Comprehensive Fitness Improvement Program (C-FIP) - Twell ...

Page created by Patricia Patton
Comprehensive Fitness Improvement Program (C-FIP) - Twell ...
Comprehensive Fitness Improvement
        Program (C-FIP)

This plan is a military fitness success program
brought to the by your JBA C-FIP Team. Begin
  your transformation today to restore your
health using our daily 5 T’s: Thought, Training,
         Techniques, Tools, and Tasks.

Comprehensive Fitness Improvement Program (C-FIP) - Twell ...
               TOTAL WELLNESS
 Welcome to the C-FIP fitness challenge! Over my 30-year military career as a pilot &
 physician, I witnessed how unhealthy habits affect the health of military personnel.
 With input from a team of health professionals, we developed a Comprehensive
 Fitness Improvement Program (C-FIP) that blends exercise with education on the six
 pillars of health: Sleep, Stress management, Social support, Healthy habits, Exercise
 & Nutrition (S3HEN). This 6-week program has transformed the lives of hundreds, and
 it can transform you!
 Each day of the next 6 weeks, follow the format of 5 T’s: Thought, Training,
 Techniques, Tools, and Tasks. In the Train section, you will see one of the following
 4 icons to guide you in your exercise for that day. Links will be provided to access
 some of the best free content on the internet. Training alternates between:

          HIIT                 Yoga                 Cardio              Recovery

In the Techniques section you will learn the science behind health. Additional
resources are in the Tools section. Each page ends with Tasks specific to that day.
In total expect your daily exercise and educational learning to take no more than
30-40 minutes. You may customize according to your conditioning (5-10 min of
training is better than nothing). In life there is good, better & best. Choose what is
right for you. Perhaps just exercise during the 5 minute videos… Everyone can find 5
minutes per day for self improvement.
Your journey begins on day 1 by creating identity-based habits. Over the next 42
days this C-FIP ebook will be your transformative guide as you embark on your
journey to better health. Time to transform the human weapons platform!
Colonel (ret) Dr. Tim Duffy
Comprehensive Fitness Improvement Program (C-FIP) - Twell ...
You get out of life what you put
into it. Success requires mindset,
 skillset and hard work. What do
    you want to get out of this
We become what we think about most. I am an American Airmen, I am a Warrior! Do
you see yourself as a warrior? The key to success is creating an identity that you
believe in. Visualize yourself as you want to become. Adopt that new identity and
your actions will follow.
Comprehensive Fitness Improvement Program (C-FIP) - Twell ...
 “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle

                           Let’s start off the program with 30 minutes of HIIT! (High Intensity Interval
                           HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and endurance
                           by alternating between periods of hard exercise (elevated heart rate) and
                           Are you just starting out? Or maybe you’re looking for something hard?
                           Both beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found here.


▪ To develop healthy habits consider the acronym SEAT.
  New behaviors need to be Simple & Specific in order to be
  sustainable. Environmental change could be as simple as
  laying your exercise clothes where they noticeable or
  clearing junk food out of the kitchen. Anchoring is linking
  new habits to existing habits. Triggers are the physical
  actions associated with initiating the new habit like
  flushing the toilet or turning on a light.
▪ The biggest barrier to positive change is identity conflict.
  Since action reflects your identity, true behavior change
  indicates the degree in which you believe in yourself. In
  the Air Force creed it states, “I am an American Airman, I
  am a Warrior!” What is your identity?

▪ Consider the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. You can learn more about Clear’s four-step model
  through his explanation: Atomic Habits: How to Get 1% Better Every Day (8:03).

                                             TAS K S

▪ Watch what happens to your body when you start exercising regularly: Exercising Ted Ed
  (4:18) and set out your gym clothes for tomorrow.
▪ Establish an identity that you believe in and then think and act accordingly. A Warrior
  does not hit the snooze button. A Warrior jumps out of bed ready to achieve greatness!
Comprehensive Fitness Improvement Program (C-FIP) - Twell ...
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather
          will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison
                                Today you will become a yogi! Not only does yoga increase
                                flexibility, but it increases strength, muscle tone, improves
                                breathing, improves cardiovascular health, protects from injury
                                and much more. Click here for a full list of yoga benefits from
                                the American Osteopathic Association.
                                If you already have a favorite yoga flow, more power to you. If
                                you would like some suggestions, both beginner and advanced
                                yoga flows can be found here.

▪ Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said, “Let food
  be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” If you want
  to lose weight, you need to reduce your consumption of sugar
  and processed food. A Warrior eats a plant & protein at every
▪ Simple sugars lack fiber, so they digest quickly spiking release
  of the hormone insulin. Excess blood sugar is stored as fat.
  Since 80% of processed foods contain added sugar, consider
  reducing your consumption of processed food. The USDA
  defines processed food as one “that has undergone any
  changes to its natural state.”


▪ Here you can find extensive research highlighting why humans find junk food irresistible: Why Humans Like
  Junk Food (note: this article is long, but for those looking to dive into the science, it is a great reference).

                                                   TAS K S

▪ Watch this TED-Ed on what sugar does to your brain: How Sugar Affects the Brain (5:02).
▪ Eat whole foods instead of processed foods today. Whole foods are unprocessed and
  unrefined. Examples include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
    “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

                          Shoot for at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise today!
                          Try running, power-walking, lap swimming, a spin class, or
                          something new, while keeping your heart rate up in your target
                          range. Don’t know what your target heart rate is? Click here
                          (link) to find yours.
                          If you are just starting out, try running/walking in 1-minute
                          intervals or a high-paced Zumba class. The options are endless!


▪ You may have heard the phrase, “You can’t outrun your fork.”
  The average person burns only 350 calories for a 30-minute
  run. That 350-calorie burn can disappear with 1 small (child-
  size) cheeseburger, a Grande Caramel Macchiato, or 30
  almonds. Exercise is not the key to weight loss. The key is
  what you put in your mouth.
▪ There is truth in the saying “calories in-calories out.” There is
  also truth that all calories are not the same and how and
  when you consume food matters. Since it takes 20 minutes
  for your brain to register that you are full consider setting
  your eating utensils down between bites or just take longer to
  eat by chewing each bite 10 times. Stop eating when you first
  begin to feel satisfied. This is eating mindfully.

