Athenaeum Light 2014 Copyright 1996-2014 SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480 Kumeu Auckland 0841 New Zealand ...

Page created by Bruce Hampton
Athenaeum Light 2014 Copyright 1996-2014 SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480 Kumeu Auckland 0841 New Zealand ...

                       Athenaeum Light 2014
    Copyright 1996-2014 • SumWare Consulting Limited • PO Box 480 Kumeu • Auckland 0841 • New Zealand
Athenaeum Light 2014 Copyright 1996-2014 SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480 Kumeu Auckland 0841 New Zealand ...
FileMaker 12 Requirements                    6    Miscellaneous Settings                   24
   FileMaker 13 Requirements                    6    Letters Tab                              24
   FileMaker Go 13 for iPad                     6    Image Tab                                25
      Stand-alone                          6         Security Tab                             25
      Connect to a host                    7           Bar codes                         25
      FileMaker 12/13 Specific Functions   7           Log-in account passwords          26
   Web Access using Web Direct                   7     Maintenance                       26
   Standard Accounts                             9   Export Tab                               26
   Re-login                                      9   Saving your work                         28
   Quick Log-Out                                 9   Catalogue Views                          28
   If You Get Lost                              10   Adding a Catalogue Item Manually         29
   Keyboard Shortcuts and Navigation            10     Minimum Required Catalog Fields   30
      Modules                              10          Field List                        30
      Views                                11          Tab views                         32
      Found Set                            11        Catalogue Commands                       32
      New Records                          11        Catalogue Filter                         33
      Main Menu                            12          All                               33
   Guest Log-In                                 13     Omitted                           33
   Issue Log-In                                 15     Constrain                         33
                                                       Out                               33
   Administrative Log-in                        15
                                                       Reserved                          33
   Logging in as Guest                          16     No Issue                          33
   Logging in as Admin                          19   Catalogue Reports                        34
   Organisation details                         20     Print                             34
   Custom labels                                20     Location                          34
                                                       Type                              34
   Guest Home page URL                          21
                                                       Publish                           35
   Borrower Name Display                        21     Author                            35
   Suggested Search Subjects                    21     Custom 1                          35
   Window Management                            22     Custom 2                          36
   Application                                  22     Supplier                          36
                                                       Origin                            36
   Main Menu custom buttons                     23
                                                       CSV/Excel                         36
   Issue Behaviour                              23     Stock-take                        37

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Athenaeum Light 2014

      Missing                                          37                        Filter                                       47
   Fast Find                                                38                      All                                  47
                                                                                    Omitted                              47
   Detailed Find                                            38
                                                                                    Constrain                            48
      Boolean Find–“AND” search                        39
                                                                                    Authorised                           48
      Status Area Search options                       39
      Boolean Find–“OR” search                         39                        Report                                       48
      Boolean Easy Find–“NOT” search (omit)            40                           Print                                48
                                                                                    Borrower 1                           48
   Power Searches                                           40
                                                                                    Borrower 2                           48
   Omitting Individual Records from a Found Set             40                      Letter                               48
   Further Narrowing Down a Found Set                       40                      3 Col BC                             49
   Extending your Found Set                                 41                      2 Col BC                             49
   Unsuccessful searches                                    41                      Photo BC                             49
                                                                                    Photos                               49
   Working with a Found Set                                 41
                                                                                 Search for Borrowers                         50
   Find All                                                 41
                                                                                    Quick Search for Borrowers           50
   Finding all Out items                                    42                      Detail Search for Borrowers          50
   Finding Omitted Records                                  42                   Creating a New Borrower                      51
   Constraining Found Set                                   42                   Viewing a Borrower’s Current Issues          51
   Finding Items marked “Not for Issue”                     43                   Viewing Issue History                        52
   Flags                                                    43                   Viewing a Borrower’s current Reserves        52
      Flagging Items                                   43
                                                                                 Charting Issue History                       53
   Listing Highlighted Titles on the Guest Search Screen    43
                                                                                 Printing Borrower Bar Codes                  53
   Borrower Fields                                          45
                                                                                 Editing Borrower Bar codes                   54
   Command                                                  46
                                                                                 Sending Letters to Borrowers                 54
      New Brwr                                         46
      e-mail                                           46                        Editing Letters                              55
      Edit Letter                                      47                        Overriding the issue period                  56
      Edit 3BC                                         47                        Issuing Items already Issued (Out)           57
      Edit 2BC                                         47
                                                                                 Items not Found on Return                    58
      Edit PhotoBC                                     47
      Edit Brwr QR                                     47
                                                                                 Who may reserve?                             59
      Create Brwr QR                                   47                        Reserving an item                            59
      Next Bar Code                                    47                        Listing All Reserves                         60

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Athenaeum Light 2014

   Issuing Reserves                                       60                      Overdue                              74
   Print Recent Overdue Letters                           61                   Report Menu                                  74
   Editing overdue and recall letters                     61                      Print Issues                         75
                                                                                  Cat location                         75
   Marking Items as Not For Issue                         62
                                                                                  Cat type                             75
   Making your Subject Headings Consistent                62                      Brwr custom1                         75
   Set next bar code number                               62                      Brwr custom2                         76
   Reset next internal catalogue ID                       63                      Due date                             76
                                                                                  Copy Financials                      76
   Global Replace                                         63
                                                                               Tips                                         77
   Cleaning Location / Publisher / Item Type Lists        65
                                                                                  Listing all items currently Out      77
   Archiving An Item                                      66                      Borrowers Currently with Items Out   77
   Returning Items from the Archive                       66                      Custom Search                        77
   Omit Individual Records from a Found Set               67                      Custom Search options                77
   Customising Fields in the Catalog                      67                   Command                                      79
      Naming Custom Fields                           67                           list in borrower                     79
                                                                                  list in catalogue                    79
   Printing Labels                                        68
                                                                                  list in archive                      79
      Printing Catalog Bar codes                     68
   Sending Information as Excel Worksheet                 69                   Filter                                       79
                                                                                  All                                  79
      Sending Information as a PDF                   70
                                                                                  Omitted                              79
   Start your Stock take                                  71                      Constrain                            79
   Continuing a Stock Take                                72                      This Week                            80
   Listing all Items Missing from Stock take              72                      Last Week                            80
   Command Menu                                           73                      This Month                           80
      List Borrowers                                 73                           Last Month                           80
      List Items                                     73                           This Year                            80
      Overdue Letters                                73                           Last Year                            80
      Overdue e-mails                                74                           Custom Date                          80
      Recall letters                                 74                        Report                                       81
      Recall e-mails                                 74                           by borrower                          81
   Filter Menu                                            74                      by “year”                            81
      All                                            74                           by “room”                            81
      Omitted                                        74                           by bar code                          82
      Constrain                                      74                           by title                             82

