PA Section’s 71st Annual

April 16-18, 2019
Hershey Lodge and Convention Center
Hershey, PA

    TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                            Chair’s Message
    Chair’s Message....................... 2                                          Welcome           to   available on Wednesday as well as The Exhibit
    Save the Date for 2020........... 3                                          the 71st Annual PA-         Hall opening at 1:00 p.m. Activities held in
                                                                                 AWWA Conference at          the Exhibit Hall include the Annual YP Tank
    PA-AWWA Officers & Staff..... 4
                                                                                 the Hershey Lodge and       Building Contest, Hydrant Hysteria, YP
    Play “Monopoly”...................... 4                                      Convention Center. On       Fresh Ideas Poster Contest and of course the
    Partnership for Safe Water                                                   behalf of the Section,      Section’s Water Taste Test. While the events
    Mixer........................................... 5                           I want to thank you         in the Exhibit Hall are going on, the Technical
    Opening Session/Baxter &                                                     for participating in        Sessions begin at 1:30 p.m. with a Management
    Fuller Awards Presentations.... 5                       Peter Lusardi        the conference. Our         Track and a Water Quality/Treatment Track.
    Business Luncheon and                                        Chair           Conference Committee,       Check the schedule for details.
    Awards Presentations............. 5                                          led by chair-elect Chris         Participate in the annual Monopoly game
    Keynote & Guest Speakers..... 6                      Evans and Tim Trout, has done an outstanding        by visiting our exhibitors, learning about their
    Local Attractions...................... 7            job. All the work done behind the scenes by         products and services, and possibly winning
                                                         the committee to get ready for the conference       one of the many prizes. I can’t stress enough
    Conference Schedule.............. 8
                                                         is greatly appreciated. A special thanks to         how important our exhibitors are to the
    DBIA Mixer................................ 9         the members of the PA Section office – Don          success of the conference so please take some
    Design-Build Institute of                            Hershey, Patty Chila, Nancy Dinger and Mike         time to visit with them. Water for People will
    America (DBIA) Sessions..... 10                      Snyder. These individuals spend a tremendous        once again be holding a silent auction with
    Young Professionals                                  amount of time and effort coordinating this         proceeds used for water projects around the
    Networking.............................. 10          outstanding conference.                             world. Also, please stop by the Partnership for
    PA-AWWA Committee                                         The excitement begins with the golf outing     Safe Water Mixer and the Committee Open
    Open House............................ 10            located at the nearby Deer Valley Golf Course.      House. There will be food and beverages
    Water for People                                     On Tuesday evening, there is a Meet and Greet       available at the Mixer, during the breaks and
    Silent Auction......................... 10           Social Gathering from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. that will    at the Wednesday evening networking event in
    Technical Sessions.................11                provide a warm and relaxing atmosphere for          the Exhibit Hall along with a great line up of
    2019 Conference Technical                            all.                                                competitions.
    Sessions Moderators............. 12                       We have once again partnered with the               Thursday is filled with many education
    Conference Exhibitors........... 12                  Design Build Institute of America (DBIA) to         opportunities with a Distribution Track,
                                                         enhance the options available for speakers          Management Track and a Water Quality/
    Sponsors.................................. 13
                                                         and topics. On Wednesday morning, DBIA is           Treatments Track along with DBIA Sessions.
    Special Events........................ 13            sponsoring a tour of the Suez’s Hummelstown,        The topics are varied so check the conference
    Speaker Biographies........14-15                     PA membrane filtration plant. On Wednesday          schedule for times and locations.
    Hershey Lodge....................... BC              evening, DBIA is sponsoring a Networking                 An exciting addition to this year’s
                                                         Event at Your Place Restaurant near the             conference is the Job Fair. If you are looking
                                                         Hershey Lodge. Wristbands are required to           for an exciting job in the water industry,
        2019 PA-AWWA                                     attend this event and may be obtained at the        PA AWWA will be promoting companies
    71st Annual Conference                               Stone Hill Contracting or DBIA booths located       and water utilities attending the conference
     Important – Please Read!                            in the exhibit hall. They will also be sponsoring   who are looking to fill job positions. These
    n Name   badges must be                             other speakers on Wednesday afternoon and           companies will be listed in the Conference
      worn at all times during                           all day Thursday. Please check the enclosed         Program and at the Conference Registration
      the conference! Volunteers                         schedule for information as to times and            Desk and will welcome prospective candidates
      will be checking badges                            locations.                                          looking for employment.
      at all special events and                               The core of the conference will get                 The conference committee has done
      technical sessions. If you
      lose your badge, stop by the                       underway on Wednesday with the Opening              an excellent job of maximizing educational
      registration desk for a new                        General Session featuring the Keynote Address       opportunities for the attendees and providing
      one.                                               from Vai Sikahema, who played football              a forum where our exhibitors can meet
    n CertifiedOperators must                           for the St. Louis Cardinals and Philadelphia        with water industry professionals while also
      bring their Client ID and                          Eagles and is currently the morning news            providing an opportunity to connect with
      PE #’s to all operator and                         anchor for NBC10 News Today. We will be             industry peers. Please take a minute before
      technical sessions to receive                      also privileged to hear from Dr. Joe Jacangelo,     you leave the conference to complete the
      credit for Contact Hours and                       AWWA International Council Chair, followed          Conference Evaluation Form and possibly win
      PDH’s. Sign-in at all sessions                     by presentations from Michael Klein and Erik        a great prize. This provides the committee with
      you attend to receive
      Contact Hours/PDH’s at the
                                                         Ross on legal and legislative updates. The          the information necessary to improve future
      conference.                                        presentation of the Samuel Baxter Award and         conferences.
                                                         George Warren Fuller Award will be made                  Thank you for taking time out of your
    n Are you lost or looking
      for someone? Check the
                                                         at this time. Following the Opening General         busy schedule and limited training budgets
      Registration Desk outside                          Session will be the Annual Business Lunch           to attend this conference. We hope you enjoy
      the Exhibit Hall. Schedule                         and Awards Presentation. Many additional            the new venue and opportunities available to
      Changes and Conference                             prestigious awards will be presented at the         you. I look forward to seeing you over the next
      Updates will be posted at                          Business Lunch.                                     couple of days.
      the Registration Desk.                                  A full day of operator’s training will be

2                                                                                  PAAWWA.ORG

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                                                          PAAWWA.ORG                                                                                                   3

              PA Section AWWA
         2018/2019 Board of Directors
                                                                                                           Play “MONOPOLY”
CHAIR......................................................................Peter Lusardi
                                                                                                            PA-AWWA Style
CHAIR-ELECT................................................Christopher Evans                 1. Pick up your Playing Board with instructions at the
VICE-CHAIR............................................................ Craig Palmer              Monopoly Booth.
PAST-CHAIR.................................................. Douglas Komandt                 2. Attend required events and Collect Monopoly Money.
DIRECTOR.................................................................Liesel Gross        3. “Go” straight to Participating Exhibiting Vendors for
TREASURER................................................................Steve Riley            Stamps on your playing Board. The booth numbers will be
MAC CHAIR................................................................... Tim Trout          on your playing board. Return to “GO” and collect “$200
                                                                                                in Monopoly money”
WATER UTILITY COUNCIL CHAIR........................ Paul Vojtek
EDUCATION/TECH COUNCIL..........................Keith Johnston
                                                                                                              Spend your earnings at the
                                                                                                                MONOPOLY BOOTH!
NORTH-CENTRAL DISTRICT TRUSTEE........ James DeWolfe                                                                IMPORTANT:
NORTHEAST DISTRICT TRUSTEE............................... Eric Fox                          To purchase items, your Monopoly Money must be accompanied
NORTHWEST DISTRICT TRUSTEE....................... Zach Martin                                by your receipt. There will be many different items available to
SOUTHEAST DISTRICT TRUSTEE........................... Matt Boeh                               Please make sure you spend time at the Vendors
SOUTHWEST DISTRICT TRUSTEE...............M. Curt Fontaine                                      Booths and talk to them about their products.

