Page created by Roger Long

    • Adult Foundations & LINC   • High School Completion
          • Career Development    • Learning Services
   • On-line Learning   • Personal Development     •First Aid

      Register Now: 604-940-5550
Welcome To Delta Continuing Education
                                                     HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR LIFE-LONG LEARNERS
                                           The priority of Delta School District, including the Continuing Education branch, remains
                                           fulfilling our mission to enable all learners to succeed and contribute their full potential to the
                                           future while at the same time ensuring a healthy and safe environment for students, families, and
                                           employees .

                                           With that in mind, we have implemented a comprehensive Safety Protocol at all locations . Some
                                           Continuing Education programs will continue to provide some or all instruction on-line, while
                                           programs designed for in‐class instruction will be delivered that way during the upcoming term as
                                           long as it is safe to do so .

                                           At any time, in response to recommendations from health authorities, Delta Continuing Education
              Mission:                     may need to postpone classes or, where appropriate, teach via on-line options .

         To enable all learners
     to succeed and contribute
                                           THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW:
                                                • Anyone who is feeling sick should not attend class .
   their full potential to the future.
                                                • If it ever becomes necessary, Fraser Health Authority will initiate contact tracing to identify
                                                  any individuals that need to self-isolate or self-monitor for symptoms . If you do not receive
               Vision:                            a phone call or letter from Fraser Health, please continue attending class as planned . For
     The Delta School District is a               privacy reasons, Delta School District staff cannot give out any further details .
leading district for innovative teaching        • Names of members of a specific class will be shared with public health authorities only if
         and learner success.                     requested for the purposes of contact tracing .
                                                • Wearing masks at all times during an in-person class is not required but students are
                                                  encouraged to bring and wear masks when the nature of the class, or practical portions of
                                                  it, make physical distancing difficult or while in high traffic areas such as hallways .
   Caring, Respect, Responsibility,             • Please visit www .deltasd .bc .ca for up-to-date information related to Delta School District
       Community, Excellence                      and its COVID-19 response .

                                           Thank you and stay safe .

Back row: Jessie Dosanjh, Nick Kanakos,
            Daniel Boisvert, Bruce Reid
   Front Row: Erica Beard, Laura Dixon,
                            Val Windsor

               2                                                       REGISTER: 604-940-5550
Table of Contents
                          WELCOME TO DELTA                                                                                                     HOW TO REACH US:
                        CONTINUING EDUCATION                                                                               • CONTINUING EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION
HOW TO REGISTER FOR COURSES                                                                                                   4750 – 57th Street, Ladner, V4K 3C9
Registration Policies  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                                                                                                                              General information, Registration
Adult Foundations  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
High School Completion  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  11                         • DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
Career & Personal Development Programs .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23                                            604-594-6100
                                                                                                                              11590 – 83rd Avenue, North Delta, V4C 0C8
ACADEMIC                                                                                                                      Adult Foundations, High School Completion, and Language
LINC  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6      Instruction for Newcomers to Canada
Adult Foundations  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
High School Completion  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
Delta Access  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16         Student Services/
Academies .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  18         High School Completion:      604-952-5328
                                                                                                                           Facility Rentals:            604-952-5335
FACILITY RENTALS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  21                          Academies:                   604-952-5374
Genesis Theatre .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
                                                                                                                           Delta Access:      
Workplace Skills  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  24             Early Childhood Education    604-952-2815
Delta Teaching Assistant Certificate Program .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  26                                        Home Quest:                  604-597-8353
Early Childhood Education .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  29                          Life Skills/ Autism
First Aid .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  31      Intervention:                604-952-2871
                                                                                                                           LINC Program:                604-952-2923
Personal Development .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  32                      • WEBSITE:
Life Skills/ Autism Intervention  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  34                    
Arts, Crafts, & Hobbies .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  35                      (Look for the “Continuing Education” button at the bottom
                                                                                                                              of the home page)
                                                                                                                           • E-MAIL:
School District Programs  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 37
                                                                                                                           • ON-LINE REGISTRATION:

              INFORMATION FOR
  DELTA SCHOOL DISTRICT is working with public health
  officials to monitor the current situation with regard to COVID-19
  and will provide updated information as it becomes available.


                        REGISTER:                                                                                                    3
Registration Policies
Please refer to program areas in this       Class Postponements/ Holidays                     NSF Cheque & Credit Card Decline
catalogue for specific details about        Regular school holidays apply to Continuing       Charges Apply
  REGISTRATION procedures and               Education classes and facility rentals as well.   A fee of $20 applies to all cheques returned
               policies:                    Some other postponements may become               NSF and all credit cards that are declined.
                                            necessary at individual schools and you           Service charges are imposed on Delta
• ADULT GENERAL INTEREST PROGRAMS:          will be informed if these affect any of your      School District for each such occurrence
              page 24                       courses or bookings. Classes/ bookings will       and must be passed on to the cheque-issuer
    • ADULT FOUNDATIONS: page 7             be postponed on the following dates:              or credit card holder.

• HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION: page 11           •    Monday, FEBRUARY 15:                         Privacy: Collecting and Storing Personal
                                                 Family Day                                   Information
     Also, see specific programs for
                                            •    MARCH 15 through 26:                         Any personal contact and registration
       APPLICATION information:
                                                 Spring Break                                 information provided to Delta School
               • LINC: page 6                                                                 District is collected and used in accordance
          • Delta Access: page 16           Fees Payable At Time of Registration              with the Freedom of Information and
           • Academies: page 18             All tuition fees are payable at time of           Protection of Privacy Act. To view our
• Teaching Assistant Certificate: page 26   registration. Payment is required to reserve      privacy statement, please visit: https://
  • Early Childhood Education: page 29      a space in class. Taxes are included in all
                                            fees for which they are required.                 education/registration-information/.       If
   Registration website for Personal                                                          you pay on-line through our secure, PCI-
        Development courses:                Please Mark Your Calendar                         compliant registration process, only your          No confirmation of enrollment will be             essential credit card details, in encrypted
                                            sent to you, so please mark your calendar.        form, are transmitted electronically.
                                            If you register on-line, please print your
                                            registration confirmation as a reminder.          Recordings In Class Prohibited
                                                                                              Please respect privacy rights and copyright
                                            Courses May Be Cancelled                          laws before recording images and audio in
                                            Delta Continuing Education reserves the           the classroom. Taking photos, videos, or
                                            right to cancel a class due to insufficient       audio recordings of instructors, classmates,
                                            enrollment, the unavailability of teachers        practicum settings, or in-class activities
                                            or facilities, or other reasonable causes. In     is strictly prohibited without the prior
                                            such cases, registrants will be notified by       consent of the instructor and students (in
                                            telephone and a full refund will be given.        the case of adults) or parents (in the case of
                                                                                              students below the age of consent).
                                            Withdrawing From A Class, Withdrawal
                                            Fee, and Refunds                                  Finding Course Locations
                                            An administration fee of $20 for non-             Detailed directions and maps to all Delta
                                            academic or $40 for academic programs will        schools may be found at
                                            be charged on your withdrawal. Refunds            (click on the “Schools” tab).
                                            may not be available for supplies or other
                                            non-tuition costs. Refunds are not given for      Cancellations Due To Extreme Weather
                                            forgotten or missed classes, so please mark       or Community Emergency
                                            your calendar. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for      Classes may be cancelled in extreme
                                            refunds to be processed. See the "HOW TO          weather conditions or due to a major
                                            REGISTER" section for specific withdrawal         community emergency. If Delta schools
                                            policies.                                         are closed during the day, please assume
                                                                                              that classes will be postponed that evening.
                                                                                              Check your local radio stations for school
                                                                                              cancellation information, or www.deltasd.
                                                                                     , or twitter: @deltasd37.

