Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College

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Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
Courses of
Study Guide
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Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
Vincit qui se vincit – He conquers who conquers himself
Our Student Leaders seek to help others and are involved in peer mentoring, tutoring, coaching, community, social,
sporting and cultural activities within and outside of the College.

                              Pippa                                                       Rufaro
                              Benton                                                      Manjala
                              Head Girl                                                   Head Boy

                               My goal during 2019                                           I am a firm believer of
                               as Head Girl has been                                         improvement and, as
                               to work hard to make                                          Head Prefect one of my
                               our school an environment                                     goals for 2019 has been
                               that encompasses                                              to help improve the
                               everyone and allows                                           operation of Huanui
pupils to strive for excellence. I am a very passionate       College. I have done my best to encourage students
leader and have enjoyed working with the team for             that all aspects of school, be it culture, sport or
the benefit of our school. My main focus has been with        academics, can all be done with excellence
environmental sustainability; I have pursued this further     simultaneously by being a prime example of versatility
not only within the college but also the wider                myself. On the wider view of the region, I have
community over the 2019 year.                                 co-ordinated with prefects from other schools to impact
                                                              the youth of Northland.

                              Brooke                                                      Jordan
                              Senescall                                                   Carswell
                              Deputy Head Girl                                            Deputy Head Boy

                                 As Deputy Head Girl of                                     My goal in 2019 at Huanui
                                 Huanui College, my main                                    College has been to show
                                 goal for 2019 has been to                                  leadership amongst the
                                 offer the younger students                                 junior school and my
                                 guidance, as well as show                                  peers in both academic
                                 and encourage them                                         and the sporting side.
to reach their full potential at the school and support       I am a strong believer in improvement and one of my
them through any struggles they may be having. I have         aims has been to further the success of Huanui and the
worked hard at strengthening the relationship between         community that supports it.
Huanui College and the wider community. I have
enjoyed my 2019 year, working with the prefect team in
order to achieve a better school environment.

Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
3    Letter from Head Prefects               37   Middle School Curriculum

5    Introduction                            38   Accounting
                                             38   Agriculture
6    Huanui College Shared Vision            39   Biology
                                             39   Business Studies
7    Huanui College Core Values              40   Chemistry
                                             40   Design Technology
8    Curriculum Philosophy                   41   English
                                             42   Geography
10   Teaching and Learning at Huanui         42   Global Perspectives & Research
     College                                 43   History
                                             43   Mathematics
11   Support for Learning                    44   Music
                                             44   Physical Education
12   E-Learning                              45   Physics
13   Experiential Education                  45   Spanish
14   Positive Education                      46   Te Reo Maori
14   Activities Education                    47   Visual Art and Design
15   How to Understand Cambridge
17   How to Gain University Entrance         50   Senior School Curriculum
19   Advice on Careers
19   Parents as Career Educators             51   Accounting
21   Tips to Help you Select your Subjects   52   Biology
23   Scholarship Subjects                    53   Business Studies
24   How to Enrol in your 2020 Course of     54   Chemistry
     Study                                   55   Design Technology
                                             56   English
26   Junior School Curriculum                57   Environmental Management
                                             58   Geography
27   Agriculture and Horticulture            59   Global Perspectives and Research
27   CASE                                    60   History
27   English and Literature                  61   Marine Science
28   Global Societies and the Future         62   Mathematics
28   Health and Nutrition                    64   Philosophy
29   Languages                               65   Physical Education
31   Mathematics                             66   Physics
31   Physical Education                      67   Psychology
32   Science                                 68   Spanish
33   Visual Design and Performing Arts       69   Te Reo Maori
                                             70   Thinking Skills
                                             71   Visual Art and Design

                                             74   Contacts

Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
This Junior, Middle and Senior School course                  interested in your capacity for study at degree level,
handbook outlines, for students and parents, the              which includes general skills such as ability to learn
courses of study available to students in Year 7 to Year      quickly, analyse problems, communicate effectively and
13. The selection of an appropriate course of study is        meet high expectations under pressure, to name just
critical in preparing students for their lives beyond the     a few.
College and I encourage an open dialogue between
students, parents and teachers.                               With so much choice available to students in the
                                                              Senior School, and the very real possibility that they
The Junior School provides a foundation for students          may not have determined their future career direction,
to gain capability across a wide range of learning            it is understandable if they have difficulty selecting their
opportunities. The Middle School is where students            courses; however, it is necessary to begin the process
begin to explore their future options and potential           of selecting options and potential career pathways
career. The Senior School is a time for focussing on          as early as possible.
emerging interests and abilities. It is important to
maintain ‘multiple options’ for as long as possible.          All courses offered in this booklet are subject to a
Selection of options requires careful consideration and       minimum number of students selecting the course.
planning so that students do not restrict their               Every endeavour has been made to ensure that the
opportunities in their later years of secondary study and     information in this booklet is accurate at the time of
early years of tertiary enrolment.                            printing. Students and parents are alerted to the
                                                              practice of courses under ongoing review, which may
At Huanui College academic standards are high and we          result in some changes.
take intellectual life seriously. At the College students
are expected to work hard and we will help you to             Students’ choice of options will determine next year’s
 succeed, but we also hope you will enjoy your studies.       College timetable and enable the College to plan for
                                                              staffing and department resources. The College
To get the most out of your next year at Huanui College,      timetable is constructed on the initial student selection
it is important to construct a course that will really suit   of options. Therefore, the first choice of subjects
your interests. Most of the subjects we teach will be         selected by the student is very important and students
familiar to you. Many students are keen to continue with      should consider their selections very carefully and be
subjects they know and this can work very well.               realistic in their planning for 2020. The College will
                                                              endeavour to meet all student option choices,
Nonetheless, you should take some time to explore our         although this cannot be guaranteed and students
full list of courses. There are opportunities to start new    should maintain some flexibility in their course
subjects at Huanui College that you may never have            planning. This also applies to students wishing to
considered and you should explore all your options            change their original selections. Once the timetable
before making a decision. Students should seek to             is constructed, the scope for changing a subject is
enrol in courses that they will both enjoy and know that      limited.
they can properly manage.
                                                              Students should be aware that tertiary courses of study
Sometimes students start with a specific career in            are adapting to a rapidly changing career world and
mind and try to choose their subjects accordingly. You        that they need to be aware of changing course
should, however, take the time to research your course        entrance requirements and available courses of study.
fully and to think about the time required to spend           It is the responsibility of students to keep current with
working on it at Huanui College. No matter how keen           tertiary course entry requirements.
you are to follow a particular career path, you also need
a genuine passion for your subject as an academic             I hope that the information in this course handbook will
discipline. Those who focus too narrowly on career            assist in the planning for future courses of study and
prospects in choosing their course may not find the           possible career options. The essential ingredient to this
intensive work at Huanui College enjoyable enough             process is to make informed decisions and to seek
and, as a consequence, struggle to retain their               advice from a range of people. Students who thrive
motivation.                                                   in their studies will have a genuine curiosity for their
                                                              chosen course and will enjoy the process of learning,
Most of our students go to further study and research,        by challenging themselves.
using the material that they have covered in their
courses directly in subsequent degree and career
paths. Do remember, however, that employers are
                                                              Philip Coombe

Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
Huanui College is a New Zealand leader in the field of    student well-being at the forefront of everything they
positive education and we are known for our focus on      do. Teachers are on time, prepared and have good
developing young people who contribute beneficially       classroom behaviour management, modelling what
to society. At Huanui the well-being of our Whanau is     they expect. Students are also accountable for their
vital. Developing robust relationships, founded on        actions and are expected to engage with each other,
mutual trust and respect, is at the core of what we do.   the teacher and their learning.
Clear communication and genuine interest in each
child’s development helps build a strong connection       We gather data and track individual progress in order
between family, child and teacher, creating trust and     to measure the value added to each of our students.
providing everyone with a sense of belonging.             We value examinations, using this data to measure the
                                                          achievement of our students, based on international
Huanui College’s pastoral care programme provides         standards. Not only do we value academic success but
dedicated time for discussion between students,           also the well-being of our students and staff. The
parents and teachers. We provide a safe                   analysis of our well-being data provides valuable
environment where students feel comfortable               information.
discussing and sharing. Knowing students as
individuals and allowing them to choose the teacher       Huanui College provides an environment in which
they feel connected to, as a support person, allows       everyone has a strong sense of belonging.
students to flourish. Understanding family
circumstances and the community environment helps         Whanaungatanga is at the heart of what we do.
to further build connections.
                                                          Huanui fosters a genuine interest in each child’s
Huanui College provides innovative academic               development and maintains the pledge of never
pathways for all abilities, enabling us to grow good      giving up on any individual.
people. We are known for excellent resources, creative
opportunities and strong results. We provide              At Huanui College we value our alumni and care that
alternatives to academia, including outdoor               we are producing good citizens through a solid
education, practical opportunities and we are also        academic and pastoral programme, providing career
leaders in the field of agricultural education. Clear     pathways and networks for students heading into the
pathways and planning are provided for each               future. It also enables us to reflect on our practices and
individual student, helping them to attain personal and   make informed decisions for our students.
academic goals.

Huanui College prides itself on having a staff with
strong professional integrity. Our teachers are
passionate about their jobs and genuinely care for
students and their outcomes. Our teachers also have
excellent curriculum knowledge and are up-to-date
with best teaching practice. They are enthused and
excited about the subjects they teach, providing
inspiring lessons, linking subject matter to real life.
They have high expectations for behaviour and
academic outcomes, share core values and have

Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College

Research teams
During the 2019-2020 academic years, four research teams are each investigating a key aspect of the life of Huanui
College. Parents and friends of the College are welcome to attend the meetings of these groups or to forward
ideas, points of view and any research that they wish to share. Alternatively, this can be done by emailing material
to the relevant Group Leader or Recorder.

Each research team will be presenting their findings in March 2020. From the recommendations tabled, an action
plan for implementation in each area will be developed.

This means that there will be further developments – the curriculum, model of teaching and learning and
development of student programmes in 2021 and beyond.

 Relationships/                Planning and                 Staff Professional        What Makes Learning
 Well-being                    Pathways                     Integrity                 Successful?

 Carolyn Evans                 Stephen Towey                Fiona Boorer              Kristen Sanderson
 [Leader]                      [Leader]                     [Leader]                  [Leader]
 Cathy Senescall               Toni Koning                  Patrick Dodd              Ashlee Rouse
 [Recorder]                    [Recorder]                   [Recorder]                [Recorder]
 Ajit Balasingham              Gretchen Dainty              Amanda Gurr               Derek Slatter
 Brenda Rudolph                Guy Oclee-Brown              Callum Mather             Gary Payinda
 Brooke Senescall              Jordan Carswell              Pippa Benton              Hilary Scheffer
 Evan Hamlet                   Peter Ferguson               Sharon Cole               Kay Budd-Fletcher
 Henry Beattie                 Rebecca-Amy Muir                                       Dr Lynette Hudson
 Luke Kirner                   Rufaro Manjala                                         Peter Ackers
 Sarah Butler                                                                         Terese Storey
                                                                                      Vicki Haverkort

Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
Students really only need to study a curriculum based      • Learn by acting and reflecting to generate
on three questions:                                          knowledge and develop effective strategies to
                                                             resolve problems.
• What is it to be human?
• How did we become so?                                    These core thinking and learning capabilities can
• How can we become more so?                               manifest themselves with some specific learning
                                                           dispositions that enable them:
So, at Huanui College, the learning curriculum is based
on two guiding principles:                                 1. To be able to receive, retrieve and express
                                                           increasingly complex ideas and information in written,
• Learning is a consequence of thinking                    visual and spoken form. This requires them to be
  – and good thinking is learnable by all                  proficient in assembling, manipulating and interpreting
  students;                                                numbers, listening, reading, writing, viewing and
• Learning should include deep                             speaking, and presenting information in a variety of
  understanding, which involves the                        forms and using a variety of media.
  flexible, active use of knowledge.
                                                           Why? Because creativity, imagination, adaptability,
This focus on building learning dispositions is not        social competence, problem identification and
at odds with the traditional school concerns of            problem-solving, and the capacity for informed
numeracy, literacy and the mastery of examinable           decision-making, depend upon a good facility in
bodies of knowledge. An important strength of              language, reading, interpretation of number-based
‘traditional’ academic teaching is that it recognises      information, and the presentation and communication
learning not just as the collation of competencies but     of ideas and findings.
also as the emergence of an identity.
                                                           2. Personal and interpersonal skills, to be able to
Learning is about being able to take up a personal         sustain a healthy lifestyle and build positive
stance in relation to subject knowledge and expertise.     relationships with others; establish a values framework
In a digital age, learners need to practice and            that embraces a concern for others; understand and
experiment with different ways of enacting their           reflect on their personal motives and behaviours; and if
identities and adopt subject positions through different   need be, change these to sustain personal well-being
social technologies and media.                             and support the well-being of others.

The role of the curriculum, then, is to provide the time   Why? Poorly developed skills in these areas affect
and space for this to occur at school and to prepare       self-esteem, happiness and the capacity to participate
students for when they leave the College.                  in a rich, social community and work life.

Students will need ‘21st Century Thinking and Learning’    Well-developed skills in these areas open up
capabilities. Our aim is to send students from the         relationship opportunities, enhance job prospects and
College who can, whatever their career path and            build respect, trust and self-esteem.
subject experience:
                                                           3. An understanding of human society, asking
• Take active responsibility for their own learning and    questions such as “Where have we come from?”; “What
    behaviour.                                             innovations changed civilisations?”; “What accounts for
• Develop and share high quality information.              economic differences, religious differences, political
                                                           differences, or differences in traditions and values?”;
• Generate lasting solutions to fundamental problems
                                                           “How do our minds work?”
    where they think for themselves and articulate their
    own conclusions / decisions.

Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
Why? Political, economic, social, philosophical and          Why? The contamination of the planet depends upon
religious theories and beliefs are some of the key           how nature’s resources are used. The environment,
shapers of our world. Young people need to know this         therefore, deserves to be singled out as an essential
and to understand how differences in these domains           area for study and action. It can be argued that our
play out in a society in terms of values, social behaviour   current generation and previous ones did not want this
and civic institutions.                                      responsibility.

4. A basic knowledge of psychology and philosophy            Our students will then be able to operate successfully
is needed to help understand what it means to be             in a world of change, risk and ambiguity whilst
human.                                                       appreciating the value of academic endeavour. How
                                                             will we know that students are developing these
An understanding of science and technology with              capabilities when they are still at the College? Well, one
some knowledge of the history and philosophy of              key way is to look at what is happening in our
science; key figures in the development of scientific        classrooms. Our classrooms have students that:
understanding; how science and technology contribute
to and impact the world.                                     • Are offered tasks that draw on and stretch what they
                                                               can already do.
Why? An understanding of the place of science and            • Work together and so deal with disagreement, which
technology in society is necessary for an understanding        entails reconstructing their thinking.
of our world, as the big ideas of science have shaped        • Are supported and challenged to solve problems.
significantly our understanding of nature, of space, and     • Control what they can control, in order to pursue
of our past and possible future.
                                                               their own goals.
                                                             • See the ‘big picture’ and pay timely attention to
5. To be familiar with cultural activities and artefacts;
                                                               details and sub-skills.
to know who have been significant contributors to
                                                             • Grasp the purpose of their activity and make
cultural life in its various forms; and to be supported to
become engaged as participants in cultural life.               decisions about it.
                                                             • Receive affirmative feedback, enabling them to learn
Why? Everyone should be equipped to participate in,            from setbacks as well as triumphs.
appreciate and benefit from the cultural and artistic life   • Look at what goes well and build on that, rather than
of societies.                                                  concentrating on what does not go well.
                                                             • Know what to do when they do not know what to do.
6  . To be global in outlook; to see themselves as
citizens of the world; to be culturally aware and
sensitive; and to acquire skills in other languages.         Thus, the Huanui College Curriculum is based on not
                                                             just the subjects students undertake and the
Why? There is a danger that the next divide will be          qualifications they gain, but the development of
between those students who do have a global outlook          learning behaviours in and out of the classroom.
and skills in international language and those who
do not.

7. To be aware environmentally and responsible
ecologically. In one sense, this is a subset of the impact
of the actions that nations take in response to econom-
ic and political beliefs and pressures, and of the need
to understand science and technology both for their
‘content’ and for their possible ‘contributions’ to
destroying or salvaging our planet.

Courses of Study Guide - Huanui College
The learning journey
At Huanui College, we have a three-year school curriculum for Years 7, 8 and 9 students combining traditional
academic subjects with a wide range of life and thinking skills. This gives our students a strong base for the future.

In Years 10 and 11, our students can access the IGCSE qualification. In Years 12 and 13, they access the AS and A
level Cambridge qualification.

As students progress to more senior levels, they will also have more choice of subjects. We encourage our
students to retain a broad range of subjects for as long as possible, giving them access to more opportunities
when they come to consider future study options and other endeavours.

Education Review Office
Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Education Review Office Private School Review Report 2019

“The curriculum for students in Years 7 to 10 is guided by the Cambridge Middle Years programme and is
designed to form the foundation for Cambridge International (CI) in the senior years. It includes elements relevant
to the New Zealand Aotearoa context. Te Reo Māori and aspects of Te Āo Māori are integrated into school
programmes and practices. The curriculum also incorporates the Positive Education programme designed to
increase student’s resilience and confidence in undertaking CI in the senior school.”

“Teachers promote a caring, inclusive environment. High levels of student engagement in learning are evident.
Students appreciate and benefit from small class sizes. There are good examples of formative practices where
teachers scaffold learning to enable students to understand how to progress independently and be successful.”