Donald J. Hershey
Mike Snyder
Nancy Dinger
Patricia Chila
PARTNERSHIP FOR SAFE WATER REPS                                                            Challenged by
John Bartol, Tom Detweiler, Barry Herr,
 Kate O’Neill, Paul Zielinski                                                              Water and Wastewater
                                                                                           Did you know Pennsylvania Act 12 affords you fair market value for
                                                                                           your assets? This can enable you to address community priorities like
                                                                                           police and fire resources, pension funding, park improvements and
                                                                                           economic development.

                                                                                           Aqua Pennsylvania provides water and wastewater service to
                                                                                           approximately 1.4 million people throughout 32 counties in
                                                                                           Pennsylvania. Learn how our 130 years of experience can help your
                                                                                           municipality with infrastructure improvements, regulatory compliance
                      Keystone of the                                                      and around-the-clock customer service.
                Drinking Water Community
             1309 Bridge Street, Lower Level                                               Thomas Rafferty
                                                                                           Director, Business Development
                                                                                                                                   Jonathan Gault
                                                                                                                                   Director, Business Development
                       P.O. Box D                                                     
                                                                                           610.645.1064                            610.645.1029
               New Cumberland, PA 17070
                     (717) 774-8870
                  (717) 774-0288 Fax                                             

4                                                                                      PAAWWA.ORG

               BUSINESS LUNCHEON                                                              OPENING SESSION
                                                                                                AND AWARDS
                     Wednesday, April 17, 2019
                    11:30 am – 1:00 pm – Empire A, B, C & D
     The Official Business Meeting and election of our new Section leaders will be held at      Wednesday,
our Annual Business Luncheon. Please join us for a delicious lunch prepared by chefs at
the Hershey Lodge and help celebrate the outstanding Sections’ members who will receive
                                                                                               April 17, 2019
various awards.                                                                               9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Individuals will be recognized for these prestigious awards:
  • David A. Long Scholarship                     • PaWARN Gold Star Award                           WELCOME
  • Rising Tide/Young Professional                • Special Recognition                             Peter Lusardi
  • Operator Meritorious Service                                                               PA-Section AWWA Chair
    AWWA honors significant membership tenure with the following awards.                      Michael Klein and Eric Ross
                                                                                                 Provide Legal and
GOLD WATER DROP                SILVER WATER DROP               Rory Morrison
                                                                                                 Legislative Updates
AWARD                          AWARD                           Jon C. Natale
Eligibility: 50 cumulative     Eligibility: 25 cumulative      Joseph W. Pyrz
years of membership.           years of membership             Dale B. Reichenbach               Dr. Joe Jacangelo
Edmund Taylor                  John J. Becker                  Michael Sedon                    AWWA Representative
William A. Eberhardt           Douglas E. Berg                 Carl M. Schultz
Richard H. Moser               Gordon B. Bryan                 Donna L. Schwartz
                               Richard E. Corradi              Robert Schwartz
LIFE MEMBER STATUS                                                                              KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                               Robert B. Eberly, Jr.           David Schrettner
Eligibility: 30 cumulative     Eric N. Fox                     Daniel Standish                       Vai Sikahema
years of membership and at     Christopher Franklin            Robert G. Van Schooneveld       Former football player for
least 65 years of age.         Holly T. Frederick                                                St. Louis Cardinals &
Christopher M. Bowyer          John R. Geisinger                                                  Philadelphia Eagles
Clyde Bullers                  Thomas J. Gallagher
Sam E. High                    Andreas Heisey
Steven E. Joslyn               Thomas Hindman
Robert Kissinger               Daniel R. Hudson
Anthony T. Lenze               Wayne P. Letourneau                                               PRESENTATIONS
C. William Martin              Anita K. Martin
                                                                                             SAMUEL BAXTER AWARD
                                                                                                     Presented by
                     You’re Invited to the                                                           Craig Palmer
       Partnership for Safe Water                                                            PA-Section AWWA Vice-Chair
           Networking Event                                                                     GEORGE WARREN
 Wednesday, April 18 • 3:00 – 4:30 PM • Crystal A Confection Hall Level                           FULLER AWARD
      The Partnership for Safe Water program continues to grow in both membership             Presented by Joe Jacangelo
 and accomplishments. Pennsylvania accounts for almost 30% of the Nation’s total
 Partnership membership and our Partnership filter plants now serve almost 5.8
                                                                                                AWWA Representative
 million residents in Pennsylvania.
      Representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental                         ANNOUNCEMENTS
 Protection and PA Section Officers will be acknowledging accomplishments of                      AND ADJOURN
 the past year as a testimonial for their efforts in striving to produce the best water
 quality possible. Several utilities will be receiving 5-year, 10-year and 15-year                  Peter Lusardi
 director awards certificates.                                                                 PA-Section AWWA Chair
                         Everyone is invited to attend!
                       Light refreshments will be served.

                                                            PAAWWA.ORG                                                      5

                                   KEYNOTE & GUEST SPEAKERS
                                                AWWA Representative will share a wealth
          Opening Session
                                                of knowledge at conference
           ERIK ROSS &                               Dr. Joe Jacangelo is Vice President and Director of Research
          MICHAEL KLEIN                         for MWH Americas with over 30 years of experience in the
                                                field of environmental health engineering. He has specialized
                                                in water quality and treatment, water/wastewater disinfection,
         Erik Ross brings over 27 years’        membrane technology and public health. He has served as
    experience in state government and          Technical Director, Principal Investigator, Project Manager or
    lobbying to Milliron Goodman.               Engineer for over 80 water and wastewater projects, and he has
    As a registered lobbyist, he                published over 100 papers. He has been an active member of
    specializes in state government             AWWA since 1983.
    relations with a focus on energy,                Joe is the current Chair of the International Council. He Dr. Joe Jacangelo
    environmental, and public utility           is also a past Board Member, past Chair of the Technical and
    issues in one of the most innovative        Education Council and Member of the Executive Committee for the American
    regulatory environments in                  Water Works Association (AWWA), and he has served as either chair or member
    the country. His duties include             of 26 of that organization’s various committees. He has participated on over 30
    lobbying members and staff of the           advisory or conference planning committees for various water and wastewater
    Pennsylvania General Assembly,              organizations. Joe is also the past Chair of the Board of Directors of the WateReuse
    executive departments, and                  Research Foundation, and he was a member of the editorial advisory board for the
    regulatory agencies on behalf of            Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.
    clients. In addition, he serves as a             In addition to his role at MWH, Dr. Jacangelo is an adjunct faculty member at
    liaison between clients and state           the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Jacangelo is
    government officials and assists            a past recipient of the AWWA Golden Spigot Award, the AWWA Volunteer of the
    in the drafting or amending of              Year Award, and the AWWA Best Paper Award in water quality for his work on low
    legislative and regulatory proposals.       pressure membranes for removal of protozoa and viruses. Finally, Dr. Jacangelo
                                                served for three years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Republic of the Congo.

