Clinical orofacial and myofunctional manifestations in an adolescent with Noonan Syndrome: a case report - SciELO

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Clinical orofacial and myofunctional manifestations in an adolescent with Noonan Syndrome: a case report - SciELO
Rev. CEFAC. 2020;22(4):e16519                                                      

Case reports

Clinical orofacial and myofunctional manifestations in
an adolescent with Noonan Syndrome: a case report
                                                                                                              Geciane Xavier Torres1

                                                                                                      Emerson de Santana Santos2

                                                                                  Carla Patrícia Hernandez Alves Ribeiro César3

                                                                                                          Roxane de Alencar Irineu3

                                                                                                         Isabel Ribeiro Rocha Dias3

                                                                                                                 Alice Fontes Ramos4

     Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS,   ABSTRACT
     Lagarto, Sergipe, Brasil.
     Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS,     Noonan syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disease with different manifesta-
     Departamento de Medicina, Lagarto,         tions, including Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences ones. The authors describe
     Sergipe, Brasil.
                                                the orofacial and myofunctional manifestations of an adolescent diagnosed with
     Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS,
     Departamento de Fonoaudiologia,            Noonan syndrome, by consulting the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences record
     Lagarto, Sergipe, Brasil.                  of a 17-year-old male patient, who underwent screening and speech therapy evaluation
     Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS,
     Atenção Hospitalar à Saúde, Lagarto,
                                                with a confirmed genetic diagnosis of Noonan syndrome. The results were qualitatively
     Sergipe, Brasil.                           analyzed. The patient had a long facial type, with a disproportion between the lower
                                                and middle thirds of the face, ogival palate, and Mallampati class IV. A deficit in mobil-
 Conflict of interests: Nonexistent
                                                ity and sensitivity of phonoarticulatory organs was also identified, absence of patho-
                                                logical oral and gag reflexes, decreased lip tone and tongue tension, increased speed
                                                chewing and inefficient grinding, functional swallowing for assessed consistencies,
                                                mild verbal and nonverbal apraxia, and moderate dysarthria. The results confirmed the
                                                presence of alterations in the speech-language organs, proving the relevance of the
                                                Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences evaluation in Noonan Syndrome, to allow
                                                adequate follow-up and treatment.
                                                Keywords: Noonan Syndrome; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Evaluation

 Received on: December 6, 2019
 Accepted on: July 15, 2020

 Corresponding address:
 Geciane Maria Xavier Torres
 Avenida Marcelo Déda, 13, Centro
 CEP: 49400-000 – Lagarto, Sergipe, Brasil

