Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...

Page created by Sherry Garrett
Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Consequences of climate change
       on French wines

                  Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc’h,

Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
French wine map today
 17 wine regions
 2 Brandies : Cognac & Armagnac
 75 000 winegrowers
 12 billion euros
 748 600 ha / 1,8 millions acres
 French wine diversity
  •   2 344 grape varieties
  •   Wine in Quality sign:
        o 363 appellation in AOC
        o 74 wines in PGI
  •   Is a real cultural and gastronomic wealth.
  •   Is a source of heterogeneity

                                         Copyright   2
Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Impact already observed on wine yields
Yield evolution in France
                                         In work of Jones et al (2005) Climatic
                                         Change, they concludes that
                                         Variability increased on 18 of 27
                                         vineyards studied (↑ CV)

                                                                                       Mosel Valley
                                                                   Bordeaux            Rhine Valley
                                                                   Champagne           N. Rhône Valley
                                                                   Loire Valley        S. Rhône Valley
                                                                   N. Portugal
                                        C. Washington              S. Portugal Burgundy-Beaujolais
                                        E. Washington              Rioja        Burgundy-Côte D’Or
                                        N. Oregon                               Barolo
                                        S. OreCalifornia                        Chianti
                                        C. California
                                        S. Califgon
                                                                                              Margaret          Hunter
                                        N. ornia
                                                           Chile              South            River             Valley
                                                                              Africa                     Barossa

Yield decreased during the last years

   Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri et al                                                                 Copyright
Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Impact already observed on wine growing date
       Impacts on development
                                                                                                         Since 1989

                                                                                                      -3 day /5years

                                                                         -5 days
                                                                                                       -1.5 day /5years

                                                                                                        -1 day /5years
                                                                                                                          Pictures from Hellman,
                                                                                                                          Edward. (2003)
Figure 1. Evolution of the main phenological stages (50% budbreak, 50% flowering, 50% veraison) of the Riesling cultivar in
Alsace (Bergheim (68)) over the past 60 years. Data from INRA - Colmar.. Trend curves have been added in order to show the
breaking point in 1988/1989 as described in the text. The variability is significantly lower in the last 30 years compared with the
preceding time period for 50% budbreak and 50% veraison stages (9 days vs 6.5 days and 10 days vs 8.2 days respectively) and
slightly higher for 50% flowering (8 days vs 8.5 days).
                                                          Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri et al., 2017
                                                                                                                                      Copyright    4
Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Impact already observed on wine harvest date and

                         -30 days in 50 years

 From Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri et al., 2010
Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Impact already observed on wine characteristics



              Wine caracteristics
               Alcohol, acidity
From Jean-Marc Touzard

Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Impact already observed on peste and diseases

                                  From Zito and Bois, 2018

Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Projected increase of temperatures


Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Forecast evolution of favorables areas for wine

                                                                        Vineyards will go to the north-east

Consequences of climate change on French wines - Luc Boucher et Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h ...
Factors impacting vine production
                              From Hervé
                              Quénol. (2011)
                              Observation et
                              spatiale du
                              climat aux
                              échelles fines
                              dans un contexte
                              de changement
                              Rennes 2.

                                      Copyright   10
The French National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate

1. Adaptation of grape varieties in each vineyard
2.   Vineyards practices (irrigation, pruning,.. ) and crop protection
3.   New winemaking practices (fermentation, cooling, unalcoholisation, .. )
4.   Integration of consumers expectations (taste, environment, low-carbon
                                                            From France Agrimer / INAO (2019)

This strategy
        emphasizes a systemic and global approach
        aims to preserve actual vineyards and its heritage.
But what about risks ?                                                             Copyright    11
Vines Crop Yield Insurances in France

                                                            % de
MPCI (Hail included) :                  2018      2019                       From CCR 2020 in
                                                          variation          Descrozaille report to
    Number of policies                    9 678     9 790         1,2        minister of agriculture

    Insured area (ha)                   189 966   199 723         5,1
    Diffusion rate (%)                     25,5      26,6         4,3
    Insured winegrower                    9 460     9 759              3,2
    Amount eligible to subsidy (Mds€)       1,5       1,6              6,7
    Premium eligible to subsidy (M€)       52,9      58,7               11
    Total premium (M€)                     72,4      79,4              9,7
    Premium rate (%)                        3,6       3,6                0

      Hail (Deductible 10%)                                 2019             From FFA 2020 in
           Insured amount (Mds€)                                 1,4         Descrozaille report to
                                                                             minister of agriculture
           Total premium (M€)                                     43
           Premium rate (%)                                    3,0%

Frost risk example :
                                   9 et 10 april 2021

See also

                                               Copyright   13
Frost risk example
 Statistics from SYNOP open weather
  data (France)