▪ James Clear outlines multiple approaches to setting yourself up for success in new
  eating habits on his webpage: Healthy Eating: The Beginner's Guide on How to Eat
  Healthy and Stick to it.
                                          TAS K S
▪ Watch this Ted-Ed on calories: What is a calorie? (4:11).
▪ Google TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator and compute how many calories
  a day you burn based on your personal information such as age, height, weight, and
  activity level.
“That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do. Not that the nature of the thing
  has changed, but that our ability to do so has increased.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
                                 It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                                 HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                                 endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                                 What have YOU liked about it? What are YOU working on?
                                 Beginner and advanced HIIT workouts can be found right here.

▪ Just because a food is labeled “healthy” does not make
  it low calorie or appropriate to eat during a weight loss
  phase. The food industry spends billions of dollars
  marketing false claims about processed foods. Whole
  food does not come in a can or container. Also, frozen
  fruits and vegetables are often healthier than those on
  the stand since they were picked after they matured and
  were preserved with flash freezing.
▪ Phytonutrients give plants their color, taste, smell and
  are powerful antioxidants. Microwaving destroys 97% of
  these nutrients. Boiling sustains a 66% loss. Steaming
  (preferred method) has minimal losses. I’ll let you guess
  my thoughts on deep fat frying.

▪ Tracking food intake through a food log can help you understand your diet better and commit to finding an optimal
  balance of nutrients and enjoyment. The MyFitnessPal app is a great resource which outlines nutrients in your foods.
  Check it out here.

                                                     TAS K S
▪ Watch what happens to your brain when you eat food: How the food you eat affects your
  brain (4:52).
▪ Today, replace high caloric snack foods with low caloric whole foods like fruits and
“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” -Stephen Covey
                             Today’s training is yoga!
                             Yoga originated in ancient India maybe as early as 3000 BCE. For
                             some, yoga is more than just exercise, it is a deep practice of
                             meditation and spiritual expression.
                             Try a new yoga video today! You can find suggestions for every
                             level here including both beginner and advanced yoga flows to
                             satisfy all yoga enthusiasts.


▪ Leptin is a hormone released by fat cells that signals “I’m
  full.” It helps regulate how many calories you burn and how
  much you eat. This, in turn, regulates how much fat tissue
  your body stores. Leptin’s effects are promoted with exercise,
  decreased sugar, increased fiber, and adequate sleep. Foods
  high in leptin include; apples, almonds, broccoli, fatty fish,
  leafy greens, legumes and oatmeal.
▪ Ghrelin is the hormone that signals hunger. Food intake is the
  most important factor influencing ghrelin levels. Sugar impairs
  the ghrelin response while protein reduces it and promotes the
  feeling of fullness. Sleep deprivation increases ghrelin levels.

▪ Stop “mindless eating” habits with the following research-backed tips: 13 tips to stop mindless eating.

                                               TAS K S
▪ Watch this TED-Ed on carbohydrates: How do carbohydrates impact your health (5:10).
▪ Today, replace low-fiber processed foods with high fiber whole foods to attain healthy
  weight loss & long-term permanent weight control.
          “Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration” – Thomas Edison

                          Today’s training is at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise!
                          Did you know that your mood improves while doing cardio
                          exercise through the release of chemicals called endorphins?
                          Grab your shoes and get moving in whatever way feels good to
                          you today. You don’t need to be a fast runner to get an excellent
                          cardio workout.

▪ The latest exercise research indicates that too much exercise
  can be as detrimental as too little. Hippocrates in 440 BC
  said, “The right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too
  little, not too much, is the safest way to health.” Stick with
  national guidelines which recommend 30-45 minutes most
  days of the week.
▪ Whatever your cardio type today, introduce heart rate
  variability into your workout. For at least 25% of your cardio
  workout, spike your heart rate to 70-90% of your maximum
  heart rate (calculated by subtracting your age from 220). If
  you don’t have a heart rate monitor, you can gauge exercise
  intensity by how you feel.
▪ The health benefits of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) &
  SIT (Sprint Interval Training) are well documented in the
  literature. It allows you to have a shorter workout which is
  also better for the cardiovascular system.

▪ Check out this resource website on health benefits of HIIT: 7 benefits of High Intensity
  Interval Training (HIIT).

                                         TAS K S
▪ Watch this TED talk by cardiologist James O’Keefe: Run for your life! At a comfortable
  pace, and not too far (18:10).
▪ During your cardio workout, spike your heart rate with SIT.
“The greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul.” – David O. McKay

                             As this is your last day of week 1, it is time to celebrate and
                             recover! There is good evidence that a rest day per week helps the
                             body and the brain recuperate.

                             To get the very most of your experience, take today to rest from
                             intense exercise and reflect on the past 7 days. What went well?
                             What might you want to do differently for the rest of the 5 weeks
                             left of this program? Resolve now to make that change.


▪ Your brain has a self-preservation mechanism to keep you from doing things that are
  hard or things that you may not want to do. If your preset habit cue is acted upon
  immediately you can bypass this mechanism. A simple technique to start the day is to do
  a count-down verbalizing the words,“5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blastoff” then get out of bed.
▪ Action cures indecision. By acting on your prompts immediately you will progress.

▪ Check out this strategy guide with 5 principles to build a new habit:
  Habit guide.
▪ James Clear’s 5 Strategies:
     1.   Start with an incredibly small habit.
     2.   Increase your habit in very small ways.
     3.   As you build up, break habits into chunks.
     4.   When you slip, get back on track quickly.
     5.   Be patient. Stick to a pace you can sustain.
                                              TAS K S
▪ Watch the 5-second rule by Mel Robbins: Use this to control your brain (5:21).
▪ Tomorrow morning your alarm will go off. Commit now to count down from 5 and blast
  out of bed to immediately start your day.
“There is no chance, no fate, no destiny that can circumvent, or hinder or control the
             firm resolve of the determined soul.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

                          It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                          HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                          endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                          Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here. Maybe
                          try something today that you have never done before.

