Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging that works in New Zealand by 2025 - Outputs from Masterclasses - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate

Page created by Byron Horton
Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging that works in New Zealand by 2025 - Outputs from Masterclasses - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
Creating a circular
economy for plastic
packaging that works
in New Zealand by 2025.
Plastic Packaging
Circular Innovation
                      Outputs from Masterclasses         January 2020

Programme             - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging that works in New Zealand by 2025 - Outputs from Masterclasses - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
Executive Summary.
In 2019 the Sustainable Business Network (SBN) brought key       Action is happening. However more co-ordination, support
representatives from the packaging system together for three     and focus is needed.
Plastic Packaging Masterclasses. Our core motivation was to
address the urgent issue of plastic packaging polluting our      The masterclasses have played an instigating role, and are set
environment. Our approach is to help a cohort of packaged        to continue in 2020.
goods suppliers begin to create a circular economy for plastic
packaging in New Zealand. The events were designed to help
this cohort meet packaging commitments that stipulate 100%
of plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable by
The way New Zealand uses and deals with plastic packaging is
changing. It’s clear the necessary changes cannot be achieved
by individual companies or sectors working in isolation.
The whole packaging system, from design through to end
of life, needs to be taken into account to avoid unintended
consequences like food waste or breakdowns in supply chains.
The Masterclasses built on the recommendations from
SBN’s report ‘New Zealand’s Plastic Packaging System – an
initial circular economy diagnosis’. They used the framework
of Eliminate, Innovate and Circulate from the New Plastics
Economy global initiative from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
From these events SBN created and augmented the relevant
tools available to New Zealand businesses. These include
guides to recycling and packaging design.

                                                                                              Outputs from Masterclasses          2
                                                                                              - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging that works in New Zealand by 2025 - Outputs from Masterclasses - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
Executive Summary.

Summary of reccomendations

                                                                           Packaging designers and suppliers should:
Packaged goods suppliers should:
                                                                           •    ensuring packaging is designed in line with a circular economy as
•    audit the amount and types of packaging they use to create a
                                                                           		   genuinely reusable, recyclable or compostable
		   baseline to work from
                                                                           •    scale up research and development into new materials and
•    reduce or eliminate problematic single-use packaging wherever
•    seek alternatives to single-use plastic options, particularly
		   reusable models                                                       Government and local authorities should:
•    only use compostable packaging where the necessary processing         •    use legislation to tackle the key problematic areas
		   infrastructure is readily accessible
                                                                           •    support the development of required infrastructure for on-
•    move to plastics with the highest recycling value (clear PET and 		   		   shore processing of plastic packaging
		   natural HDPE).
•    avoid laminates where possible
•    source recycled content, ideally from New Zealand, to keep
		   plastics in high-value circulation and out of the environment

                                                                                                             Outputs from Masterclasses             3
                                                                                                             - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
The following report contains the key                           The following is a summary of what was achieved in each of
                                                                the three Masterclasses.
outputs from the Sustainable Business
Network’s (SBN) Masterclass Series in the
Plastic Packaging Innovation Programme.                           The three masterclasses in the series were:

The programme is designed to create a circular economy            1    Circulate - 31 July 2019
for plastic packaging that works in New Zealand by 2025.          		   Recycling with radically improved economics and quality
It was created by SBN as a part of its Circular Economy           2    Innovate - 15 October 2019
Accelerator (CEA) initiative. The CEA was established in 2018     		   Moving away from problematic plastics to new materials,
to lead SBN’s effort to hasten the adoption of a circular         		   including compostable packaging
economy in New Zealand.
                                                                  3    Eliminate - 20 November 2019
The Masterclass Series is presented in partnership with           		   Designing out problematic and single use packaging by
New Zealand King Salmon, the Ministry for Primary                 		   moving towards reuse and other models
Industries and Foodstuffs NZ. It builds on SBN’s report, New
Zealand’s Plastic Packaging System – an initial circular
economy diagnosis.
                                                                  For more information please contact:
The masterclasses are centred around a group, or cohort, of he series aims to bring together
leading packaged goods suppliers committed to improving           the wider packaging system - packaging ouncil & government - to
the circularity of New Zealand’s packaging.                       help a cohort of 10 packaged goods suppliers make more informed
                                                                  packaging decisions and strategise to meet those 202
The 2019 series brought together a total of 122 individuals,
representing 50 organisations, from across the wider
packaging system (packaging designers & suppliers, retailers,
waste processors, scientists, innovators and council &
government). The aims were to help packaged goods
suppliers make more informed packaging decisions and
navigate towards 2025 packaging commitments.

                                                                                           Outputs from Masterclasses         4
                                                                                           - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
Table of contents.

  What do we know now?				6                              What should we do now? 				35
     Seminar sessions – key points		                7      Who’s who and where to look for help            36

     What’s happening here in NZ? 			               12
                                                         Definition of terms        				38
     Should I use compostable packaging?            16
     Packaging design for recyclability		           21   Plastics resins guide      				39

  What needs to happen and when?		                  23
     Summary of boards and conversation             24
     Pathway to 2025					30

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                       Outputs from Masterclasses              5
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                       - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we
know now?

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging   6
that works in New Zealand by 2025
What do we know now?
                                                            regulation in place around global trade of
   Seminar Sessions                                         plastic waste in the future. The Basel Convention
                                                            amendment will come into force on 1 January
                                                                                                                     Duncan Wilson, Eunomia
                                                                                                                     Overview of the current NZ recycling system

   Key Points                                               2021.

