Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule January 2020

Page created by Matthew Campbell
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule January 2020
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

        Charging Schedule

           January 2020
1.        The Charging Authority
          The London Borough of Tower Hamlets is a Charging Authority for the
          purposes of Part 11 of the Planning Act 2008 and may therefore charge the
          Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in respect of development in its
          Charging Authority area.

2.        Date of Approval
2.1       This Charging Schedule was approved by the Council on 15th January 2020.

3.        Date of Effect
3.1       This Charging Schedule will come into effect on 17th January 2020.

4.        Liability to Pay CIL
4.1       A chargeable development is one for which planning permission is granted
          and or which is liable to pay CIL in accordance with the CIL Regulations
          2010 (as amended). CIL will be chargeable on the net additional floorspace
          (gross internal area1) of all new development apart from those exempt under
          Part 2 and Part 6 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as
          amended). These exemptions include:

             Developments where the gross internal area of new build2 on the relevant
              land will be less than 100 square metres except where the development
              will comprise one or more dwellings;

             Buildings into which people do not normally go, or go into only
              intermittently for the purpose of inspecting or maintaining fixed plant or

             Development where the owner of a material interest in the relevant land
              is a charitable institution3 and the development will be used wholly (or
              mainly) for charitable purposes.

4.2       In addition, the Regulations also allow exemptions to be claimed for self-
          build housing, and residential annexes and extensions over 100 square
          metres (regulation 42A and 42B). Affordable housing will be eligible for relief
          from CIL (regulation 49).

1 Please refer to the accepted method of calculation set out in the Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors’
Code of Measuring Practice: A Guide for Professionals.
2 Please refer to Part 2 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).
3 Please refer to Part 5 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).

5.     CIL Rates

5.1    The Council intends to charge different rates of CIL by the land use of a
       proposed development (expressed as pounds per square metre) and by the
       area where a proposed development is situated, as set out in the Table 1
5.2    The Council is designated as the ‘Collecting Authority’ for the CIL of the
       Mayor of London. This requires a Mayor of London CIL to be charged in
       addition to the rates described in the table below.

Table 1 CIL rate per m2 (GIA) of development
Development Type             Zone 1          Zone 2                    Zone 3
Residential                  £280            £150                      £50

Development Type           City Fringe and North Docklands             Rest of Borough
Offices                    £100                                        Nil
Retail (Except Convenience £100                                        Nil
Supermarkets/ Superstores
and Retail Warehousing)

Development Type                Borough Wide

Convenience                     £130
Superstores* and Retail
Hotel                           £190
Student Housing Let at          £450
Market Rents***
Student Housing Let at          Nil
Below Market Rents****

All Other Uses                  Nil

*     Convenience Supermarkets/Superstores are defined as shopping destinations
      in their own right, where weekly food needs are met, catering for a significant
      proportion of car-borne customers, and which can also include non-food
      floorspace as part of the overall mix of the unit.

**    Retail Warehousing is defined as shopping destinations specialising in the
      sale of household goods (such as carpets, furniture and electrical goods), DIY
      items and other ranges of goods, catering for a significant proportion of car-
      borne customers.

***   Student housing not falling with the definition at **** below.

****   Student housing, provided in the form of affordable student housing as
       defined by the Tower Hamlets Local Plan 2031: Managing Growth and
       Sharing the Benefits (Regulation 19 version), secured by a s106 planning
       obligation. The nil rates will only apply if the affordable student housing
       remain affordable in perpetuity.

6.      Charging Zones
6.1     The charging areas (Zones 1 to 3, City Fringe and North Docklands) referred
        to in the above table are illustrated on the Charging Zones Maps, attached at
        Appendix 1 of this document. The maps also identify the area of Tower
        Hamlets that falls within the boundary of London Legacy Development
        Corporation. Developments in these locations are not covered by this
        document and are subject to a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging
        Schedule adopted by the London Legacy Development Corporation.

7.      Calculating the Chargeable Amount
7.1     CIL will be calculated on the basis set out in Part 5 of the Community
        Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).

8.      Inflation and Indexation
8.1     The rates referred to in Table 1 above shall be subject to annual indexation
        in keeping with the “All-in Tender Price Index” published by the Building Cost
        Information Service (BCIS). The rates should be increased by an amount
        equivalent to the increase in the index from the date hereof until the date on
        which the sums are payable provided that in the event that the “All-in Tender
        Price Index” shall decrease, the sum not fall below the figures set out.

