Coppafeel! head of Partnerships job pack - June 2020

Page created by Melvin Cole
Coppafeel! head of Partnerships job pack - June 2020
Coppafeel! head of Partnerships
            job pack
            June 2020
Coppafeel! head of Partnerships job pack - June 2020
Thank you so much for your interest in the role of Head         This role is maternity cover for our current Head of              It is genuinely a privilege to work at CoppaFeel!. What we
of Partnerships at CoppaFeel! We really hope you will           Partnerships and we need someone to oversee                       may not be able to match in salary compared to similar
find this pack informative, and will help you decide            CoppaFeel!’s partnerships strategy to ensure targets are          jobs in the sector, we can make up for in responsibility,
whether you are the right person for this opportunity.          accurately planned and met. This year we were announced           accountability, experience and life changing impact - not to
                                                                as Asda’s Tickled Pink’s second charity partner. It is the        mention a truck load of fun.
                                                                largest partnership CoppaFeel! has ever experienced and
CoppaFeel! is a very special, some might say ‘cool’             no global pandemic will stop us from putting our all into this,
organisation, and one that has proven to change behaviour,                                                                        We are a dynamic and innovative charity in the process of
                                                                both for the sake of getting through tough times and thriving     adapting to current times whilst never dropping our focus on
and ultimately save lives. The charity was set up in 2009 by    at the other end!
it’s founder Kris Hallenga and since then has grown into a                                                                        growth in the future, with a new five year strategy to get back
boob education machine. It is our mission to stamp out the                                                                        on track as soon as possible, which is heavily supported by
                                                                The right candidate will implement and oversee a                  partnerships.
late detection of breast cancer and we will do that by
                                                                sustainable partnerships approach that works during these
educating young people up and down the country through                                                                            This appointment is a crucial one for CoppaFeel! and we
                                                                uncertain times, but also builds on relationships for the
ambassador schemes such as The Boobettes, infiltrating                                                                            want to be sure of finding the right person. If you wish to
                                                                future. There is plenty of scope to really refine and perfect
uni campuses, setting up boob camp at festivals, hijacking                                                                        know more, we warmly welcome you to get in contact.
                                                                our approach and delivery.
national media spaces and growing a strong online platform.
We provide a free and very simple message: Check your
boobs regularly, as it may save your life one day. We will      We are, of course, seeking an experienced fundraising             Good Luck!
never hold this message at ransom and will not charge for it.   professional with strong leadership skills, strategic vision
Which is where you come in! Although people assume              and innovation. But, importantly, we are also seeking
awareness doesn’t come with a price tag, it unfortunately       someone who genuinely shares the values of CoppaFeel!
does cost money to run the Boob Ship so we can continue         and who will really thrive in this key role of maximising on
                                                                this fundraising stream with as little disruption as possible.    Director of Fundraising
to speak to over 100,000 people every month.
                                                                Our partnerships bring in much needed funds but they also
                                                                raise a great deal of awareness, which is equally valued.
Coppafeel! head of Partnerships job pack - June 2020
About coppafeel
CoppaFeel! ® exists to educate and remind every young person             What is our Vision?                                                     message, time and funding is as effective as possible
in the UK that checking their boobs isn’t only fun, it could save
                                                                         To live in a world where all breast cancers are diagnosed at the        We work with health professionals and policy makers to give early
their life. We are the first breast cancer charity in the UK to create
                                                                         earliest stage possible when treatments are more successful and         diagnosis the prominence it needs and deserves.
awareness amongst young people, with the aim of instilling a new
healthy habit that could one day save their life.                        survival rates are higher
                                                                                                                                                 What are our key messages?
                                                                         What is our purpose?