                                                         5. A circular economy approach to plastics will
                                                                                                                  1. The majority of plastic packaging ends up
                                                                                                                     in households.
                                                            require a collaborative approach that includes iwi,
   Masterclass #1 - Circulate                               innovators, industry, business, science, consumers
                                                                                                                  2. Plastics are sorted in Material Recovery
                                                            and government.
                                                                                                                  3. The more sorting that has to be done the
   Roderick Boyes & Liz Butcher,                                                                                     more it costs.
   Ministry for the Environment                             Marc Gaugler, Scion
   Current & projected medium term status                                                                         4. Most plastic goes overseas for recycling - which
                                                            Overview of the science of plastics
                                                                                                                     depends heavily on international markets.
1. Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Transition   1. Plastics are one of the most versatile materials,
   (RECET) is a two-year programme approved through                                                               5. Technically recyclable is not the same as
                                                            which have revolutionised our way of life.
   Cabinet. It aims to reform New Zealand’s waste                                                                    economically recyclable: Only clear polyethlene
   management system to reduce waste, increase           2. Most plastics are made from petroleum-based              terephthalate (PET) and high-density polyethylene
   resource recovery and transition New Zealand             sources, but there are bio-based alternatives.           (HDPE) have ever really been economically viable –
   towards a circular economy.                              There is no general answer to the question ‘are          use them!
                                                            these new materials better or worse?’.
2. A taskforce was set up last year to respond
   to the Chinese National Sword Policy, which placed    3. Mixing of different plastics in one product              Jenny Marshall, WasteMINZ
   a restriction on the import of many recycling            complicates recycling. Features that appear trivial      Consumer behaviour & designing for
   materials. The taskforce looked at                       can also have a detrimental effect on current            recyclability
   how our resource recovery system is functioning.         recycling efforts.
   Its recommendations will form part of the RECET                                                                1. It is a universally acknowledged truth that everyone
   work programme.                                       4. While plastics are durable materials most of             thinks they know how to recycle.      them cannot be mechanically recycled an infinite
                                                            number of times without the performance of the        2. However, almost no one really understands how
3. The single-use plastic shopping bag regulations          material being reduced.                                  recycling works.
   have helped to bring the conversation around waste
   into the public domain. RECET will build on this      5. Plastics can be - and are already - used in closed    3. In order to design for recyclability we need to
   through exploring options to expand                      loop systems, but material choice, article design,       understand consumer behaviour.
   the waste levy, looking at resource recovery             and end-of-life need to be aligned for a closed-
   infrastructure and systems and investigating             loop article to work.                                 4. People tend to make recycling decisions based on
   the role of product stewardship.                                                                                  their familiarity with a particular product, rather
                                                                                                                     than technical knowledge.
4. Recent global agreements to amend the
   Basel Convention mean there will be improved

  Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                               Outputs from Masterclasses                            7
  that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                               - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
5. Councils and recyclers are working together to            but how we make packaging fit into a “sustainable               Change the behaviour, not simply the material.
   determine opportunities for greater national              system”.
   consistency.                                                                                                           2. There is no silver bullet. Solutions to plastic
                                                                                                                             pollution need to happen at all levels. Sustainable
                                                                                                                             Coastlines operates at a grassroots level, enabling
                                                             Robert Breukers, Callaghan Innovation                           New Zealanders to take action themselves.
   Sharon Humphreys, Packaging NZ & Rachel Barker,           Innovating with recovered materials
   Plastics NZ                                                                                                            3. Collaboration is crucial. Work together, share ideas,
   The role of plastic packaging                          1. There are multiple technologies available or being              and let’s solve this problem together. All the data,
                                                             developed to get value from materials where they                insights and solutions on the
1. Modern society relies on packaging to deliver             cannot be recycled back into the same product.                  platform are open-sourced. This allows Kiwis to
   goods, safely, undamaged and uncontaminated.
                                                                                                                             influence change at every level, whether through
   Packaging communicates product infomation,             2. Recycling can create wood substitute products from              education, in their community, product design,
   including ingredients and quantities,                     recovered plastics, e.g fence posts.                            infrastructure or government legislation.
   recommendations/instructions for usage,
   appropriate storage and expiry dates.                  3. Separation treatments can be used to recover
                                                             components of multilayer packaging, or to remove
2. Finding zero-impact packaging solutions is, as            contaminants like pigments from plastics.                       Liz Butcher, Ministry for the Environment (MFE)
   yet, not possible. All packaging material which                                                                           Government update
   undergoes a manufacturing process creates an           4. Chemical recycling can be used to convert polyethlene
   environmental impact sometime, somewhere.                 terephthalate (PET) to its original constituents or to       1. The Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy
                                                             convert waste plastics to crude oil substitutes.                Transition (RECET) work programme aims to reduce
3. Today’s siloed approach to ‘sustainable packaging’                                                                        waste, increase resource recovery and transition
   is ill-equipped to reconcile trade-offs between        5. Callaghan Innovation has grants, programmes and                 New Zealand towards a circular economy.
   the need for efficient packaging and the inability        scientific capability available to assist companies with
   of infrastructure to recover the value in discarded       their R&D goals.                                                It includes work on:
   packaging. If we add carbon implications, the
   potential for food waste impacts and safety and                                                                           -   Investigation into waste levy expansion and
   hygiene factors into the mix it is hardly surprising
   that we have lost consumers somewhere along               Masterclass #2 - Innovate                                           waste data collection.

   the way.                                                                                                                  -   National Resource Recovery work programme
                                                                                                                                 planning to investigate and develop plans to
4. Recycling is currently a minefield of confusion. It       Stephanie Vercoe, Sustainable Coastlines                            recharge recycling.
   is not the only solution for discarded packaging.         The reality of what’s leaking into our environment
                                                                                                                             -   Product stewardship - consultation on regulated
5. Let’s elevate the conversations so we aren’t           1. While plastic is the main offender, we need                         product stewardship closed on 4 October
   thinking about making “sustainable packaging”             to move away from single-use culture in general.                    with six priority products discussed including

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                                 Outputs from Masterclass #2 and #3                  8
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                                 - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
   -   Basel Convention – global commitment to better         4. Anything heavily contaminated due to poor
       manage mixed plastics.                                    or no cleaning will be landfilled. The common culprits      Marie Joo Le Guen, Scion
                                                                 are peanut butter, mayonnaise and personal hygiene          Where are we at with alternatives to traditional
   -   Transitioning towards a circular economy - bigger         products, generally items that are oily/sticky.             petroleum based plastics?
       than just waste – transport, tourism, construction,
       energy.                                                5. Plans are in place to maximize material recovery.        1. Bioplastics are not all equal and green!
                                                                 Currently Clear PET and Natural HDPE are sorted
                                                                 into high value bundles, with coloured PET and HDPE      2. Infrastructure for the end of life of bioplastic has not
                                                                 mixed in with plastics 3-7 to increase the value of         yet been established.
   Nick Baker, Visy                                              mixed plastic bundles. In the future sorting could
   Improving recycling - What do we need to innovate             occur in five potential streams:                         3. We are only starting to unveil the potential for
   away from?
                                                                                                                             production of valuable chemicals through refining
                                                                 -   Clear PET                                               organic matter.
1. Labelling needs to be clear, precise and easily
   interpretable by the end user. The recycling industry         -   Coloured PET                                         4. We need concerted efforts to set up a circular
   in New Zealand needs a system that is understood by
                                                                                                                             bioeconomy in New Zealand.
   consumers. The Australian Recycling Label offers clear        -   Natural HDPE
   directions, taking the confusion out of recycling.
                                                                 -   Coloured HDPE
2. When it comes to packaging design here are                                                                                Logan Dingle, Living Earth
   some things to consider:                                      -   Polypropylene (PP)                                      Overview of composting

