Corruption of the Evidence as Threat and Opportunity for Evidence-Based Medicine

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Montori and Guyatt: Corruption of the Evidence

Corruption of the Evidence as Threat
and Opportunity for Evidence-Based
Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc
and Gordon H. Guyatt, MD, MSc

    t was seventeen years ago that a set of   evidence-based medicine competencies for
    ideas that had been evolving over the     postgraduate medical training1. Both the
    previous three decades became em-         National Institutes of Health Roadmap
bodied in a unifying term: evidence-based     Initiative2, through its translational re-
medicine. It is impossible to think of        search programs, and the U.S. Agency for
medicine today without reference to evi-      Healthcare Research and Quality, through
dence-based medicine: as of April 2007,       its funding of Evidence Practice Centers
there were 25,000 entries in MEDLINE,         and other programs to promote and en-
1.24 million Google-identified hits on the    hance evidence-based practice3, are ex-
Internet, and over 300 books on the topic     amples of the influence of evidence-based
in the Library of Congress catalog.           medicine on the national research agenda.
   The impact of evidence-based medi-         The World Health Organization is mov-
cine extends beyond medical practice into     ing vigorously to a more evidence-based
medical education, translational research,    approach to its health policy guidelines,
and public health policy. For instance, the   epitomized by a recent guideline concern-
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medi-      ing avian influenza4. Recently, health care
cal Education mandates the teaching of        opinion leaders concluded that evidence-

Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc is a diabetologist and clinical
epidemiologist. His research interests are in clinical decision
making and evidence-based medicine. He has published three
books and over 120 peer-reviewed publications pertinent to how
knowledge is produced, disseminated, and translated into optimal
patient outcomes. Gordon H. Guyatt, MD, MSc is an internist
and clinical epidemiologist. He coined the term ‘evidence-based
medicine’ and has dedicated his career to its promotion. In over
600 publications, he has made landmark contributions to quality
of life measurement, randomized trial and systematic review
methodology, and standards for practice guidelines.

                                                          Vol. 8 , No. 1, Spring 2007 145
Health Highlights

based medicine, this paradigm shift in the        • Poor quality of planning and imple-
practice and teaching of medicine, rep-             mentation of the available randomized
resents a medical milestone in the same             controlled trials suggesting high likeli-
league as antibiotics and anesthesia5.              hood of bias
    Defined as the conscientious, judicious,      • Inconsistency of results
and explicit use of the best available evi-       • Indirectness of evidence
dence from clinical care research in mak-         • Sparse evidence
ing health care decisions6, evidence-based        • Reporting bias (including publication
medicine is perhaps better understood as            bias)
the practice of medicine that adheres to the
following two fundamental principles7.              The second principle of evidence-based
    The first principle is that the higher      medicine is that the evidence alone never
the quality of the evidence the more con-       tells one what to do. Making sound de-
fident the decision-maker. This suggests a      cisions requires the clinician to expertly
hierarchy of research evidence (we use the      assess the patient’s personal, social, and
word “evidence” to mean any observation         clinical context and integrate this infor-
in nature, e.g., the apparent association       mation with the values and preferences of
between treatment and outcomes) with            the informed patient and the best available
some research being higher quality than         evidence.
other research. When establishing optimal           In this review, we will consider the
therapy for a patient or group of patients,     ongoing challenges to the practice of evi-
evidence-based medicine suggests that de-       dence-based medicine. In particular, we
cision-makers judge the quality of the best     will note how trends in research conduct
evidence about therapy8. For such patient       have corrupted the evidence chain. One
management decisions, the pertinent hier-       paradox will become obvious: the explic-
archy of evidence will prioritize high quali-   it nature of the evidence-based medicine
ty randomized trials with multiple features     process both facilitates the detection and
that protect from bias.                         description of these challenges and offers
    Clinicians would be most confident in       effective approaches to decrease their ad-
applying this evidence to their patients if     verse impact on evidence-based practice.
many high quality randomized trials mea-
suring patient-important outcomes in
disparate populations and settings yield        The Corruption of the
similar answers. When trials are of poor        Evidence: Bias
quality, use observational designs and are
thus open to bias, are small in size, incon-       Before evidence-based practice became
sistent in results, or fail to measure the      fully established, pioneers including Al-
outcomes of importance to patients, infer-      van Feinstein, David Sackett and Archie
ences become weaker.                            Cochrane sought to bring the methods of
    Guyatt et al9 have summarized the key       the scientist to the practice of medicine10.
factors that decrease the quality of the evi-   These methods included both those of
dence:                                          basic science that attend to careful mea-
                                                surement in the laboratory and those of

