CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter

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CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter

Serving Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties      FIRST QUARTER 2021
                                                                    The Official Publication of


CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
What a                                                                          Channels of
           40 years makes
                                                                              Serving Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties

  Page 6                                                                                                                                     Page 16

Your Chapter                                          Special Features
     5 President’s Message                                  6 What A Difference 40 Years Makes
    15 CLAC Corner                                          9 Through The Years . . . Past
                                                              Presidents' Memories
    24 Chapter Announcements
                                                           16 Spring Cleaning
    25 New and Renewing Members                                                                                                              Page 18
                                                              To-Do List for 2021
    26 Chapter Sponsors
                                                           18 Everything You Need To Know
                                                              About Elections

Chapter Happenings                                         20 California’s New Election Law:
                                                              Presents Insurance Coverage
    24 2021 Upcoming Events                                   Challenges for HOAs
                                                           22 Let It Go!
                                                                                                                                             Page 20

                                                           27 Advertising with the Chapter
                                    Page 22                29 Classified Directory/Advertisers

Channels of Communication is a quarterly             the facts presented in Channels of Communication           CAI - CHANNEL ISLANDS CHAPTER
publication of the Channel Islands Chapter of        are those of the authors and are not necessarily           P. O. Box 3575, Ventura, CA 93006
Community Associations Institute prepared            endorsed by CAI or the Publications Committee.             (805) 658-1438 • Fax (805) 658-1732
expressly for Association leaders, managers          Authors are encouraged to submit articles for
and other related community association              publishing consideration.                                  Leah Ross - Executive Director
professionals. This publication is designed to           Acceptance of advertising in Channels                  leah@cai-channelislands.org
provide accurate and authoritative information in    of Communication does not constitute an
regard to the subject matter covered. It is issued   endorsement of the advertised products or services         The Channel Islands Chapter of
with the understanding that the publisher is not     by CAI. Permission to reprint articles is hereby           Community Associations Institute is
engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other      granted provided:
                                                                                                                dedicated to empowering Homeowner
professional services. If legal advice or other      1) Notice is given to CAI at 805-658-1438.
expert assistance is required, the services of a     2) Proper credit is given as follows: “Reprinted from      Association members, managers and
competent professional should be sought.                Channels of Communication; copyright by CAI,            service providers through information
    The views expressed and the accuracy of             Channel Islands Chapter, all rights reserved.”          and educational opportunities.

                                                                                                      FIRST QUARTER 2021   www.cai-channelislands.org 3
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
4   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
                                                                           president’s message
 Chelsi Rueter, CCAM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
 Community Property Management
 Randy Stokes                                              Chelsi Rueter, CCAM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
 Surfside III Condominium Association
VICE-PRESIDENT                                             Community Property Management
  Ruth Campbell, CCAM-PM, CMCA
 CID Management Solutions, Inc.
                                         Dear Members:
 Sabrina French, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
 PMP Management
TREASURER                                It is an honor to serve as Chapter President this year – 2021 – our 40th anniversary! I am
 Mark Poindexter
 Poindexter & Company, CPA               excited to lead as we celebrate in many ways! This issue of the chapter magazine kicks off
DIRECTORS                                our anniversary celebration and each chapter magazine will feature photos and articles as
  Ryan Gesell, CIRMS, CMCA               we look back at how this chapter has continued to succeed because of so many dedicated
 Cline Agency Insurance Brokers, Inc.
 Christi Moore, CMCA, AMS                members! We are also planning to host a celebratory event later this year to commemorate
 Leisure Village Association
                                         this milestone. More details to come!
 Phyllis Pazen
 Lakeside Village Association
 Steven Roseman, Esq.                    This celebratory event will also be an opportunity to recognize the many volunteers who
 Roseman Law, APC
 Lisa Tashjian, Esq., CCAL               stepped up and contributed to our chapter over the years, especially during 2020, as it was
 Beaumont Tashjian                       a completely unprecedented and unpredictable year. I would like to specifically thank Steve
 Paul Townsend
 Animal & Insect Pest Management, Inc.   Roseman who led our chapter with confidence, patience, and professionalism in a time of
                                         increasing chaos and worry. He will certainly be a tough act to follow!
AWARDS / CASINO NIGHT                    Also, thank you to the fantastic group of volunteers who served as my fellow board
 Lupe Aguilera
 Spectrum Property Services
                                         members. It would have been easy to forget about CAI in 2020 and focus solely on their
 Gordon Miller                           own survival, and I appreciate that they remained dedicated to the continued success of our
 General Pavement Management             chapter.
 Rochelle Williams, CCAM-PM
 The Management Trust-Central Coast
                                         Lastly, I want to thank the committee members that planned the virtual events and those
CLAC                                     who spoke at our webinars in 2020. They spent hours brainstorming how to keep the
 Randy Stokes, Surfside III              chapter moving in a totally foreign environment. The speakers and committee members
COMMUNITY FAIRES                         educated themselves and worked to keep everyone else informed about how to navigate this
 Teresa Agnew                            pandemic, even though the platform was completely different (and often times awkward).
 Roseman Law, APC

 Phyllis Pazen
 Lakeside Village HOA                    Our past and future success would not be possible without our committees and board who
FINANCIAL                                all volunteer their time to advance the chapter. We welcome and encourage involvement
  Mark Poindexter                        from all our members! Please reach out to Leah Ross at leah@cai-channelislands.org if
 Poindexter & Company, CPA

                                         you are interested in serving on a committee, speaking at a program, writing an article, or
 Sabrina French, CMCA, AMS, PCAM         helping out in any other capacity. It would be our pleasure to have you!
 PMP Management

 Mahendra Sami                           The Board has met to brainstorm and strategize how to best navigate this year as we ease
 Union Bank HOA Services

                                         back into some sort of normalcy. We are focused on getting back to in-person events
 Christi Moore, CMCA, AMS, PCAM          as soon as possible and elevating the quality of our programs and education. Last year
 Leisure Village Association
                                         definitely forced us to think outside the box and prepared us more than ever to bring you
 Tracy R. Neal, Esq.                     dynamic, timely education in whatever platform necessary. We always welcome your ideas
 The Miller Law Firm

LUNCHEON PROGRAMS                        and input.
 Sean Allen, Esq.
 Roseman Law, APC
                                         Thank you, truly, for being a part of our CAI-Channel Islands family. I can’t wait to see all
 Ryan Gesell, CIRMS, CMCA                of your smiling faces again in person soon!
 Cline Agency Insurance Brokers, Inc.

 Chelsi Rueter, CCAM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
 Community Property Management           Sincerely,

                                         Chelsi Rueter
 Ruth Campbell, CCAM-PM, CMCA
 CID Management Solutions, Inc.

