Competitive Events Rating Sheets - FBLA - FBLA-PBL

Page created by Bertha Bradley
Competitive Events Rating Sheets


3-D Animation (Project)                             Hospitality & Event Management
3-D Animation (Performance)                         Impromptu Speaking
American Enterprise Project (Report)                International Business
American Enterprise Project (Performance)           Introduction to Business Presentation
Banking & Financial Systems                         Introduction to Event Planning
Broadcast Journalism                                Introduction to Public Speaking
Business Ethics (Performance)--updated for          Introduction to Social Media Strategy
2021-22                                             Job Interview (Interview Materials)
Business Ethics (Case Study Summary)                Job Interview (Preliminary)
Business Financial Plan (Report)                    Job Interview (Final)
Business Financial Plan (Performance)               Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Business Management                                   (Report)
Business Plan (Report)                              Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Business Plan (Performance)                           (Performance)
Client Service                                      Management Information Systems
Coding & Programming--updated for 2021-22           Marketing
Community Service Project (Report)                  Mobile Application Development
Community Service Project (Performance)             Network Design
Computer Game & Simulation Programming              Parliamentary Procedure
Data Analysis                                       Partnership with Business Project (Report)
Digital Video Production (Project)                  Partnership with Business Project
Digital Video Production (Performance)                (Performance)
E-business--updated for 2021-22                     Public Service Announcement
Electronic Career Portfolio                         Public Speaking
Entrepreneurship                                    Publication Design
Future Business Leader (Interview Materials)        Sales Presentation
Future Business Leader (Preliminary)                Social Media Strategies
Future Business Leader (Final)                      Sports & Entertainment Management
Graphic Design                                      Website Design
Help Desk

     This document contains the rating sheets for all FBLA competitive
     events. To see complete competitive event guidelines, please visit and click on Divisions and then FBLA Competitive

                              CREDIT: Copyright Future Business Leaders of America 2021. All Rights Reserved.
                   Project Rating Sheet
                             (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                         Not                       Below                         Meets                      Exceeds               Points         Tie
Project Usability                  Demonstrated                 Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations             Earned Breaker
                                                            Media usable but not
                                                                                        Media usable but not click   Media usable on multiple
                                   Media not usable       submitted according to
                                                                                                and play                players/browsers
Video plays successfully                                       event guidelines
                                   0                            7                            14                            20              

Project Concept & Design Evaluation
                                                                                                                         A user with no knowledge
                               Concept and/or topic is      Concept and/or topic not          Fully addresses the          of the concept and/or
Fully address the concept          not followed                 fully developed              concept and/or topic        topic can identify based on
and/or topic                                                                                                                        video
                                   0                            7                            14                            20              
                                                                                           Contrast, font, sound, and
Color, backgrounds, font,                                                                                                 Contrast, font, sound, and
                                 No design principals        Contrast, font, sound or          design choice are
and sounds are                                                                                                            design choice enhance the
                                      applied               design choice is distracting      appropriate for the
appropriate for the                                                                                                        experience for the user
                                   0                            7                            14                            20              
                                                                                                                           Graphics enhance the
Graphics appropriate for          No graphic design                                        Graphics are appropriate        experience for the user
                                                             Graphics are distracting
concept and/or topic and          principals applied                                        for the concept/topic             and are consistent
consistent throughout the                                                                                                   throughout the video
video                              0                            7                            14                            20              
                                                                 Animation video               Animation video                  Animation video
                              Animation video does not       incorporates information      incorporates information        incorporates information
Information related to the     incorporate information      but there are no sources or       and backs it up with        in an entertaining way that
topic is accurate                                               evidence of validity                sources                is backed up with sources
                                   0                            7                            14                            20              
Project Evaluation
                                                                                                                           Video incorporates 3-D
                                                                                            Video incorporates 3-D
                                    Video does not           Video incorporates basic                                     elements that clearly have
                                                                                               elements that are
Overall Quality of 3-D         incorporate 3-D elements           3-D elements                                            been designed in multiple
elements and animation                                                                                                              ways
                                   0                           14                            21                            30              
                                                                                                Transitions flow
                              There are no transitions or    Transitions exist but are                                         Multiple types of
                                                                                           seamlessly and serve as a
                               evidence of video editing     rough and do not flow                                        transitions are used and all
Quality of editing and                                                                     logical component of the
                                     incorporated                     easily                                                    flow seamlessly
transition                                                                                           video
                                   0                           14                            21                            30              
                                                                                                                          Flow is logical including a
                                Flow of video does not       Flow does not connect         Flow is logical and appears
                                                                                                                           clear beginning, middle,
                                     seem logical           each element of the video              sequenced
Logical flow of thoughts                                                                                                           and end
                                   0                            7                            14                            20              
                                                                                           Video includes credits that   Video includes credits that
                                                                                             recognize the creator,        recognize the creator,
  Video concludes with          Video does not include      Video includes credits but
                                                                                               contributors, and         contributors, and includes
   proper credits and                  credits                  they are limited
                                                                                             acknowledgement of          written acknowledgement
  acknowledgement of                                                                             materials used                 of copyright
                                   0                            7                            14                            20              

Penalty Points
             Deduct 5 points for each instance of project guidelines not being followed      -_____                            Total Penalty            -_____

                                                                                                                         Grand Total (200 Max)


School:                                                                                    State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                         Date:
                     Performance Rating Sheet                             Preliminary Round                Final Round
                            (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                       Not                       Below                         Meets                     Exceeds                Points        Tie
Expectation Item                  Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations            Earned Breaker
                                                                                                                          Demonstrates expertise of
                               No understanding of            Understanding of topic        Demonstrates the topic
Demonstrates                                                                                                                 the topic through
                             event topic OR incorrect       inconsistent from video to     through presentation and
understanding of the                                                                                                          presentation and
                                    topic used                     performance                    animation
event topic                                                                                                                      animation
                                  0                               3                          7                                10             
                                                                   Explains the                                              Explains development
                                                                                          Explains the development
                                                              development process                                            process using industry
                                No explanation of the                                        process and shares
Describes the                                                  but does not share                                           terminology and displays
                                development process                                           tangible planning
development process                                             tangible planning                                               tangible planning
                                                                   documents                                                       documents
                                  0                             5                           10                                15             
                                                                                                                            Explains the production
                                                             Explains the production       Explains the production
                                                                                                                             process using industry
                                No explanation of the       process but does not share       process and shares
                                                                                                                            terminology and displays
Describes the production         production process             tangible planning             tangible planning
                                                                                                                                tangible planning
process                                                            documents                     documents
                                  0                               5                         10                                15             
                                                                                                                              Explains software and
                                No explanation of
                                                                  Explains software           Explains software              hardware used as well as
Describes software            software and hardware
                                                                  OR hardware used           AND hardware used                alternative options and
and hardware used                      used
                                                                                                                            reasoning for final choice
                                  0                               7                          14                            20              
                                                                                              Identifies animation          Identifies and explains
                                 No explanation of             Identifies animation
Describes animation                                                                          techniques used with         animation techniques used
                             animation techniques used           techniques used
techniques used                                                                              industry terminology         with industry terminology
                                  0                               3                          7                                10             

Provides proper copyright                                                                  Substantiates compliance to copyright regulations and
                                              No documentation provided
documentation (pictures                                                                      gives overview of how compliance was addressed
used, audio used, etc.)                   0                                                          10                                

