Page created by Roy Hartman



                                        july 2018   1
Czech Republic
Land of Aerospace
+ A century of history in manufacturing excellence                 + World class aerospace R&D centers
+ Development and final production of aircrafts and aero engines   + Modern airport infrastructure and MRO facilities
+ More than 32,000 aircrafts & 37,000 engines delivered            + One of the largest Ultralight and Light Sport Aircraft
+ Well-developed supplier base                                       producer in the World
+ Aerostructure programs with global market leaders                + Czech Republic as an ESA member state and home to GSA

Foreign Investors and Key Players



                                                                               Aircraft Industries


CzechInvest has become a holder of the prestigious
          Czech Business Superbrands 2018 award!


                                                                      Dear Readers,
                                                                      One of the first steps undertaken in 1918 by the government of the
                                                                      newly established nation of Czechoslovakia was the founding of the
                                                                      “Továrna na letadla” company (literally “Airplane Factory”). The title
                                                                      was condensed to Letov, which became the country’s first ever air-
                                                                      craft manufacturer. During the 1920s and 30s, Letov developed and
                                                                      produced more than fifty types of aircraft spanning all categories,
                                                                      including its first fighter aircraft, namely the LETOV – Š-1. This
                                                                      history means that in 2018, the Czech Republic really does have
                                                                      cause to celebrate one-hundred years of domestic aviation produc-
                                                                      tion. And even a century on, the Czech Republic remains one of the
                                                                      few countries in the world able to manufacture components for this
                                                                      technologically challenging field, as well as complete functioning
                                                                      aircraft. From airframes, to electronics, to the development and
                                                                      production of engines – in which we are a global leader – all the way
                                                                      to fully functional aircraft for civilian transportation, sports, training
                                                                      and also military aircraft.
                                                                         In February 1919, a company was founded, which would go on to
                                                                      become Czechoslovakia’s leading aviation firm, cementing a reach far
                                                                      beyond the country’s borders. That firm was aircraft manufacturer
                                                                      Aero, whose first Czech-made model was the Aero Ae-01 military trai-
                                                                      ner biplane. That same year also saw the establishment of Avia, an
                                                                      aeronautics firm devoted to the manufacture and repair of aircraft,
                                                                      whose first model was the experimental two-seat sports plane the Avia
                                                                      BH-1. Meanwhile, in 1934, the region of Moravia saw the establish-
ContentsH                                                             ment of its first aviation firm, namely Zlínská letecká společnost, later
                                                                      named Moravan, and today known as ZLIN AIRCRAFT. And in 1936,

     3      Editorial
                                                                      construction began on a series of manufacturing plants in the town
                                                                      of Kunovice (in Zlín region) for Škoda Works – aircraft manufacturing
     4       ladimír Bärtl, MPO:
            V                                                         and repair operations have continued at this location ever since, and
                                                                      include the firm Let Kunovice, today known as Aircraft Industries, as
            A truly unique nation                                     well as Evektor-Aerotechnik and Czech Sport Aircraft.

                                                                         If we shift our focus from the successes of the past century, to the
       The Farnborough story so far                                  no-less-successful 21st century, the Czech Republic can take great

     8      Profiles of this year’s official partici-                pride in the fact that our aircraft manufacturers have been able to
                                                                      make a mark with several projects as part of the Clean Sky initiative
            pants at the Farnborough Airshow:                         [EU-wide aeronautics research programme designed to develop inno-
            Aveo, CSA Technics, Jihlavan, Mesit,                      vative technologies to cut aircraft emissions and reduce noise –Ed.]
                                                                      alongside major European players such as Airbus and Rolls Royce.
            PBS, SpoluWorks and RayService                            Aircraft Industries, Kunovice, and its Let L-410 Turbolet twin-engine
      Calling cards from the Association                             aircraft, are successfully blazing a trail for short-range transport
                                                                      able to utilise short runways. And our most notable player today is
            of the Czech AeroSpace Industry,                          Aero Vodochody with its next generation Aero L-39NG turbofan-pow-
            and Moravian Aerospace Cluster                            ered military trainer aircraft. Other successful manufacturers in-
                                                                      clude GE Aviation and its M-601 and updated H-80 engines. A further
   16       The world takes notice of Czech                          Czech aviation presence on the global market also comes by way of
                                                                      UNIS, Jihostroj Velešín, PBS Velká Bíteš, LOM Praha and many more.
                                                                         Nor can one overlook numerous Czech manufacturers of ultralight
      Both aviators and cosmonauts                                   and sports aircraft, which today are among the global leaders in their
                                                                      respective fields. Indeed, we have become the second largest man-
            celebrated in Brno                                        ufacturer of sports aircraft in Europe; and Czech ultralight aircraft

   19       The sky is our ocean, says                              account for more than a quarter of the global market.
                                                                         Iconic Czech entrepreneur Tomáš Baťa once stated that “the air is
            CzechInvest                                               our sea”. Thanks to the efforts of Czech developers and manufactur-
                                                                      ers over the last century, one can say with full confidence that this
      ZLIN AIRCRAFT – work on our dream                              vision of the potential of our landlocked country remains equally true
            never ends                                                today.

   24       Aero Vodochody’s Marci Venanzetti:
            A good aircraft alone is no guarantee
                                                                                                  Tomáš Hüner
            of success                                                                            Former Minister of Industry
                                                                                                  and Trade of the Czech Republic

CZECH AIRCRAFT: 100 YEARS AT THE FOREFRONT OF HISTORY. Special supplement. Published by ČTK via its Protext PR service,
Opletalova 5, 111 44 Prague 1. Project manager Jaroslav Kábele, editor Igor Záruba, sales Anna Uljačenková. Layout
Photos Fotobanka ČTK, MPO, JIC, ZLIN AIRCRAFT, Aero Vodochody. Translations: TextMasters. Contact:,
Protext speciál

A truly unique nation
                                                                                                                               for the sector. I would also like to em-
                                                                                                                               phasise in this regard that we are one
                                                                                                                               of only seven countries in the world
                                                                                                                               able to develop aviation engines.
                                                                                                                               Experience is also important, and the
The Czech Republic is not only the site of manufacturing, it is also                                                           Czech Republic offers a one-hundred
                                                                                                                               year history of aeronautics. One
involved in development. And there are only seven other countries                                                              example of the success of the Czech
                                                                                                                               aviation sector is that GE Aviation
able to develop aviation engines the way we do, notes Vladimír                                                                 decided to build a research, testing
Bärtl, Czech Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade.                                                                            and manufacturing centre for new
                                                                                                                               turboprop engines here.

Our sector specials continue to          going in other related fields as well,       sized economies, the Czech Republic’s    How is such uniqueness reflected
reverberate with statements that         such as pilot training, training sup-        aeronautics industry is truly unique.    in the business side of the equa-
Czechs know aeronautics like the         port staff, outfitting airports and flight   Precisely because we undertake not       tion?
back of their hands. What is the         management. The Czech aeronautical           only production, but also develop-       I am pleased to say that, in large
basis for such confidence?               industry is therefore rooted in the          ment. Industry is making use of          part due to the aforementioned
It is based on the fact that the Czech   close collaboration of all of its related    a crucial technological foundation,      characteristics, the Czech aviation
Republic is one of a few countries       components, covering the entire cycle        one comparable with those of other       sector is doing very well. It repre-
on Earth which preserved the full        of the manufacture of aircraft. Sport-       advanced aeronautics countries. And      sents a strong part of our manufac-
range of its capabilities with regards   ing aircraft, small transport craft of       this technological foundation is con-    turing economy, which continues to
to the development and production        up to 19 passengers, trainer fighter         stantly being modernised and expand-     develop, and which enjoys strong
of an entire portfolio of aeronautics    jets, small pilot-less craft, and par-       ed into new technological domains;       exports. And it is exports which
products – from aircraft, engines,       ticipation in the supply chains of the       these are the result of continual re-    underscore the potential of the
and propellers – and the range of        large global players such as Airbus          search and development efforts.          aviation industry – in 2017, exports
associated hardware. And this is         form the core of this business.                 The Czech aeronautics industry        in this sector grew by 42 percent
enabled by the fact that universities,                                                also utilises close collaboration with   (from around CZK 10bn) to more
research organisations, development      How do we compare in terms of                national research institutions as well   than CZK 14bn. And we have much
and construction operations, aircraft    this capability with other simi-             as specialised university centres such   to offer, to the east and west, and in
and component manufacturers, and         larly sized economies? Is the                as ČVUT (Czech Technical University      other directions around the world
maintenance and repair outfits all       Czech Republic truly unique?                 in Prague) or VUT (Brno University       as well. To that end, I can mention
work together on development and         I don’t think it would be hyperbolic to      of Technology). This complexity then     a number of successful deals signed
production. And collaboration is on-     state that in comparison with similarly      generates a significant value added      in Africa. These include Ethiopia, and