 Matthew Gardner, Esq.
                                         Chelsi Rueter, CCAM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
 Richardson Ober DeNichilo               CAI-Channel Islands Chapter President
 Laurel Sylvanus, CMCA
 The Management Trust

                                                                                         FIRST QUARTER 2021   www.cai-channelislands.org 5
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
What a
                                  40 years makes
The Beginning
What do you get when developers, planners, public officials,          Fast forward to 1981, three Ventura County residents
attorneys and homeowners come together? Over four                and colleagues, Marla Mott-Smith (Buckert), Monte
decades ago, you got the beginning of an organization that       Widders, and Gary Porter felt the growing need for
was needed to educate community association volunteers           education for the homeowners associations in Ventura
and professionals and to serve as a clearinghouse for            County and from their partnership, Channel Islands Chapter
ideas. You got CAI National. In 1973, condominiums               of Community Associations Institute became an official non-
were booming, accounting for nearly 50 percent of                profit corporation as of February 21, 1981. Gary Porter tells
homes built—up from 11 percent just three years earlier.         the story best…
Conversions were occurring at a rapid pace too. That growth
was creating problems. Developers came under scrutiny                  “I started working with a
for owning common areas and obligating associations              number of associations in
to long-term, high-cost “recreation leases.” There also          1976 and became recognized
was a tremendous lack of knowledge on how to operate             as someone knowledgeable
community associations successfully. The need was clear,         about association taxation
and CAI filled it. “CAI was formed to become the preeminent      simply because I invested
source of information, training, guidance and research for the   the effort to read and
successful creation and operation of community associations,     understand the tax law
with a mantra of ‘Sharing Success,” says Lincoln Cummings,       about the new Form
a CAI founder and past president (1975–77).                      1120-H that IRS
(Daniel Brannigan, CAI at 40, pg. 1)                             first issued that

6   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
CHAPTER FOUNDERS                                                   recall, we were required to have a minimum of 25 members to
                                                                   form a local CAI chapter, so Marla had all of her associations
                                                                   join along with Monte’s law firm and my CPA firm. That
                                                                   pushed us past the minimum membership requirement and
                                                                   by February 1981, we were an official chapter of CAI. We
                                                                   started reaching out to management companies, associations,
                                                                   and service providers and presented educational seminars.
                                                                   Back then the industry was still relatively young and there
                                                                   wasn’t a lot of information available. I used to joke that at
                                                                   that time if you could pronounce the word condominium you
Gary Porter, Marla Mott-Smith Buckert and Monte Widders, Esq.      were considered knowledgeable and if you could spell it you
                                                                   were an expert. An exaggeration, but not by much.”

year. I was performing audits for a number of associations in
                                                                        At this time, the Channel Islands Chapter covered
Marla’s company, Monarch Property Management Services
                                                                   Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Marla was the first
and met Monte Widders, Esq., through that connection
                                                                   chapter president, Gary served as treasurer, and Monte
as he provided legal representation to most of those same
                                                                   served as secretary. Marla recalls, “The educational programs
associations. This was in 1979 and I had never even heard
                                                                   were held at a homeowners association clubhouse with about
of Community Associations Institute (CAI) until Marla said
                                                                   30-40 people in attendance.” And added, “It was a privilege
she wanted to form a local chapter to provide educational
                                                                   to be a part of the beginning, where the chapter membership
services to associations in the tri-county area. Back then there
                                                                   comprised of homeowner members and is amazed on how
was no Google or any easy way to find information unless
                                                                   the chapter has expanded, maintaining the vision that our
it was something that had been published somewhere. As I
                                                                   homeowner members make up the majority of the chapter’s
                                                                   membership”. Marla moved to Utah and even co-founded an
                                                                   additional chapter, CAI-Utah, and served as their Executive
                                                                   Director. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona.

                                                                                                          (Continued on page 8)

                                                                                                        ww.cai-channelislands.org 7
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
Continued from page 7

Monte mentions, “What I remember the most is Marla, Gary               Gary Porter later became one of the CAI-National
and I sitting in Marla’s conference room wondering whether             Presidents and in looking back at his many years with CAI,
we would be able to get enough members to meet National’s              he mentions, “Marla and I have remained friends since
minimum of 25 members for a new chapter. The fact that we              1979 and still meet frequently to chat and share a meal and
are approaching 1,000 members is truly amazing! Congrats               consume adult beverages. I count these relationships and
to the chapter leaders!” Monte currently resides in Ojai,              friendships as the greatest personal benefit to me of joining
California and is of counsel for Myers, Widders, Gibson,               CAI.”
Jones & Feingold in Ventura.

    Past Presidents of CAI-Channel Islands Chapter
              Thank You to all of our past presidents for your dedication to CAI-Channel Islands Chapter.
1981   Marla Mott-Smith (Buckert)     1994   George Beers                                  2008   Timothy Cline, CIRMS
1982   Monte Widders, Esq.            1995   Mark Poindexter                               2009   Kirk Prouse
1983   Gary Porter, CPA               1996   Robert Long, Esq.                             2010   Judy Remley
1984   Skip Roberts, CMCA, PCAM       1997   Ruth Cederstrom, CCAM, PCAM                   2011   Sandra L. Gottlieb, Esq., CCAL
1985   Daphne Becker                  1998   Dale Sweatt                                   2012   Danita L. Vaughn, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
1986   William S. Dunlevy, Esq.       1999   Donna Nelson                                  2013   Lisa Tashjian, Esq., CCAL
1987   William S. Dunlevy, Esq.       2000   Diane Doria                                   2014   Teresa Agnew
1988   Jim Sweatt                     2001   Diane Doria                                   2015   Sue Bartley
1989   Jim Lingl. Esq.                2002   Jill Van Zeebroeck, PCAM                      2016   Jeffrey Beaumont, Esq., CCAL
1990   Dan McGranahan                 2003   William S. Dunlevy, Esq.                      2017   Gordon Miller
1990   Kelton Lee Gibson, Esq.        2004   Gordon Miller                                 2018   Tracy R. Neal, Esq.
1991   Kelton Lee Gibson, Esq.        2005   Bruce Kimmell                                 2019   Joe Smigiel, CIRMS
1992   Craig Huntington               2006   Jeffrey Beaumont, Esq., CCAL                  2020   Steve Roseman, Esq.
1993   Gayle Cagianut                 2007   Robert Scheaffer, CMCA, AMS, LSM, PCAM        2021   Chelsi Rueter, CCAM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM

                                  Photograph taken at the 600 Member Celebration held in June 2016.

