Criminal Law Forum - Books Received - stocklist-Ambos

Criminal Law Forum – Books Received

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                        Please contact Alexander Heinze:

Abels, Denis, Bruin, Deborah and van der Wilt, Harmen (eds), Complex Criminality (The
       Hague, Eleven Publishing 2016), 112
Ackerman, Bruce , Ambos, Kai and Sikirić, Hrvoje (eds), Visions of Justice - Liber Amicorum
Mirjan Damaška, vol 26 (Beiträge zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, 2016),
Afshar, Fabian, Strafprozessuale Pragmatik und Normdeutung - Zur Bedeutung von
Rechtsfragen bei § 153a StPO (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2020), 542
Agirre, Xabier, Bergsmo, Morten, Smet, Simon de and Stahn, Carsten, Quality Control in
Criminal Investigation (Brussels, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher 2020), 1050
Albahari, Maurizio, Crimes of Peace (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press 2015),
Allen, Michael and Edwards, Ian, Criminal Law (15 edn, Oxford, Oxford University Press
2019), 680
Ambos, Kai, Internationales Strafrecht (5th edn, C.H.Beck, München 2018), 742
Ambos, Kai, European Criminal Law (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2018), 663
Ambos, Kai, Wirtschaftsvölkerstrafrecht (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2018), 95
Ambos, Kai, National Socialist Criminal Law (Baden-Baden, Nomos, Hart 2019), 208
Ambos, Kai, Treatise on International Criminal Law, Volume I: Foundations and General
Part (2nd edn, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2021), 656
Ambos, Kai and Bock, Stefanie (eds), Aktuelle und grundsätzliche Fragen des
Wirtschaftsstrafrechts/ Questions actuelles et fondamentales du droit pénal des affaires
(Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2019),
Ambos, Kai, Duff, Antony, Roberts, Julian and Weigend, Thomas (eds), Core Concepts in
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Volume I., vol I (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
2020), 483
Ambos, Kai, König, Stefan and Rackow, Peter (eds), Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen (Baden-
Baden, Nomos 2020), 1835
Ankumah, Evelyn A. (ed), The International Criminal Court and Africa (Cambridge, Antwerp,
Portland, Intersentia 2016),
Appazov, Artur, Expert evidence and international criminal justice (Berlin, Heidelberg, New
York, Springer 2015), 199
Assimakopoulos, Stavros, Baider, Fabienne H. and Millar, Sharon, Online Hate Speech in
the European Union (Cham, Springer Open 2017), 90
Ast, Stephan, Handlung und Zurechnung, vol 286 (Strafrechtliche Abhandlungen, Berlin,
Duncker & Humblot 2019), 227
Aston, Joshua Nathan, Trafficking of Women and Children - Article 7 of the Rome Statute
(Oxford, Oxford University Press 2016), 277
Baaij, C. J. W., Legal Integration and Language Diversity: Rethinking Translation in EU
Lawmaking (Oxford Studies in Language and Law, New York, Oxford University Press
2018), 312

Babucke, Lea, Der Schulddefekt im Völkerstrafrecht: Rechtsvergleichende Analyse und
Reformvorschlag für den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof, vol 45 (Schriften zum
Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, 1 edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2020),
Badinter, Robert and Cot, Jean-Pierre (eds), Liber amicorum Jean-Pierre Cot: Le procès
international (Bruxelles, Bruylant 2009), 368
Baetens, Freya (ed), Identity and Diversity on the International Bench: Who is the Judge?
