Covington High School - Student Handbook 2020-2021

Page created by Robert Love
        High School

             Student Handbook
                                CONTACT INFORMATION
Dr. Robert DeRoche………………………………….Principal
Dr. Robert De.Roche .........………..................... Principal                                     COVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL WEBSITE
Mr. John Boudreaux……….....................Assistant Principal
                                                                    The Covington High School Website is updated on a
                                                                    weekly basis. Visit the website to obtain information
                                                                    regarding any aspect of the school. Convenient links
Mrs. Jennifer Clark………........................Assistant Principal
                                                                    for important information are also included.
                                                                    SCHOOL TELEPHONE NUMBERS
Mrs. Joyce Davis………………………….Assistant Principal
                                                                    School Phone Number                      892-3422
                                                                    Administrative Office                    Ext. 2000
                                                                    Attendance/Student Services              Ext. 2003
Mrs. Belinda Pennison………..................Assistant Principal
                                                                    Agriculture Department                   Ext. 2025
                                                                    Counseling Department                    Ext. 2015
                                                                    Gymnasium Office                         Ext. 2013
Mr. Donald Mathies……Admin. Assistant/Athletic Director
                                                                    School Library                           Ext. 2021
                                                                    School Nurse                             Ext. 2020
                                                                    Special Education Department             Ext. 2026
COUNSELING STAFF                                                    504/SAT Chairperson                      Ext. 2031
Mrs. Alice Broussard, Senior Counselor                              Football Field House                     892-2256                                  Choral Department                        893-9843
                                                                    Cafeteria                                892-2407
Mrs. Kristen Thames, Junior Counselor
                                                                    NJROTC                                   867-9263
Mrs. Adrienne Brown, Sophomore Counselor
Mrs. Heather Stewart, Freshmen Counselor
Mrs. Emily Madden, LCP; Mental Health Provider

Mrs. Melissa Babin, Special Education Coordinator
Ms. Mary Koepp, Dual Enrollment Coordinator and School-To-Work Coordinator
Mrs. Sarah Walters, 504/SAT Coordinator
Mrs. Rhonda Buisson, Attendance Secretary and Student Services Coordinator
Mrs. Angel Carriles, Counseling Secretary, Registrar and KIT Coordinator
Mrs. Bridget Estes, School Bookkeeper and Administrative Secretary
Mrs. Marla Pike, Front Office and Administrative Secretary
Table of Contents

Covington High School’s Mission, Vision, and Elastic Clause Statements ............................................................................ 3
Parental Involvement Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations ...................................................................................................... 4
Academic Support…………… ........……………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Accidents ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Arrival /Departure .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Attendance Policies and Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………….………4 Bookbags
Buses ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Campus - Student Accessible Areas ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Checkout Procedures .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Closed Campus ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Dances .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Deliveries to Campus…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .................…7
Discipline & Misconduct Policies/Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 8
Dress Code ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Electronic Devices ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Exams ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Extracurricular and Co-Curricula Eligibility............................................................................................................................ 13
Fees & PaySchools Online Payment Info ............................................................................................................................. 13
Field Trips.............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Financial Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Fire and Emergency Drills ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Food Services……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .... 14
Graduation............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Hall Passes ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Honor Roll ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Library/Technology Center .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Parking & Driving .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Positive Behavior Support ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
School Counseling ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Short Day .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Student Identification…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Student Medication Policies and Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Textbooks ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Visitors ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

Quick Reference Info:
Grading Scale........................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Student Classification Information......................................................................................................................................... 17
MISSION                                                                        child’s teachers, and gain an understanding of the
Covington High School’s students will be life-long learners                    academic and behavioral expectations of
and productive citizens in the global community.                               scheduled courses.
                                                                           Parents have access to JPAMS to stay abreast of
                                                                               their child’s grades and attendance. Parents may
VISION                                                                         contact the front office to retrieve access codes.
Covington High School offers its students a safe learning                  Each year our Guidance department provides
environment and comprehensive educational opportunities                        individual class meetings for parents. During these
to realize their full academic, personal, occupational, and                    meetings, information pertaining to students of
societal potential. Teachers and students have access to                       the appropriate class is provided that gives the
technology-enriched instructional materials in order to                        overall academic expectations for the current year
provide meaningful learning opportunities.              The                    and requirements for the years beyond.
community, educators, students, and families work in                       Each year, parents play an integral role in the
partnership to promote education as a valuable                                 scheduling process. Students, assisted by a
commodity.                                                                     guidance counselor, choose from a variety of
                                                                               course offerings. Information regarding post-
ELASTIC CLAUSE                                                                 secondary opportunities is provided so that
    The Covington High School student handbook does not                        students and parents can make informed
include everything that may possibly happen during the                         decisions. Students, with assistance from their
school year. If any situation not specifically covered should                  parent and a counselor, update their five-year plan.
arise, the administration and staff will make every effort to              Information regarding attendance and discipline is
act fairly and quickly to resolve the issue and communicate                    communicated frequently with parents so that
with the parents in a timely manner. The best interest of                      input can be used to make important decisions.
the student, school, and community will be greatly                         Parents are an integral part of committee meetings
considered in handling each event. Each situation is                           such as S.A.T., 504, and/or I.E.P. meetings, where
different and all situations will be handled on an individual                  important decisions are made in order to provide
basis. Administration reserves the right to determine final                    educational services to assist their child in learning.
decision along with clarity of any situation which may not                 Covington High strives to have meaningful parent
be specifically stated in handbook. We sincerely hope that                     participation in decision-making as related to the
each one of you will have a successful and enjoyable school                    daily educational process. Parents are encouraged
year. Please take the time to know the policies and                            to be an active member of the P.T.S.A. and any
procedures that you are expected to follow. This way,                          other committees/clubs where decisions directly
potential issues can be avoided. If you have questions or                      impact the climate and culture.
