Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for

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Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
An IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM

Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Cloud Modernization and

            Marc DeCastro                 Steven D’Alfonso
            Research Director,            Research Director, Compliance, Fraud,
            Consumer Banking, IDC         and Risk Analytics Strategies, IDC

            Jerry Silva
            Program Vice President, IDC

January 2021 | IDC Doc. #US47017820
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

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Cloud Provides Transformational Benefits                                                                                                                        Leveraging Existing Relationships Is the
and Value for Financial Services.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3                                               Most Important Criteria Used to Select IBM .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8

Santander Spain Accelerates Cloud Strategy.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .4                                                                                Milestones for a Successful Cloud Conversion.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9

Despite Hurdles, Improving Overall Customer                                                                                                                     About the Analysts .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
Experience Must Drive Transformation .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  5
                                                                                                                                                                Message from the Sponsor .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
The Case for Migrating to Public Cloud.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6

Santander Spain’s Most Important Criteria
for Choosing IBM with Red Hat to Lead
Cloud Strategy .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7

                                          IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
                                          January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

Cloud Provides Transformational Benefits
and Value for Financial Services

Agility and Productivity                                 Customer Experience                           Security
  Improved business agility was                           The most-cited benefit from                      Improvements in IT security
  reported by 32% of financial                            cloud has been improving the                     were realized by 31% of financial
  services executives.                                    customer experience:                             services executives.
                                                          38% of financial services executives
  Simplification and standardization
                                                          said that they had seen an
  of IT infrastructure and application
                                                          immediate positive impact on the
  platforms was realized by 31% of
                                                          overall customer experience.
  financial services executives.
                                                          Getting faster access to the
                                                          newest functionality was realized
                                                          by 31% of financial services

                                                                                                                    Source: WW Industry CloudPath 2020 Survey, IDC, May 2020

              IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
              January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                                             Table of Contents            3
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

Santander Spain Accelerates Cloud Strategy
Santander Spain is a leading retail and commercial bank headquartered in Spain with a presence
in core markets in Europe, the U.K., and the Americas. Banco Santander has more than a trillion euros
in total assets, 146 million customers, 11,800 branches, and 194,000 employees.

Project Snapshot
Operational Challenge
Santander Spain, with its own IT organization in charge of developing
applications tailored to Spain, needed to accelerate its journey to
cloud services.                                                                      “We must be able to leverage customer data
                                                                                      in real time to create valuable customer
Project Duration                                                                      experiences, for both customers and the bank,
The project has been deployed with a phased approach. Phase 1                         while ensuring trust remains the foundation
                                                                                      of our relationship with our customers.”
took three months and ended in July 2020. Phase 2 is anticipated
to be completed in mid-2021.                                                          —Ignacio Alvarez, CIO, Santander Spain

The project accelerates the journey to hybrid cloud with a special
focus on public cloud migration and operation, capitalizing on
agility, efficiency, reliability, and innovation.

               IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
               January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                               Table of Contents   4
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

Despite Hurdles, Improving Overall Customer
Experience Must Drive Transformation
   External Forces for                                                                      Customer Experience Matters:

   Transformation                                                     BANK
                                                                                            Only 47% of consumers recently
                                                                                            surveyed felt it was easier to
   • Clients demand real-time transactions and instant                                      deal with their bank digitally rather
     satisfaction.                                                                          than in person.
                                                                                            Source: IDC Financial Insights Consumer Banking Channel Preference Survey,

   • Data management requires a focus on real-time
                                                                                            August 2020

     data streaming.
   • Banks are challenged by low-rate environments
     and pressures on their balance sheets.
                                                                      “As a bank we need to move where our
   Barriers to Success                                                 clients live, i.e., to a real-time world of instant
                                                                       satisfaction. To ensure customer satisfaction,
   • Legacy branch networks require proper strategies                  we must be able to harness their data in real
     of physical and digital.                                          time and transform their customer experience.”
   • Regulators and self-imposed policies limit the                     —Ignacio Alvarez, CIO, Santander Spain
     adoption of new technologies like cloud,
     especially public cloud.

         IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
         January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                                           Table of Contents             5
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

The Case for Migrating to Public Cloud
Banks must master real-time processing and decisioning to provide satisfactory customer experiences.
To meet customer expectations, banks need the right technology that will play a central role in
delivering experiences and maintaining customers’ trust.

Santander’s Approach
Project Go-Cloud, funded entirely by the IT group, was executed
in a two-phase plan:
 PHASE 1                                                        PHASE 2

Establish the foundational elements                             Execute the migration plan to                      “Everything that we’re developing
of the project, including:                                      transform and migrate the complete                  needs to be able to work for both
• Automating services on Red Hat OpenShift                      Santander Spain application                         our internal cloud and our external
                                                                portfolio to the right mix of private               cloud in a more transparent
• Automating the software life-cycle tool chain
                                                                and public cloud.                                   manner. IBM brought more to
• Designing the internal learning academy                                                                           the table.”
• Transforming and migrating a select few                                                                           —Ignacio Alvarez, CIO, Santander Spain
  applications to the public cloud to establish
  a learning experience and collect data
  to help define the company’s migration plan
  for all applications

                     IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
                     January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                                                  Table of Contents   6
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

Santander Spain’s Most Important Criteria
for Choosing IBM with Red Hat to Lead
Cloud Strategy
Top Three Criteria
         Most effective                                        Implementation schedule                              Vendor exhibits the expertise
   1    “out-of-the-box” fit for                           2   must align to bank’s                          3      to address Santander’s
         the challenge                                         strategic milestones                                 specific challenges

Other Important Criteria
                                                                           “IBM, in tandem with Red Hat, immediately had the expertise we
• Knowledge and understanding of the
                                                                            needed to address our cloud challenge, and [they] have always
  banking industry
                                                                            been able to implement within our delivery requirements.”
• Reliability and reputation of solution                                   —Ignacio Alvarez, CIO, Santander Spain

                IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
                January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                                    Table of Contents   7
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

Leveraging Existing Relationships Is the
Most Important Criteria Used to Select IBM
Santander’s goal was to automate the software life-cycle production on a platform-as-a-service
model, which was Red Hat OpenShift. While other vendors were considered, including the
bank’s public cloud provider, IBM was a better fit because it brought more to the table around
transformational projects.