146 Harvard Health Policy Review
Montori and Guyatt: Corruption of the Evidence

the epidemiologist that provide strategies       bias in outcome assessment (most effec-
for studying large groups to identify dif-       tively by blinding patients, caregivers, and
ficult-to-measure associations. The field        those involved in assessment of outcome),
of clinical epidemiology that emerged in         achieving complete follow-up, and analyz-
the late 1960s borrowed the core prin-           ing patients in the groups to which they
ciples of these sciences and applied them        were randomized. Adherence to these cri-
to the investigation of clinical questions       teria leads to clinical research that provides
of therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and estab-      clinicians with confidence that the study
lishing harm. The new discipline produced        results provide an unbiased estimate of the
a number of insights which, distilled and        underlying treatment effect.
packaged for the practitioner, described             We recently reviewed 199 diabetes tri-
how to “critically appraise” the medical         als published in prestigious journals18. In
literature. Through critical appraisal, the      this review we found that 89% failed to
practitioner could discriminate between          report information about allocation con-
clinical research flawed by serious method-      cealment, between 4 and 50% failed to
ological limitations indicating systematic       report blinding of participants, clinicians,
(also known as bias) or random error from        and researchers including data collectors,
those relatively free of such problems.          outcome adjudicators, and data analysts,
    Over time, the leaders of evidence-          and 29% failed to report on the extent
based medicine refined the methods of            of loss to follow-up. Key to understand-
critical appraisal, and a second generation      ing this survey of the extant literature is
of methodologists, clinicians, and educa-        to reflect on the fact that these deficien-
tors formed the Evidence-based Medicine          cies were determined from the published
Working Group and began publishing the           report – it is likely that in fact these trials
series “Users’ Guides to the Medical Lit-        had better safeguards against bias that the
erature” in the Journal of the American          authors fail to reported or removed from
Medical Association11. Some of these were        the manuscript19. This behavior of authors
collated into a handbook to promote the          and editors may reflect the persistent fail-
practicing and teaching of evidence-based        ure of many scientists to understand the
medicine12. A revised, updated, and ex-          importance of the safeguards against bias
panded collection of the Users’ Guides ar-       in randomized trials. One has to wonder
ticles appeared in 2002 as a book by the         whether, even though they had designed
same name13.                                     the study properly, this disregard for meth-
    As an example of their approach to valid-    odological rigor in the publication phase
ity, the Users’ Guides suggest that practitio-   of the research was manifested during the
ners seeking to critically appraise a random-    study conduct itself.
ized trial consider whether (1) participants         More recently, we have identified an ad-
started up with the same prognosis thanks        ditional potential source of bias: stopping
to unadulterated random allocation of par-       a clinical trial early for benefit. In a sys-
ticipants to alternative interventions; and      tematic review of the literature, we iden-
(2) investigators ensured that participants      tified 143 randomized trials stopped early
retained balance in prognosis throughout         because of apparent and unexpected ben-
the trial by avoiding co-intervention and        efit14. Such trials are increasing in preva-

