COVID-19 in Vietnam: Containment Measures and Socio-political Impacts

Page created by Veronica Chen
COVID-19 in Vietnam: Containment Measures and Socio-political Impacts
Dr Dao Quang Vinh

COVID-19 in Vietnam:
Containment Measures and
Socio-political Impacts

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Vietnam (GoV) imposed
various effective and timely policy measures. As a result, the country has been re-
markably successful in controlling the spread of the virus. However, the global sit-
uation and the imposed containment measures have had grave impacts on society,
the economy, and the political arena. This report aims to provide an overview of the
GoV’s policies and containment measures while also presenting the impacts, respec-

Vietnam – COVID-19 – containment measures – policy response – socio-political impacts
COVID-19 in Vietnam: Containment Measures
      and Socio-political Impacts                                        1

      || Dr Dao Quang Vinh

Introduction2                                                    ever, from mid-September 2020 to mid-Jan-
                                                                 uary 2021, the country reported only a few
Vietnam detected its first COVID-19 case on                      new community cases, in December 2020. The
January 23, 2020. By May 2020, it had man-                       COVID-19 containment measures had been
aged to bring its first COVID-19 wave under                      effective, leading to a three-month period of
control, keeping the number of confirmed                         zero community transmissions. From Janu-
cases to around 300 people, with zero deaths.                    ary 27, 2021, Vietnam experienced its third
The country experienced its second wave to-                      and to date (March 31, 2021), worst wave of
wards the end of July 2020, with a cluster of                    infections across 13 provinces and cities na-
confirmed cases in Da Nang City, which broke                     tionwide, with Hai Duong Province, approxi-
out in the most vulnerable place – hospitals.                    mately 50 km east of Hanoi, being the national
The highest number of confirmed cases on                         infection hotspot – followed by Quang Ninh
one day was 50 at that time. On July 31, 2020,                   Province, Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City. The
COVID-19 claimed the first life in Vietnam. By                   maximum number of cases recorded in a day
August 25, 2020 – a month after the detection                    reached 77. In this third wave from January 25,
of the COVID-19 cluster in Da Nang, Vietnam                      2021, onwards, Vietnam has so far recorded
exceeded 1,000 total confirmed cases. How-                       around 800 cases (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Timeline of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Vietnam / Source: Our World in Data (2021d)

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Figure 2: Map of confirmed cases in Vietnam / Source: Ministry of Health (2021a)

This third wave included highly contagious                        Fighting COVID-19 in Vietnam: prevention
variants such as the so-called “UK-variant”                       before protection
but the virus was nevertheless contained
again in March 2021. Up to the date of writ-                      The strategies used to fight COVID-19 world-
ing this report (March 25, 2021), 14 months                       wide have varied among countries since the
after Vietnam’s first COVID-19 case, there                        beginning of the pandemic. To assess the
have been 2,576 infected cases and 35 fatal-                      policies of each country when dealing with
ities (Figure 2). In relation to the country’s                    COVID-19, researchers worldwide have de-
population of approximately 95 million and                        veloped several measures. One of the most
the 1,200 km shared border with China, be-                        popular measures has been developed and
ing the initial epicentre of the pandemic, this                   led by the Blavatnik School of Government at
figure of COVID-19 cases is a remarkable tes-                     the University of Oxford: Government Strin-
tament to the country’s achievement. Behind                       gency Index, GSI (Cross et al., 2020; Le et al.,
this successful response to the pandemic is a                     2021). The index is based on specific indica-
combination of stringent policy measures put                      tors that can be used to compare countries’
in place to contain the virus decisively and                      policy measures regarding containment, clo-
provide timely treatment to those infected.                       sure, income support, and healthcare. Data
                                                                  from 180 countries have been collected and
This report aims to provide insights into the                     updated on a daily basis. According to the
strategies employed by the Government of Vi-                      GSI, Vietnam is one of the countries in the
etnam (GoV) to contain the pandemic domes-                        world with the strictest response to the pan-
tically. In addition, it addresses socio-politi-                  demic, applying rigorous preventive and pro-
cal impacts of the pandemic and provides a                        tective policies (the country achieved 97/100
brief outlook for further social protection and                   points in March 2020 on this index). Figure
economic growth in the context of an uncer-                       3 shows Vietnam’s overall policy response
tain future caused by COVID-19. The report                        to COVID-19 across the various employed in-
draws on secondary data and key evidence                          dicators. Those GSI-indicators serve as the
from various academic and official sources                        basis for the discussion of Vietnam’s contain-
published by UN agencies, research insti-                         ment policies in the following paragraphs of
tutes, and the GoV.                                               this paper.