concerns please contact Covington High School and we will             The following list provides helpful opportunities for parents
assist you as quickly as we can.                                      to assist the school and more importantly to assist each
                                                                           Sending the student to school on time each day,
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT                                                           encouraging regular attendance and cooperating
Parental involvement is integral to the success of CHS and                     with all school regulations.
to the success of individual students. We are so thankful for              Instilling politeness as well as respect for
the support of our parents and community members. We                           administration, teachers, school employees, and
are all partners in the education process in order for                         fellow students.
student learning to be achieved at high levels.                            Making sure that all financial responsibilities to the
CHS encourages parents to be actively involved in their                        school are resolved.
student’s education. Even though high school students are                  Cooperating with the administration and staff in
moving toward independence it is vitally important that                        solving disciplinary problems.
parents remain aware of and involved in their student’s                    Scheduling doctor, dentist, and other appointments
learning.    The faculty, staff, and administration of                         for the student outside school hours whenever
Covington High School is dedicated to providing each                           possible.
parent the information and support to be a full partner in                 Setting aside time for study at home.
assisting with their child’s learning.                                     Helping the child in the selection of friends.
Listed below are a variety of ways in which Covington High                 Sending the student to school each day in compliance
attempts to provide two-way meaningful communication                           with the STPSB and Covington High dress code.
with parents regarding their child’s academic success:                     Encouraging good reading and the frequent use of
      Covington High hosts class orientations prior to                        library and technology resources.
         school starting to share schedules and information.               Encouraging your student to become involved in
      An Open House is hosted every August where all                          school activities and attend activities in which your
         parents are invited to visit the school, meet their                   student participates.

Vehicles enter the campus from Ronald Reagan Highway
EDUCATION     OF    CHILDREN     &    YOUTH     HOMELESS             (Hwy 190) on East Stadium (Lion) Drive, proceed around to
                                                                     West Stadium Drive and exit the Campus back on Ronald
SITUATIONS                                                           Reagan Highway (Hwy 190). Students are dropped off in
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to
                                                                     the morning and picked up in the afternoon between the
help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires
                                                                     baseball stadium and auditorium. For the safety of our
states and school districts to make sure students in
                                                                     students, please be very cautious and follow the directions
homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The
                                                                     of the person(s) directing traffic by the Auditorium. The
McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who
                                                                     front parking lot is for buses and staff/visitors only. No
do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
                                                                     students are to be dropped off or picked up in this area.
residence, including all children who are living in the
                                                                     For the safety of our students, traffic is one way in the
following situations:
                                                                     morning and afternoon. The Covington Police Department
      Doubled-up housing with other families or friends             provides traffic control in the morning and afternoons as a
        because they lost their home or their family is              courtesy to Covington High School.
        having temporary financial problems                          All students are expected to arrive to school in a timely
      Living in a motel/hotel because of economic                   manner. Students should take into consideration distance
        hardship or loss of housing                                  traveled and traffic patterns in making their decision on the
      Living in an emergency or transitional shelter,               best time to leave home. Students who arrive after the first
        domestic      violence     shelter,   or     in  a           hour tardy bell must report to the Attendance & Student
        runaway/homeless youth shelter                               Services Office to check in.
      Living in a vehicle of any kind; campground without
        running water and/or electricity; abandoned                  ATTENDANCE: ABSENCE &TARDIES
        building; substandard housing; bus/train station             The State of Louisiana requires that all children from their
      Abandoned in a hospital                                       seventh to their eighteenth birthdays must attend a public
                                                                     school or private day school or must participate in an
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to          approved home study program. Any student at or above
the following:                                                       the compulsory attendance age who has excessive
     Attend and succeed in school no matter where                   absences may be dropped from school with principal
         they live or how long they have lived there                 recommendation.
     Enroll in a school despite the lack of a permanent             School attendance is imperative, not only to satisfy
         address or lack of school and immunization                  requirements of the law but to help ensure student
         records or birth certificates and other documents           achievement and success. As per State policy, St. Tammany
     Receive services comparable to those offered to                Parish Public schools are responsible for enforcing the
         non-homeless children and youth                             following requirements:
     Get transportation to school, if feasible                            Students are expected to be in attendance every
     Access educationally related support services                          student activity day scheduled by the St. Tammany
Should you or your child meet these qualifications; please                   Parish School Board.
contact your school’s main office or guidance office to                    Schools must administer attendance regulations in
complete a form for consideration.                                           accordance with State and locally adopted policies.
                                                                           In order to be eligible to receive credit for courses
                                                                             passed, high school students may not miss more
ACADEMIC SUPPORT                                                             than five (5) days of non-exempted excused
Academic Remediation/Academic Clinic: Covington High                         absences (parent notes), unexcused absences,
offers free assistance to students in need. The schedule and                 and/or suspensions per semester, per class period.
                                                                           Students participating in school sponsored
times are subject to change based on availability and staff.
                                                                             activities/field trips that necessitate their being
Please see website for up to date schedule.                                  away from school shall be considered to be
                                                                             present and shall be given the opportunity to make
ACCIDENTS                                                                    up work.
                                                                           Students who exceed the five (5) days of non-
Any accident that occurs on school premises must be
                                                                             exempted excused absences (parent notes),
reported to the school administration immediately, so that                   unexcused absences, and/or suspensions per
an incident report can be completed. Covington High has                      semester, per class period are subject to seat time
no financial responsibility for accidents that occur.                        recovery in order to earn credit. It is imperative
                                                                             that students monitor their absences and attend
ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE - PARENT DROP OFF & PICK UP                                seat time as necessary to avoid credit denial.