4   july 2018

                                                                                                                                 This year, the Czech Republic will
  Vladimír Bärtl                                                                                                                 be supporting its aviation technolo-
                                                                                                                                 gy by way of its official participation
  Born in the city of Liberec. Graduated from Liberec Technical Construction College (SPŠ) in 1983, and                          at July’s Farnborough International
  in 1988 graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT), in the field of Geodesy and
                                                                                                                                 Airshow and November’s Airshow
  Cartography. After graduation, Bärtl worked until 1993 at geodetic and cartography firm Geodézie ČS,
                                                                                                                                 China in Zhuhai. And June’s Eu-
  including stints in Paris, gaining knowledge about local geographic information systems. A year later, he
                                                                                                                                 rosatory trade fair in Paris, which
  co-founded HOUDEK s.r.o., a company focused on metrology (the science of measurement) and tech-
                                                                                                                                 is focused on the defence and
  nology transfers. In 1999, he joined the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and from 2000-2004 worked at
                                                                                                                                 security industry, also represents
  the Czech Embassy in Ottawa. From 2004-2006 Bärtl worked at the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade
                                                                                                                                 an opportunity for Czech aircraft
  (MPO) as an adviser to the deputy. This was followed by a stint at the Czech Embassy in Paris. Upon his
                                                                                                                                 manufacturers. Czech official
  return, he joined software firm BCM Control, assisting with marketing, quality control, and other commer-
  cial projects. At the same time, Bärtl also served the MPO in the position of a plenipotentiary to the trade                   participation in the airshows you
  minister in the field of international trade competitiveness and pushing Czech interests abroad. Presently,                    mentioned in Paris and Moscow
  Bärtl is in his second term as a deputy trade and industry minister, heading the European Union and                            has been earmarked for 2019. This
  Foreign Trade division. He holds a pilot’s licence.                                                                            April’s annual Aero Friedrichshafen
                                                                                                                                 featured a joint Czech participation
                                                                                                                                 under the auspices of the Novumm
                                                                                                                                 Ket project, co-financed by the EU.
                                                                                                                                 In total, 34 Czech exhibitors par-
                                         issue by way of projects to support         by B2B (business-to-business) nego-         ticipated, of whom 14 were there
                                         positive economic migration – in            tiations and the opportunity to invite      under the auspices of CzechTrade.
                                         essence, these are projects focused         Russian partners directly into Czech        I would also like to mention that the
                                         on Ukraine [GE Aviation Czech and           companies. Meanwhile, the Chief of          fully zero-emission aircraft Phoenix
                                         Aero Vodochody Aerospace partnered          Staff of the Army of the Czech Repub-       had its international launch here.
                                         for this –Ed.] In order to develop the      lic carried out a visit to Brazil, accom-   The craft came about through the
                                         aviation industry there is a need for       panied by a trade delegation tasked         collaboration of SportPro-Phoenix,
                                         companies to be able to innovate            with supporting cooperation between         Air-MGM, and Compas-PEG, and is
                                         with regards to both products and           Aero Vodochody for the Embraer              currently going through the certi-
                                         services, and thus increase their           KC-390 [medium-size, twin-engine            fication process. This April, Czech
                                         competitiveness – that is assisted by       jet-powered military transport aircraft     companies were also present in
                                         an Operation Programme managed              made by Brazilian aerospace manufac-        South America at the FIDAE trade
                                         by the MPO, namely Enterprise and           turer Embraer –Ed.]. We also headed         fair in Chile. And, as with every
                                         Innovations for Competitiveness, as         an aeronautics mission into Canada,         year, manufacturers of small sports
                                         well as being a top priority of the first   which has generated a number of op-         aircraft will be presenting their
                                         phase of the Research and Develop-                                                      products at the EAA Air Venture
the installation of a flight simulator   ment for Innovations Programme.                                                         in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in July. Of
for the L-39 Albatros jet trainer; and   The Technology Agency of the Czech
                                                                                     The Czech                                   interest is the fact that Czech ma-
Senegal, which involved a regional       Republic (TAČR) also supports many          aeronautics industry                        nufacturers have produced about
airport reconstruction project. Fur-     projects in the aeronautics industry,                                                   one-fifth of such planes for the US
ther afield, we have trainer aircraft    of which I can name ALFA, EPSILON           is founded on close                         market, and demand there for such
supplied to Peru, Bolivia and to the     and DELTA [the names of specific                                                        craft continues to grow.
Mexican navy. Subcontracts in the        TAČR programmes –Ed.]. Other areas          collaboration between
EU are also crucial; this involves       in which the MPO can assist is with                                                     You are an MPO deputy, but also
sophisticated airplane components        seeking out and cultivating new busi-
                                                                                     all the relevant fields                     someone who holds a pilot’s li-
in which Czech firms play a part in      ness opportunities abroad. It utilises      which encompass the                         cence and enjoys flying, and you
their development. We are an impor-      a full plethora of instruments to sup-                                                  have even personally flown air-
tant player in that market, even with    port exports, be that trade missions,       entire cycle of aircraft                    craft as part of promoting Czech
regards to smaller aircraft. In 2017,    trade fairs and exhibitions abroad,                                                     aeronautics. So your job seems
exports to EU countries increased by     economic diplomacy projects, Czech
                                                                                     production                                  to enable you to combine these
6.8 percent, while to non-EU coun-       Trade’s Unified Foreign Networks                                                        two pursuits...
tries they went up by 85.5 percent.      services, the services of CzechInvest,                                                  With regards to combining specific
Last year, more than half of aero-       or by pushing the interests of the                                                      trips and the opportunity to promote
nautics exports (around 59 percent)      Czech Republic via coordinated trade        portunities for industrial cooperation,     Czech products in the future, Bul-
went to countries outside the EU.        policies. Such instruments are not          investments and technological collab-       garia’s stint with the rotating Presi-
                                         just specific to the aeronautics indus-     oration. As part of the Aero Roadshow,      dency of the Council of the Europe-
What is the role of the state in         try, but we do pay extra attention to       which will take place in August in          an Union will soon be ending. And
terms of supporting the export po-       supporting this area.                       Toronto, CzechInvest’s Foreign Offices      this will be marked by a formal ses-
tential of Czech aeronautics? How                                                    are organising meetings with aviation       sion in Sofia, which has me thinking
exactly does it help?                    The MPO, and other government               companies; and in November, the             that Czech attendance could come
The Czech Ministry of Industry and       agencies, also assist aeronautics           Canadian Aerospace Summit will also         by way of a Czech aircraft being uti-
Trade (MPO) considers the aero-          by way of expert trade missions.            take place in Toronto, at which repre-      lised for the trip. Austria will be the
nautics sector as a priority industry.   Are any planned for this year?              sentatives of the Czech aeronautics         next chair, and Vienna is also rela-
In most cases, this is a sector which    In April, our embassy in Moscow held        sector will be in attendance.               tively close. In both cases, one can
produces products and services with      a seminar entitled “The Czech Repub-                                                    imagine that certain representatives
a high added value. And that requires    lic – a Global Aeronautics Superpow-        What about attendance at tradi-             of the Czech administration have
capable and qualified experts, of        er” attended by MPO deputy Eduard           tional airshows? These won’t be             such confidence in Czech aviation
whom there has been a shortage in        Muřický; this will be followed by the       taking place in Paris or Moscow             products that they will be prepared
the Czech Republic of late. And so the   Czech-Russian Aero-Cosmic Forum,            in 2018, so are there other op-             to board our planes as part of their
MPO has decided to help tackle the       which is a conference accompanied           portunities available?                      promotional work. n