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From its experience with SARS prevention                         swiftly during the last week of March, from
back in 2003 and the A-influenza (H1N1) in                       required closures in some workplaces to a
2009, Vietnam implemented early and de-                          complete economic shutdown within a short
cisive responses to COVID-19. In December                        period of time (with the exception of key
2019, the Ministry of Health (MoH) had already                   workers, including health staff, border de-
consulted with international organizations to                    fence, etc.). The closures of workplaces and
develop a prevention plan in response to the                     schools were kept in place until the end of
pandemic. On January 15, 2020, the National                      April and the beginning of May, respectively.
Steering Committee (NSC) chaired by Deputy                       Eventually, Vietnam was the second country
Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam was established.                       in Asia, after Taiwan, to reopen schools after
The National COVID-19 Response Plan was                          the first COVID-19 wave.
issued on January 20, 2020, and further up-
dated on January 31. The aim of the plan was                     Nationwide school shutdowns and workplace
to detect and contain COVID-19 infections to                     closures were ordered again in August 2020
minimize the incidence of illness and death                      and January 2021 amid the second and third
from the pandemic. Steering committees for                       waves of COVID-19 outbreaks. At the begin-
pandemic prevention were set up in every                         ning of February 2021, 52 out of 63 prov-
locality. On a general scale, pandemic pre-                      inces and cities closed schools, just before
vention has been structurally organized via                      the longest holidays of the country, the Lu-
thorough preparation, presenting the state’s                     nar New Year celebration (Lao Dong, 2021).
approach to prevention to its citizens.                          Whereas business was disrupted mainly in
                                                                 the areas where there had been an outbreak,
School and workplace closures                                    the parts of the country without confirmed
                                                                 cases kept the public and business life open.
School closures started at the end of Janu-
ary 2020. At that time, there were only three                    Cancellation of public events and stay-­at-
countries in the world that required school                      home restrictions
closures. While e-learning took place nation-
wide, businesses remained open with no re-                       All public events were cancelled less than
strictions. However, the situation changed                       three weeks after the first confirmed case in

Figure 3: Vietnam stringency index – COVID-19 / Source: Our World in Data (2021c)

