Page created by Charlie Ellis

Case Study
   Chevron Oronite and Honeywell have worked
   together to address technology obsolescence
   and the need for improved batch automation and
   operator effectiveness as they prepare for the future
   generation of process automation.

Chevron Oronite, a subsidiary of
Chevron Corporation, is a leading
developer, manufacturer and marketer
of lubricant and fuel additives and
chemicals. Its products are designed
to help enhance the performance
and extend the life of many types of
transportation and industrial equipment.
The company’s operations include one
world-class facility in, US, France and
Singapore, as well as some smaller-scale
regional plants.

Chevron Oronite’s US based Oak
Point plant is located in Belle Chasse,
Louisiana, approximately 20 miles south
of New Orleans. As the second largest
                                               Chevron Oronite seeks to manage the lifecycle of its existing automation assets while employing
additives plant in the world, it began         new digital technologies.
operation in 1943 to produce diesel
engine additives. The plant is comprised
of a component manufacturing facility,            A well-executed strategy for control system migration
captive power generation units, utilities,        delivers significant operational and business benefits
and blending & shipping areas.
                                                  through seamless integration of new and existing plant
                                                  automation assets.
Change is not easy for any industrial
organization – especially when it comes
                                               Over the years, Chevron Oronite’s control        — Reap
                                                                                                      early benefits from new
to process automation. Manufacturers
                                               platform has included a combination                technology – adapt some calculated
seeking to improve their control
                                               of Honeywell TotalPlant™ Solution                  ‘high-risk high-return’ measures
performance, maintain IP need a strong
                                               (TPS) and Experion® PKS systems,
vision and strategy, patience and support,                                                      Chevron Oronite required new ways to
                                               Programmable Logic Controllers
and, most of all, ambition. Chevron                                                             manage the lifecycle of its automation
                                               (PLCs), wireless systems, integration to
Oronite, has shown that change must be                                                          assets, and at the same time, employ
                                               Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and
driven with a vision using bottoms up and                                                       new digital technologies combined
                                               more. The company’s strategic outlook
top down approach, from management                                                              with data- driven insights to transform
                                               on process automation is based on a
and business leaders to plant operators                                                         operations, boost agility and enhance
                                               roadmap for meeting its modernization
and field technicians.                                                                          strategic decision-making. Like other
                                               requirements at its sites in US and
Manufacturers must strive to upgrade           Singapore:                                       industrial organizations, it is dealing
traditional platforms and infrastructure                                                        with the retirement of experienced
and deploy scalable solutions. An              — Modernize
                                                         in a low-risk direction using        personnel and the training of a new
effective digital transformation strategy is     modular approach                               generation of workers not familiar
all about maximizing the value from these      — Ensure
                                                       a five-year road map is                with legacy Distributed Control
upgrades and leveraging the volumes of           established and has the buy-in of all          System (DCS) technology.
data generated by modern systems.                stakeholders
SOLUTION                                    Chevron Oronite is translating               a standalone, class-based, virtualized
As part of a comprehensive control          its modernization strategy to a              batch system without the need for a
system modernization effort, Chevron        digital vision by breaking down efforts      separate batch server.
Oronite established a five-year             into step-by-step deployments with
                                                                                         Virtualization solutions offered a way
migration plan, undertook one of the        clear value propositions:
                                                                                         to preserve and extend investments
first major Honeywell Enhanced High                                                      in decades-old DCS technology. The
                                            — Extend
                                                   the Experion control
Performance Process Manager (EHPM)                                                       project team had the flexibility to
implementations in North America.                                                        choose physical or virtual solutions with
Migration activities have included:         — Improve
                                                    configuration and change
                                                                                         an eye towards reducing overall system
                                                                                         “footprint.” Virtualization also improved
— Retaining
          Intellectual Property while     — Optimize
                                                     alarm and operations              availability vs. a physical platform and
  migrating to Experion PKS                   management                                 helped to simplify the control system
— Deploying
           EHPMs as peer-to-peer          — Move
                                                  laboratory data into the PHD         architecture. The deployment of
  nodes with existing C300 and UOC            historian for a single source of           controllers and traditional LCN Nodes
  controllers                                 information for process analysis,          in a virtual environment will be the next
— Utilizing
          Fault Tolerant Ethernet           quick visibility for operators, etc,       major undertaking.
  (FTE) technology to retain existing       — Improve operator effectiveness           For Chevron Oronite, an important
  functionality and embedded                    and agility through ASM style            part of the modernization program
  applications                                  High performance HMI, ProcOps,           involved upgrading its current solution
— Integrating
            legacy TPS controllers            advanced reporting, Golden batch         for detecting and averting abnormal
  within Experion infrastructure                etc.                                     situations, and implementing effective
Chevron Oronite’s planning for a multi-                                                  alarm management aligned with
                                            Key to the modernization is ensuring
year control system modernization                                                        industry standards, using Honeywell
                                            that different generations of control
program started in 2013. The first                                                       DynAMo® alarm and operations
