Coronavirus (COVID-19) RISK ASSESSMENT - University of ...

Page created by Adrian Higgins
Assessment of the risk of a member of staff, student or other person contracting or spreading COVID-19 while on UAL premises.
UAL will continue to follow all Government guidance regarding the management of the risks from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring control
measures are in place to reduce the risk of any persons spreading or contracting the virus whilst on UAL premises.
UAL will continue to strongly encourage all staff and students to:
   •   use face coverings unless they are exempt
   •   maintain hand hygiene by frequent handwashing and using hand sanitiser stations
   •   maintain social distancing where it makes sense to do so (e.g. in crowded or less ventilated spaces)
   •   continue to observe the UAL Community Pledge
   •   take personale responsibility to act sensibly
   •   regularly (twice a week at least 3-4 days apart) take a lateral flow test
   •   tell UAL if you test positive for coronavirus or have symptoms and are self isolating awaiting results from a PCR test through ‘Report
   •   Participate in the NHS vaccination programme to get vaccinated
This is a University-level overarching risk assessment. Separate overarching risk assessments have been carried out to cover the Retail &
Catering and Accomodation Services areas, with local COVID-19 risk assessments being reviewed or completed in other areas e.g. workshops
and studios or for activities e.g. events to reflect the specific risk and identify the control measures required.

In addition, UAL will continue to Government advice on international travel and requirements for vaccination, testing and quarantine and staff
and students will be required to follow the COVID-19 rules in their destination.

COVID-19 Executive Board are responsible for implementing this risk assessment and monitoring the effectiveness of the control measures
identified, supported by responsible directors and their teams including the Director of Estates, Director of Communications, Director of Health
and Safety, Director of Human Resources, Dean of Students, Executive Officer, Directors of College Administration, Deans.
External references:
DFE COVID-19 operational guidance for HE institutions, see:
HSE COVID-19 guidance, see: and

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USHA and UCEA guidance, see:
Information on setting up NHS QR codes for events etc, see:
NHS information on Clinically Extremely Vulnerable persons, see:
Ordering LFD tests to be sent to a home address, see

Name(s) of Assessor(s):           Director of Health and Safety, Head of Health and Safety and Health and Safety Team

                                  President and Vice-
                                  Chancellor, and Chair of                   Date of risk
Risk Owner:                                                                                                     20 September 2021
                                  COVID Executive Board                      assessment:
                                                                                                                Every 8 weeks, or sooner, if there is a significant change in
Risk rating                       HIGH                                       Review frequency:                  government policy or public health advice, and in the event
                                                                                                                of an outbreak being declared within the University

Review schedule
                          Version           Have changes
Review dates              number            been made?   Summary of changes
1. 19 July 2021                                          New draft document supersedes previous COVID-19 risk assessments which should be
                          Draft v.4         Y
                                                         withdrawn – issued for comment. NB previous draft versions circulated within H&S team.
2. 30 July 2021           Draft v.5         Y                        Updated draft following feedback issued for review by Chair of CEB

3. 05 August 2021         2.0               Y                        Finalised for publication following review and approval from chair of CEB.
4. 20 September
                          3.0               Y                        Full review and update to reflect latest information and guidance on COVID-19.

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No.   [1] What are the     [2] Who could be harmed?                           [3] What control measures are                          [4] Who is responsible         [5] What further
      hazards and                                                                required to prevent/limit the                       for implementing these            controls/action
      how could                                                                  virus spreading?                                    control measures                  s (if any) are
      these cause the                                                                                                                                                  required and
      spread of the                                                                                                                                                    who is
      virus /cause                                                                                                                                                     responsible for
      harm?                                                                                                                                                            implementing
1.    Person               Staff                                              UAL will                                               Associate Director of
      contracts or         Students                                                                                                  Estates Management &
      spreads              Contractors                                        1.A continue to follow the HSE’s                       Development
      COVID-19 by          Visitors                                           guidance on cleaning, hand-
      not washing          Members of the public                              hygiene and use of hand sanitiser                      Head of Campus
      their hands or                                                          found here and ensure that:                            Services
      not washing                                                             • water, soap and paper towels,
      them                                                                       continuous roller towels or                         Director of
      adequately                                                                 electrical dryers are provided in                   Communications
                                                                                 all toilets and other washing
                                                                              • information is provided within
                                                                                 washing facilities to remind
                                                                                 people on when and how to
                                                                                 wash their hands properly;
                                                                              • additional cleaning of high
                                                                                 touch point areas is maintained;
                                                                              • hand sanitiser is provided
                                                                                 throughout the estate for the
                                                                                 occasions when people can’t
                                                                                 wash their hands; and
                                                                              • antibacterial disinfectant wipes
                                                                                 are provided for people to clean
                                                                                 desks and equipment.

