                                  £49.99 | €60 | $70

                                2nd Edition
                                Todd C Wehner, North Carolina State
                                University, USA, Rachel P Naegele, USDA
                                ARS, USA, James R Myers, Oregon State
                                University, USA, Narinder P S Dhillon, World
                                Vegetable Center, Thailand, Kevin Crosby,
                                Texas A&M University, USA
               Completely updated with new content and full-colour
               figures throughout, this new edition provides succinct and
               authoritative knowledge relating to the production of cucurbits,
               including cucumbers, gourds, muskmelons, pumpkins,
               squashes and watermelons, and reflects on significant recent
               advances in the areas of production, breeding and evolution.
               May 2020 | PB | 9781786392916 | 280pp
               £45 | €50 | $60

   12          Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Practical Control of Mosquitoes                                     The Schistosomiasis Control
                 as Disease Vectors                                                  Initiative
                 Edited by J Derek Charlwood, Liverpool                              Case Study of a Health Intervention
                 School of Tropical Medicine, UK and Instituto                       Alan Fenwick, Imperial College London, UK,
                 de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Portugal, Carla                     Becky McCall, Freelance journalist, UK,
                 A Sousa, IHMT, University of New Lisbon,                            Wendie Norris, formerly CABI, UK
                                                                                       Schistosomiasis is Africa’s second most
Disease vector control is rapidly changing, and this book           prevalent infectious disease after malaria and is a neglected
provides a practical review of conventional control methods,        tropical disease. This book offers a unique perspective on a
and new and underused techniques. Also considering issues           successful health initiative that can serve as a model for other
such as resistance, mosquito behaviour change, cost and             diseases. It will be of interest to those working in global health
climate change, it concludes with the politics and practicalities   and disease control.
of method choice and implementation.
                                                                    Sep 2021 | HB | 9781786392558 | 156pp
Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789248821 | 144pp                               £75 | €100 | $125
£35 | €40 | $47.50

                 Fasciolosis                                                         Health and Natural Landscapes
                 2nd Edition                                                         Alan W Ewert, formerly Indiana University, USA,
                 Edited by John P Dalton, National University of                     Denise Mitten, Prescott College, USA, Jillisa
                 Ireland Galway, Ireland                                             Overholt, Warren Wilson College, USA

                 Fasciolosis is a major infection of livestock,                       Natural landscapes are intricately tied
                 causing huge losses to the agricultural                              to human health and well-being, and
                 community and affecting human health.                                increasingly valued for their stress-reduction
This fully updated new edition covers parasite biology              benefits. Providing an overview of the history, theory, and
and development, immunology, diagnosis, vaccines, and               individual and societal implications of human connection to
emergence of drug resistance, as well as new advances in            landscape, this book delivers a research-backed introduction
genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and glycomics.                for students, academics and policy makers.

                                                                                                                                         human health
Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789246162 | 464pp                               Jul 2021 | PB | 9781789245400 | 128pp
£165 | €200 | $225                                                  £27.50 | €35 | $40

                 Health Promotion                                                    Trends in the Systematics of Bacteria
                 Global Principles and Practice                                      and Fungi
                 2nd Edition                                                         Edited by Paul Dennis Bridge, CABI, UK,
                 Ruth Cross, Louise Warwick-Booth, Simon                             David Smith, CABI, UK, Erko Stackebrandt,
                 Rowlands, James Woodall, Ivy O’Neil, Sally                          University of Braunschweig
                 Foster, all Leeds Beckett University, UK                             Methods in microbial systematics have
                  This new edition covers key concepts, theory                        developed and changed significantly in
and practical aspects of health promotion practice worldwide.       the last 40 years. This book provides an overview of new
It reviews social determinants, equality and equity, policy and     methodologies and wider information sources to provide
health, working in partnerships, sustainability, evaluation and     accurate identifications, in the context of current microbial
evidence-based practice, drawing upon international settings        systematic concepts.
and teaching experience in the global North and South.              Dec 2020 | HB | 9781789244984 | 352pp
Dec 2020 | PB | 9781789245332 | 240pp                               £115 | €130 | $155
£39.99 | €45 | $55