         Michael Klein has a national           ‘Philadelphia Living Legend’ is
    practice, spanning almost 40
    years, representing utilities,
                                                keynote speaker
    municipalities, corporations,                    Vai Sikahema attended Brigham Young University, where he
    and developers in a broad array             played football and earned his degree in Broadcast Journalism. He
    of water, wastewater, and energy            is a member of BYU’s Hall of Fame and in 2013 was inducted into
    related matters. In the water               the Philadelphia Broadcast Pioneers’ Hall of Fame. He has earned
    sector, Michael is legal counsel to         two Mid-Atlantic Emmy® Awards for his work in local television.
    state chapters of several U.S and                In 2011, he received a commendation from the Congressional Vai Sikahema
    international associations of public        Caucus of Adoption in Washington, D.C., for his dedication to
    water suppliers. He has served as           “Wednesday’s Child.” In 2012, he was presented the Deseret News President’s Award
    general counsel for public water            in Salt Lake City, Utah for his weekly column, “Vai’s View,” which he penned from
    suppliers in Kentucky, Maryland,            2010 to 2012. In 2015, Philadelphia City Council recognized Vai as a “Philadelphia
    Pennsylvania,          Tennessee,           Living Legend” for his work in television and the community.
    Virginia, and West Virginia. He                  Vai’s broadcast career began at KSAZ in Phoenix while he was with the Cardinals,
    has significant experience in the           and with WFRV in Green Bay, Wisconsin during his stint with the Packers. He
    regionalization and sale of public          ultimately ended up in Philadelphia as an Eagle from 1992 to 1994. He was a running
    water and sewer facilities, and in          back and kick returner for the team, and is ranked first among the NFL’s all-time
    the siting and construction of such         career leaders in number of punt returns and second in punt return yardage.
    facilities. He has also negotiated               A native of Nuku’Alofa, Tonga, English is Vai’s second language. He resides in
    numerous bulk water sales and               New Jersey and is a local leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in
    purchase agreements. He has                 Cherry Hill. Vai is dedicated to serving the community and played an active role in
    represented clients in obtaining            helping to secure the property for his church to build the first Mormon Temple in
    water allocation permits/approvals          Pennsylvania in Center City.
    from state agencies and interstate               Vai Sikahema is currently a morning news anchor for NBC10 News Today. Vai
    compacts.                                   joined NBC10 in 1994. In addition to his anchoring duties, Vai hosts “Wednesday’s
                                                Child,” a weekly feature promoting the adoption of area children. The feature is
                                                sponsored by the National Adoption Center and the Dave Thomas Foundation for

6                                                           PAAWWA.ORG

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                                                            PAAWWA.ORG                                                                                                    7

    TIME                    TUESDAY - APRIL 16                                                                   LOCATION
    10:00 am – 5:00 pm      Annual Golf Outing at Deer Valley Golf Course                                        Deer Valley Golf Course
    6:00 am – 8:00 pm       Meet and Greet Social Gathering at the Hershey Lodg                                  Cocoa Suites 4 & 5
    TIME                    WEDNESDAY - APRIL 17                                                                 LOCATION
    7:00 AM - 5:00 PM       Conference Registration                                                              Great Lobby
    8:00 AM - 11:30 AM      DBIA Sponsored Tour of the SUEZ Water Plants in Harrisburg and Hummelstown           Harrisburg & Hummelstown, PA
    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM       Operator’s Breakfast - continental breakfast setup in each session room.            Magnolia A & D
    8:30 AM - 5:00 PM       Full Day Operator’s Session – earn up to 12.5 PA DEP Contact Hours
			8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon: Operator Hydraulics - Dealing with Those Unusual Days
    Dr. Thomas Walski (Bentley Systems) 2.5 PA DEP Contact Hours (water)                                         Magnolia A Confection Hall Level
			8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon: Method 334.0 Workshop, Joe Mattucci & Sheryl Martin (DEP)
    3.0 PA DEP Contact Hours (water)                                                Magnolia D Confection Hall Level
			12:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Cybersecurity in the Water Sector - Bob Daly, EMA, Inc.
    4.0 PA DEP Contact Hours ( water & wastewater)                                                               Magnolia A Confection Hall Level
			                         1:00 PM - 4:30 PM: The Valve Workshop - Mueller Company & Ferguson Waterworks
                            3.0 PA DEP Contact Hours (water and wastewater)                                Magnolia D Confection Hall Level
                        Opening Session & Keynote Speaker - Vai Sikahema played football for the
     9:00 AM - 11:30 AM	
                        St. Louis Cardinals & the Philadelphia Eagles and is currently the morning news anchor
                        for NBC10 News Today. The AWWA Rep, Dr. Joe Jacangelo, Int’l Council Chair
                        (2017-2020) for American Water Works Association, will provide the Opening Session
                        Remarks. Michael Klein and Erik Ross will provide Legal and Legislative Updates.         Magnolia B & C Confection Hall Level
    10:00 AM - 1:00 PM      Exhibit Hall Set Up - Vendors                                                        Blue and White Room
    11:30 AM - 1:00 PM      Business Luncheon & Awards Presentations                                             Empire A,B,C&D Confection Hall Level
    1:30 PM - 4:30 PM       Technical Sessions - 2 Separate Rooms (1 PA DEP Contact Hour)	Magnolia B & C Confection Hall Level
    1:00 PM                 Exhibit Hall Opening                                                                 Blue and White Room
    1:00 PM - 7:00 PM       Silent Auction and Fresh Ideas Poster Contest and Monopoly Game                      Blue and White Room
    3:00 PM - 4:30PM        PA-Section Committee Open House/PA-AWWA PFSW Mixer                                   Crystal A - Confection Hall Level
    3:00 PM - 4:30 PM       BREAK                                                                                Blue and White Room
    3:00 PM - 7:00 PM       Water Taste Test (3-6 PM); Celebrity Panel Taste Test (6:15-7:00 PM)                 Blue and White Room
    6:15 – 7:00 PM          Celebrity Panel of Judges award Best Tasting Water; Winner competes at ACE 17        Blue and White Room
    4:30 PM - 7:00 PM       Hydrant Hysteria Contest (4:30-5:30 PM); Tank Building Contest (5:30-6:30 PM)        Blue and White Room
    5:00 PM - 7:00 PM	
                      Exhibit Hall Networking Event - visit reps from the water industry’s leading
                      companies. Participate in the Vendor Drawing and the Monopoly Game and you
                      could win a prize! Take part in the Water for People Silent Auction for a great cause!
                      Appetizers, beer and wine will be served.                                                  Blue and White Rooms
    5:30 PM & 6:30 PM       Vendor Drawings - Exhibit Hall                                                       Blue and White Room
    7:00 PM                 DBIA Sponsored Event. Must get wristband from DBIA Booth.                            Your Place Restaurant

