Challenge Monitoring Truck Traffic at the Port of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, to Improve Traffic Fluidity - SMATS Traffic Solutions

Page created by Veronica Moran
Challenge Monitoring Truck Traffic at the Port of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, to Improve Traffic Fluidity - SMATS Traffic Solutions
Project Summary
                                                                                 Port of Trois-Rivières

 Monitoring Truck Traffic at the Port
of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, to                                            Transport Canada
Improve Traffic Fluidity                                                         ISED Canada

Challenge                                                                        Port
Nowadays ships are carrying much        The Port of Trois-Rivières in Quebec,
more cargo and ports invest in more     Canada, offers a wide range of
cargo terminal capacity, which
                                        facilities and services to the marine
makes ports busier than ever. An                                                 -Reducing wait times for
                                        related logistics industry. With an
increased amount of freight arriving                                             trucks, reducing port gate-
                                        approximate surface storage area of
simultaneously in ports causes more                                              times and turn-times,
                                        457,000 m2, the Port of Trois-
port traffic, which leads to longer     Rivières holds several specialized
                                                                                 reducing GHG emissions,
wait times for trucks, ultimately       terminals that can accommodate dry       and gaining actionable
leading to increased port gate-times                                             KPIs
                                        bulk and general cargo, both indoors
and turn-times and often increasing
                                        and outdoors, as well as liquid bulk.
port-city traffic congestion and
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
                                        The truck traffic within the Port        Solution
                                        consists of numerous truck routes        -SMATS TrafficXHub™ WiFi
These issues compel port authorities
                                        stemming from two entrances,             & Bluetooth sensor with
to search for new ways to manage
traffic congestion near and within
                                         where trucks pass through scales to     Bluetooth beacon cards
the ports.                              weigh bulk products and then              -iNode™ data analytics
A truck traffic monitoring system for   proceed to product storage locations.    web platform
ports can provide valuable decision     The Port’s current truck activity data
ready data regarding truck traffic      is based on information derived from
movements. The tracking data can        the two entree gates and punctual        Results
                                        truck traffic reports; hence, more in-   -Sensors can track trucks
provide useful information and Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) that      port traffic behaviour information is    and measure travel times,
can be used to manage truck             needed to better manage truck            idle times, and movement
movement efficiently and reduce         traffic in support of plans for port     patterns, giving the Port
congestion at a port.                   expansion.                               greater visibility and
                                                                                 performance measures

    SMATS Traffic Solutions Inc., May 6, 2021, 7 Bayview Rd., Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1Y 2C5
 Tel: (613)417-0309, Fax: (613) 701-4142, email:, website:
Challenge Monitoring Truck Traffic at the Port of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, to Improve Traffic Fluidity - SMATS Traffic Solutions
Solution: SMATS'                          Figure 1: Illustration of SMATS truck traffic monitoring technology

                                      Truck+Beacon        TrafficXHub Sensor            Cloud               iNode
The high-level objectives of this project are:            Sensor Installation
   To provide decision-making tools (KPIs) to gain
                                                          When deploying the sensors, the SMATS team
   more precise knowledge of traffic flow and
                                                          checked the area to find the best locations for
   improve overall port efficiency;
                                                          available mounting infrastructure and power
   To reduce truck transit time and GHG within the
                                                          sources. Based on the deployment locations, some
   Port boundaries and optimize the use of existing
                                                          sensors were powered by solar panels, and the others
                                                          were connected to the available AC power.
   To improve traffic safety using real-time truck

To achieve the project objectives SMATS' vehicle                                                TrafficXHub
detection technology was deployed. The solution is                                              sensors
used to monitor truck traffic and provide key
                                                                                                installed at
performance measures, including truck queue times
at different routes, pick up and drop off idle-times,
                                                                                                gates and
and movement patterns for real-time decision                                                    product
making and historical analysis.                                                                 locations
The technology includes the installation of SMATS
TrafficXHub sensors at strategic locations at the Port.
These sensors capture Bluetooth Low Energy signals
emitted from low-cost Bluetooth beacons allocated
and distributed to the trucks visiting the port. SMATS
data analytics cloud application, iNode, was used to
process the sensor's raw data, including beacon's
MAC addresses and signal strengths in real-time.
Figure 1 illustrates different components of the
SMATS technology used in this project.

 Bluetooth Beacon Cards                                                                The Bluetooth
 The Bluetooth beacon cards used in this project were                                  Low Energy
 distributed to the trucks. These cards can be attached to                             beacon card
 the existing RFID access cards or can be placed in the
                                                                                       used to track
 trucks. The card uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
 technology which are low-cost and provide multi-year
                                                                                       truck locations
 battery life.

    SMATS Traffic Solutions Inc., May 6, 2021, 7 Bayview Rd., Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1Y 2C5
 Tel: (613)417-0309, Fax: (613) 701-4142, email:, website:
Challenge Monitoring Truck Traffic at the Port of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, to Improve Traffic Fluidity - SMATS Traffic Solutions
Results                                                        Real-time traffic data for configured links

Advanced algorithms were used to locate the trucks
at the Port and measure queue times between two
sensors (a.k.a links travel time), queues between
multiple sensors (a.k.a. route travel time), and idle
times at the sensor location for goods pick up and
drop off. In addition, an origin-destination analysis
tool was built to track the movement patterns of
                                                          Movement data from a single truck and the Idle-
trucks inside the Port, from the Port gates, to the
                                                            Time (wait-time) and Travel Time traffic KPIs
scales, offices, product storage site, and exits. The
SMATS hardware and software solution provided
greater visibility to the Port's truck activities and
various performance measures for operational and
long-term planning and decision-making.
This information is expected to support the Port's
strategic (optimizing asset acquisition), tactical
(optimizing use of existing assets), and operational    Who is The Port of Trois-
(optimizing real-time activities) decisions to
improve the performance of the Port and terminal        Rivières?
services. iNode origin-destination analysis tools
can reveal the truck movements in the Port and          As one of 17 Canadian Port Authorities, and active
provide new valuable KPIs to decision-makers.           since 1882, the Port of Trois-Rivières is a crucial
                                                        player in regional, national and international
In summary:                                             economic development for major industrial sectors
    The sensors demonstrated reliable performance       such as the aluminum industry, forestry, and agri-
    throughout the year                                 food. Strategically located halfway between
    The Beacon cards were captured in the travel        Montreal and Quebec City, the Port of Trois-
    route by the sensors                                Rivières welcomes 55,000 trucks, 11,000 railcars,
    iNode measures the travel time and wait-times       and more than 250 merchant and cruise ships
    with 92% accuracy                                   annually, originating from over 100 different ports
    iNode shows traffic patterns and routes taken       in more than 40 countries around the world. It
    by trucks                                           handles over 3.3 million metric tons of goods, has an
    iNode provides real-time locations of the trucks    annual economic impact of nearly $2.9 billion, and
    within the Port                                     supports more than 2000 direct, indirect, and
                                                        induced jobs.

      SMATS Traffic Solutions Inc., May 6, 2021, 7 Bayview Rd., Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1Y 2C5
   Tel: (613)417-0309, Fax: (613) 701-4142, email:, website:
Challenge Monitoring Truck Traffic at the Port of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, to Improve Traffic Fluidity - SMATS Traffic Solutions
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