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Vietnam on January 23, 2020. Vietnam was           Public information campaigns
the third country in Asia, after China and Mon-
golia, to move quickly to restrict the transmis-   Communication and information campaigns
sion of the virus via public events (Our World     on COVID-19 prevention and control have
in Data, 2021c). Public gatherings were re-        been conducted widely and continuously
stricted to groups of less than 1,000 people       since the emergence of the pandemic. The
in March 2020, but further restrictions led to     GoV issued Directive No. 5/CT-BTTTT on
the ban of gatherings of more than 10 people       February 2, 2020, to utilize all means of
in April, according to Directive No.16/2020/       communications, including TV channels,
CT-TTg and 447/QD-TTg issued by the prime          broadcasting stations, news and magazines,
minister (Vietnam Laws Repository [Thu Vien        SMS, social networks, and internet-based
Phap Luat], 2020b). During this time, strict       platforms, as well as through interactions
social distancing methods were applied na-         among the communities and the country’s
tionwide for 15 days, in which all non-essen-      mass organizations. The GoV has been pro-
tial businesses were ordered to close. During      viding daily press conferences and updates
the second and third waves of COVID-19 in-         on the pandemic development via social me-
fections, lockdowns and strict social distanc-     dia platforms to raise awareness of the pan-
ing measures were limited to hotspot infec-        demic within the community. From February
tion areas while other provinces kept in place     1 to May 31, 2020, there have been 560,048
various levels of preventive measures.             pieces of news on COVID-19, utilizing all
                                                   kinds of media outreach. Within the first 5
Wearing of face masks                              months of 2020, nearly 17 million status up-
                                                   dates and comments on COVID-19 had been
Wearing of face masks was encouraged by            posted in Vietnam’s cyber space (Ministry
the GoV after China locked down its epicen-        of Health, 2020a). According to Mekong De-
tre in Wuhan. From March 16, 2020, wearing         velopment Research Institute (n.d.), almost
masks in public was strictly required and          90% of the population has been listening to
implemented. Throughout the pandemic,              or watching COVID-19 news updates daily.
face covering measures have been required          Furthermore, leaflets and posters containing
in most public spaces. While initial fines         COVID-19 information such as explanations
for non-compliance with mask-wearing re-           of symptoms and appropriate preventive
quirements were modest, at an equivalent           measures were also created and distributed
of about €4, this increased significantly in       in public. Communication technologies were
September 2020 with fines ranging between          applied to develop applications that are us-
€35 and approximately €100 depending on            er-friendly, such as the “Bluezone” app or
severity and location (Vietnam Laws Reposi-        the “Vietnam Health Declaration” (website)
tory [Thu Vien Phap Luat], 2020a). Although        which has been made compulsory for any
fines for not wearing masks were issued to         form of domestic travel.
individuals from time to time, face cover-
ing is encouraged and generally accepted           Through communication activities, the GoV
by the society in Vietnam. The widespread          has demonstrated a sense of transparency in
acceptance of compulsory face coverings            giving timely updates on confirmed cases.
can partly be explained by the cultural and        The widespread communication campaign
personal experiences of Vietnamese people.         as briefly outlined above has helped cit-
People have been wearing masks daily prior         izens to stay informed about the potential
to the pandemic to protect themselves from         risks and mitigation strategies. This trans-
severe environmental conditions such as air        parency has contributed to the increase in
pollution, sun damage, and heat.                   the general trust and popular approval that
                                                   the public have been showing towards the

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GoV. The cooperation of local communities             for 3 weeks. Quick zoning, irrespective of the
and grassroots organizations in tracing in-           time of day or other factors, has been con-
fections has been a clear sign of approval in         sidered extremely effective to prevent the
this context.                                         spread of the virus.

International travel                                  Tracing has been thorough so that no case
                                                      is missed. Once a patient with a confirmed
Vietnam was one of the first countries to close       COVID-19 infection is identified, he or she
its border first to China and subsequently to         is labelled as an F0 case. Subsequently,
the rest of the world. The prime minister is-         local public health officials, with support
sued Directive No.358/CT-CHK on January               from health professionals, security officers,
23 to suspend all flights to Wuhan and other          the military, and other civil servants, work
outbreak areas in China on January 29 (Civil          with the patient to identify everyone who
Aviation Authority of Vietnam [CVA], 2020).           has been in contact with the F0 case in the
As COVID-19 spread in the region and glob-            previous 14 days. Everyone who had been
ally, Vietnam banned entries from any third           in contact with an F0 case is considered an
countries while only allowing people to en-           F1 case and once located must prepare for
ter its territory on special flights and with a       self-isolation in a dedicated facility or hos-
mandatory 14-day quarantine. From the end             pital. F2 cases are those who have been in
of March 2020 until now, Vietnam has only al-         contact with F1 cases and are required to
lowed its own citizens stranded in third coun-        self-isolate at home or a centralized facility.
tries to re-enter the country, while all non-Vi-      This contact-tracing method is an ideal ex-
etnamese nationals must apply for special             ample of a pandemic protocol and has been
approval with the authorities. Such special           strictly implemented by the authorities. For
permissions are reserved for international            example, in the case of Patient No. 1,440,
experts and essential workers only. Health            15 F1 and 129 F2 have been identified, and
declarations, epidemiological examinations,           actions were taken accordingly (Ministry of
various tests at departure and after arrival          Health, 2020b). Mandatory health declara-
and strict individual quarantine measures in          tions for domestic travel and smartphone
designated quarantine hotels or military fa-          applications have contributed greatly to the
cilities apply to both Vietnamese citizens and        tracing of suspected cases.
international arrivals with special permis-
sion to enter Vietnam. Such strictly enforced         Suspected cases are tested immediately and
measures have arguably been the most effec-           at various intervals to decide upon the ap-
tive tool in preventing a large-scale outbreak        propriate treatment or quarantine approach.
in the country.                                       Widespread testing has been possible in Vi-
                                                      etnam as domestic testing capacity was in-
Zoning, contact tracing, and testing                  creased by cost-saving test kit production,
                                                      and continuous improvement of testing meth-
Quick zoning, thorough tracing of people in           odologies such as rapid test expansion, or
contact with infected cases, and timely test-         sample pooling. As of October 2020, 137 lab-
ing have been deployed in a rigorous manner           oratories were capable of testing by RT-PCR,
by the GoV. The Ministry of Health has devel-         with a maximum daily capacity of 51,000
oped and introduced concise instructions for          tests (Our World in Data, 2021a). A remark-
the measures from an early stage (T. P. T. Tran       able example in this context is Patient No.
et al., 2020). On February 13, 2020, upon the         1,979, a worker at Tan Son Nhat Airport in
detection of the first case, a pandemic area          Ho Chi Minh City. Once he tested positive for
in Son Loi Commune in a province just north           COVID-19, the medical authorities immedi-
of Hanoi was urgently sealed off and isolated         ately sprang into action and tested all 1,000

