Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council

Page created by Tammy Frank
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
05   Camden Goods
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
Policy CGY1 – Camden Goods Yard Area                                                      Policy CGY1
Camden Goods Yard
                    5.1     Camden Goods Yard is              5.3      Developers will also be
                    located on the edge of Camden Town.       expected to take into account the          The Camden Goods Yard area has the potential to become a vibrant and
                    The area consists of several key          Camden Goods Yard Planning                 dynamic new neighbourhood that will deliver a significant increase in the
                    development sites including Morrisons     Framework supplementary planning           number, mix, type and affordability of homes in the area and provide a range
                    Supermarket, Juniper Crescent,            guidance which amplifies the policies      of retail and employment spaces. To ensure that the area will realise its full
                    Gilbey’s Yard and sites along Chalk       in this Site Allocations document and      development potential, proposals within this area must:
                    Farm Road. The size of the area and       the adopted Camden Locwal Plan.
                    the level of developer interest make it
                                                                                                         a. Demonstrate how they have been prepared in an integrated way to
                    one of the few remaining opportunities    5.4      Proposals for this area will be      optimise the use of land and coordinate development proposals through
                    in Camden to create an entirely new       considered having regard to Policy            engagement with adjacent landowners and key stakeholders including
                    mixed-use neighbourhood.                  CGY1, any other relevant policies in          local residents and businesses
                                                              this Site Allocations Local Plan, all
                    5.2      The scale of development         relevant development plan policies         b. Build on the innovative and creative economy and spirit of Camden Town,
                    proposed in this area is likely to take   and any other relevant material               providing jobs and opportunities, diversification of the town centre’s retail
                    some time to be delivered. Temporary      considerations.                               offer and an appropriate range of employment spaces, which respond to
                    (‘meanwhile’) uses should be used,                                                      local economic context and need
                    prior to and during construction, to      An inclusive, mixed-use place with
                                                              a confident identity                       c.    Deliver high quality, healthy and inclusive neighbourhoods with
                    ensure productive use of otherwise                                                         exemplary urban design and architecture with new streets and spaces,
                    unused land in a way that is beneficial   5.5    New development should                    while taking account of all aspects of local character
                    to the area and local communities.        have an assured and positive identity
                                                                                                         d. Responding appropriately to the predominant scale and heights of the
                                                                                                            surrounding townscape and preserve or enhance local heritage assets
                                                                                                            and their settings, in particular The Roundhouse, the Interchange building
                                                                                                            and The Winding Vaults.
                                                                                                         e. Draw upon and celebrate the area’s industrial, canal and transport
                                                                                                            heritage in the design of new development and take opportunities to raise
                                          CGY4                                                              understanding and appreciation of surviving assets and their history
                                CGY6                                                                     f.    Protect the view designated by the London View Management
                                                                                                               Framework from Parliament Hill summit to the Palace of Westminster and
                                                                                                               take into account locally significant townscape views and views to/from
                                                                                                               surrounding conservation areas
                                                                      CGY8                               g. Be a pioneering green and environmentally sustainable environment
                                                                                                            with high-quality green infrastructure, attractive, inclusive and welcoming
                                                        CGY7                                                areas of public realm, buildings which target zero emissions and waste
                                                                                                            minimised during the construction and operation of development
                                                                                                         h. Deliver carbon neutral development by incorporating the highest
                                                                                                            practicable standards of sustainable design and construction with
                                                                                                            provision of area-wide district heating and cooling systems

                    Figure 5.1: Policy CGY1 - Camden Goods Yard Area
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
drawing on the area’s rich legacy of       schemes at Juniper Crescent and
 i.   Deliver the social infrastructure, including public art, to support the        industrial, railway and canal heritage     Gilbey’s Yard, with a significant
      new living and working population of the area with particular attention        and Camden’s distinctive cultural          number of new homes and affordable
      given to the needs of children and young people and older age groups           energy, community and creative             homes. The Council will give priority
      and the ability of development to promote the health and wellbeing of          spirit. The Goods Yard area is             to securing permanent self-contained
      residents as well as workers                                                   large enough that it can create a          housing (Use Class C3) and the
                                                                                     character of its own but should still      mix of housing on larger sites could
 j.   Reduce vehicle movements across the area by greater use of                     feel like it belongs to this part of       include supported housing for people
      sustainable modes of transport, the reallocation of road space and             Camden and be contextual within            with specialist needs in line with the
      reduction of parking                                                           its setting, particularly in locations     Camden Local Plan.
 k.   Improve connections across the area, providing new and improved                where it connects with existing
      walking and cycling routes in a safe, legible and accessible public            neighbourhoods. Existing densities         5.8      Development should
      realm environment with priority given to the creation of a new spinal          throughout much of the area are low        bring together existing and new
      route connecting Oval Road with Regent’s Park Road and Primrose                and there is significant scope for         communities, support health and
      Hill via Juniper Crescent; the delivery of a new connection from               intensification and a more efficient use   wellbeing, and promote inclusive,
      Camden Lock Place and improved access to/from Chalk Farm Road                  of land with a better mix of uses.         cohesive and resilient communities
      and Juniper Crescent to neighbouring sites                                                                                where facilities and services can be
                                                                                     5.6      Achieving optimal capacity        accessed by all. Within the markets
 l.   Provide a compatible mix of uses in the area, designed to mitigate
                                                                                     and a truly sustainable place is           and along Chalk Farm Road, the
      impacts on the amenity of existing and future residents and businesses
                                                                                     considered to be contingent on strong      priority will be to intensify commercial
 m. Fully assess the effect of new development on existing entertainment             collaborative working by individual        uses taking into account the specific
    and cultural uses in the area and vice versa, with potential impacts             developers across land ownerships          context, heritage and character of
    addressed through design, with off-site mitigation secured as a last             at all development stages from             these areas. Provision of housing
    resort in accordance with the agent of change principle                          conception to implementation. This         within the established markets is
                                                                                     Plan and the Planning Framework            recognised as being more difficult to
 n. Create an environment that is safe and welcoming by day and night by
                                                                                     document identify a variety of social,     achieve on-site, therefore multi-site
    considering design and layout, appropriate land uses and community
                                                                                     green and transport infrastructure         approaches to providing additional
    safety measures, while avoiding intrusive gating and railings
                                                                                     interventions that the Council             housing should be considered
                                                                                     considers to be vital in supporting        in accordance with the Council’s
 Development sites within the Camden Goods Yard Area, must, in addition              sustainable growth. Many of these          mixed-use policy (H2). Delivering
 to meeting the criteria for the specific site policy, accord with the criteria of   opportunities can only be realised         significant amounts of additional
 this area-wide policy, except where this would not be commensurate with             through parties working together           housing in Chalk Farm Road is also
 the nature or scale of an individual scheme.                                        and therefore the Council will seek        considered to be challenging because
                                                                                     to resist proposals where evidence         of exposure to noise generating
                                                                                     of such cross-boundary approaches          uses and activities and an off-site
                                                                                     cannot be demonstrated or proposals        contribution to housing may be
Area name                 Camden Goods Yard                                          would be prejudicial to realising the      required.
                                                                                     optimal outcomes for the area.
Area size                 9 ha                                                                                                  5.9     Proposals for sites in the
Indicative housing        1200                                                       5.7     The Goods Yard area will be        Camden Goods Yard area should
capacity                                                                             expected to deliver new residential-       be informed by comprehensive
                                                                                     led neighbourhoods through                 community engagement that allows
                                                                                     redevelopment of the Morrison’s site       existing residents to influence
                                                                                     and possible estate regeneration           emerging proposals in a meaningful
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
way and at the right time.            the Goods Area can help to widen         5.11    Parts of the area closest to    includes provision of affordable
Camden Goods Yard
                                                          the retail offer by providing goods      Chalk Farm Road, and Chalk Farm         workspace, light industrial workshops,
                    5.10     The Morrisons superstore,    and services aimed at local residents    Road itself, are considered to be       small units for start-ups and move-on
                    the markets and Chalk Farm Road       and workers and within the market,       the most appropriate locations for      space so that businesses can remain
                    are situated within Camden Town       additional space for makers and          providing new workspaces and office     in Camden Town and grow.
                    Centre, the largest town centre in    traders could be offered. The majority   accommodation. A diverse range of
                    the Borough, a growing and dynamic    of additional retail space, including    commercial uses should be provided
                    centre of employment and a renowned   reprovision of the supermarket, is       to complement new housing that
                    tourist destination. Development in   expected to come forward on the          builds on the innovative and creative
                                                          Morrisons sites.                         economy of Camden Town. This