 CFD is the cumulate temperature under
  273,5 K (frost temperature) for the month
  of mars, April and May

 Naive intuition : as the earth overheats,
  the risk of frost in spring decreases but
   • these three regressions presents not
      significant coefficients
   • April and May give positive
   • a record cold is reached in April 21

                                   Copyright   14
Andreas F. P,, Greg J. H., Global estimates of damaging hail hazard,
Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 22, 2018, p.10-23                            Hail risk example

                                                                          Observed annual average
                                                                          large hail day frequency for
                                                                          the period 1979 to 2015 in a
                                                                          100.100 km area for the
                                                                          CONUS (a), Australia (b),
                                                                          and Europe (c). The
                                                                          corresponding annual time
                                                                          series of accumulated large
                                                                          hail occurrences are shown
                                                                          in d–f.

                                                                                            Copyright    15
Hail risk example (in France, from 2015)

From authors (Data provided by UbyRisk)                     Copyright   16
Solvability in crop yield insurance

 All crops are affected by climate

 Correlation between crop and tail

 Estimated probable maximum losses for
  major events

 Public reinsurance

          See also: Mahul, O., & Stutley, C. J. (2010). Government support to agricultural
          insurance: challenges and options for developing countries. World Bank Publications.   Copyright   17
Adaptation of Insurance and conclusions
The main challenges of tomorrow are those of today
• Policy specifications have to :              • Acturarial model Challenges :
  o Promote new best practices                   o IA, Open/big data, tail
    less risky areas, varieties and practices    dependance, spatial correlation
    crop protections
                                                 oPremium of increasing risk
 o Re-adjust the cursor between                  oUse theory of incentives
  pooling and solidarity                       • Lobbying:
                                                 oPublic Reinsurance and Subsidies

 Work on the complementarity of risks management tools
 Winegrowers need an individual risks estimation
                                                                           Copyright   18
 GU, S. Growing degree hours-a simple, accurate, and precise protocol to approximate growing heat summation
  for grapevines. International journal of biometeorology, 2016, vol. 60, no 8, p. 1123-1134.
 Andreas F. P,, Greg J. H., Global estimates of damaging hail hazard, Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 22,
  2018, p.10-23
 Hellman, Edward. (2003). Grapevine Structure and Function. Grape Grower's Handbook.
 Hervé Quénol. (2011) Observation et modélisation spatiale du climat aux échelles fines dans un contexte de
  changement climatique. Géographie. HDR, Université Rennes 2.
 Di Lena, B., Silvestroni, O., Lanari, V., & Palliotti, A. (2019). Climate change effects on cv. Montepulciano in some
  wine-growing areas of the Abruzzi region (Italy). Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136(3), 1145-1155.
 European Council Conclusions relatives à la situation économique et sociale, Dublin 03/12/1984
 Mahul, O., & Stutley, C. J. (2010). Government support to agricultural insurance: challenges and options for
  developing countries. World Bank Publications.
 Santos, J. A., Fraga, H., Malheiro, A. C., Moutinho-Pereira, J., Dinis, L. T., Correia, C., ... & Schultz, H. R. (2020). A
  review of the potential climate change impacts and adaptation options for European viticulture. Applied
  Sciences, 10(9), 3092.

                                                                                                                    Copyright   19
INRAE has a
study project on
the topic of
climate change
for wine, named
INRAE is France's
Institute for
Agriculture, Food
and Environment
Laccave project
interesting results
on the subject
used in this

            Copyright   20
Annexe: Historical events from 2020
                      Extrême        Années                Périodes                Impact
                      Canicule       2003, 2006, 2015,     Fin Juin – Début Août   Maturation, arrêt
                                     2016, 2017, 2018,                             physiologique
                      Sècheresse     2003, 2011, 2015 –    Printemps, Été, Hiver   Localisé et variable
                                     2018, 2019                                    Croissance, nutrition,
                                          2020                                     qualité, production
                      Températures   2007, 2011, 2015-     Hiver, Printemps        Précocité du
                                     2016, 2018                                    développement,
From work of Iñaki    élevés                                                       Hiver doux—> moins
Garcia de Cortazar-                                                                de control sur les
Atauri (2020)                                                                      pathogènes
                      Période        2002, 2004, 2011,     Printemps, Été,         Floraison,
                                     2013, 2016, 2018      automne                 Vendanges
                      Gel            2012, 2016, 2017,     Sortie d’hiver,         Mortalité de plants
                                     2019, 2020, 2021      printemps
                      Grêle          2008(3), 2009 (5),    Printemps - Été         Localisé –
                                     2010(3), 2012(4),                             destruction de
                                     2013(3), 2014(4),                             plantes et
                                     2016(2), 2017, 2018                           production
                                     Evènements extrêmes- France
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