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      by location                  82
      by author                    82
      by call                      82
      by dewey                     82
      Entering a new supplier      83
   Connecting                           84
   Viewing/Searching                    85

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Athenaeum Light 2014

System Requirements                                                                      Version                             Requirements

Athenaeum Light 2014 is a FileMaker 12/FileMaker 13 application.                      FileMaker Pro
Therefore the system requirements are generally the same as those of                                    specifications.html
FileMaker Pro. You can network Athenaeum Light using either FileMaker
Pro with FileMaker Server or, to a lesser extent, FileMaker Pro with                                    server-13-specifications.html
FileMaker Pro.

       note: some features, such as Web Direct access or optimised
       FileMaker Go handling require version 13 of FileMaker Server and/or
                                                                                     FileMaker Go 13 for iPad
       FileMaker Pro acting as a host.
                                                                                     Athenaeum Light 2014 has special handling when opened using an iPad.
                                                                                     Primarily, it is designed for searching and issuing, though you can
FileMaker 12 Requirements                                                            administer Athenaeum Light with the iPad.

The system requirements for FileMaker Pro 12 and FileMaker Server 12 can             iPad features include
be found at the FileMaker product web pages:                                         • larger controls in the guest views (touch friendly)
!                                                                                    • optional scanning of QR codes using the built-in camera during issuing,
    Version                              Requirements
                                                                                       returning and stock take
 FileMaker Pro
                                                                                     • use of slide controls on “guest” item detail screens (where appropriate)

                                                                                     • pop-overs on catalogue images to preview a larger version without having
                   system%20requirements%20FileMaker%20Server%2012                     to navigate to other screens
                                                                                     • use of FileMaker Go 13’s support for object visibility and other

FileMaker 13 Requirements                                                            Stand-alone
The system requirements for FileMaker Pro 13 and FileMaker Server 13 can             If you wish to run Athenaeum Light using FileMaker Go on an iPad, you
be found at:                                                                         must use FileMaker Go version 13 (currently a free download from the App
!                                                                                    Store). Simply load Athenaeum Light to your device and open the file.

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Athenaeum Light 2014 Copyright 1996-2014 SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480 Kumeu Auckland 0841 New Zealand ...
Athenaeum Light 2014

Not all Athenaeum Light functions will work identically on an IPad as they
do on a desktop, as there are some iOS only features (e.g. pop-overs,
sliders, inner
See the FileMaker Go chapter for more detail.

Connect to a host
If you wish to connect to Athenaeum Light running on FileMaker Server
using FileMaker Go, your server licenses and versions must comply with
the version of FileMaker Server and Go that you have. See the FileMaker
web site for more information.

FileMaker 12/13 Specific Functions
Athenaeum Light 2014 takes advantage of external container storage,
plugin management, enhanced interface interaction which were not
available in earlier versions.

Web Access using Web Direct
To access Athenaeum Light using a web browser requires FileMaker Server
13 configured for access via Web Direct. Currently, only searching as a
guest is available via web direct.
Your FileMaker Server 13 licence determines the number of simultaneous
Web Direct connections.
See the chapter on Web Direct for more information.!

Printed Monday, 24 February 2014                                                            page 7
Athenaeum Light 2014 Copyright 1996-2014 SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480 Kumeu Auckland 0841 New Zealand ...
Athenaeum Light 2014

We have a variety of support options available.
Your first point of contact are the in-built web pages, available from the
Athenaeum Main Menu (provided you are logged in as an administrator).
Our web-based support is available by clicking on the various tabs in the
Main Menu:


These are dynamic; in other words they update automatically as long as
you are connected to the internet.
Paid support is available and the options are described on the Athenaeum
support web page:

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Athenaeum Light 2014

                                                                                      Enter the appropriate Account and Password, or click the “guest” button. !
Accounts and Passwords
                                                                                      Quick Log-Out
Standard Accounts                                                                     If you are logged on as the administrator, but need to be away from the
When starting Athenaeum or re-logging in, you will be prompted for an                 computer for a while, simply click on the padlock button at the top right of
account and a password. The following accounts and their default                      the main menu.
passwords are available for use with Athenaeum Light 8.0:
        Account       Default            purpose
        Admin         a                  The standard library administrator
                                         password                                     This will log out of the administrator account and log back on as a Guest.
        Issue         i                  An account that allows issuing and
                                         searching the catalogue, but no              !
        Guest                            Guest only. There is no password
                                         and this can be disabled by defining
                                         a password

       Passwords are case sensitive. Accounts are not. !

You may change the default passwords at any time for all accounts.
You may also create custom accounts for guests, issue and library.

At any time, you can re-login to Athenaeum Light using a different account.
You might do this if you are going to leave your computer for a while and
re-logging in with the issue or the guest account will enhance security. !

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Athenaeum Light 2014 Copyright 1996-2014 SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480 Kumeu Auckland 0841 New Zealand ...
Athenaeum Light 2014

                                                                                                        Ctrl-2 / Command-2 will take you to the Fast Find screen.
Navigation                                                                                              Ctrl-3 / Command-3 takes you to the Issue screen.
                                                                                                        Ctrl-4 / Command-4 will take you to the Return screen.

If You Get Lost
                                                                                        !               To view all records in the file, click on the Filter button, then on
                                                                                                        the All button.
At any time, if you get lost in the system, either:
press Command-1 (the ‘apple’ key on the Macintosh) or Control-1 (on
Windows)                                                                                                Navigate through the records by using the arrow buttons.
                                                                                                        Go to first record, go to previous record, go to next record, go to
choose Main Menu from the Script menu at the top of the window                                          last record.
                                                                                                        Single Key Shortcuts - if you are not typing data into a field, many
                                                                                                        screens allow quick navigation around Athenaeum, without
                                                                                                        holding down the Ctrl/Command keys.
                                                                                        1               Main Menu
                                                                                        2               Search
                                                                                        3               Issue
                                                                                        4               Return
-or-                                                                                    A               Admin/preferences screen
                                                                                        B               Borrower list
click the Menu button at the top left of your current screen.                           C               Catalogue list
                                                                                        H               Issue History
                                                                                        I               Issue List
                                                                                        M               Show Manage menu on main screen
                                                                                        N               Show Navigate menu on main screen
                            !                                                           R               Circulation Archive

Any of these commands will take you back to either the Main Menu and
cancel the current action.                                                              Modules
                                                                                        You can navigate through the Athenaeum Light modules using the Navigate
                                                                                        button at the top of most screens.
Keyboard Shortcuts and Navigation
                At almost any time, you can press Ctrl-1 to return to the main
                menu. Alternatively, click on the Menu button at the top left of                                           !
                many screens.
                                                                                        Clicking that reveals a menu of buttons to all parts of the program.