(International Courts and Tribunals Series, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2020), 592
Baker, Dennis J., The Right Not to Be Criminalized: Demarcating Criminal Law's Authority
(Burlington, VT, Ashgate 2011), 297
Balint, Jennifer, Genocide, State Crime, and the Law: In the Name of the State (London,
Routledge-Cavendish 2011), 240
Bannehr, Carolin, Der europäische Pflichtverteidiger (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2020), 436
Bartels, Sonja, Die Auslieferung zur Vollstreckung eines Abwesenheitsurteils in Europa
(Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis, Hamburg, Kovač 2014), 264
Barth, Olivia, Zivilpersonen im modernen Luftkrieg (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2020), 427
Barton, Stephan, Dubelaar, Marieke, Kölbel, Ralf and Lindemann, Michael (eds), Fehlurteile
im Strafprozess (Baden-Baden, Nomos 2018), 301
Bassiouni, M. Cherif, Introduction to International Criminal Law (International and
comparative criminal law series, 2 edn, Leiden; Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2012),
Bassiouni, M. Cherif (ed), Globalization and its Impact on the Future of Human Rights and
International Criminal Justice (Cambridge, Intersentia 2015), 730
Bassiouni, M. Cherif and Guellali, Amna (eds), Jihad and its Challenges to International and
Domestic Law (The Hague, Hague Academic Press 2010), 276
Baughman, Shima Baradaran, The Bail Book - A Comprehensive Look at Bail in America's
Criminal Justice System (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2018),
Baun, Lisa, Beihilfe zu NS-Gewaltverbrechen: Zugleich eine Untersuchung zu den
abstrakten Kriterien der Beihilfe durch neutrales Verhalten, vol 95 (Studien zum Strafrecht,
1 edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2019), 463
Bayer, Sarah L. L. M. Maitre en droit, Die strafrechtliche Wiederaufnahme im deutschen,
französischen und englischen Recht, vol 38 (Schriften zum Internationalen und
Europäischen Strafrecht, 1 edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Beck, Susanne, Burchard, Christoph and Fateh-Moghadam, Bijan (eds),
Strafrechtsvergleichung als Problem und Lösung (Baden-Baden, Nomos 2011), 314
Beckmann-Hamzei, Helen, The Child in ICC Proceedings (School of Human Rights
Research, Cambridge, Intersentia 2015), 292
Bekou, Olympia and Birkett, Daley J. (eds), Cooperation and the International Criminal
Court (Nottingham Studies on Human Rights, Leiden, Brill, Nijhoff 2016), 432 (E-Book)
Benson, Bruce L. and Zimmerman, Paul R. (eds), Handbook on the Economics of Crime
(Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 2010), 552
Bergsmo, Morten and Dittrich, Viviane E., Integrity in International Justice (Brussels, Torkel
Opsahl Academic EPublisher 2020),
Bergsmo, Morten, Helvig, Kjetil, Utmelidze, Ilia and Zagovec, Gorana (eds), The Backlog of
Core International Crimes Case Files in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2 edn, Oslo, Torkel
Opsahl Academic EPublisher 2010), 232

Bergsmo, Morten, Kaleck, Wolfgang and Hlaing, Kyaw Yin (eds), Colonial wrongs and
access to international law (TOAEP publication series, Brussels, Torkel Opsahl Academic
EPublisher 2020), 622
Bergsmo, Morten and Kalmanovitz, Pablo (eds), Law in Peace Negotiations (2 edn, Oslo,
Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher 2010), 442
Bergsmo, Morten, Klamberg, Mark, Lohne, Kjersti and Mahony, Christopher B., Power in
International Criminal Justice (Brussels, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher 2020),
Bergsmo, Morten, Rodriguez-Garavito, César, Kalmanovitz, Pablo and Saffon, Maria Paula
(eds), Distributive Justice in Transitions (Oslo, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher 2010),
Bergström, Maria and Jonsson Cornell, Anna (eds), European Police and Criminal Law Co-
Operation (Swedish studies in European law, Oxford, Hart Publishing 2014), 205
