FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations

Page created by Yvonne Fields
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations

                                                   GETTY IMAGES/IMAGINEGOLF

                     FLY CONTROL
                     n Protect your horse
                     n Manage your property
                     n Reduce insect populations
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
       DRINK    4 CUPS
            4 4CUPS
                     OFOF YOUR
         BLOOD  EVERY
                         DAYS1 1 1

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                                           insect insect  insect
                                                    intensity andintensity
                                                         intensity your     andhorse’s
                                                                    and horse’s
                                                                         your    your  horse’s
                                                                                  activity.                     for you
                                                                                                                     for youfor you

              Try EX,
Try UltraShield®  UltraShield®
      Try UltraShield®the         EX,
                                  Fly the
                        EX,FlytheSpray SprayFlyinSpray
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                                                                    for our    our for
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                     70 species
                            70 species70 species
                                           including  including
                                                  flies, ticks,    flies,mosquitoes
                                                         flies, ticks,    ticks, and
                                                                 mosquitoes      mosquitoes
                                                                                      gnats.  and gnats.
                                                                                       and gnats.


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           ENTFACT-511.       ENTFACT-511.
©2021 W.F.
      ©2021Young, Inc. W.F.Inc.
                  Young,     Young, Inc.
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
                    GAME PLAN
            STOP THE FEAST.

                              EX              RED            GREEN           SPORT

How long will it last?    Up to 17 days    Up to 7 days   Up to 8 hours   Up to 14 days

Kills & repels
more than 70 species

Fights flies,
mosquitoes and gnats

Fights ticks

water-based formula

Premise spray

For use on horses

For use on dogs

For use on select

All-natural formula

FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
Optimize your
         You’ll be better able
         to protect your horse
         from winged pests
         if you know which
         insects cause the most
         trouble and how to
         stop them.

                          long with the wonderful as-
                          pects of spring---warm weather,
                          sunshine, flowers---there’s one
                          thing the season always brings
                          that none of us particularly
         wants: flies and other winged pests.
             Of course, we’ve all been dealing with
         flies and mosquitos for years and know what
         to do. But climate conditions vary every
         season, and different fly species can move
         into new areas with the changing weather.
         Sometimes reaching for the same old fly
         spray just isn’t good enough.
             All of this make reviewing your fly-control
         strategies every year is a good idea. Here’s a
         brief overview of the species that might be

         out there and what you can do to protect your
         horses from them.

                                        f ly   c o n t ro l
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
Deer flies tend
                                       Understanding the                                   to attack the                        can be found as far south as Florida,

                                       worst offenders                                     horse’s head
                                                                                                                                black flies are notorious pests up north.
                                                                                                                                They are most abundant in forested
                                           The first step in stopping flies is to            and neck,                          areas with slow-moving waterways,
                                       identify the offenders---many look very                                                  such as streams, lakes or canals, in
                                       similar, but often the different pest spe-
                                                                                         inflicting painful                     which they lay their eggs. They feed pri-
                                       cies can be identified by their unique            bites that bleed.                      marily on bright, sunny days and prefer
                                       behaviors and habitats. And they are                                                     not to fly into dark enclosures.
                                       best controlled by strategies that target                                                    • Horn flies tend to congregate on
                                       their lifestyles. Here are the flies most     moist soil or vegetation near ponds,       the horse’s belly, where single flies
                                       likely to be bothering your horses:           marshes and other bodies of water          may bite multiple times before flying
                                           • Stable flies look like house­-          and are most commonly found in or          off. On cooler days, they may also feed
                                       flies, but they inflict painful bites, most   within a few miles of forests or wet-      on the neck, shoulders and back. Horn
                                       often on a horse’s legs, but also             lands. However, some may travel as far     flies are normally found near cattle,
                                       on the belly, face and neck. They can         as 30 miles in search of blood meals.      and they lay their eggs only in fresh
                                       be found around livestock practically         Horsefly and deer fly species prefer       cow manure, but they will affect horses
                                       anywhere in the country, but they will        bright sunlight on hot, still days.        in shared or adjoining pastures.
                                       reach their peak in warmer climates,             • Houseflies do not bite, but they          • Face flies do not bite, but they
                                       especially in hotter, wetter weather.         congregate near open wounds and se-        congregate on the face to feed on sa-
                                       Stable flies prefer bright sunny areas        cretions, such as tears or mucus. They     liva, tears and mucus. Face flies prefer
                                       and tend not to enter dark enclosures.        breed in moist, decaying vegetable         cattle, and breed only in cow manure,
                                           • Horseflies and deer flies inflict       matter, including garbage, hay and         but they will also land on horses pas-
W W W. I S T O C K P H O T O . C O M

