Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...

Page created by Jamie Valdez
Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Action Plan 2016-2021
Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
 Our Community Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
 Our shared vision for community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
 Our Likes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
 Our Dislikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
 Theme 1: Heritage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
 Theme 2: Events & Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
 Theme 3: Public Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
 Theme 4: Recreation & Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
 Early Actions funded through the Participatory Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
 Making it happen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

     134 Community Surveys were returned representing the views of
      approximately 250 people
     3 Stakeholder interviews took place with local groups,
      business and support organisations
     160 people attended the Community Futures Open Events in Prestonpans

    Prestonpans Community Action Plan
    The Action Plan summarises community views and information about:

     Our community now
     Our shared Vision for Prestonpans
     Priority themes and actions

    Prestonpans Community Futures Steering Group
    The Steering Group brought together representatives from: Prestonpans Community Council,
    Pretsonpans Youth Community Project, Prestonpans After School Club, Puffin Play Group,
    Friends of Cuthill Park, Coastal Regeneration Alliance, Prestonpans Seton Gosford Area

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

Our Community Now
Prestonpans is town within East Lothian, located 11.5 miles east of Edinburgh along the banks of the
River Forth.

Prestonpans has a vast industrial heritage of mining, fishing, salt panning and breweries. Mining in
Prestonpans dates back to 1210, this is considered by many to be the earliest organised coal mining in
British history.

As well as industrial heritage, Prestonpans is well known for the Battle of Prestonpans which was a
battle within the second Jacobite Rising in 1745.

Prestonpans has a population of 7620 as of the last census.

Prestonpans has a high street with several shopping outlets including 2 supermarkets. The town has
separate school facilities at nursey, infant, primary and secondary stages. There are 2 community
centers within Prestonpans; Prestonpans Community Centre and Pennypit Centre. There is a public
library, a dentists and a GP practice within the town center.

Prestonpans has a local health provision in the form of a pharmacy as well as both GP and dentist
surgeries. Any level of more serious or emergency medical treatment can be accessed at the Royal
Infirmary of Edinburgh which is approximately 9 miles from Prestonpans. Long term or limiting health
issues are relatively prominent in Prestonpans with around 20% of the entire population identifying
with some form of long term health issue.

Employment & Economy
On average around 15% of the working age population in Prestonpans are unemployed, this has been
consistent trend in the area for the past 10 years. Whilst this reflects a general improvement since the
1990s, it does not show any signs of reducing significantly. Employability training and local
employment opportunities have been identified as key priorities moving forward, meaning the
delivery of this action plan could lead to significant change in this area.

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

All stages of education are catered to in Prestonpans by the infant school, primary schools and
Preston Lodge High School. On average, around 65% of school leavers progress to further or higher
education with currently 20 - 25% of the adult population having successfully obtained a degree level

Prestonpans is well known for its local environment including its beach and walk ways. From
community survey feedback, there is a feeling evident that these resources are underutilized and
under respected. In taking this action plan forward, the community of Prestonpans hopes to enhance
the local environment and maximise the potential of all natural resources.

There is a strong sense of community within Prestonpans which is evident in both the positive
comments within the community survey feedback and the high attendances at the open meetings
and Family Fun Day event within the Coalfields Community Futures process. It is also evident
however that an element of the community feel unsure about how to become more involved -
something this action plan hopes to address.

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

Vision statement
"I'd like to see us looking forward to a bright and prosperous future
rather than back at what we used to have and how we used to be
identified and identify ourselves. Our local heritage should be
celebrated and fondly remembered but our future should something we
can all be just as proud of."

Prestonpans Will Be…
 A town that both believes in and invests heavily in its youth
  population, encouraging young people to be ambitious and
 A town that is welcoming and hospitable to tourists and visitors.
 A town that proudly celebrates its culture and heritage.
 A town that maximizes the potential of its resources

Prestonpans Will Have…
 A thriving local economy with opportunities for all local residents.
 A community network that works efficiently and collaboratively.
 A strong sense of identity.