   Upon the student’s 7th tardy to school each                   absence will result in the student not being able to make up
        quarter, the student will be sent straight to ISS             missed coursework, and zeros for that work will be given.
        each tardy thereafter.                                        These absences count against the student when
                                                                      determining whether the student meets attendance
There are four types of absences a student may obtain:
                                                                      TYPE FOUR: SUSPENSIONS
                                                                      These are non-exempted absences. Students are allowed
Exempted, excused absences are those that allow the
                                                                      to make up work when suspended from school. The value
student to make up work missed and will not be counted
                                                                      of the work is up to but not exceeding 67 % of any
against students in determining whether a student meets
                                                                      coursework. These absences count against the student
attendance requirements. There is no limit to the amount
                                                                      when determining whether the student meets attendance
of exempted, excused absences a student can incur.
The exempted, excused absences are defined in the
                                                                      A student shall be considered habitually absent to school
attendance policy as the following:
                                                                      after the fifth occurrence within a semester. The
     Extended personal physical or emotional illness as
                                                                      administration will report students considered habitually
        verified by a physician or nurse practitioner
                                                                      absent to the Supervisor of the Child Welfare and
        licensed in the state.
                                                                      Attendance office.
     Extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or
        nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
                                                                      Tardies to SCHOOL vs tardies to CLASS:
     Extended recuperation from an accident as verified              Tardies to SCHOOL encompass any time the student checks
        by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the          in for the first time after the 1st hour tardy bell. Discipline
        state.                                                        begins after three unexcused tardies to school.
     Extended contagious disease within a family in                  Tardies to CLASS encompass any time the student is late for
        which a student is absent as verified by a dentist or         classes 2 through 7 which exceeds the five minute
        physician licensed in the state.                              between-class passing allotment. Discipline issued from 1st
     Observance of special and recognized holidays of                tardy to class and escalates accordingly.
        the student’s own faith with documentation                          Student receive a maximum of three (3) tardies to
        provided.                                                              school per semester regardless of the reason.
     Visitation with a parent who is a member of the                          Excused or unexcused will not be determined and
        United States Armed Forces or the National Guard                       no consequence will be administered but the
        of a state and such parent has been called to duty                     tardy will be documented.
        for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a                    On the 4th tardy to SCHOOL for the semester, the
        combat zone or combat support posting with                             student will receive a Morning Detention.
        proper documentation. These absences shall not                      On the 5th tardy to SCHOOL for the semester, the
        exceed five days per school year.                                      student will receive a Friday Detention.
     Travel for educational purposes. These absences                       On the 6th tardy to SCHOOL for the semester, the
        must be approved prior to the travel with the                          student will receive an In School Suspension and
        supporting documentation submitted to the                              loss of driving privileges.
        principal. Verification of the educational                          On the 7th tardy and higher, students will be sent
        experience must be submitted upon return to                            immediately to the ISS room
        school.                                                       A student shall be considered habitually tardy to school
     Death        in    the    immediate      family   with          after the seventh occurrence within a semester. The
        documentation. These absences shall not exceed                administration will report students considered habitually
        five days.                                                    tardy to the Supervisor of the Child Welfare and Attendance
     National catastrophe and/or disaster.                           office.
Non-exempted, excused absences are those incurred due                 ABSENCES PROCEDURES
to personal illness or serious illness in the family or               Excuses for all absences must be presented in writing
extenuating circumstances documented by parental notes.               whether a doctor’s note or parent’s note to the Discipline
These absences allow the student to make up work missed               and Attendance Office (Student Services) within two (2)
but do count against the student when determining                     days of the absence. The note must include the student’s
whether the student meets attendance requirements.                    full name, days of absence, reason for absence and/or
TYPE THREE: UNEXCUSED ABSENCES                                        doctor’s verification, parent/guardian signature and date of
Unexcused absences are absences where a note is not                   signature. Failure to send the note within two days of the
provided to the school, when a note is provided outside of            absence will result in the student not being able to make up
the specified time, or fails to meet the criteria to be               missed coursework, and zeros for that work will be given.
excused. Failure to send the note within two days of the

When a student accumulates three (3) absences in a                    any time. During P.E., it is the responsibility of the student
semester which include non-exempted excused,                          to secure their book bag and/or valuables or not bring them
unexcused, and/or suspensions, notification will be made to           at all. Book bags are not allowed on desks or cafeteria
the parents/guardians. After the fifth (5) absence in a               tables.
semester which includes non-exempted excused,
unexcused, and/or suspensions, the student will be
reported as a truant child to the Supervisor of Child Welfare         BUSES
and Attendance and will need to attend seat time for to               The driver of the bus has complete responsibility for the
avoid credit denial.                                                  bus and for the students. Students should be respectful at
School work missed for exempted excused, non-exempted                 all times to the bus driver and adhere to their instructions.
excused, and/or suspensions must be made up immediately               The bus and bus stop are considered extensions of school
upon returning to school. Work completed after an                     grounds and students are responsible for behavior at these
unexcused absence will not earn credit if a note is note              locations as well.
brought in to student services. The make-up period is equal           Any student who wants to transfer buses for one day must
to the number of days missed. Responsibility for getting              have a parent note to the Attendance/Discipline Office
missed assignments and information and making up the                  before school to be verified during the day. Once verified,
work lies entirely with the student. The student should               administration will sign the note and the student is to give
make appointments with the teachers, ascertain what work              it to their bus driver. Students will not be allowed to ride
has to be made up, and set up a schedule for its                      any bus other than their assigned one if parent permission
completion. Long-term assignments are required to be                  is not verified. Note must include student and parent
turned in on the due date regardless of the reason for                name, address, parent contact information.
absence. A long-term assignment is defined as an
assignment assigned at least two weeks prior to the due               CAMPUS – STUDENT ACCESSIBLE AREAS
date.                                                                 School Hours – 6:55 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Students are not
SEAT TIME RECOVERY REQUIREMENT                                        allowed to be on campus before or after school hours
Students in danger of failing due to excessive absences may           unless directly authorized/supervised by school personnel.
be allowed to make up missed seat time. Seat time                     Students are NOT to congregate on campus before/after
recovery is held outside of the student’s regular school day          school hours.      Students must be under the direct
hours. The makeup sessions must be completed before the               supervision of a sponsor or coach.             Students not
end of the current semester. Students should see their                participating in an extra-curricular club or organization are
teachers for coursework to be completed during the seat               considered loitering. The school is NOT responsible for
time. No cell phone usage or sleeping allowed during seat             students who are on campus before/after school hours
time recovery.                                                        without permission. Students are NOT to congregate in
Seat time options include:                                            parking lot or remain in their personal vehicle upon arrival
     Friday School (3-6p.m. on Fridays)                              at school.
