Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) - Installation and Management

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) - Installation and Management
Closed Circuit Television
(CCTV) – Installation and
  ACT Government Protective Security Framework
  (PSF) Compliance: Physical Security (PHYSEC)

Document number   AHDPD-66:2021
Effective date    DD Month YYYY
Review date       DD Month YYYY
Author branch     Technology Operations, Digital Solutions Division
Endorsed by       Position Title or Committee Name
Audience          ACT Health
Version number    0.1
Background ............................................................................................................................. 2
Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 2
Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 3
Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 7
    New Installation ................................................................................................................7
      Requests for CCTV ......................................................................................................... 7
      Location of CCTV ............................................................................................................ 7
      Standards ....................................................................................................................... 7
      Notifying the Staff and Public of CCTV System Installation ............................................ 8
    Security of CCTV System ...................................................................................................8
      Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 8
      Access ............................................................................................................................ 8
      Training .......................................................................................................................... 9
    Routine Maintenance........................................................................................................9
    CCTV Failures ....................................................................................................................9
    Incident or Crime Reporting ..............................................................................................9
    Recording CCTV Footage .................................................................................................10
      Saving .......................................................................................................................... 10
      Exporting ..................................................................................................................... 10
    Release of CCTV Footage.................................................................................................10
      Internal Requests ......................................................................................................... 11
      External Requests ........................................................................................................ 11
    CCTV System Removal/Decommissioning .......................................................................11
    Complaints about the use of a CCTV System ...................................................................12
    Notifying People of CCTV System Presence ....................................................................12
Records Management ........................................................................................................... 12
      User Register ............................................................................................................... 12
      Asset Register .............................................................................................................. 12
      Copy Register ............................................................................................................... 13
      Audits........................................................................................................................... 13
    Data Retention ................................................................................................................13
Implementation .................................................................................................................... 14
References and Related Documents ..................................................................................... 14
      Legislation .................................................................................................................... 14
      Supporting Documents ................................................................................................ 14
Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 15
Search Terms ........................................................................................................................ 16
Version Control ..................................................................................................................... 16
Attachments.......................................................................................................................... 17
      Attachment 1 – Avigilon Group Privileges ................................................................... 17
      Attachment 2 – Territory Records Approval 2009 (No 1) - CCTV ................................. 18
      Attachment 3 – ACT Government CCTV Sign ............................................................... 19

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ACT Health Directorate (ACTHD) uses Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems to assist in the
protection of its staff, assets, infrastructure and the public. CCTV systems should be used for
one or more of the following purposes:
   • Asset monitoring and security;
   • Access control monitoring;
   • Public safety and event monitoring;
   • Process control and business monitoring of workers as per the Workplace Privacy Act
   • Enhancing the response to and management of emergencies;
   • Crime deterrence, investigation and evidence to support criminal proceedings;
   • Regulatory enforcement and evidence for use in court proceedings;
   • For training, education and community engagement purposes; and
   • Traffic, vehicle and parking management.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide direction and information on CCTV System
installation and management across ACTHD facilities.

This procedure applies to all ACTHD staff and contractors who operate, service, repair and
install CCTV systems within ACTHD facilities and ACTHD controlled areas in CHS facilities, such
as Communication Rooms.

Out of Scope
Third party retail/commercial tenants that operate a CCTV system within an ACTHD facility
(e.g. café, kiosk, etc) are not strictly bound by this procedure. However, tenants must have
adequate signage advising that their facility has CCTV surveillance installed. This requirement
will be stipulated in any retail tenancy/lease agreements.