                 Antimicrobial Stewardship for
                 Nursing Practice
                 Edited by Molly Courtenay, Cardiff University,
                 UK, Enrique Castro-Sánchez, Imperial
                 College London, UK
                  With antimicrobial resistance on the rise,
                  appropriate stewardship is more important
than ever. This textbook, the first written by nurses for nurses,
provides a clear and concise approach to good practice.
Feb 2020 | PB | 9781789242690 | 152pp
£19.99 | €25.99 | $32.99

                                       Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                     13
Food Industry 4.0.                                                Tropical Tuber Starches
                                      Unlocking advancement opportunities                               Structural and Functional Characteristics
                                      in the food manufacturing sector                                  S N Moorthy, formerly CTCRI, India, M S
                                      Linh Duong, University of Lincoln, UK,                            Sajeev, CTCRI, India, R P K Ambrose, Purdue
                                      Sandeep Jagtap, Cranfield University, UK,                         University, USA, R J Anish, Kerala University,
                                      Wayne Martindale, University of Lincoln, UK,                      India
                                      Mark Swainson, University of Lincoln, UK
                                                                                                         Comprehensively exploring the
                     Highlights the advancement opportunities for the food             morphological, structural and functional characteristics
                     manufacturing sector, including innovation in products,           of tropical tuber starches, particularly in relation to their
                     processes and services, and considers disruptive business         applications in food and industry, this book is suitable for
                     models which offer alternative solutions to the food sector       academic and commercial researchers interested in starch,
                     as it seeks to combine productive, efficient and sustainable      students in food and plant sciences, and plant breeders.
                     practices. Draws on authors’ extensive industry and academic
                                                                                       Dec 2020 | HB | 9781786394811 | 256pp
                                                                                       £105 | €140 | $175
                     Nov 2021 | PB | 9781789248425 | 192pp
                     £35 | €40 | $47.50

                                      Consumer Behaviour in Food and
                                      Healthy Lifestyles
                                      A Global Perspective
                                      Isaac K Ngugi, Helen O’Sullivan, Hanaa
                                      Osman, all University of Bournemouth, UK
                                      This book is an essential resource exploring
                                      the concepts, theories and methods in
                     consumer behaviour specifically applicable to the food and
                     drink sector. Drawing examples from all continents, it provides
food and nutrition

                     accessible coverage and a truly global perspective of the
                     particular characteristics of this industry.
                     Jul 2020 | PB | 9781786392886 | 224pp
                     £35 | €40 | $50
                     Jul 2020 | HB | 9781786392879 | 224pp
                     £85 | €100 | $120

                     Global Health
                     Your go-to for the study and practice of national,
                     regional and international public health

                     • Fully searchable bibliographic database,
                       dedicated to public health
                     • Over 4.3 million scientific records
                       from 1973 to the present day
                     • Over 127,000 full text articles
                     • 375 book chapters and 140 reviews

     14              Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
A Guide to Pet Dental Care                                           Infection Control in Small Animal
                 For veterinary technicians and nurses                                Clinical Practice
                 Kathy Istace, Mayfield Veterinary Hospital                           Edited by Kelly Bowlt Blacklock, AHT, UK,
                                                                                      Fergus Allerton, Willows Veterinary Centre, UK
                 This book will educate veterinary technicians
                 about the causes, consequences, prevention                            Infection prevention and control is vital, but
                 and treatment of dental diseases including                            can find itself an automated part of care -
                 periodontal disease, fractured teeth, tooth                           and therefore vulnerable. This book uses
resorption, dental malocclusions, oral masses, jaw fractures,       evidence-based findings to convert infection prevention into
and other oral conditions, which will help veterinary staff to      a well understood, passionate concept, considering key
increase dental care compliance of pet owners.                      principles, infection control within surgery and hospitalised
                                                                    patients and responsible antibiotic use.
Dec 2021 | PB | 9781789248869 | 120pp
£27.99 | €40 | $45                                                  Dec 2021 | PB | 9781789244953 | 248pp
                                                                    £45 | €55 | $65

