CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...

Page created by Vernon Herrera
CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...

CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...
PREFACE									                                                       4
1- FOREWORD									                                                   4
   1.1- Aim 									                                                  5
   1.2- Abbreviations								                                          5
2- GENERAL GUIDELINES 							                                          5
   2.1- Events 								                                                5
   2.2- How to Apply for Hosting a CISM equestrian sport event 				    5
   2.2.1- Eligibility and procedures						                             5
   2.2.2- Calendars								                                            5
   2.2.3- Schedule								                                             5
3- COMPOSITION OF A MISSION						                                      5
4- ATTENDANCE OF CEC MEMBERS						                                     6
5- COMPETENT AUTHORITIES 						                                        6
6- COMPETITION MANAGEMENT						                                        6
   6.1- Participants 								                                          6
   6.2- Duties of the participants							                              6
   6.2.1- Meeting								                                              6
   6.2.2- Flag and anthem							                                       6
   6.2.3- Disqualification							                                      6
   6.2.4- Horses								                                               6
7- AWARDS 									                                                    6
   7.1-Individual								                                              6
   7.2-Team									                                                   6
8- ANTI- DOPING CONTROL 							                                        7
   8.1- Human riders 								                                          7
   8.1.1- Doping Control 							                                       7
   8.1.2- Athletes Rights and Obligations						                        7 Rights 								                                            7 – Obligations							                                        7
   8.2- Horses								                                                 7
   8.3 -Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)						                          7
9- GENERAL PROGRAM OF STAY						                                       8
10- ORGANIZING COMMITTEE    					                                      8
11- EQUESTRIAN SPORT EVENTS						                                      8
   11.1- World Games / World Equestrian Championships				              8
   11.2- Continental Equestrian Championships					                     8
   11.3- Regional Equestrian Championships 					                       8
   11.4- Equestrian Tournament							                                  8
   11.5- Equestrian Bilateral Competition						                        8


1- COMPOSITION OF A MISSION 					                                      9
2- COMPETITION SCHEDULE							                                         9
3- TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS						                                      9
   3.1- Training Session 							                                       9
   3.2- Competition Regulations 							                                9
   3.2.1- Day 1								                                                9
   3.2.2- Day 2 							                                                9
   3.2.3- Day 3								                                               10
4- CLASSIFICATION								                                             10
5-OFFICIALS			                                                        10
CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...
1- COMPOSITION OF A MISSION			                         11
2- COMPETITION SCHEDULE 			                            11
3- TECHNICAL CONDITIONS				                            11
      3.1- Dress 					                                 11
      3.2- Training Session									                   11
      3.3- Competition Regulations				                 11
      3.3.1- Starting order				                        11
      3.3.2- Dressage Team				                         11
      3.3.3- Dressage Individual				                   11

4- CLASSIFICATION					                                 11
      4.1-Team Classification									                 11
      4.2- Individual Classification				               12

5-OFFICIALS					                                       12


1- COMPOSITION OF A MISSION		          						          13

2- COMPETITION SCHEDULE			                             13

      3.1- Dressage Test									                      13
      3.2- Cross-Country                               14
5- PRACTICE OBSTACLES				                              14
      5.1- Cross Country Practice Obstacles							     14
      5.2- Jumping Practice Obstacles			               15
6- SCORING											 15
7- CLASSIFICATION           			                        15
7.1- Final Individual Classification				               15
7.2- Final Team Classification					                    15
7.3- Disqualification or Elimination				               15

8- OFFICIALS					                                      16


1- COMPOSITION OF MISSION        			                   17

2- COMPETITION SCHEDULE				                            17

3- TECHNICAL CONDITIONS				                            17

4- CLASSIFICATION          				                        18
4.1- Endurance Individual event				                    18
4.2- Endurance Team event					                         18

5- OFFICIALS					                                      19




2- DRAW FOR STARTING ORDER			                          21

3- ALLOCATION OF HORSES     			                        21

ANNEX 7 CERTIFICATE OF CAPABILITY          		          22
CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...
                                                                     FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS

PREFACE                                                          1 - FOREWORD

Equestrian sport is the only sport where two athletes (rider     These regulations contain the basic rules for the organization
and horse) compete together to triumph. This duo makes           of an Equestrian Sports Event of the International Military
the logistics of the equestrian games a heavy task to put        Sports Council (CISM).
in place by the organizing country and by the participating
nations.                                                         The equestrians competitions are reserved for military riders
                                                                 exclusively and follow the objectives of offering an adequate
Moreover, for each sporting discipline equestrian breeds of      opportunity to all those riders that try hard to acquire and
horses are specialized.                                          keep a good technical level.

Thus, the health and welfare of the horse must prevail           The four disciplines of the Fédération Equestre Internationale
before, during and after the organization of an equestrian       (F.E.I.) are part of the championship: Jumping, Eventing,
sporting event.                                                  Dressage and Endurance.

It is in this spirit that the CISM equestrian sports committee   All the equestrian disciplines shall be run according to:
has always favored the use of horses from the host country       - The CISM statutes;
in order to reduce the financial and health costs of the         - The CISM regulations;
equestrian sports event for the organizing country as well       - The CISM Equestrian Committee regulations;
as for the participating countries.                              - The FEI rules and regulations.

                                                                 Equestrian competitions shall comply with the latest rules
                                                                 of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) and the
                                                                 Equestrian Regulations of the International Military Sports
                                                                 Council (CISM).

                                                                 In case of any discrepancies:
                                                                 - For general discrepancies, CISM regulations shall prevail.
                                                                 - For technical discrepancies, both FEI and CISM regulations
                                                                 shall be considered.

CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...
1.1- AIM

Help CISM member nations to organize world, continental, regional,
tournament and bilateral equestrian sporting events.