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workers present at the airport on the same         The GoV has so far approved the vaccines
night (Ministry of Health, 2021c).                 produced by AstraZeneca and Russia’s Sput-
                                                   nik V while Moderna’s mRNA vaccine awaits
While many countries have adopted a high-          emergency approval. In late February 2021,
cost strategy of mass testing, Vietnam has         Vietnam received 117,600 doses of Astra-
only screened out suspected cases, and those       Zeneca while the government estimates that
prone to infection, for testing. This is a rel-    150 million jabs would be needed for the na-
atively small part of the whole population.        tional COVID-19 vaccination programme (V.
However, with the average of about 1,000           Tran, 2021). For the year 2021, the vaccines
contacts in each of the confirmed cases, the       in Vietnam will come from various sources,
ratio proves to be one of the highest in the       including government purchases and support
world. According to (S. Nguyen, 2020), Viet-       from the COVAX vaccine-sharing scheme.
nam has had the highest test ratio per con-        However, Vietnam is also researching and
firmed case in the world. The IMF (2020, June      producing its own COVID-19 vaccines, of
29) stated that “early containment and use of      which two out of four domestic vaccine de-
existing public and military facilities proved     velopments have so far been tested on hu-
to be cost effective” while also outlining that    mans (see Table 1). While each of the phar-
“the government estimated the budgetary            maceutical companies and agencies have
cost of fighting the pandemic at about 0.2         different approaches to developing vaccines,
percent of GDP, with about 60 percent spent        the Nanocovax vaccine seems to be the most
on equipment, and the rest on containment          promising one for domestic mass production
activities”.                                       (Ministry of Science and Technology [MOST],
                                                   2021). Nanogen, the private company that is
Quick zoning, thorough tracing and timely          developing Nanocovax, aims to distribute the
testing have altogether proven to be essential     vaccine to the population in September 2021
factors in keeping Vietnam’s number of cases       (Ministry of Health, 2021b).
at a low level. At of the time of writing (March
2021), the total number of infected cases re-      Vietnam launched its vaccination campaign
mains at 26 in one million (Ourworldindata,        on March 8, 2021. By the end of March, over
2021e), while deaths remain at 35 in total         45,000 people had been vaccinated (Our
(Ourworldindata, 2021f).                           World in Data, 2021b). In comparison with
                                                   other countries in the region like China and
Vaccination policy                                 Indonesia, the number of vaccinated people
                                                   is relatively small. One factor behind Viet-
The GoV has planned a free vaccination cam-        nam’s careful and unhasty vaccine rollout
paign, in which frontline workers, security        might be its relatively mild pandemic situa-
forces, diplomats, teachers, vulnerable peo-       tion. Table 1 outlines the tentative timeline
ple in the outbreak areas, and elderly people      and sources of Vietnam’s COVID-19 vaccine
of 65 and older are the first groups to be in-     campaign.
oculated (Nikkei Asia, 2021). Hai Duong Prov-
ince, as the biggest outbreak zone since the       Income support and tax relief
beginning of the pandemic, has been prior-
itized in the vaccine programme. Hung Yen,         In response to COVID-19, containment of
Bac Ninh, and Bac Giang provinces have also        the virus would not be the only concern of
been prioritized. This decision might be ex-       the GoV. Securing people’s livelihoods, safe-
plained by the fact that important industrial-     guarding the national economy and support
ized zones exist in these provinces, with ex-      for domestic industries is also at the top of
tensive manufacturing operations.                  the agenda. A range of policy documents were
                                                   issued during the first and second quarters of