▪ Don’t think of exercise as only “working out”. Think of
  all extra “movement” as increasing fitness and burning
  calories. Motion is lotion for the body & brain. Many of
  us sit in front of a computer hours per day and wonder
  why we have low back pain.
▪ Here are some tips to minimize detrimental effects:
  improve your posture, ensure your computer monitor is
  at eye level, make ergonomic modifications to your
  workspace, and consider investing in a high low desk for
  your computer. The key is to get out of your chair and
  move regularly. Studies indicate movement every 20
  minutes is ideal.

▪ If you would like to dive deeper into this subject, this video explains the current
  research regarding sitting vs. standing desks which is only somewhat conclusive: The
  TRUTH about standing desks (9:35).

                                         TAS K S
▪ Watch these 2 videos about a sedentary lifestyle: Why sitting is bad for you (5:04) and
  Are you sitting too much? (3:02).
▪ Today, take the stairs instead of the elevator and set an alarm to get out of your chair
  for 1-2 minutes every 30 minutes.
“The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is
                    of all things most shameful and vile.” –Plato
                           Today’s training is yoga! In this ancient practice, yoga can be
                           more than just exercise, it is a deep practice of meditation and
                           spiritual expression.
                           After doing just a few yoga flows, you may have found that your
                           flexibility has improved, or muscle pains have subsided. You can
                           find suggestions for every yogi level here including both beginner
                           and advanced yoga flows to satisfy all levels.

▪ Adequate hydration is essential for health. A simple formula is drink at least half of your
  body weight in ounces per day. For example, a 150 lb. person should drink 75 ounces or
  0.6 gallons per day. More fluids are needed if you live in a dry environment or if
▪ Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in plastic products, has been used in food packaging
  since the 1960’s. In 2010, it was banned from baby bottles in Canada over concerns that
  it may leach into foods and cause hormone-related side effects. In 2012 the United
  States also banned BPA in infant products. More manufacturers are now using BPS as a
  replacement in their products and labelling them as BPA-free. When mice were given
  bisphenol BPA or BPS in amounts that mimicked typical human levels, their heart
  function worsened, especially in females, within minutes of exposure. These findings are
  concerning, as endocrine receptors and metabolic pathways are similar in mice and
  humans. Many studies raise concerns about the safety of BPS as a replacement for BPA.
  Both are exogenous endocrine disrupting chemical that can lead to cancer & obesity
  among other medical conditions. Consider a glass or stainless-steel container rather than
▪ You can review the benefits of water with this video: Health benefits of drinking water (3:16).

                                           TAS K S
▪ Watch this video about what would happen if you didn’t drink water: What would
  happen if you didn't drink water (4:51).
▪ Start your day tomorrow by drinking 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning and 1
  glass prior to every meal.
DAY 10
 “Progress is made by moving from failure to failure with undiminished enthusiasm.”
                                – Winston Churchill

                         Today’s training is at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise!
                         You already know what it means to workout in your target heart
                         rate (70-90%) for 25% of your workout. You know how good it
                         feels to finish that final push and enjoy an endorphin rush. Keep
                         up the great work.
                         Grab your shoes and get your heart pumping. Don’t be afraid to
                         try something new. Today will be a great day!


▪ Did you know that nose breathing is better for you
  than mouth breathing? Enzymes have been found in
  the nose which produce Nitric Oxide (NO) which is a
  signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system and
  strong anti-oxidant. There is a link between low NO
  levels and various medical conditions.
▪ Techniques to boost NO and to reduce stress include
  “box breathing” used by Navy Seals or Dr. Andrew
  Weil’s “4-7-8 breathing” exercise which focuses on
  breathing in through the nose with a mouth exhalation
  that is twice as long as the nose inhalation.

▪ While various YouTube and TED talks on breathing exist, my favorite is the book
  Breath by James Reston.

                                        TAS K S
▪ Watch this video to learn about the “4-7-8 breathing” exercise by Andrew Weil, MD How
  to perform the 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise (5:37).
▪ Try the above breathing technique and analyze how you feel.
DAY 11
 “Heights by great men reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight, but they, while
their companions slept, were tolling upward through the night.” –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

                          It’s time for at least 30 minutes of HIIT!
                          HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                          endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                          Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here for all
                          individuals of all levels to stretch themselves in a tough workout.
                          You are always welcome to do your own exercises on your own

• Sleep is your superpower! If you don’t sleep 7-8 hours
  per night you will suffer the following: Devastation to
  the immune system - Natural Killer Cells can decrease by
  70% with one 4-hour nights sleep increasing your risk of
  getting sick.
• Long term sleep deprivation doubles your risk of cancer.
  Dramatically increased blood sugar levels - Sleep
  deprivation decreases insulin release and increases
  insulin resistance contributing to the escalation of type 2
  diabetes throughout the world. Hyperactive sympathetic
  nervous system - Higher levels of cortisol result in
  increased blood pressure, inflammation, and higher rates
  of coronary artery disease which is the #1 killer of men
  & women.

• Experiencing sleep issues? Download the free app created by the VA (CBT-i Coach).
  Review the tools section.

                                          TAS K S

▪ Watch Matt Walker describe why sleep is your superpower: Sleep is your superpower
▪ Set your bedtime alarm for at least 8 hours from the time you go to bed.
DAY 12
                                “The secret to getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain
                                                               Today’s training is yoga!
                                                               In this ancient practice, yoga can be more than just exercise, it
                                                               is a deep practice of meditation and spiritual expression.
                                                               After doing just a few yoga flows, you may have found that your
                                                               flexibility has improved, or muscle pains have subsided. You can
                                                               find suggestions for every yogi here including both beginner and
                                                               advanced yoga flows to satisfy all levels.