9.      Further Information
9.1     Further information on the Community Infrastructure Levy is available on the
        Council’s website

Appendix 1: Charging Area Maps


                                                                         Zone 2

                                                                                                        Zone 3

                    Zone 1                                                                                                  CIL
                                                                                                                           Zone 2

                                                                                                      Zone 1

                   CIL Zone 1

                                ll                                                                                      CIL
                   Marsh                                                                                             Zone 2

                                                       Manchester Road

                            CIL Zone 2

  © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey, London Borough of Tower Hamlets 100019288

                           CIL Residential Charging Zone Boundaries                                                                 Hackney

        CIL Residential Charging Zone Boundaries                                                                             City of   Hamlets

                                                                                                           GIS for             Southwark
                                                                                                       Place Directorate
Scale @ 1:33,000                                                                                                                                 Greenwich
480   240   0              480         960             1,440 Meters               LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS
                                                                                                      Date: 10/10/2019                  Lewisham
                                                                                          TQ3684NW   TQ3684NE   TQ3784NW    TQ3784NE

                                                                               TQ3584SE   TQ3684SW   TQ3684SE   TQ3784SW    TQ3784SE

                                      TQ3483NW       TQ3483NE       TQ3583NW   TQ3583NE   TQ3683NW   TQ3683NE   TQ3783NW    TQ3783NE

                     TQ3383SE         TQ3483SW       TQ3483SE       TQ3583SW   TQ3583SE   TQ3683SW   TQ3683SE   TQ3783SW    TQ3783SE    TQ3883SW

      TQ3382NW       TQ3382NE         TQ3482NW       TQ3482NE       TQ3582NW   TQ3582NE   TQ3682NW   TQ3682NE   TQ3782NW    TQ3782NE   TQ3882NW

      TQ3382SW       TQ3382SE         TQ3482SW       TQ3482SE       TQ3582SW   TQ3582SE   TQ3682SW   TQ3682SE   TQ3782SW    TQ3782SE    TQ3882SW

      TQ3381NW       TQ3381NE         TQ3481NW       TQ3481NE       TQ3581NW   TQ3581NE   TQ3681NW   TQ3681NE   TQ3781NW    TQ3781NE   TQ3881NW     TQ3881NE    TQ3981NW

      TQ3381SW       TQ3381SE         TQ3481SW       TQ3481SE       TQ3581SW   TQ3581SE   TQ3681SW   TQ3681SE   TQ3781SW    TQ3781SE    TQ3881SW    TQ3881SE    TQ3981SW

      TQ3380NW       TQ3380NE         TQ3480NW       TQ3480NE       TQ3580NW   TQ3580NE   TQ3680NW   TQ3680NE   TQ3780NW    TQ3780NE   TQ3880NW     TQ3880NE    TQ3980NW   TQ3980NE

      TQ3380SW       TQ3380SE         TQ3480SW       TQ3480SE       TQ3580SW   TQ3580SE              TQ3680SE   TQ3780SW    TQ3780SE    TQ3880SW    TQ3880SE    TQ3980SW

                                      TQ3479NW       TQ3479NE       TQ3579NW                         TQ3679NE   TQ3779NW    TQ3779NE   TQ3879NW     TQ3879NE

                                                                                                     TQ3679SE   TQ3779SW    TQ3779SE    TQ3879SW    TQ3879SE

                                                                                                     TQ3678NE   TQ3778NW    TQ3778NE   TQ3878NW     TQ3878NE

                                                                                                                TQ3778SW    TQ3778SE    TQ3878SW    TQ3878SE

  © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey, London Borough of Tower Hamlets 100019288

              Office and Retail (except Conveniece Supermarkets,                                                                                          Hackney
              Superstores and Retail Warehousing) Charging Zones
              LLDC Boundary                                                                                                                                     Tower
                                                                                                                                                   City of     Hamlets
              Office and Retail                                                                                                                    London
              Charging Zones                                                                                                   GIS for               Southwark
                                                                                                                           Place Directorate
Scale @ 1:35,000                                                                                                                                                           Greenwich
510     255      0              510              1,020          1,530 Meters                  LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS
                                                                                                                  Date: 03/01/2018                             Lewisham
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