    TIME                    THURSDAY - APRIL 18                                                                  LOCATION
    7:00 AM - 1:00 PM       Conference Registration                                                              Great Lobby
    7:00 AM - 8:30 AM	Exhibit Hall Breakfast - breakfast buffet                                                 Blue and White Room
    7:00 AM                 Exhibit Hall Opens                                                                   Blue and White Room
    8:00 AM - 11:30 AM      Design-Build Institute of America Sessions Track 1 (Empire A) and Track 2 (Empire B) Empire A & B Confection Hall Level
    8:00 AM - 11:30 AM      PA-AWWA Technical Sessions Track 1 and Track 2                                       Empire C & D Confection Hall Level
    8:00 AM - 1:30 PM       Water For People Silent Auction and Monopoly Game                                    Blue and White Room
    8:30 AM - 3:30 PM        pdated Information on a Threat to Our Water Supply: Harmful Algal Blooms
                            Approved for 5.5 DEP Contact Hours (Water)                                           Wild Rose A & B
    9:00 AM - 11:30 AM      Water Utility Council Committee Meeting                                              Cocoa Board Room
    10:00 AM -10:30 AM      Morning Exhibit Hall Break/Vendor Raffle Drawings/Monopoly Game                      Blue and White Room
    12:00 Noon - 1:30 PM	
                         Exhibit Hall Lunch - lunch and visit exhibitors                                         Blue and White Room
    12:00 Noon - 1:30 PM    Networking Lunch - Diversity, Membership, and YP Committees invite their
                             members to meet peers, share ideas, and learn how to get involved in AWWA!          Blue and White Room
    12:00 Noon - 5:00 PM Registration and Operator Certification Testing                                         Magnolia A,B,C & D Confection Hall Level
    1:30 PM - 5:15 PM       Design-Build Institute of America Sessions Track 1 and Track 2                       Empire A & B Confection Hall Level
    1:30 PM - 5:15 PM       PA-AWWA Technical Sessions Track 1 and Track 2                                       Empire C & D Confection Hall Level
    2:00 PM                 Exhibit Hall Teardown                                                                Blue and White Room
    2:30 PM                 Afternoon Break / Ipod Giveaway                                                      Confection Hall Level
    5:00 PM - 6:00 PM       Board Meeting                                                                        Crystal A Confection Hall Level
    6:00 PM - 8:00 PM       Board Meeting Dinner                                                                 Crystal A Confection Hall Level

8                                                                     PAAWWA.ORG

Join the Crowd at DBIA's Annual Conference Networking Event
                         Wednesday, April 17 • Your Place Restaurant
Join DBIA, along with PA AWWA attendees at the Annual DBIA Networking event on Wednesday evening at Your
Place Restaurant from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. The cost is free, however, wristbands are required. Wristbands are available at
the DBIA, Stone Hill Contracting and Water For People Booths on the exhibit floor. Your Place Restaurant is located
adjacent to the Hershey Lodge across the parking lot from the Hershey Grille. There will be food, some door prizes, as
well as liquid refreshments. Beverage tickets (2 per person) will be distributed at the door. Additional drinks are available
on a pay as you go basis. A special thanks to the DBIA Sponsors for sponsor this great event, The Bell Company, Johnston
Construction, Haskell Construction, Stone Hill Contracting Co., Inc. There is a limited number of wristbands available
(due to facility and fire restrictions), so get your wristbands early.

       Thinking                                                                            The York Water Company
                                                                                            America's Oldest Public
      of water in                                                                         Company thanks PA-AWWA

      new ways                                                                             and all of Pennsylvania’s
                                                                                             water utilities for their
                                                                                           untiring efforts to provide
                                                                                          our communities with water!
                                                    THE YORK WATER COMPANY
                                                                                 SERVING OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1816

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   GHD proudly supports the Pennsylvania Section AWWA

                                                          PAAWWA.ORG                                                                 9

Time                      Wednesday April 17, 2019                                         Location
8:00 AM - 11:30 AM        Site Visit to SUEZ Water 6th Street WTP and Hum-                 Meet at main entrance to Convention center for
                          melstown Water Treatment Plants - 6th Street was                 transportation to sites
                          upgraded utilizing Design Build and Hummelstown was
                          built Design Build
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM        DBIA Networking Event - Wristbands required - No cost            Your Place Restaurant, Located adjacent to
                          Wristbands can be picked up at the DBIA or Stone Hill            Hershey Lodge
                          Contracting Booths in the Exhibit Hall

Time                      Thursday, April 18, 2019                                         Location              Presenters
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM         Penn State University’s Third Party Review Improves              Empire A              Mark Pickering, PE and
                          Value of WRF Upgrade                                                                   Joel Kostelac, PE
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM        Introduction to Design Build                                     Empire B              Steve Ruether -
                                                                                                                 The Bell Company

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM        Mainstreaming Alternative Delivery                               Empire A              Rich Atoulikian, PE HDR

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM       AM Break- Exhibit Hall
10:30 AM -11:30 AM        Bonds and Insurance for Alternative Delivery                     Empire B              Gary Rispoli -
                                                                                                                 Construction Risk Partners
                                                                                                                 Joe Kent - Construction
10:30 AM -11:30 AM        Size Doesn’t Matter - Design-Build to Fine Tune Long             Empire A              Chuck Suenkonis, P.E.
                          Term Asset Management - Part II                                                        and Kristy Monahan,
                                                                                                                 Johnston Construction
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM       Exhibit Hall Visit with Vendors

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM        Exhibit Hall Luncheon

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM         P3s are they the Future of US Infrastructure                     Empire A              Robert McIntyre - Stone Hill

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM         PM Break in Exhibit Hall
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM         Project Focus - Medina County Digester Project - Liver-          Empire A              Al Lettinga -
                          pool WWTP Improvement & Efficiency Project                                             Lipp Tanks, USA

        Young Professional Networking / Water for People Silent Auction
         Water for People            Committee                 Young
           Silent Auction            Open House            Professionals
        Wednesday 1:00 – 7:00 PM Wednesday, 2:00–4:30 PM Network Luncheon
       Thursday 8:00 AM – 1:30 PM                                           Crystal A                                 Thursday
     Blue & White Room (Exhibit Hall)                                                                               Noon – 1:30 PM
The Silent Auction will be located in the Blue and White     All Committees are invited to bring their        All Young Professionals are invited
Room (Exhibit Hall). Please stop by on Wednesday and         ideas and goals for their future activities at   to have lunch together in the Exhibit
Thursday to bid on many exciting items. Final bid winners    this time. This is a great opportunity to        Hall and share some of their upcoming
will be announced in that same location between 12:30        meet with committee members and get to           events and ideas for networking
and 1:30 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2019. All proceeds        know what each committee is about and            opportunities.
help those less fortunate to enjoy clean, drinkable water.   what they are planning for the new year.