▪ Sleep is your superpower! If you don’t sleep 7-8 hours per
  night you will suffer the following: Higher risk of developing
  dementia & insomnia - Glial cells shrink 60% during NREM
  sleep allowing the brain to cleanse itself of beta-amyloid
  which is associated with Alzheimer’s.
▪ Your brain also needs 7-8 hours to breakdown the sleep
  initiating hormone adenosine. Caffeine binds adenosine
  receptors interfering with normal sleep cycles. Increased
  psychiatric & physical conditions - REM sleep shuts off
  adrenaline & allows the brain to forget painful emotions
  therefore decreasing rates of depression, anxiety and
  suicidality. Growth hormone the bodies healer is shut off by
  sleep deprivation leading to more aches and pains.
  Testosterone also plummets.

▪ Watch this TED talk by David Asch Why it's so hard to make heathy decisions (16:45).

                                                                                           TAS K S
▪ Watch this TED-Ed video on sleep: The benefits of a good night's sleep (5:44).
▪ Today, learn about the benefits of background noise, specifically delta waves. This can
  be found on a free app (Delta Waves+) or brown to pink noise free app (Noise Gen) and
  try background noise tonight.
DAY 13
    “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” – Napoleon Hill

                          Shoot for at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise today!
                          Try hill running, power-walking, lap swimming, a spin class, or
                          something new while keeping your heart rate up in your target
                          range. Don’t know what your target heart rate is? Go back to day
                          6 to find out.
                          If you are just starting out, try running/walking in 1-minute
                          intervals or a high-paced Zumba class. The options are endless!


▪ Sleep is your superpower! If you don’t sleep 7-8 hours per night you will suffer the
  following: Weight gain - Sleep deprivation increases your appetite by decreasing the
  hormone leptin (I’m full) and increasing the hormone ghrelin (I’m hungry). The less you
  sleep, the more you're likely to eat. Sleep deprivation triggers the brain to crave carbs
  which changes your gut microbiome contributing to GI problems.
▪ If you don’t sleep 7-8 hours per night you will suffer the following: Poor memory
  retention - Inadequate sleep prevents your brain from transferring short-term memory
  from your hippocampus to your long-term memory in the cerebral cortex. Research
  indicates a mid afternoon nap increases learning by 20%. Learning potential is directly
  related to an individual’s ability to generate sleep spindles during sleep. NREM sleep is
  responsible for making fact-based memories permanent.

▪ Check out this video by Joe Dispenza: Control your mind (17:03). Here, Dispenza
  explains breathing techniques and how to use them.

                                         TAS K S

▪ Watch this video on what happens when you don’t hit your pillow for enough time at
  night: What would happen if you didn't sleep (4:34) and How much sleep do you actually
  need? (3:23).
▪ Integrate relaxation breathing techniques into your nightly ritual.
DAY 14
             “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” –Lao Tzu

                             As this is your last day of week 2, it is time to celebrate and
                             recover! There is good evidence that a rest day per week helps
                             the body and the brain recuperate.
                             To get the very most of your experience, take today to rest from
                             intense exercise and reflect on the past 7 days. What went well?
                             What might you want to do differently for the rest of the 4 weeks
                             left of this program? Resolve now to make that change.


Pain is a perception created in your mind that can be amplified or reduced. Here are 8
techniques to control and reduce your pain that don't require an invasive procedure or pill:
1.   Direct ice for 5 minutes
2.   Exercise
3.   Self physical therapy
4.   Mind-body techniques
5.   Yoga & Tai Chi
6.   Biofeedback
7.   Music therapy
8.   Massage.
Today we are focusing on a proven mind-body technique known as progressive muscle

▪ Check out the Cleveland Clinic pain relief techniques here.

                                            TAS K S
▪ If you did not download the CBT-I Coach on day 11, do so now. Click tools ! Quiet your
  mind ! Progressive muscle relaxation. Use the technique and assess how you feel.
DAY 15
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw

                            It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                            HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                            endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                            Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here. Maybe
                            try something today that you have never done before.


▪ Do you know how to lift weights correctly? For
  weightlifting and physical therapy rehabilitation you
  should lift weights quickly (concentric) and lower the
  weight slowly (eccentric).
▪ Consider these facts:
    1. To transform your physique you must train with
        weight resistance. Muscles grow while you’re
        resting & recuperating therefore wait at least 48
        hours between working muscle groups.
    2. Many trainers recommend 2 “push” exercise days
        and 2 “pull” exercise days per week. High-
        intensity effort produces the best results. Often,
        it’s not so much what exercises we do but rather
        how we do them.

▪ Consider watching the transformation of Bill Philips, author of the book Body for Life here (17:47).

                                             TAS K S

▪ Watch this TED-Ed by Jeffrey Siegel on the muscles in your body: What makes muscles
  grow (4:16) and The suprising reason our muscles get tired (4:24).
▪ Integrate correct weightlifting principles into your normal exercise program.
DAY 16
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to. What lies
                        within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

                                 Today’s training is yoga! In this ancient practice, yoga can
                                 be more than just exercise, it is a deep practice of
                                 meditation and spiritual expression. Over the past 2 weeks,
                                 you may have found that yoga has many benefits! Today we
                                 will dive deeper into some of these.
                                 You can find suggestions for every yogi level here including
                                 both beginner and advanced yoga flows to satisfy all levels.


▪ Multiple studies confirm many mental and physical benefits of yoga. This ancient
  practice incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage
  relaxation, flexibility and strength. Now that you have been exposed to yoga for a few
  weeks here is a list of evidence-based science behind the practice.

  Decreased Stress     Reduced anxiety      Lower                Improved             Improved quality
                                            inflammation         cardiovascular       of life
  Fights depression    Can reduce chronic Promotes sleep         Improves flexibility Improves balance
                       pain               quality
  Improved           May reduce             Encourages           Improves strength    Yoga does your
  breathing and lung migraines              mindfulness                               body good!

▪Check out this TED-Ed on the benefits of yoga: What yoga does to your body and brain (6:01).

                                                TAS K S
▪ Watch this video on the science of yoga: Science of yoga (4:06).
▪ Today learn about the science behind yoga and reflect on how you feel after your yoga
DAY 17
          “Let him that would move the world first move himself.” – Socrates

                          Shoot for at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise today!
                          Try hill running, lap swimming, a spin class, or something new
                          while keeping your heart rate up in your target range. Don’t
                          know what your target heart rate is? Turn back to day 6 to find
                           If you are just starting out, try running/walking in 1-minute
                          intervals or a high-paced Zumba class. The options are endless!