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                              Presentation flowed in a
                                                                Presenter(s) were
                                 Presenter(s) did not                                       Presentation flowed in               logical sequence,
Statements are well-                                         prepared, but flow was
                                  appear prepared                                              logical sequence                statements were well
organized and clearly                                              not logical
                                  0                               1                          3                                5              
                                                                                                                            Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                 Presenter(s) did not                                     Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                          Presenter(s) demonstrated                                         self-confidence, poise,
                                  demonstrate self-                                       self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                          self-confidence and poise                                        good voice projection,
                                     confidence                                              good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                          and assertiveness
voice projection                  0                               1                          3                                5              
                                                                                                                            Interacted with the judges
                                  Unable to answer            Does not completely            Completely answers                  in the process of
Demonstrates the ability
                                     questions                 answer questions                 questions                     completely answering
to effectively answer
                                  0                               3                          7                                10             

                                                                                                           Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
   Over                                                                           Deduct 5 points
  allowed                               Dress Code                                for each instance
                 -5                                         -5                                       -_____                        Total Penalty      -_____
    time                                not followed                              of guidelines not
(7 minutes)                                                                        being followed
                                                                                                                                Performance Total
                                                                                                                        Project Total (200 max)
                                                                                                                                        Grand Total

School:                                                                                                              State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                                                   Date:
                     Performance Rating Sheet                                                Preliminary Round                    Final Round
                             Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                       Not                        Below                        Meets                     Exceeds                Points        Tie
Expectation Item                  Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations            Earned Breaker
                              No evidence of project       Project development is        Project development is            Project development is
Describes project            development or strategies     explained briefly; very       clearly outlined. More          clearly outlined. Strategies
development and                     presented               limited strategies are        than one strategy is              are chronological and
strategies used to                                                 utilized                      outlined                      clearly explained
implement project
                                  0                            7                         14                               20              
                               No evidence of school                                       Research clearly
Describes research into                                   Research was completed                                           Research was planned,
                                and/or community                                         completed and clearly
school or community                                       but not clearly outlined                                        executed, and evaluated
                                     research                                                 outlined
                                  0                            5                         10                               15              
                                                                                        The project was clearly a             Entire chapter
                                                          Participation was limited
                               Chapter involvement is                                     chapter project and            participated in the event
Appropriate level of                                       to a small number of
                                   not explained                                       participated in by multiple        and clear evidence is
chapter member                                                    members
                                                                                                members                  provided of the impact
involvement in project
                                  0                            3                          7                               10              
                                                                                                                         Project impacted the
                                                                                                                      school and/or community
                                                                                        Project created tangible
                             School and/or community       Project was completed                                       to a level that something
                                                                                       results that benefitted the
Degree of impact on the       impact is not addressed      and served a purpose                                        has dynamically changed,
                                                                                       school and/or community
community and its citizens                                                                                              and the project should
                                  0                            7                         14                               20              
                                                           Information was shared
                                                                                        Project was recognized        Project was recognized in
                              No evidence of publicity      with the media, but no
                                                                                       within the school. and/or      more than one way by the
Evidence of publicity                received              evidence of publicity is
                                                                                              community               school and/or community
received                                                            shared
                                  0                            1                          3                                5              
                                                                                                                         Project was evaluated and
                                                                                       Project was evaluated and            the team has created
Student evaluation of          No evidence of project
                                                            Project was evaluated         the evaluation was               recommendations for
project effectiveness          evaluation is provided
                                                                                                assessed                 change should the project
                                                                                                                                 be repeated
                                  0                            1                          3                                5              

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                         Presentation flowed in a
                                                              Presenter(s) were
                                 Presenter(s) did not                                    Presentation flowed in             logical sequence;
Statements are well-                                       prepared, but flow was
                                  appear prepared                                           logical sequence              statements were well
organized and clearly                                            not logical
                                  0                            3                          7                               10              
                                                                                                                         Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                 Presenter(s) did not                                  Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                       Presenter(s) demonstrated                                         self-confidence, poise,
                                  demonstrate self-                                    self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                       self-confidence and poise                                        good voice projection,
                                     confidence                                           good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                       and assertiveness
voice projection                  0                            1                          3                                5              
                                                                                                                         Interacted with the judges
Demonstrates the ability          Unable to answer          Does not completely           Completely answers                  in the process of
to effectively answer                questions               answer questions                questions                     completely answering
questions                                                                                                                         questions
                                  0                            3                          7                               10              

                                                                                                        Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
   Over                                                                        Deduct 5 points
  allowed                               Dress Code                             for each instance
                 -5                                       -5                                      -_____                       Total Penalty         -_____
    time                                not followed                           of guidelines not
(7 minutes)                                                                     being followed
                                                                                                                            Performance Total
                                                                                                                     Report Total (100 max)
                                                                                                                                     Grand Total

School:                                                                                State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                     Date:
                     Report Rating Sheet
                            (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                       Not                       Below                       Meets                     Exceeds                  Points        Tie
Expectation Item                  Demonstrated                Expectations                Expectations               Expectations              Earned Breaker
                                                             Project promotes local         Project promotes
Project specifically                                                                                                  Project indicates future
                                                             understanding of OR         local understanding of
promotes local               Project is not an American                                                           activities or steps that could be
                                                           shows how to support the        and support for the
understanding of and             Enterprise Project                                                                  taken to further the work
                                                              American Enterprise         American Enterprise
support for the American                                                                                                        started
                                                              system but not both                system
Enterprise system
                                  0                            3                            7                         10                 
                               No evidence of school                                       Research clearly
Describe research into                                      Research was completed                                     Research was planned,
                                and/or community                                         completed and clearly
school and/or community                                     but not clearly outlined                                  executed, and evaluated
                                     research                                                 outlined
                                  0                            5                           10                         15                 
                                                                                               Planning,            Planning, development and
                              No evidence of planning,      Planning, development,        development, and                 implementation
Describe planning,               development, or              OR implementation            implementation          activities/steps are described
development, and             implementation of project       explanation is missing       activities/steps are       and rationale for types of
implementation of project                                                                  clearly described              activities is given
                                  0                            7                           14                         20                 
                                                               Information about              Project was
                                                                                                                    Project was recognized in
                              No evidence of publicity       publicity was written in    recognized within the
Show evidence of                                                                                                    more than one way by the
                                     received              the report but no evidence       school and/or
publicity received                                                                                                  school and/or community
                                                             of publicity is available        community
                                  0                            3                            7                         10                 
                                                                                                                   Project impacted the school
                                                                                            Project created
                                                                                                                   and/or community to a level
Report benefits to and       School and/or community         Project was completed        tangible results that
                                                                                                                       that something has
degree of impact on the       impact is not addressed        and served a purpose        benefitted the school
                                                                                                                   dynamically changed and the
school and/or community                                                                   and/or community
                                                                                                                     project should continue
                                  0                            3                            7                         10                 
                                                                                         Project was evaluated       Project was evaluated and
                               No evidence of project
                                                             Project was evaluated        and the evaluation       recommendations for change
Evaluate the project           evaluation is provided
                                                                                             was assessed                    were given
                                  0                            3                            7                         10                 

Report Format
Arrange information             Missing one or more        All information presented,    Information arranged      Presented in the correct order
according to rating sheet     sections and/or does not       but order inconsistent       according to rating           and includes written
                                 follow rating sheet             with rating sheet              sheet               transitions between sections
(See above Expectation
Items)                            0                            3                            7                         10                 
                                                            Inconsistent formatting,                              Utilizes full bleed, effective use
                                  Does not format            excessive white space,      Consistent formatting       of space, related defined
Format and design a                 document               and/or unrelated graphics     throughout the report        graphics, and consistent
business report                                                 and/or photos                                                formatting
                                  0                            3                            7                         10                 
                                                                                          No spelling errors,
                              More than 5 grammar,              3–4 grammar,                                        No spelling errors, and not
                                                                                         and not more than 2
Include correct grammar,      punctuation, or spelling      punctuation, or spelling                                 more than 1 grammar or
                                                                                             grammar or
punctuation, and spelling             errors                        errors                                              punctuation error
                                                                                          punctuation errors
                                  0                            1                            3                          5                 