We are a very small team which, collectively, has one almighty big                                                                               We have three key messages; you need to know and learn. They are
voice. Where we lack in experience and skills, we make up for in         To help everyone stand the best possible chance of surviving            CoppaFeel!’s bread and butter and every representative should be
determination and valour. We were founded out of a need to right         breast cancer by educating young people on the importance of            able to communicate these to others:
wrongs, and when we hear of more people diagnosed late, or young         getting to know their boobs. We shouldn’t have to exist and we do
people dying from this disease, we know there isn’t a more powerful      everything that we can to ensure that one day won’t need to exist       1. To check your boobs
reminder to get up out of bed every morning.
                                                                                                                                                 It’s that simple. You won’t know what’s normal for you until you check
                                                                         What is our action?                                                     your boobs regularly and make it a habit of a lifetime.
CoppaFeel! is about more than discovering a cancer diagnosis. It’s
about empowering ourselves to be proactive about our own health          We target young people in their natural habitat, be it at a festival    2. Know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer
and body, as well as our outlook on life. It’s about knowing your        or on their university campuses, we will be there to integrate a life
boobs; knowing that if you do find something, you know what to do        saving message into their lives                                         Be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, there is no right
and if found early, you have many options. Put simply, breast cancer                                                                             or wrong way to check your boobs, just check all the way up to your
does not need to be detected late, and as long as we are here            We offer free and easy reminder services such as a monthly text         collar bone and your armpit and get coppin’ a feel regularly.
and continue to be supported by people like you, we will do all we       message, shower stickers and our Boob Bot live chat on
can do make sure this doesn’t continue to happen.                        Messenger for real time guidance on boob checking 101. We’re            3. If you think something’s wrong, get it checked out
                                                                         like a friendly bop on the head when you least expect it
We are a registered charity in England and Wales (no. 1132366)                                                                                   If someone does show on-going signs of breast cancer, don’t put off
which was set up in 2009 with the following objectives as stated in      We garner corporate support to co-brand and reach out to new            going to a doctor, and get it checked out. If the doctor is dismissive
the Memorandum and Articles of Association:                              audiences                                                               and doesn’t put your mind at ease, demand further tests.

- To promote understanding of breast cancer through                      We launch captivating, and some times challenging, national
education and awareness                                                  awareness campaigns that produce memorable PR

- To organise events and activities to generate income                   We organise events that don’t just raise funds, but awareness too
for charitable aims                                                      We enlist young breast cancer survivors to be our voice and create
- To cooperate with other organisations to achieve common                peer-to-peer awareness
goals in synergy with our aims                                           We ask famous faces to help us reach an even wider audience
                                                                         We may work with other cancer related organisations to ensure our
Coppafeel! head of Partnerships job pack - June 2020
About coppafeel
Our fundraising values                                                                                                                     Governance
                                                                       They very much make up the core of our operations, but in the
We believe that our spending focuses entirely on enriching our core    periphery we have a big CoppaFeel! family of volunteers who are     CoppaFeel! is a registered charity and company limited by
mission.                                                               on hand to help out at events, be they fundraising or otherwise.    guarantee. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the
                                                                       Added to that we have 130 Boobettes dotted around the UK            governance of the organisation. Responsibility for the
We believe in transparency: charities must be open about how and
                                                                       spreading the boob word in schools and work places, as well as      management, development and monitoring of CoppaFeel! lies with
on what they spend charity donations.
                                                                       our Uni Boob Team Leaders in 70 universities.                       the Senior Management Team, led by the Chief Executive. Our
We know just how hard fundraising is so we are careful about how                                                                           trustee board is made up of a range of skills and input by six
we spend it and with every penny we spend, and every sticker we        Your role will be at Head of Department level within the            members, who meet 3-4 times per year.
hand out, we think of the awesome people who helped raise the          fundraising team, reporting in to the Director of Fundraising.
funds to pay for them.

We are world champions at blagging and begging for resources and       The Team is made up of:                                             Location
delivering huge projects on a shoestring budget.                       Founder                                                             Boob HQ is situated in Bermondsey, near the iconic Tower Bridge.