▪ Our bodies change 100% of the carbohydrate we eat into
  glucose (sugar). Excess glucose is then removed from the
  blood, with most of it being converted into glycogen, the
  storage form of glucose, by the liver's hepatic cells via a
  process called glycogenesis. About 10% of the weight of your
  liver and 2% of skeletal muscle is glycogen. When these cells
  are saturated with glycogen, excess glucose is converted to
▪ Glycogen stores have a 12-14 hour reserve so if you are eating
  carbs frequently you rarely tap into burning fat. Intermittent
  fasting allows your body to burn up glycogen stores and switch
  to fat burning through a process called gluconeogenesis. My
  techniques for intermittent fasting has a visual image a
  “Slurpee.” For those who medically can fast consider eating
  nothing between the hours of 7pm & 11am. This 16 hour fast
  mixed with 8 hours of eating mostly plants & protein yields
  tremendous sustainable weight loss.
▪ Consider this video by Dr. Fung on fasting by watching this video: Intermittent fasting
                                          TAS K
▪ Watch this video by Dr. Mike on fasting: Intermittent fasting (5:34).
▪ Try the “Slurpee” 7/11 technique of intermittent fasting starting tonight at 7pm.
DAY 18
“When we deal in generalities, we shall rarely succeed. When we deal in specifics, we shall rarely
  have a failure. When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is
       measured and reported, the rate of performance accelerates.” –Thomas S. Monson

                           It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                           HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                           endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                           What have YOU liked about it? What are YOU working on?
                           Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here.


Current scientific research supports the following:
1.   A significant sustained caloric restriction decreases your metabolism resulting in
     fatigue and unsustainable dieting.
2.   Intermittent fasting does not necessitate a drop in your caloric intake, it increases
     your metabolic rate resulting in more calories burned.
3.   When glycogen stores are depleted in 12-14 hours you burn fat.
4.   In a fasting state your body does not burn significant amounts of muscle tissue
5.   If you eat carbs after exercising you increase your production of glycogen. Recover
     with protein.
6.   Contrary to popular opinion, dietary lifestyle accounts for 80% of weight loss.
      ▪You can learn more about intermittent fasting here published by the AIC.

                                            TAS K S

▪ Watch this video about intermittent fasting here (12:44).
▪ Evaluate how you felt after trying the 7pm to 11am “Slurpee” intermittent fasting
  technique. Plan to try it again as you are able.
DAY 19
“Nutrition, when done right, can create more health than all the pills and procedures
                            combined.” – Colin Campbell
                          Today’s training is yoga!
                          In this ancient practice, yoga can be more than just exercise, it
                          is a deep practice of meditation and spiritual expression.
                          After doing just a few yoga flows, you may have found that your
                          flexibility has improved, or muscle pains have subsided. You can
                          find suggestions for every yogi level here including both beginner
                          and advanced yoga flows to satisfy all levels.


• Weight loss is not just calories in verse calories out.
  Think of “carbs in - carbs out” as a refrigerator
  metaphor. Constant carb consumption never requires
  us to use the fat stores in the freezer. These
  metaphorical freezer energy packs are long term
  energy storage that require effort to prepare and are
  viewed by the body as long-term storage that is not
  readily available. If we consume less carbs our body
  will need to utilize the freezer fat packets.
• Weight loss is difficult unless we curb our simple carb
  consumption. Foods with more water, fiber, and
  protein signal “I am full” better than carbs.
▪ Review the Warfighter Performance Nutrition Guide here to read strategies and
  recommendations for all aspects of performance nutrition.

                                          TAS K S
▪ Watch this TED-Ed about triggers in your brain: How does your body know you are full
▪ Tonight at dinner, put your fork down between each bite and chew your food at least 10
  times. Wait 20 minutes after your last bite before considering a second portion.
DAY 20
       “Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.” – Jack Welch

                          Shoot for at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise today!
                          Try hill running, power-walking, lap swimming, a spin class, or
                          something new while keeping your heart rate up in your target
                          range. Don’t know what your target heart rate is? Turn back to
                          day 6 to find out.
                          If you are just starting out, try running/walking in 1-minute
                          intervals or a high-paced Zumba class. The options are endless!


▪ Your skin is the largest organ of your body and since
  it is porous, it absorbs whatever you put on it. If the
  products you use contain harmful ingredients such as
  harsh, toxic chemicals, colors, and fragrances, those
  ingredients make their way into your body. Because
  of this, many prescription medications are topical.
  Simply put a patch or lotion on your skin and it will
  make its way into your blood stream.
▪ Studies show that absorption of chemicals through
  the skin can occur without being noticed and in some
  cases may represent a significant exposure pathway.
  Reflect upon what your skin has encountered today.

▪ Consider this article on the “Dirty Dozen”: Top 12 Ingredients to avoid in your skin
                                          TAS K S
▪ Download the free app Healthy Living. This app gives you the toxicity of any of your
  personal products.
▪ Tonight, research the products you apply to your skin and how they may be affecting
DAY 21
“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity” –Amelia Earhart

                          As this is your last day of week 3, it is time to celebrate and
                          recover! There is good evidence that a rest day per week helps
                          the body and the brain recuperate.
                          To get the very most of your experience, take today to rest from
                          intense exercise and reflect on the past 3 weeks. You’ve now
                          reached the ½ way point! What went well? What might you want
                          to do differently? Resolve now to make that change.


▪ Artificial sweeteners are not the answer to obesity. Of the
  229,550 studies found o there is
  definitive data in both animal models and humans suggesting
  that artificial sweeteners are a major contributor to our
  current obesity epidemic.
▪ Artificial sweeteners also appear to change the host
  microbiome (gut bacteria), leading to decreased satiety, and
  altered glucose homeostasis. They are directly associated
  with increased caloric consumption and weight gain.
  Artificial sweeteners are marketed as a healthy alternative
  to sugar and as a tool for weight loss. Scientific data
  definitively disagrees with this popular notion.
▪ To learn more about sweeteners, spend some time on to see the
  science for yourself. Additional videos can be found here: Are artificial sweeteners bad
  for you? (5:25) and Sweeteners and gut health (7:28).