CEC - CISM Equestrian Committee
CMC - Continental Military Championship
FEI- Fédération Equestre Internationale
GA - General Assembly
HC - Host Country
OC - Organizing Committee
OCR - Official CISM Representative
PCEC - President of CISM Equestrian Committee
RMC - Regional Military Championship
SG - Secretary General
WADA - World Anti Doping Agency
WMC - World Military Championship
WMG - World Military Games

2.1- EVENTS                                                          2.2.2- CALENDARS

The rules of the four of equestrian sport events are detailed        Delegations that want to organize a CISM equestrian sport
in the annex rules:                                                  event must pay attention to the CISM and FEI calendars.
• Show Jumping;
• Eventing;                                                          For practical reasons, the host Delegation has to define the
• Dressage;                                                          exact dates (arrival, opening ceremony, competitions days,
• Endurance.                                                         closing ceremony and departure) and inform the CISM HQ
                                                                     until the General Assembly of the year before of the CISM
The regulations for each discipline listed in the Annex, is to       WMC.
guide and assist the host country organizing committee.
Any changes to these regulations cannot be done only                 The OC, in close coordination with their National Federation
after consultation and approval of the President of CISM             of the Host Country, must ensure that the Military World
Equestrian Committee.                                                Events in equestrian discipline is included into the FEI
                                                                     calendar. Once this formal procedure is completed, in
2.2- HOW TO APPLY FOR HOSTING A                                      principle, none changes will be allowed.
                                                                     The OC (Director of each event) must inform the FEI who
                                                                     will give guidance to have the competition entered into FEI
2.2.1- ELIGIBILIT Y AND PROCEDURES                                   online calendar.

• Only active CISM member nations may organize CISM                  The procedure must be carried out by National Federation,
equestrian sport event;                                              the only body that has an official accreditation to enter
                                                                     the competition. The related fees will be identified by the
• There is no specific time of the year to apply for hosting         national federation of the host country.
a CISM equestrian sport event but for Championship, this
should be done preferably at the General Assembly.                   2.2.3- SCHEDULE (SEE CISM
                                                                     GUIDANCE TO ORGANIZERS)
• Delegations must consult the PCEC before the applying for
hosting a Championship.

• After consulting the PCEC, the Chief of Delegation will            3 - COMPOSITION
officially notify the Secretary General the intention of
hosting the event, with copy to the concerned PCEC. The              OF A MISSION
Application File, properly filled, must be enclosed in this
                                                                     See Annex rules for each discipline events.
• In case of occurring problems that impede a Delegation of
conducting a pre- assigned WMC, the SG must be
immediately informed.                                                                                                               5
CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...
- Participants will observe the rules of good behavior.

                                                                - Team managers must provide the OC with a Certificate of
                                                                Capability. This Certificate of Capability includes a record of
                                                                participation in official national/ international competitions
                                                                (see Annex 7).

                                                                - Riders can compete in more than one discipline.

                                                                6.2- DUTIES OF THE

4 - ATTENDANCE OF CEC                                           6.2.1- MEETING

MEMBERS                                                         It will be conduct in accordance to CISM regulations.

                                                                6.2.2- FLAG AND ANTHEM
The OC will accept the President and the CEC members as
additional mission members (see CISM reg. 7.22.c.).             Each mission brings his national flag (dimensions: 1.0 m x
                                                                1.5 m for a 6 m flag pole) and its national anthem (on CD/
The OC will accept the PCEC and the members of the CEC          USB drive) for use during the championship.
as additional mission members. CEC members are invited
officially and may be included as extra members of their        6.2.3- DISQUALIFICATION
Country’s mission, if participating in the competition.
                                                                Failure to observe the rules of good behavior or to practice
                                                                safe riding may lead to a warning or a disqualification of a
5 - COMPETENT                                                   competitor or a team in one or more events.

AUTHORITIES                                                     6.2.4- HO RS ES

                                                                In order to increase the number of participating nations,
The official CISM representative represents CISM at a           the organizing committee can provide, without any charge,
WMEC and chairs the Jury of Appeal and the anti-doping          adequate horses for competitors.
                                                                The borrowed horses will be drawn at the presence of all
                                                                chiefs of mission. The borrowed horses must wear their
6 - COMPETITION                                                 usual bit and bridle which must not be changed.

MANAGEMENT                                                      However, in case horses are borrowed, some functions
                                                                will not be present and accommodated under the OC

- Only military qualified riders on military active duty are    7 - AWARDS
allowed to take part at this event. It is not accepted that
personnel is reincorporated only to allow them to participate
at the championship;                                            7.1-INDIVIDUAL

- Each country is represented by team or individual riders.     For each day of competition there will be a classification and
In the team competition, the team will be composed by 3         an individual prize/ trophy for the first 3 riders; at the end of
riders.                                                         the three days, medals will be awarded to the first 3 riders
Only in WMG, a nation which cannot send a full team may         (gold, silver and bronze).
enter one or two individual riders.
                                                                7.2-TEA M
- There is no discrimination in male or female participation
nor military rank and age. Female participation is              At the end of the three days, medals will be awarded to each
recommended.                                                    member of the first three teams (gold, silver and bronze).

- Participants must be familiar with the present rules;         A participation certificate will be presented to all participating
this includes also the chief of mission and especially team     riders.
CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...
8 - ANTI - DOPING                                              AND OBLIGATIONS


8.1- HUMAN RIDERS                                              - Prior to sample collection, athletes will be notified of the
                                                               doping test and the types of sample to be collected.

8.1.1- DOPING CONTROL                                          - Athlete is allowed to be accompanied by a representative,
                                                               and an interpreter if possible.
Doping control is carried out in line with the World Anti-
Doping Code, applicable international standards and CISM       - Athlete can enquire about other details of the sample-
Anti-Doping Rules.                                             collection process.

All qualified athletes may undergo doping test once or         - According to relevant CISM regulations, athletes can
multiple times during the event.                               postpone their visits to the doping control station or
                                                               temporarily leave the station for any of the following valid
Doping control comprises in- and out-of-competition tests.     reasons: attending competitions, training, warm-up, medal
In-competition testing refers to tests conducted during a      ceremonies, media activities, medical treatment or any
period starting 12 hours prior to the competition and ending   other reasonable situations.
at the end of the competition and the related collection
of samples, whereas tests conducted at any other time is       - Being informed of the potential consequences of failing to
regarded as out-of-competition tests.                          observe the terms.