Biehler, Anke, Das Vergewaltigungsverbot im bewaffneten Konflikt, vol 226 (Schriften zum
Völkerrecht, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2017), 353
Billis, Emmanouil (ed), The Greek Penal Code (Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für
ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2017), 237
Binder, Guyora, Felony Murder (Stanford, Stanford University Press 2012), 351
Blufarb, Ruth, Geschichten im Recht: Übertragbarkeit von "Law as Narrative" auf die
deutsche Rechtsordnung, vol 3 (Recht und Literatur, 1 edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2017),
Boas, Gideon, Bischoff, James L., Reid, Natalie L. and Taylor III, B. Don (eds), International
Criminal Law Practitioner Library International Criminal Law Practitioner Library,
International Criminal Procedure, Volume 3 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2011),
Boas, Gideon and Chifflet, Pascale, International Criminal Justice (Cheltenham,
Northampton, Edward Elgar 2017), 264
Bohlander, Michael (ed), Globalization of Criminal Justice (Franham, Ashgate 2010), 585
Bohlander, Michael, Principles of German Criminal Procedure (Oxford, Hart Publishing
2012), 306
Bohlander, Michael and Reed, Alan, Loss of Control and Diminished Responsibility:
Domestic, Comparative and International Perspectives (Farnham, Ashgate 2011), 396
Böhme, Toni, Das strafgerichtliche Fehlurteil - Systemimmanenz oder vermeidbares
Unrecht?: Eine Untersuchung zu den Ursachen von Fehlurteilen im Strafprozess und den
Möglichkeiten ihrer Vermeidung, vol 46 (Schriftenreihe Deutsche Strafverteidiger eV, 1 edn,
Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2018),
Bosch, Sebastian, Straftaten in virtuellen Welten (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2018), 304
Böse, Martin, Bohlander, Michael, Klip, André and Lagodny, Otto (eds), Justice Without
Borders - Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schomburg (Leiden, Boston, Brill Nijhoff 2018),
Boyne, Shawn, The German Prosecution Service: Guardians of the Law? (Heidelberg,
Springer 2014), 249
Brägger, Benjamin, Die neue schweizerische Strafprozessordnung (Bern, Stämpfli Verlag
2010), 147
Breneselović, Luka, Die wissenschaftskritischen Zuordnungen von Franz von Liszt (Berlin,
Duncker & Humblot 2020), 583
Brenncke, Martin, Judicial Law-Making in English and German Courts: Techniques and
Limits of Statutory Interpretation (Intersentia 2018),
Brisman, Avi, Geometries of Crime (London, Palgrave MacMillan 2016),
Brockmann, Judith and Pilniok, Arne (eds), Recht sprechen lernen (Schriften zur
rechtswissenschaftlichen Didaktik, Baden-Baden, Nomos 2016), 155

Brückner, Wenke, Minderheitenschutz im Völkerstrafrecht, vol 9 (Kölner Schriften zum
Friedenssicherungsrecht - Cologne Studies on International Peace and Security Law -
Études colonaises sur le droit de la paix et de la sécurité internationale, 1 edn, Baden-
Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2018),
Bubenzer, Ole, Post-TRC Prosecutions in South Africa: Accountability for Political Crimes
after the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Amnesty Process (Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers 2009), 258
Buckley-Zistel, Susanne and Schäfer, Stefanie, Memorials in Times of Transition (Series on
Transitional Justice, Cambridge, Intersentia 2014), 246
Buyse, Antoine (ed), Margins of Conflict: The ECHR and Transitions to and from Armed
Conflicts (Antwerpen, Intersentia 2010), 196
Buyse, Antoine and Hamilton, Michael (eds), Transitional Jurisprudence and the ECHR:
Justice, Politics and Rights (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2011), 317
Caianiello, Michele and Hodgson, Jacqueline (eds), Discretionary Criminal Justice in a
Comparative Context (Durham, Carolina Academic Press 2015), 258
Çakmak, Cenap, A Brief History of International Criminal Law and International Criminal
Court (New York, Palgrave Macmillan 2017), 305