                                                                                                                  Report Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points
  Deduct 5 points for each instance of report/project guidelines not being followed        -_____                        Total Penalty                -_____

                                                                                                                  Grand Total (100 max)

School:                                                                                  State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                       Date:
                    Performance Rating Sheet
                              (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                         Not                       Below                         Meets                     Exceeds                Points        Tie
Expectation Item                    Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations            Earned Breaker
                                                                                                                             Demonstrates expertise of
Demonstrates                     No description or case          Describes and provides         Describes and provides
                                                                                                                             case study synopsis AND
understanding of the case       study synopsis provided;         case study synopsis OR        case study synopsis AND
                                                                                                                                  definition of the
study and defines                 no problems defined             defines the problem(s)        defines the problem(s)
problem(s) to be solved
                                    0                              5                             10                              15             
                                                                Alternative(s) given but        At least two alternatives    Multiple alternatives given
Identifies alternatives and    No alternatives identified       pro(s) and/or con(s) are         given and pro(s) and         and multiple pros and
the pro(s) and con(s) of                                              not analyzed                con(s) are analyzed         cons analyzed for each
                                    0                              7                             14                              20             
                                                                                                                                  Feasible solution and
                                                                 Solution provided, but           Logical solution and
                                                                                                                                   implementation plan
Identifies logical solution      No solution identified         implementation plan not           implementation plan
                                                                                                                                 developed and necessary
and aspects of                                                         developed                provided and developed
                                                                                                                                    resources identified
                                    0                              7                             14                              20             
Demonstrates knowledge
and understanding of the
event competencies:
                                                                                                                                      Four or more
Concepts and practices/            No competencies              One or two competencies         Three competencies are
                                                                                                                                    competencies are
basic terminology/                  demonstrated                   are demonstrated                 demonstrated
government regulations/
financial services/
technology/types of
financial careers/taxation          0                              7                             14                              20             

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                                 Presentation flowed in a
                                                                    Presenter(s) were
                                  Presenter(s) did not                                           Presentation flowed in             logical sequence;
Statements are well-                                             prepared, but flow was
                                   appear prepared                                                  logical sequence              statements were well
organized and clearly                                                  not logical
                                    0                              3                              7                              10             
                                                                                                                             Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                  Presenter(s) did not                                         Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                              Presenter(s) demonstrated                                      self-confidence, poise,
                                   demonstrate self-                                           self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                              self-confidence and poise                                     good voice projection,
                                      confidence                                                  good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                           and assertiveness
voice projection                    0                              1                              3                              5              
                                                                                                                             Interacted with the judges
Demonstrates the ability           Unable to answer               Does not completely             Completely answers              in the process of
to effectively answer                 questions                    answer questions                  questions                 completely answering
questions                                                                                                                             questions
                                    0                              3                              7                              10             

                                                                                                                Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
                                                                    Deduct 5 points for each instance
      Dress Code not followed                -5                                                            -_____                  Total Penalty          -_____
                                                                    of guidelines not being followed
                                                                                                                                           Grand Total
                                                                                           Objective Test Score (to be used in the event of a tie)


School:                                                                                                                 State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                                                      Date:
               Performance Rating Sheet                                                         Preliminary Round                   Final Round

                              (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                           Not                       Below                        Meets                      Exceeds                Points          Tie
Expectation Item                      Demonstrated                Expectations                 Expectations               Expectations             Earned        Breaker
                                                                   Presentation is pre-                                         Presentation represents a
                                                                                               Presentation represents a
                                     Presentation is 100          recorded with a small                                           LIVE broadcast with
Presentation represents a                                                                        LIVE broadcast with
                                    percent pre-recorded            amount of LIVE                                               creative techniques and
LIVE BROADCAST                                                                                    supporting features
                                                                       broadcast                                                   supporting features
                                     0                             5                            10                              15             
                                                                 Identifies event topic,            Identifies and             Uses industry terminology
                                 No understanding of topic
Demonstrates                                                         but does not                   demonstrates                  to demonstrate the
                                  as it relates to the event
understanding of the event                                           demonstrate                understanding of event         understanding of the event
                                 guidelines or wrong topic
topic                                                               understanding                       topic                            topic
                                      0                               5                          10                              15             
                                  No research done with 3       Research is unrelated to
Researches quality and                                                                                                           All research is accurate
                                    or more inaccurate             the topic and 1-2            All research is accurate
related information to the                                                                                                      with supporting evidence
                                        statements               inaccurate statements
                                      0                               5                          10                              15             
                                                                  Writing is rather bland;      Writing is adequate but
                                                                                                                                  Writing is strong and
                                 Writing lacks a clear voice    lacks a clear voice and/or     not extremely compelling,
                                                                                                                               effective with a clear voice
                                 and original style. Lead is    sense of originality. Lead        is wordy or voice is
                                                                                                                                and active verbs. Lead is
Quality writing related to       neither original nor catchy,      is adequate but not              unclear. Lead is
                                                                                                                                 original and catchy and
the topic                          is overused or boring.          extremely catchy or          appropriate to story and
                                                                                                                                 invites readers to piece.
                                                                          original.              effective at attention.
                                      0                               5                          10                              15             
                                                                Does not fully resemble            Over half of the                Impressive overall
                                    Broadcast was not           a news broadcast. Little        performance/product             broadcast. Clear balance
                                  complete. No graphics            to no creativity in            resembles a news                of creativity/realism.
                                   used, no creativity in        production/product.          broadcast. Some creativity        Production graphics well
Quality of news broadcast
                                   production/product.           Limited graphics and         present. Graphics present           done. Balanced team
                                                                       support.                     and effective.                        effort.
                                      0                               3                           7                              10             

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                                Presentation flowed in a
                                                                    Presenter(s) were
Statements are well-                Presenter(s) did not                                         Presentation flowed in            logical sequence,
                                                                 prepared, but flow was
organized and clearly                appear prepared                                                logical sequence             statements were well
                                                                       not logical
stated with use of industry                                                                                                            organized
language                              0                               3                           7                              10             
                                                                                                                               Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                    Presenter(s) did not              Presenter(s)            Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                                                                                               self-confidence, poise,
                                     demonstrate self-             demonstrated self-         self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                                                                                             good voice projection, and
                                        confidence                confidence and poise           good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                               assertiveness
voice projection                      0                               3                           7                              10             
                                                                                                                                Interacted with the judges
Demonstrates the ability             Unable to answer             Does not completely             Completely answers                 in the process of
to effectively answer                   questions                  answer questions                  questions                    completely answering
questions                                                                                                                                questions
                                      0                               3                           7                              10             

                                                                                                                Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
   Over                                                                                Deduct 5 points
  allowed                                  Dress Code not                              for each instance
                  -5                                             -5                                       -_____                      Total Penalty        -_____
    time                                      followed                                 of guidelines not
(7 minutes)                                                                             being followed
                                                                                                                           Performance Grand Total


School:                                                                                                               State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                                                    Date:

                         Business Ethics
                         Performance Rating Sheet                              Preliminary Round                  Final Round
                                   (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                                                                                      Meets                        Exceeds              Points       Tie
     Expectation Item                  Not Demonstrated            Below Expectations
                                                                                                   Expectations                Expectations            Earned Breaker
                                    No identification of ethical                                                          Identifies and defines the
     Identifies and defines                                      Identifies OR defines the Identifies and defines the
                                     issues as it relates to the                                                             ethical issues using
     ethical issues presented                                          ethical issues              ethical issues
                                         event guidelines                                                                   industry terminology
     in the case study
                                        0                              3                            7                                  10             
                                                                    Reasons for the ethical         Several, but not all,
                                    No reasons cited for the                                                                          All reasons addressed and
     Explains why the ethical                                     issues identified but were        reasons accurately
                                         ethical issues                                                                                        analyzed
     issues happened                                                     not on target                  identified
                                        0                              3                            7                                   10              
                                                                                                                                       Recommendations are
     Provides logical                                                                             Recommendations are                 given and analyzed with
                                    No recommendations are         Recommendations given,
     recommendation as to                                                                        given and analyzed with                   multiple pieces of
                                            given                  but they are not analyzed
     how the ethical issues                                                                        supporting evidence                   supporting evidence
     should be resolved                                                                                                                         analyzed
                                        0                              5                            10                                  15              
                                                                                                                                         One feasible ethical
     Recommends                                                                                     Ethical solution to
                                                                   One ethical solution to                                                solution to prevent
     safeguards that should          No ethical solution to                                      prevent issues provided
                                                                   prevent issues provided                                              issues recommended
     have been in place to          prevent issues identified                                    with supporting evidence
                                                                        with no plan                                                  with a plan and necessary
     prevent the ethical                                                                           and a plan developed
                                                                                                                                         resources identified
                                        0                              5                            10                                  15              
                                                                                                                                      Research is accurate with
     Research shows quality                                                                                                              supporting evidence
     and related information        No research done with 3        Research is unrelated to      All research is accurate
                                                                                                                                       provided; incorporates
     to the ethical issues and        or more inaccurate           the ethical topic and 1–2    with no reference made to
                                                                                                                                      input of businesspeople
     incorporates input of                statements                 inaccurate statements         supporting evidence
                                                                                                                                       interviewed as part of
     businesspeople                                                                                                                           presentation
                                        0                              3                            7                                   10              

     Substantiates and cites                        No substantiation provided                                Substantiates and cites sources
     sources used while
     conducting research                        0                                                           10                                  

     Delivery Skills
     Statements are well-                                                                                                          Presentation flowed in a
                                    Presenter(s) did not appear   Presenter(s) were prepared,    Presentation flowed in
     organized and clearly                                                                                                       logical sequence; statements
                                            prepared               but flow was not logical         logical sequence
     stated with use of industry                                                                                                     were well organized
                                         0                            3                             7                                  10             
                                                                                                                                     Presenter(s) demonstrated
     Demonstrates self-                                                                         Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                      Presenter(s) did not         Presenter(s) demonstrated                                           self-confidence, poise,
     confidence, poise,                                                                         self-confidence, poise, and
                                   demonstrate self- confidence    self-confidence and poise                                           good voice projection,
     assertiveness, and good                                                                       good voice projection
                                                                                                                                          and assertiveness
     voice projection
                                         0                            1                             3                                  10             
                                                                                                                                      Interacted with the judges
     Demonstrates the ability                                     Does not completely answer        Completely answers                     in the process of
                                   Unable to answer questions
     to effectively answer                                                questions                       questions                     completely answering
     questions                                                                                                                                 questions
                                         0                            3                             7                                  10             
                                                                                                                       Performance Subtotal (100 max)

     Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
         Over                                                                           Deduct 5 points
        allowed                                                                         for each instance
                         -5                   Code not           -5                                             -5                            Total Penalty     -
          time                                                                          of guidelines not
      (7 minutes)                                                                        being followed
                                                                                                                              Performance Grand Total


    School:                                                                                                                 State:

    Judge’s Signature:                                                                                                      Date:
                          Business Ethics
                          Case Study Summary Rating Sheet
                                  (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                               Not                           Below                     Meets                     Exceeds               Points        Tie
     Expectation Item                    Demonstrated                   Expectations              Expectations                 Expectations           Earned Breaker
                                     No identification of the                                                             Definition of the ethical
     Identifies ethical issues                                     Identifies OR defines the Identifies and defines the
                                   ethical issues as it relates to                                                         issues is stated using
     presented in the case                                                ethical issues            ethical issues
                                       the event guidelines                                                                industry terminology
                                         0                            1                             3                             5               
                                                                    Reasons for the ethical        Several, but not all,
                                     No reasons cited for the                                                                    All reasons addressed and
     Explains why the ethical                                     issues identified but were       reasons accurately
                                          ethical issues                                                                                  analyzed
     issues happened                                                     not on target                 identified
                                         0                            4                             7                             10              

     Provides logical                                                                                                            Feasible, logical solutions
                                       No ethical solution           One ethical solution       Ethical solution provided
     recommendation as to                                                                                                          recommended for all
                                           identified                    provided               with supporting evidence
     how the ethical issues                                                                                                                 issues
     should be resolved
                                         0                            1                             3                             5               
                                                                                                                                      Feasible, logical
     Recommends safeguards                                                                      Safeguards provided with                safeguards
     that should have been in        No safeguards identified      One safeguard provided
                                                                                                  supporting evidence              recommended for all
     place to prevent the                                                                                                                  issues
     ethical issues
                                         0                            1                             3                             5              
     Research shows quality                                                                                                      Research is accurate with
     and related information                                     Research is unrelated to the    All research is accurate,         supporting evidence
                                   No research done with 3 or
     to the ethical issues and                                     ethical topics and 1–2       but no reference made to         provided, including input
                                   more inaccurate statements
     incorporates input of                                         inaccurate statements          supporting evidence               of businesspeople
     businesspeople                                                                                                                    interviewed
     interviewed                         0                            1                             3                             5              

     Substantiates and cites                       No substantiation provided                                Substantiates and cites sources
     sources used while
     conducting research                       0                                                           5                                

     Report Format for Case Study Summary
                                                                                                                                  Presented in the correct
     Arrange information              Missing one or more        All information presented,       Information arranged
                                                                                                                                 order and includes written
     according to rating sheet      sections and/or does not     but order inconsistent with        according to rating
                                                                                                                                    transitions between
     (See above Expectation            follow rating sheet               rating sheet                     sheet
                                         0                            1                             3                             5              
                                                                                                                                     All components of
                                                                                                  Consistent formatting          academic report according
     Formatted and                 Does not format document        Inconsistent formatting      throughout the case study             to Format Guide
     designed according to                                                                              summary                  consistent throughout the
     Format Guide                                                                                                                   case study summary
                                         0                            1                             3                             5              
                                                                                                No spelling errors, and
                                     More than 5 grammar,                                                                         No spelling errors, and
     Include correct                                              3-4 grammar, punctuation,       not more than 2
                                     punctuation, or spelling                                                                    not more than 1 grammar
     grammar, punctuation,                                             or spelling errors            grammar or
                                             errors                                                                                or punctuation error
     and spelling                                                                                punctuation errors
                                         0                            1                             3                             5               
                                                                                                          Case Study Summary Subtotal (50 max)
     Penalty Points
              Deduct 5 points for each instance of guidelines not being followed                 -5                                  Total Penalty            -

                                                                                                                Case Study Summary Grand Total


    School:                                                                                                             State:

    Judge’s Signature:                                                                                                  Date:
                   Performance Rating Sheet
                                                              Preliminary Round                  Final Round