                                                                                                                                                        july 2018    5
protext special

Flying to an aeronautics trade
fair? Only in a Czech airplane!
During the 2016 Farnborough International Airshow, companies and                                                 monoplane to the event. As part
                                                                                                                 of the Farnborough International
representatives of the Ministry of Trade and Industry held talks over                                            Airshow, Czech companies and rep-
                                                                                                                 resentatives of the Czech Ministry
potential collaborations with notable partners. Among those invited                                              of Trade and Industry held talks
were Rolls-Royce, Airbus Industries, BAE Systems and GE Aviation.                                                about potential collaborations with
                                                                                                                 a number of notable partners from
                                                                                                                 the ranks of the world’s aeronauti-
The Czech aeronautics industry is      light-sport aircraft. Back on July   fact to attendees at the Farnbo-     cal firms, for example Rolls-Royce,
undoubtedly a major global player,     11, 2016, Deputy Trade Minister      rough Airshow by personally pilot-   Airbus Industries, BAE Systems,
especially with regards to light and   Vladimír Bärtl demonstrated this     ing a Czech-made ZlIn Z 143 LSi      and GE Aviation.
                                                                                                                    “Supporting Czech companies,
                                                                                                                 including those in the aeronautics
                                                                                                                 sector, at overseas exhibitions and
                                                                                                                 trade fairs is among the most high-
                                                                                                                 ly-sought activities carried out by
                                                                                                                 the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
                                                                                                                 Asides from official participations
                                                                                                                 backed by the ministry companies
                                                                                                                 also have the opportunity to choose
                                                                                                                 from a wide number of other aero-
                                                                                                                 nautical-themed events, with partic-
                                                                                                                 ipation backed by CzechTrade. Over
                                                                                                                 the last five years, the CzechTrade
                                                                                                                 agency has helped 130 Czech com-
                                                                                                                 panies to partake in events such as
                                                                                                                 these,” explains Deputy Minister
                                                                                                                 Vladimír Bärtl. n

                                                                                                                 Profiles of official Czech parti-
                                                                                                                 cipants at Farnborough 2018,
                                                                                                                 see pages 8-14

                                                                                                                 Airborne emissary.
                                                                                                                 Deputy Minister Vladimír Bärtl
                                                                                                                 in the cockpit of a ZLIN Z 143 LSi
                                                                                                                 on his way to Farnborough
                                                                                                                 in 2016.

Presentation by the MPO. In this case ministerial deputy Vladimír           PBS Velká Bíteš. The company knows that “You can’t stop
Bärtl is dressed in a suit.                                                 progress”.

6   july 2018

Swapping roles. At Farnborough, speakers become listeners, and vice       Aero Vodochody. This top Czech manufacturer is a regular attendee
versa.                                                                    at the Farnborough airshow.

          Feast your eyes. Czech
  exhibition participants displayed
      both contents and concepts.

Talk of the town. Presentations
by Czech exhibitors are expected
to again be a source of conside-
rable interest.

 The Farnborough story
 continues every two years
 Farnborough has a rich history in aviation with the very first powered
 flight in 1908 by Samuel Cody. It was also home to the historic Royal
 Aircraft Establishment where Sir Frank Whittle conducted much of his
 research into jet aircraft.
     The world-famous Farnborough International Airshow has show-
 cased over the decades many pioneering triumphs in aerospace. To-
 day the 7-day international Airshow continues to be a launch platform
 for aviation innovation and new aircraft and welcomes over 100,000
 people through its gates every two years.
     In 2008 Farnborough International created its venue business to
 maximise its 100,000 sqm site outside of the Airshow, by opening
 a 3,000 sqm permanent venue building where it hosts a variety of
 events throughout the year.
     In the spring of 2018, the organisers opened Hall 1, a new
 20,000 sqm conference and exhibition facility, offering 12,500 sqm
 of flexible event space.                                                 The bi-annual Farnborough International Airshow – a key meeting
                                                                          point for top players in aeronautics.

                                                                                                                                july 2018     7
                                                                                                                            facts and
                                                                                                                            relating to Aveo
                                                                                                                            n   Aveo was the first aerospace
                                                                                                                              lighting manufacturer to utilise
                                                                                                                              in-house 3D printing of com-
                                                                                                                              ponents used in its aviation
                                                                                                                            n Aveo’s employees hail from more
                                                                                                                               than a dozen countries
                                                                                                                            n The use of Aveo’s lights ranges
                                                                                                                               from utilisation for the Space
                                                                                                                               Station all the way down to usage
                                                                                                                               in underwater drones
                                                                                                                            n Aveo holds the intensity
                                                                                                                               championship title for almost
                                                                                                                               every category of light it makes
                                                                                                                            n Aveo lights are used on all conti-
                                                                                                                               nents and at the polar ice caps.

Brilliantly different by Aveo
                                                                                                                            n Aveo makes lights for the marine
                                                                                                                               (boating) industry and military
                                                                                                                            n Solar Impulse flew around the

Aveo Engineering Group, with an extensive facility in the Czech                                                                globe with super lightweight and
                                                                                                                               low-electric-consumption Aveo
Republic, would like to present itself at Farnborough as a world-                                                              lights
                                                                                                                            n Virgin Galactic White Knight

leading producer of high-tech electronics solutions and LED lighting                                                           Two uses Aveo lights for its
                                                                                                                               near-space program operations
products for the aviation industry and other segments.

Aveo Engineering is a world-lea-        companies worldwide to provide          Czech Republic, in 2001, to Bobcat/       of Aveo Engineering Group and a for-
ding producer of high-technology        custom-engineered solutions and         Ingersoll Rand. Superstav was al-         mer US Naval Aviator and Engineer
electronics solutions and innova-       forward-looking innovations.            most a 100%-exporter of its compact       graduate of the US Naval Academy in
tive LED lighting products for the          Aveo Engineering Group was          construction equipment across the         Annapolis.
aviation, marine, vehicle, mining,      founded by Christian and Jana Niel-     globe, and was founded in 1995                Our main Branches are the Com-
industrial, and obstruction war-        sen in 2004 as an aircraft avionics     by Christian Nielsen.                                pany HQ and production/
ning/safety markets worldwide.          design and manufacturing company.       Christian Nielsen                                    engineering/distribution
With extensive facilities in the US,    It began as a spin-off from their       is the CEO                                           facilities based at Příbram
Czech Republic, Slovakia, United        100-employee Strojkov Engineering                                                         Airport in the Czech Repub-
Kingdom and India, and nonpareil        contract mechanical engineering                                                        lic, and the branch locations in
internal engineering skills and ex-     design company, which was founded                                                   Palm Coast in Florida, Gelnica and
perience, Aveo Engineering has also     after the sale of 300-employee Su-                                                Kosice in Slovakia, and Birmingham
been tapped by numerous leading         perstav EarthForce of Dobříš, the                                                 in the UK. n