Samples collected include those of urine and blood    - O BL IGATIO NS
and will be sent to a WADA-approved doping-control
laboratory, where samples will be analyzed according to the    - Accepting the continuous and direct observation of doping-
international standard of 2019 Prohibited List of WADA. The    control staff at the WMC from the initial contact until the
latest prohibited list can be found on       end of sample collection.

                                                               - Presenting appropriate identification, such as the
                                                               accreditation cards of the WMC.

                                                               - Observing the sample-collection procedure.

                                                               - Promptly reporting to the doping control station and
                                                               undergoing sample collection unless a justifiable reason for
                                                               postponement is available.

                                                               8.2 - HORSES

                                                               At least at each CISM military WMC, if possible also at
                                                               other major events, anti- doping controls will be carried out
                                                               according to the latest CISM anti-doping regulation (chapter
                                                               iv, CISM policy manual) which is fully in line with the anti-
                                                               doping code of WADA.

                                                               Specificities of the FEI anti doping regulation will be
                                                               considered when necessary.

                                                               At world military equestrian championships at least 2 tests
                                                               per discipline will be carried out.

                                                               The list of prohibited substances and methods used for the
                                                               anti- doping testing in CISM events will always be the actual
                                                               WADA list.

                                                               8.3 -THERAPEUTIC USE
                                                               EXEMPTION (TUE)

                                                               TUE is implemented in accordance with the CISM Anti-
                                                               Doping Regulations.

CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...
9 - GENERAL PROGRAM                                               The Championship will be organised over maximum three
                                                                  days. The classes will be agreed with the Organising
OF STAY                                                           Committee.

                                                                  11.2- CONTINENTAL EQUESTRIAN
It will be defined every year in accordance with the              CHAMPIONSHIPS
Organizing Committee.
                                                                  Continental championships are called «(YEAR) (CONTINENT)
                                                                  MILITARY (SPORT) CHAMPIONSHIP IN (DISCIPLINE)
10 - ORGANIZING                                                   (CISM logo)», e.g. 2021 ASIA MILITARY EQUESTRIAN
                                                                  CHAMPIONSHIP IN EVENTING (CISM).
                                                                  They comply with the following conditions:
                                                                  - Organization annually or biannually,
In order to facilitate the organisation of the championship,
the following shrewdness can be used:                             - Invitation to participate extended to all member nations of
                                                                  the continent,
- Organize the event within a civilian show: if the organising
committee has contacts with a local equestrian organisers,        - Effective participation by at least six (6) nations,
the championship can be organised whithin a civilian              The Continental Championship will be organised over
competition. Advantages: the organisations is already             maximum three days.
in place and the promotion of CISM and military sport is
ensured.                                                          11.3- REGIONAL EQUESTRIAN
- All expenses related to Officials will be a responsibility of
the OC.                                                           Regional championships are called «(YEAR) (REGION)
                                                                  MILITARY (SPORT) CHAMPIONSHIP IN (DISCIPLINE) (CISM
- Find a sponsor for the horses: Many Nations have national       logo)», e.g. 2021 MIDDLE EAST MILITARY EQUESTRIAN
studbooks. It could be useful to identify a national breeder or   CHAMPIONSHIP IN ENDURANCE (CISM).
a pool of national breeders that are willing to promote their
horses for free.                                                  They comply with the following conditions:
                                                                  - Regional Championships may take place every year.

11 - EQUESTRIAN                                                   - Invitation to participate extended to member nations of
                                                                  the regional Liaison Office and, if desired, to any member
SPORT EVENTS                                                      nation outside the region,

                                                                  - Effective participation by at least four (4) nations,
11.1- WORLD GAMES / WORLD                                         The Regional Championship will be organised over maximum
EQUESTRIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS                                          three days.

The CISM World Games are organized every 4 (four) years           11.4- EQUESTRIAN TOURNAMENT
and all member nations are invited to participate.
                                                                  Tournaments are called “(YEAR) (SPORT) MILITARY
The CISM World Equestrian Championships are                       TOURNAMENT IN (DISCIPLINE) (CISM logo)», e.g. 2020
CHAMPIONSHIP IN (DISCIPLINE) (CISM logo)», e.g. 34th              (CISM).
SHOW JUMPING (CISM).                                              They comply with the following conditions:
                                                                  - Tournament may take place every year.
The World Equestrian Championships comply with the
following conditions:                                             - Invitation to participate extended to at least two (2) other
- Organization annually or biannually,                            nations.

- Invitation to participate extended in accordance with CISM      11.5- EQUESTRIAN BILATERAL
rules,                                                            COMPETITION

- Effective participation by at least nine (9) nations (2 per     Bilateral competitions between member nations of
Continent, plus the team of the organizing nation) or by at       CISM are encouraged. These competitions are called
least two (2) continents. The acceptance of the participation     “(YEAR) MILITARY BILATERAL (SPORT) COMPETITION IN
will on the basis first demand apply sent, first participate      (DISCIPLINE) (CISM logo)», e.g. 2010 MILITARY BILATERAL
accepted (or in other way if agreed before).                      EQUESTRIAN COMPETITION IN SHOW JUMPING (CISM).

CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...

          In order to increase the number of participating nations, the       a- For any errors in Table C, athletes will be punished by
          Organizing Committee must provide, without any charge,              adding seconds to his/her results or eliminated.
          an adequate number of horses for competitors (three per
          team).                                                              b- Penalties in Table C.
                                                                              1- The horse knocks down an obstacle, one or more horse
          Team managers must provide the OC with a Certificate of             legs step into the aquatic plants or step on the cement gum
          Capability. This Certificate of Capability includes a record of     on the landing side of the water barrier that defines its
          participation in official national/ international competitions      boundary: Four (4) seconds;
          (up to 1.25 m for WMG and maximum height of 1.20m for               2- First refusal: No penalty;
          WMC).                                                               3- First refusal accompanied by knocking down and/or
                                                                              displacement of obstacles: Correction time is 6 seconds;
          1- COMPOSITION OF A MISSION                                         4- Second refusal or other violation of FJR* Article 241 of the
          Chief of Mission: 1 - Team captain/ Coach: 1 - Riders: 3            Rules for Venue Obstacles: Eliminated;
                                                                              5- In all competitions, the horse or the athlete falls or both
          2- COMPETITION SCHEDULE                                             fall: Eliminated.