                             (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                        Not                        Below                        Meets                       Exceeds              Points        Tie
Expectation Item                   Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations                Expectations           Earned Breaker
                                                                                                                       Company is clearly
                                   No evidence of         Company is explained              Company clearly
Describes company,                                                                                                    described. Detailed
                                company, operations,        briefly; very limited      described. Description of
operations, and                                                                                                    description of operations
                                   or management         description of operations           operations and
management (current and                                                                                              and management with
                                                              or management              management included
projected)                                                                                                           plan for future growth
                                   0                            5                         10                               15              
                                                                                                                           Financial plan is clearly
                                                          Financial plan is explained    Financial plan is clearly
Describes the financial        No evidence of financial                                                                   described. Strategies are
                                                              briefly; very limited     described. More than one
plan and strategies to            plan or strategies                                                                      chronological and clearly
                                                             strategies are utilized       strategy is outlined
obtain loan                                                                                                                      explained
                                   0                            5                         10                               15              
                                                                                                                               Three or more
                                                                                          Two assumptions are
                                 No explanation of         One assumption is given                                         assumptions are given
                                                                                          given with at least one
Explains underlying               assumptions or             with no supporting                                               with at least two
                                                                                         supporting statement of
assumptions and provides       supporting information           information                                               supporting statements of
                                                                                             each assumption
supporting information                                                                                                        each assumption
                                   0                            5                          10                              15               
                                                                                        Two risks and at least one          Three risks and at least
Identifies and analyzes                                      One risk OR adverse         adverse result identified;           one adverse result
                                 No evidence of risks
risks and adverse results                                     result is given; no         includes a plan with at         identified; includes a plan
                                  or adverse results
and provides plan to avoid                                   evidence of planning         least one step to avoid          with at least two steps to
adverse results                                                                               adverse results                avoid adverse results
                                   0                           5                           10                              15               
                                                              Purpose of the loan         Purpose of loan request          Purpose of loan request
Explains purpose of loan       No explanation of loan
                                                           request explained OR at         explained; at least one          explained; at least two
amount requested and            request or company
                                                            least one projection for         projection for the               projections for the
projections for company             projections
                                                           company’s stability given     company’s stability given        company’s stability given
                                   0                            3                          7                               10              

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                          Presentation flowed in a
Statements are well-                                           Presenter(s) were
                                 Presenter(s) did not                                     Presentation flowed in             logical sequence;
organized and clearly                                       prepared, but flow was
                                  appear prepared                                            logical sequence              statements were well
stated (See above                                                 not logical
Expectation Items)
                                   0                            3                          7                               10              
                                                                                                                          Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-               Presenter(s) did not                                   Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                                          Presenter(s) demonstrated                                         self-confidence, poise,
confidence, poise,                demonstrate self-                                     self-confidence, poise, and
                                                          self-confidence and poise                                        good voice projection,
assertiveness, and good              confidence                                            good voice projection
                                                                                                                               and assertiveness
voice projection
                                   0                            3                          7                               10              
                                                                                                                          Interacted with the judges
Demonstrates the ability          Unable to answer           Does not completely           Completely answers                  in the process of
to effectively answer                questions                answer questions                questions                     completely answering
questions                                                                                                                          questions
                                   0                            3                          7                               10              

                                                                                                         Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
   Over                                                                         Deduct 5 points
  allowed                               Dress Code                              for each instance
                  -5                                       -5                                      -_____                       Total Penalty        -_____
    time                                not followed                            of guidelines not
(7 minutes)                                                                      being followed
                                                                                                                      Report Total (200 max)
                                                                                                                                     Grand Total


School:                                                                                 State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                      Date:
                     Report Rating Sheet
                                   (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                                 Not                     Below                        Meets                   Exceeds            Points        Tie
Expectation Item                           Demonstrated              Expectations                 Expectations              Expectations        Earned Breaker
                                                                                                                           Description of
                                                                   Description of the
                                                                                            Description of business,   business, assumptions,
                                          No description of     business, assumptions,
Description of business,                                                                        assumptions, and      and strategies to obtain
                                     business, assumptions OR   and strategies to obtain
assumptions, and strategies to                                                               strategies to obtain the  loan serves as a strong
                                       strategies to obtain the   a loan are given, but
obtain loan                                                                                  loan are provided and        introduction and
                                             loan is given            one or more
                                                                                                   well written          transitions into the
                                                                 descriptions are vague
                                                                                                                      remainder of the report
                                            0                      10                          20                       30             
                                                                 Description of one or
Describe Company:                                                                                                        All components are
                                        More than one of the      more components is
• Legal form of business                                                                       All components are       described adequately
                                      components listed is not     limited OR one or
• Company governance                                                                          described adequately         with supporting
                                               addressed          more components is
• Company location(s)                                                 not described
• Long- and short-term goals              0                         10                         20                        30            
Discuss Operations and                                             Description of one or
Management                                                                                                                All components are
                                      More than one of the         more components is
• Business facilities described                                                               All components are          described adequately
                                     components listed is not       limited OR one or
                                                                                              described adequately          with supporting
• Management personnel                     addressed               more components is
   identified                                                          not described
• Workforce described (current
   and projected)                         0                         10                         20                        30            
Present Target Market:                                             Description of one or
                                                                                                                          All components are
• Target market defined (size,        More than one of the         more components is
                                                                                              All components are          described adequately
   growth potential, needs)          components listed is not        limited OR one
                                                                                              described adequately          with supporting
                                           addressed                component is not
• Risks and potential adverse                                                                                               documentation
   results identified, analyzed,
   and planned for                        0                         10                         20                        30            
Include Financial Institution
• Name and type of financial                                       Description of one or
                                                                                                                          All components are
   institution for loan needs         More than one of the         more components is
                                                                                              All components are          described adequately
• Discuss Loan Request               components listed is not       limited OR one or
                                                                                              described adequately          with supporting
• Purpose of loan & amount                 addressed               more components is
   requested                                                           not described
• Itemized planned
• Projections for future                  0                         10                         20                        30            
   financial stability
                                                                  Project has a correctly     Project has a correctly    Project has a correctly
                                                                  formatted Work Cited        formatted Work Cited       formatted Work Cited
                                      No Work Cited page is          page but other              page and other             page and other
Include supporting                    included in the report           supporting                  supporting                 supporting
documentation                                                       documentation is            documentation is         documentation in each
                                                                    missing or limited              provided                     section
                                          0                          8                         18                        25            
                   Report Rating Sheet (continued)
Report Format
                                                                                                                           Presented in the
                                                                      All information
                                   Missing 1 or more sections                                  Information arranged       correct order and
Arrange information according                                       presented, but order
                                    and/or does not follow                                    according to the rating      includes written
to rating sheet (See above                                        inconsistent with rating
                                          rating sheet                                                sheet              transitions between
Expectation Items)                                                          sheet
                                         0                          3                           7                        10             
                                                                       Inconsistent                                       Utilizes full bleed,
                                                                   formatting, excessive                                effective use of space,
                                        Does not format                                       Consistent formatting
Format and design a business                                        white space, and/or                                     related defined
                                          document                                            throughout the report
report                                                              unrelated graphics                                       graphics, and
                                                                      and/or photos                                     consistent formatting
                                         0                          3                           7                       10            
                                                                                              No spelling errors, and   No spelling errors, and
                                     More than 5 grammar,            3–4 grammar,
                                                                                                 not more than 2         not more than one
Include correct grammar,             punctuation, or spelling    punctuation, or spelling
                                                                                             grammar or punctuation          grammar or
punctuation, and spelling                    errors                      errors
                                                                                                      errors             punctuation error
                                         0                          1                           3                        5            

                                                                                                                 Report Subtotal (200 max)
Penalty Points
    Deduct 5 points for each instance of report/project guidelines not being followed          -_____                      Total Penalty         -_____