                                       painful bites that bleed. Deer flies tend     grass clippings as well as manure.         tured within a quarter mile. They are
                                       to attack the head and neck, smaller          Houseflies prefer dark, interior spaces.   most active in the spring and summer
                                       horse flies bite on the legs, and the            • Black flies inflict painful bites,    but not in hot, dry weather.
                                       larger ones feed on the horse’s back.         usually on sparsely haired areas, such         • Culicoides (biting midges, biting
                                       These types of flies lay their eggs in        as the ears and genitals. Although they    gnats, no-see-ums) attack different

                                       5   E Q U U S   E X T R A                                                                                        f ly   c o n t ro l
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
parts of the horse, depending on the       Mosquitoes are most active in low-light     bite. These work against many smaller
                species, but the more common ones          conditions, such as in shady woods or at    biting flies, including mosquitoes,
                tend to bite at the tail head, ears,       dawn or dusk.                               houseflies, stable flies, deerflies and
                mane, withers and rump; others go                                                      gnats. Repellents, which are often
                for the belly. Although the individual
                flies are tiny, they form dense swarms     Chemical controls and                       marketed as “all natural” alternatives
                                                                                                       to the insecticides, contain strong-
                that inflict many bites at once. These     physical barriers                           smelling oils, such as citronella, cedar
                flies breed in wet places, such as slow,      Chemical controls include insecti-       or tea tree. They do not kill flies but
                still streams, marshes and rotting         cides and repellents, applied directly to   instead discourage them from landing
                vegetation, and are most active just       the horse. Fly sprays are common, and       by masking the odor of the horse. Both
                after sunset.                              many brands are available, but most         insecticides and repellents are available
                    • Mosquitoes will bite anywhere on     contain active ingredients that fall into   in lotions, gels, roll-ons and wet wipes
                the body. Most abundant in warm, wet       two categories.                             as well as sprays; these are useful for
                weather, mosquitoes breed in stagnant         • Insecticidal/repellent sprays          applications around the face as well as
                water, and their populations spike near    usually contain pyrethrin, a natural        touchups along the trail, but they are
                marshes, ponds and any chronically         compound derived from a type of chry-       best used as complements to the sprays,
                wet ground, especially after flooding.     santhemum, or a pyrethroid, usually         rather than replacements.
                Smaller puddles, such as occur in aban-    permethrin, a similar synthetic com-            • Spot-applied permethrin prod-

                doned tires or blocked rain gutters,       pound. These formulations deter flies       ucts are an alternative to sprays. Like
                can also serve as breeding reservoirs.     from landing and kill the ones that do      flea-control products for cats and dogs,

                A variety of
                garments and
                accessories are
                available that help
                protect horses
                from flies and

                other insects.

                    SPRAYS                                                                                         FLY MASKS
                6   E Q U U S   E X T R A                                                                                      f ly   c o n t ro l
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
these are applied via drops at key points                                • Fly boots, mesh coverings for the

                                                                                                                                      DUSTY PERIN
                  on a horse’s body.                                                   lower legs, can guard against stable
                      • Repellents can also be found                                   flies and other insects that alight there.
                  in products like fly collars and leg                                     • Fly masks are see-through mesh
                  bands---which, not unlike flea collars                               shields that cover the eyes to ward off
                  for dogs, are worn on the horse’s body                               face flies and houseflies attracted to
                  and deter flies from landing nearby.                                 tears; some come with ear nets, cover-
                      Horse clothing can also physically                               ings for the ears, which are useful if
                  block flies from landing on the horse.                               black flies are a nuisance. Others come
                      • Fly sheets are lightweight cover-                              with fringed extensions that fall down
                  ings for the horse’s torso, and many                                 over the nostrils to deter flies from
                  come with extra appendages, to extend                                landing there. In addition, some fly
                  coverage over the tail, belly and neck,                              masks are designed for use with bridles
                  where culicoides tend to attack. Light-        Insecticides deter    to protect the face.
                  colored fly sheets provide an extra          flies from landing on       • Ear nets, designed for use with
                  deterrent to horse- and deer flies, which                            a bridle, are crocheted cotton cover-
                                                                a horse and kill the

