Time to Talk Day 4th February 2021 - MetLife

Page created by Hector Fleming
Time to Talk Day 4th February 2021 - MetLife
Employee newsletter | February 2021


Time to Talk Day
4       February 2021

On 4th February 2021, we                      start that first conversation about mental         or they do not feel comfortable and
                                              health, here are a few tips:                       pushing a conversation that someone
will acknowledge Time to                      1. Step away from the labels: it is best to        doesn’t want to have can have the
Talk Day (TTTD) - a                           leave the diagnosing of any conditions to          opposite effect. If this happens, it is best to
                                              the professionals. Even if you feel that the       acknowledge that you respect they don’t
campaign created by Time                      individual may fit a diagnosis, it is advisable    wish to talk and remind them that you are
to Change, a leading mental                   to stay with the feelings and support of           there for them, if they change their mind.
                                              the person, rather than be tempted to
health charity to support                     provide a diagnosis of what you feel the           Getting involved with Time to Talk day
conversations about mental                    ‘problem’ is and a plan to fix it.                 2021.
                                              2. Listen well: when we are actively               Create an online pledge wall or chat
health and break down                         listening, we do more than hear. Allow the         group. It can be good to get friends and
some of the barriers to                       person to lead the conversation. Try not           colleagues (including those who might be
                                              to interrupt (even if you feel that it would       remote working) to get involved and start
talking about how we are                      be helpful information), and be                    having open conversations about mental
feeling.                                      encouraging when they are sharing their            health and wellbeing by sharing wellbeing
                                              feelings. Lead the conversation and                tips and gaining support on the days that
Time to Talk day encourages us to open        acknowledge what they are saying by                are more difficult than others.
up regarding our emotional wellbeing and      nodding or repeating certain phrases to
break mental health stigma, believing that    ensure you have understood it. This will           For more ideas and online resources,
there are always opportunities in our daily   encourage them to share and feel                   click here to access the TTTD 2021 page
lives, whether at work, school, university    respected and cared for.                           on the Time to Change website. You can
or home, to check in with one another’s       3. Communication is key: sadly, Time to            find multiple info packs and order forms
wellbeing and mental health.                  Talk Day 2021 is subject to pandemic               to obtain your free promo materials and
                                              restrictions. It'll be different from most         get involved with Talk to Talk Day 2021.
Getting the conversation going about          years, as social distancing and lockdowns
mental health.                                mean being close to people isn't always
If you are concerned about someone’s          possible. However, you can reach out to            If you need to access our services to
mental health, or something has               share feelings via Zoom, text, email, or           discuss any wellbeing concerns you may
happened which may harm that person’s         social media as an alternative to face-to          have, our confidential helpline is available
wellbeing (like a bereavement or              face-contact. Now more than ever, there            24/7, 365.
separation), it can be tempting to ignore     are different ways to communicate and
some of the signs that this person is         connect to get the conversations going.            Alternatively, if you have access to the My
struggling, or you might find that you        4. Respect their readiness: speaking out           Healthy Advantage app (iOS & Android),
worry about worsening the situation.          about mental health is easier for some             you can view a variety of wellbeing
However, asking that person how they are      than others, and timing is everything. It          resources including our new video series,
or voicing your concerns can be the first     can be difficult when you feel someone             BrightTV – powered by Health Assured,
step to showing that you care for them        may be struggling and not talking about it,        featuring a variety of well-known
and acknowledge that right now things         yet we need to respect that they may not           personalities sharing their unique
are difficult. If you’re unsure on how to     want to talk. It could be the wrong time,          experiences with mental health.