                DATE                            ACTIVITY                      c- There is no allowed time for Table C competitions.
                                                                              The following time limit will be applied:
                                               Horse Inspection               1- Three minutes, if the track length is 600 meters or more, or:
                  D-1                         Technical Meeting               2- Two minutes, if the track length is shorter than 600
                                                                              Exceed the time limit: Eliminated.
                                  The competition will played in one round
                   D1             under FEI article 239 table C against the
                                                                              d- Score in Table C
                                                                              The time of one round of competition (including the possible
                                                                              correction time in seconds) plus 4 seconds for each obstacle
                                  The competition will played in one round
                                                                              knock-down is the results in seconds for the rider in this
                   D2                under FEI article 269 Accumulator
                                          competition with joker.

                                                                              e- If the results of first-place are the same, the riders will tie
                                    The competition will played over two
                                                                              for the first place.
                                         rounds under FEI article 273.
                   D3               - First round: Table A Not against the
                                                                              3.2.2- DAY 2: ACC UMUL ATO R
                                                                              COMPETITION ARTICLE 269
                                 - Second round: Table A Against the clock.

                                                                              a- The competition is a round of time competition, which
          3- TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS                                         does not include additional competitions and consists of 10
                                                                              obstacles, with increasing difficulty. Combination obstacles
          3.1- TRAINING SESSION                                               are not allowed. The increasing difficulty lies not only in the
                                                                              height and spread of the obstacles, but also in the difficulty
          The warm up is held in the main Competition arena. A course         of the track.
          with approximately 6 obstacles including a combination will
          be designed.                                                        b- The score awarded is as follows: one point for obstacle
                                                                              number one not knocked down, two points for number two,
          Riders have 60 seconds to complete the course or any                three points for number three, etc. with a total of 55 points.
          number of obstacles on the course. The training session is          No point is awarded for an obstacle knocked down. Faults
          observed by the Ground Jury.                                        other than knock-downs are penalized as for Table A.

          Dress is informal: boots, breeches, shirt and protective            c- For the last obstacle on the course, one of the selective
          headgear must be worn.                                              obstacles will be provided, of which one is named as Joker
                                                                              Obstacle. The Joker Obstacle must be more difficult than
          The public may not be charged to enter and prizes of any            the selective obstacle and carry double points. If the Joker’s
          kind may not be offered.                                            Obstacle is knocked down, these points will be deducted
                                                                              from the total points obtained so far by the athlete.
          3.2.1- DAY 1: TABLE C, ARTICLE 239.

CISM REGULATIONS 2021 - FOR EQUESTRIAN SPORTING EVENTS - International Military Sports ...

                   3.2.3- DAY 3: COMPETITION OVER
                   TWO ROU NDS, ARTICLE 273

                   a-The competition requires the same speed, the numbers                                                      b- The final ranking of individuals will be subject to the total
                   of obstacles are different for the two course, and there is                                                 score obtained in the three-day competition. If there are the
                   no additional competition. The number of obstacles on the                                                   same scores, the winner will be determined based on the
                   second course will be reduced. Each athlete must compete                                                    best results in Day 3.
                   with the same horse. Athletes, who have been eliminated or
                   who have retired during the first round, may not take part in                                               c- The final team ranking will be determined by the total
                   the second round and may not be placed.                                                                     score of 3 team riders in the three-day competition. If there
                                                                                                                               are the same scores, the winner will be determined based on
                   b- All athletes will take part in the first and second rounds.                                              the best team results in Day 3.

                   c- First round: Table A Not against the clock                                                               d- For each grade, the score of the winner will be the number
                                                                                                                               of competitors plus 1 and that of the second place will be the
                   d- Second round: Table A Against the clock. The reverse                                                     number of competitors minus 1, and so on (For example, if
                   order of penalties in the 1st round; Athletes retain their                                                  there are 20 competitors, the score of the first place will be
                   drawn order in case of equality of penalties.                                                               21 points; the score of the second place will be 19 points,
                                                                                                                               and the score of the third place will be 18 points...).
                   4- CLASSIFICATION
                   a- The classification will be established according to                                                      e- Elimination: 5 negative points shall be added to the score
                   aggregate penalties over both rounds and the time incurred                                                  of the last place of such grade;
                   in the second round. Classification of Athletes not taking
                   part in the second round will be according to the penalties                                                 f- Withdrawal, retired: 7 negative points shall be added to
                   incurred in the first round.                                                                                the score of the last place of such grade.

                    5- OFFICIALS                                                                       GROUND JURY*

                                                                       PRESIDENT         MEMBERS          ADDITIONAL MEMBERS   WATER JUMP JUDGE                         CHIEF               ASSISTANT

                                                                        MINIMUM          MINIMUM               MINIMUM             MINIMUM          MINIMUM           MINIMUM               MINIMUM

                                                                      QUALIFICATION    QUALIFICATION         QUALIFICATION       QUALIFICATION    QUALIFICATION     QUALIFICATION       QUALIFICATION

                                                                                      MIN. TWO LEVEL 3;
                     WORLD MILITARY GAMES                                LEVEL 3                                LEVEL 2             LEVEL 2          LEVEL 3           LEVEL 3               LEVEL 1
                                                                                        ONE LEVEL 1

                                                                                      MIN. ONE LEVEL 2;
                                                                                                               LEVEL 1 OR
                WORLD MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP                              LEVEL 3      ONE LEVEL 1; ONE                              LEVEL 2          LEVEL 3           LEVEL 2               LEVEL 1

            CONTINENTAL MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP /                                       MIN. ONE LEVEL 2;
                                                                                                               LEVEL 1 OR         LEVEL 1 OR
              REGIONAL MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP /                           LEVEL 2        ONE LEVEL 1;                                                 LEVEL 2           LEVEL 2               LEVEL 1
                                                                                                               NATIONAL            NATIONAL
                      OTHER CHAMPIONSHIPS                                              ONE NATIONAL

   *at least two (2) have to be foreign of different nationalities.