Huanui College is committed to promoting achievement, raising standards and to providing an environment that
encourages all students to develop his or her abilities to the fullest. We aim to provide a rich education for every
student, working with their talents and abilities, and take pride in celebrating their success.

We believe that the role of the College is to provide a wide range of challenging learning opportunities that will
enable each individual to realise their potential. It is also our role to support our students to meet the challenges
we set for them. Different students will need different levels of support and we are committed to understanding
the individual needs and circumstances of each student.

Support at Huanui College focuses on five key elements to help students achieve their highest potential:
communication, support, curriculum, achievement and monitoring progress.

 Communication             • Identify and monitor a student’s needs at the earliest possible stage
                           • Make teachers aware of additional / specific needs of the student they teach and
                             provide support for both the teacher and student to meet their needs
                           • Involve parents at an early stage – parents are encouraged to be involved with their
                             child’s education
                           • Close liaison with education assessment and learning support services and, where
                             necessary, social services, educational welfare and medical services
                           • Develop adequate records that follow the student through the school, which are
                             clear, factual, up-to-date and reliable
 Support                   • Help students with their intellectual, emotional and social development, working
                             with them to develop their personalities, skills and abilities
                           • Meet the particular social and emotional needs associated with students with a
                             learning difference
                           • Work for quality and equality of opportunity
                           • Work to ensure students with a learning difference develop a positive self-image
                           • Give students the pastoral support they need to maximise their potential
 Curriculum                • Provide lessons which take account of both the student’s ability and his/her learning
                           • Continuously improve classroom-based provision for students with learning
                           • Help students to reach their potential in all aspects of the curriculum by ensuring
                             there is an efficient system of identification, programme planning and monitoring
                           • Provide a full and balanced curriculum that attempts to meet the learning needs of
                             all students
                           • Devise strategies for learning as part of a differentiated, extended and enriched
 Achievement               • Raise students’ levels of achievement
                           • Recognise under-achievement through appropriate teaching and learning
                           • Increase the level of engagement of all students
                           • Enable students to reach their potential in all aspects of college life
 Monitoring                • Make use of learning analytics to interpret data from the College’s Learning
 Progress                    Management System, providing insights into each student’s learning behaviours and
                             tracking their academic attainment. This information assists in enabling teachers to
                             provide personalised, targeted advice for each student and helps to identify when
                             and where extra learning support is needed
                           • Share information about learning and behaviours and academic attainment with
                             students, encouraging them to set goals and take responsibility for their own
                             learning and achievement

At Huanui College we are using educational                   Prepared for the future
technologies and our e-learning approach is to
support and enhance the learning experience by               To prepare our students for the increasingly complex
making it more student-focused, more dynamic and             work environments of the future, we know it is essential
more accessible.                                             to develop their digital literacy and confidence. We
                                                             recognise technology as an important platform and
Our teachers are using technology to give our students       enabling tool for creativity and innovation, critical
access to new resources and new ways to learn. We are        thinking and problem solving, and communication and
also equipping our students with the skills to enhance       collaboration in our globally connected classrooms
their own study and research by making more effective        and offices.
use of the technology that is available to them.
                                                             By building educational technologies into all aspects
One of the key advantages of our e-learning approach         of our teaching and learning, we also ensure that our
is that it allows our staff to deliver more individualised   students can access and make use of real-world
learning opportunities and gives our students greater        contemporary data, tools and expert insights. We
control over their learning experience.                      believe there is a valuable practice for our students to
                                                             learn and apply in their studies and, ultimately, in
Students are supported to learn at their own pace,           their careers.
allowing them to revise content they need to spend
more time with or to stretch themselves with additional
reading and exercises.                                       Technology requirements
                                                             In 2020 students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will have
Digital citizens                                             appropriate technology for use provided by the
                                                             College under careful supervision. Students will learn
We are very conscious of the role we play as digital         not only the skills required in effective use of
educators. We want our students to be confident users        e-technologies but also the etiquette and rules around
of technology and to know how to use technology in           these devices.
the way that is most appropriate to the task at hand.
                                                             Students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 are enrolled for
Our teachers integrate the use of technology into            Cambridge International (CI) courses and should bring
classroom teaching and assignments, allowing                 a laptop or tablet to school for their learning.
students to learn about different applications in a
practical and useful way.

Classes provide valuable skills that students can apply
across their subjects, such as effective note taking
on digital devices and smart online search practices.
Knowing how to access, navigate and differentiate
information is a vital skill in todays world and one which
our students will continue to use in future study and in
the workplace.

Huanui College is excited to announce the new Experiential Education programme. This programme is for all
students and aspires to embrace the very best aspects of Outdoor / Environmental Education and Sustainability,
alongside Well-being / Positive Education and Community Service.

“Our challenge is to facilitate the use of these incredible outdoor learning environments both on-site and further
afield, in a way that fulfils its potential to improve learning outcomes. Much of this Mahi will involve connecting
students and teachers with the appropriate experts from within the community and from around the world. We
want to assure parents that the connections between student well-being, movement for learning and academic
outcomes continue to be at the forefront of our approach”.

At the core of the Junior and Middle programmes lie          The implementation of the Junior and Middle
the Guardianship / Kaitiakitanga of the natural Taonga       programmes, with such lofty environmental and social
(treasures) found within the extensive Huanui College        aspirations, signals a great opportunity for our seniors
property. These Taonga include a freshwater spring,          to step into meaningful leadership roles.
swamp, 1km of stream, several pockets of native bush,
as well as the flora and fauna which reside within.          Through consistent outdoor interactions with younger
                                                             students from both Huanui College and nearby primary
The exploration and enhancement of these areas will          schools, senior students will learn to exhibit the
not only link cross-curricular learning, but also act as a   compassion, tolerance and integrity found in great
catalyst for the promotion of student well-being as a        leaders.
beginning and spread to include community and
societal health.                                             This will be complimented by opportunities to
                                                             develop innovation, creativity, determination and
 • Positive Education programme delivered primarily          confidence when assisting in the direction and
   outdoors                                                  functioning of the environmental initiatives through
 • Spring / Stream restoration / Riparian                    real-life communications with stakeholders and
   planting                                                  community representatives.
 • Data collection (flora / fauna)
                                                             In addition, the programme will offer senior students
 • The Huanui Award (teamwork / leadership)
                                                             on-site training in bush-craft and self sufficiency
                                                             skills, as well as opportunities to participate in off-site
                                                             outdoor adventures designed to foster a love for the
                                                             environment and for conquering challenges.