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Roles and Responsibilities
                    Position                                                                Responsibility
 ACT Health Director-General                                             •    Governance over the use of the CCTV
                                                                         •    Compliance with the ACT Government CCTV
                                                                         •    Delegates responsibility for the
                                                                              management and operation of the
                                                                              Directorate’s CCTV systems to the officers
                                                                              specified below; and
                                                                         •    Must have a minimum National Security
                                                                              Clearance of Negative Vetting Level 1 which
                                                                              is equivalent to the ACT Government
                                                                              Position of Trust-2.
 ACT Health Agency Security Executive                                    •    Oversight of CCTV systems across ACTHD.
 (ASE)                                                                   •    Ensures there are CCTV policies and
                                                                              procedures in place.
 This role is the responsibility of the Chief                            •    May delegate any of their responsibilities to
 Information Officer (CIO)                                                    the ASA.
                                                                         •    Ensures the ASA, ASO and ACTHD staff are
                                                                              aware of their obligations in this procedure
                                                                              and the ACT Government CCTV Policy.
                                                                         •    Approve new CCTV installations and
                                                                         •    Approving the release of CCTV recordings in
                                                                              compliance with this procedure; and
                                                                         •    Must have a minimum National Security
                                                                              Clearance of Negative Vetting Level 1,
                                                                              which is equivalent to the ACT Government
                                                                              Position of Trust-2.

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Position                                                             Responsibility
 Agency Security Advisor (ASA)                                          • Management and Operation of CCTV
                                                                           systems across ACTHD.
 This role is the responsibility of the Chief                           • May delegate any of their responsibilities
 Information Security Officer (CISO)                                       to the ASO.
                                                                        • Providing advice on security risk.
                                                                        • Oversees the development of all CCTV
                                                                           procedures, amendments, and updates.
                                                                        • Implement and manage a complaints
                                                                           mechanism to deal with privacy
                                                                           complaints, investigations and subsequent
                                                                           outcomes and any required actions.
                                                                        • Conduct yearly compliance review of CCTV
                                                                           systems with the outcomes of the review
                                                                           provided to the ASE.
                                                                        • Reviewing CCTV footage to identify
                                                                           beaches of security, or to review security
                                                                        • Other Avigilon Software privileges as
                                                                           indicated in Attachment 1; and
                                                                        • Must have a minimum National Security
                                                                           Clearance of Negative Vetting Level 1,
                                                                           which is equivalent to the ACT Government
                                                                           Position of Trust-2.
   Agency Security Officers (ASO)                                        The ASO is responsible to the ASA for:
                                                                         • Coordinating an annual compliance review
                                                                            of CCTV systems to ensure compliance with
                                                                            all CCTV policies and procedures.
                                                                         • Maintaining registers for CCTV:
                                                                                 o Assets
                                                                                 o Copies
                                                                                 o Users
                                                                                 o Authorised personnel
                                                                                 o Recording of destruction and
                                                                         • Acquisition of relevant CCTV system
                                                                            equipment through consultation with the
                                                                         • Organising maintenance of CCTV system
                                                                         • Day-to-day operation of CCTV systems
                                                                            across the ACTHD.
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Position                                                        Responsibility
                                                                            •    Keeping the ASA informed of performance
                                                                                 of CCTV systems across ACTHD.
                                                                            •    Maintaining signage of CCTV systems.
                                                                            •    Reviewing CCTV footage to identify
                                                                                 beaches of security, or to review security
                                                                            •    Retrieving and Bookmarking CCTV footage
                                                                                 to save for potential investigations, both
                                                                                 internal and external.
                                                                            •    Other Avigilon Software privileges as
                                                                                 indicated in Attachment 1
                                                                            •    Must have a minimum National Security
                                                                                 Clearance of Negative Vetting Level 1,
                                                                                 which is equivalent to the ACT Government
                                                                                 Position of Trust-2.
   Cyber Security Hub Staff                                                 •    Assisting with day-to-day operation of
                                                                                 CCTV systems in their areas of
                                                                            •    Triage and respond to security alerts
                                                                                 displayed on the Monitors.
                                                                            •    Monitoring CCTV footage to identify
                                                                                 beaches of security or to review security
                                                                            •    Review security incidents bookmarked by
                                                                            •    Apply standard settings to cameras.
                                                                            •    Reporting to ASO, or ASA, issues/incidents
                                                                                 relevant to CCTV surveillance of ACT Health
                                                                            •    Must have a minimum National Security
                                                                                 Clearance of Negative Vetting Level 1,
                                                                                 which is equivalent to the ACT Government
                                                                                 Position of Trust-2.
 Digital Solutions Operations Centre (DSOC)                             •       Triage and respond to security alerts
                                                                                displayed on the security monitors.
                                                                        •       Complete security incident report on
                                                                                identified security incidents.
                                                                        •       Reporting to ASO, or ASA, incidents
                                                                                recorded/bookmarked on Avigilon

