SUMMER 2019 - College for Kids Grades 1-12 Excerpted from - Norwalk Community College

Page created by Kevin Hubbard
SUMMER 2019 - College for Kids Grades 1-12 Excerpted from - Norwalk Community College
Norwalk Community College
Continuing Education and
Workforce Development

                            for Kids
                            Grades 1-12
                             (Excerpted from
                               full catalog)

  SUMMER 2019
SUMMER 2019 - College for Kids Grades 1-12 Excerpted from - Norwalk Community College
Courses for                                          project, students will build their own Raspberry
                                                       pi-powered hand-held computer (complete
                                                                                                            COMPUTER CODING CONCEPTS II
                                                                                                            (GRADES 9-12)

  High School
                                                       with touchscreen interface), which they take
                                                       home with them.                                      In this class, students will continue to develop
                                                       CRN 7210                5 Sessions                   their coding skills. Instructor will provide indi-

  Students                                             KIDS D5063 Section 01   NCC, Room W001/
                                                       MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                                                                            vidual instruction coinciding with the student’s
                                                                                                            level of coding expertise.
                                                                                                            Prerequisite: Computer Coding Concepts I or
                                                       Tuition: $249
                                                       Instructor: John Robert                              with permission of instructor (please contact
                                                       HUMAN BIOLOGY FOR HIGH                               CRN 6929                    5 Sessions
                                                       SCHOOL STUDENTS (GRADES 9-12)                        KIDS D5200 Section 01       NCC, Room W247
                                                                                                            MTWRF 1:30-4:30PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
                                                       A survey of Human Biology based on the 11            Tuition: $165
                                                       Human Organ Systems. We will study how they          Instructor: Kerry V. Cramer
                                                       work together to sustain life functions. The
SPEED AND AGILITY TRAINING FOR                         course will use anatomical models to show            COMPUTER CODING CONCEPTS III
THE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE                                students the various organs like the heart,          (GRADES 9-12)
Learn the secrets to being quicker on the court        lungs, kidneys, muscles, bones, brain, stom-         In this class, students will expand their coding
or on the field through our specialized Speed          ach, liver, etc. Students will get “hands-on”        knowledge from JavaScript to Java, and
and Agility Course. High school athletes at all        learning experience of the human body both           continue to develop their coding skills in these
skill levels trying to make varsity, first string,     from a structural (anatomy) and functional           languages. Instructor will provide individual
or get in to the college of their choice in their      (physiology) perspective. The biological levels      instruction, coding examples, and assignments
sport will benefit greatly from this educational       of organization will also be explained from the      in JavaScript and Java. Testing techniques
and informative hands-on training program.             smallest (subatomic) to the largest (Earth) and      and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) will be
Designed for athletes in all sports and at all         the Human Organ Systems will be placed into          introduced as well.
skill levels, participants will work through a         that hierarchy. This class will be an excel-
                                                       lent preparation for High School Biology or          Prerequisite: Computer Coding Concepts II or
variety of modules incorporating agility lad-                                                               with permission of instructor (please contact
ders, cones, plyometrics, and wall drills as they      Advanced Placement High School Biology. It is
                                                       also good for any student interested in science
improve their speed starts, re-acceleration, cut-
ting moves, multi-directional speed, top-end           in general.                                          CRN 7040                    5 Sessions
                                                                                                            KIDS D5202 Section 01       NCC, Room W247
speed, linear acceleration, lateral acceleration,      CRN 7036                     5 Sessions
                                                                                                            MTWRF 1:30-4:30PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
crossover acceleration, retreating skills, and         KIDS D5107 Section 01        NCC, Room TBA
                                                                                                            Tuition: $165
more. Take your agility and skill to a whole           MTWRF 12:30-3:30PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
                                                                                                            Instructor: Kerry V. Cramer
new level through this comprehensive learning          Tuition: $165
                                                       Instructor: John A. Flaherty
experience. Leave the competition in the dust                                                               MATH CAMPUS (GRADES 8-10)
and maybe even break a record or two!
                                                       COMPUTER CODING CONCEPTS I                           MC Math is an open forum for any student in
CRN 7208                       8 Sessions              (GRADES 9-12)
RECR D7126 Section 01          NCC, Room H005                                                               Grades 8-10 requiring assistance with his/ her
Mon./Wed. 4:30-5:30PM          Begins 6/24/2019        Students will be introduced to basic computer        understanding of mathematical concepts spe-
Tuition: $99                                           coding and web page development. Using               cific to his/her grade level or to the next grade
Instructor: Karen Jewell                                                                                    level that he/she will be entering. Though so
                                                       interactive teaching concepts, students will
CRN 7209                   8 Sessions                  learn basic coding language techniques. Stu-         specifically designed, students having difficul-
RECR D7126 Section 02      NCC, Room H004              dents will also be able to learn about possible      ties with any grade-level mathematical subject
Tues./Thurs. 4:30-5:30PM 		Begins 7/23/2019
                                                       careers in IT. While not required, it is important   matter or concept can enroll for this program.
Tuition: $99                                                                                                Students will be grouped as per grade level
Instructor: Karen Jewell                               that participants have explored or completed
                                                       Concepts of Algebra in school to maximize            and, thereby, instructed as such.
                                                       student success.                                     Note: This course is not designed for students
                                                                                                            sitting for the SAT, ACT, AP Courses or any other
BOOTCAMP (GRADE 8-12)                                  CRN 6927                    5 Sessions
                                                       KIDS D5198 Section 01       NCC, Room W247           test prep courses/programs. Students can sign
Learn how to harness the power of this credit-         MTWRF 1:30-4:30PM 		Begins 6/24/2019                 up for these courses/programs separately.
card sized computer, which has been at the             Tuition: $165                                        CRN 7211                   5 Sessions
heart of so many cool DIY projects on Instruct-        Instructor: Kerry V. Cramer                          KIDS D5100 Section 01      NCC, Room W213
ables and Youtube. The Pi is powered by the            CRN 6928                    5 Sessions               MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019
UNIX OS and has full WiFi and Bluetooth capabil-       KIDS D5198 Section 02       NCC, Room W247           Tuition: $165
ities. Students will learn how to: install/upgrade     MTWRF 1:30-4:30PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                  Instructor: Mervyn Edwards
free software; navigate the command-line               Tuition: $165
                                                       Instructor: Kerry V. Cramer
interface; program in Python; control physical
devices like LEDs and motors. In the final

