Controlled Trial of Aerobic Exercise in Hypertension

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Controlled Trial of Aerobic Exercise in Hypertension

                       Controlled Trial of Aerobic Exercise
                                 in Hypertension
             John E. Martin, PhD, Patricia M. Dubbert, PhD, and William C. Cushman, MD, FACP

          To determine the antihypertensive efficacy of aerobic exercise training in mild essential
          hypertension, a prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted comparing an aerobic
          exercise regimen to a placebo exercise regimen, with a crossover replication of the aerobic
          regimen in the placebo exercise group. The study took place in an outpatient research clinic in
          a university-affiliated Veterans Administration medical center. Twenty-seven men with
          untreated diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 90-104 mm Hg were randomized to the two
          exercise regimens. Ten patients completed the aerobic regimen. Nine patients completed the
          control regimen, seven of whom subsequently entered and completed the aerobic regimen. The
          aerobic regimen consisted of walking, jogging, stationary bicycling, or any combination of these
          activities for 30 minutes, four times a week, at 65-80% maximal heart rate. The control regimen
          consisted of slow calisthenics and stretching for the same duration and frequency but
          maintaining less than 601% maximal heart rate. DBP decreased 9.6+±4.7 mm Hg in the aerobic
          exercise group but increased 0.8±+6.2 mm Hg in the placebo control exercise group (p=0.02).
          Systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased 6.4±9.1 mm Hg in the aerobic group and increased
          0.9±9.7 mm Hg in the control group (p =0.11). Subsequently, seven of the nine controls entered
          a treatment crossover and completed the aerobic regimen with significant reductions in both
          DBP (-6.1+3.2 mm Hg, p
Martin et al Exercise in Hypertension     1561