POSITIVE EDUCATION                                           ACTIVITIES EDUCATION
The Positive Education model is based on the                 All activities in the College are curricular and are thus
principles of PERMA: positive emotions, positive             represented in the College timetable.
engagement, positive relationships, meaning and
accomplishment.                                              Community services, cultural and club education
                                                             and sports education are integral components of the
Our aim is to enable our students and staff to               Huanui curriculum. Therefore, these components are in
recognise and develop their strengths and talents.           the College’s courses of study programme and
Research shows that knowing and following ones               compulsory for students Years 7 to 12, and optional for
strengths:                                                   Year 13.

 • Helps us to flourish                                      Each year group will have time allocated in the weekly
 • Encourages insight and perspective in one’s life          timetable for their academic subjects, community
                                                             service, cultural and club education and sports
 • Generates options
                                                             education; students will select from a range of
 • Promotes a sense of direction                             activities in which to participate.
 • Develops confidence
 • Generates a sense of visibility                           For activities education, students participate in sports,
                                                             cultural and community services.
 • Encourages a sense of fulfilment
 • Helps us to achieve our goals
 • Builds resilience

We want our students to develop growth mind-sets
where they realise that they can make changes and that
while they cannot do something yet, with patience,
perseverance and self-belief, they can grow and
develop into the person they want to be.

We also want our students to develop resilience and
realise that the road will not always be smooth. We
want to encourage our students to take these obstacles
in their stride and be able to bounce back from
disappointment. This is an important life skill which will
help develop the resilience needed in the future.

Cambridge International (CI) has been developed by a department of the University of Cambridge to provide
high-quality qualifications that meet the demands of employers and educators around the world. Cambridge has
been offered internationally for almost two decades and Cambridge programmes are currently taught in more
than 160 countries. The Cambridge syllabuses and assessments aim to encourage independent learning, self-
reliance, problem-solving and enquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning.

How does Cambridge work?
The CI qualifications offered at Huanui College are
IGCSE, AS and A Levels.                                    Marks for the various components and papers are
                                                           totalled for each subject and the grade boundaries are
IGCSE, AS and A Levels are subject qualifications –        then determined. These grade boundaries differ from
students can enter for as many or a minimum set            year-to-year and from subject to subject. Cambridge
number of subjects as they wish. They will get results     does not report these ‘raw’ marks to students but they
reported separately for each subject.                      do provide a scaled mark.

Students should, as much as possible, plan their senior    Results for the November examinations are available
Cambridge courses over the two years of Year 12 and        from approximately the third week of January and the
Year 13 so they are aware of prerequisites and             final certificates are posted out in March/April.
                                                           Cambridge does not return examination papers to
Cambridge assessment
External examinations are the main means of                Cambridge results overseas
assessment used by CI – the examinations are set
and marked by Cambridge appointed examiners.               Cambridge’s international A and AS Levels satisfy the
Usually there are two or three papers per syllabus         entry criteria for every university around the world and
requiring a total time of approximately three hours,       are considered equal in value to UK A and AS Levels.
though this varies from subject to subject.                They are recognised by universities in New Zealand,
                                                           Australia, Canada, United Kingdom (including Oxford
Many IGCSE syllabuses and some AS/A Level                  and Cambridge) as well as throughout the European
syllabuses have a coursework component. Coursework         Union. In the US they are accepted by all Ivy League
is an internal assessment and this component allows        universities (such as Harvard) and can earn students
schools to introduce local material and to assess skills   course credits up to one full year of credit.
not tested by the examinations. Science syllabuses
include practical tests covering experimental and          Cambridge publishes comprehensive lists of all
observational skills; languages have listening and         institutions that recognise its qualifications, including
speaking tests; and there are performance or practical     details about entry criteria and the grades needed
assessments in Music, Physical Education and               for entrance. If you are considering overseas study,
Computing.                                                 you are advised to include three A Level subjects in
                                                           your course of study.

IGCSE (International General                                 A Level (Advanced Level)
Certificate of Secondary
Education)                                                   A Level (sometimes called A2) is the second half of the
                                                             AS Level course. Students wishing to complete the full
IGCSE courses are suitable for Years 10 and 11               A Level award complete the second part in their final
students. Some subjects offer a choice of ‘Core’ and         year at school. The results from the AS and A Level
‘Extended’ papers to cater for students with differing       examinations are combined to produce a single grade
abilities. Students who enrol for ‘Core’ can only attain a   on a six-point scale from A* to E. New Zealand
maximum grade of C.                                          students are given a mark as well as a grade using the
                                                             same scale as the AS results. Students can repeat their
Results are graded on an eight-point scale from A* to G      AS examinations if they are unhappy with their
(see the table below). In New Zealand, a scaled mark is      performance.
provided along with the grade.
                                                             The AS/A Level structure gives students the
The results for each subject stand alone – they are not      opportunity to broaden their subject choices at Year
aggregated in any way, though the results are printed        12 and Year 13. They can do two AS subjects instead
on a single certificate.                                     of one A Level and, for University Entrance purposes,
                                                             the two AS results are, in general, ‘equal’ to an A Level
 Grade                  IGCSE MARKS                          result.