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Athenaeum Light 2014

                                                                                    Found Set
                                                                                    The Found Set is an important and useful concept in Athenaeum.
You can also see the export and re-login buttons in this selection.
                                                                                    When performing a search, a subset of the records (those with the criteria
                                                                                    you specified) will be displayed. This subset of records is known as the
                                                                                    Found Set.


Hovering the cursor over a button will show a tool tip appropriate to the

Views                                                                               The current record number the found count and - in parentheses - the total
                                                                                    count of records in the current “table” are displayed near the top left.
In the documentation we have used Macintosh screenshots throughout.
The screens on Windows computers are virtually identical. The main                  Listing, sorting and printing will display only those records in the found set,
difference lies in the order of buttons on dialogs.                                 until you specifically request for all records to be once again displayed. Do
                                                                                    this by clicking on the Filter, then the All button.
The displayed screens can be large or small, various zoom percentages,
filled to screen size (or application window size on Windows) and certain
objects will scale as you increase your window size.                                New Records
The main views in the system are Detail Views and List Views. To show               Add further records either by clicking on the New Borrower or New Item
List view, click on the List button shown at the top of Detail views or simply      button from the list of command buttons on the appropriate screen.
navigate to the module.


Sort the records by clicking the headings above each column; the title of           !
the column sorts ascending; the down-pointing arrow sorts descending.
                                                                                    For example to add new Catalog Item, first navigate to the Catalog detail or
                                                                                    list screens and then click the Command buttona and then the New Item
To show the Detail View for a particular record in the list, click anywhere on
the record in a list.

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Main Menu
Depending on whether you are logged in as an administrator or a guest,
your main menu will be different.
If you are logged in as an administrator, the main menu allows access to all
parts of the programme:                                                           Various tabs provide links to the Athenaeum web pages.
                                                                                  The search widget will search the catalogue for the terms you enter.


                                                                                  Quick Statistics are displayed along the left (click them to see the data
                                                                                  from which they are derived).
                                                                                  The six main buttons are customisable and give you quick access to your
                                                                                  most used functions.
                                                                                  The messages pane will, if you have a live internet connection, display any
                                                                                  messages that Athenaeum Light might find on the SumWare Consulting
                                                                                  web site (you can click the title “Messages” to immediately retrieve any

Click the Navigate or Manage buttons to see more options. The Navigate
button to navigate to areas other than those listed on the Main Menu
                                                                                  The hide button will switch immediately to guest view, securing Athenaeum
!                                                                                 Light.

Manage allows you to create overdue and recent overdue reports

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Logging In to Athenaeum
Guest Log-In
The guest log in allows users to search and browse the catalog, but not
issue, return or administer.


                                                                                        Click on the guest button at the bottom of the dialog
                                                                                        enter guest as the account (but no password)

        !                                                                                          Note that when logged on as a Guest, all keyboard shortcuts as well
                                                                                                   as the issue and return functions are disabled.
To log in as a Guest, enter guest without a password (unless the
administrator has set a password) and click OK.                                         The guest screen now appears:
       Note that the account named “guest” is different to clicking the radio
       button labelled “Guest Account” (which actually has an account
       name of “[Guest]”. The [Guest] account is not available within

If already logged in as an “issuer” or “admin”, click on the relog-in button at
the top of the main menu:

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Athenaeum Light 2014

                                                                                          The web tab will display the web page set by the administrator, be it a
                                                                                          topical page or your organisation’s web page.


At the top right is a search widget. Enter a search word or two and click the                 !
Go button or press the return or enter keys.
                                                                                                    The web viewer on this tab can perform most web tasks, but do
The left two-thirds of the suggested searches tab lists a pseudo-random
                                                                                                    note that it is not a complete web browser.
selection of “highlighted” items (items in the catalog with the “highlighted”
check box marked). Clicking any of these will show the detail of that item.

       Each time a record in the catalogue is edited by the administrator,                !
       the sort order changes slightly.

To the right is the list of suggested search terms. Clicking one of these will
immediately search the catalogue for the clicked term and list the results.

       The library administrator can add or remove search terms as well as
       control the order of terms in the displayed list.

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Issue Log-In
The issue log can do all that the guest log in allows and, as the name
suggests, issuing and returning.
Account is
The default password is

Administrative Log-in
The admin log-on allows all of the functionality of the issue log-on as well
as most administrative duties.
The library adminstrator’s account is
       Admin                                                                        The tabs across the top, Support/Athenaeum Notes/Athenaeum Forum/
                                                                                    Newsletters are shortcuts to key pages on SumWare Consulting’s web
And the default password is
The main screen looks different to guest and issue log-ins.


                                                                                    The version check tab lists the version of Athenaeum you are running and
                                                                                    will allow you to query the Athenaeum Light web site to find out if updates
                                                                                    have been released.

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Using FileMaker Go 131 (iPad)
Athenaeum Light is optimised for use in landscape mode on an iPad,
though it will work in portrait mode and on an iPhone.

Logging in as Guest
Select your Athenaeum Light database, either on your device or by
connecting to FileMaker Server 13, enter “guest” as the account and no
password (by default) and click Go.


                                                                                         As with using Athenaeum Light with FileMaker Pro in “guest” mode, the
                                                                                         “Menu” is one of the starting points for all searching.
                                                                                         Enter your search criteria and tap the search button, or tap one of the
                                                                                         highlighted lines or maybe one of the suggested search topics. The search
                                                                                         results are presented:


According to your preferences, one of the main search screens is

1   FileMaker Go 13 is a free download from the App Store. Athenaeum Light no longer supports earlier versions of FileMaker Go.

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Athenaeum Light 2014

                                                                                        •   you may sort the list of items by tapping the column headings: “title”,
                                                                                            “author”, “call”, “dewey”, “location”

                                                                                        The Detail view shows more information about the selected item:


Swipe upwards or downwards to scroll through the list or tap any entry to
see more detail or enter new search criteria in the search box at the top
and perform a new search.
•   If an item is issued, it’s appears in red.
                                                                                        •   If a field has no data stored, its label is shown in blue italics
•   If an item is marked “not for issue”, it’s bar code appears in red.
                                                                                        •   the words “Not for Issue” are displayed in large type at the top right if
•   If the librarian has highlighted an item, it’s title and author are displayed           the librarian has marked the item not for issue
    in bold type.
                                                                                        •   if an item is issued, the due date is shown at the bottom right
•   the “current” item is highlighted by showing the field frames
                                                                                        •   if a picture, document, movie or sound is stored with an item a
•   the “” buttons at the top will page up and down through the list               representation is shown at the top right. Tapping that will reveal a pop-
•   the “A” button at the top will increase or decrease the default font size               over window with the object displayed at its full size or as large as
    through three values                                                                    practical (see below).