                  track victims by sight and are attracted                             ings that keep flies off of the ears and
                  to large, dark objects. Also available are       ones that bite.     poll; many of these have a tasseled
                  quarter sheets, which cover a horse’s
                  rump and flanks while under saddle.
                                                                   Repellents are      front edge that lies above the eyes for
                                                                                       further deterrence.
                                                                   formulated to           • Out in the pasture, make sure the
                                                                discourage insects     horses have well-shaded run-in sheds

                                                                  from landing by      they can escape into to dodge flies that
                                                                                       like sunlight. For extra protection, hang
                                                                 masking the odor      long panels of burlap or netting over the
                                                                    of the horse.      doorway, impregnated with fly spray.
                                                                                       These will brush off and repel any flies
                                                                                       already on the horse as he pushes his
                                                                                       way through the doorway---just make
                                                                                       sure you train the horse that he can get
                                                                                       through what might look like an im-
                                                                                       penetrable barrier. In addition, stabling
                                                                                       horses during flies’ peak periods of
                                                                                       activity may also help---turn them out at
                                                                                       night if daylight fliers, like black flies,
                                                                                       are prevalent. Horses sensitive to culi-
                                                                                       coides do better if stabled at night.

                                                                                       Fly habitats and
                                                                                           • Inside the barn, automatic
                                                                                       misting systems release fine sprays
                                                                                       at regular intervals from nozzles in
                                                                                       the ceiling.
                                                                                           • Fans placed strategically to keep
                                                                                       the air moving in the aisles and stalls
                                                                                       can also deter flies: Smaller insects like