                    Figure 5.2: Policy CGY1 - Camden Goods Yard Area
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
An area that celebrates its rich           in the London View Management              King’s Cross and Camden Town and           leisure and public toilets which
heritage with exemplary urban              Framework from Parliament Hill summit      creating a strong green corridor along     should include ‘Changing Places’
design and architecture                    to the Palace of Westminster that          the railway edges. Applicants will         provision. The Council will also seek
                                           passes through the area. The Goods         be expected to apply the Mayor of          contributions towards public art in line
5.12      Creating new neighbourhoods
                                           Yard is also present in a number           London’s ‘Urban Greening Factors’ to       with local policies and guidance.
and developing sites in an important
                                           of other long distance views and           green infrastructure planning and site
historic location demands urban
                                           local street scenes, as set out in the     design.                                    5.20     The area is highly orientated
design and architecture of the highest
                                           Planning Framework supplementary                                                      to the needs of vehicular traffic
standard that creates a welcoming
                                           planning guidance.                         5.18     We will also expect               with limited consideration given to
series of neighbourhood places.
Designs must be informed by the                                                       opportunities for renewable energy         pedestrians and cyclists. Pedestrians
                                           A place that is well connected
appearance, culture and history of the                                                generation and district heating and        and cyclists should be prioritised in
                                           and accessible to all, promotes
Goods Yard and respond positively to                                                  cooling to be maximised in this area       development proposals and the area
                                           health and wellbeing and is
the varied townscape of the wider area                                                - for example heat from supermarket        become one that is easy to navigate.
                                           environmentally sustainable and
and preserve or enhance the setting of                                                cooling and cooling utilising the canal.   Priorities for better connections
heritage assets. Where development                                                                                               include: delivering better links with
meets existing neighbourhoods,                                                        5.19    Important social infrastructure    Oval Road and the Regent’s Canal
it should integrate coherently with        5.15    New development allows for         needs are considered to be flexible        towpath; realising a link with Regent’s
comfortable transitions, in terms of       a transformation in the way the area       community spaces, particularly             Park Road/Primrose Hill (subject
building layout, street pattern and        works and performs in environmental        for young people, community food           to the development of the Network
design response, to create a continuity    terms. Proposals should be future          growing facilities, provision for sport/   Rail site); delivering a much more
of place, with easy to use connections     proofed, low impact and achieve the
and a quality of design making it easy     highest environmental standards as
to find your way around.                   well as being healthy and inclusive
                                           places to live.
5.13    Adjacent to the Goods Yard
area is a varied built and natural         5.16     Access to green space and
environment which includes a number        nature has an important influence on
of conservation areas and heritage         people’s sense of wellbeing and life
assets. This includes the sensitive        chances. Proposals will be expected
setting of the Regent’s Canal. The         to integrate open space and greenery
Camden Goods Yard Planning                 and depending on the size of site, offer
Framework supplementary planning           a range of experiences and benefits.
guidance shows where these assets          In particular, the Council wishes to
are located, including sightlines of       see high quality social space for older
assets which it is desirable to protect.   children and young people which the
The Council will particularly welcome      area lacks.
proposals that deepen and spread
appreciation of the area’s national        5.17     5.17    Developments can also
and local importance in terms of           help to make connections with wildlife
the evolution of canal and railway         corridors in the wider area. Particular
transport.                                 opportunities include securing the
                                           proposed ‘Highline’ for people and
5.14    There is a designated view         wildlife being promoted by the local                                                                                             35
                                           Business Improvement District linking
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
clearly defined connection between       adversely affected with the applicant
Camden Goods Yard
                    the markets and wider Goods Yard         of any scheme responsible for any        Question box
                    area; and improving access to the        mitigation costs.
                    existing Morrisons site from Chalk                                                Q21. Do you support Policy CGY1? If not, what changes are needed and
                    Farm Road and Juniper Crescent. A        5.23     There are particular problems   why?
                    further possible route which should be   associated with alcohol consumption
                    assessed is the creation of a new link   and drug dealing in Camden Town          Q22. What do you think the infrastructure priorities should be for this
                    from 100 Chalk Farm Road to Juniper      linked to the very high number of        area allocation and why?
                    Crescent, if redevelopment of the        visitors. Community safety can be
                    estate occurs. The Council’s Cycling     promoted through good design and         Q23. Is the boundary shown in Figure 9.1 appropriate in the context of
                    Action Plan identifies Chalk Farm        natural surveillance. These measures     Policy CGY1? If not, what changes are needed and why?
                    Road as a ‘primary’ cycling corridor     should help overcome the need for
                    requiring separation of cyclists         more invasive security measures such
                    from vehicular traffic. A scheme is      as gating which restricts the benefits
                    proposed for completion between          of social interaction and creates a
                    2022/23 and 2024/25.                     lasting perception of an area being
                    An environment that feels safe and
                    welcoming by day and night
                    5.21    It is expected there will
                    be a clear transition from more
                    commercially orientated development
                    in the core of the Town Centre, with
                    its established 24 hour economy,
                    into areas with a more residential