   Stop by the the JOB FAIR TABLE in the Exhibit Hall or visit the booths listed here for information on job openings.
• Entech Engineering, Booth 47                       • Traffic Plan, Booth 74                             • North Penn Water Authority
• Spotts, Stevens & McCoy, Booth 65                  • Whitman, Requardt &                                • City of Lancaster
• Mott MacDonald, Booth 58                             Associates, LLP, Booth 72                          • Capital Region Water

10                                                                 PAAWWA.ORG
1:30 PM -     Daniel Jeon, PE & Rachel Govelovich, PE                 Sophia Liskovich, PE & Anthony Nokovich
2:00 PM       “American First but Steels are Coming from Overseas!”   Maryland’s Newest Dam Preserves a Community’s
              Compliance Lessons Learned from Recent Projects         Most Valuable Resource
2:00 PM -     Patti Kay Wisniewski                                    Andy Odorzynski, Water Tank Coating Systems and
2:30 PM       AWIA Requirements Now and into the Future               Dan Goldhahn & John Stoltzfus
                                                                      Tank Safety/Cellular Corral Systems
2:30 PM -     George Kunkel , PE                                      Jim DeWolfe
3:00 PM       An Overview of AWWA’s New Guidance Report on            Inside Buffalo’s Proactive Lead Corrosion Control Program
              Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems
PM Break 3:00 - 3:30PM
3:30 PM -     Richard Michelfelder, Ph.D. & Gary D. Shambaugh         Mike Dirth
4:00 PM       Electricity in the 1970’s, Water in the 2020’s          The Role of CO2 for Lead Corrosion Control
4:00 PM -     Roy Mundy                                               Todd Plank
4:30 PM       Managing Generational Differences in the                Digital Work Management Through Web Based GIS Mapping for
              Workplace - (Updated Research)                          Efficient Water and Sewer System Operations
8:00 AM -     Adam Carpenter                                          Robert Newton, PE
8:30 AM       Building Partnerships with Agriculture to Protect       Status of Chlorate Regulations & Impact at Water
              Source Waters                                           Treatment Plants
8:30 AM -     Jamie Shambaugh & Matt Carnish                          John Civardi
9:00 AM       Overcoming Numerous Challenges to Achieve a Reli-       The Waters of Life - Protecting Our Veterans with a
              able Water Supply                                       State of the Art Membrane Plant
9:00 AM -     John Brutz                                              Hollie Scott, PE
9:30 AM       A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned -                       Optimizing Performance of Granular Media Filters
              Savings Realized from Three PA Water Utilities
9:30 AM -     Rocky Craley & Robert Weimar                            Eric Forrester
10:00 AM      Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority is on New          Addressing Emerging Contaminants with Granular
              Ground with PUC Oversight                               Activated Carbon
AM Break in the Exhibit Hall   10:00 - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM -    Keith Cartnick                                          Charlie Liu, PE
11:00 AM      UCMR4 Cyanotoxins - What will you do if you             Unique Approaches to Upgrade the Pretreatment Facility
              find them?                                              at a 15-MGD Water Filtration Plant
11:00 AM -    Ron Milke                                               Ryan Thomas, Ph.D.
11:30 AM      UCMR4 - What are we seeing?                             Laboratory Treatability Studies for PFAS-impacted Water
Exhibit Hall Lunch     11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM -     Robert Horvat, PE                                       Orren Schneider, Ph.D. PE.
2:00 PM       Making a Dramatic Impact on Water Loss                  Monitoring, Predicting, Preventing and Controlling of (toxic) Cya-
                                                                      nobacteria Blooms in Lakes and Reservoirs
2:00 PM -     Christine Gunsaullus                                    Steven Marrano
2:30 PM       Easy, Low Cost Ways to Extend the Life of Your Tank     Application Experience with Medium Voltage Drives
                                                                      on Send Out Pumps
PM Break 2:30 - 2:45 PM in the Exhibit Hall
2:45 PM -     Matthew Junker (4 others listed)                        Stephen Waldvogel, PE
3:15 PM       GIS Integration for Daily Operations and                Cyanotoxin Evaluation and Treatment in the New York State Fin-
              Public Appreciation                                     ger Lakes Region
3:15 PM -     Carl Sharkey                                             Jim Balliet
3:45 PM       Intelligent Meter Asset Management:                     State College Borough Water Authority - Treatment Plant Design
              Prioritizing Your Meter Replacement Program             for Emerging Contaminants
3:45 PM -     Joseph Fusillo, PE                                      Frank Sidari, PE
4:15 PM       NSF 61 Spray-Applied Structural Epoxy Lining            Managing Bacteria in Building Water Systems
              Installation - Merrick Road, Massapequa, New York
4:15 PM -     Nicole Clarke                                           David Woods
4:45 PM       Partnering with the US Navy: A Guide to Effective,      Universal Remedial Solution to Provide Safe PFAS-Free Water as
              Long-Term Water Storage Tank Maintenance on a           Competing Technologies Develop
              Global Scale
4:45 PM -     Mike McGill                                             Paul Yaroschak, PE
5:15 PM       Using Today’s Communications Landscape to Gain          Current & Emerging Solutions to the PFAS Challenge
              Support for Infrastructure Funding
                                                           PAAWWA.ORG                                                                11