Cameron, Iain, International Criminal Law from a Swedish Perspective (Cambridge,
Intersentia 2011), 277
Capus, Nadja, Strafrecht und Souveränität: Das Erfordernis der beidseitigen Strafbarkeit in
der internationalen Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen (Bern, Stämpfli Verlag 2010), 584
Carlson, Kerstin Bree, Model(ing) Justice - Perfecting the Promise of International Criminal
Law (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2018), 244
Cary, Robert M., Singer, Craig D. and Latcovich, Simon A. (eds), Federal Criminal
Discovery (Chicago, American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section 2011), 499
Castillo Montt, Pablo, Die strafrechtliche Behandlung der Sterbehilfe im deutschen und
chilenischen Recht (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2019),
Cavadino, Michael and Dignan, James, The Penal System: An Introduction (4 edn, Los
Angeles, Sage 2007), 474
Cernic, Jernej Letnar and Carrillo-Santarelli, Nicolás (eds), The Future of Business and
Human Rights (Cambridge, Intersentia 2018), 311
Chamberlain, Cynthia, Children and the International Criminal Court. Analysis of the Rome
Statute Through a Children's Rights Perspective (Cambridge, Intersentia 2015), 270
Chan, Wing Cheong, Wright, Barry and Yeo, Stanley (eds), Codification, Macaulay and the
Indian Penal Code: The Legacies and Modern Challenges of Criminal Law Reform
(Burlington, VT, Ashgate 2011), 379
Chappell, Louise, The Politics of Gender Justice at the International Criminal Court (Oxford,
Oxford University Press 2016), 276
Chenwi, Lilian and Bulto, Takele Soboka (eds), Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations
from an African Perspective (Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland, Intersentia 2018),
Christensen, Mikkel Jarle and Boister, Neil (eds), New Perspectives on the Structure of
Transnational Criminal Justice (Leiden, Bosten, Brill 2018), 118
Claes, Erik, Duff, Antony and Gutwirth, Serge, Privacy and the Criminal Law (Antwerpen,
Intersentia 2006), 199
Clarke, Kamari Maxine, Fictions of Justice: The International Criminal Court and the
Challenges of Legal Pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa (Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press 2009), 322

Cohen, Amichai and Zlotogorski, David, Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law:
Consequences, Precautions, and Procedures (LIEBER STUDIES SERIES, New York,
Oxford University Press 2021), 280
Cohen, David and Totani, Yuma, The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal: Law, History, and
Jurisprudence (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2018),
Cohen, Miriam, Realizing Reparative Justice for International Crimes: From Theory to
Practice (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2020),
Cole, David and Roberts, Julian (eds), Sentencing in Canada - Essays in Law, Policy, and
Practice (Toronto, Irwin Law 2020), 472
Committee, Belgian Standing (ed), Fusion Centres throughout Europe (Antwerp, Intersentia
2010), 220
Cools, Marc, Readings on Criminal Justice, Criminal Law & Policing (Governance of
security research paper series, Antwerpen, Maklu 2009), 381
Cornils, Karin, Frände, Dan and Matikkala, Das finnische Strafgesetz = Rikoslaki = Strafflag
(Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales StrafrechtG,
Sammlung ausländischer Strafgesetzbücher in deutscher Übersetzung, Berlin, Duncker &
Humblot 2006), 563
Cotterrell, Roger and Del Mar, Maksymilian (eds), Authority in Transnational Legal Theory
(Cheltenham, Northampton, Edward Elgar 2016), 429
Coutinho, Luis Pedro Pereira, La Torre, Massimo and Smith, Steven D. (eds), Judicial
Activism: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the American and European Experiences (Ius
Gentium, Heidelberg, Springer 2015), 206
Cram, Ian, Terror and the War on Dissent: Freedom of Expression in the Age of Al-Qaeda
(Berlin, Springer 2009), 170
