Commentary Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network's energy consumption

Page created by Theodore Salazar
Commentary Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network's energy consumption
Please cite this article in press as: de Vries, Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network’s energy consumption, Joule (2021), https://


    Bitcoin boom: what rising                                                                             PREDICTING FUTURE BITCOIN
                                                                                                          NETWORK ELECTRICITY
    prices mean for the network’s                                                                         CONSUMPTION
    energy consumption                                                                                    In order to assess what a certain price
                                                                                                          level might mean for the energy hunger
Q1 Alex de     Vries1,2,*
                                                                                                          of the Bitcoin network, it is crucial to
                                                                                                          first understand the relationship be-
   Alex de Vries earned his MSc in                    of Bitcoin not only broke the previous              tween these two variables. As noted,
   Economics and Business from the                    record (from December 2017) of almost               Bitcoin miners are rewarded with bit-
   Erasmus University Rotterdam in                    $20,000 per coin but doubled it, surg-              coins for successfully creating new
   2011. In 2014 he founded the                       ing past $40,000 for the first time on              blocks for Bitcoin’s blockchain. In May
   blog This blog                   January 8, 2021. In the same period,                2020, this reward amounted to 6.25
   is a platform for research, dedi-                  the demand for Bitcoin ‘‘mining’’ de-               newly minted bitcoins per block, plus
   cated to exposing the unintended                   vices also increased rapidly. Within the            a variable amount depending on the
   consequences of digital trends.                    Bitcoin network, these devices are                  Bitcoin transactions that get processed
   The blog is best known for                         used to participate in the process of               in the block. In December 2020, trans-
   featuring the Bitcoin Energy Con-                  creating new blocks for Bitcoin’s under-            action fees made up for about 10% of
   sumption Index since late 2016,                    lying blockchain, with successfully                 the total overall miner income.3
   which has played a major role in                   created blocks providing a certain
   the global discussion regarding                    amount of bitcoins as a reward to the
                                                                                                          These combined rewards provide a
Q2 the sustainability of proof-of-                    creator.1 In January it was reported
                                                                                                          strong incentive to participate in the min-
   work-based blockchains.                            that Bitmain, one of the largest manu-
                                                                                                          ing process, but the Bitcoin protocol also
                                                      facturers of specialized Bitcoin mining
                                                                                                          purposely makes it difficult for miners to
                                                      devices, had sold out through August
                                                                                                          actually obtain these rewards. To suc-
                                                      2021 because of ‘‘overwhelming
                                                                                                          cessfully create a new block for the block-
                                                                                                          chain, the block has to satisfy a set of re-
                                                                                                          quirements. For the miners, this
                                                      The increasing popularity of Bitcoin                translates into a process of trial and error.
                                                      mining quickly sparked a fresh debate               As of January 11, 2021, it is estimated
                                                      on the energy use—and the resulting                 that all miners combined make over 150
                                                      carbon footprint—of the Bitcoin                     quintillion (
                                                      network. Bitcoin mining devices require             rate) attempts every second of the day
                                                      electrical energy to function, and all de-          to produce a valid new block. Moreover,
                                                      vices in the Bitcoin network were                   the Bitcoin protocol self-adjusts the diffi-
                                                      already estimated to consume between                culty of meeting these requirements to
                                                      78 and 101 terawatt-hours (TWh) of                  ensure that, on average, only one block
                                                      electricity annually prior to the latest            is created every 10 min.1 All of the mining
                                                      surge in the price of Bitcoin (Figure 1).           devices in the network are constantly
                                                      With a growing number of active ma-                 competing with each other to be the first
                                                      chines, the network as a whole also re-             to produce a valid new block. With the
                                                      quires more power to operate.                       chance of success being random, a
                                                                                                          miner’s share of the total available miner
                                                      This Commentary examines how to esti-               income will average to the proportional
                                                      mate the amount of electricity the Bit-             share of the total computational power
                                                      coin network consumes for a given Bit-              in the network owned.
Q3 INTRODUCTION                                       coin price level. Additionally, the
    For the popular digital currency Bitcoin,         article explores the implications of this           Bitcoin’s price directly effects the value
    the year 2021 started with the price of a         energy consumption for the environ-                 of the mined coins and therefore the
    single Bitcoin reaching progressively             ment and broader economy and dis-                   amount of resources miners can afford
    higher records in quick succession. In            cusses how policymakers can limit the               to spend on mining. Given that Bitcoin
    less than one month’s time, the price             network’s growing energy demands.                   mining is a competitive market,