 On display will be our world-leading LED aircraft
                                        lighting products for the UAV/drone     international airshow. Other bene-        What precisely are you hoping
                Christian               industry. Aveo presently has a world    ficial factors are also worth noting,     to gain from your participa-
                Robert Nielsen          market share of more than 75% in        such as the exchange of information,      tion at Farnborough, and how
                CEO                     this segment.                           and maintaining ties with existing        might it serve as a spring-
                                                                                customers. Simply put, such an event      board for future plans?
                                        Why is it important for you to          enables us to reach the entire world      We hope to provide more avia-
 What will you be bringing to this      take part in this event?                from a single location. And that is       tion customers with our propri-
 year’s Farnborough Airshow?            For one week of the year, Farnbo-       certainly a great advantage. Further-     etary high-end technology and
 We will be presenting the leading      rough becomes the meeting place for     more, we are also a formal part of        nonpareil solutions as a result
 models from our production line        most of the players in the world of     the official Czech representation at      of our attendance at this world-
 at Farnborough. On display will be     aeronautics, including governmental     Farnborough. In terms of our image,       famous show.​Aveo exports more
 Aveo’s world-leading LED aircraft      representation by individual coun-      this means that we are viewed as          than 98% of its production to
 lighting and avionics products inc-    tries. Our presence is important in     a component of the national repre-        the aerospace industry world-
 luding a special focus on dual-mode    terms of gaining contacts, as well as   sentation. And that is very helpful in    wide, direct to aircraft manu-
 (visible and NVIS) lighting products   for continuing to build our image.      terms of our firm being seen as relia-    facturers, MRO and Aircraft
 for the defence industry, as well as   And so we certainly consider it to      ble, particularly when cultivating ties   Service facilities, and aircraft
 the company’s paradigm-shifting        be very important to partake in this    with new partners.                        operators. n

8   july 2018

Czech Airlines Technics ‒
a heritage we are proud
to continue
The former technical division of Czech nation-
al carrier ČSA has spent 90 years providing
aircraft hangar maintenance, 50 years servi-
cing jet aircraft, and 20 years undertaking
the servicing of Western-made planes.

Czech Airlines Technics (CSAT)         also capable to provide all service
was founded on August 1, 2010 as       bulletins, extensive or structural re-
a subsidiary of Czech Airlines a.s.    pairs, and modifications of avionics.
(České aerolinie). In April 2012,         Our Maintenance Control
sole shareholder Český aerohold-       Centre (MCC) is available daily
ing became the new owner of the
company. Czech Airlines Technics,
the former technical division of the
Czech national carrier, offers more     Number
than 90 years of experience in hang-
ar-based aircraft maintenance, 50
                                        of Employees
years’ experience of maintenance        Total number: 861
on jet aircraft, and more than 20       n Maintenance 654

years’ experience servicing West-       n Engineering 40

ern-made aircraft. Annual turnover      n Logistics, Stores, Procurement 106

is approximately EUR 4.8m. The          n Planning 30

company employs more than 860           n Quality & SMS 6

qualified technicians, engineers and    n NDT 11

administrative personnel.               n Sales & Marketing 8

   We provide complex main-             n Management 6                            Our base maintenance approval covers the following aircraft
tenance services (B737,                                                           B737-300/400/500               C-checks, all levels (engines CFM56)
A320FAM, ATR); line main-
                                                                                  B737-600/700/800/900           C-checks, all levels (engines CFM56)
tenance (B737/757/767/777,
A320FAM/330, ERJ170/190,                                                          A318/A319/A320/A321            C-checks, all levels (engines CFM56, V2500)
ATR42/72); landing gear overhaul,                                                 ATR42/72                       C-checks, K-checks, all levels (engines PW127)
and operator support (CAMO,
DOA). The company’s workspaces
are directly located at Václav Hav-                                               Our base maintenance also offres
el Airport Prague .                                                               Engine change                  Modifications of avionics
   Via its long tradition and rep-
                                                                                  Landing gear change            Borescope inspections
utation for quality work, Czech
Airlines Technics offers a number                                                 Landing gear bearing repairs   Redelivery services
of competitive advantages. The          Base
company also offers fully-outfitted     maintenance                               Line maintenance capability
technical facilities and a range
                                        Total number: 414                         B737CG/NG                      Transit Check, DY, WE, A-check, defect rectification
of services carried out by experi-
                                        n MECH (Non-Licensed Staff) 254
enced, certified mechanics.                                                       B757/767/777                   Transit Check, DY, WE, A-check, defect rectification
                                        n C (Certifying Staff) 10
   Our main advantage is a team of
                                        n B2 (Licensed Staff) 23                  A320FAM                        Transit Check, DY, WE, A-check, defect rectification
well experienced mechanics. As the
                                        n B1 (Licensed Staff) 127
Czech Airlines Technics they have                                                 A330                           Transit Check, DY, WE, A-check, defect rectification
done enormous number of mainte-                                                   ERJ170/190                     Transit Check, DY, WE, A-check, defect rectification
nance cheks on the aircraft B737
                                                                                  ATR42/72                       Transit Check, DY, WE, A-check, defect rectification
CL/NG, A320Family and ATR 42/72.
   Other part of our facility, op-
portunities, and possibilities are
NDT shop, composite workshop,                                                    24/7 from anywhere in the world.               Our line maintenance ap-
upholstery and sheet metal work-                                                 ACARS connectivity is able to               provals cover a variety of
shop, and workshops of seats and                                                 give you hints before even land-            aircraft including the Boeing
wheels and brakes.                                                               ing.                                        737/757/767/777 aircraft types,
   Nowadays we have experience                                                      We offer a wide range of line            the Airbus 320FAM/330, the
with complete maintenance of all                                       Source:   maintenance services including AOG          Embraer 170/190 and the
types of aircraft above and we are                                               support, on-call assistance, etc.           ATR42/72. n

                                                                                                                                                        july 2018   9
protext special

                                                                                                              Did you know?
                                                                                                              JIHLAVAN has more than...
                                                                                                              n 6 5 years of experience in the
                                                                                                              n 1 0,000 aircraft outfitted with
                                                                                                                our hydraulics
                                                                                                              n 2 20 satisfied staff
                                                                                                              n 2 5 certifications of quality
                                                                                                              n The first Lunokhod Soviet

                                                                                                                robotic rover was outfitted
                                                                                                                with hydraulics developed and
                                                                                                                manufactured by JIHLAVAN

                                                                                                                At present, JIHLAVAN serves as
                                                                                                            a modern partner for R&D, manu-
                                                                                                            facturing and MRO of aeronautical
                                                                                                            hydraulic assemblies. It utilises the
                                                                                                            top-quality technical expertise and
                                                                                                            skills of its more than 220 staff.
                                                                                                                The strategy of the firm, as
                                                                                                            defined by its parent company, is
                                                                                                            a singular focus on aeronautics,

                                                                                                            which today accounts for 85 per-
                                                                        a strong reputation, not only as    cent of sales.
                                                                        a manufacturer, but also in terms       Significant investments into

for hydraulic solutions                                                 of its development activities. It
                                                                        supplied hydraulic components
                                                                                                            technology and staff training have
                                                                                                            enabled Jihlavan to gain a num-
                                                                        and systems for aircraft such as    ber of exacting certifications, thus
                                                                        the Turbolet L-410, L-39 Albatros   becoming part of the supply chains
Jihlavan is a company devoted to the manu-                              and the L-159 ALCA, which were      for the global final assembly firms
facturing of hydraulic assemblies; today, aero-                         designed and developed directly     of the Airbus and other commer-
                                                                        at Jihlavan for the specific man-   cial and cargo airplanes.
space accounts for 85 percent of its sales.                             ufacturers of these planes.             In-house development has re-
                                                                                                            sulted in the company successfully
At its inception, the company’s                                                                             initiating serial production of 28
manufacturing efforts were                                                                                  appliances for the L410 New Gen-
based on licensed manufacturing                                                                             eration aircraft with final assembly
agreements for the IL-10,                                                                                   carried out by Aircraft Industries
Yak-14 and IL-14 aircraft.                                                                                  (LET) Kunovice. As part of its own
But from 1952, hydraulic assem-                                                                             development, the development and
blies began to be produced under                                                                            supply of prototypes of 34 hydrau-
the Jihlavan name (including                                                                                lic assemblies, electro-mechanical
assemblies for the MiG-15,                                                                                  struts, wheels and brakes for the
MiG-19 and MiG-21).                                                                                         new L 39 Next Generation trainer, is
   During the second half of the                                                                            being completed, with final assembly
20th century, Jihlavan built up                                                                             carried out by Aero Vodochody. n