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Position                                                      Responsibility
                                                                        •    Must have a minimum National Security
                                                                             Clearance of Negative Vetting Level 1,
                                                                             which is equivalent to the ACT Government
                                                                             Position of Trust-2.
                                                                        •    Avigilon Privileges:
                                                                              o Bookmark CCTV footage to identify
                                                                                   beaches of security.
                                                                              o Export images
                                                                              o Trigger manual recording
                                                                              o View images recorded before login
                                                                              o View live images
                                                                              o View recorded images
                                                                              o View high-resolution images
 ACT Health Reception Staff                                             •    Monitoring CCTV footage to identify
                                                                             beaches of security.
                                                                        •    Reporting to ASO, or ASA, issues/incidents
                                                                             relevant to CCTV surveillance of ACTHD
                                                                        •    Must have a minimum National Security
                                                                             Clearance of Negative Vetting Level 1,
                                                                             which is equivalent to the ACT Government
                                                                             Position of Trust-2.

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New Installation
Requests for CCTV
When a work area has identified the requirement for installation of CCTV, the relevant delegate
1. Email ACT Health Security and attention it to the ASA/ASO;
2. The ASA and/or ASO will perform a Security Risk Assessment (SRA) in consultation with the
    delegate and the ASE;
3. If the SRA concludes that the CCTV is required, then ACT Health Security will commence a
    project and request formal approval from the ASE; and
4. Upon receiving written approval from the ASE, ACT Health Security will undertake the works. If
    not approved, the ACT Health security team will advise the work area with a justification on why
    the work will not proceed.

Location of CCTV
1. CCTV systems can only be installed in areas that comply with the Workplace Privacy Act 2011.
2. CCTV cameras must not be hidden and must be placed in public view.
3. CCTV camera cannot be installed in:
      • Clinical treatment areas;
      • Toilet Facilities;
      • Change Rooms;
      • Showers or other bathing facilities;
      • parent/carer or nursing rooms;
      • Sick bays/First-aid rooms; or
      • any other area in a workplace proscribed by regulation.

Refer to the ACTHD St-08 Security ICT Standard, Section 6, Closed Circuit Television.

The section referred to in this document describes specifications required for CCTV systems. It
stipulates the architecture standards on:
    • High-definition IP cameras, both internal and external;
    • IP network infrastructure;
    • Network Video Recorders (NVR), which record, and store images captured by the cameras;
    • CCTV monitors (workstations).

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Notifying the Staff and Public of CCTV System Installation
ACTHD will notify and consult with staff prior to installing CCTV cameras within their facility.

This notification will occur through one or more of the following mechanisms:
          a. Consultation with the staff;
          b. ACTHD communication channels; and
          c. Signage in the area where the CCTV is to be installed.

Security of CCTV System
1. A Remote CCTV and Alert, Monitoring Centre will be located within the Cyber Security Hub and
   DSOC during the below listed hours:
      • Cyber Security Hub from 07:00hours to 18:00hours, Monday to Friday (excluding public
         holidays); and
      • DSOC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Avigilon Software is the only approved program to be used across ACTHD facilities, as per ACT
Government Code of Practice for Closed Circuit Television.