resting or exercise electrocardiogram (ECG). Also              ords of exercise sessions completed outside the lab-
excluded were any individuals who were adhering to             oratory, and these records were reviewed in detail
a weight loss or a sodium-restricted diet or who were          each week by the therapists.
currently exercising. For subjects who were taking                 Resting BP was assessed before each exercise
antihypertensive medications at the time they were             session; if the DBP exceeded 104 mm Hg on three
screened, drug therapy was gradually tapered and               consecutive visits, the subject was dropped from
discontinued for a minimum of 2 weeks before they              treatment and referred for alternate therapy. Other-
entered the prerandomization period. They could be             wise, subjects were not told their level of BP during
followed longer than 2 weeks, if necessary, for the            the study and they were instructed not to have their
DBP to rise into the 90-104 mm Hg range.                       BP checked outside the laboratory until the study was
   After signing consent forms approved by the Insti-          completed.
tutional Review Board, subjects were seen at weekly                Before randomization, subjects were told the pur-
intervals for at least 1 month for baseline assessment.        pose of the study was to test the effects of different
Cuff size was determined at the initial visit according        kinds of exercise on BP and that they would be
to arm circumference. At the beginning of each visit,          assigned to one of two levels of exercise, that is, "high
after 5 minutes of rest, two seated BP readings were           intensity" or "low intensity." Subjects in both groups
taken with a Hawksley random-zero sphygmoma-                   received equivalent attention from therapists and
nometer, and the mean systolic blood pressure (SBP)            were assessed at the same intervals. Two weeks after
and DBP were recorded as the visit BP. BPs were                beginning the exercise program and then at 4-week
assessed by a nurse specialist or one of two trained           intervals, subjects in both groups had a random-zero
technicians. To be eligible for randomization, the             sphygmomanometer BP reading and were weighed.
average DBP of the last three pretreatment visits and          To enhance treatment credibility and compliance to
the final pretreatment DBP had to be 90-104                    the two respective regimens, at the same 4-week
mm Hg. Additionally, the final pretreatment DBP                intervals participants were tested for improvements
could not represent a clinically significant increasing        in fitness and flexibility. Aerobic exercise subjects
or decreasing trend (e.g., 5 mm Hg or more) beyond             were given submaximal GXT at these intervals,
the two previous measures.                                     whereas control exercise subjects were given "flexi-
   Other baseline measures included body weight,               bility" assessments, which consisted of measuring
height, resting heart rate (HR), percentage of body            changes in the distance they could reach in several of
fat, 24-hour urine sodium, potassium, and creatinine           the stretching exercises. For aerobic exercise sub-
excretion, resting ECG, and a maximal graded exer-             jects, improvements (decreases) in HR at the various
cise test (GXT) using the Bruce protocol. With the             stages of the submaximal GXT and, for control
exception of height, these measures were repeated at           exercise subjects, improvements in stretching ability
the end of treatment. Percentage of body fat was               were pointed out as evidence of progress. To further
estimated from skinfold thickness obtained at four             ensure the comparability of treatments with respect
sites (triceps, biceps, subscapular, and suprailiac).          to nonspecific expectation and belief-mediated
Subjects were asked to refrain from changes in diet,           effects on blood pressure and other measures, ratings
alcohol intake, or exercise (except for the prescribed         of treatment credibility and satisfaction37 were
program) during the 10-week training period.                   obtained for all subjects after 1 month of treatment
   After completion of baseline assessment, subjects           and after treatment cessation using five-point and
were randomly assigned to aerobic exercise training            nine-point qualitative ratings.
or the control exercise condition. The treatment                   All subjects received a maximal GXT again after
programs for both groups consisted of four 30-                 the 10-week treatment phase. Subsequently, subjects
minute sessions per week, with two of the four                 who completed the control exercise regimen, and
supervised by the project staff at the laboratory and          who had not achieved a significant decline in their BP
the remaining two sessions performed by the subjects           by the end of the initial treatment period, were
independently, outside the laboratory. The program             offered the aerobic exercise regimen to serve as a
for the aerobic exercise group consisted of fast               replication of the aerobic training conducted with the
walking, jogging, cycling, or any combination of these         original experimental group.
activities at an intensity to maintain HR at 65-80%                Group-by-time-of-assessment (2 x 4) repeated
of the maximum HR attained at the pretreatment                 measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
GXT. The program for the control exercise group                test for significance of differences in the primary
consisted of stretching and easy calisthenics at an            dependent measure, DBP, as well as SBP, between
intensity maintaining an HR not to exceed 60% of               the two treatment groups at pretreatment and after
the maximum attained during the GXT. HR was                    2, 6, and 10 weeks of exercise. Thus, a repeated
monitored throughout each laboratory and home                  measures across time ANOVA was used, with treat-
exercise session with a portable HR monitor                    ment as a grouping factor. Specific multiple compar-
(Exersentry model EX-3, Respironics, Inc., Monroe-              isons were then performed using Bonferroni inequal-
ville, Pennsylvania), which had been preset to sound            ities with the overall alpha set at p=0.05. The
a tone if the HR exceeded or declined below the                 interaction term in the repeated measures ANOVA
prescribed range. Subjects were asked to keep rec-              estimates the treatment effect of differential change
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1562      Circulation Vol 81, No 5, May 1990
TABLE 1. Pretreatment Subject Characteristics                          one subject became nonadherent to the regimen
                                         Aerobic          Control      after a job-shift change. Therefore, after randomiza-
                                         exercise         exercise     tion, 77% of the aerobic exercise group and 65% of
                                          group            group       the control group completed the 10-week program.
n                                        13             14                Data from the credibility-and-satisfaction-with-
Race (% white)                          84.7            71.4           treatment ratings were analyzed for between-group
Age (yr)                                44.4± 10.1      42.6±7.7       differences using t tests, and Pearson product-
  Range (yr)                              21-54            32-53       moment correlations. It was found that the two
Body weight (kg)                         90.3±16.2      93.3±16.2      groups were comparable in terms of credibility and
Weight/ideal weight (%)                124.8±17.9      128.0±17.6      expectation for success, that is, all ratings were
Systolic BP (mm Hg)                    138.9±10.8      136.1±5.4       nonsignificantly different (t>0.05) and highly corre-
Diastolic BP (mm Hg)                     95.0±4.4       94.1±3.7       lated (r=0.97) across the two groups. Thus, treat-
Sodium excretion (meq/24 hr)           238.4±82.2      283.4±149.3     ment credibility and satisfaction ratings indicated
Potassium excretion (meq/24 hr)          78.7±31.4      71.5±36.5      that subjects' beliefs regarding the potential effec-
Resting heart rate (beats/min)           80.9±7.8       81.4±10.5      tiveness of the treatments and their willingness to
Work capacity (METS)                     11.6±2.2        10.4±2.1      recommend the treatments to a friend with a similar
                                                                       problem did not differ.
  Data expressed as the mean±SD.
   Groups were not significantly different (p
Martin et al Exercise in Hypertension          1563