 An unmissable showcasing of products for us
                                   to this year’s Farnborough Air-         Serial supplies of NLG and       a point of attending the Farnbo-
              Petr Lízal           show:                                MLG Door Actuators for the          rough International Airshow.
              Commercial           • Development and 34 hydraulic      Airbus A350 (Safran).
              Director                devices for the L39 NG (Aero                                          What are you specifically hop-
                                      Vodochody)                        Why is it important for your        ing to achieve via your atten-
                                   • Development of wheels, brakes,    company to attend Farnbo-           dance? In other words, what
 What will you be bringing            and electro-mechanical struts     rough?                              do you believe your presence
 to this year’s Farnborough           for the L39NG (Aero Vodocho-      We are regular attendees at this    at Farnborough will yield?
 Airshow?                             dy)                               event in order to reach out to      Our participation should assist us
 We will be presenting the fol-    • Serial supply of 26 devices for   potential new partners, and to      in cultivating new business projects
 lowing new development and           the newly-certified L410NG        further talks with our existing     and better promoting our company
 reference production projects        (LET Kunovice) aircraft           partners, who largely also make     in the field of aeronautics. n

10   july 2018

MESIT aerotrade, L-39 and L-410                                                                                          Other areas of
specialist                                                                                                               activity include
                                                                                                                         n A
                                                                                                                            irport Equipment
                                                                                                                         n N
                                                                                                                            avigation equipment - ILS /
MESIT is certified to trade in military hardware, and offers complex                                                       VOR / DME / NDB
                                                                                                                         n R
                                                                                                                            adars - PSR / MSSR / PAR
logistical support for both the L-39 jet trainer and the L-410 transport                                                 n A
                                                                                                                            ir traffic control system (ATM)

aircraft. It is also a regular attendee at the Farnborough Airshow.                                                      n A
                                                                                                                            TC radio stations and voice
                                                                                                                           communication systems (VCCS)
                                                                                                                         n A
                                                                                                                            PP, RWY and TWY lighting
                                       or accidents, modernisation of            span components, modernisation            systems
              Zdeněk Prokop            avionics, documentation, bulletins,       conforming to ICAO (TCAS, EGP-          n G
                                                                                                                            round equipment for aircraft
              CEO                      training or flight schooling.             WS, COM) standards, modernisa-            operations
                                          With regards to the Let L-410          tion and customisation of interiors,    n F
                                                                                                                            light information display
                                       Turbolet twin-engine short-range          documentation and bulletins.              systems
MESIT aerotrade is based in            transport aircraft, MESIT provides           MESIT aerotrade also proudly         n A
                                                                                                                            TC audio and video recording
Prague and is one of the most nota-    complex logistical support for both       undertakes its own development            devices
ble exporters and suppliers of aero-   state and private operators. The          and testing efforts under exacting
nautical and military technology       company specialises in supplying          conditions, has certification for
in the Czech Republic. Founded as      replacement parts, general aircraft       handling aeronautical and military
AERO TRADE in 1993, since Janu-        repairs, and repairs of engines and       technology, and offers specialised      Modernisation
ary 1, 2016, it has presented itself
under the new name of MESIT aero-
                                       propellers within its certified repair
                                       shops. General repairs, component
                                                                                 production, servicing, and long-
                                                                                 term support.
                                                                                                                         of aircraft
                                                                                                                         Avionics upgrades of airplanes
                                                                                                                         and helicopters for civilian and
                                                                                                                         military customers, replacement
                                                                                                                         of RSBN / RSDN navigation sys-
                                                                                                                         tem by VOR / DME / ILS / TACAN
                                                                                                                         systems (possibility of dual
                                                                                                                         n Installation of TCAS / EGPWS

                                                                                                                         n A vionics - GPS / VOR / DME / ILS
                                                                                                                           / MKR (analogue positional and
                                                                                                                           directional signals digitalisation
                                                                                                                           to ARINC 429 and/or other digi-
                                                                                                                           tal databus)
                                                                                                                         n C ockpit voice recorders (CVR) /
                                                                                                                           Flight data recorders (FDR)
                                                                                                                         n IFF / SSR transponders

                                                                                                                         n T racing and rescue systems
                                                                                                                         n F LIR / DST monitoring systems
                                                                                                                         n N ight vision systems
                                                                                                                         n A irborne radio stations

                                                                                                                         Air traffic
                                                                                                                         n S
                                                                                                                            imulators of ACC, APP, DIR
                                                                                                                           radar workplaces
trade. The company is certified to     repairs, and avionics repairs are            The success and continued            n 3
                                                                                                                            D TWR simulators
trade in military hardware abroad.     undertaken at the Honeywell ser-          expansion of the company, a sub-        n M
                                                                                                                            odelling of FIR and ATC
    The import and export of aero-     vice centre in Prague. Additionally,      sidiary of MESIT Holding based            routes
nautical technology is centred         the company provides limited life-        in Uherské Hradiště, is in large
around L-39 jet trainers, L-410                                                  part based on the expertise of its
transport aircraft and also sporting                                             staff – from developers to experts
                                        MESIT aerotrade
and ultralight aircraft.                by the numbers                           across the spectrum of production      among the subsidiary companies
    MESIT aerotrade ensures com-                                                 and testing. Of a total of more than   continues across integrated fields
                                        Year of founding               1993
plex logistical support for the Aero                                             1,000 staff across the organisation,   of production and also in terms
L-39 Albatros high-performance          Years of operation             25        MESIT Aerotrade employs 16             of sharing experiences among
jet trainer, be it providing re-        Number of employees            16        core members of staff. Technolog-      highly-skilled staff. This enables
placement parts, assembly repair,                                                ical integration across the wider      the realisation of even the most
                                        Number of products             7,233
replacement parts with a limited                                                 MESIT organisation enables it to       challenging commissions, and the
lifespan, repair resources, aircraft    Number of countries supplied   34        offer a number of complex prod-        company to serve as a reliable and
inspections in the case of faults                      Source: MESIT aerotrade   ucts and services. Cooperation         trusted general contractor. n

                                                                                                                                             july 2018    11
protext special

Meet the PBS TJ80                                                              However, the roots of První brněn-
                                                                               ská strojírna hark all the way back
                                                                                                                       sion “You can’t stop progress”.
                                                                                                                       And that doesn’t just relate to
                                                                               to 1814 and the town of Šlapanice       aeronautics-related manufac-
                                                                               on the outskirts of Brno.               turing; indeed, PBS Velká Bíteš
After two years of development and testing,                                       Auxiliary, power units (APUs)        is a strong player in the field of
PBS Velká Bíteš has completed and presented                                    have formed a dominant compo-           precision engineering, and man-
                                                                               nent of the firm’s production. “We      ufacturing high-speed turbines
its new PBS TJ80 jet engine designed for                                       have manufactured more than             for the energy, cryogenics and
                                                                               7,000 such units, and they power        transport industries. The firm
target drones and unmanned systems.                                            helicopters all around the world,”      is a complex engineering pro-
                                                                               explains Milan Macholán.                vider and carries out precision
První brněnská strojírna Velká        explains PBS general manager                The entire story of PBS Velká        castings, high-tech machining of
Bíteš (PBS) is in the process of      Milan Macholán.                          Bíteš is motivated by the expres-       metals, and galvanic coating at
introducing its new PBS TJ80 jet         PBS Velká Bíteš manufactures                                                  its own in-house facilities. Cus-
engine to the market. The engine      aviation engines, auxiliary power
featured at an event held in mid-     units (APUs), environmental con-
June in Brno marking 100 years of     trol systems (ECS), and aviation
                                                                                                                       Our products are
Czechoslovak aviation. It will also   devices and components. PBS                                                      operated in more
be introduced at the Farnborough      Velká Bíteš was founded in 1950
Airshow. Following two years of       with the construction of the first                                               than 40 countries
development and testing, we have      production plant for a staff of 200.
decided to expand our family of
                                                                                                                       around the world
engines with the addition of our
newest product PBS TJ80. This
engine is primarily intended for
missiles and other unmanned                                                                                            tomers continue to appreciate
applications. Among its main fea-                                                                                      its advanced technological out-
tures is an arbitrary starting                                                                                         fitting, reliability, and the range
position, and the                                                                                                      and quality of its services. PBS
option of repeat                                                                                                       Velká Bíteš is a subsidiary of PBS
starting,”                                                                                                             GROUP. n


