CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children

Page created by Danny Webster
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
 Answer Rory’s call to
 ensure no child faces
 cancer alone.

  Very Generously Sponsored by
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
Meet Maggie
        My name is Maggie and I am 13. I enjoy going to the stockcars, shopping, the
        beach and listening to music. My favourite film is Legally Blonde.

I found out I had a Brain Tumour on the 9th October 2020, four days before my 13th
birthday, after falling down a few stairs.
My diagnosis made me feel sad and cross. I didn’t want to be diagnosed anymore. I found
it frustrating as I was able to walk into the hospital, then after my operation I had to rely on
others to help as I was very ‘wobbly’.
I think what Rory is doing is exciting and amazing! I hope it’s not too difficult! I belong to
Randalstown Rugby Club and have had the opportunity to play at Ravenhill during
half-time of one of the Ulster matches. I was very excited to get the chance to meet
Rory Best.
I have stayed at Daisy Lodge in Newcastle and would love everyone with a cancer
diagnosis to get the opportunity to stay there as it was so much fun.

So please let’s all support Rory in his Miles 2 Mayo.

         GO RORY
During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Rory Best wants
to ‘walk a mile in Maggie’s shoes’, or in his case 180 miles from
Daisy Lodge in Newcastle to the site of Cancer Fund for
Children’s new Daisy Lodge in Cong, Co. Mayo. His aim is to shine
a light on Maggie’s story and the experience of children and young
people like her, living with cancer.

Rory wants to raise as much money as possible but he needs your help!
Read on to find out how you can get involved.
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
By raising money for Rory’s Miles 2 Mayo
challenge, you’ll help Cancer Fund for
Children to do whatever it takes to be
there for children and young people like

Here are various ways you can get

                                                                  Make your fundraising
                               cle 180 miles
    Walk, run or cy tember.                                       Bring people together –
    throughout Sep                                                organise a coffee morning or
          lk 18  0,  00   0 st e p  s, that’s 6,000 a             an afternoon tea! If your
    Wa                                                            friends are a competitive
             w  ill  b e   w  a lk in g 20 miles a da             bunch but not that sporty,
     Rory                                            ek!
                                 o 20 miles a we                  why not organise a quiz or a
     but you could d                                              gaming challenge. Try to be
             o n    a   18 0   ch a  llenge – why nor             creative with your fundraising
     Take                           uats, press ups
                                                      o           and ask people to raise
      commit to 180 sqay in the month of                          sponsorship towards your
      burpees every d                                             target.
             e r  ye   t,  g ra b   a  friend and aim day!
       Bett                       gby passes eve
       compete 180 ru
               ra   is e  €1  80  b  y  doing a sponso r
       Fund                                              o
                                       d dance-athon
        walk, a sponsoree.
        sponsored silenc
                yo   ur   fr ie nd  s  to gether for a rug
        Get                           ment.
         or sports tourna
             g  a    fr ie nd   o n   social media and
         Ta                             o!
         them involved to

Fundraising Support
Email and the team will share more tried and tested
fundraising tips with you. Get in touch and they can send you sponsorship forms,
balloons, banners, t-shirts and stickers!
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
Get your school involved!
                                            Getting your school involved is a great way to
                                            support Rory with his challenge! Plan some fundraising
                                            activities and get everyone from teachers to pupils on
                                            board. We have everything you need to help you get
                                            started – sponsorship forms, stickers, pencils. Maybe you
                                            could pick a day and walk a mile to raise money and
                                            get all pupils to bring in €2 for a non-uniform day.
                                            What makes it even more exciting is that your school
                                            can enter a draw to win a visit from Rory! He will come
                                            and talk about his experience as Ireland Rugby Captain
                                            or maybe even do a mini coaching session for all you
                                            budding rugby enthusiasts!

To find out more about how your school can take part and enter the draw, contact the
Fundraising Team e:

                                              Get your rugby club involved!
                                            Shout out to the rugby clubs!

                                            How would you like one of Ireland Rugby’s most
                                            talented players giving you a few pointers on what it’s
                                            like to handle the pressures of a big game, insight into
                                            how to win and training tips and techniques for your
                                            own rugby club’s ambitions?

                                            You would? Great, well get involved in Rory’s
                                            fundraising challenge and enter a draw to have Rory
                                            do a one-off coaching session and Q+A with your
                                            club and find out what it takes to be the ‘Best’!

For more information on this opportunity and ways to fundraise, contact Cancer Fund for
Children’s Clubs Fundraiser e:

                                              Get your work involved!
                                            Why not get your workplace involved. Supporting
                                            Rory’s Miles 2 Mayo is a great way to boost staff
                                            morale and encourage team work. There are lots of
                                            fundraising ideas that you and your colleagues can
                                            do together - from walking, running or cycling 180
                                            miles throughout September to taking on a step
                                            challenge. Perhaps your organisation could support
                                            Rory on his walk by sponsoring a leg of the
                                            challenge or supplying equipment?