                  Position/Role                             Login Requirements               Comments
   Securitas                                                        Individual         Support provider

   Agency Security Advisor (ASA)                                    Individual

   Agency Security Officer (ASO)                                    Individual

   Cyber Security Staff                                             Individual

   Digital Solutions Operations Centre                                                 Fixed accounts will auto
   (DSOC)                                                           Individual         log on to monitoring
                                                                        or             computer with pre-
                                                                      Fixed            defined view

   Concierge                                                                           Fixed accounts will auto
                                                                                       log on to monitoring
                                                                                       computer with pre-
                                                                                       defined view

   Remote CCTV and Alert, Monitoring                                Individual         Fixed accounts will auto
   Centre                                                               or             log on to monitoring
                                                                                       computer with pre-
                                                                                       defined view

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Cyber Security will provide training to staff responsible for the operation of the CCTV system,
relevant to their roles. Other requirements will include:
     1. Mandatory training in:
           o ACTGovLearn Protective Security Policy Framework Awareness (e-Learning).
           o CHS Protective Security Awareness (el-2018).
     2. Familiarisation with:
           o ACT Government CCTV Policy.
           o ACTHD Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) - This procedure.
           o Privacy obligations associated with CCTV use as per the ACT Laws listed in the
               “References and Related Documents” at the end of this document.

Routine Maintenance
CCTV systems are checked for proper performance and maintained at regular intervals by ACTHD
Cyber Security Hub and the security vendor.

Maintenance consists of the following:
   • Cameras – cleanliness, focus and operation;
   • Software – patched and time synchronisation; and
   • Network Video Recorders (NVRs) – storage, firmware and software versions.

CCTV Failures
CCTV camera/system failures are to be reported to DSOC via any of the following methods:
   • Jira Assist Customer Portal
   • Phone 02 5124 5000
   • Email:
The jobs are to be assigned to ACT Health Security to triage and action appropriately.

Incident or Crime Reporting
If staff monitoring CCTV observes criminal activity, misconduct, anti-social behaviour or behaviour
that breaches ACT Government/ACTHD policies/procedures, they must immediately report it to
     • ACTHD Agency Security Officer (ASO); and/or
     • Agency Security Advisor (ASA) and/or
     • Agency Security Executive (ASE) and/or
     • ACT Policing (if required); and
     • Report to

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Recording CCTV Footage
All CCTV security surveillance recordings expire after 30 days and are no longer retrievable unless
they are bookmarked. This is programmed into the Avigilon program. Bookmarking of CCTV footage
only occurs if there is an active investigation or if there is a request from law enforcement.

The bookmarking, saving and exporting process can be obtained from the Avigilon Control Centre
Standard Client User Guide Version 7.4 (Objective ID: A29321098).

Only the ASE, ASA and ASO may:
   • review CCTV for the matters mentioned earlier in the “Purpose” of CCTV systems; and
   • Bookmark, save and export footage.

The bookmarked event is to be initially saved on the server as follows:
     •    Using the file naming convention of: YYYMMDD-CCTV Footage-Subject/Description; and
     •    Applying the dissemination limiting marker (DLM) of ‘Sensitive’.

A saved bookmarked event will have to be copied and transferred to the appropriate year folder in
Objective: Sensitive Cyber Security Hub, Surveillance Operations (fA10874730) maintaining the same
file name and DLM.
It must be:
     •    Retained according to the Territory Records Act 2009 (Attachment 2).
     •    Logged in the CCTV Register, in the “Copy” spreadsheet, in Objective: Sensitive Cyber Security
          Hub (ID: A28619129).

Release of CCTV Footage.
Requests to view or obtain a copy of CCTV footage will come from either:
   • Internal to ACTHD
   • External to ACTHD

A request must be made by
    • Logging a job on the Jira Assist Customer Portal; or
    • Calling DSOC on 02 5124 5000

Approval to release CCTV footage will be authorised by the ASE and/or ASA.

