Code Yellow - Infrastructure and other internal emergencies - Albany Health Campus WACHS Great Southern Version 1.00

Code Yellow - Infrastructure and other internal emergencies - Albany Health Campus WACHS Great Southern Version 1.00
Code Yellow –
Infrastructure and other
internal emergencies
Albany Health Campus

WACHS Great Southern

Version 1.00

Healthier country communities through partnership and innovation
Effective: < InsertXXX
                                                                                                     Effective:   Date >
                                                                                      Effective: 11 February 2021

Code Yellow – Infrastructure and other internal emergencies


These emergency response procedures assign responsibilities, actions and procedures
that are implemented at Albany Health Campus following the occurrence of an emergency.

These procedures have been formally endorsed by the GS Emergency Management
Committee as the Standard Operating Procedure to be followed during an emergency
response at Albany Health Campus.

      Recommended                                             HE05994
                                                              Miranda Wootton, A/Program
                                                              Manager Emergency Management


      Endorsed                                                HE24872
                                                              Juan Clark, AHC Operations


      Approved                                                HE70336
                                                              Geraldine Ennis PSM, Regional


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Date of Last Review: February 2021                   Page 1 of 45                Date Next Review: February 2026
WACHS Great Southern Code Yellow – Infrastructure and Other Internal Emergencies
- Albany Health Campus

 Table of contents
        1.     Introduction ........................................................................................................4
           1.1         Emergency response ........................................................................4
           1.2         Classifying emergencies ...................................................................4
           1.2.1       Code Blue and Code Brown .............................................................5
           1.2.2       Continuous improvement ..................................................................5
           1.3         Business Continuity Plan ..................................................................5
        2.    Emergency Control Organisation.....................................................................6
             2.1       First responder..................................................................................6
             2.2       Emergency Response Coordinator (CONM or After hours Bed
           2.3         Area Warden.....................................................................................6
           2.4         Emergency Response Team ............................................................6
           2.5         Communications Officer (Switchboard or Admin Manager or
                       Delegate). .........................................................................................7
           2.6         Medical Emergency Response Team ...............................................7
           2.7         Scene-specific ECO structure...........................................................7
           2.8         Site-wide ECO structure ...................................................................8
        3.    Documentation and equipment ........................................................................8
             3.1                 Emergency Control point ..................................................................8
             3.2                 Area Warden Points..........................................................................9
             3.3                 Action cards ......................................................................................9
             3.4                 Albany Health Campus Communications Log ..................................9
             3.5                 Equipment.........................................................................................9
                    3.5.1        Identification .....................................................................................9
                    3.5.2        Equipment checking and maintenance...........................................10
        4.     Communication................................................................................................10
           4.1            Emergency Warning and Information System ................................10
        5.    Notification .......................................................................................................11
                    5.2.1        Paging system ................................................................................12
        6.     Post incident activities ....................................................................................12
        7.     Code Yellow – Infrastructure and other internal emergencies....................15
             1.1.                Introduction .....................................................................................15
             1.2.                Sub-plans........................................................................................15
             1.3.                Infrastructure damage.....................................................................15
             1.4.                Essential service disruptions ..........................................................15
                    1.4.1.       Facility system status report ...........................................................16
             1.5.                ICT downtime procedures...............................................................17
             1.6.                Hazardous materials .......................................................................17
                    1.6.1.       Hospital Response to a Code Yellow Hazardous Spill ...................17
             1.7.                Earthquake......................................................................................17

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WACHS Great Southern Code Yellow – Infrastructure and Other Internal Emergencies
- Albany Health Campus

          1.8.               Missing Inpatient .............................................................................18
        General .....................................................................................................................20
        Flood Prevention.....................................................................................................20
        Flood Warnings .......................................................................................................21
              Flood Watch: ...................................................................................................21
              Flood Warning: ...............................................................................................21
        General .....................................................................................................................22
        Other Considerations .............................................................................................22
            1.12 Code Yellow - facility system status report template ......................................23
            1.9.           Code Yellow workarounds ..............................................................29
            1.10.          Action Cards ...................................................................................30
                 Action Card 31 First Responder ......................................................................31
                 Action Card 32 Emergency Response Coordinator .........................................32
                 Action Card 33 Area Warden ...........................................................................36
                 Action Card 34 Emergency Response Team Leader ......................................39
                 Action Card 35 Emergency Response Team Member ....................................41
                 Action Card 36 Communications Officer..........................................................42

                     This document can be made available in alternative formats
                              on request for a person with a disability
       Contact: Operations Manager – Albany Health Campus
   Directorate: Operations Great Southern                            EDRMS Record # ED-CO-21-41742
       Version: 1.00                                                   Date Published: 11 February 2021
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 any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the
 provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or re-used for any purposes whatsoever
 without written permission of the State of Western Australia.

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WACHS Great Southern Code Yellow – Infrastructure and Other Internal Emergencies
- Albany Health Campus

  1. Introduction
        This procedure outlines the assigned responsibilities, actions and procedures to be
        undertaken at Albany Health Campus to respond to and manage a potential or actual
        emergency affecting the facility.