Benefits of the Cloud Journey
The top three greatest benefits seen by banks
in their journey to cloud are:                                                        “The reason we will continue to use IBM and
                                                                                       Red Hat’s OpenShift is to leverage their expertise
               Improved customer experience                                            in application transformation and migration, as
                                                                                       well as their solution knowledge.”
               Improved business agility                                              —Ignacio Alvarez, CIO, Santander Spain

               Simplified and standardized IT infrastructure
               and application platforms
Source: IDC WW Industry CloudPath 2020 Survey, May 2020

                                    IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
                                    January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                                      Table of Contents   8
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

Milestones for a Successful Cloud Conversion
For developers and development teams, the internal process for establishing a development environment
can be frustrating. The procurement process to set up an environment can be difficult, and a time drain.

Focus on Tangible Results
                                                                                             “Our employees who participated in the project
Santander wanted to ensure it was getting tangible
                                                                                              were motivated and they saw immediate results.
results. One such element was the implementation of the
                                                                                              We, as a bank, were willing to place our bets
self-provisioning portal. The portal allowed developers
                                                                                              even though the ROI wasn’t so clear.”
the ability to set up their own environments in minutes,
                                                                                              —Ignacio Alvarez, CIO, Santander Spain
without human intervention.


      Translate scope into                                  Create tools that          Educate staff by                          Staff becomes
      a set of “tangible”                                   agile teams can use        helping them                              further motivated
      deliverables, such as                                 immediately.               understand that                           by seeing their work
      real-time self-service                                                           the cloud journey                         implemented and
      with end-to-end                                                                  is foundational.                          used immediately.

                 IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
                 January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                                           Table of Contents   9
Cloud Modernization and Transformation - Santander Spain Turns to IBM for
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

About the Analysts
                                                                             Steven D’Alfonso
             Marc DeCastro                                                  Research Director,                                    Jerry Silva
             Research Director,
                                                                            Compliance, Fraud, and                                Program Vice President, IDC
             Consumer Banking, IDC
                                                                            Risk Analytics Strategies, IDC

Marc DeCastro is Research Director for IDC                     Steven D’Alfonso is a Research Director with IDC      Jerry Silva is Vice President for IDC Financial
Financial Insights, responsible for the consumer               Financial Insights, responsible for compliance,       Insights, responsible for the global retail banking
banking engagement strategy practice. Marc’s                   fraud, and risk analytics strategies. His coverage    practice. Jerry’s research focuses on technology
core research coverage includes the complete                   area includes research on technology solutions        trends and customer expectations and behaviors
omni-experience journey for the retail customer,               aimed at solving key issues facing financial          in retail banking worldwide. Jerry draws on over
including branch transformation, digital product               institutions around GRC regulations, financial        35 years of experience in the financial services
strategies, and onboarding. Based on his                       crime, and risk management.                           industry to cover a variety of topics, from the
background covering the consumer banking                                                                             back office to customer channels to governance
space, Marc’s research also includes a particular              More about Steven D’Alfonso                           in the technology shops at financial institutions.
emphasis on how consumer trends and habits                                                                           His work for both institutions and vendors gives
are forming the next generation of products                                                                          Jerry a broad perspective in technology strategies.
and services that utilize current and emerging
technology.                                                                                                          More about Jerry Silva

More about Marc DeCastro

                    IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
                    January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                                                       Table of Contents   10
Santander Spain Turns to IBM for Cloud Modernization and Transformation

Message from the Sponsor
Banks are accelerating their transition to cloud computing to nimbly address the evolving
demands of their customers in a secure and compliant environment.
With offering capabilities that include AI, hybrid cloud and world class security, coupled with our deep
financial services industry expertise and global delivery presence, IBM can help you digitize, modernize
and surpass customer expectations. Together, we can help:
• Accelerate your journey to cloud and embrace a digital transformation in banking by modernizing
  core systems, applications, processes and ecosystems
• Deepen customer loyalty through exceptional customer experiences driven by the latest data and AI
  technology delivered on the cloud
• Optimize risk management, innovation, security and regulatory compliance: IBM Cloud for Financial
  Services is the world’s first financial services-ready public cloud to meet the tough cloud computing
  and regulatory requirements of banks and financial markets

  Learn more at

         IDC Customer Spotlight, sponsored by IBM
         January 2021 | Doc. #US47017820
                                                                                                                  Table of Contents   11
About IDC
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business executives, and the investment community make fact-based decisions on technology purchases and business
strategy. More than 1,100 IDC analysts provide global, regional, and local expertise on technology and industry
opportunities and trends in over 110 countries worldwide. For 50 years, IDC has provided strategic insights to help our
clients achieve their key business objectives. IDC is a subsidiary of IDG, the world’s leading technology media,
research, and events company.

This publication was produced by IDC Custom Solutions. The opinion, analysis, and research results presented herein
are drawn from more detailed research and analysis independently conducted and published by IDC, unless specific
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IDC. Doc. #US47017820
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