Where ACTHD cameras are located in shared spaces with CHS, such as Communication Rooms, both
teams should work jointly to determine risks associated with the release of footage.

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Internal Requests
If a person within ACTHD would like to review and/or request a copy of CCTV footage they will be
required to complete a request on the Jira Assist Customer Portal detailing the following:
     • Date;
     • Time;
     • Location/s;
     • Description of event/incident; and
     • Requesters full name and position.

An email will be automatically sent to ACT Health Security.

Once approved, the ASO will:
   • Bookmark footage.
   • Upload to Objective-Requested Security Surveillance Recordings (fA10874737).
   • Send to ASA for review, who will forward to the ASE for approval, in order to release the CCTV
   • Notify the requestor that the request has been approved or rejected; and
   • If approved, provide user with supervised access to review bookmarked footage.

External Requests
All requests for CCTV information, excluding Freedom of Information (FOI) applications and Court
Orders, must be lodged with Access Canberra, who managed such requests for the ACT Government.
Access Canberra will forward requests that are related to ACTHD to the ACT Health Security team
who will:

     1. Log a job in Jira;
     2. Once received, the Cyber Security team will triage and assign to ASE, if applicable;
     3. Once approved by the ASE, the ASO will:
            a. Export from NVR to a USB thumb drive;
            b. Upload to Objective-Requested Security Surveillance Recordings;
            c. Apply to ASE for clearance to release footage; and
     4. If approved by ASE, encrypted USB device will be released.

CCTV System Removal/Decommissioning
Removal/Decommissioning of CCTV Systems can only occur after authorisation by the ASE and must
be removed when there is no longer a requirement. This includes the relocation or destruction of
CCTV equipment, recordings and associated signage.

All CCTV data from a decommissioned system must be either retained or destroyed in accordance
with the Territory Records Act 2009.

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Complaints about the use of a CCTV System
Any complaints regarding the ACTHD CCTV system are to be referred to
24/7 Digital Solutions Support via:
       Phone: +61 2 5124 5000; or

Notifying People of CCTV System Presence
This notification will occur using authorised signage which must be prominently and clearly displayed.
The standard format for the signage is at Attachment 3.

Records Management
CCTV hardware and system access registers are maintained by the Cyber Security hub. CCTV camera
locations and details are deemed sensitive as they can be used to evade being recorded and
circumvent security controls to ACTHD facilities. Employees with access to CCTV Registers must have
a minimum National Security Clearance of “Baseline” and ACT Government “Position of Trust-1”.

The registers will be maintained in an excel workbook, stored in Objective: Sensitive – Cyber Security
Hub/Property Equipment and Fleet/Surveillance Operations (ID: A28619129) and select the
appropriate year.

User Register
This register must contain the following information:
    • Authorised officers full name;
    • Extent of authorisation granted to the authorised officer (e.g. viewing, recording, copying
        and administrator);
    • Area or location in which the authorised officer has access to CCTV systems;
    • The name of the ASE or ASA who has granted authorisation to the authorised officer;
    • Date to review the authorised officer’s permissions to the CCTV systems; and
    • Security Clearance Level.

Asset Register
This register must contain the following information:
    • Item (e.g. PTZ camera, DVR, etc);
    • Make and model;
    • Specifications;
    • Serial number;
    • Date of purchase;
    • Location;
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•    Movement record;
     •    Decommission date; and
     •    Other information such as maintenance undertaken.

Copy Register
This register must contain the following information:
    • Actioning Cyber Security staff name;
    • Date approved by Agency Security Advisor (ASA);
    • If not approved, the reason;
    • Date when saved to Objective and/or saved to USB thumb drive;
    • File name;
    • USB thumb drive number;
    • Any issues related to copying of recording;
    • Details of who, where and when the Objective link or USB thumb drive was sent to; and
    • Reason for the duplication.