                                                              2019 CONFERENCE EXHIBITORS
     Wednesday (PM), April 17, 2019            COMPANY                                    BOOTH #                    COMPANY                                   BOOTH #
                                              A. C. Schultes, Inc. ................................... 90           Innovyze......................................................56
           Erin N. Threet, PE                 AY McDonald .............................................55           I.K. Stoltzfus Service Corp....................... 81
        Assistant Vice President              Beck, Harold & Sons, Inc. ........................28                  Iron Horse Environmental........................35
     Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.          BCM Engineers...........................................54            Johnson Controls, Inc...............................27
                                              Blue Earth Labs..........................................39           KCI Technologies, Inc...............................46
  Wednesday (PM), April 17, 2019              Buchart Horn, Inc...................................... 86            Keystone Engineering Group, Inc........... 77
WATER QUALITY/TREATMENT TRACK                 Calgon Carbon.............................................9           Kershner Environmental
        Scott L. Armbrust, PE                 Carus Corporation.................................... 60                 Technologies, LLC..........................22&23
    Engineering Project Manager               CB & I ..........................................................30   LG Sonic......................................................52
Pennsylvania-American Water Company           Cityworks.....................................................43      L B Water.....................................................84
                                              Coastal Technical Sales, Inc....................53                    McCrometer................................................57
   Thursday (AM), April 18, 2019              Continental Utility Solutions...................70                    Mid Atlantic Storage Systems, Inc.........49
MANAGEMENT/DISTRIBUTION TRACK                 Core and Main............................................ 71          Monopoly Game Booth - YP.................... 80
                                              Critical Situation Management, Inc.......19                           Mobile Dredging & Video Pipe, Inc........ 31
         Maria Tortorelli, EIT                                                                                      Mott MacDonald.........................................58
                                              DN Tanks.....................................................63
      Engneer III, Mott Macdonald                                                                                   Mueller Company.......................................94
                                              Design Build Institutes.............................82
                                              Dixon Engineers, Inc.................................26               Mumford-Bjorkman Associates, Inc....... 17
   Thursday (AM), April 18, 2019
                                              Dutchland, Inc. ............................................ 2        Municibid.....................................................50
                                              EAP Industries............................................79          Municipal Maintenance Co., Inc..............48
         Jonathan Reuther, PE                 Edwin Elliot & Co., Inc...............................61              Nicor, Inc. ...................................................93
Senior Project Engineer, Mott Macdonald       Entech Engineering, Inc...........................47                  North East Technical Sales...................... 51
                                              Fehr and Cuda Sales, Inc.......................... 11                 PA Coalition for Oral Health...................... 1
   Thursday (PM), April 18, 2019              Ferguson Water Works..............................95                  PA One Call, Inc. ......................................... 3
MANAGEMENT/DISTRIBUTION TRACK                 FER-PAL Construction..............................38                  Pa WARN.....................................................44
                                              Fisher Tank Company.............................. 89                  Partnership for SafeWater........................ 41
         Ewoud Hulstien, PE
                                              Ford Meter Box Co., Inc............................85                 PMAA ...........................................................92
     Engineering Project Manager
                                              Gannett Fleming, Inc............................... 96                Phoenix Contact.........................................33
Pennsylvania-American Water Company
                                              Geiger Pump & Equipment.......................64                      Pyrz Water Supply Co., Inc. .....................73
                                              Glatfelter Public Practice.........................45                 Quest Dehumidifiers/Therma-Stor.......... 4
   Thursday (AM), April 18, 2019
                                              Grundy Insurance...................................... 13             RePipe 4710,Inc.........................................40
                                              Gwin, Dobson & Foreman, Inc.................67                        Riordan Matrials Corp. .............................75
            Eloise Gibby, EIT                 Hach............................................................ 66   RK&K............................................................62
         Civil Engineering Staff              Herbert, Rowland & Grubic......................91                     Roberts Filter Group..................................87
          Greeley And Hansen                  IDEXX Laboratories, Inc...........................37                  Roberts Filter Group/Quality Control... 88
                                              Induron Protective Coatings.................... 12                    Rockwell Automation................................25
                                                                                                                    R. W. Sidley................................................. 15
                                                                                                                    Sherwood Logan & Associates................36
                                                                                                                    Spotts, Stevens & McCoy.........................65
                                       Award-winning water quality                                                  Stone Hill Contracting Co., Inc................83
                                                                                                                    SUEZ Utility Company, Inc. ...................... 5
                                       Congratulations to Pennsylvania American                                     Tank Industry Consultants.......................24
                                       Water’s employees at our 33 water                                            T C Tech, LLC..............................................10
                                       treatment facilities that earned Directors                                   Therma-Stor Products..............................16
                                       Award from the Partnership for Safe Water.                                   Thompson Pipe Group.............................. 18
                                       These prestigious awards are a tribute to                                    Traffic Plan..................................................74
                                       our employee’s hard work and dedication                                      USA Bluebook............................................ 68
                                       to enhancing drinking water treatment,                                       USALCO.......................................................32
                                                                                                                    US Pipe..........................................................8
                                       optimizing treatment processes and
                                                                                                                    UGSI Solutions...........................................34
                                       raising drinking water quality above what’s                                  VEGA Americas..........................................20
                                       required by federal and state drinking water                                 Victaulic Company.................................... 21
                                       standards.                                                                   Wachs Utility Products.............................29
                                                                                                                    Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP...72
                                                                                                                    Yeager Supply, Inc. ...................................76
                                                                                                                    Zenner USA...................................................6
                                                                                                                    Zenner USA................................................... 7


12                                                                     PAAWWA.ORG

   71ST ANNUAL PA-AWWA                          Conference Special Events:
                                                         Tuesday – April 16
              GOLD                             Annual Golf Outing at Deer Valley Golf Course
      Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc.                  Section Meet and Greet at the Hershey Lodge –
           Core & Main                                      Cocoa Suites 4 & 5
        PA American Water
       Rockwell Automation                             Wednesday – April 17
                                                             SUEZ Plant Tour
      Brown & Caldwell, Inc.                          Full Day of Operator’s Sessions
        Buchart Horn, Inc.                     Business Luncheon and Awards Presentations
         Erie Water Works                               Exhibit Hall Monopoly Game
      Gannett Fleming, Inc.                           Water for People Silent Auction
               GHD                                Partnership for Safe Water Social Mixer
        Hazen and Sawyer                     Young Professionals Poster Contest, Tank Building
        Municipal Authority                           Contest and Hydrant Hysteria
     of Westmoreland County                                  Water Taste Test
     The York Water Company                              Exhibit Hall Social Event
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP           DBIA Sponsored Event at Your Place Restaurant

             BRONZE                                     Thursday – April 18
    Entech Engineering, Inc.                               Exhibit Hall Breakfast
      Fisher Tank Company                        Full Day of Technical and DBIA Sessions &
        HDR Engineering                                 Harmful Algal Bloom Course
              Jacobs                                       Exhibit Hall Luncheon
    Lehigh County Authority                           Water for People Silent Auction
         Mott MacDonald                            Monopoly Game and PA AWWA Raffle
 Mumford-Bjorkman Associates, Inc.
         Forest Park Water,                     TOUR TWO DESIGN BUILD
   North Penn Water Authority &
    North Wales Water Authority             WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS
         Pyrz Water Supply               SUEZ Water, along with DBIA are proud to offer
   Riordan Materials Corporation         a tour of two (2) local water treatment facilities.
                                         Both of these projects had construction performed by the
Schuylkill County Municipal Authority    Design Build Procurement method. Both projects, were
                                         constructed by Black and Veatch Engineers, teaming with
   Shannon Chemical Corporation          local contractors. The Harrisburg Sixth Street Water Plant
 Sherwood Logan & Associates, Inc.       was upgraded by Johnston Construction in 2005, and the
                                         Hummelstown Water Treatment Plant was constructed by
                Suez                     Conewago Construction. The Harrisburg Sixth Street plant
             Traffic Plan                was a high-rate clarifier water treatment plant process
                                         renovation and upgrade and the Hummelstown Project was
                                         a new 4 MGD Membrane treatment plant. Join the tour, but
            GENERAL                      pre-registration is required. Tour will leave promptly at
   Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.       8:00 AM from the Hershey Lodge Convention area entrance
                                         (Near Hershey Grille) and will return around 11:30 AM.