     Morning Detention room (if not assigned for                     The following areas are off limits to students at all times
        discipline)                                                   without administrative approval:
     After last daily scheduled class for short day                        Student parking lot-student shall park and exit
        seniors                                                                vehicle immediately to enter campus
     Teacher tutoring before/after school, lunch break.                    Teacher parking lot
APPEAL PROCESS                                                              Field house parking lot
To make an appeal to the Child Welfare and Attendance                       Faculty lounge
Office, a parent must provide all appropriate                               Tennis Courts
documentation within ten (10) days following the end of                     Administrative office area (unless called by staff)
each semester.                                                        The following areas are off limits and require a teacher’s
TRUANCY                                                               written permission to be in these areas during the
Parents will receive notification of the State truancy policy         designated times:
at the beginning of the school year. Any juvenile student                   Before School: The Commons and the four
who is habitually absent or tardy from school will be                          hallways (both 100s and both 200s)
reported as a truant child to the Supervisor of Child Welfare               Before School & Lunch: The back gym hallway
and Attendance, the family and/or juvenile court according                  Before School & Lunch: 800’s and field house
to the provisions of Louisiana Children’s Code regarding                    Before School & Lunch: Any teacher’s classroom
families in need of services.                                         The following areas are open to students before school:
                                                                            Area between science building and main building
BOOKBAGS                                                                    The two outside covered areas – the one near the
The school takes NO responsibility for book bags or their                      500 wing and the one near the cafeteria
contents. Book bags should never be left unattended at                      West/Cafeteria breezeway area

 Library                                                                    of the ramifications of being habitually absent,
The following areas are open to students during lunch:                           habitually tardy, and/or habitually checked out.
     The two outside covered areas – the one near the                           Credit denial may occur if check outs cause more
         500 wing and the one near the cafeteria                                 than 5 unexcused absences per class period.
     Area between science building and main building                   The day the student returns after the checkout, the student
     Southwest Grounds                                                 will present a written note. (See Attendance Policy) If a
     West/Cafeteria breezeway area                                     student returns to school the same day after checking out,
     Library                                                           they must go through the Attendance & Discipline Office to
NO STANDING ZONES                                                       check in. Notes from home requesting a student to check
Between classes, all areas inside and outside the building              out will not be accepted. The administration reserves the
are NO STANDING ZONES. Students will not be allowed to                  right to require parent pick-up if the student’s check-outs
stand against walls or congregate in any area once the 7:24             become excessive. On any exam day or a day before a
a.m. bell rings. Between classes, all students must be                  school holiday, a student can only be checked out if the
moving at all times staying to the right of the hallway in the          parent comes to the school. Phone call checkouts will not
direction for which they are traveling.                                 be accepted on these days. The office will not interrupt an
                                                                        exam in process to check out a student.

Covington High School has a closed campus policy. Once                  CLOSED CAMPUS
students have arrived on school property, they may not                  Covington High School is a closed campus. Being on
leave     unless     they    check     out   through       the          campus without correctly following the check-in
Attendance/Student Services Office. Students are                        procedures, leaving the campus without correctly following
considered “on school property” once they arrive at a bus               checkout procedures or acquiring office permission will
stop until they arrive home (if they ride a bus). If students           result in disciplinary action. Students are not allowed to
are driving, school property begins at the entrance to both             leave campus for lunch. Students are not allowed to go to
Lion Drive and Stadium Drive and includes activity inside               the parking lots at any time without administrative
personal vehicle if on campus.                                          approval. School personnel will not accept deliveries of
     Students are not to report to the Attendance &                    gifts/food of any kind to students.
         Student Services Office or to the Front Office to
         initiate the checkout.
     If a student is ill, they must inform their classroom             DANCES
         teacher. The classroom teacher will call the                   All dances are lock-ins. Lock-ins will have a start time
         Attendance Office and request for student to be                (usually one hour after beginning time of dance) and end
         seen by the nurse. If nurse is not available, an               time (30 minutes prior to ending time of dance except for
         alternative assessment will be made by student                 prom). The start time for lock-in means that all students
         services and/or other medical professionals on                 planning to attend the dance must be present or will not be
         campus or parent will be called. Students will                 allowed to enter the dance. Students may not leave the
         remain in class or in the “sick” room until officially         dance once they have entered the dance. Students will be
         checked out by the office. If a parent cannot be               allowed to leave at the end time of the Lock-in. No student
         contacted, the student will be notified and is to              may leave the dance prior to the end of the Lock-in except
         remain in school.                                              if the parent comes to pick up the students. Dates/Times of
     Only parents or authorized guardians are given                    school dances will be advertised at school and on the
         permission      to    check     out   a     student.           school website. In order to purchase a ticket, students must
         Parents/guardians must contact the Attendance &                have a completed dance contract on file for the school year.
         Student Services Office for checkout to be                     Date passes are required for each dance in order to bring an
         completed.                                                     out of school date. These are to be turned in to the front
     Students who check out must report to student                     office.
         services and scan their ID to be checked out in the
         computer. A student who is checked out MUST                           Students must present their Covington High School
         REPORT TO STUDENT SERVICES BEFORE LEAVING                              ID to enter dances. Non-Covington High dates must
         CAMPUS.                                                                present a valid I.D. to enter and must have an
                                                                                approved date pass on file.