Time to Talk Day 4th February 2021 - MetLife
Employee newsletter | February 2021


World Cancer Day
4       February 2021

According to statistics from                 such as depression, anxiety, and in more     lives have been impacted by cancer.
                                             serious cases post traumatic stress          Examples include Help to Overcome
Cancer    Research        UK,                disorder (PTSD). Relationships with loved    Problems Effectively (HOPE), and
cancer survival in the UK                    ones, friends and colleagues may             Macmillan Cancer. Below, we have listed
                                             become strained due to the physical and      several positive steps that an individual
has doubled in the last 40                   emotional difficulties the treatment may     can take after experiencing cancer:
years.                                       cause. Below are some examples of
                                             emotional difficulties someone may face      Volunteering: people often want to give
This year, World Cancer Day falls on         when living with cancer:                     back to others/charities that may have
Thursday 4th February 2021 and raises                                                     assisted them during their illness and
awareness of those who are currently         Trauma & stress: the physical and            perform volunteer work. Have a look at
living with cancer, have had cancer, who     emotional turmoil may lead to the            your local cancer charity/support group,
are supporting someone with cancer,          person becoming traumatised. This            as they may always need a helping hand!
and to commemorate those who we              could be from the role the disease had       Fundraising: cancer survivors may wish
have lost. It is also an opportunity to      upon them, as well as if the treatment       to use Cancer Survivors Day to generate
celebrate those who have survived            itself has caused emotional distress.        funds for relevant charities. Gather your
cancer and serve as an encouragement         Support groups and counselling are           local community and create an event to
for those who have been diagnosed and        recommended to combat psychological          be enjoyed by all!
are undergoing treatment.                    trauma.                                      Social media: if your life or someone you
                                             Fear: the fear of cancer re-emerging is      know has been touched by cancer, social
Furthermore, World Cancer Day raises         another issue someone recovering may         media can be a very effective way to
awareness in the support networks that       face. Survivors can go years (and a          encourage them to share their story.
have stood with those who have had           lifetime)     without     the     disease    Using the hashtag #WorldCancerDay to
cancer along their journey and raises        re-occurring. However, many may face         assist in getting these stories to the
awareness to the daily struggles of          years of worry believing the disease may     public’s attention, this promotes support
cancer survivors, advocating for further     one day re-appear. The person must be        and positivity.
funds, regulation and studies to assist      open to those close to them regarding
them in obtaining a greater life             their worries and concerns.                  If you need to access our services to
experience.                                  Loneliness: survivors may become             discuss any wellbeing concerns you may
                                             emotionally isolated due to others being     have, our confidential helpline is
After experiencing cancer treatment          unable to understand what they have          available 24/7, 365.
While the completion of cancer               been through. This can cause issues
treatment is both gratifying and             socially, leading to isolation. Support      Alternatively, if you have access to the
alleviating for many, it can also have       groups are further encouraged so             My Healthy Advantage app (iOS &
enduring physical and psychological          survivors can speak to those who have        Android), you can view a variety of
effects. The treatment can have a            shared similar experiences.                  wellbeing resources including our new
long-standing impact on an individual’s                                                   video series, BrightTV – powered by
physical state—altering how a person         Gaining support                              Health Assured, featuring a variety of
lives their life. Additionally, the person   Some cancer charities run short courses      well-known personalities sharing their
may develop mental health problems           which are designed to assist those whose     unique experiences with mental health.

Time to Talk Day 4th February 2021 - MetLife
Employee newsletter | February 2021


Practical steps
following a
It can be difficult to know                   expenses, you may be entitled to                  have a dedicated helpline offering
                                              financial support through a Funeral               support with inheritance tax queries on
what steps should be taken                    Expenses Payment if:                              0300 123 1072.
following the loss of a                       • You receive certain benefits such as
                                              universal credit                                  The application can be made online
loved one. This article                       • You meet the government guidelines              through the government website or via
provides           guidance,                  regarding your relationship with the              post using the PA1P form where a will
                                              deceased such as being their partner              exists or the PA1A where a will does not
information,     and      an                  • The funeral is in the UK, the European          exist.
overview of the practical                     Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
                                                                                                5. Distribute the estate
steps to follow.                              3. Informing relevant organisations               Once you have followed this process and
                                              You must inform all government                    ascertained probate, if needed, you will
1. Registering the death                      agencies and relevant organisations that          be able to distribute the estate according
Registration should be completed within       the person is deceased. You can use the           to the will or the rules of intestacy.
5 days of the individual dying. The death     online ‘Tell us once’ service to inform
can be registered through any local           government agencies including HMRC,               Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the
registrar and will create a legal record.     DWP, DVLA, the Passport Office, the               Republic Of Ireland
You can find a registrar through the UK       local council and some public sector              If you are living outside England and
Gov website.                                  pension schemes such as the NHS. The              Wales, the processes will vary within each
                                              registrar can help you complete this or           jurisdiction. For example, the registration
If there is an ongoing inquest with the       can provide you with a code to access             requirements are as follows:
coroner, you must wait until the inquiry      the service later.                                Scotland: Must be registered within 8
is completed before registering the                                                             days with the Registration Office.
death. In the meantime, you should be         Additionally, you will need to contact            Northern Ireland: Registration within 3
issued with an interim death certificate      any organisations the deceased has a              months with any Registrar of Births,
which can be used to arrange the              contract, or relationship with including          Marriages and Deaths office.
funeral.                                      but not limited to their bank, utility            Republic of Ireland: To be registered
                                              providers and employer. You usually               within 5 days with the Civil Registration
2. Arranging the funeral                      need to provide the death certificate for         Office.
Once you have received a death                them to close the contract, generate a
certificate you can begin preparing for       final bill or pay any monies owed to the
the funeral. When selecting a funeral         estate.                                           If you need to access our services to
director, it is advisable to check they are                                                     discuss any wellbeing concerns you may
a member of the National Association of       4. Applying for probate                           have, our confidential helpline is
Funeral Directors, or The National            Probate is not always necessary for               available 24/7, 365.
Society of Allied and Independently           smaller estates but should be something
funded funeral directors to ensure they       you consider before distribution of the           Alternatively, if you have access to the
operate to a high standard.                   estate. If probate is required, you will          My Healthy Advantage app (iOS &
                                              need to value the estate to estimate how          Android), you can view a variety of
Funeral costs are usually covered by the      much Inheritance tax, if any, will be             wellbeing resources including our new
deceased estate if they are reasonable        owed. Inheritance tax is usually payable          video series, BrightTV – powered by
and proportionate. You can contact the        on estates worth £325,000 or more.                Health Assured, featuring a variety of
deceased bank directly and they will          However, there are exceptions where the           well-known personalities sharing their
release funds to cover the funeral costs.     estate is being left solely to a spouse, civil    unique experiences with mental health.
If you are struggling to cover the funeral    partner, or children. The government

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