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Table 1: Vaccine supplies and timeline in Vietnam (as per end of March 2021)

Distributor                 COVID 19 vaccine          Country of origin        Tentative doses               Timeline

COVAX Facility/UNICEF          AstraZeneca               UK/Sweden               4,177,000                  April 2021

AstraZeneca/VNVC               AstraZeneca               UK/Sweden               1,480,000                  April 2021

AstraZeneca/VNVC               AstraZeneca               UK/Sweden               2,760,000                  May 2021

AstraZeneca/VNVC               AstraZeneca               UK/Sweden               5,040,000                  June 2021

AstraZeneca/VNVC               AstraZeneca               UK/Sweden               7,320,000                   July 2021

AstraZeneca/VNVC               AstraZeneca               UK/Sweden              13,270,000                 August 2021

POLYVAC/MoH                     Sputnik V                  Russia               40,000,000              Under negotiation

VINAPHARM/MoH                BioNTech/Pfizer           Germany/USA              31,000,000              Under negotiation

Vietnam MoH                Johnson & Johnson                USA                      –                  Under negotiation

Vietnam MoH                     Moderna                     USA                      –                  Under negotiation

                                                                                                     Phase 2 human trials –
Nanogen                        Nanocovax                  Vietnam                    –               Mid 2022 (Community

IVAC                            COVIVAC                   Vietnam                    –                Phase 1 human trials

VABIOTECH                     Not Available               Vietnam                    –                     Animal trials

POLYVAC                       Not Available               Vietnam                    –                     Animal trials

Table created by the author, based on sources from Expanded Program on Immunization (n.d.) and Chi Le (2021, March 15)

2020, outlining financial support and fiscal                        demic management so far, the pandemic has
packages of VND280 trillion (€10.2 billion) to                      nevertheless had severe socio-political im-
boost the economy and provide greater social                        pacts. In a globalized and integrated world,
protection. Workers who lost their jobs due                         short-term and long-term impacts in various
to COVID-19 could apply for financial support                       sectors are inevitable. The main ones will be
up to VND1.8 million (approx. €66) per month                        discussed below.
for up to 3 months. Employers facing possible
insolvency during the pandemic could apply                          The health sector
for tax breaks, postponed tax payments, or
reductions in land lease fees (KPMG, 2020,                          The past months have shown a complex pic-
18 November).                                                       ture of various impacts on the health sector.
                                                                    The health system and medical care facilities
Socio-political impacts of COVID-19 in V
                                       ­ ietnam                     have been under pressure from the very out-
                                                                    set of the pandemic. The Ministry of Health
What has been described in this report re-                          states that the health system has been hit
fers to Vietnam’s policy measures to contain                        hard by a dual burden of infectious diseases
COVID-19. Despite Vietnam’s successful pan-                         and non-communicable diseases (Agency of