               4                                                       REGISTER: 604-940-5550
Welcome to Academic Upgrading
                  • Adult Foundations - English, Math, and Computers
                  • HSC - High School Completion Grades 11 and 12
                  • LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada

Delta Continuing Education offers a full range of academic upgrading courses from
English and Math Foundations to High School Completion at the Grade 11 and 12 levels.
Our advisors will help you with assessments, course placements, and short and long term
Educational goals.
*Lower level English Foundations courses are perfect for Adult English Language Learner
students. New immigrants are also welcome to attend our Language Instruction for
Newcomers to Canada (LINC).


                                                                                            The Continuing Education
                                       Grade 11                                           branch of Delta School District
                                                                                                   focuses on:
                                                                                          • Programs that offer the community
                                English Foundations 7                                     cultural, recreational, academic, and
                                 Math Foundations 7                                             vocational opportunities.
                                                                                          • Programs, in cooperation with other
                                English Foundations 6                                     agencies, organizations and institutes,
                                   Writing 5/6/7                                             which address community needs.
                                Math Foundations 4 - 6                                    • Coordination and promotion of the
                                                                                           effective community use of schools.

                                English Foundations 5

                            Info Tech 1 (Computer Basics)
                              English Foundations 3 & 4
                                    Reading 3 & 4
                                    Writing 3 & 4
                                      LINC 4-6
                                English Foundations 2
                                    Reading 1 & 2
                              Speaking & Listening 1 & 2
                                      LINC 1-3

                       REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                  5
Language Instruction
                                                            for Newcomers to Canada
  Language Instruction for                LINC AT DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
 Newcomers to Canada (LINC)               11590 – 83RD AVENUE, NORTH DELTA
        Program                           The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program provides free basic
                                          English language courses to adult permanent residents .
    LINC provides adult basic and
intermediate level English training for   The program is free for Permanent Residents and Convention Refugees over the age of 17 .
       Permanent Residents.               It is not for Canadian citizens or refugee claimants .
                                          Immigrants who wish to study in the LINC Program must first be tested at:
  Delta Community College offers          Surrey Language Assessment Centre
       LINC Literacy to LINC 6            Suite 202, 7337 - 137th Street, Surrey, BC - Phone: 604-507-4150.
morning, afternoon, or evening classes    Students going to the testing center for the first time should take a copy of immigration
      from Monday to Friday.              papers .
To find out if you are eligible, please   For further information:
call 604-952-2923 or 604-507-4150,        LINC phone: 604-952-2923
     or email          e-mail:          LINC@deltasd .bc .ca


                                          INGLES PARA INMIGRANTES EN CANADA
                                          LINC ofrece niveles básicos e intermedios en Ingles para adultos que son Residentes
                                          Permanentes en Canada . Si está interesado por favor llame al 604 952 2923 o al 604 507
                                          4150 o escriba al correo electrónico linc@delta .bc .ca

              6                                                    REGISTER: 604-952-2923
Adult Foundations
                  English, Math and Computers
                              Classes Start December 8, 2020

                                 New for 2021: No Fees
 Courses are designed for any person in need of upgrading skills in English (Levels 1 to 7)
    and Math (Levels 4 to 7). We also offer Computer Classes for beginner students.
           High school students are NOT eligible for Foundations courses.

                  DELTA                                       DELTA MANOR
       COMMUNITY COLLEGE                                  EDUCATION CENTRE
11590 – 83 Avenue, Delta BC V4C 0C8               4750 - 57 Street, Ladner V4K 3C9
604-594-6100		                                    604-940-5550
Ongoing Registration		                            Ongoing Registration                                    REGISTER ANYTIME!
Phone for an Appointment                          Phone for an Appointment
Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 8:00 pm               Monday – Friday        9:00 am - 3:30pm              Students are invited to register
Friday                   8:00 am– 12:00pm                                                             anytime as all of our courses have
Register online at:                                                            continuous enrollment
Classes start December 8, 2020.
                                                                                                           IMPORTANT DATES
WHO                                               Students must have valid picture ID,             • DCC Winter Term begins
Students must be at least 17 years of age         Proof of Status in Canada and one piece             December 8
and not in regular day school.                    of evidence showing Proof of Residency
                                                  in British Columbia.                             • Foundation Courses
                                                                                                      December 8-March 12
Make an appointment at one of our                 Proof of status includes a Canadian birth        • Winter Break
Registration Centers by phone or e-mail.          certificate or passport, Canadian citizenship       December 21-January 3
Phone: 604-594-6100                               card, Permanent Resident card, Refugee
                                                  document, or one year Work Permit(to             • DCC re-opens
                                                  qualify with a work permit the student must         January 4
                                                  have the intention of settling in BC).           • High School Completion Courses
Tuition Free Classes-                                                                                 February 8-June 16
                                                  Proof of residency includes current BC
All Canadian and Permanent Resident
                                                  Driver’s License, BC Identity card (BCID),           Due to COVID-19 our courses are
adult students residing in British Columbia
                                                  utility bill, tenancy agreement, income tax        now online. Check with us for details.
can take tuition free Literacy Foundations
                                                  statement or property tax. Proof of residency           Your safety is our priority.
courses as part of the Ministry of Education’s
                                                  must show name and current address.
Education Guarantee. Both graduated and
non graduated students can take advantage
of this tuition free opportunity to improve       INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS /
their education.                                  VISITORS
                                                  Adult Foundations courses - $600.00
                                                  each course for visitors. There will be no
                                                  refunds after the start of the first class. In
                                                  the event of unforeseen circumstances that
                                                  are beyond our control, such as job action or
                                                  inclement weather , there will be no refunds.

                                                  A change to the original registration will be
                                                  subject to a $20 processing fee. No refunds
                                                  after the first class.