                    5.22    The Morrisons supermarket
                    site has been identified in
                    supplementary planning guidance
                    (CPG: Town centres and retail) as
                    a ‘sensitive frontage’ meaning that
                    there are restrictions on food, drink
                    and entertainment uses to limit their
                    impact. The layout and design of
                    development will be key to managing
                    impacts from noise. In line with the
                    agent of change principle, the party
                    responsible for a change should also
                    be responsible for managing the
                    impact of that change, proposals must
                    include noise mitigation measures
                    to ensure that the ability of existing
                    premises to operate effectively is not
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
Policy CGY2 – Morrisons Supermarket
5.24    Morrisons supermarket is a          5.25     Proposals for this site will be   f.     Provide high-quality public realm with good natural surveillance and a
key site in the delivery of the Council’s   considered having regard to Policy                range of open spaces and community facilities. Open space should
aspirations for the Camden Goods            CGY2, any other relevant policies in              include areas for wildlife and the creation of green routes along the railway
Yard area as set out in Policy CGY1         this Site Allocations Local Plan, all             edges
above, in terms of its location and         relevant development plan policies
the scale of opportunity it presents.       and any other relevant material            g. Deliver a substantial reduction in car parking spaces on the site,
There is an existing planning               considerations.                               fully recognising people’s changing shopping habits and growing
permission on this site.                                                                  environmental concern about the need to limit unnecessary journeys
                                                                                          by car. The Council will also seek measures to minimise the impacts of
                                                                                          deliveries and servicing as well as drop-off and collection by buses and
 Policy CGY2                                                                              taxis.