 Our new engine is a state-of-the-art product                                                                          What do you hope your parti-
                                                                                                                       cipation at Farnborough will
                                      but rather a completely new              ities open to potential partners for    bring PBS?
                 Drahomíra            product.                                 collaboration in this regard.           Similarly to all the participants,
                 Wachtlová               In comparison with models avail-                                              we certainly hope to cultivate new
                 Marketing Manager    able from competitors, this engine       Why is participation at this            business opportunities. And to con-
                                      is more compact and has a lower          event so crucial?                       solidate our reputation as a reli-
                                      mass. At the same time, we would         Participation at such specifically      able and flexible partner in the
 What are you bringing                also like to present our most po-        targeted trade fairs is important       field of avionics. Naturally, we also
 to this year’s Farnborough           werful jet engine, namely the PBS        to us for two reasons: firstly, as an   plan to hold meetings with our
 Airshow?                             TJ150. With its thrust of 1,500 N,       opportunity to map out market op-       existing partners, and to inform
 We certainly want to present our     this engine’s development is enter-      portunities and trends in the field     them of our latest developments as
 PBS TJ80 jet engine. With its        ing its final phase, and we hope to      of aeronautics and defence tech-        well as our planned future projects,
 nominal thrust of 900 N, the en-     be able to begin serial production       nologies; and secondly, but most        while also further consolidating
 gine represents the culmination      by the end of the year. And last but     importantly, to reaffirm the stabil-    their loyalty to us as customers.
 of PBS’s next-phase engine de-       not least, we would also like to pres-   ity of PBS as a company as well as      PBS is a major player, and it cer-
 velopment process. The engine is     ent PBS’s special technologies, and      its ongoing development efforts in      tainly could not afford to be absent
 not an offshoot of existing lines,   to showcase the range of possibil-       the field of aviation technology.       from events such as this. n

 Aviation technology division offers
 nJet engines with a thrust of 20 to 130 daN; turboprop and turboshaft        n   Helium expansion turbines, used for the liquefaction of gases
  engines with an power output of up to 200 kW for the propulsion                 in liquefiers
  of unmanned vehicles and small aircraft                                      n  Cryogenic compressors and cryogenic pumps
   mall gas turbines (APUs) supplying compressed air to start-up main         n Jet engine and combustion turbine blade coating

  engines, and to provide electric power to smaller aircraft and heli-         n Grinding and measurement of cylindrical gears with outer involute

  copters, and air starters for aviation engines                                   straight or helical gearing
   nvironmental control systems (ECS) for heating, cooling and venti-         n Heat treatment in a vacuum or in a protective atmosphere

  lation of the cabins and cargo spaces of aircraft and helicopters                of nitrogen or argon

12   july 2018

SpoluWorks featuring Perfecta                                                                                             Did you know?
                                                                                                                              long with partner firm S.A.B.
SpoluWorks Perfecta s.r.o. is an entirely independent company, which

                                                                                                                             Aerospace, we were formally
serves as a parts supplier for the aerospace industry. Given this role, it                                                   invited to this June’s Forum
                                                                                                                             Vesmír: Kosmické aktivity
is only natural that it will be attending this year’s Farnborough Airshow.                                                   České republiky (Space Fo-
                                                                                                                             rum: The Czech Republic’s
                                                                                                                             Activities in Space) event
Perfecta is focused on the precise      mental body for Czech foreign                                                        held in Brno, so as to give
machining of complex parts with         trade for providing “The best export                                                 a presentation on our ap-
hard-to-please process requirements     story of 2016”. As a wide range of                                                   proach to collaboration with
for customers from extremely de-        European producers have already                                                      SME companies and related
manding industries. The company’s       realised, we are a loyal, reliable                                                   modern HR methodologies
products are found in the most pop-     and competent supplier. To achieve                                                n Our production is 100-percent

ular passenger airplanes and have       perfect results, we use top technol-                                                 paper-free
even made it to Mars in the Mars-       ogies (Mazak, Mori Seiki, Mitutoyo)
-Rover. As a family company, the en-    in combination with the modern
terprise works as a flexible team of    and robust ERP system. We have
enthusiastic professionals following    become the approved supplier for       n   roupe Latécoère (France)
                                                                                  G                                      ly comparable with those of their
a long-term perspective. With the       some rather demanding customers,       n   iersack (Germany) ‒ a 70-year-
                                                                                  B                                      German suppliers.
export share of production currently    such as:                                  -long tradition of supplying the          As you may know, one of the
standing at 85 percent, SpoluWorks         BB Turbo Systems Switzerland
                                        n A                                       aerospace industry                     uncompromisingly applied mot-
was chosen by the official govern-         remium Aerotec (Germany)
                                        n P                                    n S .A.B. Aerospace ‒ space industry     tos of our guru, Tomáš Baťa, was
                                                                               nB  ottero Italy ‒ a leading producer    “Thinking to the people, labour
                                                                                  of machines for the glass industry     to the machines”.
                                                                               n A mada ‒ a leading producer of            Indeed, let’s leave the work to
                                                                                  CNC machines                           the machines, robots and software
                                                                                   According to the Supplier Qua-        and let’s give people time to work
                                                                               lity Auditors of Airbus (from its         on things machines are not yet
                                                                               subsidiary Premium Aerotec), our          capable of ‒ discovering new ap-
                                                                               equipment and capabilities are ful-       proaches, new solutions.
                                                                                                                            Our annual supplier performance
                                                                                                                         report evaluated by one of our most
                                                                                List of valuable business
                                                                                friends                                  important customers for the timespan
                                                                                                                         October 2016 – September 2017:
                                                                                Name                  Country               Requested OTD (target 95%) =
                                                                                ABB Turbo Systems     Switzerland        100.0%.
                                                                                Groupe Latécoère      France                Scrap rate (target less than
                                                                                                                         500 PPM) = 52 PPM
                                                                                Airbus                Germany
                                                                                                                            Average investments, expressed
                                                                                Amada                 Japan, France      as a share of investments calculat-
                                                                                Bottero               Italy              ed against company revenue from
                                                                                                                         2010-2017: 14%
                                                                                S.A.B. Aerospace      Italy
                                                                                                                            The company’s share of exports
                                                                                Tillotson             Ireland            rose from 21% in 2010, to 84% in
                                                                                                    Source: SpoluWorks   2016. n