Crawshaw, Ralph, Police and Human Rights: A Manual for Reachers and Resource
Persons and for Participants in Human Rights Programmes (RWPG, 2 edn, Leiden,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2009), 317
Cryer, Robert, Robinson, Darryl and Vasiliev, Sergey, An Introduction to International
Criminal Law and Procedure, vol 4th (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2019),
Cullen, Holly, Kastner, Philipp and Richmond, Sean (eds), The Politics of International
Criminal Law (Leiden, Boston, Brill, Nijhoff 2020), 395
Dalby, Jakob, Grundlagen der Strafverfolgung im Internet und in der Cloud (Berlin,
Heidelberg, Springer 2016), 282
Damaska, Mirjan, Evaluation of Evidence - Pre-Modern and Modern Approaches
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2019), 152
Dauchy, Serge, Bryson, W. Hamilton and Mirow, Matthew C. (eds), Ratio Decidendi:
Guiding Principles of Judicial Decisions, Vol. 2: Foreign Law (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot
2010), 238
Davies, Paul S., Accessory Liability (Oxford and Portland, Oregon, Hart 2015), 294
de Brouwer, Anne-Marie and Smeulers, Alette (eds), The Elgar Companion to the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA,
Edward Elgar 2016), 511
de Guttry, Andrea, Capone, Francesca and Paulussen, Christophe (eds), Foreign Fighters
under International Law and Beyond (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2016), 533
de Hert, Paul, Smis, Stefaan and Holvoet, Mathias (eds), Convergences and Divergences
Between International Human Rights, International Humanitarian and International Criminal
Law (Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland, Intersentia 2018), 298
De Jaegere, Josephine, Judicial Review and Strategic Behaviour: An Empirical Case Law
Analysis of the Belgian Constitutional Court (Intersentia 2019),

De Meester, Karel, The Investigation Phase in International Criminal Procedure
(Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland, Intersentia 2015), 1039
De Oliveira Santos, Claudia Susann, Der Bedeutungsgehalt der Wendung intent to destroy,
in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such in Art. 2 der
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Berlin, Duncker &
Humblot 2018), 253
De Vos, Christian M., Complementarity, Catalysts, Compliance: The International Criminal
Court in Uganda, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Cambridge Studies in
International and Comparative Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2020),
deGuzman, Margaret M., Shocking the Conscience of Humanity: Gravity and the Legitimacy
of International Criminal Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2020), 240
DeGuzman, Margaret M. and Oosterveld, Valerie (eds), The Elgar Companion to the
International Criminal Court (Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, Elger 2020), 420
Dewulf, Steven, The Signature of Evil: (Re)Defining Torture in International Law
(Cambridge, Intersentia 2011), 617
Dickson-Gilmore, E. Jane and La Prairie, Carol, Will the Circle be Unbroken?: Aboriginal
Communities, Restorative Justice, and the Challenges of Conflict and Change (Toronto,
University of Toronto Press 2005), 268
Diehm, Dirk, Die Menschenrechte der EMRK und ihr Einfluss auf das deutsche
Strafgesetzbuch (Strafrechtliche Fragen der Gegenwart, Berlin, Logos Verlag 2006), 856
Doerbeck, Caprice, Cybermobbing (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2019),
Donini, Massimo, Strafrechtstheorie und Strafrechtsreform: Beiträge zum Strafrecht und zur
Strafrechtspolitik in Italien und Europa (Strafrechtswissenschaft und Strafrechtspolitik,
Berlin, BWV Berliner Wiss.-Verl. 2006), 268
Dothan, Shai, International Judicial Review - When Should International Courts Intervene?
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2020),
Dothan, Shai, International Judicial Review: When Should International Courts Intervene?