                          Front Row: Gary Porter, Marla Mott-Smith Bucket and Monte Widders, Esq.
                  Middle Row: Jeffrey Beaumont, Esq., Danita L. Vaughn, Ruth Cederstrom and Judy Remley
              Top Row: William Dunlevy, Esq., Sandra L. Gottlieb, Esq., Kirk Prouse, Kelton “Lee” Gibson, Esq.,
        Skip Roberts, James Lingl, Esq., Gordon Miller, Bob Scheaffer, Lisa Tashjian, Esq., Sue Bartley and Teresa Agnew

                        Most of the photos featured in this magazine issue were
                        taken by Mr. William S. Dunlevy, Esq. Thank you, Bill,
                        for serving as chapter photographer since 1984!

8   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
Through The Years… Past Presidents' Memories

                                    William S. Dunlevy, Esq.                                                 Jim Lingl, Esq.
                                          1986-1987, 2003                                                            1989

       I am humbled to have served two              to obtain articles from them and to           I was the Board President early in the
       terms as president of our Channel            showcase their expertise in Channels          history of the Chapter and at that time
       Islands Chapter. I have so many fond         of Communication. I retired as editor         the Chapter was very small. There
       memories of the great volunteers and         of Channels after twenty-six years.           was Monty, Marla and a few property
       executive directors who have served                                                        managers. We had no home and we
       our chapter.                                 I remember that the first annual              had meetings in the office of whoever
                                                    meeting and election of directors/            was the chair, and tried to schedule
       The founding members of the                  officers I attended was held in the           teaching programs every couple of
       chapter were Marla Mott-Smith                side banquet room of the Peking Inn           months. We didn’t have access to
       (Buckert), Gary Porter, and Monte            restaurant in Camarillo. We were a            computers or the internet so word
       Widders. James P. Lingl introduced           small chapter then but progressed             got out by mouth or by handbills that
       me to the community association field        steadily over the years to medium             we would post or pass out. Later on,
       when I joined his law firm, Taylor,          size and now very large size. I am            I created a temporary home for us.
       Churchman & Lingl, in 1980. Jim              grateful to have been a small part of         Bill Dunlevy was with me and we had
       encouraged me to join the chapter.           that development. If you ever need            an office at the top of Carmen Drive
       I first became active in the chapter         a visual representation of how the            where it intersects with Las Posas.
       when past president Daphne Becker            chapter has grown, I suggest that             There was a large room on the second
       asked me to become the chapter’s             you visit the Peking Inn and check            floor that had not been built out yet.
       newsletter editor. The first newsletter      out the size of their banquet room            I got the office manager to give us
       was published in 1984. It was a              (have a meal if you are so inclined           permission to use it and we held some
       simple four-page document with no            - excellent food in my opinion) and           meetings there, we did some trainings,
       photos and barely any artwork. As the        then compare that space to the space          and managed to get 10 people (maybe)
       newsletter progressed, it grew from          we now occupy for meetings and                to attend in the evening each month.
       that plain beginning to a full magazine,     often fill to capacity (COVID-19              That was where we had the annual
       Channels of Communication, with              restrictions notwithstanding).                meeting, and had the feeling of growth.
       color photograph covers. The                                                               There was no executive director, no
       cover photos were all photos that I          The first forty years of the chapter          staff, nothing other than what Bill and
       had taken, as one of my hobbies is           have been a blast. I look forward to          I could create. It’s amazing to see how
       photography. It was my great pleasure        seeing what happens in the next forty         the chapter has grown from 1985 to
       to work with the chapter members             years.                                        2021.
                                                                                                                   (Continued on page 10)

William S. Dunlevy    Kelton Lee Gibson      Gayle Cagianut        Skip Roberts       Jill Van Zeebroeck         Tim Cline             Jim Lingl

                                                                                            FIRST QUARTER 2021   www.cai-channelislands.org 9
CELEBRATING YEARS 1981-2021 - CAI Channel Islands Chapter
Kelton Lee Gibson, Esq.                            Mark Poindexter                    Ruth Cederstrom, PCAM, CCAM
               1990-1991                                          1995                                      1997

I was chapter president for both 1990         My term as president was some time           Fortunately the year I was president, I
and 1991. In 1989, incoming chapter           ago. I was involved in a transition of       was required to go to CAI-National…
president Dan McGranahan of Green’s           executive directors for the chapter,         the national meeting was held in
Entomological Services asked me to            which is always a challenge. The             Hawaii. That started my year off great
come on the board in January 1990.            chapter has been very fortunate to           as I had just returned from Alaska a
Becoming a board member then was              have Leah Ross as our executive              few months earlier. The 1990’s were
much more informal than the election          director, as she is one of the most          an amazing time, just getting into
process we currently have. I agreed,          experienced executive directors in the       e-mails and remember AOL? “You’ve
and Dan asked me to be his president-         nation. I remember the other board           got mail!” I remember several of us
elect.                                        members who served with me during            old timers, (well it was 24 years ago)
                                              my tenure at president, as being very        were on the board. Among them, Lee
I arrived as a new and naive board            motivated and active in accomplishing        Gibson and Gayle Cagianut, oh and
member at the January 1990 meeting            our chapter goals. Some of the same          Mark Poindexter. I am pretty sure we
a few minutes late. It was just in time       board members continue to serve our          were still meeting at Ottavio’s Dinner
to catch Dan’s resignation as president       chapter today, as board members and          Theater on Mobil in Camarillo and
due to health issues. This made me the        committee members, continuing to             then as we grew, moved to the Orchid
president, knowing little about chapter       give back to the chapter, which has          Room at Camarillo Springs.
operations. Plus, we had a brand new          become another family for many of us.        Our “Leah Ross” was Diana Sellers. As
executive director, Susie Beers. Talk                                                      Leah does for the current Presidents,
about stepping into the fire. But, Susie                                                   Diana offered invaluable assistance
and I were able to take the bull by the                                                    to me during the year when I had a
horns, and the chapter took off with                                                       full time job owning Auburn Property
substantial growth.   We adopted a                                                         Management. Thank you to Leah and
number of new events, including the                                                        all of the “Leah’s” that make our jobs
golf tournament and annual awards                                                          look easy. We owe it all to you!
banquet. To get attendance at the
banquet, we had arranged for virtually              Judy Remley      Kirk Prouse       Diane Doria      Steve Roseman      Donna Nelson
everyone to receive one award or
another. The rock band I was playing
with at the time performed at the
Tower Club for the event.

There was lots of collegiality and
fun. Being president also got me to
two CAI-National events in Nashville
and in Las Vegas. I appreciate all the
persons who stepped up and helped
expand the chapter during that time.            Teresa Agnew         Robert Long       Sue Bartley      Ruth Cederstrom    Bob Scheaffer
I also appreciate my mentors, Skip
Roberts and Jim Sweatt, who provided
great guidance.