     Students who check out and miss classes are to
                                                                               No passes will be issued to anyone under the age of
         follow the Attendance Policy for missing classes.
                                                                                14 (unless a CHS student) or over the age of 20.
     Excessively checking out a student in order to
                                                                               Tickets must be purchased in advanced.
         avoid the end of school day traffic is not an                         Any student with an outstanding financial obligation,
         appropriate reason for checking out. A parent                          an out of school suspension offense, multiple in
         conference will be conducted with school                               school suspensions, or excessive absences or tardies
         administration to inform the parent and student

for the current semester will not be allowed to attend                  behavior offenses after four that would merit
        the dance.                                                              Friday Detention will result in ISS or suspension.
     All dance attendees will adhere to a dress code                       c. Students must bring books, writing tools, and
        accordingly. Before purchasing your outfit, check                       assignments to Friday Detention.
        the dress code to ensure compliance. Dresses are                    d. Conflicts with jobs held by the student will not be
        NEVER to be shorter than fingertip length, NEVER                        considered in scheduling Friday Detention. A
        show excessive cleavage and undergarments, nor                          student who does not serve assigned Friday
        should the back be exposed below waistline. Dresses
                                                                                Detention will be issued ISS or suspended.
        shall not have a slit that goes higher that fingertip
                                                                            e. Misbehavior in Friday Detention will result in
        length. No bandanas/do rags/hats.
                                                                                suspension. No food or drink, no cell phones, no
     Appropriate behavior is expected of all who attend
        dances. Inappropriate displays of affections may
        result in a parent phone call, disciplinary action,            In-School Suspension/Support (ISS):
        and/or dismissal from the dance.                                    a. Usually one to three days;
     Administration reserves the right to deny entry or                    b. Student will be excluded from regular classes and
        ticket sale to students.                                                will report to the ISS room.
Students who do not drive should be picked up promptly at                   c. Student must bring all textbooks. Student must
the scheduled time for the dance to end. Any students                           complete work in the ISS room in order to receive
attending a dance that are not picked up within 15 minutes of                   full credit and cooperate with ISS facilitator for
the end of the dance will not be allowed to attend the next                     given ISS time. No food/drink/cell phones/sleeping.
dance.                                                                      d. Misbehavior or non-compliance in ISS will result in
                                                                                a repeat day in ISS or an out of school suspension.
DELIVERIES TO CAMPUS                                                        e. Our school site behavior interventionist will go in
A classroom will not be interrupted to give a message to a                      and meet with students in the morning to assist
student. Balloons, flowers and gifts will not be accepted by                    them in identifying acceptable replacement
the school for delivery to students. No food deliveries will                    behaviors.
be accepted.                                                           Suspension:
                                                                            a. Typically one to three days out of school; could go
                                                                                as high as five days for a major fighting event.
DISCIPLINE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES                                          b. These are considered unexcused absences;
The Covington High School discipline plan has been                              student receives partial credit for work missed
established to promote desirable student conduct and                            (67% of the value) if and only if, he/she makes up
behavior. CHS administration reserves the right to consider                     the work in allotted timeframe upon return.
the academic placement, attitude, age, pattern of                           c. Parent-student-administrator conference required
misconduct, degree of cooperation and any other                                 prior to student’s return to classes. This can be
aggravating or mitigating circumstances before taking                           held upon initial issuance of discipline and face to
disciplinary action. Our school resource officer will also be                   face meeting with parent/guardian is preferred.
involved in any major discipline events.                                    d. Student is not allowed on school campus or to
Discipline Consequences Explained:                                              participate in extracurricular activities during
Teacher Assigned Detentions:                                                    suspension.
        a. Held before school, after school, or lunch in               Recommendation for Expulsion:
             teacher classroom or duty spot.                                a. This recommendation is submitted to the Senior
        b. This is a classroom management consequence                           Supervisor of Administration at Central Office.
             that teachers may opt to use in an effort to                   b. Hearing will be scheduled between student,
             correct misbehaviors prior to elevating                            parent, school site administrator, and senior
             student to a major discipline infraction.                          supervisor and held at Harrison Curriculum Center
Morning Detention:                                                              or other designated location.
        a. 6:55-7:25 in detention room (location TBD)                       c. Expulsion recommendations are made at school
        b. Issued for misbehavior that is not serious or                        site but final decision is determined by St.
             chronic enough to merit Friday Detention. No                       Tammany Parish School Board Senior Supervisor.
             food or drink, no cell phones, no sleeping.                        Placement in alternative setting or return to school
Friday Detention:                                                               site after hearing will be contingent upon decision
    a. 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on campus in designated                           of supervisor and/or School Board members.
        room. Student must report to detention room                         d. This recommendation is reserved for severe
        promptly at 3:00 p.m. If student is late, he/she will                   offenses or elevation of consequences based on
        be considered a no-show and escalated discipline                        discipline history.
        will ensue.                                                    Types of Misconduct:
    b. Student may be scheduled for four (4) Friday                    Acts of misconduct listed here are those classified as
        Detentions throughout the school year. Additional              inappropriate student behaviors in the classroom or on the
school grounds and those behaviors that disrupt the                       also considered off limits. Additionally, students
orderly educational process in the school or on the school                violating off limit areas may be arrested by the
grounds. These are listed under Groups 1, 2, 3 of the St.                 Covington Police Department for criminal mischief
Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and                    and/or criminal trespassing.
Student Records.
GROUP 1, 2, OR 3 MISCONDUCT & CONSEQUENCES                               Leaving Class, Campus or Other Location w/o
     Classroom Misbehavior – ranges from teacher held                    Permission - ranges from one Friday Detention to
         detention and parental contact to Friday Detention               suspension. Once a student arrives on campus,
         depending upon how severe or chronic the                         regardless of the time, he/she may not leave
         misbehavior.                                                     campus unless they have officially checked out of
                                                                          school. This includes bus riders.