        1.1 Emergency response
        The emergency response is the initial phase following the occurrence of an

        This procedure is facility-specific and covers:
              immediate actions to be taken by the first responder; and
              Follow-on actions (action cards) to be taken by members of the facility’s
                Emergency Control Organisation (ECO).

        Following the implementation of the ERP, the emergency may abate and resolve, or
        transition into the incident management and/or business continuity phases.

        1.2 Classifying emergencies
        Emergencies in hospitals are categorised into colour codes, as set out in Australian
        Standard (AS) 4083:2010 – Planning for emergencies – Health care facilities, and
        AS 3745:2010 – Planning for emergencies in facilities.

              Code Red                                                Fire / smoke

              Code Blue                                          Medical emergency

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            Code Purple                                      Bomb threat / substance

            Code Yellow                       Infrastructure and other internal emergencies

             Code Black                                             Personal threat

            Code Brown                                           External emergency

            Code Orange                                                Evacuation

        Additionally, there are two subcategories of code black:
              Code Black Alpha – infant/child abduction
              Code Black Bravo – active shooter.

        Some hospitals may have separate emergency management sub-plans for specific
        hazards in their community, such as cyclones, bushfires, storm surge, and
        hazardous materials.

        As a minimum, one printed copy of these procedures should be available on site,
        located at the Emergency Control Point (see section 3.1). Additional copies of these
        procedures may be printed and stored on site where required.

        1.2.1 Code Blue and Code Brown
        Code Blue action cards are not included as part of these ERPs. Resources,
        information and templates pertaining to Code Blue Medical Emergency Response
        processes, please refer to the Clinical Escalation of Acute Physiological Deterioration
        including Medical Emergency Response Policy.

        Code Brown action cards are not included as part of these ERPs. Please refer to the
        site’s Code Brown Emergency Response Procedure.

        1.2.2 Continuous improvement
        The ERP should be regularly reviewed, tested and updated based on lessons
        learned from actual emergencies or drills and exercises.

        As per Clause 2.2 (d) of AS 3745:2010, the ERP is to be reviewed at least every five

        1.3 Business Continuity Plan
        This site’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP) documents the procedures and strategies
        to be enacted when critical business activities and/or services are disrupted. The
        BCP aims to restore disrupted services within acceptable pre-identified timeframes
        as part of the business continuity response phase to an phase to an emergency.

        Business Continuity is not to be confused with contingency arrangements that are
        documented in the Code Yellow procedures. Code Yellow procedures deal with the
        initial emergency response to an infrastructure failure or other internal emergency,
        and the actions required to protect people and assets.

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WACHS Great Southern Code Yellow – Infrastructure and Other Internal Emergencies
- Albany Health Campus

  2. Emergency Control Organisation
        The ECO is a person or a group of trained persons that are responsible for directing
        and controlling the implementation of the site’s ERPs.

        The primary role of the ECO is to ensure the safety of the facility’s occupants and
        protection of assets. Occupant safety always takes precedence over asset

        2.1 First responder
        Although not part of the ECO, the first responder is any staff member who first
        notices and initiates the response to an emergency. The first responder’s main
        responsibilities are to maintain safety of the building occupants, and to notify the
        ECO of the occurrence of an emergency.

        2.2 Emergency Response Coordinator (CONM or After hours Bed Manager)
        The Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) leads the ECO for the entire site. The
        ERC has responsibility for commanding and coordinating the site’s emergency
        response in order to control the emergency. An ERC is rostered for all hours of
        Albany Health Campus’s operation.

        In the event of an emergency, the ERC has principal accountability of all patients,
        staff and visitors within the facility, regardless of their organisational position or
        tenancy arrangements. In complex emergencies or incidents that requiring ongoing
        incident or business continuity management, the ERC escalates the management of
        the emergency to the Hospital Incident Commander (HIC) (Operations Manager)

        2.3 Area Warden
        In each ward, department or area, an Area Warden is to be appointed during all
        times of operation. In the event of an emergency, the Area Warden has immediate
        responsibility of all staff within the designated area, regardless of their organisational
        position or tenancy arrangements

        The Area Warden is normally the ward’s shift coordinator, nominated delegate, or
        otherwise senior person designated by the Site Service Manager or senior lead for
        the site.

        2.4 Emergency Response Team
        The Emergency Response Team (ERT) may be mobilised to respond to an
        emergency. The ERT carries out front line actions for all emergencies except for
        Code Blue, at the direction of the ERC.
        The team consists of the After Hours / Bedflow Nurse Manager (ERT Lead), Security
        Officer and Orderly.

        The ERT is led by the ERT Leader (Executive on Call or Delegate).

        The role of the ERT is to:
           Attend the scene of a reported emergency within the facility grounds.
           Provide expert assistance where required.