                                            systems can run in the same
phase of the effort – Global User Station                                                management software. This solution
                                            environment with a common, seamless
(GUS) to Experion conversion, Experion                                                   helps to address alarm configuration
                                            interface for plant operators. Preserving
Human-Machine Interface (HMI) and                                                        problems, eliminate alarm floods that
                                            existing intellectual property is a very
Experion Universal Control Network                                                       overwhelm operators, establish an
                                            important aspect of this initiative.
(EUCN) implementation, and historian                                                     alarm philosophy for the plant and
upgrades – began in 2014 and ended
in 2017.                                      “Early adoption of new technologies comes with risk, but it
The second phase of the modernization         can offer significant rewards. Chevron Oronite is fostering a
effort – domain upgrades,                     culture where Automation, Process, Operations and IT work
virtualization within the Process             together as a collaborative team.”
Control Network (PCN), Experion
Local Control Network (ELCN) Bridge           Nat Muthaiah, Senior Process Control Engineer, Chevron Oronite
and Experion Network Interface
Module (ENIM) deployment, EHPM to           Chevron Oronite is upgrading existing        reduce redundant alarms, and provide
Experion integration, and advanced          Honeywell High- Performance Process          operators with a real- time view of the
solutions implementation (Dynamo            Managers (HPMs) to EHPMs and                 actions needed during an event.
Alarm management system, Starlims           replacing older C200 controllers with
to Uniformance® PHD interface using                                                      DynAMo’s boundary management
                                            modern C300 technology and adding
Asset Sentinel, operations monitoring,                                                   application alerts of an abnormal
                                            UOC technology in order to enhance
etc.) – started in 2017 is currently                                                     situation before an alarm event occurs.
                                            process control performance and
nearing completion.                         address obsolescence. Its objectives are     Finally, Chevron Oronite has focused
The third phase of the program –            to protect valuable intellectual property;   on lifecycle management to optimize
migration to Experion Batch and             retain control strategies, operator          its control system infrastructure.
deployment of the ControlEdge™              displays, and history/trend information;     The scope of this effort encompasses
Unit Operations Controller (UOC),           and minimize disruption to plant             the Experion control system, along
ENIMs, advanced batch visualization,        operation. Modernization activities have     with the ELCN, EUCN and EHPM
in-batch reporting, etc. – is now in the    simultaneously addressed traditional         installations. Migration will ensure a
design stage.                               LCN and modern Experion FTE, C300            common Experion front-end platform
                                            and HPM, and architecture data flow          across all control rooms while keeping
Completion of all migration,                challenges. In addition, the addition of     the back-end on a combination of
modernization and upgrade work              ControlEdge UOC solution will provide        EHPMs, C300s and ControlEdge UOCs.
across multiple global sites is expected
by 2021.
RESULTS                                              About Honeywell Migration Solutions
When it comes to accelerating digital
transformation, Chevron Oronite plans to
                                                     Honeywell has a history of supporting its customers’
better manage the lifecycle of its critical          investments through continuous technology evolution.
control system assets while providing                With our phased migration approach, plants can continue
leadership with enhanced, data-driven                to operate and be supported on legacy equipment, while
decision-making capabilities.
                                                     avoiding changes to physical wiring and intellectual property.
The ongoing migration, modernization
and upgrade work is ensuring                      history and performance conditions.       platform allowing them to stay ahead
operations are up to par with current             Going forward, the Honeywell Trace        of the technology curve. This paves the
technology; improving operator                    data collection software will expand      way for continuous evolution and the
effectiveness through abnormal                    the visibility of configurations while    next step in the company’s migration
situation management, integrated alarm            automating the documentation of           journey – batch upgrade and data-driven
management, automated procedures,                 actions taken by plant workers.           visualization with new tools providing
etc.; expanding interfaces to the                                                           first-hand information of what is yet to
business and third-parties; streamlining                                                    happen in the process.
data flow from business to DCS; and               SUMMARY
implementing better analytics.                    By being an early adopter, Chevron        Most importantly, Chevron Oronite is
                                                  Oronite has achieved a flexible and       fostering a culture where automation,
Chevron Oronite has found that a digital          adaptable solution for automation         Process and IT work together as a
platform for process control can directly         technology upgrades. The company’s        collaborative team to significantly
improve workflow efficiencies and                 modernization program supports IT/OT      improve business results. There is a
operator effectiveness. For example,              convergence to eliminate boundaries       proven path to a sustainable future,
it now has a simple solution to meet              between information and operational       which allows for technology upgrades
change management requirements                    technologies.                             while harmonizing new and existing
within its process control environment.                                                     assets, increasing the life expectancy
This solution makes it easy to determine          Chevron Oronite has demonstrated
                                                                                            of installed hardware and software, and
interactions with the control system;             that early adoption of new technologies
                                                                                            reducing total cost of ownership with
identify when configuration changes               comes with risk, but it can offer
                                                                                            less risk and greater efficiency.
were made; and collect and report on              significant rewards. Control room
system information, configuration                 operators have gained a future-ready

Experion®, Uniformance® and DynAMo® are registered trademarks, and TotalPlant™ and
ControlEdge™ are trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.

For More Information
To learn more about how
Honeywell Migration Solutions
can improve performance, visit
or contact your Honeywell
Account Manager.

Honeywell Process Solutions
1250 West Sam Houston Parkway
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                                                 SS-19-7-ENG I 09/19                         © 2019 Honeywell International Inc.
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