       Willful Disobedience – ranges from teacher held
        detention and parental contact to suspension                     Dress Code Violation (if student cannot correct and
        depending upon how severe or chronic the                          become compliant, he/she will remain in ISS)
        misbehavior.                                                      First offense - documented reprimand and required
       Possession/Use of Tobacco, Tobacco Paraphernalia,                 Second offense - morning detention (6:55 – 7:25)
        Look-Alike Tobacco Products, E-cigarettes, Vaping                 and required compliance
        Devices, Lighter/Matches, Smokeless Tobacco,                      Third offense – Friday Detention (3:00 – 6:00) and
        Nicotine packs, or any rig that allows for inhalation             required compliance
        of substance                                                      Fourth offense –ISS and required compliance
        First offense –ISS/Suspension/Second Chance                       Fifth offense – continue to advance on discipline
        Program                                                           ladder and required compliance
        Second offense – Suspension
        Additional                 offenses                 –            Disrespect to Teacher/Staff – ranges from teacher
        Suspension/Recommendation for Expulsion                           held detention and parental contact to suspension
                                                                          depending upon how severe or chronic the
        Off Limit Area Violation – ranges from Friday                     misbehavior.
        Detention to suspension. Due to the large size of
        the CHS campus, it is necessary to limit students to             Forgery; Cheating; Lying to school personnel or
        those areas which are regularly supervised.                       other adults on campus; - consequences for this
        Students should use the restrooms between                         type of misbehavior range from reprimand to
        classes and during lunch. Students are discouraged                suspension depending upon the exact nature and
        from using the restroom during class and this                     seriousness of the offense, the pattern of
        should not become a habit. Being out of class                     misconduct, and any other mitigating factors.
        decreases the amount of time students have to                     Plagiarism is cheating.
        learn. Following afternoon dismissal students are                 Forgery/Lying:
        to exit the campus by 3:00 pm. Students that do                            a. First offense - Friday Detention
        not drive or ride the bus must be picked up from                           b. Second offense – Suspension
        school by 3:00 or at least have a parent in car-line              Cheating
        waiting prior to 3:00 p.m. Students may remain on                          a. First offense on exam or major
        campus in the afternoon only for activities that are                            test/project = zero & Friday Detention;
        under the direct supervision of a faculty member.                               quiz or homework = zero & teacher
        At the conclusion of the activity students should                               assigned      consequences;     parent
        leave the campus immediately. Students not under                                notification
        direct supervision that remain on campus, after                            b. Second offense-exam or major
        school or after an activity, will be subject to                                 test/project = zero & suspension; quiz
        disciplinary action. Off limit areas include CHS                                or homework= zero & Friday
        tennis courts, inside school buildings without                                  Detention.
        supervision/permission outside of school hours,                   Violation of test protocol, including the use of cell
        football stadium/fieldhouse area, 800 wing                        phones, I-pods & similar electronic devices, by a
        classrooms, ROTC areas. All parking lots and roads                student who is taking a test is a serious violation
        are off limit to students during the day unless                   and will result in the same academic & disciplinary
        under the direct supervision of a teacher or with                 consequences as cheating. This type of violation
        administrative permission. Students riding the bus                can disrupt the testing environment and may place
        to school are not allowed to meet students in the                 the integrity of the test in jeopardy. Testing
        parking lot. All remote areas and unsupervised                    protocol remains in place as long as any single
        areas of the campus not specifically mentioned are
student in the classroom is still testing.                             consequences shall be increased to an appropriate
   Stealing and/or Possession of Stolen Property – Up                     **Parents/guardian trying to contact student via
    to 3 day suspension [Note: Students may not open                       cell phone during school hours or vice versa is not
    or go through the belongings of others without                         an acceptable excuse for cell phone use. Parents
    specific permission from the owner.] This type of                      who need to contact their child at school are asked
    action will be considered attempted theft.                             to call 892-3422 and notify student services. Parents
    Consequences range from Friday Detention to                            should not call or send messages to their child’s cell
    suspension. Theft can result in arrest by Covington                    phone during school hours. Students using their
    Police Department and chronic theft could result in                    phones will be held accountable even if they are
    recommendation for expulsion.                                          communicating with their parents.**
                                                                           It is not the responsibility of CHS to investigate
   Possession/Use of Cell Phone, Ear buds, or any                         reports of missing electronic devices such as cell
    unauthorized electronic device – Cell phones, I-                       phones, I-Pads, earbuds, laptops, or other similar
    pods, and similar electronic devices can be a                          contraband that are brought to school by
    serious disruption to the learning environment.                        students. Reports of missing electronic devices will
    Louisiana Law Revised Statute 17:239 prohibits any                     be forwarded to the School Resource Officer and
    student, unless authorized by the Principal or their                   the school is under no obligation to search for
    designee,       from      using      any     electronic                them.
    telecommunication device in any school building or
    school grounds or in any school bus. Students shall                   Defacing or Destroying Property/Vandalism/Pranks
    be allowed to possess a telecommunication device                       – depending on the severity of the offense the
    (cell phone) on a school campus during the                             students will be required to make restitution
    instructional day provided the device is powered                       and/or pay a fine or clean-up fee. Students may
    OFF and completely stowed away and not in use.                         also be issued Friday Detention, suspension, or be
    THIS INCLUDES EARBUDS and EARPHONES. The                               recommended for expulsion.
    normal school day begins when a student arrives
    on campus and ends following the last period                          Unauthorized/Misuse of Technology – ranges from
    dismissal bell. Electronic devices will only be                        Friday Detention to suspension/potential loss of
    returned to the parent or guardian after school                        technology privileges for the remainder of the
    hours (2:41 – 3:30) on the day confiscated. After                      year.