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lence, particularly in high impact journals      death.
– most notably, the New England Journal              A systematic review published in 2005
of Medicine and the Lancet. Investigators        summarized all the randomized trials of
are at risk of introducing bias when they        perioperative beta blockers conducted in
stop a randomized trial early at a “random       the last ten years16 and revealed that this
high” in the apparent magnitude of the           trial was an outlier in a sea of trials that
treatment effect. Because random fluctua-        offered little evidence of efficacy for peri-
tions in the magnitude of effect tend to be      operative beta blockers. Furthermore,
more extreme early on when few events            three other trials that enrolled almost
have accrued, trials stopped early for ben-      2000 additional patients have since been
efit are at greatest risk of overestimating      published. These trials found no evidence
the treatment effect.                            of a significant mortality benefit (using the
    In the systematic review of randomized       data from these trials to update the previ-
trials stopped early, the median relative risk   ous meta-analysis yields a pooled relative
reduction (RRR) was 47% with a quarter           risk of 1.02, 95% confidence interval 0.8,
of the trials reporting RRRs of greater than     1.3). The ongoing Perioperative Ischemic
70%14. The magnitude of these effects is         Evaluation (POISE) trial, a 10000 patient
– unfortunately – not consistent with the        trial, will likely provide the definitive an-
modest effects we expect from most treat-        swer to this question with the publication
ments. Furthermore, trials that stopped on       of its results in 200817.
the basis of less than the median number
of events (66) were far more likely to gen-
erate RRRs greater than 47% (odds ratio
31, 95% confidence interval 12 to 82).           The Corruption of the
    A randomized trial of perioperative
beta-blockers in patients undergoing vas-        Evidence: Spin
cular surgery provides a striking example           While scientists’ personal and career
of how trials stopped early for benefit may      aspirations and ambitions (i.e., obtaining
distort the evidence base for clinical deci-     funding, jobs, satisfaction) may support
sion making15. On the basis of this trial,       representing research as more rigorous and
published in the New England Journal of          important than it really is, profit may be an
Medicine, clinical practice guidelines and       even stronger motive for introducing “spin”
quality improvement activities have led          in otherwise well-conducted research. By
to widespread adoption of this interven-         “spin” we mean the conscious presentation
tion. This trial was stopped early after 112     of evidence in a manner geared to produce
patients had been randomized; only nine          a particular effect; spin is ubiquitous, but it
myocardial infarctions and eleven deaths         becomes problematic when those present-
had occurred when the authors reviewed           ing the evidence have little compunction
the data and decided to terminate the trial.     against frankly misleading characteriza-
At this point, they found a 100% reduc-          tions, or have a particularly well developed
tion in the risk of nonfatal myocardial in-      capacity for self-deception.
farctions and an equally implausible 80%            Take, for example, a study of the rheto-
reduction in the relative risk of cardiac

148 Harvard Health Policy Review
Montori and Guyatt: Corruption of the Evidence

ric of the conclusions of randomized trials.       these approaches, we provided examples
Als-Nielsen and colleagues measured the            from otherwise high quality RCTs pub-
enthusiasm for the experimental interven-          lished in prestigious medical journals22.
tion in 370 RCTs from twenty-five high             In this review, we will restrict our illustra-
quality reviews20. They found that authors         tions of spin corrupting the evidence to ex-
were more likely to show extreme enthu-            amples of the use and abuse of composite
siasm for the experimental intervention,           endpoints.
in the form of calling this intervention               In an RCT of amlodipine and irbesar-
the treatment of choice in patients with           tan for the treatment of hypertension in
the condition of interest, when for-profit         1715 diabetic patients with nephropathy
agencies supported the trials than when            followed for 2.6 years,23 the authors con-
they did not. Furthermore, they adjusted           cluded that “treatment with irbesartan was
for the size of the effect (excluding the ex-      associated with a risk of the primary com-
planation that for-profit agencies may be          posite end point that was 23% lower than
picking winners – that is, drugs with big-         that in the amlodipine group (P=0.006).23”
ger effect – and still found an odds ratio         The components of the primary compos-
for extreme enthusiasm of 5.3 (95% con-            ite endpoint to which the authors refer
fidence interval 2.0, 14.4).                       included doubling of creatinine, onset of
    If it is true that profit is a strong motive   end-stage renal disease, or death from any
for misleadingly sanguine presentations of         cause. There are three possible interpre-
intervention benefits, then the problem is         tations of this result. First, the interven-
likely to worsen over time: there are clear        tion reduces the risk of each of the three
trends favoring the rapid expansion of for-        components of the composite outcome by
profit funding (2.4-fold increase in last 20       23%. Second, the intervention reduces
years) and of authors with affiliations to         the frequency of the composite by 23%,
for-profit interests (8-fold increase in last      but we cannot comment on its impact on
20 years)21.                                       any of the individual components. Third,
    We have recently published an approach         we could ignore the composite and focus
to help practitioners avoid being misled by        exclusively on results for each component.
spin22. According to this approach, clini-             A review of the results of the trial (Fig-
cians and users of the literature should:          ure 1) offers insights into what should be
                                                   the appropriate interpretation. Clearly, the
  • Read only methods section and re-              composite endpoint has been dominated
    sults                                          by the impact of treatment on the markers
  • Read abstract reported in evidence-            of kidney function. The result is mislead-
    based secondary publications                   ing in relation to the impact of irbesartan
  • Beware of inadequate patients and              in the risk of death – the best estimate of
    faulty comparators                             its effect is a small increase in death rates,
  • Beware of composite endpoints                  the confidence interval tells us the results
  • Beware of small treatment effects              are consistent with an increase in the risk
  • Beware of subgroup analyses                    of dying of up to 40%.
                                                       This difference in results between the
   In the article in which we presented            components of the composite would be