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- Albany Health Campus

              Prevent unauthorised people from entering the scene area.
              Liaise with emergency services personnel when they arrive.
              Assist staff to evacuate the area if the situation requires it.

        2.5 Communications Officer (Switchboard or Admin Manager or Delegate).
        The Communications Officer may form part of the ECO to facilitate clerical support
        and record maintenance during an emergency response.

        The Communications Officer is the single point of contact for any event affecting a
        facility. In the event of an actual or potential incident, the Communications Officer is
        responsible for:

           a) Receiving the initial notification of an actual or potential incident.
           b) Notifying the ECO of any actual or potential incident.
           c) Facilitate ERC with clerical and record maintenance activities during an
              emergency response

        2.6 Medical Emergency Response Team
        The Medical Emergency Response (MER) Team is a defined team of staff that
        respond to a medical emergency response, as defined by this site’s on site
        escalation procedure. The size and composition of the MER Team will be dependent
        on the facility’s staffing profile and rostering.

        Resources, information and templates pertaining to Code Blue Medical Emergency
        Response processes, please refer to the Clinical Escalation of Acute Physiological
        Deterioration including Medical Emergency Response Policy.

        2.7 Scene-specific ECO structure
        The following diagram outlines the ECO governance structure for a scene-specific
        emergency response.


                             Response Team                                     Area Warden

                                 Team                                        Staff, patients and
                                 (ERT)                                              visitors

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- Albany Health Campus

        2.8 Site-wide ECO structure
        The following structure outlines the ECO governance structure for a site-wide
        emergency response.

          Response Team

              Response               Area Warden                 Area Warden                  Area Warden

                                   Staff, patients and         Staff, patients and          Staff, patients and
                                          visitors                    visitors                     visitors

  3. Documentation and equipment
        3.1 Emergency Control point
        The Emergency Control Point is located at Binalup Meeting Room (opposite staff
        development). The Emergency Control Point serves as the staging area for the ERC,
        Communications Officer and the Emergency Response Team. The Emergency
        Control Point should contain:

              Ring bound, laminated action cards for the ERC, ERT, and Communications
              Radios and charging points for the ERC, ERT and Communications Officer.
              Tabards for the ERC, ERT and Communications Officer. Tabards should be
               consistent with requirements in section 3.5.1.
              Contact list for the wards/departments, DECT numbers, WIP phone numbers,
               PSTN emergency phone numbers.
              Map detailing the fire compartments throughout the facility.
              A laminated table of each ward/department, their primary and secondary stage
               two and three assembly areas.
              Chinagraph pencils or other suitable writing instrument.
              Contact details for emergency services.
              A hard copy of these Emergency Response Procedures.

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- Albany Health Campus

        3.2 Area Warden Points
        Each area is to have an Area Warden Point. The point should be situated near a
        Warden Intercommunication Point (WIP) phone and have an Area Warden Pack
        contained with a box or document holder, ideally mounted and made of Perspex.

        The Area Warden Pack should contain:
           Ring bound, laminated action cards for the Area Warden and First Responder
           Yellow Area Warden emergency vest with Area Warden clearly labelled front
             and back.
           Search map – a schematic of the respective area/fire compartment showing all
             rooms, doors, and exits. This is used to conduct a search of an area during
             some emergencies (e.g.: fire, bomb threat, evacuation).
           Chinagraph pencils or other suitable writing instrument.
           The primary and secondary evacuation routes and assembly areas.
           Instructions on operating the Warden Intercommunication Point (WIP) phone.
           An “area evacuated” sign.

        3.3 Action cards
        Action cards have been developed for first responders and each member of the
        ECO. When an emergency occurs, ECO members are to complete their respective
        action cards.

        Following the emergency, the ERC is responsible for collating the action cards and
        sending them to the Communications Officer for collation, and the ERC for review.
        The ERC is also responsible for ensuring new action cards are printed and replaced
        in warden kits and muster points as soon as possible.

        3.4 Albany Health Campus Communications Log
        The Communications Officer is to commence a communications log for following a
        55 call to switch. The log should capture key decisions, communication details
        between key stakeholders, and any other relevant communications as part of the
        emergency response.

        Once the emergency response is stood down, the ERC is to review the
        communications log for accuracy before sending to the AHC Emergency
        Management Committee for review. Once reviewed, the HSM is to attach the log to
        action card documentation for that event and electronically save the record. A
        communication log template is available in Appendix A.

        3.5 Equipment
        ECO members are issued with pieces of equipment to assist them in responding to
        an emergency.

        3.5.1 Identification
        ECO members are required by clause 5.8 of AS 3745 to identify themselves to allow
        for easy recognition. This site uses hard hats and tabards.

        The ECO positions should be identifiable by the following colours, with the position
        clearly labelled front and back.

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- Albany Health Campus

         Position                                               Colour of tabard
         Emergency Response Coordinator                         White
         Emergency Response Team                                Orange
         Emergency Response Team Leader                         Orange
         Communications Officer                                 White
         Area Warden                                            Yellow

        3.5.2 Equipment checking and maintenance
        ECO members are responsible for checking their emergency equipment at the start
        of each shift to ensure it is in working order.