                                                                                                   Joule 5, 1–5, March 17, 2021 ª 2021 Elsevier Inc.      1

                                                                       JOUL 920
Commentary Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network's energy consumption
Please cite this article in press as: de Vries, Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network’s energy consumption, Joule (2021), https://


                                                                                                         annual energy consumption of 184
                                                                                                         TWh, but miners have a strong incen-
                                                                                                         tive to add new mining devices as fast
                                                                                                         as possible. As the total amount of
                                                                                                         computational power in the network
                                                                                                         grows, the proportional share of each
                                                                                                         individual device declines over time.
                                                                                                         The number of bitcoins a device is ex-
                                                                                                         pected to mine therefore declines as
                                                                                                         well, meaning that the first person to
                                                                                                         use a new device type will always reap
                                                                                                         significantly more rewards than the
                                                                                                         last. In fact, it is mostly due to limits in
                                                                                                         the availability of hardware that the
Figure 1. Historic Bitcoin energy consumption estimates and price development                            network does not reach these levels of
The fluctuations in Bitcoin price (from, along with estimates
                                                                                                         energy consumption overnight. Miners
of Bitcoin’s energy consumption (in annualized TWh) from the Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index
(BECI) ( and the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index
                                                                                                         have some flexibility in the way their de-
(CBECI) ( since the start of 2017 to the end of 2020.                                          vices are set up, so there is likely to be a
                                                                                                         swift effect from miners boosting (over-
economic theory suggests that it                     reason, the primary cost components of              clocking) their device’s performance.
should cost a bitcoin to mine a bitcoin.4            participating in the mining process are             However, this effect is equally likely to
If it costs any less than one bitcoin to             only hardware and energy. de Vries pre-             be limited as devices become unstable
mine a bitcoin, miners can profit by                 viously estimated that, in the long run,            and/or require additional cooling if
adding more units of computational                   the share of electricity costs in the total         pushed too far. The speed at which
power to the network. The opposite is                costs of mining is around 60%.5                     the network’s energy consumption
also true because miners would be                                                                        grows then depends on the availability
operating at a loss and start removing               If, on top of the previous assumption, we           of previously obsolete device models
units of computational power from the                assume miners pay around $0.05 per                  (that can operate profitably again) and
network if mining costs exceed one bit-              kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electrical energy            the rate at which newer device models
coin. As previously noted by de Vries,               on average, we can estimate the net-                can be produced. With Bitmain having
‘‘these market forces drive the industry             work’s energy requirement at a given                sold out up to the third quarter of
towards an equilibrium where firms                   amount of miner income. With a Bitcoin              2021 by the start of the year, it could
will earn zero economic profit.’’5                   price of $42,000 (Bitcoin’s all-time high           take several months, if not longer, for
                                                     as of January 10, 2021) and transaction             the network’s energy consumption to
This dynamic makes it possible to esti-              fees comprising 10% of total miner in-              reach the predicted level. Assuming
mate the amount of energy the network                come, miners will earn around $15.3                 that total miner income stabilizes at
is consuming given a certain amount of               billion annually (6.25 coins per block *            $15.3 billion annually, the network will
total miner income. Although we should               52,560 blocks per year / 0.9 * $42,000).            ultimately consume 184 TWh per year.
not expect a market to be in perfect equi-           With 60% of this income going to pay
librium because circumstances are                    for electricity at a price of $0.05 per
constantly changing, we do expect total                                                                  AN ABSENCE OF REFUNDS
                                                     kWh, the total network could consume
miner expenses to gravitate toward the                                                                   ENSURES MINING DEVICES WILL
                                                     up to 184 TWh per year (sensitivities to
total amount of miner income as well.                                                                    BE PRODUCED REGARDLESS OF
                                                     different assumptions are shown in Table
Knowing how miner expenses will                                                                          PRICE DEVELOPMENTS
                                                     1); this is not far from the amount of en-
develop does not immediately give us                 ergy consumed by all data centers glob-             Because a vast number of new devices
an energy consumption estimate, but                  ally (200 TWh per year).6                           have now been ordered, a large part
fortunately, the cost structure of mining                                                                of the expected increase in energy con-
is extremely simplistic. A miner only re-                                                                sumption might already be ‘‘locked-in;’’
quires a machine capable of mining                   ADOPTION SPEED OF MINERS                            this means that even if Bitcoin price falls
(which can be a central processing unit,             AND HARDWARE CAPACITY                               by 25% or more (on January 11, the Bit-
graphic processing unit, or a specialized            RESTRICTIONS                                        coin price fell to $31,000 per coin
application-specific integrated circuit)             Economic models do not indicate                     before recovering to $35,000), the esti-
and electricity to run the device. For this          exactly when the network will reach an              mations of the network’s future energy