(Studies on International Courts and Tribunals, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Dougan, Michael (ed), The UK after Brexit (Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland, Intersentia
2017), 324
Du Bois, François and Du Bois-Pedain, Antje (eds), Justice and Reconciliation in Post-
Apartheid South Africa (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2008), 321
Dubber, Markus D., The Dual Penal State: The Crisis of Criminal Law in Comparative-
Historical Perspective (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2018), 304
Dubber, Markus D. and Hörnle, Tatjana, Criminal Law: A Comparative Approach (Oxford,
Oxford University Press 2014), 761
Dubler, Robert and Kalyk, Matthew, Crimes Against Humanity in the 21st Century (Leiden,
Boston, Brill, Nijhoff 2018), 1090
Duff, R. A., The Realm of Criminal Law (Criminalization, Oxford, Oxford University Press
2018), 384
Dunkel, Barbara M. Sc L. L. M., Fehlentscheidungen in der Justiz: Systematische Analyse
von Wiederaufnahmeverfahren in Strafverfahren im Hinblick auf Häufigkeit und
Risikofaktoren, vol 8 (Deutsches und Europäisches Strafprozessrecht und Polizeirecht, 1
edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2018),
Eibach, Martin Simon, Abwesenheitsverfahren vor völkerstrafrechtlichen Tribunalen:
Zugleich ein Beitrag zu Grund und Grenzen des Anwesenheitsgrundsatzes, vol 42
(Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, 1 edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2020),

Elgebeily, Sherif A., The Rule of Law in the United Nations Security Council Decision-
Making Process (London and New York, Routlegde 2017), 203
Endler, Marius, Die Doppelstellung des Opferzeugen: Zur Vereinbarkeit der Informations-,
Offensiv- und Beistandsrechte des Opfers mit dessen Zeugenstellung, vol 99 (Studien zum
Strafrecht, 1 edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2019), 311
Engelbrekt, Antonina Bakardjieva and Nergelius, Joakim (eds), New Directions in
Comparative Law (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 2009), 304
Engelhart, Marc and Roksandić Vidlička, Sunčana (eds), Dealing with Terrorism - Empirical
and Normative Challenges of Fighting the Islamic State (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2019),
Erber-Schropp, Julia Maria, Schuld und Strafe - Eine strafrechtsphilosophische
Untersuchung des Schuldprinzips (Perspektiven der Ethik, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2016),
Ernst, Aurélia, The Transnational Use of Torture Evidence (München, Herbert Utz Verlag
2015), 344
Eser, Albin, Arnold, Jörg and Trappe, Julie (eds), Strafrechtsentwicklung in Osteuropa:
Zwischen Bewältigung und neuen Herausforderungen (Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-
Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales StrafrechtS, Strafrechtliche
Forschungsberichte, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2005), 436
Eser, Albin, Sieber, Ulrich and Arnold, Jörg (eds), Strafrecht in Reaktion auf Systemunrecht,
Teilband 10, Südkorea (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2006), 126
Eser, Albin, Sieber, Ulrich and Arnold, Jörg (eds), Strafrecht in Reaktion auf Systemunrecht,
Teilband 9, China (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2006), 267
Eser, Albin, Sieber, Ulrich and Arnold, Jörg (eds), Strafrecht in Reaktion auf Systemunrecht,
Teilband 11, Chile und Uruguay (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2007), 643
Falcón y Tella, Fernando, Challenges for Human Rights (Nijhoff law specials, Leiden,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2007), 137
Farrell, Simon, Yeo, Nicholas and Ladenburg, Guy (eds), Blackstone's Guide to the Fraud
Act 2006 (Blackstone's guide series, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2007), 268
Feldle, Jochen, Notstandsalgorithmen: Dilemmata im automatisierten Straßenverkehr, vol
17 (Robotik und Recht, 1 edn, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Fichera, Massimo, The Implementation of the European Arrest Warrant in the European
Union: Law, Policy and Practice (Cambridge, Intersentia 2011), 253
Fijnaut, Cyrille, A Peaceful Revolution (Cambridge, Intersentia 2019), 824
Fijnaut, Cyrille and Ouwerkerk, Jannemieke (eds), The Future of Police and Judicial
Cooperation in the European Union (Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2010), 412