                             REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                       7
Adult Foundations
                                            ASSESSMENT BY APPOINTMENT                        English Foundations 5 - EF5 - Students
                                            ONLY - If you are unsure of your level           will read literature and nonfiction while
                                            come in for an assessment.                       learning strategies to become a better reader.
                                            An assessment fee of $30.00 applies.             English grammar will be reviewed
                                            Note: Third party billing assessments are        and students will learn to write longer
                                            $30.00 plus a $50.00 processing fee.             paragraphs. Students will also work on
                                            Call Delta Community College to make             the speaking and listening skills needed
                                            an appointment 604-594-6100.                     in higher level courses such as English
                                                                                             Foundations 6 and up.
                                                     ADULT ENGLISH
            VOLUNTEERS                               FOUNDATIONS                                  ADULT FOUNDATIONS
Do you have computer and teaching skills?                                                    English Foundations 6 - EF6 - This course
                                            All Adult English Foundations courses
  Delta's Literacy and Math upgrading       work toward student mastery of skills            will help students to develop more advanced
  programs welcome volunteers. Help         and understanding of English Language            speaking, listening, reading, and writing
 someone learn online. Teach a student      Arts through instruction and practice            skills in preparation for EF 7 or English 10.
 how to use online video conferencing       of oral language, reading and writing.           Paragraph writing is emphasized.
   (such as Zoom, Google Classrom,
                                            English Foundations 1- EF1 - This course         English Foundations 7 - EF7 – This course
           Edmodo, and more).
                                            is for students with beginning level skills in   refines student’s reading, writing, and
   ADULT FOUNDATIONS classes start          English. Students will practice listening and    oral language skills developed in English
           DECEMBER 8                       speaking skills in very simple conversations.    Foundations 6 and prepares students for
                                            Students will also practice the English          English 11. Essay writing is introduced.
                                            alphabet, sounds, and numbers, as well
                                            as and reading and writing in short, basic                SOCIAL STUDIES
                                            words and phrases.                                         FOUNDATIONS
                                            English Foundations 2 - EF2 - This               Canadian Citizenship & History
                                            course builds on the skills developed in         (Levels 3 – 6):
                                            Foundations 1. Students will work on             Need help preparing for the Canadian
                                            their listening and speaking skills in simple    Citizenship Test? This is the class for you!
                                            conversations. Learning new words and            Learn about the government, geography
                                            building reading and writing skills are also     and history of Canada including the
                                            important in this course.                        tragedy of the residential school experience.
                                                                                             Celebrate Canada’s multiculturalism by
                                            English Foundations 3 - EF3 – This               watching videos, and exploring material
                                            program builds on Foundations 2 skills with      online. (Computer use required.)
                                            basic grammar, reading, and vocabulary
                                            development. Students will also practice
                                            listening and speaking skills needed for
                                            higher level courses.

                                            English Foundations 4 - EF4 - This course
                                            will teach students how to write short
                                            paragraphs. Students will also improve their
                                            reading comprehension and vocabulary
                                            while reading stories and nonfiction.
                                            Students will work on the speaking and
                                            listening skills needed to be successful in
                                            Foundations 5.

               8                                                      REGISTER: 604-594-6100
Adult Foundations
       SUPPORT COURSES                               ADULT MATHEMATICS
Companion Speaking/Listening 1/2 -
CSL1/2 - This course is for students with        MATHEMATICS FOUNDATIONS 4 - 7
very limited English language skills. The        (Math Upgrading)
focus of this course is on oral language.
Students will practice speaking and listening    Math Foundations 4-7 - Teacher support
skills through pronunciation, conversation,      and instruction is provided in a multi-level
and oral comprehension exercises.                setting. Students work individually or in
                                                 small groups.
Companion Reading 1/2 - CR1/2 -
This course is for students who have very        Math Level 4 - Students will become
limited English language skills and need         familiar with fractions and area and will be
support in reading. Students will work on        introduced to decimals, percent, order of
basic phonics, on understanding common           operation and volume.
words and symbols, and on responding to
simple written selections.                       Math Level 5 - Students continue to work
                                                 with the concepts of area and volume.           DELTA ADULT FOUNDATIONS
Companion Reading 3/4 - CR3/4 - This             They are introduced to integers, ratios,                Featuring:
course is designed for students who have an      proportions and powers.
intermediate level of skill and understanding                                                             • Continuous enrollment
in reading English. Emphasis is placed on        Math Level 6 - Students work with the                  • Free Educational Advising
improving reading comprehension skills,          concepts of polynomials, square roots,            • Part time and full time programs
grammar, and vocabulary using a range of         integers, and graphing. Prepares students               • Day and evening classes
reading materials. This course will have an      for Math at the Grade 10 level.                     • On-Line and In-Class Learning
interactive component emphasizing speaking
and listening as well as verbal expressions of   Math Level 7 - Students will work with         (Due to COVID-19, our courses are now
understanding, opinion and debate.               the concepts of operations on irrational       partly on-line. Check with us for details.
                                                 numbers, polynomials, linear functions,               Your safety is our priority.)
Companion Writing 3/4 - CW3/4 - This             and trigonometry. Prepares students for
course is designed to support students in        Math at the Grade 11 level.                                 DELTA
intermediate levels of English Foundations                                                              COMMUNITY COLLEGE
(3 - 4). Emphasis is placed on practical         INFO TECH FOUNDATIONS 1 - ITF-1                           11590 - 83 Avenue
application of writing skills and on             This is an introduction to computer skills,                  North Delta
improving grammar and vocabulary.                keyboarding, MS Word, and Excel.
                                                 This course also includes instruction                     DELTA MANOR
Companion Writing 5/6/7 - CW5/6/7 –              related to internet search skills, e-mail               EDUCATION CENTRE
This course is for students who are preparing    basics, attachments and photos. English
for higher levels of English Foundations         Foundations 3 or higher is recommended.                4750 - 57 Street, Ladner
study (Foundations 5 - 7). Emphasis is
                                                                                                   ADULT FOUNDATIONS classes start
placed on practical applications of writing
                                                                                                           December 8.
skills and on improving vocabulary.