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                                                                            1.B monitor the controls to ensure
                                                                            that they are effective and are
                                                                            being used e.g. by monitoring use
                                                                            of hand gel and wipes, and
                                                                            contractor performance in respect
                                                                            of enhanced cleaning.

                                                                            1.C remind all persons of the need
                                                                            for good hand hygiene through
                                                                            staff and student communications,
                                                                            and visitor briefings.

2.   Person              Staff                                              2.A UAL will:                                          Associate Director of
     contracts or        Students                                              • continue to encourage the                         Estates Management &
     spreads             Contractors                                              wearing of face coverings in                     Development
     COVID-19 in         Visitors                                                 busy communal and non-
     commonly            Members of the public                                    teaching/technical areas to                      Directors of College
     used, busy or                                                                reduce the likelihood of the                     Administration
     high traffic                                                                 virus spreading;
     areas                                                                     • retain the ability to reinstate                   Heads of Technical
                                                                                  social distancing measures                       Resources
                                                                                  should this be required by
                                                                                  the public health authorities                    Interim Director of
                                                                                  as a result of a local                           Library and Student
                                                                                  outbreak;.                                       Support Services
                                                                               • retain clear screens
                                                                                  between people such as
                                                                                  those in reception
                                                                                  areas,small meeting rooms,
                                                                                  libraries, canteens;
                                                                               • encourage staff to hold
                                                                                  meetings online where
                                                                                  appropriate, particularly
                                                                                  large meetings, (even for
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                                                                                     people working in the same
                                                                                     building) to reduce the
                                                                                     number of people moving
                                                                                     around/ sharing the same
                                                                                     space and reducing the
                                                                                     need for travel between UAL
                                                                                •    retain social distance
                                                                                     signage on desks (ticks and
                                                                                     crosses) and encouraging
                                                                                     people to spread out if they
                                                                                     can/ want to;
                                                                                •    maintain and encourage
                                                                                     one-way systems where
                                                                                     possible in corridors or
                                                                                     regularly used pedestrian
                                                                                     traffic routes;and
                                                                                •    retain enhanced ventilation
                                                                                     measures across the estate
                                                                                     in line with industry best
                                                                                     practice and guidelines
                                                                                •    procure 2 x CO2 monitors
                                                                                     which can be used around
                                                                                     the estates

3.   Coronavirus        Staff                                              UAL will:                                              Associate Director of
     is spread by       Students                                                                                                  Estates Management &
     not cleaning       Contractors                                        3.A. undertake enhanced cleaning                       Development
     surfaces,          Visitors                                           and follow the HSE’s guidance on
     equipment          Members of the public                              cleaning and hygiene during the                        Directors of College
     and                                                                   coronavirus outbreak including                         Administration
     workstations                                                          enhanced cleaning of:
                                                                                                                                  Heads of Technical
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                                                                  i.     areas and equipment where
                                                                         people touch the same                        Interim Director of
                                                                         surfaces, such as in building                Library and Student
                                                                         entrances, kitchens,                         Support Services
                                                                         canteens, teaching spaces,
                                                                         workshops and studios;
                                                                 ii.     areas and surfaces that
                                                                         people touch frequently but
                                                                         are difficult to clean; and
                                                                 iii.    surfaces that are frequently
                                                                         touched and by many
                                                                         people e.g. handrails, door
                                                                         handles, printers or other
                                                                         shared equipment.