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                             See page 43 for Registration Form   29
SUMMER 2019 - College for Kids Grades 1-12 Excerpted from - Norwalk Community College
                                                     Test Prep Classes                                    Please purchase the following book for class:
                                                                                                          Cracking the GED Test with two Practice Exams,
                                                                                                          2018 Edition. Author: Kaplan Review/Caren
This hands-on course will teach students             SAT PREP                                             Van Slyke. Publisher: Random House. ISBN:
important lifetime, decision making skills.                                                               9780451487711.
                                                     Get ready for the *NEW* SAT! This class covers
Working on real world examples both in groups
                                                     every one of the five sections (Reading, Writing,    CRN 7238                   12 Sessions
and individually, the class will help students
                                                     Math without a Calculator, Math with a Calcu-        SPIN D5008 Section 01      NCC, Room E220
develop an understanding of money and                                                                     Mon./Wed. 1:00-3:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                     lator, and the Essay) and the best test-taking
finances for today’s world. Based on the Cowin                                                            Tuition: $249
                                                     strategies. Timed practice, in-class drills, and
Financial Literacy Program in partnership with                                                            Instructor: Mervyn Edwards
                                                     at-home assignments will sharpen your prob-
Columbia University’s Teachers College and
                                                     lem solving skills and boost your score. This
Women In Support of Education (W!SE) curric-                                                              GMAT PREP
                                                     class is for high school Sophomores, Juniors,
ulum will include money management (bud-
                                                     and Seniors.                                         Students seeking to enter graduate business
geting and savings), paying for college, buying
your first car and opening your first credit card.   Please purchase textbook online before the first     school, most often than not, will be required
It is designed to prepare teens to understand        class: The “Official SAT Study Guide (2018 Edi-      to submit GMAT (“Graduate Management
how their money choices will directly affect         tion, ISBN: 1457309289) by “The College Board,”      Admissions Test”) scores. The mathematics
their finances now, and in the future.               and bring a calculator to class.                     section of GMAT does pose serious mathemat-
                                                     CRN 6197                     6 Sessions
                                                                                                          ical challenges to a large percentage of these
CRN 6956                      5 Sessions                                                                  students. This course prepares students to
KIDS D5117 Section 01         NCC, Room W004         SPIN D5016 Section 01        NCC, Room E213
MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019                 Mon./Wed. 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019              deal with those challenges. The course teaches
Tuition: $165                                        Tuition: $189                                        GMAT-specific mathematics. It provides an
Instructor: Jill Russo Foster                        Instructor: Michael Phillips                         in-depth review of course material and con-
                                                                                                          cepts with the mastery of each as its ultimate
STOCK MARKET MADNESS                                 ACT PREP                                             goal. Weekly quizzes and at least three (3)
(GRADES 9-12)                                                                                             mock exams will be administered during the
                                                     Get ready for the ACT! This class covers every
                                                                                                          period of the course.
Are you interested in knowing how to make            one of the five tests (English, Math, Reading,
                                                     Science, and Writing) and the best test-taking       Prerequisite: College/High School Algebra and
money in the Stock Market? Learn how to buy
                                                     strategies. Timed practice, in-class drills, and     Geometry
low and sell high with the right stock picks to
make simulated money? Learn this by using            at-home assignments will sharpen your prob-          Please purchase the following book for class:
safe money in the simulated stock market             lem solving skills and boost your score. This        GMAT Official Guide 2018 Quantitative Review:
investment game. We will learn how to pick           class is for high school Sophomores, Juniors,        Book + Online. Author: GMAC (Graduate Manage-
the right company stocks, follow the right           and Seniors.                                         ment Admission Council). Publisher: Wiley. ISBN-
trends, read the markets, to be ready to play        The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018-2019 Edition       13: 978-1119387497. ISBN-10: 1119387493
and win in the Stock Market Simulation Game          ISBN: 9781119508069, and a graphing calculator       CRN 7239                   10 Sessions
during real time stock trading. We will examine      are REQUIRED.                                        SPIN D5015 Section 01      NCC, Room W251
current trends; in order, to invest in real time                                                          Tues./Thurs. 6:00-8:00PM 		Begins 6/25/2019
                                                     CRN 7053                     6 Sessions
using your own stock market streaming screen                                                              Tuition: $249
                                                     SPIN D5055 Section 01        NCC, Room E221          Instructor: Mervyn Edwards
to buy and sell stocks with your own $100,000        Tues./Thurs. 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/9/2019
portfolio in a very easy and fun way!                Tuition: $189
                                                     Instructor: Michael Phillips                         AP CALCULUS PREP
CRN 6371                    5 Sessions
KIDS D5761 Section 02       NCC, Room W107                                                                AP Calculus AB mirrors a first semester college
MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019                 GED PREP                                             calculus course. High school students take AP
Tuition: $165                                                                                             Calculus (AB) to shore up their transcripts of
Instructor: Joshua Thornton                          The GED® (“General Education Diploma”) or
                                                     High School Equivalency test is a benchmark          record, giving them a better shot at gaining
                                                     in educational attainment. According to pub-         acceptance at top tier academic institutions.
                                                     lished data, the GED® credential is accepted         They also take the course in order to gain an
                                                     by over 97% of colleges and employers. The           advantage on first-year college calculus. Our AP
                                                     present course is designed to prepare students       Prep course is designed to provide instruction
                                                     to sit for the GED® examination. The course will     to students sitting for the AP Calculus (AB)
                                                     cover the subject areas of the exam: Mathe-          examination. Differential and integral calculus
                                                     matics Reasoning, Science, Reasoning Through         are emphasized. The course will emphasize
                                                     Language Arts and Social Studies. It is for first-   subject content as well as test-taking techniques.
                                                     time test takers and repeaters. The course will      Pre-requisite: Pre-Calculus. The prep course
                                                     emphasize subject content as well as test-taking     is for both those who are currently in or are
                                                     techniques. Student will be required to take         contemplating enrolling in AP Calculus.
                                                     a diagnostic test and will have at least three       Please bring any AP Calculus book to class.
                                                     mock exams during the period of the course,
                                                     one of which will be a full-scale GED examina-       CRN 7201                   10 Sessions
                                                                                                          SPIN D5064 Section 01      NCC, Room W202
                                                     tion. (Note: Students must meet State’s age          Mon./Wed. 4:00-5:30PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                     requirements, where applicable.) An assess-          Tuition: $129
                                                     ment test will be given the first day of class to    Instructor: Mervyn Edwards
                                                     determine the students educational level. This
                                                     class is designed for native English speakers.

SUMMER 2019 - College for Kids Grades 1-12 Excerpted from - Norwalk Community College
Professional                                                                                              BAKING 101: BREADS, CAKES,
                                                                                                          ENTRÉES, DESSERTS & MORE
Cooking Classes                                                                                           (GRADES 8-12)
                                                                                                          A hands-on exploration of baked items and
(Entering Grades 8-12)                                                                                    dishes where baking predominates. We will
                                                                                                          make unusual appetizers, dinner breads and
HOW TO COOK USING                                                                                         rolls, cakes and fresh pies.
METHODOLOGY & TECHNIQUES                                                                                  CRN 6945                      4 Sessions
(GRADES 9-12)                                                                                             KIDS D5023 Section 02         NCC, Room W123
                                                                                                          MTWR 1:00-4:00PM              Begins 7/15/2019
Learn a creative and fun way to cook – not by                                                             Tuition: $259
recipes but by understanding cooking tech-                                                                Instructor: Richard Barbour
niques and methodology. Learn the intricacies
of seasoning, flavoring and marinades. Learn                                                              INTERNATIONAL COOKING
the cooking methods such as sautéing, frying,                                                             (GRADES 8-12)
roasting, steaming, grilling, boiling etc. Once                                                           Around the world in cooking! Each day, we will
you understand proper cooking methods and              HOW TO MAKE BREAD – YEAST AND                      cook a full meal that represents the traditions
the methodology applied, you can cook practi-          QUICK BREADS (GRADES 9-12)                         of the host region - Europe, The Mid-East, Asia,
cally anything.                                                                                           and The Americas.
                                                       Bread making made easy will be a class in
CRN 6940                   4 Sessions                  making different breads daily. We will learn to    CRN 7212                    4 Sessions
KIDS D5903 Section 01      NCC, Room W123              work with yeast and different flours (bread,       KIDS D5014 Section 01       NCC, Room W123
MTWR 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019                                                                    MTWR 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
Tuition: $259                                          all purpose and pastry flour). We will make a
                                                       mix of savory and sweet breads, such as Italian    Tuition: $259
Instructor: Jeff Trombetta                                                                                Instructor: Richard Barbour
                                                       bread, pizza dough, soft rolls, zucchini bread
HOW TO COOK USING                                      and of course eating the fruits of our labor.
                                                       Bread making is fun because of how we will         BREAKFAST & BRUNCH
METHODOLOGY & TECHNIQUES                                                                                  (GRADES 8-12)
(GRADES 7-9)                                           shape and apply the use of the bread.
                                                       CRN 7236                   4 Sessions              Much more than just eggs & bacon! Fun with
Learn a creative and fun way to cook - not by          KIDS D5183 Section 02      NCC, Room W123          baked items, like eye-opening rich cinnamon
recipes but by understanding cooking tech-             MTWF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019                 rolls, quiche, and fancy flapjacks. Desserts too!
niques and methodology. Learn the intricacies          Tuition: $259
of seasoning, flavoring and marinades. Learn           No Class 7/4                                       CRN 7070                      4 Sessions
                                                       Instructor: Jeff Trombetta                         KIDS D5110 Section 02         NCC, Room W123
the cooking methods such as sautéing, frying,                                                             MTWR 1:00-4:00PM
roasting, steaming, grilling, boiling etc. Once                                                           Begins 7/29/2019
you understand proper cooking methods and              APPETIZERS, PARTY PLATTERS &                       Tuition: $259
the methodology applied, you can cook practi-          HORS D’OEUVRES (GRADES 9-12)                       Instructor: Richard Barbour
cally anything.                                        Small plates, bite size foods and party platters
CRN 7105                   4 Sessions                  are in. They are fun, intricate and tasty. Learn
KIDS D5903 Section 02      NCC, Room W123              the creativity of making party food such as
MTWR 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019                    nacho platters, puff pastry filled hours d’oeu-
Tuition: $259
Instructor: Jeff Trombetta
                                                       vres, skewered chicken bits, fruit platters and
                                                       more. Entertain your friends and have variety
                                                       in your menus.
                                                       CRN 7232                   4 Sessions
                                                       KIDS D5209 Section 01      NCC, Room W123
                                                       MTWR 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019
                                                       Tuition: $259
                                                       Instructor: Jeff Trombetta