2       Joule 5, 1–5, March 17, 2021

                                                                   JOUL 920
Commentary Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network's energy consumption
Please cite this article in press as: de Vries, Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network’s energy consumption, Joule (2021), https://


     Table 1. Bitcoin annual energy consumption (TWh) model sensitivity table

     The table shows how various assumptions on the share of electricity costs in the total costs of mining, as well as the average price of electricity (in USD per kWh),
     influence the expected future energy consumption of the Bitcoin network at four different price levels. For every scenario, it is assumed that fees make up 10% of
     the total miner income next to a fixed block reward of 6.25 bitcoins.

   consumption do not necessarily have to                     any case, we should be mindful of this ef-               future implications are in terms of en-
   revised by the same amount. This ‘‘lock-                   fect when considering a drop in Bitcoin                  ergy consumption assuming stability in
   in’’ effect is the result of Bitmain’s policy              price, though a scenario similar to that                 current miner income levels. Long-
   (and similar ones of other manufac-                        which followed the Bitcoin price peak of                 term forecasts require more detailed
   turers) stating that ‘‘cancellation or                     2017 could still occur. After the Bitcoin                modeling, and even the simple model
   refund requests will not be enter-                         price got close to $20,000 for the first                 presented in this article should account
   tained.’’7 As such, upon submitting an                     time in 2017, the market experienced a                   for relevant changes in Bitcoin mining
   order, the equipment becomes a                             rapid and steep decline. By the end of                   rewards. Bitcoin’s fixed block reward
   ‘‘sunk cost.’’ Once a sunk cost has                        2018, the value of Bitcoin had dropped                   has been set to halve every 210,000
Q4 been incurred, it can no longer be                         by more than 80% since the price peak.                   blocks (roughly every four years), which
   recovered; thus, it should play no                         A Bitcoin price crash of a similar magni-                will happen again in 2024. Although
   further role in the decision-making pro-                   tude in 2021 would reduce the network’s                  typical useful lifetimes of mining de-
   cess of a rational economic agent. Just                    energy consumption from the current es-                  vices are too short8 for this reward
   like any other miner who already has                       timates (Figure 1). If total annual miner in-            reduction to be relevant in this article,
   devices running, those who have or-                        come falls to $3 billion (corresponding to               it is something to be considered in
   dered and paid for their new devices                       a Bitcoin price of around $8,000 depend-                 future research along with the growing
   should base their decision to (continue                    ing on the transaction fee percentage at                 importance of variable transaction fees.
   to) mine on prospective costs, which                       this point), this could only sustain an en-
   primarily only include electricity costs.                  ergy consumption of at most 60 TWh                       Furthermore, future research might
   For miners who only care about elec-                       per year (assuming the entire amount is                  study the effect of network size on the
   tricity costs, a Bitcoin price of $25,200                  used to pay for electricity).                            average price of electricity. In the short
   (assuming $0.05 per kWh) is sufficient                                                                              run, one might expect the average price
   to sustain an annual electricity con-                      We also have to guard against overesti-                  of electricity to go up as the network
   sumption of 184 TWh.                                       mating the network’s future energy                       grows because there is a finite source
                                                              consumption. In the past, the results                    of the cheapest electricity. However,
     LIMITS TO THE PREDICTABILITY                             of studies like these have been incor-                   the recent growth of cryptocurrency
     OF BITCOIN’S FUTURE                                      rectly extrapolated to make statements                   mining in (sanctioned) countries like
     ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION                                  on the network’s future energy con-                      Iran9 (where miners can obtain oil-fu-
     There is no way of knowing the precise                   sumption. The relationship between                       eled electricity for less than $0.01 per
     amount of future energy consumption                      the network’s energy consumption                         kWh9) suggests the possibility that
     that has been ‘‘locked-in’’ because of                   and miner income is mutual, meaning                      new mining locations might drive the
     non-refundable orders, but with produc-                  that miners require a certain amount                     average price of electricity down
     tion lines guaranteed to run at maximum                  of income to support a given level of                    instead. In any case, the chosen rate of
     capacity for a majority of 2021, it is un-               energy consumption. This article is                      $0.05 per kWh (commonly used in
     likely to be an insignificant amount. In                 limited to examining what the potential                  research on the topic in recent years)