                                                               3.B. avoid the need for people to
                                                               share work equipment by allocating
                                                               it on a personal basis or put
                                                               cleaning regimes in place to clean
                                                               between each user e.g. computers
                                                               and IT equipment, tools.

                                                               3.C. quarantine tools and
                                                               equipment that cannot be easily
                                                               cleaned e.g. because cleaning
                                                               damages them or they are
                                                               complicated pieces of equipment
                                                               or they are worn on the face and it
                                                               is not possible to access all areas
                                                               because the virus survives for a
                                                               number of days on non-porous
                                                               surfaces e.g. metal, plastic.
                                                               Alternatives to quarantining can be
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                                                                            considered e.g. UV steralisation, if
                                                                            this is possible.

                                                                            3.D. reduce the need to touch
                                                                            surfaces by leaving doors open
                                                                            (except fire doors unless
                                                                            specifically approved by the UAL
                                                                            Fire Safety Advisor), or providing
                                                                            contactless payment.

                                                                            3.E. keep surfaces clear to make it
                                                                            easier to clean and reduce the
                                                                            likelihood of contaminating objects.

                                                                            3.F. provide additional waste bins
                                                                            and empty them more often.

                                                                            3.G. provide areas for people to
                                                                            store personal belongings and
                                                                            keep personal items out of work

                                                                            3.H. maintain arrangements to
                                                                            clean spaces, tools, equipment and
                                                                            furniture etc. if someone develops
                                                                            symptoms of coronavirus at a UAL
                                                                            academic and/ or residential site.

4.   Person              Staff                                              UAL will continue to                                   Associate Director of
     contracts or        Students                                                                                                  Estates Management
     spreads the         Contractors                                        4.A. remind all persons not to                         and Development
     virus by being      Visitors                                           come on to site if they have
     in close            Members of the public                              symptoms of COVID-19, if they feel Associate Director of
                                                                            unwell, if they have been told to  Catering, Retail and
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contact with                                                           self-isolate or they think they may                    Accommodation
others                                                                 have the virus.                                        Services

                                                                       4.B. use physical screens to                           Director of
                                                                       separate people who work in                            Communications and
                                                                       customer facing roles such as in                       External Affairs (for not
                                                                       receptions, loan stores, student                       just a Shop)
                                                                       services and libraries and prevent
                                                                       transmission; these can also be                        Directors of College
                                                                       retained in other areas where staff                    Administration
                                                                       would request that this is done or if
                                                                       identified through risk assessment.                    Director of
                                                                       4.C. retain some physical
                                                                       indications on floors as guidance,                     Interim Director of
                                                                       to indicate where people should                        Library and Student
                                                                       stand and the direction they should                    Support Services
                                                                       face. This should be agreed in
                                                                       local areas/departments.

                                                                       4.D. encourage people to space
                                                                       themselves out when working in
                                                                       offices, libraries and other areas as
                                                                       indicated by the ‘tick’ and ’cross’
                                                                       stickers on desks.

                                                                       4.E. encourage people who can/
                                                                       are not otherwise exempt to
                                                                       continue wearing face coverings
                                                                       when moving around communal
                                                                       areas / spaces. Maintaining stocks
                                                                       of disposable face masks on site
                                                                       for people who want them but have
                                                                       forgetten them.
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                                                                            4. F. ask visitors to sign in and brief
                                                                            them on the COVID guidance in

                                                                            4.G. continue internal contact
                                                                            tracing (Report COVID) for all
                                                                            suspected and confirmed cases
                                                                            who have attended site.