   -   Anything smaller than 50mm will likely not                                                                         1. Compostable packaging and, in particular,
       be recycled.                                                                                                          compostable plastics have the potential to cause
                                                                 Gaetano Dedual & Jacob Kohn, Futurity
                                                                                                                             significant challenges for prospective processors.
   -   When materials are mixed or layered it makes              Innovating the system
                                                                                                                             This is from a biological process perspective as well
       recycling too difficult and expensive so will likely                                                                  as operational factors such as processing timeframe,
       not be recycled via kerbside collections               1. Collaboration throughout the value chain is essential
                                                                                                                             organic certification and Resource Consent.
                                                                 to drive change and all members within the value chain
   -   Soft plastics cannot be recycled via kerbside             need to demand change.
                                                                                                                          2. Certified compliance against an accepted standard is
       collections.                                                                                                          a key prerequisite, but may not be sufficient to gain
                                                              2. With respect to end-of-life (EOL) there is no silver
                                                                                                                             acceptance for individual processors.
3. Clear polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and natural            bullet. Ask what is the right material and EOL for the
   high-density polyethylene (HDPE) retain the most              right application, market, geography, demographic etc.
                                                                                                                          3. Economic and product nutrient benefits are unlikely to
   value within the recycling chain. If possible avoid                                                                       offset the processing challenges.
   coloured PET, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) trays, polylactic   3. Right material choices for EOL and application need
   acid (PLA), low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and               to be thought through and factored against relevant
   polystyrene (PS).                                             externalities.

                                                              4. New infrastructure needs to be efficient,
                                                                 complimentary and involve new technologies.

       Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                                  Outputs from Masterclasses                            9
       that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                                  - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
   Masterclass #3 - Eliminate                              Vaughan Whyte, FoodCap                                        hazards associated with food contact materials
                                                           Case Study - The FoodCap story:                               lies with the food business.

                                                        1. Consumer expectations for introduction of                  2. Failure to address hazards can mean
   Nick Morrison, Go Well Consulting                                                                                     chemical, microbiological or physical fragment
                                                           sustainable packaging are intensifying, but
   Case study - Consumer learnings from Bags Not           consumers can be unpredictable. The speed                     contamination of food and consequent food
   Campaign:                                               of consumer backlash to poor practices,                       safety risks.
                                                           communicated via social media is unprecedented,
1. Get well-informed then engage with customers            and this can impact your brand value, share price          3. A range of aspects need to be considered with
   to explain your why and how.                            and consumer trust.                                           moves towards recycling or replacement of
                                                                                                                         food packaging; these include integrity, sterility,
2. Be authentic.                                        2. There is a risk that knee jerk reaction to ‘plastic           process contamination and material migration.
                                                           panic’ may drive poor decisions and unanticipated
3. Show bright spots to prove it works and can
                                                           outcomes. Some companies are searching for
   be done.
                                                           the ‘silver bullet’, a one-size-fits-all solution, but        James Griffin, SBN
                                                           it doesn’t exist. The majority of packaging will
4. Behaviour change takes time, stick at it.                                                                             Elimination and Reuse - Overview:
                                                           become more expensive, and this will impact the
5. Be empathetic to the change experience -                end consumer. Companies will need to become
                                                                                                                      1. At a global level to reach 2025 packaging
   it’s really hard for some.                              smarter at looking along the entire supply chain
                                                                                                                         commitments it is estimated that 30% of current
                                                           to gain efficiencies and cost advantage to offset
                                                                                                                         packaging needs to be eliminated via redesign and
                                                           these higher packaging costs.
                                                                                                                         innovation. 20% needs to move from single use
                                                        3. Front end consumer packaging is receiving the                 to reuse models and 50% needs to remain in high
                                                           majority of focus, (high consumer visibility +                value circulation via radically improved recycling.
   Francesca Goodman-Smith, Foodstuffs New
   Zealand                                                 high fear of consumer backlash), but addressing
                                                                                                                      2. High profile examples of elimination are being
   Case study - Elimination up the supply chain            the mountain of back end (transport packaging)
                                                                                                                         seen with multipack packaging (e.g. canned
                                                           is equally as important. Developing reusable
                                                                                                                         goods) and lids for ‘on the go’ containers.
1. Collaboration across the supply chain is essential      transport packaging solutions can be easier
   to bring about a ‘reusables culture’.                   than commercialising them. Initial traction will
                                                                                                                      3. Customer reaction to packaging changes is not yet
                                                           likely come from developing closed loop logistics
                                                                                                                         fully understood, so pilots and trials are underway
2. Clear processes and accountability is essential to      models.
                                                                                                                         as opposed to full conversions to alternative
   embedding reusables in logistics networks.                                                                            designs and solutions.

3. Reusables can deliver functional, environmental                                                                    4. Edible packaging is gaining interest as an
                                                           Andrew Pearson, New Zealand Food Safety
   and financial savings to businesses.                                                                                  opportunity to eliminate traditional plastics.
                                                           Food safety considerations when changing
                                                           materials or moving to reuse:

                                                        1. The responsibility for identifying and mitigating

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                                   Outputs from Masterclasses                         10
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                                   - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
5. The four reuse models (refill on the go, refill
   at home, return on the go, return from home)             Rachel Chiaroni Clark, Office of Prime Ministers
   outlined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation               Chief Science Advisor
   provide a useful framework for focusing                  Key recommendations from PMCSA Rethinking
   innovation on key usage areas.                           Plastics Report:
6. There is evidence of businesses focusing on           1. Rethinking Plastics provides an evidence-based
   different packaging configurations that emphasise        system-wide overview of plastics in NZ, along
   elimination/reduction and reuse for online sales         with a series of recommendations to government
   where ‘shelf presence’ is not so relevant and            on ways to mitigate the issues related to plastics,
   there is more opportunity for customer education.        while retaining its many benefits. The outputs
                                                            from the project are 1) a long, detailed report; 2) a
                                                            short summary report; 3) a website; 4) a resource
   Barbara Nebel, thinkstep                                 portal – available at
   Avoiding unintended consequences when                 2. The four workstreams are based on 1) the cultural
   changing packaging:                                      transformation in how we use and dispose of
                                                            plastic; 2) the innovations and ideas we can adopt
1. A full life cycle approach helps to avoid
                                                            to make plastic use more sustainable; 3) the
   unintended consequences from shifting burdens
                                                            environmental impacts of plastic; 4) quantifying
   from one stage of the life cycle to another, or
                                                            use and material flows of plastics in NZ.
   from one environmental impact to another. We
   need to consider marine plastics as well as           3. Our overarching recommendation is to implement
   carbon emissions and can’t just focus on one             a national plastics action plan that outlines a
   issue.                                                   clear vision and timeline of actions, and signals
                                                            expectations for the transition to a circular
2. We need to shift from recycling to upcycling.
                                                            economy for plastics. The action plan can be
   Our recycling often results in a loss of material
                                                            built on the series of detailed recommendations
   properties and in fact is down cycling. This is for
                                                            and further actions outlined in the report, which
   example the case if different grades of aluminium
                                                            aim to improve plastics data collection; embed
   are used in one product. Recycling them together
                                                            plastics in the government agenda; create and
   will result in the lower grade material.
                                                            enable consistency in design, use and disposal;
                                                            innovate and amplify good ideas; and mitigate
3. We need a mindshift from trying to reduce waste
                                                            environmental and health impacts of plastic.
   to recognising the resources locked up in our
   materials and the opportunities they provide. Or
   as Michael Braungart has put it “We don’t have a
   waste problem, we have a materials in the wrong
   place problem”.

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                                   Outputs from Masterclasses         11
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                                   - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?

  What’s happening
  here in NZ?
  Click to see what activity is
  occurring to enable a circular
  economy in plastic packaging
  for the following sectors:

          Industry Bodies                             New Plastics

                                                    NEW ZEALAND
          Innovators & Collaborators                ACTIVITY MAP

          Packaging Industry


  Note: This information has largely
  been provided by attendees of
  the Masterclass Series.
  SBN is interested to hear of any
  other relevant activity.

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging         Outputs from Masterclasses         12
that works in New Zealand by 2025                         - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
 Industry Bodies
                                                                                                                   on labelling with community and industry
                                                                                                                   collaborations as well as standardising kerbside
WasteMINZ                                               Plastics NZ                                                collection across New Zealand.
 Developed guidelines and resources on certification,   Investigating polyproplene (PP) recycling across           Contact information:
 processing facilities and communication for            New Zealand.                                        
 compostable packaging.
 Contact information:                                   Contact information:       
                                                                                                                   Tauranga City Council

Australian Packaging Covenant                           Governance                                                 Working to augment kerbside recycling collection
Organisation (APCO)
                                                                                                                	Contact information:
 Development of Packaging Recyclability Evaluation      Ministry for the Environment                       
 Portal (PREP) tool and Australasian Recycling Label
 (ARL). PREP tool provides a way                        On-going efforts under the Resource Efficiency
 to assess whether an item of packaging could           and Circular Economy Transition (RECET) work
 be classified as ‘recyclable’ in Australia and         programme. This programme includes work on
 New Zealand through kerbside collection. The ARL       the Waste Levy expansion, regulated product
                                                                                                                   The Office of the Prime Minister’s
 is an evidence-based system that provides clear        stewardship, national resource recovery and Basel          Chief Science Advisor
 consistent on-pack recycling information to inform     Convention commitments. Another programme is
 consumers of the correct disposal method.              The Waste Minimisation Fund, funding projects that         Released a report titled ‘Rethinking Plastics
                                                        promote or achieve waste minimisation.                     in Aotearoa New Zealand’ which analysed and
 Contact information:                                                                                              collated the evidence-base around plastic use                Contact information:                                       and waste in New Zealand. This will guide a series
    packaging-recycling-label-program                                                   of recommendations to mitigate the negative
                                                                                                                   impacts of plastic while retaining its many
Packaging Forum                                                                                                    Contact information:
                                                        Auckland Council                                    
 Working on solutions for rigid plastic food and
 beverage packaging, including product take back        Reviewing and making improvements to Auckland’s
 schemes.                                               Materials Recovery Facility. Plans for 2024 include
                                                        implications of the container deposit scheme
 Contact information:                                   and investment into PP #5 separation. Working

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                             Outputs from Masterclasses                        13
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                             - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
Innovators and                                         Go Well Consulting,
                                                       Pitch Black & Supertrash
                                                                                                                   	Contact information:
Collaborators                                          Developing a compostable packaging project
                                                       aimed at creating a compostable plastics
                                                       collection scheme. The scheme plans to create               Tetra Pak
                                                       New Zealand drop–off locations for consumers
Sustainable Coastlines                                 to return their certified compostable packaging             Working with global technologies and local
                                                       for commercial composting.                                  organisations to develop recyling for cartons in
Created the Litter Intelligence Tool which
                                                                                                                   New Zealand.
utilises citizen science to gather and analyse
                                                     	Contact information:
what problematic materials and components are                                                                      Contact information:
ending up in our oceans and on our beaches.
	Contact information:
Scion                                                   Packaging Industry                                         Offers a kerbside recyclable temperature paper
                                                                                                                   insulation (Tempguard) as an alternative to
Offers biodegradation certification by testing                                                                     expanded polystyrene.
biodegradation properties of bioplastics according     Custom-Pak
to European standards.                                                                                             	Contact information:
                                                        Operating a polyethlene terephthalate (PET)           
	Contact information:                                  washplant, Christchurch. Supplying recycled PET                  (RPET) packaging.