Cyber Security will perform audits as part of the overall annual security audit and will cover:
   • User access;
   • System performance and maintenance;
   • Management of CCTV requests for copied footage;
   • The report will be stored and made available in Objective-Cyber Security/Property
       Equipment and Fleet/Surveillance Operations (ID: fA10874730) and select the appropriate
       year; and
   • When the report is complete it is to be sent to the Director-General of ACTHD.

Data Retention
A summary in table format can be found at Appendix 2. More details can be found in the Notifiable
instrument NI2009—452, (The Territory Records (Records Disposal Schedule – Security Coordination
Records) Approval 2009 (No 1) – Security Co-Ordination - Security -CCTV), under the Territory
Records ACT 2002, establishes the legal requirements to manage CCTV related data including, but
not limited to;
    • Storage;
    • Retention and disposal; and
    • Copying and release.

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     •    This procedure will be published on the ACTHD Policy Register as part of the Open Access
          Information Scheme;
     •    A link to it will be provided on the Cyber Security intranet page; and
     •    All ACTHD staff, and contractors, who operate CCTV equipment will be provided a copy of
          this procedure as part of their induction and training.

References and Related Documents
     •    Human Rights Act 2004
     •    Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
     •    Information Privacy Act 2014
     •    Public Sector Management Act 1994
     •    Territory Records (Records Disposal Schedule – Security Coordination Records) Approval
          2009 (No 1) – Security Co-Ordination - Security -CCTV
     •    Workplace Privacy Act 2011
     •    Children and Young People Act 2008
     •    Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Regulation 2002
     •    Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997
     •    Freedom of Information Act 2016
     •    Workplace Privacy Act 2011
To access these legislations, go to the ACT Legislation Register and search for the document.

Supporting Documents
     ACT Government released a Code of Practice for Closed Circuit Television Systems
     ACT Government Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF)

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                   Term                                                      Definition
       Avigilon Software                           Is the network video management program used to monitor
                                                   and record vision from CCTV cameras
       CCTV system                                 Any Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system
                                                   operated and maintained by an ACT public sector agency.
       Closed Circuit Television                   A television system intended for only a limited number of
       (CCTV)                                      viewers, as opposed to Broadcast TV. This definition is
                                                   inclusive of recording equipment (analogue or digital),
                                                   display equipment, transmission systems, transmission
                                                   media, optical recording devices, and interface control. This
                                                   does not include:
                                                        • portable or fixed speed and red-light cameras.
                                                        • movable surveillance cameras where images are
                                                           saved to external storage devices and not broadcast.
                                                        • the use of cameras and similar equipment by the
                                                           broadcast media for the purposes of journalism,
                                                           education, public information, artistic or literary
       Government investigative,                   Includes, but is not limited to:
       or law enforcement, body                         • Australian Federal Police (including ACT Policing)
                                                        • ACT Care and Protection
                                                        • ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT)
                                                        • ACT Environmental Protection Authority
                                                        • ACT Human Rights Commission
                                                        • ACT Insurance Authority
                                                        • ACT Office of Regulatory Services (including Fair
                                                           Trading and WorkSafe ACT)
                                                        • Office of the Information/Privacy Commissioner
                                                        • Any other ACT Government or Federal Government
                                                           agency that can issue prohibition notices,
                                                           infringement notices, improvement notices, or
                                                           enforceable undertakings.