                                                                                                                                    Joule 5, 1–5, March 17, 2021        3

                                                                                JOUL 920
Please cite this article in press as: de Vries, Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network’s energy consumption, Joule (2021), https://


                                                                                                         found that other understudied crypto-
                                                                                                         currencies such as Ethereum and Lite-
                                                                                                         coin added ‘‘nearly 50% on top of Bit-
                                                                                                         coin’s energy hunger.’’12 Moreover,
                                                                                                         specialized Bitcoin mining devices
                                                                                                         cannot be repurposed, potentially re-
                                                                                                         sulting in a substantial amount of elec-
                                                                                                         tronic waste once they become obso-
                                                                                                         lete in several years’ time.8

                                                                                                         On top of the environmental impact of
                                                                                                         cryptocurrency mining, the effects of
                                                                                                         the sector’s energy-hunger might also
                                                                                                         spill over to other parts of the economy.
Figure 2. Comparison of chip production capacity versus mining device chip production                    Prior to the latest surge in Bitcoin price,
requirements                                                                                             it was already reported that there was a
This figure shows the monthly 7 namometer (nm) wafer capacity at the foundries of Taiwan                 global shortage of chips for an array of
Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and Samsung (                      electronic devices.13 The economic re-
production-set-to-double-in-2 h-2020-7nm-capacity-at-tsmc-currently-fully-booked/). These
                                                                                                         covery after the COVID-19 crisis has led
companies are the only ones capable of mass-producing 7 nm nodes (
insight/intel_7nm_delay/). The output needed to produce one million Antminer S19 Pro devices is          to increased consumer demand, result-
calculated on the assumption that the required die size is 5 3 5 mm (in line with the Antminer S17       ing in chip shortages and delays in
series) ( = 5307087.0) and that each 300 mm wafer yields 2,288            manufacturing. These shortages are
viable dies ( on a defect density of 0.09 (anandtech.        also affecting the production of (self-
com/show/16028/better-yield-on-5nm-than-7nm-tsmc-update-on-defect-rates-for-n5). Each
                                                                                                         driving) electric vehicles, which will play
Antminer S19 Pro requires 342 chips ( and runs
on 3,250 W.                                                                                              an important part in meeting global
                                                                                                         goals for climate change, as well as per-
                                                                                                         sonal electronics required to work from
is likely still a conservative value for the         footprint. To this end, the work of Stoll           home. Because the manufacturers of Bit-
network size considered in this article              et al.11 demonstrated that Bitcoin mining           coin mining devices need a substantial
given that a recent survey found miners              had an implied carbon intensity of 480–             number of chips to produce these ma-
pay a global average of $0.046 per                   500 g of CO2 per kWh (gCO2/kWh)                     chines, this will only exacerbate the
kWh.10                                               consumed. Assuming this number re-                  shortage. To produce just one million
                                                     mains constant at 490 gCO2/kWh as                   units of Bitmain’s most powerful mining
Lastly, it should be noted that this article         the network’s energy demand increases,              device (the Antminer S19 Pro), which
generally assumes a market with rational             a total energy consumption of 184 TWh               can consume 28.5 TWh of electrical
agents; however, in reality, miners might            would result in a carbon footprint of               energy annually, Bitmain would have
make decisions like (temporarily) oper-              90.2 million metric tons of CO2 (Mt                 to book a full month of 7 nanometer
ating at a loss if they speculate on                 CO2), which is roughly comparable to                (nm) capacity at its supplier, Taiwan
(further) price increases. This speculation          the carbon emissions produced by the                Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
might also increase the aforementioned               metropolitan area of London (98.9 Mt                (together with Samsung, currently the
‘‘lock-in’’ effect if miners order an exces-         CO2, according to citycarbonfootprints.             only companies capable of mass-produc-
sive amount of mining devices in antici-             info). This number might be higher or               ing 7 nm chips) (Figure 2).
pation of a higher Bitcoin price, though             lower depending on the locations cho-
this will also depend on the limits of the           sen for Bitcoin mining. Although fossil-            It might also be a concern that a country
production capacity of mining device                 fuel-dependent countries like Iran have             like Iran has adopted cryptocurrency
manufacturers and their suppliers (see               recently gained popularity as mining                mining as a way to boost revenues while
next section).                                       sites,9 market miners might also try to             its oil exports suffer from international
                                                     leverage ‘‘greener’’ sources of power.              sanctions. Cheap energy has lured in
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND                                                                                 many cryptocurrency miners, and the
BROADER CONSEQUENCES                                 In any case, the remainder of the cryp-             mining activity in Iran now represents
Having an estimate of Bitcoin’s future en-           tocurrency ecosystem would still have               8% of the total computational power
ergy consumption also permits a ballpark             to be added to the total environmental              in Bitcoin’s network.9 If Bitcoin is
estimate for the network’s future carbon             impact of the sector. Recent research               enabling Iran to circumvent economic