    the initial day of confiscation, the electronic device
    can be returned to the parent during school hours.                    Public Displays of Affection – kissing, prolonged
    For all offenses after the first offense the                           embraces, inappropriate body contact, grabbing,
    confiscated item will only be returned to the                          etc are inappropriate in the school setting.
    parent/guardian. Progressive consequences will be                      Consequences begin with a warning/parent
    followed as listed below:                                              notification and then up the discipline ladder.
    a. First offense - item taken and warning (teacher                    Using or Publishing Profane, Obscene, Indecent or
         can return to student at end of class or give to                  Immoral, Libelous or Offensive Language, Including
         front office to return at end of the day)                         Racial Slurs, and/or Gestures – Profanity is
    b. Second offense - item taken and before school                       considered inappropriate behavior anytime on the
         detention (6:55 – 7:25)                                           school campus or school activity. Indiscriminate
    c. Third       offense     -    item     taken     and                 profanity could result in a Friday Detention on a 1st
         Friday Detention                                                  Offense. Profanity directed at an individual will
    d. Additional offenses – ISS or Suspension                             result in higher discipline. Consequence ranges
    Use or Related Disruption – A cell phone or other                      from Friday Detention to suspension.
    electronic device that is visible is considered in use.
    A cell phone that rings during class is considered a                  Bullying – Bullying and cyber-bullying are forms of
    disruption. Students are expected to give a cell                       aggression and will not be tolerated. Bullying
    phone to a teacher/administrator when requested.                       involves conduct that is hurtful to others both face
    If the student does not comply with the request to                     to face and/or via electronic means to include
    turn over device, the discipline consequences listed                   social media. It happens when a person is
    above will increase substantially and student will be                  subjected to intentional, unwanted, and
    immediately removed to the ISS room for the day.                       unprovoked hurtful actions. It can be physical,
    For any violation that is deemed to be egregious in                    verbal, emotional, or sexual in nature. Allegations
    nature, videoing or photographing other students,                      of bullying will be promptly investigated. Bullying is
    or is disruptive to the school, the discipline
                                                              - 10 -
not acceptable behavior at CHS and when reports                     the classroom, in the school, or on the school grounds. The
         are found to be accurate, consequences will be                      following infractions and disciplinary actions for behaviors
         issued depending on the severity of the bullying.                   are listed under Groups 4 and 5 and are detailed more
         Consequences could be at any level on the                           specifically in the St. Tammany Parish School Board district
         discipline ladder ranging from a reprimand to a                     handbook.
         recommendation for expulsion. Victims of bullying                   GROUP 4:
         should clearly tell the bully to stop. If bullying                  These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors
         persists then the victim should report the problem                  that very seriously disrupt the orderly educational process.
         immediately to a teacher or an administrator. The                   In most cases, these behaviors also are illegal. Behaviors in
         victim should also tell their parents. It is helpful for            group four include the following:
         the victim to make a written record of the                          4-1Assault8
         incident(s) including date(s), time(s), place(s),                   4-2Extortion
         witness(es), and the name of the bully or bullies.                  4-3 Fighting - more than two (2) people9
         Bullying is covered in greater detail in the St.                    4-4 Inciting or participation in a riot
         Tammany Parish District Handbook for Students                       4-5 Intentional disrespect and aggression
         and Parents.                                                        4-6 Persisting in serious acts of disobedience or misconduct
                                                                             4-7 Possession, use, or delivery of fireworks
        Physical Fight – Any student participating in a fight               4-8 Sexual harassment
         will be suspended out of school for an amount of                    4-9 Theft or possession of stolen property
         days to be determined by qualifying circumstances.                  4-10 Threatening faculty member or school personnel and
         Proper steps to help avoid fights include notifying                 students8
         the administration of potential problems and                        4-11 Use of intimidation, coercion, or force
         avoidance of verbal altercations. Walking away                      4-12 Vandalism/criminal damage to property
         from the situation is an important step in avoiding                 Possible Disciplinary Actions
         a possible fight. Group fights, pre-meditated fights,               • Teacher-Student-Parent-Administrator Conference and/or
         violent attacks, and/or fighting after intervention                 • Suspension (3-10 days)
         efforts were made, could result in arrest. The                      • Disciplinary Reassignment
         safety of our students is paramount.                                • Police Notification
        Verbal Altercations – arguments that escalate to                    • Expulsion
         threatening or profane nature or instigation of a                   GROUP 5:
         physical fight may also result in suspension. These                 These acts of misconduct include those illegal or criminal
         situations are serious disruptions to the                           student behaviors that most seriously disrupt the orderly
         educational environment. Repeated violations of                     educational process such as the following:
         this nature will be subject to elevated discipline per              5-1 Aggravated assault
         the STPSB district handbook. Note: A 2nd offense                    5-2 Aggravated battery
         or higher for fighting or any other type of violent                 5-3 Arson
         act could result in a recommendation for                            5-4 Battery
         expulsion.                                                          5-5 Bomb threat
                                                                             5-6 Burglary
        Failure to Wear ID – ID’s are required and must be                  5-7 Delivery or distribution of any controlled dangerous
         worn in a visible area above the waist. If a student                substance
         forgets or loses their ID they are required to                      5-8 Disorderly conduct
         purchase a daily temporary ID from a teacher or                     5-9 Engaging in any other illegal behavior
         Student Services PRIOR TO SECOND HOUR CLASS                         5-10 False activation of fire alarm
         or upon check in. Detention is assigned for failure                 5-11 Possession or under the influence of alcohol, look-a-like
         to wear ID or failure to purchase a current                         substance, or mood-altering chemical or drug
         temporary ID. Discipline will be considered “willful                5-12 Possession or under the influence of any controlled
         disobedience” if a student has his/her ID on their                  dangerous substance
         person, yet refuses to wear it properly. ID’s are to                5-13 Robbery
         be worn around the neck or on a clip-on type                        5-14 Sex violations
         badge holder. Temporary ID’s are to be placed on                    5-15 Trespassing
         the left or right chest area in the area of the pocket              5-16 Use, possession, and/or concealing of a weapon or
         on a t-shirt. ID’s are not to be tied to book sack and              look-alike firearm
         slung over shoulder.                                                5-17 Wearing or possessing body armor on school property
Listed next are group 4 and 5 acts of misconduct. Refer to                   5-18 Vandalism/criminal damage of personal property of
the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance,                               school personnel or school property2
Discipline, and Student Records for detailed information on                  Possible Disciplinary Actions
behaviors that seriously disrupt the educational process in                  • Suspension
                                                                    - 11 -
• Disciplinary Reassignment                                              athletic shorts worn under pants. Shoulders are to be
• Police Notification                                                    completely covered.