The Morrisons supermarket site is allocated for housing-led redevelopment              h. Explore the feasibility of relocating bus services to maximise accessibility
providing housing, employment/retail uses and supported by a range of social,             and reduce negative impacts on residential amenity and the public realm
transport and green infrastructure. Development must be in accordance with             i.     Provide support for new residents and businesses on the site to develop
Policy CGY1 – Camden Goods Yard Area, and in addition must meet the                           into sustainable communities
following requirements specific to this site:
                                                                                       j.     Undertake engagement with HS2 Ltd to coordinate the phasing of
                                                                                              construction works
a. Create a new mixed-use neighbourhood with a minimum of 500 new
   homes across a range of types and tenures, including on-site affordable
   housing supported by a range of new employment uses, including                      Site address                 Morrison supermarket, Chalk Farm Road NW1 8EH
   affordable workspaces and workshops/maker spaces
b. Retain/ reprovide a supermarket and provide new small-scale retail and              Site area (ha)               2.5 ha
   food and drink uses that add variety to the Camden Town Centre offer and            Proposed uses                Self-contained homes, employment (offices and
   are suitable for the site’s status as a ‘sensitive frontage’                                                     maker spaces), retail, food and drink, community and
c.     The new neighbourhood will have a character of its own and should make                                       leisure uses
       sense of the site’s history as a goods yard and celebrate its industrial        Indicative housing           573 additional homes
       heritage. A programme of archaeological investigation will be required as       capacity
       part of a development scheme to establish the extent of any remains of
d. Successfully integrate with existing neighbourhoods and address the sites           5.26     The permitted scheme                of on-site affordable homes secured
   current separation, including provision of an attractive and inviting gateway       (2017/3847/P) would deliver 573              via the extant permission maintained
   from Chalk Farm Road with removal of the retaining wall that supports the           homes. Should an alternative                 or increased.
   supermarket car park, and the provision of improved links with the markets.         proposal come forward, it is important
                                                                                       that this significant contribution          5.27     The policy requires a range
e. Provide safe and legible pedestrian and cycle routes throughout the site,           to the Council’s housing supply is           of commercial unit types and sizes,
   assisting the Council’s ambition of delivering a wide spinal route for              maintained given the Borough’s               which include provision of affordable
   pedestrians and cyclists from Oval Road/Gilbey’s Yard to Juniper Crescent           acute housing needs and therefore            workspace. Priority will be given
                                                                                       we would resist a scheme proposing           to small-scale light industrial and
                                                                                       fewer than 500 permanent self-               maker spaces and accommodation
                                                                                       contained homes (Use Class C3). We           for growing creative businesses as        37
                                                                                       would also wish to see the proportion
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
these are considered to be particularly    5.30     The new neighbourhood             routes should be direct, accessible,        of an attractive and inviting gateway.
Camden Goods Yard
                    important to meeting local needs. The      should have a strong identity in its       attractive and safe. Provision of step-     This can be achieved by the removal
                    Council will also negotiate a package      own right but one that is influenced       free options is considered essential        of the existing retaining wall that runs
                    of skills, training and procurement        by Camden Town’s alternative and           for ensuring inclusive access, given        along the main access road and
                    measures to ensure the construction        artistic culture, its improvisation        the changes in levels across this           repaving and widening of pavements.
                    process and end uses will benefit          and creativity to ensure it feels part     site. The place as a whole should
                    local people and businesses.               of this setting. The disposition of        be instinctively easy to understand         5.35     The Petrol Filling Station site
                                                               uses across the site and variety of        and navigate and the principles of          (Policy CGY3) lies at the threshold of
                    5.28     It is recognised that the         buildings, routes and spaces will help     Transport for London’s ‘Healthy             development proposals for the main
                    majority of retail floorspace will         bring this site to life.                   Streets’ applied.                           supermarket site and therefore public
                    be taken up by the reprovided                                                                                                     realm improvements in this area need
                    supermarket, however this could            5.31     Development will be expected      5.34      A key objective for the Council   to be coordinated across both sites.
                    be accompanied by small and                to take opportunities to reference         is to improve the relationship the site     The permitted scheme envisages
                    independent stores catering to the         both local and lost heritage features,     enjoys with Chalk Farm Road and the         the reconfiguration of the existing
                    needs of residents and workers             particularly the site’s industrial and     Town Centre (which land within the          junctions with Chalk Farm Road and
                    within the Goods Yard area, including      transport infrastructure and to express    allocation for the Petrol Filling Station   alterations to the traffic signalling.
                    limited provision of food and drink        and interpret the heritage significance    site will also assist) by the provision     These improvements would allow a
                    uses. Cafés and restaurants are            of the Goods Yard. Development
                    considered to be suitable food and         can also help to better reveal and
                    drink uses, although their number          enhance the setting of neighbouring
                    and size should be limited given           historic assets, for example through
                    the ‘Sensitive frontage’ designation.      consideration of layout to open up
                    Public houses (Class A4) and hot           new sightlines and glimpses. The
                    food takeaways (Class A5) will not be      Council will also support proposals
                    supported as these uses are already        to further open up the subterranean
                    well represented in the core of the        architecture of tunnels and vaults and
                    Town Centre.                               will expect the detailed layout of the
                                                               site to retain the possibility of public
                    Achieving a unique character with          access to the ‘Winding Vaults’.
                    references to the past
                    5.29    The design approach for the        5.32    In view of the important history
                    site should lead to the creation of        of the Goods Yard, archaeological
                    a new piece of Camden Town with            investigations should be undertaken
                    well-defined streets and spaces and        to establish the extent of any surviving
                    a variety of building forms and types,     remains of interest and recorded as
                    with individual buildings having their     appropriate.
                    own architectural character while
                    clearly part of a coherent whole.
                    Contemporary, original design will         Infrastructure to support
                    be supported but this should be            development
                    contextual to its setting by responding    5.33    The new neighbourhood must
                    positively to the qualities of the wider   give priority to walking and cycling,
                    area.                                      with vehicles only able to access the
                                                               site from Chalk Farm Road. New             Figure 5.3: CGY2 - Morrisons Supermarket
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
direct vehicular route to Ferdinand         the development and as an integral          the optimal location for the stands to    to provide a detailed Community
Street and improvements for cyclists.       part of building design with generous       reduce their visibility and ensure they   Support and Engagement Plan that
                                            provision of garden spaces, roof            do not unacceptably intrude upon          develops a community vision and
5.36     The Council’s Planning             gardens and green roofs/walls.              people’s experience and enjoyment of      purpose for the neighbourhood, with
Framework identifies the benefits of                                                    moving through a proposed scheme,         assistance provided for volunteering
creating a spinal route to connect          5.39     Planting of a linear route along   including alternative locations outside   and capacity building initiatives and
Oval Road/Regent’s Canal, via               the edge of the West Coast Main Line        the site.                                 to give residents a strong sense of
Gilbey’s Yard, with Juniper Crescent        will be sought. A similar opportunity                                                 ownership of streets/spaces, helping
and onwards to Regent’s Park Road           at the side of the North London             5.42     A particular concern among       to tackle anti-social behaviour. This
and Primrose Hill. Development will         Railway could potentially provide a         existing residents of neighbouring        should also consider engagement
be expected to deliver part of this         more extensive area of greenspace           estates are the impacts arising           with communities on neighbouring
spine. Similarly, the possibility of        with a route from Chalk Farm Road           from the drop-off/pick-up of taxis.       sites in the wider Goods Yard area
making new links with the Regent’s          to The Interchange, connecting with         Currently patrons of late-night venues    and beyond.
Canal should be explored.                   the emerging ‘Highline’ proposal for a      are collected from the Morrisons car
                                            natural green walk along the railway        park. This is not ideal as it brings      5.44    The access road leading to