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                                                                                       •           swipe the view to the left to return to the item detail

                                                                                       •           tapping the Open URL button above the view will open the web page full

•       if a URL has been loaded by the librarian for an item, then tapping that       !
        URL will slide to a larger view

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Logging in as Admin
       Note that while you can log in as an admin user on the iPad, the
       admin experience is optimised for FileMaker Pro, not FileMaker Go.
       This means that some buttons will be a bit small and some features,
       such as button hover feedback won’t be displayed.

Select your Athenaeum Light database, either on your device or by
connecting to FileMaker Server 13, enter “admin” as the account and the
password and click Go.


                                                                                       As with using Athenaeum Light with FileMaker Pro in “guest” mode, the
                                                                                       “Menu” is one of the starting points for all searching.


The screens used by “admin” users when using an iPad are the same
screens that FileMaker Pro users see when settings are set to the “smaller”

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Configuring Athenaeum Light                                                      Organisation details
Before using Athenaeum Light, you should configure the program for your
Click the Admin button on the navigation menu (or just press the “a” key at
the main menu):



                                                                                 The register organisation button allows you to register Athenaeum Light
                                                                                 with the registration code you receive after payment for the program.
                                                                                 Enter the library administrator’s contact name and title. You can also insert
                                                                                 your organisation’s logo.

                                                                                                                         Custom labels
                                                                                                                         Custom labels define the text that
                                                                                                                         appears next to certain catalogue
                                                                                                                         and borrower fields.
                                                                                                                         For example, a school might define
                                                                                                                         the borrower custom labels as
                                                                                                                         “Year” or “Form” and “Home Room”.
!                                                                                                                       A church might enter the normal
                                                                                                                        church service that a borrower might
                                                                                                                        attend, indicating when that
                                                                                                                        borrower can be expected to visit
                                                                                                                        the library.

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Guest Home page URL                                                               !
One of the default home pages for
guests displays the nominated web
Enter the URL (uniform resource
locator) for the home page with the
http:// or https:// prefix.
The box below will show that page
so that you can check you have
entered the URL correctly.

Borrower Name
                                                                  Click the
                                                                  button to
                                                                full names
as last, first or first last.

Suggested Search Subjects
A list of search terms that the administrator can add to assist borrowers
find topical items.
The items are presented in the sort order specified. The sort number is a
decimal number and you may re-order the list by changing the sort number.
For example, to move item 6 above item 5 but after 4, change the value 6
to 4.5 (say).

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Athenaeum Light 2014

                                                                                   You may not wish to have users export the contents of containers (e.g.
Window Management                                                                  book covers, pdfs) for copyright reasons. Turn that off here.

You can configure Athenaeum so that it sizes windows, zoom and window
maximisation for each level of log in. If you have a small screen, you should
choolse “smaller” and 100% and possibly “maximise”. If you have a larger
screen, experiment with the larger setting or try “smaller” with 150% zoom.
You have quite a few options and should find one comfortable for your
There are many settings as there are many, many configurations, as
highlighted in this Athenaeum Note:

Keyboard Navigation determines whether Athenaeum Light can be
navigated with single key short cuts.
Athenaeum Light will attempt to retrieve messages from the internet, unless
you configure it otherwise.

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Main Menu custom buttons                                                                 Issue Behaviour
                                                                                         This section affects operation of
                                                                                         Athenaeum Light during the issue
                                                                                         Ask duration on issue sets the
                                                                                         default behaviour defining whether
                                                                                         Athenaeum prompts you on every
                                                                                         issue for a number of days to issue.

                                                                                                   Optional: press and hold the
                                                                                                   SHIFT key when commencing
                                                                                                   the issue process force
                                                                                                   Athenaeum Light to prompt for
    You can configure the six buttons that are displayed on the main menu
                                                                                                   the duration.
                                                                                         Default Issue Duration specifies the
    To set a button, drag an option from the scrolling list on the right to one of       number of days that Athenaeum
    the button positions.                                                                Light will normally issue an item for.
                                                                                         Maximum # of issues defines the maximum number of items that a
                                                                                         borrower may have at any time
                                                                                         Skip Saturdays/Sundays will cause Athenaeum Light to recalculate a due
                                                                                         date beyond Saturday/Sunday, should the due date fall on those days.
                                                                                         Maximum number of reserves limits the number of reserves a borrower may
                                                                                         Last Issue Date for Issues specifies the latest due date for issues (normally
                                                                                         the end of the year or just before your stock take).

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Athenaeum Light 2014

Miscellaneous Settings
Borrower names last/first determines how
borrower details are displayed in list views.
Keyboard navigation controls the single key
navigation feature on many screens of
Athenaeum Light.
Users may export catalogue containers - if you
are storing pictures or documents with items,
this setting controls whether users can export
those objects out of Athenaeum Light.
Allow Athenaeum Light to retrieve messages                                       !
controls whether Athenaeum Light will periodically try to retrieve a message
                                                                                     Four templates are included:
web page from the SumWare Consulting home pages. If this setting is not
compatible with your network, then you should turn this feature off.             •     Overdue letters - for letters past their due date

                                                                                 •     Recall letters - sent out when you wish to notify the borrower that an
Letters Tab                                                                            issued item is to be returned
The letters tab contains the base content of various correspondence you
create with Athenaeum Light.                                                     •     Borrower letters

The content is wrapped with leading and trailing information (e.g. Borrower      •     Reserve Returned letters for notification that a borrower’s reserve has
details and item lists) at the time of generation.                                     been returned

                                                                                 Preferred page setup defines A4 or US Letter, controlling bar code labels
                                                                                 and letter page layouts.

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Image Tab
You can specify an optional formula that will generate a URL to a web
page, nominally to find an image related to a viewed item (such as a book
cover). This is displayed in a live web viewer next to the container for the
The example below shows how you might search for a book cover for an
item based on the ISBN.


                                                                                   Bar codes

Security Tab
The security tab contains controls for log-in accounts as well as the bar
code font used for printing bar codes and maintenance buttons.