                            REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                     9
Adult Foundations
ENGLISH SKILLS UPGRADING in South Delta                                   ONGOING REGISTRATION ONLINE AT:
DELTA MANOR EDUCATION CENTRE                                         
4750 – 57 Street, Ladner BC V4K 3C9
REGISTER ONLINE AT:                       FEATURES
Phone: (604) 594-6100                                                 · Continuous Enrollment
                                                                      · Part time and full time programs
• TUITION FREE Literacy Foundations Courses for Canadian
                                                                      · Placement assessment - ($30 per assessment)
   Citizens, Permanent Residents, Refugees, and workers with a
                                                                      · Free Educational Advising
   one year Work Visa ( to qualify with a work visa the student
                                                                      · Register anytime
   must have the intention of settling in BC)
                                                                      · Day and evening classes
• Build confidence in reading, writing, and speaking
                                                                                            Delta Community College
• Improve workplace readiness or proficiency
                                                                                   11590 83 Avenue, North Delta V4C 0C8
• Prepare for High School Completion, TOEFL, LPI, or IELTS
                                                                        MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 8:30AM - 12:00 NOON
                Delta Manor Education Centre                            Companion Reading 1/2                       CR 1/2 - 211
        4750 57 Street Ladner V4K 3C9                                   English Foundations 1/2/3                   EF1/2/3 - 211
               Room 109 - 110                                           English Foundations 4/5                     EF4/5 - 211
WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 9:00AM - 12:30PM                                     English Foundations 6/7                     EF6/7 - 211
Companion Reading 1/2/3                      CR 1/2/3/(4)–221           THURSDAY 9:00AM - 12:00PM
                                                                        Companion Speaking/Listening 1/2            CSL 1/2 - 212
                                                                        TUESDAY & THURSDAY 12:30PM - 4:00PM
English Foundations 3 – 7                    EF3/4/5/6/7-222
                                                                        Companion Writing 5/6/7                     CW5/6/7 -214
REGISTER ANYTIME!                                                       MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 6:00PM - 9:30PM
Students are invited to register anytime as all of our courses have     Companion Reading 1/2                       CR1/2 - 215
continuous enrolment.                                                   English Foundations 1/2/3                   EF1/2/3 - 215
                                                                        English Foundations 4/5                     EF4/5 - 215
IMPORTANT DATES                                                         English Foundations 6/7                     EF6/7 - 215
DCC Winter Term Begins                        Dec 8, 2020               TUESDAY & THURSDAY 8:30AM - 12:00 NOON
Foundation Courses             December 8-March 12, 2021                Information Technology Foundations 1 ITF1 - 212
Winter Break                  December 21-January 3, 2021               TUESDAY & THURSDAY 12:30PM - 4:00PM
DCC re-opens                              January 4, 2021               Canadian Citizenship & History              SSF(3-6) - 214
High School Completion Courses   Feburary 8-June 16, 2021               Math Foundations 4 - 7                      MF4-7 - 214
                                                                        TUESDAY & THURSDAY 6:00PM - 9:30PM
Due to COVID-19 our courses are now online. Check with us for           Math Foundations 4-7                        MF4-7 - 216
details. Your safety is our priority.
                                                                        FRIDAY 9:00 - 12:00 NOON
                                                                        Companion Reading 3/4                       CR3/4 - 217
                                                                        Companion Writing 3-7                       CR3/4/5/6/7-217

                10                                                     REGISTER: 604-594-6100
High School Completion
Registration is available online at
Proof of valid picture identification (ID) & transcripts must be e-mailed to: Don’t know your level? Placement tests / assessments are
available by appointment at: and (604) 594-6100. No refunds for
High School Completion courses after the first day of class.
Delta Manor Education Centre Mon - Fri 9:00am –3:30pm
Delta Community College Mon-Thu 8:30am-8:00pm, & Fri 8:30am-12:00pm BY
APPOINTMENT. Please email or phone.

All Canadian and Permanent Resident          When registering for a High School
adult students residing in British           Completion course, students must e-mail
Columbia can take TUITION FREE               proof of prerequisite such as a high school    COMPLETE YOUR HIGH
academic courses as part of the Ministry     transcript/report card or be prepared to      SCHOOL DIPLOMA NOW!
of Education’s Education Guarantee.          write an assessment. ($30.00 fee may apply)
Students must provide TWO pieces                                                           • Gain personal satisfaction
                                             REGISTRATION FEES
of ID: one showing proof of Status
                                             NEW FOR 2021: No Course Deposit                  • Improve your career
in Canada and one showing proof
                                             Required                                             opportunities
of residency in British Columbia.
Proof of Status includes a Canadian          International Students/Visitors taking
birth certificate or passport, Canadian      High School Completion courses                • Meet entry requirements or
citizenship card, Certificate of Indian      $800.00 Course Fee plus                             improve a grade
Status, Enhanced Driver’s License,           $100.00 Refundable Textbook Deposit
Permanent Resident card, Refugee                                                             • Academic courses are
                                             ASSESSMENT FEE - $30.00
document, or one year Work Permit.                                                                tuition-free!
(To qualify with a one year work permit,     Graduated adults who stop attending after
the student must have the intention of       two thirds of the course will be considered
settling in BC.)                             to have not completed the course and will
                                             receive a failing mark.
Proof of Residency includes a current
BC Driver’s License or BCID. A current       HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION
utility bill, tenancy agreement, income      We can help you if you need to:
tax statement or property tax can also be    • Complete an Adult Graduation
used, but must show name and current             Diploma.
address to be acceptable. NOTE - For         • Earn more credits towards your regular
students under 19, parents’ proof of             graduation program.
status in Canada and proof of residency      • Improve your grade in a course or
is also required.                                re-write a Provincial exam.
DAY SCHOOL STUDENTS                          • Complete a pre-requisite course for a
All Delta day school students must provide       post-secondary program.
a CE 1234 form completed and signed by
their counsellor before they can register
for an adult class. A mature attitude is
essential. Day school students from other
districts are not eligible to enroll.

                         REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                          11
High School Completion
                                    ADULT GRADUATION DIPLOMA                                                             ADDITIONAL ELECTIVE COURSES
                                    20 credits or 5 courses                                                              • Grade 10, 11 or 12 Ministry-Authorized
                                    1.English 12                                                                           course
                                      (or Communications 12) .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits                               • External Credentials
                                    2. One of: Math 11 or 12,                                                           • Board/Authority Authorized courses
                                        or Accounting 11 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits              • Post-secondary credits, and/or
                                    3. Three grade 12 courses                                                              Independent Direct Studies
                                        or Social Studies 11                                                             Total Elective Courses .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 28 Credits
                                        and two grade 12 courses  .  .  .  . 12 credits
                                    TOTAL .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 20 CREDITS          GRADUATION TRANSITIONS or
                                    Note: Students must request an Adult                                                 CAREER LIFE CONNECTIONS 12
                                    Diploma upon completion of their final                                                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                    course.                                                                              OVERALL TOTAL .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 80 credits
                                    The Adult Diploma is acceptable with most                                            Of the 80 credits needed for graduation,
                                    post-secondary institutions but specific                                             at least 16 credits must be at the Grade 12
                                    prerequisite courses may be required by                                              level, including a Grade 12 Language Arts
      CHOICES SUIT YOUR             some post-secondary programs. DO YOUR                                                course and 12 other credits. These may be
       LEARNING NEEDS!              RESEARCH!                                                                            from Required Courses or elective credits
                                                                                                                         (see table above for ways to earn elective
      Explore the options and
                                    ADULT DIPLOMA STUDENTS                                                               credits).
           Register now!
                                    1. Must be 18 years old and not in regular
REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE ONLINE        day school.                                                                      Course Descriptions
    at   2. Must complete at least three courses after
                                        enrolling in the Adult Diploma Program.                                          High School Completion Courses are
                                                                                                                         based on the BC Ministry of Education’s
                                    2018 GRADUATION DIPLOMA                                                              Integrated Resource Packages.
                                    High School students graduating after June
                                    30, 2018 are on the new 2018 graduation                                              NOTE: A grade 10 level of English is
                                    program, as per the Ministry of Education.                                           essential for successful completion of
                                                                                                                         any grade 11 or 12 course.
                                    REQUIRED COURSES
                                    1. English Language Arts 10 .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits                               *ANY COURSE DESCRIPTION WITH
                                    2. An English Language Arts 11 .  .  . 4 credits                                     THE WORD DIAL IN ITS TITLE WILL
                                    3. An English Language Arts 12 .  .  . 4 credits                                     BE COMPUTER BASED. SEE PAGE 15
                                    4. Social Studies 10 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits              FOR HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION
                                    5. A Social Studies 11 or BC First Nations                                           SCHEDULE
                                    Studies 12 (when available) .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    6. Science 10 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    7. A Science 11 or 12 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    8. A Mathematics 10 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    9. A Mathematics 11 or 12 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    10. Physical Education 10 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    11. Planning 10 Or Career
                                         Life Education .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    12. A Fine Arts and/or Applied Design,
                                         Skills, & Tech 10, 11 or 12 .  .  .  . 4 credits
                                    Total Foundation Courses .  .  .  .  .  . 48 credits