4       Joule 5, 1–5, March 17, 2021

                                                                   JOUL 920
Please cite this article in press as: de Vries, Bitcoin boom: what rising prices mean for the network’s energy consumption, Joule (2021), https://


sanctions, this could pose a threat to in-        duction. Policymakers can be even be                from materializing, but drastic joint
ternational safety, given that these              more restrictive to certain cryptocurren-           and coordinated actions could be
sanctions were imposed to prevent                 cies by barring them from centralized               required to be effective.
the nation from developing military nu-           digital asset marketplaces. Although
clear capability.                                 the latter has no direct effect on mining,           1. Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer
                                                                                                          electronic cash system.
                                                  it can influence the value of a digital cur-            bitcoin.pdf.
CONSIDERATIONS FOR                                rency (and thus the associated mining
                                                                                                       2. Voell, Z. (2021). Bitcoin Mining Machine
POLICYMAKERS                                      rewards).                                               Shortage Worsens as Bitmain Sells Out
Given the growing implications of the                                                                     Through August (Coindesk).

cryptocurrency mining industry, policy-           Policymakers should, however, be                     3. Voell, Z. (2021). Bitcoin Miners Saw 33%
                                                  aware that there are also some bound-                   Revenue Increase in December (Coindesk).
makers might feel increasingly pres-
sured to intervene. At a local level, this        aries to the policy options. Ultimately,             4. Debreu, G. (1987). Theory of value: an
                                                                                                          axiomatic analysis of economic equilibrium
has already occurred in places such as            any laptop or computer is theoretically                 19. Dr (Yale Univ. Press).
Québec (Canada) and Iran. In Québec             capable of participating in cryptocur-
                                                                                                       5. de Vries, A. (2018). Bitcoin’s Growing Energy
in 2018, the Canadian power company               rency mining, and any location that                     Problem. Joule 2, 801–805.
Hydro-Québec and the independent                 has access to Internet and electricity
                                                                                                       6. Kamiya, G. (2020). Data Centres and Data
Québec Energy Board decided to                   might be used to host these devices.                    Transmission Networks. Int. Energy Agency.
                                                  Miners could simply move elsewhere            
impose a moratorium on new crypto-                                                                        and-data-transmission-networks.
currency mining operations, after a sig-          under adverse policy decisions, or min-
                                                                                                       7. Bitmain. (2017). Can I edit or cancel my
nificant   number     of    applications          ing might become more decentralized                     orders?.
threated to destabilize the local                 (and harder to control) when large-scale                en-us/articles/115000382293-Can-I-edit-or-
grid.14 More recently, in January 2021,           mining facilities or manufacturers of                   20order%20is%20submitted,not%20pay%
Iran decided to confiscate mining                 specialized devices are severely                        20for%20that%20order.
equipment as the country suffered                 restricted.                                          8. de Vries, A. (2019). Renewable Energy Will
from outages blamed on cryptocur-                                                                         Not Solve Bitcoin’s Sustainability Problem.