                                                        	Contact information:
                                                                                                                   The Better Packaging Co.
                                                             Glen Wilson 027 430 4337
Futurity                                                                                                           Working on The Better Collective, which is a
                                                                                                                   network enabled by technology that enables
Developing bio-based materials to replace                                                                          people without a compost to drop off
petrochemical derived materials using                  TC Transcontinental                                         compostable packaging. In 2020 there will be a
renewable New Zealand wood.                                                                                        pilot of a reusable courier satchel under their
                                                        Working on trial projects recycling clean and              SWOP project.
	Contact information:                                  uncontaminated soft plastics into packaging for                           non-food contact.                                          	Contact information:

 Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                        Outputs from Masterclasses                         14
 that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                        - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
Marx Design                                           Visy
Have created an open source briefing form             Reprocesses polyethlene terephthalate (PET)
for brand owners to guide them through key            in Sydney. Reprocessed PET converted into
considerations for end-of-life when designing their   packaging in New Zealand.
                                                      Contact information:
	Contact information:                         

                                                      PACT Group

Infrastructure                                        New Auckland closed loop re-processing facility
                                                      for polyethlene terephthalate (PET) to be

                                                      Contact information:
Flight Plastics Ltd                            
Polyethlene terephthalate (PET) closed loop
recycling and recycled PET (RPET) packaging
supplier (Wellington).

 Contact information:

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) wash plant

 Contact information:

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                       Outputs from Masterclasses         15
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                       - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
  Should I use compostable packaging?
  Decision tree developed during Masterclass #2 - Innovate.

  Can you Eliminate or Reuse?

         Can packaging                               Can you move
        be designed out,                            to reuse or other                      See if recyclable
         eliminated or                   No         models? Reusable,   No                 packaging is an
           reduced?                                    resealable,                        option (next page).

                Yes                                       Yes

        Great, eliminate!                             Great, reuse!

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                            Outputs from Masterclasses         16
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                            - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
  Should I use compostable packaging?
  Can you use recyclable packaging?

                                                                                         Can you make your product
        Can you use materials                     Can you use materials                  from sustainable renewable
         that are recycled in                                                                 bio-based material                            See if compostable
                                                 that have high recycled
        practice and at scale                                                            (rather than petrochemical)          No             packaging is an
                                                  content? e.g RPET or
     (i.e have strong economic                                                            that can integrate into our                       option (next page).
                                                      RHDPE, glass.
            end markets)?                                                               recycling system? e.g bioPET
                                                                                                 and bioHDPE.

                                             Yes to one or more of the above

                                                    Consider recyclable!

  Key considerations for recyclable                       Coloured PET, coloured HDPE and PP #5 are              recycled in traditional recycling streams and do not
                                                          largely bundled with low value mixed plastics.         come from traditional petrochemical feedstocks.
  packaging                                               However, they may be separated into single higher
                                                          value recycling streams in the short-medium term       There may be unintended consequences for
  Currently clear PET #1 and natural HDPE #2 have         future depending on location.                          shifting to materials e.g glass weighs more than
  strong economic end markets for recycling and                                                                  plastic and therefore requires more energy to
  are widely collected.                                   Plastics made from resins 3, 4, 6 & 7 are unlikely     transport. Life cycle assessments are a useful tool
                                                          to be sorted in the near future and hold little to     to analyse the environmental impact of a product
  Using plastics with a percentage of recycled content    no value for recycling currently.                      during its entire life cycle.
  helps to create markets for recycled plastics and
  improve overall circularity of the system.              Bio based drop-in materials like bioPET, bioHDPE
                                                          are becoming more available – these can be

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                              Outputs from Masterclass #2 and #3                 17
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                              - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
  Should I use compostable packaging?

    Is there a packaging                       Is your consumer likely to know                      Will your packaging contain
      option in its final                         how to compost packaging                           any small hard-to-remove                        Certified home
                                              correctly and are they likely to do                     items that contaminate                          compostable
     form that is home
                                              so at scale? Or is there a closed-                        both commercial and                          packaging may
   composting certified          Yes             loop system available to your
                                                                                       Yes               home composting?
                                                                                                                                                       still be an
       that meets the                         customer to get the packaging to                       E.g. fruit stickers, tea and                    option, see key
   functional properties                       an industrial composter and are                      coffee bags, asparagus ties,                     considerations.
   your product needs?                          they likely to do this at scale?                       banana tape, vine ties.*

             No                                              No                                                 No

          Consider                                        Consider                                      Compostable
   alternative packaging.                          alternative packaging.                            may be a good option.

  Key considerations for                                  Compost needs approximately a 25-30:1 ratio of           Is the final format of your packaging actually
                                                          carbon to nitrogen (C:N ratio) – packaging falls         certified versus just certification of individual
  home compostable packaging                              under carbon and too much packaging could                layers?
                                                          throw home compost bins out of balance.
  How many of your customers own or have                                                                           Are you clearly communicating to the consumer
  access to compost bins?                                 Public drop-off points for pre-approved certified        how to effectively compost the packaging,
                                                          compostable packaging are being discussed but            including removal of any non-compostable
  Of those how many manage their
                                                          are not available yet.                                   elements e.g cutting packaging into small pieces
  compost effectively?
                                                                                                                   prior to composting?

  *WasteMINZ Compostable Packaging:

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                               Outputs from Masterclasses                             18
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                               - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
   Should I use compostable packaging?

         Is there a certified industrially                                Is your packaging entering a closed-loop
       compostable packaging option that                                  system (examples below) where it will be                                     See key
                                                          Yes                                                                      Yes
       meets the functional properties your                              collected, decontaminated and delivered to                                 considerations.
                 product needs?                                             a pre-approved industrial composter?

                          No                                                                    No

               Consider alternatives.                                                Consider alternatives.

   Closed-loop systems                                  3. Venues or businesses (such as Vector Arena)               final product. This is because compostable packaging
                                                           where only compostable packaging is used and              provides little to no nutrient value for compost.*
   Three closed-loop out of home situations                decontamination is undertaken.
   identified by WasteMINZ* as being potential                                                                       If a product is certified industrially compostable,
   options for compostable packaging:                                                                                do not advertise it as being suitable for
                                                                                                                     home composting.*
1. Commercial food waste collections where cafés
                                                           Key considerations for industrial
   and restaurants only use compostable serviceware        compostable packaging                                     Ensure that the compostable packaging is
   chosen from an approved list of vendors, do not                                                                   sorted, and any non-compostable contaminants
   use any plastic serviceware and where the service                                                                 are removed before being transported to the
   provider is providing a sorting service.                There are limited industrial composters nationally        composting facility.*
                                                           that accept packaging. Check out who can here.
2. Events where manual separation and thorough
   decontamination of waste takes place.                   Composters do not need compostable packaging to
                                                           make quality compost, as it doesn’t add value to the

   *WasteMINZ Compostable Packaging:

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                                 Outputs from Masterclasses                           19
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                                 - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
  Should I use compostable packaging?