                                                                                       Athenaeum Light can print bar code labels and requires the proprietary
                                                                                       SumWare Consulting bar code font. This can be downloaded from within

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Athenaeum Light and installed just like any other font on Windows or            Maintenance

Log-in account passwords


                                                                                    It is possible that internal counters need to be reset or checked (for
                                                                                    example, if you import data without “auto-entry” options enabled). These
                                                                                    buttons perform those tasks and should be used in conjunction with advice
                                                                                    from SumWare Consulting.

                                                                                Export Tab

Each of the available log in accounts have default values when Athenaeum
Light is first installed or upgraded.

You reset the accounts using these buttons. Only the administrator may
reset the passwords for issue/entry/guest.


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The export tab contains the following buttons:                                            The two sets of exports and imports allow you to extract just your raw data
button            function                                                                from Athenaeum Light and move it into a fresh copy. You can zip compress
                                                                                          these exports, which can act as a good “cheat’s” backup.
export merge      exports the textual content in Athenaeum Light into FileMaker’s
data              “Merge” format. “Merge” is a comma-separated file with a                Note: if you want the container data in its raw form and not stored in an
                  header record readable by most programs.                                unlocked FileMaker document, then simply open the “Files” folder next to
                  The data is exported to a folder on the current user’s desktop          Athenaeum Light to see the hierarchy of external data.
                  called “athenaeum light export”. If the folder already exists, the
                  script will delete the contents and the folder and create the           !
                  folder anew.
import merge      attempts to import automatically from the “athenaeum light
data              export” folder on the user’s desktop - used in conjunction with
                  the export merge data.
                  This does not first remove any data from Athenaeum Light
import data       will import data to each table in Athenaeum Light from the
                  nominated location

button            function

export container exports container data (images, photos, logos, etc.) to
data             unlocked FileMaker files, linking them with the ID of the
                 appropriate record.
                  The data is exported to a folder on the current user’s desktop
                  called “athenaeum light containers”.
import container is the reverse of the export process and marries up containers
data             with original records

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Catalogue                                                                             Catalogue Views
                                                                                      To work with the catalogue, you must have logged on as an administrator.
The Catalogue is the module where information about all items within the
                                                                                      Other log-ons allow browsing of a (simplified) catalog screen and editing is
library (resources, books, cd’s, videos, periodicals, topical web links, etc) is
                                                                                      not available under these circumstances.
stored. The ‘library’ might be one physical location, such as a room, or it
may be a geographically diverse concept spanning many rooms, buildings                On the Main Menu, click on the Catalogue button in the navigate menu,
or maybe even towns.                                                                  press the letter “c” or if you have configured the main menu so, click the big
                                                                                      catalogue button.
Current versions of Athenaeum have one entry for every item in the
catalogue, even if items are duplicate copies of the same title. However,
copies of the same item are ‘connected’ internally, which means that if you
reserve or review an items, all copies of the item store the reserve
information or display the reviews.
Adding items to the Catalogue can be either done manually or by using a
system such as SCIS.

Saving your work                                                                      You will see a list of items in your catalogue (in fact, the found set is
                                                                                      displayed, which may comprise only a subset of items in your catalogue)
Athenaeum automatically saves your information; you do not have to do
this manually.
Do, especially during data entry, back up frequently. Every hour during this
intensive period is not unreasonable! To back up, quit Athenaeum and drag
the entire Athenaeum folder over to a zip disk.
Or, at least do the “cheat’s backup” which exports your data to the desktop
(see the export tab in Admin for more detail).
If you are using Athenaeum Light with FileMaker Pro Server, this can be
automated. See your IT support person for more information.

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                                                                  As in the other modules in Athenaeum, the catalogue has a list view and a
                                                                  detail view.

                                                                  Adding a Catalogue Item Manually
                                                                  From the Options Main Menu, click on the Catalogue button. Click on the
                                                                  New Item button at the top of the list view or the detail screen.


                                                                  A new blank entry is created with the next bar code number automatically
                                                                  Each field is labelled and hovering the cursor over those fields for a few
                                                                  seconds will reveal a tooltip briefly describing the field.

Click on a record to view the details for an item.


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Minimum Required Catalog Fields
We recommend that as a minimum you enter bar code, title, author,
subject, costs, purchase date and location.

             Subjects should be simply keywords, not stories.                               !

             Keywords can be entered into the custom fields and are designed to
                                                                                                       Field                           purpose
             assist your searchers find items with less formal terms.!                          type           the type of item, e.g. book, CD, magazine, URL

                                                                                                ISBN           the ISBN, ISSN or ISMN for the referenced item
Field List
                                                                                                dewey          notionally, the dewey decimal number of the item,
    The following fields are available in the catalogue and their purpose
                                                                                                               though Athenaeum Light doesn’t care if you use a
    described below:
                                                                                                               different numbering system (just be consistent in all of
                                                                                                               your cataloguing)
                                                                                                call           notionally, the CALL number for the item (such as the
!                                                                                                              first three letters of the main author’s surname)
                                                                                                ed.            the edition of the item (optional)
             Field                                  purpose
    title                 The title of the item                                                 publisher      the publish company for the item

    author                the main author or authors of the item                                loc.           the publish location

    other author/         others involved with the authoring or illustration                    year           the publish year
    origin                origin of the item - normally the country
    series                if the item is part of a series, the name of the series

    bar code              the unique alphanumeric code identifying the item -
                          should not contain spaces
    location              where in your library the item can be found

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          Field                              purpose                                             Field                             purpose
    purchase date   when you purchased the item                                            Notes          any notes relevant to the item. library patrons can see
                                                                                                          this field and it is searched, by default, in “fast finds”.
    $ paid          the amount you actually paid for the item
                                                                                                          This field can hold a gigabyte of text (though this is not
    $ replace       how much it woud cost to replace the item                                             necessarily recommended)
                                                                                           container      containers hold objects such as .pdf, word or excel
    dep’n rate      the notional depreciation rate for the item, per annum -
                                                                                                          documents, movies, images or sounds
                    a decimal number between zero and one
    supplier        the supplier from whom you purchased the item.
                    Choose from previously entered suppliers by clicking
                    the arrow. Click the ... button to edit the list of suppliers      !
                    and add new suppliers
    condition       optional field to record the condition of the item                           Field                             purpose
                                                                                           URL            The uniform resource locator (internet address) for the
    stock take      time stamp of when you last took stock of the item                                    item. The URL is used to display the appropriate web
                                                                                                          page on the URL tabs in the various detail views. The
                                                                                                          Open URL button will attempt to open the URL in your
                                                                                                          default web browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari or Internet
                                                                                           subjects       the formal words and phrases describing the content of
                                                                                                          the URL. Enter subjects one on each line
                                                                                           custom 1...4   custom fields used for any purpose you see fit. custom
                                                                                                          fields are not included in Fast Find searches