                 Aquaculture and Fisheries                                            Companion Animal Bereavement
                 Biotechnology                                                        A One Health Workbook for Veterinary

                                                                                                                                         veterinary science and medicine
                 Genetic Approaches                                                   Professionals
                 3rd Edition                                                          Angela Garner, Animal Bereavement Support
                 Rex A Dunham, Auburn University, USA                                 Consultant, UK

                  his is an updating of the successful book
                 T                                                                    This concise workbook is written as a guide
                 on aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology                           for veterinary professionals to support owners
                 that introduces traditional techniques but         through the many challenges they face before, during and after
                 also adds the very latest in molecular             the death of their companion animal.
                 genetic analysis.                                  Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789245370 | 224pp
Oct 2021 | HB | 9781789243444 | 568pp                               £49.99 | €60 | $70
£165 | €215 | $275

                 Manual of Animal Andrology                                           Practical Canine Behaviour
                 Edited by Peter J Chenoweth, James                                   For Veterinary Nurses and Technicians
                 Cook University, Australia, Steven Lorton,                           2nd Edition
                 Reproduction Resources, USA
                                                                                      Stephanie Hedges, Registered Veterinary
                  succinct reference for managing the
                 A                                                                    Nurse and Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviour
                 reproductive functionality of male animals, this                     Consultant, UK
                 practical manual covers a wide range                                 This book provides a quick reference and
                 of species from dogs to water buffalo. It          practically relevant canine behaviour resource to meet the
                 provides normal values and ranges for male         specific needs of the veterinary general practice and veterinary
                 reproductive organs and traits, as well as         nurse or technician.
                 guidelines for breeding soundness evaluations.
                                                                    Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789246810 | 272pp
Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789243505 | 208pp                               £45 | €55 | $65
£39.99 | €50 | $55

                 Assessing and Interpreting                                           Selecting Surgical and
                 Diagnostic Data                                                      Pharmacological Interventions
                 Edited by Virginia R Fajt, Texas A&M University,                     Edited by Virginia R Fajt, Texas A&M University,
                 USA                                                                  USA
                   A Clinician’s Guide to Evidence-based                               A Clinician’s Guide to Evidence-based
                   Veterinary Medicine                                                 Veterinary Medicine
                   Highly practical and down to earth, this                            Highly practical and down to earth, this
book is the first in a series of short texts which explain what     book is the first in a series of short texts which explain what
evidence-based veterinary practice is and how to apply it           evidence-based veterinary practice is and how to apply it
every day in the real world of the busy veterinary clinic.          every day in the real world of the busy veterinary clinic.
Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789248296 | 112pp                               Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789248326 | 112pp
£19.99 | €23 | $27                                                  £19.99 | €23 | $27

                                       Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577                             15
Finding and Managing Veterinary                                      Small Animal Fluid Therapy
                                                    Evidence                                                             Edward Cooper, Ohio State University, USA,
                                                    Edited by Heather K Moberly, Texas A&M                               Julien Guillaumin, Colorado State University,
                                                    University, USA                                                      USA, Page Yaxley, Ohio State University, USA,
                                                                                                                         Jiwoong Her, Ohio State University, USA, Anda
                                                     A Clinician’s Guide to Evidence-based                               Young, Ohio State University, USA
                                                     Veterinary Medicine
                                                                                                                          Fluid therapy is one of the most important
                                                     Highly practical and down to earth, this           aspects of therapy in veterinary medicine. In this book the
                                  book is the first in a series of short texts which explain what       authors provide guidelines for the safe implementation of fluid
                                  evidence-based veterinary practice is and how to apply it             therapy in clinical practice.
                                  every day in the real world of the busy veterinary clinic.
                                                                                                        Aug 2021 | HB | 9781789243383 | 160pp
                                  Oct 2021 | PB | 9781789248722 | 112pp                                 £49.99 | €65 | $85
                                  £19.99 | €23 | $27