                                                                                                                                Grand Total


School:                                                                                      State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                           Date:
                    Performance Rating Sheet
                              (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                         Not                       Below                         Meets                     Exceeds                Points          Tie
Expectation Item                    Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations            Earned        Breaker
                                                                                                                          Demonstrates expertise of
Demonstrates                     No description or case          Describes and provides      Describes and provides
                                                                                                                          case study synopsis AND
understanding of the case       study synopsis provided          case study synopsis OR     case study synopsis AND
                                                                                                                               definition of the
study and defines                 no problems defined             defines the problem(s)     defines the problem(s)
problem(s) to be solved
                                    0                              5                          10                               15              
                                                                 Alternative(s)given but     At least two alternatives        Multiple alternatives given
Identifies alternatives and    No alternatives identified       pro(s) and/or con(s) are      given, and pro(s) and            and multiple pros and
the pro(s) and con(s) of                                              not analyzed             con(s) are analyzed             cons analyzed for each
                                    0                              7                          14                               20              
                                                                                                                                Feasible solution and
                                                                 Solution provided, but        Logical solution and
                                                                                                                                implementation plan
Identifies logical solution      No solution identified         implementation plan not        implementation plan
                                                                                                                              developed, and necessary
and aspects of                                                         developed             provided and developed
                                                                                                                                 resources identified
                                    0                              7                          14                               20              
Demonstrates knowledge
and understanding of the
event competencies:
Information and                                                                                                                     Four or more
                                   No competencies              One or two competencies      Three competencies are
communication systems/                                                                                                            competencies are
                                    demonstrated                   are demonstrated              demonstrated
human resource                                                                                                                      demonstrated
                                    0                              7                          14                               20              
responsibility/ economic
Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                               Presentation flowed in a
                                                                    Presenter(s) were
                                  Presenter(s) did not                                        Presentation flowed in              logical sequence;
Statements are well-                                             prepared, but flow was
                                   appear prepared                                               logical sequence               statements were well
organized and clearly                                                  not logical
                                    0                              3                           7                               10              
                                                                                                                              Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                  Presenter(s) did not                                      Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                              Presenter(s) demonstrated                                       self-confidence, poise,
                                   demonstrate self-                                        self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                              self-confidence and poise                                      good voice projection,
                                      confidence                                               good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                            and assertiveness
voice projection                    0                              1                           3                                5              
                                                                                                                              Interacted with the judges
Demonstrates the ability           Unable to answer               Does not completely          Completely answers                  in the process of
to effectively answer                 questions                    answer questions               questions                     completely answering
questions                                                                                                                              questions
                                    0                              3                           7                               10              

                                                                                                             Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
                                                                    Deduct 5 points for each instance
      Dress Code not followed                -5                                                         -_____                       Total Penalty        -_____
                                                                    of guidelines not being followed
                                                                                                                                Grand Total
                                                                                                           Objective Test Score (to be used in
                                                                                                                            the event of a tie)


School:                                                                                                              State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                                                   Date:
                      Performance Rating Sheet                                              Preliminary Round                 Final Round

                             (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                        Not                       Below                         Meets                     Exceeds                Points        Tie
Expectation Item                   Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations            Earned Breaker
                               No evidence of business                                                                  Business concept and
Describes business              concept or company          Business concept OR        Business concept AND          company profile explained
concept and company                    profile            company profile described   company profile explained      including how the concept
profile                                                                                                                  matches the profile
                                   0                          5                          10                           15              
                                                                                                                     Three or more aspects of
                                                           One aspect of marketing     Two aspects of marketing        marketing to increase
Explains marketing              No marketing evident
                                                                 explained                    explained               company performance
aspects of business                                                                                                         explained
                                   0                          5                          10                           15              
                              No evidence of company,                                                                 Detailed description of
                                operations plan, or       Description of operations    Description of operations         operations and
Describes operations and         management plan           OR management plan           and management plan          management with plan for
management plans                                                                                                          future growth
                                   0                          5                          10                           15              
                                                           Provides information on                                   Provides information on
                               No evidence of financial                                Provides information on
                                                             at least one financial                                   at least three financial
Provides information on        documents or company                                    two financial documents
                                                              document OR one                                         documents and at least
financial documents and         projections received                                  and at least one projection
                                                                   projection                                            three projections
                                   0                          3                           7                           10              
                                                                                       Two risks and at least one      Three risks and at least
                                                             One risk OR adverse        adverse result identified;       one adverse result
Identifies and analyzes        No evidence of risks or
                                                              result is given; no        includes a plan with at     identified; includes a plan
risks and adverse results         adverse results
                                                             evidence of planning        least one step to avoid      with at least two steps to
and provides plan to avoid
                                                                                             adverse results            avoid adverse results
adverse results
                                   0                          3                           7                           10              
                                                                                                                       Three or more goals
                                 No goals identified       Only one goal identified      Two goals identified         identified with specific
Identifies long-term goals                                                                                           plan to achieve the goals
                                   0                          3                           7                           10              

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                      Presentation flowed in a
                                                               Presenter(s) were
                                 Presenter(s) did not                                   Presentation flowed in           logical sequence,
Statements are well-                                        prepared, but flow was
                                  appear prepared                                          logical sequence            statements were well
organized and clearly                                             not logical
                                   0                          3                           7                           10              
                                                                                                                     Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                 Presenter(s) did not                                 Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                        Presenter(s) demonstrated                                    self-confidence, poise,
                                  demonstrate self-                                   self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                        self-confidence and poise                                   good voice projection,
                                     confidence                                          good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                   and assertiveness
voice projection                   0                          1                           3                           5               
                                                                                                                     Interacted with the judges
Demonstrates the ability          Unable to answer           Does not completely          Completely answers              in the process of
to effectively answer                questions                answer questions               questions                 completely answering
questions                                                                                                                     questions
                                   0                          3                           7                           10              

                                                                                                        Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
   Over                                                Deduct 5 points
  allowed                      Dress Code              for each instance
              -5                             -5                          -_____          Total Penalty    -_____
    time                       not followed            of guidelines not
(7 minutes)                                             being followed
                                                                                        Performance Total
                                                                                    Report Total (200 max)
                                                                                              Grand Total


School:                                                        State:

Judge’s Signature:                                             Date:
                    Report Rating Sheet
                                            (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to
                                            break ties.)
                                                         Not                Below                     Meets                  Exceeds            Points       Tie
Expectation Item                                 Demonstrated           Expectations               Expectations           Expectations         Earned Breaker
                                                                       Executive Summary
                                                                                               Executive Summary is      Executive Summary
                                                                      is provided but does
Provide brief and concise Executive                                                            provided AND shows         serves as a strong
                                                                      not show evidence of
Summary                                           No Executive                                   evidence of sound        introduction and
                                                                         sound business
                                                Summary is given                               business concepts and     transitions into the
Convince reader that business concept is                                   concept OR
                                                                                               reasonable chance of       remainder of the
sound and has a reasonable chance of                                  reasonable chance of
                                                                                                      success                   report
success                                                                      success
                                                  0                       5                     10                       15           

Develop Company Profile
Legal form of business                                                Description of one or
                                                                                                                        All components are
Effective date of business                    More than one of the    more components is
                                                                                               All components are       described adequately
Company mission statement/vision              components listed is     limited OR one or
                                                                                               described adequately       with supporting
Company governance                              not addressed         more components is
Company location(s)                                                       not described
Immediate development goals
Overview of company’s financial status            0                       5                     10                       15           

Present Industry Analysis                                             Description of one or
                                                                                                                        All components are
                                              More than one of the    more components is
Description of industry (size, growth                                                          All components are       described adequately
                                              components listed is     limited OR one or
   rates, nature of competition, history)                                                      described adequately       with supporting
                                                not addressed         more components is
Trends and strategic opportunities within                                                                                 documentation
                                                                          not described
                                                  0                       5                     10                       15           

Present Target Market                                                 Description of one or
                                                                                                                        All components are
                                              More than one of the    more components is
Target market defined (size, growth                                                            All components are       described adequately
                                              components listed is      limited OR one
   potential, needs)                                                                           described adequately       with supporting
                                                not addressed          component is not
Effective analysis of market’s potential,                                  described
   current patterns, and sensitivities
                                                  0                       5                     10                       15           