Key Facts                                                                                                                                  We are lucky to be close to Bermondsey Street and all it’s culinary
                                                                       CEO (SMT)
                                                                                                                                           and boutique delights! It is a 15 min walk to London Bridge which is
(Based on annual market research carried out by independent            Director of Business Support (SMT)                                  serviced by National Rail, buses and the underground.
research company)                                                      Director of Education and Health Comms (SMT)
                                                                                                                                           At the moment our entire team are working remotely and this is
If you are aware of CoppaFeel! you are significantly more likely to    Director of Fundraising (SMT)                                       being reviewed regularly as we hear more from the Government.
know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer                           Head of Partnerships (Fundraising)
Women who are aware of CoppaFeel! are 14% more likely to check         Creative and Brand Manager (Awareness Team)
                                                                                                                                           Financial info you might find useful…
their breasts                                                          Marketing and Brand Partnerships Mgr (Awareness/Fundraising Team)
                                                                                                                                           Income streams – the majority of our income is via fundraising; either
Uni Students aware of CoppaFeel! are more likely to check their        Social Media Manager (Awareness)
                                                                                                                                           from our own events or the hard work of individual community
breasts                                                                Events Fundraising Manager (Fundraising)                            fundraisers. Income from corporate partnerships is rapidly growing
Recognition of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer is increasing   Community and Corporate Fundraising Manager (Fundraising)           and quickly becoming our largest area of income.
                                                                       Student Campaigns Manager (Awareness/Fundraising)
The perceived role of breast cancer charities to encourage the first
check is increasing                                                    Education Programmes Manager (Awareness)                            A copy of our latest impact report can be found here:
                                                                       Healthcare Engagement Coordinator (Awareness)             
Our People
                                                                       Fundraising Assistant (Fundraising)
We currently employ 14 full time and 2 part time members of staff.
                                                                       Office & Admin Assistant (Operations)
Coppafeel! head of Partnerships job pack - June 2020
Job description
Head of Partnerships                                                    The role will be a mixture of direct, hands on delivery of high level   •   To be flexible with working hours and be willing to work
                                                                        account management for our largest partners at the same time as             weekend hours where appropriate (i.e. fundraising events)
CONTRACT:                                                               strategic planning, analysis, income development, networking and            where time off in lieu will be rewarded
Fixed Term – 11 months maternity cover with the possibility of          implementing changes where necessary.                                   •   To carry out other tasks as required by the CEO/Director of
extension                                                                                                                                           Fundraising occasionally
                                                                        MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES
Start date: 1 September 2020                                                                                                                    SKILLS AND ATTRIBUTES
                                                                        •   To lead on the implementation of the new CoppaFeel! corporate
SALARY:                                                                     partner strategy                                                    Essential
£38,000 p.a pro rata                                                    •   To observe, analyse and react flexibly to the partnership climate   • Experience managing multiple, large corporate partnerships
                                                                            at CoppaFeel! working on both proactive and reactive new            • Experience managing a variety of different types of partnerships
RESPONSIBLE TO:                                                             business                                                               (e.g. employee fundraising, transactional, programme focussed
                                                                        •   To oversee consistently high quality account management                partnerships, income focussed partnerships etc)
Director of Fundraising                                                     within the team                                                     • Experience of working with budgets
                                                                        •   To develop excellent relationships with our top partners            • Experience of securing numerous partnerships
RESPONSIBLE FOR:                                                        •   To prepare a forecast and budget for the partnership                • Experience of researching and prospecting for new partners
Marketing and Brand Partnerships Manager                                    department in 2021                                                  • Mind blowing organisational and planning skills
                                                                        •   To be responsible for the success of the partnerships budget -      • Knowledge of Microsoft Office and strong IT skills
ROLE SUMMARY:                                                               roughly £900k+                                                      • Bags of initiative
                                                                        •   To coordinate the support of numerous staff members in              • Love working with people (hundreds of inspirational fundraisers,
The Head of Partnerships is a busy and significant role at                  different teams for the purpose of account managing partners           to be precise)
CoppaFeel!. We need someone to take responsibility for our              •   To line manage the Marketing and Brand Partnerships Manager         • Love working in a fast paced, varied and vibrant environment
growing number of interested prospects and the shift to a proactive                                                                             • Enthusiastic, energetic, self-motivated
strategy alongside our already successful reactive strategy. We also    GENERAL DUTIES OF A COPPAFEEL! EMPLOYEE                                 • An understanding of how a small charity operates
need someone to take on the management of our largest                                                                                           • Not afraid to wear a boob costume (!)