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INTRODUCTION                                                               dysgenesis), which is done through the karyotype.
                                                                           The karyotype differentiates the TS from the NS due
   Noonan syndrome (NS) was first described in 1963
                                                                           to the presence of complete or partial monosomy of
by pediatric cardiologist Jacqueline Noonan1. Among
                                                                           sex chromosomes in TS, while patients with NS have a
the genetic syndromes, it is part of those with autosomal
                                                                           normal karyotype9.
dominant inheritance, being a common monogenic
disease within the RASopathies, with considerable                              Among the intraoral manifestations, a retrospective
genetic heterogeneity2.                                                    study identified malocclusion (a transverse maxillary
                                                                           deficiency, crossbite, anterior open bite and class
    The term RASopathies is used to represent disorders
                                                                           II malocclusion), dental anomalies (late eruption,
caused by abnormalities in the RAS/MAPK3 signaling
                                                                           agenesis and dystrophy, odontoma), and mandibular
pathway. RAS are proteins that change their state
                                                                           radiological injuries in 50% of the patients10.
between ON and OFF during signal transduction. When
                                                                               A study recorded a six-year-old male child with facial
activated, they trigger a series of phosphorylations that
                                                                           dysmorphism with bilateral telecanthus, hypertelorism,
result in the activation of MAPK (Mitogen-Activated
                                                                           ptosis and exophthalmia tendency, inverted triangular
Protein Kinase)4. The MAPK pathway is associated with
                                                                           face, relatively large nose, bulky lips, usual posture
cell proliferation and growth5. Studies show that most of
                                                                           of parted lips, anterior open bite, narrow and ogival
the genes that demonstrate to be mutated in NS cause
                                                                           palate, adapted swallowing, presence of polycaries
unregulated signaling of the RAS/MAPK3,6 pathway
                                                                           due to prolonged nursing bottle use, and oral breathing
and that the characteristics found in NS are due to the
                                                                           without airway obstruction11.
involvement of this signaling pathway7.
                                                                               There are reports in the literature of speech and
    The NS presents quite varied clinical character-
                                                                           language disorders in NS, with changes in oral and
istics. Among the systemic changes, we can highlight
                                                                           written language due to intellectual and/or auditory
short stature, facial dysmorphism that varies with age,
                                                                           deficit, motor impairment, in articulation, in phono-
skeletal and ectodermal changes, pulmonary stenosis,
                                                                           logical memory12,13, and with slow oral transit time
lymphatic dysplasia, cognitive deficit, coagulation
                                                                           (OTT)14. However, in orofacial motricity, clinical reports
changes, cryptorchidism in male subjects and cardiac
                                                                           of patients with NS are scarce.
                                                                                Thus, this study aimed to describe the orofacial
     The facial features of those with the syndrome are
                                                                           myofunctional manifestations of an adolescent
difficult to assess, as they may change throughout
                                                                           diagnosed with Noonan syndrome.
development. However, some features may be
considered typical, such as a high forehead, trian-
gular face, ocular hypertelorism, eyelid ptosis, external                  CASE REPORT
downward palpebral fissure, epicanthic folds, low                              To begin the investigation, family members and the
implantation and incomplete rotation of the auricular                      patient freely consented to participate in the research
pavilion, with a thickening of the auricular helix, deep                   and allowed the dissemination of images, after signing
filtrum, ogival palate, and short or webbed neck. Adults                   the free and informed consent form and later approval
with NS have more subtle facial features, with less                        of the research by the Ethics Committee of the Federal
prominent eyes, slightly elongated neck, high anterior                     University of Sergipe, SE, Brazil, under number
hair implantation, and facial wrinkles, especially on the                  3.377.647, CAEE approval 13370819.2.0000.5546.
forehead7.                                                                     To deepen studies on orofacial myofunctional
    The diagnosis of NS should be based on clinical                        manifestations in NS, this exploratory, descriptive,
findings. However, this task can be difficult mainly due                   retrospective and qualitative case report was performed
to the great phenotypic variability, with some patients                    through the analysis of speech therapy records in
presenting discrete facial features and without cardiac                    the medical records of a 17-year-old patient, male,
malformation1.                                                             diagnosed, at three months of age, with the aforemen-
   In this syndrome, there is also the need for differ-                    tioned syndrome (Figure 1). The patient was seen at a
ential diagnosis with Turner’s syndrome (TS - affects                      Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences School Clinic
only female patients and is associated with gonadal                        at a university in northeastern Brazil.