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             Field                            purpose                                    Notes/Custom
    issue date        if issued, the date the item was issued otherwise empty.           A view showing larger views of the notes and custom fields
                      If the item is overdue, the date appears in red.
    return date       if issued, the date the item is due for return, otherwise          Container
                    empty. If the item is overdue, the date appears in red.              On the left is a larger view of the container from the detail view. On the right
    borrower custom if issued, custom field 1 and 2 (with the labels as you
                                                                                         is a web view showing the web resource visible from the URL derived from
    fields            have defined them in admin) for the borrower. If the item          the formula in the image field in the admin. The open viewer will attempt to
                      is overdue, the fields appears in red.                             open that URL in your default web browser. The Grab button will attempt to
    borrower name     the name of the borrower, if issued. If the item is                copy the image viewed in the web viewer and store it in the container. The
                      overdue, the name appears in red.                                  web viewer must be a direct link to a .jpg or .png file.
    borrower e-mail   if issued, the e-mail address for the borrower (in red if
    address           overdue). Click the Show button to view the borrower’s             URL
                      record; click the send e-mail button to generate an e-             The URL from the detail tab and a web viewer showing the content pointed
                      mail in your mail client such as Outlook or Apple Mail.            to.
                      Click the return button to immediately return the item
                                                                                         A tab showing internal fields for the item. Do not change anything on this
Tab views                                                                                view unless advised.

                                                                                         Catalogue Commands
The main information for the catalogue item. The tab where you will spend
most of your time.
                                                                                         New Item
    Reserves/History                                                                     Adds a new item to the catalogue
Lists of any reserves for the viewed item and the history of all issue/returns
for the item.                                                                            Bar Codes
                                                                                         Shows a view of the current found set of catalogue items as bar codes, 10
                                                                                         rows, 3 columns

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Edit BC                                                                          Catalogue Filter
Allows you to adjust the placement of bar codes in “layout” mode.

Next BC
Allows you to set the next bar code generated for the next new item. Bar         !
codes can contain letters and numbers and it is normally not a good idea
to include spaces or special characters.                                         All
                                                                                 Sets the found set to all records (you lose the results of your last find)
Cat QRCodes
Will print QR Codes for the found set of catalogue items (note, you must         Omitted
generate the bar codes first).                                                   Shows the items that are currently omitted from view

Edit Cat QR                                                                      Constrain
Will switch to the QRCodes layout and allow you to edit with FileMaker Pro.      Allows you “constrain” new searches to just your found set...that is a
That is, you can change the width, height, content of each printed QR            search within a search. To do this, click the Constrain button, enter your
Code to suit your needs.                                                         find criteria and then click the Constrain button again.

Create Cat QR                                                                    Out
Will generate QR Codes for the found set of items. This can take a while,        Lists all catalogue items that are out of the library.

depending upon your internet connection, with each code taking about a
second or so to be retrieved and stored.
                                                                                 Lists all items that are reserved

                                                                                 No Issue
                                                                                 Lists all items that are marked as “not for issue"

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Catalogue Reports


Prints the current found set of items in the current sort order.


    Summarises the found set of catalogue records, grouped by Location.
    Items that have no location wil be grouped together at the start showing a       Type
    blank location.                                                                  Groups the found set of catalogue records by the item type.

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                                                                                    Groups the found set of items by Author:


                                                                                    Custom 1
 !                                                                                  Summarises the found set by the field named custom 1. You set your name
                                                                                    for custom 1 in the admin preferences.
Groups the found set of items by publisher. If you don’t have a publisher
specified for items, there will be a blank entry at the start summarising



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Custom 2
Summarises the found set by the field named custom 2. You set your name
for custom 2 in the admin preferences.


                                                                             Summarises the founds set by the author origin (the field below the author
                                                                             on the catalogue detail screen):


Summarises the found set by supplier:
                                                                             This will export the found set of catalogue records to either a a text file, an
                                                                             excel workbook or copies the data to the clipboard.

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                                                                         This option includes the most information for every record.
!                                                                        Choosing Excel or clipboard, will export just the financials for each item.

                                                                         This is where you start a new stock take (clearing all previous stock take
                                                                         information) or continue the current stock take.

                                                                         Will list all items in the catalogue that were not scanned in the current stock
                                                                         take. That is, everything that does not have a stock take stamp.


The type pop-up menu allows you to specify the file type:

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                                                                                   By default, Athenaeum Light performs “stemming” which means it will
Searching                                                                          search for words that “start” with each of the words you enter, unless you
When you perform a search in Athenaeum, the result of the search is                add wild card symbols.
known as the found set, which is in effect a subset of your catalogue.                         Search for                       Will find these
Many actions, such as printing, exporting and archiving are only applied to             it                  Italic, Italy, It
this found set.
                                                                                        *it                 It, hit, wit

Fast Find                                                                               *it*                It, Italy, italic, itch, witch, hit, bit

The search widgets on the guest and administrator main screens performs
                                                                                   Searching this way is case insensitive.
a fast find.

                                                                                   Detailed Find

Any terms entered into the fast find field automatically search the following                               !

fields:                                                                            Clicking the Detailed Search button on the search screen switches to an
       Bar code                                                                    empty catalogue detail screen (either the administrator detail screen or the
       Title                                                                       guest detail screen depending upon the logged in account).

       ISBN                                                                        Here, you may choose which field or fields to enter your search criteria.

Entering more than one word will perform an “and” search for those words
across the listed fields.

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                                                                                          You can add new requests, omit items or select operators from a list and
                                                                                          build flexible search requests.


            By combining the techniques described above you can build up very
            precise and complex searches.


Boolean Find–“AND” search
Find all books with Maori in the subject AND written by R. Bacon:                         Boolean Find–“OR” search
                                                                                          Search for all books that have Maori in the Subject field OR are written by
•       Enter ‘Maori’ in the Subject field, enter ‘Bacon’ in the Author field.
                                                                                          R. Bacon:
•       Press the Enter key or click on the OK button. All books listed meet
        BOTH criteria specified.
                                                                                          •       Enter ‘Maori’ in the Subject field.

                                                                                          •       Next, click on the New Request button.

Status Area Search options                                                                •       Enter ‘Bacon’ in the author field.