partnership to date: Asda. We are a small but mighty team at a very     •   To work cooperatively and effectively with colleagues to ensure
exciting turning point as we look to grow the partnerships area - for       CoppaFeel! achieves its annual plan and longer term strategy        Desirable
both income and awareness purposes.                                     •   Update database with relevant contacts                              • Clean and valid driving licence
                                                                        •   To assist in identifying and highlighting key external trends       • Line management experience
We need someone who can hit the ground running, working closely             which are relevant to the Charity’s operation and provide
with the Director of Fundraising to make a success of Breast cancer         relevant advice
Awareness month with Asda and shift our way of working to a more        •   To participate, as appropriate, in staff forums and meetings
strategic approach to help ensure we secure much needed income          •   To adhere to CoppaFeel!’s Policies and Procedures
for 2020 and plan for 2021 onwards sustainably.
   The extras
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US                                                MAIN BENEFITS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                 HOW TO APPLY
                                                                           Annual Leave: 22 days - excludes public holidays                    We’d like a covering letter outlining why you think you are right for
In return for your commitment and enthusiasm, we offer a positive,
                                                                                                                                               the role, and why it is you would like this role specifically. A
friendly and tremendously motivating working environment. We are a         Extra leave: 1 day of leave on our Founder’s Cancerversary (19th
                                                                                                                                               maximum of two sides please!
small charity which means you will be involved in more areas of the        February)
organisation that you would in a large one.                                                                                                    We’d also like your CV to go with this.
                                                                           Even more leave: Office close down over Christmas (roughly four
                                                                           days depending on the days public holidays land on)                 The closing date for this is 10am Monday 22nd June.
We are also at a very exciting turning point and are a charity in the
midst of rapid growth which makes for a fast paced, open minded,           That’s not enough leave: On the day of your birthday (or nearest    First interviews are likely to be held week commencing 29th June.
flexible working environment. Since COVID-19, growth has                   weekday if it falls on a weekend) you have the day off
inevitably been put on the back burner, however we are all still in that
positive mind-set and ready to react and develop, no matter what is        TOIL: Awarded for any weekend events
                                                                                                                                               Please upload your CV and cover letter via our online application
thrown at us!                                                              Active Fund: Up to £40 can be expensed per month for gym            form found on our vacancies page
                                                                           membership or classes
We encourage self development and believe this role, at this unusual
time would be a pivotal moment in someone’s career as well as in           Employee Assistance Programme: Advice and support offered by
                                                                                                                                               CoppaFeel! welcomes applications from black, Asian and minority
CoppaFeel!’s history!                                                      an external body
                                                                                                                                               ethnic candidates, LGBTQ+ candidates, candidates with
                                                                           Daily flexi time: 8.5 hour day, starting any time between 8am and   disabilities, and from men, because we would like to increase the
                                                                           10am                                                                representation of these groups within the charity. We promote
                                                                                                                                               equality, diversity and inclusion in our workplace and make
                                                                           Notice Period: 2 months
                                                                                                                                               recruitment decisions by matching the charity's needs with the
                                                                           Working hours: 8.5 hours a day with an hour for lunch               skills and experience of candidates, irrespective of age, disability
                                                                                                                                               (including hidden disabilities), gender, gender identity or gender
                                                                           Working from home: Currently compulsory (!), there will be a
                                                                                                                                               reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and
                                                                           staggered approach to returning and we can be flexible from that
                                                                                                                                               maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. We are
                                                                           point onwards
                                                                                                                                               keen to encourage a diverse range of perspectives, skills ,
                                                                                                                                               experience and knowledge at the charity.
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