5.37      The listed Interchange            viaduct.                                    late-night noisy activity into an         the existing supermarket, Juniper
building is included within the site                                                    otherwise quiet area. The developer       Crescent and the Network Rail site is
boundary for Policy CGY8 Camden             5.40      New housing and commercial        will be expected to undertake cross-      safeguarded as a construction access
Lock Market. Restrictions on building       uses will be expected to be car-            boundary liaison with local residents     for works associated with High Speed
directly over the Horse Tunnel Market       free in line with Camden Local Plan         and stakeholders to find suitable         Two (HS2). Developers of this site will
mean that this corner of the Morrisons      Policy T2. Undertaking’s will also be       measures for controlling late-night       therefore be expected to coordinate
site is likely to be a suitable location    sought to substantially reduce the car      movements.                                with HS2 Ltd, and their contractors,
for providing public open space. The        parking provided for the supermarket,                                                 arrangements for traffic management
Council considers this part of the          through actively supporting and             5.43    The new neighbourhood             and timings of construction works
site to be strategically important in       enabling modal shift amongst                should provide ample opportunities for    to minimise/mitigate conflicts and
accommodating a new connection              customers. Further detail is provided       residents and workers to meet, gather     cumulative impacts on the transport
with Camden Lock Market, via the            in supplementary planning guidance:         and interact and share experiences.       network.
side of the Interchange building (see       chapter 5 of the Council’s Transport        The Council will expect the developer
also Policy CGY8).                          CPG. As part of any provision we
                                            would expect to secure a proportion of
5.38     The Council will require public    spaces with electric vehicle charging
open spaces of varying scale and            points.
character, that provide a range of                                                        Question box
experiences and activities, and which       5.41    The bus stands and turning
are inclusive, accessible and safe.         area are currently a dominant feature.        Q24. Do you agree with Policy CGY2? If not, what changes are needed
We will give priority to the provision of   The Council would like to see a               and why?
green amenity areas and play space          sustainable long-term solution to
for the full range of ages, including       minimise the environmental impacts of         Q25. Is the boundary shown in Figure 9.3 appropriate in the context of
dedicated space for young adults who        bus movements on residential amenity          Policy CGY2? If not, what changes are needed and why?
can be underserved. Open spaces             and the public realm. The Council
should be connected by legible and          will expect applicants to engage with
attractive green routes with trees          neighbouring landowners and other
and planting provided throughout            relevant stakeholders, to establish                                                                                             39
Camden Goods Yard - Camden Council
Policy CGY3 – Morrisons Petrol Filling Station                                             Policy CGY3
Camden Goods Yard
                    5.45    The site is located within the     sites, where future development            Redevelopment of the site will be supported to provide a mix of uses. The
                    designated Camden Town Centre and          proposals may come forward. The            Council requires a employment-led development with retail and café/restaurant
                    contributes to the fragmentation of the    existing layout is convoluted with         uses at ground floor level. An element of permanent self-contained housing
                    Town Centre frontage.                      extensive space given over to the          may also be supported subject to a good standard of amenity being provided.
                                                               petrol station forecourt, the gyratory     Development must be in accordance with Policy CGY1 – Camden Goods Yard
                    5.46    Its relationship with              and an area of unattractive scrubland      Area, and in addition must meet the following requirements specific to this site:
                    neighbouring land at 100, 100a and         providing a poor relationship with
                    100b Chalk Farm Road is poorly             100 Chalk Farm Road. The quality
                                                                                                          a. Create a new inviting gateway for pedestrians and cyclists to the wider
                    resolved with an area of scrubland         of architecture of any future scheme
                                                                                                             Camden Goods Yard area through the design of this site. In addition to
                    and substation located at their            is likely to be an important factor
                                                                                                             public realm improvements, the removal of the gyratory, the repurposing of
                    interface which presents a poor            in expressing the site’s status as a
                                                                                                             road space and traffic management measures will be supported subject to
                    appearance. The area around the            ‘gateway’ to the Goods Yard area and
                                                                                                             a satisfactory evidence-based junction design
                    Petrol Filling Station is dominated        ensuring a positive relationship with
                    by vehicles and the gyratory and           historic buildings within the Stables      b. Provide architecture of the highest standard which acts as a visible marker
                    the pavements are in places narrow,        Market nearby and the listed wall of          for the entrance to the wider Goods Yard
                    resulting in a poor environment for        the former goods yard.
                                                                                                          c.    Be successfully integrated with adjoining land (and future proposals)
                    pedestrians and cyclists.                                                                   for 100, 100a and 100b Chalk Farm Road to allow development to be
                                                               5.50     The access road to Morrisons            optimised and the townscape along Chalk Farm Road to be enhanced,
                    5.47     There is an extant planning       and Juniper Crescent falls within                with the area of scrubland developed subject to the consented youth space
                    permission for the redevelopment           Morrisons ownership so it is likely that         being reprovided elsewhere. This should draw on the historic context and
                    of this site, forming part of the wider    any proposals for this site will need to         character of this part of the Town Centre and carefully consider the impact
                    Morrisons scheme (2017/3847/P).            be carefully coordinated in connection           of development on locally important views and the setting of the Horse
                                                               with a future redevelopment scheme               Hospital/Stables Market and listed walls
                    5.48     Proposals for this site will be   for the supermarket. Due to the
                                                               potential scale of redevelopment           d. Setback the building line along Chalk Farm Road to deliver a widened
                    considered having regard to Policy
                                                               this involves, improvements to the            pavement, providing an improved route towards Chalk Farm Road station
                    CGY3, any other relevant policies in
                    this Site Allocations Local Plan, all      junction with Chalk Farm Road will         e. Contribute to a more engaging frontage on the south side of Chalk Farm
                    relevant development plan policies         be necessary. The Council wishes              Road drawing on the historic context and character of this part of the Town
                    and any other relevant material            to see this give greater priority for         Centre
                    considerations.                            cyclists with better conditions for
                                                               pedestrians from the removal of street     f.    Work with relevant landowners and stakeholders to help facilitate
                                                               clutter, better crossings and widening           better connections with Juniper Crescent, in the event of large-scale
                    5.49    This site occupies a prominent                                                      redevelopment coming forward
                                                               of pavements. Any junction design
                    location at the entrance to the wider
                                                               will need to be agreed with Camden         g. If the petrol station is reprovided, the Council will support proposals where
                    Goods Yard and has an important
                                                               highways officers and Transport for           it is appropriately integrated into a wider development scheme, the space it
                    relationship with a number of adjoining
                                                               London. It should also be noted that          occupies is reduced and consideration is given to future modes of vehicle
                    Site address                Morrisons Petrol Filling Station, Chalk Farm Road
                                                NW1 8EH
                    Site area (ha)              0.3 ha
                    Proposed uses               Employment (offices), retail, food and drink
the Council’s Road Safety Action         5.54     The extant permission
Plan identifies the junction of Chalk    includes reprovision of the petrol           Question box
Farm Road and Ferdinand Street as        station. The Council will support the
the highest ranking ‘node’ (junction)    removal of this facility providing the       Q26. Do you agree with Policy CGY3? If not, what changes are needed
in terms of the need to address          potential impacts are fully assessed in      and why?
casualties from traffic accidents and    line with Camden Planning Guidance:
impacts on vulnerable road users.        Transport. Where reprovision does            Q27. Is the boundary shown in Figure 9.4 appropriate in the context of
                                         occur, the facility must integrate well      Policy CGY3? If not, what changes are needed and why?
5.51    Under existing Camden            with the wider development. The
Local Plan policies, additional non-     Council will also expect measures to
residential floorspace also generates    support a shift away from vehicular
a requirement for permanent self-        travel and the lowering of carbon
contained housing in Use Class C3.       emissions.