        TABLE 2. Mean Pretreatment, Posttreatment, and Changes in Values* for Aerobic and Control Groups
                                                                                                                 of time X
                                                 Aerobic exercise group         Control exercise group             group
                                                         (n = 10)                       (n =9)                  interaction
        Diastolic BP (mm Hg)
          Pre                                           94.8+4.6                       93.7±3.6
          Post                                          85.2±5.0                      94.4±4.3
          Change                                        -9.6±4.7                      +0.8±6.2                      0.02
        Systolic BP (mm Hg)
          Pre                                          136.6±9.4                      134.9+5.7
          Post                                         130.2±10.2                     135.8±7.9
          Change                                       -6.4±9.1                       +0.9±9.7                     0.11
        Resting heart (beats/min)
          Pre                                           80.7±8.5                      78.8±9.8
          Post                                          72.4±9.4                      76.8±10.3
          Change                                        -8.3±9.7                      -2.4±15.9                     0.34
        Work capacity (METS)
          Pret                                           11.2±2.3                       9.7± 1.7
          Postt                                          13.2±1.8                      11.2± 1.4
          Changet                                       +2.0±2.2                      +1.5±1.2                      0.55
        Body weight (kg)
          Pre                                             90.3±18.0                      92.0±15.8
          Post                                            89.9±17.0                      92.4±16.9
          Change                                          -0.4±1.9                       +0.4±1.4                   0.32
        Body fat (%)
          Pre                                              29.8+5.8                      34.2±4.6
          Post                                             29.1±6.7                      33.9±4.0
          Change                                          -0.7±2.8                       -0.2±1.6                   0.78
        Sodium excretion (mEq/24 hr)
          Pre                                            235.8±7.4                      283.0±137.6
          Post                                           202.5±36.3                     258.4+101.5
          Change                                        -33.4±91.3                     -24.6±+148.6                 0.58
        Potassium excretion (mEq/24 hr)
          Pre                                             81.6±33.7                      76.3±41.0
          Post                                             74.8±32.4                     97.1±66.5
          Change                                          -6.8±25.0                    +20.7±66.5                   0.70
          Pre, pretreatment; Post, posttreatment.
          *Groups were not significantly different (p
1564          Circulation Vol 81, No 5, May 1990

                Aerobic Exercise         Control Exercise                 X

       160r                                                    160
                                                                                  142-       line
                                                                                                        Exercise                   Crossover
       150                                                     150                138

                 2                                                                                                                                        -   Exercise
                                                                          06                                                                        - -       Control
       40                                                      140                134-
 E     130                                                                =3a30   130
 E                                                                            °   126                              l       a   *