        Following the occurrence of an emergency, ECO members are responsible for
        refurbishing their equipment in warden kits and muster points.

  4. Communication
        A series of communication systems may be used during an emergency to
        communicate with key stakeholders. This includes, but is not limited to:

        4.1 Emergency Warning and Information System
        The Emergency Warning and Information System (EWIS) can notify building
        occupants of emergencies through the use of a series of audible tones. This includes
        an alert tone (BEEP… BEEP…) and an evacuation tone (WHOOP… WHOOP…).
        A Public Address (PA) system can also be used to allow the ERC or the emergency
        services to communicate to the entire facility or selected areas. The EWIS can be
        operated from the Fire Indicator Panel(s), located at:

                Ground Floor at security office,

        The EWIS is only be operated by DFES or the ERC who has been trained in its

        4.2 Warden Intercommunication Point phones
        WIP phones are linked to the EWIS and allow the ERC or emergency services to
        directly communicate with Area Wardens for respective areas. Each department /
        ward should have one or more WIP phones located within their vicinity.

        4.3 Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
        This facility used Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) as part of
        its internal communication system. A number of paging groups have been set up to
        provide notification messages to predetermined handsets.

        4.4 Mobile telephones
        Mobile telephones are a critical communication platform, and may be used to notify
        stakeholders on or off site.

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- Albany Health Campus

        4.5 Satellite telephones
        Satellite telephones (sat phones) may serve as a primary notification method in some
        remote sites or as redundancy when other communication platforms are unavailable.

        4.6 Runners
        Runners are staff members who may be co-opted to relay key pieces of information
        or instructions. Runners may be used when conventional communication platforms
        become overwhelmed or unavailable.

        4.7 Situation reports
        A situation report (SITREP) is a short verbal summary of the current situation that
        can be used to inform decision making and actions required. A SITREP may be
        simply “all ok” or more detailed about the nature of the emergency and its current or
        anticipated impact. A SITREP should contain the below fields:

              Current situation (what has happened, where did it occur, what time)
              What actions have been undertaken (what has been done)
              What actions still need to be completed (what needs to be done)
              Any other issues (anything of interest or noteworthy).

  5. Notification
        There are a number of automatic and manual notification processes used by this
        facility. More detail on notification is provided in the specific emergency code

        5.1 Automatic notification
        This facility has a fire detection system installed to automatically detect smoke or fire.
        This includes smoke and thermal detectors, and sprinkler systems. These systems
        are linked to the Fire Indicator Panel and Building Management System (BMS).

        This will also automatically notify the Department of Fire and Emergency Services
        (DFES) through the Direct Brigade Alarm (DBA).

        The BMS will also send automatic notifications to respective paging group.

        5.2 Manual notification
        A first responder can manually notify about the occurrence of any emergency by a
        number of methods, including:
           A 55 emergency call
           Manual call points (break glass alarms)
           Duress Alarms

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- Albany Health Campus

        When notifying of an emergency via 55, the first responder should provide the
        switchboard operator with information to develop the first report. This information
        should include:

              Type of emergency (e.g.: code red)
              Exact location of emergency
              Brief description of the incident
              Name and title of caller

        5.2.1     Paging system
        This facility uses dura suite system to send paging messages to notify the ECO of an

        Details of emergency code paging groups:
         Code Blue
         Code Black
         Code Black Alpha
         Code Red

  6. Post incident activities
        Following the abatement or resolution of the emergency, the ERC is responsible for
        ensuring appropriate post-incident activities are implemented.

        6.1 Reporting
        All emergencies, regardless of whether they are false alarms or actual events, are to
        be reported on. There are three main avenues of reporting:

        1.       Emergency Code Reporting Tool. This online data collection tool is used to
        capture the occurrence of a code red false alarm, code yellow, code orange code
        purple, code black alpha, code black bravo, and code brown emergencies.

        All reports submitted through this tool will require Tier 4 manager review and

        2.      Safety Risk Report Form. This form is to be completed for all code red (real
        event) and code black incidents.

        3.      Code Blue emergencies – Medical emergencies are to be reported as per
        the Clinical Escalation of Acute Physiological Deterioration including Medical
        Emergency Response Policy.

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                   Code Red – Fire / Smoke
                     False Alarms only

                 Code Purple – Bomb Threat

                Code Yellow – Infrastructure
               and other internal emergencies

                  Code Orange - Evacuation                                Emergency
                                                                          Emergency Code
                                                                                    Code Reporting
                                                                                         Reporting Tool

                    Code Brown – External

                 Code Black Alpha – Infant /
                     Child Abduction

                 Code Black Bravo – Active

                   Code Red – Fire Smoke
                    Confirmed fires only
                                                                               Safety Risk
                                                                                      Risk Report
                                                                                           Report Form
               Code Black – Personal Threat

                     Code Blue – Medical
                                                                                      Datix // CIMS

        Further information is available from the Reporting of Emergencies Procedure.