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                           See page 43 for Registration Form   31
SUMMER 2019 - College for Kids Grades 1-12 Excerpted from - Norwalk Community College
College for Kids
                                          2 0 1 9 SUM M E R P R O GRAM FO R GRADES 1- 8

  About the Program                              Professional                                       HOW TO MAKE BREAD – YEAST AND
                                                                                                    QUICK BREADS (GRADES 6-8)
  • Classes run Monday through Friday,
    unless otherwise noted.
                                                 Cooking Classes                                    Bread making made easy will be a class in
                                                                                                    making different breads daily. We will learn to
  • LUNCH SUPERVISION: We do not pro-
                                                 Entering Grades 5-8                                work with yeast and different flours (bread,
    vide supervised lunch. Please pack a                                                            all purpose and pastry flour). We will make a
    healthy snack for your child everyday.       HOW TO COOK USING                                  mix of savory and sweet breads, such as Italian
                                                                                                    bread, pizza dough, soft rolls, zucchini bread
    Please no peanuts or peanut products!        METHODOLOGY & TECHNIQUES
                                                                                                    and of course eating the fruits of our labor.
  • Parents must accompany children to           (GRADES 7-9)
                                                                                                    Bread making is fun because of how we will
    and from class and sign out at the end                                                          shape and apply the use of the bread.
                                                 Learn a creative and fun way to cook – not by
    of each session.
                                                 recipes but by understanding cooking tech-         CRN 7038                   4 Sessions
  • NO CLASS July 4th.                           niques and methodology. Learn the intricacies      KIDS D5183 Section 01      NCC, Room W123
  • 	Classes subject to cancellation due to     of seasoning, flavoring and marinades. Learn       MTWF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019
    low enrollment.                              the cooking methods such as sautéing, frying,      Tuition: $259
                                                 roasting, steaming, grilling, boiling etc. Once    No Class 7/4
  • QUESTIONS: Please call (203) 857-7080.
                                                                                                    Instructor: Jeff Trombetta
                                                 you understand proper cooking methods and
  How to Register:                               the methodology applied, you can cook practi-
  Call (203) 857-7237 or go online https://      cally anything. To register          CRN 7105                   4 Sessions
  by mail, fax, or in person, please fill out    KIDS D5903 Section 02      NCC, Room W123
  the College for Kids Registration Form         MTWR 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                 Tuition: $259
  provided on page 42.
                                                 Instructor: Jeff Trombetta

  Photo Policy:
                                                 APPETIZERS, PARTY PLATTERS &
  NCC often takes or commissions photos          HORS D’OEUVRES (GRADES 6-8)
  and videotapes of students, faculty,
  staff, and campus visitors. These images       Small plates, bite size foods and party platters
  are taken in classrooms, labs, study           are in. They are fun, intricate and tasty. Learn
  areas, as well as College events around        the creativity of making party food such as        INTERNATIONAL COOKING
  the campus. NCC reserves the right to          nacho platters, puff pastry filled hours d’oeu-    (GRADES 5-8)
  use the photographs/video clips as part        vres, skewered chicken bits, fruit platters and
                                                 more. Entertain your friends and have variety      Around the world in cooking! Each day, we will
  of its publicity and marketing efforts.
                                                 in your menus.                                     cook a full meal that represents the traditions
  Students who enroll at NCC do so with
                                                                                                    of the host region – Europe, The Mid-East, Asia,
  the understanding that these photo-            CRN 6944                   4 Sessions
                                                                                                    and The Americas.
  graphs might include them and might            KIDS D5209 Section 02      NCC, Room W123
  be used in College publications, both          MTWR 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                 CRN 7213                    4 Sessions
  printed and electronic, and for publicity.     Tuition: $259                                      KIDS D5014 Section 02       NCC, Room W123
                                                 Instructor: Jeff Trombetta                         MTWR 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
  If you do not want your child photo-
                                                                                                    Tuition: $259
  graphed, please indicate that on the                                                              Instructor: Richard Barbour
  photo release section on the College for       BAKING 101: BREADS, CAKES,
  Kids Registration Form.                        ENTRÉES, DESSERTS & MORE
                                                 (GRADES 5-8)                                       BREAKFAST & BRUNCH
                                                                                                    (GRADES 5-8)
                                                 A hands-on exploration of baked items and
                                                 dishes where baking predominates. We will          Much more than just eggs & bacon! Fun with
                                                 make unusual appetizers, dinner breads and         baked items, like eye-opening rich cinnamon
                                                 rolls, cakes and fresh pies.                       rolls, quiche, and fancy flapjacks. Desserts too!
                                                 CRN 6751                    4 Sessions             CRN 6840                    4 Sessions
                                                 KIDS D5023 Section 01       NCC, Room W123         KIDS D5110 Section 01       NCC, Room W123
                                                 MTWR 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019             MTWR 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
                                                 Tuition: $259                                      Tuition: $259
                                                 Instructor: Richard Barbour                        Instructor: Richard Barbour


June 24 -June 28                                       July 1-July 5                                         July 15-July 19
                                                       No class 7/4
ROBOTICS USING LEGO® WEDO                                                                                    EUREKA! DESIGN, BUILD & INVENT
(GRADES 2-4 / AGES 7-9)                                                                                      (GRADES 1-3)
                                                       HARRY POTTER MASTER ENGI-
Build and program robots in this introduc-             NEERING WITH LEGO® MATERIALS                          Whether your child loves to build things or
tory Robotics class using the LEGO® WeDo               (GRADES 1-5 / AGES 6-10)                              destroy them, this camp includes lots of both!
system. Learn basic programming skills, simple                                                               Bring your imagination and learn anyone can
                                                       Master the magic of Harry Potter using LEGO®!
engineering concepts, and the names of robot                                                                 be an inventor! Discovering the work of Da
                                                       Build Diagon Alley in preparation for your trip
components. Work in small groups to complete                                                                 Vinci, Edison, Tesla, and Benjamin Franklin
                                                       to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
several projects using tilt and motion sensors.                                                              campers will invent their own solutions to
                                                       Hop on your Broomstick and play Quidditch,
This is a great way to prepare young Robotics                                                                everyday problems! But the fun does not
                                                       duel the evil Lord Voldemort, and hone your
enthusiasts for our more advanced Robotics                                                                   stop there; children will have fun working
                                                       magical skills while learning about advanced
programs.                                                                                                    together to brainstorm, design, test, evaluate
                                                       Muggle (STEM) concepts.
CRN 6912                       5 Sessions                                                                    and redesign problem solving contraptions,
KIDS D5383 Section 01          NCC, Room W208          CRN 7214                       4 Sessions             build a catapult, and they will even construct a
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019                KIDS D5199 Section 01          NCC, Room W208         geodesic dome big enough for all the campers
Tuition: $249                                          MTWF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019
                                                                                                             to sit inside it!
Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                      Tuition: $199                  No Class 7/4
                                                       Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                     CRN 7223                5 Sessions
                                                                                                             KIDS D5888 Section 01   NCC, Room W244
MATH WIZARDS (GRADES 1-3)                                                                                    MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
                                                                                                             Tuition: $199
Get your brains ready for fun and games as we
explore the magical world of math. Students            July 8-July 12                                        Instructor: Mad Science