10   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
Jill Van Zeebroeck, PCAM                             Gordon Miller                          Jeffrey Beaumont, Esq., CCAL
                       2002                                         2004, 2017                                       2006, 2016

     It was not long after joining the               I had the honor to serve as chapter            Let me start off by saying that serving
     Channel Islands Chapter that I                  president twice, and I have fond               as a two-time past president of the
     understood the value of volunteering            memories of both years. In 2004,               Channel Islands Chapter will always
     my time to help the chapter grow                I remember working with Diane                  be one of the greatest highlights and
                                                     Doria. She was the person who                  privileges of my career. To have been
     and be able to establish personal
                                                     most influenced my decision to run             elected in 2006 and again a decade
     and professional relationships that I
                                                     for president, and she was always              later in 2016 was such an honor.
     enjoy almost 30 years later. One of             on hand to help me with strategic              During these different periods of time,
     my favorite duties as president was             decisions. I remember a couple                 I can recall the leaders who shaped this
     to speak to business partners who               of road trips I took with her on               Chapter, from its longstanding past
     wanted to join the chapter but did not          official CAI business related to CAI-          Executive Director Diana Sellers, to
     quite know if it would provide them             National’s agenda in 2004, which               Ed Miller who the chapter continued
     any benefit. I really enjoyed recruiting        involved significant changes to the            to honor his legacy by naming its golf
     newcomers to our industry and                   dues structure. Many members                   tournament after Mr. Miller, to the
     ultimately seeing their business thrive         of the chapter were worried                    many current volunteers and leaders,
     and grow as a result of the synergy             about the financial fallout and we             and current Executive Director Leah
     and good will our tiny chapter was              were all paying close attention                Ross, who all continue to make this
                                                     to the proposed adjustments.                   chapter so very special.
     providing. I say tiny because back in
                                                     Obviously everything worked out,               In the early days, the chapter was
     those days the chapter was less than
                                                     as CAI is still alive and well. I’m so         smaller, intimate, tight-knit, and today
     400 members. Looking back, I enjoyed            glad we were able to honor Diana’s             it has grown to be this robust and very
     the planning and attending of social            contributions to our chapter through           large successful chapter. However,
     events, facilitating the board leader           her special chapter award, “Diane              despite its growth, the chapter still has
     training, attending the CAI-National            Doria Volunteer of the Year”.                  that same small, intimate, and tight-
     conference representing our group,                                                             knit feeling that gives its members the
     and the annual planning sessions for            And for my last round in 2017, it was a        special opportunity to connect, grow
     my incoming tenure. My presidency               blast when we blew past 700 members.           and better ourselves professionally.
     followed that of my dear friend Diane           The chapter’s growth in recent years           I will always look back with great
     Doria, who was unable to complete               has been exhilarating, and a testament         memories from not only serving on
     her term of office. Following in her            to the efforts of so many people. One          the board but, serving on countless
                                                     thing that stood out most for me is            committees. I remember fondly
     dynamic footsteps was my honor.
                                                     how the chapter matured from when              the days of setting up events, such
                                                     I served as president in 2003. It was          as the western themed Expo at the
     Congratulations on the tremendous
                                                     impressive to see how much our board,          fairgrounds and unloading bales of hay
     growth, resilience, and stamina of the          and our executive director had grown           for the line-dancing dance floor. In
     Channel Islands Chapter. I am proud             and developed. Our challenges and              2016, I had the privilege of celebrating
     and grateful to have played a small part        discussions were on a higher level and         the chapter achievement of reaching
     in its success.                                 more efficient than “back in the day.”         600-chapter members. It was quite
                                                                                                    the celebration with a beach-themed
                                                                                                    luncheon where we invited our chapter
Bruce Kimmell       Lisa Tashjian      Dale Sweatt            Tracy Neal         Daphne Becker      founders and thanked them for leading
                                                                                                    the way. What fun times! Thank you
                                                                                                    for the memories and I look forward to
                                                                                                    the many more we will create together.

                                                                                                                       (Continued on page 12)

                                                                                              FIRST QUARTER 2021   www.cai-channelislands.org 11
Robert Scheaffer,                        Sandra L. Gottlieb, Esq., CCAL       Danita L. Vaughn, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
          CMCA, AMS, LSM, PCAM                                  2011                                     2012

                                              It was an honor and privilege to           As a member of the Channel Islands
The year 2007 was a very challenging          serve as chapter president in 2011         Chapter of CAI I had served on
year for me as president of the chap-         as it was exciting to see all the          several committees and as the CLAC
ter. I started a new position as general      membership growth and volunteer            committee chair before joining the
manager for an association, completed                                                    Board of Directors in 2009.   As Board
                                              participation that occurred that
my PCAM designation in July and the                                                      President in 2012, the Chapter’s
                                              year. When all was said and done
chapter’s executive director resigned.                                                   goal was to retain and grow our
                                              the chapter experienced a 22%
Our crowning achievement for the                                                         membership. Part of this goal was
2007-year was the hiring of Leah Ross         growth in membership and a 23%             to spread the word to non-members
as our executive director. We also had        increase in event attendance from          by word of mouth and additional
an extraordinary and strong board of          the prior year including a sold-out        advertising outside the chapter
directors to work through all of the          December Luncheon program, the             communications.
challenges of 2007. Through their             annual legislative update, with over
leadership, commitment, and team-             220 attendees, a chapter first. We         We encouraged shared information
work, the chapter continued to thrive         worked hard, and were successful, in       and education between our community
and I am grateful for their support.          encouraging community managers to          mangers, business partners, board
                                              bring their association board members      members and homeowner members.
             Judy Remley                                                                 The continuing education of our
                                              to our chapter events enforcing suit-
                   2010                                                                  members was and contiues to be
                                              casing rules against any attendees
                                                                                         important to us. We encouraged
                                              that marketed (unless a sponsor),          as many members as possible to be
                                              during the event. The attendance at        involved in the monthly luncheons
                                              our Community Faire (expo) events          especially the end of the year legal
                                              grew by a staggering 87% that year         update. The better educated our
                                              as we moved from one expo to TWO           members are, the better association
                                              mini-expos resulting in our chapter’s      managers, board members and
                                              national recognition, by CAI-National,     homeowners we have in our
                                              as the recipient for their Member          communities.
                                              Services Award for this event. Our
                                                                                         Chelsi Rueter    Gordon Miller    Danita Vaughn
I was first introduced to CAI-Channel         chapter magazine was introduced in
Islands Chapter by Dale Sweat, who            full color and our chapter website
is also a past president and long time        and membership directory were both
CAI member, around 2003. I joined             redesigned to make these resources
the chapter as a Business Partner             more user friendly and efficient for the
representing Robo Bank. I remained            members. And these are just a few of
a Business Partner later representing         the successes!  
First Bank and lastly Union Bank until
retiring in 2018. I enjoyed being on          I am appreciative of all of the board
various committees such as the Awards         members, committee members and
Committee. I served on the board for                                                      Jim Sweatt     Sandra Gottlieb   George Beers
                                              the executive director, that supported
several years, serving as secretary and
                                              this charge in 2011. It is really the
was president in 2010. CAI-Channel
Islands was nearing 400 members               combined effort of everyone that
and now has over 900! It is a great           accomplished these great things.
organization that I enjoyed being a part
of and made many lifelong friends.
12   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
Lisa Tashjian                                                      Teresa Agnew
                          2013                                                              2014