5.52     The Council will expect
landowners and developers for this
site and 100, 100a and 100b Chalk
Farm Road to work together to ensure
optimal layout of the two sites, a
higher quality townscape and better
management of areas of public realm/
open space. Development of the
scrubland at the junction of these
sites is supported to deliver more
coherent development along Chalk
Farm Road; however, provision of
a youth space secured through the
wider Morrisons consent will need to
be reprovided.

5.53      The potential redevelopment
of Juniper Crescent housing estate
must also be considered as there is
an opportunity to provide a new link
and access from Chalk Farm Road. A
developer will be expected to engage
with relevant landowners and help to
facilitate this connection through the
provision of land and/or a financial
                                         Figure 5.4: CGY3 - Morrisons Petrol Filling Station
Policy CGY4 – 100 Chalk Farm Road                                                          Policy CGY4
Camden Goods Yard
                    5.55    This site is on the western        floorspace being reprovided in line        An employment-led development will be supported. Complementary town
                    side of Chalk Farm Road within             with Local Plan policy. A key objective    centre uses should be provided as a means of activating the street and adding
                    Camden Town Centre, consisting             is to bring better engagement              to the character and diversity of Camden Town Centre.
                    of three commercial buildings, with        between the site and Chalk Farm            An element of permanent self-contained housing is also appropriate but
                    surface and underground car parks to       Road. This can be achieved by              should not detract from employment provision in this location or undermine
                    the rear. A large 1970s office building    providing appropriate town centre          the achievement of a strong town centre frontage. Development must be in
                    faces onto Chalk Farm Road which           uses opening onto the street to add        accordance with Policy CGY1 – Camden Goods Yard Area, and in addition
                    has no reference to its context and no     diversity and vibrancy in this location.   must meet the following requirements specific to this site:
                    engagement with the street.
                                                               5.59    The size of the site means         a. B1 floorspace should be reprovided in line with the Camden Local Plan’s
                    5.56     The southern side of Chalk        that development could potentially            employment policies
                    Farm Road, including this site, forms      be arranged across a number of
                    a secondary shopping frontage; its         buildings with the spaces in between       b. Be of a high-quality design that is appropriate to the high street location
                    fragmentation detracting from the          becoming an important element                 and which responds to the area’s historic context with attractive amenity
                    character and vitality of the Town         to the acceptability of the design            spaces provided to meet the needs of residents and workers
                    Centre. The North London railway           approach. The Council would expect         c.    The applicant will be expected to work collaboratively with relevant
                    viaduct is located behind the site,        development to be set back to allow a            stakeholders, to appraise the feasibility of delivering improved access
                    separating it from Juniper Crescent        widened pavement along Chalk Farm                to Juniper Crescent housing estate in the event of its redevelopment
                    housing estate, to which Policy CGY5       Road and additional tree planting.               occurring. The design and layout of any scheme must consider how this
                    relates.                                                                                    estate may change to ensure optimal benefits across sites.
                                                               5.60    A potential opportunity is the
                    5.57     Proposals for this site will be   creation of a new access from Chalk        d. The applicant must also consider how the relationship with neighbouring
                    considered having regard to Policy         Farm Road to the Juniper Crescent             land to the east, including the Petrol Filling Station, can be enhanced,
                    CGY4, any other relevant policies in       housing estate, in the event that             taking into account how this area may change. We expect the
                    this Site Allocations Local Plan, all      large-scale redevelopment of the              collaboration and co-design of proposals to ensure a coherent and
                    relevant development plan policies         estate comes forward. The Council             optimised approach across both sites to deliver efficient use of land, a
                    and any other relevant material            will expect applicants for this site to       compatible mix of uses and higher quality townscape
                    considerations.                            explore the feasibility of providing       e. Assess the impact of proposals on locally important views of which those
                                                               a new connection and engage with              with the Roundhouse and Stables Market/Horse Hospital are particularly
                    5.58     The Council considers that        neighbouring developers to ensure its         critical.
                    this site could be redeveloped to          future delivery is not prejudiced. An
                                                                                                          f.    Development must enhance the gap adjacent with the Roundhouse and
                    support a variety of uses subject to       access through this site or a financial
                                                                                                                enhance its setting by opening up views of this heritage asset.
                    the existing amount of employment          contribution may be required.
                                                                                                          g. Ensure that existing night-time entertainment uses, in particular the
                                                                                                             neighbouring Roundhouse venue, are not adversely affected by
                                                                                                             development on this site, with mitigation measures secured as a last resort
                    Site address                100, 100a and 100b Chalk Farm Road NW1 8EH                   in line with the agent of change principle
                                                                                                          h. Remove existing car parking and enter into a ‘car-free’ obligation for the
                    Site area (ha)              0.3 ha                                                       site.
                    Proposed uses               Employment (offices), retail, food and drink
5.61    Proposals should also            better relationship between buildings    5.63    An important issue is the       to ensure that the ability of existing
deliver a successful relationship        and land uses and to facilitate better   challenging local noise environment     premises to operate effectively is not
and transition between this site and     management and ownership of open         and an unacceptable impact on           adversely affected with the applicant
adjoining land which is presently        spaces and public realm.                 the continuing operation of The         of any scheme responsible for any
occupied by the vehicular access                                                  Roundhouse must be avoided. The         mitigation costs.
road to/from the Morrisons               5.62     A key objective is to improve   Council will expect deployment
supermarket and the Petrol Filling       the setting of the Roundhouse and        of appropriate design solutions to      5.64   In line with Policy T2 of the
Station. The area of scrubland on        better reveal its distinctive profile,   resolve potential noise impacts such    Local Plan, the Council will seek to
the boundary presently provides          while ensuring it can continue to        as use of winter gardens, orientation   remove the on-site parking.
very limited public benefit or in        be read as a separate entity in the      and arrangement of uses. In line with
terms of biodiversity. The Council       townscape. This may be achieved          the agent of change principle, the
also wishes to see the co-design         through the setting back, or splaying    party responsible for a change should
of proposals and master planning         of the building line and creating new    also be responsible for managing the
across these sites, with the layout of   open space.                              impact of that change, proposals must
development addressed to deliver a                                                include noise mitigation measures

                                                                                    Question box
                                                                                    Q28. Do you agree with Policy CGY4? If not, what changes are needed
                                                                                    and why?

                                                                                    Q29. Is the boundary shown in Figure 9.5 appropriate in the context of
                                                                                    Policy CGY4? If not, what changes are needed and why?