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                                                             tying the shoes and buttoning clothes, in addition to
                                                             mentioning that he was always short for his age.
                                                                  Regarding respiratory aspects, the patient has
                                                             chronic maxillary sinusitis. There is a maternal
                                                             complaint that his sleep is agitated, fragmented, with
                                                             snoring and drooling on the pillow. He makes use of
                                                             the drug neuleptil®, the brand name of periciazine,
                                                             prescribed by a neurologist for continuous use. This
 A                             B                             medication is an antipsychotic used to control behavior
Figure 1. A - Front Profile   B - Lateral Profile            and motor instability, as it produces as a side effect the
                                                             induction of sleep without causing dependence.
                                                                  According to the mother, her son is sociable and
    Information related to anamnesis (with the person        is well adapted to regular public schools, attending
responsible and the patient himself) and speech              the first year of high school. He has difficulties in the
therapy evaluation (with the aid of the MBGR15 protocols     learning process and is currently being accompanied
for the assessment of orofacial motricity, verbal and        by a speech therapist, a neurologist (due to complaints
non-verbal apraxia16 and assessment of dysarthria17)         of headache and difficulties sleeping), and receives
were collected in an appropriate room of the School          psychological treatment. The patient presents mixed
Clinic of a higher education institution on a previously     hearing loss of moderate degree bilaterally and is
scheduled day and time, as described in the results.         fitted in both ears, being accompanied by the hearing
                                                             rehabilitation services in his hometown.
                                                                  After screening, the speech-language evaluation
                                                             was performed, using protocols15-17 and materials,
Relevant anamnesis data                                      such as Altmann’s millimeter mirror, Vonder®
                                                             metallic caliper, Sony Cyber-Shot digital camera (7.2
   The teenager is the son of consanguineous parents
                                                             megapixels), model DSC P200, food (bread and water
and his diagnosis was confirmed after a karyotype
                                                             offered in a transparent glass), flashlight and wooden
performance due to congenital malformations. The
                                                             spatula, which revealed the results described below.
mother reported that the pregnancy was desired, that
she had prenatal care, with vaginal delivery, cephalic
presentation, and preterm (33 weeks). She remained in        Orofacial Motricity Evaluation
the maternity hospital for one month due to neonatal             In the analysis of the clinical examination, the
complications, such as the presence of jaundice and          postural characteristics of the head, neck, shoulders,
prematurity.                                                 and phonoarticulatory organs were investigated, both
   In 2018, the patient was evaluated by the Medical         in the performance of stomatognathic functions and
Genetics outpatient clinic at the university, and the        in a resting position. The patient presented an anterior
                                                             and inclined head regarding the chest, a short neck,
physical examination showed an atypical gait, greater
                                                             and an elevation of the right shoulder.
length of the limbs in relation to height, a macrocephalic
                                                                 Regarding facial characteristics, there is slight
skull with the prominence of the frontal region, low
                                                             facial asymmetry, triangular face, wide forehead,
implantation of the ears, eyes with downward eyelids,
                                                             ocular hypertelorism, antimongolic fissure, and low
exophthalmia, short neck, atypical and symmetrical
                                                             ear implantation, with asymmetrical auricular helix
chest. The neurological examination revealed the
                                                             thickening (greater than 40 degrees) between the ears,
presence of bilateral vertical nystagmus and dysarthria.
                                                             more accentuated in the left one.
    After genetic evaluation and conduct, the patient            In the extra and intraoral verification of the phono-
was referred to the Speech, Language and Hearing             articulatory organs (PHOs), a long facial typology was
Sciences sector, and screening was carried out to            observed, with disproportion between the lower and
collect the data regarding the patient’s clinical history,   middle thirds of the face, usual position of the parted
followed by the description of the case and conduct.         lips, ogival palate, Mallampati class IV, tongue with
   Regarding motor aspects, according to the mother,         increased height, absent gag and pathological reflexes,
the patient has difficulties while getting dressed,          and spontaneous swallowing of saliva. Furthermore,