       The year 2013 was such a fun year for         Congratulations to CAI-Channels             • Recognized by CAI-National for
       me to lead the chapter as its president       Islands Chapter on celebrating its            achieving large chapter status for
       along with my fellow board members            40th anniversary. It is an honor to           having more than 500 members.
       and volunteer committee members.              be among many of the leaders of             • Leadership Award for the Chapter’s
       CAI has been such a big part of not           our chapter who have contributed              Effective Leadership Initiative
       only my legal practice but also my life.      to its success over the past 40 years.      • Membership Award for the
       This organization allows relationships        Serving as the Chapter President for          Chapter’s “500 Members and
       to build into long-time friendships,          2014 was an honor and privilege. I            Counting” Campaign
       many that I cherish. In 2013, the board       would like to reflect on a few of the       • Best Net Membership Growth
       initiated goals to increase awareness         personal highlights and acknowledge           (13%) for a medium chapter
       of the education, resources, and                                                          • Best Net Membership Retention
                                                     leaders and volunteers who gave
       networking opportunities available to                                                       (98%) for a medium chapter
                                                     many hours and contributed to our
       its members, all of which the chapter
                                                     many successes in 2014.  As I began
       continues to focus on today. The                                                          One of my favorite moments was
                                                     planning with our executive director and
       Community Faire events (expos)                                                            standing at the podium getting ready
       and luncheon programs hit record              executive team for our annual strategic     to announce our program at our
       attendance, covering timely topics            planning, I learned first-hand the level    December luncheon overlooking the
       including the Davis-Stirling rewrite.         of talent, dedication and expertise         room packed with smiles, friends,
       We had a sold-out golf tournament             among our leaders.  Our chapter’s           and colleagues networking and
       and hosted a festive Holiday Happy            board of directors were CEO’s, senior       socializing! The event was sold out,
       Hour to name a few of the events that         managers, executives, business owners       200+ attendees, the largest that
       brought us together to enjoy each             and committed chapter members. It           year, balloons were flying, music was
       other’s company. That same year,              was a positive and motivating session       playing, each member received a thank
       the board approved a budget item that         and was inspiring to work with such         you gift, and our chapter celebrated
       would offer an opportunity to enhance         a dynamic team.  A common theme             a milestone of reaching membership
       member benefits by providing manager          resonated throughout our session,           of over 500 qualifying us as a large
       credential rebates, complimentary             “Leading through Professionalism."          chapter with CAI-National. It was truly
       event registrations for managers’             The board of directors concluded the        a celebration of the entire membership
       programs and homeowner dinner                 vision for the year would be to focus       honoring the hard work throughout
       programs, and a new website launch            on reviewing the chapter as a whole,        the year.
       was in the works, providing additional        and to have goals that elevated the
       resources to our members. So many             chapter in several areas. We looked         The chapter has continued to build on
       great memories and I can’t wait to            at education, types of programming,         this foundation of high standards and
       celebrate our 40th anniversary and see        speakers, regional programming, the         professionalism. One of my favorite
       each other in person!                         AV system, venues, and committees;          quotes is “No man will make a great
                                                     all to ensure the chapter was providing     leader who wants to do it all himself,
                                                                                                 or to get all the credit for doing it”
                                                     and exceeding the value it brought
                                                                                                 —Andrew Carnegie.  I truly believe
                                                     to its members through social media,
                                                                                                 that it is not one person, but a team
                                                     the chapters website, social events,
                                                                                                 that achieves success and greatness. I
                                                     educational programs and volunteer
Mark Poindexter   Craig Huntington   Jeff Beaumont                                               would like to close in wishing the
                                                     opportunities. Through these initiatives,   chapter continued success, growth,
                                                     a succession plan was implemented and       leadership and innovation within the
                                                     the board focused on these goals each       industry. Cheers to 40!
                                                     month. The result was the chapter was
                                                     awarded the following (5) five awards                         (Continued on page 14)
                                                     from CAI-National that year.
                                                                                           FIRST QUARTER 2021   www.cai-channelislands.org 13
Sue Bartley                                       Tracy Neal, Esq.                            Joe Smigiel, CIRMS
                      2015                                                2018                                          2019

If I had to say anything about my time               I enjoyed every moment serving as              It was an honor and privilege to serve
as chapter president, I would say it                 the Chapter’s 2018 President and I             as Chapter President in 2019. With
was truly memorable and I challenged                 cannot say enough about the board              the help of our board of directors
everyone to follow our theme of “A                   and committee members that I had               and volunteers, the chapter reached
year of gratitude”. That was most                    the opportunity to serve with and              900-chapter members and received
                                                     that worked so hard along side me              the Best Net Membership Retention
important to me during my time, to
                                                     for our members. It was an amazing             Award (95%) for a very large chapter
focus on that sentiment. I recall our
                                                     experience and has given me many               from CAI-National. We had many sold
November Luncheon where we did                       fond memories.                                 out events that year which brought
a food collection for FoodShare of                                                                  the board to the conclusion that we
Ventura County and the chapter’s                     One that stands out for me is the pride
                                                                                                    need to find a new venue to host our
dedicated members donated 340 lbs                    I have in the Chapter’s commitment to
                                                                                                    growing events! I had the opportunity
                                                     education and the national recognition
of non-perishable food items. For each                                                              to work with many great individuals
                                                     the Chapter received for outstanding
item collected, generous members                                                                    who I consider close friends and thank
                                                     educational programs. Another is the
donated a $1 per food item to our CA                                                                the chapter for the opportunity to
                                                     expansion of the Chapter’s educational
Legislative Action Committee (CLAC).                                                                serve.
                                                     programs in Pismo Beach and Santa
This equated to a $3,000 contribution                Barbara and the Chapter’s growth
to CLAC. Wow! I am very grateful for                 spurt, 800 chapter members, which
the wonderful members that are part of               necessitated expanding the educational
this outstanding chapter.                            programs. I very much enjoyed
                                                     speaking at the Pismo Beach and
                                                     Santa Barbara luncheons and dinner
                                                     programs. I would encourage every                  Colleen Scott and Michelle McCracken
     Dan McGranahan            Joe Smigiel
                                                     member to attend one if you have not
                                                     done so. The programs are held in
                                                     more intimate settings than the usual
                                                     luncheon venues that foster robust
                                                     discussions and Q&A sessions.