Finnin, Sarah, Elements of Accessorial Modes of Liability: Article 25 (3)(b) and (c) of the
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2012),
Fionda, Julia, Devils and Angels: Youth Policy and Crime (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2005),
Fischer, Thomas and Hoven, Elisa, Schuld (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Fitzgerald, Dennis G., Informants and Undercover Investigations: A Practical Guide for Law,
Policy, and Procedure (Boca Raton, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 2007), 408
Flanders, Chad and Hoskins, Zachary (eds), The new philosophy of criminal law (Lanham,
Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield International 2015), 282

Fletcher, George P., Tort Liability for Human Rights Abuses (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2008),
Fletcher, George P., The Grammar of Criminal Law: Volume Two: International Criminal
Law (New York, Oxford University Press 2019), 344
Föh, Jörg, Die Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus nach dem 11. September
2001: Auswirkungen auf das Völkerrecht und die Organisation der Vereinten Nationen
(Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2011), 534
Fontaine, Reid Griffith, The Mind of the Criminal: The Role of Developmental Social
Cognition in Criminal Defense Law (New York, Cambridge University Press 2012), 264
Fortin, Katharine, The Accountability of Armed Groups under Human Rights Law (Oxford,
Oxford University Press 2017), 464
Fortson, Rudi, Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (2005 c.15): A Current Law
Statute guide (London, Sweet & Maxwell 2005), 374
Fournet, Caroline, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: Misconceptions and Confusion
in French Law and Practice (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2013), 135
Frau, Robert, Das Verhältnis zwischen dem ständigen Internationalen Strafgerichtshof und
dem Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen: Art. 13 lit.b) IStGH-Statut und der Darfur-
Konflikt vor dem Gerichtshof (Schriften zum Völkerrecht, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2010),
Frau, Robert (ed), Drohnen und das Recht: Völker- und verfassungsrechtliche Fragen
automatisierter und autonomer Kriegführung (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2014), 280
Freeland, Steven, Addressing the Intentional Destruction of the Environment During
Warfare under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Supranational Criminal
Law, Cambridge, Intersentia 2015), 346
Frei, Norbert (ed), Transnationale Vergangenheitspolitik: Der Umgang mit deutschen
Kriegsverbrechern in Europa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (Beiträge zur Geschichte des 20
Jahrhunderts, Göttingen, Wallstein 2006), 656
Fridell, Lorie A., Producing Bias-Free Policing (Heidelberg et al, Springer 2017), 117
Friman, Johanna, Revisiting the Concept of Defence in the Jus ad Bellum (Oxford and
Portland, Oregon, Hart 2017), 241
Galand, Alexandre Skander, UN Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal
Court (Leiden, Boston, Brill, Nijhoff 2018), 266
Garvey, Stephen P., Guilty Acts, Guilty Minds (STUDIES IN PENAL THEORY AND
PHILOSOPHY, New York, Oxford University Press 2020), 334
Gerards, Janneke and Fleuren, Joseph (eds), Implementation of the European Convention
on Human Rights and of the Judgments of the ECtHR in National Case-Law: A Comparative
Analysis (Cambridge, Intersentia 2014), 385
Gerding, Marc, Trial by jury: Die Bewährung des englischen und des US-amerikanischen
Jury-Systems ; eine Idee im verfassungsrechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Wandel
(Osnabrück, Jonscher Verlag 2007), 475
Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B., Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies (Thousand
Oaks, Sage 2003), 293
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios, Improperly Obtained Evidence in Anglo-American and
Continental Law (1 edn, Oxford, Hart Publishing 2019), 292
Gillespie, Alisdair A., Cybercrime (2nd edn, New York, Routledge 2019),
Gleß, Sabine, Beweisrechtsgrundsätze einer grenzüberschreitenden Strafverfolgung
(Baden-Baden, Nomos 2006), 473
Gless, Sabine, Internationales Strafrecht: Grundriss für Studium und Praxis (Basel, Helbing
& Lichtenhahn 2011), 327

Göbel, Klaus, Strafprozess (Handbuch der Rechtspraxis, 7 edn, München, Beck 2009), 409
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