will use cards, dice, puzzles, games, art, crafts
and more to keep hands busy and minds work-            JEDI ROBOTICS USING THE LEGO®
ing. This is not your everyday sit at your desk        WEDO® SYSTEM MATERIALS                                July 22-July 26
math class. We are up on our feet with cards in        (GRADES 2-4 / AGES 7-9)
our hands, dice in our pockets and brains ready                                                              ANATOMY ACADEMY (GRADES 1-3)
to go to meet any math challenge!                      Build and program robots inspired by a galaxy
                                                       far, far away using the LEGO® WeDo® system!           Let’s dig our hands inside what is inside of us!
CRN 6767                5 Sessions                     Lift an X-Wing from Dagobah swamp, program
KIDS D5736 Section 01   NCC, Room W214                                                                       Students will build a stethoscope to become
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                       a droid-sorting factory, and land an Imperial         a junior physician and navigate the systems in
Tuition: $165                                          Shuttle using motion sensors. In small groups,        our human bodies! They will get a hands-on
Instructor: Tisha Saffa                                learn basic programming, engineering, and             exploration of bones while working together to
                                                       robotics concepts in a fun Jedi-themed envi-          assemble a model skeleton! Each student will
                                                       ronment.                                              create MAD Mucus and use micro slide views
                                                       CRN 7219                       5 Sessions             to catch a glimpse of the life of tiny cellular
                                                       KIDS D5103 Section 01          NCC, Room W219         machines that the human body needs to func-
                                                       MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                tion. This class is both fun and educational!
                                                       Tuition: $249
                                                       Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                     CRN 7217                5 Sessions
                                                                                                             KIDS D5889 Section 01   NCC, Room W244
                                                                                                             MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
                                                       CHESS BATTLES (GRADES 1-5)                            Tuition: $199
                                                       Learn chess and practice your game under the          Instructor: Mad Science
                                                       guidance of a Chess Master. This class is for
                                                       both beginners and those who would like to
ACTING CLASS! (GRADES 2-5)                             learn more. Students placed by ability. Former
                                                       students welcome to return. No prerequisites.
Come join the fun in bringing some of litera-
                                                       CRN 7242                  5 Sessions
ture’s most popular children’s stories to life!
                                                       KIDS D5005 Section 01     NCC, Room W130
Create characters and scenes while having fun          MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019
learning about vocal technique; gain confi-            Tuition: $165
dence and build character. Fun drama games             Instructor: Alex Eydelman
applied each class.
CRN 7269                    5 Sessions
KIDS D5168 Section 01       NCC, Room W218
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
Tuition: $165
Instructor: Rebecca Vaccaro

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                               See page 42 for College for Kids Registration Form   33

July 29-August 2                                  SCIENCE POTIONS & EXPLOSIONS
                                                  (GRADES 1-3)
                                                                                                      ADVENTURES IN STEM WITH LEGO®
                                                                                                      MATERIALS (GRADES 1-2 / AGES 6-7)

CHESS BATTLES (GRADES 1-5)                        Come: Fizz, Pop, Boom with Mad Science this         Let your imagination run wild with tens of
                                                  summer! We will be testing everything from          thousands of LEGO® parts! Build engineer-de-
Learn chess and practice your game under the      warm Ooey, Gooey Slime to freezing, cold Dry        signed projects such as: Trains, Helicopters,
guidance of a Chess Master. This class is for     Ice! In this awesome program, each day we           Treehouses, and Beam Bridges. Design and
both beginners and those who would like to        will take you on a journey through hands-on         build as never before, and explore your craziest
learn more. Students placed by ability. Former    and amazing science! Create crazy chemical          ideas in a supportive environment. There are
students welcome to return. No prerequisites.     reactions that explode and crackle and even         no prerequisites for this course.
CRN 7243                  5 Sessions              experiments that glow in the dark! Piece by         CRN 6914                       5 Sessions
KIDS D5005 Section 02     NCC, Room W130          piece throughout our program, you will get to       KIDS D5381 Section 01          NCC, Room W105
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019           put together your very own home lab, com-           MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
Tuition: $165                                     plete with breakers, test tubes and all the tools   Tuition: $199
Instructor: Alex Eydelman                         of a great MAD Scientist.                           Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies

                                                  CRN 7215                5 Sessions
                                                  KIDS D5739 Section 01   NCC, Room W244
                                                  MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
                                                  Tuition: $199
                                                  Instructor: Mad Science

                                                  E N TERI N G GRA D ES 3-5

June 24 -June 28                                                                                      BUILD & PROGRAM YOUR OWN
                                                                                                      ROBOT (GRADES 4-8)

ACTING CLASS! (GRADES 2-5)                                                                            Students will build and program their very own
                                                                                                      robot that thinks for itself! In this hands-on
Come join the fun in bringing some of litera-                                                         course, students will learn about soldering,
ture’s most popular children’s stories to life!                                                       computer programming, DC motor theory,
Create characters and scenes while having fun                                                         Bluetooth technology, smartphone apps and
learning about vocal technique; gain confi-                                                           microcontrollers. By the end of the class, stu-
dence and build character. Fun drama games                                                            dents will walk away with a working robot ...
applied each class.                                                                                   No experience necessary! The brain of this bot
CRN 7269                    5 Sessions                                                                is an Arduino microcontroller and students will
KIDS D5168 Section 01       NCC, Room W218                                                            get a full demonstration on how to upload code
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019                                                               to the board, blink some LEDs, turn the wheels
Tuition: $165                                     ROBOTICS USING LEGO® WEDO                           their robot and read sensor data. All these skills
Instructor: Rebecca Vaccaro                       SYSTEM (GRADES 5-8 / AGES 10-13)                    can be used in other DIY Projects.
                                                  Build and program robots using the LEGO®            CRN 6918                5 Sessions
                                                  Mindstorms® EV3 or NXT system! Learn about          KIDS D5217 Section 01   NCC, Room W002
SYSTEM (GRADES 2-4 / AGES 7-9)                    mechanical and software design, loops,              MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                  conditional statements, problem solving,            Tuition: $199
Build and program robots in this introduc-                                                            Instructor: John Robert
tory Robotics class using the LEGO® WeDo          and teamwork skills. Work in small groups,
system. Learn basic programming skills, simple    program and build your robot, and rise to the
                                                  challenge. Control the robot to avoid obstacles,
                                                                                                      MATH WIZARDS (GRADES 1-3)
engineering concepts, and the names of robot
components. Work in small groups to complete      pick up and carry objects, and play sounds.         Get your brains ready for fun and games as we
several projects using tilt and motion sensors.   Projects are structured so that students work       explore the magical world of math. Students
This is a great way to prepare young Robotics     in an open-ended, investigative environment         will use cards, dice, puzzles, games, art, crafts
enthusiasts for our more advanced Robotics        while having fun.                                   and more to keep hands busy and minds work-
programs.                                         CRN 7233                       5 Sessions           ing. This is not your everyday sit at your desk
CRN 6912                       5 Sessions         KIDS D5383 Section 02          NCC, Room W208       math class. We are up on our feet with cards in
KIDS D5383 Section 01          NCC, Room W208     MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019                our hands, dice in our pockets and brains ready
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019           Tuition: $249                                       to go to meet any math challenge!
Tuition: $249                                     Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies
                                                                                                      CRN 6767                5 Sessions
Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies
                                                                                                      KIDS D5736 Section 01   NCC, Room W214
                                                                                                      MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                                                                      Tuition: $165
                                                                                                      Instructor: Tisha Saffa