                                              TAS K S
▪ Watch Dr. Mark Hyman explain the detriments of artificial sweeteners: Why you should
  ditch artificial sweeteners (5:45)
▪ Ditch artificial sweeteners next week and note any difference you feel.
DAY 22
             “One must be something in order to do something.” –Goethe

                         It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                         HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                         endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                         Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here. Maybe
                         try something today that you have never done before.


▪ Adopt James Clear’s “Never miss twice” motto: I
  find the “never miss twice” mindset to be
  particularly useful. Maybe I'll miss one workout,
  but I'm not going to miss two in a row. Maybe I'll
  eat an entire pizza, but I'll follow it up with a

  healthy meal. Maybe I'll forget to meditate today,
  but tomorrow morning I'll be oozing with Zen.
▪ Slipping up on your habits doesn’t make you a
  failure. It means you are human. What separates
  top performers from everyone else is that they
  get back on track quickly. Make sure you have a
  plan for when you fail. When you fall, fall

▪ You are ½ way through your transformation. Need some motivation? Watch this video to
  kick your body back into gear: Fall Forward Denzel Washington (10:05).

                                        TAS K S

▪ Remember James Clear and his book Atomic Habits? Open and read this page about 3
  simple things you can do right now to build better habits: Build better habits.
DAY 23
             “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” – Fredrick Douglas

                              Today’s training is yoga! In this ancient practice, yoga can be
                              more than just exercise, it is a deep practice of meditation and
                              spiritual expression.
                              Over the past 3 weeks, you may have found that your flexibility
                              has improved, or muscle pains have subsided. You can find
                              suggestions for every yogi level here including both beginner and
                              advanced yoga flows to satisfy all levels.


Weight loss and good nutrition is simple:
1. Don’t drink your calories and drink water before
   each meal (boosts metabolism/eat less).
2. Eat real food, not too much (reduce processed
3. If it’s white take flight (consume less flour, sugar,
   salt & fat).
4. Eat the colors of the rainbow (phytonutrients).
▪ Besides what you eat, it is also important to think about how you eat. The following document can be used
  to increase your mindfulness in your eating: Mindful eating (7 pages).

                                                 TAS K S

▪ Read the following document on diet as an anti-inflammatory tool: Anti-inflammatory
  Diet Clinical Tool (8 pages).
▪ For the next 24 hours, only eat food that doesn’t have a food label. Consider eating your
  food mindfully.
DAY 24
              “Never mistake activity for achievement.” – John Wooden

                         Shoot for at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise today!
                         Try hill running, lap swimming, a spin class, or something new
                         while keeping your heart rate up in your target range. Don’t
                         know what your target heart rate is? Turn back to day 6 to find
                          If you are just starting out, try running/walking in 1-minute
                         intervals or a high-paced Zumba class. The options are endless!


▪ Creating new habits requires time. The 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to make a
  habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. Commit to your goal for 21
  days and it will become a habit. Commit to your goal for 90 days and it will become a
  part of your lifestyle.
▪ The process of building a habit can be divided into four simple steps: cue, craving,
  response, and reward. This is known as the ”Habit Loop”. Breaking it down into these
  fundamental parts can help us understand what a habit is, how it works, and how to
  improve it.
▪ Cues triggers your brain to initiate a behavior. ! Cravings are the motivational force
  behind every habit. ! Responses are the actual habit you perform; these can take the
  form of a thought or an action. ! Rewards are the end goal of every habit.
▪ To create a good habit make the cue obvious, the craving attractive, the response easy,
  and the reward satisfying.
▪ The following interview on habits can help you better understand how habits work:
  Habits how they form and how to break them (38:00).

                                        TAS K S
▪ Watch this video by Matt Cutts to help you with your habit formation: Try something new
  for 30 days (3:27).
▪ Write down a 30-day challenge by trying something new!
DAY 25
    “This is not a time for tinkering; it is a time for transformation.” –Ban Ki-Moon
                                It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                                HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                                endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                                What have YOU liked about it? What are YOU working on?
                                Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here.


▪ The 3 R’s of habit formation is similar to the “Habit
  Loop” with a twist in terminology. 1. Reminder 2.
  Routine 3. Reward.
▪ Habits can be classified into three groups; productivity
  habits, physical habits and mental habits. Productivity
  habits are all the routines, processes and procedures
  you do to get things done. Physical habits include
  exercise and nutrition. Mental habits are the way you
  think about life and mindfulness.
▪ Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits.
  How in shape or out of shape you are? This is a result of
  your habits. How happy or unhappy you are? This is a
  result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful
  you are? This is also a result of your habits. The process
  of greatness is simple. Habits influence the daily
  decisions that determine destiny.        TOOLS
▪ This short interview gives more information on habit formation: How you can harness the power of a habit (7:00).

                                                   TAS K S

▪ Watch this TED talk by Judson Brewer on breaking habits: A simple way to break a bad
  habit (9:24).
▪ Today, mindfully reflect on one of your bad habits and why you do it.
DAY 26
                  “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” –Colin Powell

                              Today’s training is yoga! In this ancient practice, yoga can be more
                              than just exercise, it is a deep practice of meditation and spiritual
                              Over the past 3 weeks, you may have found that your flexibility has
                              improved, or muscle pains have subsided.
                              You can find suggestions for every yogi level here including both
                              beginner and advanced yoga flows to satisfy all levels.

▪ Everyone wants to be happy. According to the 80-year
  Harvard happiness study, close relationships, more
  than money or fame, are what keep people happy.
  Healthy relationships protect people from life
  stressors. Additionally, these relationships help to
  delay mental and physical decline, and are better
  predictors of long and happy lives than social class, IQ,
  or even genes.
▪ Research suggests that these finding proved true
  among both Harvard men and the inner-city
  participants. Wealth and prestige are not the key to
  happiness, relationships make all the difference.