 A*                     90 - 100
                                                             In planning a course of study for Year 12 and Year 13,
 A                      80 - 89                              it may be useful to think of AS and A Level as similar to
 B                      70 - 79                              Stage I and Stage II courses at university. In the second
                                                             year of university a student carries on to Stage II in
 C                      60 - 69
                                                             some subjects but would also pick up some new
 D                      50 - 59                              subjects at Stage I. Similarly, Year 13 students do not
 E                      40 - 49                              need to go on to complete A Levels in all their subjects
 F                      30 - 39                              but can take up some new AS Level courses to gain
                                                             greater breadth in their studies.
 G                      20 - 29
 Ungraded               Less than 20                          Grade                  A/AS MARKS
                                                              A                      80 - 100

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary                                 B                      70 - 79
Level)                                                        C                      60 - 69
                                                              D                      50 - 59
AS Level courses can be taken by both Year 12 and
                                                              E                      40 - 49
Year 13 students. The courses can be quite challenging
(particularly in Mathematics and the Sciences) and            Ungraded               Less than 40
students must be well organised with good study
disciplines and routines if they are to complete the
courses successfully.

Some of the courses run over 18 months or two years
with examinations being taken in June or November
of the second year. Results are graded on a five-point
scale from A to E and, in New Zealand, a scaled mark is
provided along with the grade.

Entry to a tertiary course of study
A rank score will be set each year by tertiary providers which will guarantee entry to a tertiary course of study. The
required rank score for admission to courses generally increases each year.

Students should not aim to attain the minimum tertiary entrance requirement but should always aim to maximise
their rank score.

This rank score is calculated from Cambridge International (CI) AS and A Level grade scores. For the purposes of
tertiary entrance in New Zealand, universities only calculate the best six CI AS/A Level grades, which are then
converted to an overall points total.

It is also very important to check out entry requirements and prerequisite subjects for your chosen
university degree (or for any degrees you are considering if you are still undecided). You can check the most up-to-
date requirements via the university websites.

Each tertiary provider and each specific course will have its own entrance requirements. Students should not as-
sume these are uniform - different universities can set different entry requirements for the same programme.

Research clearly shows that students are better prepared for success in their first year at University by maximising
their Year 13 results. Therefore, students must aim to reach their academic potential and not just settle for an ‘entry

International students
International students will be required to achieve higher rank scores than New Zealand students.

Any international student entering Huanui College at Year 12 or Year 13 will need to complete the Numeracy and
Literacy requirements through either the Cambridge or NCEA pathways. Qualifications obtained overseas cannot
be combined with qualifications earned through the Cambridge pathways to gain University Entrance.

First year university
Some universities will guarantee entrance to a course of study if a student attains a minimum required number of
points calculated from their CI grades (Guaranteed Entry Score (GES)).

Students entering university with a GES should note that their chosen university will be expecting them to attain a
calculated Grade Point Average (GPA) or Grade Point Equivalent (GPE) in their first-year course of study. Therefore,
it is important that students seek to attain the highest grade possible in their first year, and subsequent years, at
tertiary level.

How to gain university entrance                           How your rank score is
with Cambridge                                            calculated using Cambridge
 University Entrance requirement for Cambridge            The rank score will be calculated from your UCAS Tariff
 PART A – a minimum of 120 points on the UCAS             points by awarding the following points for each
 Tariff at A Level or AS Level from the Cambridge         approved subject (to a maximum of six subject units).
 approved list of subjects, at least three subjects, in   The maximum rank score is 420.

 which no grade is lower than D. A UCAS Tariff
                                                           Subject A*               A      B       C             D     E
 calculator is available at                      A              140      120     100     80         60      40

 PART B –                                                  AS                       60     50      40         30      20
 Numeracy and Literacy must be satisfied as follows.
 Numeracy Either
                                                          Example of how a rank score for Cambridge is calculated:
 1. D grade or better in IGCSE or IGCSE Mathematics,
                              or                             SUBJECT     Level   Subject   Grade        Tariff       Rank
 2. Any Mathematics passed at AS Level. D grade or                                Units                 Points       Score

 better will satisfy one of the subject requirements of    Chemistry      A        2        B           100          100

 Part A.                                                   Mathematics    A        2        B           100          100

                              or                           Physics       AS        1        B            50           50

 As prescribed for University Entrance with NCEA           English       AS        1        C            40           40

 Literacy Either                                           Biology       AS        1        D            30          Nil*

 1. E grade or better in any one of the AS English         Rank Score                                                290

 Language and Literature in English
                              or                          Note: Maximum six subject units. If more achieved, the
 2. Literature in English - a D grade or better will      best six scores are used.
 satisfy one of the subject requirements of Part A.
                                                          An A Level counts as two subject units. Where a student
 The University of Auckland has set alternative           has studied more than six subject units, the best six
                                                          scores will be used.
 Literacy entrance requirements. Literacy comprises a
 D grade in AS English or 17 credits at Level 2 or
 Level 3 English. This is a requirement for
 unconditional entry. Students who do not meet
 this requirement will be offered places but will be
 required to do a Literacy course.
 As prescribed for University Entrance with NCEA.
 Important note
 IGCSE grades do not earn University Entrance points
 but Mathematics at this level provides the Numeracy
 requirement for tertiary entrance. Students planning
 to enrol in tertiary studies overseas should check
 the Numeracy and Literacy requirements for their
 intended course of study.