MATH MEETS ART! (GRADES 3-5)                           CHEMISTRY MANIA (GRADES 3-5)                          KEYBOARDING (GRADES 4-8)
Math meets Art in this new class which is part         Come experiment with safe household chem-             Do you wish your fingers could fly across the
crafts, part games, and all FUN, as we explore         icals and see what fun things you can make!           keyboard and type as fast as you think? They can.
the math that can be found in art. Inspired by         We will explore Volcanoes, Ice Cream, even            Take the time now to learn this lifelong skill.
the Great Masters, we will paint, sketch, color,       Fireworks while learning about Chemistry! Kids        This class is for beginners as well as returning
and cut, to design our own works of art using          will learning science ideas in a fun creative way.    students. Students who have taken this class
geometry as our guide. We’ll uncover the math          CRN 6556                     4 Sessions               previously and want to continue improving
that hides in every piece of artwork, and play         KIDS D5750 Section 01        NCC, Room W243           their skills will continue to build upon the level
games with what we find! We will use a variety         MTWF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019                 of skill already accomplished. Classes also
of different materials designed to spark creativ-      Tuition: $165                		                       provide online links to practice typing.
ity and imagination. Whether budding artists or        No Class 7/4
                                                       Instructor: Heather Cochrane                          CRN 5102                5 Sessions
mathematicians, children will build confidence,                                                              KIDS D5101 Section 01   NCC, Room W002
learn skills, and enjoy the freedom of self                                                                  MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019
expression while discovering the smart artist                                                                Tuition: $165
inside themselves! (Leave some wall space at                                                                 Instructor: Hedy Siegel
home to display your beautiful creations!)
                                                                                                             JEDI ROBOTICS USING THE LEGO®
CRN 7268                5 Sessions
KIDS D5929 Section 01   NCC, Room W214                                                                       WEDO® SYSTEM MATERIALS
MTWRF 12:30-3:30PM 		Begins 6/24/2019                                                                        (GRADES 2-4 / AGES 7-9)
Tuition: $165
Instructor: Tisha Saffa                                                                                      Build and program robots inspired by a galaxy
                                                                                                             far, far away using the LEGO® WeDo® system!
                                                                                                             Lift an X-Wing from Dagobah swamp, program

July 1-July 5
                                                                                                             a droid-sorting factory, and land an Imperial
                                                                                                             Shuttle using motion sensors. In small groups,
                                                                                                             learn basic programming, engineering, and
No class 7/4                                                                                                 robotics concepts in a fun Jedi-themed envi-

HARRY POTTER MASTER ENGI-                              July 8 -July 12                                       ronment.
                                                                                                             CRN 7219                       5 Sessions
NEERING WITH LEGO® MATERIALS                                                                                 KIDS D5103 Section 01          NCC, Room W219
(GRADES 1-5 / AGES 6-10)                               KIDS AND CODING (GRADES 3-8)                          MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019
                                                                                                             Tuition: $249
Master the magic of Harry Potter using LEGO®!          Learn to think critically and creatively to solve     Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies
Build Diagon Alley in preparation for your trip        problems through coding. Students will explore
to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.         a variety of coding apps and websites to create       JEDI ROBOTICS USING THE LEGO
Hop on your Broomstick and play Quidditch,             games, program robots, go on adventures, and          EV3/NXT® SYSTEM (GRADES 5-8 /
duel the evil Lord Voldemort, and hone your            think like a programmer all while gaining a           AGES 10-13)
magical skills while learning about advanced           deeper understanding of logic and sequence.
Muggle (STEM) concepts.                                Students will be exposed to 3D design through         These ARE the droids you’re looking for! Build
CRN 7214                       4 Sessions              Thingiverse, Tinkercad, Sketchup and more.            and program robots inspired by a galaxy far,
KIDS D5199 Section 01          NCC, Room W208          Students may bring an iPad if they have one.          far away using the LEGO® Mindstorms® system.
MTWF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019                                                                        Navigate a minefield, target shield generators,
                                                       CRN 7108                        5 Sessions
Tuition: $199                  No Class 7/4                                                                  and even respond to the Force using Play-
                                                       KIDS D5118 Section 01           NCC, Room W107
Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                                                                            Well’s full array of sensors and servos. Learn
                                                       MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019
                                                       Tuition: $199                                         about mechanical and software design, loops,
ROBOTICS (GRADES 3-8)                                  Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel         conditional statements, problem solving, and
Discover the world of coding and robotics with                                                               teamwork skills. Work in small groups to solve
Evo, the small programmable smart robot.                                                                     problems in this open-ended Jedi-themed
Program Evo to do tricks, play games, follow                                                                 environment.
colored lines on drawings, drive, race and                                                                   CRN 7220                       5 Sessions
much more! Students will also explore the                                                                    KIDS D5103 Section 02          NCC, Room W219
virtual world of robots in a high-end simulation                                                             MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019
                                                                                                             Tuition: $249
environment that helps to learn programming.                                                                 Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies
Students will learn robotics and programming
using a hands-on approach.
CRN 7109                        4 Sessions
KIDS D5122 Section 01           NCC, Room W002
MTWF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019
Tuition: $199                   No Class 7/4
Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                               See page 42 for College for Kids Registration Form   35

Learn chess and practice your game under the
                                                    July 15 -July 19                                       EUREKA! DESIGN, BUILD & INVENT
                                                                                                           (GRADES 4-6)
guidance of a Chess Master. This class is for       EXCEL & POWERPOINT FOR KIDS                            Whether your child loves to build things or
both beginners and those who would like to                                                                 destroy them, this camp includes lots of both!
                                                    (GRADES 4-8)
learn more. Students placed by ability. Former                                                             Bring your imagination and learn anyone can
students welcome to return. No prerequisites.       Gathering information, analyzing it and present-       be an inventor! Discovering the work of Da
CRN 7242                  5 Sessions                ing findings are becoming more and more every-         Vinci, Edison, Tesla, and Benjamin Franklin
KIDS D5005 Section 01     NCC, Room W130            day tasks in today’s technologically equipped          campers will invent their own solutions to
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019              classrooms. Moreover, the ages of students             everyday problems! But the fun does not
Tuition: $165                                       being impacted by this trend/demand are get-           stop there; children will have fun working
Instructor: Alex Eydelman                           ting lower. In essence, the need for school-aged       together to brainstorm, design, test, evaluate
                                                    children to use software, such as Excel and            and redesign problem solving contraptions,
CURSIVE WRITING (GRADES 3-6)                        PowerPoint to complete assignments, is more            build a catapult, and they will even construct a
This course offers a fun way to learn cursive       prevalent today than it has ever been. Our EPK         geodesic dome big enough for all the campers
writing and how it encourages brain activity        program is designed to equip students with the         to sit inside it!
and production, yielding higher scores (than        fundamental skills they need to use Excel and          CRN 7224                5 Sessions
typing or printing) in spelling, comprehension      PowerPoint to get the job done, well!                  KIDS D5888 Section 02   NCC, Room W244
and composition. Through simple exercises in        Pre-requisite: Basic keyboard skills                   MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
                                                                                                           Tuition: $199
letter/word formation, students will learn how      CRN 7221                   5 Sessions                  Instructor: Mad Science
the brain “writes with the hand.”                   KIDS D5884 Section 01      NCC, Room W138
                                                    MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
CRN 7094                   5 Sessions
                                                    Tuition: $165                                          ROBOTICS (GRADES 3-8)
KIDS D5003 Section 01      NCC, Room W245
MTWRF 1:30-4:30PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                 Instructor: Mervyn Edwards                             Discover the world of coding and robotics with
Tuition: $165              		                                                                              Evo, the small programmable smart robot.
Instructor: Laura Anderson                          PROGRAMMING JAM FOR GIRLS                              Program Evo to do tricks, play games, follow
                                                    (GRADES 4-8)                                           colored lines on drawings, drive, race and
CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION                                                                             much more! Students will also explore the
                                                    Make art, animations and games while learning
(GRADES 4-7)                                                                                               virtual world of robots in a high-end simulation
                                                    fundamental programming skills. We will suse
For kids who love detective shows and dream         JAVA in the Processing environment so we can           environment that helps to learn programming.
of being American examiners one day or if you       jump into programming and make fun and                 Students will learn robotics and programming
just like a good mystery, this one is for you.      interactive projects in our first session!. You will   using a hands-on approach.
Learn all about the tools and techniques used       get plenty of tutorial and resources to use after      CRN 7110                        5 Sessions
by forensic scientists in solving crimes in a fun   we finish our course, this is a launching point        KIDS D5122 Section 02           NCC, Room W002
classroom setting. Students will learn about        for developing some serious coding expertise!          MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
                                                                                                           Tuition: $249
DNA, fingerprints, identify counterfeit checks &    CRN 7222                      5 Sessions               Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel
bills, use chemistry to identify unknown sub-       KIDS D7179 Section 01         NCC, Room W107
stances and much more. Each class will be full      MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019                CREATING VIDEO GAMES
of hands on experiments and activities.             Tuition: $165
                                                    Instructor: Saturday Academy Inc.                      (GRADES 4-6)
CRN 7034                     5 Sessions
KIDS D5034 Section 01        NCC, Room W244                                                                Do you love playing games? Can’t live without
MTWRF 12:30-3:30PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                EUREKA! DESIGN, BUILD & INVENT                         your Xbox360, PS, Wii, DS, PSP or PC? Have
Tuition: $165                                       (GRADES 1-3)                                           you ever thought, “I could probably imagine
Instructor: Heather Cochrane                                                                               an incredible game!” In this class, you will
                                                    Whether your child loves to build things or
                                                                                                           learn how to use the powerful, yet simple to
                                                    destroy them, this camp includes lots of both!
                                                                                                           learn “Scratch” programming interface, fresh
                                                    Bring your imagination and learn anyone can be
                                                                                                           from the M.I.T. media lab, to create games. You
                                                    an inventor! Discovering the work of Da Vinci,
                                                                                                           will also learn how to use photo editing and
                                                    Edison, Tesla, and Benjamin Franklin campers
                                                                                                           graphic creation programs to develop original
                                                    will invent their own solutions to everyday
                                                                                                           artwork that you can use in your game. The
                                                    problems! But the fun does not stop there; chil-
                                                                                                           class will also teach you the ins and outs of
                                                    dren will have fun working together to brain-
                                                                                                           Audacity in order to record and produce killer
                                                    storm, design, test, evaluate and redesign
                                                                                                           sound effects for your game.
                                                    problem solving contraptions, build a catapult,
                                                    and they will even construct a geodesic dome           Please bring a flash drive to class.
                                                    big enough for all the campers to sit inside it!       CRN 5716                     5 Sessions
                                                    CRN 7223                5 Sessions                     KIDS D5032 Section 01        NCC, Room W122
                                                    KIDS D5888 Section 01   NCC, Room W244                 MTWRF 12:30-3:30PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
                                                    MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019                Tuition: $165
                                                    Tuition: $199                                          Instructor: Bronwyn Ryan Lakowski
                                                    Instructor: Mad Science