                                                    Poultry Health                                                       Ten Steps to Building a Successful
                                                    A Guide for Professionals                                            Veterinary Practice
veterinary science and medicine

                                                    Edited by Paul Barrow, University of                                Wendy Sneddon, Business Consultant, UK
                                                     Nottingham, UK, Venugopal Nair, Pirbright
                                                                                                                          his book is a down to earth, practical guide
                                                     Institute, UK, Susan Baigent, Pirbright
                                                     Institute, UK, Robert Atterbury, University of
                                                                                                                         outlining ten simple steps for recruiting,
                                                     Nottingham, UK, Michael Clark, Boehringer                           retaining and managing people in veterinary
                                                     Ingelheim Ltd, UK                                                   practices. The book provides valuable
                                                                                                                         guidance to new practice owners and
                                  This book covers the poultry industry, avian biology, diseases                         managers.
                                  and their agents, infection control, and disease investigation
                                  and legislation. Written by international experts, it includes full   Apr 2021 | PB | 9781786394927 | 160pp
                                  colour images to aid identification and diagnosis.                    £39.99 | €55 | $65

                                  July 2021 | PB | 9781789245042 | 200pp                                Apr 2021 | HB | 9781786394910 | 160pp
                                  £45 | €60 | $75                                                       £85 | €110 | $140

                                                    Parasites of Cattle and Sheep                                        Genetic Improvement of Farmed
                                                    A Practical Guide to their Biology                                   Animals
                                                    and Control                                                          Geoff Simm, University of Edinburgh, UK,
                                                    Andrew B Forbes, University of Glasgow, UK                            Geoff Pollott, Royal Veterinary College, UK,
                                                                                                                          Raphael A Mrode, SRUC, UK, Ross Houston,
                                                   This book provides the first review devoted                            University of Edinburgh, UK, Karen Marshall,
                                                   to parasites of domestic cattle and sheep.                             International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya
                                                   It considers the impact of parasites,
                                  both as individual species and as co-infections, as well              This text provides a thorough grounding in the basic sciences
                                  as epidemiological information, monitoring, diagnostic                underpinning current farmed animal breeding practice. It
                                  procedures, and implementing control measures such as the             relates science to practical application in all the major farmed
                                  responsible use of parasiticides.                                     animal species: cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, pigs and fish.

                                  Dec 2020 | PB | 9781789245158 | 392pp                                 Dec 2020 | PB | 9781789241716 | 496pp
                                  £65 | €75 | $90                                                       £65 | €75 | $90
                                                                                                        Dec 2020 | HB | 9781789241723 | 496pp
                                                                                                        £125 | €145 | $170

                                                    Small Animal Veterinary Psychiatry                                   Raptor Medicine, Surgery, and
                                                    Edited by Sagi Denenberg, Langford Vets, UK                          Rehabilitation
                                                     The importance of animal behavior and                               3rd Edition
                                                     psychological well-being is increasingly                            David Scott, Carolina Raptor Center, USA
                                                     being recognized in the veterinary profession.                        Comprehensive and extensively illustrated,
                                                     This book provides a practical approach to                            this book accumulates years of practical
                                                     diagnosing, treating and managing different                           knowledge when dealing with injured birds
                                  behaviour pathologies in dogs and cats, focusing on front             of prey. It outlines everything from handling and the intake
                                  line situations, common presentations and how to offer help           examination through to practical procedures and the treatment
                                  to owners.                                                            of a range of conditions and injuries, as well as advice on
                                  Dec 2020 | HB | 9781786394552 | 424pp                                 housing, rehabilitation and release.
                                  £95 | €110 | $130                                                     Dec 2020 | HB | 9781789246100 | 360pp
                                                                                                        £95 | €115 | $135