                   Each Competition is to be judged by a group of three Judges
                   in the Judges’ box and one additional Judge for the water
                   jump, if there is one.

                   The composition of the Veterinary Commission, which is
                   compulsory for all Championships, the World Military Game
                   and the appointment of the President and members must
                   be in accordance with the FEI Veterinary rules.



          Each Nation participating can enter a maximum of three (3)         3.3.2- DRESSAGE TEAM
          riders and three horses when the horses are not borrow.
                                                                             The test team dressage consists of a Prix St. Georges test
          All individual competitors must participate in the Team            that is open to all riders and compulsory for them.
                                                                             3.3.3- DRESSAGE INDIVIDUAL
          Chief of Mission: 1 - Team captain/ Coach: 1 - Riders: 3           Dressage Individual consists of two (2) competitions. Riders
                                                                             who had been eliminated or who had retired in the Team
          2- COMPETITION SCHEDULE                                            competition will not be allowed to start in the Individual

                DATE                           ACTIVITY                      -1st Competition: The FEI Intermediate I Test is an Individual
                                                                             Qualifier, open to all riders who have completed the Prix St.
                                              Horse Inspection               Georges Team Test.
                 D-1                         Technical Meeting
                                                                             - 2nd Competition, FEI Intermediate I Freestyle to Music, is
                                                                             the Individual inal, which is limited to and compulsory for
                                    Team Test : FEI Prix St-Georges Test
                                                                             the best fifteen (15) best placed rider/horse combinations,
                  D1                   (Edition 2009) update 2020
                                                                             including those tied for the 15th of the 1st competition, the
                                            Technical Meeting
                                                                             FEI Intermediate I.

                                    1st Competition Individual Test: FEI
                                                                             - Each participating nation can enter a maximum of two (2)
                                 Intermediate I Test(Edition 2009) update
                                                                             riders in the individual final.
                  D2                2nd Competition Individual Test: FEI
                                                                             - Each rider in the final must have achieved at least 60% in
                                 Intermediate I Freestyle to Music(Edition
                                                                             the 1st competition.
                                     1998, revision 2009) update 2020

                                                                             4- CLASSIFICATION
                                                                             The classification will be made as follows:
                                                                             4.1-TEAM CLASSIFICATION
          3.1- DRESS
                                                                             The winning team is the one having the highest total points
          Athletes must wear service dress of their own nation:              of their three best riders, the second the one with the next
          boots, breeches, shirt, tie, gloves. Protective Headgear must      highest total and so on. In case of equality of points, the
          comply with all requirements and must be worn during all           winning team is the one whose lowest classified competitor
          the competition (warm up include).                                 out of the three has the best result.

          3.2- TRAINING SESSION                                              In case of equality of percentages, winning team is the one
                                                                             (1) whose lowest classified Athlete out of the three (3) has
          All Athletes will be able to warm-up and school their Horses       the best result. This rule applies only for the first and second
          for half an hour before their start time in each Competition.      place. In cases of teams having equal percentages for third
          This training session must be supervised by the Technical          place the teams are given the same placing.
          Delegate and the Steward and observed by the Ground Jury.

          The warm up is held in the main Competition arena.


          3.3.1- STARTING ORDER

          Draw according to Annex 6



          The final classification for Dressage individual will be decided
          with the results of the 2nd competition, Intermediate I
          Freestyle test.

          The rider with the highest total percentage score will be
          declares the winner. In the event of a tie for the top three
          placing, the rider with the higher artistic marks will win.
          Should the artistic marks be the same, the marks for
          Harmony will decide the winner. In the event of ties in the
          remaining placing, the rider will be give the same placing.

          In this competition medals will be awarded to the first,
          second and third place.

          5- OFFICIALS
                                                                                         GROUND JURY*                                                  STEWARDS
                                                                                                                        COURSE DESIGNER

                                 EVENTS                                      PRESIDENT                   MEMBERS                              CHIEF               ASSISTANT

                                                                             MINIMUM                     MINIMUM           MINIMUM          MINIMUM               MINIMUM

                                                                         QUALIFICATION              QUALIFICATION        QUALIFICATION    QUALIFICATION       QUALIFICATION

                                                                                                 MIN. ONE LEVEL 5 TWO

                       WORLD MILITARY GAMES                                   LEVEL 5                     LEVEL 4;          LEVEL 3          LEVEL 3               LEVEL 1

                                                                                                        ONE LEVEL 3

                                                                                                   MIN. TWO LEVEL 4;
                  WORLD MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP                                 LEVEL 5                                       LEVEL 3          LEVEL 3               LEVEL 1
                                                                                                        TWO LEVEL 3;

                       CONTINENTAL MILITARY
                                                                                                   MIN. ONE LEVEL 4;
                CHAMPIONSHIP /REGIONAL MILITARY                               LEVEL 4                                       LEVEL 2          LEVEL 2               LEVEL 1
                                                                                                        ONE LEVEL 3;

          *at least two (2) have to be foreign of different nationalities.

          The composition of the Veterinary Commission is compulsory
          for all Championships, the World Military Game.

          The appointment of the President and members must be in
          accordance with the FEI Veterinary rules.

          Official Veterinarian: from FEI list of Dressage Veterinarians.


                          CISM EQUESTRIAN RULES FOR EVENTING

          Eventing could be described as an “equestrian triathlon.”
          It involves working with a horse both on the flat and over

          Eventing consist of three separate tests: Dressage - Cross
          Country - Jumping.
          Over the centuries it has developed from the test of the ideal
          military charger into an exciting sport that attracts interest
          from all levels of sports enthusiasts, from weekend hobby
          riders to professional international stars.

          If horses are borrowed, the FEI has suggested, for security
          reasons, not to organize eventing in world championships.