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

Prestonpans LIKES

                                                    Child & Youth Provision


                                                    Local Services & Facilies


                                                    Sense of Community

The clean streets and the new         The community in Prestonpans
play parks . . .                      is amazing, having a chance to
                                      meet other mums at Patchwork
It's a close community . . .
                                      each week has been so good for
The Prestonpans After School          me and my baby . . .
Club is superb . . .
                                      The nice walks . . .
The Pennypitt and Prestonpans
                                      The local gala committee,
Community Centre’s both offer
                                      giving the community a fun
excellent facilities and
                                      filled week of events! . . .
opportunities to get involved in
community groups . . .                Open air access to the sea and
                                      its walkways . . .

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

Prestonpans DISLIKES
                                                     Child & Youth Provisiohn


                                                     Local Services

                                                     Crime & An Social Behaviour

                                                     Sense of Community

Expanding without having               Local facilities not open in the
infrastructure in place – need         evening, the whole community
to invest in schools, doctors          can’t take part in all activities
and shops . . .                        ...
Schools should be bigger and           I feel that the local young
there should be more for               people deserve better . . .
youngsters . . .                       The parking facilities for High
Dropping litter, if nobody             Street . . .
litters it will make the world         Bus services . . .
better . . .                           No decent pubs . . .
Drug dealing on street                 Clean the beach! . . .
corners . . .
                                       Destruction caused by

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

                                              THEME 1: Heritage
              These are the main strategies and priorities the community will work towards achieving in
                               partnership with public agencies and other supporters

    Prestonpans is steeped in cultural and industrial heritage and it was evident throughout the consultation process
    that there is a strong sense of pride in this across the community. The next generation and many more after that
          should be encouraged and enabled to fully understand and appreciate the cultural history that makes
                                                   Prestonpans truly unique.

     Priorities                    Actions                                     Potential Partners
     Public art projects around    Establish a mural trail through             Prestonpans Seton Gosford Area
     area heritage                  Prestonpans by repairing, enhancing          Partnership
                                    and adding to existing murals
                                                                                John Muir Trust,
     Support & invest in mining  Support the development of a Cuthill
                                                                                Friends Of Cuthill Park
     museum                         Park to Mining Museum walkway
                                   Support and encourage and promote           Prestonpans Community Council
                                    East Lothian Council “Multicultural Days
                                                                                East Lothian Council
                                   Raise awareness of and support /
                                    fundraise for museum tapestries             Coastal Regeneration Alliance

     Interpretation boards         Work towards creating a map of local        Local Schools
     around town and paths          walkways and points of interest
                                                                                3 Harbours Festival Committee
                                   Support the development of a John
                                                                                Pennypit Committee
                                    Muir coastal route

     A “3 Harbours Festival”       Develop the Prestonpans aspect of the
                                    festival within the community to include
                                    the local schools

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

                                    THEME 2: Events & Activities
              These are the main strategies and priorities the community will work towards achieving in
                               partnership with public agencies and other supporters

   Opportunities for young people was a reoccurring theme across all demographics during the community
consultation and opportunities for young people integrate fully within the wider community were prioritised as a
                               key aspect of sustainable long term development.

 Priorities                      Actions                                     Potential Partners
 Support & develop youth          Conduct a large scale youth                Prestonpans Youth Community
 activities                        consultation including a drop in “Pizza     Project
                                                                              Lighthouse Project
                                  PYCP to offer NPA in Volunteering and
                                   PDA in Youth Work through Coalfields       Red School
                                   Regeneration Trust SQA Learning
                                   Centre                                     Prestonpans After School Club

                                  Liaise with external communities and       STRiVE
                                   agencies to recruit and retain volunteers
                                   to aid the delivery of youth provision     Prestonpans Community Council