        16                        Order online at: | order by telephone on: +44 (0)1235 465577
Veterinary Ethics in Practice                                         The Impact of the International
                 James W Yeates, Cats Protection, UK                                   Livestock Research Institute
                  oncise, readable and accessible, this text
                 C                                                                     Edited by John McIntire, Independent
                 gives non-specialist veterinary professionals                         Economist, USA, Delia Grace, International
                                                                                       Livestock Research Institute, Kenya
                 an introduction to ethics. It helps readers to
                 think about, and discuss, ethical dilemmas                            The book recounts the history and
                 and viewpoints faced by practitioners in their                        achievements of research at the International
                 daily practice.                                      Livestock Research Institute and its predecessors. Describing
                                                                      mixed crop and livestock systems’ impact on the global
Nov 2020 | PB | 9781789247206 | 136pp
                                                                      environment, it also covers animal genetics, production,
£29.99 | €35 | $40
                                                                      health and disease control, land management, public policy,
                                                                      and economics.
                                                                      Nov 2020 | HB | 9781789241853 | 688pp
                                                                      £145 | €175 | $205

                 One Health                                                            Paratuberculosis
                 The Theory and Practice of Integrated                                 Organism, Disease, Control
                 Health Approaches                                                     2nd Edition
                 2nd Edition                                                           Edited by Marcel A Behr, McGill University,

                                                                                                                                         veterinary science and medicine
                    Edited by Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical and                       Canada, Karen Stevenson, Moredun Research
                    Public Health Institute, Switzerland, Esther                       Institute, UK, Vivek Kapur, University of
                    Schelling, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse,                    Minnesota, USA
Switzerland, Lisa Crump, Swiss Tropical and Public Health
                                                                      This new edition is the only comprehensive text on
Institute, Switzerland, Maxine Whittaker, James Cook University,
                                                                      paratuberculosis, providing historical context and state-of-the-
Australia, Marcel Tanner, Swiss Tropical and Public Health
Institute, Switzerland, Craig Stephen, University of Saskatchewan     art knowledge. It examines epidemiology, the organism that
and University of British Columbia, Canada                            causes the disease, and practical aspects of its diagnosis and
                                                                      control, as well as the link between paratuberculosis in the
One Health has now expanded beyond discussion of                      food chain and human health implications.
emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses. Retaining its
interdisciplinary focus, this new edition includes more non-          Sep 2020 | HB | 9781789243413 | 440pp
infectious disease issues and climate change discussion               £115 | €130 | $155
alongside revised case studies and expanded methodology
chapters to draw out implications for practice.
Oct 2020 | HB | 9781789242577 | 472pp
£125 | €145 | $170
                 Climate Change and Infectious Fish                                    Basic Monitoring in Canine and
                 Diseases                                                              Feline Emergency Patients
                 Edited by Patrick T K Woo, University of                              Elizabeth J Thomovsky, Paula A Johnson,
                 Guelph, Canada, Jo-Ann Leong, University                              Aimee C Brooks, all Purdue University College
                 of Hawai‘i at Manoa, USA, Kurt Buchmann,                              of Veterinary Medicine, USA
                 University of Copenhagen, Denmark
                                                                                       This book discusses the various basic
                   This definitive reference work explores the                         monitoring techniques available for
effects of current and expected climate change, taking place          emergency patients. The book elaborates on and explains
throughout the world, on selected bacterial, viral, fungal and        monitoring techniques that can be easily performed in basic
parasitic infectious fish diseases of economically important          ER clinics and primary care clinics.
fish in tropical and temperate waters.
                                                                      Mar 2020 | PB | 9781789242997 | 232pp
Sep 2020 | HB | 9781789243277 | 528pp                                 £49.99 | €60 | $70
£175 | €220 | $235

                 Asking Animals: An Introduction
                 to Animal Behaviour Testing
                 Birte L Nielsen, INRAE, L’Institut National de
                 Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et
                 l’Environnement, France
                   This book gives an introduction to the use
                   of behaviour tests applied to animals. By
including illustrative examples from a variety of species, it
aims to inspire the animal scientist to think about what a
given behavioural test can be used for, and how the results
can be interpreted.
Apr 2020 | PB | 9781789240610 | 192pp
£39.99 | €50 | $60
Apr 2020 | HB | 9781789240603 | 192pp
£85 | €100 | $120