        6.2 Debriefing
        Following the occurrence of an incident, the ERC should determine whether a debrief
        is warranted. There are two forms of debriefing:

           a) Hot Debrief - A hot debrief is a quick and informal debrief. The main objectives
              of a hot debrief are to determine:
                   How the emergency or near miss occurred
                   If any staff members, patients, and other building occupants have been
                     affected by the emergency, and any follow up actions that are required.
                     This may include referrals to Employee Assistance Programs.
                   If there are any ongoing potential hazard/s or risk/s to personnel
                   Any urgent actions to mitigate risk/s
                   Appropriate reporting and notification requirements

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           b) Formal Debrief – a formal debrief may be convened a number of days
              following the occurrence of the emergency. A formal debrief involves a more
              detailed analysis of the emergency to determine:
                   What was the cause of the emergency?
                   What was the impact(s) of the emergency?
                   Contributing factors that affected the outcome of the emergency.
                   Any risks or issues that that have been identified as a result of the
                   Recognition of staff members involved in the emergency.
                   Opportunities for continuous improvement with respect to training,
                     emergency response procedures or equipment.
                   Any follow-up recommendations required to prevent a reoccurrence, or
                     mitigate the impacts, of the emergency,

                   The formal debrief may involve an investigation, and a formal report should
                   be drafted and tabled at the Great Southern Regions Emergency
                   Management Committee. The committee should track progress on the
                   implementation of any recommendations.

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WACHS Great Southern Code Yellow – Infrastructure and Other Internal Emergencies
 - Albany Health Campus

12. Code Yellow – Infrastructure and other
           internal emergencies
         1.1. Introduction
         A code yellow emergency refers to emergencies that impact the facility and may be
         caused by infrastructure damage or other internal events that may adversely impact
         service delivery and/or the safety of staff, patients and visitors.
         A code yellow emergency also covers emergencies that may originate external to a
         facility which may also impact on service delivery. Examples include failure or
         disruption to electricity, medical gases, water supply, and information

         1.2. Sub-plans
         The following sub-plans have been established for Albany Health Campus, based on
         the facility’s risk profile:

                   Code Yellow Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) incident (See 1.6).
                   Code Yellow Earthquake (See 1.7).
                   Code Yellow Bush Fire (See 1.9).
                   Code Yellow Floods (See 1.10).
                   Code Yellows Storm Surge (See 1.11)

         1.3. Infrastructure damage
         The Albany Health Campus is made up of a number of structures where critical
         business functions are carried out. Damage to certain infrastructure may affect the
         effective functioning of units and may threaten the safety of patients, staff and

         These Code Yellow (infrastructure damage) emergency response procedures
         address infrastructure damage through the implementation of emergency actions.
         Where emergency actions have failed and infrastructure damage disrupts critical
         business functions for periods greater than the tolerable period or threatens the
         safety of people, the Business Continuity Plan and Code Orange emergency
         response procedures is to apply.

         1.4. Essential service disruptions
         The Albany Health Campus is dependent on the integrity of a number of essential
         services. Numerous planned and unplanned incidents can disrupt the critical
         business functions of the Albany Health Campus which may have adverse impacts
         on the safety of patients, staff and visitors.

         Although the Albany Health Campus has a number of contingencies in place to
         minimise the risk of essential service loss, these contingencies may also fail at a
         critical stage. These Code Yellow emergency response procedures address
         contingency failure through the implementation of manual workarounds.

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- Albany Health Campus

        Where contingencies have failed and manual workarounds have become
        unsustainable, causing disruption to critical business functions beyond tolerable
        periods, the Business Continuity Plan is to apply.

        Refer to the Albany Health Campus Business Continuity Plan to determine essential
        service contingencies and unit/area dependency levels on essential services.

        The Business Continuity Plan contains contingency arrangements for the loss of key
        services are listed below. This includes:
            Electricity supply disruption
            Water supply disruption
            Medical oxygen
            Natural Gas supply
            Air-conditioning system
            Fuel supply disruption (petrol and diesel)
            Sewerage / waste water
            Voice telephone system (PABX)
            ICT network
            3G/4G network
            Wide Area Network Disruption.
            Paging system

        1.4.1. Facility system status report
        The Facility system status report is used to record the status of various critical facility
        systems and infrastructure. The form provides an overview of current and potential
        system failures or limitations that may affect incident response and recovery.

        Should the facility’s infrastructure be damaged or impacted by a disruption or
        external hazard, an impact assessment should be undertaken to determine the status
        of particular systems throughout the hospital.

        The report assesses seven key systems:
            Communications
            Power
            Lighting
            Water
            Sewerage / toilets
            Nurse Call System
            Medical Gases / Oxygen

        When determining the status of systems, the status uses the following definitions:
           Fully functional:      100% operable with no limitations
           Partially functional: Operable or somewhat operable with limitations
           Non-functional:        Out of commission
           N/A:                   Not applicable, do not have

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        1.5. ICT downtime procedures
        A number of applications have formalised downtime procedures in place to deal with
        a disruption to ICT applications in systems. Other systems have no formalised
        downtime processes in place.