                                                                Vol. 8 , No. 1, Spring 2007 149
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Figure 1– Results of a trial or irbesartan vs. amlodipine in patients with dia-
betic hypertensive nephropathy

   The figure shows the results distributed across each component and the composite
endpoint. The squares represent the point estimates of the relative risk reduction (RRR)
and the horizontal lines across each box are their 95% confidence intervals (CI). Point
estimates to the right of the vertical line favor irbesartan over amlodipine. Confidence
intervals crossing the vertical line are considered not statistically significant. Adapted
from Lewis et al.23

less troubling were there a smaller gradi-       given the use of the composite endpoint,
ent in the relative importance of the three      the large gradient in patient importance
components: people are far more con-             between these two components and the
cerned about the risk of dying than the          large gradient in events (1.1% vs. 1.3% of
risk of having their creatinine level in-        patients died; 10.6% vs. 25% of patients
crease by a factor of two. Similarly, this       developed diabetes) makes this presenta-
large gradient in importance would not be        tion of the trial results very misleading.
as problematic if the relative risk reduction       We recently completed a systematic
were similar, and similarly precise, across      review of RCTs in cardiology and found
the components. The likelihood of the re-        that 112 of 242 trials used composite end-
sult of the composite misleading clinicians      points to assess the effect of treatments.26
and patients becomes a particular concern        Of these, 86% had either a large or mod-
with the combination of a large gradient         erate gradient in patient importance or a
in both importance and effect across com-        large or moderate gradient in treatment
ponents24.                                       effects; 54% had a large or moderate gra-
    In another study, the Diabetes Reduc-        dient in both. These results suggest a high
tion Assessment with Ramipril and Rosi-          frequency of potentially misleading com-
glitazone Medication (DREAM) trial               posite endpoints within cardiology trials.
published in 2006,25 the authors summa-
rized the trial results this way: “This large,
prospective, blinded international clinical      The Corruption of
trial shows that 8 mg of rosiglitazone daily,
together with lifestyle recommendations,         the Evidence: Biased
substantially reduces the risk of diabetes or    Reporting
death by 60% in individuals at high risk
for diabetes”. While technically correct            Practitioners may feel justifiably daunt-

150 Harvard Health Policy Review
Montori and Guyatt: Corruption of the Evidence

ed by the need to acquire critical appraisal     rious impact of reporting bias.
skills to detect the potential for bias and          Another form of reporting bias is pub-
the need to exercise approaches to avoid         lication bias. Publication bias refers to
being misled by spin. Only highly so-            the selective publication of trials accord-
phisticated and dedicated methodologists         ing to their results.30 The consequence of
may be ready and able to address a recently      publication bias is that reviewers assessing
characterized mechanism of evidence cor-         a body of literature bearing on a clinical
ruption: reporting bias. By reporting bias,      question will overestimate the magnitude
we mean the selective or differential re-        of treatment effect. The bias may be intro-
porting of outcomes, or trials, according        duced by not publishing trials that show
to their results.27                              small, negligible, or unconvincing results,
    Chan and collaborators studied 102           by publishing them in obscure journals or
RCT protocols submitted for ethical re-          non-English language publications exclu-
view and followed up on their published          sively in abstract form, or delaying their
results (122 reports) up to ten years later.28   publication.27 Table 1 describes two cases
They found that 50% of the outcomes              of apparent publication bias.
were incompletely reported and that the
odds of full reporting were 2:1 if the out-
come result was statistically significant.       The Corruption of the
Thus, the consequence of reporting bias is       Evidence: Fraud
often to give readers an overly enthusias-
tic impression of an intervention’s efficacy         Extreme examples of biased reporting
and safety.                                      including suppression of data and par-
    We recently documented the extent to         tial reporting of trial results have recently
which reporting bias can introduce a mis-        emerged and led to allegations of fraud,
leadingly sanguine perception of the effi-       litigation, and loss of public trust in the
cacy of interventions.29 On average, only        scientific and regulatory processes.31, 32 Sci-
half of the eligible trials included in 156      entific misconduct and fraud are inacces-
meta-analyses contributed results to these       sible to the sophisticated evidence-based
pooled estimates, a proportion consistent        practitioner who must rely on the same
with the Chan et al findings. We found an        mechanisms (e.g., whistleblowers) as ev-
inverse relationship between the propor-         eryone else to discover these corruptions
tion of eligible trials that contributed data    of the evidence base.
to the meta-analysis and the magnitude of
the pooled treatment effect: for each 10%
decrease in the proportion of trials contrib-    Consequences of the
uting data to a meta-analyses the pooled
odds ratio increased by 1.05 (95% confi-         corruption of evidence on
dence interval 1.004, 1.09). The investiga-      evidence-based medicine
tors who conducted the systematic reviews           The corruption of the evidence base in-
failed to highlight the potential impact of      cludes the lack of protection against bias
selective reporting on their results. These      in the conduct of clinical trials, the use of
findings illustrate the insidious and delete-