                                                                                          •       Press the Enter key or click on the OK button. Note that the list obtained
                               !                                                                  here is longer than that using the above search.
Clicking the Show status area icon at the bottom left of the window reveals               Search for all books that have Maori OR moko in the Subject field:
the status area containing more options for searches.

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•   Enter ‘Maori’ in the Subject field (without the quotes)
                                                                                     Omitting Individual Records from a Found
•   Next, click on the New Request button.                                           Set
•   Enter ‘moko’ in the subject field (without the quotes)                           You may have performed a search and ended up with a found set which is
                                                                                     almost correct. You can omit individual records from the Found Set as
•   Press the Enter key or click on the OK button.
                                                                                     Activate the record to be omitted ( a black vertical line will be visible on the
Boolean Easy Find–“NOT” search (omit)                                                left of the record)
Search for all books that do NOT have Maori in the subject field:

•   Enter ‘Maori’ in the Subject field.
•   Next, click on the Omit button.
                                                                                     Press Apple / Control – T. The current record is omitted
•   Press the Enter key or click on the OK button. Books in the list will be all
                                                                                               In list view, clicking on a record to activate it, will automatically take
    books that do NOT have Maori in the subject field.
                                                                                               you to the Detail View. Either use the Mark check box to activate a
        By combining the techniques demonstrated above you can build up                        record (but remember to turn it the check box off again), or use the
        very precise and complex searches.                                                     Control key plus the UP and DOWN arrows on your keyboard to
                                                                                               navigate through your records

Power Searches
As you become more familiar with Athenaeum, you will want to take your               Further Narrowing Down a Found Set
searching skills further.                                                            Once you have a found set, you can further narrow down this found set by
Most screens are searchable, simply by pressing Apple / Control – F. Your            constraining the found set.
screen goes into Find mode, where you can enter any combination of                   Perform your first search as per usual.
criteria as described above. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to                 Then, press Apple / Control – F again and enter your second set of
display the results. It may be useful at this point to switch to List view to        criteria. DO NOT press the Enter key!! Instead, go to the Requests menu
view the found set more effectively.                                                 at the top of the screen and choose Constrain Found Set from this menu
From this point, you can refine your search even more:                               or click the filter button and then the constrain button

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                          !              !

Your second criteria will now only apply to the records in the original found

Extending your Found Set                                                                      !

Once you have a found set, you can add to this by extending the found              Simply perform the search again and change or adjust your criteria.
First, perform your initial search.                                                Working with a Found Set
Then, press Apple / Control – F again and enter your second set of                 The Found Set refers to the subset of your data following a search. The
criteria. DO NOT press the Enter key!! Instead, go to the Requests menu at         number in your found set is displayed to the right of the navigation buttons:
the top of the screen and choose Extend Found Set from this menu or
click the filter button and then the extend button

                                                                                   in the above example, there are a total of 3738 items in the catalog, and
                          !              !
                                                                                   the found set is comprised of 74 items.The found set can be manipulated
Your found set will have the results from the two searches added together.         in various ways. Further searches (building on the found set) are possible,
                                                                                   as well as a number of functions such as printing reports, lists and bar
                                                                                   codes; reporting summaries, disposing, stocktaking, etc.
Unsuccessful searches
In some cases a search comes up with no result, i.e. a found set of 0
items. A warning will appear with some possible explanations:                      Find All
                                                                                   If you have been working with a subset of your data and wish to return to
                                                                                   working with all data,
                                                                                   press Apple / Control – J

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Click on the Filter button and choose All.                                                       repeating this exercise will return you to the original found set, as
                                                                                                 long as you don’t do any other searches inbetween.


the number for the found set now equals the number between the                         Constraining Found Set
parentheses.                                                                           If you already have a found set and you wish to narrow down your selection
                                                                                       further, you can constrain your original found set by entering further criteria.

Finding all Out items                                                                  Click on the Filter button at the top of the catalog detail or list screen. the
                                                                                       filter submenu appears.
Click on the Filter button at the top of the catalog detail or list screen:

                                                                                       Then click on the Find button and enter your second criteria. Finally, click
the filter submenu appears.
                                                                                       on the Constrain button.

A list of all items currently out appears.
                                                                                       For example, you have a list of all items that are out. You now want to find
                                                                                       all those items by Dahl our of the items currently out.
Finding Omitted Records                                                                Click on the Find button (if this is not already visible, click on the Filter
You may wish to view or work with all the items that are not currently in the          button first)
found set. To do this,
                                                                                       Click on the Find button and type in Dahl in the surname field.
Click on the Filter button at the top of the catalog detail or list screen:
                                                                                       Click on the Constrain button again.

                                       !                                                    !

the filter submenu appears. Click on the omitted button                                you now have all items by Dahl that are currently out.


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Finding Items marked “Not for Issue”
       An item that should not be issued, is marked as such by checking
       the Not for Issue check box in the catalog detail screen.


                                                                                       In Detail view, click the temp “mark” button.


Click on the Filter button at the top of the catalog detail or list screen. The
filter submenu appears.

                                                                                       To find items that have been marked, simply click the flag button in “find”
                                                                                       mode and press enter.
Then click on the no issue button.

                                                                                       Listing Highlighted Titles on the Guest
                                                                                       Search Screen
                                                                                       Items can be “Highlighted” in the catalogue by clicking the Highlighted
Flags                                                                                  button:

Flagging Items
In some cases you may like to temporarily ‘flag’ certain items in the
catalogue so they can be tracked later (for example books that need their
condition checking at a later date). In list view, you can click the button to
the left of each row (the button will highlight when you hover above it) in
browse or find mode.                                                                                            !

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and will display in lists in bold text and be listed on the guest search screen
for easy access:


The items are presented in a pseudo random order. Each time you edit a
catalogue record, you slightly adjust the order.

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                                                                                  Photos can be stored with each borrower if required. QR Codes can be
Borrowers                                                                         generated, stored and printed. If you are using FileMaker Go on an iOS
Navigate to the borrower list from the main menu by pressing the letter “b”       device, you can also use the QR Codes as identifiers during issuing and
or clicking the borrower button on the navigation menu.                           checking.