        If loss of an ICT application or system results in wards or departments not being able
        to deliver their services, refer to the site’s Business Continuity Plan.

        1.6. Hazardous materials
        Numerous hazardous materials (HAZMAT) such as gases (medical and non-
        medical), flammable liquids, poisons, corrosive substances, radioactive materials and
        infectious materials are handled and stored within health service facilities.
        Additionally, HAZMAT may be transported along the main arterials near the health
        facility. HAZMAT incidents are most likely to be accidental, however may also be
        caused deliberately.

        Although Albany Health Campus has a number of engineered control measures in
        place to minimise the risk of HAZMAT incidents, these control measures may also fail
        at a critical stage. These emergency response procedures address control measure
        failure through the implementation of emergency actions.

        For further information, refer to the WACHS Managing Risks of Hazardous
        Chemicals and Dangerous Goods Procedure.

        1.6.1. Hospital Response to a Code Yellow Hazardous Spill
        A ‘Code Yellow - Hazardous Spill’ may be declared should the spill of a hazardous
        substance impact on the normal operations of the hospital.

        If the spill cannot be contained with a local response or it is having a significant
        impact on hospital functions, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services
        (DFES) should be contacted (via triple zero telephone call) for further advice and
        assistance. Appropriate Subject Matter Expertise should also be sought.

        1.7. Earthquake
        Western Australia is a seismically active state, and has experienced many large
        magnitude earthquakes in its history.

        When an earthquake occurs:
           DROP, COVER AND HOLD
           Do not leave the building as you may be in danger from falling debris.
           Stay where you are. Do not attempt to reach another area or floor within the
             building until instructed to do so.
           Where possible ensure all persons are under beds, tables, benches or
             doorframes to protect them from falling debris.
           If no cover is available, move into a corner or away from the centre of the
             room and away from glass, walls/windows.
           Await instructions from the Area Warden or Emergency Services and evacuate
             only on orders from them or the Emergency Response Coordinator or Area

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                Do not light matches or cigarette lighters, as there may be danger of explosion
                 caused by ruptured gas lines. Use torches if there is no lighting.

          For occupants outside buildings during an earthquake:
            Keep away from buildings, high walls and power lines.
            If you are caught beside a building, seek refuge under archways and
            If you are driving, pull off the road and stop.
            After the shaking has stopped, do not enter damaged buildings.

          Senior Person in the Area – actions to be taken:
             When the shaking has stopped, check staff and patients / visitors for injuries
                and arrange appropriate first aid.
             Survey your area for structural damage, particularly stairwells. Check for fire
                and fire hazards such as ruptured gas lines.
             If applicable, determine if medical gas supplies are functional by checking
                the gas warning lights in the area. If there is interruption to the main supply it
                will be necessary to ensure that bottled gas (oxygen, air) is available for
                dependant patients.
             Unless there is immediate danger, do not evacuate until instructed by the
                Area Warden, Emergency Response Coordinator, or Fire and Rescue
             Ensure no one smokes inside the building or where a fire/explosion hazard
             Ensure all staff are accounted for and remain in the area until instructed to
             Assist emergency response team and Fire and Rescue officers. Participate
                in checking evacuation routes and, once in the assembly area, conduct a roll
                call to account for everyone.

        Do not evacuate the building during an earthquake. It is safer to remain within the
        building taking cover under tables, desks, doorframes and stairwells, to reduce the
        risk of injury from falling debris.

        It may be necessary to check the evacuation routes before evacuation to ensure the
        area is safe. Stairwells may have collapsed. Do not use lifts.

        1.8. Missing Inpatient
        The procedure for responding to a missing or suspected missing inpatients are
        managed under the WACHS Missing or Suspected Missing Inpatient Procedure.

        1.9. Bush Fire
        The purpose of this sub plan is to outline the preventative and preparatory
        measures for and emergency responses to, a bushfire.

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        Bushfires are a significant risk to the Albany Health Campus due to summer
        heat, the campuses close proximity to trees, forests, scrub and grasslands and
        the catastrophic consequences that result from fires. A bushfire can start
        suddenly within the area and without time for the Department of Fire and
        Emergency Services (DFES) to issue a warning.

        The two most likely events associated with a bushfire are smoke enveloping part
        or the whole site and/or ignition of fires caused by embers. Where a fire ignites
        on site, the Albany Health Campus Code Red emergency response procedures
        shall apply.

        A Code Yellow bushfire call can be made by any staff member who feels the
        situation is an emergency.

        Fire Prevention and Protection
        There are a number of preventative and protective fire safety measures in place
        at the Albany Health Campus which increase the facilities survivability. Refer to
        the Albany Health Campus Code Red Emergency Response Procedures.
        Additionally, every building and asset of critical infrastructure is surrounded by a
        Building Protection Zone (BPZ) that aims to reduce the flammable material in the
        immediate vicinity of structures and other assets.