                                                                                                          Joule 3, 893–898.
rency mining activities.9                         CONCLUSION
                                                                                                       9. Arab News. (2021). Crypto-miners take down
                                                  As the price of Bitcoin rises, the nega-                Iran electric grids, prompting crackdown.
Despite the fact that, in both examples,          tive externalities associated with Bit-       
policymakers did not decide to take               coin mining increase in kind. This
action because of environmental con-              Commentary has shown how a simple                   10. Blandin, A., Pieters, G.C., Wu, Y., Eisermann,
                                                                                                          T., Dek, A., Taylor, S., and Njoki, D. (2020).
cerns, the examples illustrate how poli-          economic model might be used to esti-                   3rd global cryptoasset benchmarking study.
cymakers might have multiple options              mate the potential environmental              
in putting a halt to cryptocurrency min-          impact of Bitcoin mining for a given Bit-               3rd-global-cryptoasset-benchmarking-
ing. Although Bitcoin might be a de-              coin price. These estimates reveal that                 study/.
centralized currency, many aspects of             the record-breaking surge in Bitcoin                11. Stoll, C., Klaaßen, L., and Gallersdörfer, U.
the ecosystem surrounding it are not.             price at the start of 2021 could result                 (2019). The Carbon Footprint of Bitcoin.
                                                                                                          Joule 3, 1647–1661.
The competitive Bitcoin market drives             in the network consuming as much en-
                                                                                                      12. Gallersdörfer, U., Klaaßen, L., and Stoll, C.
miners to take advantage of economies             ergy as all data centers globally, with                 (2020). Energy Consumption of
of scale in lowering costs, which also            an associated carbon footprint match-                   Cryptocurrencies Beyond Bitcoin. Joule 4,
makes it harder for them to operate un-           ing London’s footprint size. Beyond
der the radar. Large-scale miners can             these environmental impacts, the pro-               13. Jin, H., Busvine, D., and Kirton, D. (2020).
                                                                                                          Analysis: Global chip shortage threatens
easily be targeted with higher elec-              duction of specialized mining devices                   production of laptops, smartphones and
tricity rates, moratoria, or, in the most         might exacerbate the global shortage                    more (Reuters).
extreme case, confiscation of the                 of chips, which could effect the ability            14. de Vries, A. (2020). Bitcoin’s energy
equipment used. Moreover, the supply              to work from home, the economic re-                     consumption is underestimated: A market
                                                                                                          dynamics approach. Energy Res. Soc. Sci. 70,
chain of specialized Bitcoin mining de-           covery after the COVID-19 crisis, and                   101721.
vices is concentrated among only a                the production of electric vehicles.                1Digiconomist,   Almere, the Netherlands
handful of companies. Manufacturers               The increasing popularity of mining in              2De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, the
like Bitmain can be burdened with addi-           countries like Iran could even threaten             Netherlands
tional taxes like tobacco companies or            international safety. Policymakers are              *Correspondence:
be limited in their access to chip pro-           not completely powerless to stop this     

                                                                                                                   Joule 5, 1–5, March 17, 2021            5

                                                                   JOUL 920
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