 Every product launch is a genuine thrill!                                                                               (business-to-business) meetings,
                                                                                                                         but rather in-person meetings in
                                         aerospace exhibitions! And so we      fact that all of our hard work to         a highly effective manner that
                Ota Horák                are very much looking forward         rebuild this company has paid off.        is compressed into a small num-
                General                  to it. We want to make the most       And it also serves as a testament         ber of days. After all, business
                Manager                  of every minute at Farnborough        of our ever-increasing capabilities       is conducted between people
                                         and to impart our sense of opti-      and sense of self-confidence. We          and not companies. And though
                                         mism to our trading partners.         are unafraid of fresh challenges.         many technological advances
 What will you be bringing to                                                                                            can ease such communications,
 this year’s Farnborough Air-            Why is it important for your          What are you hoping to                    they cannot replace the value of
 show?                                   company to participate in this        achieve via your attendance               face-to-face meetings. We will be
 This is our first time attending        event?                                at Farnborough? What do you               holding talks with existing trad-
 the event. And the first time is al-    For all of us at SpoluWorks, the      hope it will yield?                       ing partners, so as to discuss the
 ways a special occasion. And this       fact that we will be at the world’s   The advantages presented by all           latest industry developments and
 is also our first time at the most      most important aerospace trade        trade fairs include the opportuni-        explore ways to further consoli-
 famous and most renowned of             fair serves as a testament to the     ty to hold many useful, not B2B           date our collaboration. n

                                                                                                                                             july 2018   13
protext special

                                                                                                                  land, Italy and the United King-
                                                                                                                     RayService is able to fully meet
                                                                                                                  the extraordinary and specific tech-
                                                                                                                  nical requirements for the field of
                                                                                                                  aviation, and it is also compliant
                                                                                                                  with all regulations and require-
                                                                                                                  ments issued by aviation authorities.
                                                                                                                  Consequently, it has served as a cru-
                                                                                                                  cial partner on a number of notable
                                                                                                                  Czech aeronautical projects.
                                                                                                                     Its cabling and electromechan-
                                                                                                                  ical assemblies are utilised in
                                                                                                                  a large number of serially-pro-
                                                                                                                  duced AIRBUS aircraft; and for
                                                                                                                  BOEING, RayService even serves
                                                                                                                  as a direct supplier.
                                                                                                                     Last year, RayService, a.s.
                                                                                                                  was awarded the prestigious

RayService is an expert in cables                                                                                   Engineering
and electromechanical assemblies                                                                                    and production
                                                                                                                    of cable harnesses
                                                                                                                    and electromechanical assemblies
The company, based in the eastern Moravian town of Staré
                                                                                                                    n Aerospace                   33%
Město, is a supply chain provider to Airbus, and also serves                                                        n Land Systems                35%
                                                                                                                    n Motorsport                 20%
as a direct supplier to Boeing.                                                                                     n Other Industries            12%

RayService is a Czech manufactur-        of commerce. In 2014, the firm’s      a small number of European
ing company that provides complex        facilities were expanded to include   firms whose cable systems
solutions in the production of cable     a new modern building, designed       meet the stringent requirements
harnesses, cable components, elec-       to the highest specifications.        of both surface and air-based
tromechanical assemblies, and ele-          RayService is an innovative        military-grade technology. This
ctronic equipment for a wide range       Czech company, and is one of          has also yielded participation
of clients. Its goal is to consolidate                                         in the vast majority of projects
its position as a highly-sought,                                               for the development and moder-
stable partner for the military and                                            nisation of combat technology
aeronautical industries.                                                       for the Army of the Czech Re-                                     Source:
   The company’s roots hark back                                               public, for example the Sněžka
to the year 1994, and since 2004                                               Reconnaissance and Observation
RayService has resided in cus-                                                 Set, the Pandur II 8x8 armoured
tom-made facilities in the                                                     vehicle, and the Aligátor 4x4      Vodafone Firma roku 2017 (Com-
Zlín region, lauded with a “Build-                                             Master light-wheeled armoured      pany of the Year) prize for the
ing of the Year” award courtesy of                                             vehicle. Recent years have         Zlín region, announced annually
the region and local building in-                                              seen an uptick in production for   by the newspaper Hospodářské
dustry associations and chambers                                               customers in Germany, Switzer-     noviny. n

 We seek to demonstrate that we can also create                                                                   What are you hoping your
 our own in-house technological solutions                                                                         presence at Farnborough will
                                                                                                                  yield? How will your partici-
                                         electromechanical assemblies in       Why is participation at this       pation help towards the fulfil-
                 Pavel Trubačík          the field of aeronautics. At this     event important for your com-      ment of future goals?
                 Business                year’s Farnborough Airshow, we        pany?                              One of the main advantages of this
                 Development             would like to highlight the fact      We regularly showcase with         trade fair is that that it brings to-
                 Manager                 that over recent years we have        regards to the majority of our     gether a wide range of players and
                                         been able to shift our activities     current, as well as potential,     potential customers in the field all
 What will you be bringing               to include the design of technical    clients. We want to maintain       in one place. We would also like to
 to this year’s Farnborough              cabling solutions. These were         close ties with the wider mar-     showcase our manufacturing efforts
 Airshow?                                undertaken, for example, for          ket, and continue to develop       in the Near East, and thus present
 RayService is a traditional pro-        the new GE Aviation Catalyst          our activities in the aeronauti-   the new opportunities offered by
 ducer of cable harnesses and            engine.                               cal sector.                        our firm to the global market. n

14   july 2018

The Moravian Aerospace Cluster admi-                                                                                  Did you know?
nisters the southeast Moravia region                                                                                  n E
                                                                                                                         very fourth ultralight aircraft
                                                                                                                        produced in the world is made
                                                                                                                        in the Czech Republic?
The Moravian Aerospace Cluster          Southeast Moravia region, with an      These develop, manufacture, certify    n T
                                                                                                                         he Czech Republic
(MAC) was founded in 2010 as an         emphasis on the Kunovice aeronaut-     and test aeronautics technologies.       is one of the few countries
association of aeronautics technolo-    ics production facility, and repre-    Its members boast a range of             on Earth capable of manu-
gy manufacturers. It operates in the    sents 35 companies and universities.   advanced skills and capabilities,        facturing aircraft completely
                                                                                                                      n 8
                                                                                                                         5% of all electric-powered
                                                   Interview                                                            airplanes fly with Czech-deve-
                                                                                                                        loped propulsion units
 Integrating the past and future                                               chances of making an effective
                                                                               global presentation of Czech
                                        particular, to underscore our          aeronautical capabilities on
                 Petr Tomášek,          ability to maintain throughout all     a global level.                       incorporating the entire manufac-
                 Executive Director     of this time strong development                                              turing field. Capabilities include the
                                        efforts and the high quality of our    What are you hoping to                production of aircraft up to the cate-
                                        products.                              achieve from your participa-          gory of 20 passengers, which can be
 What will you be bringing                                                     tion at Farnborough? What             fully carried out via the utilisation
 to this year’s Farnborough             Why is it important for you to         do you hope it will yield?            of member companies. Those firms
 Airshow?                               take part in this event?               Mainly a deepening of rela-           in the Cluster are established mem-
 An effective showcasing of the         We have a great many partners          tionships with our long-term          bers of the supply chains of global
 singular complexity of the Czech       in the United Kingdom, and all         partners, as well as gaining new      aviation leaders, and partake in
 aeronautics industry. And given        of them will be in attendance at       contacts. The aeronautics indus-      a number of development projects.
 that this year we are celebrating      Farnborough. After all, this is the    try continues to grow. Many key       Today, the Moravian Aerospace
 100 years of Czech aviation, we        largest aeronautics-oriented event     players can barely keep up with       Cluster represents a resource of
 would certainly like to highlight      in Europe, and perhaps in the          demand, and that offers an open-      more than 4,000 employees, with
 this historical aspect. And in         world, which itself increases our      ing for Czech players. n              more than 2,000 aircraft produced
                                                                                                                     by member companies. n