                                        PAAWWA.ORG                                               13
           WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2019                                  privately-owned water utility. He is an accounting graduate of        mapping, GPS and data collection, database applications, and
                                                                      Harrisburg Area Community College and has further studies in          implementation of GIS for a wide range of projects.
                   MANAGEMENT                                         utility accounting, depreciation, and cost of service. Shambaugh
                                                                      has authored several articles and has been a guest speaker at                       THURSDAY, April 18, 2019
                    1:30 PM - 2:00 PM                                 numerous utility conferences and seminars. Shambaugh also
DANIEL H. JEON, PE, PMP is a senior project manager with              taught the advanced water and wastewater course for the New               MANAGEMENT/DISTRIBUTION
Gannett Fleming in Baltimore, MD. He worked on over $2                Mexico State University’s Center for Public Utilities.
billion in program management projects for Baltimore City
                                                                                                                                                                 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Department of Public Works and New York City Department                                   4:00 PM – 4:30 PM                                 ADAM T. CARPENTER works in AWWA’s DC Government Affairs
of Environmental Protection and has managed design projects                                                                                 Office, and serves as an expert and advocate on a diverse set
including collection systems, water and wastewater treatment          ROY MUNDY is the lead executive with the American Water               of drinking water issues including source water protection,
plants and related facilities. He received his bachelor’s degree in   system, retiring as President/CEO of KY-American Water Co. He         the energy-water nexus, cyanotoxins, climate change,
Civil and Environmental Engineering from Utah State University        has served as Section Chair and on several national committees        hydraulic fracturing, consumer confidence reports, and other
and master’s degree from Cornell University.                          of AWWA, Board of Directors and national committees of NA WC,         environmental policy concerns. Along with his colleagues, he
                                                                      Chair of ORSANCO, member of Kentucky Infrastructure Authority;        works to further AWWA’s mission of supporting clean, affordable
RACHEL L. GOVELOVICH, PE, is a project manager with over              member of ASCE, NSPE, AWWA, currently serving on AWWA –               drinking water through sound application of science into policy,
18 years experience in the Water Practice at Gannett Fleming          Business Practices Standards Committee. Roy Mundy is currently        sensible regulation, public awareness, and building stakeholder
in Camp Hill, PA. Responsibilities include client management,         serving as Senior Regional Engineer for McWane Ductile,               consensus. He holds a bachelor’s degree from George
performing and coordinating technical studies, planning               assisting utilities and engineering firms with value engineering      Washington University in biology, a master’s degree from Johns
studies, financial evaluations, permit applications, general          of pipeline projects, education in pipeline material selection, and   Hopkins in environmental sciences and policy, and is pursuing
consulting, and other engineering services for water and              assistance with specification development and updating.               a Ph.D. in environmental policy from George Mason University.
wastewater systems. Rachel received her bachelor’s degree in
Civil Engineering Technology from the University of Pittsburgh.           WATER QUALITY / TREATMENT                                                              8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
                                                                                                                                            JAMIE SHAMBAUGH is the Water Business Line Leader for
                    2:00 PM - 2:30 PM                                                     1:30 PM - 2:00 PM                                 all Pennsylvania offices for Gannett Fleming. He is also the
PATTI KAY has been with EPA Region III for 33 years performing        SOPHIA LISKOVICH, PE is a Project Manager in the Water                Principal Engineer for the Water Business Line responsible
a wide range of duties including: state grants and contracts          Department of Gannett Fleming, located in the Baltimore,              for water quality and water supply technical and planning
management; Consumer Confidence Report Rule, Public                   Maryland office. She has 17 years of experience with water            studies, treatment process selection and plant operational
Notification Rule and the Revised Total Coliform Rule workgroup       treatment, storage, and transmission. She is a past Chair of the      studies. Responsibilities include treatability studies, water
participation; and implementing climate change initiatives            Chesapeake Section of AWWA and is a recipient of the Carl J.          quality evaluations, bench- and pilot­scale testing, regulatory
within the drinking water program. She has a Bachelor of Science      Lauter Award for distinguished service in the water supply field.     compliance, evaluation of treatment process alternatives,
degree in environmental science from Cook College, Rutgers            Sophia is a registered PE in Maryland and Florida.                    preparation of basis-of-design reports, preparation of opinions
University. Since 2002, she has been the Drinking Water Security                                                                            of probable cost, and preliminary and final designs. He holds a
Coordinator in the Drinking Water Branch, working on security                             2:00 PM - 2:30 PM                                 BS in Environmental Engineering from Wilkes University and a
and emergency preparedness related matters; leading efforts to        ANDY ODORZYNSKI joined Induron in 2016 as the company’s               Masters in Environmental Engineering from The Pennsylvania
staff a regional Water Support Team to provide support to the         National Sales Manager. Before Induron, Andy spent the first          State University.
states and utilities in the event of an emergency. In 2015, she       15 years of his career on the contracting side of the coatings
had the opportunity to serve as the Drinking Water Branch Chief.      industry. Beginning his career in the field as a applicator, Andy     MATT CARNISH has been with Gannett Fleming for 33 years
She is a lifetime member WWOAP and a Silver Drop member of            moved on after earning his NACE Level 3 certification to join one     and as a Senior Project Design Manager of the Water Practice
PA section AWWA.                                                      of the nation’s leading storage tank manufacturers. During his        is responsible for design of a wide-range of water treatment,
                                                                                                                                            pumping and distribution projects. He has earned an A.A.Sc.
                    2:30 PM - 3:00 PM                                 time there, Andy worked on various teams estimating, selling,
                                                                                                                                            in Civil and Constructional Technology from Lehigh Carbon
                                                                      and managing coatings projects. Andy studied at the University
GEORGE KUNKEL, PE is Principal of Kunkel Water Efficiency             of Louisville, earning his BS in Finance and an MBA on his nights     Community College, B.S. in Water Resources Engineering from
Consulting and has over 38 years of water utility and consulting      and weekends. In 2010 he became one of less than 250 SSPC             Pennsylvania State University, and a M.S. in Civil Engineering
experience, and led the successful water loss control program in      Certified Protective Coatings Specialists in the country. He is       (Hydraulics) from the University of Cincinnati. Matt is registered
Philadelphia for over 20 years. He is active in the American Water    also an SSPC Certified Concrete Coatings Inspector as well as         professional engineer in six states, and holds a Pennsylvania
Works Association (AWWA) and served as chair of the Water Loss        a C3 Lead Removal Competent Person.                                   Class A Water Operator license.
Control Committee. Mr. Kunkel is currently the chair of the sub-
committee that publishes AWWA’s M36 guidance manual on                DAN GOLDHAHN is a Project Engineer at I.K. Stoltzfus Service                              9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
water loss control and is a co-author of the AWWA Free Water          Corp assisting with project management, field installations,          JOHN BRUTZ is the General manager of 540 Technologies, a
Audit Software. He was the recipient of the 2010 Water Star           and engineering design. Four years in the field and 2 years           premier environmental and data solutions provider that works
Award from the Alliance for Water Efficiency, and the AWWA            as an engineer has proven valuable in problem solving and             with cities, municipalities, private and public utilities, engineering
Peak Performance Award in 2016. He is a well-regarded thought         understanding issues from both perspectives.                          firms and colleges and universities to help them become more
leader on water auditing and loss control in North America.                                                                                 efficient, cost effective and environmentally responsible. John
                                                                      JOHN STOLTZFUS is the President and 2nd generation owner
                    3:30 PM - 4:00 PM                                 of I.K. Stoltzfus Service Corp. Located in Lancaster County, I.K.     is a lifelong environmental professional who began his career