  Key considerations for both
  home and industrial composting
  Referencing the work WasteMINZ is leading on            In non-closed loop systems it is difficult to tell        in the diversion of food waste from landfill should
  compostable packaging plus contribution from            the difference between compostable plastic                be made compostable, e.g. compostable food
  masterclass attendees:                                  packaging and traditional plastic packaging. When         waste caddy liners.*
                                                          compostable packaging enters the recycling
  When using compostable packaging ensure that            stream it has the potential to contaminate and            Ideally, compostable packaging should not be
  packaging meets an international standard for           vice versa.                                               bright colours, e.g. pink or blue, as this risks the
  industrial or home compostability as appropriate.*                                                                marketability of compost products, if flecks of
                                                          Compostable packaging leaked into the                     those colours show up in compost.*
  Getting certification for compostable packaging in      environment is harmful – litter is litter and will
  its final format requires significant investment.       have the same impact if ingested by wildlife. We          Certified compostable packaging is made from
                                                          need to move to closed-loop systems.*                     a renewable source rather than traditional
  Inks, adhesives and other additions to                                                                            petrochemical feedstocks.
  compostable packaging need to be organic and            New Zealand councils have agreed that until
  make up
What do we know now?
  Packaging design for recyclability
       Easy to recycle                                           Possible to recycle                                  Difficult to recycle
       Commonly collected by council                             in some places                                       Not often recycled
       recycling schemes
                                                                 Sometimes recycled

       Polyethylene                High density                  Low density                                          Polyvinyl
  1                          2                            4                            5                       3                             6
       terephthalate               polyethylene                  polyethylene                Polypropylene            chloride                     Polystyrene
 PET                        HDPE                         LDPE                          PP                      PVC                          PS

  Notes:                                                   Notes:
  Clear PET and Natural HDPE have                          Plastics made of 4 & 5 are likely to end up        OTHER
  highest recycling value                                  in a ‘mixed plastics’ recycling stream with
                                                           low value
  Notes:                                                                                                        Multi-layer materials will essentially
                                                                                                                not be recycled
  Most labels are removed and commonly not recycled in kerbside collections
                                                                                                                3, 6, & 7 are at risk of contaminating
  Consider using recycled feedstock rather than virgin                                                          recycling streams
  We need consistent labelling of materials using resin codes (1, 2, 3 etc rather than PET, HDPE etc)

  *Adapted from Royal Society Te Apārangi:

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                            Outputs from Masterclasses                          21
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                            - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What do we know now?
  Packaging designs to avoid for recyclability

  Although some packaging formats may in theory       Aluminium/metal closures on plastic bottles       Multimaterials in general
  be recyclable this is not always the case in
  practice. This can be due to the inefficiency                                                         Avoid (6) Polystyrene (PS) and Expanded
                                                      Black plastic
  and difficulty of processing and separating the                                                       polystyrene (EPS)
  materials it is composed of.
                                                      Coloured opaque PET bottles
  Building on the work by Royal Society Te Aparangi                                                     In-mould labelling especially with mixed
  and WrapUK, our masterclass recycling experts                                                         materials e.g HDPE label on PET. In mould
  have helped up us to identify certain packaging     Compostable, biodegradable and                    labelling degrades the material when it is
  materials, formats and designs to avoid to ensure   oxy-degradable plastics                           recycled as the label cannot be removed and
  we have a radically improved recycling system.                                                        therefore can discolour the resin. When in-
                                                      Sleeves with >60% cover                           mould labels are made of a different type of
                                                                                                        plastic it contaminates the recycled product

  *Adapted from WrapUK:                   Multi-layer laminates and PE sealing layers
                                                                                                        Anything adhered too strongly ( e.g soaker
                                                                                                        pads on meat trays) and tough to remove
                                                      Non-removable film lids                           often results in materials being downgraded or
                                                      PVC sleeves and components

                                                      Silicone valves used with PET bottles

                                                      Coloured opaque HDPE materials

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                   Outputs from Masterclasses                         22
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                   - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to
happen and
Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging   23
that works in New Zealand by 2025
What needs to happen and when?
  Summary of table boards and conversations
  During masterclass sessions                       #1 - Circulate
  participants worked through key
  questions around what could enable a               How can the system support
  transition to 100% reusable, recyclable            businesses to improve the recyclability
  or compostable packaging by 2025.                  of their packaging?

  The following is a summary of themes               The cohort identified the following needs from
                                                     the plastic packaging system (Packaging Industry,
  and outputs:                                       Governance & Infrastructure and Design &
                                                     Innovation) to enable improved recycling towards
                                                     a circular economy for packaging:

                                                     Packaging industry:
                                                     - Clear decision making tools and guidance
                                                       to enable more informed packaging decisions
                                                     - A source of validation of packaging claims
                                                     - Agreement on, and widespread adoption of,
                                                       on-pack labelling for recycling and associated
                                                       consumer education

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                   Outputs from Masterclasses          24
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What needs to happen and when?

    - Collaboration to speed and scale innovation         Design & innovation:
      required for alternatives to difficult-to-recycle   - Packaging design guidelines and resources
      packaging e.g. multi-layered pouches                  to enable improved recycling rates

    Infrastructure & governance:                          - Collaborative innovation of new solutions
                                                            to drive speed and scale of adoption (rather
    - As above, we need cross sector collaboration          than first to market proprietary approach)
      to speed and scale the innovation required for
      alternatives to difficult-to-recycle packaging      - Increase scale and range of plastics
                                                            recycling options
    - Mandatory product stewardship schemes
    - A consumer education campaign
    - Funding recycling facilities in New Zealand
    - Consistent kerbside collections across
      the country
    - A map of facilities and actions to meet the 2025
      packaging commitments

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                    Outputs from Masterclasses         25
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                    - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?

#2 - Innovate
  How can the system support business
                                                    - Greater understanding of the effects of a
  innovation?                                         waste levy increase.
  The cohort identified the following needs from    - Guidelines for use of Australian Recycling
  the plastic packaging system (Governance,           Logo (ARL) and Packaging Recyclability
  Infrastructure, Packaging Industry and Design       Evaluation Portal (PREP) tool. There is growing
  & Innovation) to enable innovation towards a        consensus that New Zealand companies
  circular economy for packaging:                     should adopt this.