          Chief of Mission: 1 - Team captain/ Coach: 1 - Riders: 3


                DATE                                                  EVENT NAME
                                                             Official Cross Country course inspection

                  D1                                                       Horse Inspection

                                                        Technical Meeting for the Dressage competition

                                                       Eventing Dressage Team and Individual: Session 1
                                                        Eventing Dressage Team and Individual Session 2

                                                       Eventing Dressage Team and Individual: Session 3
                                                                           Technical Meeting

                                                           Eventing Cross Country Team and Individual
                                                                           Technical Meeting

                                                                     Second Horse Inspection
                                                           Eventing Jumping Team and Individual Final

          Each nation can enter one (1) team with a maximum of three
          (3) rider-horse combinations. All riders and horses must be
          qualified as a combination for at Star Championship event:

          3.1- DRESSAGE TEST

          Test: FEI One Star Dressage Test B 2015


          3.2- CROSS-COUNTRY

                               LENGTH                                  BETWEEN 2.600 - 3.120 M

                               SPEED                                         480 - 520 M/MN

                               HEIGHT                                            1.10 M

                  APPROX. NUMBER OF EFFORTS                                      25-30

          3.3- JUMPING

                              DISTANCE                                         350- 450M

                               SPEED                                           350 M/MN

                               HEIGHT                                            1.15 M

                       NUMBER OF EFFORTS                                        MAX 13

          This Competition comprises two phases run without                              4- EXAMINATIONS AND HORSE
          interruption, each at an identical, the finishing line for the                    INSPECTIONS
          first phase being identical with the starting line for the                     Each horse will be subject to a veterinary examination at
          second phase.                                                                  point of departure, backed up by a second inspection on
                                                                                         arrival at the Equestrian Event Area.
          The first phase is a course of five to seven obstacles without
          combinations. The total number of obstacles in both phases                     Each horse must also undergo the first horse inspection
          is a minimum of 11 and maximum of 13 obstacles. The                            prior to the first day of competition (dressage test), and the
          second phase may include one combination and finishes                          second horse inspection prior to the jumping test. These are
          after crossing its finishing line.                                             intended to confirm the horse’s fitness to compete.

          Athletes completing the first phase may continue in the                        The veterinarian will also perform an examination on each
          second phase.                                                                  horse after completion of the cross country test.

          This Competition must be judged in accordance with the                         If team has a reserve athlete/horse combination, all four
          following formula:                                                             (4) horses must be presented at the first horse inspection
                                                                                         (fourth horse with a horse number and alternate athlete
          - First phase: Table A not against the clock with minimum 5                    rider). If a horse is not accepted at the second horse
          and maximum 7 obstacles.                                                       inspection, it can be substituted with the reserve horse if it
                                                                                         has not yet competed.
          - Second phase: Table A Against the clock for the remaining
          obstacles (Total of minimum 11 and maximum 13 obstacles                        5- PRACTICE OBSTACLES
          in both phases).                                                               Competitors may only jump in practice those practice
                                                                                         obstacles provided by the O.C.
          - Placing: According to the aggregate penalties in both
          phases (faults on obstacles and penalties for exceeding the                    5.1- CROSS COUNTRY
          time allowed in both phases) and, if necessary, according to                   PRACTICE OBSTACLES
          the time of the 2nd phase.
                                                                                         The O.C. must provide a practice warm-up area near the
          Athlete, who is eliminated or retired from either the first or                 start of the Cross Country with at least two fixed obstacles
          the second phase, will not be placed.                                          and/or knock down obstacles, of which dimensions may not
                                                                                         exceed those of the Cross Country phase and which must be
          In the event of equality for first place, the tied Athletes will               marked with red and white flags. These are the only practice
          be placed equal first.                                                         obstacles which may be jumped.



          The O.C. must also provide at least two adjustable practice       favour of the athlete whose cross country time was closest
          obstacles, one vertical and one spread, in the exercise area      to the optimum time
          near the Jumping arena. These obstacles, constructed in the
          usual manner, must be marked with red and white flags.            - If there is still equality, the athlete with the best individual
                                                                            final jumping score (time and obstacles)
          - No part of the obstacle may be held by anyone during
          practice jumping.                                                 - If there is still equality, the athlete with the best individual
                                                                            qualifier (team competition) jumping score (time and
          - These obstacles may not be raised more than 10 cm above         obstacles)
          the height allowed in the Jumping test.
                                                                            - If there is still equality, the athlete with the best time
          - The spread may never exceed the maximum permitted.              (fastest) in the individual final jumping test

          - The practice obstacles shall only be jumped at times laid       - If there is still equality, the classification will be decided in
          down by the O.C.                                                  favour of the athlete with the best overall impression mark
                                                                            in the dressage test.
          - Violation of any of the above provisions relating to practice
            obstacles will result in elimination.                           - If there is still equality the tie will remain in the final
                                                                            classification, by order of Nation codes.
          6- SCORING
          1. Dressage: The points given by the Judges will be converted     7.2- FINAL TEAM CLASSIFICATION
          to penalty points, which will accumulate successively. They
          will be registered as the final score of this phase and will be   The winning team is that with the lowest total of penalty
          published according to regulations.                               points, obtained by the top three positioned competitors in
                                                                            the team. For the team classification, the following penalties
          2. Cross Country: The penalty points of the competitors in        will be allocated for the non-start/non- completion of a test
          the obstacles plus the penalties for exceeding time will be       for any reason: dressage = 100, cross country = 200 and
          registered in order to be added to the negative points in         jumping = 100.
          this phase, and the points accumulated will be published
          according to regulations.                                         No substitution is permitted where the combination has
                                                                            been eliminated for dangerous riding, abuse of horse, or
          3. Jumping: each of the penalties in the obstacles will be        where the combination has been disqualified.
          added to the penalties for exceeding time, and will be
          registered, and accumulated in order to obtain the final          In the event of equality between any two or more teams, the
          result that will determine the placing. They will be published    classification will be decided by the best combined highest
          according to regulations.                                         three placing. –e.g. a team with riders ranked individually
                                                                            2nd, 8th and 12th, gives a total of 22, will beat one with
          For the team classification, the following penalties will be      competitors ranked 1st, 7th and 15th, which totals 23. If the
          allocated for the non-start/non- completion of a test for any     result is the same number, a tie is declared.
          dressage = 100, cross country = 200 and jumping = 100.            7.3- DISQUALIFICATION OR
                                                                            Disqualification or elimination from any competition will be
          7.1- FINAL INDIVIDUAL                                             cause for elimination from the final individual classification.