                                                                            4.H. retain the ability to reintroduce
                                                                            social distancing measures in the
                                                                            event of an outbreak at a specific
                                                                            location, in line with the
                                                                            University’s outbreak plans and
                                                                            public health authority
                                                                            requirements in the event of an
                                                                            outbreak. These measures will be
                                                                            specific to the
                                                                            nature/circumstances of the

5.   Person is      Staff and students who are CEV                          UAL will continue to follow the                        Director of HR
     negatively     or who care for someone who is                          latest government advice for staff
     impacted by    CEV                                                     and students who are clinically                        Interim Director of
     having to                                                              extremely vulnerable (CEV) or they                     Library and Student
     work                                                                   are carers for someone who is                          Support Services
     remotely/ from                                                         CEV. UAL will continue to support
     home because                                                           to those who are CEV and who
     of COVID-19 *                                                          have to work / study remotely most
                                                                            or all of the time. This will include:

                                                                            6.A keeping in regular contact with
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                                                               6.B course teams keeping in
                                                               regular contact with students,
                                                               following relevant Inclusive Core
                                                               Practice for online teaching
                                                               guidance and signposting and
                                                               refering students to Student
                                                               Services as appropriate.

                                                               6.C providing advice to staff and
                                                               students on working from home
                                                               safely including, for staff,
                                                               completing DSE assessments.

                                                               6.D provision of advice and support
                                                               which Student Services including a
                                                               risk assessment and a COVID-19
                                                               Support Questionnaire.

                                                               6.E Assessing impacts on mental
                                                               health and wellbeing, and
                                                               supporting those who are
                                                               particularly vulnerable to mental
                                                               health impacts.

                                                               6.F providing safe spaces at work
                                                               for CEV persons or carers of CEV
                                                               persons who cannot work from
                                                               home all the time e.g. because of
                                                               spatial constraints, living in shared
                                                               accommodation or where there are
                                                               issues of domestic violence.

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                                                                              6.G following guidance from the
                                                                              HSE, DFE, mental health charities,
                                                                              USHA etc. on supporting CEV
                                                                              people/ carers of CEV persons
                                                                              working or studying from
7.   Poorly                Staff                                              7.A UAL will continue to follow                        Director of Estates
     ventilated            Students                                           HSE and industry guidance on                           Management and
     spaces                Contractors                                        ventilation and air conditioning                       Development
     leading to            Visitors                                           during COVID-19 pandemic and
     risks of              Members of the public                              will maintain enhanced ventilation                     Director of
     COVID-19                                                                 measures.                                              Communications
                                                                              7.B Additionally, UAL will                             Directors of College
                                                                              encourage people to use outside                        Administration
                                                                              spaces wherever possible for
                                                                              example for eating food, study

8.   Person                Staff, students                                    8.A UAL will continue to support                       Interim Director of
     becomes                                                                  staff and students who become                          Library and Student
     seriously or                                                             seriously or fatally ill because of                    Support Services
     fatally ill after                                                        COVID-19, as well as staff and
     contracting                                                              students who may be impacted by                         Director of HR
     COVID-19                                                                 such events, through its existing
                                                                              student and staff welfare services
                                                                              and Student Death and Death in
                                                                              Service Policies.

                                                                              8.B UAL will also support staff and
                                                                              students who are suffering from
                                                                              ‘long COVID' through existing
                                                                              policies, and will make sure that
                                                                              these policies enable that support
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                                                                            to be given. NB. Students and staff
                                                                            who have experienced long-Covid
                                                                            symptoms for 12 months or more
                                                                            can access disability support and
9.   Staff or            Staff,                                             UAL will continue to:                                   Director of HR
     student             students
     experiences                                                            9.A signpost information on the                         Director of Health
     anxiety or                                                             COVID-19 measures in place on                           andSafety
     mental health                                                          public transport to provide
     concerns as a                                                          reassurance on travel to/ from                         Interim Director of
     result of this                                                         work.                                                  Library and Student
     stage of the                                                                                                                  Support Services
     COVID-19                                                               9.B signpost the Employee
     pandemic                                                               Assistance Programme and
                                                                            Student Services support (COVID-
                                                                            19 support questionnaire or direct
                                                                            contact) available to staff and

                                                                            9.C maintain and promote
                                                                            resources to aid staff and students’
                                                                            mental health and wellbeing.