                                                                                                            Jeff Beaumont and Jose Glez

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14   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
CLAC corner

By James Perero, Esq.
Myers, Widders, Gibson, Jones & Feingold, LLP

    t is back to business for Sacramento    claims if the underlying project used a     mandating board training. CAI-CLAC
    in 2021. 2,369 bills have been          “skilled and trained workforce.” Latent     opposes this legislation.
    introduced. For better or worse, this   defects often take longer than 5 years
promises to be an interesting year. CAI-    to manifest. CAI-CLAC opposes this          SB 9 (Atkins [D], SD 39 [San
CLAC is hard at work advancing the          legislation.                                Diego/Solana Beach]). This bill would
best interests of community associations                                                allow for lot-splits in any single family
statewide, and is paying particular         AB 1101 (Irwin [D], AD 37 [E.               residential community in the state. CAI-
attention to the following bills.           Ventura County]). This is a CAI-            CLAC will oppose this legislation unless
                                            CLAC sponsored bill which improves          it is amended.
AB 502 (Davies [R], Dist. 73 [S.            on financial security legislation
Orange County]). Acclamation:               Assemblymember Irwin authored in            SB 391 (Min) [D], SD 37 [Irvine/
could this be the year? This bill           2018 (AB 2912). CAI-CLAC supports           Costa Mesa]). This bill would allow
would authorize an association to           this legislation.                           community associations, during a state
seat directors by acclamation (that is,                                                 of emergency (such as a pandemic),
without a secret ballot election) when      AB 1410 (Rodriguez [D], AD                  to conduct business via video
the number of candidates equals the         52 [Pomona/Ontario]). This bill             teleconference—without requiring a
number of open board seats. CAI-CLAC        includes a far-ranging list of items        physical meeting location. CAI-CLAC
supports this legislation.                  limiting boards of directors’ ability to    supports this legislation.
                                            effectively govern their communities
AB 919 (Grayson [D], AD 14                  and imposing unnecessary obligations,       Stay tuned for calls to action. CAI-
[Vallejo/Concord]). This bill would         such as prohibiting rental restrictions,    CLAC will provide talking points and
reduce from 10 to 5 years the statute       authorizing personal agriculture            information on how to participate in our
of limitations on construction defect       anywhere on the separate interest, and      advocacy efforts. Your voice matters!

CAI-California Legislative Action Committee
Together, We Have A Voice!
Our mission is to safeguard and improve the community association lifestyle and your property values.
The legislation we monitor, support, or oppose has a direct impact on the communities you live in,
work with, or manage. Partner with CAI-CLAC and support our efforts so we can represent
your community's voice at the capitol!

Here's how you can help:
• Sign up to receive CLAC's Call For Action emails and stay up-to-date on bills affecting our industry.
• Support CLAC through a financial contribution through the "Buck-A-Door or More" Campaign.
• Participate on the Chapter's Legislative Support Committee.

For more information, email cai@cai-channelislands.org or visit:
www.caiclac.com www.cai-channelislands.org

                                                                                  FIRST QUARTER 2021   www.cai-channelislands.org 15
Spring Cleaning
To-Do List for 2021
By Sean D. Allen, Esq.
Roseman Law, APC

    t is 2021 and after the year we all just went through         AB3182 Rental Restrictions
    things are finally starting to feel a bit more like normal    AB3182 added an entirely new section to the Davis-Stirling
    again. However, that does not mean that it is time to put     Act, as Civil Code § 4741. Per § 4741 a condominium or
our obligations on autopilot. The weather is getting warm,        stock cooperative association may not unreasonably restrict
people are allowed to leave their homes again, and it is now      the rental or leasing of the owner’s unit. Similarly, a planned
time to do some spring cleaning. Here are a few important         development association may not unreasonably restrict
things to be sure you do not overlook on your to-do list for      the rental or leasing of any of the owner’s individual lot,
the year.                                                         including the residence, Accessory Dwelling Unit, or Junior
                                                                  Accessory Dwelling Unit.
SB323 Election Rules
SB323 became effective on January 1, 2020 and enacted             As of January 1, 2021, all associations are required to
a series of reforms to the laws governing association             fully comply with AB3182, and to add further burden,
elections. In short,                                                                                any associations with
SB323 changed the                                                                                   conflicting provisions in
timeline for association                                                                            their governing documents
elections fairly drastically,                                                                       are required to amend those
requiring associations to                                                                           documents by no later
comply with new notice                                                                              than December 31, 2021
procedures and deadlines                                                                            (although this deadline
for nominating candidates                                                                           might be extended). There
for elections. It also now                                                                          are civil penalties for
requires that a copy of                                                                             noncompliance built into
the election rules be                                                                               the statute, and actual
delivered to every member                                                                           damages are available to
at least 30 days before                                                                             offended parties.
an election. Delivery of                                                                            Generally speaking, an
the election rules may be                                                                           association now may not
accomplished by either                                                                              restrict rentals to less than
enclosing the election                                                                              twenty-five percent of the
rules with the ballot distributed to the members, or by           total units, although a higher percentage is allowed. Also, an
posting the election rules to an internet website and printing    association now may only limit rental durations by imposing
the corresponding internet website address on the ballot          a minimum lease term of 30 days or less. As mentioned
together with the phrase, in at least 12-point font: “The rules   above, all associations are required to comply with these
governing this election may be found here:”                       changes by January 1, 2021 regardless of what the governing
This, of course, requires that all associations maintain a set    documents say. To the extent an association’s documents
of election rules. If your association does not have a current    contain restrictions which conflict with these provisions,
set of election rules then that is something which should be      the association must amend those governing documents to
remedied right away. Even if your association does have a set     be in compliance. We recommend having your governing
of election rules already, those should be reviewed to ensure     documents reviewed by legal counsel to determine if they are
that they do not conflict with the law or the association’s       AB3182 compliant, and if not, then to guide the association
governing documents. Remember that election rules cannot          on how to remedy the situation.
be amended within 90 days from the election, so don’t delay.