Our company’s interests are closely                                                                                  ment, manufacturing and repair of
                                                                                                                     aviation-related technology, cock-

guarded by the Confederation
                                                                                                                     pit instrumentation and aircraft
                                                                                                                     systems, the manufacturing of

of the Czech Aviation Industry
                                                                                                                     flight deck kitchens and interiors,
                                                                                                                     and the manufacturing of compos-
                                                                                                                     ite and machined components.
                                                                                                                         Through all of this work, the
The Confederation of the Czech          expertise, specialise in tradecrafts                                         Confederation and its members seek
Aviation Industry (CCAI) reflects       and contribute towards increased                                             to contribute towards the increased
a tradition of domestic aeronau-        competitiveness and education                                                competitiveness of the Czech aero-
tical manufacturing. Founded on         levels for the aeronautics sector.                                           nautics industry, as well as bringing
June 9, 2011, the body serves as           The Confederation also reacts to                                          to fruition projects in the fields of
a network of Czech aeronautics          changes in the fields of aeronaut-                                           human resources management, aer-
companies seeking to improve the        ics manufacturing, and defines                                               onautics education, the development
overall business experience for         new priorities and action plans                                              of supply chains, and the integration
customers, owners, employees and        with the goal of offering current                                            of supplier capacities.
wider society. Member companies         and potential customers and part-                                                The integration of the aeronautics
are among the top domestic man-         ners a reliable and effective means    and integration of constructed        industry also contributes towards
ufacturers of Czech aeronautical        of manufacturing and develop-          aircraft units, the development and   the overall competitiveness of the
technology – ones who have de-          ment. Among the main activities of     manufacturing of propulsion units     Czech industrial sector, and enables
cided to work together to increase      its members is the manufacturing       for civilian aircraft, the develop-   the groundwork to be laid for fur-
                                                                                                                     ther contracts and commissions.
                                                                                                                         Presently, the Confederation
 Absolute data for members of the CCAI over 2013-2016                                                                represents 22 companies, seven
                                                                                                                     universities, and two additional
 (thousands CZK)                                2013             2014             2015             2016
                                                                                                                     institutions. Every three months it
 Total revenue                                  8,717.382        13,519.453       14,127.613       17,525.830        organises a roundtable intended to
 Sales of aeronautics products and services     7,394.033        11,939.096       12,701.644       15,735.987        serve as a platform for the meeting
                                                                                                                     of representatives of its member
 Net earnings                                   1,769.624        1,472.868        1,261.528        1,728.525
                                                                                                                     organisations. It also organises
 Exports                                        5,661.717        10,515.384       11,184.535       14,145.387        regular panel discussions on expert
                                                                                                                     industry subjects related to aero-
 Number of employees                            4,861            6,431            6,331            7,012
                                                                                                                     nautics. n

                                                                                                                                          july 2018    15
protext special

You really make that in the Czech                                                                                     tradecraft, and passion for their
                                                                                                                      work among employees. And the

Republic? ‘We can proudly say: Yes!’
                                                                                                                      ratio between quality and price
                                                                                                                      also continues to be particularly
                                                                                                                      attractive. Not to mention one
                                                                                                                      additional bonus – the contin-
                                        in the Czech Republic, or have           Similar efforts were undertaken      ued close cooperation among
                Zbyněk Hruška           acquired existing Czech compa-        by the company PBS Velká Bíteš          companies, research institutes
                Executive Director      nies.                                 as part of the ESPOSA (Efficient        and universities, from research
                of the Association         This was significantly assisted    Systems and Propulsion for Small        and development, through to
                of the Czech            by the Prague-based Czech Aero-       Aircraft) programme devoted to          the commercial realisation of
                AeroSpace Industry      space Research Centre (VZLÚ);         the development of turbine en-          particular products. Countless
                (ALV CR)                indeed, this institute even served    gines for light aircraft. The same      companies have invested not
                                        as a coordinator for the CESAR        was the case with the engagement        just into development, but also
While the Czech Republic has            (Cost Effective Small AiRcraft)       of Aero Vodochody in development        into ensuring they have the most
remained one of the few Europe-         programme, focused on the devel-      of the KC-390 (a medium-size,           modern equipment and facilities.
an countries capable of manufac-        opment of light aircraft.             twin-engine jet-powered military        This, in turn, means that they are
turing complete aircraft, Czech                                               transport aircraft developed by         on a par with any overseas firm
companies also play a significant                                             Brazilian aerospace manufacturer        forming part of the supply chains
role in the supply chains of major                                            Embraer).                               for the major global players.
multinational aeronautical com-          ALV CR                                  But there is a far from univer-         And so the opening sentence of
panies. One such example is the                                               sal methodology in terms of how         this article can be supplemented
                                         Founded in 1996. Today,
Airbus consortium. Indeed, the                                                to join the supply chain for, as        with the following clear declara-
                                         it has 39 members, of which
Czech Republic serves as an                                                   examples, making components             tion: Yes, the Czech Republic is
                                         10 member companies
all-round favourable address             employ more than 250 people.         for engines for Rolls-Royce, or         capable of building a complete
for aeronautics manufacturing,           Represents more than                 assembling the airframes of             aircraft; and this means that it
as attested to by the likes of           9,000 employees. In 2017,            Sikorsky helicopters. During the        is also fully capable of making
Honeywell, GE Aviation, Bell             ALV member companies                 country’s one-hundred years of          major contributions towards the
Helicopter, Latécoère and Zodiac         produced 131 complete                aeronautical tradition, Czech           production of aircraft from global
Aerospace (Driessen). Such firms         aircraft (of all categories).        companies have succeeded in             companies such as Boeing, Airbus
have either established branches                                              merging experience, knowhow,            and many others. n

The ΦNIX pure-flight solutions project offers
noise-free, heat-free and emissions-free airplane
The project ΦNIX pure flight solu-                                                           tionality, parameters    and new types of batteries with
tion has been set up ten months                                                                     and features      higher energy density and higher
ago by an association of four                                                                        is expected in   capacity. In development are also
Czech companies. Goal of project                                                                    summer 2018.      new propulsion systems, on board
is to offer and produce electric                                                            The aircraft is cur-      chargers, hangar chargers and
airplane as a real opportunity to fly                                                      rently being prepared      other systems and accessories.
without emissions, without noise,                                                          for ground tests, flight      The ΦNIX pure flight solution
with long flight endurance and                                                             testing will follow.       project aims to offer to the aero-
with very fast battery charging ca-                                                        Charging stations          nautical world alternative solution
pabilities. The ΦNIX project utiliz-                                                                  are already     for flying without noise, without
es the capacities of leading Czech      plane using actually already avail-                           prepared for    heat trace and with zero emis-
development and production com-         able technologies with powered                               serial produc-   sions. We do not just want to look
panies, working with experts in the     flight duration of minimum 2.5        tion and they can be used also as       forward to the future, we want to
fields of aerospace, aerodynamics,      hours. For practical use of elec-     superchargers for cars.                 create it. n
electronics, electrical engineer-       tric airplane will be necessary to       The second planned step is
ing, electric propulsion systems,       prepare also fast charging system.    serial production of electric
energy management and software.         Actually we are able to recharge      airplanes and the installation
Team of experts is solving partial      battery to 85% of capacity in just    of supercharger stations at the          Did you know?
tasks leading to fulfill expected       20 minutes. Verification of func-     selected airports. The sophisticat-
and calculated parameters. The                                                ed charging system also allows           n T
                                                                                                                          he first electric two-seater
ΦNIX follow the successful Phoe-                                              installation at the airports with          aircraft was the Phoenix,
nix electric airplane ‒ the world’s                                           low or limited electric power con-         developed by us
first electric two-seater test flown                                          sumption.                                n Φ
                                                                                                                          NIX aircraft batteries can be
already in year 2011. That’s the                                                 In parallel with these products         charged to 85 percent capaci-
reason for project name ΦNIX. By                                              are in development new technolo-           ty within 20 minutes
the way ‒ Greek letter Φ also sig-                                            gies to support the variability and      n O
                                                                                                                          ur 100 kW Nikola super-
nifies the electrical potential.                                              utility value of the whole system.         charger recharges both air-
   The primary objective is to                                                It means technologies like hybrid          craft and automobiles
demonstrate a purely electric air-                                            drive systems, range extenders

16   july 2018
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