                  7   E Q U U S   E X T R A                                                                     f ly   c o n t ro l
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
                                                                                             off the property each week.
        No one likes to be bitten, and horses   which compound the problem.                      • Release beneficial predators.
    under siege from flies may shake,               • Eye infections. Face flies             These tiny wasps or nematodes can
    stomp, kick, buck and take all manner       and houseflies are attracted to tears.       be purchased from farm and garden
    of evasive measures—some may even           Although they do not bite, they do carry     suppliers. When sprinkled on manure
    injure themselves or you, if you’re too     dirt and bacteria, which can lead to         or other breeding areas, they hatch
    close. But controlling pests is about       conjunctivitis and other infections.         and parasitize immature flies to
    much more than just keeping your horse          • Viral diseases. Mosquitoes             reduce the number that reach adult-
    comfortable. You’re also protecting him     are notorious for passing the viruses        hood. Feed-through fly control prod-
    against the many maladies biting flies      responsible for eastern and western          ucts, added to each horse’s feed, pass
    can cause:                                  equine encephalitis as well as West Nile     harmlessly through his system but
        • Allergic reactions. The saliva        encephalitis, but other biting flies can     then kill any insect larvae hatched in
    of almost any biting fly can lead to        also carry viruses, including the one that   the manure.
    itchy, red allergic reactions at the site   produces equine infectious anemia.               • Compost manure. This process
    of the bite. The most extreme form of           • Parasitic skin infections.             generates enough heat to kill any eggs.
    this is equine insect hypersensitivity,     Several worms are carried by flies.              • Spread manure over fields. Just
    also known as sweet itch. Caused by         Culicoides can transmit the threadworm       make sure the layer is thin enough
    culicoides, sweet itch causes severe        that causes onchocerciasis, an infection     that it dries quickly in the sun. Avoid
    itching and produces hairless patches       that can cause large patches of itchy        spreading manure in pastures where
    and red, inflamed, scabby skin at the       dermatitis along the belly as well as        horses are actively grazing, and keep
    root of the mane and tail as well as on     the face, neck, chest and abdomen;           it away from muddy, high-traffic areas
    the face, neck and belly, where the horse   eventually the infection will cause          that tend to remain wet.
    has been rubbing incessantly.               inflammation in the nuchal ligament,             • Remove wet bedding as diligently
        • Skin infections. Any bite wound,      which runs along the top of the neck.        as you do the manure. Stable flies
    however small, becomes a gateway            House- and stable flies can carry worms      are highly attracted to the smell of
    for bacterial or fungal infections. The     that infect open wounds, creating            horse urine. It also helps to spread
    bleeding and serum seepage from tiny        nonhealing lesions called habronemiasis,     hydrated lime, also called “slack lime
    wounds also serves to attract more flies,   or “summer sore.”
                                                                                             or agri­cultural lime, on wet spots on
                                                                                             stall floors.
                                                                                                 • Eliminate stagnant water where
houseflies and gnats prefer to fly in still     lure house- and stable flies onto sticky     flies breed. Fill in potholes, clean
air, and the breeze also disperses the          surfaces that entrap them.                   clogged gutters, repair leaking plumb-
carbon dioxide a horse exhales, which               • Bug zappers are blue-light devices     ing and pick up unused items, such as
can attract some flies.                         that electrocute flies drawn into an elec-   flower pots, old tires and toys, that can
    • Very fine, well-sealed screens in         tric grid; two drawbacks are that they       collect rain. Rinse and refill water buck-
the windows will keep out mosquitoes            must be placed where they cannot be          ets each day, and remove fallen leaves
and gnats.                                      knocked down by animals, and they can        and other debris from troughs.
    • A variety of traps are available,         also attract and kill beneficial insects.        • Add goldfish to troughs to devour
baited with food, pheromones or                                                              mosquito larvae.
other attractants designed to appeal
                                                Population control
to different types of flies. House-
and stable flies are attracted to
scent lures, such as sugar or manure.
                                                   • Remove manure from stalls and
                                                                                             C    ontrolling flies around the farm
                                                                                                  may seem like a Sisyphean task---
                                                                                             no matter how much you do, there will
Horse flies are attracted to dark               paddocks daily. Stable- and housefly         always be more. But keeping up with
colors, so a large black ball is some-          eggs, which are laid in manure, hatch        the basic chores will go a long way
times used to lure them into a chamber          after 10 to 21 days, so an ideal control     toward reducing their numbers. Your
they can’t escape. Fly sticks and tapes         practice would be to get the manure          horses will thank you for it.

8   E Q U U S   E X T R A                                                                                            f ly   c o n t ro l
FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
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FLY CONTROL n Protect your horse n Manage your property n Reduce insect populations
The special challenge of
 SWEET ITCH                                 Here are steps you can
                                            take to protect your
                                            horse from this allergic
                                            reaction to insect bites.

                                                       weet itch can make a horse
                                                       miserable. The intense itchi-
                                                       ness can cause him to rub
                                                       away patches of hair, leaving
                                            the skin underneath raw and weepy. If
                                            a case is severe enough, the horse may
                                            become restless and thin, as he spends
                                            more time scratching than eating.
                                                Technically known as equine insect
                                            hypersensitivity or insect bite hypersen-
                                            sitivity, sweet itch is a severe allergic
                                            reaction to the saliva of biting insects,
                                            primarily Culicoides spp. midges and
                                            gnats but also possibly blackflies or deer
                                            flies. Sweet itch reactions can occur any-
                                            where on a horse’s body but are usually
                                            seen on the areas where the insects tend
                                            to bite: on the underside of the belly,
                                            under the mane or the dock of the tail.
                                                The condition is usually at its worst at
                                            the times of year when insects are most
                                            active, and it may subside during the
                                            winter. Less than 10 percent of horses
                                            in the United States develop sweet itch,
                                            and most won’t begin to show signs until
                                            they are at least 2 to 4 years old. The con-
                                            dition is more common among Shires,
                                            Welsh Ponies and horses imported from
                                            Iceland, but it can occur in any breed.
                                                Research is underway to develop a
                                            reliable immunotherapy treatment for
                                            sweet itch. In the meantime, veterinar-
                             CELIA STRAIN

                                            ians may prescribe antihistamines and
                                            corticosteroids to help relieve the signs