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were observed deficits in the mobility of PHOs with                        cues. The teenager obtained ninety points, being
difficulties to protrude, lateralize and snap lips, in                     classified as mild non-verbal apraxic.
protruding and vibrating the tongue, a decreased tonus                         The verbal tasks applied were repetition of words
of lips and tongue tension, and a decreased sensitivity                    and phrases, emission of automatisms, spontaneous
of the PHOs. Regarding occlusion, Class I was found                        speech, and reading aloud. In the task of repeating
according to the Angle classification, with no signs and                   words and sentences, the stimuli were read so that the
symptoms related to the temporomandibular disorder.                        adolescent could repeat them. In spontaneous speech,
Besides, the patient had poor dental preservation and                      he was asked to describe a picture of a specific thematic
canker sores on the gums.                                                  card, the picture being described in just two sentences,
   As for stomatognathic functions, the adolescent                         showing reduced expressive language. In automation,
presented medium/upper respiratory type, oronasal                          it was requested to count numbers from zero to twenty-
mode with a similar expiratory nasal flow between the                      one and the months of the year, and it was found that
nostrils. The chewing pattern was preferably unilateral,                   the patient did not know how to say every month in the
with lip sealing, increased speed, and inefficient                         sequence. When reading words and phrases aloud, he
crushing.                                                                  presented difficulties while reading some sentences.
   For the functional evaluation of the swallowing                         He displayed articulatory groping when he started
dynamics, water, bread, and, in a second moment,                           speaking, phoneme substitution errors, inconsistent
couscous was used, at the mother’s request, since it                       phoneme changes in speech, vowel errors, increased
was the food that, according to her, the patient choked                    number of errors in larger units of speech, impaired
while eating.                                                              voluntary oral movements, as well as difficulties in
                                                                           imitating words and phrases, evidencing mild verbal
   The food was handled by the patient himself,
observing good performance, adequate intake of
the bolus, and lip sealing. The supply of solid food
(couscous) was in large volume, presenting slow oral                       Assessment of dysarthria
transit times (OTT). Were observed: the absence of                             For the evaluation of dysarthria, a translated and
extraoral escape, sufficient laryngeal elevation, cervical                 adapted protocol, suitable to the phonetic and linguistic
auscultation without alteration before, during, and after                  characteristics of the Portuguese language spoken in
the offer, absence of signs of laryngeal penetration/                      Brazil17, was used. The evaluation protocol included
aspiration, considering the functional swallowing for the                  the analysis of the following speech components:
evaluated consistencies.                                                   breathing, phonation, resonance, articulation, and
    The patient is short and, for this reason, he was                      prosody.
referred to the endocrinologist and, due to the obser-                         When applied, it was observed that the participant
vation of his apparently lean body mass, he was                            presented, regarding the variable maximum phonation
referred to the Nutrition clinic.                                          time, an average of 6.3 s and 6.1 s respectively for the
                                                                           vowels /a/ and /i/, 3.5 s for /s/ and 4.3 s for /z/. There
                                                                           were 24 respiratory cycles per minute and an s/z ratio of
Assessment of verbal and non-verbal apraxia                                0.8s. For the analysis of vocal parameters, a perceptual-
    The tests for the assessment of non-verbal praxis                      auditory vocal analysis was performed, conferring vocal
consisted of twenty isolated movements (showing                            quality with the presence of hoarseness and harshness,
teeth, showing a smile, protruding the tongue, blowing,                    as well as a sudden vocal attack. As for the resonance
raising the tongue, biting the lower lip, clearing the                     variable, the dysarthria evaluation protocol has only
throat, lowering the tongue, making a beak, coughing,                      three possibilities for classification: normal, hyper,
puffing out the cheeks, sending a kiss, lateralizing the                   and hyponasal, but the participant of this research
jaw, passing the tongue over the lips and clicking the                     presented laryngopharyngeal resonance and is thus
tongue), sequentially (protruding and retracting the                       described as an observation in his medical record.
tongue, lateralizing, elevating and lowering the tongue,                       The participant presented significant changes in
alternating beak and smile, lateralizing and elevating                     articulation and prosody with difficulties to perform
the tongue), performed by the patient after a verbal                       lip, tongue, and jaw movements, displaying reduced
command. Some movements were demonstrated by                               motion, the amplitude of the articulators, and a slight to
the evaluator to facilitate performance through visual                     moderate alteration in speech intelligibility, worsening