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Table 1 – Cases of apparent publication bias

 Intervention            Publication (impact factor)             Results
 Perioperative betablockers
 Poldermans et al15      A 112-patient trial published in the    Significant effect (80%
                         New England Journal of Medicine         reduction) on mortality.
                         (44.02)                                 This trial was stopped
                                                                 early for benefit.

 Subsequent trials published in lower impact journals
 DIPOM trial40           A 921-patient trial published in the    Nonsignificant effect
                         British Medical Journal (9.05)          (3% reduction) on
 POBBLE trial41          A 103-patient trial published in the    Nonsignificant effect
                         Journal of Vascular Surgery (3.17)      (6% increase) on
 MAVS trial42            A 496-patient trial published in the    Nonsignificant effect
                         American Heart Journal (3.55)           (15% decrease) on
 Statins for patients with diabetes
 CARDS trial43           A 2838-patient trial completed in       Significant effect (35%
                         2002 and published in The Lancet        reduction) on acute
                         (23.87) in 2004                         coronary events. This
                                                                 trial was stopped early
                                                                 for benefit.
 Subsequent trial completed at about the same time but published much later in a
 lower impact journal
 ASPEN trial44           A 2410-patient trial completed in       Nonsignificant effect
                         2002 and published In Diabetes          (27% decrease) on
                         Care (7.84) in 2006                     myocardial infarction

spin to mislead the evidence user, biased re-       The proliferation of “evidence-based”
porting, and overt fraud. If clinicians and     guidelines and quality improvement pro-
those who guide them in their practice are      grams may further increase the likelihood
unable to detect these problems and alert       of the naïve user falling prey to the effects
the clinical community to their existence,      of corrupted evidence. There are recent
the result will be the dissemination of inac-   revelations of orchestrated campaigns
curate (and usually inflated) estimates of      that have combined corruptions in the
treatment effect. Apparent evidence-based       evidence with efforts to directly impact
practice will in fact be based on inaccurate    guidelines and programs.33, 34 Once these
information.                                    programs are in place, the objections di-

152 Harvard Health Policy Review
Montori and Guyatt: Corruption of the Evidence

rected at questioning the quality of the evi-   to avoid being misled by spin. Clinical
dence are often considered academic and         trial registration has enjoyed early success
irrelevant and are caricatured as symptoms      thanks to the policies of the medical jour-
of resistance to change.                        nals,35-37 but there is a need for consolidat-
    To the extent – and this is increasingly    ing the existing many trial registries into a
the case – that patients access evidence di-    few. Major policy changes in the way we
rectly, they too may suffer the adverse con-    generate new knowledge and evaluate new
sequences of corrupted evidence. Newspa-        interventions may be necessary to decrease
pers, magazines, and the electronic media       the unfavorable effects of for-profit inter-
all include health stories that often focus     ests on the design and conduct of clinical
on apparent breakthroughs. Use of cor-          trials and on the dissemination of research
rupted evidence in marketing campaigns          results. The following represents a list of
including direct-to-consumer advertising        these initiatives and policy changes:
will influence the patient-consumer. In-
deed, one could argue that unless these           • Change funding models for clinical
advertising campaigns include a strong              trials to create a firewall between for
element of spin, those initiating the cam-          profit interests and the researchers.
paigns are not doing their job.                   • Expand the evidence synthesis enter-
    For some, the extent of the ongoing cor-        prise, to search for the available evi-
ruption of the evidence base may mean the           dence (even in obscure sources), ap-
end of evidence-based medicine. Many                praise it for bias and spin, remediate
academics may want to seek refuge in a              to the extent possible reporting and
deeper understanding of pathophysiology             publication bias, and identify new
and pharmacology; practicing clinicians             knowledge gaps.
would want to rely heavily on their formal        • Promote the measurement of patient
education, their experience, and their in-          important outcomes in clinical trials38
tuition. Loss of trust in the research enter-       placing a high value on validity, ease
prise and lack of skills to appropriately ap-       of interpretation, and relevance to
praise its products could lead many to stop         patients and a lower value on saving
perusing the literature. The paradox is             research resources by using surrogate
that, aside from fraud, it is the approaches        markers of uncertain validity.
and tools of evidence-based medicine that         • Promote methodological research to
have uncovered the problems we have de-             generate empirical evidence of bias
scribed here.                                       associated with different research ap-
    The promise is that advances in evi-            proaches (e.g., stopping trials early for
dence-based medicine may ameliorate the             apparent benefit), identify best strat-
negative impact of corruption of evidence           egies to detect potential for bias and
on practice. In fact, some specific solutions       spin, and to ameliorate the effect of
– currently at different stages of implemen-        spin on trial conclusions.
tation – offer even short term solutions. As      • Enforce the prospective registration of
mentioned previously, in another publica-           clinical trials and clinical trial proto-
tion and in Table 3 of this article, we have        cols to detect and minimize reporting
offered specific strategies for clinicians