        Fire Danger Ratings
        Fire danger ratings should be used as a guide to help decision makers evaluate
        the situation and initiate action before a fire even starts. Refer to Appendix 7.1
        Fire Danger Ratings.

        Bushfire Warnings
        The Department of Fire and Emergency Services will provide information through
        a variety of means during a bushfire. Additionally, they will issue community
        alerts for bushfires that threaten lives and/or property. Alert levels escalate to
        reflect the increase in risk.

        A fire has started but there is no immediate danger, this is general information
        to keep you informed and up to date with developments. Be alert and monitor
        the situation. Issued at 11am and 4pm daily.

        Watch and Act
        A fire is approaching and conditions are changing, you need to leave or prepare
        to actively defend and protect in place. Issued at least every two hours.
        Broadcast in full on ABC local radio and 6PR every half an hour on the quarter

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        Emergency Warning:
        Take immediate action to survive -you will be impacted by the fire. A siren sound
        called the Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS) may be used to get
        your attention on radio and television. Issued at least every hour. Broadcast in
        full on ABC local radio and 6PR every 15 minutes. This message will start with
        the Standard Emergency Warning Signal.

        All Clear:
        The danger has passed and the fire is under control, but you need to remain
        vigilant in case the situation changes. It may not be safe to return. Issued to
        close the incident.

        A table detailing the bushfire warning system and detailed messaging is available
        via the DFES web site.

        1.10. Flood
        The purpose of this sub plan is to outline the preventative and preparatory
        measures for and the emergency responses to, a flood caused by nature.

        Floods are a significant risk to the Albany Health Campus due to their
        catastrophic consequences. The likelihood of a flood increases for the
        Albany Health Campus due to plumbing and infrastructure design.

        Although the Albany Health Campus has been designed and constructed
        in accordance with Legal and other Department of Health planning
        requirements, flooding may still occur. This Code Yellow flood sub plan
        addresses floods caused by nature through the implementation of
        emergency response actions.

        Where floods cause disruption to critical business functions beyond
        tolerable periods or threaten the safety of patients, staff and visitors the
        Albany Health Campus Business Continuity Plans shall apply.

        A Code Yellow flood call can be made by any staff member who feels the
        situation is an emergency.

        Flood Prevention
        Flood risk is mitigated through planning schemes implemented at a local
        government level. Here a series of overlays have been used to influence
        the design and construction of the facility to reduce the effects of a flood
        caused by nature.

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         Where a flood is expected, departments/areas should prepare
         accordingly. This includes but is not limited to:
              securing hazardous items (i.e. sharps containers and other
               clinical        waste, oxygen cylinders etc.)
              moving specialist equipment to a higher level
              water proofing medical records and other important documents
              relocating patients if it is safe to do so
              preparing sand bags to place over back flowing drains
              preparing patient essentials (medications, clothing, valuables etc.).

         Flood Warnings
         The Department of Fire and Emergency Services will provide
         information through a variety of different means during a flood caused
         by nature. Additionally, they will issue community alerts for floods that
         threaten lives and/or property. Alert levels escalate to reflect the
         increase in risk. These include:
             Flood Watch:
              Provides information to generate early awareness of developing
              hydro meteorological conditions, which may lead to possible or
              likely flooding in a particular district during the next 24 to 72 hours.
              Messages will make short generalised statements about the
              developing weather situation, including forecast rainfall totals, the
              current state of the catchments and the indication of the rivers at
              risk from flooding. Enable people and the community to take action
              to increase safety and reduce the cost associated with flooding.

              Flood Warning:
               Provides information to enable timely appropriate action to be taken
               when flooding is anticipated or occurring. Messages are issued for
               specific river basins and, where possible, will provide sufficient
               information to explain what is happening, where it is happening, how
               it will affect the recipient of the message and what possible evasive
               actions could be deployed.

         1.11. Storm
         The purpose of this sub plan is to outline the preparatory measures for and
         emergency responses to a storm surge.

         Storms are a significant risk to the Albany Health Campus due to the
         damaging impacts caused by heavy rain, winds, lightning, hail and
         tornados that hit the district. Although storms are most likely to occur
         between May and October, they may also occur in the summer months.

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          This Code Yellow storm surge sub plan address storm surges through
          the implementation of emergency actions. Where structural damage has
          occurred on site, causing disruption to critical business functions beyond
          tolerable periods or threatens the safety of patients, staff and visitors,
          Business Continuity Plans and Code Orange evacuation procedures shall

          A Code Yellow storm surge call can be made by any staff member who
          feels the situation is an emergency.

         Weather Warnings
         There are a variety of means to keep up to date with the latest storm
         warnings and advice. This includes:

          News bulletins: Local radio, TV or online.
          The Department of Fire and Emergency Services:
               Bureau of Meteorology (BOM): or by calling their Land Weather
          Warnings and Flood Warnings Advice Line on 1300 659 213.