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Equine Respiratory Endoscopy                                      Fraser’s The Behaviour and Welfare
                                                            Edited by Caspar Lindegaard, University                           of the Horse
                                                            of Copenhagen, Denmark, Julie Fjeldborg,                          3rd Edition
                                                            University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Patrick
                                                                                                                              Edited by Andrew F Fraser, formerly Memorial
                                                            J Pollock, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary
                                                                                                                              University of Newfoundland, Canada,
                                                            Studies, UK
                                                                                                                              Christopher B Riley, Massey University, New
                                                             This book provides a practical approach to                       Zealand, Sharon E Cregier
                                           equine respiratory endoscopy. Full colour endoscopy images         This classic book provides a comprehensive overview of
                                           illustrate normal anatomy, variations of normal anatomy and        equine behaviour, an outline of current advances in our
                                           disorders of the respiratory tract.                                understanding, as well as offering insights into contemporary
                                           Nov 2021 | HB | 9781789242669 | 320pp                              and future challenges for improving horse welfare and safety.
                                           £79.99 | €100 | $135                                               Jun 2021 | PB | 9781789242119 | 272pp
                                                                                                              £45 | €60 | $75
                                                                                                              Jun 2021 | HB | 9781789242102 | 272pp
                                                                                                              £95 | €125 | $160
veterinary science and medicine – equine

                                                            Equine Reproductive Physiology,                                   Equine Endocrinology
                                                            Breeding and Stud Management                                      François-René Bertin, Natalie S Fraser, both
                                                            5th Edition                                                       University of Queensland, Australia
                                                            Mina C G Davies Morel, Aberystwyth                                 his book deals exclusively with the equine
                                                            University, UK                                                    endocrine problems that the clinician would
                                                              This text contains detailed coverage on the                     see in practice. It is the perfect reference for
                                                              management of mares, stallions and foals,                       the practitioner who must quickly diagnose
                                           as well as stud management practicalities including infertility,                   and treat the presenting problems.
                                           artificial insemination and advanced reproductive techniques.      Sep 2020 | PB | 9781789241099 | 152pp
                                           Nov 2020 | PB | 9781789242249 | 536pp                              £45 | €50 | $60
                                           £47.50 | €55 | $60
                                           Nov 2020 | HB | 9781789242232 | 536pp
                                           £115 | €130 | $155

                                                            Solving Equine Behaviour Problems                                 ECG Interpretation in Equine Practice
                                                            An Equitation Science Approach                                    Katharyn Mitchell, University of Zurich,
                                                            Rose M Scofield, Oxford Brookes University,                       Switzerland
                                                            UK                                                                 his book provides a practical guide for the
                                                             Riders can face a range of horse behavioural                     veterinary practitioner on how to record and
                                                             problems, which if left untreated could cause                    analyse ECGs in horses. It includes the basics
                                                             the horse-human relationship to break down.                      of electrocardiography, recording, analyzing
                                           This book examines behavioural issues using academic                               and interpreting the ECG.
                                           research, offering practical solutions illustrated with photos
                                                                                                              Jul 2020 | PB | 9781789240825 | 144pp
                                           and case studies. It covers over 30 major issues, including
                                                                                                              £35 | €40 | $50
                                           biting, kicking, shying and bolting.
                                           Sep 2020 | PB | 9781789244878 | 160pp
                                           £29.99 | €35 | $40

                                                            Horse Genetics
                                                            3rd Edition
                                                            Ernest Bailey, University of Kentucky, USA,
                                                            Samantha A Brooks, University of Florida, USA
                                                            Completely updated and revised, the third
                                                            edition of this essential textbook describes
                                                            the basic genetics of the horse including
                                           coat colour, parentage, medical and population genetics,
                                           cytogenetics, performance, breeding systems and genetic
                                           conservation, as well as the many recent advances in
                                           May 2020 | PB | 9781786392596 | 240pp
                                           £39.99 | €50 | $55
                                           May 2020 | HB | 9781786392589 | 240pp
                                           £95 | €120 | $135

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