July 22-July 26                                         CURSIVE WRITING (GRADES 3-6)
                                                        This course offers a fun way to learn cursive
                                                                                                                July 29-August 2
                                                        writing and how it encourages brain activity
KEYBOARDING (GRADES 4-8)                                                                                        CHESS BATTLES (GRADES 1-5)
                                                        and production, yielding higher scores (than
Do you wish your fingers could fly across the           typing or printing) in spelling, comprehension          Learn chess and practice your game under the
keyboard and type as fast as you think? They            and composition. Through simple exercises in            guidance of a Chess Master. This class is for
can. Take the time now to learn this lifelong           letter/word formation, students will learn how          both beginners and those who would like to
skill. This class is for beginners as well as return-   the brain “writes with the hand.”                       learn more. Students placed by ability. Former
ing students. Students who have taken this              CRN 7095                   5 Sessions                   students welcome to return. No prerequisites.
class previously and want to continue improv-           KIDS D5003 Section 02      NCC, Room W245               CRN 7243                  5 Sessions
ing their skills will continue to build upon the        MTWRF 1:30-4:30PM 		Begins 7/22/2019                    KIDS D5005 Section 02     NCC, Room W130
level of skill already accomplished. Classes also       Tuition: $165                                           MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
                                                        Instructor: Laura Anderson                              Tuition: $165
provide online links to practice typing.
                                                                                                                Instructor: Alex Eydelman
CRN 7035                5 Sessions                      ROCK-ET ON (GRADES 3-7)
KIDS D5101 Section 02   NCC, Room W002
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019                 Students will learn about aerodynamics and              SCIENCE POTIONS & EXPLOSIONS
Tuition: $165                                           the forces affecting rocket flight as they build        (GRADES 1-3)
Instructor: Hedy Siegel                                 several different rockets. We will be launching         Come: Fizz, Pop, Boom with Mad Science this
                                                        the rockets and calculating the heights they            summer! We will be testing everything from
CREATING VIDEO GAMES                                    reach in order to compare the results and
(GRADES 4-6)                                                                                                    warm Ooey, Gooey Slime to freezing, cold Dry
                                                        determine the best design.                              Ice! In this awesome program, each day we
Do you love playing games? Can’t live without           CRN 7235                     5 Sessions                 will take you on a journey through hands-on
your Xbox360, PS, Wii, DS, PSP or PC? Have              KIDS D5128 Section 01        NCC, Room W103             and amazing science! Create crazy chemical
you ever thought, “I could probably imagine             MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019                 reactions that explode and crackle and even
                                                        Tuition: $165
an incredible game!” In this class, you will            Instructor: Heather Cochrane
                                                                                                                experiments that glow in the dark! Piece by
learn how to use the powerful, yet simple to                                                                    piece throughout our program, you will get to
learn “Scratch” programming interface, fresh            ANATOMY ACADEMY (GRADES 1-3)                            put together your very own home lab, com-
from the M.I.T. media lab, to create games. You                                                                 plete with breakers, test tubes and all the tools
will also learn how to use photo editing and            Let’s dig our hands inside what is inside of us!        of a great MAD Scientist.
graphic creation programs to develop original           Students will build a stethoscope to become             CRN 7215                5 Sessions
artwork that you can use in your game. The              a junior physician and navigate the systems in          KIDS D5739 Section 01   NCC, Room W244
class will also teach you the ins and outs of           our human bodies! They will get a hands-on              MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
Audacity in order to record and produce killer          exploration of bones while working together to          Tuition: $199
sound effects for your game.                            assemble a model skeleton! Each student will            Instructor: Mad Science

Please bring a flash drive to class.                    create MAD Mucus and use micro slide views
                                                        to catch a glimpse of the life of tiny cellular         SCIENCE POTIONS & EXPLOSIONS
CRN 7230                     5 Sessions                 machines that the human body needs to func-             (GRADES 4-6)
KIDS D5032 Section 03        NCC, Room W122
                                                        tion. This class is both fun and educational!           Come: Fizz, Pop, Boom with Mad Science this
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
Tuition: $165                                           CRN 7217                5 Sessions                      summer! We will be testing everything from
Instructor: Bronwyn Ryan Lakowski                       KIDS D5889 Section 01   NCC, Room W244                  warm Ooey, Gooey Slime to freezing, cold Dry
                                                        MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019                 Ice! In this awesome program, each day we
KIDS AND CODING (GRADES 3-8)                            Tuition: $199
                                                        Instructor: Mad Science                                 will take you on a journey through hands-on
Learn to think critically and creatively to solve                                                               and amazing science! Create crazy chemical
problems through coding. Students will explore          ANATOMY ACADEMY (GRADES 4-6)                            reactions that explode and crackle and even
a variety of coding apps and websites to create                                                                 experiments that glow in the dark! Piece by
                                                        Let’s dig our hands inside what is inside of us!        piece throughout our program, you will get to
games, program robots, go on adventures, and
                                                        Students will build a stethoscope to become             put together your very own home lab, com-
think like a programmer all while gaining a
                                                        a junior physician and navigate the systems in          plete with breakers, test tubes and all the tools
deeper understanding of logic and sequence.
                                                        our human bodies! They will get a hands-on              of a great MAD Scientist.
Students will be exposed to 3D design through
                                                        exploration of bones while working together to
Thingiverse, Tinkercad, Sketchup and more.                                                                      CRN 7216                5 Sessions
                                                        assemble a model skeleton! Each student will            KIDS D5739 Section 02   NCC, Room W244
Students may bring an iPad if they have one.
                                                        create MAD Mucus and use micro slide views              MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
CRN 7234                        5 Sessions              to catch a glimpse of the life of tiny cellular         Tuition: $199
KIDS D5118 Section 02           NCC, Room W107          machines that the human body needs to func-             Instructor: Mad Science
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
                                                        tion. This class is both fun and educational!
Tuition: $199
Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel           CRN 7218                5 Sessions
                                                        KIDS D5889 Section 02   NCC, Room W244
                                                        MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
                                                        Tuition: $199
                                                        Instructor: Mad Science

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                  See page 42 for College for Kids Registration Form   37