 a)                                                                       c
                                                                           c.            4          0   4    8    1 2 1 6                20    24
       20                                                     i19n
 CD)                                                                                                     Treatment Week
                                                                      FIGURE 3. Plotting of mean systolic blood pressures in
       110                                                     110    millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) for aerobic exercise group
 0                                                                    (n=10) and nonaerobic exercise controls (n=9) across pre-
       100                                                     100    treatment baseline and treatment (weeks 2 6, and 10), and
                                                                      crossover replication (weeks 14, 18, and 22) for control
       90                                        2             90     exercise subjects (n = 7) who were subsequently provided aer-
                                                                      obic exercise training.
       80                                                      80
                                                                            panied by changes in weight, body fat, or 24-hour
        701                                          to
                                                              J70           urine sodium or potassium excretion. We believe this
             -2               10           -2
                                                                            study provides evidence for the independent antihy-
                              Treatment Week                                pertensive effect of aerobic exercise in mild essential
FIGURE 1. Plotting of individual diastolic (O) and systolic                 hypertension.
(o) blood pressures in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) before                    Although habitual practice of vigorous exercise has
and after treatment.                                                        been shown in epidemiological surveys to be inversely
                                                                            related to hypertension risk, independent of other
   Resting HR, body weight, and sodium and potas-                           known     risk factors for hypertension,1-4 and although
sium excretion did not change for these subjects                            prospective clinical studies have suggested the BP
(Table 3). Work capacity, however, increased                                lowering potential of exercise,5-31 the evidence for
1.2+1.3 METS between ending the control exercise                            the   efficacy of exercise in the treatment of high BP
treatment and completing the subsequent aerobic                             has been inconsistent. In normotensive subjects, sev-
training regimen (p=0.025).                                                 eral studies have failed to show any BP lowering
                                                                            effect from exercise,3942 whereas others suggest a
                             Discussion                                     moderate BP lowering effect.7910"1123-25,43 In hyper-
   In this study, subjects were randomly assigned to                        tensive patients, of the 30 studies conducted to date
either aerobic training or a placebo control treatment                      on exercise treatment,5-31,44-46 seven,10,l3,23,24,44-46 or
consisting of stretching and easy calisthenics. Signif-                     23%, found no significant antihypertensive effect of
icant reductions in BP occurred only with aerobic                            exercise, and many failed to rule out the confounding
exercise. Importantly, BP reduction was not accom-                          effects of dietary sodium or potassium intake, body
                                                                            weight, or body fat changes as an alternative expla-
                                                                            nation for the BP changes. Additionally, of the 30
                                                                            studies, only nine were randomized controlled stud-
 E 98 Base         Exercise          Crossover                              ies using hypertensive controls.10,12,17,19,21,22,29-31
                                                                            None compared exercise to a credible alternative
   n94-                                                                     treatment or attention/placebo. Furthermore, in two
                                                                            of these controlled studies,12,17 the untreated hyper-
                            90 90-
                                                                            tensive controls exhibited significant average reduc-
                                                  -a--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Control
                                                                            tions in BP (mainly DBP) similar to their exercised
 c 86                                                                       counterparts. This is consistent with the experience
                                                                            in the Australian National Blood Pressure Study in
                                                                            which 48% of the mild hypertensive subjects were
 =     -4    0      4      8     12   16    20 24                           normotensive on placebos after 3 years, with most of
                     Treatment Week                                         the BP change occurring within the first few
FIGURE 2. Plotting of mean diastolic blood pressures in                     months.47
millimeters of mercuty (mm Hg) for aerobic exercise group                       The present study was designed with these limita-
(n=10) and nonaerobic exercise controls (n=9) across pre-                   tions in mind and, therefore, included a randomized
treatment baseline and treatment (weeks 2, 6, and 10), and                  control group of hypertensives who received an exer-
crossover replication (weeks 14, 18, and 22) for control                    cise placebo treatment for comparison with the aer-
exercise subjects (n= 7) who were subsequently provided aer-                obic exercise regimen. As such, this study represents
obic exercise training.                                                     an evaluation of the efficacy of aerobic exercise in

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Martin et al Exercise in Hypertension     1565
        TABLE 3. Before and After Aerobic Exercise Data for Crossover Replication Subjects
                                                 Baseline         After aerobic training       Change           p
        n                                        7
        Race (% white)                          71.4
        Systolic BP (mm Hg)                    139.1±+10.6            130.0+7.9               -9.1±5.7        0.005
        Diastolic BP (mm Hg)                    96.0±3.7               89.6±3.2               -6.1±3.2        0.007
        Resting heart rate (beats/min)          76.2±11.1              73.5±6.0               -2.7±13.0       0.301
        Work capacity (METS)                    11.3±1.6               12.6±1.9               +1.2±1.3        0.025
        Body weight (kg)                        86.6±9.5               86.1±8.4               -0.5±1.8        0.246
        Sodium excretion (meq/24 hr)           266.9±109.7            279.6±118.1            +12.7+116.3      0.391
        Potassium excretion (meq/24 hr)         83.6±80.2             104.2±68.3             +20.1+64.5       0.222
          BP, blood pressure.