Figure 5.5: CGY4 - 100 Chalk Farm Road
Policy CGY5 – Juniper Crescent                                                            Policy CGY5
Camden Goods Yard
                    5.65      Juniper Crescent housing         5.70     Taking into account the          A housing-led redevelopment of Juniper Crescent delivering significant
                    estate comprises of 3-4 storey flats       established residential communities       regeneration benefits for the estate and wider Goods Yard area will be
                    and houses arranged around a central       and the age and condition of the          supported, subject to demonstrable public support. Development must be in
                    courtyard, public open space and play      housing stock, demolition of existing     accordance with Policy CGY1 – Camden Goods Yard Area, and in addition
                    facilities.                                homes will only be considered             must meet the following requirements specific to this site:
                                                               where there is a clear case for
                                                                                                         a. Provide a significant number of new and replacement homes to meet
                    5.66     The primary landowner, One        redevelopment that delivers
                                                                                                             a range of housing needs including the maximum reasonable amount
                    Housing Group, has been leading            regeneration benefits for the estate
                                                                                                             of affordable housing in line with Policy H4 of the Camden Local Plan.
                    a consultation and engagement              and the wider area. The exact
                                                                                                             Complementary employment, retail (A1), cafe or community uses will be
                    exercise with the residents of both        number of homes that can be
                                                                                                             supported at ground floor level which interacts with principal streets and
                    Juniper Crescent and Gilbey’s              provided will also be dependent on
                                                                                                             spaces and overlooks building entrances
                    Yard about improving the standard          a full appraisal of the impacts of
                    of existing homes. One option              development on heritage assets,           b. Ensure there is no net loss of socially rented accommodation and that
                    involves the full redevelopment of         views and the surrounding townscape.         all existing households receive suitable replacement accommodation as
                    the estate providing replacement           The proximity of this site to The            demonstrated by evidence from a needs-based assessment
                    accommodation and additional               Roundhouse means that the impact
                                                                                                         c.    The Council will give particular priority to securing larger-sized socially
                    homes.                                     on views of this asset are particularly
                                                                                                               rented homes (with 3 or 4 bedrooms) and sufficient levels of wheelchair
                                                                                                               accessible homes
                    5.67     As a pre-condition for funding
                    support from the Mayor, housing            5.71      The Council would support       d. Landowners/developers will be expected to work together to address the
                    regeneration schemes are subject to a      the inclusion of private homes, as this      estate’s physical separation with neighbouring land by improving sightlines
                    ballot of residents.                       is likely to help fund the provision of      into the estate, delivering the new routes sought by Policy CGY1 Camden
                                                               high-quality replacement homes and           Goods Yard and by the use of urban design that expresses the site’s
                                                               maximise the delivery of affordable          historic role as part of the Goods Yard
                    5.68     Proposals for this site will be
                    considered having regard to Policy         housing. For the additional floorspace    e. Be a healthy and green environment which retains/reprovides and
                    CGY5, any other relevant policies in       proposed, we will expect 50% of this         enhances open space and play facilities for residents
                    this Site Allocations Local Plan, all      to be provided as affordable housing
                                                               in line with Policy H4 of the Camden      f.    The location of bus stops/stands should be reappraised in conjunction with
                    relevant development plan policies                                                         proposals for the Morrisons supermarket site
                    and any other relevant material            Local Plan. The Council expects
                    considerations.                            redevelopment proposals to fully          g. Improve community safety through natural surveillance of entrances/exits
                                                               consider the site layout and design of       to the estate and homes/apartment blocks
                                                               individual homes to ensure that the
                    5.69    The Council supports                                                         h. Develop a strong community engagement strategy both during
                                                               accessibility needs of older residents
                    the continuing consultation and                                                         construction works to minimise the impacts of development and
                                                               and people experiencing mobility
                    engagement process led by One                                                           construction on residents and to support the development of a sustainable
                                                               impairments are met.
                    Housing Group to evaluate future                                                        community following completion of the build programme
                    options for the estate and establish
                    the support of existing residents. The     5.72     An extension of Camden           Site address                      Juniper Crescent housing estate
                    demolition or rebuild of part or all of    Town Centre into this location is
                                                               not considered to be appropriate;         Site area (ha)                    1.3 ha
                    the estate and the range of outcomes
                                                               however, commercial uses at ground        Proposed uses                     Self-contained homes, small-scale employment
                    sought by this policy is contingent on
                                                               floor level, such as maker spaces or                                        space and community uses
                    a forthcoming ballot of local residents.
                                                               a café, or community facilities will be   Indicative housing capacity       290 additional homes (410 total)
supported to enliven key streets and     a new link, removal of the retaining     a role to play in addressing this          programme. Residents should have
spaces.                                  wall that blocks views into the estate   situation. The developer must engage       the opportunity to be fully engaged
                                         and the creation of a spinal route       with applicants for the Morrisons          with all aspects of the estate’s
5.73     Juniper Crescent is currently   for pedestrians linking Oval Road/       supermarket site, Transport for            regeneration including the detailed
arranged around a central space          Gilbey’s Yard with Regent’s Park         London and the Council to explore          design of buildings, spaces and
and turns its back on the access         Road/Primrose Hill, via Juniper          how bus services for the Goods Yard        community uses and arrangements
road (from Chalk Farm Road) and          Crescent                                 area can best be delivered.                for managing construction work.
neighbouring sites. While this has
tended to protect residential amenity,   5.75    The estate will be expected to   5.77    The entrances to the estate        5.79     The Council will also require
it also has the effect of restricting    be a healthy and green environment       feature gates and railings in response     the developer to provide a Community
any views into the site and the high     with generous provision of public open   to issues around anti-social behaviour     Support and Engagement Plan which
retaining wall lining the access road    space, greenery and trees with an        and the entrances to individual homes      develops a community vision and
forms a physical barrier contributing    appropriate range of play facilities.    are sometimes obscured by walls/           purpose for the new estate, with
to an inhospitable environment in        This should include quiet, tranquil      fences, parking and bin stores. The        assistance provided for volunteering
this area. Redevelopment proposals       areas. Additional open space will        Council wishes to see the community        and capacity building initiatives and
must ensure that development             be sought in line with anticipated       safety issues reappraised as part          to give residents a strong sense of
faces onto streets and be based on       increases in the resident and worker     of a redevelopment scheme with             ownership of streets/spaces, helping
more contemporary urban design           population.                              consideration given to good design         to tackle anti-social behaviour.
principles, such as connectedness                                                 and natural surveillance being             This should be planned across
and permeability (how people move        5.76    An objective of Policy CGY2      used as tools to prevent crime, in         site boundaries to deliver optimal
from one location to another).           Morrisons supermarket is to evaluate     preference to the current measures.        benefits, including interaction between
                                         where the optimal location is for                                                   communities living in different parts of
5.74    Infrastructure priorities are    providing bus stops and stands.          5.78     A key objective for the Council   the Goods Yard area and beyond.
considered to be improving access to     The Council considers that land on       is that the effects of redevelopment
the estate from Chalk Farm Road via      the edges of Juniper Estate has          on the existing community are              5.80    As stated in Policy CGY2
                                                                                  managed effectively with a ‘right to       Morrisons supermarket, the access
                                                                                  stay’ provided for social housing          road is safeguarded to enable
                                                                                  tenants. We will expect the developer      construction work associated
                                                                                  to provide a detailed decant and           with High Speed Two (HS2). The
                                                                                  rehousing strategy which explains          cumulative impact and timings of HS2
                                                                                  how households can be rehoused in          works and individual schemes within
                                                                                  accommodation that is suitable for         the Goods Yard area will need to be
                                                                                  their needs and any temporary moves        carefully considered.
                                                                                  that may be needed during the build

                                                                                    Question box
                                                                                    Q30. Do you agree with Policy CGY5? If not, what changes are needed
                                                                                    and why?