                                                                      Stoltzfus is a water tank maintenance contractor with services        in 1988 after attending the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
RICHARD MICHELFELDER, PH.D. is a clinical associate                   that include tank upgrades, tank repairs & tank coatings. The         His core work has included Technical Environmental Sales
professor of finance at Rutgers University, School of Business        company was established in 1959.                                      Consulting specializing in customer need assessment and
– Camden and President of EXP 1, LLC, an international public                                                                               solution development and implementation; management and
utilities consulting firm. He has almost 35 years of experience                           2:30 PM - 3:00 PM                                 operation of water distribution systems implementing innovative
performing electric, gas, water and sewer cost of service, rates,                                                                           approaches to achieve maximum efficiency, management and
and load studies. Previously he was CEO and Chairperson of            JIM DEWOLFE has 30 years of experience in the planning, design        operation of water filtration plants with heavy focus on plant
the Board of Quantum Consulting, Inc., an international energy        and start-up / commissioning of water treatment systems, and          optimization; management of wastewater collection systems
efficiency and public utility consulting firm specializing in load    management of distribution system water quality. As Water             with 1&1 program integration; as a PA DEP Outreach Instructor
research and energy efficiency studies and Quantum Energy             Treatment Operations Leader for Hazen and Sawyer, Mr. DeWolfe         working on site with non-compliant drinking water systems to
Services and Technologies, LLC., an energy services company           oversees and manages efforts nationally to help develop and           achieve both long and short term regulatory compliance; as a
that he co-founded. As vice president during the startup years,       execute strategic initiatives for treatment plant operations and      PA DEP Water/Wastewater Certification Board Member and
he helped to co-found and build Converge, Inc., currently one         designs in the municipal drinking water sector. His holistic and      Chairman worked heavily to develop and implement PA's current
of the largest demand response firms in the world. He was vice        team building skills have earned him a favorable reputation           module certification program.
president of Conectiv Solutions, LLC and Director of Energy           in guiding sustainable and optimized solutions for routine
Services at Atlantic Energy, Inc., which he founded and built into    operations and complex challenges. Mr. DeWolfe is a US Navy                               9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
a successful energy and water service company as a division           Submarine Force veteran, has a BS and MS in Environmental             ROCKY CRALEY is a senior manager with Raftelis based in
of Atlantic Energy, Inc. Richard has also held executive and          Engineering from Penn State, and is a Class A Certified               western PA and has served as a consultant on water, wastewater
management positions at Atlantic Energy, Inc. and was also            Waterworks Operator. He is the former Chair of the AWWA               and stormwater rate and cost of service studies, including
Chief Economist at AUS Consultants. During his tenure at              Coagulation and Filtration Committee, and a current member            studies for Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority and the City
Atlantic, he also has been responsible for the holding company        of the Source Water Protection Technical Advisory Workgroup           of Reading Sewer Division. Mr. Craley provides several other
business plans reporting to the CEO, integrated resource              (TAW) and B100 Granular Media Standards Committee.                    services including bond feasibility reports, consolidation/
planning, electric cost of service, load research, and demand-                                                                              regionalization feasibilities, litigation support, and finance
side management. He has testified before a number of state                                3:30 PM - 4:00 PM                                 department management services.
regulatory agencies and the FERC on issues related to gas utility                                                                           ROBERT WEIMAR brings his 47 years of water industry
acquisitions, water load research, the cost of service, the cost      MIKE DIRTH earned his Bachelors of Science degree in Chemical         experience to Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority as the
of capital, energy efficiency, and incentive rate mechanisms          and Petroleum Refining Engineering from the Colorado School           Executive Director. Weimar guided PWSA in its capital program
that encourage energy efficiency programs by utilities. He has        of Mines – Golden, Colorado in 1983. He immediately began             implementation as well as its Engineering and Construction
published numerous articles and holds a Ph.D. in economics            a career in the Industrial Gas Industry as a Sales Engineer for       Department capacity. He is managing the “renewal” of the PWSA
from Fordham University.                                              Liquid Air Corporation in Willowbrook, Illinois. Several years        organization and utility infrastructure to comply with the PA
                                                                      later he became a CO2 Applications Engineer and Technical             Public Utility Commission rules and regulations. PWSA’s current
GARY D. SHAMBAUGH is currently the Managing Principal of              Services Manager for Carbonic Industries Corporation and              plans will invest more than $1 Billion in the next 5 to 7 years.
Shambaugh Utility Consulting, LLC a public utilities financial        Airgas Carbonic in Duluth, Georgia. (1986-1989; 1993-2002). In        Robert has been honored with several industry excellence awards
consulting firm. He has over 46 years’ experience providing           the early ‘90’s Dirth worked as a Process Engineer for the            and was recently named “2018 Engineer of the Year” by the
consulting services to electric, natural gas, water, sewer and        Clorox Company where he developed the process for the                 Engineering Society of Western Pennsylvania. A Board-Certified
cogeneration clients in numerous states, Canada and England.          National production of Clorox 2 in the Company’s state of the         Professional Water and Wastewater Engineer he has authored or
Prior to the creation of Shambaugh Consulting, he was an              art manufacturing facility in Dyersburg, TN. In 2002 he joined        coauthored pieces on water supply, wastewater conveyance, and
Executive Vice President and Managing Principal of AUS                TOMCO2 Systems in his current role as Product Manager for             Green Infrastructure strategic topics.
Consultants, Inc. a nationally recognized utility consulting firm.    the Water Technologies Division. Dirth has over 25 years of
In that role, he has testified in over twenty states in federal       Applications Engineering experience in the CO2 Industry and                              10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
bankruptcy courts, before utility regulatory commissions and in       utilizes this experience assisting Consulting Engineering firms       KEITH CARTNICK has over 35 years of experience in the
state common pleas courts. His expertise is all encompassing          with the design of CO2 pH control systems for Municipal Water         environmental field, with a focus on water quality and treatment,
in the regulatory arena and includes the development of annual        Treatment Plants throughout the United States and Canada.             regulations, and laboratory operations. Responsible for
revenue requirements, depreciation, cost of service, customer         He has been involved with the design over 500 CO2 pH control          overseeing water system operations and research activities,
tariff rate design, water load studies, business enterprise           systems in his career.                                                including source management, cyanobacteria management
valuations, cash working capital, utility regionalization studies,                                                                          plans, treatment plant operations, distribution system water
rate base determinations and has performed the financial due
                                                                                          4:00 PM – 4:30 PM                                 quality, and compliance with federal and state drinking water
diligence related to the sale and acquisition of water and sewer                                                                            regulations. Laboratory experience includes management of
                                                                      TODD PLANK has 25 years’ experience as a GIS consultant.
systems. Shambaugh’s testimony (regarding water and sewer                                                                                   operations, laboratory QA/QC functions and oversight of data
                                                                      He provides GIS, GPS and web-mapping support to clients in
rates) was reviewed by the Mississippi State Supreme Court and                                                                              management systems. Currently chair of the AWWA Cyanotoxin
                                                                      addition to data analysis and management for GHD projects.
affirmed. He was appointed by a New Jersey court to serve as                                                                                Technical Advisory Workgroup.
                                                                      Experience includes storm water, water and wastewater systems
an arbitrator involving litigation related to the forced sale of a    inventory, inflow and infiltration evaluation and modeling, web-

14                                                                                             PAAWWA.ORG
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