          Other Considerations
           Identifying loose material from around the health campus that can turn
             into potentially deadly missiles and notifying the Engineering
            Where practicable, moving vehicles to cover.
            Contacting mobile/outdoor workers and advising them to seek
             adequate shelter.
            Checking on community patients to see if they need help.

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                1.12 Code Yellow - facility system status report template
1. Incident Name                                                  2. Operational Period (#                     )
                                                                         DATE:    FROM: ______________________________ TO:

                                                                         TIME:                        FROM:        ______________________________      TO:

3. Name of Facility / Building Reporting Status Below
                                                                         6. Comments If not fully functional, give location, reason, and estimated
4. System                             5. Status
                                                                            time/resources for necessary repair. Identify who reported or inspected.

Fax                                    Fully functional

                                       Partially functional

                                       Non-functional

                                       N/A

Information Technology                 Fully functional

System                                 Partially functional
Network, applications                  Non-functional

                                       N/A

Nurse Call System                      Fully functional

                                       Partially functional

                                       Non-functional

                                       N/A

Overhead Paging                        Fully functional

(EWIS/PA)                              Partially functional

                                       Non-functional

                                       N/A

Paging System                          Fully functional
Code teams, standard paging            Partially functional

                                       Non-functional

                                       N/A

Satellite Phones (Held by              Fully functional

security)                              Partially functional

                                       Non-functional

                                       N/A

Telephone System                       Fully functional
Primary                                Partially functional

                                       Non-functional

                                       N/A

Internet                               Fully functional

                                       Partially functional

                                       Non-functional

                                       N/A

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                                   Fully functional
 Campus Access
 Roadways, sidewalks, bridge       Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

 Fire Detection System             Fully functional

                                   Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

 Fire Suppression                  Fully functional
 System                            Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

 Food Preparation                  Fully functional

 Equipment                         Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

 Ice Machines                      Fully functional

                                   Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

 Laundry / Linen Service           Fully functional

 Equipment                         Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

 Structural Components             Fully functional              (Note cracked walls, loose masonry, hanging light fixtures, broken windows)
 Building integrity                Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Patient care
Decontamination                    Fully functional

Systems                            Partially functional
Including containment              Non-functional

                                   N/A

Digital Radiography                Fully functional

System, Routine                    Partially functional
Diagnostics                        Non-functional
PACS, CT, MRI, other               N/A
(split between ICT, third party
providers and WA PACS)

Steam / Chemical                   Fully functional

Sterilisers                        Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

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                                   N/A

Isolation Rooms                    Fully functional
Positive/negative air              Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Facility Lockdown Systems          Fully functional
Door/key card access               Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Campus Security                    Fully functional
External panic alarms (also        Partially functional
described as fixed duress)
                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Campus Security                    Fully functional
Surveillance cameras               Partially functional

                                   Nonfunctional

                                   N/A

Campus Security                    Fully functional
Traffic controls                   Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Campus Security                    Fully functional
Lighting                           Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Duress Alarms                      Fully functional
Internal and other reporting       Partially functional
devices (fixed and mobile)
                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Electrical Power                   Fully functional
Mains feed                         Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

Electrical Power                   Fully functional
Backup generator                   Partially functional

                                   Non-functional

                                   N/A

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Fuel Storage (Gas tank)          Fully functional              (Note amount on hand)

                                 Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Sanitation Systems               Fully functional

                                 Partially functional

                                 Nonfunctional

                                 N/A

Water                            Fully functional

                                 Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Natural Gas/Propane              Fully functional

                                 Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Air Compressor                   Fully functional

                                 Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Elevators                        Fully functional

                                 Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Hazardous Waste                  Fully functional

Containment System               Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Heating, Ventilation, and        Fully functional

Air Conditioning (HVAC)          Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Oxygen                           Fully functional              (Note bulk, H tanks, E tanks, Reserve supply status)

                                 Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Medical Gases, Other             Fully functional              (Note reserve supply status)

                                 Partially functional

                                 Non-functional

                                 N/A

Pneumatic Tube                   Fully functional

(engineering and ICT             Partially functional
depending on issue)              Non-functional

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                                        N/A

Sump Pump                               Fully functional

                                        Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

Water Treatment System                  Fully functional

                                        Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

Vacuum (for patient use)                Fully functional

                                        Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

Water Heater and                        Fully functional

Circulators                             Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

External Lighting                       Fully functional

                                        Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

External Storage                        Fully functional

Equipment                               Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

External Storage                        Fully functional

Vehicles                                Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

Parking Structures, Lots                Fully functional                 (Power, panic alarms, access, egress, lighting)

                                        Partially functional

                                        Non-functional

                                        N/A

Landing Zone                            Fully functional                 Code orange
Pads, lighting, fuel source             Partially functional
(Spencer Park Primary oval or
                                        Non-functional
Albany Regional Airport)
                                        N/A

7. Remarks (Cracked walls, broken glass, falling light fixtures, etc.)

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