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the result for diadochokinesis and in larger units of           when the bolus begins its course in the hypopharynx.
speech. In evaluating the prosody, the participant              This was shown to be slowed in the present clinical
presented inappropriate pauses, inadequate marking              case. Researchers14, when reporting a series of cases
of stressed syllables, and sentence termination. The            with genetic alterations, also found changes in the
score was sufficient to classify it, according to the           OTT in liquids in a patient with NS, corroborating the
protocol used, as moderate dysarthria.                          evidence found. Researchers14, when reporting a series
                                                                of cases with genetic alterations, also found changes
DISCUSSION                                                      of the OTT in liquids in a patient with NS, corroborating
                                                                the evidence found. The authors14 found changes in the
    Case studies are important as research modalities
                                                                pharyngeal transit time in the NS patient of the study
for understanding relevant clinical situations, especially
                                                                for the liquid and pasty consistencies. However, this
in exploratory investigations. Although NS has been
                                                                was a limitation of the present study, considering that
described since 19631, there is scarce literature on
                                                                the evaluation was of the clinical myofunctional type,
orofacial motricity about its clinical manifestations.
                                                                therefore, subjective, with no imaging exam for its
    Among the clinical manifestations, the patient
                                                                confirmation. Such finding is justified by the patient’s
has short stature, a common feature in NS and, for
                                                                oromotor difficulties, that is, by the presence of apraxia,
that aspect, there is the possibility of treatment with
                                                                even if in a mild degree. Besides, Schmatz24, when
growth hormone (hrGH), according to Malaquias et
                                                                presenting a protocol that aims to assess the risk for
al.1 and, for this reason, the patient was referred to an
                                                                childhood dysphagia, described a case of a patient
                                                                with NS who presented such a risk.
    Due to short stature, patients with this syndrome
can be treated with growth hormone. According to the                According to the literature25, genetic factors due to
literature, there may be a correlation between hormonal         increased signaling of the RAS-MAPK pathway may
use for growth and brain tumors, in which apraxia may           give patients a thinner profile due to the impairment
be evident, as described in a clinical case with NS and         of body fat and musculature. Therefore, it is hypoth-
the presence of an oligoastrocytoma18, with the apraxia         esized that muscle strength may be compromised in
observed in this patient monitored in an interdisciplinary      the function of chewing, in which bite force is required
and longitudinal way.                                           for the food incision. Under these conditions, compen-
    Other clinical alterations were also verified and           satory mechanisms may be used to perform this
ratified by the literature, such as triangular face, external   muscle activity. Another fact that can impair chewing is
palpebral fissure diverted downward, low implantation           the possibility of severe polycaries in these patients26.
of the auricular pavilion, with thickening of the auricular     However, this was not observed in the clinical case
helix and short neck and high anterior hair implan-             analyzed.
tation7,11, ocular hypertelorism and telecanthus7,11,19,            Another manifestation found in this case study
nystagmus20, short stature18, and hearing loss21.               was the altered breathing mode associated with the
    Studies have presented important data on hearing            presence of Mallampati IV, which can be considered as
impairment found in patients with NS21-23. Sensorineural        risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea27. In a literature
hearing impairment was found in 50% of the 40 ears              review paper28, the NS was presented as one of the
assessed in patients affected with NS22. Another study          several syndromes in which obstructive sleep apnea
evaluated external anomalies of the ear and hearing             occurs. For this syndrome, it is due to facial deformity,
impairment in patients with NS, finding the presence            maxillomandibular discrepancy, and the possibility of
of external anomalies of the ear in 77% of the sample           pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy. Therefore, the patient
and hearing impairment in 34% of the participants, 4%           was referred for an otorhinolaryngological evaluation,
of whom presented mixed hearing loss23, the same type           for the adequate procedures.
of loss described in this case study.                               Dysarthria was reported in a clinical case29 of
    Regarding the stomatognathic functions, the patient         a 34-year-old Thai woman who was hypertensive,
presented changes in swallowing, breathing, chewing,            diabetic, dyslipidemic, and had NS, but the event
and speech.                                                     occurred after a subcortical infarction of the right
    As for swallowing, we verified the OTT, which is            middle cerebral artery. The authors commented that
defined as beginning by the anteroposterior propulsion          strokes can occur in this syndrome due to vascular
of the tongue with food inside the oral cavity and ending       malformations29, justifying the monitoring of the patient

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                                                                DOI: 10.1590/1982-0216/202022416519 | Rev. CEFAC. 2020;22(4):e16519
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