July 29-August 2 cont'd.                           STEM EXPLORATIONS WITH                               FASHION & DESIGN (GRADES 4-6)
                                                   LEGO® MATERIALS (GRADES 3-5 /
                                                                                                        Here’s your chance to become a top fashion
ANIMATION FLIX-MOVIE MAKING                        AGES 8-10)
                                                                                                        designer. Getting started is much easier than
(GRADES 3-5)                                       Level up your engineering skills with Play-Well      you think, so let’s begin our wonderful journey.
                                                   TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO®           Students will first study the trends and styles,
All new animations for 2019! In this fast paced
                                                   parts! Apply real-world concepts in physics,         then eventually sketch their own ideas and cre-
class, students will be creating up to four stop
                                                   engineering, and architecture through engineer-      ate samples. Discover the fun and satisfaction
motion movies. These will include dinosaurs,
                                                   designed projects such as: Gear Cars, Gondolas,      of being your own fashion designer. Bring your
paper cartoons, whiteboard, and a free choice
                                                   Merry-Go-Rounds, and Scissor Lifts. Design and       jeans and t-shirt to embellish.
day where students get to choose from play-
doh, jewels, or items brought from home.           build as never before, and explore your craziest     CRN 6785                       5 Sessions
                                                   ideas in a supportive environment.                   KIDS D5130 Section 01          NCC, Room W004
CRN 7225                5 Sessions                                                                      MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
KIDS D5018 Section 01   NCC, Room W130             CRN 6915                       5 Sessions
                                                                                                        Tuition: $165
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019            KIDS D5382 Section 01          NCC, Room W105
                                                                                                        Instructor: Elizabeth Williams
Tuition: $199                                      MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/29/2019
Instructor: IncrediFlix                            Tuition: $199
                                                   Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies

                                                   E N TERI N G GRA D ES 6-8

June 24-June 28                                    their robot and read sensor data. All these skills
                                                   can be used in other DIY Projects.                   July 1-July 5
                                                   CRN 6918                5 Sessions                   No class 7/4
ROBOTICS USING LEGO® WEDO                          KIDS D5217 Section 01   NCC, Room W002
SYSTEM (GRADES 5-8 / AGES 10-13)                   MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019
                                                   Tuition: $199                                        BABYSITTING TRAINING
Build and program robots using the LEGO®           Instructor: John Robert                              (AGES 11-15)
Mindstorms® EV3 or NXT system! Learn about
                                                                                                        Students will learn to care for children and
mechanical and software design, loops,             ARCHITECTURE FOR KIDS                                babies and earn an American Red Cross
conditional statements, problem solving,           (GRADES 6-7) (Grade 8 by approval only)              babysitting certificate. Working with manne-
and teamwork skills. Work in small groups,
                                                   Design and build! This is a hands-on math            quins, they will learn safety rules, diapering,
program and build your robot, and rise to the
                                                   applications class that uses student’s creativity    feeding, appropriate toys, and communication
challenge. Control the robot to avoid obstacles,
                                                   while learning how to draw a floor plan and          with parents. Students must attend all sessions
pick up and carry objects, and play sounds.
                                                   front elevation. From their drawings, each stu-      and in order to be certified.
Projects are structured so that students work
in an open-ended, investigative environment        dent will build a three-dimensional free-stand-      CRN 5104                 3 Sessions
while having fun.                                  ing two-car garage. This class is for students       KIDS D5036 Section 01    NCC, Room W130
                                                   interested in architecture, for design artists,      MTW 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019
CRN 7233                       5 Sessions                                                               Tuition: $119
                                                   or students who love to create. Students will
KIDS D5383 Section 02          NCC, Room W208                                                           Instructor: Jeanne Yusko
MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019               expand their understanding of how math is
Tuition: $249                                      used in an everyday practical application as
Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                  well as review and apply their math skills.          ROBOTICS (GRADES 3-8)
                                                   CRN 6917                 5 Sessions                  Discover the world of coding and robotics with
BUILD & PROGRAM YOUR OWN                           KIDS D5044 Section 01    NCC, Room W231              Evo, the small programmable smart robot.
ROBOT (GRADES 4-9)                                 MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 6/24/2019              Program Evo to do tricks, play games, follow
                                                   Tuition: $165                                        colored lines on drawings, drive, race and
Students will build and program their very own     Instructor: Ellen Weston
                                                                                                        much more! Students will also explore the
robot that thinks for itself! In this hands-on
                                                                                                        virtual world of robots in a high-end simulation
course, students will learn about soldering,
                                                                                                        environment that helps to learn programming.
computer programming, DC motor theory,
                                                                                                        Students will learn robotics and programming
Bluetooth technology, smartphone apps and
                                                                                                        using a hands-on approach.
microcontrollers. By the end of the class,
students will walk away with a working robot.                                                           CRN 7109                        4 Sessions
No experience necessary! The brain of this bot                                                          KIDS D5122 Section 01           NCC, Room W002
                                                                                                        MTWF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/1/2019
is an Arduino microcontroller and students will                                                         Tuition: $199
get a full demonstration on how to upload code                                                          No Class 7/4
to the board, blink some LEDs, turn the wheels                                                          Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel


July 8-July 12                                          KIDS AND CODING (GRADES 3-8)
                                                        Learn to think critically and creatively to solve
                                                                                                              July 15-July 19
CSI - CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION                         problems through coding. Students will explore        EXCEL & POWERPOINT (GRADES 4-8)
                                                        a variety of coding apps and websites to create
(GRADES 4-7)
                                                        games, program robots, go on adventures, and          Gathering information, analyzing it and present-
For kids who love detective shows and dream             think like a programmer all while gaining a           ing findings are becoming more and more every-
of being American examiners one day or if you           deeper understanding of logic and sequence.           day tasks in today’s technologically equipped
just like a good mystery, this one is for you.          Students will be exposed to 3D design through         classrooms. Moreover, the ages of students
Learn all about the tools and techniques used           Thingiverse, Tinkercad, Sketchup and more.            being impacted by this trend/demand are get-
by forensic scientists in solving crimes in a fun       Students may bring an iPad if they have one.          ting lower. In essence, the need for school-aged
classroom setting. Students will learn about            CRN 7108                        5 Sessions            children to use software, such as Excel and
DNA, fingerprints, identify counterfeit checks &        KIDS D5118 Section 01           NCC, Room W107        PowerPoint to complete assignments, is more
bills, use chemistry to identify unknown sub-           MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                prevalent today than it has ever been. Our EPK
stances and much more. Each class will be full          Tuition: $199                                         program is designed to equip students with the
of hands on experiments and activities.                 Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel         fundamental skills they need to use Excel and
CRN 7034                     5 Sessions                                                                       PowerPoint to get the job done, well!
KIDS D5034 Section 01         NCC, Room W244            MATH CAMPUS (GRADES 8-10)
                                                                                                              Pre-requisite: Basic keyboard skills
MTWRF 12:30-3:30PM            Begins 7/8/2019
Tuition: $165                                           MC Math is an open forum for any student in           CRN 7221                   5 Sessions
Instructor: Heather Cochrane                            grades 8-10 requiring assistance with his/her         KIDS D5884 Section 01      NCC, Room W138
                                                        understanding of mathematical concepts spe-           MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
                                                        cific to his/her grade level or to the next grade     Tuition: $165
KEYBOARDING (GRADES 4-8)                                                                                      Instructor: Mervyn Edwards
                                                        level that he/she will be entering. Students
Do you wish your fingers could fly across the           having difficulties with any grade-level math-
keyboard and type as fast as you think? They            ematical subject matter or concept can enroll         CREATING VIDEO GAMES
can. Take the time now to learn this lifelong           in this class. Students will be grouped as per        (GRADES 6-8)
skill. This class is for beginners as well as return-   grade level and, thereby, instructed as such.         Do you love playing games? Can’t live without
ing students. Students who have taken this              Note: This course is not designed for students        your Xbox360, PS, Wii, DS, PSP or PC? Have
class previously and want to continue improv-           sitting for the SAT, ACT, AP Courses or any other     you ever thought, “I could probably imagine
ing their skills will continue to build upon the
                                                        test prep courses/ program. Students can sign         an incredible game!” In this class, you will
level of skill already accomplished. Classes also
                                                        up for these courses/programs separately.             learn how to use the powerful, yet simple to
provide online links to practice typing.
                                                        CRN 7211                   5 Sessions                 learn “Scratch” programming interface, fresh
CRN 5102                5 Sessions                      KIDS D5100 Section 01      NCC, Room W213             from the M.I.T. media lab, to create games. You
KIDS D5101 Section 01   NCC, Room W002                  MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                will also learn how to use photo editing and
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                  Tuition: $165
Tuition: $165
                                                                                                              graphic creation programs to develop original
                                                        Instructor: Mervyn Edwards                            artwork that you can use in your game. The
Instructor: Hedy Siegel
                                                                                                              class will also teach you the ins and outs of
                                                        CURSIVE WRITING (GRADES 3-6)                          Audacity in order to record and produce killer
EV3/NXT® SYSTEM (GRADES 5-8 /                           This course offers a fun way to learn cursive         sound effects for your game.
AGES 10-13)                                             writing and how it encourages brain activity          Please bring a flash drive to class.
                                                        and production, yielding higher scores (than          CRN 7237                     5 Sessions
These ARE the droids you’re looking for! Build          typing or printing) in spelling, comprehension        KIDS D5032 Section 02        NCC, Room W122
and program robots inspired by a galaxy far,            and composition. Through simple exercises in          MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
far away using the LEGO® Mindstorms® system.            letter/word formation, students will learn how        Tuition: $165
Navigate a minefield, target shield generators,         the brain “writes with the hand.”                     Instructor: Bronwyn Ryan Lakowski
and even respond to the Force using Play-
                                                        CRN 7094                   5 Sessions
Well’s full array of sensors and servos. Learn
                                                        KIDS D5003 Section 01      NCC, Room W245
                                                                                                              BABYSITTING TRAINING AND FIRST
about mechanical and software design, loops,            MTWRF 1:30-4:30PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                   AID (GRADES 6-8 / AGES 11-15)
conditional statements, problem solving, and            Tuition: $165
teamwork skills. Work in small groups to solve          Instructor: Laura Anderson                            Learn childcare techniques; safety, diapering,
problems in this open-ended Jedi-themed                                                                       feeding & First Aid emergency procedures.
environment.                                                                                                  Students will be certified in both babysitting
                                                                                                              and First Aid upon successful completion of the
CRN 7220                       5 Sessions
                                                                                                              course. Students must attend all sessions to
KIDS D5103 Section 02          NCC, Room W219
MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/8/2019                                                                           receive certification.
Tuition: $249                                                                                                 CRN 5827                 4 Sessions
Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                                                                             KIDS D5037 Section 01    NCC, Room TBA
                                                                                                              MTWR 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019
                                                                                                              Tuition: $149
                                                                                                              Instructor: Jeanne Yusko