mild hypertensive subjects that isolates the effects of            training after the ineffective control protocol completed
exercise from nonspecific treatment effects such as                the second 10-week program. The recent popularity
amount of therapist attention, patient expectation of              and increase in facilities and equipment for aerobic
treatment success, and repeated measurement of BP.                 exercise should make this form of nonpharmacological
   The relative size of the DBP reduction found in                 treatment reasonably practical for the mildly hyperten-
the present evaluation (9.6 mm Hg) is very similar to              sive population. Additionally, in recent years behavioral
that of previous studies of exercise in hypertension.              strategies have been developed and validated for
This effect was replicated by using a partial crossover            enhancing the acquisition and maintenance of the
to further evaluate its reliability. That is, when the             exercise habit.48-52
aerobic training was offered and subsequently pro-                    The subjects in this study were young-to-
vided to the seven control exercise subjects who                   middle-aged untreated mildly hypertensive men who
agreed to continue participation in the project, sig-              were, on average, 25-30% overweight. This study
nificant reductions occurred once again in DBP (6.1                does not address the potential response of women,
mm Hg) and, this time also, in SBP (9.1 mm Hg).                    the elderly, nonvolunteers, thin hypertensive sub-
Furthermore, of the 17 subjects who received the 10                jects, moderate-to-severe hypertensive subjects, or
weeks of aerobic training (10 randomly assigned                    medicated hypertensive subjects at any level, nor is it
originally to aerobic exercise and seven who crossed               necessarily representative of the response expected
over to aerobic training after completing the control              in less systematically conducted or supervised pro-
exercise protocol), 14 (82%) achieved DBP levels less              grams. Our study was not designed to examine the
than or equal to 90 mm Hg.                                         mechanisms by which exercise might decrease BP;
   The fact that the reduction in SBP of -6.4±9.1                  however, the changes observed could not be
mm Hg, although clinically meaningful, did not reach               explained by any changes in body weight, body fat, or
statistical significance can be attributed to the rela-            urinary sodium or potassium excretion although this
tively higher variability in SBP as compared with                  was a relatively obese population with high sodium
DBP, and because a priori power analyses to deter-                 intakes (consistent with that found in the southeast-
mine minimum group sizes were only conducted on                    ern U.S.). Larger-scale controlled studies might now
DBP, the primary dependent variable. Not surpris-                  be warranted to further establish the safety and
ingly, a post-hoc power analysis indicated that much               effectiveness, as well as the reliability and ability to
larger groups would have been required to detect                   generalize the antihypertensive effects of exercise.
SBP change differences of the magnitude of those                   Additional questions that need to be addressed in
found in this study. Despite this limitation, in the               these studies include the necessary dose and duration
crossover replication, aerobic exercise was associated             of treatment and the mechanism or mechanisms of
with a statistically as well as clinically significant             antihypertensive effect.
reduction in SBP of -9.1 mm Hg. Thus, SBP should                      The present study provides evidence for the inde-
be investigated as a primary dependent variable in                 pendent BP lowering effect of aerobic exercise in
future studies with larger sample sizes.                           unmedicated mildly hypertensive men. A systematic
   One limitation of the present study concerns the                program of vigorous exercise might be an acceptable
ability to generalize these findings for the treatment              alternative to drug treatment in select hypertensive
and early control of elevated BP in a large population.             subjects. The role of exercise as adjunctive therapy
Given the well-documented problems in achieving ade-               with drugs is an attractive alternative to adding new
quate medication compliance in treated hypertensive                 drugs or increasing doses of current medication;
subjects, it might be expected that there would be more             however, this has not been adequately investigated.
significant problems with a more complex and time-                  Despite the potential difficulty of attempting to
consuming exercise regimen. Yet, 77% of the subjects                obtain long-term adherence to exercise regimens, the
who were randomized completed the 10-week pro-                      apparent beneficial effects of exercise on hypertension,
gram, and 100% of those who crossed over to aerobic                 as well as on other important cardiovascular risk factors
                         Downloaded from by guest on September 22, 2015
1566      Circulation Vol 81, No 5, May 1990

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Controlled trial of aerobic exercise in hypertension.
                         J E Martin, P M Dubbert and W C Cushman

                                   Circulation. 1990;81:1560-1567
                                   doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.81.5.1560
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