                                                                                  Borrower Fields
                                                                                       Field                         Description

!                                                                                  Bar code         Unique code assigned to each borrower - used
                                                                                                    for issues and reserves
Borrowers can be anything, in accordance with your library policy.
Students, teachers, visitors, rooms, other Libraries.                              First name       Given or known as name for borrower

                                                                                   Familly name     Surname or family name of borrower

                                                                                   Authorised       Check box indicating whether borrower is
                                                                                                    authorised for issues

                                                                                   “year”           For schools, usually the “year” or “form” level of
                                                                                                    the borrower. For other organisations, this field
                                                                                                    may be used to group “like” borrowers in some

                                                                                   “room”           For schools, usually the “home room” of the
                                                                                                    borrower. For other organisations, this field
                                                                                                    may be used to group “like” borrowers in some
"                                                                                                   reports

To get your organisation data into Athenaeum, you can either type all of this      Address fields   4 address fields plus a post (zip) code
information manually, or import the data directly from other data sources
such as spreadsheets, databases like your school administration system.

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        Field                       Description                                  New Brwr
                                                                                 Switches to the detail view and creates a new empty record.
    Phone         Contact phone number or numbers for the
    e-mail        e-mail address used when creating e-mail
                                                                                 A quick way to send e-mails to borrowers. Will give you the option of
                  correspondence - in the format name@domain
                  (don’t enter “mailto:” nor quotes, spaces and                  creating e-mails to the found set of borrowers. Either 1 e-mail to the found

                  extraneous punctuation around the e-mail                       set of borrowers or to each borrower individually.


    Letters       Printed letters to borrowers will pick up
    address to    addressing information from the address fields,
                  custom 1 or custom 2 fields according to your

    Photograph    Enter a borrower photograph here. Click the                              !

                  insert button and select your image.                           You are then prompted for the subject and message.

    QR Code       Retrieve a QR Code from the internet. The QR
                  Code represents the bar code

    “mark”        A flag for temporarily marking records for easy
                  retrieval later




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E-mails with your content will be generated in your standard mail program       Edit Brwr QR
(this does not work with web based e-mail programs such as gmail).                  Allows you to edit the layout upon which QR codes with borrower photos
                                                                                    are printed.
Edit Letter
Allows you to edit the layout of the selected borrower letter.                  Create Brwr QR
                                                                                    Generates QR Codes for the found set of borrowers. This requires an
                                                                                    internet connection. Each QR Code takes about a second or so to retrieve,
                                                                                    according to your internet connection speed and computer speed.

                                                                                Next Bar Code
        !                                                                           Allows you to set the next bar code generated for the next new borrower.
                                                                                    Bar codes can contain letters and numbers and it is normally not a good
Edit 3BC                                                                            idea to include spaces or special characters.
Allows you to edit the layout upon which 3 column bar codes are printed.

Edit 2BC
Allows you to edit the layout upon which 2 column bar codes are printed.

Edit PhotoBC
Allows you to edit the layout upon which 2 column bar codes with borrower       All
photos are printed.                                                             Sets the found set to all records (you lose the results of your last find)

                                                                                Shows the items that are currently omitted from view

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Constrain                                                                            Borrower 1
Allows you “constrain” new searches to just your found set...that is a               Prints a list of the found set of borrowers grouped by borrower custom field
search within a search. To do this, click the Constrain button, enter your
                                                                                     1, with a page break between each group.
find criteria and then click the Constrain button again.

Lists all borrowers who are “authorised” for issue.
(tip: click this and then omitted to find all unauthorised borrowers)

Report                                                                               Borrower 2
                                                                                     Prints a list of the found set of records grouped by borrower custom field 2,
                                                                                     with a page break between each group.

Prints the current found set of borrowers, with some brief statistics in the
current sort order.


                                                                                     Will generate a letter to the found set of borrowers using either the
                                                                                     borrower address or the borrower custom field 2


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                                                                                    Switches to a list view with borrower bar code, name, photo and details of
                                                                                    the photo.



3 Col BC
Prints pages of bar codes for the found set of borrowers in 3 columns.
                                                                                    If you click the All Photos button at the top of the window, Athenaeum will
                                                                                    only show borrowers who have borrowers (and then filter->omitted to see
2 Col BC
                                                                                    the borrowers that don’t have photos).
Prints bar codes for the found set of borrowers in 2 columns.

Photo BC
Prints a bar codes with photos next to them.

Printed Monday, 24 February 2014                                                                                                                         page 49
Athenaeum Light 2014

Search for Borrowers
Quick Search for Borrowers


The fastest way to find a borrower is to simply click into the quick search
field at the top right of the borrower list and start typing.
Athenaeum Light will filter the borrower list as you type.
A quick video of this can be seen on youtube at this link:                         !
                                                                                   Enter the criteria by which you wish to search, then press the Enter key on
                                                                                   the keyboard.
Detail Search for Borrowers                                                        Showing the status area reveals additional options, such as multiple find
Click on the Find button at the top of the screen.                                 requests and “omit” requests option

Your screen goes into Find mode on a blank version of the detail screen.
                                                                                       Example: Search for all pupils in room 8.

                                                                                   •     Type 8 in the Room field and click on the OK button.

                                                                                   •     A list of pupils appears, this is your found set.

Printed Monday, 24 February 2014                                                                                                                        page 50
Athenaeum Light 2014


           Note that this search found all borrowers in Rooms 8 and 8F; this is
           as a result of different naming conventions used in schools. If you
           only wanted to find those pupils in room 8 (and not 8F), enter the
           criteria as ‘=8’ (without quotes).

                                                                                                  if you click the issues button (the heading above the issues) at the top of
Creating a New Borrower                                                                           that list, it will list just this borrower’s issues in the circulation module
Click the Command button, then click on the New button.

A new, empty borrower record is created, ready for you to enter the
required details.
                                                                                              You can also quickly generate a list of issued items (without finding that
                                                                                              borrower in the borrowers module, clicking their details and then the issues
Viewing a Borrower’s Current Issues                                                           tab) for any borrower by using the Check Borrower function on the manage
-either-                                                                                      menu.
Locate the borrower record and display the Detail tab. At the bottom left is
a scrollable area listing the current issues for the borrower (overdue issues
show the due date in red).


Printed Monday, 24 February 2014                                                                                                                                                  page 51
Athenaeum Light 2014

Enter the borrower’s bar code
                                                                                   Viewing Issue History
                                                                                   For each borrower, current and past issues are stored. This gives library
                                                                                   administrators a very useful point of reference. To view the borrower’s
                                                                                   history, click on the borrower’s record to display the Detail View, and then
                                                                                   click on the Issue History tab.


                                                                                       The list of historical issues and the average duration is displayed.


Click OK. A list of all items that the borrower currently has out appears on
the screen together with due dates.


                                                                                   Viewing a Borrower’s current Reserves
                                                                                   Locate the borrower record and display the Detail tab. The reserves are
                                                                                   displayed in a scrollable portal at the bottom right.

Printed Monday, 24 February 2014                                                                                                                              page 52
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