            12                                                                      REGISTER: 604-594-6100
High School Completion
Accounting 11 DIAL                              Chemistry 12 DIAL is a theoretical course
Students gain theoretical accounting            about chemical reactions, acids and bases
knowledge which forms a sound basis for         and electrochemistry.
understanding financial record keeping.
Broad themes of the courses include:            Child Development and Caregiving 12
Accounting Concepts, Financial Data,            *NEW*
Presentation, and Analysis.       Students      This Course is designed for those
will use this information as they work in       students who want to learn about the
businesses or operate their own enterprises.    physical, emotional, cognitive and social
This class is computer based with a teacher     development of children.
present for every class.
                                                Digital Communications 11
B.C. First Peoples 12 DIAL                      Students will develop advanced ICT skills
addresses the history of First Nations people   and knowledge. They will learn how to
in B.C. from prior to European contact up       create different types of documents and
to the present day, including traditions,       multimedia files, and evaluate software,
traditional territories, arts, culture and      procedures, and technology.
contemporary issues.
                                                Digital Photography 12 *NEW*
Biology 11 – Life Sciences DIAL                 Experience the creative process of digital
This course studies cell structure,             photography, from taking photos             to
reproduction, viruses, and the evolution of     editing images. Explore camera settings,
plants and animals.                             composition, exposure, colour, light,
                                                resolution, filters, styles, genres, and phone    DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS
Biology 12 – Anatomy & Physiology               apps. Learn about current photography             ABOUT COMPLETING YOUR
DIAL is a study of the human body from          careers and advertising, as well as the            GRADUATION DIPLOMA?
cell structure to system anatomy, DNA,          history of photography. Students will need         Call Delta Community College
genes, and disease. A prerequisite course       access to a digital camera or smartphone.                 at 604-594-6100
for nursing and other medical fields.           Computer access or smart phone is required                   or e-mail to
                                                during class time.                             
Calculus 12 DIAL– preparation for first
year university calculus with a focus on        English Composition 11 focuses on
limits, differentiation, applications of        analyzing, evaluating and appreciating
derivatives, integration and applications of    literary, informational, and visual texts; and
integrals.                                      using proper conventions of language and
                                                elements of style to enhance meaning and
Career Life Education 10/12 DIAL                artistry in expression and writing.
Personal planning related to career options,
resume and cover letter writing, post-          English Studies 12 expands on the
secondary education, financial planning,        concepts studied in English 11. Students
and health issues.                              are encouraged to think critically, creatively,
                                                and reflectively to analyze ideas within texts
Chemistry 11 DIAL is an introductory            in an articulate manner. The exploration of
course to a variety of chemical concepts,       text and story deepens our understanding
such as phases, the mole and balancing          of diverse, complex ideas about identity,
equations as well as chemical principles.       others, and the world.
A review of math at the grade 10 level is

                           REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                 13
High School Completion
Foundations of Math 11 DIAL focuses on problem solving,                      20th Century World History 12 DIAL
properties of angles, sine and cosine laws, inequalities in two variables,   This course looks at past nationalist movements that united
and quadratic functions and proofs.                                          people in common causes and/or led to intense conflict between
                                                                             different groups. Students also learn about the rapid development
Foundations of Math 12 DIAL focuses on financial mathematics,                of technology in the 20th century which led to profound social,
leasing versus buying, functions and relations, numerical and logical        economic, and political changes.
reasoning and problem solving. Students will require a graphing
calculator.                                                                  Delta Individualized Adult Learning (DIAL)
                                                                             Think online learning is not for you? Think again!
Law 12 DIAL is an introduction to the study of Canadian Law.
                                                                             DIAL gives you extra support through your learning journey – even
Physics 11 DIAL – it is concerned with the basic laws of nature and          online! Video conferencing and regular check-ins with the instructor
stimulates the imagination. Topics studied include: Motion in one            are all part of the individualized experience.
dimension: Energy: Waves and Photons and the transmission of
Energy.                                                                      The DIAL program provides adult students with the opportunity
                                                                             to progress through one of several BC Ministry of Education
Physics 12 DIAL – Topics include: Motion in two dimensions,                  approved high school courses available while having access to teacher
Energy, Electrostatics, Electric Circuits and Electromagnetism.              instruction and guidance in a supportive and friendly classroom and
Physics 12 topics are extended to real life application, giving students     online atmosphere. Although courses contain an online/computer-
an excellent foundation for future studies in Science, Engineering and       assisted component, the DIAL program differs from distributed
Physics.                                                                     learning (Delta Access) in that classes are smaller; students are
                                                                             expected to participate and check-in with their teacher every week.
Pre-Calculus 11 DIAL –preparation for Pre-Calculus 12 with a                 The teacher supports and assesses student progress and courses must
focus on sequences and series, quadratic functions, rational and             be completed in one semester.
absolute value equations and trigonometry.
                                                                             Students who do not complete a course within the allotted time (one
Pre-Calculus 12 DIAL – preparation for Calculus 12 with a focus on           semester) will be considered to have “not successfully completed
exponential and logarithmic functions, radical and rational functions,       the course” and may re-register in the DIAL program the following
transformations, combinations and trigonometry.                              semester and take the entire course again.
Social Studies, Explorations 11 DIAL is a study of Canada in the             Individuals progress at different rates and so some students may
twentieth century, its government structure, laws, and geography. The        complete a course before the end of the semester. English 10 or
course also addresses global issues that affect Canada.                      English Foundations 7 is required to register for a DIAL course.
Workplace Math 10 DIAL (for adults only) prepares students for
the workplace with practical applications of measurement, geometry
and formula manipulation. Business applications such as wages and
commission are also explored.