  Governance                                        - Clear decision making tools and guidance to
                                                      enable more informed packaging decisions.
  - Clear guidelines on when to use compostable
    packaging and New Zealand specific              - Collaboration across the sector to speed and
    standards on labelling/certification for use      scale innovation required for alternatives to
    of compostable packaging.                         difficult-to-recycle packaging.

  - Public/Consumer education campaigns on          - Regulations to phase out problematic materials
    how to recycle/compost to support positive        (both imported and local).
    end-of-life outcomes.                           - Enabling greater accessibility for certification
  - Insights into how product stewardship             of compostable packaging.
    and container deposit scheme will impact        - A source of validation of packaging claims.

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                   Outputs from Masterclass #2 and #3   26
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                   - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?

  Infrastructure (Recycling & Composting):               Packaging Industry:
  - National infrastructure with the ability             - Increase focus on end-of-life impacts as
    to process a wider range of materials e.g              well as functional properties.
    coloured materials, small format packaging,
                                                         - Agreement on, and widespread adoption of,
    polypropylene (#5) and compostable
                                                           on-pack labelling for recycling/compostables
    packaging. Possible solutions discussed were:
                                                           and associated consumer education.
    improved kerbside collection with greater
    segregation (e.g soft plastics and organics bins),   - New and broader packaging options that
    chemical recycling and product stewardship/            meet 2025 commitments of 100% reusable,
    container deposit scheme.                              recyclable or compostable.
  - Consistency across the national network
                                                         Design & Innovation:
    to avoid public confusion and streamline
    consumer communications.                             - Commercialisation of new technology/
                                                           materials providing the same functional
  - Clarity on composting infrastructure at a
                                                           properties as traditional packaging with
    national level with regards to collections,
                                                           viable closed-loop end-of-life processing.
    destination/processing and consumer
  - Improved kerbside collection segregation.

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                       Outputs from Masterclasses         27
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                       - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?

#3 - Eliminate                                      - Waste levy increases incentivising alternatives
                                                      to landfill and encouraging new models of
  How can the system support business                 reuse. Funding from a waste levy increase
  transition to reuse?                                could be invested through the Waste
                                                      Management Fund and could be used to
  Representatives from the plastic packaging          support new reuse models and innovation in
  system (Governance & Infrastructure, Packaging      reuse.
  Industry & Innovators, and Consultants) were
                                                    - The introduction of product stewardship
  asked how they might assist in the transition
                                                      regulations. This is an opportunity for
  of packaged goods suppliers adopting reuse
                                                      businesses to engage with circular models.
  models instead of using problematic/single-use
                                                      Reuse models should be encouraged under the
  Governance & Infrastructure                       - Government acting to ban problematic
                                                      materials will also create opportunity to
  Governance and infrastructure identified they       influence those looking for alternate packaging
  could support transition to reuse models by:        options. This opportunity can be used to
  - Leading by example. Government agencies           encourage businesses to move towards reuse
    can ensure procurement processes stimulate        models.
    markets for reuse systems (e.g. America’s       - Support educating businesses and public
    Cup, APEC, local events etc) as well as           on reuse systems including health and
    government offices.                               safety aspects.

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                  Outputs from Masterclasses           28
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                  - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?
 Packaging industry                                    Consultants

 The packaging industry (suppliers and industry        The group of consultants (packaging, sustainability
 bodies) identified they could assist packaged         and life cycle consultants) identified they could
 goods suppliers transition to reuse by:               assist businesses in a transition to reuse by:
 - Encouraging collaboration by connecting clients     - Within new product development ensure circular
   to their supply chain and the right people.           economy processes are adopted from the start,
                                                         including reuse models.
 - Providing whole-of-life scenario analysis for
   customers to better understand impacts of           - Staying up to date and learning from cultures
   packaging across life cycles.                         with limited space/high populations/low
                                                         resources to help adopt international best
 - Bringing international examples, best practice
                                                         practice in reuse.
   models and local case studies forward to
   encourage businesses to reuse.                      - Educate clients on the impacts of product
                                                         stewardship being mandated and encourage
 - Facilitating business to business (B2B) solutions
                                                         circular solutions.
   to single use.
                                                       - Encouraging and facilitating impact analysis of
                                                         reuse pilot projects.
                                                       - Integrating reuse into packaging suppliers’ (and
                                                         the wider industry’s) strategies.
                                                       - Assist in developing reuse policies

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                      Outputs from Masterclasses           29
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                      - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?

  Pathway to 2025
  Recycling with radically improved economics and
  transitioning to reuse models and innovation is
  required to eliminate the use of problematic or
  unnecessary packaging by 2025.
       Outcomes & Activities             Outcomes & Activities              Outcomes & Activities

                                                                                                     BY END
                                                                                                     OF 2025
                                                        BY END
                                                        OF 2022
                               BY END
                               OF 2020

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                 Outputs from Masterclasses               30
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                 - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?

  By end of 2020
                                                      guidance are reducing unnecessary/problematic       New and additional end markets for recycled
  Outcomes                                            packaging                                           materials developed – e.g. options for
                                                                                                          polypropelene (PP)

  Recognition the current linear system               Identification of a material choice hierarchy
  must change and collaboration is needed                                                                 Good information on end of life on all packaging
                                                      Increased use of clear PET, Natural HDPE and
  Business understands options for more circular      materials with recycled content                     Co-create strategy for New Zealand to be a low
  solutions – eliminate, innovate, circulate                                                              carbon circular economy
                                                      Investment needs identified for infrastructure
  More circular packaging on shelves                  and new materials                                   Collaborate on public awareness campaigns on
                                                                                                          increased circularity

  Emerging capacity for on-shore polypropylene        New categories ripe for reuse identified
  (PP) processing                                                                                         Prioritisation of recommendations from the Office
                                                                                                          of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor’s
                                                      Growing momentum for more reuse solutions
                                                                                                          Rethinking Plastics in Aoteoroa New Zealand
  Customers seek circular packaging solutions &                                                           project (2019)
  recycled content
                                                      Activities                                          Tools to help smaller businesses meet New
  Range of regulation options identified (and                                                             Plastics Economy (NPEC) Global Commitments
  international comparisons made)                                                                         rolled out – e.g. audit templates, guidance fact
                                                      Sign up to the ‘New Plastics Economy
                                                      Global Commitment’                                  sheet for packaging design, preferred plastic
  Increased on-shore plastic processing                                                                   types, label size, etc
  of polyethlene terephthalate (PET) & high-density
  polyethylene (HDPE)                                 Champion use of recyclable, in practice,
                                                      packaging and recycled content                      Clearing house for information on circular
                                                                                                          packaging design, contacts, technical,
  Increased awareness of what constitutes                                                                 considerations to prevent unintended
  problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging        Supermarkets phase out low value plastics           consequences, carbon calculators, Life Cycle
                                                                                                          Assessments, case studies