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                See page 42 for College for Kids Registration Form   39

Discover the world of coding and robotics with
                                                       July 22-July 26                                    KIDS AND CODING (GRADES 3-8)
                                                                                                          Learn to think critically and creatively to solve
Evo, the small programmable smart robot.               STOCK MARKET MADNESS                               problems through coding. Students will explore
Program Evo to do tricks, play games, follow                                                              a variety of coding apps and websites to create
                                                       (GRADES 6-8)
colored lines on drawings, drive, race and                                                                games, program robots, go on adventures, and
much more! Students will also explore the              Are you interested in knowing how to make          think like a programmer all while gaining a
virtual world of robots in a high-end simulation       money in the Stock Market? Learn how to buy        deeper understanding of logic and sequence.
environment that helps to learn programming.           low and sell high with the right stock picks to    Students will be exposed to 3D design through
Students will learn robotics and programming           make simulated money? Learn this by using          Thingiverse, Tinkercad, Sketchup and more.
using a hands-on approach.                             safe money in the simulated stock market           Students may bring an iPad if they have one.
CRN 7110                        5 Sessions             investment game. We will learn how to pick         CRN 7234                        5 Sessions
KIDS D5122 Section 02           NCC, Room W002         the right company stocks, follow the right         KIDS D5118 Section 02           NCC, Room W107
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019                trends, read the markets, to be ready to play      MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
Tuition: $249                                          and win in the Stock Market Simulation Game        Tuition: $199
Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel          during real time stock trading. We will examine    Instructor: Vivian Birdsall; Ronna Van Veghel
                                                       current trends; in order, to invest in real time
EUREKA! DESIGN, BUILD & INVENT                         using your own stock market streaming screen       PRE-ALGEBRA SKILL BUILDING AND
(GRADES 4-6)                                           to buy and sell stocks with your own $100,000      PREP (ENTERING GRADES 7-8)
Whether your child loves to build things or            portfolio in a very easy and fun way!              Are you entering 7th grade and seek to build
destroy them, this camp includes lots of both!         CRN 6951                    5 Sessions             the skills necessary for Pre-Algebra? Are you
Bring your imagination and learn anyone can            KIDS D5761 Section 01       NCC, Room W107         entering 8th grade and want to do your best on
be an inventor! Discovering the work of Da             MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019            the high school placement exam for 9th grade
                                                       Tuition: $165
Vinci, Edison, Tesla, and Benjamin Franklin            Instructor: Joshua Thornton                        math? This class will provide those skills and
campers will invent their own solutions to                                                                includes everything about numbers, begin-
everyday problems! But the fun does not stop                                                              ning with performing the four operations to
                                                       KEYBOARDING (GRADES 4-8)
there; children will have fun working together                                                            Algebra. Topics may include: solving equations,
to brainstorm, design, test, evaluate and              Do you wish your fingers could fly across the      equations and inequalities, geometric figures,
redesign problemsolving contraptions, build            keyboard and type as fast as you think? They       rate, proportion, percent, graphing and the
a catapult, and they will even construct a             can. Take the time now to learn this lifelong      coordinate place, special right triangles, square
geodesic dome big enough for all the campers           skill. This class is for beginners as well as      roots, area, volume and statistics. In addition
to sit inside it!                                      returning students. Students who have taken        to instruction, the class will break into smaller
CRN 7224                5 Sessions                     this class previously and want to continue         groups for problem solving practice with one
KIDS D5888 Section 02   NCC, Room W244                 improving their skills will continue to build      on one teaching assistance.
MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019                   upon the level of skill already accomplished.      CRN 7093                 5 Sessions
Tuition: $199                                          Classes also provide online links to practice      KIDS D5190 Section 01    NCC, Room W004
Instructor: Mad Science                                typing.                                            MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
                                                                                                          Tuition: $165
                                                       CRN 7035                5 Sessions
PROGRAMMING JAM (GRADES 4-8)                           KIDS D5101 Section 02   NCC, Room W002
                                                                                                          Instructor: Ellen Weston

Make art, animations and games while learning          MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
                                                       Tuition: $165                                      ANATOMY ACADEMY (GRADES 4-6)
fundamental programming skills. We will suse           Instructor: Hedy Siegel
JAVA in the Processing environment so we can                                                              Let’s dig our hands inside what is inside of us!
jump into programming and make fun and                                                                    Students will build a stethoscope to become
interactive projects in our first session!. You will                                                      a junior physician and navigate the systems in
get plenty of tutorial and resources to use after                                                         our human bodies! They will get a hands-on
we finish our course, this is a launching point                                                           exploration of bones while working together to
for developing some serious coding expertise!                                                             assemble a model skeleton! Each student will
CRN 7222                      5 Sessions                                                                  create MAD Musus and use micro slide views
KIDS D7179 Section 01         NCC, Room W107                                                              to catch a glimpse of the life of tiny cellular
MTWRF 9:00AM-12:00PM 		Begins 7/15/2019                                                                   machines that the human body needs to func-
Tuition: $165                                                                                             tion. This class is both fun and educational!
Instructor: Saturday Academy Inc.
                                                                                                          CRN 7218                5 Sessions
                                                                                                          KIDS D5889 Section 02   NCC, Room W244
                                                                                                          MTWRF 1:00-4:00PM 		Begins 7/22/2019
                                                                                                          Tuition: $199
                                                                                                          Instructor: Mad Science

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