          The individual winner will be determined by the total number
          of penalty points incurred in all four (4) tests, the Athlete
          who obtains the lowest total of penalty points after adding
          the three competitions.
          In case of tie, classification will be decided by the following
          tiebreakers, in this order:

          - The best cross country score including faults at obstacles
          and time penalties and other penalties incurred during the
          cross country test

          - If there is still equality, the classification is decided in


          8- OFFICIALS

                                                     GROUND JURY*                                    COURSE DESIGNER                       STEWARDS
                                                                                DELEGATE         CROSS
                                            PRESIDENT         MEMBERS                                         SHOW JUMPING        CHIEF           ASSISTANT
                      EVENTS                                                                    COUNTRY

                                            MINIMUM           MINIMUM           MINIMUM         MINIMUM         MINIMUM         MINIMUM           MINIMUM

                                                           MIN. ONE LEVEL 3
               WORLD MILITARY GAMES          LEVEL 3                             LEVEL 3         LEVEL 3         LEVEL 1         LEVEL 3              LEVEL 1
                                                             ONE LEVEL 2

                                                          MIN. TWO LEVEL 3;
           WORLD MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP       LEVEL 3                             LEVEL 3         LEVEL 3         LEVEL 1         LEVEL 3              LEVEL 1
                                                             ONE LEVEL 3;

              CHAMPIONSHIP /REGIONAL                      MIN. ONE LEVEL 2;
                                             LEVEL 2                             LEVEL 2         LEVEL 2         LEVEL 1         LEVEL 2              LEVEL 1
                                                             ONE LEVEL 2;

          Official Veterinarian:
          from FEI list of Eventing Veterinarians.

          Veterinary Services Manager (VSM):
          from FEI list of Permitted Treating Veterinarians, as required.


                               CISM EQUESTRIAN RULES FOR ENDURANCE

          - Chief of Mission: 1
          - Team captain/ Coach: 1
          - Grooms: 2 for 1 horse (only for Nations bringing horses)
          - Veterinarian: 1 (only for Nations bringing horses);
          - A support crew during the competition will be provided
            by the OC.


               BEFORE EVENT                                                               Veterinary examination upon arrival

                         D-1                                                                           Technical Meeting

                                                                                                 First Veterinary Inspection

                                                                Final Veterinary Inspection: Within 30 minutes after crossing the line

          Time limit: 14 km/h
          Starting method: Mass start
          Minimum Weight: 70 kg

          Weight control must be carried out before the start of the
          Competition and (if so requested by an Official) after the
          finish. Weight control inspections may also take place at
          random at any time during the Competition on request by
          an Official.

          Heart Rates

             PRESENTATION TIME                                                                              REQUIREMENTS

                     ON LOOPS                                            64 bpm within 15mn of crossing the end line of each loop

                                                               If at first presentation HR more than 68 bpm, must do a re-inspection
              FROM HALFWAY POINT
                                                                                      before starting the next loop

                    FINAL LOOP                                           64 bpm within 20mn of crossing the end line of final loop

          Minimum distance per day
              NUMBER OF                                    MINIMUM TIME FOR                     INTO A HOLD
               PHASES                                          18KM/H+                         (MINUTES) OF

                     1                     35                    117 minutes                           40                                                         NUMBER

                     2                     35                    117 minutes                           40

                     3                     25                    83 minutes                            40                      Crewing Points max 1 per 5 km        7

                     4                     25                    83 minutes                       into finish
                                                                                                                           Drinking water Points min1 per 10 km    12
               TOTAL KM                   120

          (+)Minimum time for 18 km/h serves as informative time as per Art. 837, from 1st July 2020


          - At least one timed hold not shorter than 40 minutes.
          - No phase may exceed 40 km and be less than 20km.
          - Hold times must meet a minimum ration of 1 min per
            1 km completed (each phase)
          - Maximum hold time is 60 minutes

          The Individual and Team Endurance events will be run
          According to the discipline and competition carried out, the
          classification will be made as follows:


          In an Endurance competition, the winner is the one with
          the best time. A nation may win only two (2) medals in the
          Individual Endurance event even if it has more than two (2)
          combinations competing in the Endurance events and the
          results of the three (3) winner-medalists in the Endurance
          Individual event will not be considered for the Endurance
          Team event.


          The winning team is that with the best time if any, after
          adding the final classification of the three highest placed
          competitors in the team. In the case of a tie, the winning
          team will be the one whose third competitor has the best
          time. Two members cannot be a team and be classified
          under the team results.

          1- Each nation may enter three (3) combinations (athletes
          and horse) for the Endurance Team event.

          2- All combinations in the Team event are automatically
          considered to be competing in the Individual event.

          3- Any nation with less than three (3) combinations will be
          eligible to win only Individual event medals.

          4- The score of any combination who wins a medal in the
          Individual event will NOT be eligible for the Team event score.

          5- Should any combination whose result was available
          to count towards Team score subsequently fail an MCP
          sampling procedure which results in the loss of that
          Individual’s result within the event, the classification of that
          entire team will become null and void.

          6- The winning team is the one that finishes the course in
          the shortest time as well as completing all final Veterinary
          Inspections and medication control.