• Expulsion                                                              *Any article of clothing with suggestive/profane symbols,
                                                                         words, or advertisements of products or substances
DRESS CODE                                                               prohibited by the St. Tammany Parish School Board is
Providing an effective learning environment for all students             prohibited. Sex, drug, or alcohol related innuendos or
includes expectations that students are well-kempt,                      graphic tees are strictly prohibited. Styles never should be
dressed and groomed in a manner that permits them to                     such that they represent a collective or individual protest.
actively participate in school and that does not distract the            *No see-through or sheer shirts are permitted, and no skin
education process. Student dress and grooming are not to                 may show between the bottom garment and top garment
adversely affect the student's participation in classes,                 in any position. Crop tops and shoulder exposed shirts or
school programs, or other school-related activities. Student             “off the shoulder” shirts are not allowed.
dress and grooming are not to cause a distraction to the                 *Females must not have any area of chest or cleavage
learning environment. Extremes in style and fit in student               exposed.
dress and extremes in style of grooming will not be                      *All caps, hats, hair wraps, stocking caps, hoods, head
permitted. School administrators maintain the right to                   scarves, and bandannas are banned from school campus
determine extremes in styles of dress and grooming and                   during school hours. Head bands must be used in the hair
appropriateness and suitability for school wear.                         and not wrapped on forehead nor may they be of the
Information on the School System Uniform Policy is                       bandanna type material.
available on the System Web site at                       *Shorts, skorts, skirts, and dresses must not be more than 5
A violation of student dress regulations is a Group 2 offense            inches above the top of the knee for males and females. If
in the Code of Conduct and results in disciplinary action                walking or sitting causes shorts or skirts to rise to more
that includes suspension.                                                than five inches above the knee, then it is a violation.
Policies regarding dress and grooming stress the                         *Tights worn as pants or leggings must be 100% opaque (no
importance of reducing distractions that inhibit learning                level of sheer accepted) and must be worn with a shirt that
and are addressed as an attempt to enhance the safe                      partially or completely covers the posterior and must NOT
learning environment. Final interpretation of the dress code             be sheer or see through in any capacity. If undergarments
and violations rest solely with administration.                          can be visualized through the pants, then student must
                                                                         change. If a shirt, sweater, or jacket is worn as a cover up,
Dress Code Requirements for ALL students:
                                                                         the shirt underneath, if visible, should fall below the
*Body piercing ornaments are limited to the ears only. No
                                                                         waistline of the leggings and completely covering mid drift.
facial rings/piercings are allowed. Extremes are not
                                                                         If tights or leggings are worn under regulation length
                                                                         clothing, the level of opacity is student choice. For example,
*No student may wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or
                                                                         tights may be sheer if worn under shorts, provided the
sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, blade, symbols, sign or
                                                                         shorts are within 5" from the top of the knees.
other things that are evidence of affiliation in any gang.
                                                                         *Pajamas, robes, or blankets are banned. If student is cold
*Hair should be clean and not extreme in coloration. An
                                                                         natured, dress appropriately and keep a jacket handy.
acceptable, well-groomed haircut will be required of male
                                                                         *Pants and shorts must clearly sit or be secured at waist
students. Styles never should be such that they represent a
                                                                         level, with no undergarments revealed. [Note: An
collective or individual protest.
                                                                         undergarment is anything worn under the outer layer of
         • Hair - Hair must be clean and not unusually
                                                                         clothing and includes underwear, tights, shorts, etc.]
colored. Sculptured hair styles that include pictures,
                                                                         *Pants torn or excessively worn at the knee, pocket, thigh,
symbols, letters, numbers, or hair in curlers, rollers, or
                                                                         or hip areas are considered extreme and are not allowed.
excessively teased, etc., will not be permitted.
                                                                         No skin should ever be visible more than 5 inches above
         • Facial Hair - Male students in grades 9-12 may
                                                                         the knee and includes tears in pants.
wear a neatly trimmed mustache, beard, or goatee.
                                                                         *Flip-flops, slippers, backless “between the toe” sandals, or
*Mohawks or extreme sculptured styles are not allowed.
                                                                         slides are not permitted. These type shoes are easily
Styles never should be such that they represent a collective
                                                                         stepped on during passing between classes and are often
or individual protest. Any pictures, symbols, letters,
                                                                         broken. They can also cause accidents when stepped on
numbers, etc. shaved into the hair will not be permitted.
                                                                         causing students to trip and/or cause hallway congestion or
 *Hoods are NEVER allowed inside any school building. They
are not to be worn on campus during regular school hours
                                                                         *Sunglasses are not to be worn in the building at any time.
except outdoors in inclement weather when absolutely
                                                                         *St. Tammany Parish students in grades 9-12 are required
                                                                         to wear student school I.D. or temporary ID visible above
*Students are not allowed to wear tank tops, muscle shirts,
                                                                         the waist during regular school hours.
sleeveless shirts, or undershirts as outer garments. Under
garments that are visible are not acceptable; this includes
                                                                         Each morning during the first block of time, teachers will
                                                                         send any student suspected of violating the dress code to
                                                                - 12 -
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