Workplace Math 11 DIAL
Real-world applications of measurement, geometry, and formula
calculations, and graphing are explored, along with the mathematics
of budgeting and finance.

Tourism 12 *NEW*
Students will learn about key hospitality issues, the development
and management of tourist locations, event planning, marketing, and
environmental issues related to leisure and travel.

                 14                                                           REGISTER: 604-594-6100
High School Completion
              COURSES:                         Delta                   Delta               North Delta Sec-
                                           Community College       Community College           ondary
         Term 2: Feb 8 – June 16                Mon / Wed               Mon / Wed              Mon / Wed
                                             9:00am – 12:00pm        6:30pm – 9:30pm        6:30pm – 9:30pm
Accounting 11                                                                            Feb 8-June 7
Apprenticeship Math 12                     Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16
B.C. First Peoples 12                      Feb 8-June 16
Biology 11 - Life Sciences                 Feb 8-June 7           Feb 8-June 7
Biology 12 - Anatomy & Physiology          Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16
Career Life Education 12                   Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16
Calculus 12                                                                              Feb 8-June 16
Chemistry 11                                                      Feb 8-June 7
Chemistry 12                                                      Feb 8-June 16
Child Development and Caregiving 12        Feb 8-June 16                                                            ACADEMIC COURSES
Foundations of Math 11                     Feb 8-June 7           Feb 8-June 7           Feb 8-June 7            All Canadian and Permanent
Foundations of Math 12                                                                   Feb 8-June 16        Resident Adult Students residing
                                                                                                                 in British Columbia can take
Law 12                                     Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16
                                                                                                               tuition-free academic courses as
Physics 11                                                                               Feb 8-June 7         part of the Ministry of Education's
Physics 12                                                                               Feb 8-June 16               Education Guarantee.
Pre-Calculus 11                                                   Feb 8-June 7           Feb 8-June 7            GAIN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                                     DIPLOMA NOW!
Pre-Calculus 12                                                   Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16
Social Studies, Explorations 11            Feb 8-June 7
Tourism 12                                 Feb 8-June 16
Workplace Math 10                                                 Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16
Workplace Math 11                                                 Feb 8-June 7           Feb 8-June 7
20th Century World History 12              Feb 8-June 16          Feb 8-June 16

                     DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
             Term 1                                        February 2021 - June 2021

Courses                            T/Th 9am-12pm             T/Th 12:30-4pm            T/Th 6:30-9:30pm

English Composition 11             Feb 11 - June 3                                     Feb 11 - June 3

English Studies 12                 Feb 11 - June 15                                    Feb 11 - June 15

Digital Communications 11                                    Feb 9 - June 7

Digital Photography 12                                       Feb 11 - June 15

                              REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                            15
Delta Access
 DELTA ACCESS Online Learning                       Online Learning for Secondary Students
   Secondary School Courses                         Delta School District is pleased to provide online learning opportunities for those interested
                                                    in courses at the grade 10 to 12 levels. All BC residents are fully funded by the Ministry of
        Available Online
                                                    Education. Graduated Adults are also funded for academic upgrading courses.
• Accounting 11
• Family Studies - Interpersonal and Family        We offer a wide variety of courses designed to meet a wide range of needs. You can expect
   Relationships 11
                                                    that by enrolling in an online course through Delta School District that you will receive a
• Family Studies - Child Development and
   Caregiving 12                                    rich educational experience taught by highly qualified teaching staff. Online curriculum
                                                    will be supported by frequent communication through a variety of electronic means and,
• Food Studies 11 and 12
                                                    if you are in the BC Lower Mainland area, by optional face-to-face communications as well.
• Physical Education 10 and 11
                                                    Online learning offers students opportunities to access instructional materials that fully meet
• Career Life Connections and Capstone (4 credit)   the provincial learning outcomes using technologies that provie access at times and places
• Career Life Connections (2 credit)                convenient to students.
• CLC Capstone (2 credit)
• Tourism 11                                        Students might choose an online course for a variety of reasons:
                                                    • You want to compress the time period in which to complete the course.
• English 10 (New Media and Spoken Language)
                                                    • You have a conflict in your timetable.
• English Language Arts 11
                                                    • Your school does not offer a course you want.
• English Studies 12                                • You want to experience an online learning course.
• Workplace Mathematics 10                          • You have a different learning style.
• Math 10 Foundations and Pre-Calculus              • You would like to upgrade a course that you have previously failed or taken and want a
• Workplace Math 11                                    higher mark.
• Math 11 Foundations and Pre-Calculus
                                                    If you wish to take an entire course of studies through Delta Access, you can register as a full
• Math 12 Apprenticeship, Foundations, and
   Pre-Calculus                                     time Distributed Learning student and the District can provide you with other, additional
                                                    support, as well.
• Calculus 12
• French 10, 11, and 12
                                                    For more information, including registration and course selection, please visit
• Spanish 11 and 12                       
• Science 10
• Biology - Life Sciences 11
• Biology - Anatomy and Physiology 12
                                                                     Language Challenge Exams
• Chemistry 11 and 12                               Are you already fluent in an additional language and interested in gaining secondary
• Earth Sciences 11                                 school level credit for it? Delta School District’s Continuing Education branch offers
                                                    Language Challenge exams in the following languages:
• Physics 11 and 12
• Science for Citizens 11
                                                                 • French 11/12		                       • Japanese 11/12
• Social Studies 10
                                                                 • Mandarin (simplified) 11/12          • Mandarin (traditional) 11/12
• Explorations in Social Studies 11                              • Korean 11/12		                       • Punjabi 11/12
• BC First Peoples 12                                            • Spanish 11/12
• 20th Century World History                        The purpose of Challenge is to permit students who have already acquired the appropriate
                                                    learning elsewhere to obtain credit for a Grade 11 or 12 course. Students who request the
• Physical Geography 12
                                                    opportunity to challenge a course must be able to give compelling evidence that they will
• Law Studies 12                                    succeed in the challenge and that it is in their best interests.
• Philosophy 12
• Psychology 11 and 12
                                                    For more information or application for future exams, please contact your school’s
• Social Justice 12                                 counselling department or visit:

                      16                                                      REGISTER: 604-594-6100
Academic Upgrading

      Tuition-free!   No resource fee!

  Learn English at home.     Register today!