ADVICE ON CAREERS                                            PARENTS AS CAREER
For each of our students, understanding where they           EDUCATORS
want to go next in their studies – and ultimately which
career pathway they want to follow – will help them          Helping our children make the right career and
choose the subjects and course options that are              education decisions can feel like a heavy responsibility.
right for them.
                                                             The best role parents/guardians can play in these
The ‘Parents as Career Educators’ material on the            decisions is a supportive one, acting as a sounding
following pages (adapted from the University of              board and advisor to allow your son/daughter to find
Canterbury’s Careers, Internships & Employment               the options that are right for them. Below are some
Centre) provides advice for parents on questions they        steps we recommend working through with your son
can ask and steps they can take to help their son/           or daughter to help them identify study and career
daughter identify future study and career options.           options that are a good match with their interests and
We also have some simple tips to help with subject
                                                             • Ask your son/daughter questions that will help them
selection - the most important piece of advice is to           to look at themselves. Focus on their interests, things
leave yourself enough time to choose your subjects.            they are good at and their personal values about
Read this guide. Talk to family, friends and teachers          work.
about your career interests, skills, abilities and talents
                                                             • If your son/daughter does not know what career they
and the pathways that fit with your strengths and              want, ask them to define broad areas of interest,
interests.                                                     such as helping people or scientific work. Then
                                                               encourage them to investigate lots of options within
When choosing your subjects make sure you look                 each field. Pursuing work or study in an area of
                                                               interest is vital for maintaining satisfaction and
ahead and consider the prerequisites you will need for         getting through tough times.
future tertiary study options.
                                                             • Discuss what your son/daughter needs or wants
This guide includes information on how to gain                 from their career. Attitudes to the need for money,
                                                               security or self-development vary from person to
university entrance but students and parents need              person.
to check the specific entry requirements for different
universities and degree programmes by visiting the           • Try not to impose your ideas, but help by using
university websites. We hope this information helps            questions that will clarify the issues i.e. “This job
                                                               does not have much physical activity in it, and you
students make informed, well-researched decisions              have said that is important to you. How much will
about the subjects they take now so they can realise           that matter?”
their study and career aspirations in the future.
                                                             • Point your son/daughter towards sources of
                                                               information about careers and encourage them to
Parents will have the opportunity to discuss future
                                                               see their Careers Advisor and to look at websites like
pathways with their children and a senior teacher early
in Term 3.                                           

                                                             • Encourage your son/daughter in any activity that
                                                               develops skills. Many of the important transferable
                                                               skills that employers look for are developed at
                                                               school through the general curriculum. Skills are also
                                                               gathered from part-time or holiday jobs and from
                                                               leisure or sporting activities.

                                                             • Discuss subject choice with your son/daughter each
                                                               year. Which subjects best suit their plans for the
                                                               future? Do you agree with their thinking? If you have
                                                               concerns, sit down with their Careers Advisor or
                                                               teachers and find out what they think.

Skills and abilities you can use
to help your child explore their
subject and career options
 Listening Skills: Listen uncritically and patiently, and
 not rush to solutions.
 Guiding Ability: Suggest ideas without forcing
 them in one direction.
 Asking Ability: Ask questions that help your son/
 daughter think about their likes and dislikes – their
 interests, sports, hobbies and academic subjects.
 Lateral Thinking Ability: Help them see the links
 between different jobs, between skills and jobs, and
 between interests and jobs.
 Assessment Ability: Assist your son/daughter to
 assess the information they have collected about
 subject and career options, using categories such as
 ‘really interested’, ‘it is okay’ and ‘not really my thing’.
 A ‘Sounding Board’: Encourage one-on-one or
 family discussions to help your son/daughter work
 through various ideas and get feedback. (Remind
 family members to keep it positive).
 Encouragement Skills: Support and encourage
 your son/daughter to do the necessary research
 to come to a good, informed decision.
 Source: Adapted from

Keep an open mind – and be
We are often limited by our own experience. There are
hundreds of different sorts of jobs that we have never
heard of, let alone considered. Try to cast your
son’s/daughter’s net as wide as possible.

• Do not discourage with comments like “You are not
  bright enough to do that” or “I thought you hated
  that subject”. It is amazing what people can achieve
  when they want something, and many people are
  ‘late career developers’, growing into skills as they
  get older.

• Most importantly of all, encourage your son/
  daughter in all aspects of their lives – school, home,
  hobbies, sport and part-time employment. The
  greatest gift you can give them is a belief in

• No career decision is final or fatal! It is okay not to
  know! A career is a journey, not a destination, so let’s
  enjoy the trip!

                    YOU SELECT YOUR                            Ask for help
                    SUBJECTS                                   Visit career educators, talk to your
                                                               teachers, ask your parents and
                                                               family. Discuss your subject

           Set aside enough time                               strengths and what you enjoy and
                                                               ask them to share their ideas on
           Give yourself plenty of time to select your
                                                               subjects and career pathways.
           subjects and use this guide.

Look ahead – check prerequisites                                Challenge your
If you know the subjects you want to take over the next
couple of years and/or the University course you want to
                                                                If you decided on your ideal
apply for, then research the prerequisites – entry to some
                                                                career or qualification while
subjects and courses will depend on your subjects and
                                                                you were still in Year 9 or 10,
achievement levels in previous years.
                                                                think about whether your
                                                                areas of interest are still the
                                                                same now. Ask yourself which
                                                                subjects you really enjoy, and
                 Pick a mix of subjects                         where else they could lead.
                 Even if mathematics is your passion, try to
                 choose at least one or two subjects from
                 another area of study such as the
                 humanities or the arts – many university
                 competitive programmes are looking for a      Think about
                 breadth of interests in their candidates.     what you
                                                               Interest and enthusiasm
                                                               for your subjects are
                                                               important motivators
                                                               for study and success.

Years 7, 8 and 9
 • Students follow a compulsory course which introduces a broad range of subjects and offers a strong
   foundation for future learning at the College.

 • Students will have one semester of Spanish and one semester of Te Reo Māori.

 Years 10 and 11
 • All students must select an English course, a Mathematics course and three or four other subjects.

 • Students are encouraged to achieve breadth in their subject selection by selecting as many different
   learning areas as possible – this ensures you do not unduly limit future study pathways by narrowing your
   subject choices now.

 • If you are unclear about future study and career aspirations do not discard subjects studied as part of the
   Junior School curriculum, continue with a broad subject selection.

 • Students contemplating overseas tertiary study need to understand that their Year 11 results will be
   considered in their application.

 • Students should identify entry requirements for university degree programmes they are interested in.
   Students should select subjects that prepare them for the widest range of programmes in their field (or
   fields) of interest.

 Year 12
 • All students must select an English course and three other subjects.

 • Students should select subjects, if possible, that are going to lead them to a definitive tertiary pathway.