                                                             Vol. 8 , No. 1, Spring 2007 153
Health Highlights

    and publication biases.                                5. K. Dickersin, S. E. Straus and L. A. Bero “Evidence
                                                               based medicine: increasing, not dictating, choice,”
  • Promote the training of new scientists                     BMJ 334, no. suppl_1 (2007); s10-.
    in the conduct of rigorous research                    6. V. M. Montori and G. H. Guyatt “What is evidence-
    with a focus on producing results that                     based medicine and why should it be practiced?,”
                                                               Respir Care 46, no. 11 (2001); 1201-14.
    will make a difference in practice.                    7. G. H. Guyatt, B. Haynes, R. Jaeschke, et al. “Intro-
  • Promote rigorous, complete, and open                       duction: The philosophy of evidence-based medicine.”
                                                               in G. H. Guyatt and D. Rennie, eds. Users’ Guides to
    reporting of trial results according to                    the Medical Literature: A Manual of Evidence-Based
    state-of-the-art standards (e.g., CON-                     Clinical Practice (Chicago: American Medical Associa-
    SORT39).                                                   tion, 2002), 121-140
                                                           8. D. Atkins, M. Eccles, S. Flottorp, et al. “Systems for
  • Production of evidence summaries                           grading the quality of evidence and the strength of
    and guidelines free of commercial and                      recommendations I: critical appraisal of existing ap-
    personal conflict of interest.                             proaches The GRADE Working Group,” BMC Health
                                                               Serv Res 4, no. 1 (2004); 38.
                                                           9. G. Guyatt, G. Vist, Y. Falck-Ytter, et al. “An emerg-
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                                                           10. J. Daly Evidence-based Medicine and the Search for
                                                               a Science of Clinical Care. (Berkeley, CA, California/
   Evidence-based medicine offers guides                       Milibank, 2005).
to use the scientific literature to help                   11. G. H. Guyatt and D. Rennie “Users’ guides to the
                                                               medical literature,” Journal of the American Medical
achieve optimal clinical practice. Biased                      Association 270, no. 17 (1993); 2096-7.
research results and misleading presen-                    12. D. L. Sackett, W. Richardson, W. Rosenberg and R.
tations of accurate research results may                       Haynes Evidence-based medicine. How to practice
                                                               and teach EBM. (Edinburgh, UK, Churchill Living-
severely undermine the usefulness of evi-                      stone, 1997).
dence-based approaches to practice. Ironi-                 13. G. Guyatt and D. Rennie Users’ Guides to the Medi-
cally, evidence-based approaches also pro-                     cal Literature. A Manual for Evidence-based Clinical
                                                               Practice. (Chicago, IL, AMA Press, 2002).
vide the tools to detect these problems and                14. V. M. Montori, P. J. Devereaux, N. K. Adhikari, et al.
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                                                               of bisoprolol on perioperative mortality and myocar-
                                                               dial infarction in high-risk patients undergoing vas-
                                                               cular surgery. Dutch Echocardiographic Cardiac Risk
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