Discuss Competition
                                                                      Description of one or
Key competitors identified                                                                                              All components are
                                              More than one of the    more components is
Effective analysis of competitors’                                                             All components are       described adequately
                                              components listed is      limited OR one
  strengths and weaknesses                                                                     described adequately       with supporting
                                                not addressed          component is not
Potential future competitors                                                                                              documentation
Barriers to entry for new competitors
                                                  0                       5                     10                       15           

Share Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy                               Description of one or
                                                                                                                        All components are
Key message to be communicated                More than one of the    more components is
                                                                                               All components are       described adequately
   identified                                 components listed is      limited OR one
                                                                                               described adequately       with supporting
Options for message delivery identified         not addressed          component is not
   and analyzed including Web process                                      described
Sales procedures and methods defined

                                                  0                       5                     10                       15           

Describe Operations                                                   Description of one or
                                                                                                                        All components are
                                              More than one of the    more components is
Business facilities described                                                                  All components are       described adequately
                                              components listed is      limited OR one
Production plan defined and analyzed                                                           described adequately       with supporting
                                                not addressed          component is not
Workforce plan defined and analyzed                                                                                       documentation
Impact of technology
                                                  0                       5                     10                       15           
Discuss Management and Organization
Key employees/principals identified and                                Description of one or
                                                                                                                         All components are
   described                                 More than one of the      more components is
                                                                                                All components are       described adequately
Board of directors, advisory committee,      components listed is        limited OR one
                                                                                                described adequately       with supporting
   consultants, and other human                not addressed            component is not
   resources identified and described                                       described
Plan for identifying, recruiting, and
   securing key participants described
Compensation and incentives plan
                                                0                         5                      10                       15            

Provide Long-term Development                                          Description of one or
                                                                                                                         All components are
Goals for three, five, or more years are     More than one of the      more components is
                                                                                                All components are       described adequately
   identified and documented                 components listed is        limited OR one
                                                                                                described adequately       with supporting
Risks and potential adverse results            not addressed            component is not
   identified and analyzed                                                  described
Strategy in place to take business toward
   long-term goals                              0                         7                      14                       20            

Show Financials
Type of accounting system to be used is
                                                                       Description of one or
   identified                                                                                                            All components are
                                             More than one of the      more components is
Financial projections are included and                                                          All components are       described adequately
                                             components listed is        limited OR one
   reasonable                                                                                   described adequately       with supporting
                                               not addressed            component is not
   •Year 1 monthly cash flow                                                                                               documentation
   •Year 1 monthly income statement
   •Yearly income statements for Years 1,
     3, and 5                                   0                         7                      14                       20            
                                                                       Description of one or
                                                                                                                         All components are
                                             More than one of the      more components is
                                                                                                All components are       described adequately
Include supporting documentation             components listed is        limited OR one
                                                                                                described adequately       with supporting
including a Work Cited page                    not addressed            component is not
                                                0                         5                      10                       15            

Report Format
                                                                                                                            Presented in the
                                                                         All information
                                             Missing one or more                               Information arranged        correct order and
                                                                       presented, but order
Arrange information according to rating      sections and/or does                              according to the rating      includes written
                                                                        inconsistent with
sheet (See above Expectation Items)         not follow rating sheet                                    sheet              transitions between
                                                                           rating sheet
                                                0                         3                      7                        10            
                                                                           Inconsistent                                    Utilizes full bleed,
                                                                       formatting, excessive                             effective use of space,
                                               Does not format                                 Consistent formatting
                                                                        white space, and/or                                  related defined
                                                 document                                      throughout the report
Format and design a business report                                     unrelated graphics                                    graphics, and
                                                                          and/or photos                                  consistent formatting
                                                0                         3                      7                        10            
                                                                                                 No spelling errors,      No spelling errors,
                                            More than 5 grammar,           3–4 grammar,
                                                                                                and not more than 2       and not more than
Include correct grammar, punctuation,         punctuation, or             punctuation, or
                                                                                                    grammar or             one grammar or
and spelling                                   spelling errors             spelling errors
                                                                                                 punctuation errors       punctuation error
                                                0                         1                      3                         5            

                                                                                                               Report Subtotal (200 max)
Penalty Points
      Deduct 5 points for each instance of report/project guidelines not being followed         -_____                     Total Penalty          -_____

                                                                                                                    Grand Total (200 max)


School:                                                                                        State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                             Date:
                    Performance Rating Sheet                                               Preliminary Round                   Final

                              (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                         Not                       Below                         Meets                     Exceeds                Points         Tie
Expectation Item                    Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations            Earned       Breaker
                                                                                                                         Demonstrates expertise of
Demonstrates                     No description or case        Describes and provides       Describes and provides
                                                                                                                         case study synopsis AND
understanding of the case       study synopsis provided        case study synopsis OR      case study synopsis AND
                                                                                                                              definition of the
study and defines                 no problems defined           defines the problem(s)      defines the problem(s)
problem(s) to be solved
                                    0                            3                            7                               10             
                                                                                                                                Communicates in a
                                                                                            Communicates position
                                     No position               Communicates position                                           professional manner
Communicates position                                                                       on problem of the case
                                    communicated               not related to problem                                         position on problem of
on problem of case study                                                                            study
                                                                                                                                     case study
                                    0                            7                           14                               20             
                                                                                                                               Feasible solution and
                                                               Solution provided, but         Logical solution and
                                                                                                                               implementation plan
Identifies logical solution      No solution identified       implementation plan not         implementation plan
                                                                                                                             developed, and necessary
and aspects of                                                       developed              provided and developed
                                                                                                                                resources identified
                                    0                            7                           14                               20             

                                                                                                                              Display of empathy and
                                                               Empathy or diplomacy         Empathy and diplomacy
Displays                       No empathy or diplomacy                                                                        diplomacy skills add to
                                                               displayed in response to     displayed in response to
empathy/diplomacy when               displayed                                                                                resolution of case study
                                                                 case study problem           case study problem
responding to case study                                                                                                              problem
                                    0                            7                           14                               20             

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                             Presentation flowed in a
                                                                  Presenter(s) were
                                  Presenter(s) did not                                       Presentation flowed in             logical sequence;
Statements are well-                                           prepared, but flow was
                                   appear prepared                                              logical sequence              statements were well
organized and clearly                                                not logical
                                    0                            3                            7                               10             
                                                                                                                             Presenter(s) demonstrated
                                  Presenter(s) did not                                     Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                            Presenter(s) demonstrated                                        self-confidence, poise,
                                   demonstrate self-                                       self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                            self-confidence and poise                                       good voice projection,
                                      confidence                                              good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                           and assertiveness
voice projection                    0                            3                            7                               10             
                                                                                                                             All questions were clearly
                                                                 All questions were        All questions were clearly
Demonstrates ability to         Unable to ask or answer                                                                      answered, and more than
                                                              answered and at least one        answered, and two
effectively ask and answer            questions                                                                                three questions were
                                                                 question was asked          questions were asked
questions                                                                                                                              asked
                                    0                            3                            7                               10             

                                                                                                            Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
                                                                   Deduct 5 points for each instance
      Dress Code not followed                -5                                                        -_____                       Total Penalty       -_____
                                                                   of guidelines not being followed
                                                                                                                                        Grand Total


School:                                                                                                            State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                                                 Date:
                  Demonstration Rating Sheet                                                    Preliminary Round                 Final Round

                              (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
Program                                    Not                       Below                        Meets                      Exceeds                Points          Tie
Readability                          Demonstrated                 Expectations                 Expectations                Expectations            Earned        Breaker