▪ Consider what makes a good life? Watch Robert Waldinger talk about lessons from the longest study on
  happiness: What makes a good life? (12:46).

                                                  TAS K S
▪ Watch this video on the Harvard happiness study: Harvard happiness study (2:41).
▪ Tonight, call a family member that you have not spoken to for a while.
DAY 27
“Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves some turn
            up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.” –Sam Ewing

                          Today’s training is at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise!
                          You already know what it means to workout in your target heart
                          rate (70-90%) for 25% of your workout. You know how good it
                          feels to finish that final push and enjoy an endorphin rush. Keep
                          up the great work
                          Grab your shoes and get your heart pumping. Don’t be afraid to
                          try something new. Today will be a great day!


▪ Yesterday you learned that relationships are the key to
  happiness. Today let’s talk about how to unlock the
  door to happiness with gratitude. We need to be
  content and happy with what we have while working
  for what we want. Remember that it's not happiness
  that brings us gratitude, but it's gratitude that brings
  us happiness.
▪ Developing an attitude of gratitude habit can be as
  simple as nightly recognizing and writing down three
  things that you are grateful for in a gratitude journal.

▪ As you grow your physical health habits, consider growing your social connections with
  simply adding more “thank you” statements to your daily vocabulary. Visit Say thank
  you and How to live a healthy and happy life.

                                          TAS K S
▪ Watch this video from Laura Trice about gratitude: Remember to say thank you (3:17).
▪ Today, thank everyone who does something for you and tonight, write down 3 things you
  are grateful for. Consider using the free Gratitude: Journal App.
DAY 28
 “Without ambition one stats nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not
                 be sent to you. You have to win it” –Ralph Waldo Emerson


                          As this is your last day of week 4, it is time to celebrate and
                          recover! There is good evidence that a rest day per week helps
                          the body and the brain recuperate.
                          To get the very most of your experience, take today to rest from
                          intense exercise and reflect on the past 4 weeks. What went
                          well? What might you want to do differently for the rest of the 2
                          weeks left of this program? Resolve now to make that change.


▪ Stress is a two-edged sword. Both too much and
  too little are detrimental. According t stress.or
  statistics, the top causes of stress are: 1. Job
  pressure 2. Money 3. Health 4. Relationships 5.
  Poor nutrition 6. Media overload 7. Sleep
  deprivation. Notice that these are self imposed
  and therefore modifiable. In general, acute
  stress is good and chronic stress is bad. The key
  is to learn how to turn off stress. Over the next
  three days you will learn how.
▪ Consider reviewing this document on stress: Stress as an enhancement.

                                          TAS K S
▪ Watch this video on embracing stress: Embrace the Stress (4:37).
▪ Take 5 minutes today to reflect mindfully in an outdoor space today. Breathe deeply and
  take in the natural beauty of a nearby tree, the freshness of the breeze, and the
  warmth of natural sunlight. As you reflect on your surroundings, appreciate your
  intentional focus on health and wellness during this time. You are taking care of yourself
  as was intended by nature while appreciating the good in the world.
DAY 29
“There is no chance, no fate, no destiny that can circumvent, or hinder or control the
             firm resolve of the determined soul.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

                                It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                                HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                                endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                                Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here here.
                                Maybe try something today that you have never done before.

The first step in learning how to better manage and deal with stress is to discover what
events cause the most stress in your life. Once you recognize your stressors use the
following concepts to help you manage your dysfunctional stress. Here are some stress
management tips:
1. Neurons that fire together wire together. Once stressors are recognized they need to be conceptualized. If you
   are focus on your stressors through a paradigm of negative unconscious thoughts (NUTS) you will become
   negativistic. If you embrace your stressors through positive unconscious thoughts (PUTS) you will build neural
   pathways of resiliency. You literally become what you think about most. Your choice!
2. Accept that there are events that you cannot control. Consider your world consisting of two circles. The circle
   of influence (things I can control) & the circle of concern (things outside of your control). Focus your time &
   energy on things within your control!
3. Be assertive and act on promptings. Research indicates that service to others decreases stress while selfishness
   facilitates stress.
4. Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or tai-chi for stress management. Simple
   breathing techniques are also powerful stress relievers.
5. Exercise relieves stress by releasing hormones that boost mood. Stressed? Exercise hard and the stress melts
6. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. You literally are what you eat. Comfort foods may stimulate the amygdala
   momentarily but just like tobacco or alcohol it comes with a cost.

▪ Consider this TED talk on stress by Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend (14:17).
                                                   TAS K S
▪ Watch this TED-Ed on stress: How stress affects your body (4:42).
▪ Download the free app CBT-I Coach. Click Tools !                   Quiet your mind. Chose a guided
  imagery program to listen to tonight.
DAY 30
 “What people have the capacity to choose, they have the ability to change.” –Madeleine
                                Today’s training is yoga!
                                In this ancient practice, yoga can be more than just exercise, it
                                is a deep practice of meditation and spiritual expression.
                                While doing this challenge, you may have found that your
                                flexibility has improved, or muscle pains have subsided. You can
                                find suggestions for every yogi level here including both beginner
                                and advanced yoga flows to satisfy all levels. Remember that
                                yoga can be supplemental to another favorite exercise routine!


▪ Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
  watch your words, they become your actions; watch
  your actions, they become your habits; watch your
  habits, they become your character; watch
  your character, it becomes your destiny. These
  words attributed to Lao Tzu over 2,400 years ago
  are true today. Good habits fortify us against stress
  and forge our character through the storms of life.
▪ Over the next two days reflect upon Stephen R.
  Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in the
  context of stress management found in the tools

▪ Here you can find a video explaining the first 3 habits of Stephen Covey’s 7 habits: Habits 1, 2, 3 (13:18).

                                                    TAS K S

▪ Watch this TED-Ed on how stress affects your brain: How stress affects your brain (4:15).
▪ Over the next 24 hours, using what you have learned, be proactive instead of reactive!
DAY 31
        “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” –Henry Ford

                                 Shoot for at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise today!
                                 Try hill running, power-walking, lap swimming, a spin class, or
                                 something new while keeping your heart rate up in your target
                                 range. Don’t know what your target heart rate is? Turn back to
                                 day 6 for reference.
                                 If you are just starting out, try running/walking in 1-minute
                                 intervals or a high-paced Zumba class. The options are endless!