10   E Q U U S   E X T R A                                           f ly   c o n t ro l
of the condition. But steroids carry a           closures to keep out bugs, clothing de-           of leaves and other debris. Place manure

                                                                                                                                                                   R I G H T: C E L I A S T R A I N ; D U S T Y P E R I N ( C E N T E R )
              low but real risk of serious side effects,       signed specifically for horses with sweet         and compost piles as far away from the
              including laminitis. So if your horse is         itch has extensions to cover the neck,            horses as is feasible.
              susceptible to sweet itch, you’ll want to        belly and tail, the areas where Culicoides
              reduce his exposure to the insects that
              cause it. Here are steps you can take:
                                                               spp. are most likely to bite. A fine-mesh
                                                               mask may also be needed to protect the
                                                               horse’s face and ears.
                                                                                                                 5.      Try over-the-counter products.
                                                                                                                         You’ll find a number of products
                                                                                                                 for horses with sweet itch, from feed

              1.     Stable your horse during peak
                     biting hours. Culicoides spp. are
              most active at dusk and dawn, so bring           3.      Use fly-control products. The
                                                                      most potent products combine re-
                                                                                                                 supplements formulated to reduce
                                                                                                                 inflammation, to topical preparations
                                                                                                                 meant to soothe itchy, inflamed skin.
              your horse into a stall during those hours.      pellents with pesticides. Look for ones           Thick, oily or sticky ointments are
              For additional protection, install ultra-        labeled for use against gnats and midges.         messier but may keep gnats from
              fine screens in stall windows and set up         You’ll need to be diligent about applying         landing on the horse’s skin. They may
              fans to provide a continuous breeze over         the sprays and wipes as often as the              also help keep bugs from getting to
              stabled horses. Gnats are weak flyers and        manufacturers’ instructions allow.                the skin to bite. Anecdotal evidence
              even a slight breeze will keep them away.                                                          suggests that these products offer
              You might also consider applying a spray
              repellent designed for use on stall walls
              and other surfaces inside the barn.
                                                               4.      Restrict your herd’s access to
                                                                       marshy areas. Gnats breed in
                                                               marshy, shady ground with rotting
                                                                                                                 some relief, at least in some horses.
                                                                                                                 When trying a new topical product,
                                                                                                                 start by applying it to a small area to
                                                               vegetation. If possible, move your horse          make sure it will not further irritate

              2.      Keep him covered. One way to
                    reduce bites is to keep a fly sheet
              on your horse during insect season.
                                                               to a pasture in a drier, more exposed
                                                               location away from boggy terrain. Around
                                                               your barn, clear up standing water in
                                                                                                                 sensitive skin. Be careful with tea
                                                                                                                 tree oil, lavender and other herbals---
                                                                                                                 they are soothing to some horses but
              Made of fine mesh and equipped with              ditches and gutters and keep them free            can irritate the skin in others.

              IN FOCUS:                            wheals and swelling, primarily       and cultures may be needed to         can help prevent secondary

              Sweet itch                           on the neck (under the mane),
                                                   face, shoulders, withers, belly
                                                                                        distinguish EIH from other causes
                                                                                        of itchy dermatitis, such as mites,
                                                                                                                              infections. Pentoxifylline can be
                                                                                                                              used to decrease skin reactivity,
                                                   and rump (over the tail). The skin   lice and fungal infections.           and in some cases allergy serum
               Definition: Technically            may be rubbed until it is crusty,     Treatment: Antihistamines           is worth trying.
              known as equine insect hyper-        weepy, raw and hairless. Location    or corticosteroids may help
              sensitivity (EIH), sweet itch is     of the lesions may depend on the     ease the itch and
              an allergic reaction to the saliva   specific species of gnat; most       inflammation,
              of biting insects, most often the    prefer to bite on the neck and       providing relief to
              Culicoides species of midges         along the topline, but some target   the itchy horse;
              and gnats.                           the chest, belly, tail and groin.    antibiotics or anti-
               Signs: intense itchiness,           Diagnosis: Skin scrapings          microbial shampoos

              11   E Q U U S   E X T R A                                                                                                     f ly   c o n t ro l
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©2019 W.F. Young, Inc.
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