                                                   Private investigators and/or organisations do not constitute
                                                   an approved investigative body.
       Must                                         Something that is mandatory.
       Recorded images                             Any images captured by CCTV Systems operated and
                                                   maintained by an ACTHD.
       Remote CCTV and Alert                       An office, or entity, that conducts monitoring of CCTV
       Monitoring Centre                           security and ICT alarm systems for purposes of dispatch
                                                   and notification.
       Should                                       Something that is recommended.
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Search Terms
Closed Circuit Television, CCTV, Security, Avigilon, Camera

Version Control
   Version                Date                           Comments
        0.1                      10/02/21                Created
        0.2                       11/3/21                1st Draft
        0.3                       25/3/21                2nd Draft

Disclaimer: This document has been developed by the ACT Health Directorate specifically for its own use. Use
of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own
risk and the ACT Health Directorate assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

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Attachment 1 – Avigilon Group Privileges
                    Group Privileges                                          ASA      ASO   DSOC   Concierge
 Setup server analytics                                                       Yes      Yes
 Setups teach by example                                                      Yes      Yes
 Manage saved views                                                           Yes      Yes
 Manage site                                                                  Yes
 Create teach markers                                                         Yes      Yes
 Archive images                                                               Yes      Yes
 Backup settings                                                              Yes
 Setup devices                                                                Yes      Yes
 Setup servers                                                                Yes
 Setup sites                                                                  Yes      Yes
 Connect and disconnect devices                                               Yes      Yes
 Setup general settings                                                       Yes      Yes
 Setup alarm management settings                                              Yes      Yes
 Setup analytics settings                                                     Yes      Yes
 Setup recording and bandwidth settings                                       Yes      Yes
 Setup schedule settings                                                      Yes      Yes
 Setup compression and image rate settings                                    Yes      Yes
 Setup digital input & output settings                                        Yes      Yes
 Setup corporate hierarchy                                                    Yes      Yes
 Setup external notification settings                                         Yes      Yes
 Setup image and display settings                                             Yes      Yes
 Setup image dimension settings                                               Yes      Yes
 Setup manual recording settings                                              Yes      Yes
 Setup motion detection settings                                              Yes      Yes
 Setup network settings                                                       Yes      Yes
 Setup POS transaction settings                                               Yes      Yes
 Setup privacy zone settings                                                  Yes      Yes
 Setup rule engine settings                                                   Yes
 Manage server                                                                Yes
 Setup name                                                                   Yes
 Setup user and group settings                                                Yes      Yes
 Export images                                                                Yes      Yes   Yes
 Manage user sessions                                                         Yes      Yes
 Setup site view                                                              Yes      Yes
 Licensed search for identifying features                                     Yes      Yes
 Licensed search for identifying features                                     Yes      Yes
 Trigger manual recording                                                     Yes      Yes   Yes
 View Site Health                                                             Yes      Yes
 Setup Storage Management                                                     Yes      Yes
 View images recorded before login                                            Yes      Yes   Yes
 View site logs                                                               Yes      Yes
 View live images                                                             Yes      Yes   Yes      Yes
 View recorded images                                                         Yes      Yes   Yes
 View high-resolution images                                                  Yes      Yes   Yes      Yes

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Procedure | V 0.1 | Month YYYY | AHDPD-66:2021
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Attachment 2 – Territory Records Approval 2009 (No 1) - CCTV
Records Disposal Schedule
Security Coordination Records
Security Co-Ordination - Security

    Entry No.                                      Description of Records               Disposal Action
  182.097.001           Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) security surveillance Retain as Territory
                        recordings and/or audio recordings that have been requested       Archives
                        by investigative and law enforcement bodies in relation to
                        incidents that caused significant political or public reaction or
                        recordings relating to high profile incidents (e.g. murder,
                        serious accidents, extremely violent assaults).

  182.097.002           Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) security surveillance          Destroy 7 years
                        recordings and/or audio recordings that have been requested      after action
                        by investigative and law enforcement bodies in relation to        completed
                        incidents not investigated or which caused no significant
                        political or public reaction.

  182.097.003           Records documenting security arrangements for visits to the     Destroy 5 years
                        agency by dignitaries and the general public.                    after action

  182.097.004           All Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) security surveillance      Destroy 30 days
                        recordings and/or audio recordings that have not been          after date created
                        requested for law enforcement or do not involve an incident.

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Attachment 3 – ACT Government CCTV Sign

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