 A larger scale gala to           Widening participation in the planning     Prestonpans Seton Gosford Area
 reflect increase in               of the gala                                 Partnership
 population                       Liaise with other mining communities to
                                                                            Local Schools
                                   share ideas and link up / coordinate
                                   galas                                    Coalfields Regeneration Trust
 Hold employment /                PYCP to host Coalfields Sport Works        Puffin Play Group
 recruitment event(s)              Programme
                                  Research and promote employment and  Prestonpans After School Club
                                   training opportunities around
                                                                        Children & Youth Network
                                   community and through diverese
                                   community groups                     Gala Committee
                                  Coordinate child care provision and
                                                                              Street League
                                   develop in line with key opportunities

Community Action Plan 2016-2021 - Prestonpans - The Coalfields ...
Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

                                         THEME 3: Public Services
               These are the main strategies and priorities the community will work towards achieving in
                                partnership with public agencies and other supporters

     A sense of pride within the community is paramount in taking the community action plan forward and greater or
         more efficient public services will lead to an enhanced sense of community pride and community spirit.

      Priorities                   Actions                                    Potential Partners
      Effort to tackle dog fouling  Hold community competition to design     Prestonpans Youth & Community
                                     anti dog fouling ideas and campaign       Project
                                     materials                                Lighthouse Project
                                                                                Red School
      Enhanced police presence      Engage with and include Police more
                                     within all community events and            Prestonpans After School Club
                                     activities so as to encourage a proactive  Local Schools
                                     rather than reactive approach.             Police Scotland
                                                                                 East Lothian Council
      Improved public transport     Lobby for improved local transport links
                                     to Edinburgh and surrounding areas          Prestonpans Community Council
      links to Edinburgh
                                                                                 East Lothian Community Rail
      Improved lighting in parks    Lobby for improvements to lighting
      and on streets                 services
                                                                                 Prestonpans Seton Gosford Area
                                    Highlight safety concerns related to
                                     poor lighting

Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

                              THEME 4: Recreation & Facilities
           These are the main strategies and priorities the community will work towards achieving in
                            partnership with public agencies and other supporters

 Access to local facilities and green spaces play an important part in improving local health and wellbeing and
social interaction. Strong working partnerships across the various community groups in Prestonpans can lead to
                               the local facilities being utilised to their full potential.

 Priorities                   Actions                                     Potential Partners
 Create new and develop       Work with East Lothian Council to map      Friends of Cuthill Park
 existing green space and      out local greenspace and promote           East Lothian Council
 horticultural assets          better use
                                                                          Prestonpans Youth Community
                                                                          Prestonpans After School Club
 Develop skate park and       Research funding opportunities
                                                                          Prestonpans Community Council
 youth facilities             Consult and engage with local young
                                                                          Lighthouse Project
                                                                          Red School
                                                                          Prestonpans Seton Gosford Area
 Develop cross community       Cross community networking and             Partnership
 group facilities               engagement                                Local Schools
                                                                          Graden ‘Elf

Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

                                FUNDED PROJECTS

     Prestonpans After School     Outdoor Play Opportunities
                                  The outdoor play equipment we
                                  were able to buy allows all 66 of
                                  registered children to enjoy the
                                  outdoors and being active while
                                  they attend the after school club.
                                  The equipment has increased the
                                  number of play options available
                                  to children which is an important
                                  part of learning and social

     Puffin Play Group            New Equipment
                                  The playgroup is a valuable local
                                  service and at the moment is
                                  oversubscribed with a significant
                                  waiting list. We try to ensure the
                                  service is available to those who
                                  need it most and the new
                                  equipment we’ve been able to
                                  buy has increased our capacity to
                                  do this.

     Friends Of Cuthill Park      Cuthill Park Community
                                  Garden Project
                                  Funding was allocated to
                                  complete an outdoor room,
                                  which involved laying a patio in
                                  front of the container, with two
                                  permanent wooden posts and
                                  removable weathered canvas
                                  sides and roof. This will create a
                                  community meeting place and an
                                  outdoor classroom.

