Community Report Q1 2021 - Elexicon Energy

Page created by George Harrison
Community Report Q1 2021 - Elexicon Energy
Community Report
                                           Q 1 2021

Photo credit: Municipality of Clarington
Community Report Q1 2021 - Elexicon Energy
                                                                                                           Q1 2021

                                      More than 16,000 homes and businesses in the Municipality of Clarington depend on a steady supply
System Reliability                    of electricity to power their lives. Elexicon Energy takes service reliability very seriously, and continues
                                      to monitor and mitigate any trends to ensure system reliability.

    The average number of hours that power to                        The average number of times that power to
    a customer was interrupted in Q1 2021 was                        a customer was interrupted in Q1 2021 was
        0.00 compared to 0.06 in Q1 2020.                                0.00 compared to 0.18 in Q1 2020.

          TOP THREE REASONS FOR                                                  TOP THREE REASONS FOR
        OUTAGE DU RATIO N I N Q 1 2021:                                           OUTA G E S I N Q1 2 0 2 1 :

            1. Loss of supply:                                                     1. Scheduled outage:
              251 hrs compared to                                                     6 outages compared to 2
              Zero hrs in Q1 2020                                                     outages in Q1 2020
            2. Scheduled outage:                                                   2. Defective equipment:
               25 hrs compared to                                                     3 outages compared to
               328 hrs in Q1 2020                                                     12 outages in Q1 2020
            3. Defective equipment:                                                3. Loss of supply:
               22 hrs compared to                                                     1 outage compared to
               405 hrs in Q1 2020                                                     Zero outages in Q1 2020

          TOTA L O U TAG E D U R ATI O N                                                   TOTA L N U M B E R
            I N CUSTO MER HO U RS:                                                          O F O U TA G E S :

               318 hrs in Q1 2021                                                            12 in Q1 2021
               905 hrs in Q1 2020                                                            20 in Q1 2020

2                                                                                                Our power is response-ability
Community Report Q1 2021 - Elexicon Energy
                                                                                                             Q1 2 0 2 1

Corporate Social Responsibility

CO R P O R ATE G I V I N G PRO G R A M U PDATE :                         R EC E NT S P O N SO R S H I PS :

• 2020 Budget: $32,968                                                   • Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
• Amount spent to date: $27,145                                          • Grandview Kids Foundation
                                                                         • Visual Arts Centre of Clarington

“The Bowmanville Conservation Group and their partners are so grateful for the recent contribution from Elexicon Energy's
Corporate Giving Program to install a state-of-the-art remote fish counter to monitor annual spring and fall fish spawning activities.
This technology, and the data collected, will be accessible to the general public and further support management actions for the
Bowmanville Fishway to help us sustain a vibrant fish community in the Bowmanville Soper Creek watershed.”

– Patricia Lowe, Director, Community Engagement
 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority

“The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, like many other organizations, faced closure during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the
generosity of Elexicon, we were able to take this time away from our regular programming and accomplish some much-needed
upgrades to our main gallery and studios. Once it is safe to welcome visitors to the gallery, we can proudly show off our new
walls, upgraded energy-efficient grid lighting in the main galleries and improved lighting in our painting studios.”

– Dionne Powlennzuk, Executive Director
  Visual Arts Centre of Clarington

                                                                • Completed: Eleven pole replacements throughout the

                                                                • Underway: Elexicon Energy has contracted Asplundh
                                                                  Canada ULC to perform tree trimming in areas
                                                                  throughout Bowmanville. The proactive work and
                                                                  preventative maintenance helps ensure public safety
                                                                  and the reliable operation of our distribution system
                                                                  during major weather events. The work started on
                                                                  March 1st and should be wrapped up by May 31st,

3                                                                                              Our power is response-ability
Community Report Q1 2021 - Elexicon Energy
                                                                                              Q1 2021

• 2020 Annual Report: The Communications, Marketing and Public
  Affairs team started work on the Corporation’s 2020 Annual Report.
  The team is looking forward to unveiling the digital report at the end
  of June, which will highlight the many accomplishments Elexicon
  Energy and affiliate company Elexicon Group achieved last year.
• Fraud prevention: Scammers continue to target hydro consumers
  during the pandemic, posing as utility representatives, threatening
  disconnection and offering rebates. Elexicon Energy is issuing
  regular reminders to customers to look out for scams and steps to
  take if they suspect they are being contacted by a scammer.

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Community Report Q1 2021 - Elexicon Energy
                                                                                                    Q1 2 0 2 1

Industry News
    • On February 8th, Elexicon Energy’s President and CEO Lesley Gallinger announced she would be
      leaving in May to become the President and CEO of Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator.

    • Elexicon Energy was awarded with two Innovation Leadership Awards from the Canadian Electricity
      Association Centre of Excellence for its Smart Community Microgrid. The project is helping modernize
      electricity distribution grids, and is demonstrating innovation in cutting-edge technologies that make
      distribution systems run better and gives customers more choice and control over their power use.

    • Elexicon Energy’s Vice President of Technology & Innovation was part of an exclusive panel discussion
      in the Electricity Distributors Association’s (EDA) quarterly magazine, The Distributor. The three-
      member panel discussed the state of LDC regulation in Ontario and opportunities for customer-
      benefiting improvements.

    • On February 23rd, electricity rate relief ended and
      residential and small business customers resumed
      paying Time-of-Use (TOU) and Tiered pricing under
      the Regulated Price Plan at prices that were set by the
      Ontario Energy Board on December 15.

    • As outlined by the Ontario Energy Board, electricity
      distributors are prohibited from disconnecting
      residential customers for non-payment from
      November 15 to April 30, but can continue to
      charge late payment fees on past due amounts
      during this period. Elexicon Energy continues
      to encourage customers to contact us to learn
      about extended bill payment options and
      financial assistance programs.

    • The 2021 Provincial Budget announced the
      government is investing in a new $2.8 billion
      fund to facilitate broadband expansion across
      the province. This brings the total investment by
      the Province to approximately $4 billion over six
      years beginning in 2019-2020 to ensure that every
      region has access to reliable service by 2025.
      This investment comes after the recently tabled Bill 257,
      Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act,
      2021 with implications for the electricity distribution sector.

    • The government is investing $56.4 million over the next four years to create the new Ontario Vehicle
      Innovation Network (OVIN). This will help accelerate the development of the next-generation electric,
      connected and autonomous vehicle and mobility technologies that contribute to a lower environmental
      and carbon footprint.

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Community Report Q1 2021 - Elexicon Energy
                                                                                              Q1 2021

Customer Service
• In early January, Elexicon Energy commenced a Customer Satisfaction telephone survey. The Ontario
  Energy Board requires all electric utilities to survey their customers every two years. UtilityPULSE, an
  independent survey company, conducted the survey on Elexicon’s behalf and results will be available by Q2

• Customers received their new-look bill statement (shown below) in mid-January. The redesigned bill is
  clean, simple and straightforward to better explain the cost of supplying power and how much electricity
  was used within the billing period. An interactive bill is available at

• The merging of legacy Veridian Connections and Whitby Hydro databases into one Customer Information
  System was completed in early February.

• Elexicon Energy continues to accept applications for the COVID-19
  Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) and COVID-19 Energy Assistance
  Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB). The programs provide a one
  time, on-bill credit to eligible customers to help them catch up on their
  energy bills and resume regular payments.

• Eligible residential and small business customers paying Time-of-Use
  electricity prices can switch to Tiered prices at any time.

Have a question or require more information, email

6                                                                             Our power is response-ability
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