            8- OFFICIALS

                                          GROUND JURY                                   VETERINARY COMMISSION           TREATING VETERINARIAN                   STEWARDS
             EVENTS               PRESIDENT         MEMBERS                           PRESIDENT        MEMBER         PRESIDENT        MEMBER           CHIEF         ASSISTANT

                                   MINIMUM           MINIMUM           MINIMUM         MINIMUM         MINIMUM         MINIMUM         MINIMUM         MINIMUM         MINIMUM

                                                 MIN. TWO LEVEL 3                                      MIN. TWO
      WORLD MILITARY GAMES         LEVEL 4                             LEVEL 3         LEVEL 3                         LEVEL 3           PTV           LEVEL 3         LEVEL 3
                                                   TWO LEVEL 2                                         LEVEL 2

                                                 MIN. TWO LEVEL                                        MIN. TWO
   WORLD MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP     LEVEL 4                             LEVEL 3         LEVEL 3                         LEVEL 3           PTV           LEVEL 3         LEVEL 2
                                                  3; TWO LEVEL 3;                                      LEVEL 2

     CHAMPIONSHIP /REGIONAL                      MIN. ONE LEVEL 3;                                     MIN. TWO
                                   LEVEL 3                             LEVEL 3         LEVEL 2                         LEVEL 2           PTV           LEVEL 3         LEVEL 2
     MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP /                      THREE LEVEL 2;                                       LEVEL 2


  Official Veterinarian: from FEI list of Eventing Veterinarians.



          1. The OC will make available the necessary number of

          2. At least 24 hours before the start of the first Competition a
          fair draw of the borrowed horses for each team or individual
          riders will take place.

          3. The draw will take place in front of the Team managers,
          coaches, riders, the President and Members of the CISM
          Equestrian Committee. The horses will be present and
          properly identified and will wear the bridle normally used.
          This same bridle will be used throughout the whole Event
          unless the permission to change is given by the owner.

          4. The OC will provide a reasonable number of reserve horses
          to be used in case any horse is found incapacitated by the
          Veterinary Commission or in case of apparent complete
          incompatibility between one of the Riders and his Horse, as
          stated by the Ground Jury.

          5. FEI passports shall not be required, provided that only
          national horses take part.

          6. Each Athlete will be given the opportunity to ride the Horse
          obtained in the draw according to the rules established by
          the OC.

          7. If there is an apparent complete incompatibility between
          Horse and Athlete, the OC may substitute a reserve Horse at
          the discretion of the Ground Jury.

          The Horses must wear their usual bit and bridle which must
          not be changed during the Event unless permission is given
          by or on behalf of the Owner

          8. The relevant Sport Rules for each Discipline and Category
          or the schedule of the Event shall apply for Events with
          borrowed Horses where appropriate.

          9. The Horses must wear their usual bit and bridle which
          must not be changed during the Event unless permission is
          given by or on behalf of the Owner.


                                DRAW AND ALLOCATION OF HORSES

          OF HORSES
          - Before the arrival of the delegations, a team composed of        - Horses will be drawn (including those of the organising
          members of the Organising Committee and the CISM Sport             Nation) before the first class during the technical meeting.
          Committee will provide a quality control of horses, will give a
          progressive code to each horse (H1 to H…) and dividing them
          in three groups in accordance with their capability (A,B, C -
          where A are most and C least capable horses).

          - The horses will then be given a serial number as follows:
              1. first horse of group A, 1;
              2. first horse of group B, 2;
              3. first horse of group C, 3;
              4. second horse of group A, 4; etc;

                         A         B          C

                         1         2          3

                         4         5          6

          With this system all riders will have the chance to ride
          horses of different capability throughout the three days of

          - The draw will take place in front of the Team Managers,
          coaches, the Riders, the President and Members of the CISM
          Equestrian Committee.

          - A draw will first take place to determine the starting order
          of the individual Athletes, regardless of their nationality;
          during the warm up and the 1st round, these riders will be
          competing at the beginning of the class.

          - A second draw will then take place to decide the order in
          which the Teams will start. Each Team Manager will then fix
          the order in which he wishes his team Athletes to start in the
          order of the team.

          - At the end of this phase, all riders will ordered with a code
          (R1, R2, R3, R4, etc).

          - The allocation of horses for the warm up and for the 1st
          round will proceed by draw. Each rider, in the same order of
          the already defined starting order (as in para 2), will draw the
          number of his horse (as defined in para 1).

          Example: rider R1 draws horse H7; he will ride horse H7
          during the warm-up and the 1st round.

          - The allocation of horses for the 2nd and 3rd round will
          proceed allocating the next horse in the horse list (defined
          in para 1).

          Example: rider R1 will ride horse H8 in the 2nd round and
          horse H9 in the 3rd round.


                                            CERTIFICATE OF CAPABILITY
             To be returned to the PCEC accompanied by a «Record of Results» not later than: the date corresponding to the nominated entries

          The undersigned, acting as President of the National Federation of _____________________________________
          _______ hereby declares that the combinations, Athletes and Horses* mentioned below have the required experience and
          qualifications to take part in the Equestrian Events at CISM World Championships for which they have been entered, and that
          their performances comply entirely with the standards as set forth in the Sport Rules.


                           ATHLETE                                 HORSES (*)

                  Surnames & first names                     Names & Passport No.

           (maximum of double the number of          (age, colour, sex, breed, Stud book

            Athletes & Horses allowed to be sent     Registration number & names of sire

           to CISM Championships)                    & dam if known)

          (*):if the athlete bringing his horse.

          Name and Signature of the President or                                                      Date:
          Secretary General of the NF (name in capital

          Seal of the NF

CISM Secretary General
Colonel Dorah MAMBY KOITA (GUI)

President of CISM Equestrian Committee
Veterinary Colonel Mohamed Lassâad SMAOUI (TUN)

Secretary of CISM Equestrian Committee
Lt- Colonel Fabricio Caldas ALBUQUERQUE (BRA)

Colonel Antonio Fernando NUNEZ (URU)
Lt- Colonel Fabricio Caldas ALBUQUERQUE (BRA)
Captain Khalid Hamad AL-ATTEYA (QAT)

CISM Sports Director
Colonel LUIZ FERNANDO Medeiros Nóbrega (BRA)

CISM Media and Communication Director

Layout and Design of the Regulations:
Mr. Maxime MORLET (BEL), CISM Media and Communication Assistant
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