             Phone: (604) 594-6100

                                       Delta Community College
                                             on Facebook
Academy Programs
                                      Academy programs are District-run elective      BASKETBALL ACADEMY
                                      classes that may or may not take place at       Grades 8 – 12 – Males and Females
                                      a different high school than where the          Coordinated by Delta Secondary teacher
                                      student attends. Programs are credited          Justin Cotter, the Basketball Academy is a
                                      courses scheduled within the school day.        high level learning opportunity that allows
                                      These courses fulfill students’ graduation      students to come from different Delta high
                                      requirements. Transportation between            schools to train at the Richmond Oval
                                      Delta schools is available for most             under certified coaches and trainers of
                                      academies. Students from both out-of-           Split Second Basketball. And the best thing
                                      catchment and out-of-district are eligible      is students maintain eligibility at home
                                      to participate in an academy program. Out-      schools as per BCSS eligibility rules, and
                                      of-district students must be registered at a    receive BC Ministry of Education course
                                      Delta school. Delview Secondary’s courses       credits. By allowing students to pursue their
                                      are not compatible nor are any grades 9-12      passion and do what they love at school, the
                                      courses at North Delta Secondary.               Academy program can help students value
                                                                                      and enjoy their time at school, helping them
                                      Applying is a two-part process:                 to develop a stronger work ethic and focus
                                      1. Apply through MyEdBC                         on both athletics and academics. (2 block
As a result of the current COVID-19   2. And also through online registration on      program every other morning)
 pandemic, Delta School District      the Delta Academies website
 has made the difficult decision                                                      DANCE ACADEMY
                                      For online application, fees, videos,           Grades 8 – 12 – Males and Females
to put all ACADEMIES on hold for
                                      program content and transportation              This academy, coordinated by DSS Teacher,
   the 2020/2021 school year.         information, visit us at: deltaacademies.       Jessica McMillan, offers students the
We thank you for your patience as     ca or call 604 952-5374.                        opportunity to work with professional
we put our focus on the priorities                                                    dance instructors Melissa Pribula and
                                      BASEBALL ACADEMY                                Tanner Plecas, as well as guest salsa
 put forward by the Ministry of       Sands Secondary                                 instructor, Jessica Caldera. Students will
Education and attend to required      Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females                      be exposed to multiple forms of dance,
          curriculum.                 The Baseball Academy is coached by the          developing their technical skills in both
                                      legendary John Haar. John’s resume is           choreography and performance. They also
                                      extensive including, being the longtime         experience a variety of field trips and guest
                                      coach of the PBL’s North Shore Twins,           instructors throughout the year. (2 block
                                      former coach of the Men’s National team,        program every other afternoon)
                                      founder of the National Baseball Institute,
                                      and International Baseball Federation’s         FILM ACTING ACADEMY
                                      top coach in 1992. John is also a two-time      The Studio – Delta Manor Education
                                      Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame inductee         Centre
                                      as a builder and coach. Students will work      Gr. 8-12 Males & Females
                                      with John, highly qualified local coaches       Coordinated by SDSS Drama Teacher,
                                      and Sands Secondary Teacher Coordinator         Jennifer McKee, this Academy offers
                                      Eric Brown. Eric spent 4 years as a pitcher     aspiring Film and TV actors the opportunity
                                      at UBC before being drafted and playing         to work with local Actors, Cameron
                                      3 seasons with the Toronto Blue Jays            Bancroft, Beverley Elliott, Richard Cox,
                                      organization. He was also an assistant          and Alex Zahara. Students will take on a
                                      coach with the UBC Thunderbirds in 2015.        serious study of on-camera work, scene
                                      Students in this academy are offered the        study, and meet industry professionals
                                      opportunity to develop and refine their         (including agents, casting directors, acting
                                      baseball skills and fitness levels throughout   coaches, etc.). Students will work on career
                                      the entire school year. (2 block program        development for success in Vancouver's
                                      every other afternoon).                         burgeoning industry. Students will work
                                                                                      in collaboration with students in the Film

            18                                          REGISTER:
Academy Programs
Production Academy. (2 block program              which may include one-on-one coaching
every other afternoon)                            preparation. This program is overseen by
                                                  Teacher Coordinator Bryce Hamade. (2
FILM PRODUCTION                                   block program every other afternoon).
The Studio Delta Manor Education
Centre                                            GOLF ACADEMY
Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females                        Delta Secondary
Coordinated by SDSS Drama teacher                 Gr. 8 - 12 Males & Females
Jennifer McKee; this academy is designed          Coached by PGA of Canada Coaches Keri
for aspiring young film, television and           Moffat and Chris Karmal, this academy
documentary makers interested in learning         meets the needs of golfers from beginner
the artistic and technical aspects of             to elite. The academy includes a 12 month
storytelling in pre-production, production        junior membership at Mayfair Lakes Golf
and post-production processes from leading        and Country Club and driving range balls
industry professionals: Garnet Campbell,          everyday they are able to practice. Elite
Jason Mills, and Sandra Almond. This              players may be eligible to participate in three
academy is ideal for students wanting to          tournaments as part of the Academy Team
develop a successful career in Vancouver's        which may include one-on-one coaching
burgeoning industry. Students will work           preparation. This program is overseen by
in collaboration with students in the Film        Teacher Coordinator Bryce Hamade. (2
Acting Academy. (2 block program every            block program every other morning).
other afternoon)
                                                  LACROSSE ACADEMY
GOLF ACADEMY                                      Grades 8 – 12 – Males and Females
Seaquam Secondary                                 The Lacrosse Academy is coached by Evan
Gr. 8 - 12 Males & Females                        Messenger, a professional NLL box player
Coached by PGA of Canada Coaches Keri             for the Vancouver Stealth, and accomplished           ACADEMY PROGRAMS are a
Moffat and Shingo Akizuki, this academy           guest community coaches including                 testament to Delta School District’s
meets the needs of golfers from beginner          professional NLL box player Logan Schuss.         commitment to engaging learners
to elite. The academy includes a 12 month         Students in this academy will further              through stimulating, relevant and
junior membership at Mayfair Lakes Golf           develop their lacrosse skills and core fitness.
and Country Club and driving range balls          College recruitment opportunities and
                                                                                                     inspiring educational experiences.
everyday they are able to practice. Elite         support applying for athletic scholarships is      We look forward to reinstating
players may be eligible to participate in three   available. The program includes knowledge             them for the 2021/2022
tournaments as part of the Academy Team           on sport nutrition, injury management, stick
which may include one-on-one coaching             stringing, athletic psychology and a variety
                                                                                                              school year.
preparation. This program is overseen by          of cross training activities. This program
Teacher Coordinator Bryce Hamade. (2              is overseen by Teacher Coordinator Patty
block program every other afternoon).             Burr who has extensive lacrosse knowledge
                                                  which includes Minor President Delta
GOLF ACADEMY AT BEACH                             Lacrosse, Coaching Coordinator, Senior
GROVE                                             Pioneers Lacrosse management, coach
Gr. 8 -12 Males & Females                         for both boys and girls box and field
Coached by PGA of Canada Coaches                  lacrosse, coach/sponsor of the South Delta
Brent Derrheim, Jordan Rodda and Taylor           Secondary lacrosse program as well as being
Kim, this academy meets the needs of              a former competitive player herself. (2
golfers from beginner to elite. The academy       block program every other afternoon)
requires a 12-month junior membership
and will include unlimited range balls
during academy sessions. Elite players
may be eligible to participate in three
tournaments as part of the Academy Team

                  REGISTER:                                                                  19
Academy Programs
                                     PERFORMANCE ACADEMY                              SOFTBALL ACADEMY
                                     Gr. 8 - 12 Males & Females                       Gr. 8 -12 Males & Females
                                     This academy offers aspiring musicians,          Coached by Paige Collings (former
                                     actors, dancers, designers, singers and          Canadian National Team and NCAA
                                     writers the opportunity to work with             Division I player, current assistant coach
                                     theatre specialists to create original musical   at UBC), Ron Clarke (former Canadian
                                     plays. Students will study script/score          National Team head coach), Susan
                                     writing, voice, acting and production design     Desrosiers (20+ years coaching at the elite
                                     from beginning to end. The Performance           level), and Leah Riske (former SFU player
                                     Academy has a special relationship with          and assistant coach). Teacher Coordinator
                                     the Vancouver Opera Company. (2 block            Paige Collings (2 block program every
                                     program every other afternoon)                   other afternoon).