                                                                            9.D meet regularly with trade
                                                                            unions and communications with
                                                                            staff and students about COVID-19
                                                                            and the university’s response to
                                                                            the pandemic.

                                                                            9.E share anonymised data with
                                                                            staff through trade unions and H&S
                                                                            Committee about outbreaks and
                                                                            the university’s response to
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                                                                             reassure them.

                                                                             9.F encourage staff and students
                                                                             to raise concerns about COVID-19
                                                                             with their line manager or tutor, HR
                                                                             or Health and Safety team.
10.   University has      Staff,                                             10.A UAL will maintain a                                Chair of COVID-EB
      an outbreak of      Students,                                          comprehensive Outbreak Plan
      COVID that          Visitors,                                          which will cover                                        Director of Health and
      requires            Contractors                                                                                                Safety
      public health       public                                                o UALs response to a cluster
      authority                                                                    of positive cases or an         Dean of Students
      intervention                                                                 outbreak
      and/ or a                                                                                                    Executive Officer
                                                                                o engaging with PHE and
      number of                                                                    local authority Directors of
      UAL staff                                                                    Public Health
      need to self-                                                             o participating in joint Incident
      isolate                                                                      Management Groups with
                                                                                   the Public Health Authorities
                                                                                o maintaining the UAL
                                                                                   Incident Management Group
                                                                                   and COVID EB
                                                                                o being prepared to
                                                                                   reintroduce social distancing
                                                                                   measures if required to do
                                                                                   so by the public health
11.   Low rate of         Students                                           UAL will continue to:                Director of
      vaccination         Staff                                                                                   Communication
      take-up             Contractors                                        11.A provide information on
      among                                                                  vaccination to all new and returning
      students or                                                            students – including making sure      Dean of Students
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      students do                                                            that international students know
      not get their                                                          that they can have the vaccination                      Director of Health and
      second jab                                                             free of charge – as set out in DFE                          Safety
      increasing the                                                         guidance.
      risks of
      transmission                                                           11.B provide information to
      and serious                                                            students on vaccination (and
      illness                                                                testing) centres local to UAL sites
                                                                             as well as information on how to
                                                                             obtain LFD tests.

                                                                             11.C explain the benefits of being
                                                                             vaccinated in line with DFE

                                                                             11.D support students to attend
                                                                             vaccination appointments.

                                                                             11.E work with local authorities to
                                                                             promote local vaccination and pop
                                                                             up vaccination centres
12.   Communicatio                                                           12.A the University’s requirements                    Dean of Students
      ns - person is                                                         for COVID-19 will continue to be
      unaware of                                                             communicated to staff and                             Director of HR
      the                                                                    students through established
      university’s                                                           email, social media and audio and                     Director of Health and
      requirements                                                           visual communication channels                         Safety
      for reducing                                                           including the UAL website and
      risks from                                                             intranet (canvas). The Community
      COVID-19                                                               Pledge has been updated.

                                                                             12.B new staff and new and
                                                                             returning students should continue
                                                                             to receive information about the
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                                                               university’s COVID-19 measures
                                                               during induction/Big welcome
                                                               activities, and course inductions.

                                                               12.C UAL will continue to engage
                                                               with the Trade Unions and ArtsSU
                                                               on its COVID-19 response through
                                                               the established COVID-19 liaison
                                                               meetings and the UAL H&S

                                                               12.D staff returning to work after
                                                               long period of absence such as
                                                               maternity leave should continue to
                                                               receive a COVID-19 briefing from
                                                               their line manager as part of the
                                                               return to work proess.

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Risk Owner [mandatory] - I have overall responsibility for the risk assessment. I understand and accept the risks and how they are being managed.

 Name: Heather Francis                             Position: Chair of CEB                            Signature:                                               Date:

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ACTION PLAN (taken from column 4 ‘what further controls/actions are required?’)
 Risk and   Action required                                                                            Responsible person/s                     Due date               Status / date
 action                                                                                                                                                                closed

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