                                                                                    Q31. Is the boundary shown in Figure 9.6 appropriate in the context of
                                                                                    Policy CGY5? If not, what changes are needed and why?                               45
Figure 5.6: CGY5 - Juniper Crescent
Policy CGY6 – Network Rail Site at Juniper Crescent                                   Policy CGY6
Camden Goods Yard
                    5.81     The Network Rail site at          the site. This would also help to         The site continues to perform an operational role for the railway; however, it
                    Juniper Crescent (shown in Figure          safeguard the reopening of Primrose       is also of strategic importance in helping to facilitate access to Regent’s Park
                    5.7) is currently safeguarded to           Hill station, should this be a viable     Road and Primrose Hill.
                    support High Speed Two (HS2)               option in the future.                     The Council would support railway use being maintained but wishes to see a
                    construction works and accessed from                                                 link for pedestrians and cyclists provided from Oval Road to Primrose Hill via
                    Chalk Farm Road via a secure access        5.85     Permanent employment             this site. We would also support permanent office (B1a) or light industrial uses
                    gate adjacent to homes in Juniper          uses and permanent self-contained         (B1c) and/or housing where this results in a compatible mix of uses.
                    Crescent. Part of the site provides        housing will be supported on this site,   Development must be in accordance with Policy CGY1 – Camden Goods Yard
                    temporary office accommodation for         subject to an acceptable scheme in        Area, and in addition must meet the following requirements specific to this site:
                    Network Rail (2017/1211/P). There are      townscape terms which considers the
                    also various cabins and machinery          impacts on locally important views –      a. Provide types of office or light industrial floorspace and housing which
                    used to support railway maintenance        especially of The Roundhouse, any            respond to the existing and emerging character of neighbouring sites and
                    works. Furthest from the access            continuing operational railway use           the wider Goods Yard area. Priority should be given to employment uses
                    gate are the platforms of the former       and the amenity of local residents           and housing types which meet local needs identified by the Council
                    Primrose Hill station.                     and future occupants of the scheme.
                                                               It is suggested that a scheme with        b. b) Work with adjoining landowners and the Council to establish an
                    5.82     Proposals for this site will be   a minimum of 50 homes could                  inclusive route to Regent’s Park Road
                    considered having regard to Policy         be delivered, subject to the area         c.   c) Give careful consideration to the design and layout of development,
                    CGY6, any other relevant policies in       retained by Network Rail. It is also           particularly where it meets Juniper Crescent
                    this Site Allocations Local Plan, all      considered that this site may have
                    relevant development plan policies         a role in helping to address the          d. d) Include soundproofing measures given the proximity to the mainline
                    and any other relevant material            issues identified about bus stops and        railway.
                    considerations.                            stands in Policies CGY2 Morrisons         e. e) Provide a green corridor adjacent to the West Coast Mainline with
                                                               supermarket and CGY5 Juniper                 potential to connect with planting along the edge of the Morrisons
                    5.83    The Council considers this to      Crescent. The operational area could         supermarket site
                    be an important site in realising an       support a bus turning area at the end
                    accessible connection with Regent’s        of the existing access road.
                    Park Road and Primrose Hill. This                                                    Site address              Network Rail Land at Juniper Crescent
                    would be a substantial benefit for         5.86     The site is immediately
                    residents and workers in the Goods         adjacent to the West Coast Main
                                                                                                         Site area (ha)            0.9 ha
                    Yard area.                                 Line. Therefore noise mitigation
                                                               measures are likely to be required.       Proposed uses             Self-contained homes, employment (offices/ light
                    5.84     It is recognised that in          In connection with proposals for                                    industrial), operational railway use
                    the short to medium term the site          the Morrisons supermarket site, the       Indicative housing        50 additional homes
                    may be required for project and            Council wishes to establish a green       capacity
                    construction teams associated with         corridor along the edge of the railway
                    the HS2 project. Whether or not            which can act as a buffer and habitat
                    the site is needed in the long-term        for wildlife.
                    for operational railway purposes,
                    the Council wishes to secure public
                    access to the railway bridge at
                    Regent’s Park Road, overlooking
Figure 5.7: CGY6 - Network Rail Site at Juniper Crescent

  Question box
  Q32. Do you agree with Policy CGY6? If not, what changes are needed
  and why?

  Q33. Is the boundary shown in Figure 9.7 appropriate in the context of
  Policy CGY6? If not, what changes are needed and why?

Policy CGY7 – Gilbey’s Yard                                                                Policy CGY7
Camden Goods Yard
                    5.87     Gilbey’s Yard (shown in Figure    5.91    The Council supports               A housing-led redevelopment of Gilbey’s Yard delivering significant
                    5.8) is a housing estate consisting of     the continuing consultation and            regeneration benefits for the estate and wider Goods Yard area will be
                    blocks of 3-4 storey flats and houses      engagement process led by One              supported, subject to demonstrable public support.
                    arranged in rows parallel to the           Housing Group to evaluate future           Development must be in accordance with Policy CGY1 – Camden Goods Yard
                    Regent’s Canal, with cobbled space         options for the estate and establish       Area, and in addition must meet the following requirements specific to this
                    in between. The estate currently           the support of existing residents. The     site:
                    has limited public amenity space           demolition or rebuild of part or all of
                    for residents. There is a poorly           the estate and the range of outcomes
                                                                                                          a. Provide a significant number of new and replacement homes to meet
                    defined relationship with the adjoining    sought by this policy is contingent on
                                                                                                             a range of housing needs including the maximum reasonable amount
                    Interchange yard.                          a forthcoming ballot of local residents.
                                                                                                             of affordable housing in line with Policy H4 of the Camden Local Plan.
                                                                                                             Appropriate complementary uses will be supported at ground floor level to
                    5.88    One Housing Group has              5.92     Taking into account the              enliven streets and spaces such as workshops and community uses.
                    been leading a consultation and            established residential communities
                    engagement exercise with the               and the age and condition of the           b. Ensure that there is no net loss of socially rented accommodation and that
                    residents of Juniper Crescent and          housing stock, demolition of existing         all existing households receive suitable replacement accommodation as
                    Gilbey’s Yard about improving the          homes will only be considered                 demonstrated by evidence from a needs-based assessment
                    standard of existing homes. One            where there is a clear case for            c.    The Council will give priority to securing larger-sized socially rented homes
                    option involves the full redevelopment     redevelopment that delivers                      (with 3 or 4 bedrooms) and sufficient levels of wheelchair accessible
                    of the estate providing replacement        regeneration benefits for the estate             homes
                    accommodation and additional               and the wider area. The exact
                    homes.                                     number of homes that can be                d. Respond to the industrial character of the canal-side environment and
                                                               provided will also be dependent on            wider Goods Yard in terms of the architectural design and landscaping,
                    5.89     As a pre-condition for funding    a full appraisal of the impacts of            taking opportunities to preserve, repair and enhance heritage features
                    support from the Mayor, housing            development on heritage assets,               above and below ground and protect locally important views
                    regeneration schemes are subject to a      views and the surrounding townscape.       e. Knit the estate more successfully into neighbouring sites, anticipating how
                    ballot of residents.                       The proximity of this site to The             the future context may change. The Council will expect the developer to
                                                               Interchange building means that the           engage and collaborate with promoters of adjoining sites to optimise the
                    5.90     Proposals for this site will be   impact on the setting and views of this       quantum of development that can be delivered, to plan the relationship
                    considered having regard to Policy         asset are particularly important.             between buildings/spaces, deliver the cross-boundary routes identified by
                    CGY7, any other relevant policies in                                                     Policy CGY1 Camden Goods Yard and successfully manage the delivery of
                    this Site Allocations Local Plan, all      5.93      The Council would support           development, including phasing and decant arrangements.
                    relevant development plan policies         the inclusion of private homes as this
                                                                                                          f.    Be a healthy and green environment which retains/reprovides and
                    and any other relevant material            is likely to help fund the provision of
                                                                                                                enhances open space and play facilities for residents
                    considerations.                            high-quality replacement homes and
                                                                                                          g. In conjunction with the landowner of the Interchange and markets, seek to
                                                                                                             resolve concerns about the servicing arrangements for the markets and
                    Site address                Gilbey’s Yard housing estate                                 drop-off/collection arrangements by taxis
                    Site area (ha)              0.8 ha                                                    h. Rationalise parking and street furniture and establish a clear hierarchy of
                    Proposed uses               Self-contained homes, community use                          public and private spaces.
                    Indicative housing          190 additional homes (270 total)                          i.    Improve community safety through natural surveillance of entrances/exits
                    capacity                                                                                    to the estate and homes/apartment blocks
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