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Health Examination and Treatment, 2020).           The labour market
There has been a notable decline in the vol-
ume of services provided in hospital facilities    In 2020, approximately 31.8 million people
from the early months of the pandemic, and         aged 15 or older were negatively affected by
full utilization of hospital operation is weak.    COVID-19 due to job losses, furlough, or re-
Meanwhile, some medical care facilities            duced working hours, leading to a reduction
are overloaded due to the efforts to control       in income. Disadvantaged groups of workers
COVID-19.                                          have been hit even more severely (H. Nguyen,
                                                   2020). Job losses have been particularly ob-
Another reason for the decline in the volume       served among workers in the service indus-
of services provided in hospitals lies in the      try, unskilled workers, the self-employed in
fact that operational costs for hospitals have     non-agriculture sectors, and workers from
increased significantly as a result of testing     poor and near-poor households. Migrant
and protection of health workers, as well as       workers, both domestically and abroad, have
due to deploying sanitary and epidemiology         been encountering difficulties amid increas-
measures, and screening and building of            ing lay-offs from workplaces, border clo-
quarantine facilities. There has emerged a         sures, and international trade restrictions.
trend of reduced demand for and willingness        According to a study commissioned by the
to seek healthcare services, and to access es-     Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) together with
sential healthcare services (United Nations        the Institute of Labour Science and Social Af-
Viet Nam, 2020). There are many reasons for        fairs (Bui et al., 2020),3 COVID-19 caused 2.6
this, among which is the fear of becoming in-      million workers to lose their jobs in the for-
fected while visiting medical facilities. Other    mal sector while having negatively affected
reasons include overloaded healthcare facil-       30 million workers nationwide by mid-2020.
ities as resources have been mobilized for         The pandemic impact has also increased the
COVID-19 prevention at the expense of other        share of the informal sector4 in the labour
routine healthcare services, and reduced           market, from 55.3% in Quarter I in 2020 up
household income leading to the inability to       to 57% in Quarter III (United Nations Viet
pay for certain treatments or services. Dur-       Nam, 2020).
ing lockdowns, transport restrictions and
the fear of using public transport might also      For the first time, after decades of continu-
have played a role in the reduced demand for       ous growth, monthly household income in
routine health check-ups. For example, from        2020 has decreased: in comparison to De-
April 1 to 22, 2020, around 100,000 preg-          cember 2019, such income in April 2020 and
nant/nursing women and new-borns were not          May 2020 had decreased by over 70% and
examined in accordance with their monthly          49% respectively (United Nations Viet Nam,
pre- and post-birth health-check schedule          2020). This, coupled with social distancing
(UNICEF, 2020). The number of children aged        measures and travel restrictions, has created
under 5 visiting communal healthcare facil-        a serious employment crisis. Despite this,
ities has decreased by 47.8%, while even           there are positive perspectives with regards
more alarmingly the number of vaccinated           to the mid- and long-term future. The World
children in healthcare facilities has dropped      Bank and the Asian Development Bank fore-
74.7% (United Nations Viet Nam, 2020). This        cast a partial recovery of Vietnam’s economy
trend of reduced utilization of existing health-   in 2021 (Delteil et al., 2020; Jennings, 2020;
care services may lead to fatal consequences       The World Bank, 2020). However, given high
and may have multiple effects, especially on       levels of uncertainty under the current cir-
women, children, the elderly, and those suf-       cumstances, the continuous spread of the
fering from chronic diseases (UNICEF, 2020).       pandemic across the globe, and the slow
                                                   global and national rollout of the vaccine