     Prestonpans Miners           Miners Memorial
     Memorial Group
                                  The miners’ memorial group are
                                  in the late stages of creating a
                                  public artwork (sculpture) to go
                                  on display in Prestonpans. The
                                  artwork will be dedicated to all
                                  the miners from the area,
                                  especially those who lost their
                                  lives down the pits.

Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

Prestonpans Community       Communications
Council                     Improvements
                            We managed to purchase 2
                            notice boards for the town (one
                            to replace the old notice board
                            opposite the town hall and
                            another for the shop) to display
                            in formation and advertise local
                            opportunities. This will hopefully
                            be a key community engagement
                            asset as we endeavour to reach
                            out to as much of the community
                            as possibly can.

Prestonpans Community       Seating & Planting
                            The funding we applied for with
                            for this project was mainly with
                            our elderly residents in mind as
                            there are currently no seats or
                            resting areas along the high
                            street and the flower bed
                            opposite the town hall is unused
                            and neglected. Hopefully by
                            addressing these 2 small issues,
                            we can make our high street
                            more attractive to the more
                            elderly members of our

Preston Lodge High School   New Uniforms
Pipe Band
                            Funding helped to kit out 10 new
                            band members with pipe band
                            uniform. All 10 players performed
                            at the British Pipe Band
                            Championships in May 2016
                            earning 3rd prize, and 1st in
                            Drumming. They will all continue
                            to compete with the band as well
                            as support many community and
                            charity events.

Prestonpans Community Action Plan 2016-2021

     Making it Happen
     This Community Action Plan has set out the priorities for the development of
     Prestonpans over the next 5 years as identified by the community through an
     extensive process of community engagement carried out over a period of 6
     months, June to November 2015.
     The Plan contains
      A summary of the Prestonpans Community Profile
      Our main Likes and Dislikes expressed in the community survey
      Our Vision Statement for Prestonpans
      The main themes and priorities for taking action
       Public Services
       Our Local Environment
       Community Activities
       Local Amenities
      Making the links to other strategic plans
      The Partcipatory Budget projects that are helping kick start the Action Plan
     The Community Action Plan is not just for the few but for everyone, we hope you
     will read it, consider its content and help toward making it work by taking action
     where you are, in whatever way you can. If everyone did something positive for
     their community every day, then what a difference that would make!
     Many thanks go to all those who took their time to share their views, to the
     volunteers and participants who made the Community Open Day events a great
     success. Thanks go to members of the community who contributed the images in
     this Action Plan.

     To find out more information about the Action Plan or to volunteer with any
     projects please contact:

     Helen Harper
     Pennypit Centre, Rope Walk, Double Dykes, Prestonpans
     01875 819635

                                The Coalfields Regeneration Trust
                       Registered Charity No.1074930 in England and Wales
                         A Charity Registered in Scotland No SCO39277
           Design & Print by Armstrong Printing (Alloa) Ltd. Offices 75-77 Alloa Business Centre, Alloa FK10 3SA

Coalfields Community Futures
The Coalfields Community Futures Programme is an approach to local community planning and
sustainable community development that aims to encourage active citizenship and build local
democracy. It enables communities to devise a community action plan which makes a case for the
things that the community thinks are important and wishes to make happen.
The process builds on existing processes of community action research to identify local needs and
priorities, using residents as co-researchers. We work with local residents and groups to develop a
common sense of purpose and assist them to produce a deliverable community action plan.
To support the action planning process the community receive a Participatory Budget which is
available to local constituted community or voluntary groups.
This budget enables the community to fund small projects that are identified by the community
through the results of the household surveys, stakeholder interviews and the Community Open

Thank you to everyone who took part in helping Prestonpansl plan for a bright future.
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