16   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
SB326 Balcony Inspections
On August 30, 2019, Governor Newsom signed SB326 into                  fundamental questions one might have. If your community
law. The Bill added new Civil Code §§ 5551 and 5986 to                 has new board members serving, then now is a good time
the Davis-Stirling Act and became effective on January 1,              to provide them with resources to educate them on how to
2020.                                                                  properly fulfill their duties. Consider attending CAI’s Board
                                                                       Leadership Development webinar series, attend the monthly
In short, new Civil Code § 5551 applies to condominium                 programs put on by CAI, and consider reaching out to your
buildings containing three or more units and requires                  management company or legal counsel to inquire about in-
associations in applicable condominium projects to perform             house training opportunities.
a periodic inspection of condo balconies and other load
bearing elements that extend beyond the exterior walls of
the building—such as decks, stairways, walkways, and their
                                                                         Sean D. Allen, Esq., is a partner with
railings—which are supported primarily by wood or wood-
                                                                         the law firm of Roseman Law, APC, and
based products and elevated more than six-feet above the
                                                                         is the head of the firm’s HOA department
                                                                         for Ventura County and Channel Islands.
                                                                         Having exclusively represented common
The first inspection required by SB326 must be performed
                                                                         interest developments for several years,
by no later than January 1, 2025, therefore associations
                                                                         he has broad experience with issues
should prepare now by creating a line item in their budget to
                                                                         and disputes that impact community
afford the upcoming expense of the inspection. If possible,
                                                                         associations. Sean has served on the California Legislative
associations conduct the inspection well in advance of
                                                                         Action Committee (CLAC) for our chapter since 2011 and
the January 1, 2025 deadline, as licensed architects and
                                                                         is a current co-chair of the chapter’s Programs Committee.
structural engineers will be less available as the deadline
approaches. For newer construction condominium buildings,
conduct the inspection as soon as possible in order to reveal
any potential construction defects before the expiration of
the construction defect statute of limitations of ten (10)
                                                                                                                                          Your Complete
Boards should also consider enacting reasonable rules to                 AIPM                                                                 Pest Control
regulate the placement of potted plants, artificial turf, and            A n ima l & I ns e c t Pe s t M a na ge me n t , I n c .

other objects or materials that trap moisture on balconies
and other exterior elevated surfaces, in order protect these
components from unnecessary wear.

Educate New Board Members
Serving on the Board of Directors for a homeowners
                                                                                                    Gopher Damage
association presents itself with certain challenges. These
challenges can be compounded greatly simply because there
is no user-guide or manual available to answer some of the
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                                                                                                     FIRST QUARTER 2021                 www.cai-channelislands.org 17
You Need To
Know About
By Sandra L. Gottlieb, Esq., CCAL, SwedelsonGottlieb
Janet L.S. Powers, Esq., CCAL, Fiore, Racobs & Powers, APLC

          e recently participated on a CAI-Channel Islands       • Inspector of Elections can no longer be an individual
          Chapter webinar on one of our favorite topics:           or business employed by or under contract with the
          Elections. We wanted to share the most important         association, except to be an Inspector of Elections.
take-a-ways from the presentation.
                                                                 Annual Meetings & Election Rules
SB 323                                                           • Operating Rules should be sent out for the 28-day
• Requirement that an “association shall disqualify a person       comment period by general delivery. Elections/votes may
  from nomination as a candidate for not being a member of         not be scheduled within 90 days of approving new Election
  the association at the time of the nomination.”                  Rules.
• If provided in the Bylaws or Election Rules, candidates        • Election Rules must include qualifications for candidates,
  may be disqualified for:                                         nomination procedures, voting power of each membership,
  - Being delinquent in the payment of a regular or special        authenticity and effect of proxies, and voting period for
  assessment.                                                      election.
  - Joint owner is already serving on the board or is a          • A copy of the Election Rules must be delivered either
  candidate for election to the board.                             with the secret ballots or posted on an internet website
  - Being a member of the association for less than one year.      identified in the notice provided to the owners with the
  - If the nominee discloses or the association becomes            secret ballots.
  aware of past criminal conviction that would prevent the       • Election Rules shall do the following:
  association from purchasing or would result in termination       - Prohibit the denial of a secret ballot to a member for any
  of the association’s fidelity bond coverage.                     reason other than not being a member;
• Association shall permit members to verify the accuracy of       - Prohibit the denial of a ballot to a person with a general
  information on a voter list and candidate registration list      power of attorney for a member.
  at least thirty days before the distribution of the ballots.
  Association or member shall report errors to either list       Opening, Counting, and Tabulating during the
  to the Inspector who shall make corrections within two         Covid-19 Global Pandemic
  business days of receipt.                                      • The Inspector must keep custody of the documents
• Election Rules must require retention of association             referenced above.
  election materials including a candidate registration list,    • The Inspector must count in front of the members at duly
  voter list, signed voter envelopes, secret ballots, proxies,     noticed board or membership meeting. This can include
  tally and tabulation results. The association shall offer        counting and tabulating on Zoom or other video or cloud
  for inspection, upon demand, all of the above. However,          based service remotely.
  an owner is not entitled to a copy of the signed voter         • The Inspector should complete a report of the Inspector
  envelopes. Key take away: no cell phones should be               which certifies the results of the vote/election after
  allowed in the room where the inspection is to take place        completing the count and tabulation.
  so that the envelopes with owner signatures are not            • The Inspector shall promptly report the results of the
  photographed.                                                    election to the board.

18   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
Hot “Election Buster” Items
• Association shall hold an election for the board at least      Sandra L. Gottlieb is one of California’s
  once every four years.                                         leading community association attorneys.
• Association cannot disqualify someone from nomination          She is a founding partner of the law firm
  for the failure to pay fines.                                  of SwedelsonGottlieb, which was formed
• Association cannot disqualify someone for being on             in 1987. Sandra is an active member
  a payment plan or disputing the debt owed to the               of CAI and CACM. She has served as
  association.                                                   President of the board of directors of three
• Association shall provide at least thirty days general         CAI Chapters. On a national level, she has
  notice of the procedure and deadline for submitting a          represented the firm on the CAI National Faculty, the CAI
  nomination.                                                    National Attorneys Committee, and is a member of the
• Association must provide opportunity for IDR before a          CAI College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL).
  member is disqualified to run for the board.
                                                                 Janet L.S. Powers, Esq. has been a
• Association shall provide at least thirty days before the
                                                                 member of the California State Bar since
  secret ballots are distributed general notice of all of the
                                                                 1985. She is a senior supervising attorney
                                                                 in the Fiore Racobs & Powers Irvine office.
  - Date, time, and physical address where secret ballots are
                                                                 Ms. Powers is a member of the Orange
  to be returned
                                                                 County Bar Association and CAI. She is
  - Date, time and location of the meeting at which the
                                                                 a member of the prestigious College of
  secret ballots will be counted
                                                                 Community Association Lawyers (CCAL)
  - List of candidates names that will appear on the secret
                                                                 of CAI and has served on the Editorial Board of the CCAL
                                                                 Journal of Community Association Law. She was the
• The one-year statute to contest the election commences
                                                                 President of the Board of Directors of the Orange County
  on the date the Inspector advises the board of the election
                                                                 Regional Chapter of CAI.
  results or the member’s cause of action accrues, whichever
  is later.
• If a member establishes, by a preponderance of the
  evidence, that the procedures of Davis-Stirling and
  Election Rules were not followed, a court shall void any
  results of the election unless the association establishes
  by a preponderance of the evidence that the association’s
  non-compliance with Davis-Stirling or the Election Rules
  did not affect the results of the election.
                                                                Power your business
To view a recording of the webinar presentation, please
                                                                forward with our HOA
contact Leah Ross, Chapter Executive Director at                Premium Reserve
                                                                Put our HOA reserve account options to work
                                                                for your community association business.
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                                                                                     FIRST QUARTER 2021            www.cai-channelislands.org 19
California’s New
Election Law: Presents
Insurance Coverage
Challenges for HOAs
By Ryan Gesell, CIRMS, CMCA and Timothy Cline, CIRMS
Cline Agency Insurance Brokers, Inc.