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campaigns, such growth forecast should be             this by posting people’s personal data, travel
treated with caution (UN Vietnam 2020).               histories, and other private information on
                                                      social media networks simply because some-
Solidarity and opportunistic behaviour in             one has been in contact with a COVID-19
times of global crisis                                positive case. Even if the “traced” person
                                                      ultimately tests negative, such practices
Societal solidarity, which is deeply rooted           profoundly affect the mental wellbeing and
in Vietnam’s traditions and ethical code, can         social life of individuals and their affected
be seen in the country’s response to the pan-         families.
demic (Ivic, 2020). In an attempt to mitigate
the difficulties faced by disadvantaged or            Regional differences and disparities
particularly affected societal groups, local
authorities, businesses, communities, vol-            The pandemic has disproportionally in-
unteers, and philanthropists have organized           creased the divide between the urban mid-
events to distribute food for people in need,         dle class and rural disadvantaged groups.
as well as “rescue” campaigns to boost con-           Disruptions in transport services and value
sumption of agricultural products and crops           chains made it impossible for farmers in
in stock due to constraints in trade activities       mountainous and rural areas to sell their agri-
(Hien, 2021, 21 February). On the other hand,         cultural produce. For instance, orange-grow-
the authorities have also discovered attempts         ing households in the northern province of
to maximize profits via the manufacture of            Ha Giang suffered the loss of almost an entire
flawed medical protective goods, masks,               annual income due to shutdowns and fear of
gloves, and antiseptic solutions of low qual-         virus transmission during harvesting season.
ity in various localities (Pham, 2020). The           During the pandemic, people living in rural
pandemic has caused an unprecedented in-              and mountainous areas have found it even
crease in the demand for medical equipment            more challenging than in normal times to ac-
procurement, leading to bribery and opportu-          cess education or healthcare and other social
nities for misappropriation.                          services. While online learning and remote
                                                      teaching worked in the cities, the lack of the
Abuses of government support packages                 necessary infrastructure and devices in the
have also been uncovered. Acts of taking un-          countryside will leave a significant group of
justified advantage of financial support or           young students gravely disadvantaged in the
bail-out packages or other misconduct were            mid and long term (United Nations Viet Nam,
discovered by way of monitoring missions              2020).
carried out by officials from the responsible
Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs       As handwashing and hygiene was promoted
(MoLISA). In addition, the private sector and         as a major instrument to counter COVID-19,
business owners harbour suspicion that local          accessibility to clean water remains a hur-
governments have delayed support policies             dle across many provinces in Vietnam. The
for personal benefit (Vietnam Laws Reposi-            Mekong Delta in the south of the country
tory [Thu Vien Phap Luat], 2020c).                    has been suffering from dual impacts: the
                                                      impact from COVID-19 and the worsening
Another societal challenge in the context of          impacts of seasonal draughts and saltwater
the pandemic is related to the concern within         intrusion (United Nations Viet Nam, 2020).
communities about COVID-19 cases and ac-              In over 35% of public healthcare facilities
companying stigmatization or hate speech.             in four surveyed provinces, safe and clean
Suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases are             drinking water was scarce, forcing people to
subject to discrimination and prejudice. Ag-          resort to unsafe drinking water. Despite na-
gressive contact tracing has contributed to           tionwide campaigns to boost handwashing

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and the use of antiseptic hand sanitizers,       In the international arena, the GoV has also
clean water and the availability of disinfect-   increased its profile as a political player to
ants have been beyond the reach of many          be reckoned with – not only by its success-
rural communities.                               ful domestic pandemic management but also
                                                 by supporting other countries with medical
Political considerations                         supplies and equipment. Vietnam has circu-
                                                 lated protective clothes, face masks, testing
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a bur-          toolkits, and systems to Lao PDR and Cambo-
den on the government to take decisive and       dia while also exporting personal protective
prompt action. In the crisis, public attention   equipment (PPE) to Japan, Russia, France,
in Vietnam has focused on health outcomes        Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, the US, Swe-
rather than economic ones. The government        den, and others (Center for Strategic & Inter-
hence had to choose between “health” and         national Studies [CSIS], n.d.).
“economic growth”. From the very beginning
of the pandemic, the GoV consequently set        Conclusion
the protection of its people’s health as its
top priority while accepting the subsequent      Early in the pandemic, the GoV vowed to
economic consequences. While initially, this     “wage war” against COVID-19 in Directive 05/
trade-off seemed to reflect the main motiva-     CT-TTg issued on January 28, 2020 (Socialist
tion of other countries around the world in      Republic of Vietnam – Governmental Portal,
their decision to keep their economies open,     2020). As outlined in this report, Vietnamese
more recent research has concluded that soft     authorities not only responded in a timely
pandemic protocols and policies are polit-       manner and mobilized significant public re-
ically and economically costly in the longer     sources to fight this war but they were also
run, while governments that prioritize health    able to build a high level of acceptance and
over short-term economic outcomes gained         consensus among the population to support
political support (Herrera et al., 2020, 6       the pandemic policies. While the fight against
November). This also seems to be the case        the pandemic is far from over and future out-
in Vietnam, as a YouGov study in May 2020        breaks will almost inevitably occur, all eyes
showed that up to 97% of the Vietnamese          are already on the next big challenges: the
population believed at the time that the gov-    vaccination campaign and economic recov-
ernment was tackling COVID-19 effectively.       ery. In this sense, the GoV has won various
Another 90% fully trusted the information        battles by defeating at least three infection
disseminated on the pandemic situation by        waves to date, but to win the overall war it
the government, which seems remarkable           must also prevail in the upcoming challenges.
during a global trend of populist conspiracy
theories (Fukuyama, 2020).                       || Dr Dao Quang Vinh