                                                               Identifiers are used for     Identifiers are used and       Identifiers exhibit an
Appropriate identifiers
                                    Identifiers not used       programming elements            are accurate in all        advanced knowledge of
used for variables,
                                                              but are incorrectly placed            instances                 programming
constants, arrays, objects,
etc.                                 0                           7                           14                           20              
                                                                                             Commentary provided         Commentary provided is
Commentary provided is                                       Commentary provided but
                                 No commentary provided                                    assists the user throughout      logical, useful, and
readable, useful, and                                            is not logical
                                                                                                the demonstration                complete
                                     0                           7                            14                          20               
                                                                                                                         Program documentation
Program documentation is         Program documentation        Program documentation        Program documentation is
                                                                                                                         invites use of advanced
readable, useful, and                 not provided                contains errors                 error free
                                     0                           3                            7                           10              

Program Structure and Content
                                   Program contains              Program contains          Program does not contain       Program incorporates at
Program is concise and           unnecessary steps and is      unnecessary steps or is       unnecessary steps or        least one if-then sequence
does not contain                        complex                      complex                     complexity               that saves the user steps
unnecessary complexity               0                           7                           14                           20              
                                  Where data is stored is     Where data is stored may     Data storage is clear, and      Data storage includes
Data storage is                         unclear                   not be secure                storage is secure          dynamic backup feature
appropriate                          0                           7                           14                           20              
                                                                                                                            Program sequence is
                                                                Program sequence
                                   Program sequence is                                       Program sequence is           logical, error free, and
                                                               contains one or more
Program use follows a                    unclear                                             logical and error free         incorporates if-then
logical sequence                                                                                                                 sequences
                                     0                           7                           14                           20              

Usability & Results
                                                                                              Interface contains no
                                    No help menu or                                                                      Program use also includes
                                                              Includes basic help menu         spelling errors, has
                                    navigation system                                                                    an intelligent feature such
Program use and                                                 and usable navigation      interactive help menu, and
                                      incorporated                                                                        as an interactive Q&A
navigation                                                                                  has no navigation errors
                                     0                           7                           14                           20              
                                                                                                                          Program results update
                                    Program produces          Program results contain      Program results are error
                                                                                                                         dynamically and are error
                                    inaccurate results              logic errors                    free
Program results                                                                                                                    free
                                     0                           7                           14                           20              
                                                                                           Output reports are error
                                                                                                                         Output reports allow user
                                  Output reports are not       Output reports are not        free and provide all
                                                                                                                         to customize and analyze
                                 accurate or not available    sufficient to analyze data   necessary information to
Output reports                                                                                                                  information
                                                                                                 analyze data
                                     0                           7                           14                           20              
Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                Demonstration flowed in
                                                        Competitor(s) was
                              Competitor(s) did not                               Demonstration flowed in         a logical sequence;
Statements are well-                                  prepared, but flow was
                                appear prepared                                      logical sequence            statements were well
organized and clearly                                       not logical
                                0                         3                         7                            10             
                              Competitor(s) did not       Competitor(s)                                             demonstrated self-
                                                                                     demonstrated self-
Self-confidence, poise,         demonstrate self-       demonstrated self-                                        confidence, poise, good
                                                                                   confidence, poise, and
assertiveness, and good           confidence           confidence and poise                                        voice projection, and
                                                                                   good voice projection
voice projection                                                                                                       assertiveness
                                0                         3                         7                            10             
                                                                                                                Interacted with the judges
                                Unable to answer       Does not completely          Completely answers               in the process of
Ability to effectively             questions            answer questions               questions                  completely answering
answer questions                                                                                                         questions
                                0                         3                         7                            10             

                                                                                               Demonstration Subtotal (200 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
   Over                                                                  Deduct 5 points
  allowed                            Dress Code                          for each instance
                   -5                                -5                                    -_____                     Total Penalty       -_____
    time                             not followed                        of guidelines not
(7 minutes)                                                               being followed
                                                                                                                           Grand Total


School:                                                                                                  State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                                       Date:
                     Performance Rating Sheet                                               Preliminary Round                     Final Round
                           (Mark one score per row AND write score in the Points Earned column. Use Tie Breaker column to add or subtract points to break ties.)
                                      Not                       Below                         Meets                     Exceeds                Points         Tie
Expectation Item                 Demonstrated                Expectations                  Expectations               Expectations            Earned       Breaker
                             No evidence of product       Project development is        Project development is             Project development is
Describes project           development or strategies     explained briefly; very       clearly outlined. More           clearly outlined. Strategies
development and                    presented               limited strategies are        than one strategy is               are chronological and
strategies used to                                                utilized                      outlined                       clearly explained
implement project
                                 0                            7                          14                               20              
                                                                                          Research clearly
Describes research into          No evidence of          Research was completed                                            Research was planned,
                                                                                        completed and clearly
school or community            community research        but not clearly outlined                                         executed, and evaluated
                                 0                            5                          10                               15              
                                                                                                                            Entire chapter, and
                                                                                        The project effort was
                                                         Participation was limited                                        additional individuals,
                             Chapter involvement is                                    clearly a chapter project
Appropriate level of                                      to a small number of                                           participated in the event
                                 not explained                                          and participated in by
chapter member                                                   members                                                   and clear evidence is
                                                                                             entire chapter
involvement in project                                                                                                   provided of the impact
                                 0                            3                          7                                10              
                                                                                                                           Project impacted the
                                                                                                                         community to a level that
                                                                                        Project created tangible
                            Community impact is not       Project was completed                                               something has
Degree of impact on the                                                                results that benefitted the
                                 addressed                and served a purpose                                           dynamically changed, and
community and its                                                                              community
                                                                                                                            the project should
                                 0                            7                          14                               20              
                                                          Information was shared
                                                                                        Project was recognized        Project was recognized in
                             No evidence of publicity      with the media, but no
                                                                                       within the school and/or       more than one way by the
Evidence of publicity               received              evidence of publicity is
                                                                                              community               school and/or community
received                                                           shared
                                 0                            1                          3                                 5              
                                                                                                                         Project was evaluated and
                                                                                      Project was evaluated and             the team has created
Student evaluation of        No evidence of project
                                                           Project was evaluated         the evaluation was                recommendations for
project effectiveness        evaluation is provided
                                                                                               assessed                  change should the project
                                                                                                                                 be repeated
                                 0                            1                          3                                 5              

Delivery Skills
                                                                                                                         Presentation flowed in a
                                                             Presenter(s) were
                               Presenter(s) did not                                     Presentation flowed in              logical sequence;
Statements are well-                                      prepared, but flow was
                                appear prepared                                            logical sequence               statements were well
organized and clearly                                           not logical
                                 0                            3                          7                                10              
                                                                                                                         Presenter(s) demonstrated
                               Presenter(s) did not                                   Presenter(s) demonstrated
Demonstrates self-                                      Presenter(s) demonstrated                                          self-confidence, poise,
                                demonstrate self-                                     self-confidence, poise, and
confidence, poise,                                      self-confidence and poise                                         good voice projection,
                                   confidence                                            good voice projection
assertiveness, and good                                                                                                       and assertiveness
voice projection                 0                            1                          3                                 5              
                                                                                                                         Interacted with the judges
Demonstrates the ability        Unable to answer           Does not completely           Completely answers                   in the process of
to effectively answer              questions                answer questions                questions                      completely answering
questions                                                                                                                         questions
                                 0                            3                          7                                10              

                                                                                                         Performance Subtotal (100 max)
Penalty Points (Mark all that apply)
   Over                                                                       Deduct 5 points
  allowed                             Dress Code                              for each instance
                  -5                                     -5                                       -_____                       Total Penalty         -_____
    time                              not followed                            of guidelines not
(7 minutes)                                                                    being followed
                                                                                                                            Performance Total
                                                                                                                     Report Total (100 max)
                                                                                                                                     Grand Total
School:                                                                               State:

Judge’s Signature:                                                                    Date:
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