  Initial evidence that policy changes and design     New recycling facilities open
                                                                                                          Data collection system established for the waste
                                                                                                          data framework

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                      Outputs from Masterclasses                            31
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                      - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?
 Brands that use GS1 (barcode information) to        Waste levy expands                                          Collaborative innovation initiatives established
 include packaging information for their product
 providing more accurate data on plastic packaging   Landfill waste levy consultation (pending cabinet           Launch of open source innovation challenges to
 volumes                                             decision) signals increase in waste disposal costs          stimulate solutions

 New re-processing/recycling facilities for high     Funding streams for strategic circularity continue:         Government developing changes to procurement
 value plastics                                      Provincial Growth Fund (until 2020) and Waste               policies and importation regulations to eliminate
                                                     Minimisation Fund (ongoing)                                 problematic or unnecessary packaging and
 Labelling standards agreed – Australasian                                                                       incentivise replacement
 Recycling Label (ARL), Packaging Recyclability      Resource recovery infrastructure and systems
 Evaluation Tool (PREP), includes degradable,        designed and invested in                                    Public end of life awareness campaigns creating
                                                                                                                 consumer demand for materials with practical
                                                     Product stewardship schemes legislated                      end-of-life solutions
 Procurement used to increase circularity

                                                     Develop interventions to bridge cost gap between            Increased awareness and use of easily recycled
 Invest in end markets for recycled materials        virgin and recycled content                                 materials e.g Clear PET and Natural HDPE

 Promote relevant circular packaging innovations     Joined up conversations across government                   Local bio-based ‘drop-in’ materials pioneered
                                                     agencies for consistent and complementary                   and tested
 Wider actions to prevent plastic escaping into      approaches
 the environment e.g. littering education and                                                                    Communication of ideal use cases for
 compliance, storm water filtration, beach and       Lead companies begin internal audits to identify            compostable packaging
 ocean clean-ups, management of old landfills        problematic or unnecessary packaging, sharing
                                                     their results nationally and internationally                Internal packaging audits identify opportunities
 Basel Convention consultation on waste exports                                                                  ripe for reuse
 comes into legislation                              Initial development and/or adoption and
                                                     distribution of best practice to eliminate                  High profile reuse examples launched
 Co-design of mandatory product stewardship for      problematic and/or unnecessary packaging at                 e.g. coffee cup reuse systems, “bring your own
 plastic packaging and start of implementation       design stage                                                container” offerings

 Identification of problematic materials requiring   Initial potential solutions selected for trials/pilots
 regulatory control

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                             Outputs from Masterclasses                            32
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                             - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?

  By end of 2022
                                                                                                                 Keep ahead of international best practice (import
                                                       design guidance are dramatically reducing
  Outcomes                                             problematic/ unnecessary packaging
                                                                                                                 & export)

                                                                                                                 Investment in next level infrastructure
  Aotearoa manages all plastic waste onshore           Product stewardship in place for packaging for
                                                       both NZ made and imports
                                                                                                                 Recycling label standard adopted as mandatory
  Landfill price increased
                                                       Conversion to bio based ‘drop-in’ materials has
                                                       started                                                   Kerbside collection standardised nationally
  Use of low value (contaminated) mixed plastics
  declines rapidly
                                                       Customer uptake of reuse model builds across              Regulatory control of problematic plastic types
                                                       sectors                                                   (import & export)
  Simplification of plastic materials and movement
  towards bio-based polyethlene terephthalate
  (PET) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE)                                                                     Mandatory product stewardship for plastic
                                                                                                                 packaging fully implemented
  Standardised end of life labelling on all plastics   Activities
                                                                                                                 NZ low carbon circular strategy review connected
                                                       Information and education through public                  to infrastructure strategy
  Good packaging data collected and made open-         awareness campaigns on product stewardship
  source                                               schemes
                                                                                                                 Invest in end markets for recycled materials
  Basel Convention leads to end of low value           Review and update plastic packaging design
  packaging/plastics                                   guidance                                                  Investment in next level infrastructure for closing
                                                                                                                 the loop
  Product bans led by consumers, enforced by           New Zealand Plastics Pact - a pack of NZ tools
  government, leading to new solutions                 and reporting on circular progress                        Further potential solutions selected for
  Widespread awareness of what constitutes             Procurement used to stimulate circular solutions
  problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging                                                                   Initial trials/pilots from collaborative
                                                                                                                 innovation initiatives
  Increasing evidence that policy changes and

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                         Outputs from Masterclasses                            33
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                         - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
What needs to happen and when?
                                                     By end of 2025
                                                     Outcomes                                           Activities
Government establishes new procurement
policies and importation regulations to eliminate                                                       Further solutions and alternative products
                                                     Plastic packaging compatible with a circular
problematic and/or unnecessary packaging in                                                             and processes established and mainstreamed
                                                     economy becomes mainstream
New Zealand and incentivise replacement

                                                     Companies meet their commitments to ensure         Importation controls on problematic and/
Regulations put in place for recycled local                                                             or unnecessary packaging to New Zealand
                                                     100% of their plastic packaging is reusable,
content in packaging                                                                                    maintained and regularly updated
                                                     recyclable, or compostable in practice

Better understanding of barriers and opportunities                                                      Businesses adopt reuse as a performance
                                                     Reuse becomes increasingly part of mainstream
for compostable plastics and how they fit into a                                                        indicator
                                                     culture and reuse behaviour is commonplace
centralised system

                                                     Relevant single use packaging formats have
The user experience for reuse continues to
                                                     moved to reusable models
improve through better design

Communication campaigns to drive awareness
of reuse

Creating a circular economy for plastic packaging                                                    Outputs from Masterclasses                      34
that works in New Zealand by 2025                                                                    - Circulate, Innovate, Eliminate
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