This overall satisfaction with the GoV’s         Former Director General of the Institute of Labour
pandemic management has also translated          Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA), under the
into the acceptance by and support of strict     Vietnam Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social
measures from the populace, which from the       Affairs (MoLISA). Currently working as an inde-
outside sometimes seems disproportionate.        pendent consultant for the International Labour
In stark contrast to societies in the West-      Organization, MoLISA, and various international
ern world, 88% of Vietnamese respondents         not-for-profit organizations.
agreed that self-isolation and lockdowns
were the right measure at the right time,
“neither too soon nor too late” (MDRI, n.d.).

12   A SI A F IG H T I N G CO V I D -19
C O V I D - 1 9 in V ietnam : C ontainment M easu r es and S ocio - political I mpacts

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D r D ao Q uang V inh

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   Pandemic Country Profile.
   coronavirus/country/vietnam                                      FOOTNOTES
Our World in Data. (2021e, March 30). Coronavirus
   (COVID-19) Cases.              1	Note by the editor: this report includes data and informa-
   cases?country=VNM                                                    tion that were available at the time of writing in February
Our World in Data. (2021f, March 30). Coronavirus                       and March 2021. Due to the dynamic developments in the
   (COVID-19) Deaths.                 context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Vietnam since April
   deaths?country=~VNM                                                  2021, some information and analyses in this report might
Pham, M. H. (2020, July 8). Xử lý nghiêm các hành vi trục               be outdated by the time of publication.
   lợi trong phòng, chống dịch [Strictly Handle Acts of             2	Le Anh Vu of the Hanns Seidel Foundation’s Vietnam Of-
   Profiteering in the Pandemic Prevention and Control].                fice contributed significantly to the final version of this
   Communist Party of Vietnam Online Newspaper. https://                report and duly deserves to be acknowledged here.              3	 HSF has worked with ILSSA to conduct the following
   vi-truc-loi-trong-phong-chong-dich-561064.html                       research study: “Assessing the impact of COVID-19
Socialist Republic of Vietnam – Governmental Portal. (2020).            pandemic and policy recommendations on labour and
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   rút corona gây ra [Directive 05/CT-TTg of Prime Minister:            No.1326/QD-LTDBXH TTHC, in which the narrowly defined
   Prevention and Control of Acute Respiratory Infections               criteria for financial support for COVID-19-affected work-
   Caused by a New Strain of the Coronavirus]. http://                  ers were redefined. The study is available in Vietnamese                      only.
   hethongvanban?class_id=2&mode=detail&document_                   4	The formal sector generally refers to the share of the
   id=198960                                                            workforce that has a written employment contract that
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   (2020). Rapid Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic:                     ernment social security schemes, whereas the informal
   Vietnam Government’s Experience and Preliminary                      sector describes those workers that are not registered or
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   Was Assigned to Purchase and Distribute 150 Million
   Vaccine Doses]. Lao Dong.
UNICEF (Ed.). (August 2020). Rapid Assessment on the
   Social and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Children and
   Families in Viet Nam. Ha Noi.
United Nations Viet Nam (Ed.). (2020, September 30). UN
   Assessment of the Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19
   in Viet Nam. Ha Noi.
Vietnam Laws Repository (Thu Vien Phap Luat). (2020a, May
   30). Implementation of Urgent Measures for Prevention
   and Control of COVID-19.
Vietnam Laws Repository (Thu Vien Phap Luat). (2020b,
   September 28). Quy định xử phạt vi phạm hành chính trong
   lĩnh vực y tế [Sanctioning of an Administrative Violation in
   Health Sector].
Vietnam Laws Repository (Thu Vien Phap Luat). (2020c,
   May 30). Xử nghiêm hành vi trục lợi trong hỗ trợ người

14     A SI A F IG H T I N G CO V I D -19
C O V I D - 1 9 in V ietnam : C ontainment M easu r es and S ocio - political I mpacts

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