        alifornia’s Senate Bill 323 may have begun as a            Surprisingly, very well-known carriers with a large
        well-intentioned piece of legislation designed to          presence in the HOA community still fail to extend
        provide uniformity, oversight, and transparency to the     coverage to the community manager on their D&O form,
Association’s election process. Unfortunately, compliance          and
with the new requirements may prove cumbersome for many          • Did the policy form include coverage for “non-monetary”
associations, and the liability exposure that it creates needs     claims? Most challenges to elections are launched by
to be at the forefront of every board’s mind as they work to       plaintiffs who are not seeking a financial reward. They’re
adopt procedures to comply.                                        simply seeking to “right a wrong.” And yet defending
                                                                   an Association from such a challenge can be expensive.
                                                                   Again, not all policies include this coverage.

                                                                 The broader D&O policies in the industry included both of
                                                                 these coverages and a board that had one of these policies
                                                                 could reasonably expect that there would have been coverage
                                                                 for any resulting claim. That’s no longer the case.

                                                                 Going Forward
                                                                 Effective January 1, 2020, there is a comprehensive list of
                                                                 individuals who the Board of Directors, at their discretion,
                                                                 may appoint to act as the “Inspector of Elections.” The
                                                                 California legislation’s list attempts to make the selection
                                                                 process simply routine, but obtaining assurance that the
Compliance will be quite a hassle from a procedural              D&O carrier will provide coverage for these “Inspectors” is
standpoint, but even more concerning are the claims that         not. The list of acceptable inspectors includes:
will inevitably erupt (including claims for non-compliance)      • A volunteer poll worker with the county registrar of voters
presenting huge challenges for D&O policyholders and their       • A licensee of the California Board of Accountancy
insurance carriers that issue the coverage.                      • A notary public
                                                                 • A volunteer member of the Association (with no
The Past                                                           connection at all to the board)
Prior to the passage of SB323, whether or not the                • Professional Inspectors of Elections
Association and community manager were provided                  • CPA firm not under contract with the Association.
protection by the Association’s D&O policy for election-         • Management company not under contract with the
related challenges was largely reduced to two simple issues:       Association
• Had the definition of “insured” on the D&O policy been
  broadened to include not only the board, but volunteers        Volunteers
  (assisting with the election) and the community manager?       Of the list of acceptable options, only one of these could
                                                                 potentially be covered by the Association’s D&O policy;
20   Channels of Communication FIRST QUARTER 2021
the Volunteers. Some carriers have indicated that they
would provide coverage for members of the Association             Ryan Gesell is the Vice President for
that are serving as Inspectors of Elections, provided that        The Cline Agency. He’s been an active
these individuals are specifically identified in the minutes as   member of CAI-Channel Islands Chapter
“volunteers” and provided that the policy includes coverage       for the past 18 years serving on and
for Non-Monetary Claims.                                          chairing a multitude of committees during
                                                                  that time. He currently serves on the
But as we start to see claims for these volunteers, we may        Chapter’s Board of Directors and co-chairs
begin to see exclusions arise in the coming years, specific       the Programs Committee. Ryan lives in
to Inspectors of Election. Most immediately concerning            Ventura County with his wife and two daughters who all
however, is that there would clearly be NO coverage on the        think that insurance is boring and too complicated.  
Association’s D&O policy for any of the other acceptable
inspectors.                                                       Timothy Cline, CIRMS, is one of the
                                                                  United States’ foremost authorities
And given the extensive list of duties that the Civil Code        on insurance for common interest
now requires these inspectors to perform, is it reasonable        developments and is President of Cline
to expect an unpaid “volunteer” member of the Association         Agency Insurance Brokers, which
to complete them with efficiency and accuracy, within the         specializes exclusively in coverage for
required time limits, without any formal training?                condominium associations, homeowners
                                                                  associations, planned developments and
As insurance professionals, we recommend that our clients         cooperatives throughout California, Oregon, Washington,
hire professional vendors to shift liability away from the        and Arizona. Tim is a regularly featured speaker at
Association and onto the experts that are trained to perform      educational seminars and programs throughout California
the work needed. Thus, our first inclination would be to          and the U.S., including numerous programs sponsored by
recommend hiring a Professional Inspector of Election             Community Association Institute (CAI). His involvement
company to handle the process.                                    and expertise have made him the recipient of more than a
                                                                  dozen awards from CAI.
However, many such companies have language in their
contracts that requires the Association to indemnify them
from potential liability. And since the D&O policy wouldn’t
extend coverage to these Inspectors, the board could find
themselves paying for the legal defense of these experts
should a claim arise.

That said, there are insurance policies available for
Professional Inspectors of Election companies. And some
policies offer the option of adding the Associations they
service as Additionally Insured.

Of concern to some communities, might be the cost
associated with hiring such a vendor, as well as concerns
with reaching quorum at the board meeting that the                FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1991
inspectors attend.
                                                                     C-33                 B-1                    C-23
Summary                                                            PAINTING         RECONSTRUCTION           WROUGHT IRON
From a Best Practices standpoint, we’d highly recommend                                                       FABRICATION &
using a professional inspector of election company, provided                                                  INSTALLATION
that they a) don’t have any indemnification clause in their
contract, and b) have their own insurance in place.
                                                                       Select the BEST
If that’s not an option, then check with your agent/broker
to see if your D&O policy a) covers Non-Monetary Claims,            in the H.O.A. Industry
and b) includes “volunteers” in the definition of who is an
insured. And remember to make sure that you specifically              800-493-8724              www.select-painting.com
name the Inspector of Elections as a “volunteer” in your
board meeting minutes.                                            Select Painting & Construction, Inc.        Lic # 614669

                                                                              FIRST QUARTER 2021   www.cai-channelislands.org 21
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