 • At this level, students should look ahead to their subject options for Year 13 and make a plan for the final
   two years of study at the College – this will help to ensure you meet course prerequisites.

 • Year 12 results will be a key determinant in successful applications to New Zealand Halls of Residence and
   overseas placement.

 Year 13
 • There are no compulsory courses at Year 13. All students must select four subjects, although students who
   have attained University Entrance at Year 12 may enrol in three full A Level courses.

 • Care should be taken in deciding which subjects to continue or discard. Students should not enrol in a
   subject if they have not met the criteria for success in Year 12 – many courses have set prerequisites.

 • Some subjects are ‘stand-alone’ at this level. That is, students can enrol in these without prior study.
   Students should consult with the appropriate Head of Department (HoD) to ascertain whether selecting
   such a subject is in the students best interests.

                                                           The Premier Award is awarded to the top five to ten
Students have the opportunity of sitting New Zealand
                                                           candidates who gain three or more scholarship
Scholarship, a series of examinations that provide
                                                           subjects with at least three at outstanding level and is
recognition and monetary reward to the most
                                                           worth $10,000 per year for three years.
academically able students.

                                                           An Outstanding Scholar Award is awarded to the top
Assessments enable candidates to be assessed against
                                                           40 to 60 candidates (usually around the top 0.3% of
challenging standards and are globally recognised as
                                                           the number of Level 3 students sitting the subject but
a genuine academic challenge for the most able
                                                           more for the less common subjects) who gain three
                                                           scholarship subjects with two outstanding levels or who
                                                           gain more than three scholarship subjects with at least
Scholarship is awarded by standards-based three-hour
                                                           one at outstanding level. The award is worth $5,000 per
external examinations which are mostly written
                                                           year for three years.
examinations or, by the submission of a portfolio or
report presenting work produced throughout the year.
                                                           A Scholarship Award is awarded to all candidates who
                                                           gain three or more scholarship subjects and is worth
Scholarship candidates are expected to demonstrate
                                                           $2,000 per year for three years.
high-level critical thinking, abstraction and
generalisation and the ability to integrate, synthesise
                                                           A Top Subject Scholar Award is awarded to the
and apply knowledge, skills, understanding and ideas
                                                           candidates who achieve the top marks for a subject
to complex situations.
                                                           and who have not received one of the above prizes. It
                                                           is worth $2,000 per year for three years.
The examination level is beyond A Level Cambridge
and is therefore suited to the most able academic
                                                           A Single Subject Award is awarded to candidates
students at the College. There is an expectation that
                                                           who gain one or two scholarship subjects and did not
the College’s top students will take up this academic
                                                           top the subject(s). It is worth $500 per subject for
                                                           one year only.

The monetary awards are able to be claimed at any
New Zealand University and all, except single subject
awards, last for three years as long as a ‘B’ average is
maintained. Candidates must gain at least three
scholarships to be eligible for the Scholarship,
Outstanding Scholar and Premier Awards.

Students are advised to engage in Scholarship
examinations at Year 12 to gain the necessary
experience to stand the best chance of success at
Year 13.

                Read the Courses of Study Guide                     Important reminders for course
 Before making your subject selections for 2020 we ask that         enrolment
          you read this Courses of Study Guide in full.
                                                                    Students are more likely to receive their preferred
              Attend the Subject Options Evening                    course of study if they do not require changes to their
  We recommend you attend our Subject Options Evening               original course selection. If current students do not
            on the 31 July to gain more information.                submit their selections by 14 August 2019, they are
                                                                    unlikely to receive their preferred options.
         Consult with Careers staff member, Teachers,
                      Mentors and Parents                           Requested changes to original course selections will be
  Other resources to help you make your course selections           processed according to availability on the timetable.
     include the “Careers” section in this booklet, as well as      There is limited flexibility to meet requested changes.
     talking to your teachers and other staff at the College.
                                                                    All courses offered in this booklet are subject to a
           Check you have met entry criteria for your               minimum number of students selecting the course.
                        selected subjects
     Students can only enrol in a course if they have met the       The College will endeavour to provide students with
      entry requirements for that course – prerequisites are        their selected course options but subject selections are
       outlined in the course descriptions. In addition, the        not guaranteed. Timetable clashes, limits to class sizes
 College sets a standard to be attained by students to move         or available staffing can mean students are required to
       to the next academic level – any exceptions will be          choose a different subject – students should maintain
          determined by the relevant subject Head of                some flexibility in their course planning.
              Department (HoD) and the Principal.

                    Submit subject selections                       Course enrolment timeline
  Subject selections need to be submitted during the course         2019/2020
      enrolment period 1 – 14 August 2019. We rely on this
  information to develop the College timetable for next year         June 2019                Huanui College Courses of
  and to enable planning for staff and department resources.                                  Study Guide 2020 distributed
  Students who do not meet the prerequisite will not be able
                                                                     31 July                  Subject options evening
                       to select the subject.
                                                                     5-10 August              Subject option interviews
              Submitting a course change request                     14 August                Subject selections submitted
      Students wishing to make a subject or course change            12-18 September          Senior School Qualifications
  request after they receive their 2019 examination results                                   Examinations
     must complete a 2020 Course/Subject Change Request
                                                                     11-15 November           Junior School Examinations
 Form. A copy of the form will be emailed to you at the end
                            of Term 4.
                                                                     24 January 2020          Requested course/subject
                                                                                              changes submitted and
      All request forms must be submitted to the Principal.                                   processed
     Subject changes may only be requested by students with          28 January 2020          Student meetings with Heads
  parent approval. Students may not request subject changes                                   of Departments (HoD)
               after the academic year commences.                    29 January 2020          Commencement of 2020
                                                                                              academic year

*Note: 1. Course/subject changes can only occur if students meet the prerequisites, and the timetable allows. 2.Students
who have failed to meet the prerequisite for entry into a course/subject - and who still wish to enrol in that subject - will be
required to meet with the respective Head of Department to gain approval for entry into the course/subject.

You can also read