▪ A recent study from Columbia University revealed that when
  helping others navigate their stressful situations, we are
  enhancing our own emotional well-being and decreasing
  symptoms of depression. Moreover, there is now
  neural evidence from fMRI studies suggesting a link between
  generosity and happiness in the brain.
▪ In addition, several studies have shown that volunteers with
  chronic or serious illness experience declines in pain
  intensity and depression when serving as peer volunteers for
  others also suffering from chronic pain. The evidence is
  overwhelming. When we serve others in need, we are the
  recipients of increased health, longevity, increased social
  interaction, and enhanced support systems.

▪ Here you can find a video explaining the last 4 habits of Stephen Covey’s 7 habits: Habits 4, 5, 6, 7 (9:03).

                                                    TAS K S

▪ Watch the surprising link between stress and memory by Elizabeth Cox: The surprising
  link between stress and memory (4:43).
▪ Today, “sharpen your saw” by performing a simple act of service for another person.
DAY 32
       “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to
        excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” –Vince Lombardi
                                       It’s time for some HIIT! Grab your shoes and let’s get moving.
                                       HIIT uses short intervals of time to increases both strength and
                                       endurance by alternating between periods of hard exercises and
                                       What have YOU liked about it? What are YOU working on?
                                       Beginner and advanced HIIT flows can be found right here.


▪ Research states, “Physical exercise induces hippocampal neurogenesis and
  prevents cognitive decline.” The observation that the human brain churns out new
  neurons (neurogenesis) throughout life is one of the biggest neuroscience discoveries of
  the past 20 years. Did you know your 3.5 lb brain contains over 100 billion neurons?
  Studies suggest if you don’t use these new neurons, they die. This gives greater clarity
  to the aphorism “use it or lose it.” Also, “neurons that fire together wire together”
  (Hebb’s law) so literally you become what you think about most.
▪ From birth to death our brain is constantly remodeling (neuroplasticity). Optimal brain
  functioning requires adequate sleep (day 11,12, & 13), cognitive challenges and
  nutrition. The three most outstanding foods for stimulating neurogenesis
  are blueberries, omega-3 fatty acids, and turmeric. It's worth considering making these
  a part of your regular diet as well as 7-8 hours of sleep, exercise, and cognitive


▪ Brain smart programs really do work. Check out this video on what we have learned from 83,000 brain scans: The most important lesson from
  83,000 brain scans (14:36).

                                                              TAS K S
▪ Watch this video to understand more about how your brain changes and learns:
  Neuroplasticity and learning (2:55).
▪ Tonight, download a cognitive enhancing game like chess, sudoku, or a crossword app
  onto your smartphone. Exchange social media time for brain stimulation.
DAY 33
    “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.” –Stephen Hunt
                             Today’s training is yoga! In this ancient practice, yoga can be more than just
                             exercise, it is a deep practice of meditation and spiritual expression.
                             While doing this challenge, you may have found that your flexibility has
                             improved, or muscle pains have subsided. You can find suggestions for every
                             yogi level here including both beginner and advanced yoga flows to satisfy
                             all levels.
                             Remember that yoga can be supplemental to another favorite exercise
                             routine! It also stands on its own as a great workout.

▪ What is your gut microbiome? Recent studies suggest that the nearly 5 lbs of bacteria in
  your gut play an important role in modulating risk of several chronic diseases, including
  inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
  cancer. Additionally, it is now understood that diet plays a significant role in shaping the
  microbiome, with experiments showing that dietary alterations can induce large,
  temporary microbial shifts within 24 hours.
▪ Your gut bacteria breaks down fiber into short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). They are
  produced when the friendly gut bacteria ferment fiber in your colon. SCFAs are the main
  source of energy for the cells lining your colon. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is
  known to have less than 50% of the USRDA of fiber therefore half of us have a significant
  reduction in SCFAs. High-fiber foods, such as fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains,
  encourage the production of SCFAs and numerous studies suggest that a reduction of
  SCFAs promotes weight gain. Bottom line, adequate fiber is a powerful catalyst for
  weight loss and blood sugar regulation. Additionally, SCFAs have anti-inflammatory and
  anti-cancer properties. This is another reason to eat real food.

▪Check out this video about the gut microbiome: Gut microbiome (11:28).

                                               TAS K S
▪ Watch this TED talk on how the food you eat affects your gut: Your Gut Microbiome: The
  Most Important Organ You’ve Never Heard Of (5:09).
▪ Add more fiber to your diet by eating whole foods or, if necessary, consider
  supplementing with Metamucil.
DAY 34
   “If all you did was just looked for things to appreciate, you would live a joyously
                              spectacular life.” –Ether Hicks
                          Today’s training is at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise!
                          You already know what it means to workout in your target heart
                          rate (70-90%) for 25% of your workout. You know how good it
                          feels to finish that final push and enjoy an endorphin rush. Keep
                          up the great work.
                          Grab your shoes and get your heart pumping. Don’t be afraid to
                          try something new. Today will be a great day!

▪ There are four major types of pain: 1. Nociceptive Pain:
  Tissue damage. 2. Inflammatory Pain: An inappropriate
  response by the body's immune system. 3. Neuropathic
  Pain: Caused by nerve irritation. 4. Functional Pain: Pain
  without an obvious source.
▪ Regardless of the type all pain is a perception created by
  your brain. Studies show that Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
  (CBT) is effective for depression, anxiety, stress,
  and chronic pain.
▪ The goal of CBT is to change the way you think about
  the pain so that your body and mind respond better when
  you have episodes of pain. Therapy focuses on changing
  your thoughts about illness and then helping you adopt
  positive ways of coping with illness. Treatment examples
  include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and
  coping self-talk.

▪ Here you can read about common pain myths: Common pain myths.

                                         TAS K S

▪ Watch this video by Joshua W. Pate on pain: The science of pain (4:47).
▪ Download the free app UCLA Mindful and explore its research center.
You can also read