                                     SOCCER ACADEMY
                                     Sands Secondary                                  VISUAL EFFECTS ACADEMY
                                     Gr. 8 -12 Males & Females                        The Studio – Delta Manor Education
                                     Coached by Martin Bittengl, a former             Centre
                                     professional player from the Czech Republic      Gr. 8-12 Males & Females
                                     and Technical Director of North Delta            This academy is designed for aspiring young
                                     Soccer and Ajit Braich, Technical Director       Visual Effects Artists (VFX)! Working
                                     of South Burnaby Metro Soccer and                with top Vancouver Industry professionals
                                     former Technical Director of North Delta         to learn the key components of VFX. In
                                     Soccer. This program offers outstanding          the foundations year students learn the
                                     skill development opportunities to soccer        basics of 3D modelling, texturing, shading,
  Delta School District has made     players with a passion and commitment to         lighting and rendering in Maya, green
                                     improve their skills and abilities. (2 block     screen keying and compositing in Nuke,
 the difficult decision to put ALL
                                     program every other afternoon)                   keyframe animation and intro to animating
 ACADEMIES ON HOLD FOR THE                                                            rigged characters, on set photography of
2020/2021 SCHOOL YEAR, due to        SOCCER ACADEMY                                   green screen elements, cloning, and the
    the COVID-19 pandemic,           South Delta Secondary                            importance of VFX data wrangling. As
                                     Gr. 8 -12 Males & Females                        students advance in the program they
  We are incredibly proud of our     This academy is coached by Vancouver             will explore matte paintings, rotoscoping,
 Academy Programs and we look        86’ers FC player and South Delta Teacher         tracking, photography while also building
 forward to reinstating them for     Coordinator, Stephen Burns and assistant         upon their core skills. This academy is ideal
   the 2021/2022 school year.        coaches, Martin Bittengl (who holds his          for students wanting to develop a successful
                                     UEFA “A” coaching licence), a former             career in Vancouver’s vibrant film industry
                                     professional player from the Czech Republic      where we are the third largest film and
                                     and Paul Bahia who is a former Whitecaps         TV production centre in North America!
                                     FC Prospects player/coach. This program          Students will work in collaboration with
                                     offers outstanding skill development             students in the Film Acting and Film
                                     opportunities to soccer players with a           Production Academy to experience a
                                     passion and commitment to improve their          real world collaborative process. (2 block
                                     skills and abilities. (2 block program)          program every other morning)

            20                                           REGISTER:
Facility Rentals
DELTA SCHOOL DISTRICT                             and conditions, and rentals permits will
FACILITY RENTALS                                  not be issued without agreement to these
The Continuing Education branch                   requirements.
coordinates community use of schools and
Delta School District facilities throughout       FACILITY RENTALS APPLICATION
the year. Facilities available for rent include   The Facilities Rentals Application is used
gymnasiums, classrooms, multipurpose              to initiate and confirm most facility rentals.
rooms, filming locations, and theatres.           For rental requests, please review our Terms
                                                  & Conditions Governing Use of School
Facilities are generally available for            Facilities and COVID-19 Safety Plan:
community use after 5:00 pm on school             Highlights Affecting Rental Groups, then
days and any time on weekends, and on             complete and submit the Facilities Rentals
non-school days such as spring and summer         Application at
breaks. Rental rates vary according to the        facility-rentals/.
age and group classification, the type of                                                            INDOOR FACILITY RENTALS
facility required, and if additional custodial    TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                 ARE CANCELLED UNTIL
time is required. For general enquiries,          GOVERNING USE OF SCHOOL                          DECEMBER 31, 2020 to support
contact Facility Rentals at 604-952-5335          FACILITIES                                       Delta School District's COVID-19
or e-mail          Rental groups must agree to the “Terms                     Safety Plan
                                                  and Conditions Governing Use of School
FACILITY USE IN DELTA SCHOOL                      Facilities”. This document outlines policies     This measure will be reviewed regularly.
DISTRICT’S COVID-19 SAFETY PLAN                   on charges, damages, accident and liability       Community rentals may be cancelled
AND LIMITS TO PUBLIC ACCESS                       insurance, supervision, fire safety, use
                                                                                                     further or opened with restrictions
Delta School District has extending its           of equipment, liquor licences, and pre-
                                                                                                    based on the evolving situation with
cancellation of all indoor facility rentals to    emption of use.
community groups until December 31, 2020
to support Delta School District’s Stage 2        WEEKEND RENTALS
COVID-19 Safety Plan. This measure will           Weekend facility rentals are subject to
be reviewed through the Fall based on the         a 4-hour minimum custodial charge to               Please check
evolving situation with COVID-19.                 provide opening and closing, security, and                   for updates
                                                  custodial services. Additional cleaning time,
This cancellation applies to all school           depending on the nature of the rental group’s
district sites but does not affect any            activities, may be required on weekdays or
Continuing Education programs, other              weekends in order to meet BCCDC Cleaning
school district-sponsored activities, or          and Disinfectants standards.
licensees at school district sites, such as
child care centres. Based on the evolving         PERFORMING ARTS
situation with COVID-19, community rentals        Rental groups performing live music or
may again be cancelled or restricted, possibly    theatrical productions are solely responsible
with short notice.                                for securing, reporting, and paying all
Please check for updates.       application tariffs, copyrights, and royalties
                                                  to bodies such as BMI, SOCAN, or any other
When it is safe for Delta School District         performing rights society or body. When
to re-open facilities to community use, all       the rental group uses recorded musical
user groups will be required to support           works as part of their public performance of
the measures in Delta School District’s           a non-concert event, such as a dance recital,
COVID-19 Safety Plan, including adherence         Delta School District must collect SOCAN
to the Provincial Health Officer’s Order          Tariff 8 fees as a separate charge and remit
for Mass Gatherings, physical distancing          them on behalf of the rental group.
measures, daily use limits, and sanitization
practices. Rental groups will be provided
with Safety Plan guidelines with the terms

                                      604-952-5335                                                                      21
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