For more information and to see how you can support Rory, contact Cancer Fund for
Children’s Corporate Fundraiser e:
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
Cancer Fund for Children is an all Ireland
charity providing vital therapeutic short breaks
to children throughout Ireland diagnosed with
cancer and their families at Daisy Lodge, in
Newcaslte, Co. Down. Daisy Lodge is a
nurturing and restorative space that is
purpose-built to support families at the most            Cancer Fund for Children is an amazing
vulnerable, difficult, and exhausting time in      charity, and this is just my small contribution of
their lives.                                       time and effort to go towards the incredible
                                                   support they provide on the ground and
We have launched a capital appeal to raise         through their Daisy Lodge therapeutic centre.
¤12.5m to build a much-needed second short         I’m taking on the challenge of walking 180
break centre in the stunning surroundings of       miles in September, Childhood Cancer
Cong, Co. Mayo. Daisy Lodge, Co. Mayo will         Awareness Month to shine a light on the
be an exclusive therapeutic space for children     impact a cancer diagnosis has on children,
diagnosed with cancer and will enable us to        young people and their families.
increase the number of families we support
                                                   Families need vital support and respite from
every year from 500 to 1,000.
                                                   hospital visits and the worry and stress of the
                                                   situation they face every day. Cancer Fund
                                                   for Children brings light in a very dark place
                                                   for these families and at Daisy Lodge they
                                                   provide time for them to breathe again and
                                                   to reconnect, knowing that they are in a
                                                   safe and supportive environment. I hope you
                                                   will get behind my challenge to help make a
                                                   real difference to the lives of children with
                                                   Rory Best

Architect’s impression of Daisy Lodge, Co. Mayo
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
Welcome to the team!
                                 We are delighted to welcome you to Rory’s team and we
                                 are excited to help you with your fundraising in any way we
                                 Setting up an online fundraising page on Just Giving or
                                 iDonate is an easy way to ask friends and family for
                                 donations and share updates on your challenge on your
                                 social media.

Here are some things to consider when setting up your page and to make it really stand out:

                                      Share your journey
                                      Post photos, videos and updates
                                      of your progress to friends and
                                      family – share the highs and lows
                                      so they understand what you are
                                      taking on. Pictures often mean
                                      more donations towards your
                                      fundraising target.
        Set a target
   Tell everyone what your
    fundraising goal is and
     they will want to help
      you meet it! Did you
   know, that people who
  set a target tend to raise
  over 50% more? And the
  great thing is, if you meet
    your target in advance
    of your challenge, you                 Tell your story                It’s good to share
  can increase it and raise           This is such an important                 Share your
  even more to help ensure           part of your online giving           fundraising page on
       that no child faces          page – giving others insight          all your social media
         cancer alone.                into why you have taken              pages – Facebook,
                                    on this challenge can really           Twitter, Instagram,
                                    encourage them to support                 Tik Tok. Give it
                                   you. Talk about how Rory Best           energy with a vlog
                                     has inspired you and how                or a photo. Also
                   SHARE                you both will make a                 tag people and
                                        difference to children              thank them when
                                         affected by cancer.                   they donate!

        Ask everyone                                          Inspire your supporters
 Start with friends and family                                Share the impact of your
first and then ask colleagues,                                supporter's donation and
 people in your sports team,                                  how they will help us build
    ask friends to share your                                 Daisy Lodge in Cong,
page. The more people know,                                   Co. Mayo to support children
    the more money raised.                                    in your community.
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
Looking good online
  Below is a sample of some of our
  Rory’s Miles 2 Mayo online images
  which you will receive with this pack.
  Using these branded images is a
  great way to tell everyone what you
  are doing, while highlighting the
  work of Cancer Fund for Children.




INSTAGRAM GRID                              JUST GIVING HEADER
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
Share Your Story                              #RorysMiles2Mayo
We love to see and share your amazing achievements,
so make sure you are following our pages and tag us in
your posts:
           @RoryBest2                            @CancerFundChild

           @rorybestofficial                    @DaisyLodge4Mayo

           @rorybest2                            @DaisyLodge4Mayo

 Our Amazing Headline Sponsors

 Kingsbridge Private Hospital is part of the Kingsbridge Healthcare    The Ardonagh Group is the UK’s largest independent insurance
 Group, Northern Ireland’s largest private hospital group. In          distribution platform and a top 20 broker globally. They are a
 addition to locations in Belfast and Ballykelly, they also have a     collection of best-in-class entrepreneurial and specialist brands
 hospital in Sligo and Outpatients clinic in Letterkenny.              with a network of more than 100 locations and a combined
                                                                       workforce of more than 7,000 people. Across their portfolio,
 Kingsbridge offer the latest technological advancements in            they offer a highly diversified range of insurance-related products
 private healthcare across hundreds of specialties including           and services across the full insurance value chain in the UK,
 orthopaedic, cataract, urology, and cosmetic surgery. They also       Ireland and broader international markets. From complex
 offer dedicated clinics in prostate, sports injury, male and female   multinational corporations to individuals purchasing personal
 health and GP services. Diagnostic services include MRI, CT and       insurance policies, their understanding of the communities they
 ultrasound. Their hospital in Belfast also boasts a newly opened      serve, together with their scale and breadth, allows them to
 ICU which will allow cardiac surgery to be carried out.               work with their insurer partners to deliver a broad range of
 At the heart of their ethos is the knowledge that a combination       product and risk solutions that meet customer needs.
 of clinical excellence, a calming environment and five-star
 hospitality creates a relaxing patient experience, resulting in a
 faster, more successful recovery.

Cancer Fund for Children are so grateful to have your support, your energy and your
determination to help us build Daisy Lodge in Cong, Co. Mayo and ensure no child
across the island of Ireland faces cancer alone.

                                                                                                     Registered charity in Ireland (20142681).
                                                                                                     CHY 21682. Registered with the Charity
                                                                                                     Commission for NI NIC100532.
CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children CHALLENGE PACK Answer Rory's call to ensure no child faces cancer alone - Very Generously Sponsored by - Cancer Fund for Children
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